ra.v.Vvf > * - , . . i * ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TOES DA r APRIL fo , 1886. * { A BOUNCE THAT MAY REACT , Mayor Bun Signifies His Intention to Oust a Law and Order Officer. PRESIDENT IEGAN INTERVIEWED. The SIIU Tlilnvcn HndcnvorltiR to Pre vent Identification Inter- ng Itcmi Prom tlio Capital. IntOM Tim nun's MXCOI.X nunr.ur.l At the meeting of the city council lust night Mnyor Hurr said that ho had dis covered that Mr. Liltlellcld , tlio Law and Order Lcnguo polleeman , is not a clti/.cn of Lincoln , nud he would have to'removo him'from the force. As Mr. Lewis , the attorney of the Longuo , was not present , however , the mayor said he would postpone - pone tlio bouncing performance until the next meeting , though ho hud intended to UM ! the ollicial boot now. Mr. Littlolield was unpointed ou the city police force last winter at thu rctiucst of the Law ami Order league1 , who felt that it was neces sary to have a special olllcer to look after violations of the law by gamblers , pros titutes ami Niiloon men. L < or this ho drew a regular salary of ! ? r > 5 monthly from the city and a llkn amount from the league. Llttlelleld bus bi-en very energetic in se curing prosecutions , and it is hinted that the mayor is under strong pressure to get rid of him. If this intention is carried out there will bo a summary pulling down of the mayor's political castles , timl n sweeping away of his gubernato rial aspirations , for thu law and order people will use the hatchet with a re vengeful force. pitKsinr.NT KOAK TALKS. Mr. Patrick Kgan , president of the Irish National league of America was in terviewed to-day in regard to the dis patches from Now York to the cdeol that llio' leaders of the Irish National league dcsiro to dictate to Parnoll and had threatened to stop supplies from America unless ho labored for the actual .separa tion of Ireland from Kiigland. Mr. Kgan denounced the entire statement as an un mitigated , malicious falsehood , manu factured by some designing knave for the purpose of damaging the league and deceiving Parnell. lie also expresses his conviction that the alleged interview between Parnoll and an agent of the ex tremist parly from America was an entire falsification. "I think"said , Mr. Kgan , "I understand the grounds on which the rumor was ba.sett. A member of the , national executive committee of the league. Mr. Armstrong of Georgia , who was about to visit Ireland to sec his relatives , was furnished witli' letters of introduction to Mr. Parnell and other members of the party. Mr. Armstrong mot Mr. Parnell in Dublin and talked with him of some matters of detail in connection with league allairs , but tliure was certainly nothing of the nature in dicated in tlio cable rumors in the inter view. It is simply another case of the three black crows. " Mr. Kgan , in reply to inquiries regard ing the Parliamentary Aid association , said Mr .Byrne , of Cincinnati , organizer and prime mover of tlio committee , was u conceited , impudent , jealous , no toriety-seeking man , the very counterpart of a well known crank iu Irish politics , whom Mr. Parnell retired at tlio last elections. Actuated entirely by motives of personal jealousy and conceit , he started the Parliamentary Aid associa tion , and through various influences got Eugene Kelly and some othur r o.pcotanlo nnd wcii meaning irishmen of Now York to join it. Tiie association brought its labors to a close early last month and adjourned sine die. lint this did not suit Mr. IJyrno , whoso real object was to try and if'possible disrupt tlio national league , and ho has since tried to resuscitate the committee ami start branches in other cities , but without any success. Mr. Par- neil did not , of course , know this when bo sent his cable to Columbus a few days ago. Mr. Kgan repeated his statement that any man who trios to interfere with the unity and harmony of the Irish people at tlio present time as Mr. Byrne is doing , or anyone who tries to danuigo the league , as the author of the New York dispatches has done , deserves to bo branded as a traitor to Ireland. The following cables have just boon exchanged between the Hon. T. Harrington , M. P. , secretary of the Irish National league , Dublin , and President Egan of t lie American leagno : To Egan. Lincoln , Neb. : The English papers publish cables from America saying that Egan ami Sullivan condemn Parnell's peaceful policy anil threaten to revolt. Tnis is done to prejudice Glad stone's statement of Thursday. Wire authority to contradict. HAHIIINOTON. LINCOLN , NKIJ. , April r > . To Harrington , National League , Dub lin : The statement that Sullivan or [ have condemned Parnell's peaceful policy is an unqualified falsehood , which could only have 'miunatod from an enemy of the league and a traitor to Ire land. PATHICK EOA.N. TUB SILK THIRVr.3. The examination of Charles Rogers and James Ryan , the men charired witii stealing sill : from the stores of Newman and Herpolshelmor , has been sot for Thursday next. Pending the examina tion both men are confined iu the county jail. Ryan has shaved oil'his moustache , and exchanged clothes with a follow prisoner in tliQ hope , doubtless , of preventing - venting identification by Newman's clerks. The man who has thus assisted Ryan is young \Viloox. who was arrested two weolcs ago