'IT- ' 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FRIDAY , APRIL 0 , 13SJ. DETAIIS OF THE DISASTER , Death and Desolation At the Scene of the Greenfield Wreck , NIGHT OF HORROR AND TERROR A lions nnrt Sickening 1,1st of Demi mid Wounded Other Ilodlcs Not Xctllecovored Vlowlnj * the llctimliis. The Ralhvny Calamity. OnF.r.Ncni.p : , Mass. , April . It Is thought { hut twenty persons were seriously Injured and seven killed , , vlth a score ot others more or less Injured The bodies of C. A. Temple , of Wakellold. Muss. , nud Charles Ourgln , of Boston , were taken from the wreck. Only three persons on the entire train are known to bo Injured. Kd Wliltchouso probably never know what killed htm. The wound over his loft eye was a terrible one , nnd must have produced utter unconsciousness. When the car struck the watorhowns burled under its wolfjl.t , and his body was found In six feet of water. E. E. liny den must have died In frightful agony. When found his right arm was raised above Ids head as though lie had at tempted to clutch some support. The fingers of his hand wore burned to a crisp , ami the top of his head was literally roasted. His tnoiithwas open as though ho had boon Shrieking with ngoiiy. Since last night not less than 10,000 per sous have visited the spot , seine of them walking trom six to ten miles to view the wreck. As viewed by daylight , the scene Is far worse than was reported last night. It Is considered marvelous that anyone escaped alive. The descent Is ISO feet by actual niens urement. Crowds ot people hovered about the precipice to-day , and hundreds descended to the river by means of atroue cables which the wreck I UK crew had stretched to the river bank. Four cars were thrown into the river , nmoni ; which was the sleeper. The tender was thrown to the very bottom ot the preci pice , a mass of twisted and broken Iron and bteel , robbed of all semblance of their former Frank Lane , ot Boston , \vns standing on thu plntform of thu rear car nt thu thnu of thu ncddunt. Ho snltl hoYUH startled by thu bumping of the cars along tlio tios. llu know tlioy had left the tiack. nnd jumped just as the trnln wuiit whirling down tliu awful chasm. It was nn awful night. Not n star was to bo seen , aim no light of the moon il luminated Hie fearful blackness of the scene. To add to the misery of the situation MIOW soon comniuncoU to tnll , nnd In the fullest House It wan a night of terror. The shrinks of the wounded rent the nlr , and their cries nnd groans were terriblo. The walling of n mother over the death of her llttlo girl was heartrending. Punned In thu wreck , nnablo lo effect her escnpo , nnd expecting each mo ment to he crushed by falling bouldeis or debris from the track , she passed nn hour of fearful aeony. Lane stood rooted to the spot , ills blood fairly chilled In his veins , for below , In the rush of the whirling llood. ho could hear the shrieks for help , but ho was powerless to respond. Then the red llaiuo shot up among the shattered mass and spread with startling rapidity , and tlio shrieks of agony wore redoubled as thu imprisoned passengers faced the lire linml's breath. Ono cry was heard above the rest ono shriek of agony nnd piteous pleading for help as E. E. liny- den , hold fast by n mass of debris , felt the scorching flames upon his face , and lie Hank into the Insensibility of death. A. K. Warner's cries of agony brought Landlord linger , of ( ireenlluld , to his side. Tenderly he took the wounded man unon his Ian nnd shouted for help , but tlio mock ing echoes of thu neighboring hills were , for nearly half an hour , all the responses his cries evoked. It was a night for heroism. Conductor Foster , though badly wounded himself , was so concerned at thu death nnd BiiilVrlngsof others thnt ho was mildly insane. lie did nil I nhi.fpo\yer to recover thu dead .and rescue tlio dying. Hundreds of excited persons crowded around the denot , some of whom were anxious for thu safety of friends who weru on thu III-fatud train , nnd when the bodies were brought In for Idontllication , hundreds thronged around , dreading to look nt the dead , fearing to recognize among them the bodies of trlcnds. Every possible menus has been taken to cluar away the wreckald the suffering and recover the dead. The following is a complete' list of the killed and wounded so far as found : Till ! KILLED. E. E. IIAYDEN. Hlnnford , Miss. C11AS. TEMPLE. Waltliuiu. Mass. 01IAS. 1JUOAN. South lloston. J. H. UOUL1) . Mlllbury , Mass. VIOLA LITTLEJOHN , North Adams. ED. W1IITEI1OUSK. lioston. MA UK T. .SPKNCEll , Waltham , Mass. M Ell KIT.1 SEETEVS , Hoston. TIIK IK.IUKKI ) . Michael Dorgau , ( ifeunlield , seriously : A. P. Cornell. Shelburno Kails , slightly : O.K. Dell. Mashim. N. H. , badly but not fatally ; Conductor John Foster , slightly ; E. 1J. Stone , slightly : J. . P. I''owlcr ' Cambridge slightly , A. C. Ilarver , lloston , badly but no mgerotislv ; A. K. Warner , ( iivenlicld Ightly ; Miss A. Uerbv , Mightlv ; mall iigeni Putney , slightly ; Henry C. CoulUiard , Clmrlemt'iit , badly ; . ! . E. Priest , liltthiton , X. U. , seriously ; Charles Itlclmrdson. North Adams , lost n finger ; 1) . L. Crandnll , suvwely utilised ; Expie.ss Messenger Streetrr , Troy. N. V. , slightly in- jiued : Edward II. Arnold. North Aifams , slightly ; Miss Cornell , Shelbouinu Kails , slightly : Mr. Wilcox , Syracuse , slightly ; Ellsha Cornell , Sholboiirnu FalP , slightly ; Aaron Lewis , parlor palace car , slightly ; J. U. Stiirtevnnt , baggagemaster. slightly Walter Parker , hrakcmau. badlv ; (1 ( . W. Dim null , Itoslon , iiatlly ; Miss Mary Cowinu „ , Poimhkoopsh ) , seriously ; HiMiry A. SiTihner , mall agent , tdlehtly ; J. M. U'atkins , ( ) wee ; ; , N. i' . . intciniilly. C. M. IVcldmiu. bt Oniiigo , and K. 1 . French , ol'-lloiton , are still missing. In an Interview to-night , the conductor of the wrecked tialn said ho was certain other bodies would bo found under the cars. It Is believed thu body of a woman is under ono of the cars , as ono woman is unaccounted for. Tlio water in the river la too high to permit a thorough beiudi. Election KoliocN from Nebraska Towns. High license triumphed in Wllbor by a vote ot four to one. Stroinsbiirc declared tor llconsu by n ma jorlty of ulu-ht. Thu hlu'li license men carried the day h lolxiiumh , though the temperance people o'euted their candidate fur mayor and one at d'rniun. Them was but ono ticket In the licit in Fulls City , amt ( hut in favor of lik'h li cense. > V. T. Darilngton was elected mayor Thu teinpcrtuicu people of Kunesaw electee four of the live members of thu license ticket. Tlio Kuloon.s must KO , Wayne voted down the waterworks propo sitlon Wl to 25. . A. H. Slater , \V. \ A. Lowe Jlunry Ley , T. J , tituclunud F. L. Nucly wore elected trustees. & The no-llconsn ticket was successful In Sut ton , atter a lifti-un year Kinujulo with the 8ioon : | element. The result was lamely duo to the work of women , who turned out li larcu numbers and sunoimdcd thu pulls Iron dawn until sunset. The people's ticket was elected In AVeeplm , Wntrr. The village board elected nro L Holland , ,1. .M. Huberts , J. P. Divkson , P. S Jiarne.-i and I ) , U. Fleming , Syracuse declared against licensing saloon bj'B majority of U'J , Thu saloon men of Arlington elected the ! tleki't by a majority of 1H. Thu eloet aru L C. Weber , John llaimnuny . It. Downs W.I ) . HadtTi-uml . \Vhltnoy. . Thu old board of Unices were re-elected h Cedar UapidsThu lhiiur | question did no enter the contest , untl bnluuns can obtali license If the cash Is put up. ' Aurora tried prohibition for a year , am Pronounced it a failure by electing a llcen& board last Tuesday. ( Thu result ot the election In Albion will bo thu i eduction of saloon license fioiu $1,00 } to JS7M u year. The temperance pcopla clocted three of th fivu mumbers of the llcensu board , unit prohl Lltioii will bu put In loico this year. Tlu proposition to issue S7X ( > 0 in bundstor wate /works was voted down , License triumphed In Falrlnny bynsiiml .majority. Thu nuw oillclals mo S. M. Htil 'Icy , mayor ; J , U , McDowell uud J. C. Kcstei on , aldermen Second want : ( JcorRO Il.'Tnr- icr nnd Hubert Christian , nhterincn Flrftt vnrd ; John Hasty , clerk ; D. B. Cropsey , , icasurer. Telegraph Notes. The bakers of Detroit have secured a re- liiction In the hours t > f labor. Senator Mnmlerson has been appointed visitor to tl o West Point ncndcm v. The bill annulling tno charter of the liroad- way Surface'railroad of Nuw York City , wssed the state sonnto by an almost unani mous vote. At the an mini mectlnz of the Southern I'rcss association at Augusta , OR. , n resolu tion In fnvor of Ihou.ieof typc-wiitors by op erators tnklng the press reports was adopted. Elqht cases of small pox have been discov ered at Fnnguovlllo , a suburb of Montreal , and no prccaiitlons have been taken to pre vent Its spread. Tlio ccittnil board ot health threatens to quarantine the town. At Palmyra , N. Y. , there has been the worst Hood known for years. Foilr tracks ot thu Central road were submersed , and a larco section of the roadway was washed out. The water Is now subsiding. * ELECTRICITYIN IRELAND. Description of R Ilnilrond That Ilns Mndo Money Tor Over Two Years. An olcctric railroad haft boon in success ful daily operation in tlio north of Ire land since November C , 1883. It stnrtoit from Iho. railroad terminus of the North ern Counties Railway , nt Portrusli , in the county of Antrim , and runs along the magnificent coast road to Itrushmills , a distance of six miles , ending within a short distance of the Giant's Causeway. The total longlh of the way , including the branch way. lo the harbor of Portrusli , and the several sidings , la upward of seven miles. The road is ono continuous series of long inclines. Grades of one in forty-livo and ono in forty are frequent for upward of a niiioin length , while steeper grades of ono m thirty exist for shorter distances , the worst grade being ono in twenty-live. The summit level occurs about midway , at an elevation of about 100 feet above either terminus , the total rlso from tlio depot at Portrusli to the summit being SOU foot. Some sharp curves exist along the lhu > , the worst ono having a radius of about forty fuct. There was some doubt in the mind of Sir William Siemens , Iho constructor of Iho line , whether with the arrangements adopted those inclines could bu worked satisfactorily ; but expe rience has proved that they can bo , and the car , when fully loaded , is drawn up the grades without dillleulty. There are seven "passing places"along tlie.lino , whore the "points" arc so so that the cars traveling in opposite directions always take their own sides respectively. At lirst the power was produced by a steam engine at Portrusli , giving motion to a shunt-wound dynamo of 20-horso power , but arrangements were subse quently made to utilize a waterfall of am ple power on the River Bush , situated 1,000 yards from the nearest point of the tramway arid six and a half miles from Portrusli. A fall of 120 feet head of water is used to drive two turbines , each capa ble of working up lo 0'3-horso power. A speed of ton miles an hour is readily obtained. Mr. Trail ! , the engineer of this road , told the Inventors' Institute last year that , after repeated failures , they had at hist hit on a thoroughly trust worthy plan for getting electricity from the conductor. This was by means of a steel spring in tlio form of a carriage spring. Two concave steel springs were fastened at the top and rubbed along the bottom. His cars had then successfully traveled over JIO.OOO miles with 100,000 passengers. The cost of electricity gen erated by water