Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1886, Image 1

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The Eailroad Strikers and Local Officials
Meet , With Fatal "Results ,
tiar c Hodlcs of Troops Hasten to the
Secne The Oily Under Martini
Ijnvv The Traltin Moved
AVItli Armed GunrdH.
A Fearful Conlllot.
Four Wourii , Apill.'l. At 10 o'clock his
morning fifteen hundred people assembled n
tlio Missouri Pnclfloyaids to see the sherlll
send out a lialn , which ho said last night 1m
would do or dli ! in the attempt. At 11 o'clock
an engine with twenty armed deputies
backed Into the ynid to take out a train of
twenty cats. When ieady the tiain pulled
out for the south and leaeheii the Xew
Orleans crossing , two miles south of tlio city.
The suggestive quiet that maiked the passage
of the freight ( tain thiotmh tlie city was not
without its seiiuel. When the lialn left tlio
depot It was muter thu diiection of olllcers
commanded by , Ilm Couitiight. The tiain
proceeded to the crossing of the Toil Woith
it Xew Orleans load , when It stopped , as
Iseii.stoniaiy. What followed Is lepoited by
u lallioad cniplojo who was on the tialn. lie
says that when ( lie tialn stopped It was
noticed that several men weie congregated
on the tiaek In liont of the train. The
posse commander npinoaehed the men and
asked wnv tfiej Impeded tlie piogiess of the
train , to which they lepllcd they had nothing
to do with It ; that they weio no tunned and
liad no intention ol Inteileiing with the
road. As Iho olllcer ictni ned to ( he ( rain ho
.noticed several men sitting or lying on the
glass a lew jnids fiom the track. The en
tile advanced Uward the men In the
ambush until they had i cached a ditch along
side the tiaek when they weie commanded
to throw up ( hull hands. The command was
obeyed , .but as their hands went up they
biought up Winchester lilies with them ,
which belched loith a deadly flic. The
posse leturned theliie , It Is said , with fatal
effect. Thcie weie , perhaps , one nnndied
ahols Hied. Alter ( he liist liiothe po = so
advanced and continued filing
The ambush letieatcd behind some piles of
ties , which piovcd most excellent bieast-
worKR , and liom the security ot which
( hey ponied n miiiileious lire into the posse.
From tills position they weie finally dis
lodged and dihen beyond the range of the
posse's ulstnl.s. Tlie casualties among the
jiosso weio lound to bo tlnee Police Oillcer
Ttiiford. shot through both thighs : Special
Oillcer Dlek Townsend , shot tliiough the lett
hi east , neai the nipple , latul ; Special Oillcer
Thus. Sliced , shot through the heait and jaw.
The casualties among the ambuslieis is only
a matter ot eonjectuie , though there seems to
, bo good gtounds lor saving tliat tlnee or mine
of them weie wounded , probably latally.
The samu authoiity says theio wcro halt a
'dozen or moie hurst's visible tiom tlie trains
tliat weie ambushed , which it Is believed be
longed to the ambushing paitv. The posse
earned thu wounded men aboard the tiain ,
which backed into the Union depot.
Dining the light Kicluud Townsend , a
special deputy sheriff , was shot in tlio back
as lie stood on the cindnc , ( he ball passing
tliiough his lelt lung and coming out on his
left side. Charles Sliced , another deputy
shei111 , was shot near the ear , Iho ball com
ing out on ( he opposite side ot his head near
his mouth , llotn ot these men will die. Po
lice Ofllcor John Tnlloid was shot in both
thighs , one ol the balls tanging upwaid into
his body. His wounds mo dangerous. .Inn
Cointwilght Is claimed to have received two
bullets tliiough Ids hat , lint escaped un-
hanue.l. The wounded men were put in
tlie caboose of the liain and biought bade to
( his city. Tnlloid , ultoi having his wounds
iliessed , was taken to his homo , and Ihe
two other men to the Missomi P.vilic hos
About 1 o'clock this afternoon one of tlio
Btilkeis who was in the attacking naity was
biought to tlio dlty. .shot tliiough the thigh.
His name is Tom Xace. llo was n switch
man at the time the strike began. Ho was
weak , nnd constantly called for water , llo
was taken to his home near the Polk stock
jaids , in tlie southern portion of the city.
It is stated by paitle.s whoweieon the ( rain
when ( he double oeciined thai Ihieestilkets
tell beneath tlm I'no ol tlie ollleeis , ono ol
whom did not move alter tailing , but so lar
none but Nace hav e been lound. A lady w ho
lives near the spot where the light occnned
rccognl/ed one ol the men who lan ol ) ' Into
ihe nver bottom , and .says that he cairied a
'Winchester in each hand. Ho has been en
gaged In the eaineutering business in this
city and Is regarded as an out and out com
munist , ills surest is only u matter ol time.
As to thu number of men engiged In the at
tack on the tialns iciiuits aio eonllictlng.
Some place the number at ten , others at
The people are In a ton Idle state of excite
ment and appear completely dumhloiuuh'd.
Thu bleach between the law and ( he shikers
him been widened and the bltteiest expul
sions can be heaid on eveiy side. Them aie
100 Knights of Labor in the city who do not
appear to regiet Iho ocenriunco ot to-day. It
has been teamed that tlio shikers yesteiday
pmchascd ten \N inchesteis in tills city. Thu
names ol two or tin coot1 the men who canled
lilies have been leanied. The major has Is
sued a pioclanmtinn appointing seventv-live
deputy policemen and oulciiiiunll saloons
to iinnalii closed until Wednesday next. A
petition has been sent to ( ioveinor Ireland
lor the state inngeisniid mllilnn tianspoita-
tlon tor the hoops has been applied tor tiom
JJcceiver Sheldon. News was u-celved hero
at midnight that Adjutant Cieneial King ,
with two companies ot state langeiH. ant on
their way ( o 1-oit Woith on n special tiain.
Four Woitrn , Apiil . Six companies of
( ho Kouilh regiment have anivcd heio and
iwo companlts ol the First are also heie.
liilgadler ( ieneial ItoDeits Is In command.
The mayor ol UK < city lias at his command
Ann company ot nillltla at t'lcbuino and ono
at Dallas. The militia fiom Dallas , com
posed ot two companies ot the Dallas light
guaids , twenty-loui stiong , and the lllliei-
nlan rllle.s , lwcveshong ! , nilived heio on a
special tialn about : i o'clock this mninlng
and weioiiuaiteied In the I'nlon depot , A
few boms later a special tiain liom lluiiohl
brought thu ningeis , twelve stiong. The
smith-hound Missomi 1'uellle liain hioitglit
, . the ( Irayson lilies , twenlj-livo stiong. On
\ the alteinoon train came tlio Decatnr ,
lilies , tlilnp-two stiong , and Austin * ( ! iovs
twenty-Unco stiong , Texas ( titles tlility-livo
stiong , C'lelmino limlit Cuaids , twenty-live
Htiong , and Alvarado ( Suaiils , tvvenly-tlnee
siiong. At r > o'clock aWirial westbound
To\as Paeilic train biought the O'lawlnul
. hatteiy underI'aplaln lion-ton twelvoshong
The tioons hero now number -MS men
Adjutant ( ieneial King , Hilgndicr Ceneral
A , S. Itobeits , Attoiney ( ieneial Teniplelon ,
Inspector ( ieneial P. Smjth and Colonel W.
