Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1886, Image 1
V . r , PHE OMAHA DAILY FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MOHNING. APHIL 134 188G. NUMBER 332 RAPIDLY HEARING THE END , East St. Louis Mon Reported to Bo Again Ready to Go to "Work. LATE FEATURES OF THE STRIKE. Xlio Deputies Who 1)1(1 tlio Shooting HclcaBcd and Itcarrcstcd The Gould Interview Clinrno- Icrizcd ns n Iilc. Affairs nt Knst St. Louis. ST. Louis , April 12. Word been ro- eehed from East St. Louis that tlio jnrdroen mid switchmen of the Ohio & Mississippi railroad resumed work In a body , and the Chicago Buollngton & Qulncy jaidmon niul BwlUhnicn iclnrned to work. This , It Is believed , will cud the strike. EAST ST. Louis , April 12. Tlio presence of the iiillltln In this city continues to have the desired effect , and no dlstuibnnccs nr unlawful nets have been icpoited sluco the Jnccndl.iry llrcs of Friday night , and It Is now believed no encounter between the mill- taiy and strikers will occur. Tlio same strict guaid over lallroad proiieity Is observed. this morning , nnd the vigilance of the sentries lias not lireu relaxed. The tlmo over whlcli the order extended requiring llioso who wished to go over thu bridge Into East tit. Louis fci supply themselves with passes. ( lapsed at midnight last night , nnd the brldgo this rooming presents nn animated appearance , pedestrians pas sing nud icpasslng without Interference , niut transfer wagons hcavllvloaded are cross ing over , and on neither sldo ot the bridge aru drlvciH approached by Intimidating stilk- ers attempting to persuade thoiu to again stop woik. Thu promlsi' of military protec tion to those who might deslro to BO to work to-day resulted In thu employment of a largo number of applicants , most of whom arc not knights of labor , but those employed to fill vacancies caused by the strike of the latter , nud who left their places last Fildny alter the fatal shooting by the deputies. The platforms - forms of the various freight depots ate busy wltli men actually engaged loading and un- loaillni ! cars , and no attempt lit mteifcreuco by the strikers occiincd.nor Is any anticipated No freight trains left this city up to 8:30 : o'clock , but In soveinl yards trains aio now In process of construction , and an attempt to start them out will bo made , it Is expecting , some time durlnz the morning. ST LOUIH , April 12. Tlio mlucis of the St. Louis distiict , who btruck last week , held a meeting yestciday nnd resolved to remain ilrmly together and not resume work until the strike by the knights Is ended. Verylittlo coal Is on Imnd In this district , and It is ex pected the total cutting off of the supply would effect seriously the mamitacturing in- teiests of this city and vicinity. Four hun dred ami llfty coal miners on the Illinois & Sf. Louis struck , nnd It is expected morn will strike about Uellovlllo to-day to as sist the Knights In their stiugglc. Sr. Louis , April 12. The inquest on the victims ot tlio Kast St. Louis shootl it : affair of Filday continued to-day nnd up to noon moro than a dozen witnesses were bi lolly ex amined. No now facts were developed. All tlio testimony given was of the same tenor as thatol Saturday. The witnesses wore chlellv r.Uhorul men , spectators of thu scene , and all agreed that the deputy sheriffs flicd the lirst Hliot ; that no btones were thrown nt them , nnd that the ciowd gave the deputies no other ptovocatlou for Urine than hooting and leering at them and making irritable ro- iiiniks. K P. Sarccnt , chief of thoBiotherhood of Locomotho Firemen , Issued a call this morn ing for meetings of the grievance committees ot all local lodges on the Gould system to Imcatlgato tlio discharge of liremen and all other grievances that may bopiesented to them , and report nt the meeting of the gen eral giicvanco committee , which will meet at Parsons , Kan. , on the 20th Inst. KVKI1YTII1NO QU1KT nt Kast St. Louis up to 1 o'clock. But llttlo woik Is being done so tar and few tialnn moving. The L. < te N. yards are at a stand still. They have moved no tiaius yet to-day. A large tialn came into the Indianapolis yard this morning from the cast , but none were sent out. The Vandalla sent one and recehcd one. The Chicago , Buillngton < t Qulncy and Chlcairo & Alton aio doing all they can , and the Wnbash is doing its regu lar business. Minmoioufl nr.ruTir.s nnAiimsTin : > . Sr. Louis , April 12. In the cilmlnal couit to day the writ of habeas corpus applied for on Saturday by Judge Liughllu , In behalf of the deputy sheriffs who did the shooting In the Louisville < fc Nashville yards In Kast St. Louis , Filday , was granted and the men weio leleased. They wcio Immediate ly n-.iiiosttd nt the inst-uico - of tlio Kast Louis authorities as fugitives fiom Justice and placed in jail , where they will bo kept until lequisltion papers aio iccelved fiom thugoveinorof Illinois , or until they e , in Iw sent to Kast St. Louis without en- dangeilng their peisoual safety. Tin : AitiusTii : : ) KMCIIITS. In the cases otJ. J. Mcdatry , Judge ndvo- eato ol Distiict Assembly No. 101 , Knights of Labor , anil live or six other knights who weioairested two weeks ago lor obstructing trains and Interfeilng with business on the Missouri Pacltlc , came up buioio Judge Hor- IHT , In thocouitof criminal coircctlon , and utter heai line the testimony it was taken tnuler advisement ONI : or JAY noui.n's 1,11:1. : In conversation with a icportcr this after noon Ceucial Commlttceman Haves savs the Matoiuetit ntti United to Jay Gould In tlio in terview teleeiaphed Irom Now 'iork last night , In which uould savs Powderly at 0110 of thu Now Voik coiileionees refenod to the members of Distiict No. 101 as "outlaws , " nud said they had disobeyed the laws of the older , was False In o\ciy p.utlcular. llo characteiUed It as "one of Jay Gould's lies. " lor tlio pnrposo of misrepresenting the Knluhts of Labornud destiov ing public faith In the oidei. _ Lnliororn Htrlko For IIlKhor Wnjjos. GAI.VKSIO.V , April 12. The News' San Antonla special says that 1,233 laboieis In the employ of Jacob Marshall , contractor tor htieet imurovemeiits , shuck this moinlng tor 81.25 per day of eight hours. The men had been waiving SI for n day's labor of ten liouis. Thu contractor lufoimcd the men thatlt\\as impossible to comply with their demand , ua ho bad taken thu contract