Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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I * <
A Mysterious Case "Which is Attracting
Mach Attention ,
Echoes Prom the Election Wlmt
1 aAlayor IJoyrt Snys Cupt , Crnw
ford's iMitierat Tlio Mnrtli-
Oras 1'roocsslon.
A Mysterious Case.
' The medical fraternity of the city are
much interested in n mysterious poison
ing case , very similar to that of the Mur
phy family , in which , as will bo remem
bered ex-Mayor Murphy died some
months ngo , after violent nnd sudden
symptoms. The alllleted family this time
was that of Mrs. Jane Dort , her two chil
dren nnd grand children , living on
flftoccn nml Davenport streets , next to
the Baptist church.
Mrs. Jane Dort , the mother , died at t
o'clock Tuesday , after n few days ill
ness , the other members of the family
having recovered. The circumstances of
tlio mysterious case , as Investigated by a
reporter of Ihe Her. to-day , areas follows :
On last Friday morning , shortly after
breakfast , Mrs. Jane Dorl , who is : i lady
of about IM years of age , was sud
denly taken ill. In a few moments the
pen and daughter , Lon and Li Hie
Dort , ngetl about ! 2l ! nnd SI
p years , wcro also taken down in a similar
i manner , as well us the granddaughter
ter , Kdna , n littlngirl 5 or 0 years of age.
The symptoms in each case weie those of
violent purging and vomiting , accom
panied by sovuro pains In the stomach
nnd bowels. In thuolosqof Mrs. Dorl thu
symptoms wcro Ivory violent , and the
vomiting kept tin from day to day with
( Uich olstinacv.tliaton ) Tuesday evening ,
death resulted from sheer physical ex
haustion. In the other cases , the symp
toms wcro less pronounced , and ns
already mentioned , the two girls anil the
young man have about recovered.
The cause of the mysterious poisoning :
is absolutely unknown. All sort ot
theories have been pressed into service to
afford an explanation. One supposition
was that the poisoning was caused by a
niulton steak which the family ate that
morning , but careful examination has
convinced Drs. Umsmoor and Parcel ! ,
who attended the case , that the sickness
jould not have resulted in that way. The
initchor from whom the meat was pur-
phased certifies that it w.ts perfectly
jwect and untainted , and that other
families , none of whom have experienced
any sickness , wore supplied oil' the same
piece. Other theories have been followed
up but none of them have thrown a par-
lielo of light upon the mystery.
"The ease is certainly 11 very strange
one , " said Dr. Dinsmoor to a reporter
yestcnlnyin speaking of the matter.
' 'The symptoms in all the cases wore
those ot gastricinllammation , which may
have been caused by the patient's swallow
ing some poison , or may have resulted
from malarial influences. "
"Hut how did it hapncn that the four
members of the family were all taken
down at the same time and in the same
"Tliatis the question which most careful
> Investigation lias failed to answer.
J Both Dr. Parcell and myself have
searched high and low to find some cause
( or the mysterious sickness , but so far wo
have been balllod in every direction. _ It
could not have resulted from the eating
nf the mutton , for other families partook
of the same meat and were not effected
n particle. It could not have
been caused by something in tlio
well from which the Dort family drank
[ as was thought at ono time ) for other
| ) | families on tlio same street use the same
well , and they have not been taken ill.
Tlio house has been thoroughly searched
f or poison of some kind , all to no avail.
The children of the family assure us that
no poison could have gotten into the
food , as there was none about the house.
The natural inference is that the poisonIng -
Ing was caused by something
which was caton by all of
the family , but just what that something
is no ono knows , and it seems to be a
mystery past finding out. Really nothing
can bo dotcrniincu definitely about the
matter until n postmortem examination
is mado. The symptoms so far as wo
were able to determine them wore t lose
of gastric inflammation , which may. as I
have said , have been caused by malarial
influences. "
* "No , " continued Dr. Dinsmoor , in an
swering another question of the reporter ,
"I do not know anything about the Mur
phy case , of my own personal observa
tion , and can not say how much this ono
18 like that 1 certainly believe in
ptoniaino poisoning , but do not think
that this cast ) belongs to that class. It is
a mystery that is all I can say about it. "
It is not probable that a ] > est mortem
examination of the body will bo made ,
though It is very desirable in the interests
of science that the mystery should be
fully investigated. The matter , however ,
is of course at thq dictation of the rela
tives of the deceased , who are averse to
ordering u post-mortem. The funeral
will toke place this afternoon at
2 o'clock , from the First Ilaptist church.
