* * * ' ' ' Z' * j/ / > 1 \ I THE OMAHAL > A1LYBEE , irfjESDAY , APRIL 0,1836. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION , An Interesting and Profitable Session Held 1 Last Night. BASEMENT SCHOOLS SYSTEM Views of tlio Members on This Sub ject City Treasurer llitck's Uc- port The New Tcnolicrs No More Itcccss. Omnlm'B I-Mticntlotml Hoard. The board of education met last even ing , those present being Messrs. Points , president ; Cotioycr , secretary ; Copolnnd , Clark , Gibbons , Coburn nntl Long. There wore but few spectators present. The meeting vruu ono in every way in the interests of the city , many resolutions beneficial to tlio health and well-being of scholars being Introduced and passed , The city treasurer's report was gratify ing in the eUronio , showing that tlio amount of money now on hnntl is much more than could bo expected in so short n time some four nml one-half years. The basement question was brought up. and treated in the best manner possible , considering the funds now on hand , and buildings in vio\v. Tlio building of an addition to the high school , and. many other matters of interest came up , all of which nro given in tlio following report of the meeting : PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. City Treasurer Buck's monthly report was read and ordered placed on file. Reports of the examining committee were road and placed on lile. A communication was read and adopted , saying that the work on the school house at tlio corner of Eighteenth and Casteller streets is finished , and the balance duo shouhl bo paid the contrac tors. tors.A A report Iron , the committee on certi ficates saying that certificates Iiiul been issued to Alurtha A.Cook. Emma L. Now- comb , Ella Gordon , Hutlio S. Pratt , Jcnnio Hoborls , Fivnnio E. Female ! , Lottie ! ' . Mitchell , Olive Hubbard , P. Irene Fort and Li//io Colo. John Hush tendered his resignation as a member of the board of examiners. The resignation was accepted , and the board tendered him their thanks for the ofllciuncy of his psat labors. Mrs. Mlnnio Kylor tendered her resig nation as teacher on account of ill health. It was accepted. John Nile.s asked that he be given the vacant position of janitor. Referred to committee on building and property , and nil other applications for the same posi tion to bo referred to the above committee without being. read , giving them power to act. To the Boaid of Education Gentlemen : I enclose a detailed list of all the bonds in my hands belonging to the school sinking fund and amounting to SOi.ooo. Honda of the school dtstiict amounting to 5100,000 will become duo July 1 , Ibbrt , and in order to meet their uaymont it will bo neces sary , some time before that date , to conveit Into cash most of the bonds owned by the sinking fund. You will obseivo that bonds amounting to 50,000 will become duo July 1. These it will not bo necessary to sell. Also bonds amount ing to 55,000 will become due August 1 , and it will not be necessary to sell them as 1 can cairy tliom as casli for ono month. Eleven bonds of S50J each (85,500) ( ) last described on the list me the least desirable for sale , although just as good an investment ns any for the shoit time they have to inn , and as 1 think wo can ledeem the 5100,000 without selling these bonds I would recommend that they bo kept. The icniainlng bonds $47,500 , those fust de scribed on the list , I think , should bo .sold. With these sold I think tlio 5100,000 of bonds can bo redeemed July 1. The balance in sinking fund now is about . 530,100 Estimated collections from date to July 1 . POO Intel e t duo May 1 , . sr > o lionds and coupons duo July 1 . o,8Cn Bonds and coupons duo August 1 . 5'JTl ) Jntcicslon countybonds duo Jtilyl. . . ( ibO Bonds tor side . -15,500 ? 07.1CO As some of the bonds for sale should bring quite a piemlum 1 think the total will be but little slioi tot $100000. I biing tills mutter to your attention , so early , in order that there may be ample time to consider what should bo done and also to doit betoio Julv and bo i e.uly to meet the payment piomptly. Veiy icsppctfiilly , TllUMAN Ut'CK , , , , , . . „ Referred to finance committee. Hattlie C. Pratt , Ella Gordon , Jcnnio Hoborts , Emma L. Nowcomb and Lottie F. Mitchell wore allowed teachers1 cer tificates. Petitions were sent in from two hard ware ( Inns to put furnaces in the now Lake school building , As it is not yet known whether a now building will 'bo innilo. they were ordered placet ! on lile. P. u. IJall made a proposition to tlio board to sell them u lot on Castro street. Referred. Tlio commissioner on claims recom mended the payment of several minor bills lor hist month. Adopted. The special committee appointed to look up the advisability of erecting a now school building adjoining tlio high school building , reported favorably . Mr. Copeland thought a now school building there is unnecessary. "Wo could not erect a bnihliiig that would : uld anything to the looks ol the city , " said ho. "Wo liavo not enough funds at our disposal. " Mr. Clark thought , differently. "Wo did not , " said ho , ' 'have time to talk to Mr. Copolnnd this afternoon , as ho was not present at our meeting here. " "lidn't know you luul ono , " said Mr , Copeland , "if J had you would have seen mo nero. Wo haven't any money to build with , and are counting our chickens before they are hatched , I think it very desirable , but to erect a building before having received an appropriation for the purpose is foolish. " Mr. Gibbon thought that the old building - ing could bo enlarged , anil Mr. Copeland atood in" with h im. Mr. Kong was in favor of the now building , "thereby , " ho said , "gottinp the boilers removed from the old build ing into a now and safe ono where they would not oxulodo , and svhore thorn would bo no danger. " Mr. Conoyer said Unit the building could not be erected for less than 15,001) , ) or $50,000 , while an addition of six to eight