Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1886, Image 1

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The Tender of Homo Rule Extorted by the
Irish Parllraentary Party.
Beginning of the End of Bayonets and Blud
geons in Ireland
The Capstone of a Brilliant Oarcor on the
Pyramid of Progress.
A Spontaneous Yell of Enthusiasm Greets
the Premier's Appearance-
Oladstono'H Magnificent 1'rcnntitntlan
of tliu Itlll Travclynn Opposed It
I'nrncll Tnlku On tlio
A Gniul Nl hl'M Hcst.
LONDON , April 8. Gladstone slop
well last night. Jlo rose early , In
excellent health and line spirits.
Immediately after breakfast lin repaired to
Ms oflk'lal rooms. There ho found prepared
for his perusal the morning panel's , scores of
telegrams beailng on thu task of the day and
inora than one letter from close personal
friends and advisers bearing woids of cheer
and congratulation. Gladstone was mani
festly Interested In everything which showed
popular concern In the work before him.
Before the night watchman In the House
was relieved or the lights were extinguished ,
amunberof nicinber.s of parliament , gentle
men possessed of assured adiulttpncobegan to
arrive to make themselves doubly certain of
their privileges by galling to their scats
eleven hours before ( Hailstone would
reach the House , and retaining
them during the long Interval. Mr.
McDonnell-Sullivan , nationalist from Meath.
was the Unit man to gain entrance to the
house. He got In as early us fi:30 : this mornIng -
Ing and at once proceeded to make certain of
his place. It Is alleged that Sullivan re
ceived Ids advantage by bribing a friendly
policeman to permit him to have access by
way of thu back stairs.
Tin : cm > wnii : > BTiiniiTs.
At Up. in. an enormous crowd blocked the
hticetM In thu neighborhood of the parliament
buildings and In front of Gladstone's resi
dence , awaiting the premier's appearance.
The weather at this time suddenly changed ,
and the clouds lowered. Thunder was heard
In the 1101 ( Invest. The people outside In
creased , anil became denser. Catholic priests
were conspicuously numerous In the crowd ,
and no less than 35 branched of the London
Organizations of the Irish National league
were represented by full deputations , whose
Identity could easily be established , even at a
distance , by their green ribbons. Legions of
political clubs , beyond mnnberintr , were also
pre.senl , taking pait In the popular demon
stration. At 4 o'clock deputations from
thirty-two llbaral clubs were counted in the
throng , Before going to the commons
through St. James park , going away from the
crowd by the west end of Downing street.
He desired to bo a wbllo In the fresh air be
fore going to parliament. Ho returned to
his residence , and in a lew moments
started on his way to the commons.
The pollco had opened a way for
him to Parliament street and down
that acioss Bridge street to the house. They
had to work hard to make this passage-way ,
and hauler yet to keep it open. Gladstone
went In an open carriage , and Ills appearance
was granted with deafening cheers.
The enthusiasm ot the people
1 nil the way from the door
of his house to the commons entrance
was spontaneous and tremendous.
The applause was hearty and great
enough to make most statesmen
dlw.y , and when the whole multitude caught
the signal
< ) NiTiir. : > ii'\iousi.r.vo susrAixii : > ciir.r.u
was cent up , the like of which was never be-
fora heard In London , and which was plainly
audible In the house. Thu cheering contin
ued long after Gladstone had entered the par
liament buildings.
Before ( no speaker entered , the lloor of the
house , lobbies , stairways and galleries weio
in the prssesslnn of a scattered mob of gcndo
and aristocratic people , slinrgllng for places
to hear and seu thu orator of the day. There
weto llfly times as many persons engaged In
the struggle as could possibly bo accommo
dated , and in thu surge bishops , peers and
plenipotentiaries run foul of commoners ,
importers and people of every sort.
In one group theio wore seen ( ho Greek
ambassador , United Stales Minister Sickles ,
Cardinal Manning , Kdltor Hurmard , of
Punch , the Japanese ambassador and Michael
Duvltt , These six went jammed In the strug-
\ L'le about the door of the speakers' gallery.
They were lescued , and after being marched
and countermaiched about the lobby , into thu
outer lobby and back again , wore enabled
to get to the places seemed for them by an
other door. Several .seoro of noblemen as
sorted their privileges too boisterously , and
had to be checked by thu policemen on duty ,
The tall form of Karl Spencer , cx-Iiish vice-
loy , lowering above the police , and the di
minutive llgure of the Marquis of Itlpon ,
nestling close to him as if for protection ,
weroconsplc'iiotis In the lobby rushes. Such
was the pros.suio for accommodation that the
authorities tolerated and winked at the lovo-
lutiomuy Innovation of placing two
noi'in.i : news OF CIIAIKS
on the lloor space In front of the speakei's
desk , transforming the familiar and vener-
nblo aspect of the Idlheito sacred tramping
ground of orators into the spectacle of aplacu
r to a good modern use. Every square foot ot
Hiiaio In the galleries held a human being ,
'I ho prince of Wales , his son , I'rlnco Albert
Victor , the duke of Cambiidge , I'rlnco
Clirlbtlnn : tid ) Minister 1'lielps occupied scats
dining the s-pwch In thu front row of the
peers gallery , Plains bitting bc-sldo I'rlnco
As well known members ontciod ( ho
house they wero. greeted with cheers. Some
times thu cheers wcro genuine and hearty ,
sometimes given In apparent mockery. John
llrlgat , who entered with a fueulu gait , was
greeted with ringing nml approving cheers
The Parnellltes gave 1'arnell and Morley a
lieaity reception , but welcomed Goscheu will
derisive shouts ! The Marquis of liaitingtoi
drew a ringing volley of dicers fiom boll
Ides of the house. During a momentary
nil In the confusion of cheers ( he house was
It came from the throats of those who wcro
he llrst to catch sight of Gladstone gliding
owards his scat from behind the speaker's
chair. The Irish members sprang ( o their
cet as one man , and for several minutes the
uproar of enthusiastic applause continued.
The full throated Irish cheer , that T. P.