P. lluynesaiuon the giounds. The rail
road yards are lined wllh sohlleis and no
one dates \entnieon raihoad piopeity.
' District Judgn Ptckham was called into
consultation with.tho lallioad olllcials Oils
monilng , tlm lesult being Hint about VI
o'clock a fielglit tiain vvas sent south under
guard of tlio ( iiajson lilies and a special
foifUof Illteen citizens. Another tialn was
at once made up and sent noith , also under
guaul , and at 5 o'clock the thiid pulled out ,
The depot and yaids weio guaided lasi
night by over two bundled cllkens callet
Into seivlce by the mayors proclamation am
the sheets weio paholled by armed men ,
Tlieio was gieat fear of lire during the nliilit ,
and extra piecautlons weie taken on thlsac
count. One bundled liiemen weie In wait
Ing at the engine houses for any emergency ,
and ( lies a ( ( he pumping stations wcro kepi
up to a high point all night. Olfeis ot aid
weio sent tiom biinoundlng points , and en
gines weie kept in older to mo\eat a mo
ment's notice.
Shlkeiaam airlvlng fiom various points
and the statement is made ( hat ( he Knights
of Ijiibur haul dctetmined that Foit U'oith
bliall be the point vvheie tialns shall lie
stopped at nil hazaids , and there they wit
win their battle. On the other band thcciti-
xensdeclaiu thai the Missouri Paclllo iraliis
shall move even thuiigh It costs scorsoot
, Jhistoaccomiillbli it.
v This moinlng Ihe following notice was
U'liiid placaidedat the postolllco ami other
imminent places In the neighborhood of the
'relirht depot :
" 1'iease'do not sacrifice your lives by being
shoved out on trains by irovcrnment onicers
or ( lould's petty oUtcers. Last call ; fair
warning. "
The nbave notice was written In pencil ,
i'ew arrests were made to-day lor violating
lie Injunction against the strikers last Fri-
lay. The strikers are gathering hero from
other tails. A number from IJon-
lam are known to have arrived
tills morning , nnd they are
said to be coming from other towns In the
state. Last night eighteen men armed with
Winchesters camped near the Texas it Paeilic
track n short distance cast of town. It Is
thonu'ht ( bat most of the srlkeis'force Is ,
outside of town , and that an attack will be
made on < > omo Initial point just as the attack
of Saturdav was made. Adjutant (
King anticipated some movement of this
kind , but will say nothing definite. The
mere lact that heavy aitillcry Is being
brought shows that the autltoiitles fear the
The wounded olTlcors , Snood nnd I'nlford ' ,
nro still alive. Tlm fuiKnil of Oillcer Dick
Townsend , who was killed in th littlit , oe-
cnried ( o-day and was largely attended. It
Is learned detlnltcly to-night ( hat Kiank
fierce Is dead. No one Is allowed to stand
on thestiect.s. The onicers are In cldzcn's
iliess , and neaily e\ery man lu town not
known ns a sti iker has a permit lo carry con-
pealed weapons.
Tliedead body of 1'iank Plorco , a stiiker ,
was found and has just been brought Into
town. Twootheis who were wounded lia\e
been located. Trouble Is looked tor in the
nioinlnir. The strikers aio coming in from
nil ( liiections. A ( rain sent south i cached
Waco in safety.
Attomev General Templeton , who is herewith
with Adjutant General Klinr , says that
"since tlm authoiity ot the state has been In
voked H whall bo wielded , and tialns must
move if It takes the whole mllltaiv foice of
the slnte to dolt. " Xo attempt will be made
to take out tialns until to-moriow. Apioc-
lamatlon has been Issued closing all saloons
and drlnl.-Inir houses of every description
until t ! o'clock Wednesday night.
The St. fronts Hoard Withdraws tlio
Order to licturn to AVork.
Sr. Liuis , April 8. The icsumptiqn of
fielght trafllc by the Missomi Pacific and
lion Mountain road has now become an ac
knowledged fact. For the jnst few days the
olllcials of those loads have been .sending out
the legular number ot trains which , although
smaller nt liist than they weie accustomed to
ho betoie the strike , vesteiday assumed their
moronatuinl iiropoitlons and to-day It Is OK-
nected they will bo as laigo as over. No moie
lilndianco or Interference to the innning
ot height trains upon these roads is
The Ireight blockade in Kast St. Louis Is
vntnally broken. Tlio Chicago it Alton ,
Ohio As Mississippi , Vnlldnlia , limlinctnii A ;
( Jiiinoy , Indianapolis it St. Louis all liavo
switch engines at woik. Husiness Is progies-
sing very much as though theio was nostiike.
Thesheiitl imule the liist aiiost to-dav of tlio
stiikeis who were Indicted by the St. Clalr
county ginnd jnrv yesteiday. Chailes liav-
ley was taken to liellevllle. Later In the day
two engineers running engines inthoVan-
dall.i yards were induced to take their en
gines to the lound house , and an engineer in
the Calm Shoit Line jards was induced to
abandon his onaine. Another tiain of coal
cars eamo over the bridge at noon and a big
tiain ol empties was sent back to tlio other
Doc Anderson , another indicted striker , has
been anested. The sheriff has sworn in as
special deputies all thu mesent cmploje.s of
the \.uious yauls. The Wabasli Is lecelving
and sending out trains without inteiruption.
i in : UNIX i TI vi : COMMIT run.
ST. Loris , Apiil : ! . No change occuned
at Kast St. Louis. Kredeiiclc Turner , sec-
letnry ol thegeiieial executive boaid of the
Knlulitsof Libor , and William H. Ualloy ,
member ol tlie same committee , airived in
tlds city this moining Irom Cincinnati and
pioceeded to the rooms ot the local executive
committee , wheio they aio now consideilng
thestilke situation. Alter this conteienco
shall have been finished and some delinitu
plan ol action decided upon , Turner will at
tempt to see Ho\le and asceitaln what line
ho intends to follow in re-employing the
sti iking knights. The second confeience
will the.ii In ) held with the local committee
nnd an agieumenttoiinitiated which will be
piesuntcd to lloxie for his slgnatuie.
Mr. Tnnur , in an interview this morning ,
stated that Ids plan is tliat all positions not
now Idled by new men who liavo been em-
piovcd .since the Inauguration ol the stiiko
shall 1)0 ) open to application fiom the knights :
trial tliOM ! who apply shall bo employed , and
tiom them shall bo selected the aibltration
committee which will attempt to anivoat
some amicable understanding concerning the
gnevancesof IhoMKsonil Pacific Knights.
Tiiinerln lepljingtothelniiuiry U aiuiiicst |
wlmld lie imulo that all strik-ing knights DO
re-empioyed , said : "Xo , snub lias never been
the ease heietoloie , even when we had been
most vlcloi ions , and wo can baldly expect
such a coniso to bo nuisiied by the lallioad
companies. Wo don't expect them to ills-
charge competent men who liavo been em
ployed dining the stiike , and wo shall make
no such demand. All we ask Is that the
places now vacant bo tilled by knltrhts wno
may make application for them , and
that liom them shall bo chosen
na aibitralion committee to tieat
with lloxie. Xcltlier.shall wo demand that
\\liocQmmItted dcpicdations upon the
company's property , be taken back. Such de
mand would bu Inconsistent with tlio princi
ples laid down in our constitution , for you
know we advise tliat violence In all C.T-CS bo
avoided , and the loss of his position by a
knight who destroys his employer's pioperty
Is lust punishment. "
li.illny honed lor a speedy settlement of the
stiike , and had no doubt that It would soon
be ended , provided IIoxlu would consent to
confer with them.