rooms can bo made for something like $35,000. Mr. Colburn moved that the matter bu recommitted to the committee to bo re ported on at some future meeting. Car. ried , The following resolutions wore taken That the discontinuance of reeoss in the sehoolb , afternoon session , has been satistactory , and that they bo indolinituh suspended , Adopted. That the salary of Miss Lmily Yhllat ley , timelier In the eighth grade , hi raised to § 80 per month. Adopted. A That thu attendance of Miss Jennie Robuits at the state university tit Valpa raU-o lie considered the sumo as thougl she had attended our state normal schoo hero. Adopted , Citv Superintendent of Schools Jama nskeil , in legaid to jlie lirst resolution whether tlio liflocn minutes usually giver as a recess in the afternoon would in deducted from the session of scliool- froml:80to4 p. in. Considerable gooi humor was shown ovm < tllu < | lO' ! . bu nothing was don , although the under Manding was that no deduction in tin bour.H would be made. That the matter relating to .the Insur unco of all school buildings bu refutrci o the finance committee with power to act. Adopted , That the board of education be re quested to set aside the llth day of April , no anniversary of the date of President incoln's death , for tlio purpose of teach- ng the scholars more of that part of the Jnitcd States history relating to that time. This called forth quite a little comment. Mr. Copeland said lie was in favor of his , as the latter part of United States ihtory was somewhat neglected in the education of the scholars , much to the letrimcnt of their knowledge. Mr. ! /ong sajd he was a member of the Homo Juards in tic late war , and was under .lie impression that ho had done as good service hero ns ho could have done else where. The dates of anniversaries of tlio death of many great men were ob served In all the schools "with pleas ure , too. " ho remarked , "by all those at tending. After many speeches cnlogizing Mr- Lincoln , the motion was lost. That the Castcllar street school building bo connected with the city water and main pipes. Adopted. That the committee on buildings and property bo authorized to place dry closets in the basement schools on Farnam street. Mr. Conoycr moved as an amendment that the Lcavonworth street school be in cluded in the resolution. This amend ment was passed on the spur of the moment , but was reconsidered , put to a second vote , and lost , after which tlio original motion was passed. That the secretary authorize Men- dclsson & Fisher to prepare plans and specifications foradditions to the Leaven- worth and Long street schools. Lost. That the committed on teachers and ioxt books be authorized to select a mem ber of the examining committee to act as a member of that body in place of Mr. Rush , resigned. Carried. That the committee on buildings and property bo , and are hereby authorized .o rent suitable buildings near the base ment schools for sehooFbuildings. This resolution called Superintendent Tames to his feet again. He said that much complaint had been made by outsiders m the basement school system , but that ; hcy wore the only ones. He considered liio basements better than any build ings that could bo procured at the present .iiiio. "I can say , gentlemen"continued Mr. James , "tliattno lloors of those base ments arc as dry and warm as is the ono on which which wo now are. There is absolutely no dampness or other dis agreeable feature of that sort. " Air. Livesey said that the teachers and scholars would rather bo in basements than buildings. "It is all a dream. The whole town has been dreaming for some time : this idea that there are creeping animals , dampness , sickness , etc. , in these rooms is a dream. " Ho thought the basements as good as anywhere else. Mr. Clark was not in favor of the reso lution. Ho did not see why Mr. Conoyer liad presented it unless to curry favor with the newspapers. "I , for one , am opposed to the resolution , at least until we got now buildings. " Mr. Long said that the room occupied by one of the schools was an old Method ist church , not as good as the basement. "Something must bo done , surely , for the children in order to give them a place to attend school. At the south school , to-day , io many children came in that nail kegs liad to be brought in for them to sit on. " "Yes , " Mr. Conover remarked , "in tlio south school water flows quite readily. I s-iw this myself. " An amendment to the resolution was adopted , autliori/.ingthoabovc committee to secure a building for the Pacific school. That the secretary he authorized to nd- vortiso for bids for plans and specifica tions for a new building to be built on Woojworth street and Georgia avenue. Carried. It was moved and seconded that thu. iids for tlio Lake school be referred to the committee on buildings and propcity , with power to act. Carried. It was moved and seconded that the bid of the Hess Manufacturing company for three furnaces in the Lincoln school buildings bo accepted. Carried. The board then adjourned. One Year's E.\iln. Mav Reese pleaded guilty to obtaining money under false pretenses in tlio dis trict court yesterday and was sen tenced to ono year's Imprisonment. Reese was a successful sharper , and suc ceeded in fleecing a number of Omaha people. His pleasant address mul gen tlemanly bearing won him a great many friends. One of his schemes was to bor row or hire a pair of horses for the pur pose of taking a drive. Ho would always return the horses not , however , without first visiting a loan agency and placing a mortgage upon them. AVnnlB the Insurance. Wayland 1) . Tisdalc began suit against tlio German Insurant' company of Freeport - port , 111. , in the district court yesterday morning. In the petition it is chinned that the company insured the store of Air. V. U. lirNlol , of Hastings , for $ r > 00. The store burned down October 18 , IBS. ' ; , and the next day Krislol sold his policy to Tisdale. The