for robbing a granger of $05 at the IJ , & M. depot. There Is but little doubt that they all belong to the same gang , and havuucun working every crooked schcmo imaginable from com mon con games to burglary in the Cap itol City all winter , when Ryan and Rogers mtulo their raid on Newman's and Horpolshoimer's stores , they wore accompanied by a pal who , in both in- bt'iucos , managed to got away with two hi v rolls of .silk. Saturday morning tlio police found the silk , four bolts in all , at tbo express olliee , ready for shipment to Omaha. The package , was addressed tea a Mrs. Stewart , while the consignor gave Ids name ns Millor. The coils are being drawn around Mr. "Miller , " and the police expect to turn him up before tlio examination of Rogers and llyan ou Thursday. llUlV.r' MKNTJON. Among the papers received for ac knowledgment by the secretary of state ycstimlav was a power of attorney from Conrad , Kate ami Mary Millur , of Hitch- icoek county , Nob. , to Peter Miller and Ham Peter Shorkel , of Norku , in tlio government of Sarataw. Russia. The signers are all minors and heirs to some property left by a deceased relative , and the power of attorney was asked for by the charge d'tUVairs at Washington in order that the estate canboadministored. Gus Landers and Willard Barnes ap peared in county court yesterday nnd waived examination on the charge of gambling. They gave bonds in ! ? . ' 100 each to appear for trial at the next term of the district court. At the suggestion of the Women's Relief corps , a mortgage of $80 on the house of Samuel Pearl , a veteran soldier , was paid oil' yesterday by the members of Fnrragut nnd Appommatox Posts. Pearl has a blind wife and has been otherwise alllicted of late , so that ho has had a hard fitrugflo to get along. Ihp lifting of tiio mortgage , which would have bqcomn duo In a day or two , was the means of saving a homo for the aged counlo. Tlio Ogallala Loitn and Abstract com- ] > auy has boon organized by W. 11. Mc Cartney , M. M. Neavcs , L. U. Brandhoo- for , J. J. Halligan and G. T. Carlson. The capital Is 50,000. Mr. FUIIKO is having the "fly" gal lery of the opera house raised so as to accommodate the big sets of scenery carried by the spectacular companies. A valuable horse got mired at G and Eleventh Streets yesterday , ami broke nno of Us forelegs In Irving to extricate itself. A blow on tlio ncad from a jjo- liceman's billy put the animal out of its siinerings. John Baker , the canning factory mnn , was called to Nebraska City yesterday , the pcojilo of that town being anxious to engage in his enterprise. Ho also has a bid from Fremont if Lincoln docs not fasten on to him. /Ilio Loup City Loan and Building asso ciation was incorporated yesterday. The capital stock is placed at S''OO.OOO , and the incorporatortt are K. S. Havliurst , J. Phil ( Jivgor. Robt. Taylor , W. ll. I.alk.C. J. Odeiula , C. Landers , J. C. Kilmund- son , A. K. Charltou , E. G. Kreichbaum and PcterTrttelscii. Slierill' Melick's condition wai such Sunday night as to give his friends con siderable nlarm , 'I ho gatherings in his throat have broken and blood poisoning is feared. A telephone wire is to be strung be tween Lincoln and Nebraska City at an early day , Manager Drake having given Ids consent to'au exchange of business between the two towns. In paying oft" the indebtedness of $1- ! ! JlM.'lil on the Windsor hotel properly , Mr. Theodore Barnes has achieved an mills- ] iutablo reputation as an able rustler ami litiancier. Being a reticent man , the his tory of tlio troubles aud privations ho en dured while building tlio house in 1891 , will probably never be told , but there are those who from their business connection with him know that he encountered and mastered dilliculties that would have un nerved and ruined an ordinary man. ADDITIONAL OOUNaiL BLUFFS NEWS TUI3 KIiUKKS' COUNCIL. A Yin-loty of Cliy BusltiOHs Caroil Kor Jiy the AlUcrincii. The board mot last evening as a board of equalization. George Tranblo ap peared and asked that ho bo allowed a rebate of taxes , as ho was enjoined from the use of his property as a brick yard , citizens residing near complaining of it as a nuisance on account , of the smoke. The board adjourned until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The council was then called to order. All wore present except Alderman Straub. Tlio rogulr monthly bills were allowed. Among thorn was one of Dr. Seybert for $7-1 for treatment of tlio fire men who wore injured by the Main street lire. Allowed. W. S. Amy , city woighmastor , peti tioned that council take action so that be might secure all the instruments and fees of his ollico. the most of tlio weigh ing now being done by private parlies , wbo had scales located on public prop erty. erty.A A resolution was adopted making tlio ground between the city building and citv jail the market place for hay and wood , and that tlio city weighmaster see that tlio * ordinances of tlio council in re gard to markets bo enforced. A number of petitions wore read and referred , most of them being in regard to individual matters. An opportunity was given for verbal petitions , and the coun cil charged the usual order of business. A few reports of committees were pre sented. Mrs. Mynstcr was granted $100 in gen eral fund warrants , lor land for the ex tension of