estimat ing thu labor at SI per day of tun horns. The sinkers proceeded to Po\\dei Hill nnd com- iielhd the men working theio to throwdowu their picks. Later In the day about fortv laboieis told the conductor they dcshed to leturn to work , but that they were tlucat- I'lied with being btoned if they did so. Thu contractor promised they should bo pro tected and they went to woik. Those whn btill held out weio peisiwded to letiro with out offering any violence. The stilkers art of dllfeiuut nationalities , nnd without leaders. A Strike In NolirnHkaClty. NKIIHASKA Clrv.Neb. , Apill 12. [ Special Telegi am. ] Thu laborers and teamsters en- Haired on the excavation for the new block of buildings bi'lns erected by Gebrro W. Lold- It'h , corner of Tenth nnd .Main sheets , struck for higher wages this morning , the laboieiE demanding gl.50 per day Instead of 81.25 , nnd the teamsters 53,00 per day Instead ol S2.CO , Thu demaiul was ret used , nud tin men nil quit woiU In u quiet und order ! ) manner , _ A Striking Coiiiiultteo. WASHINGTON , Apill 12. [ Special. ] The hou o to-day , on motion of Mr , Morrison unanimously passed a lesolutlon authorjrliu the appointment of a committee of seven ti Inmtlrato the labor troubles In the south west. The co mm it tee is authorized to sent for persona and papers , to visit bueli states a : may bonccessaiy to piosrcuto the luvestlga tlon , and topoit duiluE the piesent session o congress , Troubles In Winnipeg. ST. PAUL , April 12.-r.Tho Dispatch1 ! . Win nlpejf special says : This morning ' 'tx Italians assembled nt the Canaitiat , PaclHi tlt'i'Ot to go weal to work on thu toad t § 1.2 , per Jay. Another body of men who thought the wages not enough Interfered nnd pre vented them leaving. The strikers took possession of the cars and refused ndmlttanco to others. Clubs nnd stones were freely used nnd several were Injured , none seriously. The police arrested the leaders. Chief Arthur and the Strikes. CLr.vni.Asi ) , April 12.-Uhtef Aitiuir , of the Brotherhood of Locomotho Engineers , hns lelurncd from the scat of trouble In the southwest. In an Interview ho said : "I heartily Indorse the sentiments of Mr. Povv dcrly , nnd If his Ideas are carried out , no ser ious difficulty can occur. I think the strlko will result In the enactment of n law , by the knights , which will effectually prevent nny such trouble In the future. In regard to the report that 1 am opoosed to the eight hour law , I wish to say it Is not .true. I am In fa vor of nny law that will promote the welfare of workingmoii. There are , however. In my opinion , a largo nuui'ier ' who would not piolit by thu enactment of such a law. " A Boys' Strlko Quickly Settled. OmniNi'oiNT , L. L , Apill 12. About 100 public school boys of nil ages made a de mand nnon the principal that the recess bo extended from ilftcen to thirty min utes. Their demand not being acceded to , the boys refused to return to school after the morninc recess , nnd picketed the entrances to prevent others from enter- Ing. 1 ho trouble assumed such threatening proportions that tlio principal sent for the police , nnd a sergeant and so\eral officers were soon on thu stint. Finally the mother of the ringleader at lived nud toiced- her son Into school , after which the lest of the boys quickly maichcd in. Milwaukee Tnllors Strlko. MIMVAUKEK , April 12. The journeyman tallois in this city to the number of 2,000 will strike to-moriow , their demand for an In crease of nearly 50 percent In their wages having been refused by their employers. Several of the largest establishments , nnd In nil piobablllty most of the smaller one.s , will bo closed , and no attempt w III bu made to stait them until the tailors arc leady to make wide concessions from their present demands. Tlio Laredo Hlot , LAnnno.Tex. , April 12. Gon.Uoberts and his command of state troops have returned to San Antonio. Capt. Schmidt , with his company of : state rangers , will icmatn hero for homo weeks. Maj. Arleo says that no arrests will bo made for a few days In order to glvo the people tlmo to cool down. The most reliablelotuins show that ot the "lumrches , " seven were killed and eight wounded ; while of , ten were killed and eight wounded. THE IOWA LEGISLATURE. A Number of Bills Passed nnd Other Business Transacted. Dns MOINP.S , April 12. In the house sen ate bills were passed as follows : Authoriz ing cities under special chaiter to levy ntax for the purposes o paid lire depaitments ; for suppressing the circulation , advcrtlstnc and vending of obscene literature nnd other articles of Immoral use ; male- Inc fuither provisions for contracts by cities having a population of over 30,000 for pavlnc and curbing streets and the construction of sewers and issuance of bonds or ci-rtllieates to p.iy for assessments lor the same ; llxlng the. salary ot the attoinev gen eral at S1,50J , and 85 per day additional w lien attending court outside ot the capital. Thoseiuto passed a joint resolution nuthor- i/inr the capital commissioner to loan any machineiy not In use at the state house to the st.ito fair society. At 0 o'clock the senate went Into executive session nnd continued the appointment of Gcncial Kd Wright as custodian of the capi tal. _ _ _ _ _ A Missing Defaulter. DES MOINKS , Iowa , -April 12. [ Special Telegi am. ] Mr. A. II. Perry , who has been for several yuais superintendent of the Eureka Coal Mining company , has turned up a defaulter , his books showing shortages esti mated at 87,000. For several days his em- plojeis had been suspicious that Ids accounts wcio wrong , and ho left town not long ago In n suspicious manner , but came back ycs- teiday. piomislug to settle with Ids creditors and make It all right. After making ap pointments with dllfcicnt parties for to-day , ho has disappeared to-night w Ithont having seen any of them , und his whcieabouts aio unknown. Tlio Soldiers' Homo Commission. DKS MOINIS : , Apill 12. The go\einor has appointed the following commission to locate the soldlcis' home , being one fiom each congressional distiict In order : D. J. P.dmor , Washington county ; D. F. House , Jackson ; 0. C. Biadloy , Delaware ; Charles Sweeney , Mitchell : John It. Caldwcll , Tama ; A. W. Swalm. M.ihaska ; T. J. Anderson , Marlon : M. M. Waldou , Appauoose , 11 , K. ( irlswold , Cass : .M. V. Blower , Hancock ; 11. M. Smith , Uiiciokce. Ail Iowa Suicide. Dns