Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1886, Image 3

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Now York. April 7. MonY-On : : call ,
Mij * at i ] ( < Wf per cent.
Pitt.MKMKitn.VNTii.K PAPKII IfiM percent KxciiANOK-Dtill hut steadv ;
ft7. ? . ' < for sixty days , nnd HW on de
( lovi.iiN'Mr.STS Dull and steady.
STor K' Thoaiinouncomcnt that HIP trunk
lines had asieetl rcgnniliiK the pool on both
cast and west-bound tiallic , nnd that thu
loads In the northwest he.-1 , made procro
towaul n settlement ot their differences had
n .stlmulaHni : effect upon stock * . First piioe }
showed general talns of V'-'c. and with
only slight leact'ons the market continued
Mroiif ; until about 1 o'clock , althomjli there
were fractional declines In the afternoon ,
followed by a comparatively steady tone ,
market closed at small fractions to over 1 per
cent higher.
8 centbouiK. . lot ,0. , A.N.W . . . . . . 107K
' i O * ' * t i B * * ' iiu'ferral. . .
New4's X.Y. 0 . ,
Pacific ( i's of 'y. . I'JT'i ' Oieuon Trail. 2V.f
Central Pacllic. . 4JU Pacliio Mall
C. it A 142 P. , I ) . &K
nrcfoired. . . . l.W 'P.P.C ' i : ) > i
C.fcQ { IJH'riJock ' IMann. . . . 120
1) . , I , . Av mrj , SU I , . A S. K. . . .
! ) . & ! ( . ( } ll'fi ' pieferred. . .
Krlc. u : f c. , M. & St P. . .
prcfencij. . . . r > ; > i pieferred. . Itsl ?
Illinois St P. AC-
II. AW U4 pii'ferreu. . .
'J7 . Toxtis Pacllic. . .
I > akeShoro M' , Union Pacllic. . .
Kite N itt'f.W. . , St. U .fel' . .
' . . . (17 ( j ) ) refcrred. . .
Mo. Pacliio lin ( > < 'Wes'tern ' Union
Noithern P.ic. . . ' - ! : . i ( 8
prefened. . . f,0' < l
1IOI ( > UUI2.
Ajull 7. KIonr-Qulot nnd
\vcnk ; winter whunt Hour , S4.40@34.75 ;
Wisconsin , S4. ' : .t4.75 ;
MlchU'iin softsirlnir\vhfat ) , 8i.70.t4.00 : ( . ; .Mm-
nrsota halti'iV , $ : ( ; patunts , S4.M ®
r. w : low Kimlcx , S'j.ooit.oj. : :
Wheat - Active but weak and lower ;
npcili'd Ic iiiiili'r yi-sli'ulny , rearli-d \ < \ it1-
rcded , 'e , liccutnu ( Inner nnd advanced - C" )
'uiMmnln inlcd weak. M'lllnt ? oir iVCfiVc , i -
( uvi'icili' ; , lined easier , nml closed lc
iind'T Mondny : Wi4r Vc for cash ; 73e for
Aptll ; 773G.ric ( ? : tm-.Mnv.
Coin Weak nnd lowei ; declined } ftc , and
oloM'il within "AC'S eel inslili'pilwsHi.iohi'd ;
m.K'u for cash ; : sio lor ADI II ; : n ? i < . : 7Htj
for Jluy.
Oats-Actlv ; deellnrd K/t ( ( fc , sllfilit reac
tion ( icriinril iKiin Ilisldo liquii's ; 2bc lor
rush ; iiMjc lor AIM II : ' . " .Mtfc tor May.
Uy < i Dull at "i'tii.Vic.
Hailcy DullaUOe.
Timothy Kasicr ; Dilmc , S1.W ) ( 1.81.
Klax Sred-Oiilel and .steady ; No. 1 , SLOT .
si- .
1'oik Jloilcratoly active hut unsettled and
Inomihir : opened i-teiidv , icaotcd 12,1rC''l-r > c ,
and olotid tame : S'.i.i.Olor easli and Apill ;
8lt.i7KfO'.4U : ' lor .May.
I/aid .Steady and nnclinnired : S5.l)5rt ) §
fi.or lor cash and Apill ; S5. 7& ( G.OO ior
iitilk Menls-'Jhoiililers , 51.00314.15 : short
elear sides , S..f5 r.70 ; shoitribs , S5. : < @
. ' " .
ltilter ! rnuhaiiKed ; creamery , 'J5@3oc ;
dairy , ir > fi > i < ' .
Cheew ITnHiitiiKed : full cream clioc'dnrs ' ,
lor 7iin fe ; Hats , lir HUc ; young Ameilcas ,
1'Jfril'J e ; skims , , l ( iic.
Kiras I'lielmiifii'd at 10@llc.
llldc.s UiiehniiKud ; ctcen , C ) c : heavy
t'ri-eii salted. 7 ! < c ; lhlit. SJ c : damaged , li.'fe ;
hull IildosOc : dry salted. l'Jiic ) ; dry Hint ,
13ffil4c ( : call skins. 10@ie. : !
Tallow Unehanu'i'd ; Xo. 1 country , 4J c.
Kl'COilt5. | tjillllllH'lltS.
Flour , hbls . : n.OJ ( ' 'J'.i.KX ( )
Whent.bu . : , OUO W..IKK )
Coin. 1)11 ) . ! ,7 1.000 271,000
Oats. bu. i . l''i > ,00 ( bO,000
JtK.bu . ntK.o , 4,000
Unrlor.bu . f. ! > ,030 37,000
Now York. April 7. Wheat Receipts ,
27,000 ; cxpoits , ( ,000 ; spot. l@'o lower ;
optloim oiiunud heavy , declined ILCxic
later ruled stronger and lecovcied
Moslnu weak ; No. 1 red , We ; Xo. 2 ml ,
Die ; stoies and May , closlnir nt Ulc.
Corn Spot , lower ; options opened weak ,
declined ( A c , elosing heavy ; recelits | ,
.M/00 / ; exiioits. 10,000 ; iiimrndcil. 41 ( VJ44c ;
Iso. : i , -tl'/c ' ; Xo. 2 , iftjfl&jsjjfc eluvntwl , 4G f
ftl47c alloat ; May closlii ) ; at4'c. ;
Oat.s Shade easier and moderately acllvo ;
receipts , 17,000 ; e.xpotts , 8'Jt ; mixed western ,
HGKC'tWc ; white western. JMfffi-IOc.
IVtroleum Klrin ; united closed nt 72 ° c.
gs Flint with demand fair ; westein ,
Pork Quiet ; old mess , St.50(510.0D. ! ( ?
l.atd Lower : western btcam , spot , SC.25 ®
C.27' ' ; May. 50.'ii.2.r ? ! ( ! ( , .
Jlutter I'alr demand nnd lirm ; westein ,
ir ( ti'.M ( < ; Kluln crt-amery , HluKHc.
Cheese Viiui nnd" demand modulate ;
westein , 8 > , Q10 c.
Milwaukee , April 7. Wheat Unset
tled ; cash , 75i- ; May , 7721'c ; June , 7l ) . ! c.
Corn-Dull ; Xo. 2 , SO c.
Oats Nominal ; Xo. 2 , 31Xc.
Jtye KlrmNo. ; 1. ( Ke. !
JJarloy Kasii-r ; No. 2 , S2 } < fc.
Piovlslons Weak ; mess pork , cash and
April , S' . : r ; May. S'J.45.