Avenue K , on. condition thnt proocr title was shown and the needful deed made to the city. Tlio park commissioners anil the library trustees expressed a dcsiro taut the funds for these purposes be placed in the hands of the treasurer of each of the boards , so that these boards could allow their bills and draw their warrants with out presenting the bills to the oily council. Mr. Graham , ns one of the nark com missioners , desired the council to take some action toward opening Cherry street from the driving park to tlio lake. Referred to committee on streets and alloys and city engineer. Cily Attorney Holmes caljod attention to tlio ordinance requiring dirt haulers lo use tight wagon boxes so as to prevent dirt scattering over paved streets. Such an ordinance was passed by the old council but vetoed by the old mayor. The city attorney desired to iiave tbe ordinance looked np and referred to some committee for further action. The cily attorney had hoard a good many complaints about the way dirt was being hauled , and in behalf of the citizens ho called attention to tiio fact. The matter was referred to the judiciary committee. Tlio city council then adjourned to mcnt this afternoon at 3 o'clock , they to meet as a board of equalization one hour earlier. Quito a largo train loaded witli rail road iron was sent out on the Union Pa cific yesterday , bound for Plum Crook. PIIjKS ! PILKSS A sure euro for lilliul. Hlccillns , ' , Itchln nnil Ulcerated 1'lles has boon discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ir Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A shi''lo box hits cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or itt ) years standing. No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth Inn medicine. Lotions and Instruments do mnro harm tlmn good. Williams' Indian rile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the Intense Itching , ( particularly at nlcht after cottinK warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , civos Instant relief , and Is prepared only for files , itchlnu of private parts , nnd for nothing else. SKIN msHAstts cimrcn. Dr. Frazler's Magic Ointment cares as by maL'ic , Pimples , lllnck Heads or Grubs , Blotches and Krnntlons on the fnco , leaving the sKln clear nmlbeuutlful. Also cures Itch. Salt Kl'oum , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of CO cents. Itetalleil by Kuhii & Co. , and Schroder * Conrad. At wholesale bv C. K. Uooilmun. A Now York judge has ruled that a husband is linblo for slanderous words spoken by his wife , and on this ruling a verdict of six cents was rendered by a jury against a man whose wife had ut tered tlio slander. PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tilt Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago ) BYW1PTONJS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.OBaorappeilto , Uatreli roitlvo , JL'u'jn lu the head , with a dull acnaatlou In tbe back part. 1'aln UQf'.cr tlio ihnnlder * blade , 1'ullnui * after eJIIiiff , vrl * udli- Inclination to exertion of body y.-uilnd , Irritability of temper , Low iplrlla , with a. feollnarof bmrlni ueilrcted emu dntTi \VearlDM * , Dlzzlncai , Fluttering at Ibe Kenri. Don befurotlio eyrs , Ileuduche over the rlgbt rye , Iteitlcmncai , wliu Utful drenmi , illgblr colored Urine , nud CONSTIPATION. ' : TDTT'S VIIX8 ore especially adapted to men cases , ono < lee ctrccta Bucti a changnoffeeUngnatoastonlilitlieeutTerer. Tboy Increase the Appetiteanj cams the body to Take ou l-'lc lituui tbe ayitem U nourialiad.an.l bylholrToulo Action on the Ulneitire OritandKeuulixr IItool * am product. ! . 1'rlce aBc. 4 Bfurray St..f .Y. TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPARILU Jteiiovatea Uie body , makiu liealthj Uchh , EtroRjthens Ui wixik , repairs the waste * of Vie sjutoin with pure blood and hard inuscla ; cunej the oerrotu STstem , lurlKoratea tha bralu , and impart * Oio vigor of manhood. $1. Bold bvilrturglfcU. Of I'lOE 4 J JUurrsr { > ! . Pie\y Vork. How the Catcher's Mask Was Intro duced. Thu Tlrst One Mnc'o by Cnpt. Tlinycr nnnd Worn l y Cntclicr TyitR Two Xotctl Ilnrvnrtl Unit Players of Itonu Old ball plaj-ers in Omnha and lovers of the sport , who Imvo watched the gnmo for tlte last seven years , will remember the first professional nlno nrgnni/cil in this city In the fall of 19T9. It was a coed nine , including the two Whltneys , Han dle and Nibben. In two of the most im portant games played the nine was roln- forced by a clerk trom tlio II it. JI. head- qtmrturs , I'rctl. Thayer , wlioo brilliant : u ul tromenilons batting elicited tumultons applanso from the audience. Thnycr was the famous cajitaln of tlio Harvard university nine of ' 70 and ' 77 , and is now brought Into prominence through being the winner of iv heavy pat ent suit , involving tlio invention of the catcliurv masks. Thetlobo ( , of lloston , lulls the story as follows : Xo catcher thinks of playing behind the bat now without having his head encased ina mask. In fact it woiild.bn almost sui cidal to attempt to catch the rillo-sliot pik'lung of the present day without wear- nig this greatest invention in the base ball world. Kvon the small boys who play tliis game on the common and va cant lots about the cily provide their backstops with the regulation wire- cage Tlio fact that tluiro are about