Charges of ilrlhory In the Third
tVnnl Wlmt People Say.
People wcro busy yesterday talking
over the result of Tuesday's election ,
which on all sides is considered a tri
umphant victory for thu republicans.
Pat Ford's majority In tno Third ward
has been thu subject of a great deal of
criticism. IJribory has boon openly
charged upon his democratic trionds. It
was stated yesterday that votes wcro
bought and sold in the most flagrant
manner. It is understood that the mat
ter will bo brought to tlio attention of the
district attorney who will be asked
to bring it to the attention of
the next grand jury. Witnesses
to the briberies are easy to liud , but it
will probably bo dillluult to fasten the
blaine upon the proper person. The
honest citizens of the ward arc thoroughly
aroused , and arc willing to use both time
and money to see that the will of thu people
ple shall not bo defeated.
The political complexion of the
council will not bo changed by yester
day's vote but the election will probably
catibu radical changes to bu made in thu
board of education , Tlio only member
of thu boaul entitled to receive any salary
Is the secretary. Mr , Conoyor is the
present incumbent of this oflice , but it is
obalifo that in May no will bo relegated
back to a teat among the members. Thu
indications are that the Hov. W. K.
Copeland will bo his successor , although
an effort will bo made to induce Mr Davis
to become u candidate. Jt is not likely ,
howeyor , that ho would bo willing to give
up hs | law practice to accept a position
ot ( lint nature. Blackburn does not waul
thi ) place and the business of thu othut
member * of tno board is of such a nature
as to ou'lmjo all idea of their candidacy ,
Jkt V Poiitls will , according to a mom
t jf the board , retire from the presi
* , -iit'b chair , which , after tlio May clec
tlon will probably bo lilled by K. K , Long
Mr , Long has had n long experience n
matters pertaining to education nn <
would make an excellent presiding ollicw
U It- urged against him. however , that In
us city auditor would jiavo to audit tin
warrants of the boards signed by as
This function is piucly minis
tcrial as the president only signs the war
rants when ordered by the board.
Mayor lloyd was waited upon by a re
ported for tholiEG yesterday and wasques
Honed about the truth of tno rumor that
ho was about to resign on account of the
result of the election.
"Is it true , Mr. Hoyd"was asked"that
you expect to hand in your resignation ? "
"Iliad intended to do so last night , "
he replied.
"Then you have changed your mind ! "
"No , I won't say that. My friends are
very anxious that I shall remain , Still I
fchall resign unless certain things come to
pass. "
"Have you any objection to stating
what the = o 'certain tilings' are ? "
"Yes , I don't care to say anything
further about the matter. I shall just
state that I can't have things go on as
they have been for the past few mouths.
If it hadn't been for the protestations of
my friends , I would have resigned long
ago at the time the first trouble over
Oumnungs aioso. The fact is that since
I have been in the mayor's olllco , I have
Worked hard tor the city's ' interests and
take a deep interest in her welfare as , In
deed , 1 always have. Vet I have been
abused and misrcpsonted. No I can't
say that I am exactly disappointed at the
result of thu election , though certainly I
had hoped tha it would bo different. It
is not an easy tiling to elect a democratic
council in a city which is republican by a
largo majority. "
It Will Take Plnco on Snmlny Prep
arations on I'"nut ,
Capt. , T. ( jr. Uourko , who accompanied
the remains of Capt. Emmet Crawford
from New Mexico to Kearney , arrived in
the city yesterday. Ho says that the
funeral will take place on Sunday next ,
under the auspices of Hebron Comman-
dory of the Masonic order , to which the
deceased belonged. A large number of
olllcor.- ) from different posts in this de
partment , as well as the oilier depart
ments , are expected to bo in attendance.
