Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILYBES , TiIJR.SDAY ( , APRIL 8 , 183(5. ( 5 ! *
Decisions Handed Down by the Supreme
Court of Nebraska.
Judge 1'ounil llondcrs n Decision
In Their rnvor Tlio Proposed
J'Jplscopnl College llcstilt
Of tlie Kloctlon.
IrnOM THK urn's IINCOI < X miitr.AB.I
' Q-ho following opinions worn handed
down by the supreme court justice1 ? yes-
crdny :
Mailers vs. Marsh. Krror from I'lllmore
county. JlovcRicd. Opinion by Cobb. J.
1. Upon a trial in the district court , in
n proceeding under the provisions of the
statute for the support nnd maintenance
of illegitimate children , it is not error on
tlio part of the court to refuse
to allow counsel for the defendant to
cross examine the prosceutrix as to what
fiho testified to in her examination boforu
the magistrate before whom the proceed
ing was Instil utcd her examination be
fore the magistrate being certilicd up.
SJ. On such trial it was not error for Ihn
court to sustain the objection of counsel
for thu plaintiff on tlioiiucstion put to her
on cross-examination by counsel for de
fendant , in the following words "Didn't '
you have intercourse with there
in thnt house about that tlmo" the time
referred to being Miown by the context
lo bo about nineteen months before the
birth of the child.
! 5. In order to predicate error upon the
sustaining by the court of nn objection to
u iiicstiou | propounded to a party's own
witness , the party must make an ellbit to
iirovu the fact or facts .sought to bo elic
ited by the question ,
I. Account books iiro admissible as
I'.videiico in an action only whore they
contain charges by one party against tlio
other , etc.
HtnUox rcl. Monre vs. C. , St. P. , At. & O. U.
It. Co. Mruid.umis wilt denied. Opinion
by Maxwell , Cli. .1.
1. Whi'ro it is sought to test the .suf
ficiency of a petition lor a mandamus , the
proper eourMls ! _ to di-mur to the petition
upon the ground that the facts stated
therein do not entitle the rclator to thu
relief sought.
S. Motion to quash for iiiMillicioncy
held to he a demurrer.
! ! . The actof the legislature creating
the railway commission , which took ell'eet
Juno G , 183. ) , gives such commission gen-
i-ral .supervision of all railroads operated
by .steam in the state , and requires thorn
among other things , upon a proper com
plaint being filed , U > investigate the
necessity for an addition or change of
station houses or stations. A party ,
therefore , who requires the change , ad
illtion or orcction of a station , must se
cure tlio action of thn commission before
this court will grant a mandamus to com
pel its location. The case of Stale vs. H.
V. H. U. Co. , 17 Nob. , was instituted be
fore the act creating the railroad com
mission took effect.
Connor vs. IleiiRtucn. Krror Irom Dlxon
county. Itoversed. Opinion by Maxwell ,
Cli. .1.
1. Where the defendant in his answer
admits substantially the contract set out
in the petition , but alleges that thu plain-
till'hus violated its provisions , and tlioru
i.s plea of thu statute of frauds , it will bo
considered ns waived.
2. Wheru A and H were in partnership
in the grocery business , and A sold his
intoros in the business to 1 ! , if ho would
take his interest in certain rooms over
the store at § 100 per year for such time
as should thereafter bo agreed upon with
tb owner of the huildinir , for certain
repairs which A hud made on said
rooms , and tlio time was'aftcrward fixed
at two years , Hold , That the sale of
Urn interest in the firm and the leasehold
constituted ono contract.
SlotiKh vs. Stofanl. Eiror from Dixon
county. Atllimcd Opinion by Maxwell ,
Cli. J.
1. A delivered railroad tics on the
bank of the Missouri river for B , but
before B accepted and took possession
ot them , they were taken by C Hold ,
That A could maintain an action for the
conversion of the tics.
3. The wrongful taking of property
and appropriating thu same to the parly's
own use constitutes conversion.
8. An tUTor in favor of the plaintiff in
error is not cuusu for reversing a judg
4. Unlesa Instructions asked are ap
plicable to the testimony it Is not error
for the court to refuse the same.
The uppoul of the sporting men from
the decision of the county court , holding
thorn in contempt for roplovimn" : their
tools after they had been seized by Po
liceman Littlcliold , under n warrant is
sued by that court , was decided yester
day by Judge Pound in favor of tlio do-
fondant. Judge Pound , in his ruling ,
said that thn county opiut Jia'1 ' - " nlo _ ,
iutbdlwHwia CTmunal mailer's than an
01 . 'uiary magiblratcandlhit : a policeman
cannot legally serve any process from
that court without being lirst bworn in
and deputized us n constable or slim-ill' .
The warrant under which tlio tools were
seized was directed simply to Litlloliuld ,
ns a pollcoman , uud had no further en
dorsement. Judge Pound hold that the
warrant and scrvico were both bad , and
that the defendants could not bo punisliod
for contempt for oll'ering legal resistance.
Mr. 1) . U. Courtimy appeared for the de
Rov. John Gassman , acting as the
representative of lilshop Worthincton ,
was in consultation with Mr. fl. J.
Walsh , and other prominent mombcrs of
the Kpisoopnl ohuroh liuro , yesterday , in
Voferonco to locating the now college , or
preparatory school lor boys. A beautiful
hto | of live ucros on Twentieth street ,
northeast of the Uunoral Uomiek place ,
was decided on , provided five acres moro
adjoining can bo scoured for u drill
ground , which Mr. Walsh thinks probable.
Mr. ( lassman said ho was authorized to
say on bohnlf of the bishop that the
\ building would bo commenced as soon ns
this ground was obtained and $10,000 in
subscriptions guaranteed. About two-
thirds of the necessary money hns boon
pledged , and the outlook for obtaining
tlio remaining $5,000 , is very bright. The
college is to bo known as ( Jliirkson Hall ,
in commemoration of tlio docusod bishop ,
and will be used exclusively us u training
bchool for boys desirous of entering the
The only man on the republican ticket
who was defeated at the polls Tuesday
was Charley Magoon , one of the candi
dates for member of the school board ,
whoso prohibitionist opponent , K , 11.
