Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. Mui uA * APRIL 5 , 1886
I.'elltercil tiy carrier In nnj pnrtof the city nt
tnttilj nuts per week.
1MV. TILTO.Y , - . . Manager.
No. 4:1. :
NICHIT Em-roil , Xo. a.
Stnlibs , the hatter.
Now spring Roods at Hi-itor'a.
TJio oily schools reopen to-ilay.
Mikado laces at the Parisian Millinery
.New goods arriving daily nt llarkncsi ,
Hrothers' .
Tliu city council holds its regular meet-
i g to-night.
Miss Li//.io Weilof Chicago , and
Mrs. Lauilerwasser. of this city will bo
foitnil at thu Parisian Millinery store.
C E. White , of Woodbine , has buen ar
rested for -ending obscene postal cards
through the mail. I Us bail was lixod at
? 5X ( ) , and in default lie lies ( n jail.
, , tVV.nnits ' " WCM | I"'VIJ ' "I'on'granted to
\yllliamStako.sand Miss Ruth l.owc of
llouoyClock , James Watkins of Dakota
: nul Cornelia WoMi of Mihotiri. > .
Miss H. A. Nuwinan , of Chicago , has
arrived and now takes entire charge of
the trimming department of II. Fried-
mini's millinery store No. 5W1 Hroadway.
Yesterday afternoon Justice Frainov
ofllciated at tliu marriage of a colored
couple , James Watkins , of Sturgis City ,
Dakota , to Miss Cornelia W\Kh ) , of
Albany , Mo.
Prof. Hioardo gave a slack wire per
formance on Hroadway Saturday for the
benefit of the little Winchester boy , who
lost , both legs by the ears and is in a dos-
titntu condition.
Mr. Thomas Mackland and Miss Emma
C. 1 rice , both of lloomer township , were
married Saturday afternoon at tlie rec
tory of St. Paul's ' church , Kev. Mr. Mao-
key ollieisitiiig.
The new Iron work in the city jail will
lie completed to-day , so that iollo'ws when
drunk can now sleep there without fear
of tumbling out if they .should happen to
roll over against the wall ,
William Cris , a swarthy youth , was
nrrosled batnrday on complaint of Davy
Aranglmn , who claims that the dusky boy
assaulted him. The accused will be
given a hearing to-day.
Fred M. l-anyon has rented the Honnoy
Jiou o at Little hion.v. and will nin the
same. It is ono ot the favorite Iowa
hotels , and under tlie new management
will doubtless continue so.
A union service was hold in the Pres
byterian church last evening in the inter-
onH of tlio Hible cause. The Congroga-
tioniiHslH , Methodists , anil Daiitists
united with the Presbyterians. The Kev.
Mr. Ilooil , agent of the State Bible
frocicty , gave the princiiial address.
W. C. Randall , the skipping insurance
man , has not returned to settle his ac
counts and vindicate his character. Ho
promised to be here by the lirst of the
month. Ho has probably forgotten such
a trilling little matter , for MiroJy he
wouldn't Ho about it.
Fred. E. Whiting , spcoial mustering ,
olhcer of tlio Sons of Veterans , will mus
ter the camp t this phico Wednesday
evening. The same ollicer will organize
a camp at Logan Monday night , and ono
at Sioux City Tuesday night , of this
A row is reported as having occurred
at the county poor honso the other night ,
because ono of the inmates insistodon
walking about during the night , thus dis
turbing the others. In the settlement of
thodiniculty some of the inmates got
bloody scratches , but none were seriously
The chief of police appeared j-eslerday
in his new unilonn , and his men arc bo-
ginning to blossom out. The new force
does not start in with a big parade ,
and a band of music , after the fashion of
the old force , but they seem to bo start
ing hi more for business , if for
/ The project of paving Pearl street is being -
ing agitated , with some show of havinir
the work ordered at an early meeting ot
the council. Pearl street is one of the
uiost important business streets in tlio
city , and as there is much heavy teaming
upon it , the paving should not bo do-
The brother and heirs of the Into Rob
ert Porcivnl have presented to St. Paul's
fhiirch a handsomely carved pulpit as u
memorial. Mr. Pereival took great in
terest in the building of the new church ,
end during his life helped the enterprise
liberally and freely. The memorial gifts
lo the church from difTe.ront donors now
pniouut in value to about $0,000.
Mrs. Oates , wiio was sent from this city
last October to tlio Anumosa penitentiary
for two years for passing counterfeit
juonoy , has given birth to a child there.
This is the second child born inside tlio
walls of that penitentiary. It was goner-
idly believed that Mix. Gales' husband
was engaged in counterfeiting , but she
Would not give up any ovidouco against
him , preferring to bear her punishment
nlouo and in silence.