Momrs , Iowa , April 12. [ Special Telegram.J Wllllnn Stoohbchn , a farmer living near Traer , committed sulcldo to-day by cutting his tin oat. Cause , duspoiutuncy , glowing out of ill health. Will Sparks JCcsljjti. Nnw Yonic , Apill 12. [ Special Telegram. ] i'ho Times Washington special says : There Is no sort of doubt that nil effort la buini : made to induce Land Commissioner Sparks to resign his office , nnd now hero Is thu Interpretation of Secretary Lai mar's revocation - vocation of the April 3rd order of suspension spoken of so posltl\ely as Intended to bo n cousuro. Spaiks can do nothing but resign if ho desires to letalnhissclf-respect. Spaiks , however , will piobably not leslgn under the. Itlmv Out Ills Bruins. CHICAGO , Amlll2. JohnM. Kountrco , n piomlnent nttomoy and old leshient of this city , entered a Madison street store to-night , nnd purchasing n re\olver , cocrily placed It to ids own he.ul nnd blow his brains out. Thu can so ol the deed Is unknown. Kountrco was highly connected. Hon. J. N. Jowett Is his biother-ln-liuv. A daughter of the victim 10- sides In Now York. Murder and Suicldo. S r. PAW. , April 15. The Despatch , Eau Claire , Wis. , special says that John Wngncr , n farmer of thu the town ot Lincoln , this county , this morning shot and killed James Moo. Wagner's house was suriounded by ex cited people , who thie.itened to lynch mm , Wagner Mint himself In the house and com mitted sulcldo with the Mime we.ipon with which ho shot Moo , fearing lynching , An Injury to Navigation , CINCINNATI , April 12. The chamber ol commerce to-day adopted the leport of the committee protesting against tlio election ol n bridge at Cairo , 111. , nccoiding to the plan proposed by the piomotor , because It will borlously Interfere with rUer navigation. Crushed by a Wall. LA.WHKNCI : , Mass. , Apill 12. John Miller , the man who lay two houis In the ruins ol the Peuiberton mill , which burned Saturday before being rescued , died yesterday Uon the t'llects ot his Injuries Freight Train Wrecked. Pirrsuuiio , Pa. , Apill 12. The freiRh train coming west on. the llaltlmoie & Uhli last night nt S3J ; o'clock , thtity miles east o ConuelUv Hie , ran Into n land slide. The en Klnnaud be\en cars were tliioun fiom tin Intel ; . Tlio engineer , John Coffman , wa killed and the lircman seriously injured. Wcatlier lor To-d.ay. Missoum V.\ : Local rains jsoutherl ; w iiuh ; stiuloiuiy tuuipeiature. FORGED NOTES DISCOVERED. Some of tbo Securities of Otoo County's ' Late Treasurer Found to Bo Spurious. A NUMBER OF STRANGE RUMORS. V Romantic Young Miss Elopes nnd JMnrrles the Mnti of Her Gholco Mayor liurr Bounces Llttlollcia. Duke Simpson in Trouble. NnniiASKA. CITV , Neb. , April 12. [ Spe cial Telegram. ] There was quite a llttlo stir n town this afternoon , caused by three fann ers coming to the city nud presenting them selves at the Nebraska City National bank , one of them having received notification that a note ho had given to Duke W. Simpson , ate county treasurer , on Auaust 11 , 1S&1 , for 5220 was duo. The lames of these farmers aio George Oelkc , Louis Brecknid nnd Fred Bieckara , ds brother. Tlio note said to bo duo was ircsentcd by the bank nnd handed to Louis licckard who nftcrglauclngnt It pronounced tnfontcry. This excited suspicion , nnd wo other notes , ono for S220 , duo August 1 , lbW5 , signed Fied Biccknrd , and ono for 523. > , [ tie November 1. 18bO , signed Fred ) elko were produced. Both of these alter gentlemen pronounced the notes forg eries nnd said that they never had given such lotcs to Duke W. Simpson. AH these notes md been placed In the Nebraska City Na- loual bank as collateral securities by D. W. Simpson for money borrowed by lilin , and all ndorscd by Simpson. The mm whosennines nppcar on these notes are all well known nud cllnblo farmers , nnd they dcclaio In pro- lounccd terms the notes nro bold orgerlcs and they will never cay them. Humor after rumor vas on the streets that warrants were out , or vould bo got out , for Mr. Simpson's airest , > ut nothing ns yet has been done in that vny. In fact Mr. Simpson was out of the city ot the time of the discovery , nnd icports vero out that ho had left tor good. But that gentlemen arrived homo this evening , and on being questioned us re gards the matter gave no dlicct espouse. Pilvato conversations are being icld this evening , but the Bnc icportcr has ; oed grounds forsajlng that the notes will 10 paid and taken up before to-morrow noon , I'ho bank , even In case the notes are foi- jeiles , w 111 only boloscis about S203 , as they iavo other good notes left by Mr. Simpson In heir possession sufllcient to cover Mr. Simp- oil's Joan , less the 8203. A Bride at Sixteen. NnnnAsitA CITY , Neb , , April 12. [ Special [ "elcKnun.J The latest sensation in our city , vliich has co mo to light this evening , is the elopement of Miss Kate Wesner , next to tbo oungest daimhtei of Jacob Wesucr , a prom- ncnt mannfactuier of this city , with Harry lahn , a resident of Sidney , Iowa , but who , or the past year , has been employed in Ed dcCuIlum's harness shop in this city. Last Saturday afternoon Miss Knto , who Is a landsomc and dashing brunette of some slx- ecn summers , left the parental roof , ostons- bly for n walk , but , as the sequel shows , It was to meet the man on whom she had set ler affections. The next wo hear of them sou boaid the tialn going east with tickets o Uumlnng , Iowa. From there they proceed ed to Sidney , Iowa , by private cojivcyatico and to-day weio made man and vvffo In the ncseiico of many filends , including Mr. Wesner himself , who , In tbo meantime , had got on their traek , but no power of his could Misuado his daughter to change her course , riiofnst notice the parents had of their daughter's Intent was n note which they found late Sunday afternoon nnd which lead ns follows : ' DnA PAIIKNTS-I have gone out. I will come back no moro. 1 have gone to get married. I am soiry to offend you , but this is my choice. " Mr. Halm Is n steady , business joiing man , and has certainly shown his smartness in ob taining the nffectlons ot n most estimable wife under many difficulties. Burr's Bad Bounce. LINCOLN , Neb. , Apill 12. [ Special Tele- ; ram. ] Contrary to expectations the meet ing of the city council last evening was a tame affair. Major Burr catilrd out his nvovvcd Intention of putting