I'-.OOO catcher's ma.sks sold every year , shows the universal u.so of this invention. It lias been brought morn prominently be- lore the base-ball world this week by the decision in n patent ami which has'boen won by Wright & Ditson , and Fred Thayer , the inventor , who sued Al Spald- jug , tlio president of llio Chicagoes , for infringement. Comparatively few pconlo who arn in terested in the national game to-day , know that professionals owe this neces sary implement of warfare totnn ama teur. It was conceived in the ingenious brain of a Harvard college student , who was one of the best players in his day , and probably as good a captain as tlio University uino ever had. In the winter of 'TOanu ' 77 the candidates for tne Har vard nine were practising as usual in the old round gynasium , anu Captain Fred Thayer was traininc them. Harrold Krnst , the greatest pitcher the Harvard nine over had until Nichols made his debut - but , was to do the pitching , and Jim Tyng was expected to catch him. Al though straight arm pitching was still in vogue , Krnst had a remarkable swift de livery , and after awhile Tyng informed Capt-nn Thayer that he would not cateh such pitching unless ho could have some contrivance to protect his face. Tliayrr knew that without Tyng the nine could do nothing , because Ernst would bo use less , Ho immediately wont to work on tiie matter , and for awhile ho dreamed of fencing masks and bent wires. Vari ous e.xpernnccts were tried , and finally he completed a rude but satisfactory protection for Tyng' 's phvsiognamy. This was accomplished in the spring of " 77 , and though Thayer had spoken of his success to some of the professional play ers in the city , uono of them saw tlio mask until ono day shortly before the season of 1877 opened. "Ono day Fred Thayer came into the Boston club room , which was on Eliot street then , " pays UeorgQ Wright , "and took out of a small bag what looked to us like an iron bird cage. Ho said it was a mask ho had invented for Tying to wear when catching , and ho wanted us to try it. My brother Harry and Harry Schacfer wore there , and wo all put on the tiling and found we could sec very well. Then Schaefer put it on , and wo amused our selves by throwing the ball at- his face , which the mask protected perfectly , i saw at once that it was a good thing , and , as I was iu tlio base bail business , I made arrangements with Thayer to introduce it. " "It cumbersome afl'air and was a re sembled n fencing mask , except that it had the chin and forehead rests. The patent , in fact , is on these rests , which form tiie essential feature of the whole thing/ ' "Iid the professional plaj'ors adopt the mask at once ? " "O , no. The tirst game iu which the mask was soon was at Lynn , when the Harvards played the club of that place und Tyng wore the 'cage,1 as the specta tors called it. A little later tiio Ilarvards played the Hostons on our grounds , nnd Tyng wore his mask. Tito spectator * ) were universally amused , and wanted him to 'take oft' the muzzle , ' and 'try ' it wjthout a bird cage. ' The Boston catcher tried it but ho could not sec witli it , and it was not used during the season of ' 77 liero in Boston. Some professionals adopted it , but it was not until the no.xt season , iu 1878 , that the Boston club be gan to use it. The catchers who had laughed at it saw its value , anil very soon every backstop in the country wore a mask. " Tlio mask of to-day is very difl'eront from the original one. When itfirstcamo into use it was very largo , and the front line was further away from the face than at present. In front it was made like the bow of a vessel , and so made that a ball striking it on either sidn of tlio ridge would glance on" . All improvements in the mask have boon to make it moro compact by bring ing the front nearer the taoo. The mask as made at present is heavier than the original style , though smaller. It also hits openings through which the catcner can see , Before the mask came into use there was many a broken nose among the catchers , but now the only injury is a slight cut from an occasional broken wire , ' Say , why Is everything Either at sixes or at sevens < , " Probably , my ( jour nervous sister , be cause you are suffering from some of the diseases to your box. You liavo a "drag- ging-down" feeling , the backache , you are debilitated , you Imvo pains of various kinds. Take Dr. K , V 1'iurco.s "Favorite Prescription" and bo cured. Price re duced to ono dollar. By druggists , The ayonigo weekly income of working women in Now York atato is $3.00. and $0.10 for men. Good news for homo. St. Jacobs Oil conquers rheumatic and neuralgic pains. North Carolina , formerly called South Virginia , was once sold to' the king's agent for a house and 200. Three KOUHOIIS Why every ono needs and should take Hood's Sarsaparilla iu tlio spring : 1st : Because the system is now in its greatest need. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives strength. 2d : Because the blood Is sluggish and mpuro. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies. S l : Because , from tlio above facts , Hood's Sarsaparilla wilt do a greater amount of good now than at any other time. Take it now. A millet'aimed "at a rat by a Now Yorker missed its mark , and , striking a gas meter , caused an explosion. Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity ot the retined toilet in this cH- mate. Pozzoni'a combines every element of beauty and purity. Snowdrifts have blockaded trains in Ireland since spring opened , and in South Germany a week or so ago it was so cold as to murk zero- . ' . ODDS AND E.VDS. Strny Leaves ,1'Vqiii , the Reporters' Note "I see that Tom Gallagher has given up billiards and ono back to newspaper work , " said a well-known sporting man the other day. "Ho went to ( " "lilcngo and knocked 'em all out nt billiards and made n good pile. When that Hock Island ex press robbery ami murder occurred Tom was sent for by the News and asked to work it tip forthbnii If any one can un ravel the mystery Tbm's the man. He's a born detective , and when he was on the St. Louis Globc-bomocrat ho got ono of the biggest scoops on record. You remember what an excitement in St. Louis Mary Churchill's ' disappcaranco caused. She was a bright , lovable girl and a general favorite in society. The papers nail several columns of theories every day to account for her disappear ance. Every reporter in town was on the lookout for the i-luo wbieh would load to her diicoverv. Tom was then doing Po lice for the Globe-Domocrat , ami onoilay ho told McCullocli that he'd lind the girl inside of two woeki , if the paper would pay tlio expense of his tourney. MeUulloeh , who had great confidence in Gallagher , readily assented and gave Tom the necessary money. Ho had never seen the girl , but had an excellent photograph of her. He had a certain theory in re gard to the case which turned out to bo the right ono , but which ho never dir- closed. Well , Tom worked around for a few days ami linally traced the girl to Indianapolis. He didn't dare work open ly for fear tlio local papers would lind out what ho was doing. I In searched the town the insaim asylum , which seemed to bo the most unlikely place , for the last. Finally ho went out there and found that a girl answering Miss Churchill's descrip tion was working in the laundry. Slio had gone home to spend the night with a friend of hers also employed in the laundry and Tom wont to the house where ho found her. Under a pledge of secrecy the girl conllded to him the reason for leaving home , and after a long conversation she was persuaded to return to her parents in St. Louis. Tlio story she confided to Tom that evening has always remained sacred , and she and Gallagher are the only parsons in the world who know it. Yes , sir , if anybody can brinir the train robbers to light , it is old Tom Gdllaghor. " That the Chinese in California do not understand the real moaning of the boy cott is shown in the following : A San Francisco "moon-eye" had just stepped oil' tlio train in this city when a young fel low accosted him with , "I say , John , but were you driven out ot California by the anti-Chinese men ? " "Not muchce , " said John , "they no driveo any Chinese out. Eberyblody onto there heap talk muolico ' . ' " too 'bymob.y. And that tnoy don't earo a coiit is shown by the following : China Jim of Council Binds is a bright Mongolian. "lie's' the smartest China man 1 over saw , , " narrated a gentleman the other day. . 'On ono occasion lie was Hush with coin , and ! he said : 'Dammit , if I was an American now I'd got drunk. Comu on , boys ; 1 guess I've got enough to treat witli , anyhow. ' " The other dvy : ( t local lawyer asked Jim : "What aro. . you going to do when wo drive you out of the state. Jim ? " "Oh , h - , " said Jim , " 1 don't care. 1 go to Boston and marry a schoolmarm. " The sympathy inherent in every man , woman and child was beautifully illus trated at the Uiiion Pacilic depot in this city htjst Wednesday evening. Quito a number of gcnticnion and ladles were sitting in the waiting room laughing , talking and having a. pleasant time. Ono of the railroad employes came in and to another said , "A man was just run over at the east end of the yards by the dum my. " The people hoard it. Laughter ceased ; talking also ; and each and every one of thorn shoved plainly that they wore affected by the horrible news. One kind-hearted-looking old lady burst into tears , and exclaimed , "too bad ; too bad. " It is always the same. Sometimes they do not show it as much as on the above occasion , but they fool it ; it is human nature , and therefore cannot bo avoided. _ " 1 have scon a great many powerful men in my day , " said Cily Jailor Picronet the other day , "but I believe tlio most thoroughly muscular man I over laid eyes on was Jem Mace , the great slugger who traveled through the country with Slado a few years ago. Why , the biccp muscles on each of his two arms looked like a small mountain. I remember when 1 was making the run on llio Union Pa cific from Cheyenne to Uawlins as con ductor , Mace was ono of my passengers , I noticed that in the morning his wife was in the habit of combing and brush ing his hair for him. Ho would sit there for all tlio world like a great big baby until tlio little lady had smoothed his disheveled locks into something like or der. I grow curious about it , and asked him why ho didn't comb his own hair. Ho cheerfully volunteered an explana tion. 