They am getting matters down fine in
Sidney. The latest thing down are tlio
curtains and blinds of the billiard halls ,
the city marshal having ordered that they
pull down the blinds so that anyone pass
ing along the. street could fen who was
intsicln , and whether tliuro was any viola
tion of the prohlbitisii law. There is no
use foe a Sidney limn to loll his wife ho is
going to the loitgo. She is liable to pasa
iiloug the street and see for horsclf.
The saloon injunction cases are to bo
heard before Judge Connor in Dcnieon
jio.xt Saturday , various predictions arc
taado as to what I ho result will bo. Jloth
bides seem coulident , lliu saloon men be
ing sum that their -ippcal to the United
Slates courts will cause n delay of two
years or more , and the prohibitionists
uoing equally sure that Jud < ; o Connor
will pay no attention to the case as pcml-
* ing in tlio United States courts , hut will
proceed with the hearing of the cusos
pending in his court.
The young follow named Doll who wa *
niTostod here the nlluir day on suspicion
of being a eonlidenco man hns boon re
leased , It soonis that was u big
mistake about it , n piece of white court
plaster on Ids face answering the doscrip-
tie of u mark on tlio face of H fellow
who was wanted hero. Hell was all
broken up ever his arrest , ami cried him-
fculf to sleep the first night in the coll. It
was rather hard on him , but the ollicors
hud good reason to think ho was vaulted.
The X V 7. club , composed of young
Indies of the Congregational church , hud
a surprise for the c.huroh attendants yes
terday. Tlio club during the week had
eiiihious made ami placed in every pew.
und the gift to the church was announced
f in an appropriate note to the pustor. In
acknowledging the same the pastor ex
pressed the thanks of the church and
I fongrogation , and remarked that ho
considered it somewhat of n por&onal
I favor , for it wns hard io sit and listen to
Hi & drv soil of n Bormon , but with this au-
ditlonnl comfort for the congregation ho
might bo able to extend Ids s rmons a
lituo. With the kind of sermons which
Mr. Crofts has been giving since ho took
this imbtoruto , there is little need for
cushions on Iho score of dull preaching ,
> ' > bui the additional comfort atlorded the
f hearers will be fully appreciated , and
I / with good cushions to accompany the
good kermmis there will bo n natural in-
Iho number of attendants.
Against Socialism and Communism , But
Favoring Rightful Redress of Wrong.
I'rcpnrlnjr For the hnml ficnstio ? Icol-
Inji Here Saloons Closrtl on
SiiiKlay , Ititt Still .MctiCct
Driinlc Iiocnl Nutut.
The Soclnl Crisis
Vclet lny niorniii Hev , ( t.W.Crofts , of
Iho Consjrt'gtitionnl church , tircaclii'tl tin
intt'ftistiii surinnn on "Tlio Souinl
Crisis. " Hu chose as his to\t 1'nill's
words to tht ! HOIIUIII ? , "ForVP know that
tlio whole oruatlon grotiiipth anil tru-
vailiitli in pain logulhur tintil now. " lie
opciii'il iiictiirins tlio world as onu of
.strnjj lps nnil trouble , pain and trials.
Tin ; only puaco there had been was the
mere lull In the storm , a nwri1 K' '
.snnlij'ht , to be soon followed by
clouds , anil the renewing of the storm.
Christ had reeo ni/wl this fact , and look
ing into tlie t'uttiie saw it in the years to
conic. Il M'l'inrd that man inttvt
be purified by lire . That development
came Irom simple and trial
seemed to bo the law of till a ; os , anil
there was no pro-iped for any permanent
peace until a new heaven and ti new
earth should come. There could be no
such peace until till men governed their
lives by the principles of the gospel , and
ever\ man treated his Iclhnvinan as a
brother , doiiiL : by him as he would bo
done by. This principle should not
cause worry and doubt. Tliu assurance
was given that all would be well by and
by. Now there was imiL'h agitation in
society over this labor question. It was
an old ipicMinn , and onu which could
easily hu settled if men were disposed to
follow the gospel rule , the golden rule ,
and follow the principles of Christianity.
The underlying cause of all the.-e
trouble. was , however , lliu .sellislmess of
man. This was what led to wrong acts ,
onetouard another. Until Ibis.supremo was rooted up there would
never be a complete doing < iway with
tlieso dillieultte . The speaker declared
that lie was not a pessimist but rather an
optimist He did not want to be clashed as
an alarmist. _ Wliile the present .situation
was serious , it was not .such as to shake
the iriiit of tlioic who believe that ( iod
rules and that all will be well. It was
serious enough , however , to command
the attention and thought of all calm ,
thinking cilixens. Tlici should study
the matter \\cll to see wherein the reme
dies lie anil what can bo done to hasten
the peaceful solution of such perplexing
problems The question of the neli and
tlie poor , labor and capital , emplover
and emploved , was a very old one. He
then hurriedly reviewed the oppression
of tlio working classes in the om country ,
lie quoted two of Burns' poems as
descriptive of the feeling of those who
liad been ground down , and who saw no
relief in the future. One was "Man Horn
to Mourn. " Tin ; other was a little verse
written on the back of a bank bill. The
saduessof tliu lirst , and the bitterness of
tlie second , described the two classes of
feelings. Some felt the forlorn de&pair
pictured in the lirst , but more felt tlie
hatred and bitterness of the second.