his official boot under Policeman Llttlcllcld's coat tails , and formally but quietly relieved that gentleman fiom duty on the lorco. T he mayor reaffirmed , as his icasons for dismiss ing LIttlefleld , the lattci's lack of citizenship and transmitted to the council an opinion fiom the city attoincy , Allen W. Field , hold ing that policemen aio city officers , nnd as such must bo quail lied elcctois. Accompany ing the mayor's resolution was n piotcs ! from the Law and Oidei league against Lit- tlelield's removal , nud a petition , numerously signed by lending citi/.ons , asking for his re tention. Opinions were also presented from T. M. Marguette , Judge Mason , Walter J , Lamb nnd other eminent lawyers U the effect that policemen nro mil neccssailly ofllccrs of the city , and that cit Izcnshlpia not icqiilrcd of them. Mayoi Buir said lie would glvo those papcis ntlciv tlon next Monday night , but In the meair tlmo would let his dismissal of Llttleiieli stand. H further bald that ho thoughi that the position belonged to tin Lifw nnd Order Leauue , and ho line' ' notified that body to nominate so mo citl/.ei for it. A lai go number of Law nnd Ordei men were piesent , but thcio wns IK dlscussslon. Anotlioi- Veteran Cone. WAHOO , Neb. , April 12-Spcclal [ Tele cram. ) Another of the lieiocs of the lad war has passed to the grand nrmy on tin other shore. Tills time thu call was tor Colonel nol Peter Mnish. Ho died of cancer of tin stomach on Friday night nt the ngo of 72 Ho was burled this afternoon by the O. A. It with military honors. Comrade Stoddan delivered the funeral oration. Peter Marsl was colonel of the Sixty-seventh Pcnnsyl vanla. Ho was with the nrmy of the Potomac mac In nil Its Important battles. Ho vvai captured nnd confined In Llbby prison , wa removed fiom there to Danville , from ther < to Savannah , and from thcro to Charleston where he , with other prisoners , was placet under thu fire of the Union troops unde Ollmoro. Ho was fortunate enough to com off uuhuitand was afterward paroled a Catnp Sorghum. Injured by a Unrstlnu Gun. AI.HION , Neb. , April ] YCE tentay morning Joe BIynnaman ' employe ! on J. W. lUley's farm , taw a. flock of wiU geese Hying over the form. Ho wont to th house , seized a gun and rushed out Just n the Hock were over hht head. Ho Immediate ! liicd the gun which bunt , the cylinder strtli lug him on the side of his head , Ho wa taken into the house nnd Dr. Lewis sent foi The doctor found the fjkull slightly fnu turcd and the bone pressing on the brain The doctor relieved the pressure and thl morning reports hls.pntlent doing well wit good prospects of recovery. Ills a w-onde that tlio top pf his Uead was not blow n off. THE DEBATE tiOES ON. Iwo Flat Speeches in the Commons on Gladstone ( Scheme. LONDON , April 12. The hooso ot commons was agnln densely crowded this evening , nsn result of the extended announcement that Lord Bandolph Churchill would nttnck Mr. Gladstone's homo rttlo bill. Among conservatives vatives and vvhltrs thero-was Intense Interest n Lord Randolph's effort Lord Knndolph Churchill In the course ot bis speech said that after a long consideration ho had como to Uio conclusion that the scheme nvolvcd such a complicated nnd Inoxtrlca- jlo mass of contradictions that If anybody besides Gladstone- had proposed It , It would never have been taken seriously. [ Cheers. ] It wns hedged about with such fanciful nnd ec centric guarantees for the Integrity of the iinpiro that the speaker was astonished at ; ho Parnellltcs acqulesaiico. After dcnouiic- ng Gladstone's plan fornn Irish parliament , the speaker went on to analyze the receipts ind disbursements of an Imaginary Irish Midget , for the purpose , ns ho Bild , of bhow- ng that Gladstone's pioposal to main tain the unity of the empire , whllo giving Ireland homo rule , wns nltoaellier untrustworthy. Ho then pointed out that the amount which the premier had mined as that which Ireland would every year contribute under homo rule to the impe- lal treasury as her contribution for the beuc- it of Imperial unity , was of an extremely llluslonary and precarious character. On the question of Ulster , ho asked If an Itlsh gov ernment could pay its way If Ulster were withdrawn. That the Kngllsh goveintuent could not make up Its mind In regard to Ulster proved almost an insoluble chatacter of the homo lido project. The premier justl- led his proposals on the ground that there were eighty-six homo rnlcis in the house , ml why should the voices of the eighty-six Irish members prevail 9V or the voices of 581 other members. Gladstone's proposals had plven the nation alists an enormous ndvantncc. Ho had Istcncd to many of Gladstone's speeches , tlio cliatms of which were described as being llko .ho effects of morphia. The sensation under the operation was transcendent , but the awakening was bitterly painful. Tlio day of Icclslon would speedily arrive when the house would vote ngalnst the proposals , which woio despciatcly unconstitutional and nlslcadlng. [ Loud cheers. ] Mr. Kusscll , attoincy general , taunted Churchill with Infusing Into his speeches tiojudlco nnd passion. Ho wont on to con- end that the bill does not nttnck the Impel Inl > arliament or crown. As to Ulster , the bill ; ave protcstants ami Catholics the same right. It was now time for Ireland to tiy to govern Itself. [ Cheers. ] To-nlcht's speech In the * commons caused UsappointiucnU Churchill's speech lacked he wonted point and energy of the orator , while that of Mi. Hussell was a laboied ef fort , and fell Hat. Sir Miclinel Hicks-Beach will close the debate to-morrow. The Visible Supply Statement. CHICAGO , April 12. Tho1 number of bush els of grain In store In tbo United States and Janadnon April 12 , nnd the increase or de crease ns compared with the previous week , will bo posted on 'Cliange to-morrow ns 'ollows : Wheat. 47,081,809 Decicaso l,2fO,2.r)3 Corn 10,4b7,810 Increase Htii0 , ; ! Oats 3,230BVJ Decrease 222&i)7 { ye. 400.012 Decrease ao.l'M Barley. birf.llO Decrease 108,43,5 The number of bushels ! lu Chicago ele vators was : ) - ; 13,040,459 Coin T. 3r * ,2i : Oats 5. . 405,85:1 : l ! > e . . .1 ll > 0,778 Bailey. 