latter claims that ho lias asked tliu company for tlio insurance money and that they refuse to pay it. Granted Further Time. In tlio district court yesterday morning the counsel for the gas company asked for further time to answer the affidavits filed by the city Saturday. The court allowed them till \ \ cdnesday to prepare their arguments. Colonel Humphrey J. Moinghan , of Chicago , is in tiio city on u visit. Ho is the guest of his genial brother , Andy , tlio well Known Drum major. It is r'a dark day" when Colonel Humphrey Monighau doo3 not visit Omaha , Colonel Henry W. AckhoiT , represent ing G. W. Sheldon & Co. , custom house brokers in Chicago , is in the oily on business with our leading merchants who have largo importations. The company represented by Colonel Ackhoff are im port freight agents , and have offices in Now York , itoston , Toronto and Chi cago. There are no nauseous narcatio ? in Red Star Cough Cure. It in purely vegetable , Both tlio Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific freight departments are overrun with work. Such amounts of freight us have come to this city in the last few days is unknown in it history. The fact that since April 1st 237 cars of merchan dise has arrived in Omaha , nearly all havmir to bo transferred , will give an idea of the business dono. A BLESSING. Nothing adds more to Hi * .security ol life , of happiness and of health , than ; i safe and reliable f-unily medic no. S. L , R lists won for iti-olf the appellation ol "The Family HlowitiR " If a child has thooholiu , it is sure , safe and pleasant , It the lather is oxluuislou , overworked.de biliiatcd , it will restore his fallin < j strength. If the wife Millers from Dyv pepaia. Low Spirits , himdacho , it will give lolii't. If any inumbur of the family has eaten anything hard to digest , a do i ot the Regulator will soon ostabl'sli < rUOi digestion , It gives refreshing sleep cyci : in cases where narcotics have failed. I is a preventive , p rfoetly harmless , u begin with , no in alter what the attack , il wjll atlbrd rpllof No error to bo foanx in administering ; no injury in u.tpo uu after taking ; no change of diet lequired no neglect or duties pr lois of tiiiu ) . Sim nions Liver Regulator is entirely vcgela bli-and Is the puiest and IKSIta nil.i medic tie compounded , J.H.XoliniV Co. , Philadelphia , Pu. , sole piopriclor : IjlST OK VOTI2KS Second District of First Ward. Aycr J H inth bet Dorcas and Martha Aitkins Sam Pierce bet 8th and Oth Anderson J F Oth bet Hickory and Dorcas Bandhaucr F W 12th bet Center and Dorcas Bandhauer Wcnzel 10th bet Center nml Dorcas [ Jeronsak Jim 18th bet Picrco nnd Wm ilegloy John 10th and Charles [ { pglcyDan 10th and Charles IMazicek Joseph 1212 s 12th Black D C lOlh and Martha Brady John 12th and Castcllar Uroderick S'opheu ' J llin s llth Hook Hans 18th and Vinton IJoisen Anton 12th bet Center and Dorcas Bohrcns J 1) 1110 Pierce Cook M 1) 1203 s 10th [ Jogan Dan 12th bet Arbor and Bancroft Corrigan Jas 12th bet Arbor and Bancroft Cowio J D 12th bet Dorcas and Center CoJno U 80J Hickory Christcnson Jac sr Dili bet Hickory anil Charles Christensen Jac jr Oth bet Hickory and Charles Christensen John 1137 s 10th Crawford Amir cor 13th and Center Cuer W A Center bet 10th and llth Doll Wm 807 Pierce Davenport A C llth bet Dorcas and Mar tha. Dro.xol Fred cor 10th and Williams Drexcl HP 10th and Williams Drexel 11 E 10th and Williams Dortlingor A bet Hickory and Charles Dee Morris 1007 s 12th Dolan J U llth bet Dorcas and Center Doll John lltli near Pierce Durham II 1510 s llth Drazdawsky Chas 8lh nr Hickory Danan Dan llth bet William and Briggs Dennis J II1433 sloth Dennis S L 1133 s 10th Ehrcnpfort Henry 1728 s llth Elgultor Morris 1009 Pacific Elsassor G F Oth and Elm Engcnthalor Jas William bet 11 and 12 Ellis Jno Castcllar bet 8th and Otli EstolloL 811)15 ) si 1th Fiala Wenzoi llth bet Pierce and Will'm Fiala Joe 13th bet Pierce and Williams Foil Albert 1411 s 10th Foster M 151(1 ( s Htb Ford Michael 018 Pierce I'urnasOH 1515s llth FurmisED 1515s lltli Fancy Andrew 13 bet Pierce and Will'ms Ford N E 13th and Dorcas Gonsler Andrew 1411 ? liltli Goodman C F 10th and Dorcas Goir Jas 1207 Pacific Gorman Jno cor lltli and Maltha Groeox Rich lltli bet Dorcas and Martha Green WE1W1S 10th Havel Jno cor llth and Williams Hayes Thos Oth and Caslcllar Havlicek Ed 13th and William Ilcrzko Fred cor llth and Martha Ilcngon Moritz 1441 s Oth Hcngen GUI 141 s Oth Ilirt Michael 10th bet Dorcas and Martha Hinchoy Pat cor 12th and Arbor Hoist S W 1510 s 10th Hofi'nian Jno 13th bet William and Pierce Hoffman George 1202 Williams Hofmeister Henry cor 8tli and Hickory Hascall Isaac S Cosmopolitan hotel Hcjl John William but llth and IStli Harmon Andre J 814 Pierce Havel Vaclav William bet 12th and 13th Havlicek Joseph William bet 12th and 13th Hogan Con 8th and Elm Hcafoy P C 1207 Pierce Hcafcy E 1207 Pierce HcrtelWH 10th and Dorcas Jardine J W llth bet Arbor and Vinton Jansen F A 113.s ! ) 10th Johnson Andrew 1137 s 10th " " ' ' Jones Henry Cosmopolitan hotel Jowery W II 10th near Hickory' Jirow.sky John Williams bet lltli and 12lh Kaufman Chas 10th bet Hickory & Charles Kountzc Herman , Kountzo residence Kaufman Ed Oth bet Hickory & Charles Knapp Michael 1500 s llth Knapp I' C 1500 s llth Knapp J G 1500s lltli Konvalin John 1310 s inth Kuca Joseph 12th and Williams Klofat Joseph 12th bet Williams" & Pierce Kelley W A 1717s 12th Koetter Fred W 8th and Dorcss Kennedy J J 10th and Caslcllar Kent Josiah 810 Pierce Krechlcr George 8lh near Hickory Kiloy Mike 014 Picrco Kuca Albert lltli and Williams Krecek Anton llth and Williams Longprey L F 1813 s llth Laiblo Leonhard 1003 s lltli Larson Ncls 12th bet Center and Dorcas Lelller A C 13th and Dorcas Louring Herbert 1420 Hickory Mailscn John lltli bet Dorcas and Center Mattsen P L 1431 s Oth Massion Alfied llth and Castollur Matlrieson Jno II F 1510 s lltli Matliicscn Henry 1738 s llth Malin Hugh 