Turner ami his associates wem In consulta
tion with the joint nxuciitivo boaid until
nltei 1 o'clock this alteinoon , when they
called at lloxlo'soillce. That ceiitluinaii not
being in , they went to ( lieir hotel. Neither
the pieclso cmuactcr nor thu icport of the
coiiieienco of the morning has yet trans-
Mes-,1- , . Tin nor and lialloy had a Inlet In
teivlow with Vice Picsnlunt Iloxliuhlsnf
lei noon to asceitaln. U possible , why they
liadicluscd to take back men who had e\-
picsscda willingness nnd desiio to letiini to
\\oiUiincoiidltionally. Alterward Mr. Tin
ner said : "Wo called on lloxio this attor-
nooii. lloxiu was very cool , liedid not ask
us to bu seated. 1 began by asking him If Urn
statement was ( mo that ho had ictiised to
take back any of the sinkers , llo said , no ;
that ho would consider personal applications
but use bis own pleasiuo entliely on acting
on then. He went on to say ( hat he now
needed about Ml per cent of tno number of
men who fituck , hut was caiefnl not to say
that ho would not emplov tiom the body of thu
sttikei.s. 1 said that Gouht lnulgl\en us to
uudeistand that all except those who actually
committed acts of violence would bo taken
back , Ho said that neither thee who com
mitted such acts nor thosowhoaiUiseil them
would bo accepted , 1 closed by telling him
wuwould consult with Hayes , Wo stood
them some time and were asked back. Wo
will not do anything moio until Monday.
If llajes ; ui ives wo will hold a confeionco
to-iuoirow. 1 am satlsiicdhowever , that It Is
the settled policy of the load to take none
of the stiikeis back. If wo can't make
( eiins , as 1 am not satisfied Is the case , the
men will have to letum quietly to their
homes and seek other emnlo ) incut. "
ST. I.otis , April ! . it is undeistood to
night that aiiangemcnts have hem made for
tcncial lesiimptlon of tiatlio in Kast St.
Louis to-moiiow. The managers ot thu loads
unteilng theiu have posted notices In publlo
places and notified their men that
they aio ieady to le-employ us many ot their
old employes ns they need to do the woik ,
who ni.iko application before 1
o'clock to-niouow ( Monday ) . Aftei
that time applications will bo cons id-
eied liom an j body. Xo now men
will be. dischaiged to maka room tor fonnei
employes' ' , nor will any of their old men bo
lo-employea who have done unlawful acts
during the stiike. It is aUo learned that the
( canisters of thu tiunsfer company willic-
( uiu tooik in body to-monow ,
and the midge and Tunnel com
pany will have men enough
on duly lo leaiimq bilduo Irallie.
Thu joint executive cnmfniUeo have held
no foimal sessions ttKlay , but lm\e. teen at
( heir hall moM ol the tune. They 'give o.ut no
nilohiiatlon fVr tlio public , however , andsav
that'they do not expect that any action will
) C taken toward bringing affairs to n crisis
before to-morrow , nnd perhaps but little headway -
way will bo made then. They all deploie
mil denounce the action at Foil Worth ycs-
LATKII llnycs , the thlid member of the
executive committee of the Knights of Labor ,
arrived hcie to-night , giving the commlKce a
quorum. Shortly after Hayes arrived the
general committee went into secret session
with ( ho local committees , and gave the
situation n veiy full and cxhauslve discussion ,
weighing all facts and glvlim all points ( heir
caicful consideration. The mcedmr lasted
till nftermidnight , when the following was
given out In the form of a statement to the
public :
At a conference held In New York with
Jay Gould and his associates and the ecneral
executive board , this following was mutually
agteed upon : That Iho nfllciali weie willing
to inset a committee of our employes without
disci ( initiation who are actually In the em
ploy of ( ho load at the time such committee
is appointed , to adjust with them any
gilevance they may ha\e Tlio ex
ecutive board , upon arriving in
St Louis having been infotmed that
HOMO rot used to comply with the agtce-
ment , as all the parties to ( lie confeience tin-
deistood it. walled upon him to asceitaln his
Intentions of cairyint'out tlie same and re
ceived tlio following ienl > : That only Hity
per cent of tlio loimer toico would bo lo-eui-
ployed ; that he would consider per-onal
applications only , and u-e his own
plea-uiic In acting upon IhiMii without
dictations of any society. This being In
dliect violation ol the agiecment , thegeneial
boaid bePovu that ( lie lelusal Is lor ( ho pur
pose of stock-jobbing , using the oiganlratlon
as aeil to further their ends. Wo theietoro
let-all ( In- older given the men to return to
work , the load having made it Impossible.
The matter now stands as befoie the older
loiesitme woik was Issued , In the hands of
those distiicts inteicsled and the general
boaid will lender all assistance to cany out
the demand ot the men for justice.
"We anticipate no especial demonstrations
to-moirow. " said Tinner to a repoiler , "and
no paitlcular change In the aspect of affairs.
Things aio simply as they weio beloie. "
nt'sixnss tit'sHI.VO.
1'Ai.r.sTiNi : , Tex. , Apiil ! ! . The Texas Pa-
ellle shop and vardmen weie all paid oil yes
teiday. The shops nre open , but the stiikers
have not yet made a slirnal of lesuming
work. Is becoming lively along
this line , thiity-five fielitht trains being in
and out of Palestine in the last twenty-lour
GAIA-UNIOX , Apiil ! 3. Tlie News'special
fiom San Antonio says : A stiiko of tlio pas
senger and 11 eight conductors on the divi'Ion
of the Southern Paeilic railroad , extending
trom San Antonio to Kl 1'aso , Is Imminent.
Freight biakemen on tills division stiuclc a
shmt time ago and got an increase-of wages ,
and the coiuiuctois now demand an nd\ance.
They held nconleience with ( ieneial Man
ager Iluteliiuson and It is uudcistood their
demands weio lelused.
Tin : K. or i , . ATIOHNIIY Aiinnsrnn.
DALLAS , Texas , April : < . Jnstico Henry
Schiill , attorney lor tlie Knights of Labor ol
this city , was attested yestoiday.on win rants
based on five indictments , chnigingliim witli
swindling and embez/.lement. It is under
stood that the charges cover the same grounds
as those on which bo was ai tested last week.
The prisoner gave further bonds and was re
ATIICHIMI.V , Kan. , Apiil : ! . The mayor
has sent to lloxio a message , saying tlio city
of Atehlson will pay all damage ( o his pi op-
city In the coipor.ite limits ol this citv , the
lesult ot the lawlessness growing out of the
present strike , as may bo agieed upon by
a competent board ol appialsers.
All Mjssouti Pacific trains ate running on
time and tlie shops employed a loiee ot filty-
e'ght ' men to-day , toity-six of whom aio old
employes. When the stiikc was inaugmatcd
theioeio 1ST men on tlio shops pay-roll.
