Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OMAHA PAILYBE3B.lifIJRSi ; ; [ ) Y < APIUL 8. 188ft
_ ,
* - I i
Advertisements under th ibcad 10 oencspor
line for the first Inicrtlon , T oonUfor oMb
Bubecqucnt Insertionnnd Il.W n line pormonth.
Jv'OBdvPTtl'f'mmt taken for les * thnn ZS onts.
Bovenwords will ho counted to thellnoithty
tnuBtruncomiecutlroly and mustbo p&tdln ! <
rnnco. All advertisements must be handed In
before2 o'clock p. m. , and under no cireura-
Dinners will they bo taken or discontinue J bf
rartlcs advertising In those columns anl hir
ing the answers ivldreisoJ incnro of THE DIB ,
trill plcnso auk for chock to enable thorn to got
their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on
prcMntntlon of check. All answers to fulvrr-
tfocincnts thould bo enclosed In envelopes.
to loan on business property In
Omaha nhrt Improved Jnrmi In Douglas
nml ndjolnjroounllo' ' " : low rate. C. .1 , Cnswrll , t
Co.loom ( III , Nebraska National Hank Building ,
3-'tli and Fnrnnm. 2. " > 4
ONIJY to lonn on good security. J. II.
Frowlman atBloman Bros. , 1207 Douglas St.
To lonn on Improved farms or rc-sl
MONKY lots , on one J ear's time. Ifame 1'lro
Iti urancoCo..iriiri Douglas HU IKS
TO LOAN On rcMdonco property.
MONKY . No commission. 0. J. Coswoll
A Co. , Ilootn 19 Iron Hank Building , 12th and
I'nrnam. " 03.
to loan on mortgage security. Uoal
MONKY and commercial paper bought. J. II.
1'rci'dmin , care BolmanBros. , , 10 N. 13th St
d > noooo to loan , finmi fSOO and upwards.
P Lowest rates. Bomls , 13th and Douglases.
TV ! ONKY TO LOAN on htwncM property.
IT. ! Opposite I'OBtollloo. W.O.Shrlvcr. 184
r.noOOO to loan on business and rcsldonco
$ property In Bums of $1,000 and upwards.
Amcslfi07Farnani8t. KM to loan on city rosldenco property
( leo. W.Dny , 1608 Karnam. 039
MONKY on chattels. Room 10 , lledlck Block.
Jno. C. Thompson.
riio LOAN Money many amount
JL On all clashes of eccurlly.
Bhorttimo loans on real estate.
Ixmg time loans on real estate.
Moneyto loan on chattels.
Money to loan on collntoraK
Money to loan on any good security.
Terms ensy , time to milt. _ ,
Apply nt the Omaha Financial Exchange ,
Ilnrkcr'B bullcllnar , S\V corner of
I'lfteenth and Farnara sla. upslalrg < o
for everybody I You can borrow
MONKY on furniture , horfirs. wagons ,
plr.nop , stock of all kinds , diamonds nnd flno
wnlrhcson your own time. Payments received
nt nny time , and Interest reduced pro rata.
J'roporty loft In your own possession. Terms
low as the lowest. Call nnd BOO mo. Business
confidential. No advantage taken , w. u. Croft ,
Itoom 4 , Wlthncll's Now Bullc'lng , Northcnnt corner -
nor 15th and Hnrnoy. "
IONKY TO T.OAN O. K. Davis ft Co. Real
M Estnto nnd Lonn agents , 1505 Farnnm St
" 4 i
MONFr TO l/AN-On good Bconrltios. A
McG avock , room 7 Hodlck Block , 1509 Fnrn am
Bt , P
PONKY TO LOAN On real estate nnd chat
tels. D. L. Thomas. U45
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of fMOnnd up
wards on first-class real estate Bocurity.
Potter A Cobb , 1515 Farnnm Bt H45
LOANED at C. F. Reed * Go's. Loan
office , on furniture , pianos , horgc" > , wagons
personal property of all kinds and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 B. nth.
over Hhi'ih'ini's Commission store. All bus
iness etrletly confldontaU P47
FOU SAT.K Ono of the best cattle ranches In
the state. 15 miles from Lincoln nnd R miles
from Sownrd , 1340 ncros , all fenced ; will soil
whole or piirt ; terms easy. Hlffglns Al'nrk ,
1512 DouBlnq. 245-9
T710U SAI.K-Halfor whole interest In llrst
Jt class dry ( roods stock. In host location In
olty : cause , 111 health , Address D 51 Bee olllco.
"Clou HAI/K Tluknrr nnd lunch stand In town
-13 of nbont 1,200 InlmbltnntA ; chnnco for a good
Imlior. Inciulro of Kopp , Drolbus & Co. . 1100
3'"nrnnm pt. < 5-15
To KXOirANOiC If you have lund to o\-
' change for stocks of goods list It with C. J.
Coswoll & Co , Room 19 , Neb Nat'l Bank building.
TO KXClIANOK-Tf you have stocks of
goods to exchange fee Und list the Fame
with C. J. Caswoll & Co , Hoom 19 , Neb Nnt'l
Jtnnk building. B51-7
Oil KXOHANOK Stocks of goods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to ex
change for goods. If you want to trade , no
mutter what it isyouhavo , wrlto , with full de
scription , to C. E. Mayno , real estate broker ,
Omaha Nob. 163
"IPOIl SALK Creamery will be sold ohcan , on
A ensy trnns , to anyone who will run It the
Doming ecnson. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob.
" \\rANTKD-To exchange for stock of hardware -
' ware and general merchandise , MO acres of
flno Thnyor Co.Nob. , land ; 5 lots In ( lonon ,
J ch. . good etoro building ( best corner ) ; good
dwelling ( Host location ) In Ksflox , In , nUo 81
ncioH V mlle from town of Essex , In,8eodoil In
blue irrnRs. For further nnrtleulnn nddrnss
John Mmlorholm Central Citv Nohrusku. 051
JiUSONAL : To persons who wish to build n
homo In Orchard Hill , I will sell lota upon
rmj mont of the nominal gum of ten dollars nnd
balance nt the end of ilvo years. Interest at 8
ior cent , payable Boml-nnnunlly. This Is the
) icst oUrr over mndo to nny homo-sookor In this
f Ity. Cnll nml BOO mo. C. E. Mayno , S. W ror.
15th nnd rnrnnm. 579
r OST At the U , I1 , transfer. AprlM.npookot-
J-J book , no viiluo to nnyono except the ounur.
A reward will bo pnld If returned to the olllco
of the Co7z < ns. 285-8
OSTOn South 10th Rtrrot , n lady's small gold
wutch with chain , locknl and cross nttucliod.