Cliiuliiiuul , April 7. Wheat Seal c and
nominal : it fe'.K- .
Corn riituer ; Xo. 2 mixed , JiOKc-
Oats Xono olTuicd on tiack : b2c In ele
Jlye-KIrm nt 00 ( < TO. c.
Harley Dull nnd unchanged ; extra Xo. 3
fcplillf , ' , r > 0a > 5le.
I'orlv-Kash-r at S0.75.
I.ard-Qiilet at $5.b.rx < i5.00.
Whisky-Quiet at SI. 10.
Kansas City , April 7. Wheat Lowe"
rnsh. file hid , ( Wo asked ; May nnd June , C7c
bid. ( ! 73AC asked.
Corn Weak ; cash , 27' c asked ; May. 23 , ' c ;
line , 28if ( ! bid , -J'Jc asked.
Oats-C.ish , 29o asked.
St. ijiiuiH. Anrll 7. Wheat Weak and
lower ; Xo. 2 icd , cash. 85 } c ; May , 85' c ,
( jnrnWeak ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , a
for iuAV. . . _ , . , .
Oats-Steady ; Xo. 2 im.fd , Oiifc ) ) for cash ;
May , 2'Jk'c. '
U \o Steady nt SOJ c.
Poik Steady atSlO.CO.
Lard-Klrin at S5.82.
Uuttcr Steady and unchanged ; creamery ,
37if2 ( : ! : dairy. Itw-aie- .
AnT.nxoo.v lioAtiD Wheat Weak nnd
i'c loxver. Corn Easy and } { v lower. Oats
Liverpool. April 7. Wheat Supply
poor ; new Xo. 2 winter , 7s 4d , dull ; spilng ,
IKDi'il , dull.
Flour ( loud supply and steady nt 8s 4d.
Coin Olleied freely ; spot , 4s 2Kd. steady ;
Apill , 4s ' 'd , dull ; May and June , 4s 2d , easy.
Toledo , April 7. Wheat Weak ; cash ,
NTiKtii ! > 7e.
Corn Firm : cash , liS
Chicago , A pi 117 , The Drovers' Journal
renoits :
Cattle Iteei'Ipts. 5,400 ; strong and active ;
MilppliiK steers 94.'JOCi5.7Q ( ; Mockers and
IcederH. S2.H ( ) ( < ti.X ( ) : cows , bullb and mixed ,
6iOOi4.00 ( ! ; bidk , S'iltJyi.25. :
! ! ( ) ( ; Itecelptf , iH.ouo ; bhiiimcnts , none ;
stioimer but closing weak ; rouch and mixed ,
S4.0.Vji 4.45 ; packiiiL'andshlpplii.34.0@-l.CO ( : ! ;
JlKht , tfWOOf-1.45 ; sklx.'S2.7 | , ' ! < < f4.lX ) .
Slice | ) Itccelpts , 2.K30 ; htiong ; natives ,
Sh.OOvjJii.'J.'i ; Tuxaiih , 52.K ) $ ? J..K ) ,
St. I.milH. Apill 7. Cattlo-llecelpts. SXX ) ;
Olipuii'ilts , 1HX ( ) ; Milpiiliic cattlu iulei | but
Him ; uood to choice. t4.N'@j. : : common to
u'ood S4.iXKjil.7.'i ; butchutv eatilo btionic at
& 3wiQi.oo ; eos nnd helfcts , SAM ® USs"
Mockers nnd teedt'i.s , si.OOU5 : ,
Hogs Iti-celpta , 1,400 ; bhlpments , 1,000 ;
nctlvonnd stronir ; hutchi'is , nnd best heavy ,
3M.2.V34.40 ; mixed , SH.s.'O ; light , S4.ooy
KniiHns City , April 7. Cattle Kecelpts ,
SOCO ; blilimuMits , lt)03 ) : steady nnd nioilcr-
ntely nctive ; cholcu to Itiiu-y , S5.105.40 ;
( ' ( million tii good , S4.00tf 5.1)0 ) ; btockers nnd
loedeis , SUftK'f I.-O ; coxvs , S'J.riOQCaco.
Hogs Kecelpts , 7,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
oji'iiedacllvuandft10chlgher ( , closed weak
nnd n sliadu loxver ; good to choice , $4.00di
4.25 ; common to medium , S3.COC ; 3.UO ; skips
nnd pigs , S',0X.y.50. (
Wednesday Evening , Apill 7.
The reoelnts ol cattle xveio heavier to-day ,
out still llglit In comparison with tlio do-
inniul. Thu market continues linn nt for-
nicrquolntloiiH. Coed cholco stock of all
urndes U In dcnmnd nnd sells leadlly. Quo
tations to-day mu : Choice to uxtia steers.
Sl.00yi4.75 ; good. avenigliiK l.SOO to 1J50 :
VOiiniU , 54.2v34.'iO : mi'dlum , averaging 1,100
io 1'JOO pound * . S8.WC < ? 4.15 ; cholco coxxs and
nd hullcis , SS.3tfe.Vi5 ; meduui | , 53.7503.25 ;
lings nnd bulls , SSMWMKI.
The ii'celptb of hogs fell short of yestcr-
ny'MUid xxeru not eipml to the demand.
1'lie pens \\e\e. \ clcated early in thu day , only
n ft'xv ' odds nud ends being It'll over. The
uarket WAS blioug at uu nilxunce of Sc.
Cholco medium wclehts nrc quoted nt
. coed to choice , heavy , S\70.r ?
3.V. ! uooirto ctiolco mUod. 3.70ri8. ( ) ;
common rouzh grndea nt SM. . " > 0. ( ! .5. " ) ; skips
nnd cnlN , S3L03 VJS.
Xoarrhnlsof sheen ami nrlcrs nomlunl.
( teed butchers , averaging 10 to 100 pound ,
would si-ll for S l.00ri ( l.ix
Showing thu hiithust and lowest Drtcc.i pnlil
on this nmrkut for mixed packlnu hues dur-
Inir tlio uast snvon days nnd lorthocotro-
spondlii ) ; period last month.
All sales of stock In this matket aio made
per c\\t. llxe weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell nt Ic per Ib for nil weights.
-i , " or hogs xvt-kldng less taan 100 His ,
no value. Pregnant soxxsaio docked 40 Ibs
and stags Hi Ibs. _
llogs 5c liiuhcr.
lloir liens eleated.
Clark Hi os. shipped ten cars of stock.
John Wlgulns Genoa , sold n load of hogs.
J. M. Hedge , Vnlan , marketu.l n load of
Ilnxvks A : K , Albion , mntkcted a load of 72
V , Hoys , Silver Creek , sold a load of 71
A. P. Hialnard , live stock salesman , has re-
fumi Cheyenne.
Files & Co. , Cedar ItapUls , had four cars
of hogs at thoyaids.
A nuns it 1C. , Howard , disposed of n load of
hogs on to-day's market.
F. Kondell , Wahoo , and S. X. Klmland. of
the same place , had eattlu at the yauls ,
Cooper & Texvksbitry marketed 10 cattle ,
nnd P. A. Hanett , fioui tlio same ; place. C8
W. Hays , Valparaiso , came In with two
ears of cattle and ono ot hogs , which he mar
keted to-dav.
Melntosh & Sntton , ( iranil Island , were at
tlio yards to-day with lour loads of cattle ,
\\lilch .sold on tlic market.