Quito a delegation will go down from
Omaha , and arrangements are being
made to have a special tram .sent down
on the Union Pacific. General Howard
haswutten to General Scholicld , division
commander , requesting the privilege of
sending down a full company of in
fiintry from this fort.
The telegraph brings the news that the
Second Infantry is to be transferred from
the department of Columbia to this de
partment. Nothing is known at head
quarters about such a change , as yet.
General Drcck said yesterday the change
would probably be simply be u transfer of
the Second Infantry from the Columbia
and the Ninth Infantry from this depart
The Musical Protective Union Cclc-
Imitc the Day In Fine Style
As early as 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the crowds began to collect in front of
the exposition building and by the time
the first wagon drove up to take part
in the Mardi Gras procession , instituted
by the Musical Protective union , the
sidewalks wore lined for blocks with
people. In the early part of the aftei-
noon gaily decorated wagons , bearing
various advertising devices stood at
almost every street corner , wait
ing to bo loaded. At the
exposition the marshals wore
iding about on horseback in vain
trying to keep the crowd within bounds.
As each team came up the driver was
given a number and drove away again to
find the proper place in the procession.
This was one of the gayest throngs over
seen in Omaha. Boys spurred through the
crowd on small ponies , men with hideous
masks piloted their horses through the
masses , small urchins shouted and
jeered and men and women laughed.
Every conceivable oolor was represented
In the costumes of the participants in the
procession and every variety of articles
was carried in the wagons. One enter
prising restaurateur had a cook stove
and cotl'co placed in n hugo wagon and
prepared meals while on route. His
waiters , clad in immaculate white jackets ,
and aprons followed the moyablo kitchen
in barouches. Pyramids of beer kegs
grotesquely decorated wcro piled up in
wagons , and made the thirsty pedestrian
sign for a taste of their contents. Sowing
machines , cigarsdifferent brands of wine ;
in fact , everything produced or made in
Omaha , was represented in the proces
It was 3 o'clock before the marshals
secceeded in getting anything like order
out of the chaotic mass of men , disguised
by more or less frightful masks. The
procession started oil to gay music , ac
companied by the cheers of the crowd.
Windows were thrown open all
along their line of march , and
the corners of the streets were crowded.
The different "organizations composing
the Musical Protective Union were drawn
in handsomely decorated chariots and
furnished the music for the occasion
They mot with a hearty reception trom
all quaitors and it was the universal
opinion that the procession was the finest
over scon in Omaha. The line of march
was as follows : Starting point ex
position building , Fifteenth and Capitol
tel Avenue , south to llarnoy street , easton
on Harnoy to Ninth , noi.n'of . Ninth to
Farnham , west on Farnham to Fifteenth ,
north on Fifteenth to Douglas , west on
Douglas to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth
to Cuinmings , countermarch on Six
teenth to Dodge , cast on Dodge to Tenth ,
south on Tunth to Douglas , west on
Douglas to Fourteenth , north on Four
teenth to Exposition building.
Imat niton.
John Phillips , a brother of Laura
Phillips whoso tragic suieido was men
tioned inOMonday's Uin : , arrived in the
city yesterday and took charge of the re
mains of his sister. According to his
direction , the burial took placa at 4
o'clock this afternoon , the interment being -
ing made in Prospect Hill cemetery.
The fact that Laura Phillips conies of
the best family , the unusual charms
of refinement and beauty which invested
her , and the strange note , written
in blood , in which site tells of the
compact made between herself nnd the
devil , combine to make the case ono of
strange and wicrd interest. The parents
of the girl are not aware of thu lifo which
slid lias been leading , and an effort will
bo made to keep the terrible secret from
Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard
ware and general murchundiso , 5(30 ( acres
of line Thayer county ( Nob.hmd ) ; live lots
in Genoa ( Neb , ) ; good store building
( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca
tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres
one-half mile iroin town of Essex ( Iowa ) ,
seeded in blue grass For further par-
ticulars , address John Linderholm , Cen-
tral City , Nebraska.