Chapin , got a majority of U votes out of
u total ofd.O'ja. All the rest of the re
publican nominees wore elootod by snfn
majorities. The men chosen are as fol
) :1 : lows Police : Judge A. 1' . Parsons , 899 ma-
, ority.
Cemetery Trustee Lewis Grcjjory ,
1,491 , majority.
Members School Hoard Henry Sim-
I * berg ( rep. ) , 837 majority ; E. II. Chapin
( pro. ) , ll majority ,
( 'omioilmon tirst ward. Nelson C.
Brook , 1B8 majority ; Second ward , John
Frnns , 10U majority ; Fourth ward , 11. H.
Dean , 01 majority : Fourth ward , It. B.
Graham , 45 plurality. The average re
publican vote was about 1.200 , while the
democrats polled 781 and the prohibition
ists 575. The fight on members of tlic
school board was almost entirely be
tween the republicans and prohibition
ists , and us n consequence the vote of
both on that oflioo largely exceeded the
figures given. The election has demon
strated that there U a republican ma-
| orlty In every ward In the city , nnd thnt
[ ho prohibitionists also have a very re
spectable Vote in tlio city at largo.
The Citizens bank of Bennett , with n
B'.iicck , " T. jVi'lcrson and Oharlos A !
The convention of the deaf and dumb
Instructors of America will pass through
Omaha on .lulv nth , cnroiitu for San
Francisco. Principal Gillespio , ot the
Omaha institute , has been instructed by
the board of public lands and buildings
to entertain them at lunch nnd accom
pany the party to California.
On going to her dressing room in the
opera house just after the third act of
"Tho Shadows of a Great Oily. " Tuesday
night , Miss Kdna Carov missoil a valua
ble ) gold watch and chain which she had
left on the dressing caso. The police
were notified hut failed to discover any
trace of the missing property. Miss Carey
cried bitterly over tlio loss , but on getting
rciuly to retire in her room at the Com
mercial , her sorrow was turned to joy at
finding the watch safoinan inside pocket
of her imd ( < rghlrt , whcro she had placed
it for safe keeping.
The saloons were all closed on election
day , and tlio boys arc laughing nt the
mayor and lire-warden for so far forget
ting the law as to make a "sneak" into
tne side door of a popular Tenth street
Schwartz & Meyer , the saloon men ,
were on trial before Judge Parker yester
day afternoon for selling liquor to John
Minnick , a continued drunkard.
J. J. Halllgan , Ogallala ; I ) . P New
comer , liluo Hill ; Charles A. Harvey.
Omaha : ( Jeorgo 11. Htitlcr , Shelby ; W.T.
KlclmrtKon , David City ; Williajn Palmer
and ( Jeorgi ! H. Palmer , PliittMnouth ; V.
F. Hnrko , Blue Springs ; 1) . O. MeKwen ,
Omaha ; O A. Crnfts and . E. Ilixson ,
Valparaiso ) ( } . W. McMillan , Omaha ; L.
W. Hank and D. T. Hill , Syracuse ; W. F.
Calhoun , Omaha.
Tito Failure of Href Ten.
( PromOis Philadelphia Proai )
Ono by one , la turn , like the nostrums
which slckon and deplete the system , the
no-called Btrenfjth-glrlng devices fall Into
dlAuee , to bo supplementad by what the
common sense ot the people has discovered
to IHJ elmplor and b < Htsr. Not long slnco
the Chicago "N ws" published ths follow
ing : "Chomlstry lion decided that the food
vnlue et beef tea Is BO email thnt U can
cefircely bo clnoaerl aa a food. Physicians
have for some ttmo taught thnt to give a
convaloecont beef tea oveu 'the very
strength ot the meat * Is to give him n
Btone when he Mks for bread. What Is
needed Is to add molt to some of the prepared -
pared food. ThU fact la not aufflclently
well known to nnnea , and hence conval
escence Is often needlessly prolongeU. "
About ths eane time another chomlat
declared tbat oab-mtal , ai food , had
about ni much value SB "ohlps. " Slmul-
tAneoua with thesa disclosures , thera np-
p red in Uio Clnclanati "TlnioS < ar , " a
dlocuwioa , at length , npon the luorits of
Tea , In Trhlch appeared the results
by a GurroafJol ntist from ex-
ptriraenta upon two dogs to ascertain its
value aa a food. The two animals , com
paratively , irero of equal strength and
health , and for a tatsd tlmo were given ,
respectively \vnter and b if tea. Tlio ono
to which beef tea was administered died ,
the other , sustained on water , lived. One-
half the reKtorAttves do not restore prompt
ly , or efficaciously. Nature want * a help to
get btronzer. Medicine might further
weaken. Physicians , without exception ,
now unite In prescribing pnro whiskey
absolutely fre from fusel oil , and other
BoxloiiBirod poisonous adulterations which
ore the chief objections to ordinary whis
kies. Mot nntll recently , however , was the
process discovered cl emanating the active
and virulent potion. Bat upon the intro
duction of Duffy's pure malt whtetcoy ,
which scientists declare to be absolutely
pars , it at once beaamo the standard in
aedieal practice , and combining a food
and stimulant quality , It is the ieconlaed (
spcolQo , In the place of these
Boatxuias. _
A Usorul Attendant. "
The Wasp : Berry Wall may bo the
king of the dudes , but the emperor of that
fraternity i.s eurtainlv n Boston exquisite
now at the palace. This hot-houso ilower
of modern "susaioty" is followed every
where by a solemn footman who had
never boon known to open his lips.
The other day nn acquaintance of the
Bqstonian mot him on Market street and
said :
"By the way , my dear boy. what on
earth do you kcjiu tUtU gerva" * * , rjno.
after yon * - lie doesn't scorn to Tool
any uso. "
"Yon are very aw much mistaken ,
old chappie , " drawled the dndo. "I
aw T couldn't get along vfithout him ,
couldn't really , " and ho lookout his
cigarette caso. "Light ! "
The man stopped up and unbuttoned
Ilia coat.