PAIISOXS , Apiil i Kiuht coiiipanius of the
Fhst regiment of the Kansas militia arrived
in the city last night and took charge of tlie
Missomi Paeilic yaids. and this moiningtho
Kansas national giiauls commenced making
up tialns , tlm engines being guarded on each
side by soldieis. One height tiain has been
sent out , nnd it Is expected the yards will heat
at once clcaied of all fieiglit eais. The
strikeis have made no disturbance oriesist-
anee and seem to accept the situation as in
evitable. Tlie company is now paying oil' all
men engaged in the stnke and some aie feel
ing lather blue ovei the prospect ot being out
of a lob. Tholeeling lieie is Unit an embar
go will be laid on the trains ns soon as the
military leturn to their homes.
KAXSAS CITY , Aio. , April : ! . The Missouri
Pacific company sent out its usual number
ot freight trains to dav without any diffi
culty. Several of the stiikeis have leturned
to woik , Ihousli it cannot bo leamcd that
they me Knights of Labor.
/V Threatened Conl Minors' Strike.
Prnsiu'KO , April-I. At a meeting of second
end and thiid pool coal miners at Schryocks ,
Pa. , last night , it was decided to stiiko on
Wednesday unless opeiatois advance the
rate tor mining coal shipped by railioacls
one quaiter ot a cent per bushel. The ad
vance lias been piomised May 1 , but the
miners want it at once.
A Noted St. Lonls Hotel Partially
Unrned Four IJVCH ! Lost.
Sr. LIU-IS , Apiil 3. At 3:50 : this moniing
a tile was discovered in Iho tear jioitlon of
the Plantcis house , corner Fourth and Pine
stieets. The alarm tinned in at ! ) :52aiid :
another at ! l:57 : ; still a thiid al4:0"i. Upon the
anlval of the Ihe apparatus it was found ( hat
tlio laundry loom , as well as the diving loom
of the hotel weiu In llames ami burning
liercelv. The watchman and night cleik ran
hither and thither awakening guests , 1M ! in
number , and calling out "Klie , hie. " The
giealoit oxeitument pievailed and lor a time
u panic was expected , but as some ot the
guests leached tlio ground floor nnd
lound no Immediate danger In Unit
jioition ol the building , tlm excitement gunv
less , and some ol the guests lutmncd to their
looms to procmo such valuables as had been
let tin their hurry to escape. Soveial trunks
went thiown Irom the thiid and'toutth floors
only to bo dashed ( o pieces. Ono lady ap
pealed nt the thiid stoiy window , and tin ow
ing out her grip , leached lor ono ot thu mugs
ol the Ihec.scapunml landed In shoit otdcroH
the sidewalk. The liicnum woikcd vigor
ously , and at about flstx ) the tiio extin
guished , and hut tor a complete dienchlng
tlie main poitlon of the hotel siifl'cicd little.
Alter the gue.sts liad been awakened and all
was thought to bu sale , the liro-
meii in making their rounds throimh
the building made a honlblu
discovery. On the fouitli floor In the noiin
hall ( hey came tlie bodies of two
women seivants.stumblingovertliem as they
made their way tliiough ihe smoke. They
weio conveyed to the dining room flour
wbeio a doctor was called and every etloit
made to lesiiteitato them , but it was a hope
less task , and alter woiKlng over them for
half an hour they weie pionouneed dead.
The bodies weio laid mutely In night lobes ,
tliulr laces blackened by smoke and the skin
on their hands and aims peeled oil at places ,
showing wheio they ran ngaliibt obstacles In
etloits to escape. One was immediately
lecognlzed as Kate Cassldy and another
thought to bo May Bin ! ; , in loom'JiO another
pitiable scene was witnessed. Hem the
thiid unfoitunatu was lound who proved to
ba .Mary C'oonuy , another employe of the
linen department. She was found lying with
her bead near the we-,1 door at the extieme
end ot the hall. On being coin eyed to a room
theio was just the slightest Indication ( hat
lite was not extinct , but after half an hour's
woik by physicians and firemen to le cnscl-
tatti her him was pionounceddeod. Tlio dead
gills weio emplojesot the house and weie
not over -0 j ears of nire. ' The body of anolh-
or girl , who died fiom'snffocatlon , was lound
later , making four deaths Jn all. A patrol
w agon took the bodies ( o the morgue. Ono
ot the male employes of the hotel made bib
escape with gieat dilliculty , and only alter
sutfeilng teuibly ftom smoke , When he
leached ( he sidewalk blood Hewed Irom his
eais and mouth. The Planteishousohas been
on lire several times in the last twenty yeais ,
but with two exceptions , tlm woik ot ex
tinguishing the hhitt was teen \over. The
damage Inclined was comparatively trifling.
Tinee years ago the hotel hadananow es
cape. It was about the same hour In the
morning that the lire lepoi ted to-day broke
on ( , and in the same place , In the kltcJie.ii
w ng lacing onn nairow alley in theiear ,
When Ibiee lives weio lost , employes bleeii'
Jug in the top story of the wing on me.
Senator Vau Wyck Dcojares the Republican's
Statements to bo Absolute falsehoods.
A Democrat AVho Denounces Civil
Service llofbrin Dccntisc Ho
Fulled to Secure n I'osl-
I Ion Corpora t Ions.
Ills Not True.
fXoTi : Last even Ing the editorial In the
Sunday Itcptiblican , entitled "IsHTiueV"
was telegiapliedto our Washington cone-
spondent with Instructions to Intenlow Sen
ator Van Wyck upon the subject. The an
swer will bo found below. It substantiates
the HUE'S etlltoilal , which was wiltlcn be-
foie tlieieply from our Washington cone-
spondent was iccelved. Kniiou UKI : . ]
WASHINGTON' , April 4. ( Special Tele-
giam. ] Senator Van Wyck was to-night
shown a copy of the edltoilalln this morn
ing's Omaha licpubllcan containing ehnices
against him in refeienee tolilsvotoon the
Kdmunds resolution. The untruthfulncss of
every assertion of the licpubllcan Is disgust
ingly appaieut. After leading the aitlclo
carefully , the Senator said :
"All these statements are absolutely false
from beginning to end. Tlieyaio the same
character of falsehoods that that and kindred
sheet have been disseminating for the last
year. "
Senator Van Wyck voted for tlio Kdmunds
icpoit and all the resolutions except the
third one , which , ho ( nought , unwisely at
tempted to pledeo the senate to a comso of
policy It could never pursue , v Iz : That In all
cases wheto the piesldent refused papeis , the
senate , lor no other icason , should ieject
nominations. Alicadyitls embanasscd by
that losolutloii , and Is seeking some way to
avoid the consequences ol It. Senator Van
Wyck deshed that tlieio should be open ses
sions on all such cases , and offered an amend
ment with that view. In a speech on that
amendment he distinctly denied tlio power
of tlio president to refuse tlio papoij and
declaied , as 111 inly as did Mr. Edmunds , that
the senate was entitled to them. As to the
matter of Ir'onds ' In oflice , theadminishntion
has made but few lemovnls in Xebiaska.