I'or Gas ,
The arguments in thu ease of the Gas
company against the city were delivered
yesterday. Judge. Wal < ely will take
thu matter under advisement before ren
ilering any decision , Tim counsel for the
gas company are .Judge Savage , George
E. PritehoU nnd Mr. Maiden , of Phifi
dulphia. City Attorney Council repru
bontud thu interests of lliu city in the- con
test. _
Public jalo of Short Horn cattle nt Lin
coin , Vl ) . , April U , 1SSO , FiiluPii cowi
and heifers and twenty bulls. For cata
Jogties .ijijilv to Col. F. M. Woods , Lin
coin , Neb. , or \ \ illiaisis & Lacy , Lueonn i
AVhnt the Thrifty Hotiscwlfto Onn lltiy
In the tiocnl Starts 1'rlces.
New cauliflower is ono of the delica
cies at present obtainable , though scarce ,
selling at from 20 to 8 > cents per head.
Onions arc soiling at 80 cents a peck ,
while yellow Salt Lake onions bring 40
Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch ,
Parsnips at 25 cents a peck.
New' hot-house radishes CO cents a dozen.
Lettuce live heads for a quarter. New Cal
ifornia celery in mammoth bunches sell
from 15 to 20 cents per bunch. Spinnach
from the southern states has now made
its appearance and sells for 35 cents a
peck. New green onions , three bunches
for a dime. Watercress C cents a bunch.
Pic-plant 15 cents a bunch. Oyster
plants , three and four bunches for 25
cents. Wisconsin cranberries , 10 cents a
quart ; choicest Capo Cod , 15 cents a
quart. Jersey sweet potatoes , 0 cents
per pound. Turnips 20 cents n peck.
Uutauagas 3 cents tier pound. Carrots
25 conls a peck. Salt Lake potatoes , 85
cents per bushel ; Nebraska potatoes ,
from GJ to 75 cents. California aspara
gus sells at 25 cents yor pound.
New California oranges from 25
to 40 cents a dozen. California seed
less oranges sell from -15 to 75 cents a do < s-
en. Lemons bring from 25 to 35 cents ,
the outside price being for very choice
ones. Bananas are worth from 25 to 35
cents a dozen. '
White lish and trout arc selling for 15
cents a pound.
Fresh codfish is to bo purchased for 15
cents a pound , while halibut steaks are
worth 25 cents. Eels are worth20 cents a
pound. Flounders are worth 121 cents a
pound. Striped bass are so scarce as to
bo unquoted. Sea perch are worth 12jcn
pound. Salt codfish tongues sell for 12
cents a pound. Fresh lobsters are just
coming in for the season. They sell at25
cents per pound. North river shad are
now to be purchased ; they are arriving
in liner condition than this market has
ever seen them. They sell nt $1 each for
roe and 01 cents each for bucks.
Fresh porch are now in the market ,
and sell at 12J cents u pound. Fresh
catfish also on hand , sellimg at 15 cents a
pound. Buffalo is just in season ; fresh
caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are
now in the market , fresh , and sell at 131-
cent a pound.
Oysters' , of standard quality and size ,
are sol ling at 40 cents tx qt. The selects
bring CO cents a qt. Cans 20 to 40 cents.
MEAT , rOt'I/rilY ANI > G.VMC.
The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ;
rumps and tipper part of round steak at
12 } . Roasting ribs , linn and juicy , can
bo bought from 10 to 121 cents. Veal is
extremely scarce and comes high , from
15 to 20 cents , according to the choiceness
of the part. Sweet breads can bo pur
chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef is
selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12 } cents ; mutton chops 12V to 15 cunts
Ham is worth 121 cents in bulk. 20 cunts
sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage ,
10 to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy ,
can bo purchased for 20 cents.
Butter , from 20 to 30 cents a , pound.
The latter price is for the best creamery.
West Point butter , of the liner brand ,
sells foriijc. Eggs have a standard price
of 10 and 3 cents a do en.
The Exposition BuiKlinj- Engaged for
a Month.