"Donohor notice his vest , dear chap
pie ? " said the lu-ln. "It is made of sand
paper. I use him to scratch matches
on. " _
Where Could AlUa Clovelantl'B Ijtno
Bo Driiwn ?
Clara Hello : What a jolly row Miss
Cleveland has boon kicking up , about
low corsages. Still , she is awfully rizlit
in condemning some of the nudity , bho
makes a euocial point of it that the line
of baroness shall bo high enough to cover
all of tlio distinct femininity. Her idea Is
that bare arms , and so much of the
breast as happens to bo Hat , are not an
immodest exposure , but ns I looked up
from n perusal of her letter it was just
before Htarting for a reception , and a
bevy ot cirls wore ready to go and my
eyes fell on a maiden of exceeding
moagornc-ss in curvatures I said to my
self ; "Whore would the line bo drawn
across that creature If It were lowered in
obcdionco to Mjss Cleveland's proposi
tion ? "
The skin is of that delicate nature up
on whioh the most improvement nun bo
matin nnd by the use of Poz/.oni's Modi.
catod Complexion Powder all roughness ,
sallownoss anil irritation can bo ovor-
comi ) leaving tlio ekin delicately white ,
soft and smooth. This preparation has a
world wide reputation , so no fear need
bo entertained of the result. Sold by
nil druggists.
Where to Draw the IJno in Danolne.
Pock's Sun : The llov. John L. Scuddor ,
of Minneapolis , preaching on dancing recently -
contly , said : "Thoro is ajlino whcro safety
ends and peril begins. In dancing , that
line can uo definitely drawn , und the
place to draw it is around the woman's
waist. " This Is particularly true if the
other follow who urought the girl to the
"shindy" is of a Jealous disposition , and
wants to monopolize her himself. Tlio
writer once drew the line around a girl's
waist at a dauco several times in succes
sion , and had to wear beefsteak over his
eye for a number of days afterward. But
tlio other follow lost two front tueth , so it
was ubout even.
_ -
Educated and Kx ] > erlonccd.
Hood's Samparilla is prepared by C.
I. Hood & Co. , apothecaries , Lowell ,
Mass. , who have a thorough knowledge
of pharmacy , and many years' practical
experience in the business. It is prepared
with the greatest skill and care , under
the direction of tlio mim who originated
it. Hunco Hood's Sursaparilla may bo
depended upon & a thoroughly pure ,
honest uud reliable medicine.
Senator Ingalls Sketched in the Midst of
His Apostrophe to the Mugwump.
Senatorial Feeds In the Committee
Itooins Grover Goes Gunning
for Ducks Sickness in
the Cabinet.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . AprlltCorro -
spondcnco of the BKK. ] Washington
society , which , in Its make-up , is rather
mixed in color and kind , can stand a good
deal of the "lo and behold" style of dress
ing with the accompanying consequen
ces. But as the Washington Critic , our
most caustic independent evening paper ,
says : " \\'o hope Senator Ingalls will not
again introduce the decollete style Into
his remarks on the senate lloor. "
Heaven forbidVo ! \ can't stand it.
Society's eyes arc tough , but its ears deli
cate , und there i.s a diU'oronce between
what Dsoniety docs nnd sees ami what
society hears and feels. Society does
not like to have its nerves shocked as
tliry were last Friday , when the elegant
nnd accomplished senator from the windy
state of Kansas , in his most winninw way ,
and with his choice diction of king's Kng-
llsh , dollned a mugwump. It has long
been a question in political circles , just
what that species really wasand where it
really belonged.
It was onongh to make the ghost of
Harmnn's "What Is It" green with jeal
ousy to have another "epicene creature"
made famous by another showman that
is , so to speak , to be thus shown up. for
of it would bo disrespectful to
sneak of a United States senator as a
showman , even if they do have that ap
pearance .some times. Well , the oll'ect of
Senator Ingalls' mugwump upon the
densely piicued.'gallcne.s wastremondous. |
In other words , "it broiurht down tin
house. " Applause and laughter could
not bo subdued , and in spite of the pre
siding ollieer's pounding away with that
harmless little gavel and making throats
to "clear the galleries , " laugh and clioor
the boys , big and little , did and would.
It was tun for them , but death to blushes
und ollVnilod modesty of the anti-'Ostler
Joe variety , which could not hide itself ,
took to its heels anil squirmed and
squeezed through that jam , making n
general commotion ( just as men squee/.o
ottt of n long row in the theatre to get a
drink ) anil sought consolation in n chain-
iiagno lunch below , it was shocking ,
po itivcly shocking" to moilesty'a
nerves ; it was exhaustive and the victims
hud to be revived. When some one told
Senator Ingiills that ladies left the gallery
during his description of the mugwump ,
"O , " said he , " 1 am sorry they took it to
themselves " If the
distinguished sena
tor had known the relative position of
some of his intonsrly interested audience
possibly ho would have boon more con
siderate of their feelings. Yet ho is not
the man to spoil a story for relation's
sake , not , he.
adds very much to the sharp two-edged
effects of his sarcastic remarks , and ho
seems to loose no opportunity to jibe his
political opponent on all po iiblo occas
ions. Indeed ho has the appearance of a
walking exclamation pointou stilts Tall ,
about six feet two in his boots , which are
always shining black and neat lilting
with trailer tops , strapped over them ;
straight as a lead pencil and thin us a
knife blade , hardly enough of him physi
cally to ( ill : i peeping crack in a ttoor.