O'Connor bad feared tlio Interloblng torles
ulglitdcprlvc of half Its power , was repeated
111 the whole building scorned to reverberate
wlth'lts triumphant peal. Gladstone seated
ilmself between Merely and Sir Win. Vcrnon
nn i.oortnn VKIIY PAI.B ,
lalercven than usual. The lines on his forc- appeared to have deepened since Ids
recent lllnij.-H , hut Ins step , as ho entered ,
was elastic and his bearing Indicated he felt
full contindcneu in thu success of his , forth
coming speech.
As soon as cheering ceased , Gladstone rose
uul moved for permission to Introduce a bill
to amend previous legislation , and to make
irovlslon for the future government of lie-
ami , Onmakiiigthlsmotlon Gladstone said :
"Thu tlmu has uiilyed when bothlhonor and
Inty icqulru pailiament to comu to a decisive
resolution. U should bo thu endeavor
to liberate parliament from the
i&straltit under which during late
jo.u'sit had IneU'ectiially struggled to restore
eulslatlon to its unimpeded course. It Is our
luty to establish harmonious relations b >
: weeti Great Britain and Iteland , fostering
'reo Institutions In which ICnirllshnicn ,
Scotchmen and Irishmen have like Inter
ests. "
This sentiment was greeted with prolonged
AH noon as ( pilot was restored , Gladstone
entered upon n brief lovicwof the general
leaturesoftho past legislation for Ireland ,
llu dwell upon ihu
coniinvi : ANI IIKIMIKSSIVI : sinAsunr.s
which hud been put In foicc front time to
: lme. and depreciated any Inrther resort to
ho imlu remedies of Intimidations. Since
lbS : { , bo said , only two years have passed
without coeiclvu legislation for Iceland , and
n spite of all this. Taw continues to be disre
garded because It Is Invested , In thu eyes of
the Irish , with a foreign aspect. Wereturther
coercion to tie successful , It would require
two conditions autocracy of the government
ami secrecy of public transactions. [ Parnell-
to cheers. ] The.maln spring of law In Eug-
and Is felt to be English ; In Scotland , Scot-
, lslr but In Iioland It is not tell to be Irish.
The first condition of civilized life In Ireland
Icmandstlmt the people bavo confidence in
.ho law and sympathy therewith. The prob-
em , therefore , before parliament at the pres
ent time is to reconcile imperial unity with
ulivpisity of legislators. Ho believed tlio
government had found thu .solution of this
iroblem In the establishment of
for the conduct of business both legislative
Hid administrative. [ Loud cheers bv Par-
nellitcs.J The political ctpialitles of three
countries , said Gladstone , niiixt bo recog-
ni/.ed. Theieforo lliitru must be an equitable
llstrlbution of Imperial funds. The pecu-
iar circumstances existing in Ireland make
t necessary to establish safeguards
lor thu minority In that country. The
government will bo obliged to consider a
: : lass connected with tlio lands , and tlio re
lations which they will sustain with the
Protestant minority. As Ireland is to have
a domestic legislature. It will therefore bo
impracticable for Jrish representatives to
come here. Thu intention ot theirovernment
ill ) . Gladstone said , Is that the parliament at
Dublin shall bo
It Is to 1)0 ) composed of two orders , each of
which hhall have the ] ewer to veto the action
of Ihu other. The order will include 105
ineinbeis , and the second order300. Twunty-
eightof the present Irish peers will continue
lo sit In the house of lords , and be granted
the option to Intvo life seats In the lirst Irish
order. The ollico -viceroy of Ireland will
uot bo discontinued. Thu bill In
tends that tliu viceroy shall remain ,
uul the ollico herealter will be
non-political that is , the incumbent of
the ollico will not bo expected to retire with
( hi ! downfall of the Britisls ministry. The
1)111 empower- ' the queen to delegate to the
viceroy such of her prerogatives as she may
choose. The Irish constabulary will remain
under bis authority at present. The bill pro
vides that tliu parliament shall have no
authority to establish or endow or regulate
religious sects. It will be empowered'how
ever , with laws affecting trades and naviga
tion , andalfcctiugcertain weights and meas-
uies , and tliu postal administration. The bill
will preserve the
but the entire proceeds arising from customs
and exchange duties in Iieland will beheld
for thu benelit of that country. ThcM ) funds
atu to be used for the dlnchargu of Irish obli
gations , and any balance which may remain
alter. Is to remain in the Irish exchequer.
The provisions of tlio bill vest in the Irish
legislature tlio general power of Imposing
taxes. It Is propowd that tlio maximum du
ration of the Irish pailiamcnt shall I > o live
yeais. It shall have no powerto Interfere with
the pieroijativo of tliu crown , such as tint
army , navy , or other armed forces. It shall
have nothing to do with foreign or colonial
With regard to juuu'cs who bad been con
cerned In the administration of criminal law
In Ireland , her majesty might , if she saw
cause , by an order in lliecouncil antedate the
pensions of those particular judges. In the
inttire the judges would bo appointed by the
Irish government , bo paid out of the consoli
dated tiind , and bo removable only on the
joint address of tliu two orders.
With respect to civil service , the govern
ment did not think their case was thnsameas
that of thu constabulary , and the transfer of
clvllservlce to the legislative body would ef
fect great economy. That was all , Gladstone
stated , ( hut he had to say on thu subject of
the new Irish constitution.
Thupioportlon of Imperial burdens which
hu had to propose that Iieland should bear
was as onu to fourteen. Ho thought that the
new Irish parliament ought to Mart out
with a
but the only fund that It would have. If left
alone , would a bo solitary .CAoou ) from the
Irish flinjvli fund. He know no wav of pro
viding tlio nccessiry money , except by carv
ing it out of tills year.s budget , and fie pro
posed that in the futuie Iieland should pay towards imperial oxKMidItme. |
Gladstone then entered into an elaborate
calculation of the total Income ami expendi
ture of lielaiul.ln thocourscof which ho stated
that the total charge to Ireland , as an im
perial contribution , he put at ii'J4-J,0K : ) per
annum. Hu estimated the total cxiicndltiirtt
of Iieland , including payment as a sinking
fund for the Irish portion of the national
debt , at 1)7,1)Hl.lHXJ ) ) per annum. Against that
there was a total Income of Si.p : > ouuo , or u
surplus to the government of I'llI.Ox ) ) .