Seth Tuhbs. lie buyer for (1. II. Hammond
mend & Co. , has gone east on a visit. Mr.
Moss will buy during his absence.
A line bunch of fat cattle , from the Union
Cattle company's leedlng establishment nt
Ciilmoie sola to ( ! , 11. Hammond A ; Co.
( icorgo Adams , of the live stock commis
sion lirm of Cleoige Adams & Hin le ; , Chicago
cage , \vns at the yaids to-day looking after
tliu Intetests of their branch house located
C. F. Way , Ord , R topped at the yards on his
return from Chicago xvhere ho has been with
stock , lie lomarked , " 1 would have done
much better it 1 had sold at what 1 was of
fered here , at Omaha , Instead ot going on to
Chicago. "
General Markets.
Wednesday Evening. Apiil 7.
Eons The market is weaker nnd stocks
are again nccumulatlng. Sales tuo being
made nt HyJUKc.
Hi'TTKit There Is n coed demand for
stilctly choice fresh table butter at somewhat
higher prices. Interior grades , however , con
tinue very dull. Cliolco creamery , 25@0c ;
choice fresh table. lfffilc ! ? ; Kood ftesh table ,
isdhlo ; fair , S@10c ; poor , 3@0c.
CiiKKsn Fancv full cream Cheddars. Octo
ber make , lljijc : Hats. 12'i'c ; young
America , 14cJ4 ; llrst quality Sxvlss cheese ,
l.'c ; second quality , 12 > | @t4c ; Llmburger.
Ilfi < jl2c. ; skim flats SKrfilOc.
I'oui/ri'.Y Both dressed and live chickens
are exceedingly scarce , and meet with icady
sale at quotations. Turkeys , ducks and
cccso are also much called lor. Chickens ,
live , 3.00iy.r)0 ( ; dicssed , 10@lic ; dressed ,
lair to good , tKii'Jc ; turkeys , dressed , choice ,
10@12e ; live. C@7 > ac ; ducks and geese ,
dressed , lOd llc.
tiAMi : Prices for the most pait
are nominal. Prairie chickens , perdoz. S'J.OO
( S2.M ) : quail , per doz. Sl.2rx31.ftO ; snipes ,
S1.00 ( < (1.2. ) : jack rabbits , per doS'i.50 ( J
3.00 : mallard ducks , 82.00 : teal ducks ,
81.25 ; mixed ducks , Sl.OXin.GO ; small rab
bits. 75@cOe : geese , S3.0W53.60
PiiKhicitVKH , JKM.IISS , ETC. Preserves , all
kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOc ; do In pall
lots , per Ib.OJ c : assorted 5-lb.pnlls per crate ,
pails , S3.75. Jellies , nil kinds , liist grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assorted , lirst grade ,
5-lb , pails , per crate , 0 palls , 82.50 : do ,
1-lb. palls , per case , 2 doz. 82.25 : do. tumb ,
lers , per cn-e , 2 doz. , 81.40. Jelly , nil kinds-
second grade. 80-lb. palls , per Ib. 5c. Mince
< 7 . II/ . A V.IU11 ilUU (111IIK ( UllfcLUlSV1U | lali9 , , -
Ib. oi c ; pc.ich plum and nulnco butter , as
sorted , 511) . pnils , per crate , 0 palls , § 3.75 ;
. .
uuint v.r.i , . . . .inn. / l-l. uuio IM SottTpa . t-\nr tiny 91. rkn ,
Pins' KKKT. TIIIIM : , IsTC i' S1 Je'it. per U
bhl , S4.00 ; do , K bbl. SAOO ; do ; per kit , Me.
Lambs' tongues , per J < bbl , S3.25 ; d ( > , per
kit , S2.50 ; do. ( limit jars per doz , 85.25 ; do ,
jdnt jars per case , 2 doSO. . 75. Tripe , per K
bbl , 54.00 ; do , per tfbbl , § 2.00 ; do , per kit ,
S'AUKK KHAUT Host quality , 30 gal bbl ,
Sfl.50 ; 15 uallml. 83.75.
COMH JIONEV California 3 inframo tSO Ibs ,
In case per Ib. , 15 ; 10 Ib. frames , Xcbraska.
CIDKII Michigan rcQucd , per bbl. , 80.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
ViNF.oAU Whlto wine , ICc ; cider , 12 > c.
Coco.v.stnsPer 100 , 54.50 ; less than 100 ,
OiiANGKS The enormous demand for Cal-
fornla oranges Is fast exhausting the ciop.
JUversldcs especially are now getting scarce
and high. Hlversldn Xavjls am vlitnally out
ol thomaiket. Prices on all kinds of oranges
are bound to advance , and had It not been
for the cold stormy weather would bo at least
50c hliihor. Itlverslde Seedlings , per box
83.75 ; Mediterranean Sxveets , per box. 53.75 ;
n to 10 box lots , per box , 83.00 ; San ( labilel
Navels , per box. 81.50 ; Los Angeles , per box ,
82.75 ; doS-box lots , per box , SAGO ; do , 10-box
lots , per box , 82.50 ; do , 25-box lots , per box ,
LK'MONS The lemon maiket has taken an
"eaily boom" this season. Dealeisvcro in
clined to consider this only temponiry. but
juilglng by iccent advices fiom abroad nnd
the small shipments In transit to eastern
paits , thu reports ot only one-third crop seems
to bo coriect for once , and prices aio liable to
stav up all season ; fancy Messina , per box ,
85.50 ; choice Messina , jier box , 85.00.
HA.VAXAS The maiket Is well supplied ,
Quotations are S2.00ijf4.00. accoidlng to size.
A rn.r.sTlio quantity of cholcu stock held
by dealers has ocen greatly diminished and
thu demand for choice or fancy Michigan nnd
Missouri stock Is strong. Western stock ,
8AOftji2.2 * ) ; fancy Michigan nimles , 53.00 ;
choice Missouri stock. SAM ) per bbl ,
CiiANiuimtir.s Hell and Htmlc , per bbl ,
80.50 ; 5 bbl lots , 80.00 ; Jersey , per bush box ,
fe2.00 ,
NEW Kios , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 8 and
10-lb boxes , per Ib , lOc , Dates , laney Fard ,
12-lb boxes , per Ib , lie ; Persian , 60-1 b boxes ,
per Ib , 10. . ! . Priinelles , 80-lb boxes , per Ib ,
18c.MAri.K SUOAH Hiloks , strictly mire , 53-lb
boxes , i > er Ib , IGc ; penny cakes , 2Mb cases ,
18fc. !
HOXKV Fresh California comb honey put
up In 2-lb fnuncs. 00-lbs In case. California
comb honey , iwr Ib. . 15c ,
OysTKits Noxv Yoik counts , 45c : extra
selects. 40c. selects , S5c ; standards SOc ;
mediums. 25c.
PitovisioNs-Ham , OJ QlOc ; bioakfast ba
con SfjihKo ; clearsldu bacon , 7(47Ke ( ; d y salte
sides , O uXc ; shoit lib sides , OUc ; shouldcrg ,
5e ; mess poik. J1A50 per bbl ; diicd beef , ham
pieces , 13c ; lard , tierces , flJVc ; 60 Ib cans , 7c ;
10 Ib cans ( Faltb.inks ) , 74/c ! : 5 Ib cans , do ,
7c : 3 Ibcaiib , do. . 7Jo ; boneless ham. JOe.