Ho carries liimsolt well and has the man
ner of ono who i.s endowed with a good
deal of self respect a virtue all public
men do not possess. His splendid , well-
noised head is garnished with .1 heavy
growth of varirratotl , close-cropped hair ,
parted in the middle , or as near the mid
dle aa a near-sighted man can j > art , and
inclined to stand on end , which has a
tendency to give force to hi.s speeches. I
suppose ho can smile at tbo right time
and in the right place , but a smile docs
not , on everyday occasions , adorn his
classic outthough somewhat angular fea
tures. There may bo a smile , I should
not wonder , lurking around the corners
of his month , but that is so in ambush
from a poper ana salt moustache and
chin whiskers , there is no absolute cer
tainty of knowing at a long : range from
the cullcry. Through gold-bowed specs
( ho has an extra pair ot glasses hitched
onto his coat button ) his sharp dark o > < a
glitter and sparkle aad * '
tmually gife him the intclcctual air of
of the college professor kind , especially
as ho now dresses in a black broadcloth
suit , the oloso-litting Prince Albert coat
fitting him like a glove. His blonder nook
is encircled with a round Episcopal col
lar , and a dark blue , with tiny white dot ,
"dirty shirt hldor , " ornamented with n
simple gold pin. Wlien he wears that
double-breasted , bob-tailed Scotch cloth
suit , which was hid favorite style of gut
ting himself up last year , ho docs look
like n Harvard college regatta student ,
and somehow that rig always scorn ? to
have an influence ) on the woarer's con
science , as though ho has a part to play.
At any rate , ho acts like another follow ,
a trlllc English you know , in that bobtailed -
tailed rig , Senator IiigfUls isn't a oharm-
ing sort qf it man ; that is hu doesn't hie
himself off to the committco-room and
churn over a big feed at nil hours of
the day and nignt , tolling stories that
have nothing to do with the case. Ho
may have his warm personal friends , but
he Isn't a bumnior. ills tastes ure schol
arly , his habits domestic ; the true hus
band of a faithful , devoted wife truly
his helpmeet , and a proud fatlior of huff
a dozen or more of the brightest and
loveliest children. Surely this world
ought to bo a very pleasant place for
Senator Ingnlls ,
By the way , speaking of
reminds mo that while the hunted debate
on "shall the president pass his check to
the senate" I mean .secret papers , etc.
there was n revlery by day down in the
naval committee room , presided over by
Senator and Mrs. Don Cameron , their
guests being the Swedish and French
ministers , several of the most entertain
ing and attractive senators , sucli as Alli
son , Sherman , Aldrich. Butler and Black
burn , and Secretary Whitney , as uiiwl ,
attended by a whole bevy of pretty girls
and a couple of pretty widows. O , that
Whitney ! what a fleet ho does com
mand ! My country cousins may think it
a very strange place to have a lunch , of
the smallest kind , in a committee room ,
among all the dry legal papers , bills ami
things , saving nothing of the stumps of
cigars laying round on the window sills ,
desks and corners , with now and then a
stray bottle tucked under the table
in a hurry. I assure you society
considers it in "gcod form" and
perfectly proper that these big
harmless sprees should bo carried on.
The dignilied senate does not rise to a
point of order on the question ; that is ,
there is no objection raised , mid it is hi
order thn.ttho tired , brain-weary senators
should break away from their moorings
in the stuffy senate-chamber , and "sail
in" to the good things set before them
down below. Good health and success
ful legislation depends upon those secret
meetings hold with closed doors. But
woo betide the careless senator who for
gets to iuvlto his wife , and having so for
got , takes consolation in some prottv
young lady. Such tluncs have happened
where the forgotten wife chance * to go
to the commlttoc room to find her hus
band busy inveMigatinc ! Again , let mo
assure you , my gqoJ friends , that these
things are considered ' " "good form , " nnd
occur frcqucntly'ln"t1io checkered life of
a United Mates senator. Is it any won
der that the million dollar men , fresh
from the mines of the 1'aciho slope , arc
willing to pay any price for n sent in the
U. S. senate ? And is it any wonder the
coal men of Pennsylvania , the oil men of
Ohio , the lumber men of the far west
crave the hon&r ? And they mmt bo
amused when they got hero. To sit all
day in the sennto chamber , winking ami
blinking at the .galleries , or napping in
the cloak rooms , is .fatlgucinjr , they must
have a respite from the weariness of the
situation. And it is not wholesome to sit
from twelve till live p. m. in the foul air
of that senate chamber on an empty
Till : I'UF.SIPENT 1A1 > A DAY OFF ,
and blefs mo what a fuss has been raised
about it. As our journalistic brother of
the Capital , says : "All the fly-gobblers
are after him. " The president is but hu
man , and it is but natural that he should
like to take after ducks occasionally.
Secretary Manning's sudden illness gave
warning that the president was ronlining
himself altogether too closely too much
work and not enough play. And , be
sides , be it remembered , that our good
president was used to club dinners and
the like before ho came to Washington
No president , within my recollection ,
has lived a quieter domestic and private
life not oven Hayes. He has attended
to his publlo business most faithfully ,
worklngjoarly and late to solve the knotty
problems of the ninths of state , llo
hasn't grown thin , on the contrary , ho
has gained in llesh , about forty pounds.
Uut there is a day of reckoning for over
taxed nature. Three of the cabinet olli-
oors are ill from over-work of the br.iin ,
and not enough physical exorcise. Secre
tary Lamnr , ami Atlonioy-Ocnnral Gar-
laud , are better , but there is still grave
doubts of Secretary Manning's ever being
able to resume the duties ot secretary of
the treasury , even if he should recover.
There i.q no question about this being a
hard-working administration , and wo
must not grudge the president hi.sdny nil' .
What would a public man bo worth with-
enl a club dinner ? CON' .
IMne ISn.loyln ; ; n AVell Merited
LONG PiNi : , Nebraska , April n. [ Cor
respondence of the Bin : . ] A surprise
greeted your correspondent as ho visited
the young growintr town of Long Pino.
Hero , in central northern Nebraska , mid-
wav between Missouri Valley and Chad-
ron and the middle division of the F. E.