Socialism and communism had arisen
across the waters. It was thought that
this would never reach here , a land full
of freedom , where labor had such
chances , and was relieved of much ot tlie
oppression mnvKSns it ? eonfltir > " r.ioro.
But here socialism had appeared , and
hail gained a greater strength than it
had been thought possible , lie outlined
the theories and teachings of socialism
and _ communism , and pictured their
perniciousness. Of labor organizations
there was much to bo said in their
favor , lie was glad there was Mich
a man as Fowdcrly. lie believed that if
there were more i'o\vderlies ami less
powder it would be far better for all.
While labor .should do all in its power ,
legitimately , to better its condition , it
should bear in mind that destruction
never brought production. Jf a cow
gave only three quarts of milk a day. the
quantity could not be increased by killing
tlie cow. Care should be taken not to
destroy what benelits there wore in the
hope of gutting greater ones. That was
the wrong way to bring about a better
state ot allairs.
There were certain principles which
could not bo ignored. Industry and
economy brought wealth. Indolence and
wastefulness brought jiovorty. While
there were some exceptions , or instances
where these principles did not seem to bo
in force , still there was not netting away
from the natural tendencies of these two
opposite * of conduct. He cited an illus
tration of six men at work in a .shop ,
with equal advantages anil equal pros
pects , One by attention to business , by
economy , by self-denial , soon began to
gain on the live who were shiftless ,
wasteful and.self-indulgent. In time tlie
one had gained a homo of his own. had a
bettor position and hail prospered more
and more. The other live standing idly
on a street corner , seeing him ride bv
with his family , happy , well clothed anil
prosperous , became indignant , and ad
journing to a neighboring saloon passed
resolutions that there was au irrepressi
ble conlliet between labor and capital.
The .speaker warned his hearers against
such a course , lie sympathized deeply
with all the legitimate eflorts of labor to
better its condition , and prayed that the
time might come speedily when justice
should rule in the hind , and when man
should cease to tyrannize over man.
Countnrs , shc-lves , show cases , chande
liers and all other More fixtures tor
sale at R. DowlingV.
Money lo loan by Forrest Smith.
For first class Missouri wood call on
at his coal oHico , ' 'Ol'oarl street.
Sub. ' tan tial abstracts of titles ami real
estate loans. J. W. & K. It , Squire. 101
Pearl street , Council IHulls.
A line line of now opera glares , and
the latest pattern 'Jolotlorio barometers ,
besides all the now and loading novelties
in jewelry , diamonds , etc. , at C , U ,
Jacqticrmm & ( Jo'ti , No , 0 ? Main st.
AVantfl lo Hunt ; .
Slill Bates , formerly of this city , who
now lies in jail at Hielimonil.liid. , for the
murder of his wife , has written to some
of his fnemls in this city , .freely confess
ing the orimo. In fact tlioro seems no way
for him to make any plausible denial , He
writes that after cutting her throat with
his pocket knife , ho went into another
room to cut Ids own throat , but weakened
and went to jail , and gave himself up. It
seems strange that some of those fellows
who are so r < * inly to kill their wives nnd
then kill themselves , do not kill them
selves first , and thus avoid the possibility
of their clmug/wg / their inintU as Bates
did. ila writes further that the news
spread rapidly , and then the crowd gath
ered to l.vnch him , but that they did not
have grit enough. "Tho shonlV , " he
writes , "then took me to the dojiot and
chained mo to u seat. The crowd again
gathered and threatened to lynch me. The
sheiitVis u little follow , but ho is all grit.
Ho got upon a chair and told the crowd
they would have to kill him before they
could get me Hu brought me hero to
Hlehinond and put mo in the county jail.
1 am willing to die fur what I have done.
My trial comes ulV the lirst week in May ,
and 1 will probably yet prison for life or
thucalqws 1 have notdrank anything
since I left Council mufl's. ; 1'cll all of the
boy * to quit drinking or they will come to
the saint ) bad end. " Hates says he is
willing to suffer the penalty , but it soeim
that ho is getting him < elf In shape * o that
his attorneys can make a claim of in *
Wo Are With You !
The only Chicago & Northwestern
tieketollieo has removed to No.-421 Hroad
way ( Wabash ollleel and tickets are thorn
sold to Chicago and till principal points
cast. JC. . MUCH EM. ,
. Ticket Agent.
TinIrlsli Niitlonal Ijc
The IrMi National League lield u mooting -
ing yesterday afternoon to make pre
liminary arruiKcments for the annual
meeting of the state Icagno which is to
meet hero on the 211th. Tills patlu-rlng
will be one of the moM. important ever
hold in lonncil Hind's , and will bring
hero representative moil from till parts of
the state , and several prominent men
from elsewhere. His cvneetcd that there
will be MO delegates hero. lion. Patrick
Kgan , president of tlic National lunguo ,
is expecied to be among the speakers.