Finder will bo rewarded by leaving same at 1510
H 10th street. 270-7 *
n-IIIK W. C. MotznorStovellopalrCo. IHSouth
- 114th St. i > otwe < ! ii Dodiro and Douglas.
av.VllI.i ; board In private family. 411 N 17th.
ao-n *
ITIOU UKNT- Hoom nnd bo'ird for two. Ill 13
JL' Cnpllol nvo 142
f \ < ) ( ) ! > day board , 1903 Fnrnam st.
Hl.i ; bonitl. IGia Dodge street.
TnlnnSI *
AIM'LICATIONH for U B licence made out
by John C. Thompson , Uoom ID , llodlclc
JllcK'U. 228
SCHOOL nt stenography and typo-writing ,
Boom 7 , Nebraska National Bank Building
tTiirins , f 10 pur month. lxsaonn dully. 23U-H *
"OAltTIKsi wlslilnpr furiillnro ckanod , please
L udilro.-8 mo through 1' , O. Fred limy.
197-21) ) *
'OKI VV nnd Cesspools cleaned by B. Ilwlng. P.
JL O. Box 42r. C40iip.Jl *
YTtOll UKNT A stoio on a good retail street.
4 ? ' Apply the Onmhu Houl I tatu and Loan
Co. 107
Oil UKNT-Bquaro I'liino , f4 uiouthly. A.
Bospo , 1513 Doiiglftg. 910
| 7V > lt UIINT Orguus , f1 per month. Hospo ,
P 1513 Douglas. 103
| 7IOIt UKNT-Squnro 1'luno , (3 monthly. A-
C Hospo , 1513 Douglas. Oil
OK l.KASK-ir , lots in Parkc.'s addition on
Clark und Baundera Sts. Amos , 15U7 Far-
f.VKll.VINS in ImproMid and unlinpruvcd
' propuity. W. H. ( ! it'fil,2l5 S I".tll bt. KU
STK IC BALi : I'ifty slnuos NobiusKa nn I Io\\n
IlibUrancufonipuny'HbtOfk , aNo tlfty fihnrcti
Vubtuiii lliimo IiiMiiuncoooiiip.uiy'8 stock. I.
A. Miller , ( Xmncll ICnllB. lao-a
I A. MII.Liit-I : will buy your Nobmska
nml louu Insiunuvo block und p y you
( oity per cunt premium on > our cu > u ln\o t-
niont tor the sumo. J.T. Hurt. 2UM )
* n Olt SALi : Ono good liorso. 1C 10 Furnnm.
TTUMt SALK -At n bin guln , furniture und K a o
Jcompli'tu. . ot thuSt 1'iiul hotel ; best hotel lo
cution on tliU loud ; Oakland , Neb , A 0 Sinlth
HTUHt SALK 1 tpan nroun muros. Inijulru nt
JKs&n Bros.,21 and Ijuavounurth , 53
OKSAi.i-cUi'iip ; road cart nt 15fi7 N luth
street. gjj-b *
THO" SALK lit ae nnd | wut ot furniture of n
JK 10-rooiu lioiibu. Addiess IttW Burt. "
T7UISALK Ono tonm of bon > ca nnd work
I ] baruci * . W. Jit. Croft , Itoom i , Wlthnell
Jllock. 157-8
tO SALE 1 llno-parlOr bet , 1 bed i-otnn set ;
jtooa Uj uuw , .Apply A , A. A. ) ii'
if-TBIW-ff I ' " ' * "
FOUSALK Square piano , $50 , monthly pay-
monts. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. VO.
TiflOU SALE Lunch counter and rostauran
J-1 ( Ittlngs , gM nxturos. nnd largo besting
llovoat the Senate , 1505 Farnami Inquire at
office of J. J. O'Connor , Hth street , between
Douglas nnd Fnrnam. ino
TT O USA Li : Match teams nnd hones of nl
i1 kinds to suit ou tomors nt Stnr Sale Stables ,
20th nnd Cumlng. M. Cannon , 1'rop. 777
THOU SAI.i ; Anowstonm roller mill In No. 1
A business locnllty ; line wheat country ! but
little competition ; tnJXX ) ; cost more. W. II.
Green , 215 813th st. S23
Foil SATI5 Tlio best ponoral merchandise
buBlne s In northwest Nebraska. For par
ticulars address MtCord , Brady i Co. , Omaha
Nob. 028-14
SAT.U UnriBht piano , tins , monthly
payments. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. I'M
iyANTii-A girl for general housework ;
1 1 Bimtll family. At 1017 Cues . 201
w 'ANTKD Woman cook. 810 8. 10th St.
259-9 *
WANTKD-pirl for general housowork. 210
South 10th street. 200-9 *
W'i , JEKI A Klrl for ffenprnl houiowork.
N W cor 23d and St. Mary's avo. ilr . Hobt
W ANTKD An experienced gtarchor and
ono plain Ironer. Apply at Frontier
Laundry , 1613 Howard at. 258-7 *
WArTKIJ An experienced girl at the roel-
doncoof 0. F. Montgomery , 8J02 Harnoy.
W'ANTEU An experienced saleslady for the
notion department. Only those who can
speak German nnd furnish eood refoiencca
need apply. A Hermann , C03 8 13th St. 233 7
WANTLIFiretcln 8 second girl. Zflth st ,
1 block south St. Mary's live. Mrs. Boncn.
250-13 *
W ANTKD Ono female cook nnd ono second
girl : Gorman or Swede prolorrcd. 42.1 N
1Mb. . 200-7 *
WANTKD Experienced dressmaker wants
sowing In private families. Inqulro 411
South St. L-5.V7 *
AtsTKI > Good cook and laundress : small
family. Mrs S 1) Barkalow , 2406 Capitol
avenue. 230-7 *
ANTKD-A nurfo for 3 children , middle
ngod Gorman woman preferred. Apply to
2015 Cuss Street. 31-10
T\7ANTii ; > A strong- , competent girl for
T housework , by Mrs FB Konnard , N K cor
19th ami Dodgo'gtrbotsT 243-7p
w ANTKI > Aim waiters. Famous Hestau-
lant.nilSouth llth Etrcct. 219-7 *
WANTKD-Uood gill at2007 Webster'street.
220-7 *
vyANTKI ) Wnlst nnd skirt hands. Applv at
Mrs. M. Wallace's , cor 10th nnd bnvon *
port , over Moody's. 217-8 *
W ANTKD A good girl for general house-
woik. 704S.18hst. | 22 *
" 117ANTKII A good girl for goiioral housework -
> work ; must bo a good plain cook. Apply
ntonco. 2319 St. MnrjTs. all
\17ANTKD-1 skirt maker nnd 1 basque maker.
> > Apply nt 611 N. 15th St. 313-7 *
W ANTKD Housekeeper In a widower's fam
ily of four children ; oxporlonco and com
petency required with satisfactory references.