& M. V. K. K. , is a rapidly growing sub
stantial town a town whoso boom from
the beginning has been a steady and a
gradual one. Not built in a. week and
boom for n few months , but ti town which
lot the rush and bustle pass on with the
railroad and built itself up from what
was left. Business men wore soon to see
that a town situated" } ! ! the heart of a rich" ,
fertile agricultural Country , and a town
made a division by the railroad , was
surely to bo a permanent one , and thus
with a clearsighted view settled
in Long Pine , and the advantages
that the town offered and
.still ofTor wore not , to bo looked over.
Elurq is as line a' water power as could
possibly lo ) obUiinocl , and enterprising
Eeople are taking advantage of the same
y the erection ot large and costly mills
on the adjacent stream of Long Pine.
Already two llourins mills have been
erected anil are now running day and
night , supplying' ' ' the homo market and
shipping east and west. Two more largo
roller Hour mills will bo constructed m
short melro , and the town will then af
ford a market for grain from a distance
of a hundred miles. The citizens of tlio
town arc anxiously hoping that some cap
italist will come and view the Pine and
its water power , and advantageously to
himself financially and the future pros-
parity of the town , construct a woolen
mill and such other necessities as the
place now needs. The present popula
tion of the town is nearly 800 , and grad
ually increasing. Long Pine now offers ,
and will for a few months , inducements
worthy of the investigation ot the capi
talist 'or business man. The town is
situated in a picturesque valley of Brown
county , on a site from which
miles each way can bo seen ;
looking over the country wo BOO
beautiful prairie , stretching for miles , dot
ted here and there with the homo of the
settler and farmer. This prairie seem
ingly is composed of many valu
and ranches. What
* * - -
more plcasa--w to thou
u scope of country over which the eye can
command n view for miles ? But it is not
the scenery for which Long Pine prides
itself , but the fertile soil of the surround
ing country and its own present growing
condition. Hero they have built at great
expense two largo , costly churches and
another denomination Congregational
will also soon erect its own gospel palace.
A large school house is also contemplated
to bo built the coming springer summer ,
as are also a numljor of residences and
business houses. So it will bo thus seen
that this year will open one of the largest
building booms known to the history of
Long Pino. Two well edited papers , the
Bugle and Journal , are hero published
and interestingly advocating the voice of
the people. The old adage reads "slowly
but surely , " and the necessities of Long
Pine are thus coming' "Money makes
the mare go,1' and the impor
tance and prosperity of every western
town is measured by its business interests.
Ono who has uot seen this country for
throe years would now be surprised to
see the change time has wrought. In
pla so of the temporary buildings then
oooupiod , largo and commodious
business houses have been erected as
rapidly as the financial ability of the busi
nessmen and.tho trade justified. As exam
ples of what llvo , onergetio mnn can ac
complish in this country wo beg to men
tion the following as among the number
whom wo had the. pleasure of meeting
and to whom wo arc indebted for much
valuable information received. Indeed
a description of rVwestorn town would bo
incomplete witlulut mentioning those to
whom it is largely indebted for its pros
perity , ( ilovor & Whitnioro are proprie
tors of the Brown Cpunty bank and do a
largo business , ( , Anong ; the dealers in
merchandise of general stock are Mygntt
& Clovonger who. carry ouoof the largest
stocks in Brown county. Mr. Mygatt
was n former prominot merchant at
Logan , Iowa. Thomas itCoiirtright also
deal heavily in KonohU merchandise and
drugs and also dealers in real estate and
land agents. Peter'Do ' Clark and A , F
Kuttoruush both luive good stores in the
above line and lire * doing a successful
business , Mr. Do Clark also deals in
hardware. Mr.uJlutterbusli will soon
erect a largo costly rdller flouring mill at
this place. The hardware business
of Long Pine la represented by
T. Winter ami 13. B. Smith , both
doing an extensive business in hardware
and agricultural implements. Mr Win
ter also owns a largo ranch of a thousand
acres near town , W. II. Grimms , a
druggist of largo experience , owns and
conducts a largo and well-stocked drug
store , The pioneer physician of Long
Pine is A. A. Webster , who is ix profes
sional man of rare ability. One of the
largo property owners of the Pine is W.
A. bidden , who runs a merchant tailoring
establishment , and docs the leading busi
ness in that line of any in the norfiiwcot ,
A model lowelry house is that of J. T.
Ingalls & Son , whoso stock is complete
in every respect , and valued at about
$3,000. Among the inquiries generally
made concerning a western town is re
garding its hotel accommodations , and
certainly such a town as Long Pine , with
its railroad olllcos , round-houses , ma
chine shops , and other important nd-
vantages , would bo seriously lacking
without nmplo provisions for supplying
the wants of the tuner man , and in this
wo can safely sny that this place excels
most other towns of its age , and in fact
but few towns three times as largo can
boast of bettor hotel accommodations
and after once stopping at the Dwinell
house any explanation as to what the
hotels of Long Pine arc will be unneccs-
cssary , as it speaks for itself. No country
between the two oceans ofl'er moro in- ,
ducemcnts than these now counties in
the northwest , and those crowded in the
eastern cities should lind n desirable lo
cation in the west , and take up a beauti
ful spot of government land which can
certainly bo found in northwest Nebras
ka. A.
The Oreatttt Medical Triumph of the Ago I
IoB or p < llto , llnrrelncoMlvc , I'aVuIn
the h ml , vrlth n dull nonsntlon In the
bacic > nrl , l'nl un'tJr the nlinnlricr-
blndc , Fnllnin after e-ulnz , with mill.
Inclination to exertion of bodr or nil ml ,
Irrilbllltroft mi r , l.otr spirit * , trim
K forilliiK nfhKTlns neglrelrii Homo duty.
Wvnrlieu , UlxzluoM , Fluttering nt the
l { art. ! > ! before the cyc , HcndncUo
uror the right cjro , Jle tlcn n ii , with
( Itnil dr nini , Highly colored Urlue , and
TUTT'S FILLS aroesptclnlly adapted
to such cases , ono iloso effects ouch n
chsmgn of fcclln < ; A3 to astonish tlio sufferer.
Thojr Itirrraie thn Api > * tltei\nil cauio the
body t > Titko 411 * l h thin the iretom 19
itonrlihcil.iuxi brthslr Tonic Action on
the l Ut UTe Or jniii.HfTiilnr Stools sro
urri .Kt. N.Y.