Addresses are expected also from M. V.
( itinnon of Davenport , M King of Dos
Aloines , and others. The M'hsion will
oeeiipy two da > s at least. The local
organisation at its mee.ling yesteiday a- ) )
liomted a general committee of arrange
ments , said committee to meet Wednes
day night at Hev. Father MeMenoin.y's
residence to appoint sub-committee ! ) and
iimKu other preliminary arrangements.
The general committee isas followsHev. .
B. P. MfMuiiomv , Hev. U. Heal. } , .lohn
Short. H. T. Connor. J. .1. Shea , ( ) . 1' .
WieUliam , M. , J. O'Donnell ' , Win Mu-
loney. ,1 S. H. Cogg > hall , , f. J. I'rainev ,
W. 11'atlon , M. O. Uoyle. .lohn Million ,
,1. J Fil/gurald , 1'atriek O'Uonrke , Oo.
Hughes , E. A. Wiekham , V. A. ( Juanella ,
Win. Fil/gerald , Michael Seanlan , . I. II.
Kcatlcv. Jn . Wiekliam , Martin Hughes ,
J. Sullivan.
- o -
China mattings and oil cloths , also
Napier and Coc-o matting , at K. Dow-
ling's. _ _
All the latest novelties at the Parisian
Sunday Drunks.
Yesterday was the third Sunday on
which the saloons were supposed to be
clo ud. The now order of the .present
mayor to bo pretty generally ob
served , the saloons being kept shut , and
better order being preserved than for
many montns. Still there seems to be
ways by which the thirsty can get drinks ,
just how is a mystery. Yesterday two
farmers , giving their names as O. H.
Hallard and G. II. Kclle.y , wore found on
Broadway in a beastly state of intoxiea
lion. They were placed behind the bars-
One was too drunk to talk and the other
was too drunk to keep from talking.
About an hour after they had been locked
up it was discovered that one of them had
a bottle of whisky in his cell , and had still
two or three lights , one wife-beating and
a half do/on leers left in the bottle. How
this escaped the attention of the oflicers
when they s"irehcd : him is not known ,
but it is thought that he had hidden ( he
bottle in his boot leg when run in. The
two had about $ . )0 each in money , so that
they will be easily able to settle their bills
this morning. _
Dr MeLeoil , oculist and nnrist , No.
003 Broadway , Council lUull's.
Some very choice remnants of body
Brussels at K li > winop'.s. |
Choosing Delegates.
The regular monthly meeting of Bind'
City Typographical Union No. SOU took
place yesterday afternoon. J. H. Dc'tt-
rich was elected as a delegate to the Inter
national Union , to be held in Pitlobnrg
in Juno next , and W. B. Fisher was
elected for the purpose of attending the
meeting at Leavenworth on the IDtli in
stant , which is to organize- further the
interest ol the printers in the Missouri
Best coal and wood in the city at Glea-
son's ' , 20 Pearl street.
T. J. Evans has returned from
B. Silloway of Cedar Hapids is in the
city looking after his interests in the
Miss II. A. Newman of Chicago has
taken charge of II. Friedman's trimming
A.V. . Coin-son , an ' 'Angel of Com
merce. " according to Sain Jones , loft
last evening on the Sioux City route for
the north.
E. E. llarkness has returned from his
eastern trip , where he has been making
selections of new goods for the linn of
which he is a member.
William Anderson , the aged father of
Major A. H. Anderson , is lying in a
helpless condition at his home in Sid
ney , his trouble being paralysis.
A. II. Mayne , who was formerly in the
coal business here , as the senior member
of tint lirm of Mavno & Palmer , arrived
here Saturday , with his family , and will
hereafter bo associated with his brother ,
C. E. Mayne. in the real estate business
in Omaha. Mr. Mayno , since leaving
Omaha , has for two years been train
dispatcher in Montana.
\V. F. Patton , having passed his ex
amination and shown uj ) an excellent
lecord durinjr his probationary period ,
has received his permanent appointment
as a railway postal elerk. Mr. Patton
has lived here since boyhood , and his
many friends rejoice at his success , and
the recognition of his merits , That ho
succeeded in running the trying gauntlet
of preliminary tests is no surprise to his
friends , for he has not only the necessary
ability , hut he lias applied himself fuith-
fully to the business in hand. It is safe
to predict that ho will not allow the re
ceipt of a permanent appointment to
cause him to loose his grip , ijtit that he
will apply hiniH-lf more closely than over ,
and will become more and more valuable
to the mail service.
A move is on foot for the newspaper
men of the western part of Iowa to or
ganize. It has been suggested that the
nroliminary meeting bo held at Hod O.ik.