HKANS Themaikct continues very dull.
Country bonus do not iiuivu at all. California
and Michigan aio belling in n small way.
Cnllfoi nla ll.ixo. per bu. . 81.05 ; do Pen. per
bu. , 5I.b5 ; Michigan Medium , per bu. , 51.70 ;
Country , per Int. , 75 ? 1.25 a
( ) u > Vr.riKTAiii is - Onions. Michigan ,
choice yellow , wr bid. . S.VX ) : rutabaaas , IH.T
bbl. , SACOd2.2o ; canot . ) > cr bbl.St.75 : horse
radish roots per bbl ,5-XO ) ; do par lr , 7c ;
S'.xoet Dotntocs , porlb. . 4o : parsnl | > . per bbl. ,
62.00 : beeto , " < bbl. , SA ) ; Salt Lake pota
toes , per Int. , NA. .
Xr.w Vr.fiKTAiii.KS California cabbage ,
per Ib. , 3'c ' ; eatillllovxer. per doz. , S2.50 ; rcl-
ery , pcr loz. , 81.50 : paragu < , p.r Ib. , l. e ;
soiimch , per bbl. . sn.OD ( ' l.'X ) : giei-n onions ,
per dor. , > ttc ; radlstic' , i > er doz , . We ; lettuce ,
per doz. , OOc ; pieplant , perlb. , I5e.
POTATOIIS The market Is quite firm nt
present. Lower prices may bo looked for
Inter on , as there me large quantities held by
farmers , \xlio are waiting for tlio roads to dry
up to enable them to haul them to the
stations. Potatoes , choice , per bush , 50g33c ( ;
good , per bush , 45 ( < i " > 0c. ,
UIIA-SS Siit : : > s-Clovor. 00 lb . to bushel ,
choice red , S7.r-Offis.oD ; White Dutch , SS..VW : ( : Al8ykeS" . Vr.f > o :
Mammoth , 87.0Xrt7.'r.o ( ; Timothy , choice , 45
( titAi.v Klo.xntor ptlccs for car lots : Corn ,
Ibc ; oatsU0'4c ' : wheat. fi7e : rye. 4 > c ; barley -
ley , 4Sc. On the streets and at the mills :
Corn.-'e : oats , aXrfSSc ; wheat , Xo. ' . ' , OOc ;
rye. 4.VOc. .
AN'D Mji.i.sTt'Ki's tt Inter \xhcnl
corn meal , bOc ; yellow coin meal , 70o , per
cxxt ; scieenlng , OOc per cwt ; hominy , 81.50
percxxt : shorts , OOc per exvt ; graham , 81.75 ;
liav , In bales , SG.OOSTOO per ton.
Hincs Oicen butchers , O&c : croen cured.
7'4'cdry ' ; Illntll@l3c : dry salt , WMUc : dam-
aced hide ? two-thlids price. Talloxv 4c.
Urease , pi line white. 3 v : viillow , He ;
hioxvn. 2J < fc Sheen Pelts 23f(87.ja
rtnts AND SKINS Mink. each. 10 ( < Z > lOc :
root )
do ,
( lO * U- I.VAY I lUUilli A V'ST ' * i/Uib"
\er. Sl.WXit2. . % perlb : fox , each , 40 ' (31.75 ( :
deerskin : , drv winter , l'f 15c perlbdo. ; fall
andsttmmor , 15fJJc ( : anteiojie. 5 (10. * put b
Li.x : 1111:11 : No. 1 I'ittsburg hnrncsi. J. C.
L. , te f.ons "Oj ; Xo. 1 Plttsburg , 1C. AS.liOs :
No. 1 lacn leather , 0' * ; pi line slaughter solo
leather , 28 ffJSIc : pilmc oak sole le.uheis. : w@
.T.c. ) L'pper leather , per loot. 20'iI25j ; hem.
kip , 7.ViN ( > c : oak kin , Kj@'J5c : French kip , ; hem. calf , Sl.oJi1.10 ; oak calf ,
Sl.oeOSI.UV. Kicnclic.UfSl.iKl. 5 ; Moiocco
hoot leg , I'fl a-Jc ; Moiocco oil pebble , 2jj@3-j
toppings and llnlnu's , SO.OD jlo.OO per doa !
OOAI. Anthiaclto grate , ? S.25 ; egg , S8.25 ;
ranee , 8350 : chestnut. 88.50 ; loxva. $3.50 ;
Walnut block , 83.76 ; Illinois , 85.00 ; Missouri ,
HKAVY ILvninvAiti- : lire rates , 82.35 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4e ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools do , 12jjli > e ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.7SrNJ.OO ( ; hubs , per set , bl.25 : iellous ,
s\xveddry : , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75o ; nvlcs.
each , 75c ; siiuatu nuts , per Ib , 7@He ; cell
chain , par Ib , ( XjgpJc : malleabl" . f-ftls-c : Iron
wetlges , Gc : crowbars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4ct
spiing steel , 7 < jt-c ! ; Huiden's horsoshocs.
81.40 : Hut den's iniilu shoes , 85.40. limbed
Who , in car lots , 84.00 per 103 Ibs. Iron
Xnils , rules , 10 to 00. S.'l.OO. Shot Sl.fiO :
buckshot , 81. So : oriental powder , kegs , ? 3.50
( Svl.OO ; do , half kegs , SAOO ; do , qnniter kegs ,
81.50 ; blasting , kens , 53.33 ; luso , per 100 feet ,
50c. Lead Har , 81.05.
PAINTS IN On. While lead , Omaha , P. P '
7 rfe ; white- lead , St. Louis , mire , 87.80 ; Mar
seilles green , l tofi II ) cans , -Oc ; Fiench zinc'
green seal , I''c ; Fiench zinc , led seal , lie ;
I'lench zinc , In vninlsh asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermillion. Ameilca. Ibc ; Indian
red. lOc : rosojiink. I4c : Venetian , red. Cook
son's , 2-ic ; Veneti , led , American , . , , , „
red lead , iXc ; chrome vellow , genuine , 20o ;
chionie yellow , 1C , 12c ; ochre , locholle He , ;
ochre , I'rench , S ? o ; oclue , Ameiican , 'Jo ;
Winter's mineral , 2 > e : Lohigh brown , 2l c ;
Spanish brown. 2Uc : Prince's mineral. 3e.
Dnv PAi.vrTi-Whilclead , 8c : French /ine ,
12c : Pails whiting , 2' ' < ; e ; whiting sliders ,
IJ-ic ; whitinK , coin'l. life ; lampblack , ( ! er-
nmntown , 12c ; lampblack , oidinarj' , 8c ;
Prussian blue , .Vie ; iiltramailncp 15 < c : vnn-
dyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber ,
ra\v , 4c ; siunna , burnt , -lc ; sienna , iaw4c ;
Pails crcen , genuine , Sic ; Paris inccn. cdin-
nion , 20c : chiomefjreen , N. \ . , 20c ; chrome
Ki-een , K , 12c ; vermillion , Knglisli , in oil ,
( Xo ) ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib. cans , 12c ;
raw ami burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke , blown ,
llic ; reliiicd lamjiblack , 12c ; coach black and
ivory black , ICc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
blue , -I0o ; ultiainarino blue , 18c : chrome
green , L. , M . & 1) . , Hie ; blind and shutter
trteen , L. , M. it I ) . , lOc ; Paris uiecn , 18c ;
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , He ; Tuscan ,
U.'c ; American vermillion , ] , . it D. , 20c ;
yellow ochie , Uc ; L. M. Ac O. 1) . , 18c ; Koldcn
ochre , lOc ; jiaten t dryer , Sc ; ciulnliiK colors ,
liirht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash. lie.