00,024 British Grain Trade He view. LONDON , Apiil 12. The Maik Lnno Ex press , in its icview of the British grain ; rade , for the past week says : Wheats nro growing very fast. Trade has not Improved. Sales of English wheat during the w eok were 50,004 quarters at 80s 4d , against 42,609 at 83s 3d during tlio concs- noiuiing period last year. Flour Is steady. Theio Is no new leaturo ill the foreign wheat trade. No cargoes ailived. One cargo was Bold and ono was withdrawn. None re mained. The market to-day was stagnant. English wheats were Od lower. Foreign wheats were weaker and Hat. Coin was 3d dearer. Barleys were difllcult to sell. Elgin Dairy Market. CIIICAOO , April 12. Tha Inter Ocean's Elgin , II ) . , special says : Butter continues firm and active. Begular sales on the boaid of trade were 22,440 pounds at Sl tg'J.'c , nearly all at outside quotations. Cheese was ulet , with no leguuu sales. Private Hales ol 7,034 pounds ot butter and 815 boxes of cheesp w eio icpoited. Total bales aggiogated Blfjl'lro in niiniieapollB. MINNEAPOLIS , Apill i 12. Short'y after noon a lire broke out in | lie Boston -block , In which the postofflee Is located , and the build ing was quickly enveloped In flames. On the ground floor was located the postoffico and Miller Brothers' handsome btoro. From the former all the malls have been taken. In the upper stories wcio the Inw offices of sev eral leading Inms , Bradstiect Commercial ajjencv. L. S. Burlington , nrchitcct. the Buck eye Publishing company nnd tlio "Spectatoi" luivvbpaper and scores of othcis , including the lJ.ii Absociation Law library which was binned out a jear ago last Christmas. The hie wns cammed to the Boston block , whicii wns gutted. Tlio llrst lloor was dam aged onlv by water. Miller Bros , removed ne.iily all their stock , and sustain n trilling loss. The contents of the postofllco were all lumoved. The loss to tliu block Is 87.5,000cov- cicd by insurance to the amount of 8100,000 , over half of which Is in small companies not to exceed SJ.OOO each. The law library of 7.000 \ oliimes U a total loss , the estimate being 511,003 , with 82,000 Insurance. New Directors IJIcctcd. CHICAGO , April 12. The Inter-Ocean's Dnbuquc , Iowa , special says the annual meeting of the Cedar Falls & Minnesota rail- load company was held to-day , nnd 3,821 shares were voted. A. JJ. btlcknoy of St. Paul , president of tho. Minnesota & North western ; C. W. Benson , of London. Eng- Innd , and .1. Kennedy Todd , of New York , wcio elected dliectors. ThuJCtliing directors aio Willis James ami 0. JL Noithcouc , of NovvYoik. FnvorliiK Prohibition. CIIICAOO , Apr.ll 12. The Inter Ocean's Ficcport , 111. , special flays the evangelical conference of Illinois to-day adopted a icso- lutlon eiidoislng the absolute prohibition of the liquor traffic , opposing Uio enactment of any laws that torco the protection or con tinuance of that trnlllc , and favoring eveiy national uieasino contributing towards the suppicbslun ot the nmnufactuio nnd sale ol Intoxicating liquors as beverage. Postponed by n Plot. ST. PETIIISUUIIO , Apill 12. The Intended Journey of the czar to Nova Tscherkask to present Ids son to the Cossacks ns tholrchlcf , lias been postponed by the discovery of n dynamite plot to assassinate the imperial party. A Cossack olllcei and his biothei Imvobecn arrested In connection with the crime. They are believed to bo ullilllsl nsents. Twenty-Nino Persons Drowned , "WELLINGTON , Ncvy Zealand , April 12. The New Zealand coasting steamer Taoros Jiasbeen wii.ckod between Wellington anil Chi 1st Church. A heavy calo prevailed nl the time. Tkreo boats wciti launched , bin ench was Bjicedlly capsi/ed. Twenty-nlm persons weiodiovv tied. Only two passengei : were saved. Emigrant Car Burned. NEHOII , Neb. , April 12. [ Speclal.- ] A box car containing emigrant move ablcs burned on the side track hero a an early hour this morning. Some mei sleeping Jn the car nanowly escaped. It 1 not known how the liie originated. FOR THE BENEFIT OF IOWA , Many Bills Introduced in tie National Oon- grosa Affecting Our Neighbor State , THE SOLDIERS' HOME PROJECT. An , Appropriation Asicctl For A Bourbon's Opinion on ttio Wearer * Campbell Con test Postmasters Commissioned Other Notes. For nn Iowa's Soldiers' Homo. WASHINGTON , April 12. [ Special Tcle- jram.l Ilepresentatho Hall of lena , who Intioduccd n bill Into the house to-day appro- irlatlng 8100,000 for the construction of a national homo for disabled union soldiers and sailors within five miles of Durllneton , Iowa , on 200 acres of laud to bo contributed for the purpose by citizens of Ilurllngton , ex- messed the decided hope to your correspon- lent to-night of the success of his measure. [ Io suggested that if the Iowa legislature Will appropriate SVJ.OOO tow aids the improve ments it would ery materially assist the passage - sago ot the bill ho introduced to-day , ns it would bo n substantial endorsement of the iroject nnd would gt\o It prestige here. The legislature made an nppioprlatlon of 850,000 two years ngo for n homo , proIded It was located in Iowa , but congress located the lonio In another state. Mr. Hall thinks the Iowa legislature should take Immediate notion. Ho is quite enthusiastic , nnd is de- crmlncd to do all ho can to achieve success. A. IIOUIIIION'H 11ONKST OPINION. Judge Harris , of Virginia , an cx-inciiibcr , vho while In congress wns a member of tlio udlclary committee , said to your coircs- ) ondent to-day : "I have carefully examined all the evidence In the case of Campbell against Wca\cr from the Sixth owa distiict , nnd I nin satisfied that Campb'ell was hon estly and fairly elected to congiess. But the rouble Is that It would bo necessary to oxam- no the votes Individually to establish this fact , and the committee would not dcvoto sufficient tlmo to do this. Notwithstanding his , however , Campbell Is entitled to the scat and should hu : u it. " Judge Harris Is know n as n bom bon democrat of the most pro- lounced type. His testimony In this In- slaiice , therefore , should have weight even vilh Weaver's most ardent suppoiteis. HILLS IJV 1OWAN8. Iowa members Introduced bills In the house o-day as follows : By MR Conger Pensioning Mrs. Sarah Young , Mrs. Benjamin F. Mm ray , Jacob L. Eugleboit , nnd making provision for artifi cial eyes for those who lost an eye in the ser vice during the late war. By Mr. Weaver Pensioning Jeiomo B. Jones. By Mr. Hall Locating a branch homo for disabled soldiers nud sailors at "Burlington , owa , appropriating 8100,000 for the con struction of the building , and making suit