Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    I - '
The Chicago Wheat Market Weak and
Shakv After Wednesday's Siege.
Foreign ntiyors Tnkc Most of tlio OF-
forlncs Corn , Onts ntul I'rovUlona
l''ollow the Ijcailcr Cnttlo
Market Stcnily.
, April 8. [ Special Telegram. ]
Tliero wns n quint after tlio storm tonlay.
The victors In yesterday's battle had a chance
to awertaln how their bank accounts stood ,
nnd the maimed were given an opportunity
to bind their wounds , drd up their loins ,
and otherwise prepare themselves for the re
sumption of hostilities. The casualties \vrio
fewer In number nud loss serious In chainc-
tcr than many looked for. Yesterday's
slump wns followed by n much steadier mar
ket this mornluc. Cables came In better than
had been expected , nnd icprescntnt'.ves ot
foreign houses were on the lloor with an un
usually Inriro budget of ciders , only n
little ways below the market. Tlio presence
of the foreign clement In the market as buy
ers , is a new fcatuic , and but for thu fact that
Hie whole west and noithwcst has turned
bearish , Its Influence for the better would bo
midden nnd decisive. The opening to
day was n shade under yesterday's
close , the Mist sales of May being on a basis
of 77 ( T7 c. The southwest was n good
buyer from the stall to cover shorts , und the
local crowd bought In a good deal of wheat
to close out trades. Prices advanced K@Kc ,
Milwaukee , Minneapolis and Duliitli selling
Rtcadily on the bulge , Oudaliy and Ids local
followlni : also offei Ing all the crowd would
take. The market natmally solicited some
what , but subsequently hardened on the 10-
poit that Field , Mtullcy & Co. and hosier &
Co. had worked 100,000 bushel's for Immedi
ate shipment abroad , which linpaited re-
nc\\ed cticngth to the situation. Tlio tally
was only tcmpoiary , however , and the bound
regained uns all lost , a decline setting In
nbout noon that cai licit pi Ices down to the
bottom anuln. Tiade was veiy nervous , un
easy and watchful , and binall lluriics
occurred dining the day , but they
were of such slitiht Impoitanco
that the general steadiness In quotations was
not seriously dlstuibed. Tlicie was moro or
less "scale" gossip lioatiug about , but nobody
took any stock In It , us only'ono very small
house succumbed. Whllo the talk was unln-
fluoiitfal , bo far as Individual cases \\oie con-
cei tied , it had its effect In ( shaking tliusron-
cral confidence. The last half hour ol the
long session was consequently \M-ak ,
though Just bofoie tno close a .slight iccoveiy
occiii red , and limit quotations at 1 o'clock
were above the bottom.
MmouGiiAiNS Coin and oats wcic steady ,
and il urine tlio most of the day higher than
yestoiday. May 1-0111 closed at 1 o'clock , ' c
above yestci day , and June j c higher. Oats
gained K@K - Tiade was light In botli
PROVISIONS Piovisions wcio dull. The
opening was slightly lowerlortlio v > hole list ,
and the niaikel was inclined to be diooplug ,
excepting duiing the middle of the long ses
sion , hen them was a gieatcr disposition to
buy , but subsequent sales wcio nt rather
cheaper pi ices , and tlio market bagged , haid
nnd ribs show no special change In quota
tions as compared with yesteulay , but a de
cline of 5@7 } < c is noted in pork.
AKTUUNOON BoAiin. Wheat had a bulge
In the afternoon boaul , the piicoot'May ad
vancing from 77Lfri77Je ( ; ! | to 77Kc , and clos
ing Hi m at the very top. The advance was
stimulated by icpoits of continued buying ,
of foreign shipments mainly. Offeints >
were light. Poik advanced bhai ply , 0 > ; @ 10c ,
nnd ilbs also closed slightly higher.
D'J:40 : p. in. Puts on May wheat , 7rj ( < 577fc ; ;
calls , 77K < § 7ic. $
CHICAGO , April 8. Ibpeclal Tel eg ram. |
CATTU : The biipply of cattle to-day was
not huge. The demand \\as uooil , though
buyers i of used to pay any higher pi Ices. The
market dm Ing the day was faiily active and
piices werugencially btrong on good stock.
A lot of 094 Ib Nebraska steers bold at § 4.00.
Many Texas cattle sold as shown below , and
Eotiie distillery bulls sold to both lufiigcrator
men and to ll\o cattle slilppeis. A lot of
pilmo heavy c.ittlo bold at SO.OO. Eastern
shippers to lioston , Now York and other
points bought about 110 cars ot beeves. Ship
ping bleer.lir , : > o to lM Ibs , fc.V.'OOfi.oo ; 1,200
to I , ! ! . * ) Ibs , S4.OOi25.fX ) ; WK ) to 100 ! ! Ibs , 54.20
lions Tlio run of ho sas heavy , ana
salesmen met the emeigoncv at once by diop-
plni : 510c , and at that decline tiadc ruled
active , with shippeistaklngthogic.itcstnum-
'ber , or near half the lie.sli airiuds. The best
heavy sold nt S4. IO ( J4.4r , , and mixed at 84.U5 ®
4. : , \\lth liglitat Sl.15 1.40 ; packing and
Bhlplilnir , 250 toSiilbs. , 5I.B@I.CO. !
Now York , April 8. MoHRY On call ,
easy at l4&i } } ( pin cent.
l'iiMiMiiirANni.K ] : : I'AIT.U 4@r. percent ,
SnuiiNii : ExciiANGK-Dull but hteady ;
Sl.HlJ 1 lor blxty days , and S4.bti on de
HovfciiNMKSTB Dull but steady.
STOCKS Stocks were dull but .stiong. In
the last hour theiu wasja reaction in small
frnctUiiisti ) o\er-fi ! In acti\e blocks , nnd the
maikut closed baiely steady.