The Fremont County Herald makes the
very sensible proposal that the mooting
for organization bo held in Council
Binds , this city being centrally located
for all lines of railway. It makes the
further suggestion that the organization
bo not for tliu purpose of getting some
railway to give the newspaper men some
free ride somewhere , but that it bo for an
interchange of suggestions and expe
riences helpful to all , and for organisa
tion for business , ami not for mere fun.
Next Thursday evening the members
and friends ot the. Congregational church
will have a sociable at the residence of
E , E. llarkness , on Wfllow avonuo. The
entertainment will bo by Mrs , N , W.
Shcnard , Mrs. A. W. Cowles , and Mrs. E.
E , Harknehs.
Miss 11 , A , Newman , a well Known
Chicago trimmer , has taken charge of
the trimming department. Parties de
sirous of obtaining the latest eastern
styles should leave orders early. II. Fried-
IIOUSEKEF.PKHS that fail to acquaint
themselves with the value of JAMES
1'YLE'S I'EAKLINE in the kitchen and
laundry deprive themselves of the most
convenient and useful article of thy ago
IMirHclnni niBcontlnnlna It *
( From th Paff lo , X. T. New * . )
Experlonc has shown that cod lire ?
oil lins no nutritive power , ( Mid , besides
this negative character , the accumulation
of fully mnltcr which tollowi Its me.
dcrnuges th.e aluiientaty.cAnnl. JAny klml
of oil is trjinu to tjio ifojtaAcft , Vep Wieo
the 6 } stem Is In a tienltliy cofidltlon , nm\
how much more must It be when ( Tie di
gestive organs ure weak , and n're dosed
with something of the in.ost nnpnlnUibla
character. The quantity of cod liver
oil which Is ordered to bo tnkcn dally ,
Is nlwnys In cx6ess of the capacity for
digestion and absorption , nncl Injurious
results naturally follow. In fact wo
would hear of more cases In which scrloui
harm has been caused by cod liver oil
were It not that In order to owallow It , the
pntlent mixes It with whiskey , and the
alcohol thus taken neutralizes Hie evil
ilonc by Uic oil. It Is a fact Intil down by
all chemhts and scientists that nothing
will restore a ell ordered system or pro
mote digestion , which has been Impaired ,
quicker or more effectively than alcohol ,
and as this li what medical men aim at
In their treatment of the nick , It follows
that they are now largely prescribing
simply nptiro whisky and discontinuing
the nso ot coil ll\or oil entirely. Nona
of these so-called cod liver oils pictouil
to Imto inoro than 50 percent. , and some
of them only SO per cent , of purcoll. Some
of It Is Slunk Oil , which bus beeu found
to have no medicinal effects , In tact , It Is
found worse than the cod liver oil. Two
ounces of alcohol contains more nutri
ment than Is foiml In twelve ounces of
loan meat , bfsliles It U tlio onlv medicinal
article Unit i-ntcr. the blood direct , without -
out any dlnostlve effort on tin * part of the
Biomacli , while cotl liver oil Is ao Unit-
gestlble as to necessitate the Imployiucnt )
of other agents to alii Its nsslinuliuton ,
and , ns a consequence , leaves the tttomach ,
which ot a consumptive p.iMcnt Is always
weak , In a weaker condition than ever.
As .stated , whiskey Is now the recognized
ticatmeut for consumption , but let
the patients bo careful to see that
the whiskey they use is al solutcly pure
anil free from fusel oil , and mnilo from
Malt , such as Duffy's pure malt whiskey ,
which l.ittpr Is the only whiskey that
lombincaii fcort quality \\Ith r stlmul.nnU
Circumstances beyond our control
have delayed the elosinar out of our entire -
tire stock us we had purposed.
Tlio approaching season of spvinsr
trade finds us with a goodly stock of
Dry Goods ami Ciivpetn , some lines de
pleted but cleared of undesirable goods.
in the dry goods business AVC
know of no better place to continue the
same than in Council Bluffs. We shnll
therefore ro-stoek every department
with new and seusoiuibh ; goods. Our
3Ir. E. E. Harkucss. is now making pur
chases in eastern markets , anil we shall
soon have u '
To offer our customers. Our carpet de
partment will be complete with the new
patterns of
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain goods
froimlomestic and foreign markets.
We have already on our tables the
choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham
burg embroideries ever offered in the
city , anc an excellent assortment of
white goods to which we shall make
frequent additions.
We thank our many patrons for their
favors and good will in the past , and
we shall endeavor to merit the same in
the future , by attention to their inter
ests , a ml by good goods ami we invite
all to call ami examine our now pur
chases before buying in other markets.
Harkness Bros
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
At Homer's ,
No. 23 Main Street. C < jim < ! il IJIuffs. la
China , Glassware und'Lamps ,
W. S. Homer &d > . ,
No , 23 , Main St. , Conned Hind's , la.