Kenovntos tlio boJ7 , maktq lienllliy ,
Btronjjtheni the wivik , repairs the wastes of
ttio system with puru blooil and hai'J inusclu ;
cones tlin nervous srstom , Inritoratei the
brilu , and Imparts the vigor of manhood.
$ 1 . Sold liv dniittbts.
Asthma Cure.
Tills InviJunblo gpcoldo rniullljr nnd perma
nently cures nil hinds ot A-sthmn. The moit
obstlnnto nnd loiir sUmiiltiK cusoi ylold prompt
ly to Its wonderful curing proportloJ. It H
Known throughout the world for its unrivaloJ
J. L. OAMnVKLI , , city of Lincoln. Nob. , writes ,
.Tan. 85. 1S84 : Since uilnir Dr. Ilnlr'a Astlinm
Cure , for moro thnn ono Ji'nr , my wlfo bus boon
entirely well , nnd not ovou n symptom of the
dlsoiiFo hue npnonrod.
W1U.IAM HKNNKTT , Hlrhland , Iowa , write * ,
Nov. 3d , IHKi : I have been ufllloted with Huy
Kover nnd Asthrnn since 1SW. I followed your
directions nnd m happy to sny thnt t never
fclopt better In my llfo. I tun plnd that I urn
ninonjf the ninny w o can spouk BO favorably of
AvAlufiblofil paKO tronttso containing slmiliM
Sroof from every stnto in.ho U. S. , Ciinnda and
rent Drltaln. will bo mulled upon application
Any druggist nothavlnir It In stock will pro-
IWrJrri of ! IHi ilI Orfa . A f diopi Iniwrt K dvliviMi * * aTcr
bi 6 ( ! MI off cLMiipAgae , tud to 4ll uiaut r dihnii. Try II. 1
t wr of reHBtrrfrit * . Aik r r crafr arr1nm > * * far UitprUaiff
| flMUjUUufctw J Vj J > R. J U. D felKOKRT AbO S *
gi jjzto.iDtr r ff. r.
And oth n fnffrrimr from
hn ( TOUtt ctvblllty , cxliaUbtlntT
Bchronlo ( ! U.uaA s punmtura
1 decline ot younit or old w
" 7oiltlT ljr cured l > y Dr.
.Kftrne'a famous Elrctru.
Maviirtlt H lL ThourancU
SUt In uifl union h vo txtn curfd.
itantljrfolt. ratantntiuitl MU10
' eka wr > r ume belt. Ulcotrlc
r _ _ r wtlli ialnb ll ! ( Aroldwortiiltulm-
> t tfan ftntfbeffw eamatn loclrlo Truwcl for
Ruptmr * . VOO curedlA'tU. rtmrt itwupfarpunplilet.
DR. W. J. HoaiiE. lurtuias. 191 WASUSH Av. , UIICACO.
'Cured by AclutluUterluK Dr.
SBnlncs * Wolcloii HpcclUc.
It can boBlrcn Inn cup of cetTbe or tea without
the knuwlcilce ol Hi * person Inking II , H absolutely
barme ! , und will effect a pftrmanaat nud apeurty
euro , wlietlicr Ilie patient U a muderato drinker erin
in alcoholic ureck. It lias been gUcu In thou-
ouidi of cas s , a J In every Inatsneo a perfect euro
li1 followed. It ncrpr rails , Tim oystem once
ImpiX'BnaUd wltb tbe Bpecl.1 * . ItbeconiiHian uttat
Impnvslblllty ( or the liquor appetite to exist.
KUir.N fe CO. , Car. IStb und Uaualan. and
18th & CuwlDB Hi * . , Ornuuti , Neb , )
A. D. 1'OSTHll Of IIIIO. ,
Couucll niafTM , Iowa.
Call or write for pamphlet conttilnlne linndreda
of tJ.'tlmontHlf ( rum the lxt womoa and men ( racm
uH uartoot tbecountrv.
hooJ. to. haTliurlriMlavMaourr known roniedr
li i nlncovared a eliurle wilr-cuM.wnlcb ho will tona
yiiKK tn bin fellnwjniireror * . Addreen
J. U. lllCKVKS. U au > tlwntr et. Mow York Oltr.
1 PAT all eirre'i rhtrgeii to all points within 300
mllrt. 1 .noo rarrUtroa ( < > wilvt from Bend two cent
lump for Illustraltxi cataloaua. tlMitlon UUa | iior ,
nd JaiJ Work.
1020 I'urnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
You ore nllnircd a free trial oflhlrtv daut ot the na (
o ( Dr. Ue'a Cclcbrnteil Voltalo Delt wltb Kltctrlo but-
pcntory ApplUnoos , ( or tbe 8iee < ly nllcf and per.
tniDontouroof Jfervovi DtbllltiIwaot t'tfaluyutid
Manhood , and all lilndrod trnulil t. Also for manj
other diseases. Complete rntorat Ion to Health , Vlxor ,
nnrt Manlnxxl miaruntrnt. J < risk la Incurred. Illui-
tinted I'V"Phl1''I'I''t ' ! * ' . l' .r2 lll'l.lfW jHa. *
_ J ImWW * * m v * - w B > a * B Bai
Tbe OrlKinnl and Only acnnlne.
Rah lO'l tlwiji K 1I W. Hiwart of worthlru Imllttlooa.
IndliKtiutlo | lo LAPIES , A > k jour ItrujrelX It *
"L'blekMtrr'a EiiBll1 and Ul p fuclait 4a.
> lu u M lAfUculira in letltr bj return mall.
'hlh atrr Chrnilcnl Co. ,
* 1J by l ru rl t rTfrjithrro- for "i'hlcht * .
tcr' . KnaU.t" I'tDHlruj 1 1'lllfc Ttkl otlxl.