Address P. O. Ilox747. 210-i ) >
\\7ANTKl ) Good girls for ponoral house-
r work , irood cooks and kitchen girl , good
dining room girls. Places given tree. Cull at
Omitlia lUiiiiloyniont Bureau , 1120 Farnam St.
WANTKI ) At 1819Lcavonwoithn girl who
knows how to cook n meal and do general
housou ork. 203-7 *
W ANTKD Shirt makers nt Omaha Shirt
Factory , 303 N I0th st 189-7
\\7ANTKD ( ] hl for general housework In
i ' small family. N K cor Qcorgln and Loaven-
worth. 105
W ANTKD A ghl for general housework ;
Punish preferred ; nt 1317 Cass st. 201
W ANTKD Good girl forgencral housowork.
000 2 th Bt , houd of St. Mary's nvcnuo.
Mis. Qeo.W. Hall. 198-7 *
W ANTKD A good girl In a small family.
BUS. 10th stf 187
W ANTKD A good woman cook ; good wages.
Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 447
\VANTKD-Two "rat class architectural
Vl draftsmen ntF. M. Kills .V Co.'s oflico , im-
mpdlutoly , cor. lltli and Farnam St. , Omnliii ,
Nob. 23.1-8
WANTKI ) Two good advertising solicitors ;
Liberal pay. Cnll ut Omaha Commercial
College on Fnrunm at , on Monduy. 274-7
TTTANTED allro business men to open nnd
i V mnnugo gone rul agencies for sale or Silver
Gift Baking Powder in largo cities. Moro in it
than nnythingcKo. $50 to $100 only required.
Cox Chemical Co. , 1022 Capitol nvo. 281-10
WANTKD-20 men for railroad woik. K. S.
Albright , Labor Agency , 1303 Furiium st.
W ANTKD Three agents to canvass for a
new patent article. Inquire at 827 South
18th st. 103- ! ) '
W ANTKD A young man to take chargoof
dining room und store room , Cantlold
house. 27'1J '
TXTANTIJIJ Two flist class coat mukors and
V ? ono ppnlaloon maker , nt once. Highest
wages paid. Bnrnubjr & Gllllck , 1U33 O street ,
Lincoln. Nob.
\Tt7ANTKD Ono good d5y goods salesman ;
V > lofcronros roiiulied , Intiuiroof Mcliinls&
Hussy , OKI FlUh btreot. 231-7 *
> Aoung mnn or reliable boy
with n horse to carry a route on Konlng
Dally Boo. 2J >
T\7ANTKI Printer A boy. 14 to 10 years ,
vrhocan Fottvpit und run jobber. Wrlto
to Mirror , Lyons , Nob. 185-7
\\TANTKn Two llrst class rontmnkors. Ad
dress John Morrison , Lincoln. 2bU
IT/'ANTJJIJ Cook. Apply to II. C , Hammond ,
> Supt. lust. D. and D , , Council Bluffs ,
I own. 284-9
'viT'ANTIjn ' I'uitnor.uctlvoorHllcnt ; $ . ' ,000 to
V i $31CCOiiianuliicturlngbusliioss : established ;
more oupltul needed ; ll\o business mnn lire-
fen ed. Address D 3,1 BcoJ 151-10
"ITf/ANTKO 20 young inon nnd Indies to on-
VV gage In the tologiaph ajrvlco. Address
W. J. 1 , Crounso block , 10th 'at.
WANTKIl y good cunvusjors to soil furni
ture on Installments. Cull on M. F. Mar
tin , aii ) South 16th it. 67U
ANTICO Sixteen hnrnoss manors nt 813-
innn Bros. , 13th and Doge \ sis. 248
rANTKIJ Position ns housokoopor.Address
' D 55 , Boo Oltlco. 251-S *
WANTKli A place by it yountf mnn for
gonoruliroik ; oundrlvo a toam. Address
D 57 , Doe olnco. 278-8 *
WANTKI ) A plneo by a young man In n
grocery store ; speaks German. Address
D53 , Ueoomco. 27H ! *
WANTKn By gomiomnn and wife , 2 or 3
unfurnUboii rooms or part of rottngo : do-
sliablo location ; boat references ; call or address
845 B iilst street. 242-tip
v 7ANTKI > A gentleman of about 45 wishes
t > ftKltmitlon § s pulesmun In either giocorlos
or clothing und fiirulshlnsr k'oods ; long ovperi.
oncu In vrliolo nlo or retail ; cnn glvn good city
lofurcncos ; willing to Btart at small snlurv : nd-
drtss I ) 5J line olllco 2JO-7p
WANTlil ) 2 or 3 furnished rooms with
board ; two children. Address U 61 , lieo
Olllco. 252-7 *
' \\7"ANTii : ) A partner with three or four
I * thousand dollurb to cnluigu n gootl paying
busings In beat locullty ol city ; luldie-i , U5J
Boo otlicu. 244-iip
"l7"ANTii-To have you cull and teethe now
ii Ciandall typo writer und the fitenoiiiipli ,
nt Boom 7 , Ncbriibka National Bunk Bulldlnj ,
U.V , Bukur , general ngent. lh' l
" \\7"ANTiu : An Intelest in retail giocery In
> > Omaha. Address D Ml , Boo Olllco. 218-7 *
Yy.VNTKO Teams , steady work. U S , Al-
11 bright , It , 1U LuUor Agency , 1W3 Furnum
btmt. " -
Wo have numerous Inijulrlos to
J- lent houses nud cottages. Ifjouwnutn
tfiiunt list j our bouses with us. Hush & Selbv ,
21 &lMh. DM
\ \ , ANTii : > Taiolit u rcsldpnco with 9 or 10
I * looms , lirbtclu&i household couvuulcni'os
nnd eltiuitcxi near the contorof the city. Ad-
ilietst' . . K. Muyne , S. \ \ ' , cor. Furium and 15th
6t . Sbtf
\\rAM'lu : To i uy a second-hand typo-
T1 wilier. J. B lliuncj & Co. . Oinalnj.
: - trndP , lot In Plalnvlow ndd fern
n pair of young horses , thfit nr < ) peed lnglo
dnvtrs , or ono good horse , harness and buggy ,
like A Moore 1222 Farnam. oil
ANTKD 80 houses nnd cottages to ront.
W Will nnd you tenants at once. Itiiih&
Solby.2188. 151h. t'J7 '
oil UKNT A tract of & acres of excellent
land suitable for market gardening ; small
oc , stable , etc. The land lies about 1 V < miles
N. W. from Fort Omnhn. 2H-8 *
IpOtl UKNT House with 8 rooms , Innuir *
1 ? 2510 Capital nvo S2M2
KENT Warehouse room (14x118 ( feet.
Foil & Boimwn , Crolghton Block. P45
Oil UKNT S stores. 14128.13th st O. II.