Dittos AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic ,
Sfic : acid , t.irtnric. SSc ; balsam copaiba , per
ft , lMe ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c : calomel ,
per Ib , 72c ; chinchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chlffro-
toim , perlb , OOc ; Doveis powders , per Ib ,
51.2r > ; epsom salts , per Ib , 3Kc ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , ISc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 20c ;
tasslum iodide , per Ib , 83.00 ; salicln , per oz ,
40u ; sulphate morphine , per o82.80 ; sttl-
pliur , per Ib. 24c : strychnine , per oz , 81.40.
OILS 110" carbon. PC gallon , lOc : 150"
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175" headlight , per
gal , 15c : 150 ° water white. 14c ; linseed , hard ,
pur gallon , 4ic ; linseed , boiled , pur gallon ,
47e : lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 50c ; No. 1 ,
43c : No. 2. 40c ; castor XXX , per gallon ,
81.55 ; No. 3. 81.41 ; sweet , ncr uallon , 81.00 ;
sperm , W. B. . per gallon. 81.00 ; list ) , W. H. .
per gallon , 05o ; nontsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
7i > c ; No. 1.08c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon ,
No. 1 summer. 15c ; golden machine , Xo. 1 , per
gallon , 30c ; No. 3. 25c ; siicrni , signal , per
gallon , 75c : turpentine , per gallon , 57c ; gaso
lene , per gallon , 14c.
YAHNlSUUS Hariels , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No , 1 , 81.00 ;
coacn , extra , 81.40 ; coacn , No. 1. 81.20 ;
Uamar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linish ,
briniTS Cologne spirits , 168 proof , 81.13 ;
do 101 proof , 81.13 ; spiiIts , second quality ,
101 piool , 81.12 : do , 188 proof , 81.11. Alco
hol , 188 proof , 82.10 per xvlno gallon. Hcdls-
tllled whiskies , 81.00@1.50. ( lln blended ,
81.50@'J.OO ; Kentucky T > ourbons , SAOOao.OO ;
Kentucky and Ponnsylvnnla iyes , 83.KX ( fl.50 ;
( lolden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies ,
81.50(23.00. ( Hrandles , imported , 85.00@8.50 ;
domestic. 81.30 3.00. Oins. Imported , 84.50
( t.OO : domestic. S1.25,00. ) Hums lm-
jiorted. S4.50 < H.OO ; Nexv England , S1.75@2.00 ;
domestic , 5 > l.'i.W.00. : ! Champagnes , Import
ed , per cnso. 82SOO@34.00 ; American , per
case , 810.00QIO.OO.
SYimr No. 70.ite. . bbls : No. 70 , 4-eallon
kejts. S1.0 > ; New Orleans Ss To er gallon ;
70c per p'
K t'alluu
I'ICKT.KSMedium. . In bbls , 50.00 ; do In
half bhls , Siisoi final ! . In bbls. S7.00 ; do In
half bbl * 54.03 ; lltefcins , In bbfs , SS.OO ; do.
In half bbK S4..VI .
Uoons tJystors. standard , per
tleberrk's per c. i1 , S340CRR ; ptni , 2-b ,
i > crca e , Si.V ) ; prccn gafjcs.Mb , inr ? case ,
S'.V ) ; plnenpiilPS B-lb , per ca c ,
STAIICII iilrror ploss , l Ib. Cxj ; Mirror
font's bulk , 4c.
Pi.uo TOIIACCO Ollmnx-I2cpprlb ; Horse
shoe. JiOc : Star.i 3s.V j Spcarheail , : : ( told
Uoll , ! 5ft' : Piper IleliNlck. Uc ) ; Puncli , 3 < c ;
Vounir Fritz , r s : .IT.I. : t
111 ! _
tlahy , S'-MWjt'AT
SODA In Ih papers , S.1.25 a cac ; salsoda ,
ki'K , per Ib , ' "ac.
lunt : ) Kitons No. 1 quarter apples. 0 ,
cvnnornteil box CN tC''c ' ' ; l > lnlilcie hc.\crl
lOc ; peaches eaMern. 4 ? fc1iHc ; peaches
evaporated , l5)i@lTc ) ; Salt hake , new , TU ®
Sc : i-nspberiics. new. 'J-WJics currants , 7 ?
7c ; prunes , new. 42ftri4jCc. ?
St'OAitiPowdered , < kc : cut loaf , 7H'c ;
prnmdntcd , ( > 5c ; conleclloners' A , Vc ;
standard extra C,0Ve : extr.i C , 0 > 4c ; medium
yellow , Oc ; Av Uilrnns. C\i ( ( > o.
> lATritis : Per caddie. : ftc : round , per
ea e. 45c ; square casus , Sl.70 ; mnlu siitiarc ,
v So.'uKirk's Savon luincrlal. S2.ti ; ) :
Kirk's satinet. SXlil ; Kirk's standaid , 3M.H : ) ;
Klrk'H white Husslan. S4. : : Kirk's White
Cap , SO..V ) ; Dome , Sl.'il ; Washboatd , Si.lf : >
CorrnKs-Ordliiaty irr.ulesi , n,4c { fair , 10n ( )
1034'e ; i.riinellKVH''c . ( ; choice , ia fC'l : iUc ;
fancy creen and yellow , liil , W14 Vc ; old cov-
erniiient Java , StKiWfic ; Inteiior .lavii. Ifi'jffS ' )
SJOc ; Moehn , 2-iji4e : At buckle's roasted ,
IHWc ; Mchauirhlln's XXXX ron < -ti > il , lit /c ;
DflworthX W > , c ; Kcd Cross , l.ij/e.
CAxni.r.M Uoxes , 40 Ib , OH , lie : 8s , lie ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oOs , lie ; half box. 20li > ,
Srtcr.s ( Ji-ound Ulack popper , boxes 15
@ 2-ic ; nlltpi.-ts l-@Iflc : clnn.inioii , iHSi'ic :
cloves , ir > ( rt-i'c ; gliiKT , ir 'JOe ; mustaid , 15 < W
i/vi yi wv ; V/ / | iII lit iriftl ) n/tMj iwi
lone , choice. 40yoOc ( ; rnjjllsh breakfast , ,
KOirMOc ; choice. WKSC.'c1 ; JSouclionc , peed , : HI
@ 4."io ; choice , : W@4V ; .lapan . lair , 2.1htJV : ;
cood. n.iQJ5c ; cliolce , 5)CT5c ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
TenSlfmus , lc.
CISACKKIIS ( Jarneau's soda , butter and
picnic , rj < ; c ; creams , 8 , ' c ; pliiKcr snaps ,
KIM : CUT llaid to Beat , 70c : Charm o.
the West , OOe ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Tlitead-
07e ; Favorite , OOc : Hud1' , 6'Jc ' Hooky Moun ,
tain , AOc : Fancy , 45c ; Daisv , 40c ; North Start
Oc.iood \ ( Luck" . 55c ; Our llest , C2) ) c ; ( iood
News , Oflc ,
Dry Goods.