1120 s 12th Misiovee Vaclav alley bet Williams 12lh and 18th - - Mn&sion Andrew cor lltii and Cnstellar Martin Peter cor lOtli and Castellar Miller J H8'J Pierce MulickE173lslOth M : nwill R II 1715 s 10th Monday Jos 1123s 10th McAulill'Samcor 13Hi and Arbor McMahon James cor liitli nnd Arbor MeKvoy Pat cor IStli and Martha McLanyJaslJl s 10th McCandh'ss II H lOtli near Hickory McCandlessC H 10th near Hickory McCarthy J 111725s 101 h Novo William lltli bet Dorcas'Miirtha Nelson O It llth bet Doruas-Martha Nelson Peter 1515 S lllli Novucok James 12tli bet Williams and Pierce O'Niel Ed 1525 S 12th Olson H C cor Dili and Dorcas OlscnN 11'Ws 10th Ponioy ( iii.s cor 10th and Pierce Petersen PS 1183 s 10th Pinzenseliain Fred 10th bet Hickory and Center PlhigingWMllsOth Pllaging Fred Utls Oth P.ispisliil Frank 1315s 18th Pnvik Martin Williams but 11 and 12th Prokop Tyuek 12th bet Williams and Pierce Pribowsky Joseph 12th s Williams Polan Joseph 13th bet Williams and Pierce Pollant Frank 1310 13th Rico Win FUJI ilth Rushlaw J P cor 12th and Dorcas Rieholou Ed 1117s Oth RudlolV Gustav cor 12th and Center Risso Christ 1411 s 10th Rcdfiold C L No i engine house Robin Mo > es cor 13th and Castellar RlicolTJoroino 1818 s llth Rosicky Jno jr 000 Hickory Roiioky Jno sr 000 Hickory Rush Jno cor 12th and Arbor Rhodes H F cor lltli and Arbor Rousok Jos 18th Pierce and Williams Scgolko Win cor llth and Pierce Stepp Gusta Oth bet Hickory and Charles Swat-inn JW 1138 Williams Swucina IVtor Williams bet 12Ui and 13th Stubcndorf Fred 10th bet Wins" & Pierce Sparrow ( 'has A 1710s 10th Spnulding W H cor 10th and Pacific Smith Jno Pieieo bet Oth and 10th , Schmidt Jos cor 10th and Center Slinhla Frank 1820 12th Sdiouboi Hans near Center Swansen N'els Dili and Hickory Seholpp Adolf 1803 H llth Sullivan E A 10th and Dorcas Stark Paul 12th bet Pierce and Williams Shophard J O 003 Hickory Sheahn John Oth bet Hickory and Cqntor Shuvolik James Cosmopolitan hotel Schucbol Frederelck llth and Castellar Swida J E 1810 s 18th Slaviek John 13th bet Williams ami Pierce Slmrod Joe Williams bet 12th and 18th Sinitana Joseph Willwms btt 12th A18th SouKup Vincent 12tlt bet Dorcas and Martha. Tnieoy Jno 13th bet Pierce and Williams Tracey Win Oth near Hickory Tmcav James llth near Williams Thompson J H TSOTs 18tii Vodicka V L Oj4 Hickory Vandorford Joseph llth oct Dorcas and Center > Van Dousen 116hry 1020 s llth Vodicka Anton 13th bet Williams and ' ' ' Pierce Vina Frank 12th bet Williams audJPicrco Wiberg August 1431 s 10th Wihorg A F143) ) s 10th WIndheim E 1181 suth : Wolff Victor liiokory bet Sth and Oth Williams August Oth and Castcllar Workman Gil 172(1 ( s 12th Wlialcn Owen 01 ! ) Pacific /oiler Jno 10th bet Hickory and Charles Xiskovsky Anton William bet llth and 12th I hereby certify that the above list is correct. Hr.NIlY EllUKNTKOItT. Registrar 2il District 1st Ward. VUISTJHSTIUGT , Second "Ward Continued. Anderson f3 T inth bet Jackson nnd Howard Anderson Niels M 18th bet Jones and Leav- omvorth Uostwlck Chas L Vinton bet Mth and IGth lJiicts Kdwatd U Pierce bet tSlh and 10th Danker S W SOtli and .Martha H.irta Joseph 15th bet Pierce and Williams Bin-stall Timothy IStli and Castcllar Di'thors / 18th and Uastcllar llartA Jan Iflth and Williams llouchner V 15th and Williams Hlaha John 15th bet I'leico and Williams liaita Vaclav 15th and \Villlains Itarta Vaclav alley 14th bet llth and Hickory Houer Vaclav llWts 13th liethloch Frank 20th and Castcllar HerL'gren August 17tti and Uoicas Chaval Vaclav alley bet 14th and 15tn south of Williams Cullcn Thos A 0-20 s 13th Delaney Pat Mason and inth Dcnialn W 15th and Leavcnworth northeast coiner Douclas U E 14th and Jones Dolejs Albert iHli : and Willlf.ius Delaney Daniel 15lh and Jliirtlm Dunham Alex 14th and Castellar DolakJohu mtli bet Williams and Center lilder W A1707 s ISth Kossblnder Joseph 10th and South Forst Joscnh Williams bai 15th and Ifitli Cotzscho Henry lath bet Jones and Leaven- worth Granger John 15th and Center Oaiper llarvy S 1322 Jones Ooiden Bernard 171S s lilth lloltib Joseph 14th and Williams Hodck Vaclav 14th anil Center Heiiek Andryas 15th and Williams HolnbJiri 1Mb bet Williams and Pieico Ilynclc Kiank 15th bet Williams and Pierce llynek Mate ] 18th bet Williams and Pieico llofek Joseph 14th bet Pierce and Williams Holcmbcrp John 14th bet Jackson and Jones liultlasz Andrew 1718 Doicas Irvin ( Jeo C 18th bet Williams and lliclcoiy Johnston M A 15th ami Doicas Johnson CS Le.-uen\\orth bet 13th and 14th Jaios James llth and Williams Kunis James 14th and Williams Kruno Anton 15lli and Williams Kutka James 18th and Dorcas Kioimil Prokop Williams bet 14th and 15th Kruml Vaclav Williams bet 14th and fitli Kelly Kobert Jones bet 18th ana llth Kntz Joseph 1410s 13th Kacer Voitlch 14th bet Williams and Hickory Kiill W T Lea von worth bet llth and iHtli Knitis Mails Williams bet 13th .uul 14th Kians Voclav Williaifts bet 13th and 14th Kiaiicok Ftin Is 15th and Williams HcAithui John lOtli and Williams Mcliride J E 13th and Mason McCabe Michael ! JIO s 14tli McCoy Daniel 14th and Lcavcmvoith MeCaithy T K 1Mb and Center McCaitliy Michael 14Ui and Leavcnwortii McCullev Win Doicasbet 17th and 18th AlcCall Frank Hth bet Jackson and Jones McCall Jl'US Jackson 31cCann John Ibth and Doicas MeCaithy J 14tli ami Lcaveiivoith McDonnell Michael IMth and Mason McDonnell Miuluel l ea\enuoith bet 13th and 14th 1 f Median Win 1110 s 13lli McCuiio Win 1508s 15th Mcfino'Jrthn ISth-andf Center > 'i I , u MoJCerma P A 1SS1915th ' " " > ' ' Mc'Lunlsen.I lltli nnd Center McMillan Daniel 14th nnd Center MeXe.il Robl 10th bet Williams and Hickory McXeal P.itiick 17th and Williams McXe.U Knink 15th : uicl Doicas MrXntt Fr.mk 151U and Doicas McMnunls John F ITOs s IStli McCaboFiank 14th bet Jones and Leaven- worth MuCathy John 19th and Williams Lels Melcher Williams and ISIh Lucas Ftank Ibth and C.istellar Lucko Chas A Ultlund Ilowaul Lenkepox M A 11510 s lOtli LeonaidC A014s llth Mibnlchr Frank 14111 and lllckorv Mason T A14JSb IStli Mason K D 15th and Center Mason C W " " Macli Fiank 15th and Williams Maitin C K014sith : : Moiijousky Fiank 15th bet Williams and Hlckeiy' Mulac John 18th bet Williams and Center Maler.lohn 17th and Doic.is Niles W M loth and Mason Ni'stel Ven/el 1JW ! s Uith Nujdl Vojluj Williams bet 14tli and l th Otto W II 1Mb and Williams O'LeaiV Jeny lsth and Castellar Orton James C lOlh and Williams Satatoga house Pal da i Jiii 14th and Pieico Piova/nek Joseph Williams bet 1.1th and 10th Posck Jan tilth bet Hickory and Williams Pelcison Chas 1 Ith and Leavenwoith Piuslia John Uthbjt Williams and Hickory Piov.i/.nels 1'i.udc Williams bet 15th and 10th Peteison ( ! 