Peterson. . 724
OR UKNT n-room house , Halves1 ndditlon ,
In north pnrl of olty ! ( rood ropalr , with
' of cheap to good ten
and ground
arn 'i aero v i fi mnvi : % * i > i. < * t' v n * * * * * * * '
ant. Hugh O.Claric , H12 Pouglnsst. 206-9
Ijioif lllCNT 2 brick stores on South Wth St.
J3 bet. Howard and Jackson. Paulson & Co. ,
1513 Farnam Bt. 535
UKNT Brick yard. TV Murray.
HUNT One Hat , between 10th and 17th
FOH . Howard. Inquire Omaha Koal Kstato
and Ix > an Co. T38 _
Poll KENT Farm of 100 acres , twelve miles
from Omaha. Apply at the Omaha Finan
cial lUchange , 3\V corner of 15th and Farnam.
17IOU UKNT Uoslrnblo residence , 8 room * ,
JL1 Blilnn'sM add ; house of Brooms. South 6th ,
al3o2barn wlth lofts. J. Phlpp * lloo , Box 557.
* . At a bargain , tine 9-oom house
with modern conveniences ; full lots on
Harnoy st , near 25th ; W JO. { 'otter ft Cobb.
1615 Ftirnam Bt. ° ' 'J
UKNT Qardon tarra. 809 8. llth St.
Foil 729
71OII UKNT-Nloo 8-roora cottage. 8. T.
F Peterson. & B. cor. 15th and Douglas. fi8t
KKNT-3 nicely furnished rooms. Call
Foil Mr. Boyd. 1610 Douglas. S77-10
HUNT Two rooms upstohs or ono
FOR front room down i > talrs , on Charles
street , second door from Baundors street.
UKNT Neatly furnished rooms ; modern
ern conveniences ; near street car line ;
lloforencos given nnd required. Address Il.cnro
Ballou llros , city. M4-13 *
Foil KINT : Front room , second tloor. _ 1510
lint noy. > "J
17IOK UKNT Well fiirnl'hrd and very com-
JJ fortablo rooms with board , lliri Jones. 2ifl-9 *
UKNT Nicely furnished fiont room , 1st
Foil , car line ; call at 213 S KA st. 2t3p
TT1O11 UKNT Rooms for small lamllos or
JL1 young men ; Inqiilro at C03 N 18th 8t. 2i)7-8p )
T OIt ISKNT Furnished room for one or two
X1 gentlemen neur business center. Imiulro
1319 Dodso st. SI"
"ITIOIl UKNT Two handsomely furnished
-C parlors ; bay windows , modem eonvon
loncea , 1720Caj > ltol nvo. l ? > -i *
T IOUUKNT Unfurnished room. 1019 Fiirnnm
Foil UKNT-A nlcoly furnished room , with
or without board , for ono of two gentlemen
tl718 Uodgo St. 131
POIl UKNT Furnished rooms. 10 1 Caplto
nvonuc. 110-7 *
Foil UKNT Ofltco nntl ttoro room. Oration
& Drummond , 1315 Hnrnoy. BW
Foil UKNT-Two nicely furnished rooms In
corner houEQ on street car line , 22i7 Dodge
street. 878-13 *
Foil UENT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
with board , with nil modern conveniences.
222o Dodge. 7SO
UKNT Klogant und doslrahlo rooms ,
furnished or unfurnUhod. 1607 Douglas
st. llofeicuces required of uppllcanU. CC5
F Oil UKNT uood room nnd good board.
1903 Farnam. 353qpra
THOU UKNT With board , ono largo nlcoly
JL ! furnished front roam , gas nnd bath room nt
14CW Jones St. 276
rOU UKNT Largo room with or without
L1 board. 1704 Cnpitol nvo. 253
TjlOll UKNT Furnished rooms , slnglo and on
JL ? suite , with or without board. AOdrosdCDI ,
BooOnico. 240
> Insldo the
City limits ,
Lots from
Cunningham & Bronnan , 1511 Dodge fit.
T71O11SALK $230cash will buy small house
JL ; with grocery store , und lease of 1 year. Ad
dress D 6a lloo olllce. SfiS-7 *
Foil BALK Or Trade Improved and unim
proved lands in Furnas nnd other western
conntlo * . Address Win. Blmoial , Arupalioc ,
Furnas Co. , Nob. 275
Foil UKNT Four ronm cottniros , 25th and
Chicago ; $10. A 1'Tukoy , 1304 Furiium St.
1OK SALK An improved 5-ncro lot In Tut-
tie's subdivision. M. K. James , Foit Omaha.
, 103-10 *
SPECIAL HAItUAINS Ton ncroc. very de
sirable , lying west of the cityonly $ 'i,000.
Five of the best lots in Sauudors .V Hlmo-
bnugh's addition , each $10' ) .
'J wo now cottages and lots In good neighbor
hood on monthly puyinen s.
Kino cottugo and full lot on Virginia nvcnuo ,
fOt'XM ' ) . '
Flno residence on Park nvcnuo.
Four very ( feslrablo residences ranging in
prlco from t4,50J to * 'J,000 onch.
Flno acres In Hlmebuugh'B addition ut $ $00
ouch. Very clump.
Ahstrnctsof titles furnished nnd guaranteed.
Money loaned at lo\v iuto3 of Intel oat on up-
proved security. It. 11. Patterson , dfl'cos ' lath
and Douglas. 1U-7
Foil iSALK several desirable multum loti
on 10th St. , nnd business and residence lots
in nil parts of the city. Also warehouse , hotel
nnd farm property. Houses to rent. Properly
shown free or churgo and u lariro list to select
from ut prices ranging Irom $23) ) to 510,0) ) ) . Pur-
tloadoslrlng to Invest should look ever our list ,
and prices before buying. Corrospotidnnoo go.
llcltod nnd Information nbout the citv froplv
glvou. Omaha Houl Ustuto & Loan Co. , Uoom jr
Wltlmcll Block. Omaha. 7J7
CIKUCK business lota in best locutions on
Fuinnm , llurnoyuiiil lUthstrools , lor lease
on long term of yoais. Apply to B. F. Smith ,
U. 8. Niit'oiiul ' Bunk , Oiniihtt , 147-U
Foil SALK Wxl87 , Lake's udd , Ironts cast lo
Hhormau nvonuo , west to 17th street , on
grndo , fJ.MJ. Thco. Olson , 21 South l.'itli strtot.
Acre lots ,
Cunningham & Bronimn , 1511 Dodge Bt.
-7AIHMOHNTrLAOK-Cinntnnd27thbtroot ]
Jj ( Campbell si ) , handsome cottages , doslmhlo
lots , low prices , on car lino. W. H , Groon.solo
agent , 21&Siat hat. 2)7
J 7011 iHALK-Uy Boll & McCandlish , 1511
* Dodge Eti cot.