power a mile distant was one-quarter that of steam used on the same railroad. It is said that the construction of this road cost iJ'iM.OOO ; that it is paying a 13 per cent dividend , and that the working expenses are live cents per train a milu. An extension of six miles is contemplated. THE ATHLETIC DRAMA. A New lira Predicted for tlio Ameri can Stage. Syracuse Standard : Paday Ryan is an actor us well as a pugilist. When wu say actor , wo do not say that ho poses , like John L. Suljivan , as Ajax defying the lightning , or'in any way incurs tlio critt- ci m that he is traveling on nis shape , but that ho is connected with legitimate acting , and takes essentially dramatic roles. Ho has not been cast for Ajax , nor , in fact , is ho connected with the movement that looks to the revival of the ( Jrceian stage. That he leaves to Mr. ( Seorge Kiddle and Mr. Sullivan. It is , rather , in the light and festive dopart- munt of Irish drama that his talunts find their appropriate theater. In the city of Troy , which has the honor of haying produced and nourished his athlotio frame , ' "Paddy" performed a leading part in "Turry. the Fox. " The The part would seem to have been creat ed with an oyu to thu peculiarities of Mr. Ryan's genius ; for , in tjio second nnd fourth acts , ho engages with l > 0on" Chandler in a manly encounter with lists , to thu enthusiastic ! delight of the behold ers. May it not be said that Mr. Ryan's impersonation was of itself a creation , anil the character was never acted before it warmed the cockles of thu Trojan heart the other night ? It was robust anil gunorous roprosuntation a revival of heroic drama that might challenge the pen of a William Winter. Lot no ono ask either Mr. Ryan or Mr. Sullivan to oloak his power , or deny to histrionic art , in tiiis period of its deca- dunce , tlio benefit of their great and orig- til gifts. The ediitumiiorary stage is big enough for thu gentleman who 1ms knocked out all thu world and also thu best man hu over knookc.d out ; and it is the glory of that fctago that ovury star shines with its native rathur than a bor rowed luster. If Ryan cannot present Ihu subtlu part of Hamlet as well as Itooth , neithur can Booth mimic thu glo ries of the sawdust ring as impressivuly as Ryan. It is a great thin/r to personate the melancholy > L > anuj but IH it not equal ly great to show admiring thousands now exemplars of the noble- art of defense knock an antagonist silly t Perhaps wo are on tlio vorgu of a new era in the American stago. Thoruhavu beun a burnt-cork era , u "Illack Crook" era , a "Fritz" Kmmot era , an Anna liokom ) > on era , and thu era of thu dime museum. At last uomus the urn of the athlotio drama. Hero , no doubt , the acme of realistic per Honation will bu reached. No counter foiling of blows , no Hiibstiluto for blood in the tragic portions will throw an illu sion over the athletic Btagu ; and if , liku thu older liooth , Ryan .should sometimes 'forgut , and lut himself out so far us to cross the uncurtain line between the false and thu genuine , thogain to art will fully balance thu injury to 03-03 and noses. The theatre must accupt the decree of piihlio taste , and exchange the hiicknkiu of Thalia and Mulpomino for thu sofi gloves and lighting shoes of Ryan. "Wanted tlio 1'liifj. Boston Hudgot : At a meeting not long since a minister was making a strong argument agalnut the usu of tobacco , and was winning many converts by hi ; zeal ami evident honesty , when a man stood up holding a plug of the much- berated plant high in the air. "Yon have convinced mo. sir , " ho said , addressing the preacher , ' 'that it is very wrong am 'sinful to use tobacco , and 1 herewith join thu ranks of those who denounce it foi the good of society. " Near this enthusi astic speaker was a poorly dressed , little man , who looked as if lie made his bud- room in a dry goods box , and ho re marked in a. pleading tone : "Woll , if you are not going to use any moro to.- bacco yon might give that plug to mo. " Pianos tuned mut repaired.rork } \ guar anteed , atloupe's , 1513 Douglas , } ONLY ONE MORE'THEN , ADIEU That Is the Programme for Part of the Councilman , LEAVENWORTH STREET PAVING. Mnn > * Speeches Mntlo As To tlio Ad visability or the Measure The Mule Question Aired nail Disposed 'Of. The City Council Meeting. At 8 o'clock last niclit the city council was called to order by President Becliol , all the members , except Air. Lccdcr , being - ing iti nttcnd.inco. Quito n largo num ber of spectators were present , who were desirous of seeing the work done by this council , thinking it the last time seine of the members would have n , chance to air their views in the council , with nny power. The two mules got a coed deal of the council members' time , nnd plenty of "gas" was thrown away on them , many of the members going almost Into humorous spasms over the matter. The street grading matter also took plenty of timo. Seine old sores were opened up as to past and present attempts on the part Jof persons in high plaooa to bribe property owners. la making speeches on the subject , several momnors booamo quite poetic , Mr. Furay making the statement that the intentions of the council in nil street matters had boon "ns pure as the snow that falls from the heavens. " That gentleman , however , tuado an excellent speech in favor of the change m the Leavcnwqrth street grade , nnd finally seconded Mr. Leo's motion to leave the whole matter t the city en gineer. Mr. llosowutcr made a very pertinent - tinont spoooh in regard to the grades in question. City Attorney Conncll defended himself at some length , all this making the meeting of consid erable interest to those present , al though not much of very great moment was dono. The meeting commenced , as usual , by the consideration of several COMMUNICATIONS AND I'UTITIONS. The mayor sent