0 THE OMAHA DAIIiY BE3E3 , SATURDAY , APRIL 10 , 1833. T o > Ni Vf * en tie Or fcfc TIOt Ot OtOt Ot PI. PI.Ot Ot IdIt \ lie 01 to It a C' C'ii iiIf ii 4\ I- - II I , THE DAILY BEE CpUNCflTBLUFFS , SATURDAY MOUNINO , APHIL 10. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by carrier In nny part ot the city at tn cnlj cents per w eok. 11. W.TH.TOH , - - Manager. TIUI : : > HONES : nt'HNrssOfFicp , No. 43. KifliirniToitNo.8. ! : ) . MtNOIl SIKXT1ON. Stnbbs , tlio Imtlcr. Now spring KOOIS ! nt Hcitor'3. ' The youngest ilangliter of P. Cotlv is Very ill. The vutcrnus In attcndanco nt tlio Unto encampment , nt Sioux City , re turned yesterday. George Hanimcl wns yesterday lined ? 7.GO for brcitklnir n whip til one of the livury stables while drunk. A young fellow named John Allen wns tirrestcd yesterday afternoon on sus picion of being wanted at Atlantic. We will continue our grand spiine opening this Saturday evening. HAUKNKSS Bitos. Deputy Marshal Mullen lias gene to Illinois in response to u telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his mother. The subject at the Haptist church Sun day evening will ho "Capital and Labor in their present aspects. " Seats fiec ut all services. J. M. Carter , the superintendent of construction of the new court house , ar rived yesterday from St. Joe. The work on the building will be resumed Monday , weather permiting. The lint California redwood lumber ever received in this city is seven ears billed to the Chicago Lumber company , consisting of live cars of linishing lumber and two of shingles. Miss Mary K. Swan has resigned her position as toucher in the Pierce street school , and the vacancy lias been filled by the appointment of Miss Bin-slow , who has been serving as a substitute toucher. On account of the ruin yesterday work on the canning factory buildings was slopped. One two-story huilding is now under roof , and three others have the brick work completed nearly to the second end lloors. Services in the Congregational church to-morrow ns usual. Preaching by the pastor. Morning subject , "Spiritual Culture ture- ; " evening , "The Better Way. " A cordial invitation is given to all wlio may desire to attend. Judge James has commenced tlio im provement of his Muin street property. Another story is to bo added , and the up per floors fitted with olHeos. The build ing is to be furnished with an elevator nnd other conveniences. The Council Hinds : St. Louis Railway company has decided to change its houif- quarters from Shngurt's block to the impel * part of the building ut the corner of Alain and First avenue , formerly occu pied by jinrko's photograph gallery. This will give more room for their olliees than that now ullordcd them , and the location will bo about us central. There bus been nothing heard from Hubbcll , the cattle man , who left Mis- fcouri Valley recently , just as charges wore being made out to the effect that lie had been selling forged notes. His tather 1ms come on from the oust and has mailo good the amount of the losses , which is baid to have not exceeded , § 000 although reported to have been much greater. The citi/.ons on several streets are anxious for paving this season. When property owners are so anxious to have Btich improvements as to bo willing to pay for them by special assessments , it ficems that tlio city at largo should will ingly bear the cost of the intersections. The recent threat by u few citizens Unit they would light all paving tax , cuused the council to dceido to move slow , and not order now work until it became evi dent what thoJJircat was going to amount to . - omo"of those who talked so thrcut- - ( Slingly have seen the folly of such a move , unit the sentiment of the citi/.ens generally has put others to shame , and it now appears that there will be little more opposition expressed against city im provements. Dressmaking , cutting and fitting , by Miss Glcason , No. ! M Pearl street. Personal Paragraph ! ) . Mrs. Iru Scolicld nnd son have gone on n trip to California. Prof. McClelland nnd wife , of Tabor , wore in tlio city yesterday. Mrs. Brooks , wife of the president of Tabor college , was in the city yesterday. II. N. Wood of DCS Moiues , special agent of tlio North Bristol Insurance company , was in the city yesterday. P. A. Conover will on Monday leave on business connected with the Sun Insur ance company , of which ho is special ngont. E. W. Archer , of the Council Binds Cunning company , spent yesterday in Atlantic looking ufter bis interests in the canning company tlioro. Mr. Robinson of Dow City , has decided to niuku Council Binds his homo , and inovii bis family hero next week. Ho will bo connected with Field's hardware estub- lishmcnl. T. L. Cody and family , of