'No , ' ho said , 'it is not because I am too lazy to do the work myself. The muscles on the fore part of my arm are so Heavy that I Imd it impossible to bond it milliciontl.y to reach tlio top or back of my head. And so I make my wife useful as well as ornamental. ' " The young ladies of Cuming street- some of tlio select few have organized a secret society known as the "Order of thn Chicken Heart. " Ono of the fair members confidentially informs a lii'.E man that the object of the order is to boom the matrimonial prospects of those com posing it. Ono ot the most solemn duties imposed upon n lady who desires to be come a full lledgcifmombor IH said to bo tlio swallowing of a roasted chicken heart once avuek for two months. At the expiration of this time , in a dream , the lady will bo brought face to face with the man whom she , is to love and obey. The order is receiving largo accessions every week , and jt issaid that now lodges are to bo instituted iu various parts of the city. , _ An Iowa man /wlm / had been converted at a revival meotingi groaned so long ami loud over his sins that lie was arrested and fined $10 for'dls'ordorly conduct. The Great Invention , For EASY WASHING , IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER , Without llartn to FA UK 1C or JIANJiS , and particularly adapted to TT < i rm Climates , No family , rich or poor , Btoulil bo without it. Sold by all Grocers , but leuare ot vile 1ml tiuous. rEAHLtxii 'it niMiulacUiu * only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK ; \bsolutely 1'uro and Unailnlternted. HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , AND PncscniBio nr PHYSICIAN EvenrwHtRi , CURES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES Anil nil HYtjfii(7 JXionirn ; DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. FOR THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AMD DEBILITATED WOMEN. fcrEalob ; Urucglstp , llrcccr nuil Dealers. 1'rlcc , Ono nollnr per Itottlc. ft ? * Sol 1 only In iftlM t > ollti , nd tion * c nnlnn ft- rci < LtucliMl > croiirlrftJ-imik l licl ofihtot Irhfiuiii , > t > otrt in I tlio tumo of rotuftmir tlowti In bvttl * . . 7l'rrmniiAiitorth4 Itorky > foiintnlnn ( Cir pt tlif Tertllotlf * ' ) , nntblc tn iirocmo It ftoni thrtr ( Itnlpri , run IIMV , llulf Doivn . . . B . nt , Iu i U1n r f , wntrurVC'l ' , Ul- by rftuiMDg ! gt | DotUiito The Dully Malt Whiskey Co. , Baltimore , Md. fatly anfu > rnl 6y r Utdit * I Departmt t DR. HAIR'S Asthma Gure. This Invalunblo specific readily and perraiv. npntly euros nil kinds of Asthma. Tlio most obstinate and Ions Minidlnc cu-sos yield prompt' ] y to Its wonderful curing propertied. It li known throughout tlio world lor Ha unrlvrtlod Glllcncy. J. 1 OAI.DWKM , , city of Lincoln , Neb. , writes , Jan. 25 , 1BSI : since uslin ; Dr. Hair's Astlimu Cure , for more tlmn ono yt-nr , my wlfo lias boon ontliTly well , mid not oven n symptom of the dlsunso bus appeared. WILLIAM UENNETT. Rlc-hland. Iowa , writes. Nov. lid , 1883 : I Imvo boon mulcted with Hay Fever and Aptlimu plnco ISM. I followed your directions nnd inn happy to sny thai I never 8le ] > t better in my llfo. I nm glnd that I nin among the many who can speiik so favorably of your remedies. A valuable Otpaso trentlso containing slmllat Sroof from every stntu In .ho U. 8. , Canada mid rent Britain , will bo mailed upon application Any druggist not having It In stock will pro- cu 1U li rdf lb. inpwn Uiiui. i w l "C' " " , . , . . . irlili. Tri It. nd I r. ( In o f < lB > p jo. .oJ II III nunil ! * , > < . .fttu.lrrr.iU.it I ur irart f ran < ' " ! " 11CIJ. , BUuCntunil b , I'll. J. 0. U. SLIOinT Ji SOX * . j. vr. wnrpisKAMW , COLB ASEITT , 61 BBOAUH'AX , X. r. _ , REMINGTON STANDARD TYPE WRITERS , Poitsr & fthgeaih , Law Reporters and Copyists , State Agents for Nebraska. Type-writer supplies nnd paper kept In slock. Send for catalogue. OMAHA NATIONAL HANK Iluii.niNd , OMAHA. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , Orado Systems and SowcratfO Plans for Cltlea nnd Towna n Rppcinlty. I'luns , Katlnmtes und Spfclllcntloim for I'uhllo and other KiiKlniierlng works furnished , tiurvoyu und Keport mads on Public Improvements. ANUIIK.W HopKWATEii. Memhor American Soclo- Uty Civil Kntrinecrs. Clly KiiKlnoor of OmaLm EO. li. CIIIUSTIE , Civil Knt'lncer , P , BOYER & CO. DEALKI181I * ! ialFsSaG3VaultsTimelocks ? and Joi' Work. 1020 Furnam Street , Omaha , Nob. ESTABLISHED 1803. CHAHDLRpROWHCO. CHAIN AND PROVISION Coifflission Merchants OKl'ICKH ! Jloanl of Trfido , Clismlmr of Commerce , - " - - Mllwaiikoo , , C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor. v . 3 ? . IFEGK : , I < ocnl IliiHlnc.is Solicitor , l.'tOl HAMBURG -AMERICAN E'aclcet A DIUKCr J.INH FOll England , Franco & Germany. The btftimshlpd ol this well Known line tire liullt of lion , in ivutur-litfUt ooinpiirlinunts , andre ro furnished witli every ru'iulailu to niitko tliu juuBiiifo both t-nfo und lurrccuulo. They curry tlio United Sunns mid KurupiMin nntllsiind Icnvo New i'orlcTliurs.luvs uml Suturdara for l > lr. nnutli.X.NUONjCk.crbougla'AUlS ( ) und KAM- Upturning , the steamers leiivo I la mini r if on \Vodncbduyn und SuuUuja , via. Iluviu , tHklnjr iiHSMint'C'rbiit Bonthumpton and Ixjiidon. I'n-fct cabin fV ) , ttJ ! mid fT5 ; Stoorngo $ % X Hallroud tickets' from I'Jyinmitu to llrittol , < 'nr- illtr. I.ondnn. or to any jiliico In tlio South of Knglimd , 1''K1C1 : . BtouruKO froin Uuroua only | . Bond for 'fourisffluzettr' ' . " C. H. UICHAUIJfcCO. , Oenural 1'asat infer Airuuts , 81 Broadway , New Vork ; WasliliifWu uad La Sulluiti. CUlvuxo. 