11 Rones ( ! eoi e 15th bet Pieico and Williams Rossl'lias 1312 s 18th lioss.James Hli'.Ws 18th RIpKn Kiank 14'il s 13th Ho-htoul William Hi'lslSth ItltdiioS J llth bet.lnckson nnd Jones Husli 1) ) C n e tor 15th and Mason Sclinekeiibeiaer Chas 1'J Ji s liitli bi'lmeler HiujoCUlH 18th Slieiloi'ls John Doicas but 19th and 20th Sip Vaclav Maltha bet 18th and lltli Sheets Jacob H nth bet Williams and Mailha Sheets Ki.iuklln Kliltn net William .V Mnitha S\oboda Fiank Ifitli bet Williams and Pieico StuiinheiKC.iil P Jackson bet llth and 15th Spclinck Call 13th and Maltha shoL'lo .losopli Williiims but 1 Ith and 15th hhonll Prank 14lli bet Williams and Hickory Sadler Henry OiJslilth Spellnek Jan inth bet 1'l.Tco and Williams Sedlecek.lo-.epli . Doreasbet IHtli and llth Siki'ia Jnliii liith bet Pieico and Williams Sheeily Thos 10th and Williams Spelenck John Maltha bet 18th and Hth Beelo Kaspor 18th bet Williams and Center Kataicic Ki.ink 14th hot Williams and Center Taj lor Stephen IGth bet Williams and Center Tiimble Kobt 13th nnd Jones Tomseo Fiank Wlll'ams ' bet 1Mb nnd inth V ale Peter lltli bet Williams and Hickiny Vioiteek .1 ohn , L'i ice bet 14IH and 15th Vojtiu Joseph IRrti and Williams Vaiijola Joseph 14th bet Williams and Pieico Win Hi J F Win and Pioico Womacka Joseph llth but Hickory and Cen- Wlhte P lilth aildrJacUon Wolence Joseplit Atliiml Williams Weish .lames l'aciucet ) ) liitliand 14th Woelesliek Julip 18th and Pacilic \Vachtcl Josoiili lT > tli Tot Picrco and Williams J.VM KS /ON.VIIJ.V / ) : , Itcglstrar. AtltllllonnlljlMt I'lrst District , Second > IVuril Adams Henry llilh ? iSd Pacilio llonninllunry J I'M s IGth liinnine Frank rrtli nnl Williams Dartnn Joseph 15th and Williams Carnoy It It H0aal4th , Campbell Alheit1rOTffloiies ; ! Fnriihuiil ( iiistltitti and Castellar tilt ) ' ) ileiiiy L 15ti | and Dorcas KopiJnhn ISth and Martha K'oibo Win 18th and Dorcas Kopp Jacob 03Js 18th Kce.Jo pih | Hth bet Plciro and Williams Kiivemes Clius inth bet Williams and Pierce Iohman Feiilinand 17th bet Doteas A ; Maltha Malena Stephen 14th bet Williams and Center Moserli A Isth and Doicas Musil I'eter 14th and Ctintcr McCeo John lUth and Williams Piston Dennis 1310 Leavenwnrth Po'hel Fiank l"th bet Williams and Pierce Hochfoid Alt inth nnd Cabtellar ItovsDan J IKMs IDlli Sullivi'ii Jas 18th and Jackson A'aracek John 14th nnd 1'ieno Vavi.i Jof nh 15th and Williams Wagoner Chas A 5lt > s 14th SrAri : OK Xr.nnASKA , ! CQ Douglas. County.M | > riietoby certify Hint thelfst heietofoio pub- llblicd by the Omnha ] ! iiiiiul : : tliu foieu'oln : ; Is a full , tiuonndlmpailtal > lt of the duly ( inalil.e 1 voters of the Fiist dlsti let Second Waidlinm I ( KIVO known to | o suuh and those \\liri piescnted themselves lor lejristia- ( ion. and is a tntocop ) liom my icgfstiation book of said ilistiiet and \\aul. PoX.VtLLV , ti/t / , Kcy\3\i\f. \ \ ADIHTIOXAIj MST Of Voters First District , Fourth Ward , AjerTU IGlTCati ave Uanleh KKi'i32 ! lodio Ujcrs John M IMIO Datcnport Hurt J F 10th nnd Da\enport Charles J S 1513 D.ixonport Christiansen John Chicago nmlSSU * Ciajton U W J4t : . Da\enport Duncan Uobt 1) 1003 Davenport Donovan M IGlt Dodco DlnsmmeMisOrpha C ITJt Cap ave r.hter C H 2i3 n Kith Fiost Alficd iV,5 ) Dodge Fen wick James 10-M Donajlas 1'oye John 15lh and Dodao ( IrovMS John riilcaio bet 34th and 23th ( tinley 0 II1810 Doduo ( } i a nt John Ciciuhton bloc HallurFLttJInlhth Hurley II L 15th and Dodge Joidan 11 OK ! 4 Dodge Jnckmati K A 1518 Dodge Klrbyll H 1010 Dodijo Logan J W Bl'J n &kl Leo Til 111 ninth Mullen Ulchaid a4V5 Chlcaco MassMnitln 'J.VJ1 D.ivcupoit Mumauch J nsTiOSi Capitol aveutt > Mole II H sll n irth McKaitt K N 1711 Davenport Mayno A F 114 s 17th Men lain H 15th and Capitol ave Neilson Andrew SMtsi D.iveupott Peterson L C S.118 Capitol ave Pearson A C 111 n 17th Pcterton Win Chicago and 23th llostion ( icorge 151'J Dodge Howe A L litn and DndKC. Swanson S I' l th and Capitol ave Salllsbmy W 11 mitli nnd Oodgo Schmidt 0 1J2.I1B Davenpoit Scrlbner Fmnk 15th nnd Dodge Shea John O'iWn 17th Sinallman Heitl024 DougUxs Smith ChasL 'JUS n inth Thompson C D1M13 Capitol ave Watson Joseph 1708 Caiillol ave Wilson J M S 1704 Capitol ave Wangh J S 2. rJ Davenport Wnimli U K 2.54'J Davenport Woi-sliam J U 817 n 17th Whittlng C C.2icj : Davenport Wllkins C F IWl Chicago Wylle ( I H 1013 Capitol ave Yates ( ! eo C HI n 10th 1 hereby certify that this Is a coircct list of additional names of voters of 1st Distiict4th W. J. Mou.s-r. ADDITIONAL IjlST Of Qualillcd Votcr.s in Second Dis trict , First Ward. Hums Edward 172-i s 10th Biddnip Julius l'2tli bet Doicas and Center Boiseii I'lnl 12th but Doicas and Center Hoisen Peter lJth ! but Dorcas and Center Unison P O I'-Mli bet Doicas and Center Hoik FicdlSllls llth IJundnv B alley but Williams and Pierce Boyle Ten enco Bilges bet lltli and I'-Jlli Bnllnid IAV - no cor 18th and Williams Capuuo A W Goodman's lesldanco Cuiiiiiilnsj Win C 180,5 , s 12th Chi istcnscn Jno 148 : ! s Utli Dempsey Michael 111 ! s 10th Dillon lledman UllslOtli Dillon M 1111 s 10th Dillon Jno lllls 10th Dinan Michael 1'Jth bet Pierce and Williams ElsasserJohn alley bet Pacilic and Pierce near 10th Finn/Is James 1011 Pieicc Fleming Jloii.s lOlh near