Minnesota , arc in Iho eily visiting llio family of P. Cod } * , whom they have not seen in many yours. Mr. L. T. Cody is thinking somewhat - what Of purchasing property anil remain ing hero. M. T. Green , president of the Chicago Lumber company , Chicago , ami n part ner of S. P. MucConnoll "of the Chicugo Lumber company in this city , arrived In the city jcstorday on his return trip from California , Hois the guest of Mr. Mac- Council and will go east this evening. Wo will continue our grnnd spring opening this Saturday evening. IL\iacNiss : Bitos. TlrcH or Jail. Yesterday Slicrid'liiirrison arrived hero from Logan with the notoiious George Washington Makopoaco , the Dunlnp at torney. Muuopoaco hns been lying in jail at Logan on Iho charge of enibc//lo- inont , nnd other charges , until ho is tired of it , and not being able to give bonds , bus sought the habeas corpus mode of exit. His petition wns tiled In the su perior comt , and yesterday ho was given u hearing by Judge Ayleswoith. The case occupied llio whole day , tlioro being considerable testimony to go through , the claim being tlitit the testimony tfiti not warrant tlio justice in binding him over to iho graml jury , A decision will probably bu rcuohcil to-day. Money to loau by Forrest Smith. Stray Htook Ulan. Tlioro has been somewhat of a sensa tion caused in Logan anil vicinity by the mysterious disappearance of William Dakun , a well known stock man who has cousldurablo property , and whoso homo ( , is about live miles from I.ogan. About three weeks ago ho stalled for Chicago L. ith a largo amount of stock , anil lms > i rte return or report , lljs anxious re'/ors liuvo wait til until it seemed . * > i was not going to hhow up again , Hint Anon the rush began for attachments to secure their claims. It is understood that the claims will -mount ( to $15,000 to IIB.OOO. TOO SHARP AND SURPRISING So Thinks Snperindendent Hammond Oon * corning the Beport in His Oaso. CRUMBS FROM THE COUNCIL. of the County noaril A Miss- inn Stock Dealer nml Anxious Creditor" } Miikc I'caco In Town , The Siipcrliitciiilcitt Surprised. Tlio telegraphic news jiiblislictl ) in yes terday's Hin : , nnnounciiiK the decision of the committee of investigation of the in stitution for the deaf and dumb , caused no little surprise hero , It was ccnuntlly thought that the report would probably criticise the management of the institu tion in some respects , enough to prevent any possible charge of "whitewash , " but few thought that the committee would lind any serious ftiult with the suporin- lendent or trustees. That Superintend ent Hammond and his wife would be so severely dealt with was n surprise. The details of the testimony before the com mittee me not knout ) , but the general diift of it is pi tittyell understood. The testimony is voluminous , and was taken in slunt-hand , and afterwards there was considerable delay before it was trans cribed and at the iorviee of the commit tee. The testimony was keptsceret , and the irst opportunity pre onted for its ex amination by the public has been by the filing the testimony together with the re port. 1'rof. Hammond and wife Imvo many friends hcie , and the feeling in this community is largely with them. Prof. Hammond was superintendent of a simi lar institution in Arkansas , and was most highly esteemed there. It was only un der protest that that institution consent ed to his accepting the position here , and his whole record tip to this time has been most excellent. The report , therefore , is a terrible blow to him and his fiiemls. At an rally hour yesteiday morning the Uii : : man sought out Prof. Hammond , and asked him conceining the report ot the committee. He hail not heard what the report was , not having received his morning paper. On being informed , he said : "Well , I hardly know what to say about it , or whether 1 ought to say anything about it just yet. It is a great surprise , for while I did not oxnect that the committee would report altogether favorable to me , still 1 did not expeet such a severe report. " "What will bo your action in the mat ter ? " "I am not prepared now to say much about it , and would prefer you would wait a while. I will lot , * , ou know when I decide. If I conclude to make any statement to the public , 1 will give the liiK as early an opportunity to publish it as any of the papers. 1 feel that a great injustice lias been done me , and you might simply say Unit , but lam hardly prepared to makr any foimal state ments. " "Do you know just what testimony was produced before the committee ? " "I know the general drift of it. The investigation was largely ox parte , how- over. I had no opportunity to cross-ex amine many of the witnesses , or put in any rebuttal testimony. 