3 West Omaha acres , each $1,100.
Park Avenue residence , 7 rooms , stnblo ,
Hun&com Place , house 7 rooms , cast front ,
Hlmobaugli Place , house 7 looms , f 3W .
Qoorgln Atonuo , house ( J,000 ; cash $ Vobul )
unco monthly.
i bouses ami lot * , Bjggs A : Hill's luld , 11,900 to
$ iwo : , very ouoy terms.
Valuuhlo houbu and lot , California st , Kx.
chungB for outside piopuity.
Near Luuvenuortli btroet , house , two lots ;
Bt , Mnrys Avonuu. very choice residence
propoity , 1 C-'xIA. , south fiont.
Walnut Hill , house 7 rooms , south and oact
front , (3,500 ; uany terms.
Sunny fSldo , two lota , south fiont , ouch
Hoiifeu , east front , acre of land , f..OuO.
Fail view ncros , oust Iront , f JW ; 10 per cent
rnshi bnlnnco monthly.
West tililo lots , $ > OU to $ iiO < ) .
Business location on Dodiro street bnrgnln.
l'ulr\iowncios , very choice property , only
JWO ; lonvtuno.
No troulilo to show property whether you
buy or not. U7U-7
Foil H.VI.K Lot III Pelham Pluco , S575 , easy"
Ixita In Hanscom Pluco. $759 to $1,00 } .
Lot on Virginia nvx , ( J.OX ) .
2 lots in SiuinjKldo , f..lfcjO.
2 lots on West Furnnm St. , 815.5W.
I < otliilx > t > o'dudd.fl5) ) .
Corner lot In Lo o'i > udd. . J5J3.
Ixjt on Hamilton M. . $ y > j.
2 lots on Hamilton St. , $1,033.
Corner Jot in Prospect Plare , f 7SQ.
Corner on ruriiam 8t..wxUJ ! ft. $ ,000
S houses and full lot , lUth near Wubstur , t.ODO ) ,
Slots In Luo'6Ul.l.flUn und J1.20J each.
K lot and o-room liou&e , Izurd bl.f near 20th ,
"iij feet on S 13th SU , $11,001
3 lots on 24th St. , $ 'otu5.
S lots on Docutur M. , f LtiOO.
Ix > ton2UrdSt.l.rjOa.
Ix > t In Nel.son's udd. , (1,700.
House und full lot , burn , well , etc , on Hamil
ton bt. , 1 1 , WO. Kusy tbims
Ui-o. P. lleuils lith uad Dougli'.s Sts. 873
. - . ; $2,75) . W. H.
Orcon.gigsnmiist. Ki
TT1OU SAI.HflOij27H , Parker's ndd. 5-room
jl house , Btaldo , for another house ,
hnlf block from Street oar ; pplendld Inxest-
mont , $ l,7uO. T/ico. / Olsen , 219 South 15th street.
_ lt _ 155
T71OU SALK-Tb9 , Qnmhn Benl Estate and Loan
J-1 Co. do not ndvertiso as largely as some , but
they hnvejuswj largo a list of property as nny
other firm , anoMt will pay you to 500 them be
fore buj Ing. It In managed by old and woll-
known residents of the city , nnd nothing but
honorable and upright dealing Is Indulged In.
Their olllco IS Ijooni 23 Wltlmcll Block. U37
B Comer lot ,
Hood houie ,
South 22nd ,
- ' , . . .
Cinmlnglmra k Bronnan ,
1S11 Dodge. SC2-7
_ _
I'fOll SAliis so acres .T5 miles from court
lmu o : will sub llvldo nnd soil for double
cost. $300 per ncro , W. II. Green , 215 S 13th st.
TJIOUSALi : Vivo KUi-o place ; S1 * . ncro piece ,
-L with buildings , etc , John F. lloch , Onmlm
891-10 *
FOH SALK-tot r.lxlsi , Plnlnvlew , StM , a , few
days only. Thoo. Olson , 218 South 15th St.
AI'KW bargains by Stookdnlo it Bunchor.
For Sale L'irgo lot , 73 foot front , on cnr
line , for only $ liJOO. Stockdnlo & Bunchor ,
ir.ll Dodge st.
For Sale Flno largo lot with 2-story ( J-room
house , with largo closets , cellar , etc ! very nleoj
on South 20th su , within short dlstnnco of street
cnri , J6.TOO. Stockdnlo & Bunchor , 1511 Doilgo ft.
PorSnlo Alow very desirable cholco lots in
Hillfldnlo No.l , n sure , safe Investment , nnd tlno
place to build , $1,100 to $1,300. Stuokdalo &
lIunchor.lMl Dodge st.
For Sale Corner on Sherman nvenuo , two
blocks from otroct cnrs , $1,000. Stockdnlo &
Bunchor , 1511 Dodge st
For Sale A special bargain In business prop
erty Is offered on Nicholas street , near 16th , lifl
foot front for $7 , ! > 00) If sold at onoo. Etockdnle
& llunchor , Hill Dodge st.
For Snlo BOxlOO in Nplson's ndd , on llurtet ,
south front , with largo house , throe toncmonts ,
routs for $00 per month , only $4,003. Stockdnlo
tc Bunchcr.
For Snlo A flno piece of ground , 104x108 , on
California street , lx minutes' walk from (
street , for only $2,100. Stockdnlo & Bunchor.
Tor Sale Throe line south fronts on Hnmtl *
Ion street , $700 each. Stockdalo & Buuchcr ,
1511 Dodge St.
FOU 8ArK-Flno full lot with alloy , Hnns"
com Place , $1,200. Thoo. Olson , 218 South
15th street. 103
T71OH SALK M acre lot , goo I o-room house ,
Jngroccrr store , with stables , out-bouses nnd
olty water , 22d near Louvonworth , renter
or mo. , prlco $1,503. This Is n first rate Invest
ment. Omaha Heal Kstnto & Co. , Hooms
aSnndSJ , Wlthnell block. 740
" 17'OR 8AT.R Si-room hou o , stable , ctc.Hnns-
I1 com Place , $4,230. Thoo. Olson , 218 South
15th strcol. 153
C. PATTKItSON , S B oor 13th and Doug-
I'or Sale Two now cottages , monthly pay
ments , $1 , SOO.
Ton (10) ( ) cholco acres , west of city , $3,000.
rino acres In Hlmclmugh'sudd. each $500.
Full buslncm lot , Impro vodJnck on st , $12,000.
Three line residences , Park and Goorgla lives ,
Ton different business lots on Farnara st.
Lots In nil parts of the city ; easy terms ,
Anstructs of title fuin'shod and guaranteed.
Money to loan on aoproxe 1 security.