The Methodist revival is proving such
a great success that the church on D.iven-
port street is found to bo altogether too
small to accommodate the immense num
bers who wish to attend. Hundreds are
being turned away every evening. In
order , therefore , to give everybody an
opportunity to attend these meet
ings the exposition building lias been
rented for a month , with the exception of
Saturday evenings. The first meeting in
the exposition building will be hold on
next Sunday. It is expected that Rev. C.
P. Creighton , of Lincoln , will be present
all next week and assist in the meetings.
So far ono hundred persons have been
converted. _
Marched Thorn to Jnll.
Mr. Dan Lane , who lives on Izard street ,
on going homo about mid
night , or earlier yesterday morning
found two men inghis back yard ,
acting in a very mysterious manner
' 'What do you fellows want hero ? " ho
"None of your d d business , " was the
"I'll show you , " replied Mr. " Lane ,
jerking out his revolver and leveling it at
the leader. "Come along with me. "
The heavier of the two men made a des
perate attempt to got the revolver away
from Mr. Lauo , but unsuccessfully.
Mr. Lane ordered them to march down
town with him , and on the way mot Offi
cer Jaspcrson who landed thu two men
in jail. They gave their names as Farrell
and O'Brien. A package of wet under
clothes , which they had undoubtedly
stolen from some line , was found in
their possession. They aio held awaiting
Mrs. S.ilnioH'H Funnrnl.
The funeral of Mrs. F. B. Salmon , who
died in California recently , took plauo
yesterday from the St. Mary's Avontto
Congregational church , Rov. Willard
Scott olliciating. The floral tributes
which covered the coffin were beautiful ,
Thu remains wcro interred in Prospect
Hill cemetery. The gentlemen who acted
as pall bearers were Andy Itorden , J. K.
Preston. W. J. Hawks , IJ. O. 1'reeiimn ,
W. F. MeGuiro and David Jamison.
A Holiniitinii Itroil.
A free fight between thu Bohemians in
the Second ward and the police took
place Tuesday afternoon , which resulted
in a number of arrests. Some of the
Bohemian women took an active part in
the fray , and for a time it scorned that
blood would bo shed. Judgq Stenburg
has set the eases tor trial to-day
in order to give all parties u chance to
cool off. _
SntiiRtuo Sheriff.
The A. S , Cameron Steam Pump works
have begun a replevin suit in the district
court against Sheriff Cohtirn , fixing their
damage at $ . )00. The suit is ono of the
complication arising from the failure of
Cowing & Co.
A Farewell llocoptlon.
On next Thursday evening Gen. How
ard will meet the old soldiers of Post
Custer , of which ho is a member , and
tender thorn a farewell reception , Kear
ney post of Fort Omaha and No. 110 of
this city will bo present , and are expected
to join in the exorcises.
Pol lee Pointers.
Judge Stouborg disposed of a lot of
cases of Intoxication in the police
court yesterday none of them being
of any special importance , Larry Casey
was lined $10 and costs for lighting.
Ho made a savage assault upon the
policeman who uricsted him.
White Cedar Piling is better than oak
for bridge or foundation work. It lasts
longer in or out of the ground and can
i- bo iurnishod and driven Tor one-third less
, cost by 1) . Sopdr & Co. , 1020 Varwun
street , Omaha.
Prepared irlth ppeclM regard to hoalife.
No Ammonia , llrao or Alum.
F. M. ELLIS & 00.
Archllecls and Building SuperinFs
. . . .
Ofllcc , Cor. 14th ntul Turnnm Streets , lloomll
QconOE lltmu.vuiiOK wltliF. M. Hilts.
O Eft A HA
St , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic 6s Surgical Diseases.
DR. WloPflENAPflY , Proprietor.
Sittccii ji'ftra' Ilosnkul mul J'llvuto fraction
Wuliiuo the facilities , nppnrntup find remedies
for tlie successful treatment of c\ cry form of ilia-
cn o requiring cither mrdlcal or niiricnl ( ; treatment ,
anil inHo all to come nml limFtlgntufnrthemsolvca
or corrc8ioiul ] ultli lie. Long experience In treut-
lnpc.iC8 ! by letter enables us to treat many casca
scientifically without eccinc them.