1 was not rep resented by council. Hut about all that I don't ' care to say anything now. Perhaps the time will come when I will think best to do so. " The sclioql year ends in June , but the year for which the supeiintendont is en gaged ends in September. Just what action the superintendent will take in re gard to remaining here , after the liling of Jlns report , is not known and ho would Say nothing about that. Some predict that ho will resign , others that lie will complete the year. The retirement of B. F. Clayton from the board of trustees is also looked upon as a slap at the management of the insti tution. He has been quite active in looking after the management of the in stitution , and has been one of the super intendent's ' staunch supporters. A. T. Flickinger , who has been selected to lill the place on the board , is one of the most highly esteemed members of the bar here , and is n young man of sterling integiity and marked ability , Ho will prove a valuable member ot the board and a safe man to handle such important interests. Money to loan on city and farm prop erty at (1 ( and 7 per cent interest , by F. J. Day , successor to Odoil & Day , No. SO Pearl street. Dr McLcod , oculist and aurist , No. 502 Broadway , Council Itlulls. Aloro City BiiRlncss. The city council met in adjourned ses sion yesterday afternoon , Alderman Shu- gar t presiding , and Aldermen Bennett , Danfoith , Keller and Hammer present. The petition of Mrs. L. M. Clark for re duction of taxes on property on Third avenue , referred to committee on claims. Petition of Theresa McLain , asking for compensation for removal of a small house from the grounds of St. Joseph academy , referred to board of super visors. Thomas White complained that the Chicago cage , Burlington & Quincy railroad had put a side-track for the Chicago Lumber company too near to his residency. Re ferred to committee on streets and al loys.Petition Petition of M F. Rohrer and others , asking for payment for damages by Union avenue , referred to committee on streets and alleys and city attorney. W. T. Cole petitioned for exemption from city taxes about eighteen acres used for agricultural purposes. Rcteried to committee on judiciary. A resolution was presented ordering property owners on both sides of Wash ington avenue from north Second street to Oakland avenue , to curb and grade the same within thirty days. Adopted. The claim of Reagan Bros & Ale- ( iorisk for $1,800 interest , was referred to committee on claims. The American District Telegraph or- dlnanco was icad a second time , and re ferred to the lire committee. An ordinance was presented to pro vide for the enforcement of the ordi nances in rcgaul to cjt.y weighmastorand market places , mid lixing penalties for Violations. Referred. The oulinanco of the Nebraska Tele phone company was read a second time and referred to lire committee. The oulinanco providing for property owners making public improvements was referred to judiciary committee. A communication was presented by C. II , Sanderson , complaining that ho hud been removed from the lire department by Chief Tomplcton , the alleged cause being insubordination. He did not feel like resting under such a cloud and wanted an investigation , as he had been a member of the tire department since 1871 and did not want his record thus spoiled. This communication had been lying in a sealed envelope , the contents not being known , and had lust been reached. As the changes made by Chief Templeton had been already continued by the coun cil , the communication 0:11110 : a little lato. It was referred , however , to the lire com mittee to sco if any injustice had been done Mr. Sanderson. Considerable time was spent in discuss ing the last proposition of Mitchell Vincent in regard to the new sewer ditcu extension. No decision was reached and the mutter was tiually allowed to rc&t until to-day to give an opportunity for the council to got advice on the matter from Us attorney. The council adjourned , to meet ngam this afternoon at il o'clock. County Iloaul. The countv board continued its session yesterday. The contract for building bridges in the county was lot to the Ireland Bridge company , of Ccntcrvillc , Iowa. The report ol the county clcik was audited , and a number of bills allowed. John Limit was given power to see that all old soldiers were properly bmlcd , and to appoint leputios for this pmposo in cases occurring in the county , outside of the city. This is to avoid the delay and trouble of getting the amount allowed by law in such cases , the matter being placed in his hands for action for the coming year. For the latest style ot dressmaking co Miss Uleason. No. 31 Pearl street. Small litirglnry. The house of Mrs. Christiansen , near the Rock Island depot , was entered by burglars Thursday night. They secured sonic clothing , about $12 in money and a revolver. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , CmmcilBlufR SlNGUljAIUTItiS. A blacksn.lkc killed near llo\.i\\ottamle. PH. , Aim tuund to hiuc swallowed a small rat-tall Hie . The latest curiosities In natural history caplutetl by California huuteis are a white beaver , \Uiltodeer and n white mud hen. A goldunwlniedoodpcckcr ; laid seseuty- one t'Bjrs In oaee.f > on at Dichtoii , Mass. An oinltholiii'lst kept lobbliu : Its nest ot all but one I-KJT , and the honclul olid coiittmivd to lay thumiliout the season In order to i.iiso a blood. T\\o months ago a baby that \\clched but onoiiotmdMts bom in Clinton , 1'a. lliu little thlii ; ; Is alive and health ) * now , but has KHwn veiy little , anil a mueiim man oireis the mothei much money It she will place it on exhibition. A column article in the Denver Xo\\s do- sciibustlie IliidliiK In Middle pane , at the dentil ot thtity feet , the nt atl/ud timbcis ot a ship ot unknown leni-lli , "evidently moved bv sails. " Some observers , however , con- sfdur the supposed ship "veiy like a whale.1 The latest tiaveler's jam Is of a lice In the noithenstcm p.nt ol Xevv ( iitlncahlch is said to consist almost wholly ot amtiiplious c.iruon and to possess the wopcitles of an electric battciy to such an extent that when its dlscovcicrtoticlicd It lie was knocked to thogiound. Sea lions occupying thobajs and coast np.tr Sitn I < iancl-co In countless thousands ale said to dcstioj iiundieds ot thousands of edible lish il.ul.s. The lishcimcii dcclaic that tlielr business Is imildly declining liom. tills cause. Tliiiutrli ( lie sea lions aio one ot tliociiilositlos of the Paclllc coast they will piobably cither be exterminated or confined in a national lesenntlon. Mr. F. Jlest. ot Amlover , England , loiind a dead tiout with about eighteen Inches ot the body of a water snake protiudins Irom Its mouth. On opening the lish It was found that the paitially digested snake nipasmed tvventv-seven inches. That it had l.oen swal lowed alive was proved bv the tact that the stomach of the tiout had bi-eii bitten by the snake. It Is supposed th.it the ticmt mistook the snake for an eel. A butcher of Virginia City. Nov. , killed a steer whose teeth weio completely Incntstcd with L'old and silver bullion. The animal camefiom ai.mcb on Caison liver. It is supposed tlmttlm piecious metal on its teeth was collected while dilnkliu ; the water of the liver , winch is iiiip'.CTnated with the tailings of the mills ifduciiiK Coniot di nw8' Jt 's ' sild that most ot the cattle alonij tin's il\er bavo gold and silver on their tcctb. John Fisher , a coloied hunter of Wilming ton , N. C. , killed a rabbit In a giaveyaul the oilier day. He found a ready s.ile tor the iimglc left hind foot of the animal , beinc able to piovo by two witnesses that it wns of the H'gnl.ition gi.ueynul biaml. The pur chaser , however , to be absolutely ceitiiin of Its value , called in tlnee witches and cxpeits , wboaf-'iced that the toot came liom a rabbit which had been a constant dweller in and aiound giaveyauls. Fomtecn hundred blacklish weie driven ashoie by men in boats at Wood End , Prov- incctnvvn. The fish vvcio spentcd and sold at public auction at an avciano of SL' l apiece , the gross pioccods being ncaily S-,000. Tbis amount w.is divided among the men engaged in the catch , each receiving about § : > 0. The average amount ot oil trom each fish was ono barrel. This Is the liist school ot blacKfish which has been seen in that locality for a number of years. Two white hcions arc kept at the Noith Carolina caip ponds. They are sometimes taken to the edge ot the huge pond and myr iads ot shiner.- , and roaches are attracted mound them by bits of crackers thrown on the water. The buds immediately begin to feed. One fish after another is caught and swallowed head toieniost. They never diop a fish after they lilt It trom the water. Each bird takes f01 ty-livo lish per day , the minnows news being foui Inches long. A Denver clti/cn says that while prospectIng - Ing on the headwaters of the Tnmichle cieck in the ( iiiiinlsonvalley. . Col. , he saw mos- ntiltos killing tiosli-hatchcd mountain trout Whenever n tiout would ibe to the surface of a ccitalu shady pool a mosquito would In- seit Its bill Into the brain of the fish and ex tract all the lite juices. When this was ac complished the niosnnlto would fly away and the ( lend trout would turn over on Its back and float down the stream. Mr. Homy U. Dunce has for several years past ( Inown thousands ot bushels of tin cans , hoopskiits , branches of tieesaud other inb- blsh on his