240 U C. Patterson , 13th nnd Douglas.
Tj > OU SALEv-Orr exchange , Wood Lund for
_ I Omaha clty.Jiroccrty. 177 ncics Wood Lnnd
sltunted ncnr the Mlstoml Hlvcr. nbout 1 mlle
south of U P U U bildgo , lounslde. For fur
ther particulars Inquire of W I Baker , 1001 27th
street , S'llim'sjodd ' , Omaha , Nob. 237-12 *
FOH 8ALKL-A llrst class now 10 room house
with nil modern impiovcmonts , and a
good barn , chicken house , &c. , nil In line order ,
with three lots.Houth front , commanding n uuo
view , Walnut JII11 addition. Terras easy. In
quire of O. L. BVickfeon , of Kdholm * Krlokson ,
opp. P.O. . | 9 _ C45-apr21
FOU SALK 183 foot onst front , ShuuVaddT
The finest plcco inside property , in whole
or lots. Theo. OlsoM.SH South 15th St 153
FOUSALK Klogant corner , south-east front ,
Hanscom Pluco , $1.500. Graham & Uonawa ,
Crclghton Uloclc.r 044
r ;
F OBi SALBf-WI fOQtuiBqtinro on Farnnm ,
$10,600.Y , 1 . Oi-con.21S 313th St. 821
FOUSALK 50 foot and Hno house on Far
nam ; $7,500. W. 11. Qroeii , 215 S IJth st
FOU SALK Cottage nud full lot , Hnnscoin
Placegreat bargain ; 83SW. W. H. Green ,
215 S13th st. ( U4
Foil SALE 75x140 double front on Park nve.
$4,000. W H. Qi eon , 215 8 ISth Bt 827
TmoilSALK Tivolotsln Philnvlow , 3153 each.
JL1 Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam st 958
T71OU SALK Tluoo line lots In SMnn's 3d add.
JU at 1800 onoh. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam.
TilOIl SALK-Lota in Logo's 1st addition ,
JL1 south fronts , onsy terms , only $500. Potter
& Cobb , 1515 Farnuin st 851
T OUSALK-Atow of the best ots In Wllcox'a
JD ndd. at $ OM eaoli. Potter ic Cobb , 151r Kar
nam st 8. > 5
FOU BALK 3 flno lots , Donookon's add , at
$ VJ. Thoo. Olson.218 South 16th St. 153
FOUSALK Best u-ooro tracts In the market ,
only $200 per ncro. Inquire nbout thorn.
Potter A ; Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam. 853
" '
ollSALK-Acro lots , Olso's add. , only 31.53D
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. an
Il SALK Full lot , O'NcII'H add. on Cumins ?
street , f 1,600. Thoo. Olson , 218 South 16th
street , 155
FOUSALK nig Bargain Corner In Isaaa &
Boldon'8 addition , only 3 blocks from Loav-
enworth st , 132xUi , only $1,533. Pottor& Cobb ,
IBlSl'ttrnamst. 85.I
1T1OII SALK First-class resldonoo property
JL1 on 'Bt. Mary's nvo. ; large lot , good house
nuil o.hor mprovomonts ; prlco reasonable ;
toi ins easy. Coohrnn Bros. , 1509 Fnrnuin. 705
Foil HALK-fiOxlll-lO-room" , fronts
east on Tenth srroot , Kmintjufa tth add ,
room for another homo , $ 'JWI ) ; good Invest-
incut Tiioo. Olson , 218 South lith St. 15" )
FOUSALK iiognntliousnboautllul ; grounds
31iill lots ; vuiy doslmblo and u harunlii 11
tiikon quick ; * fl,5'JO. W. II. Ureon , 215 S Vtth bt.
u > * i
Foil SALK 11 foot on Furiium , S3.0U . W.
H. Oioon,2I5S13thst. b.'U
Foil SAI.K Elegant rcHldcneo and lot on
Cnssst S11.5W , W. II. Oioi-n,315S 13lh st
TTlOIl SALK Packing house and hirgo
JJ grounds. A grout business opportunity.
I'or suit- low on onsy terms. W. H. Green , 215 S
lljtll fit 8JO
Foil SALK imjroved inrms , ly ) Hainlln&
Hrow 11,3118. llth street , Omnhu , Nob.
Cftss County , Nobraskn ;
lili SH'i.i.7,10 , l . 80 acres , about throe mlloa
from Avoca5r ; ) noros under cultivation.
Otoo County , Nobrnskn :
NWM , 31,0,11,100 acres , improvements ; 120
ncros under cultivation nnd now corn crlli.
M.U.31 , 0 , u ,100nuros , Impiovonientg ; 155
acres under cultivation , with n double corncrib ,
6WW , 31,9 , la lCO1 notes ; 00 acres under cultl-
vutlon. i.
S\Vli,28 , B. llJ68aoreslmprovoinoiits ; 149 aors
under cultivation , und a now hedge lolicoall
ainund the farm.
8WK,5U , 12,100 acres ; 100 acres under culti
vation ,
8WJ4.4,8.12J60 acres : 130 imdor cultivation ,
with n good dwrUlug , t > tabluouthouscs nnd corn
cribs. | [ I
All of the abcrj-e hfi ds within i miles of Dun-
bur , i > I'
N Si no ! 4.19-8-11,80 acres ; o K B w U , 19-8-11 ,
BO uerow ; so ilu-Mdl , IM acres 3JO acres one
and u half mlltis boutlin-on 8 > mouse , known as
the ( Jliorn farm , u l notes under cultivation ,
has two good dwellings , barns , crllis , otu.
All the nbovo U 'ids will bo sold on fuvorable
terms. f i
For prloog unilfwthor intormatlon call on or
nddiess llainlln Ic llruwn. real estate dollars ,
311 South llthstjjOiaahii Neb. liyi-20"
LUUWIUK ib" ? J.\Y , Hunl llBtnto Brokers , b.
U. Cor nthWlimiglas.
HaiiEcoiii Place idsldonci-sfor sale ,
8 loom cottugu i ; . F. block 10,100x150. Will
Illogunt cottage II 1\ block 3 , IWxlSO. Will
7 room cottage K. F. , block 8,50x181 ,
4 room cottugo W. F. , block 15,150x150. Will
6 room cottage I * F , block 10. nix 19) ) .
Five 0 room cottages , north Utli. Monthly
puymontt ) .
14 room house , J , I. Itodlak'd sub-dlv , , Park
nvo , 1 fix 110.
10 mom houso. Terrace ndd. W ' " . , 111x149.
Will dlidp. .
] 'lvoroltige3,8huU'sndd. N. K. , OOvliH
Kloyunt lubUUuco. Webster St. S. V..33X1V ,
btt eon Ibth unl'Jth.