able Impiovements upon a tract ot 200 acres of land to bo donated by citizens of Burling- on , within live miles of that city , the nccept- inco of the lat\d \ nndjjjo construction of the ) ulldlnff to bo in charge of ; a' board of man- ' * - > - - ) - . iccrs. By Mr. Murphy To change the namoof : ho Merchants Kxchangc National of Musca- ; lno , Iowa , to Uio Fhst National bank of Muscatino ; to pelislon Wllbelm JNoltce. By Mr. Fuller Pensioning Caroline C. McNalr and Rachael Barnes. By Mr. Lyman Orantins condemned can non to Robert Plover post , nt Carson , Iowa ; Win. Lavton post , nt Oakland , Iowa , and Updrgraff post O. A. K. , nt Macedonia , Iowa. By Mr. Hepburn To incicaso the pension of C. Barber. GOOD FOIl TIIR IinrUilMCANS. The republican members frofn Iowa are vciy generally pleased with the course ot the legislature In icdlstilctlng the state. They think that the result will bo the icturn of tcpubllcan representatives fiom all but one of the Iowa distiicts. The exception is the Davenport district , now represented by Ucnnepln Muiphy. This gentleman has no walk over either. A representative of the Davonpoit Democrat , heretofore Muiphy's own paper , lias been sent on hero foi the express purpose of wilting down that states man. The disgust ot the democrats , Hall , Fiedcrlcks nnd Weaver , Is eipial to the de light of the republican members. They think that the action of the legislature will seriously Injuic their chances , though they aio not ready to give up entirely. A I'KNSION ailANTi : ! ) . Colonel Henderson of tlioTldid Iowa dis trict has secured the passage In the house of a bill ginntlngn pension to Mrs. Janet K. B. Smith , widow ot the late Platt Smith of Dubuo.uo. IOWA POSTM.VSTnilS COMMISSIONED. Commissions were Usucd for the following Iowa postmasters to-day : John 0. Bell , Bra/11 ; Uuimon A. K\ eland , Biough ; Ly- man B. Palshall , Canton ; Charles Kallen- bergcr , Grand View ; James I. Italrilon , Kill- duif ; KvansF. Aunltago , Movlllo ; Wm. C. KdwaulB , Itockbranch. AFTHIl SIOItK PAY. Representatives Hepbuin nud Henderson to-day presented n petition In the house from n Inrco number of cltUons of Iowa nsklmr congress to atithoil/o nud direct the postmas- tcrgencialto allow tlihd and fouith class postmasteis pay for rent , light , fuel and other necessary expenses. Petitions of the bamo character have been received from a number of other states. BIII : iiKNnnnnn VAT.U.UII.E sunvici : . Senator Alllson'liitioduced In tlm senate to-day , nnd Iteprcscntntivo Strublo intio- duccd in tlio house , copies of n concurrent resolution passed by the legislature of Iowa In favor of pensioning Mis. Sarah Young , of DCS Molues , tor valuable set vices ren dered In the late war as a nurse. Senator Wilson and members of the house- Introduced numerous petitions In tills direction. WANT THEIR HKCOUD8 CLKAIIED. Clerks In the adjutant 'general's office say there has not been such a rush as now foi corrections of military records within many ycara. The office Is full of applications foi removal of the charges of desertion clmiged against thu soldiers of the late war , nud most of the tlmo Is occupied In referring them , Of course , the reason the applicants want their war iccords cleared up Is that they may get pensions or bounty. As long as thr charge of desertion rests against the sol dier's jecord ho cannot receive nny bonrtit from the goveinmcnt , no matter how good and true a soldier ho wns. The sccietary ol war Is helpless to act In the matter , and It IE of no use to npply to him. Only congiess can correct the record , und that by special act. An effort Is being made to. pass a bill which will gtvo the secretary ol war and navy authority to con ecta record when it Is proven that It should bo corrected , Technically , about 10 per cent of thesol dlers and were deserters that in , they rushed homo without receiving , tlielr muster out nt the close of the war. FOR NEBRASKA I'EOPI.K. In the house to-day Mr. Laird Introduced bills to pension William T. Dodge , Israel 1. Johnson and Hussell V. Looinls , pfNcbra&ka , Senator Mandersou Introducul a bill tc-dflj to rejuovp tbe charge 9 * ( Jef ejtiou $ alpst Uif military record of Jolin ( J. Hopkins of Ne braska , llo also presented n number of peti tions from Knights ot Labor of Nebraska igalnst the passage of the frco ship hill , ana n favor of granting government aid In the construction of the llcnncpln canal. NKIIHASKA POSTAL CHANOIS. : Moses II. Smith has boon appointed post- nastcratllvldoShciman county , Nebraska. The special mall service to Marougo , Nebras ka , will bo discontinued after the 10th Inst UKMIIKIIS OK TUB OAMPAION COMMITTEE. Senator Wilson was to-night selected by ho republicans of the Iowa delegation In : onKress to bo the member for their stnto of ho republican congressional campaign com- nlttce , nnd the Nebiaska delegation selected Mi. Dorsoy for their stato. FUUTV-SINTU CONGUCSa. Senate. WASHINGTON , April 12. A resolution of- 'crcdby Mr. Beck wns agreed to appointing Senator ( itbson to the membership of the senate committee on commerce In the place of Mr. Jones of Florida , during the present emporary absence of the litter senator fiom ho senate. Mr. Morgan's resolution , recently submlt- ed , irlatlng to Nicaragua claims was , at Ills leanest , lefened to thu comiuitteo on igua claims. Mr. Klddlebergcr moved to tike up the res- olutlon lelutini : to thoconsldeiatlon of ex ecutive nominations In open session , llcre- tu ed the letnicst to permit thu Indian appro- pilatlon bill to betaken up , nud Insisted on ho yeas and nav.s , which lestilted In n defeat "or the motion jens7 , nays 51. ( Thlsvoto Isnot In nuy suiiso tlio .sliungth ot the open session movement , ns many ot its strongest advocates voted In the negative. ) Mi. Loiran submitted an addition to his esolutiqn ielating to the executive session. I'ho addition iccltes the semite rules which the icsolution i rpo cs to amend. On motion ot Mr. Hoar the senate went nto executive session , nnd the nomination of Senator Jackson , to be clicuit Judge , was unanimously continued. When the doors weio reopened the Indian nppiopiintlnn blll\\as taken up. On motion ot Mr. Cougei , and al tor u dcb.ito by Messis. Jongcr.D.uves.DolpIt and Plumb.thu amount ot thoappiopilation for the Indian schools n Alaska was Incie.iscd irom 515OCO to The bill was then passed