Some of them aio Senator Van Wyck's
liiends and some aio opposed to him. Of the
republicans in ofllco in Xebiaska moioot
them aie his enemies than his fiiends , yet
* whoe\or may bo responsible for it , one Is
letained as much as the other. Senator Van
Wjck has supposed that the piesldent ob
serves civil borvice reform hotter in Nebraska
than some other states. Moie likely , how
ever , tlio iuficmicncy of changes has been
and Is due to the fact that the democracy Is
divided as to the successors of these in oillce ,
Whichever it may be , more enemies than
friends of Senator Van Wyck h.-uo been
bcnclitted by retention in oilice. The icfcr-
cnco to Colonel Uatcheldor and Senator
Watt is also palpably false.
The following caid , signed by Woostcv
SllPlUlilt'i ' who has for many , years fflflffRr
prominently in New York-politics as a democrat - "
crat , is published in tlils < mornlng's Postrtho
administiatlon organ , and has attiactcd a
prcat deal of attention hero :
"I came here last spiing with mv family
and a limited amount ot means , with the vain
hope that , having been all my life a constant
and haid woiking democrat and an experi
enced business man , 1 might obtain a respect
able position In one of the government de-
paitmcnts. I applied lor the position of
ciiief of division in the tieasmy department ,
picscnting stiong political and business
recommendations liom evoveinor ! Sey
mour , Attoiney ( icncral O'Uiien , Watertown
( N. Y. ) bank , and other prominent pai ties In
York state , with the endorsement of Vice
Picsidcnt llendilcks and the Iowa demo
cratic delegation in congress , and other west
ern pai ties , bike many other coed demo
crats , 1 have been disappointed in my appli
cation , and have been llteially 'starved out , '
while hosts of lepublicans , whom wo have
been fighting for yeais to dislodge , smilingly
hold their fat-saiailed positions with a foci-
ins ot security under the piotection of ( hat
gieatestot fiaudsand swindles , civil service
Jaw. I voted for General Jackson in 1SKS ,
and lor eveiy regular ilcmociatle nominee tor
the presidency over blnee , Including Mr.
Cleveland , to whom I and my sons and mv
sons-in-law gave six votes. I have
held many piomlnent positions in
my paity In York state , as chairman
of my county committee , a member of the
state coi'iniittco ' , delegate to the state conven
tion and Its nominee for piesidentlal elector ,
and In my prospeious days spending my
money libeially in its behalf , and although
often Influencing the appointment ot others
to positions under President lUiclianan , and
( ! oveinor Seymour , I have sought no pation-
age for myself until now In my advanced
years anil blialghtened circumstances , it Is
left for this administration to icfusc mo the
small pittance 1 have vainly sought. "
Tiih lini'um.irAJfs Aim HO.VKST.
Two months ago a democrat , an old Irish
veteian , was appointed tobua watchmnn In
the tieasury department , llo was assigned
to duty at tlio door of one ot the looms con
nected with the redemption division , Kvery
one noticed the aleitncss of the nuiv watch
man and careful sciutiny given by him to
emplojosas they pissed In and out. Last
week ho took a democratic ttiend aside and
told him that thu lepublicans could not bo as
bad as they had been painted. ' ! have been
here , " said lie , "eight weeks and watched
e\nry one ot 't'lii like a eat watches a mouse
and dlvilavuui of 'em have been caught
stealing a thing. "
Hi'KAKixn TO nuAr r.Aiis.
To-day's Capital "Senator
says : Van
Wyek's onslaught on the coipoiatlons has
been immensely enjoyed by oveij body In the
city except the stockholders of the coipoia
tlons. Wo are afraid , however , that ho
speaks to deateais. Tlio senate is a body ot
stockholder and n majority Ime'n fellow
feeling that makes them wondious kind' to
banks , ralhoads and gas companies. "
Senator Mamlei-non's liill for the Jto-
inovtil or Port Oinalm.
WASIII.VOTONApril 4. [ Special Tele
gram ] -Senator Manderson received yester
day communications Irom Secretary KnUieott
and General Stjeildan endorsing h Is bill ap-
] iropnatIngSiOO,000 for the sale of the pres
ent site of Koit Umaha , nnd seeming a new
site and electing buildings within ten miles
ot the piesent location fora twelve-company
post. Senator Mandoivton had pursued the
usual com so In submitting his. bill to the secretary -
retary of war and the general of the army for , and the following aie the replies
received :
, " \VAII Di'.p.viSTJiE.VT , WASHINGTON- , April
2 , JShtX To Hon. ( 'Dalles V , Manderbon , tf.
S. Senate-Sir : The dcpailment Is In ic-
relptof jour letter of tlio It-th Ultimo , en-
ciosintsenate bill l.bfll jno\ldlngfo- | sale
of the bite of Foil Omuha , Nebraska ; the
salu oriemoval of thu impmoments ) theieol ;
tora new slteaiuUhq coiistiurtlon nt .suil-
able buildings tla-iieou und it'questlilg tu bo
informed if any objections thcrelo evlslcd.
In leply I liayo the honor to Inform you that
the matter was referred totho lieutenant gen
eral of tlio army and 1 enclo o his report ,
dated ( ho Both ultimo. In which ho cxpiesses
the opinion that the bill suggests a measuio
which will result in reat advantage to the
goveinment. The \iews of the lieutenant
general are concmied In , and favorable ac
tion on the pioposed legislation Is recom
mended. WlI.MAM 0. K.NOICO1T ,
Secretary ot War. "
" \VASIIIXOTON- , March no.-ilon. William
h. Endlcott , Secretary of War Sir : I have
the honor ton-turn herewith senate bill l.bfll.
The central location of Omaha , and ( ho
numerous railroads ladlatlng therefiom em
phatically designate it as an Important
stralegctlc point which without doubt should
In the futuie , as In the past , bo occupied as a
military post. These same reasons have
equal force In suggesting an incieaso of ( lie
irarrisou to ten or twelve companies , a num
ber that possessed innnv military advantages
and that can bn maintained with giealer
economy at a slncle post so favorably
located , than at sc\cial small and separate
stations. The present site of Fort Omaha
Is so near n rapidly giowlnc citv
that In a shoit period it will probably bo well
In towards Us renter. In a milltaiy lluht
this is not at nil desirable , and moieover it
pievcnts. without meat expense the acouiie-
ment ol the additional land needed to extend
the lestiieted limits ot the pietent iesci\u-
tion. This bill .siuigests a measuio that will
lesult In meat advantage to the government.
The contemplated eivation In the bill is
ample , and iU distance trom the city ami
situation on a lailroad admirable. Your
obedient MM van t ,
P. II. bmnimAX ,
Lieutenant General Commanding. "
These communications will eaiiseafavoi-
abloiepoit by the senate military committee ,
and the passage of the bill.
WASHINGTON , Apilii. : Mr. James of Now
Yoik called up tlio adveiso lepoit on the fiec
coinage hill , which was laid aside in order to
take ut > the labor aibltiatlon bill.
Mr. Kogeis regauled the bill as perfectly
woithless , and , with the exception of the
fifth section , a poitectly liaimless bill , unless
It might bo constuied as a step in the wiong
dlioctlon. That section gives the railroad
companies pott or to put their hands into ( lie
United StaU's tieasury to enable them to light
tliclr woikingmen.