in his approval of a largo number of ordinances. Approved. The appointment of Martin Bock as special policeman was confirmed. Auditor Lone sent In a communication saying that ho had found the accounts of the board of education correct. Ordered placed on lllc. City physician's report was read and ordered placed on file. Estimate of cost of contract of Aaron Hod as approved by board of public works. Approved. The contract bond of Murphy. Hand ifc Co. for work to bo performed was re ferred to paving , curbing and guttering committee. The approval of the estimate of the amount duo Ed. Calhthan for contract work done , sent in by the board of pub lic works , was approved. A petition from several properly own ers asking that a portion ot Tenth street bo paveu with Sioux Falls granite was referred. Louis Schroeder wanted several cross walks constructed. So'uo talk was occa sioned by this. Mr. Schroeder said ho was entitled to four crosswalks , and had only two , therefore ho would like the oilier two. Referred. The ( inance and claims committee sent in their disapproval of refunding the tax of the Winchester & German insurance , company. Adopted. . , „ , . . The committee on finance and claims sent in a laughable report in regard to a couple of mules that had been picked up by the police some time since and taken to a citizen's stable. That citizen now wants the pay for keeping the mules , and also desires to have someone else try his hand at the work. The committee , in their report , say that they are ignorant and do not do.siru enlightenment. 011 the subject ot mules. The committee on finance and claims has no claims on those poor mules. As they have been under the tender care of the police so long , the committee suggested that they put them on the patrol wagon and earn an honest dollar.the same as other people ple do. "Humph ; that report is , I suppose , a joke"said , Mr. Leo. "The mules would bo a disgrace to the city , and 1 move the report be reconsidered. " "In order to do justice to all in this matter , " said Mr. Furay , "I move that the mules bo referred to the police jiulgo , with the recommendation that ho send them to the county jail for vagrancy. " Mr. Helim gave a short history of the case. lie said that some time ago a here trader had made a trade of those two mules to a gentleman fora horse , but that tor some reason or other they all dis claimed ownership to either mules or horses and turned them out , and the police had found the mules one bitter cold night and taken care of them. " 1 , think the police did a praiseworthy act. There's no use in talking , I would take a dog in such a night as taut was. Now , the idea is simply preposterous that a mule the greatest emblem of freedom the United States government ever Iwil should go without protection. They ought to be advertised and .sold , the same as any other estray property. " Tim matter tor was linally referred to tlio city attor ney , with power to aot. Several of the members got red in the face quoting Jaw , humanity and morality on this mule ques tion. At the last throe meetings these mules have hold the attention of the coun cil for from Jivu minutes to an hour , and now thov are settled , but the city attor ney is apt to tear all his long hair out with remorse before ho gets through with them. They are "vagi. " of the worst order. A resolution was read contemplating the appointment of appraisers on the damage to property along Leavouworth street by the proposed change of grade , "Somo time ago , " said Mr Leo , "the council passed a grading resolution of this sort that wassimulv a job , gotten up by the city attorney and others. For that reason , I am not in favor of this. The city attorney has , for seine time past , with others of his ilk , been circulating the report that 1 am against all improve ments in my watd. lie know that this was false , nevertheless ho kept on. Mr. Council know very well that thu grade 1 speak of was condemned by the city en gineer. Now that some of his staunch supporters are about to step out of this council , he wants this pau-hauuled through , and I object , and wish this pro posed grading changed , so as to cut Mr , Conuell's property the same as other owners. " Mr. Helim seemed to think ho was per sonally attacked , and commenced by saving that four years ago ho had been elected to this council by the laboring- men. "I have , by my own endeavors , had $100,000 worth of grading dono. Leu has been here one year , and we havn not scon any of his footprints , and I think lie will go out in the same \vay ho came in. 1 voted for the ordinance ho speaks of , but 1 did not know at the time there were any frauds , Now , I , right } ierj $ in this meeting , am willing to Dot $1,000 with Mr. Leo , putting up my good money for it , tliat JT can get two-thirds of the people in ms ward to sign u petition asking Leu to resign and me. to take his place. 1 have. .iigUui enemy thoro. 1 moan business , and don't think that this is mere talk. The people want inc. , and I know it. I fuvoi tliy 1-iill , and always have , but because ] live onLcavcnvvdrth street I didn't want to advocate it.s.tlio ! people might think tliftt I was trying ; to'nso my position in this council to inlluoiico the passage of n bill that would benefit mo. When Leo mndo the assertion that J had perpetrated n fraud ho was Wa y on" his baso. The greatest fraud over "perpetrated on Iho people was wliqn up was elected .as a member of this qouttcil , " Mr. Ford scented to have como to the conclusion that it'was ' his turn. "Mr. President , " said'ho ' , "there's going to bo another fraud railroa'dud through hero to night if wo are not careful. The city en gineer brought' In , the best plans for n grade on Loavonworth street ever offered last year. The city attorney brought In anotnor to satisfv' ' hisown nvariciousnoss. I'm