Dorcas l-'oidice James liitli bet Aibor and Viuton ( Soodinan Oscar 10th and Doiuas Oiceley Thomas M 1800 s llth Haley M llth near Vinton HaibeyJ 11 1801) ) s I'-'th Juigeiisen S liith near Pierce Kempt August cor 1-th and Doicas Libumnn Augiisi coi l" tli and Williams Laeey L cor llth and Williams Ludvvick GooiBcSth bc-t Hickory and Charles Ludwick Joipph Sth near Charles MaUa Peter lltli and Paciltc MaekClmiles 11 1113 s Uth Minneek.Iohn l-24 ! " s llth Minoijiio John 1'Jth bet Pacific and Pierce MahonP Hilll Hiekoiy MeKeon Patrick J ISOU s llth Thomas 1112 s 10th sticet O'Nell Kugcne corner llth and Uoicas. Polio Thomas C 1113 s llth .stiect. Phalcps K D 1441 s 10th street Peauson F W 1101 s 'Jth stieet Itiibhlavv AVin No 4 Engine House Hegen Foul 1811 & 12th .stteut Sotumer Paul corner lOtli and Hickory Schabur II lltli near Center. Sewait W H 130 J s llth street Yost Cliailos A llth between Center and Dorcas 1 certify that the above additional list Is a tine copv of tlioio legistuicd up to 12 o'clock in. , A pnl . " . ib o. Hi..vivKuir.Ni'PoiiT ! ; , Kegistiar Second Distiict Flist Ward. ADDITIONAL OrVotcrsln tlio First District or the First Ward. Allen Chas L 510 s 9th st Anderson Chas Scandinavian hotel Almas Alfiil'J Jackson Anderson J Scandinavian hotel Uleber FlitGth but Leavemvoith nnd Marey Bieilint ; Jos " \ fetbievvery Baieid Frank Cnmiiieicial liotel Brenncn Thos Comniuicial hotel Benson Jno Comniuicial hotel Bin low O EOlSs W Collins Jno Commcicial hotel Chiistenscn M Deniuaik hotel Djhluo L Ciltli and Leaven worth street Douoven II KUtli and Lcavenvvoitli Kbonhiick Jno 10th and Leaven worth allov Kiwn WHAtlaniic hotel Fov Jno 1017 Leavcnvvoitli Foley Michael (111 ( s'.Uh Faulner ( jeoigoTtli ami Leavenvvortli Funilan Jne'tli and Leavenwortn Fi leilmaii Joseph 010 s Hth street Glllciple Jack 10th ami Mason ( iiilduur Fied Hth and Leavenvvoitli Guvlor Jas 018 s 12th stu-ct tialnes W A 007 Mtiiroy stieet Cii.ulley ( JeoT 100(5 ( Leavenwoitli Ginhor And 'JKi ' Jaelssoii Hanseii Jno Jones net Oth iiiuKtli lluii'-i.'n Jacob Commeicial hotel Hanseii A P bt-aild liotel Iliini.ihan Miehael 10th nnd Jackson Hinsl'elei 121(1 ( Paeilic llmi'-en Huriman Comniuicial hotel Ihlgeitli Louis bllstith st Jlngeity Thos Commeicial hotel Haek.siill Jno 1017 .s 10th ht Homelins C K 70.1 Lenenv\oith : HllbeitC W < > ! ) h 12th t-t ilones Hairy Mh and Jones .lohaii cn K.iMiins 7th ln > t Jones and Jackson Jolinsen CluiH5th and Leavenwoilli Joliunsen las ! > musTih bet Jones find Jackson Knott Kd Mason but'.itii ' and 10th Krnmes.l XOlOMaicey Lai.son J Jones bet Mil and 7tli Lainit/.enNelsPOHsyth ( Lnison Wdll H 101 h Moren .lames Commeicial hotel Mat ( son August Denmaik liotel Mn'-on D Denmark hotel Mt'Closky Iteiuv Iii'tliand Pacilic McMnnus K Commeieial hotel McMaiius li Commuiuial hotel MeCaithy Tim 1''tli and Leavenwoilli Xllson JV \ Jones bet 7th and Bth Nikolalson Lars No 2 Oth bet Jackson and Jones -Nohlo Jas Denmark note ! Nelson Magnus Jones 7th ami 8th Mlcohtlson Lirs No 1 Oth and Jones NIekerson Frank llth near Jones Pesteiielchor 1011'Jth and Jones PhMaker Ueorge W 12th bet Jackson and Jones Oheirnn Jno 1018 Pacific Peterson Krlck 710 Leavonworth 1'otei.son H (514 ( Marcoy PcteiAon Peter ( V.4 s lltli Pecklnim Win friO Jaekson itcovcsWm Commercial hotel K.Viin Itlchaul Pacllie but 10th and llth ItuynoldslbM 70) ) s lOlh Stone M 501 slOtli Slaveu Owen 012 s llth HL-hmldt Kml W Luavcnwortli and Oth Schvvear Loulb Leavenwoith bet ith and Sth bchelt Andil.'U 10th Smith T W 10 J H 10th Schiuker Henir OO'J Leavenwoith Suhmhlt Thos J 71 ! > Leavenvvuitli Stannis F 0 Commorclal hotel Spitko A Pi514 s Utli Schmidt \Vm5iO \ llth Tiosh UIH St Jaiue- > hotel Thomas F L 12lh b > t Lcavenvvoitli and Jack- sun Vagtlo Ch Oth and Jarkson Wlleox ( Jeorgo D UOl MUSUII \Viiv bilulit Adam Wilt bet Jackson and Joues Welch Thos 019 Jackson Weiinan Jno Dennis house Whlttenmyra Jos lltti near Leavcnworth Omaha. AplilOtb , IbSO. ISA.VO RUIIIN' , lleglstiar. Fi .t distilct Fiisl vv'ard. A Cutter of Louisville , Ky. , holds the chanipionshiu of pulling tlio body up by the liltlc tinker ot ouu hand. lc } did it su Umiu Lii mauuiuiou ii | 1H78. ADDITIONAL Of Voters or Mio Second District I-'ourtli Ward. Bertram ! 0 K 20.TO llnrford ave Burnett Davltl B I.W.I Fnrnnm Brlgits C A ei'-ot St Mary's ave Balch i : K .JU7 Dodu'e Brown James USlftl Harnoy Ccrr J W n o cor Center anil Leavenvvortli Crlcknmro S 1 ! ll'OI Fnrnam Chuk Willis FUHMlainey Clark KS'JIl.1 ! ll-irney Calilll Alex -X.HH bet Knrnam nnd Douglas Coieoran P J s w cor Douglas and 20th Danbatim Lymaii 1511 Fariiam Demarcst Wm F 15D4 llarney Falst Louis northeast corner Georgia avenue and T S ( Irani avenue Fowlei Jl A 150.1 Farnam FlnnC WiJUJ llarney Foster (5II 11HI Douglas Footer J W Ml Dongla" Fuller Cliarles 11 a.Kvf at Mary's avenue Flynn John N 2012 Farnam ( Jeoige C W 4W ) Convent ( laillchs U L 111 s Tvventy.fouith Gratton Mrs Mary i : 2412 Ihuuey Hull H BIW , Fu ; 11:1111 : Htuding W K 1511 F inaiu Hough Geoige2024 llouaul Hodges Fiatik 210s Fifteenth llodxc J B s Claik n St Mary's avenue MeKenna LF 510 I'orestavo Mllioy.I A.W , Plcnsant Mayne L Kcor Leavenwoith and E Orovo Meyer Max sOtli bet Douglas and Uodgo Mojean Louis2011 Iluruev Keweomb llenrv K ni3 s Clark Oir Thomas M 518 Pleasant Pntkei A A 2-IOi ) Dodge Iten.sch A2011 Hainey Sundetland J A 517 Falrvlovv Scott Wlllaid (505 ( s 27th Simpson K F25th bet Douglas and Dodge Sldchill 11 L 15 11 Farnam Kiulloioiici ) ; Thomas 1C40:1 : s 25 Sandeit. Klner cor 30th and Leavcnworth Stevens T K 50,1 Fnlrvlow Van Horn S S nvv cor liitli and Farnam WelnbeiKcr Mouls3714 Fainnm Wass ( } L418 ( Jeoighi ave Welclmns M 2008 Douglas. 