On motion of Mr. Kelley the title of the
bill was amended so ns lo rend "to piovide a
method lorse.Ulingcoulrn\eislcsand dillieul
ties between i.iilioad coipoiatioiis engaged
in Inteistatc and tenltoiial tianspoitatlon
ol pionoity and ] ) assengeis and their em
ployes/ '
The debate on the slher bill was then be
gun.Mr. . fuller of Iowa argued In favor of the
double standaid and charged ( hat the oftll-
eials ot tlm treasmy department weie violat
ing the laws and thwarting the \\lll of ( lie
peoie ] ) in retusim ; to pay out silver on ooli-
gationsof ( ho uo\einment. : The course of
the administialion had much toutli the de
cline In the pi ice ol silver bullion. Let con-
giets uivo the woild to understand that there
was to be no suspension of silver colnnguand
thcio was no doubt but theie would bo a de
cided appreciation in the pi Ice of silver. ] Ji-
metalism was gaining giound in all the na
tions of Uurope and the time was near at
hand when the question would bo settled.
Tbe United States was in condition to liavo
something to say on this question , for his
pait he should piefer that the piesent laws
should lemain on the statute books until the
next session of eoimioss. In ( lie meantime
the agitation \\ouht go in Kurope and the
question could be intelligently consideiod In
all its phases. It tlio question was between
suspension and free coinage , he would \otc
.for Iruucoinagc ;
Mr. Uaiksdalo opposed the suspension of
silver coinage , as did Caldwell.
Mr. Adams of Illinois spoke In opposition
to the lice coinage pronosHioii nnd the house
then took a iccess until 7iO : : o'clock.
At the evening session of the house Air.
Gallinger ot New llanipshlioaruucd in ia\or
ol the suspension ol silver coinage. Piesi-
dcnt Cleveland's "inocuous desuetude" was
e.xactlv tthnt the silver dollar needed.
Sir. Priceot Wisconsin pienifsedliis sjieech
against the suspension by summing up the
diffoience between the night and day session
ot the house. At the night session ( ho
speaker had no audience. At the day session
ho had an umticnceovhicli did not listen. He
addiesscd himselt to the aruiinicnl of the gold
men that a luither coinage of silver would
diivc gold out ol eiiculatlolilimitontioverted
( ho conectnoisof that position , and denied
that thii Jilanii dollar was a dishonest and
clipped dollar. The mistake of the gentle
men who made this asseitlon was thnl they
compaied thu bullion value ol siher with tlio
coined value of gold.
Mr. Jseeeo submitted an argument in oppo
sition to the suspension ot silver coinage ,
and then at'Jl'J the house
, : , adjoinned.
Iniportaiit Ullls lo Coinn ITp For Con-
Hidcration 'J'liis AVcelc.
WASIUXOTON- , April -I. The business In
the senate Is In substantially the same condi
tion asat the beginning of last week , with the
difference that the \oto upon the bill to In-
crcaso tlio ai my Is expected or hocd ] for to-
nioriow or Tuesday. The bill to admit thu
tenitory of Washington will next be dis
posed of , to bo succeeded by the inter-state
commeico bill , and that by the bankruptcy
bill. Senatoi Platt will tiy to find an oppoi-
tunity to make a speech in laver of open
executive sessions , nnd Senator Van Wyck
will watch tor a chance to call IIP the bil'l to
tax lailroad lands. H Is possible that tlio
Indian appiopiiatlon bill , and possibly the
pension appiopriatlon bill will no lenoited
limn the committee on appropilations boloio
the end ot ( ho week. Only these two ol thu
annual appiopiiution bills have teaclied ( lie
senate , a lact which Is commented on. At a
coiiespomling date of ( lie pieeeding long ses
sion , live ol tin ) annuil appiojuiallons had
passed the house und two had passed the
senate committee , nnd one had been sent to
the piesident.
Flee coinage Is the special eider In the
house for Tuesday , Wednesday and Thuis-
day. On the last named day ft is expected
that the vote will bo leiiehed. Its onnsldeia-
tlon will encounter opposition from the post-
ollicu committee , which will antau'oni/o it
with ( ho postollico appiopiiatlon bill. Tills
moasuio was shunted oil last week to secure
Jiee. track lor Iho labor apmopilatlon bill.
Anelfoit will bo madu lonionoto pass
the Mexican pension bill under suspension
ot the lilies , and many members aio dnvtn on
the speakers list lor lecngnitlon to oiler
motions to talco up mid pass the bill lor the
election of nubile buildings. Attempts will
also I n made to-inonow to have days set
apait tor the consideration of the bankruptcy
bill and ( ho bill pio\idlng lor now establish
Dairymen Arraign Itutterlno Hoforo
tlio Jlouso Committee ,
WASIIIXOTOX , Auiii. ) : Jositph II , Iteall ,
pieildentof the American Agricultural and
Dairy association ; Senator Sawor of Wis
consin ; Itoiicscntailvcs | ( ialliiu'er of New
Hampshlic ; hyman and CongerIo\\a ; ( Jioat ,
Veimont ; Henderson , Iowa ; llltt , Illinois ;
Kenton , Calllornla ; PeiKlns , Kansas ;
Spilnger , Illinois ; Scott , Pennsylvania ; Kv
( Joveinor Price , Ne\v Jersey ; I ) . Wiluht.
New Yoik ; ( 'apt. It. S. Walder , Vii-
glnia : the Hon. deou'ii li. Loiing.
0.V , Ituichard , ot Wisconsin , and
otlieis reiie&enting | the dairy Inteiests ol
( he United Slates were present at the hear
ing gh en by the house committee on agii-
culture to-day to thu daliymen of thu United
Stntea in connection with the Scott bill to
tax Imitation butter ,
Joseph H. lieall , prcnldentof the Ameilean
Auiicultinal association , s.ild thu Scott bill
expiesscd tlio demands ot the dairymen of
the United States asolced by the national
convention wcntly held In .Sew York In a
leaolutlon adopted , asking that Imitation
butter bn placed under tlic contiol ot thu
United States inteinal in venue derailment
and l ) taxed ten cents per ton. In liming
favorable action by this rommitteu Mr. Iteall
said In ; temcacntcd in his ollicial eapaelly
2,00,0 ( 0 d.uiy lauueis. ' Tlieusei invented
in co\\s , lands and cicnmeiles in tlie ( Milted
States g'i.UOO.O'W.OOO ( hat \\as goinir ( oiuin
by reason ot the sale of liiuulnlcnt butter.
Exports of butter which mlglil bo Increased
miner fair conditions were rapidly declining.
In three years , Mr. Head said , unless the
fraudulent sale of bogus butter was regulated ,
the production of genuine butter would bo
stopped , and ( he greatest and most beneticent
Industry of ( ho country destroyed. The
question atrected all the northern and west
ern stales , wlieio dairying was ( lie leading
Intctest , while consumers of butter every-
wheie tteio belne humbugged and swindled.
In conclusion , Mr. Head said ; "Wo want
Imitation butter under a national law , be-
eau o every roiruo ha" a wholesome fear of the
polled power of ( lie national government.e
want lOcentf ix pound , because It costs 20
cent.s per pound to make good butter. At
no time has biitlerlno sold for 10 cents , the
price of lard , nnd a little butler added. State
egislation has proved Ineffectual , Twenty
states have laws against Us manufactuto
and sale , but they are grossly defied. Fines
of S100 are Imposed , but dealers Fay they can
pay this linoevery month and go anead with
good piollts , and many do It , "
Stele Cabinet Olllccrs Improving.