opposed to tnisjsrttdubocauso I think it is another job. " ifow , I know for a fact ( hero ho commoncdd to swear , look red in the face , gcstulato nnd act nnd talk real angrily ) that the city attorney tried to bribe a grocoryman by the name of Engan , who lives on the line of the pro posed grade , to put his name on the peti tion to have it , saying ho ( Conncll ) would pav nil the damages , ralohis house , etc. , if ho ( Kagan ) would only sign the peti tion. I'm not cranky on this subject , but Ido want a square deal. I don't want these people to bulldoze this thing through hero , to the detriment of the poor people living in the ward. I would like to hoar from the city engineer on the subject. Ho is the man who knows what is right" Mr. llosowator said lie might have been misunderstood as to this grade. "There have been some five or six grading propo sitions sent into the council in the last few years , " said Mr. Hosowator , "and I have given opinions on each. Some had their good and bad points. The ca.su as It stands is this : College street from Loavemvorth street south falls very abruptly , and between that street and St. Mary's avenue there is a deep declivity , a steep grade loading np to the latter. On this account to lower the grade on Lcavonworth street would- work to the great detriment of St. Mary's ' avenue , and vice versa. This last proposed grade I bqliuvo to bo a good one. In making an increased cut in the grade the cut would bo partly lillqd , and taking every thing into consideration , without consid ering the cross streets , is the best ono possible. As to the effect of some of the cross streets , this will not change College street at all. South avenue is not of course as good as with a deeper cut be cause it falls both to the south and north. This is no change from the grade as adopted by the council and approved by the mayor.1 Mr. Thranc said ho considered the city engineer as the one to attend to this mat ter , as ho hail no proferei o ami know more about grading than any of the councilmon. Property owners would , ho thought , try to get this thing through for their own bencht. "Because St. Mary's avenue is an abortion , " shouted Mr. Behm , "Leaven- worth street should not bo made ono. I know I'm on my last leas , but they are the best pair of legs in this country. I am in for the interests of the people , every time. When anyone undertakes to sling mud at me. they can't do it in the eyes of the people. I pay dollar for dollar lar , even if I go lo hell for it. That's mo , " ' ' ' Several more spcccties were made , and the report was liifally'ladontcd. Some minor work \Vas done , and at 12 the council adjimrn'ed , to meet again Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. THE I'AfeTO.'K. ' TALKS. Another Powerful Ilovivnl Mooting nt tiic First Methodist Church. The usual throngs tilled the First M. E. church last nightlong/before / the mooting was opened. A fteqn-m'mute song ser vice was joined jp. by the congregation ( not excepting Sam Goon and his Chinese brethren , who satfa-ga-pc during the sing ing , making an occasional effort to con tribute thereto. ) The usual preliminary exercises then followed. Rev. Mr. Frost.led in a power ful prayer. "This meeting , " said Mr. McKay , by way of explanation , "is a sort of prepara tory service before going ID the exposition building. I want all of you to practice sjnging , and tvhen we got to the expo sition building 1 want you who can sing to occupy scats on the platform. As lor music , wo shall hayo two pianos , two organs and a cornet , so that we ought to have iir-st-eluss singing. " Another song and reading of the script ure followed. Thou Iev. ? Mr. McKaijr arose and advanced to the edge of the platform. "Brethren , " said lie , "I want to make an explanation. Doubtless , nearly all of j'ou have como hero to hear Brother Hitler talk , But I behove the Lord is calling upon mo to talk , and so 1 shall sneak a wh'ile to-night. " Continuing , Mr. MoKaigsaid : " "The Lord has a gospel lo meet all the necessities of Oiuulm. Ho has a fullness of grace and Divine power to give to His people in this city to bring back thu days \Vesluy , Finney , and the great men of Ooii in the olden days. If we can only adjust oursolyoji anil get in harmony with God. lie will manliest His power right here in Omaha , for lie is always ready to meet the emergency. When Ho made man He didn't have ( o add another mus cle or anything else. Everything was perfect. "When God gave us the gospel , He gave gave us something which does not need any appendix. I believe God will give His people great power so that they can spread it all over Omaha. I believe in order to go to the exposition building , wo wed first , the baptism of the Holy Ghost , What wo want is fear and trembling in the sight of God. 1 would just as soon go into a dissecting room , where tlu-ro are lial a dozen dead bodies , ready to bo cut in pieces , as to go into a prayer meet ing where liny huvu not thu baptism of the Holy Ghost. They are all dead and ( lying and apparently ought to bo buried. 'iSoinf'timcs wo think if wo only had anew now leader , or a now preacher , or a new choir , wo might do somot'.iing. ' What we want is faith Hint clings , Faith in God , He is our strength. 1 want you to understand that while I"um hero as your pastor , I don't waijt ny of you to lean upon me , but loan upon my Christ. Ho is the leader. If .ypiiv-tnist in Ilin : and lean uion ) Him wo , wjll have a mighty revival of roligi6ii'in Omaha. It is coming , it has already landed. There hasn't boon such , meetings as those m Omaha in half ; vjdq'cn years. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to como uion ) us , not upon jtompono else , but upon us , Many Christian .people think that Omaha is a very hard place , anu it is very doubtful if the Lord can do anything in this city. Ju'st think of the I''O dis ciples who were in tli'iU upper room in Jerusalem , just after thu crucillxion. That was the s'tiirtiug of the chureh , They were thortffutni prayer meeting. They know that their only hope was in thu baptism of liii ; ) fvfJin on high. ] f we could only cut ourselves loose and give oursulves up to thu Lord there would bo more than If,000 persons savud in Omaha in the next few weeks. If vou will just .put yourself on the altar and say I am God's man. 1 am God's woman from this time on , God will usu you to work up a mighty rovivid. "God wants men to servo him in thcso times. He has got altogether lee many ornaments in this city , Ho wants work ers. He wants men and women who will give themselves whojly to Him and work liir Him at all times. This is judgment day work and it is serious business. Do you mean to bo God's man or woman trpm this night in April until God shall say it. is Qnough , come up highert As many of you as will d.osoriso. " There was a. general uprising of the congregation. ' 'Now ' , " said the pastor , "don't a man of yon e't ' down , but gather up around the altar nnd "let us liuecl and have a season of prayer. Wo will not slug , but wo will kneel nnd give ourselves toGod. " The ullar was crowded with penitent sinners soaking the Lord nt the conclu sion of Hov. McKuig's talk. Prayers by Rev. Mr. Harris , the pastor , were fol lowed by singing and the benediction , and the services were oyor. A number of conversions were reported. The feel ing manifested was perhaps docpci'than on any previous evening. VISITOHfTKUOsFsT. JOE , Who Como to Inspect Oumlm's Pub lic Works. Last evening n delegation of about twenty-five leading citizens of St. Joseph - soph , Missouri , arrived in Omaha in Mr. McCool's private car Nemahn , on a tour of inspection. They will remain In the city until this evening , and during the day they will visit the public build ings and principal institutions and they will inspect the public works , particu larly the pavements , which have the reputation of being the best in the Mis souri valley. Among the party are May or 11. U. W. Hnrtwig , Gon. James Craig , controller ; Col. Dudley M. Steele , II. 13. Kotchum , Hon. Winslow Judson , presi dent board of trade ; Col. A. C.Dawos , lll.lJVJt Ml/1111 LJt KJlbtlll lJl , - * * LAIIIAUt > III , J. M , Frazcr , 1) . McCool , superin tendent and general manager of tnu St. Joe & Grand Island railroad ; J. H. Graig , Anton Klos , S. A. Walker , cashier Sinis ter Hax bank ; II. M. Garlichs , wholesale druggist ; M. J. McCabc , city engineer ; James Limblrd , city councillor , and fol lowing members of tlio common council ; J. C. Graig , J. H. Lewis , E. Padborg , O. M. Spalsburg , J. B. Ryan , Wr. K. Jamie- son , J. M. Austin , JV. . Spencer , editor Evening News , and W. W. Jormain , city editor of the Herald. An informal reception was given in the Paxton hotel parlors to the visitors by quite a number of our prominent citizens , among whom wore Muvor Boyd , Hon Kxra Millard , P. E. Her , Samuel Burns , John B. Grant , Bon Smith , 1'rank Smith , Mr. Mctcalf , ftlr. Brady , Mr. McCord , C. E. Squires and others. Cordial greetings were exchanged , and those of Iho old- timers of Omaha who were pres ent found among the visitors several old friends of the early days. General Craig , who was the first commander of Iho mililary district of Nebraska during the war , mot several old friends among the Omahns , all of whom were glad to soq him. He was one of the oldest pioners in the west , having explored this part of the country in 1817 , and his reminiscences would make an interesting volume. Gns From liuwycr's TJUIIRS. The arguments in the motion to en join the city from passing the gas ordi nance were continued bcforo Judge Wakotoy yesterday. The lawyers finished their speeches yesterday , and the court will take the matter under advisement. The injunction is being argued strictly upon legal grounds , and nearly the whole law library has boon brought into court for reference. Hit With a Gna Pipe. Yesterday a row occurred between Barton Hilcs ana Wm. Benorkos over some trivial matter. From words they came to blows , and linally Benorkos struck Hiles with a gas pipe , intiicting quite a serious wound. The ollender was placed in jail awaiting trial. Brevities. Thoannual , , report of City Engineer Rosewater has been sent in to the mayor. The gallant lire boys ot No. 1 engine house were presented yesterday after noon with a splendid assortment of llow- ers , for which they duly return thanks. The last batch of sentenced criminals will be sent to the penitentiary Monday. There are six of them , and young Van Ness will be sent to the reform fechool the same day. As the plans and spooilications for the Sixteenth' street viaduct have been fin ished , advertisements for bids will bo seen in a fuw days , the bids to bo re ceived until the 24th of this month. The funeral of Mrs. Dort , the victim of the myslurious poisoning case mentioned in yesterday's BEE , took placu at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon irom the Kirst Bap tist church. Hov. Mr. Harris conducted tin ; services. Tom Murray's building on Iho corner ' of Fourteenth' and Hamey streets bids fair lo bo completed before the close of this century. One man and a small boy were at work ujjon tlio building. The man was engaged in laying brick and the boy was carrying drinking water for the man. man.A A reporter of the Bun , while at Don- aghue's lloral establishment , observed an elegant lloral decoration , and upon in quiry learned , it was inteudeJ for thu casket of Captain Emmet Crawford , whoso funeral takes plncu at Kearney next Sunday. This lloral tribute is paid for by Adolph Solomon , a merchant of Bowie , Arizona , who was n great admirer of Captain Crawford. Coroner Drexel received anojlier letter