There are two modes of presenting the
subject which 1 have argued. Ono of them
Is to present what we now iccommcnd as
goodand the other Is to parent It as the choice
of two evils , and as I ho least among the
varied evils with which , as possibilities , wo
are confronted. 1 do not know whether It
may appear too bold , but , In my own heart. I
eheilsh the hope that this Is not ineiely tlio
choice of the lesser evil , but that It may .prove
to lie eru long a good In Its-elf.
" 1 have no ruht lo hay that Ireland ,
through her con > tltutloiinlly elected mem
bers , will accept the measure 1 propose. I
hope they will , but 1 have no right to assume
it , nor have I any power to on force It upon
the people of Kngland and Scotland. But 1
lelv on the
of tills houbc.on free and fiilhllscnsslon , and ,
more than nil. upon the just , generous sen
timents of thu two Biltlsh nations ; and ,
looking forward , I ask tliu house , believing
that no trivial motive could have driven us ,
to assist In thu work wo havu undertaken a
work which wu believe will restore parlia
ment to Its freu and tinlmix'ded coui > e. I ask
them to stay thu waste ol the public ( reasme
under the present system ot gov
ernment and administration in Ire
land , which Is not waste only ,
but waste which It demoralizes whllo it cx-
licusts. 1 ask them to show to Huropo and
America that wo , too , can face thu political
problems \\hicli America had to face twenty
j o.irs ago , and which many countries in Ku-
roan have been called on to fuco and ha\o
not feaied in deal with. 1 ask that wu hhall
practice as wo havu very often preached , and
thai , In our own ca c. wo should be linn
and feailess In applying .thu doctrines
\\e havu often inculcatud .oir others
that the concession of local self government
Is not the way to MD nml Impair , but to
" trenictlien and consolidate unity. I ask
Ihat wo should learn to rely less on mere
written stipulations and more on those better
stipulations written on the heart and mind
of man. I ask that wo should apply to
Ireland the happy experience wo have gained
in England ami .Scotland , ! where { the course
of generation * has now taught us , not as a
dream or theory , but as a matter of practice
and of life , that the best and surest founda
tion wo can Hud to build on Is
the foundation afforded by tlio affections
and convictions and will of man , and that It
is thus , by decree of the Almighty , that far
mure than by any other method , wo may bo
enabled to secure at oncu social happiness
the power and the permanence of the em
pire. "
Gladstone resnmcd ids seat amid bursts of
cnthmlnstlc cheers , which were sustained for
several minutes. Gladstone's speech was
three hours and twenty-live minutes In dura-
lieu , lie llnlslied at a o'clock.
Trovolynn Talks.
When the applause had subsided , George
Otto Trcvel.Van , who recently resigned the po
sition of secretary for Scotland , arose. Alter
eulogizing Gladstone's oral Ion , Tievclyan
proceeded to say that he Interpo.-.od thus
early In debate In order to explain the reason
of his resignation , lie resigned with extreme
compunction and regret , nlthonith
the step , when liimlly decided up
on , was taken with neither doubt
as to Its propriety , nor the least hesita
tion. He had joined ( lie cabinet because , ai
he considered at the tlmu , to bavo remained
outside would have been tantamount to a
confession that the liberal party was a homo
rule party. Tills was a confession which lie
should never be willing to make.
in : COULD Nivr.u : CONSKNT
to such a scheme as Mr. Gladstone had pro
posed. I low loin : would It be , if the measure
that has been submitted should become a law ,
beloie the liish contribution to tlio Imperial
exchequer would bo denounced by dm Irish
and reprobated as English tribute' ? "For my
part , " said he , "I have nobe.sltatlon in sayIng -
Ing that I think the complete separation of
Iieland from Gieat Britain would bo prefer
able to the plan of the government that has
just been proposed. Wu should then know
the worst at once. "
I'nrncll on the Measure.
At the conclusion of Trovclyan's speech ,
Mr. Parnell aiose and was received with
cheers by the Irish members. Mr. Trovel-
yan. he s.ild , had stated why he loft the gov
ernment , but not why ho had resigned his
riost as chief secretary. [ Cheers from thu
Irish benches. ] Mr. ParnuH then went on lo
justify Ills past utterances and action ,
which had been impugned by Trcvolyan's.
Speaking of America and assassination ,
literature which came from America , Par
nell .said that most of the lijerature was
neither American nor Irish. "If Trevelyan , "
lie continued , "were to study the literatuie
of America at this moment , ho would llud
that sympathy for the ( list settlement of thu
grievances of Iieland by the concession of u
domestic legislature , Is shown by all classes ,
whether Irish or native-born Americans , and
more especially that native-born Americans
are welcoming the efforts of Gladstone ,
in the belief that they will hilnc
and more especially between Irish-Ameri
cans and Kngland. It is a icmarkable fact
that a treat being held in favor
of an Irish legislature , is mainly called to
gether and organized bv native-
born Americans , by editors and con
ductors ot Irish-American newspapers.
We regard thu fact that during the last five
or six months we have succeeded in entirely
gaining the sympathy of two great parties in
America democrats and lepublicans. It Is
a good omen for the luture. " [ Cheers. ]
As to the bill before the while re
serving his full expression of opinion until
be had seen thu bill , Parnell congratulated
the house on the fact that there was still liv
ing an Kngllsh statesman who could devote
his attention to this Important matter , and
begged to thank Gladstone for what would
not only prove a beneficial measure
fmm an'Irish point of view , hut which IIP
( Parnoll ) believed wimld be found to bo of
equal benefit to Knuland. The bill , never
theless , contained blots which tlio Irish mem
bers would do their best to remove. Ono of
these was to be found In the financial pro
posals of the bill , which he regarded as
especially in regard lo Irish tribute to the
the imperial excliecquer. He a No complained
of the proposition relative to the two orders
intended to constitute thu Irish parliament
on the ground that the lirst order , consisting
of peers not subjccttotlioinlluencoof the pop
ular vote , would have the power of hanging up
measures demanded by the people and their
representatives for two or three years. On
the whole , however , apart from these defects ,
ho believed the measuio would be cheerfully
accepted by the Irish people and their repre
sentatives as a s-atlstiK'tory solution of the
long standing dispute between tliu two coun
tries , and as tending to prospciity and peaeo
in Ireland and to satisfaction in Kngland.
[ Cheers. ]
Tlic Dclmtc Al.oiii-no ) < l.