WHITE 1'OH CIUOULAlt on Dcformltlc ? nnd
Brace" , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine ,
DISEASES or WOMEN , 1'llcs , Tumom , Cancers ,
Calnrrh , Bronclniii- , Inhalation , Electricity , I'nrnl-
yIn , ICpllcppy , Kidney , lly c , liur , bkin , Blood and
nil mir icai operations.
ItiitlcrlcH , Inhalrrx. Ill-noes , Trussps , And
ill kinds of Jtedlcnl nnd Surgical Appliances , man.
ufactiircd nnd for Bile.
The only reliable Institute making
Private , vSpecial 1 Nervous Disease
' A SrUlIAI/i'Y.
from H hntcvcr cause produced , successfully treated.
Wo can remote Syphilitic poison from the system
withont mercury.
New lestorntive treatment for loss of vital power.
Call and consult us or bend name And post-ofllcc
address phlnly w rltten enclose Btamp , mid we
will send > on , In plain wrapper , our
uros I'uivATB , SrrciAi. AND HEnvoiia DisuAtcf ,
cr , SirjULis , Uo.vonimiEA , GLEET , VAiucocnus ,
UitiNAitY OHOAI.S , or Etnd history of jour cneo for
mi opinion.
Persona unable to vlut us miy lie trcitcd nt their
homes , by corf ippotidoncc. 31eillLUts ) uml Instru
ments tent by'mail ' orp-tprcMSKOUKHLY 1'AOK
ED rUOJI msrks to Indicate
contend ) or sender. One pcraoni ) ) interview pre
ferred if coincnlcnt. fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients Board nnd attendance at
reasonable pticcs. Address all Letters to
Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute.
f-ar. I3thSt end Caoltol Avo. . OMftHA. NfB. '
O1.A.E3A. : : .
And every variety of materials for
Steam and Gas Fitters and Plumbers ,
vators and Factories.
± - = LtIb- . , Ona.sub.a : , ,
Angostura ItlttnrH , the world-rcnowno-
iu'ti/.i'mml invl oiator , imp.iiN u ileliriu'.i
JUrortn all dilnkt , and cinedyspojihi.i , dlijr
rliiL'a , li'VL'r and italic. Try It , hut ui'waro ot
cniink'ifiilts. Ahk your KIOOI > I or your din : ;
KIM for tliu \ii'ostiirain\milactuii ) ( ; > d
by J. ( . ! . U. ijiosiert it SOILS ,
K. C. Hilling began suit in the pounly
court .yesterday to recover ? iSl ! from
C' . 1) ) . Austin. Ho clainih Unit the money
is duo on promissory notes.
Kliciiniatisin of oven twimty yonr
Mantling is cured by St. Jacobs Oil.
1'ifty cents.'O
'O '
Mr. O. I ) . Minison , wlio lias bc'on cm-
ployed for some years in tlio Union IV
ciliu shops , leaves Omaha this week to
locate on his farm near Norfolk , Neb ,
Hov. W. K , Wriaht , of Hominorviilo ,
N , J. , Una been elected to the rectorship
of tlio now parish of All Saints , in th s
city. Ho will enter upon hii duties hereon
on Sunday , May Dth.
Nothing a Ids inoro to tlu security of
life , of happiness and of health , than a
safe nnd reliable family mod'o no. S. L.
H tins won for it.-ili ; the nppollntion ot
"Thol'ijinily IHeasiiiK. " It u child has
tlioclio'iic , it is sure , Kifo and pleasant.