8tf contboiuls. . . 101 C. AM. W 107'
U.S. 112J.J nroferrcd. . . 1H ! >
Now 4's 12lfN. ( ! ( Y. 0 101f
PacilicO'sof ' 05. r TKOiccon Trail.
Contra ! Pacllic. . 413. ; 1'acllio Mall
P. , 1) . i&U
' puifencd. . . . 1M
C. , I ) . Jell Koek Island , . . . 12
I' ' U. , L. te\V L. its. K. . . . 19
D.itK. 0 niefurri'd. . .
* ' ' ' ' C. , M. &SU11. . . '
pi oftrVid. ! ! . . . 00)J | ' " prefoncil , i lit ) "
IllinoisLVnlral. J ' .i 'St. V.&O 88 %
J. . " . AtW 14J ! | prelenvu. . . 101
Kansas iVTexaa , as iToxns Pacllie. . . 101UK
LnkeSUore si1 * , Union I'acilic. . . -
L. t N ! S > JniW. , St. L. .V 1' . .
Mich. Central. . . . 07 pi oferred. . .
Mo. 1'ncilic 10.1J < Western Union fiMf
Noithern I'.iu. . . ttft | O.K.\5N \ , - .
Clilcn o , Apill 8. Flour Quiet ami un-
clmiiKt'd ; winter' whiMt Hour. 5j4 ( Hf 54.75 ;
soiithein , g-l.Wdf-.M : Wihconsln , S4..VK < i-l.75 ;
Mlcliipin inttspiliiL' wheat , gi,7UiKOO ; ( ; Mm-
iii'MiM tuKoi.- , ' , si..rHXu-ir : > o ; intents , H.05 ®
b.ui : low Kiades. S'j.oo ( : i.iw ,
Wlit'.U Ojieuwl nt yenteiday's close , re
acted ! 6 ( < f9 < ' . bei-amo weaker , selling otf 'ic ,
impio\ed Ij'e , suddenly binko J o but closed
K nt > o\o yi'sti-iilay ; ' ! 1JiCL'7.Wc ' tor cash :
3fe tin Ainll ; 77Je77 ( > 4C lei .May.
Coin Quiet but tii miuid a bliailii higher ;
tuliuos adxaiii'Od MJ i' . settled bai-k , but
closed } a hlu'hei ; IKiwliii'.j'u lor cash ; ! K5c tor
Am 11 ; 87'tfSs7o for Mwy.
Oats Impiovi'd ' ( . ( s'ie over yestoiday ;
but steady WUo for fash ! i5i , 2 ?
quiet ' ; ; ' > ' fc
l'orAHllt.i | for May.
K\e-Juiet ntWJfc.
Ilu ? Joy-Dull at av ,
Tlmothy-l'ilimi , S1.SO@1.S1.
l-'lnx Si-i'd Lower ; No. l , cash , 51.05.
1'oik liifiiiliir ; ; opened rather weak with
S(37io ( } ileeline , UHluced Jj Gific , Inter luled
Bte.iillur , ndlied SQ7Kc. t-ettli'd 'bark to
medium llixure.saud closed steady ; 5U.-OvaO..5
tor casti ; &V.2) ) i@v..a for April ; y.aa
V > r JIny ,
haul Easier : ruled 3U(45o lower , but
Ho'-cd coiiiDamtlvcly steady at outshUi tig-
iiits : S5.HXW5.WK for cash , Amil amUMay.
Hulk Misits-tMiotildws , S WKrf-U.V. blioit
clear sides , S5.t&a'5.70 ; bhortrlbs ,
B.o5.Uuttcr UncUuiiged ; creamery ,
J" . Ualiy ,
Cheese Unchaneed ; full ,
Hats lHll ( ; < o ; young Americas ,
skims , frittc. .
Kecs Unchniigcd at 10llc.
Hides Unchanged ; creen , 0) ) < c : heavy
cn'cn salted. 7Xc ; light , Kc : damaged , O'fc ;
bull hides. Cc : dry salted , 12 < c ; dry Hint ,
ISOUc ; calfskins , 10@ic. : )
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4 } < c.
Hecelpts. tjhipniPiits.
FJonr.bbls . &I.C03 10,000
Wheat , bu . 12,000 8.000 . 47,000 42.000 . : wooo , ooo
Uyc.bu . 14.0CO : ' ,000
UnrlVv.bu . 2I.OJO 15.000
St. IjcmlM. April 8. Cattle Uecelpt , COO ;
shlpmrnts 100 ; linn ; common to coed "liln-
pine , S4.0WW. : ; ImtclierV trer , sk&us'.fi ! } :
iiiul feeders , § : i.oo@ 1 , 0 ; cows nnd
Hogs llccelpta , 1,700 ; shipments 000 ;
acthcand stronz ; butchers'Krailei , S4.0@
UX ) ; mixed , S4.oo@i.sO { light , 84io@4.x : ) .
KnnRna City , April 8. Cnttlo Receipts
1,000 ; shipments , nouo ; butchers' steers fry
lOc lower ; common to fancy , S4.00@5.4 ( ) ;
stockcis nnd feeders , Si'.SO U'O ; cows , S'J.W )
"Tlojrs Receipts 0,003 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
fKfilOclower ; coinmiin to choice , $3.03MO ;
skips and pigs , Si 0iti.50. ( :
Chlcnco , Aprils , The Drovcts' Journal
rcnoits :
Cattle Itcoclplo , 7,000 ; stroiifrcr ; slilpmtiK
fltei'is , S4.UO < afl.W ) ; stockeis and leedrrs , fc-.7. >
© 4.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 62.00 ® 1.20 ;
biilk,83.00@i.2. ; > ; through Texas cattle , S 1.00
S'15- -
5.i.0004.i. ! > . > . .
Sheep Receipts , B,200 ; stioug ; nnthes ,
S.00ao.i5 : ) ( ; Texan ? , S.l.00 4.00.
Now York. Apill S.-Wheat Receipts
4.'l,000 ; exports , (10,000 ( ; spot , a shade lower ,
closing linn ; options opened heavy , later
ruled stionger , closing linn ; No. i ! led , WUO ?