2 elogunt rnsldoncof between Webster and
Burt , 6lxlJ2 , North I''ib. ' '
2oli'guut roiidunufs , Chlciigo St. , U3xl33 , each
between Ittli and 1'Jtli.
Uuslnoss jiroporty , tornor on Douglas , 1m-
piove < l,44xlK.
Iliiulncos property cor. on Vth und Harucy , Gdx
Lot 2 , block 102 , G0xl32
Corner on lltiniey nour 18lh , M.\77.
Si foot trent on loulu ) * near 15th.
41 foot onlOihbftwi'OM JuoUtO'i and Furutun.
Lots In Ambler's Plate , Humhoinc.
iMtnin IIuns"om 1 luoo/l'liornluirj , '
I < ots InCortlniid I'la-.u. IsauoA : Sheldon's.
Lots in I'aik Place , Shlim 5 udd.
Lois In Tll/nbcth Place. Omabn View.
Ixita In Mlllnnl , K. V. Smith's.
"To bo sold In ton days , " 4 lots In Tbornburg.
"To bo sold In ten days , " 1 lot on Cumlng St.
"To bo sold in ton days , " 2 lots In Lute's ndd.
"To bo soil In ten days , " Slots In Sunny Side.
"To bo sold In ten days , " M lot on Saunders Pt
"To bo sold In ten day , " 1 block In "loyd's adj.
For bargains o ill and eco us. Ludwlok * Scay ,
1 K. cor. 1Mb Douglas. 100
THOn SALE Four lots , oor. tnhfornlft nnd
- * - 30thsts.,2 block' from proposed paving on
Cumlng St. . fSW auil t W ouch. Potter b Cobb ,
1615 Farnam st 819
OU SALE-2 splendid lots on grade. Walnut
Illll ; one n corner lot , $050.00 and fcoo.00.
hoo. OlsojljlS South 15th St. _ 155
B"in > JIAN TlIOMP.SUNTKooin 10. Hcdlclt
Block , offer to-dny the following bargains ;
House 4 rooms , bum , cistern , wrll. on H lot In
Lowo'i ndd , only $1,000 ; IOUO cash , balance $20
per month.
House Brooms , closet" , pantry , collar , clitcrn ,
barn , buggy shed , coal house , on Georgia nvc ,
$3500 ; easy terms.
Cornrr lot on Nichols st , with 2 houses $0,000 ,
oaiy terms
House and lot on 18th st3XX . fSOO cnsh ,
bnlnnco 5 ycnrs nt 8 per cent
House 6 rooms , pantry , clo ots , hard and soft
wiitor , Boirgs ft Hill's add , $2,60J ; $600 cush.biU-
anoe $2,1 per month ,
HouioArooras. bath room , cistern , closrM ,
pantrv nnd bam , $3 00 ! $1,000 cash , balnnco
monthly payments ; on 18th streetcar line.
Fine rosldenco on Farnam ntnr Wd at , $12,000.
Very easy terms. ( .
House 4 rooms , pnntry , co = ow , collar , coal
house , hnrd nnd soft water , linno * Sol on'a
add , fJJCW ; fl50cnsh , bslnuco $ > 0 per month.
House 0 rooms , pantry , olosots , collar , Uoorgin
nvo , $2,500 ; ousy terms.
Lot3 In Lincoln Place , $300 to $10J. Smalt pay-
mcnt down , balnnoo long time at low Intorost.
2 corners In Hansoom Plaoo , $1,3JO nnd (1,300.
Easy terms.
Boiiutlful lot In Omaha View ror $550.
Houses rented , rents collected. Kodinnn &
Thompson , room 10 Hodlck Block.
Home 7 rooms , Hanecom Place , on two ful
lotR , $6riOO ; easy terms.
1'ull lot on Georgia HVO , $1,800.
Full lot In l.owo's add. $ uO ,
Flno lot In Hnnscom Place , $1.100.
Tno lots In Prospect Plaoo. $900 onrh.
Throe lots In Thornburg Place , fV > 0 each.
Knst front InHanaoora 1'lace , $1.100.
iMta In Patterson's add , ( cast side ) , $050.
Acres In Plalnvlow , $300 ; easy terms.
Call and BOO us before bn j Ing. No ohnrgo for
showing property. Olllco open trom 7:30 : a.m.
to 0:30 : p. m , 272
FOllSALK-ByMnrshnll & Lobeok , Boom 8.
llodlck's Block , 150D nnd 1511 Farnnm street
( up stairs ) :
4 lots In Thornburg Plnco nt $300 each ; toi ms
cnsh ; worth $150 each on usual terms.
2 lots in Patrick's 1st udd , 51,000 ; on easy
A 5-acro lot in Bonflold , to close at $200 per
acio. None more nt this low price.
Flvoli-ncro lots in Maislmll & Lobcck's ndd
nt $ ' . ' 00 per ncrp. Will POOH advance to $ J2S.
'IVo houses nnd lots In Boggs & Hill's ndd , nt
Fine rcEldonco nud lot on Webster , near cars.
Lots nnd hou o3 in all parts of the city.
Lots In Lincoln Place , $ JJO to fl5J ; the best
and cheapest.
Cnll on us nt our now ofllco , Itoom 8 , llodlck's
block , up stalls. Marshall & Loboilk. 8BMU
EOllSALK-Lot In A. S. Patrick's add ? 721.00.
A batgnlu. Thoo. Olson , 218 South 16th St.
TTIOItSALK-Olbson has lorsulo lots in Hnns-
JD com Plnco , $800 to fl.'W.
Gibson has for sale houses nnd lots In limit
com Place ,
Gibson has for sale houses and lots in all parts
f the city.
Gibson hns improved farms nnd lands In all
parts of Nobrnskn forsalo or exchange.
Gibson has thousands of acica of land In
Western Nebraska for sale from S ! to $4 per
Gibson would like to see you If you want to
Glbson'sU the plnco to list your property. Cnll
and see him at Hoom 3 , Wlthnoll Block , cor. 15th
and Harnov sts. 330
FOU SALE-A lot 00x140. and dwelling 20x33 ,
nourfuturo Itrownoll Hull , cheup ; half cash ,
balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo-
dlcka,540 S. 13th St. 911
Foil SALE Cbonp. Graham & Bunawn.
Two lots , cast front , Hanacoui Place , each
Three flno lots , Slunn's ndd , each $300.
Flno corner , east front Georgia nvo , $1,500.
Warehouse property on track $ --,50J.
Two lots near convent , bargain at $700 each , If
sold roon.
Bargain In a 0-room cottage , half lot , close to
Ctlinlng street , $2,000.
Two nouses on North lith street , rent for $50
per month , bnriraln , $ J,500.
Corner lot nnd onu next to It , Hanscom Plnco ,
very cheap , both $1,700.
Five aoi os northwest of city , per acre , $200.