WAsiiixmox , April -I. Seeielaiy Man
ning continues to Impiovo rapidly , lie Is
very much better to-night , and It Is hoped
that ho will be able to sit up within n lew
days. Secretary Lamar and Attorney ( ! on-
eial ( iiirland Imualmost entliely lecovered
and me now able to transact depai ( mental
business at ( heir homes but their physicians
will not penult them to go out while the
piesent Inclement weatiicrcontinues.
Itcturnliii ; Conlltlcnuo After AVeok
of UniiHiinl Uncertainty.
Niw : Yoitic , April ! . iSpeolal Telegiam. ]
The \\eek has not been lacking in sensa
tions of a character to nflect values In Wall
stieet. The \ciy Hist thing last Monday
motningas the announcement that Pow-
deilyhad been in conference with ( Jould
( lining a coiHdciablo poitlon of Sunday , the
lesult of which was a practical settlement of
the strike on the southwcMem sjstem of
loads und the issuing ot an older for the
men to ret mil lo woik. As the prospect of
such a settlement \\as most encouraging on
the previous Satuiday opening when the
stock exchange closed , the publication in the
motning papcis of what had tiansplicd dur
ing the holiday had a maiked cITcct upon
pi Ices at the stock exchange Monday mom-
Ing , there being gains In many eases amount-
to over one percent in opening quotations.
However , It was not lomibeloie some doubt
eamo to be felt as to the success of Sunday's
negotiations , and later in the day it was
learned that the men weio not at work. The
news supplied to ( ho sheet during the after
noon had a depressing cllect upon prices
generally. Tills was aided by a statement
that the piesidents of coal companies , who
went Into session at noon that day ,
ami who were expected to setttle
their dllTeienccs within an hour , had failed ;
to agieo and the piobability of an
eaily settlement was doubtlul. I5y Tuesday
morning It was generally known that Pow-
derly's ell'oits had not been crowned with
success , as at lltst supposed , and while the
news fiom the southwest has since been moie
or less vague and conlUctlng , at the end of
the week Wall street Is disposed to believe
that the most sci ions phase ol the contest be
tween the laboiers and the lallroads has dls
appealed , that ( ho lailioads have been suc
cessful , and that while Knights of Labor aio
not aclunly at woik , any future trouble must
glow outot petty annoyances to which the
knights may be able to subject the road. A
genoial blockade. It is not believed , can be
continued any longer , or be icnowcd In the
near futuie. The cllect , of course , upon
pi Ices has been favorable. Another distmb-
ing element which has developed during the
latter pait of the week , has been the bitter
light between the lailioads In the northwest ,
but the icdtictionin rates has been so sudden
and so meat that it looks as if the nmnageis
ot the loads had determined to make the
tight shoit and decisive. A warln whichiates
aio i educed liom 50 cents to 10 cents seldom
lasts veiy long. le\elopmentsof much moi
favorable character have occuiled in tians-
continental ailaiis , aiufit Is confidently be
lieved by paities in a position to bu well in-
ioiiued that the most seiious dillicultics In
the way of a settlement ol e.xistinir tumbles
have been lenuned. His due lluiitington
is still opposed to the cicalion of two pools ,
and that Strong , ot thoAtchlson , Is equally in
fa\or of such nn airaiigement. lint the ini-
poitant leatuie of M hmsday's conteienco
was an agieemont , as It Is undeistood , to
submit all dlfleicuccy which could not other
wise be settled to Commissioner Fink , who
Is to act as aibitiator , and whoso decision
will bo accepted as linal and satisfactory. If
this is a tun ; statement ol the situation of af
fairs it is only a question of a slmit time
when tlm tinnscontinental light , which lias
been can led on for some time past at ruin
ously low Kites , will be a tiling ot the past.
In speculative ciicles It Isbclloved that mod-
eiatu fluctuations will continue to mlu this
Shameful Pei-voi-sion of tlio Govern-
ment'H Tjc itimato Assots.
Nnw YoitK , Apiil ! ! . ISpcclal Telegram. ]
The Woild continues Its attacks on the Pa
cific lallroads this monilng. These nitlcles
aio said to bo wiitlen by Major ItediiiL'ton ,
lecuntly dismissed liom tholnteilor depait-
niunt. This moniing'.s dispitch says : Some
mcmbeisof the house committee on Pacific
lullioads liavo been making a caiuful study
at the Inteilor depaitment ot the facts In the
case , so that they can judge of tlio extraor
dinary claims ot the Pacific lallioad lobby In
the Inteiest ol tlio lunding sclieme. It has
been found that the 10ids have been doing
all they ean to get the sccuiitles now In the
tieasury out ol their hands , so that they will
bo beyond the i each of government claims.
The gou'inmcnt has now a better
chance lor asseitlng its lights than It will
ever ha\o in Iholuline. Of thopiincoly hud
giant to tlio Union 1'aullie raihoad but $ ! , -
fttf.iBO worth ot land it-mains , and Sll,1iifJOUJ
woith ot Kansas Paelliccoinpany'sgrant , as
thcio have been sold since 18SOf,4lli'ia ) : ( < ; u'.s ,
forSll.GOl , : , and , n < > out of these sales ami
pieccdlngye.iis land uinnt bonds have been
anticipated at n piemlnm of 1'J per
cent , leaving about S'J.OOO.O'W in cash and
moitgago notes In thu hands of the land
trustees , It would seem to bo policy on ( lie
pait of any government desiions tosecmn a
pait of the tapidly matiiiing and Incieaslni ;
Indebtedness to lake pioper legal stops to so-
cuie this S'J.OOO.OOO , ami to have the benellt of
the proceeds of all sales ot ( ho 513 &OO.OJU
woithot land Mill lull.
Hy this piocess HID government would so
cmo § 2v',009OOJ ol the loan of SlS.Wl.m II
no steps aio taken to secure these assets , the
Union Paeilic company , emboldened by Its
couiso In the past , piopoacs to use them in
anticipating some SSfOCO ! : ; ! ! sinking fund
bonds issued In Ibl-J , due In lb'J-1 ' , cairying 8
per cent inteiest , and selling at 'M per cent
piemlnm. No ono could have ciltlcised
Hlmllar conduct if the Hist moitgage bonds
had been anticipated , thus ledueing the
amount ol thu claim on thu load ahead ot the
government Hen , Hut to sell the assets eov
eicd by ( ho government moitgugo ami use
the piocccds In anticipation ol bonds behind
is a iwieislon ot tlie assets in a most Mmmu-
ful degiee.
Car Drlvors' Kiriko Kettjed.
PiTisnt'ito , April t. At tlicconfeieneoof
stieet cai olliclals and stiikviia all dlllleultius
welt ) amicably adjusted , aim eais wilt bu
fefaite l on aJI Uiu toads but thu Oakland linu
in thomoriing. ;
Irish Nationalists Divided on the OoursO
Which is Being Pursued.
Insinuations Against President Kuan
Unqunllllctlly Uenlcil by Alex-
mill or Hulllvnn A Uujtturo
to bo Avoided If Possible.