COJfc store , 'JlJ ' fnOyjic alloat ; May , closinir
at t'l ' ? c.
Coin-Receipts 7,000 ; exports , 4,000 ! ) ; mi-
grnded. 4i ; lll o ; No. 'A VMQWAc ele
vated , 40 fo ; May
O.its A shade stronger ; leceitits 5,000 ;
expoils , 1:1,000 : ; inlxfdwesteiti0(5ia'Jc : ; ( ; white
westcin , iKKHUc1.
Petroleum Kii m ; united closed at 7-JJ < e.
Kgirs In lali demand and Him ; westein ,
Pink-Steady ; old mess S'J.H ' ) ® 10.00.
Laid Active ; wosteiu steam , spot , SG.25fe
C.27M ; .
Hutter In good demand ; westcin , IBgJUc ;
Klgin prenmciy , : H ( f"pc. ; :
Cheese -I'll mesiein ; , S @ \0 \ c.
Milwaukee , Aptil 8. Whe.xt Higher ;
cash , 7iJfi' .
Corn No. 2 , : ; G\'c.
Oats No. 'J , JllMc.
Rye-No. 1 , ( KV.
Uailcv Xo.afi2 c.
1'iovlsioiis Jless poik , cash and Ainll ,
City , April 8. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , ( Kc : May , ( ikibld. C > 4c asked.
Coin Weak ; cash , ! iGe bid , 27o asked ;
May , 28o.
O.its May , 2Sc bid , 2SJfc asked.
St. Iiotiis , Awrll 8.Vlieat Higher ;
No. 2 led. cash , Tr.JflMffGts ; May , & > % i :
Coin Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash , S-'V e ;
May , ! Kj ! < i1.
O.its bteady ; No. 8 mixed , cash , 30e ; May ,
Wiiiskv 81.10.
Poik 'Firm at S10.(0. (
Laid Kasy at S5.M ) .
lluttor Finn and active ; cieamcry , 27@
: ? Jc ; daliy , 18iT)2fcc. ( )
Ai'ri : xooN UoAiti ) Wheat } { 6Wte
lower. Com Yc lower. Oats % c lower.
Liverpool. Apiil 8. Wheat Poor de
mand ; new No. awintei , no block heie.
Floiu Poordeiniiiid nnd steady at 8s 4d.
Coin-Fair demand ; spot , hteady at 4s2-.5 il ;
Aiiil | , dull at 4s'Jd ; May and June , easy at
4b 3d.
Thursday Evening , Apiil 8.
The live htook maiKet was exceedingly
dull to-day and the icceipts ot both cattle and
hogs light. The demand is good lor all kinds
ot block.
Good lat cattle weio in active demand and
the market btiongcr. ' 1 ho locllng Is for bet
ter prices. Choice to extra bteers , averaging
1,400 to lr > 00poiiiuh , Sl.or4.bO ; good , avei-
aulng l.t'OO to 1,330 pounds , S4.'r > @ 4.5'i ;
medium , averaging 1.100 to 1,200 pounds ,
jt.b5W.iiO ? : ( : good to choice cows and lielfoH ,
; : ! . : , ( ( : ! . ; medium , S'J.75i ! .u.r ; choice .to
extiabtagsalid bulls , SS.fW a.OO.
The hog market was \eiy linn and a choice
load ol medium weights would have bi ought
S4.00. Thu supply tell tar slioit of the de
mand. We quote tor to-day , good to choiro
light nml medium weights , si.s : > .XSi4.00 ;
choice heavy , M.fviSS.O. ) ; rood to choice
mixed , S3.7o@3.'JO ' ; common loiighgiadesat
Noaiiivals ot sheep nml piices nominal.
( Jood butchers , aveiaglng t-0 to 100 pound ,
wotilil sell lor SI.OOCJ4.BS.
Cattle 100
Hogs : -00
itii'iti.siNTATivi : : SAIIS.
No. Av. Pr.
18 1194 SUO
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
( U 107 S.N ! ! ) 51 'SKI SXiCJ
OJ ii57 8.b5 03 Ml : ) . 'J5
Showing the hiehest and lowest prices paid
on this market for mixed packing hoirsdur-
Inc tlio east seven days and for the coriu-
spondlng iierlod last month.
Jlurcli April
Tliinsday S3.G5 .
Friday a.m 3.75 0 X85
Saturday 3.75 3.55 C ! : ! .85
Monday 3.00 W3.80
Tuesday 3.75 @ ! .1X )
Wednesday . . 3.75 : t.W
ThuiMlny l.t 5
All sales of stock In this market nro mnilo
Unlit trcclpts.
Hog market stions , ' .
Tlio enttlo nmiket looklnc up.
H. S. Uliss , Klklioni , mnilkUtcil n load of
Knr/li > r & H. , Council I31un b , had 70 hogs on
HID iiimknt.
Luliu it linll , ( iiniul Jblancl , had 05 lion's
on tlio nmrkrt.
J. K. Stout , Louisville , sold 18 head of cat-
U. Ti'iniileton , Tekainab , wns at tlie yards ,
lodkliiK nttei feeders.
Jlr. O'NolJ , n well known live stock ninn
of Kudlcott , vlsiti-d tin : > a ids to-day.
11. Lund ct Co. , Ill no Hill , had a load of CC
hogs on tlio market.
11. H. Cooley , of the firm of Gregory ,
Cooley teCo. , Cliicasjo. ns at tlio yaids to
day on his way houiu from Cheyenno.
A. W. Claiif , of rnpllllon , visited the
Or. S. E.Vood , of the live stock commis
sion inm ot Wood BIOS. . Chicago , stopped nt
the yaids to-tiny. li. Wood Is on his way to
CiiluuKu , ImviUB been In nttendanco at tlio
c.ittlemon'sronvention nt Cheyenne.