If tlio father is exhausted ,
b'.litated , it will restore his failing
strength. If the wife butlers troni Dys
pepsia , Low Spirits , headache , it will
give iclief , If any member of tlio family
hits eaten anything hard to dijrcst , u dose
of tlio Regulator will soon ostabl'sh good
digestion. It gives refreshing sleep even
jn cases where narcotics have failed. It
is a preventive , perfectly harmless , to
begin with , no matter wliat tha attack , it
will afford relief. No error to ba feared
in administering ; no injury in cxposuio
after taking ; no change of diet required ;
no neglect of duties orJo5S of time , Sm !
inonsLiver Regulator is cMitholy- i' eta
ble and is the purest nnd best TiMiilv
medicine compounded. J. Il.Xir lin < x
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.olo pioprietoia
GROSS ASSETS , DECEMBER 31st , 1885 160,880.30
A certificate of membership in this Association furnishes benefits nt the lowcs
Men and women , between the ages of 17 and 05 5'cnrs , who arc in good health ,
may become members.
There is no changing from one class to another , and assessments do not increase
with advancing age.
The Company lias a guarantee fund of $100,030 paid tip in cash , which is an ad
ditional security to that furniiliod by any company In the United Status.
tlt has u Reserve fund which provides for a non-forfeiting pollcv and a paid-up
lite Company is located in the West : its biisinc'ss ' is confined to tlio healthy West ,
nnd applications from persDiis residing in milarial districts ace not accepted , winch
will insure few assessment : ) , and a consequent exemption from any onerous liability.
A local Advisory Hoard , composed of not less than five leading cili/.ins of each
vicinity , may bi formed , who may act as advisory counsel in tlio settlement of claims
by the death of m > mbcrs and as to tlio admission of applicants to mnmhorship.
A member who lapses his certificate may ro-mstato the same at any time upon
satisfactory evidence of goo.l ho'ilth , by the payment of all delinquent dues and
ISo insurance company in this or any other country has over failed by reason of
of tlio death-rate experience The failure in e.ieli instance has been caused by pecu
lation or speculation. Tne safe guards introduce. ! render both impossible in this
Association. *
Our business is confined to the endowment for old ago , and the pa.vmont of the
widows an 1 orphans after death.
The policy is more liberal , and the plan more secure , than any company in the
United Stall's.
Co-operative Insurance Companies existed in England 200years before tlio stock
plan was thought of , and the same companies exist to-day , some of them having
nearly ono million members. When manage ! judiciously , they cannot break. Wo
guarantee every ( tromisa we maked with iflOO.oOJ this being in addition to tlio $100-
000 provided for as a Reserve Fund which is a more liberal provision and offer than
any other company makes.
The Strength of This Association Consists of Its
The cost of life protection in this company is less than any company in the
United States. The company is good and payments prompt.
This Association is now entering its third year , and lias a large membership ,
which is constantly increasing.
At death or maturity of cmlowmont the member receives his interest in the
Reserve Fund in addition to the amount duo on the policy.
All policies become non-forfoitiug after the third year to tlio extent of the mem
ber's interest in the Reserve Fund.
AGENTS WANTED in every town and city where not supwlicd in all of tlio
states west of the Mississippi river and north of ivansus. Good reliable canvassers
can obtain most favorable rates by writing to the company.
Tlio western Mutual has consolidated the mombnrshiuof tlio "Nebraska Mutual , "
"Farmers' and Mechanics1 " and "Lincoln Mutual , " and with its own members in
sures perfect protection.
"NVo regard the Western Mutual as one of ttio very best life insurance assoaia-
tions in tnis country , and expect to see , at no very distant dy , it covering the entire
iieid of the licalty West with its active , gentlemanly agents. " Daily Express , March
LINCOLN , February 1 , 1880. )
It is hcrebv certified that the Western Mutual Benevolent Association Insurance
Company , ol Beatrice , in tlio State of Nebraska , lias complied with the insurance law
of this state , : ml is authorized to transact the business ot lifo insurance m this state
for the current year.
, , Witness my hand and the seal of said of Slid oflice , the day and
1 SIAL. : ! yar lirst above wiitten.
< r ' 11. A. UABCOCK , Auditor Public Accounts.
Omaha National Bank , the company's financial agent , at Omaha , Nebraska.
Relcr by permission to lion. J. II. Millard , Omuhu , Neb.
All communications should bo addressed to
Secretary and General Manager , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA.