PitiSTS American , 5 > j ; Arnold's. Gc ; Co-
checo , Oc ; Manchester. Oc ; Lyman , 5c ; ( llou-
co tcr , 'ijijc ; Diuincll .laciuaid ( , Oc ; Dunnull ,
5 > 5c ; Windsor , HO ; P.tcitlc. Gc ; Harmonv ,
4Uc ; Anchor Shlitlngs , 4 > ic ; Heirlmack
Shlrtiims , 4)jc ) : Berwick. 4c.
UiiAriiKD : COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
fi'ic ' ; Cabot. 0fc ; Hope , 7c ; 1II1I 4 4 , 7 } e ;
Hill , J < , ( ? | : Lonsdale , S.j ; Fruit , 8c ; Wain-
stilta , 10c.
Coit KT JKASS Kcarsnrgc , 7c ; Armory ,
7c ; Puppet I'll. 7. ' . < ci Indian Orchaid , OB ;
Naumkcair. 7c. , i
llitowx COTTON Lawrence LL , 5c ; Shaw-
inut , LL. 5c ; 15cavcrVam , ) LL , 5c ; Atlantic
- - - - - - -
OVn *
-Amobknau'ACA 12ifc ( : Thoin-
dvUe OOO , 7 = fg ; 'Ihoriulyko , fancy. U ! e ;
YorK , IOLJC : York fancy. 12Jrfc : Mllbuty ,
12Uc ; Peail ItSver , . IPfc ; llainiltoii , ISe ;
Swift Hlver. filfq ; Shelucket S. 8Uc ; Shetuck-
ctSS.flUc IoiuauktA V , 1'Jo ; Montauk H1J.
] IeOmeita ; ACA , lilc.
DKXIJIS Heaver Creek AA , lie ; Beaver
. ,
t-/-\j Vt'lUlllVSIIMIt * "Tr j * * "i | * | * > '
fancy , : ) ) { ; Everett , I3o ; Haymaker's blue
and blown , 7 ! c.- „
Dt'CK ( Unbonched ) ) 8 oz. Macnolla ,
10 Mau'nolla , 12c : 8 oz. West Point ,
OKc 10 oWtst Point , ViUc.
UCK ( cootedr-Boston ! ) ; t ) oz. brown and
drab , 13 } o ; Hostou .0 11 brown and dtab ,
iio : Boston XX brown and drab , lOc ; lioston
XXX blown nnd drab , lljfc ; lioston O P
blue , HKc ; Warren Tricot , 15c.
Cnuviors Amoskeag , cheeks , O c ; Amos-
koair , sttipes. 8J c ; Slater , strijios , 8c ; Edln-
burg. ! > ! e ; Whlttendon , stripes , 8c ; ( Slcn-
rose , Oc : Otis , cliecks. tij c ; Otis , stripes , Oc ;
Koyal , 0 b ; Aniosketuf , napjied , lO c ; Lu-
ray , book fold , 12c : Oberon. book fold , ll c ;
Endurance , book told , I2c.
Dry linmbor.
12 ft4 | ftJIG ftjlS ft CO ft , ft 24ft
2x4 15.50 1W , 15.50,10..7J , 17.50 Ifi.fiO 10.50
210 15.00 1B.03 15.00 10.0J 17.00 20.0J 21.00
2x8 115.50 15.60 15.50 lfl.50 17.50'IU.M ' i'0.50
L'AlO. 16.50 15.60'l5.50 ' 10.SO 17.50 20.Wi'0.50
15.50 l5.Wl.r , , 60 1(1.60 ( 17.M ) KU.50 21.50
4H-H.X8 15.50 15.50ll5.50 10.50117.50 IS.fiO 10j,0
No. l Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 und 10ft 817.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 15.0ii
No.3 " 12 , 14 and 10ft 13.00
No. 1 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 11.00
No. 1 , 4 < tfl Inch , 12and 14foot , rough..S10.50
No. 1 , 4 it Olnch , 10 feet , rouzh 17.0)
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14 tect , rough. . 14.00
No. 8 , 4 & 0 Inch. llH'eot.ioujjli 15.00
1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet 822.50
2d " " " " 20.00
3d " ' ' " 15.00
Fence. " " " 11.00
1st Com. , % ill. White Pine Partition..833.0
2nd Com.i In. . . 27.0
Clear , ? tf in. Norway " " 14.5
2nd Com. % In. " " 13.5
A Cinch , white pine 835.00
H 6 Inch " " -00
C 0 inch " " 29.50
DO Inch , " " SO.
KOInch " " H.50
A12inch , slsia , 14and 10feet 84000
U " " " ' 42 00
C " it n " 3003
I ) u H * * " ' * ' ' " 23 00
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 aild'in'ft. 18 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No.3 " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. 1000
The Millard ,
S. Shears , J. B. Mnrkcl.Thoe. Bwobo , Troprlctori
Omuhn , Nebraska.
i Fish , Uc ,
1 _
Buccesfors to Iclton Blcm eon & Co.
Dealers ,
Importers of rorcltftt.Flsh , Nos. 911-313 Jonoi
( l JVfrrack.UmabarNob. ! . . , . _ .m
job printing.
Job Printers' , Book Binders ,
Ana Illank Hook Jlpiuifacturcre. HO-103 Houth
I'oijrtccatli Bticct.
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flonr , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. WeUlmns k CO.'B Quick
Halting lluckwlicat flour and proprietors Omaha
Llty llilU , cor , ttli and Pariiatu ttrcots , Onuiho.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Bnddlery and hhoo Kimllnirt * , Hides , \Vool , I'urfl ,
I'clta. On-uso. Tallow , Ktc. , Omubu Not.
Confectioner/ .
K. P. FAY & GO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts uud Cigars. 1211 Far-
cam St. , Oumhu , > 'vb.
Book Binding , Etc ,
" '
llKESrillNTlNQ CO. ,
Printers. Book Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Maiitirneturrr * . Nn . 108 and
_ 1W South Ulh Street. Omaha. Neb. _
_ Bridges Steam Pile Driving. _
rns'neers nnd Contrnctors.
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nml Hone Tiu s Hrlilces.
rillnir and Onk Timber. 15th si. , near Fninnni
" ' ' ' '
Beer ,
_ _
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Special Innnds Faust , lludnelser , ErlanBer
Cor. Plh nnd Cnpltol Are. , Oinnhn.
. _ CigaiS and Tobacco. „
" " MAX MEYEIl & ( .W"
Johbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Onus and Ammunition , sis to 123 South 11th
Btici-MO.'UtolCU ! Fnrimtu Street , Omuhn , Nu'j.
Manufacturers of ino Cigars ,
And Whoh > nlo lloulen In Leaf Tobaccos. Noa.
_ _ 1W ( and 110 N. Itth Street. Omnhn. Neb. _
uocKery ,
* "
* "
Atcnt for the Jlmiufueturcra nnd Importers ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
tnmpj , CliliuiK'j ? , Etc. Olllee , JI17 South lth : !
Street. Oniiiha , N
_ _ Carriages. _
' "
c.'si OOODUICH & "co
Agents for r. A. Whitney CmrliiRO Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jcwett's Celebrated .Ito rlKorutors. Send
clnor pried Ists. 141.1 rninam st. , Omnlm.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Epencter , I'ronr/etor. / Manufncturcr of
nalvanlreil Iron nnd Coriili-e. KM llodno nnd 1J1
nnd 105 North 1 Jth Stieot , Omnlm , Nob.