On motion of Mr. Chamberlain the debate
was adjourned. Sir Win. Ilareomt previously
stating that Mr. Gladstone would move
to-morrow to gls-o the debate precedence over
other matters. Gladstone left the house ten
minutes after concluding his speech. He
wrs alfected by the reaction alter the In
tense excitement of the day , and was obliged
to retire to rest immediately after dinner.
The cabinet has been Mimnioncd to meet on
Scenes About tlu ; ConimoiiH.
LONDON , April S. [ Special Telegram. ]
The doors of tlio house of commons were
open at 0 o'clock this morning , and at noon
a largo number of members had gathered
there. Xot during the present generation
has so much Interest been taken In any
pending measure as attaches to the
premier's Irish programme to bo disclosed In
the house to-day. All London , all Kngland ,
is excited ahmit It , Thousands upon thou
sands ol' people are assembling In the vicinity
of thu parliament building. Gladstone is to
begin his speech at ! > o'clock this evening.
The opposition have agreed not to divide on
leave lobrliig In a bill. Gladstone's support
ers are more hopeful to-day than ( hey
have been for a week. But London isgieatly
tory , and opposed to what thu masses mis
call the dismemberment of the empire. Kv-
ory London paper , daily or weekly , except
the News , Ifiopposing Gladstone's -hcmc ,
One hundred pounds wasycsleiday fiecly
offered for one gallery seat outside of tliu
diplomatic and peers' gallery , in the gal
leries , which are very limited , there are only
HO seats , as follows : In tlie ladles'gallery
thirty-six seats ; In the speaker's gallery fifty
seats ; in the strangers' gallery sixty , of
which galleries the two , latter will to-day bo
thrown Into one.
It was yet early In the morning when all
seats on thu lloor were taken , The seat
chosen , In order to bo retained , must be
ticketed with the hat of thu member who
means to occupy It , and diu hat must bu thu
hat ho Is wearing that day , and no substitu
tion Is permitted. This rule ictalns members
within dm limit agreeable to traverse with
bate heads. The present generation never
witnessed such a "hatting" scene as occurred
in tlio house of commons this moining
A number of members weru afraid to trust
to tlio honor of their colleagues for main
tenance of die rules on an occasion like that
of to-day , and those retained possession ot
their chosen beats by remaining In them
bodily all the day. When they got hungry or
thirsty they had food and drink brought In to
them. Some of them had been up all ntghl
struggling to get in , and these generally fixed
themselves as comfortable as possible and
slept. When thu sun rose and thu day be
came warmer thu river , terrace was sought by
a majority of thu perambulators , and here
many expedients were resorted to to while
away time. The Parnellites were in a parti
cularly happy frame of mind , acting as if , to
use an expression of one of them , . '
.A number of them bortowed-a tricycle am1
had great sport racing up ami down the ttr.
race with It , until finally It collapsed , throw
ing It. J. O'Biicii , ( ho raniclhto member for
Tlppcrary , who was riding it at ( ho time ,
upon his head on did flagging , lie was
picked up bleeding profusely and very
stunned. Ills forehead was deeply cut over
the eye , and his face and hands were much
torn and bruised. Hovas , In fact , so seri
ously Injured that ho had to bo removed to a
hospital , but ho Insisted ] on golngbarchoadcd ,
and after his wounds were dressed , he deter
mined to occupy ids seAt.
At 2 p. in. the wcathor was warm , clear and
beautiful. Alter exhausting all expedients
to Kill time outside , the members began to as
semble In the house after 1 o'clock. In an
hour the floor was pretty well covered with
groups of mcaibersanlmatedly | discussing the
event of the day and debating the possible
outcome. The crowds outside by this dine
had Increased greatly ami presented unusual
temptations for enterprising advertisers.
These thrifty people made their ingenious
appeals to the assembled thousands by mov
ing their cards along on sandwich men , hun
dreds ofVhoin found occupation to-day In
the vicinity of the parliament houses.
Conservative politicians were not without
hope to Influence teellng against the orator
of the day , even In thclast available moment ,
for they , too , had sandwich men and placard
bearers among tlio crowd carrying such ap
peals as "Let us conciliate and not dlsinom
ber the empire , " etc.
At a o'clock the crowd outside the palace
gates was enormous. It covered all the
space down to the Westminster bridge , and
extended pretty well up Parliament street
towards Whitehall. At that hour
A i'iisncT .IAM OF rnon.i :
filled Downing street , where Gladstone's
ofllclal residence Is situated. Tills crowd was
patiently awaiting fen the premier to make
his appearance. On his departure for the
house , Gladstone finished reading Ills papers
and telegraphic and mall correspondence at
an early hour. Hu refused to permit himself
to be disturbed by calls from any of the largo
nunibor of persons who attempted to see
him. He made but one exception , and that
was In favor of John Morley , chief secretary
for Ireland , whom ne sent for and conferred
with for a short time.
The enormous clock to which Big Ben ,
England's giant boll , rings the time In the
Victoria tower on the southwest corner of
the parliament building , stopped this after
noon. Its stoppage was noticed by the crowd
in the streets , who depended on its tones for
knowing the time of day , and was regarded
by thousands as
AN otrcmiKNcn OF ILL OMKN.
Soon after ! ! o'clock all the thoroughfares
about St. Stephen's were s'o crowded with
people that all attempts to cany on tralllc
i n the nel.uliboiliooil had to bo suspended.
Mounted police were placed on duty patrol
ling , because It was impossible for the ofll-
cers afoot to get along. .
Jloro Aidl'or Parnell.
DKTUOIT , April a Tho. following cable
gram was sent from hero to-day , and is its
own explanation :
DKTUOIT , April a Charles S , Panlell ,
House of Commons , London : Friends
of Ireland , ot yourself , of President
Patrick Kgan , and ex-Prcsldeut Alexander
Sullivan , are continuing- make war upon
and to injure you in tlio usual way. In evi
dence thereof "I send you draft to-day for
Cl'j.coy for parliamentary fund. We hereby
threaten you that we will continue to wage
just such warfare until Ireland is governed
by her own uarliameut.
Treasurer Irish XaUpjuiLLeaguu of America :
Worthy orAocoptaiice.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 8. President Kgan ,
of the Irish National league , has received the
folio wing cable :
LONDON , April 8. ToEgatK niadstone's
scheme for Irish legislature , amended on
Parnell's lines , is worthy thu acceptance of
Ireland. DILLON ,
Pit. KIJN.W.