substnn- lally as repoitcd from the committee , nnd the sunato ndjoui ncd. ' House. Mr. Motrlson , from tlio comiuitteo on ways nnd means , reported the bill to reduce the tariff taxes , audio modify the laws In lola- .lon to ttio collection of leveuue. llefcired to the committee of the whole. Mr. McKinley presented the views of the ulnoilty of the committee. Mr. O'Ncil , of Pennsylvania , asked Icavo to have printed lit the record the piotest of emploves , repiesentlug-17,01)0 ) workmen in all states ot thu union , against n leductlon of the tin iff. Mi. Mouisou Insisted that the piotest bo presented tlnough a petition. Mr , Moiiisun , fiom the committee on tides , icpoited the lesolutlon for the appointment of n select committee ot suven membcia to bo appointed by the speaker to 1mestimate the causes and o\tent of the dlstuibcd condition novvcxIstliiKln the lelatloua between rail road corpoiatlOHseiifraged in Inter-state com merce and their employes In Illinois , Mis souri , Kansas , Arkansas and Texas. The committee shall have power to send for pci- sons and papers , to sit ( tilling the sessions of .ho house , and to visit .such pl.iccs In those states as may be ncccss\rv in order to laclll- Late the investigation. It shall report dining thoptcsentbcsbion with such recommenda tions as it may deem proper to make. Adopted without division. Mr. Morrison stated that the bill recently passed by the house , known as the inhitration bill , was in adequate in its provisions. The object of the [ lending resolution was to enable congiess to leai u the facts of the case so It might pcifcct Its legislation. Mr. IJeagan contended that congress had no moro power to icgulato questions be tween common canlers nud their hired la borers than a question between common car riers and their butchers 01 grocers These were local questions and the tact that patties might bo engaged In mtor-stato commerce did not idvo congress jurisdiction over tlm matter , i'ho question was whether the demo cratic house of lepiosentatives would deny and repudiate local self-government , or whether It would assume that the states were no loncer able to execute their functions. Mr. Morgan thought It was time the house should dispel the illusion in the minds of laboring men the illusion that relief died In the body of this bouse. Kcliet could not bo found here , 01 be aided by any legislative enactment. It was the duty of the lionso to speak at once , In older that worklngmcn might stop , pause and consider. Powderly stood nt the head of n powerful oisanlzatUm which ho cndcavoied to govern with wisdom. Ho had been unable to do bo because Ids hiiboidliiatcs bad refused to acknowledge his authority. The woikingmen said they wished to arbltiate. What was there to bo nibltiated ? They said to the rallioad company , wo want employment , nnd the company said , wo don't want jour seivices. The men said , we will aibitrato , and the rail road company said , wo will not arbitrate , because - cause wo do not want you. Atter further debate the resolution was adopted without division. Mi. Turner , trom the committee on elec tions , submitted the report of that committee on the contoUed election case of Campbell vs. Weaveriom the Sixth distiict of Iowa. Oidcied piintcd. The Distilct of Columbia appropriation bill was then passed without discussion or biitatantlal aliicndmcnt. Ad join no J. _ Nominations WASHINOTON , Apill 12. The president sent the following nominations to the senate to-day : Howell E. Jackson , of Tennessee , to bo clicnlt Judge of the United States for the Fifth Judicial district , vice John H.txtcr , decease ; Finnic 11. Doyer to bo United States maibhalfor thoteirltory of Utah ; Kohl. J , .Ionian , to bo surveyor of custom of Omaha , Neb. The nolmmioii Case Argued. WASHINGTON , Apill 12. [ Special Too- ! gram.l Attorney Uoueial Lccso and Mr. McCeon , of Nebmska , aigncd the Bohannon case bcfoio the supicino court to day and sub mitted It for decision. First IIlooil for Omaha. WASHINGTON , April , 12. [ Special Tele gram. ] Picsident Cleveland this nitcrnoon nominated IlobeitC , Jordan , of Nebiaska , to bo surveyor of customs foi the port ol Otnaha. Ills Appointment Confirmed. WASHINGTON , April 12. The nomination of O. S. Lake as pension agent at De : Molncs has been confirmed. nook Island Afl'nlrs. CHIOAOO , April 13. President Cable , oi the Hock Island load , and Messrs , II. P , Flower , II. B. Bishop and Henry Selhort returned turned to Chicago to-day from Minneapolis Cable said the tiip had no slgnllicanco. The ) hud been inspecting the St. Paul connection ! ot the Itock Island. Kcuaidlug the repoii that the Itock Island was attempting to so emo control of St. Paul & Duluth road Cable said that so far ns ho know the Itocl Island did not care for the possession of tha road. Arbitrators Selected. CHICAGO , April 12. The list of the arbltra tors whoso duty it shall be to prepare the per centngos to govern the eeveral committees It control of thu traffic association was com pleteil today , the lull list being ns follows Chicago committee. Hugh Itlddlo ; Pcorlt nnd Indianapolis , l > . D. Itlchnrdson am Oeorga It. Blanciiardt Cincinnati , L. D Kiehfurtson and John 0. Ouult ; Louisville U. U , Campbell and ( leorge U. Blanchard. Fatal 6t6nniboat IlxploBlon , PANAMA , via ( Jalveston , Apill 12. An explosion plosion occurred oil the 20th tilt , on boart the btuall liver dtramcr Colombia nt Islam lilimico. I'lfieiMi persons vvcie l.illtdm \ twenty-two Injured. The hteamer w is com letely dutiojed. IOWA'S ' AUDITOR ARRAIGNED , Seven Brainy Mon Appointed to Manngf Brown's Impeachment , THE TRIAL A FIXED FACTt -Adjournment oCtho Legislature Set For To-morrow Xho Hcdls- trlcting or thu Btnto 1'nra * lyzcs Ucinooratlo 1'rospoots. Brown's Ilncon Smoked. Dns MOINT.O , April 12.