1 ceillfy that ihe above names are a true and collect copy ot the iccl.sliallon book of tlic Second distilct of tliu Fouith ward. jAMkS G UAItl'KN'Tnit , Ueglstrar. Additions Und nist. 2nd Ward. Andrew F T Dulawaie bet Poppleton and Ml Pleasant HakerSU 2.117 Ploiec Bollaid H HSIOCollax Bosvvell Thos')418 Johnson Blich Kdwaul M 2211 t'aollie Balkei MaxI S05s20th Bav.s G W 121(1 ( s 2fllh Bull W MWJl Pieice Bacon W S 112,1 ( Jeoigia ave Bui licit L Ds-ir , s21st Coltey Tlios 17th bet Leavonvvoilliand Mason. Casey John 17th nnd Mason Coclnan K II 23Jf5 Mason CiuilcrC Kcor Viigiula and Popplelon ave Chuichlll ASU-MCallieiiiio Claikc W KI218P.uk ave Cl.uUel D Ulil Park AVO Diuiiimond Wm U 1012s 10th Donnelly MiKe Leavenvvortli and 2" > th Fiink Wm C Popplelon bct20lli and 2'd GieL'oiy W O 1517 JaeKson Gil.slinn Win Pioico bet 2lst and 22d Gi.issan Aii usl " .HIi bet Poppultoii and Wood woi tli Gtieer IVtei 'Mill and Williams Giandjian V A L'Oth and St Maiv's ave Gieiselt Koheit I1' 1712 Jncks-ou llnntei Kobeit 1517 Jackson HimJnhann N SSd and i'acific lloiak Ignu/.22l ( and I'.icilic Hyde M D 1120 81st Hjde J it 112081st Jopiin Gco A Catherine near Ml Pleasant Jeskiovvie/ Thorn 21st and Williams Jopiin A M Cathciine neai Mt PUusant Kiug.l T 20f > 0 Poppleton ave Kelluy Waller aiSs ISth Keniston K C ! > 18 Kuclirt King AVm 22d and Poppleton Lewis Fieebom S KJiViSt Maiys ave Loika Joseph20tli and Williams Laniet/.en Emil 1SU2 Pieice Mead C D 150b Leavenvvoitli Me.ulC W lf > 03 Leavenwoilli Mead Win D 1503 Lt > avcuwuitli McColIuin John A 150S Leavenwoith McGraw Jacob 28d and Leavenvvortli McBride.J C3UU Pieico Naifle lsiiloiu'.iO..s ! 2Hth Not berg L P b25 IStli Oveibcek 11 A 2.'id s ot l caveuvvoilli Oveibeck F M 811 s 2.d ! Pai lotto C S 20i' > St Maiy's ave Powell A C 017 - , Kith Qunckeiibo'is I1 W 2-410 Pacific illehaids Win I'onuleton bet 20th and 22d. Itchlnndei Win 72'J s 17th Itichaidson J S Geoigia ave s ol Poppleton Sobseevk Jan 2Jth and Williams Stioiig'K T 25111 Johnson Simater C A bio Phil Slicildan Snessoiibaeh 11 ( ils ( ) ! 17th .Shannon Gee W Pieice bet 22d and 24th Stumg 11 P Sill ft Johnson Spec-lit G K22d ami Leavenvvortli Siiiaha , Io > epii2ilh ( and Lcuvrmvoitli Tanner John M 1517 Jackson Velio O A 1200 b 241 h Vandei vooit Paul MJ ) Park ave WliilMin W 11 2lli ( Poiipletoii ave Woods P. H sw eor 15th and Jones Wilkio J L 1:541 : Gcoigia ave Waveila Fiank 2 tli n ol U P ti.ick JOHN F. DAi.nv. ADDITIONAL ItKCISTUKKD NA3IKS First District Sixth Ward. Adams N L 22d and Miami Adams Mis X K 3.'d and Ml.imi Butteilield C A 22d and Niehols Biti'-eheit 11 A Kl4lSn 20th Biyant William iiSauiulei3 : : : ! ISu-vvprC 11 I'.mil/aul Bolster John 3J15 Cumiiig Collins S A 'till Cumiiiir Cleveland T B 28d and California Diilancv A L' ! 07 Cumuli ; ' Ebenei'F W 2018Cuiuing Fitch Cll 212iiGiace Fitcli K H 212,1 tiuico Foster W B'illS.Sevvaid Fostet W M 2115 Sewiud FInley It A I'.iOU ' C.illloinia Glovci K'WloCiimlng llanis Pilco28d au < l I/aid Hammond W'iOth and Grace HaysC 11 1121 n lUh ! Hays A T 1121 n liitli Hint ou D 12nn20th Hays Thos 1121 n 1'Jtli Joeiten B Twcntv-seeond ( inJ f/ard JoliiiMin Mis J M'-"UU Hint Lewis AlplioiihO'i'ilb Cumin' ; LobecKKG 1010 Chicago Limleimlio J ' .m Noith Kiiieteenth Ludinu'lon II FTvvt-iity-M-eoudand Giaco Millei D X Twentieth and Cass Muinrei Mis P C ' . ' 213 Sewaid Mlinger Miss J A 221J Jsuw.ud Meiinliiger J CTweutj-second nnd Nirholb Motion lluniy Twonty-hceonil ami ClmU Moigail H H713NoitliT\venllCth McDowell C I ) MeDulmolt PJ 2011 Chulc Olnnj F A Plielps Flunk V12I Charles IVckam W II i : 0 N'oitli Twenty-til st IVekam P M 13X : ) XoithTwenty-liiat Iteoid L II 20th and Bint itiekanl A M 1412 n 20th lilchniiUon A 18il Saundei-s SlialnhowcrG WUiUn lOlh Soienson Fled 2.M and I/.aid StaildunG W HO Callloinia Schiller Jo > ci > h Giacttand Sa Schaihiek Itolit 2010 Ciliiiing Shiner F W 100. ) n likl Shruiu LF2214 ChaileH 'J'lllany E L O-'J n 22d WliitalorW020IO ( Ciiming Woo < lvvoith CUidand LaKu Woodwind V Ij2lia Nicholas WulUei Waiter 713 n 20tli Wnllaee D 1410 n IIUU 1 heieby ccrtlly that tlm above names ate acoiiect list of the additional mgistcred names ot Firat dutiict Mvth Wind. CUAS. WII.KIYS , Itecialrar. k , ira R Te bflf When she n a a Clillil , elie cncd far Cutoria , Wbeu cha becaiiift ilu , the cluug to Cu tori , Wb u tbo hid Ubildtco , oUe gi.ro tham UajtorU , To his surpiiso , a Wisconsin minister was dUmisfacd from an orthodox uulpit because ho built a fire under a balky nuin't our girl graduates look lovey ? Yes , indeed ; iney all use PoKOui's ( 'oin- filuxion Povyder. , ] \h \ stork tit lumber is selected with icli-f'-nCP to lirsl-clas.s trade , Friui ) W ( iitAt , UlU and Douglas. WHEAT ON THE DANGER LINE The Uncertainty of the Market Causes Ohi- cage Dealers to light Shy , A STRONG REVIVAL IN CORN. Wlilch Ilrcnkft Bntticwlint In tlio Afternoon Provisions Close Firm A Peculiar Cnttlo Market General llcports. f CHICAGO OUAIX MAKKHT. CIUC-AOO , April r > . [ Special Telegram. | \VIIIAT : Wheat opened this momlng K < J low er than It closed Satuiday , and llio local crowd or loom lindeis began selling tliu mat- krt down from the jump. May fell to TO } < o and.Iuno toSl' o , a sheer descent fioiu Sat- mdayof lYc. Only ono ortvvo small lots were bought at 70 > p , but quite a tpiantlty changed hands at TOXQTO c. Tlio niaikct became stronger , though thu temper of tlio majority of opeintora In tlio jilt eontlnnod bearish. Purchasing was of a charnclor to justify the belief that some very largo HUPS of short wheat were covered , and brokers , who usually represent Oudaliy , were uncom monly nctlve , llrst In breaking thu market- , and thnn In buying. On tlio other hand ollcrlngs from ceitaln quarters were exceed ingly free , and tlio suspicion grow that , though Cudahy might bo "evening up , " other tradeis , of almost as heavy calibre , wore feeling the crowd for a turn on the short side. Thu olllclal report of the clearances ftom Now York amounted to nearly 3,000,000 bushels , and cables were rather better In tone , but the auxllllary domestic markets wore lacking In snap and vigor. They J seemed to hang with oven moio helplessness about the neck of Chicago than usual. Ontsldu orders \veio