Ail Interview "WithSecretary Turner ,
< > ! ' the KnljjIitH of Imhor.
Pim.ADni.riiiA , April 8. Tlio H ocord to
day prints an Interview with Secretary Tur
ner , of the Knights of Labor , who stopped
here on his way to Scranton to confer with
Pottderly. Ho said : "When we arrived in
St. Louis we found that tlio company would
In reality employ no Knights of Labor.
What was worse , they were discharging
members of the order , who had in no way
participated in the strike , -in lact instead of
no discrimination it was all dis
crimination. As a consequence there
was no chance for the men to make up
their portion of the arbitration commltteo
provided for in New York. The matter now
icsts with die district assemblies Xos. 101 , ! ii :
and 17. 1 see no chance of settlement ; in
fact , the situation is worse now than it ever
was. Gould undoubtedly Is responsible for
tlio failure to keen thu agreement. Gould
talks of the weakness of the Knights of
Labor. Well , ho may think differently be
fore die end of the present troubles. " "He.
who laughs last laughs best , " concluded
WACO , Tex. , April 8. About 1 o'clock yes
terday afternoon the Missouri Pacific rail
road agent here received a dispatch from
Lerena.Tex.Informing him that fifty masked
men were on their way to destroy dm long
bridge nine miles south of this point. Thu
report was subseqiio ndy continued by a eon
ductor on a belated south bound train , who
saw thirty-live of the party of masked men
making their way in the direction of
the long bridge referred to. Sheriff Harris
was immediately Informed of thu fact.
Ho Instantly collected an armed posse , board
ed a special train , and proceeded to the
threatened point on tlio Missouri Pacific rail
road. Theio will bu blood shed If tlioautliorl-
lles and masked-men meet , and there Is no
Inclination shown by dm latter to surrender ,
' { 'lie city maishal's torce has assembled , and
will go to thu assistancu of thu county
authorities , should they bu resisted.
Later Information brought in by
some cattlu men is that the masked
men began tearing thu railioad ( rack
immedlatelv after the passenger train had
passed south , and have commenced Iho work
of destruction on the long biidge. This report -
port , however , lacks continuation. The
sherlir and posse have had time to reach the
bridge. Further details uro eagerly awaited ,
and It Is expected at any moment. Thu
Light infantry hero are in Ihu armory await
ing orders , while ( he excitement is Intense.
ST. Louis , April 8' . Jt Is believed no more
efforts to frighten new 'inployes out of tliu
yan Is like these reported yesteiday will bu
made by the strikers , and on thu part ot sev
eral of thu roads there is a determination be
lli ; : shown at present to begin to transact
their business as if nothing had occurred ,
The Burlington has Instructed the Chicago
olllces to send all freight offering for St.
Louis , and all trelght offering at tills
point Is being promply handled. The
road , too , lias about forty deputy
marshals now on Its premises , armed
with revolvers and Winchester rllles , who
will guard the yards , and they are Instructed
to keep the strikers otT in die future. The
Alton line lias at work a full force of switch
men and platform men. Tim platform men
who were frightened away by the strikers
returned last uvenini' , ami are employed on
the platform again this morning. Deputy
sheriffs' have been stationed In thu yards In
great numbers , as it IK thought it will bu nec
essary to keep them clear of the strikers.
A Democratic Postmaster
Pioiu.111. : . , April R Colonel John
Warner , viho was appointed posdiiaster hereunder
under ( ho present administration , lias re
signed. Thu opposition of Senator Logan
to his confirmation is thought to bu thu
Sparks Denies That His Resignation Has
Been Asked For ,
Captain Lolco's Appointment ns Pen
sion Agent the Cause UtiKcntlo-
manly Conduct Towards the
Uco'a ' Correspondent.
RparltR mill Iiiuuar.
WASHINGTON , April 8. [ Special Telo-
It Is reported to-day that Commis
sioner Sparks has been Invited to resign.
The leport says this Is the result ot the pretty
sharp talk that passed between Secretary
Lamarand the commissioner over the famous
land order of Sparks , which was overruled
l > y die secretary of tlio Interior yesterday.
Sparks denies that ho has been called upon
for his resignation , but says It Is at the dis-
liosal of the president at any time lie desires
It. It is understood that the decision of thu
secietaryof the Interior to rescind Spaiks'
older was leached after consulting with the
Commissioner Sparks is reported to-day as
saying : "My order was never intended to bo
a permanent one , but a temporary halt to
lind where we stood. It has now been in ex
istence over a year , and I expected to modify
It myself. 1 knew the order would make a
great row when I Issued it , but It was a ne
cessity. It has saved many million acres of
our best land. "
"How do you feel over the secretary's
orders' . ' " was asked.
" 1 lecl that Secretary Lamar Is one ot the
noblest of men. Ho docs exactly as he thinks
right. The matter may have presented Itself
lo him in a dllfcrcnt light than it did to me ,
but we have so far got possession of things
now that wo can watch plunderers a gicat
deal butter than wo could a year ago. "
To-night your correspondent called upon
Jerry Murphy , of the Second Iowa district , to
inquire about influences brought to bear to
secure Lake's appointment. Murphy was
found in a very dlstuibed frame of mind.
In fact ho was so mad lie had lost all regard
for either civility or decency. Ho was ac
tually ungeiitlemanly and uullt to associate
with gentlemen , all of which was duo ,
doubtless , to thu appointment , which bad
completely upturned him. "I only teamed a
few minutes ago from Bon Hall , " said Mur
phy In an excited manner , "of Lakes ap
pointment. It Is a surprise to me. but I have
nothing to say about it. If 1 should tell you
what I think about Lake and thu appoint
ment , and die way it was brought about , it
would not look well in print. "
It Is a Frederick appointment , is it not ? " 1
"No , sir ; It Is not a Frederick appointment.
Frederick's endorsement did not amount to
anything. It Is a Black appointment , " and
Jerry Murphy's voice rose like the roar of a
mighty storm on the llcnncpin canal , and
his immense physique swayed like mad.