KUEMl'lNQ & 110LTE ,
Mnnurncturoruof Oniamcntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Finals , Etc. , aid S. 12th fit Workdone
_ In any part of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECITT , Proprietor.
llnlvnnlzcd Iron C'ornice ? . Etc. SpcclitVlTi.
tnnod Patent Jletnll'oSkyllffht. lot und
12th St. . Omnlm. Neb.
Doors , Sash , Etc ,
TiioGatVcKyl'kn'cg'h'ill. '
Doors , Rnsh nnd llllnds. Also all kind ? of
turning. Scroll nnd Stair work ot o > ery de
Manufacturer und Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Eic.
, , , Mouldings , .
Etair Halls n specialty Telephone No. 'J2
15th and .Milrev St . . Omaha , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
" JL wTwOLFE & CO. , ElcctT-lelans ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Dloek , Omaha. Ilur/lar / Alarms , nolN ,
1'ire Alurms , Eleetriu Mnttiu r , Speaking Tubes ,
'ron ' Works.
_ _
PAXTON < fe VIKHLINt ; I ] ; -v VvGKKS
Wrought and Cist Iron Building Work
IronStnlrs , Itallln'r , Itolled Hcims and Oinlerp ,
Stemn Enplncs. Hrn s Work , Goncrnl Foundry
Mnclilno und lllncknmlth Work. Ollloo and
Works , U. P. lly. nnd 8 17th st.
fron ar d Hails. _
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Kalis i > . Spf : Ialty. O.nnhn , Neb
Omaha Safe Work's ,
Manufacturer of Fire nnd BurRlnr Proof Snfoq ,
Vniilt Doorn , Jail Work. Pliutteis nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. Hth nnd JucUson Sts. , Omnlm , Nob.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Established 185S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1409 and 'All Podt'o Street , Omnhu , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Ilurke. Mnnnsfor.
Union Stock Ynrds , ti. OmuUx Tolo.jhono 683
w. F. iinowN & ca
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office Exchange lliilldinpr. Union Stock Ynrds ,
y. South Omaha , Neb. TelcphonoNo. OOX
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , and Omnhn ,
Neb. l''iankhl.-vndcnManuorOmuhu ' : Urunch.
Telephone No.x ! ) . Established ItOi.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address nil communications to us nt Union Stock
I'arilB. South Omalm. Advances mttilo on stock.
: Union Stock Yards Company ,
L t'.hnllcd. John F , liord , anporlnlendent.
! Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Bhjrinents of any nnd alt kinds of stock solicit
l ed. Union Slock Yuids , Omulm , Nub.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doors , Ktc , Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas ,
Cor , Uth und Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blind ; ,
MoulilhiuB , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood
rinlbli. Juat opened. N. E. cor. Stu nud Lcuvcn-
wortli Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
81i a th Street , Omalm , Neb. F. Colpctzcr ,
CM Ulnl/ ' %
Lumber ,
nth and California Street ; , Omaha , Neb ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Cth uud Douglas Streets , Omuhu , Nclv
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
" " "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrcn Flock , Fancy Woods. Hrlclgo Timbers ,
& .C. , a. W , Cor. Vth und DouglUB.cjiiiuba , .Nub.
0. 37. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
BulldUuc Paper , Etc. South '
Agricultural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements.
UfllccCornerfith mul rnclflofts , Oinnhn. Neh
" *
Wliolcfs..o Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
niul HugKlc ? , Oinnhn Neb.
ClIt'UeiMM , PAliKKK ,
Wholesale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cmr.asrea nml IlitcRlr ? . ,1 < ns St. , foot , fth ntul
Boots and Shoes.
" " " " * *
V. V. MOt'SK ' & CO.1
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Kit Fiirmim Street. Oinnhn , Neli. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , lloaton.
Carpets , _ <
"B. A. onciiAitn ,
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Uniting" , Curtain floods. Kte. . 14.3 I'lirnnm
Struct , Omnlm , Noli.
Coal , Lime , Etc ,
' .1hFKW. NEDI-'OliK
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
14tlirt.Omnhn , NcK Yards , Mil
" '
& SQflllllS
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
tlcst vnrletles. Olllcp.SWP. i.'lthst. Telephone
No. Hiu' , Oinalin , Ncli.
NT.I1IUSKA riT.t , CO. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
11S. 13lh St. , Oiniuiii , Noli.
dro. l" , TOWI.K , I'rcsMont.
OFO. I'ATrr.itsoN , t-cc mul Treas.
j. it. Hui.iip.uT , r. A. n .cit ,
1'ioptirtor. Mnmufcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Olflce'IT . lath Street. Teltphono 13.
CEO. 1LMtAflii. . J're1 ? . 0 OOOHMAN , V 1'rcsv
.1. A. St'.smSi.AM : ! > ieo. ? nml Tien * .
Omaha Coil , Coke anil Lime Company ,
Jobbers of. Imnl nml 'Oft coal , OU 5. IJtU St. ,
Oiunhii , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Houkler Colorndo Coul.SlJ
tontli 14th ttrcut.
Coffee and Spices ,
Home CoITo ] anil Spies KII. MTg Co.
Cotioe Itnii'stprs nml S | > li'ii ( iriiilcii * . mini i-
fnclr.rciBof linking 1'c w Itr , 1'liiM il nrl'Mnta > ,
lllulitg1 , ote Try ono eti-o cif our Mb i ncl-imu
Itoinu I 1 nl ltuit : > le < l CoQcc. Kifl Ihmuril tt ,
Cinalia , Nib.
" " " ' '
"ri.AKKU nitos. &co' .
Omaha Cofleo and Spice Mills.
Ten" . Colfeos , SjileiM , llnkliiK I'owilor riuvorlnjj
UxlinctK , Lnnnilry llltm. lult , utc. 11U-1U Hur-
ncy Strert , Omnhii , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrnnm St. , Omiiluu Apples Our own | .noh-
III.T I'Intt A ; Co ' TlKi-r llriind Ojbters , Uuttur ,
1JITKS , Guuio , Poultry , 1'otntoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Froiluco , I'lovlhluni , Fruits , Flour mul Feed , 105
6. 14th St. , Oir.tilm , Nul ) . Consignments Bolicltea.
ili'turns iiuulo promutb' .
\V. K.
General Commission Merchant.
SrnoiALTtKp fhccfp. nutter. Kfrps , roxiltry
nnd G.ime , 112 S. 14lh. , ( tiuuliu , Nob. Tolo-
jiliono No. SJj. _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
Cutter , I5jga ( I'.nd I'roduco. A full lluo of Stono-
r/arc. CoiiblgnmoiitB solicited. 1111 UoUtfu St. ,
B16 12th Street , Omu'.m. Nob. Specialties : Ilut >
ter. Kva * . nnd Chlciteiis.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oultry , lluttor , Qnmo , Fruits , Kte. 2203. Htu
St. , Omnlm ,
General Commission Merchants ,
HCCDodgoStieet , Onialm , Neb. Coiisliinuicnts
Storage and Cominissioii Merchants.
I'orolirn nnd nomostlo Fruits n f pocinlty. El-
CBttntEtoraBO fHcilitfoa.'iu eliouso nnd otllcc ,
10 North loth st. Telophonu T75.
General Commission Merchant ,
nutter , ERRS , Chceso nnd Country I'roduco con-
orally , SOU S. 12th St , , Oraulin , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
nefrlffcrntor nml Fncklm.'IlouFn.Htli &Ijenvon-
worth St. , on U. 1' . It. It. Truck , Omulm , Neb.
nstabllshod T870.