ovstergiounds nt Cold Spilng harbor , New Yoik. Ho now ilnds a splendid set ot o.vstcrs on these odd icceptlclcs. The thcoiv of Mr. liiince Is that the spawn floats along about a toot or moio tiom the bottom , and Is moio readily collected by the boughs and other an Icle.s. The boughs w 111 lot down in time , and the largo oysters will lind a sc- ciue resting place on the bottom. J ami's IJutlcr , of Morton county. Dakota , was awakened one moiiiiiiz by a loud noise on the loof of his house. Thinking that out laws weie attempting to break in , he sei/ed hlsgun and ciept stealthily out of the back door. To his suriiilso ho saw a trembling dc.er .standlim on the roof. The snow had di if ted in behind ( lie house , which was lo cated near a little blull , and the deer had bounded liom the blulf to the root. While Mr. Ilutlci wastiylng to ik'oido whether to shoot the dcci or to eaptuio it alive , the ani mal solved the dllllcnliy by leaping to the { iimnd and iiiiinlni : away. " 1 have no appetite , " complains many a sufferer. Hood's Sarsapanlla gives an appetite , and enables the stomach to per form its duty. A woman of Jollorson county , Indiana , advertised for n husband. A Kansas man answered the advertisement. She agreed to marry him , and when ho sent her SW3 started to meet him. It Astonished the Pulillo to hear of the resignation of Dr , Pierce as a Congressman to devote himself solely to his'fabors as a physician , It was because - cause his true constituents wore the sick and alllicted everywhere. Tliny will find Dr Piorco's " ( " , Joldon Medical Discovery" a beneficent use of his scientific knowl edge In their behalf. Consumption , bronchitis , cough , heart disease , fever and ague , intermittent fever , dropsy , neural gia , goitto or thick neck , ana all diseases of the blood , arc cured by this world-re nowned medicine. Its properties tare wonderful , its action magical. By drug gists. _ At a recent temperance nicotine in Youngstown , Ohio , Mrs. Knight , a saloon keeper , signed the pledge , and at once put her faith into works by turning her saloon into a colleo house. But few articles have reached such a world wide reputation as AngoHtura Hitters. For over50years that they have been the ac knowledged standard regulators of the diges- tlv i * organs. Their success has Incited Imita tions. Be siuo you get the genuine article manufactured only by Dr. J. U. B. blegert Se Sons. There was great excitement at a revival meeting at Reading , Pa. , where a fair penitent's attempt to reach the mourners' bench was resisted by her relatives an frit-nils , d The * 3irlns | * Months Arc undoubtedly the best * in which to pu rify the blood anil strengthen the system , because at this time Uie hotly is most sus ceptible to the beneficial clleets ol a reli able medicine like Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tlio feeling of debility lang-uor and lassi tilde , caused by the changing season , is entirely overcome , and 'scrofula and all humors are o.\pollcil fro.ni the blood by the ] ) owcrfnl reviving and purifying in- llticnces of Hood's Satsat > anlla. Do Xol Delay Take Hood's Sarsaparilla - rilla now. Jt is made by C. 1. Hood & Co. , Anothecarics , Lowiiil , Mass. Sold by all druggists. 100 Doses One Dollar. An enterprising American at Koho has entered into an agreement with seventy Japanese Ivory carvers to go to iho United States to introduce their art. United States Senator Hlackburn , of Kentucky , publicly endorses lied Star Cough Cure. There is on the plantation of Captain John L , Martin , near Washington , ( 'a. , a , pine tree that bears acorns nnd pine burs with great impartiality. That most distracting trouble , lumba go , is cfl'ectually removed by St. Jacobs Oil. The Chinese government is reported to be discharging the Gorman military and mivnl ollleors in its employ and substitut ing English ollicers. PILES ! 1'lliES ! 1MIJE3 A sure cure for Hliiul. IHcc.tln ? , Itchln nnd Ulcerated Tiles has been dlsooveied by Dr. Williams ( an Indian iciiiedy ) , c.xllwl Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A Mmjlo box has cmed the woist cliionlc cnscs of 'Ja or ipOjparsstandlni * ' . No one need sutler llvo minutes alter a'mlyinn this wonderful sooth 111iiieilidnu. . Lotions nnit Instriimonts do more harm than pood. Williams' Indian I'iloOintment nbsoiustho ttiimns , nllnys the Intense itcliinir , ( paiticiilarly ut niclit after cettlna warm In bed ) , nets as -lonltlcp , elves ) n tant it'llef , and Is prepared only for 1'llos , Itchinc ot private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN DISHASUS CUUHD. Dr. Fia/lcr's MaiMc Ointment cures ns by maaic , Pimples Black Heads or Oiuba , Blotches mid Eruptions on the face , leaving thesKlu clear and ueatttlful. Also cm os Itch , Halt lil'emn , Sore Nipples , Sere Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulceis. Sold by duiggists , or mailed on receipt of 60 cents. Retailed bv Kulm it Co. , and Schroeter * Comad. At wholesale bv C. F. ( .ioodnun. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR This Saturday Eienin 401 BROADWAY i Council BlufFs ; Iowa. Will lie coijtimtcd tCifs , Evening at 7 O'Chtck.A Cordial Invitation Is Extended to all. Newest Novelties , Latest Importations Dry Goods , Dress Goods , Carpets , Curtains Etc. , Harkness Bros Grand Spring Opening continued this evening at 7 o'clock , 4:01 : Broadway. "MURDER MOST FOUL" To Allow Anyone to Die of Diplitlicrin ! DUIUNO the last six yenrs there 1ms not licmi u dentil train Diphtheria In any case \vliuiu DII , THOMAS .IKKFIMIIKS1 I'IIKVCNTIVI * und Cuiir. was HUM ! . It has been tlii > means of sav ins tlious-ands of lives nnd nilirht Imvo cuiod hundreds nf thousands inora. IndUpcnsiblo In putrid EOIo thmat , in inmitfaunt Flatlet fu\er , chanKlnK It In M hours to tlio pfmplo form. In- fulllliln euro for nil Intliinimntory , Ulceuitivo , Putrid , Cnnoornus Ulcoiaijn | o'f ' the U'omh and nllCiutumil conditions , , < 1'ilco ? , 1'ull printed instiuctloni'howtn ' use the medi cine sent with It No < locor ( required. ( Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspeptic , wh > llvo in inifoiy , nnd die In ills- pair uith cancer ot tlio ftfmiarti 1 Dr , Thonms Jo'fcrlcs cuie3 ovcry case ot Incigcstlon und constipation Inn ciy Bhorlino. ( . Beet of iof- ercncos ivcn Dyepupsia > tlio cause of ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions. I'rico (5 for two weeks treatment. From the Council Hlutls Dally Herald : Mr . R M. Oornrd , wife of Engineer Gcrnrd , of the Union 1'aclflo , this city , has been n great sufferer tor mimy yonis , with what wiis BUJV posed to bo cancer of the thront. It was to bad that bho wns thtcatened with starvation- Her general health was completely bioken donn She could only swallow liquid food , and won that her stomach could not digest or assimilate. Physicians of Council muffs and Omuhn pave no relief. Dr. Jotlerls , of this city , wns culled. In four weeks' tlmo ho cured her throat , and hus completely restored her general henllh. Had Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon bho Mould have dlod from blood poison , the same condition that destroyed the Ufa of Gen. Grant * Dr. Jell erics' dlptherla medicine is lufulllblu in nil kinds of sore throat. DR. JEFFERIES' REMEDIES Can only bo obtained at his OHIce , No.itf 8. r.lghtli fct. . Council IllutU , Iowa , Orecti * . by E\pit * j ou Itocuipt of Ptlcu , WHOLESALE AND JOSBiNO HO-CTSES 02 = COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Irapleaiants , Buggias , Cnirlngos Eta , ) : to. Council niulTs. Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTUUINcTcO. , . Corn Sellers , stalk Cutters , Dlsoitnrrowfl , Seeder1 ! , Corn I'lAnlcr * , I'oa J Cut ters , lUc Factory , Hock Tails , Ills. No . l.'Ol.mi , 150J , ISJTMnln St. . Council UlUITg. DAVID IWADLKYlTcOM Manufrs nn 1 Jobbers ot Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies , Cnrrlnpe * , nncl nil klnla of Farm MnoMnorjr. 1100 to Ilia Soutli Mnln Street , Council Ulu ! , Iowa. HAXDt.KS. P.O. ai.Rox , T. H.InuniOno.K. . WntnitT. 1'rcs.ATrefti. V.-l'ro * fc.M in. SnaACouiisol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Manufacturers or Axle , Pick , SloUo nnil Smnll llunillo < iof every ilo'orlptlon. IMW'BI'S. COUNCIL HLU1-TS CAKl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths f tit tiln rixlurcs , Upholstery fJoo.U , Etc. No. 405 Hroiidwny Council Iliads , lown. i , KTC. PEUEGOV & MOORE , Wliolcsnla .lolibors In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nog. 3Main and -7 1'cnrlSts , Council Hliltr ? , IO\MI. COMMISSION. SNYDER LEAiSlAN , Wlinlcsalo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No Hl'cirl St , Council cii.\CKins. \ McCLUUO CRACKER CO. , Manufacfurors of Fine Crackers , Biscuits aud Ca'sai , Council muffs , Tnii'cl. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobborsofCrockery.GIasswara . Lamps , IVnlt Jaia , Cutluiy , Stonowsiro , llnr Oooila , I'lincy Oooils. lite. Council lllutTs , lown. DRUGaiS'lS. IIARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' Stimulus , I'.to. No.Miln : St , and No. SI Pcnrl St. . Council llluQa. DliY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions. Kto. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 nmi 115 Pearl St. , Counoil lllittrs , Iowa. ntuirs. O.V. . BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Gcncial Commission. No. Cl'2 Ilionilway , rouncll Ulutts. WHIT A : DUQUETTE , Wholesale Frnits , Confectionery S Fancy Groceries. Nog. 10 nml 18 Pcnil St. , Council HlulTi < . GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 110 nnd 121 , Milln St. , Council Dluffs , Io\vn. \ L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolcsnlo Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad way , Council IllulTa. Il.lIWWAltE. P. C. DI5 VOL , Wholesale Hardware Tinware Stoves , , Gasoline , ItcfilgcratoM , etc , Nos. 511 Ilrnadway , and 10 ilnln street , Council lilulIV. IlAltXESS , ETC. BECKMAN & CO. , tlnnufactmcrsof and VVholosalo Doilora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Main St CouncilniulTs , Iowa. HATS , rAl'S , KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. J12 and 311 Ilroailway , Council lllnira. IJKAVY nAnDWAHV.s -s _ _ _ KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware , _ And Wood Stock , Council Illiiirs , Iowa. _ HIDES AND WOOL. D. 11. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'cltB , Grcneoimd Furs Council muffs , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO , , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisolinj ETC. , ETC. 8. Thcodoro , .AKimt , Council llluira. Iowa. LUMlllUt , I'JLIXO , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Ilrldffo Matoil.il Siioclnltlcs.WhoIosalo Lumber - bor ol all Kinds. Olllcn NO , 1W ! Main ril. , Council IHulfB. Iowa. _ _ WINES AND LJQU011S. _ JOHN UNDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , Agent for St. ( jottliarn's Herb lllttcra. No. 13 Main bl. Counell lllnlla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko ( MO Mtitn St. , Council lllufft. N. SCBTTBZ , Justice of flu Peace. Office Over American Express Company. Farm at a Bargain. AYull Improved farm of 10T auioa lor sale ; ml- fiom Council Hlti'Th. AUiliew JItA bCOKlKLD , Council lilutr-3. Hrlck ti.illdlnj nnv kind rnl od or moved nnd sntlifnetlnn guaranteed. Hamo houses moved onMttleOlaat triloks-tha best in the vrnrl 1. 803 Ei liUi Avenue mvl Eighth Stroob , Council 131ulT3. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTIOi ; . Special ndvertlsomonH , such 111 Lost.FouailTo Lo n , i\ > * Silo , To Itont , Wanti 13ouJlntfotc.rill bo Inserted In this column at thcloir rnto of TKN CRXT3 PKIl WNS for ths flrstlnsortlon * nd FIVU Oli.Vrd I'Ull LINK for ench subsoiuont iiisortlon. Loxvo nlvortUo meiitsnt our olllco , No. L ) l'o.\rl atioot , iiur liroadvriijr , Council IllulK WANTS. WANTI'D T o Kood tlnnvi < . Cooper A , Me- ( lee , No. 41 Main sttuet , Counell lllulls. A peed Irl to do hou \v77rC No. 711 Seventh fllrccl , Council lllulTs T7OH CALK Old uiipom. In ( lunntltliM to suit , I ? at llco olHcp , No. la I'unrlstiuut. TTlOtl HUNT rive room cottnpo. Inquire lit JL1'X \ > Tout th street , or ol McMlckcn , 31G Plainer sticut. SWAN * WAI.ICint , No. 81 Main stteot , THukl , loal eolnto nnu liter- chHtidl OcliatiBU ! brokers. Our bookn mo full ot Bpeclnl linrnaliii , but It Is Impossible to pub lish n icllnlilo INt fioni thufaet of so ninny dally changes. What no ask is : If } on want (0011 ( ortnulo nnylhlnif In our Hue , wilto us nnd wo \\lllhuinl .vouapllcof bin trnlni to select from. Lands linpiove.l or unimproved , city or town ptopcity , stocks of goods ol nuy kind In nny jilaee. II such you have or such you mint lot us hear from v on. Snan Si Wnlkor Cotn"ll Illutrs TIMOTHY SEED I liavo n quantity of sound , well cleaned scol nlilch 1 uffer nt rcaponablo lUuics Fooil of the crop of 113.1. Coripspondoneo solicited. P. C3. l , Schallci , Iowa. C. & N. W. Ky. Kailway Time Tatole , COUNCIL 11LUIT3. Tlio followliiff is the tlmo of arrival and departure of trains by central stnmlaid tlmo , nt the local depots. Tiuliis loiivo transtordnpot ton minutes earlier nnd arrive ten minutes later : nKI > AUT-crncAno * NOHTIIWESTIHN.AIUUVE- 9:20 : A. M . Mall and Lxpiess . 0Mp. it. 12:401' : . M . Accommodation . 4:50 p. M. Gl : < n * . M . Uvprci-a . U:05A. : w. CHICAGO & HOCK IgtAND. 0.21 A. M . Mull nnd Uxprosi . flGOp. : M. 7'lTiA. M . Accommodation . BUS p. a. CJOP. : M . K\prot.s . . 0:05 : A. M. CHICAQO. MlbWAUKCK S ST. PAUL 0CO : A. M . Jlnll and Expioss . 0f : > 0p. M. 650r. ; > i . Uxpipss . U.05A. M. C1UCAQO. DUIIL OION ft QUINCV. 0 : < 0 A.M . Mall and Kvpibss . C:50P. C:50p.M : . Kxpress . u:05 : \VA11ASI1 , 8T. I.OU1S t PACIFIC. 2:1E : P. M. Local St. Louis Kxnrosi Local . B-.OO P. M.Transfoi St. Louis Kx. Transfer. ; ! : JO P. M KANS4.S CITY , ST. JOB & COUJC1L BLUFFS 10:10 : A.M . Slnil and Kvpross . fjJOp. M. UtDP. : M . Express . 0:25 : A.St STOUX CITV ft PACIFIC. 7:15A.M : . . .Sioux City Mail . ° : Mp. M. fc:30 : P.lJ. . . . St. 1'JUl Kxpreaa . 8-oA.u. : UNION PACIFIC. 10:3rA.M. : , . Doavct lUpioss . 5 : riP.M. : I3p. M. . . Lincoln rnES.itOin. i 1V. . . J:85 ! : ? . M. 7:0'Jp. M . O\erland Kxurosa . 