"What Black do yon mean ? "
"General Black.commls sloncr of pensions , "
replied Murphy with rage. "Do alone Is re
sponsible for the appointment , " ho contin
ued , remarking something about Black med
dling with Iowa politically , and shaking Ids
bend threateningly. " 1 was not for Lake.
Colonel Merrill was our man , and I was for
him all along. But Lake was with Black in
tlio war , and now Black takes care of him. "
So Murphy completely repudiates the ap
pointment , the appointee and endorsee. He
refused to talk further upon the subject , but
an lowan , who was present In Murphy's
room , began to give vour correspondent a
sketch of Captain Lake , when Murphy , livid
with bad feeling , turned to him and hissed :
"Arc you going to talk about this man
Lake'.1 If you are , you had better go outside
to do It. "
Your correspondent , nourishing to engen
der further feeling , withdrew at once from
Murphv's presence. What Murphy proposes
In his rage to do about this appointment can
not bo ascertained to-night , but certain it Is
that it has created a feeling among Iowa
democrats that cannot bo repressed very soon.
It is said the appointment is dlstastetnl to
Hull and Weaver , of the Iowa delegation ,
"Commlssloncrof Pensions Black lias made
at least one serious blunder In presenting his
cases to the committee conducting the inves
tigation of the charges against his predecessor
ser , " said a democratic senator to your cor
respondent to-day. "Kvory case presented
to the committee has been discovered since
the charge was written in his report , and
which is being looked into , that the ollicc has
been used for political purposes. Whatever
developments may bo made , the fact stands
out that the statement was made In the lupoil
without knowing that they could bo substan
tiated. "
Few members believe that n bankruptcy
bill can bo pushed through thu house during
the puflseut session , notwithstanding the fact
Ihat the question has been greatly agitated
and strong arguments made Cor it. Senator
Hoar , who has charge of the Lowell bank
ruptcy bill In the upper branch of congress
said to-day that ho believed the bill would bu
passed by the scnatu within a week or two.
There Is too much business of a more press
ing character In thu hoiisu to permit its dis
cussion there ,
It is slated that the piesidcnt remote very
much having become Involved In a contest
with dm senate , and that ho 1s glad that
things are levelling down to their normal
condition , so far as the consideration of
nominations Is concerned. Some of the re
publicans who voteil lor the Kdmunds reso
lutions regret their action , too , now that
effort is being made to hold them to the strict
spirit of their declarations. Tlio third reso
lution , announcing that In every case where
thu president refuses to furnish thu papers ,
thu nomination thall bo i ejected , has been
declared a nullity already , as it prejudges
Nothing of consequence could bo learned
last nlghl concerning the appointment yester
day afternoon of C. S. Lake to bo United
States pension agent for Iowa and Nebraska ,
vlco Jacob Itlch , resigned. Thu democrats of
the Iowa delegation could not be found by
your correspondent to-day. There was a
good deal of comment upon the appointment ,
however. To Jicprescntutivu Fredericks , of
Iowa , credit Is given for the appointment ,
and ho has been vigorously and heartily con
gratulated over it. He tald to-day that Cap
tain Lake was ills choice from the moment ho
heard of KIcli's resignation , and ho had , In
fact , determined to urge him ns Klch's suc
cessor In the event theio was no resignation.
The republicans of both the Iowa and Nu-
braska delegations ate well pleased that
Captain Lake was selected as Mr ICich's suc
cessor. Ho Is spoken of as an honorable
and capable man , and has a good war record.
TIII : siivin : IHI.L'H DIIKKAT.
In the house this afternoon the Iowa and
Nebraska delegation stood up tor silver when
tjio free coinage/bill was- being disposed of.
They preferred free coinage to no coinage ,
as the fieht seemed to stand , and all of tlio
republicans voted against the amendment to
suspend coinage. The proposition for un
limited coinage was supported by Dorecy
and Laird , of Nebraska , while Weaver voted
igaiust It , although ho disliked to
do so. Iowa republican members occu
pied the same position. They all
desired the adoption of an amendment
lo limH free coinage ( o American production ,
and objected to that feature of the bill which
made this country die dumping point for the
silver of ( ho world. The house , however ,
would not consider this amendment. Had Is
done so the bill might have passed. As It was ,
Ihcro were enough opponcirts to promlscuout
free coinage to defeat the bill ,
The house public lands committee to-day
directed Mr. Strait to leport back favorably
lo the house the senate bill creating two addi
tional laud districts in Nebraska.
Nebraska postmasters wen ; commissioned
to-day as follows : Samel K. Hlgg , Beatrice ;
Thomas Motion , Ncbaaska City ; George A.
I. Mo ? , Pawnee City ; and Iowa postmasters
as follows : James Matnon , Mackoy ; James
Iii-aham , Preparation ; Mart V. Miller ,
Sunnier ; Albert J. Weber , Albla ; David M.
Uossert , JclVeison ; Jamas F. Yogt , Lemars ;
I'lios. J. Hudson , Wlntorset ,
David 1 > . B ryati has been appointed post
master at Boitton , a new ollico in Manltcu
county , Iowa.
F011T V-NIXTII UO.N'G 111383.
WASIIINOTON , April 8. The senate re
sumed the consideration ot the bill , some
weeks since laid over , granting the Kansas A
Arkansas Itallioad company the right of
way for a railroad through the Indian terri
tory. The pending question was Van
Wyck's proposed amendment prohibiting die
issue of any more stock or bonds than would
represent the actual cost ot building and
equipping the road.
Mr. 1'latt suggested an amendment that no
shares of stock of the company shall bo trans
ferable nndl f > 0 per cent of Its par value shall
liavo been paid In In actual cash , the amount
paid in to bo sworn to by the company's
olllcers ; false swearing about It to constitute
iwrjnry. These amendments , and others In
the same direction , otfeied In succession by
Messrs. Sabin , Sewell and George , led to a
discussion on the general subject of railroad
stock watering. The amendments were voted
down and tlie'bill passed.
The appropriations committed reported die
Indian appropriation bill with amendments.
It was placed on the calendar.
Tlio Washington territory bill was placed
before the senate , and Mr. Vooihees spoke in
advocacy of his amendment , which consists
of an enabling act for die admission of Mon
tana territory. Mr. Voorliees' amendment
was voted down by a party vote yeas 1'J ,
nuytiiS ) .
A long discussion ensued , but without
reaching a vote , tlio senate adjourned.