OTIS HAYWES , Agent at Omaha.
iwauto & Si , Paul
The SliortfiEine
asid Best Hoiite
From Omalia to the East.
Cliictitfo , Slinnc-anollj. illlvumkoo ,
PI. I'nul , Odnr UupUli Dm jnpnrr ,
( "Hilton. Dubmiuo , Itockfoiil ,
Hock Ul'in'1. ' ' Pioopuit , Jnnwlllo ,
Klirln , MiulfMin , J.uCrosso ,
llcjnlt , \Vnmim
Andull othoiImportiuit pulnts Rust , XortliB4l
anil bouttioiijt.
Ticket ollico nt HOI Pimmm snoot , ( m Pniton
Hoteli. uml lit Union 1'ucitlo Dupot.
I'ullimiu fit-opera and the I'mcst DliilnsOau
In tlio Woilcl mo inn on tlio iiinin llnu of the
CiiioAnoMu < WAiKii-\br ) J'MJI , HAIMTAV , nnJ
OUT/ intention is puM to passengers by couito-
oUBemployouof tlio ,
11. Mu.i.Kii , Genoiul Manner ,
J. F. TUCKKII. Assistant nonornl Mnnigror.
1A. V , II. GtnpKNTCii , Gontrnl I'aasou or anl
OKO. K. IlEAffoi' " . Assistant Geueiull'nsson
ecr und 'Jlckut Airtmt. _
Lincoln Steam Dye Works
O llco Xo. 1105 O St. , Works S E. Cor. F. i. lull ,
L ncnlu , Nob. Ofciith' Clotlmiy Cleaned nnd Ho
General Insurance Agent
phoenix Insurance ( -'o. , London , Cash
. N V. , A6it > IS
Olcilb Fulls , As- ! *
OirardJ-iro. I'Ulludelplila. AsstW
No .v . Hampshire Ctu.UAsst > tfl
Best Goods in the Market
, III.
Ask for our goods and Bee Unit they
Ijeiir our trade mark.
Commission Merchants
01TJC1.H :
Hoard of Trade , Chamber of Cummorco ,
Chicago. .Milwaukee- .
, C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor ,
W. E5. rFSOK : ,
Local Uusiiipds Solicitor , 1JIO1
S , W , Cor , 16th and Paraim ,
Men of Wealth
Who are now investing in real Citato
For Home t
Or Speculative Purposes
Arc flocking to those choicest sites ,
Orchard Hill
Belvedere ,
And Newport ,
The reason oT this is because these
places return moie on the investment ol
the rich , and aflbrd a better homo for
the poor man than any othci property
near Omaha.
I nnlQ [ the Pri
/ Q V
LUUK dl lllu ril ! i
Orchard Hill ,
Near the horse cars and on the Bull line ,
with all the advantages of the city , but
withont Its expense and disadvantages ,
beautifully open and shaded lots run be-
$450 and $650 ,
10 percent cash , balance in monthly pay
Situated upon an ascent and upon the
same plain , which has made Ft. Omaha ,
the prettiest parade ground in the coun
try , and with an unobstructed view , sells
in aero lots at
Only $350.
One-quarter down , with deed , balance
in three years.
Is like llni famous suburb of Clifton , Cin
cinnati. It is beautiful in itself and
giveh an entrancing view of the valley of
the Missouri for thirty mile-3. And yet it
sells in
$250 to $350 ,
One-quarter down , balanca In U years
Tlicso two delightful sites malut up HID
most atlraetlvo places about Omaha.
They aru reached by ( ho most LKVKl
ROADS AND DRIVES and will ftoon bo
encompassed by the proposed
Lots are soiling in tliosn places daily ,
and but few remain. II } ou want to in
vest don't delay. Jfjoummt to buy for
a honiu make haite. .Sox mo before it ia
too late.
1 have piopcrty in all parts of the city
and my list i uro the laigu.-l und ino t
complete over ma'ln in Omaha. They
comprise houses , lotb , and all Kinds of
goods which \\ill bo s > old oroNuhangUil at
the lowest uudmoat iatiil.alory prices.
I5ih and Farnam , Omaha-