THE OMAHA DAILY BEE JL \ FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNENGK APHIL 3. 1880 , NUJVIBER 232 THEIR VOICE IS FOR PEACE , Qlr stone's ' Qovornincnt Barely Defeats nn Anti-War Eesolution , THE CABINET A GREAT PUZZLE. Tlie Dntigor of DUnwtroiiH llniitnro Not nn JI onus Itulc Itut on tlio I'nrulinse * Sc'lu-inc Tlio Day of Dajs. \ftlicflal \ I'inllitincHttiiii Letter to the Jlcc. ] l.ovuov , Mnieh 20. That there Is n crowIng - Ing dlHposltlein for peneo was denionstinted whi'ii last night In the * houso.of comnions It put the government tei the pin of their collar to defent the resolution of a pilvalo member which declaied "that in tlio opinion of this house It is net Just or expedient to embark In wnr , conttnct engagements Involving giave responsibilities for the nation nnd add terri tories to the empire without the knowledge nnd consult of paillaincut. " Natuinlly the coiifeivatlves voted against this icsolutioii , lor , independent of theii usual militant pio- pcnMtlcs the'y weie bound to oppose It tor its veiled consul o of llielr lat'j proceedings In liiiitnah. Vet , with thelt support even , tlie goveinnient succeeded In defeating the reso lution bj four votes only , and that altci two hents for It. Piist the question was put that the lesolution of going Into committee of supply stand intact , and this was deteated bj lllivotesto 10' > . Hntwhcnthu < Hcond ! division was Immediately taken on thu lesolution Itself It was then defeated by 113 to 103 It cannot be denied that tlio govem inent tcally gave but a qualllled opposition to the motion , foi it is virtually but an embodiment ot the v lows pioinulgatc'd tiom time to time by old Gladstone himself. It Is not , perhaps , the Intrinsic value * ol this lesolution which would cause mm to re-jolco at its being e-anled , but the Indication given by the stiong vote in its lav in of a glowing disposition to pence among the elcmouacj of Lngland. On this motion TIII : IHISH von : was east solid with the sensible side ns usual. A lew da > s ago em St. Patiick's day it was theio was a most linpoitant division on n motion about tlio chinch ot .Scotland , it is not easy to make plain tlio meaning of It. A .Mi. Itaiclnj , n lawjer , intioduccd n bill which appealed modest enough , seeking untiling moio , app.iicntlj' , than that the con stitution ol the chinch of Seeitland should be eleclaied. Iteallj' , tlio effort wns a move em the pait ol the laltj of tluee chinches in Scot land the Kstabllshed , the Kieo Chinch nmt the United Piesbjtenans tei boil them into onu and get that seemed against the tast- giovvlng move lei disestablishment. The Dlssonleis , tlio Catholics , and even n great lot ol the people of these lespeetlvc chinches , opposed this move. The majoi it j'against the bill In a lull housowas only twenty-live , and heio again the lush vote had its ellect , foi all 0111 members op- poseel the pioposcd measuie. Peihaps these * matters nio somewhat ehy chewing 1 en join leadeis. Thej would likely piefci heailng HOW Till HAWS Altn III OWINO on the liisli question itseli. Gladstone's cabinet is a gieat pu//Io to the piessmen. Sometimes it is positively asseited that im- poitaut secessions aie imminent and "will be * announced foimally in aelaj or two" . Ap- peaianccs In the house of commons would bconi to lavoi the foie'bodings , for ono ot the minlsteis is missing when lie might be In his seal , and Is peihaps discovered In vcij'lishy friendliness atteiwnrds with a piomlneiit coiitoivativo by son.e ente.-pilsing Stanley of the lobby , who has to leave him to Ids late , because lie will not bo drawn clthei to the lohl 01 to the covoteel communicative ness IJut in a low minutes afteivvaids this piodlgal comes to his loosl on the tieasnij bench and even sits In be tween llnicouit and Glaelstemc , as 11 to cm phasi/e his impeiisliable fealty to the cabl net. The suspected minlsteis joke will onu anotliei and with tlieii cabinet , and even with the piessmen , as well as with piivato mlnlstois , about tlie i uniens piinted conccin- Ing them , and just when the disceining vvotld ot tjpo is ii'.idj to jionoiuico ) this ii loiced hllnutj to halo the appioachingellsso Itition ol Iliomlnistij up sptings Gladstone , lileie > gljplilcked witli nmiles and ciovv's feet , to give the He Hat to all Iho Illinois ol SCCOT sion and to tell the countiy that evei > thing said nbont the Intentions of the cabinet 01 Its'indlviduarjnicnihcis must bo "icceiveil with n wholesome ) skepticism. " The gient dangei of inptnii ! In the Gladstone cabinet is not , btiancc to saj , tiom thu homo ride question , but on onnn nn : ; or IHISH I.VMII oims about which veiy vaiious opinions aies on- teitalned. Some ot the most ladlcal e > l the Kngllsli membeis , who do not in tlieii heaits believe that a laithlng of HiltUh tax should bo pledged much less pilel leu thoptiiohaso out of Iho lilsh laiietloids , aio novcitholcss batlslieel that ono bundled and sKtj millions would bo well tin own aw a } oven It It eoiihl eleai thu giound lei the planting ol homo ruin to lieland. 