111. iiitii".ill THE BESTTHREAD FOB SEWING MACHINES SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for sale to the Trndo by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , is : Y Oneof the Best ctn-l Ltryost SLoa'as in the U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M. BURKE & SONS , LIYE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OEO. HUHKE , Manager , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. RKKKIJKNCKS : Merchants' and KarmcnV Hunk , David City , Neb. ; Kearney National Jt.ink , Kearnev , Neb. : Columbus State Hank , Columbus , Neb. ; .McDonald's .Uank.'Nortli Platte , Neb. ; Oninha National Hank. Omaha. Neb. , ' Will pay customers' draft with bill ot ladini : nttnclieil for two-thirds value of slock , VALENTINE'S Short-hand Institute LINCOLN , NEBRASKA. The InrROSt , best nntl clionpost short-kaiid and typu-wrltlnit sohoul In the wosl. I.cnin tills valuable urt nnil acuuro a luorntivo position. Short-hand tmmht liy mull to tlioso \vlui curmotuttcnd tlm instltutu. Wo licop on hand a full supply of Pitman's short-lmml tout books , also typo-wrlior supplies For particulars soiul lor circulars to Valentine's Short-Hand Institute 1118 mid 1120 Oat root Lincoln , Neb ] CHICAGO * ND T ! BUB .VL WAY. S KC OKT 3Jl3iTS Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to take for Dos Molnns , Mftr- Im lltown , Cedar lltiplds , Clinton , Dtxlo. Clilcmro , Milwaukee and nil points oust. To tlio people of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho Nuvadii.Orcson , Washington and Callfornlii It offers superior advantages not possible by any other line Among a few of ttio numerous points of supe riority enjoyed by the patrons of this road be tween Omaha and Chicago , are its two trulnsa day of DAV COACHKS which urs the llnust that human art nnd inronulty c n create. Itsl'AIr ACK SLKUl'INO OAHS , whicn are inodnls of comfort nnd olejranco. Its PAHLOIt I ) HAWING HOOM CARS , unsurnassod by any , and Its wide ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAHS , the equal of whlon cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council ninirs the trains of the Union Pact- flo Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Clilcniro the trains of this line make close connection with thfxioof nil eastern linos. For Detroit , Columbus. IndlnnapolU , Cincln null , Nlairara Kails , Ilulfnlo , I'lttRhurir. Toronto Montreal , Iloston , Now York , Philadelphia , llul- tlmore.Washlnifton nnd nil points in thu east , in * the ticket ncnnt for tlekcts via the "NOKTII-WKSTKHN. " If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket B. B. IIAJH , Goucrft n I > a88 CillwAUU * Star Line Carrying l ho nnlRlum Hoyal and United Stated Mall , suiting every Saturday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. Salon from $00 to $100. IC.xcurslon trip from Jlluto J180. Second Cahm f.V ) , nnd Kxcurnlou UK ) . StocniRO UNS IIKR at low rales. 1'otcr Wright & Sons , General Agents , 05 Ilrondway , MOW York. ( Jinulm , Nobraskn , Frank E. Moorcs , W , , St. It & P. ticket lloruo'iiillrrlro.Jlugiiella licit * IruMcombined , liuumutrccltho only ono In the world eencrntliiz continuous J-'ltctrto tt Maanrtlo 'currrnt. BclendtlcI'ower/ul , liuruble. ComrnrunlB nnil KITtcllve. Avolrt fmutli. Ovorli.ooocnrfd. K nilhtininfoi'ttamiihltiL A1.KO ii.ioTJiio iiKi/irt i-oit jiiMUAHiX Oi. HURNE. INVENTOR. 191 WAOASH AYE.CHICADO. . You are allowed afrte Mat oflMrlv < > [ / of the use of Dr. iJjre'a Oleliratoil Voltalo Belt with Klcctrlo hui- pflnsory Appliances , for tlm spctdr relief itnd per- nioncnt ouru of AVrtntii JMblKtu , IMS of rilalilv and JUannoud , and all kindred t rouble. Also for man } otherdL'p.isoi. Uomplotorcatoratloato IlfallliVleur , and Muiihooit miari\iitc < 'il. No rltk Is Incurred , Iliu * | iamnhlpt In ttnlnl rntv/npe tnallml frw , byad- VOL.TAIU 11KL.T UUU niariball , Ancb * Or HIP I.Kiuur llnlill , lo < Ui ly Cured hy AtlinluUti-rliti ; lr , Ilitiiiov' Colili-n NiOflllc. U can tie elven Inn cup of coflVu or tea wllhotit tlio knuwleJKfof lUu paison Uklncltl < atiulutely liaruiloumid will efTect u | > iTUiuiientcnd uiieedy euro , n hclUtr the pailrnt U u niudemfj drlnki-r or \n alcobullc wrfcU , H lias been elvtri ) In tuou > nv.idiof caiesuudln every InsUnceajicrlfct cure his followtxi. It ucTtir fnlU 'Hie Eyitcin once luipieKiiaUd with tljoHiecl.1c | , It l > fcoinen mi uttti Itnponilblllty for tbe lUUor | appclltu to exist. FOH SALK UY FOLI.OWINO DUUQUISTB : KUIIN ACO. . , Cur. 13lli iiud Uiusli . aud IHlh iV runtime Kin. , Omabu , Neb , ' A , I ) . KST1'.1I 6i IIKU. , ( 'ouncll Ilium , Io\rn. Cullortrrlto for pampblrt contalnliijf hundreds c ? t aliiinnUlu Irouitticbot vvciuvu BUU tiiuu trua i'ii t''i'Uuf tlm cuuutrv. CM : oit JIOIIK AT viiioi.r.biAI.K I'IMTK. 1 I'AY all fipro rhariEO la nil | lnt < wltlila'aid nllej. 