Mr. James ol New York called up the sil
ver bill.
Mr. Anderson inquired whether an oppor
tunity would be given for oll'ering amend
The speaker stated that according to the
order of tlio house , the previous question
would be considered , as ordered , at f > : oO
o'clock this afternoon.
Mr. Anderson then asked that at 4 o'clock
an opportunity be given to members to offer
Mr. Ilandall objected to any change being
made in thu order of die house.
Mr. Ulibblq spokpinopposition to the bill.
Mr. Jamos'took the floor mid yielded to Mr.
Dlbolo lo olfur un amendment providing that
unless in the meantime , through the concur
rent action of the nations of Km ope with
the United States , silver bo rcmonutlzed
prior to July 1 , IBS ! ) , then and thereafter so
much of the act of February 'JS , 1BT8 , as author
izes and directs tliu secretary ot the treasury
to pinchasc silver bullion and cause the same
to be coined , shall bo suspended until further
action by congress. The amendment was de
feated yeas b4 , imyst01. !
Tim question then recurred on the en
grossment and third reading of the bill , and
it was decided In the negative yeas 1-0 , nays
IK ! so the bill was killed.
A Nomination Withdrawn.
WASHINGTON , April 8. John 1) . Bent has
been appointed receiver of ( he First National
bank of Washington , Dakota. The piosldent
has withdrawn the nomination of Timothy
O'Byrnes to uo Indian-agent at Yalclma ,
Washington teiritory.
The Cabinet Meeting.
WASIIINOTON , Aprils. Ono of the ques
tions considered by the cabinet was the al
iened discourteous treatment of tlio new
Chinese minister by the collector of customs
at San Francisco.
Minister "Winston Dnnlnn Improper
Relations The Vordlfet.
CinrAfio- April 8. F. S. Winston , jr. ,
corporation counsel of the city of Chicago ,
last night .sent a cablegram to his father ,
United States minister to Persia , Informing
him of the publications that have been
made hero concerning him and Jennlu
Woods , the young ghl who died hero the
other day from the effects of smoking ten
pipes of o.iim ) ) In a Chinese laundry. Tills
afternoon Winston received tlio following
cable :
"Tniir.iiAv , April 8. My iclalloiis with
Jennie Woiji perfectly proper. I tried to
educate and make a good \M > maii of her and
failed. That Is all. If letters contrary , they
are foigery. Commence libel suits against
all papeis slandering mo. Sony am not at
home to meet my accusers , but will bu there
nt the trial. Documents piovlmrall 1 say mo
in my hands. ( Signed ) WINSTON. "
The coroner's jury to-dayt alter heaiiin. ' all
tlio evidence obtainable us to the death ot dm
young woman , lendeied dm following ver
dict : "We , the Jury , bellevo that thu deceased -
ceased , Jenniu Woods , came to her death
Iroiu the effects of opium poisoning ; and we ,
the jnrv , from the evidence , bellevn that the
practice of opium Einoking is too common ,
and. In thu inleiest of geneial public morals ,
would htrongly recommend thu suppression
of opium dens In thlscltjv'
The remalnsof thudeceased were delivered
to 11 , H. Weaver , of Minneapolis , brother-in-
law of Miss Woods , to-day , and were taken to
1'anHenger Union Advannnd.
CmcAno , Apill 8. Orders worn received
hero this evening to advance rates by thu
Atcldson , Topuka & Santa Fo from Kansas
City to San Francisco for lirst-class limited ,
from S.ri to SW | making the ratu fiom this
city 8-il.fil ) , instead of fcH.fiO. The round
trip rates is thus advanced to SW. The
57 round trip late , good for
thirty days , and the SOI round tii | >
rate , good for six months , still remains in
force. The second class ratu liom Kansas
City is advanced to 87 , making tliu ratu from
Chicago 814. Thu Santa Fu savs It is com
pelled to make this advancu solely owing to
Its Inability locate for any moio tiavel than
Isaheady coming to the load , owing to thu
former low rate tor limited tickets ,
Niw : YOIIK , Amll 8. Tlio lollowlng ills
patch was iccelved at the olllcu of the Atchison -
son , Topeka it Santa Fu company to-day :
TOI-KKA , April 8. Owing ( o tlio dllliculty
In obtaining Pullman and other coaches to
enable us to handle thu enormous tialllu offer
ing , on and alter tliu Dili Inst. , mid until
further notice , wu will maku our gloss ratu :
Kansas City to Callfoinia , lirst class , limited
S'M , rebatu S18. net Sl'J ; iuuond class § W , 10
bate SW , net ST.
Weather Tor To-day.
MISSOUIII VAI.LKV Light , local showers ;
winds becoming variable , preceded in south
cm portion by soutbeily winds. ; slhjhtl )
cooler , ' . '
Report of the Investigating Oomtnittee Oi
Iowa's ' Leaf ami Dumb Asylnm.
1 _ Ju
Tlio Children Given 1'oo'r Peed nrt
Ijittlo or It The Work of
thu Joint Convention
Inefllolenet niaimgmnent ,
Dr.s MOINIS : , Iowa. , Aprlns. fSpcclnl
rclegram.J Among other iiivestluatlons
mlored by this general assembly , was ono
: nto the management of the deaf and dumb
asylum at Council Blulfs. The Investigating
committee reported to-day , and their report
relleeU severely upon ( ho present manage
ment of the Institution , ixvommcndlnfctho
llsclmrgo or the superintendent and matron.
Several hundred pages of testimony was
taken , and In summing up their report the
committee lind :
First. That us to cruel and Inhuman treat
ment of tlio children at the institution , the
evidence taken Issoconlltctlni ; that they re
gard the charges as not fully sustained.
.Second , The committee lind that the su
perintendent ami matron have in many In
stances fulled to care properly for the sick
children under their charge and control , and
have , In many Instances , neglected to pro
cure for thuiii proper and sullictent food , both
as to quantity and quality.
Third , Tliu eoiamllleu lind that the super
intendent and mation , Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Hammond , have not ii'-ed their best efforts
to cconomi/.e In tlio management of the In
Fourth , The commission recommend that
( he trustees of the Institution be directed to
discharge both the superintendent and his
wife , thu matron , at thu close ot the present
school year.
Trustees of Stale Inst I tntiona Selected
Oilier lUiHlnoss.