The Question us tu whether hogs should bo
sorted or Mild In btiali lit loads , seems to bo
settled nt hist by common consent. The buy
ers ha\u given in and are taking the loads : is
theycoino , without soiling ,
Western Mutual.
Wo cull attention to the advertisement
of the Western Mutual licnovolunt ubso
elation of Ikmtrico , Neb , , which appears
in this paper. This company was organ
ized two years ago and have now grown
to bo a good , sound , reliable company ,
und give substantial insurance. They
have complied with our state laws and
nvo financially responsible. It has shown
a wonderful growth and has achieved
success in a very short time , which shows
that its management is safe anil judi
cious. There is no reason \yliy reliable
lifo insurance cannot bo furnished iu the
west us well as in the cast , and ft is a
source of gratiiieation to witness tlio
growth ot tliis company.
An extensive mine of rubidium , n rare
metal worth 5,000 pur pound , has been
discovered near Hook Creek , W. T.
An Autopsy Throws no Light Upon the
Doit Poisoning Oaso.
Pointers From n. Mini AVlio Knows
The Griulers Strike Hnllronil
Notes The MllUnry Sliulllo
nml Court J ocal.
Tlio Poisoning Mystery.
Yesteulay lrs. Dinstnoor Ayers
aiitl Parcel ) , with Coroner Dre.\ol helil a
postmortem uxnintiuition on tlio body of
Mrs , Uorl , who died Tuesday nttcrnoon
under str.ingo eirctnnstiuices. Tlio mi-
toiw occupied iibont three hours , and
look place nt the residence of the tie-
ceased on the corner of Fifteenth and
Davenport street. No new facts which
would tend to throw any liRht unon thu
case , were brought out , and the solution
of the poisoning mystery seems as far ofF
as e\er.
On [ list going into the abdomen the
physician found a slight congestion the
whole Intestinal tract. It was also found
that there was an unl.irgomunl of the
liver and atrophy of the spleen. On
opening the stomach the mncuoiH mem
brane was found slightly etmiri'sti'd. ' At
the cardiac end a place waH found about
aslar e as the palm of one's hand , con
gested and eroded , amllriving a < nanular
appearance. They found the right fallo
pian tube hijihly intlamed and congested
throughout. The ease is certainly a mys
terious one , and as it is too late to Inivo
an analysis of the stomach , the e.\aet
truth may never be known.
"Yes , we all agreed , " .said Dr. Dins-
moor , in reply to a reporter's query.
The ease , however , looks suspicions to
me. 1 cannot account for the gastro-
ententes found , and I fear thai it is , im
possible to do so. "
Dr. Ayers said that he thought the ease
a peculiar one in many respects. ' 'I'rom
the examination , and also from the ques
tions which wo asked friends and rela
tives of lie deceased , 1 have come to the
conclusion that it was a case1 of aise"ieal
poison ; or rather , that death was caused
by some sort of mineral poison. It is
too late now to make u chemical analysis
of the stomach , but that it was mineral
poisoning of some kind I am ab oluteh
convinced ; yet in all probability this will
never be known. "
The case is the more remarkable be
cause sjll the symptoms of ars 'iiieal poi
son were found in tlio stomach , but noth
ing like arsenic was discounted. The
theories advanced .yeMurdav , as noticed
in the Uii : : , met with considerable oppo
sition from the medical fraternity. While
the family may have been poisoned by
the lood they ate , or the witer drank ,
such a thing is hardly possible. The
fact that the water which they ued was
found pure militates against tlio the
ory that there was poison in the
well , and that other families weie
not effected by moat from the same cut
is against the theory of meat poisoning.
All that can now bo considered Ki scien-
tilic research as to the onuses of the rn- ;
tro-entoritios found in tlio stomach. The
poison , or disease , must have boon located
at the cardiac end of the stomach , as
there wai found a plaoo as large as the
palm of a ham ! greatly inllamed and
congested. .Strange to say there was
absolutely nothing lounil there to show the
Tin : CASK IN uin-Aii , .
Dr. Dinsmoor made a careful state
ment , in the presence of Coroner Div\ol ,
yesterday relating in detail the circum
stances of the case. "This young man ,
Alon/.o Dort , " ho said , "called at my pf-
iico and said that ho thought the family
had been poisoned byeatingtaintodmcat.
I was quite busy at the time , my ollice
being lull of people. I toltl him 1 thought
they ought to got another doctor , as the
case would require a good deal of time.
About 2 o'clock in the afternoon Mr. Vim-
dorvoort. Mrs. DortV son-in-law , called.
Ho urged mo to go down to the house ,
and 1 wont right down with him. 1 found
them in this condition : Tlio old lady was
in boil. She was suffering from
.sovero pains in the stomncli
ami bowojs , and the children wore
Buffering in the same way , but not
so intensely. They were up and around.
I used the indicated remedies. I took
the ease under advisement. 1 asked them
what they could have got hold of that
would poison them. No one could ac
count for it unless it was the moat. 1 in
quired as to the butter , Hour anil every
thing that is used in a family. 1 asked if
there was any poison in the house for
rats. There had not been for months. I
inquired as to the condition of tlio well ,
ami was told that it supplied thrco
houses In the neighborhood with water ,
and no ono was affected except in this
one house. Various other inquiries wore
made , and none pointed at all toward
poison. Still the case was a mysterious
one to me , for this reason : That all the
family were prostiatcd alter eating
breakfast , with the same symptoms. At
the same time there was no ditfcrcnce in
the character ot the symptoms manifest
ed from what we see in isolated cases of
gastro enterctis inliammation of tlio
bowels anil stomach. Wo have cases fro-
quentlyof the same character .so far as the
manifestations are concerned. I mean by
this that there was no snceilic symptoms
of poisoning from arsenic or strychnine ,
Besides the pains , we got in these cases
the muscular cramping , which was ab
sent in this caso. Mrs Dort was getting
along nicely on Monday evening , and
was free from pains and nausea. She
got a good night's ' rest , I was called at 8
o'clock the next morning. When I ar
rived there was 1,0 pulse to bo found in
the radial artery. She continued worse
that day , did not respond to tlio remedies
and at U o'clock in the evening she was
in pain and I applied remedies , Tlio fol
lowing morning I took Dr. Parcoll with
mo in consultation. Ho agreed with me
and wo advised in regard to treatment.