yesterday .in regard to the suicide John son , from tin. \ { in. Johnson of Scandia , Kansas. This disproves the. theory that the two men were brothers , as they were only of the same name. The man who suicided has n wife somewhere in Minne sota. The body was interred in thu pot- lur's Hold yesterday uftornoon , hut should friends or relatives claim it , it can easily bu exhumed. I'opsonal I'ltrn T. B. Purccll. North Bend , is at the Pa.xton. B , B Young , Salt J ako City , i.j a Paxton - ton guest. Hon. N , S. Snnfonl and wife , of Avoca , la. , are stopping at tliu Paxton house. S. C. Robinson , Denver ; S. E. Wilkin son. 1'eoria , III. ; R. Pargoter.R , W. Wat ers , Toronto , Canada , are at thoCuulleld. Rabbi Benson returned Wednesday from Dus Monies and Marshalltown , Iowa , where at the latter placn ho is ufl'ecting a religious organization among his people A. B. Smith , Charles P , Nuudham , .lull' , W. Bedford and C. A , Fried went to Plattsmouth Wednesday to attend the banquet ofAnn Ledge No. r > . K. of S. They returned this morning well pleased with their trip. Ho Know I2noiil > U Tnko n Hint. , "Oh , yes , " said the rod-haired passen ger with an annual pass. "I huvo ilono well in the west. If I do say it , I've mailn some money , and got to bo coiibid- orablo of a man in our county. Had hard times when 1 ilrst went out there , though. I worked on a farm down In Salt Crook valley , near Lincoln. Got $ M a month and my board U'ho man 1 worked for was a holy terror , and 1 had a thunder of a time gutting along with him. H seemed as if I couldn't do any thing to suit him. Why. ho called mo in ono day after I'd done something ho didn't llko , paid mo in full , disehurgcft mo and told mu to git. 'Yon ' nan 't work no moro for mo,1 fciiys ho : M don't want no man around mo who hasn't got sense enough to fuud hogs. ' So 1 left , " "What did , you do then * " "Why , I wont out to a country town about a hundred miles away and startud K newspaper. " BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. THE LEADING ASSOCIATION OF THE WEST. CASH CAPITAL , PAID UP IN FULL , $100,000.00 GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1885 160,820.30 A ccrtllicnlo of membership lu this Association furnishes bcncfils nt the lowcs cost. Men nnd women , between the ages of 17 nnd 03 years , who nro in good health , may become members. t There is no changing from ono class to another , and assessments do not increase With advancing ngo. . The Company has a guarantee fund of $100,030 paid up In cash , which is an ad ditional security to that furnished by any company in the United States. It has ft Reserve fund which for and provides a non-forfeiting policy n paid-up The Company is located in the West : its business is conJIncilto the healthy West , nnd applications from persons residing in malarial districts ace not accepted , which will insure few assessments , and a consequent exemption from any onerous liability. A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not loss than live loading oitlguns of each vicinity , may bo formed , who may act as advisory counsel in Iho settlement of claims by the < loath of members nnd as to the admission of applicants to membership. A member who lapses his.certificate may ro-instato the same at any time upon satisfactory evidence of good health , by the payment of all delinquent duos nud assessments. Aoinsnrnnoo company in this or any ether country has ever failed by reason of of the deatli-rnto exporlonoo. The failure in each instance luxs bpeii caused by pecu lation or speculation. The safe-guards introduced render both Impossible In this Association. Our business Is confined to the endowment for old age , and the payment of the widows and orphans after doatli. t , T1 ! ° Policy > s moro liberal , aud the plan more secure , than any company in the United Slates. Co-operative Insurance Companies existed In England 300years before the stock plan was thought of , and the snnio companies exist to-day , some of them having nearly ono million members. When managed judiciously , they cannot broak. wo ' guarantee every promise wo maked with $100oOOthis boi'ng In addition to the $100- 000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a more liberal provision and oflbr than any other company makes. The Strength of This Association Consists of Its GUARANTEE FUND , ENDOWMENT PLAN , RESERVE FUND , NON-FORFEITING POLICY , GRADED RATES , PAID-UP POLICY , SELECTED RISKS , A DEPOSITORY TO PROTECT THE TONTINE SYSTEM , RESERVE FUND , LIFE PLAN , CAPITAL STOCK. The cost of life prelection in this company is loss than any company In the United slates. ' 1 ho company is good and payments prompt. This Association is now entering ils third year , and has a largo membership , which is constantly increasing. At death or maturity of endowment the member receives his interest in the Reserve Fund in addition to the amount duo on the policy. All policies become non-forfeiting after the third year to the extent of the mem ber's interest in thu Reserve Fund. AGENTS WANTED in every town and city whore not supplied In all of the states west of the Mississippi rivur and north of iCausas. Good reliable canvassers can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company. The Western Mutual has consolidated the mombnrshiu of the "Nebraska Mutual , " "Farmers' ' and Mechanics' " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with Its own members in sures perfect protection. "Wo regard Iho Western Mutual as ono of the very best life insurance associa tions in tnis country , and expect to sue , nt no very distant day , it covering the entire lioid of the hcalty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. ' ' Daily Egress , March , IStiif , . OFFICE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS , ) STATE OK NKHKASKA. , [ LINCOLN , Fobnmrv 1 , 1880. ) It is hereby certifieil that the Western Mutual Benevolent Association Insurance Company , ot Beatrice , in the State of Nebraska , has compiled with the Insurance law of this state , and is authorized to transact the business of life insurance ) m this stale for the current year. i i Witness my hand and the seal of said of said office , the day and i SIAL. : [ yar lirst above wiitten. 