Rooms 12 and 13 Gwnite Block ,
udoSyetomaundSoweraBe Plans for Citlus
nnd Towni a epiKilulty. I'luna , I tlnuitcs uuJ
Hpecltlratlona fori'ubllo and otlior
\\orkiifurnUtiud. hurvoya uud Koport
on Publlo Iinpt-orcments.
ANUIIKW HOSIWATEII. Msmbor American Sooie *
Oty Civil Kiitjlneerii. Clly Himlnecr of UuiaUti
EO. '
Full Assortment for snlo to the Trade by- M
.33 IfcT 10 23X7T Cl
Oneoft/to Best ( tii Ltryost fitoo'os in the U.S , \
to Select from. ' \
* 4
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator {
GKO. HUHKn , Mnniwsr ,
KKFEUENCRS : Merchants'and Kariiu-w Bank , HiivlH City , Ni-lt. ; Kearney National
Jlank , Krariiuv , Xch. : Ctiluiubu1 * Stnli1 Uauk. Coliimbui , Neb. ; McOonald's ' Hank , Norlli
1'liillf. Ni'b. ; Omaha National Bunk. Onmtm. Ni-h. , , , , , , .
Will pay ctistiiini'is' ilraft with hill of lading attached for two-thlnh vahto oC stock.
Short-hand Institute
The Inrto3t ( , best nnd olicnpn-t eliort-Unnd uml
typo-wrltlnir school In the wo t.
Learn this \nlunbo ! nrt unit secure ft luorntlvo
position , fihort-lmnd tiuinht by nmll to tlioso
who cannotuttoml the Institute.
We keep on linml n full mipply of Pitman's
elinrt-hnnit text books nlso typo-writer supplies
Tor particulars end for circulars to
Valentino's Short-Hand Institute
1118 mid 1130 O street Lincoln. Neb ]
Potter & M geaih ,
Law Reporters and Copyists ,
Btato .Agents for Nebraska.
Typc-wiiter supplies and pupor kept In stock.
Send for cnmlojfuo.
botwMlicUloof th Allanllo nj P > ol/ln Coait . It
l > aliu the laroilto and Uit I > ut t aad from iiolata
ut. N rtk Mt will Soqllnait. and correipoadlue
IwlnU ne t , Nortbwett and aoutbwrit.
The Croat Rock Island Roulo
auarantrei IU patroni that n > ot ntrrtna.1 XMU-
rlty QtTorilert by a n > lld. tborouitlilr balla > Uxl road.
tjral operation at all III tralni oilier ineclaltlos of
jhls route are Tram/ere at all rennecUiiL' l > olnU In
Union I > epoti. anil tbe onrnrpuxid ceiuroru and
lurorlei of ItaFaMenuer Equipment.
Th * Fant KipniM Tralni nMvrten Chlraco anil
P orla , Council lllutri , Kanju City. Lea enw rth and
Atchlaon are oompoied of w ll teaUlatril. Haul * up.
bolstered I > ajr Coachei. nuinian rilace
Blnpsriot the lateK dulen , anil iuniptuom Ulnlna
Can. In which oUtiuraUly cooktsl inrtlii ar Itliunlr
mtcn. H twofijCIilcico and Kins Ottyand AtthUon
are also run the UolArated Uecilaliig Chair Can.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
S i th direct ami ( arorlto ling l > tvi > n Cklcmaand
lBntap U and8t. Paul , where eoinecjloni are made
InUnlun Denonfor all points In tbi TVrrttorlM aud
Urltlih 1'ruflnrea. Orer UiU n.utei fait Kipreu
Traina are rim to the waterlacr i > lar , dimmer ro-
a rt . plctursnque l < wUtlf . aa l kjiutlaar axH mhlar
irouudjof Intfa and Mlunoiota. It U also the molt
leslrahle r dt t * the rlrli wla 4 lloldi Mid yaitural
luiOa of Interior B Uot\
Still anolWr flHMy-f ) UN , Tla fW > nwa anit Ko >
kakrv , hai bren nk uM bftwu-n Cincinnati. Inillcn-
fnolu and | LafaTello , and II Mutl > KanienClty ,
lllnnenpoll j ami til. raul aad tntvrnoillata polntt.
Vtir datallMl Infurinatlun > e Mai ana Kol < r ,
ohttlnable. ui well ni llrketi , at all principal TlcLel
OhVM In tbo Uoltinl 8tat < and Uana < ia | or bjr od-
I'ros't ft Ocu'l M'e'r , flcn'l T-Xt & 1'aci. Auti
England , France & Germany.
Thoaleuinshlpsof tlilH well Known line mo
built of lion , In wittor-tlKlit ouiiipurliiioiits , anil
uru fiirnluliod wltli uvnry lequUlto to inuko tlio
IiiiESuin ) both ditfu and amtioitblu , They curry
tliu Uniloil Ktuttis nud | { iiiiiiiinn | in-tlU.tnul limvo
Now Vork Tliursdays and Siitunliiys for l'l .
mnulli , ( [ X > NUONCliorbouirll ) ( > AUIa nnd HAM-
Hiitiirnhip , tbufctcoraura Joavo IlutnburR on
WodnuadnyH und HuiidioB , vlu. Iliivio , tiiklnjf
miHsL'iiif um t Boiitlmmptou und Ixjiulon.
Tirst cubln $ .V ) , * HJ nnd 171 : Slonriiiro fll.
Halli oml tlukotg from 1'lyinoutli lo llrlslol , Cur-
illir. Ixindon , or to nny pluco In HIM ( ioulli ( if
linslnnil , 1'HK ! ; . Klcorago from ' _ n jpo only
f2i. Boud tor "Tourist flu/flli' . "
0. 11. UIUIIAHD&CO. .
Onnnrnl I'USSIMIKLT Agt'nts ,
61 llroadway , Now York ; Woililnt'lon ami I
Bullu btd. Cblcutro , 111.