She continued to fail and died about !
o'clock Tuesday evening from sheer ex
haustion. I gave her ono-half a grain of
morphine two hours before her death.
She begged of mo to case her pian , which
was so intense that she could not en
dure it. "
Tlio Way ISnrtemlcra Deceive Their
UiisHNpcctlnn friends Hy Tali-
Inn 15 OK us Drinks.
"liartcmlors are the most sober class
of men in the world , " remarked a well
known saloonkeeper in tlio Arcade bur
the other day. "They handle lota of
liquor , but boldom get drunk , It's
strange , too , " mused tlio man who was
in a reminiscent mood , "because they
have to drink every time their friends
step ; to the fifront fJand n bartender
without lots of friends is not worth half
his btiliiry. The wages of a man behind
tlio bar are , to a certain extent , graded
by tlio number of calling acquaintances
whom ho possess , "
"Hut they have to drink when they receive -
coivo an invitation or they wouldn't keep
their friends , " remarked a bystander ,
"Yon must bo precious green , " re
joined tlio man of liquor as ho drained a
glass of brandy and soda and heaved a
ileop sigh of satisfaction nt the commo
tion it created in his stomach. ' ! ( bar
tenders drank ono-lifth of the drinks they
are supposed to none of 'em would bo
nli\o to-day. All they've got to do is to
fool their customers nuiKo'em think
they're drinking whisky when hi
fact they're only taking ginger ale.
Thu best man in that respect 1 ever had
"was " Pete well , liovor mind Ids last
nnmc.becnnsc lie's behind tlio bar 5n ono
ot the most popular saloons in town , and
might not llkcHo bo mentioned. He used
to make more money for me than any
other man I tvef had. I've ' seen him
make ? 2 off of 6ne cigar , He'd keep it on
the rack bar novoi' Mnoked in his life-
anil when ho wis ! united to take a diink
would make n blnfl'at the case , take up
an old cigar ' which had never
been lighted , and remarking : " 1
guess I'll take a smoke , " would
put it in his mouth , at the
same time ev\5ng the drinks to his
customers. When , they hurt placed the
whisky itisido their skins they'd go out
and Pete would place the cigar back on
the counter only to repeat the operation
when his next baleh of friends came in.
They didn't ' know that every bite of the
cigar cost them 15 cents , but it did just
the same. Pete took twenty bites from n
10 cent cigar one day. nml made n clear
profit to the bar of $ ' . ' .1I5. That was an
unusually good day , however , as his
average from one' cigar was generally
about $1X0 , or ten bites. Tried to get
him to have his teeth sharpened so he'd
divide a cigar into smaller bites , but ho
kicked on that and quit mo.
"Kvery bartender has his own peculiar
methods. The ono I've got now keeps a
lot of cold tea in a regulation whisky
bottle , and drinks that when his friemls
ask him to take u little bourbon. That's
a little hard on a man though , because
the tea keeps him awake at niirht. The
best way to fool 'em is by a little sleight-
of hand tiick. 1 used that is , my bar
tender did to keep a bottle of ginger ale
in a convenient place , and as it was tlio
same color as the whisky , ho could keep
sober all day ami blow in his friends for
about 3 lor stuff that only cost GO
cents. "
At this point the saloonkeeper invited
the crowd to lake a drink. The genial
bartender , who hud been a smiling liv
tetlor to the conversation , ponied his
drink fiom the same bottle used by the
customers to show that he was not the
man who drank cold tea.
Graders Strike , and Co Hack to Work
After an Hour'n 1'nrlcy.
A short strike occurred yesterday
among the teamsters and shovellers cm-
ployed by Contractor James Fox on the
grade of Sixteenth anil Hartley streets.
The men , numbering about 100 , set to
work as usual at 7 o'clock yesterday.
Some of the loaders began to work
up a feeling against the low wages which
Mr. Foas alleged , was paying his men ,
and at precisely twenty minutes to ! )
o'clock , according to a preconcerted sig
nal , all the men quit work. The object of
the strike , as stated to Mr. Fox by a com
mittee of appointed to wait upon him
at his house , was to secure a raise of
shovellers' wages from $1.50 to $1.75 pel-
day , and in the east ; of teams , from sjil to
$3.50. After some parley Mr. Fox agreed
to allow the $3.M pay to teamsters with
but ! ? 1.CO to shov'cllirs. This did not suit
the committee , nm ) they absolutely declined
clined to allow the men"to go to work.
Alter some further , discussion Mr. Fox ,
who did not care tq delay work on his
contract , gave in to , the demands of the
strikers At half-past nine o'clock , era
a little over three-quarters of an hour
fiom Ilio time the men quit the lead
ers returned and instructed all hands to
go back to work.
The men who wcrocniplojed on the con
tract tor grading the board of trade build
ing silo also quit work , and struck for the
s.ime scale of wage's , but at la t accounts
had not secured the raise. Ono of tlio
strikers remarked to a reporter yes
terday that ho believed tills action of Mr.
Fox would have the cll'eot of raising
gr.ulor's wages all ovur the city and
Changes that are Taking Place
Crawford's Funeral.
Gen. Howard has made all arrange
ments to leave on next Tuesday for his
now post of duty at the Presidio , San
Francisco. Gen. Crook is expected to ar
rive hero in about ten days to take his
place as department commander. Gen.
Terry , now with the department of
Dakota , will command this department
in the interim , as head of the division of
the Missouri , taking the place of General
Scholiold , who goes to New York. Gen
eral Miles has left his post at Fort
heavonworlh to go to tlio department of
Ari/.ona , and Colonel linger , who will
probably .succeed him , remains in tempo
rary command of the department of Mis
souri. This is about the sum and sub
stance of the military shuffle.