8:15 : A. M. nUMMV THAINB TO OMAHA. Leave Council Ulutfs 7ar : > 8OS : 9.iO : 10:10 : 11:30 : n , m. : 1JO : 2:30 : , J.t3 : :3i : ) 3:35 : R:30 : B:4r. : 11:45 : p. m. Sundays T.Oj U .33 11:30iu : m ; 2:30 : I'.io0:25 : 0.W : fl:45p. m. LoavoOrau- ha 0:35 : 7 : (5 ( 8:50 : 10:00 : 11:91) : ) n. m 1:00 : 2:00 : 8:00 : 4.00 5.00 : Gi : ) " . M 11:10 p. in. Sundays tl:15 : 7:50 : SI : 11:00 : n. ra. : 2:003:03 : : 5:00 : fi:05-3:15-ll:10 : : : u m. STEW DYE WORKS MRS.C.LGILLETTE'S ' HAIR GOODS STORE No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp , Postoffice. B. RICE , M. D. rSHPRRI or othur turn irs removed without unlluunij the itnifo or drawing : of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of u" kinds gpoomur. Over thirty yours' pntct.cul oxporlonao. No. 11 1'uutl Struot , Conn' U lllutfs. Pi * CO.NSUl.TATlON FlttE. Omaha Dental Associa'n ' Cor. IGth nml Douglas Sts. Kllllnzut loncst price , wltli golfl , silver nnilnthcr combinations ( Jold pinto und cuntlnuoug Gum Teeth n specialty. specialty.Ecct Ecct Sets -Teetl-L , $ S , KonacT price f H. 1'erfect Ut untl bast muterliil. All work gunrnntced. Council Bluffs Office , 881 BROADWAY. WKST SIDK. _ Tnos.or CEre. nssr OFFICER & PUSKY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. rEtahlishcd IfjT. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. J.cvvlH X. Arnil , Props. I'aseangna and lini a''o taken to nnd from nlltialiis. Ilus'cs , caulUK'L'Bn'id hnaeiiKO WIIB- ons make ronnoctlons with all trains I'rnmpt ultentlon i'lvci ) to all culls Bpotlnl intoa to thoatilcul tioupej unJ couimernliil men. Car riages run day and niirht , Olllco lit Opdcn IIouso. Tclophnnu Yti , Also at llcchtclus Hotel I.niui' oiclois on thn lates THECitEWHITELlPOl DIAMOND STHICTVI'UHEIEID ' , ZIHCflDOIL Aio atHOUitely jiure , us leprcscntoil. One gal lon \\lll ecu or two linndio'l und fllty Kipiaio luct tno couts , and H III Mity on Umfrcr than any other paint luiiiiufiiutiliuil. 1'orbulu by Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc , 6O7 Mtxm Street , Council BluHe. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practlcc3 In StatJ nml Federal Court3. Itooms 7 nml S , Siuuurt Blook. Horses and Mules For all purpose * , bought nml aolil , nt lotull nml Iu lot Liu ITU iiuiuitlttos to f elect fiom. MASON WISE , Gtli Stre-'l , Hear Pacific House , Council Bluffs. V , Tlie Highest Market Price For nil kinds of second hand household goods and andSTOVES. . M. DROHLICH , 008 Broadway , Council Bluffs. M. . A.C.IlUItNIUMI'r ( " < . L.W. TUM.KVI , VICO-1'IOS. JAMI-.S N. lluow.v.Cnshlor. national Bank 103 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Io ng-ononil b\nklnff : business. Accounts of banks , bunkers , nicrchnnf , mnn- utncturorsftnJ individuals rojclvoil on fnvoin- blu torma. Domestic nnd foiolffn e.vclmnso. Thovorybost ofntloiitlon irlvon to nil busl ness commlttoil to our euro. KIEL SALE STABLES Horses nnd Mules Itopt constantly on bund , for pnli * nt lotnll or In cur lands. Orders promittly tilled by cnntiact onshoit notice. Stock sold on coininlRslon. SHI.UTr.ll & HOMt V , 1'roprlotorg. Stnblo Corner 1'ifth Avvuuu und Fourth St Council Bluffs lowii. CARPETS , CURTAINS , Rugs , Mattings , Window Shades.Eto Wholesale and Retail. SprliiRr 1880 Our stock Is now com plete and contains the newest designs and colorings in nil grades of Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Upholstery Goods , etc. POPULAR PRICES-Mail orders at tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery Work to order. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPETS CO. , 405 Broadway. RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of nil slzos of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for Iturmliiir MILLS , GUAINsELEVATOHS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular nnd Locomotive Boilers. Now Massillon Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. jTATIONAUY , SKID , /'orlnblo nnd Traction England , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Uluffe. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. Cliiiut , GlusMvarc and Lamps , \V. S. llomor&d ) , . No , S3 , Muin St. , Count ) : ! lit lift's , li. ; Locking Bracket for Fences AND 01111:11 : HAH. * , noDi , irm r'ENCES HL'll.T WrniOUT NAILS. An > part icniilly iiikon out or lOjiIiicuJ. 1'or pltKtt or mil foiicus.linntirwroiid. cannot bo UK- culled loriullltiff of any soil , lot p.uliculjrs virito C. J. IIIX'KMAN. Inventor. fouimii niuirs. Pluto and county rlyliu lor sale. ONLY HOTEL lu Council Illuffa having And nil inoaorn Improvotauius. call buj * , Ur ttlttrm hells , etc. . la the \ CHEST ON HOUSE I , i7 uud m. Main Strcvt , ildllM. I'rnarlotn