General Commission ,
? 11 B. 14th St. , Oinnha , Nob. . Hpociidtics-nutter
Kfflfs , I'oultry and Uamo.
I'HYCKE nil03.7
Commission Merchants ,
Fruitj , I'rncluco and Provisions , Oinnhn , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
nnd wholoHilu dealer in country pioduco , frulls ,
iJl'ttcr ' , ci-'trfi , etc. liooU on consignment a
specialty , ittd M. 10th ft , , Omnlm , Nob.
( Siicot't'oiM to A 1 * . Reluiolc. )
Produce Commission Merchants ,
No , ' . ' 1U South LJtli Sticot. Oninliu , Nob.
Dry Goous.
" ' - -
J J JrOWN , & co t
Wholesale Dry Goods and notions ,
l&SJ Doujflud Sliuut , Oiuuha , Nob.
I , . GlNSUr.HG k CO. ,
Wliolcsalu Uoaloralu
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
UIJCUB , IMCVS , Kiiiliroiiiury and Wliito C ovis.
JCCOBou li'.ii Street , Omuhu , Nob.
White Lead ,
Strictly Piiro White Leal ,
iOtb Si- , unit l' . r. U ) . , i ) na 11 , i i
_ - . . Harness , Etc.
Mr.iuifactui era and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf floods , llliiukcls mul Holiri. ml Farnuia
_ _ _ _ _ _ t-iici't Oiiiiilin. Npb.
Mattresses ,
Hattress Company ,
MuniirnclurliiK Muttrotsori , llc.lclliifr. Feather
I'lllowg , Cots. 1510. jax ) mid rw ; DnujjlHS Htroct ,
Omulm , Ntb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Mihts. itc. : . 111ii'idl 'Jt
Sttoct , Uuahu , IwU
OMAHA L Mill" ! CO , _ ,
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Stiwt and ii ml ' 'tie 11 Track. Omftht
OintMAX I ) . WVATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , , . , -
roth andImrd Streets , Otnahn , NbrMfc * J
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , ShiiglM ,
" ; IR Pniiors , Pa h , Door * , Illlnils , MfiHJJ
inp ! > , 1'lckrtK , loM , l.linp , PJn ter , iWf
( ' ( menu Nliun nun Jonc , Omnlin Nob. _ . _ _
Millinery. _ _ _
T. oiir.iirRi.iK ,
Importers ami Jobbers ot
Millinery-and Notions ,
1213 * Ml 1214 Hamey Street , Omaha , '
Musical Instruments ,
" "
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Stclnway I'lnno * . Weber. Docker. Ilnlno nnil
Urines I'muui , rni'Kitrit Orirnns , L'linso Orffati * .
1UI and UU 15th fctii-ct.
Notions , Etc ,
J. U nitANMHttS * PON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Diy - - , Notion * . ( JontB * Furnl'sliliiT Ooo M |
fi-om New Yoik. Trmlo snlcs daily. KJ )
nnd uUS'SouiiT iath St. . Otnn'j \ .
Furniture , Etc ,
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors ,
I'.tc. Von , ISiWmid l.Mit I'mitim Ftroot , Omnhn.
. . "
nr.wr.v A STOXR.
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltura ,
Knnmm Street , Omnliu , Nub.
Groceries , .
" " '
AI.I.KN nnos.r
Wholesale Grocers ,
incnml 1112 Douiflus StreetOinnhn , _
" K. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. , (
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , ;
Tobacco mid Siuokurs' AiHoles , lilT Hownnlflfc ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , r
Elilcs , Clgius iinil Tobaccos. 1317 nnd 1318 Doi
jnsStiuct.Oniiilin , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers , ,
Corner 10th and rartuuu Btroots , Oranhn , Nob. , i
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , ,
Kos. 7W , 707,701) ) und 711 S. 10th St. , Oniubn , Nob. J
Hardware , _ ,
" " " /
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprlnpp , Wtmoii Stock , Hardwood Lumber , eto. ' ,
l tiu mul 1-11 Hnrnvy Btrccv. Omulm , Nob. )
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon {
And Cnrrla o Wood Slock , Houvy Httnlwnro , -
1:10. : 1217 uud 1'Jl'J I > cuvun orth Street , Ouiahn ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd DulTalo Scales. 1405 Doug
las Sticot. Omahu , Neb.
" " '
LEI5 , F1UKD A CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware.
Sheet Iron , Eto. Agents for Howe Scales and
illanil Powder Co. , Omnlm Neb. ,
Stoves Furnaces Tiles *
, Ranges , , ,
rIllCs " > Grates , llrasa iroodn. 1K1 and 13 3 F r- I
J _ Mam rirect * _ , , ! * "
Wholesale Hardware and Hails.
Kmcrson Steel Mnlls. Cor. 10th mid 1/amoy /
Strcois , Omalm , N b ,
Munufocturor of the
Deerins Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wm. SI. Lorlmcr. Oanorftl Agent , '
Omaha. Telephone Oil ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc , 8 ?
Pumps , Pipe and Engines ,
Etcnm , Water , Hnllw uy nnd MtlllntrSupplies , Eta' '
10) ) , W > mid ir.'l Fnrnam K ( . Omahu , Neb. , ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam mid Wutor Supplies. Hendquartora tor
Miibt l-'oost - Co.'s Goods. 1111 Furnoin Street , ,
Omulm , Nob.
Wholesale Jewelers. j
IJenlcrs In Silverware , Diamonds , Wntoba *
ClockB , Jewelers' Tools nnd Materials , Etc. , 101
amUtO , 15th StrcctrCor. Dodge , Omulid , Neb. ,
Notions Etc ,
Jobours in
Notions , Hosiery & Gents'Purnishing ' Goo4.
1000 nnd 1038 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. f
- - - (
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , " V
403 nnd 409 S. 10th Kt. , Omaha , Nob. ' .
Wholcsitlo UuolcrH In Notions and Uonts'Vui
lllsllllltf ( lOOtiS. ' S
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers In Oils ,
Gasoline , Mica A.\lo Orcnsn , Kto. A. H. 1
r , Omulm , Nob.
Pork Packing.
„ " " " "
Pork Packer and Shippel1 ,
Oinuha , Nobraxka ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Olllcn , Union Murket , 1517 Dcxlue Htroot. I'acklnf
hoiiho , U. i' . 1L U. TrackOmuliu , Nob. Tula ,
phone No. 1S7.
Safes and Locks ,
, . , - * >
, , oyEU k co
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 J
Fire and Ilumlar 1'icmf parci.Tlino I/ock8VnulU
und Jail uork. 1'J-U ' I'm iniiii blroot , Otnuba , Nub
J. WANS , ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Agricultural , VcKOtnblu , I'.tc. Odd 1'ollowH1 Hall ,
N. W. Cor , lltli uml Uodtfo St . , Omulm , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggists
And Dealer In Pniiits , Oils nnd Window Qa | * %
Omulm , Noli. , .
Winei and
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Ami l.liiiori | < . bole immnfiictui ors of KunnoJi
ll.ut India lllttfiB. Illlliirmy
-Ni-l. .
-MuNAMAiiA .v DuhCAM , Iinor [ or
nml Wholciiilo ! >
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
: : U ni.U W i1 itli St. , Oiuitba , XuU