A. telegram has been received from
division headquarters uuthori/.ing General -
oral Howard to send n company of 50
men and three oflicers to Captain Craw
ford's funeral at Kearney. Quito a mini-
bqr of officers from tlio headquarters here
will probably bo in attendance.
The headquarters building was nlmos-
deserted yesterday. Generals Dandy *
Hawkins and Ureek , and Colonels Burnt
ham , Hall , Ton ill and Wilson went
down to Lincoln W cdncsdny night to
attend the meeting of the Royal Legion ,
OIIHOH iu Equity.
In the district court yesterday morning
Judge Wnkely called the equity docket
which contains ninety-nine cases , The
suits brought imdur this caption at the
present term of court nro of more than
usual importance , and will attract the
attention of attorneys from till parts of
the state.
The MUlard ,
8. Shears , J. E. Mnrkol.ThoB. Swobo , Proprietors
Omuba , Nebraska.
Fish , Etc ,
- HtIr - * -
Successors ti Ickpn tilt'iiibscii k Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Iroportcra of Forplfrn risli.Nos. 011-911 Jonol
L = - Btrcct nnd U. 1' . Track. Uniahu > Nul-
Job Printing ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnntt Hook 3am\rncturcr8. { \ 100-108 South
Fourtceatli Bticet.
' i
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Wolshans & Co.'s Quick
Kulelng liUL'kwhent flour and proprlctorf ) Omaha
City JlUlu , cor. btU and Furnum Strode , Omalia.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddlrry anil blioo Kindlmrs. llldcg , Wool , rura ,
. i'clts , UicasoTallow , Kto. , Umuhu. Not.
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Ft uits , .Nuta and Cigars. 1-11 Far-
num SI' , Ouialiu , Neb ,
Book Binding , Etc ,
llEESl'HINTlNa CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
Ami Illank Iloofc Manufacturers. Nn . 108 nnj
IDS South Htli PtrMt , Omnhu , Nob. .
Bridges Stearn [ le Driving ,
Engineers anil ContriU'tois.
Br ges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nml Houo Tins * Itrldnc ? ,
1'illnir anil Oak Timber , loth St. , near rnrnaru ,
Telephone No 731.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing ftss'n '
Special brands 1'nust , lUiiluolscr ,
Cor. Sill nml Capitol Avo. , Omnlia.
. " " _ Cigars and Tobacco , " _ _ *
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
( .1111 ? niul Ainmnnttlon. 215 to 2.lSouth 11th
Street , HKO to UKI I'aimunStrcol , Oiimlm. Nob.
l.NTUIt-OCT.lN Cttl Ul rACTOItlf.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Anil Wholceiilo DetilotR In Leaf Tobacco * . Nog.
108 nml110 X. Kill Btiuct , Omnlm , Nt'lt.
for the Manufuctururs nnd Importers ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lamps , Clilmnojfl , Ktc. Oillco , U17 South llth
Stieot , Oiiuiln , Nob.
0. S. (5001)111011 ) & CO
Agents for 1' . A. Wliltnuy Ciurliiso Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jewell's Celubrntcil llo iltrur.uora. Send
ilno r p rlco ll'ls. 1415 rarimm st , Oiiinlui.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcncior , 1'roiirlutor. Mnnutnrtnrcr or
( tnlMinl/0,1 lion nml Oornlco. tUI Doclp.c ami 101
nml 1U5 North Uth Sticot , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Oinamontal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Window b , I'lnals lite. , 310 P. llh : ! Rt. Woikdona
In any ] imt of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
( Inlvnnbcd Iron Coinlcon , Ktc. Specht's 1m-
TiriiM-d 1'iitoiit Mctnll'o ' bbyllerht. MIS unil 61oa.
12th St. . Oratihn. Kol- .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
ThToke City Pltn'ng'fflll ,
Doors , gush und Illlnils. Alw i\ll kinds of
tinning. Scroll und Stuirioilc ol o\cry do-
" "
Jlumifnctnror und Dcnlcrln
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Etnir ItalU n Bpeolnlly Tolejil'ono No. U2
Ijth mid Murov St . Oinnhn , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
L. wTVotFE & CO. , ElcctrieTnns )
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc Block , Omaha. IlurKlnr Alarms , llolls ,
1'iio Alarms , Klcctiio Matlln'r , SiieaKinj ; Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cist Iron Building Work
Iron Ptnlrs , HnllliKT , Halted 1
Sicnin Kn lncs. Hrn'B Work , .
Miiolilno mid Illacksiiillh Woik.
Woilcc , U. V. Hy. und S Kill St.
Iron ar d Nails. _
" " "
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Nalla r. Bjv : lnltr. Omahi , Nch
_ _ '
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturcr of Fire und Ilnrwlur Proof Safes ,
Vault IJooia. Jull Woilc. Ehnttois mid Wlro
Work. Cor. lUh and Jackson Sts. , Oinalui , Neb.
V/agons / and Carriages !
Established 185S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1409 and Ull Podfio Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
M. IimiKE i SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Oeo. Iluikc , Manager ,
Union Stock Yatda , S.Omaha. Tolo.jliono582
W. F. I1ROWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ofllco Exchange nulldlnpr. Union Stock Yards ,
_ South Omaha , Nob. Tclcpliono No. cat.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , and Omaha ,
Neb , Frank ChU > ondi-nManaRorUmahallrunch.
Telephone No , * 8J. Established 16W.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
, % ddi ess all communication ) ! to us at Union Stock
VnrUs , South Omaha. Advances inado on Block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
I Limited. John F. Iloid , biiporlntondonU
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ctilpmotitg of any and all kinds of EtockRollcit
t cd. Union btf ck VnrUsOmaha , Nob.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doois , Ktc. Yards Cor , 7th and Dous'.as ,
Cor. Oth ami Douglas.