Allf * i | > irleacit. li iuaraaU ami quick eorea. Trial [ Jtftk
aXM. B.Bd filamp ror icUediarlleblua. ,
Dr. WARP & . CO. . LOUIbiAXA. MO ,
Red Star Line
Uoynl mil United btutus
Between Antwerp & Hew York
Bulon from $ W to $100. Kicurtlon trip from
tllOto tlW. Seoond Cabin tM , und Ii\uur > ioii
( UO. SlucrHKt ) imsiiigi ) at low inlcs. i'oter
Wright & Bong , Qunoral Aionts , U llroadtray ,
Omalm , Kubraska , Vrank . Jlooroj , W.t St , f.
k p. ticket ui'ont.
ONLY * 1 HV BIAlf. . rOSTPAli > . \
IM.UbTUATtVlC a.VMl'I.U rilllK TO AM. (
Rzhati t d Vitality. Norrom anil Phrjloil Debllllr
Prematnre l > e"llno in Man , Krrors of Tooth , and tttl
nntold miseries ratnulnicfrom tndlicretlon and ex *
criBCi. A book for orerr man , ynatif , middle
and old. itcoiililni llipratorlptloni for at .
.1 "
ohronto dlipuiiei. earh nno ot whicb 11 HITI
found b j the author what * nruerlquoe tot : *
, . -otmhly norer neforr IcU to th lot of MTt
n : JOrt nituei. bitund In fcf mtlful rreaon miit j
I cover * , fnllirllt. ruiranteedto haaOnar'
worn in frrrj ( enim methanli'al , literary an4 profaf
eloniil-thnnanr other wofk In thli oountrr (
orthenionerwlllberafnnd In srerr Injtanca. Prtit
onlr H 07 runll , pontpnld. lllu tratoa sample an
Fend now. OnldinoJalnvrnrded tbe author T th Jf * .
tlonnl Medical Amoclntlnn. to Ihn Hon. A. I * . Uliull , '
audnsigulite umoan of tbe boirJ the rouder U r i / '
epnctfullr referred. w
1lioHcl nr < inr Ufa la worth more to tfl e yean nnl 4 %
niltldle-nnoit man of tlili Honuritlon thKn all thocoli 1
mlnci of Callf rnln i'l tbo ll or mlnoa of NoTacIa
ooinbltKVi. S. K. Chronlolo.
The Nclenoo of I Jf e polnli out the rock and qalot-
tanrt8 on which tlio noimltiitlon and uope > of manr
n > oiiiinmnn hare hcon fatally wrecked. Mancbeuar
The Hclcnca of Urn Is of greater ralue than ull tb )
modlcnl works published in thu oountrfortbopait
6U > enrs "Atlunta Cnn tltiiUon
Thosclenooof Ufa la u Minorh and mastorlr trott-
I'o on nurvou * and physical ilebllltjr. Detroit Fro )
Addro 9tho 1'euboily Modlrnl Initltutej , or Dr VT. II.
1'nrksr. No. UullUncU street , lloston. Miiii.wbamar
lie ooniultod on all dtieajo * requtrlnic > kll land ( Xpert-
euro. Ciironluniid ohslniito Ulsomcj thatUuTObaf.
licit the nklll of nil othrrnhyslclun * n upeclultr. HU34
treated miccejifully without an ustance of failure
, lloo.
1711110141 meill *
A POSITIVE plno. PuUntAl Oeto-
bur l l , 1870.
Gnu box will our *
tlio most olitlnnto case In four J j-s or loss.
Allan' ' sSolubleNledicatadBougles
No nauseous deans of cubebs , oopalbn or oil of i
tontlalwoutl tlmt nra certain i to produce dyrtjjfcu. !
llRl > co tln j pi the ) *
inoni v
j jr rur-t
forclroulftr. P. 0. Boxlvn.
T. c. .rJrJ .i r co. ,
63 John St. , Now York. J
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $850,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1886 26,000.
U. W. YATES , President.
A. E. TOU/.AUN , Vice ProsIdcnL
\V. H. S. IluanEs , CaaUcr ,
A. E. TOUZAUK , ) .
Cor. 12th and Fnrnara Street * .
Ooneral nankin ? lluelnoai Traasaottl.
( Buooesson to J. (1 , JbooblJ
At tbn old bland , HOT 1'aruamSt. Ordort br
tulpgraph Bolloltod und prorainly attended to.
Toloiihono No.U3A
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tno only rend to take Dns Jlolnen. Mar-
Ini lltowiiCudurItuililHCllnlon. | Dixie. Clilojco.
MihviiuKno and ull points cmt. To Ilio pooploof
NebrHSku , Colorado , Wyoming , Ulab. Idaho
NoviiJ.i.Orfunn , Wubtilnirton und California It
oirerBhiiporlor advnntugua not poiilbl * by any
Amotiir a few of tlio numerous points ot lupo *
rlorlty vnjorfd by tlio patrons ol thla roudbo *
IwtonOniulm und Ctilfiivo , are IU two trulni *
day of UAYUUAUlIliS nliiuli art ) tlio nne.t tbat
liutnun art nnd Iniroiiiiltjciin cri'ale. Its 1'AL-
ACi : BI.KKI'INO OAHS , wlilun uru modoli of
comfort and ulogunco. Hi rAHI.OIl DHAWJNO
1IOOM OAKS , un.urniifisod by liny , and IU wide. 1
ly tTlcibratod 1'AI.ATIAM)1N 6 ( UU8. tb
equal of whlon cannot bo found oliownero.
At Council lllulfx tli trulns of tbo Union Pact.
flo Hr. Cdnnoct In Union Depot wltb those of tb 1
flilciigo , t Noithwrstnrn ity. In Chloatrp tb
Irulim of thli line mitko cloia connection With
tliosoof ull euiturn llniij.
For Uolrolt , Columbus. IndlBtiapolli. n
null , Nluifura Falls , liulfato , I'itUbunr.'ttTto
ilontreul , Ilu.ton , Now York , I'hlladolphU ,
tlinore\vn hlnrton ( and allpolnUlu the oaiti tulc
tbo ticket aK ' < t for tlcknta via tlio
If you wish the bust aoooramodatlooa. All ticket
Uuodr *