1 , IHH'carrtsL'i' to bclttt from 8 'twl Iwo cti " ' " ' nentlon" L , G , SPENCER'S ' TOY FACTORY , 221 W.MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. ESTAHUSHKU 1870. Lincoln Steam Dye Works \V. D. BODEKTSON , Prop'r. O.Tioo No. 1105 O St. , Works S.B. Cor. ? . & Dth. Lincoln , Not ) . Gouts' Clolliliij ; Cleaned aud He paired. Chicago Milwaukee & SI , Paul The Short Line ' and Best Route From Omaha to the East. TWOTKAlNSDAILYIlETTVIJISNyMAHAAND Chicago , Minneapolis. Mllwaukoa , SUl'aul , Cedar llaplds , Dt nvonport Clinton. Dubuque , Hookford , Hook Islana , Freeport , Janearllle , Kltfin , Maillsnn , La Cross * , liflolt , Whmnn Aiidall other Important points East , Nortlmi nnd SoiubuiisL Ticket omco nt HOI Fiirimni street. ( In lloioll. end nt ITiiion I'aclllo Dupot. I'uniiiuu tfloopoi-H unJ tlio Khiost DlnlnirOiin In tlio World are run on tie | main lines or tb Clll AaOMlIWAUKBRt'eST. ' I'.UJfc UATtYWAY , Mid ovury iitUintlon Is puhl to immouironl by ooiut * * ousomploycfl of tlio coiuimny. It. Mn.i.Kit , Gonornl MunnKor. J.F. TITCKBII , Assistant Qonoral Manager. A. V. II , CAUPENTEII , Gontrnl PHBSOO * or ftal Ticket Airont. QKO. K. ilK.vFFOiii ) . Assistant QonoralPufoa ffor nnd Ticket Agent , A STANDARD MEDICAL WOEK ' ) FORYOONfi A.ND M1DDLS-AGED MEN I ' ' ONLY 81 IIV MAI I , , POSTPAID. ' IM.UBTU.VTIVK S.VMl'l.li FREE TO AtI > ' KNOW THVSELF. Kihatutcit Vltalltr. Kflrrons nnd PhjrilOil Dtkllltf Promatur * Ducllne In Man. Hrr0ra of Tooth , and tb * untold mlaerlei roiultlnK from InJticreUon ua < * old.A book for orory mull , younx , tn lMitd and old. ItconUlns 12'i pro'rrlptloni for all at * ai3 cbronlodiBoiiBOR , cattinne of nhleb u tnraf found by the author wboso oxporlnucefor ruch ni probnbly nerar cerorafoll totbe jrBlclnn : 3 IIHUOI , bound In bt-nutlful jrranoh tnu6 linen\ucs , encorer , full nltl. imnnmteed to beaBnar work In every sonpu nteohiinlcal , lltenirf and prQff or the monny will bo refund In evorjr IntUnoa. . nnlr II by mull , pnstp-ilil. Illuitrntod tampl * , Sx tiendnoir. Gold muilnl awnrilort tlia autbor br jk Nil tlonulModlo'H Amocliitlnn. to llio Hon. A , 1' . lnJlT. ami HMiiflnttt ontcon of the boird th r d - rlir eiiuctrully roferrml. ThoHrlencoof Ilfol worth moro totbt young moil nilddlo-nueil mon ot till * aeiioratlon thun ll Ui go mliHii orcnlirnrnlaaiid llio silver mln o ( M ru , roinblneil. ! * . P , OUrunlolo. TlioHolrnceof rlf polntnout tha rooki und qaloto Hindi on which the constitution mid hopes of mM * n round man hnv boon fatall/ rooked. JUnoheitS 'I'hc ticlonco ot Life Is of crfiatcr Tttluo than all Ih * mudlcnl works publlHlied In lull oountryorlhopaM Ulronn. Atlaiitu Coiistllutlon. TheHcloncoof I.lfoli H nuuorb nnd raaiterly trill * Ire on ncrroui nod pliyiloal delilllty. iMtrolt Tr Add'remtho Pasbady MoJIcal Initltut * . Of Dr W. f- Prker , No. 4 liullnncu itreot , Boston , MiUi..wk * i btooniultadon all dlioano * roqulrlngikll Uu4 u. onco. Cliniiiluninl ousltmlo dlnuaies UiattulTVt nod tlio gklll ot nil otliurphyilclani peolmlly , 81 treated successfully without am niUBMOI t Mention Oiualiu Uat. WHO IS UNACQJAINTID WITH THE BOOR rHy OT THW csuurnr wiui tCI ay AMININO THI ) MAP THAT THI El. GHIO&GO.nOGKISUHDS PACIFIC n&LVMV ! Ily reaian of I In central rotltlan aad clo e relation to nO | > rln < iliMl linet ton and Wb t. at lulllol ami ter- niliKil puliitrt , cinitlttlte the iu t Impuitftllt liuil ronllnontKl link In tl.at v tvni of tlircniuh tianrnor * tlin wlilch Invltui anil furlllUIr" Irntel mill llllio : Iwtwpcnclllvior the Atlllitlu n < l I'arino Cuaill. U l alia i ih ftrorllb and br.t tuutu luund from iwlnti Knit. Narlheait anil Houlljunt , nd roriouuualail liulnii We.t , Noilliweit ml Hutilhwttl. The Croat Rock Island Route OuirinteMi In nalronn ilmt tcn * > of l' ' r on l icca- rlty ulTurileil ly a rolld , thoroughly tull ! t l rotd. lioJ. unoolh tr ck > ul ctnitlnuoui iffcl r > ll. tubitui. ll.ljy Lull ! cult.rl. and lnldK > ' > , lolling loVk "nur IKirfectlun human > klll i-on m k U , ( ho ntftlv ni > | ilUiirviuf intent butrmii , pint forini and alr-br > k i nnj Ihaln.cllD dl.flplllio whli'h L-ov > lni thn pr X t ual oiiarallon M all Hi trnlni oilmr tpct-laltlu of ; ! ' 'f ' rul ! ! " ar * Trail. fm Hi nil rciii cUnir nolnu in Union l > l > tiU. and tuo ud uniurpur conifortl and < luiurle o < Hi r i .mor ! l'.ijul | > iiiiinl.w"1" The JPaat RilirrM Tr lm iirtvrten Chlcuro anil P or a , Council llluir , lan ! ( n Clly. Uarinnbilli uaj Att'liUun urn cotu | > o d of uoll leitillatM , llncly u holtturwl Ooy Uvachu. UavnlRcnal l-ullmtn falacii Klefpunof the tt.'it design , mil .uinMuou. itlatvit Uan. lii widen rl.ilioraK.ljr . rook.u me al.ar. l.f. ir , ! ? catrn. | l t n t'hkfifo and K n sL1ly anil AU'lil ! , li oio aim run Ilie CtlAirattd llei-llnlug Vbili Cari. The Famous Albert Loa Route ! the direct and fo orlto line b t cn Chlcaitoand MInncapolli audit. I'aul.whire connwtlom ar. ra.Si lirltliU I ' ! " ' " 1'roilncej. / " ' " for " ) ' I"1"11 ' " ll' Terrtterlta aud Or r thli route Kait Kiprtu iMln. aie run to th walorlllif | ilt. . ginm jrt..i1clurntlu ; localUlei. and buntln nd uf Iowa ana illiliif./ , ! . . ndih Btlll anoihtr . . . . , . > . DlltEOT UNI ! , rU H nsca and Kau- k > k , liui ti ea mniioa h ti n I'li.i lnn.ll. ludUn. { Win inOi L t ir.il and Council BUiir. , Kiiqsii OTlr. MUin < - - | . < .lls 7"Il'i'\4Ul * rttAUrmVUU. | , oli"ur ' . tor dttallvd ? UfOMrt.lloiy 1U KuTdtn . , p' tea n ana Kuld.rf , ' . . " . " " . . ! : Kr."i ! ? ? .tla * bl ' . * w ll ' ' " - < - - - wlncl.alTlck7 fIU . l".1 ? : ? r. . . . IV1111' M t. " | { ( * > Iu tU Voltwl Bute * and CauaUai or It 4- K. R. CABLE , E , 5T. JOHN , .J ] rrsi'tiUi-u'l U'e'r. 0 n'l T-kt & rut. 4\t. .