1 Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Blair Work and Interior Hnnl Wood
Finish. Just opened. N. K. cor , bth und Leavou-
vortb. Streets , Omaha , Ncb. _
Wholesale Lumber ,
EH a th Struot , Omaha , Nob. ft Colnctzer ,
C. N. DIET2 *
Lumber ,
J3tli nud California Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Cth uud Uouglua Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oinuhu , Ncbriisko.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpcn Stock , Fancy Woods , Ilndgo Timbers ,
&c. , S. W , Cor. Vth und ilouflas.Ouiuliu , Nub.
0. B1. LYMAN ,
Sash Doors Blinds McuMi3 #
Dealer In , , , ,
ilulldliitPuptr , Etc. South 13Uj htr * 4Ci 21.
itJ Agricultural fmplemcnts.
* * "
"tiNiNcn : & MirrcALF Co. ,
Dealers In Agricultural Implements.
OflU'o , Corner nth nnd PnclfloSt" , Umtilm , Nob.
Wholcs.o : Denlers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nml IlupRles , Oinnlin Neb.
ClllU'ClUhh VAUKKU ,
WhoUsnla Dcnlor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cftir.ngi'smtil llitiritlr * . .linpiEtbet.Plh nd
nth.OmiHU , Ncli.
Boots and Shoes.
w. v. MOUSK & co. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 Farnam Ptroot , Omnlia , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street. Hoaton.
Carpets ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtnln ( looil * . IIP. : , HS1 rnrnain
Sticct , Omatm , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
"JKKK w. nn
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OmccSll' & lllhr'.t.Omnlm , Neb. Yurds , Otli
nnJ Dr.'cnport Streets.
" " "
Dealers iu Hard and Soft Coal.
Test vnrlctlcs. Ollice. 213 P. HMh Pt. U'elcphono
No. ll'.r ' ' , Omuhn , Nob.
NinuASKArunico. ,
Shippers of Coal and Cofce ,
SH S. lath St. , Omnha. Ncli.
duo. O.Tnwi.r , Prosldonl.
GEO. PATTriifON , Sco. mid Tiuus.
,1.11. IIUI.IIKIIT , r.A. IHt.Olt ,
Piopili-tor. Mmii
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Ollice , "IT P. lath Street. Toleilipno | 43. _
GEO. IM.Aiion. . l'ro . C r.OooiiMAN.V Prca.
.1. A. StINULiitAM ) Sec. nml 'J'una.
Omaha CoaJ , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of hnnl nnd < olt ooa' , 20 ! ) S. l th St. ,
Oinahn , Nob. _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In llonliler Colorado Coul.EIJ
_ fcouth lltll street. _
Coffee and Spice : .
HA IKS , roi.K MILKS ;
Homo CoiTes and Spies fills MTg Co.
Colfuo ] ! ( in"li'is unil .Spko ( iiliiilcts. iiinnu-
fiictiu GIB of Itnklir , ' I'uw iir , I In.r iinji\ttiio'c : : ,
lliuliiK. i'lo Tiyono oa-p nl our 1-lti
Homo 1 1 ml Itonstuil Co lieu. ICO' ) IIi >
"CLAUKK liltOS. A.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills ,
Tea" , ConVcs , Spices , Hnkinir 1'owdor Flavoring
Exti nets , I.numiry Illuii. lnl < , otc. 14U-1U Hiu-
licy Bticot.Om.ibn , Neb. _ _ _ _ _
Commission , Etc.
_ . _
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 Fiirmim Pt.,0intilm. AppleOurowu | Uct- !
Intf Plait is Co 's Tlnor llraml Ojstuis , llutlor ,
EBPS , Qamu , Poultiy , Potatoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , PiovWons Fruits , Flour mill Feed , 105
S. Hlh tit. , Omnha , Neb. Coiiblfc'iiments solicited.
lictuins mudo uroniDtly.
w. E. Hinnr-LL ,
General Commission Merchant.
BPKCIAI.TIM-CIII-CFO. Huttcr. Er ( ! ( . Poultiy
anil IJiimo , US E. 14th. , Omuhu , Nob. Telu-
plinno js'o. a.H. _ _
D. A. : IUHUY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter. THUS and Pioduco. A lull line of Ftono-
wanCoiiblynmenta bolicitca. 11U Uodito bt. ,
B15 12th Street , Omn'.ia. Neb. Speuliiltlcs : Ilutr
ler IVus , mid Ch
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Ilullcr , fiuinc. Fruits , Ktc. li'OS. Hill
St. , OinulKi , Nolirusku.
General Commission Merchants ,
HOCDodgoStieet , Omnlin , Nob. Consignments
Storage and Commission Merchants.
Foio.'gn anil IJoincstlc- nils n specialty , ri-
ciinnt BtoniKo fiicllltlcs Wmehniibf and oflito ,
10 Noilh 1,1th Bt. Tclcpliono TT5.
General Commission Merchant ,
Huttcr , KKKC , Cheese nnd Country I'roclucopon-
erailyJt S. 12th St. , Omabu , Neb.
Bayers of Butter and Eggs.
Hefriperntor nnd Packing Hoimu , Hth & Lenvon-
worth St. , on U. P. 11. IS. TincU , Omaha. Neb.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
211B. lUh St. , Omaha , Nob. Specialties Ilutter
Eggs , Poultiy and Game.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruits , Produce nnd Piovlniona , Omnha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale doalcr Inconnliy juodiico , fruits ,
butter , CIOTB , etc. Oood < on consign
' . OWN. ICthbt.Omnlin , Neb.
i A. 1' . Simiick. )
Produce Commlssioa Merchants ,
No. iHJ South 17th Stioot. Omnha , Neb.
Dry Goous.
'j. J. nuowN & co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
13 J Uou liiB Slruut , Omaha , Nub.
\Vbolcsulo Dtnlcrslii
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
lineua./.UCGS , Kmt'ioWcry mid Whllo Coeds ,
1CCO Douflui blroct , Omnlm , Nob.
White Lead.