-Speclal.J-Tho [ impeachment of Auditor llrowii Is n fixed fact , The managers who have been elected jy the house Include some of Its strongest members. The list Is headed on the republi can side by Hoprcscntallvo Moore , probably the ablest lepubllcan In the house , nnd the real loader of that body. Col. Kcatley , of Council Bluffs , is the leading democratic iiembcrof the house , and Isalsoouoof the uanagers of the Impcnchmcnt. With four republicans nud three democrats as the coun sel lor the state , thno will bo no ground to charge partisanship or unfairness in the prosecution. The comiuitteo that wns hrst appointed to piepaie articles of impeachment returned n bill which goodlawjers say a coach and four could drive through. It was not a veiy heavy committee , and the Indict ment was cotrcspondlngly weak. As Brown will piobably be defended by ns good Inwycra ns theio mo In the state , the prosecution want the very best indictment they can ) i lu ? . So the house hns loft to Its managers .opicpaio their own articles , and they will heiefoio draw up n now set. Saturday morn- tig lleprosontntlvo Bcrryhlll , of this city , who had been elected ouo of the managers , icslgncd on the giound that he had not tlmo to attend to the case , and the house Uicrc- : ipou elected lu his ste.ul Heprefotitativo Itoaeh , of Ljous county. When Itbocamo apparent yesterday that theio would Lo anovv Indtctmuut diawu ngntust Biovvn ono that would be llkelv to stand his iilenda sudden- y lost tlielr pressing doslio for an Impeach * mcnt , nnd joined an effort to adjourn nt 3 o'clock , without giving the manageis any time to piep.uo now nrtlclcs. By thu assist- in ' ot some democrats who woie anxious to ret away beloio an j thing could bo done In 11 in case ngni list Judge Hnyes , tlio resolution : o adjourn was pushed tlnough the house , nit the senate reluscd to concur , nnd very iropcrly decided to glvo the manageis of tlio mpcachment proceedings n reasonable cngth of time in which to prepare the Indict- nent. Following the picccdont In the tiial ot Andrew Johnson the heimto will probably Ink" a icccss of two weeks after the formal noceedlngs hnvo been be un , to glvo time to : lie defense to prepare an nnsvver. It Is with great reluctance that the consents' to sit four , live or six weeks longer foi the Im- ) eachmeiit proceedings , nt n tlmo when nil lad expected to bo homo and attend topiobs- ng duties there. But escape from this bur den seemed inevitable , and they will get- what llttlo compensation they ami out of hio , fact that they will receive SO a day and ndleagofoi their enlorccd prosuuco ns a jud icial body. It looks now , as it an indictment against Biowii would bo tjrnwn so strong that ? scapc would bo Impossible , notwithstanding the general reluctance of some tdiesort to ; ho extreme penalty proposed. The republicans nro feeling pretty good over tlio passage lit both houses of the bill re- distilctlng the state by congressional d's- licts. At piesent ot cloven Iowa congiess- men , lour nro democrats , but the vote nt the . last general election showed that the dcmop ciats carried n mnjorlty of the districts. Un-1 der the rcapportlonment things will bo SOMIP.- whatchanged. Accoidlng to Uio new dls- _ tricts , the dcmociats will bo Hiiro of but onn j congicssman , the ouo fiom the second dis tiict , the llrst district and sixth will bo close , with chances in favor of the republicans , anil nil the rest will bo solidly republican. The redlstrlctlng by senatorial and representa tive districts hns alEe strengthened the party rcpieseiitatlon and will Insure a republican legislature two ycais hence by an overwhelm ing mnjorlty. The comniitteo that has had Judge Hayes on the coals foi several weeks with a ylovv to impeaching him , has u repoit almost ready to submit betting torth the facts , andicprimand- Ing him for his course. As regards Impeach ment , their verdict is much llko that of the old juiytliatdeclared "not guilty , but don't do It again. " Owing to tlio lateness of tlm session and tlio fact that ono Impeachment wns alieady ordered. It was thought best not topiess tills any fuither than a rcpilmand for the Judge's derelictions on the bench , Tlio testimony will be published and the people ple can then Judge for themselves of the ex tent of his guilt or Innocence. There Is no doubt but that ho has been guilty of great In- dlseictioiiBas n judge , and by picceptnnd ex ample has biought laws of the state into als- rnputc , nnddeniornll/ed moiocw less ( the Ju- dietary. Ho may congratulate himself that ho escapes as easily as the committee pioposo to let him off. The long contested case for the senatorial contest fiom the forty-fourth district Islinally settled lu favor of Judge Helnlger , the sitting member. The hearing nnd settlement of tho' case have taken the whole of the session , the evidence about tilling 0,000 pages. Mr. Case , who brought the contest , has been heroffi' several weeks , nnd finds nt last that lie IH beaten by ono or two do/on votes. The con test has been very expensive , costing liotli gentlemen , It is bollovcd , about § 5,000 nplcco. Senatorial scats at this rate como high , but some pcoplo have to have them. Saturday , width was piactlcally the last day of the session , was bomuwhat hlhulouH. There was not miieh distortion totunsnrt any leynlar business or do anj tiling but con sume time. Members who weio In thu midst of some stlulng speech v.oiu uulely Inter rupted by a waste basket diiipjiln , ; on their head , or a paper wad hlnlvliuj'tlu-'ni In the face. > A little noccssniy Iris-lues's In thu t.linpo of an nppioprl.itlon bill passul , but a Rood deal ot time wtis bpe-nt In lixlng tlio hour for linal udjouinmunt. " 1 begin to fear , " said Senator MeCo. , wo never shall adjourn inther tliun wti nh.ill adjoin n too BOOH. " When ono house was it-ndy to dlo the other wasn't , ando 1m < lavs Iho members having been doiiiK their best to let goand ha\o just succeeded by llxlng the linal houi for adjournment ut 2 p. m , on Tuesday next. Tlio semite , of cnuibc , will have lo tilt for some tlmo yet , us a umitot ImfV.icliiaejH in the Brown case , but thu house can L'O. One of the most Intciesteu obseiveis of legislative jiioccedings for the gem al weeks past , Is u handsome and lelined looking lady , Mrs. 11. A. Kctelmm , the sculptiess. She lu anxiously analtlug the passage of'n joint ict > - olutlon , authoiI/Ing her to make a marble statute of some prominent lowun , to bu placed In one of the niches of the lotiimla of the capltol. Mrs. Kctchnm Is nil Iowa lady , living nt MU Pleasant , nnd bho pos sesses nlai go amount of ait 1stIc talent , aju { if she gets the commission bho expects to go to Italy this summer to begin her work. The bill In which sue Is patiently Interested hail passed the senute , nnd now waits its fate In the house. A few moio hours will mean JhU cioUnliii ; ambition or the crushing ( llsay- yolntmenl ol .htf Me , .