1G3 Graham & Bonnwn , C'rolghton Block.
FOU SALE Chpnp lots In Burr Onk , just east
of Hansoom Park , near street cars , $155 , oosy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1513 Fuinamst 854
Foil SALE By J. K. Hlloy , Rooms 4 and 5 ,
Qrnnlto Block.
Slots In Bartlotfs addition $1,050 nnd 1,250.
6 lots , Burr Oak , $80J to JflOO.
3 lots , Boyd's addition , SJOO onch.
2 lots nnd cottage , i-Mlh at , near Fnrnam , $3,000.
Hoiifo nnd lot , 29th St. near Farnam , $2,003.
Oil foot on Hnrnoy near Utli St , ? 22,000.
10 lots near Ked and Groun oir lines , $050 to
44 foot on 9th and Jones Sts. . 89,000.
132 foot on llth St. , at end viaduct , $12,000.
25 lots , HmiBcom Place , $750 to $ IH5U.
25 lots , Huwthorno'l'liieo , $400 to * i50. !
8 lots , Hillside addition , $7.10 to $1,40 } .
2 lots , Luke's addition , $1.175 to $1.200.
6 lots , Marsh's addition , $775 to $2,3X > .
1 lot , Nelson's addition , fiftn.
[ > lots , Pelhnm Plaoe , 5'0 to $3riO.
5 lots , Pottor's nildltl i , S'jOO ' to $703.
3 lots , J. I. Hoillclc's addition , S1..WJ to (2,00.
5 room house nnd lot , S. 15th St , F.V-'OO.
HOUBO nnd lot. barn , etc. , S. 15th St. $3.503.
Lot on S. 14th St. . near C'lRti-lHr , $ I,3V ) .
124 foot fiont on Cnmpboll St , f 1.8UO.
Lots in Shiill's nddltion $ l,2iK ) .
B lots , Shlnn's 2nd addition , $750 to $1,003.
Lots InThornUurg , $5' > ) .
7 lots , West Omnhn addition , cheap.
n lois , Wnlnut Hill , 175.
Hoiiio of 4 rnnms. 2 lots. Walt ut Hill , td,4 .
Acre lot , Washington Hill , $759.
f > ncrn lots , Mnyllold , $ r > 0 ncr aero.
In addition to the above , I have n largo list of
hoicu rcsldonco nnd business lots , also su'jur-
bun aero propuity.
I'or bulo by J. E Hllcy , lloal Kstnto and Loan
Broker , Rooms 4 and 6 , Granite Block , 15th St.
near Kurniim. d39
T71OU SAI.K 00x140 east front , alloy. Kirk-
JL : wood udd , $ ViO. Theo. Olden 218 South 15th
street. 153
flljSOO. Two lots In .awo's Second ndd , for
$2,800. Corner.
1,5UO. Cor. lot on Hurt street , ono-hnlf cash.
$1,700 will buy a 5-ioum cottugo and Vt lot In
Shliui'sadil. and will hell boll on monthly
pajmcnts with fiinull pajraont down.
$4,0 0 will buy 50x200 leet on Tenth street near
Browncll Hall.
$8,00) ) will buy fair cottugo nnd 132x176 on Vln-
ton htioot , audit Isn bargain.
$8,000 will buy lull lo' nnd 10 room house on
CHIlurt street near ear line. Terras easy to
reliable pmtloa.
$10,000. Thri'o houses d two lots on Chicago
stiTol eust of 20th Sc Good lnvo tmont ,
$10noo , COvlOO Icotou Iflthslroet ; corner.
Iti'mombcr the pluco to get burgnins Is nt the
place whcro they hnmllD only bargains. M. K ,
Sear * , N. U. Cor. 15th nud Douglas. 140-11) )
FOU SALK-ByA. P. Tukoy.
10 acres northwest uf city . $7,27)
3 lots , Polbam Place , o'idli . ari )
Cottugo and corner lot , SSth and Chicago , , , 3fy > j
Cottage and lot , inth ncarCcntor st . 2,80' ' )
7 room house und lot , earner 15th nnd Mar
tha . . . . 3WO
7 room house nnd lot , 15th St. , neur Mar-
Urn . n . . . 3,000
Slots , Chirk Place , oaehf . a > )
Hot , Clark Plnco . . . . . liOO
C room house JJ lot 21st st . 2,000
Lot on Cumlngfltrcot , near 27th . 2,00)
7 room house und full lot , Chicago neur
25th . 0,5M
Elegant liouso and CD feet owner Farnam
( M foot vacant on rarnnm. east of 23th. . .lO.ODO
Nice honeu and lot on Fuinum , west of
2 h St . ! . 7,000
A. P. Tukov. l.'WI Fuiyam btroet
FOUSALK l/iwith2 houses. Arbor Place ,
fl/JVj. Thto. Olson , 213 South 15th mruot ,
AHIO UAItiAIN-tl,510 will buy 10 llrst.
clius lots , imoh 5)xll ) ) , south front , east of
Fort , ono block west of SuuirJoi * St. Address
II. Fcckoiisclier , Cltv. 2C3tipid >
FOU SALK lifi'Sxl3 ( , fitoro un < l 2 throe-room
houses , Nelson's Otld , Sd,000. Thco. OUfii ,
218 South 15th bt. 15) In Shlnu'aZd addition ,
on eastern slope , only : i blocks from btruut
carscnoup-only JT50 , Potter & Cobb , 1615 Kar >
nam bt 854
TJONALlbTa03Tonih Street , between Farnam
und Harney , will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any ono a glance In tna
put and present , and of certain conditions la
thofuture. Bouts mid ihtmi made to
Beautiful Residence Lots ;
Also Business Lots
On the largo map of Omahii and ohsorvo that the two and ono-half mile
belt from the Omaha postoffico runs south of Section 33 and 'through tfci
north end of South Omaha. ' .f * 'I '
And pencil , then got one of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha and Soutl J
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's business center , and yourpenoj
on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north ,
A circle and note where
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are far
This magic circle. , ' ' A
And think a moment what will make outside property increase in valuo.
Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUT
OMAHA. At the latter point wo have three important factors to build ap
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow tk
transportation lines.
Second All the great railways center there , thus making it tho'best *
manufacturing point of any in or near the city.
Third * ?
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry I
Will make a town of themselves. f
Going up this year. (
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation by that prince of meat producers , Nols Morris ol * '
Away your day of grace when you do not got an interest in South Omaha b * i
fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locutions are being takftft
Make your selections now.
Lots that sold for $300 in 1884 cannot now bo bought for $1,000.
Tlie "Vietdxicts
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between thij
city and South Omaha.
Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will double ia
value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted
lias authority to sell lols. For further information , maps , pries lists ,
descriptive circulars , address
M.A , UPTON , Manage !