Strictly Pura White Leal ,
zotii bt. , uuu u r. u > ' . , u iu 11 , .
Harness , Etc ,
_ _
MunufiiLturois nnd Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardy/are / ,
Turf Goods , Illunlu'ts nml Hobos. 1121 rarmuu
'it Omubu , Nob. _
Mattresses , _ _
E. M.
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mi'ttressos , Hcddlnjr , routhcr
1'illouc , l.'ots , Uto. J.W und 1-W Douglas Stioct ,
Omuhu , Neb. _
* " '
CANI'IELD si S\JFAarunmQ \ co.
Manufactarers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'unls.Kliirte , Etc. , Jltt ! oiul 1 01
' blitcl , Oiahu ,
\ OMAHA T , MWU 00 ,
Building Material at Wholesale.
Jfth Street i\m i a . 1'ne II TraoV ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
WtJi nml Until Street * , Onmlm.Xotirnslca.
J , A. VTA K
Wholesale Lumber ,
tUilliliiifr Vapor. . Snsh , Doortallds } ,
lns , Picket" , ropto , l.imp , PlaitM- ,
Cement. Nlntn mm Junc , Omaha , N6U
I. onKlUT.IjDEll ,
Jinpoitcrs and Jobbers of
Millinery and Nylons ,
ISinntuI 12H lliuiioy Street , Onmlm , Nob.
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. .
Strlnwny l'lnno . Weber , Dookor. Unities nnfl
Hi IRKS I'mnoi , I'ueknnl OiguuS , Chfiso Organ * .
101 nml 103 11th street.
Notions , Etc ,
"j. I , . nUANDir.9 & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots , i
Dry OooiK Notions donls' . FurnldUlnjr Goo M |
U'milfi Horn Now York. Ti nile snlo * ilolljr. W * ?
unil W8 South Mill St.Omuhn.
_ Furniture. Etc. . .
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , t
Ktc. l.W , UOi nml l-'IO I'm unit frtrpet,0mnh t
Wholesale Dealers in Parnltarj ,
rarnnm Stu-ot , Omaha , Nob.
Groceries. .N
AM.KN 11H03. ,
Wholesale Grocers , *
lllCnmlllU Stu'et.'Omaha. Neb. *
E. II. CHAPMAN aTcO. , * *
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco mid Smokers * Articles , 1317 llovrard 8
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Splcts , CigiUH mid Tolim-co * . 1317 nnd 1319 Do' '
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and I'limam Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , _ , ,
Nos. 705 , TOT , T ( and Til S. 10th St. , Ouaaho , Neb./1
W. J. liKOATCtl ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
. . . „ , IVajton Stock , llunhvood Lumber , o
l.U'J nnd 1-11 Iluiney Btiucx , Otnahu , Nob.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon $
And Carrlnfro Wood Stork , Heavy Hardware , ;
iic. ; UlTund UU'J ' Louvun ortUtjlioet , Omaha ,
& TAYLOlt ,
Builders' ' Hardware , I
Mcchonlcb' Tools mid HutTulo Scales. 1105 DougA
lus Sticet , Oinuhii , Nub. A vj
I.IH : , FitiEn & co. , " s.r'jS
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails ,
Sheet Iron , Kto. Acrvntn lor IIowo
Jlliunt 1'owdcr Co. , Om ha Noo.
StoYes , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Giutos , Urnss Koods. < ' 13SI and 1333 F P
nmu bticet. > < v *
Wholesale Hardware and Nails.
Emerson Stcol Nulls. Cor. 10th mid llorney ,
btreols , Oniulm , Neb.
Manufacturer of the
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. W. Lorlmer , Ooneral Affon
Omaha , Tolopuono 010.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Stcnm , Wntor , Hallway nnd Milling Supplies , I
0U ! , UK ! mid ir.'l ruiniiiu Kt. Omnlm , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcam and Wuter Supplies. Hoadquartora
Must 1'oost Co.'s UooUb. 1111 I'arnani Btrl
Omaha , Nob.
" " " " ' " "
" " "
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Sllvcrwaio , Diamonds , Wntchar-
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools nnd Materials , Etc. , leg-
and mi , IStli Street , Cor. Dodeo , Omaha , Neb. i „ . ,
Notions Etc , v
Jobuota in
Notions , Hosiery & Gcnts'Furnisbing ' Goo4fi |
1000 and 1003 I'm mini St. , Omului , Neb.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ' - '
4t ( ) and 4U' > K. 10th St.Omaha , Nob.
Wholcsulo Boalers In Not loin anU " ' '
nlsliiiiff OooiU.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ; > ,
Gasoline , Mlea Axle Orunso , Kto. A. II. Illsho * , J
" , Omuhu , Neb , -
Pork Packing.
" " "
Pork Packer and Snlppar ,
Omaha ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
OUite , Union Miirkut. KiIT Iod < ) Street. Paekn |
lioute , U. p. U. U.Tjuek , Onmliu , Neb , Telephone -
phone No. 157 ,
Safes and Locks ,
"p/IJOYEIl i CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' ' T
Flm und llnmlar 1'ioof p.ifeu.Tlmu Ixe ! < sVmit4 )
und Jiill woik. ICtiU ruurnin btieot , O'luihu ' , N U
J. 13VAN3 , '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seails ,
Afrii'iiHnnil. Vi ( fotnllo , Kto. OdJTollows'
N.V. . Cor. lltU mill Dod o fct OmuUu , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
HK fooDM\x ; Jiuur.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In
. . - . . 'i
V/ines / and Linuon.
juiit : co , <
Distillers and Importer * of Wines
And Liquor' : . Hole iiiuiuilucturorsowKunnodr'l
Krst IniUulllttoid. 11IU Iluiney Htrtot , ( Jinufia ,
w. in r > 'rAN ,
to Mo''AHAiH It lli'KCAN , Importort
and Wlioltsulo Duulcri In. ,
Wines , Liquors and Clgsis ,
2H unil 1C S. lltU St. , Omubu , Nub' .