The Highest Market Price
For all kinds of second baud household
goods and stores.
6O8 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Agricultural Implements , Busies ,
CnrrltiKos , Kto , itc. : JToimell UlntU , town.
Corn Shelley Stalk Cutters ,
Disc Harrows , Scoler , Corn Plimter.a , 1'ooJ Cut-
U'is.lHc. Factor ) , Hack Fall ? , IIU.
No . iroi , 1WI , 1.YM , 1507 Mnln St. , Council muffs.
Mnnuf'rs tin 1 .lobbnrs o"
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Bugghs ,
. , . and all klnJ < of Pnrm J-
1100 to lll'l ' South Main Street , Council
I own.
K.O. Ut.timON , T. M.lhtmi.V , ( iKO.r. WltllltlT.
l'iTS..vrrca . V.-lre AM in. Soa.VCounsol.
Council BluTs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporateil. !
Manufacturer * or.\tlo , Pick , Slo Ipo and Sin ill
lla-i HIM , of I'vpry ilc < pilptton.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shad33 ,
Oil Cloths , fin tiln I'lxfircs , I'liholstery Oool ,
Ktc.'a 4T llro.i Iway Council HliilT < ,
( /j.u.vs' / ( , > , KTC.
Wholosnlp Jolitiors In thu
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Noa. SS Main and W I'c.itlSH , Council llltilT.i ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
Xo. 14 IV.irl Pt , Council llnir ) < .
Mlltlllf.lCtllfOM Ol'
Fine Crackers , Biscuits ail Caiu ,
aiiit'i. .
Importers fiJobbars of Crociery.GIasswaro .
Lamps , Fiuil .Inn , Cutlery , Slont-wnru , Hnr
Goods Fi'.ncy Goods. itu. ; Counull
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Fuiiilrlos , KtJ. N'o. - - Main rit , nnil
No. 1 I'o.ul St. , Council Hluira.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
laiporters and Jobbers of Dry Goods ,
Notions.rtc. No112and 114 Miilu St. , No * . Ill
and 11" ) 1'cail Kt .Council lllutrj. loun.
O. W. 1UITTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Gcncr.xl Coiiiini'-s'oii. No. 512 Xliondnrny.
< : t ninrr .
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. Ifi und li ! I'cnil St. , Council Hlutr- .
Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 117 , 113 and 121 , Mnln St. , Council HUiff * .
L. KIKSCUl' & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Uijiior Dealers. No. 410 Rroud-
wai.CoiincIl muffs.
] > . ( \ UK VOI
Hardware , Tinv/are / , Gasoline Stoves ,
. etc. Nos. 5)1 llroa Iwny , and 10
.Mr.ln sticct. Connc'il l
Jlann'octiircisofnnd Whulosiilo Do'ilors in
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 625 Main St. . Council lllulla , Iowa.
HATS , GAl'S. KT < \
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. : ) I2 and . ' 1U Hroadway , Council Illuirs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council IMiitTB , Iowa.
D. JI. MoDANELD & CO , ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TallowWool , I'ultR.Ciua uand Furs Council
IllnlTM , Iowa.
Wholcsulo Dealrrs lu
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , G
BTO. , E3TO.
S. ThcodoroAf ( ( > nt , Coiinoll Itluffd. Iowa.
LUMUUK , 1'lUXa , KTC.
Hard Wood , Southerj Lumber , Piling ,
And lirldirn Mntoilal SitoolaltlcB.WIioli'MilB r uin-
her ol all Kinils. Otlluo No. 130 Mulu St. ,
Council lllntTB. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent for St. C.ollhBin's Hurli Hitters No. 13
Main St. Council Itlillls ,
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Ko ( M > Main St. , ( utiiicd lllufft.
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Kxprees Company.
Farm at a Bargain.
Well Improved farm of tor aciffl tor sale ;
)4 ) miles fiotn Council Uliitls. Artrtie > i >
Hrlck ti.ilUlln ? nnv Ulnrt rnt oi1 or innvril find satisfaction RUnrniitepd. I'm > kouics moTri
onUtlloOliiat truck-tli bejt In tin ) wnrH.
80S Eighth Aveuua aul Eighth Street , Council Bluffs.
erchant Tailor
All latest spiing novelties cut and made in
best possible manner. 226 Broadway , Council
NOTIOi : . Smcl | < U mlvcrlUetnnit' , sin'i in
Lost.Foua I , To ti3 la , ToS it ? , To 111 it , W.\ *
HonrdliiB'iOto. , irlll lie InaortoJ In llili column i'
thclow rixto of TKX CUMP3 PEIt UN 15 for t'l ' )
nrstlnsorllon nJ WVK CU.Vt'3 t'KIt UNIJ To
enoh subjoiuont Inorllon. Lon-u nlvjrllo
mciitsiU our oIUoo , No. li 1'o.irl sti-oct , IIDI. '
Hroadway , Council IHiltrs.