IKsMoiNis : , April 8. In the joint con
vention of the legislature to-night the follow
ing tiustees of state institution- ! were elected :
Hegents of the state university Alplionse
Matt hews , third district ; J. W. P.lch , litUl
district ; W. G. Crosby , eighth district ; J. J.
Mr-Council , ninth district.
Trustees agricultural college J. W. Gar
ner , lirst district ; C. M. Dun bar , second
listrlct ; S. P. Yeomans , fourth district ; C. "
M. Paschal , eighth district.
Normal School J. W. Jarnlgan , Powe-
shelk county ; II. F. Wilson , A ppannose.
College for the Bllnd-S. W. Slocsbee , \
Butler ; Jacob Springer , Ken ton ; W. F.
Mol'tsger , Marlon.
Deal and Dumb A. T. Fllcklngcr , Potta-
watamlo ; C. S. K-inck. Johnson.
.Soldiers' Orphans' Home Clinton Orclitt ,
Cedar ; William Wilbram , Howard : Charles
G. llipwell. Scott.
Hospital at Mount Pleasant 'llmotliy
Whiting , Henry ; P. W. Lcvallan , Page ; O.
W. Culllson , Shelby.
Independence hospital L. II. Smith , Kos-
sulli ; Albert Ituvnolds , Ortou.
Ferble-nilmledasvlum W. II. Hall , Clark.
Industrial school W. J. Moir , Ilardln ; ' 15.
It .Mlastim. , Carroll.
Both houses to-day passed die bill for a
commission of one trom each congressional
dlstiictto locate tlio soldiers' home , the com
mission to be appointee by the governor.
The senate passed tlio bill redistricting tlio
state by senatorial districts , and by con
gressional districts , and engrossed theliouse
bill lor redlstrictlug by rcpiejpntatlvo dis
tricts. J
Both houses pasted the bill providing that Ji i
In case of impeachment proceedings this kj
genorhl assembly may adjourn and die Ren-
ate reconvene to sit as a court of impeach kjj j
ment , for which service the members shall *
receive a simclal compensation of : SO.OO , a
day. The bill was signed by die governor
The commltteo appointed to prepare arti
cles of Impeachment aainst Auditor Brown
reported to-night. Action will bo taken on
the report to-morrow.
The committee appointed to investigate the
ollico of state veterinarian reported this even
ing o.xhoiioratliig him from all cnarges re
flecting upon his conduct of the oltlce. S
Thu house pasBi'd the senate bill allowing
Judges to send children to soldiers' orphans
home. r = a
The house appropriated for the feeble
minded institute Sll.'JOO ; Sl-iro for deaf and
dumb : tsf5' ) for orphan's homo fof Daven
port ; Sl/iUO for the prisoner's aid associa
loiv.Vs O. A. II. Adjourns.
Sioux Crrv , Iowa , April 8. Tliu session
of thu G. A. 1C. Htatu encampment closed this
evening with a public Installation of olllccrs.
The principal olllcers arc : Commander , W.-
A. McIIonry , Donlson ; senior vice com-
maiidcr , I' . II. Hawkins , .Sue City ; junior
vlcocommander. J. L. Geddes , Ames : mcdl-
caldlieetor , G. P. Ilana\\all , Les ) Mollies ;
chaplain , John II. Lo/.Ier , Mount A crnon.
Dnbuqiic was chosen as thu place for the next ,
encampment. Nashville was endorsed for
the national encampment in 18S7 , A resolu
tion was adopted urging the .legislature to
provide an Iowa homo lor Iowa soldiers on
Iowa soil.
lowti Appointments.
.April 8. The governor has.
appointed Henry D. .Sherman , of Jones'
county , stale dairy commissioner. Auditor
Brown has appointed W. T. liammoni
deputy auditor , vice S. F. Sluwart not ap-
proveil. ' <
Finn Arts In u liliizo.
PniLADKLi'iiiA , April 8. Allro , broke out
eaily this morning 'n die Pennsylvania
Academy of line arts , and many valuable
pictures were burned , and many pieces ol
statuary damaged. The loss cannot now bo
estimated easily , as much ot what was burned
could not be icplaced bv money. One of the
largest paintings burned was Harrison's
"Bord-de-Mer. "
IMail Gar and .Mall Iliirncd.
CLIVILANI : : ) , April 8. A mail car on Lake
Shoiu train No.I , with thu mail matter from
the west fond ) tliu important points cast of
Toledo , caught lire east of O.ik Harbor , Ohio ,
at ri : o this morning. The car was side
tracked at Oak Haibor. but thu llameslmd
such control that the car and contents were
untltely destioyed.
Iowa Ij-lHlaliiro ( ,
Iis : MOIXIS : , la. , Apiil 8. ln thQhou , e ,
the Impeachment act passed. Tim bill nppro'
prIatlngSll.iOO for thuwhool of let-bio nilnd-
ed at Glenwood , passed. 'J'he senate was no-
tilted that articles of lmpeichment : against n
Itiown had been agieed upon. 1 > ffl
The Ilardu-oll I'Vrry Wrecjk.
Si'iiiNfirir.LP , Mass. , April S. Klgbt bodies
from the wieck at Uardwcll'n lerry have been
brought heie , up to 10 o'clock this morning ,
Armed ( > uar < I .
ST. Lens , Apill 8--Deputy sheriffs and
United .Slates inaiMuilb' , aimed with revolvertj
and Winchuilor rllles , aiu on guard at ( ho
several fieight depots In Kast St. Louis. SeVt
oral trains havoalicudy been hunt out. No
interfeiencolwH been attempted ,
A bare-knuckle inlwi light took plaro near
Kll/.ubi-th , i'a. . Wednesday afternoon , be
tween two coal mlneis named Morns ami % i [
Kelll. Munis displayed thu most science owl jn
In the litli-enlli lound knocked his opponent , 1
senseless , The light lasted forty minutes , t % |
hlnamap.ras married In
.day , ( o Misrf Augusta MIN
.iimaii ulrl , ' * . ' years old , by
. . . .Wulker , a Baptist inlnlnter.
Thuhndu IM said to bu a limpet-table girl
whom tliu gioom met in a lestuuraut .wheiu
blie was employ I'd as vvaitic&6. , " ,