1 , ' II. A. BABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts. Omaha , National Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska. Refer by permission to Hon. J. H. Millard , Omaha , Nob. All communications should bo addressed to OLIVER. O. S .BI3STF Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. OTIS HAYNEti , Agent at Omaha. "VV'orlcinj * fop the Fallen. The regular meeting of the Reform club occurred last evening at the W. C. T U. , Buckingham hall. The club was called to order by President Sprague , and after singing , Vice President Bannister led in a fervent prayer for guidance and help in the work of saving the young men and old from the curse of drink. On motion the rcsignalion of Secretary Wood was accepted , and Mr. . Taylor was elected by an unanimous vote. After other minor business , Mr. Jos. Critehliehl. who was present was invited to address the club , which ho did in his usual happy manner , urging the members to work together as ono man in furtherance of thu objects of the organization. The meeting closed with nil feeling more determine ! ! to work and increase the mumbers of Ihu club. A good programme has been arranged for Saturday night and everybody is invited to coniu and be entertained. The meet ing will close early. _ ftecoptinn to ( Jonoral Howard. The rooms of thu Grand Army of the Republic on Uouglas .struct were thronged last evening with veterans as sembled to do honor to General Howard. The occasion was Iho reception tendered him by his old comrades here , and a very pleasant nlVair it was. The reception was conducted under thu auspices of Cuslur Post , though quitu a number of representatives trom Omaha Post No. US and the Fort Omah.i post were pres ent. The evening \yas spent in plcananl conversation , and in reminiscences of old war days. The time Hew fast , and when thu lime came for parting , all shook hands with the hero ot the even ing , feeling Unit the occasion would over bu one of tnu uhurihhud memories of a life timo. As General Howard leaves no.xt Tuesday for San Francisco , Uiis is probably thu last chance bin Grand "Army comrades hero will have lo greet him , A Fumiilo Shoplifter. Mrs. Anna Clark is a little woman who was caughtMualing Wednesday in Falcon er's Btoro. She was jailed , but has since been released pending bur trial which comes oil' to-day. Shu is the mother of eight children , and begs piteously for her discharge on "account ot her family. " Trylnir totict Out. F. L. Powell , the man who killed ono Leslie , in Florence some time since , is making strenuous oflorts to get bail and bo released from jail. As will bo remem bered the jury disagreed and ho was ro- munded for a nuw trial at the last term of court. fflOST PERFECT I'rcparcd with ipeclal regard to heal * . lie Ammonia , Utno or Alum , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST.LOUIB Best Goods in the Market Ask for our goods and sec that the bear our trade mark. , combined. Uuuruiilerdtlio 'only ODD In tlit * world ( roneruling fl continuous Klectrio & Maanttta currrnt. Hclcntldo , J'owrrful , luirftnle , -omfortnblo and I'trectlvt * , Aulu frnurlj. OvrrD.odOciirrd. KfnflHt.ininforpuinrihlet. . . i"Li : < ri'itio 111:1/1 : M rou niHLAn'rt. Da. UCinKti. iNvcuron. lei WABASHAVE. * CHICAGO. O6V3AKA I3lh St. , Cor. Clpltol Avcnuo. roil TOE T11RATXXNT Or A I.I. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. Siittuii yearn' niwiiful ami Vtlvulo 1'ricgcn Wolmvu tlio fncllltlcK , epparatut anil mncillcn for Iheeuccesafiil treatment or every form of ill * , cam requiring cither medical or urilcul ; treutnmil , ml IrivlloalUo come and hivmtliiuto for themiiflvei or correspond with ui. Long esperli'Dco m tnuit- Inxcaeei liy letter cuaules UK to treat mauy c * < tp4 eclcntlflcally without iceliiK them. W1IITK 1'OIt CIHOUI.Alt on Defcrmllle ! anil Ilracei , Club Iruct , Curvatures of tlio tiplno , JtiaiiiBF.s OK WIIUEW , I'llei ) , Tumora , Cancer * , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Kloctrlclly , I'nrul- yili , Kpllcpey , Kidney , Kye , Kar , Kklu , Blood anil all nurclcnl operation * . IliitTurloH , lnliiUnr . llrncps , Trnmr , nirl nil kind * of Medical mid Surgical Appliance * , inuu. ufacturcd end for ale. The only reliable Medical Institute naLIng Private , vSpecial Nervous Disease ; , rA KI'IJC IAI.TV. AM. CONTAGIOUS AND Jll.OOD TISKASr.S. ) from whatever canto produced , tuccmtfully Ironic il. " > S'o can remove Bypulllllo pultou fiom the ytlcM without mercury. New restorative treotmrnt for \nm \ of vital nowrr. Al.f. COMSIUNIUATJUNS CONl'IHI'.M'IAI , . Call mid consult u > or tend uamo and poit-olllrn addrma plainly written enclose ttauiu , and wo will > cnd you , In plain wrapper , our PRIVAfE CIRCULAR TO MEN t.'I'ON J'lllVATK , Bl'tX'UU ANU HUtVOc'd JiHtAHM. IMAI. \ AKNCB9 , Bl'ISiliTOHKUIKl Itll'OrKMt Bvnin.u , OoNOHiiiiiKi , OLCKT , VAHIOOCKI.B , TIJOTIHII : , AND ALL \nutK \ or THE OtNir > - TJiuNinr OnuANt , or tend UliUiry of vourca < u fr f an opinion. J'crnon * unaVto to vliit in m r be treated nl their boinei , by correspondence. Mrdiolnei and Inntr muntu M nt by inttl or eipreti SECUHKI.Y I'.M 'h ED 1'ltO.M OHHhUVATIO.V , uo marks lo lndlcj' conUuU or sunder. One portunal lutcrvlciv r.K" furred If convenient , Fifty roomi for the Heroin- modatlon of patient * Hoard aud attmuluiico at reasonable pilcci. Adarem nil I.utters to , Omaha Medical and Surgical Instltulc. cor , 13th St. ana Capitol An , . OMAHA. N.-3 *