SAl.i : ClltAl'-riMiiics : Inr randy ninl
FOR coutilor , lioil-elioM , ( te. No. I1)- "
Itiouiln'.iy , nt'iif Nortli\\uiloi'ii < 1 ' \ \ ot.
TTTOlt BAUj I'lipup. A new | icaiiiit loiibler
JAn ler-iiu , Kilnwcl .V ( uVnluilt , limn.
\ \ * ANTPIA iclntlile limn of ituoJ H Micss
to till o uhtiiKO ol IniiiliR1 - . ( Soiiil pnv
Call on Col. W. W. \ \ oed , llojliltlo hotel. Imtiu-
Ulutolj- .
FOK SALU Old tinpuK. In qitantitlebto suit ,
ut lloo otlicc , No. It ! IVail Mroet
"ITlOlt IM'N'T 1'ivo loom cell ist1. liiilliont ( |
J-1 1JO rouitli htiect , or ( it .MuMleUen , : IIO
1'lntncr ctioi't.
SW'AX \VALiCiit. : . No. ili .Maintioot ,
( ntiik'r t'ltl/cn's II ink' ' , esi it" an i HIT-
chaiiili-ncM.'li.invrulii'oki'i'-i. Our lionU-4 am Lull
Ot KPUlul ] lllllKilltl i I'llt ' It U llll | > ' ) -.sllllu to | l't | )
ll-h n lolinlilti .I- ) 1 1 oni tliultuit of h < > in my il.i ly
clianvci" What wu ns' ' h : It } oiiiinl lo - < , > i |
orlnulo uii.vthliijr In our line , unto us ( tint wo
illsonil joif n iillo of liurvaln * lo solout r > in.
Laiiits IniproviMl or imlmproro.l , city ni loun
property. Mocks of ijoocls ot any MiH in any
pliii'o. it sni'lijo'i luunor Midi you HMIII ii't us
lioiirfrntn > < iu. Swan .V Wulki-r t o'inoll lllnir j
rvoTK'K or mssoi.i'Tiojf.
BV niutiiiil " 'ii'-oiit tliu co | ailni'islilp lioic-
Inline cxl-tiiiy1 uniliT tin- Mini tiaim ol
O.lell & lliiy Nthiiliu ili Milvcd , tin o.-on unit
cqullnlilo illvl-ioii InixJiiirliei'i ) tii.iileiil the nc-
counts iui'J biHiiics-i ol Hie old Hi in. U. II.
Udull i-iiccPcUs to out ! halt UIPIIMI ! ninl I' . J.
Day ono-linir. 15. II. Oimi.i. ,
1.1. . 1)\V. )
I lm\o n qiinntity of founil , cll cloancil seed
wliluli t otlornt ii'iitoiinbln llifiiK a. Soail of tliu
crop of 188i. ( 'oiif-poiiilosico i-ollflti-d. 1' . O.
UtJTLril , Schiilli-r , Iowa. C. & N. W. Ky.
Strictly Pure lead , line and Oil
Am Inil ii" lopioaontpd , lioo fioin aditltoia-
tlon.iind tlio veiy lict innniiliictuivd , a I .let
tint can liu snhitantiutcd by actual compari
sons for sale by
"EfTC'TT f * V
ST1T . ILJCaiJ ! Jj ,
Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etr.
5O7 Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Railway Time Table ,
The following is the time ot arrival and
departure of trains hy central standard tlmo , at
the local depots. Trains leave triuiilcrdopot ton
iiilntites earlier and arrive ton minutes Inter :
"K1 > A"T-UIIOAOO * KOI | . .
0:2. : A. IJ . .Mail and Impress 0:50p. : u.
j ° ,40r M. Accommodation 4fiOi : . v.
U.Ol'.M Kxpross aiO'iA.M.
CM 1C Mil ) & HOCK 1SHM ) .
8:21 : A. M Mall and Expropa fl.10p. : v.
7'IjA.M AecoininoUation fiilli' . M.
' , M Kxpress UiOSA. M.
B-'JOA. M Mall and I'.xpross ( Ij.'iOi1.i. .
OjLUl'.M Kxpii'ss 'JUJA. : M.
CHICAGO. nuiu.iNoio.v st vtn.vov.
0:40A. : M Mall and KxprosH ii : . * > Qp.
ti:5oi'.M : Exjircns 'Jlij ;
2lfip. : il.Local ht. l.ouls Kxpross Local
yUOP. : M.TramtorSt. l.ouls Kt. Tnin lor.i.fO : : i > . M
10:10A. : M . . . . Mail and lixpioss fiifl : : p. M.
UUOi : > . M Kxpruhg UI JA. M.
hlOUXOl'IV .
7:1.1 : A. M . . .Sioiu City Mall SM : p. M.
0'JUl' : . il . . . . Ht. 1'aul Kxpross 8 : i A. x.
10:35A.M. : . . . Dn'ivi'lKxiiru1 . . .fi'.t'i I' , .