small , but rather larger than on any day last week. The feeling that wheat \ Is on the danger line prevents a great many \ of the chionlc beais fiom selling , and bulls , who have been caught ho of ten , nro slow to take hold until they see a decided drift their way. May hold up to TflJ c , and tlio market seemed In a very good bhapo when the news came of the suspension of the Duluth branch ol the Milwankuo house of Hooker , Crlttou- dou & Co. , and prices dropped J c , May touching the lowest price of tlio day 7Tc , Considerable uneasiness was felt as to the extent of the lailuie. but when It was leaiucd that the Milwaukee housu was not Involved in thu disaster , the bulls bieathed easier and the nmiket tinned up , closing at 7U > C@TOXo lor May. MINOII CHAINS There was big trading In coin , but the fluctuations weio not wide. Patiidge , Orr , Critteiiden & Comes , I'm- Icy and su\eral other hous.es , supposed to have been shoit a gicat quantity of pioperty , bought largely , and jet the market declined I in the face of their purchases , closing weak at 1 o'clock , % c loner than Salmdny. Spec ulation in corn Is experiencing a revival ap- patently. Oats suffeied a decline of Ic for cash and 5fc for May to-day , and consider able excitement prevailed in the oats ciowd. I'HOVISIONS Provisions exhibited a de cidedly hardening tendency and the closing at 1 o'clock was at the best pilco ot tlio nioinlng session , the market showing up in Pti oils contrast to wheat. Piicos fluctuated in an uncertain iashion until well along In the day , when a quiet buying of all tlio pro duct ol pork , lard and i ibs btaitcd the shorts to cover and they became fice buyers. AniniNooN BoAiti ) Grain 011 the day was not laige , but the inaiket seemed to have suddenly assumed a firmer tone fiomsomo cause not appaient on the surface. Wheat was quiet and steady on the attoinoon boaid , and closed without an appieclablo change liom the prices ruling all o'clock. Corn and oats expuiienccd a bieak , tlio former of j.fe and the latter J c , Piovlslolia weie firm. 2:40 : p. m. Putb on May wheat , 78 c ; calls , CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CIUCAOO , April 5. ( Special Telegram. ] CATTLE The cattle market was in peculiar shape to-day and opinions of dealers varied considerably. The receipts were not much laiger than on last Monday. At any rate , thu run of cattle could not be considered a laige one. Thu supply was ample , however , and the general movement was slow dining liio moi ning. In some cases dealing con- fiideied juices easier , while In olhei.s they considered values stiong. On Hie whole there was no qnotablu change in pi Ices as compared with last Friday. Among tiie offciings were some 1 , 190 pound corn-fed Nebraska steers nt P5 , soiiio little Chuiokco cattle at 31 , some still bulls at S3.-10. A lot of Wjomlng cattle , meal-fed in Nebraska , sold as follows : 10 bulls , 1,0.10 pounds , S3.20 ; 10 bulls , 1,011 pounds , $3.35 ; 51 steers , 1,878 pounds , ? 5. .Shipping stceis , 1,850 , to 1,500 pounds , S1.75H ( ) 5.05 ; 1,200 to 1,850 pounds , S4.30@5,15 ; 'J50 to 1,200 pounds , SJ@-1.80. Iloos Tiailn was active and prices fully ns stiong as at the close ol last week. Tlio best heavy made SUUigi.W , and mixed , H.2" ! left 10 , v\llh odds anil ends nt 54.10(7 ( ? 1. 15. Light foi is bold m § l.Lri ( < l.85 , hugely at $4.JM ) FINANCIAL. Now York , Aplll 0.- -MONEY On call , easy at 1 'M ' ( < * ) i pel cent. Pmmr.Mutc'ANiii.KPA. . percent. Si CHUNK KxciiA.van-Cull but hle.idy ; 54.sr.toi bi\ty ilaja and ! j-l.b7 on demand. Govi.ni.'Mr.N'i s Dull but lit m. I S UK us Stocks rontlniiH dull and featuie- less , them being nndlxposltion to tiaihi iinlil llieio Is a moie hettled condition ot allaiis. At the same time inlet's lallied on small deal' ings. The most active was Lackawanr.a which eaily Hold down 1 per centum ! then rallied to 12iJ. Othei coalhtei'ks WPie veiy ( julet. 'J he iliietuations ot the luiimlndrr ot tlio Ilt.c weie within nmrow langu , GiansroiH wcni ( piiet and Miady , closing unchanged 01 at .small advances , BTOOKS ON WAT.T. STIIIIBT. Sfl cent bonus. . . 101 (0. ( &M. W lf ' ( u.s.yt'A \ . . . . 112Jtf nmfurred. . . MS' ' ; New 4's. . . * 1W6 N. V. C JOI-y I'acificn'fiot ' 0 > . 127 'Oreiion ' Tiall. . . 2JJ < Centnd Pacilic. . . .jI'nclticMall 140 II' . , D. &K luofcfred. . ; . IMi P.l'.O C. , A. itU , Wijf I lock Isl.inn. . . . 120 D. , L.&W 120 | St. L. AS. F. . . . KO D. & It. Q HKi moferred. . . 4T ! ! Kilo. 2S > i.C. , M. .tSt. P. . . " prefeirod . . MI piefeired. . n"t Illinois Central. liWJtf St , P. & O L , B. &W VA\ \ proltirrea. Kansas ifc'lVxas. 27Toxits I'Hclhu. . . LnlieHhore . . . . bO-S , ' IJiiiini I'aclhc. . . L.ACN S'iH W. , St. L. A : P. . Midi. Central. . . . Ql pruliined. . . Hin Me. Pncilio . . . . 10.5K We.stuin Union HiftVf ( Mm them I'.io. . . 2.5 O.K.&N ftVf inefciied , . . W'il * Couiion. 1MIODUOK. Clilon n , Aplil 5 Klonr Dull and uncliaiiKed : winter wheat Hour. S4.40'J ! ; frouthein. gl.O'K' ' .fi.'i ' : Wisconsin. 5 < .vira i.Vi ; Michliran Mitt spiliurvvliuat , S-'LTOM 1.0(1 ( : Mm. iK-soin bakeib * . S8 WJMI.SO ; patents , bl.O.J'8 000 ; low grades , S2.00iti.OO. WheatOpened weak and } c lovvn ; de cIlnedMe , advanced .c. thnn declined J , " * ytciiiled \ ( iiilot and fctoady , and rloiidiu under Hatuid.i ) : 74J4f 77ide tor cash ; 74 ) for Apiil ; W (3f7 ( Hc lor May. Com Quli'l and easier and n shade lovv- cr all aiound : : JiftC' ' < o for cash ; } Wj ; > for Anril ; : i7W sC ( or May. Oats-Lovvei ; 28 ! c tor cash ; Wfo Mr Api 11 : SOoloi May. Kyo-Dnll at BiWftnCc. 'I'lmothj-l'iimc. Sl.B331.b3. l'laseed -Sl.aJQl.Ol WlilsUv81.14. . 1'orKUiiM'Uled and luogula iiilc I VM IHe lovvei , milled 13k ( l.V , and elo > ed t' > adv : SWI lor cash and Apill ; fet . Xa'ft * * inr- - Ma ) Laid Model ately active ; closed MIM t svi > 'O.Ui'i ' tor caMi imd April ; s5.i * 0.1x1 foi Mtvy. Itiul. Mi-aU-Shouldeu , fcXSXS' ; t > iwa Y ,