Tlio Kxtrcmc Irish Views.
Xr.W VOIIK , April l.-fSpeclnl Telegram ]
It Is asserted hi vailous quaiters that there i3
trouble blowing In the Irish National leapuo
over Picsldent Kgnn's denunciation of these
who ha\o raised money for the Poinell parll ;
amcntary fund outside the national league.
Hetwcen vailous committees It Is estimated
that hilly S1W.OOJ has been sent 10 Parncll
dining the last low months , and their work
was canted on wlihimt the utteianco of onrf
word against the league or llsoftlceis. 13ut
It is now claimed that Major llyine , of Cin
cinnati , who was the prime mover ami or-
cnnlrer of these committees , nnd many o
( hose who worked most hcaitlly with him.
weie ically actuated by a deslio to make Mr.
Parnell independent of the American Icaguo
onicers. A piomlnent man In the party , In
opposition to Mr. F.gan , declares that the
desire of those who side with Egan 13
to dictate to Parnell , and to threaten
him with stoppage of supplies from
Amciica unless ho labors foi the actual
separation of hehuid fiom Knghind. This
gentleman said to-nlcht : "Two days ago i
cable dispatch lenoited that an uccntof lie
extreme separatist party In the United States
hud an Interview with Painell in th < j liouse
of commons and uincd him to adopt ineas-
uies looking dliectly to the eventual separa
tion. If lie would do so , the agent said the
i\met lean separatists would give him the
shongest supuoit linanclally , and , if neces ?
saiy , otherwise. If lie did not , that auppoit
would not be strong , and miglit lie withdrawn
altogether. This complicated Ihe situation
enoimously. Several weeks ago , and before
this agent of Ameilcan separatists made this
threat to Parnell , a circular was Issued by
the men who .sent him to nationalists of the
United States , stating that it was clear that
the measuio of homo rule about to bo con
ceded by the Uiltish patllnmcnt would not
be satisfactory , nnd theicfoio the body which
Issued the ciicular had dctcimined to pro-
pal o for the canning out of a certain
policy , and asked lor subscriptions to
cany It out. This ciieular went from Maine
to Califonila , and was tantamount to a
dcclaiation of war against ( iliulstonc. Un-
deistand tlie full meaning ol this : Parnell nnd
Gladstone agree upon a settlement that botli ,
peoples will regaul as linal Iilsh people ,
tliiough their eighty-six icpiesentntlves , ac
cept it , and ( lie paillamcnt ratifies the
agiccment. Then n few men In America
step In ami say : 'This will not satisfy us ; we
want a total sepaiatlon. But Instead of
giving n new liish parliament a chance of ,
doing what it can for its country , we will
continue war against Kngland and make a
linal agiceincnt Impossible. ' The only pos-
sibllity of a settlement Is by a. convwitlou'l
which would bihiK together a suQiclcut num
ber of the members of all oiganl/ations to u
tiy theshengtliof sepaitlsts , uut Kgan has'1
postponed the convention indefinitely. " ,
CHICACO , Apiil 4. [ Special Telegram' ! * f
Alexander Sullivan was seen here to-night
regaiding the Xew York dispatches to the
effect that the Irish Xatlonal league Is suffer
ing trom internal dissensions. Ho says that
as far as the insinuations against President
Kiran and himself aie coneeincd they are
manufactured out ol whole cloth Ho denies
the story of the "o\heme t" agent alleged to
have visited Painell , but admits theio are
two liish factions In this count ! v one lor
complete sepniation , and one for local
Mniiiirtictm-cra Slntt Down.
CHICAGO , ApiII . The Inter Ocean's Mil
waukee special aays : 11. Sennit ? & Co. ,
cigar nianulactuici.s , have closed their estab-
IMimonl , disflrnglng tholr ( lee employes.
Tiouble it-suiting fiom contentlnns between
the two organizations to which the woikmcu
belong Knights ol Labor and the Interna
tional union is given ) ) } ' the piopilclors as
the piliiclpal cause tor the shut down , and
added In this is thegeiieial depie.sslon In the
tiiide. 'I'licl'nni is icnoitcd to bo considei-
ing a pioroiitlon to move Its entlio business
to New Voile.
A Kivor Attnclc.
Nr.w Yonif , April ! . Advices from
Panama of Maich 25 say that on Maicli 10 ,
when about thlily miles liom Cuavaqull , ono
ol the steamers which ply legulnrly on the
i iver , was attacked by a hand of Montoneroes
liom botli sides of tlie liver. Tlio steamer
was ihldled with bullets , and several passen-
gets weio wounded , one moitally. It has
eieated a profound sensation In Guayaquil.
AVoallhy J > nixl HluirkH IndloteO.
SAX FiiAxrisco , A pi 11 4. The United
Slates giand jury has found indictments
against eight piominent clti/ons of the state
for .subornation of peijmy In this easn of
fraudulent entrlesof Hedwood timber land
In llumboldt county , Cal. The names of
tlnee aio Joseph Ituss , David Kvans and
Chillies II. King , who collectively lopiosent
S.r)00)0 ( ) ( ) ( ) capital. The names of Ihe other
llvu aio not yet known , but they are said to
be all wealthy men.
Dry OootlH Jllup Kali.
Sr. Louis , Ajnll ) . lleiman and Leopold
Hei/oir , diy goods muitlmnts , have confesseil
judgment In thu ciicult comt for amounts
nggiogatlngSn.OtX ) . Attachment suits wuro
then enteicd against thu linn lot $7,000 ,
The Weekly Dunk Riutoincnr ,
Niw : YOIIIC , A pi IIITho weekly bank
statement shows a ieser\u dceieasn of CMXV
7.W. The banks now hold SlVT.ooa | n ex-
cessol legal leqiilleiiienls.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula is piohably rnoro general than any
other UlseaFO. H Is Insidious in character ,
ana manifests itself In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints ,
abscessessoroeyes , etc. Hood'sSarsaparllla
expels all trace of sciofnla fiom ( bo blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy.
"I was severely alilicted with Hciofula , and
over a > car had two running sores on my neck.
Took five bottles Hood's fi.irsiparlllu , and am
cuittl. " 0. H. I.OVKJOV , Lowell , Mass.
0. A , Arnold , Arnold , Me. , bad Rcrofnlnui
Fores for mvrn years , spring ami fall. Ilood'u
Saisapaillla cmed him.
Salt Rheum
Is ono of Iho mosl disagreeable diseases caused
liylinpurolilnod. It Is rcaillly cured uy Hood's
Karsaparllla , the great Wood purifier ,
William 8ilcs ] , Klyrla , O. , siillercd greatly
from eijfilpflas and bait rheum , caused l > y
handling tobacco. At times his hands would ,
crack open ami bleed. Ho tried \niloiis prep
arations without alii ; finally look Hood' * Bar
saparllla , and now wiya : " I am entirely well. '
"My son had salt rheum on Ids hands nuc
on Iho ealu-s of his legs. Ho food HoodQ
Barsaparllla and > ti entirely cmed. " J. JJ.
Stanton , Jit. Vcrnon , Ohio.
Hood's SarsapaHUa
all drunsMi. JlisU.forgS. Jladoon'y
IOO Doses Ono Dollar/
/ ;