M..L.intolnrap : . , Om. & It. V.-:05 : f. M.
7Kr. : ) M Oveilund Krniess :
LcixveCouncil lllutTa7:05 : 8U : > 9HO : 10T : )
llao : u , m. ; : : : : : : ) 5J5-nii- : ;
8:15-11:15 : : p. ni. SniiilayD7:03 : : : ! II tina. .
m ; S'M ; tM D--UU : : : ) j 1:43p. : in , I.oavoOma
hu-6ltt-7'IO-8:50-10:00-ll:0)a : : : : : ) , in 1:00-2:1)1- : : )
U:00 : 1:00 : fiX : ( ) : CMS iiri ; lliu : p. in. Sundiiyn
: ' 50s.4 iiUOa. : m. : ' : OJ'JW : 5OJ-- ; ! : > in.
Council Bluffs Bus
Carriage Transfer Co.
I.invls Jic Ariul , J'rops.
I'ajsoiiKers aiKl liagtsnso taken to nnd from
all tiulns. Hti8' > eB > caniiiKcs a id | WKVI < K wmr-
ons niaUocoiiUL'CtloiH with nil ti.ilns I'lompt
attention ( 'iven to all tails. lates to
theiitiical tioupos und comniorelal mun.
iliiKHH run dny and nlKlit. Ullle'j at O dcn
Ilonso. Telcplmno I'M. Also at Ileclitelu b
Hotel Loavfoidcrbon 'holatfs.
No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp , Postoffice ,
337 Broadway , Council Blairs , Iowa.
iuos.omcEit W.H. u
Practices In Stata and Court ) .
llooms 7 amis , Sinu.irt Uluolc.
Horses and Mules
Fr.i all purposes In ) iplil .mil told , at toallnid
111 klip. I.S1IBO qUlllltlltl'S to cl'ttioill.
Gth Siro't , Near P , cific Ibuse , Council Bluffs ,
B. BIOE , M. D.
rjINnRnO or otbt-r tutnirs roinorod wlihont
V/ftllODUJ ( io knlto or drawlnvr ot l > lo'J. )
CHRONIC DISEASES or a kin.i. . .peci itr.
Over tliiity vous * urict oil nxpor
No. 111'oin 1 * ti uot. Conn1 tl IliaTs. :
Km- :
A.C.UfllMliM. I'li-i. Jj.W. Tn.r.tJVci , Vlco-1'ios.
.1.VU.S N. Hiow.Ci liior.
Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital 250,000
Stocuholdors Represent 1,000,000
Do Konci Hi liimkinabusings. .
Accounts of tuuks. tiiuil.cra , niorciliunn , man-
utnctiircrsnnd Indivliluiits roooivtnl on fu\urn-
bio Icinib.
Domestic. unJ foroljn c.vclKin o.
The xor ) bosl of attention given lo nil bti3l
lad to our euro.
JIoisci nnil Mules kept constantly on luuul ,
for sale at iclail or In cur lend .
Oulcrs pro iml 11 v by contiaet uiibhoit
notice. Stock Fold 1111 eo'iiiulmlon.
SHI.I'TP.U Jt 11OI.UV , I'roprlctois , .
Stable Coiner Tilth Aveuno and Fourth St
Couneil lllnlfB loivii.
Bugs , Mattings ,
Window Shacles.Eto
Wliolesalo and Kctuil.
Sjiritig ; 11IIIG Our stock is now coin-
ploto unil eontuiiiH the newest ilosl ny
anil e.oloriin'H in all fjradeH of Carpel" ,
Ciii'lains , IltufS , Uplinlslery ( foods , etc.
POPULAR J'HICKS-Muil orders at
tended to prompt1 } ' . Fine Upholstery
Work to order.
4ort Jiroatlwuj' .
MnnufHclurersof all sl/.o3of
Automatic Engines
Kfppclally 7)oslarneil for Kiiuninir
Tubular and Locomotive 1'oilor.s.
Carey and "NVoodbury Ilorso Powcra ,
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branoli Ilotiso
510 Pearl rit. , Council HI nils.
SEND FOK 1888 AiaiUAL.
Looking Bracket fsr Fences
ANH oninu HAII.S.tuui. \ . iru. :
An > pint until ) iHl.ou O'il or lOplHcoil. 1'or
picket or i all fonctis.liuii 01 wou J.uuiinol bo ex-
nillul for railing f any HJII l'o , > lurliculurd
\viltu * - ' J. lll.CiniA.N. Invontor.
Counuil HhiJ'j.
PaitutinJ ( fjuutj -tititui u\o. \
lu Council IllulTii Imvln ?
Fire HJsoa pe
Audnll moueru Improvvmouta , call bufa , tlr *
ftlarui UelU.cla. Is the
Noi. i\'jt \ ? 1 ! nu4 19 , Miln Strout ,
MAX MullN , riojiriatci