'Ihoj would glaelly saj let homo tulobogianti'il to lieland nnd let the Ilish p.iiliament llx the puiehaso pilecot the lilbh landhnels. Hut the tmlk of the Knglish uiomboisnie undei the Impiesslou It would bo Impossible foi even a fall minded lilsh piillaiimnt to do the lanilleiiels justice In this matin , as thu tenantij ot Iteliiul , having then an eiverwhelmlng voice1 , would barely consent to ptaiilu pinchasonlno. . Ol tlio opinions eiutoilalned lij Kngllsli ladleals as to how lush landloids have In thu past eatiied anj piesout consideration , 1 might quote ) a sample : "And how elo jon piopo-o to deal with tlio landloids : what Is join con- Mileiation lei theiu1. ' " asked a mild liberal ol the other daj' . "I eoiislelei ( hey ought to bo veiy thanktiil it they aie not de'clated game , " was the icjilj' , Hovvevei , It is reitain the pies- ent mlnlstiy will stand or tall by their piegiamme ) , nnd will seek to deal with the land question contempoiniicously with the homo lido que'stion. mi. it.OK HAYS In lliopiesent paillamcnt will bo when Gladstone - stone makes his stale'iiient of piopeised legis lation toi lieland. Ho was asked seine BpuiiliiL- questions last night about It bj the late toiy chaiH'olloi , and hu said that he would oil Moiulaj next name a date. It Is anticipated It may bo that day week. He assuie'd the hoiiso that no time was lost in putting the pieiposed measuius into shape * , nnel wo can icadlly believe this , nnd also that ho himself is vvoi king day and night on them , for ho Is a niaivel of indiistij. Indeed theio mo ninny men in the piescnt paillament whose individual vvoilc would be a tali avei- ngofoi tlnco. Hut Gladstonet's woik would iiiako a decent nvcingo foi both of them. Those Invoked sentiments of his speech , which nro the plnguojnf toiles , nre tjplcnl of Hm man's life. And ns ho takes up the diop- jcd tlncneU ol his paienthe i'b and twists them Into a slraml which ho seen re j Irom raveling byuh.ud knot nt the end , so ho nlso iesnme.s the multltniloiis puuio rs ho Lasiipp'iicnllj neglected and biings them In seemed Impossi- tils invitation thiuugh llic public press of views from all quarters on the Irish difficulty WAS AS IIKIIOIC A CHAI.t.lINOE nsanystatesman of 77 ever gave outlnan ngo when there Is n disposition In the very blood of men to run to Ink. Ills love of liter- ntnrc Is n wild ; tiinnin , and I should not bo astonished If 1 came upon him one of these dajs 111 inn gins gsomo old shop full of neglected lore In Holy Well street. This Is a regular habit ot ills , nnd It would astonish many who try to pur- zlo themselves as to how ho can conic mound nil the work ho has In the alfnhs of state , to have him pointed out to them In one of those book stores poiliig over mildewed tomes of did Greek , and keeping the pioprletotlal.Icw In anxious but reverential anticipation of a pm clinic . The St. Patrick's Day celebrations were , 1 believe , n gloat success all thionzh Gieat liiitaln. Ilwasnpltj that niany disappoint ments oc tin led from the non-appcarnnco of expected Irish membeis. Hut tbepartj whip Issued lot tlie vote on the chinch of Scotland bill on that daj kept neirly the whole of us In London. Knw vitti llAiiti.\aio.\ : . "HIDING TO A PAIjU" The Defeat of UlndHtono and Homo Jlulc I'rodlc'nl. LoNinv , April -"Gladstone la lidlnc ; straight toi a fall , " tlio Pall Mall Gazette do- claies this alteinoon. "Ho lefuses , " saj.s thoGa/ette' , "to modify his lilsh scheme , and the lesult will be that tlio countiy will neitliei have homo into in lieland or Glad stone. ' ' 1 ho Pall Mall Gnretto announced In pre cisely the suno way that Lout Sali biuy would "ildo ioi a fall. " At the same time a tory mcmhci was airaiiginnd tor his delcat. Tlio tUcl.nation at the time was Kenoinlly hooted at by other English pipen , but the Ga/ettc was entlioly acciiiate then. It Is thought the edltoi has special knowledge that Gladstone , being convince of Iho absolute Justice ) and good policy of his Itisli pioposals , and at the MIIIO time con vinced that the toiy and ladlenl politicians have dcteimined to eh'leat them , means to force tlio issue and biing about delentas soon as possible , content to saciilico power in his final elloit at pacihcation. AVar OlonelH In tlio Knst. LONDON , Ajuil'Tlieie Is gieat and sud- deii activity in tlio Ilritlsh foielgn ollice. Gladstone has spent consldeiablo time theio to-day confeiilug witli Karl Uosebeiij' , bicretnry of foieign all ail s. I'AttiS Apiil - . Leading rieiicb nevvs- pipeistakc a gloomy view ol the situation in the east. Pionch iioiiclads hi > vo been oideied placed in leaeliness tor immediate elispaleh to tlio Mediteiiane in. LOMION , Ajinl - . Sh Hoiace Itnmbold. Diitish mlnistei to ( Jieece. has been oideied to join vvitlt tlio othei loielgu diplomatic icp- iibcntativcs at Athens In sending to tlio ( iicck goveinmont a dual stiong renion- sliance against Gieeco'b vvni like attitude. 'Ibis lemoiistiance will be tantamouiit to an ultiniatum , and II Gieecc ignoicd it the Heels would net toithwllh All the foieign sqiiadious in the wateis of Gicece aic being bastilj lemfoieeel. P.vnis , Apiil ' - ' . The Piciich povptnnipiit ins given oideis ioi ( lie immediate dispatch ol the tliinl naval elivision to Levant. The Iioiiclads Marengo ami Yauban will leave ' 1 onion to night. 'Iho toipedo flulilln is also mulct oielcis. Home Uule Donoiincctl , LONDON , Apiil 2. A gieat mass meeting was held this afternoon in Guild hall to molest ngiinst planting a piiliament to lieland. Tito lei d majoi picsidcil. Sli .lohn Lubboe'k ( libeial ) moved the adoption ot a lesolution condemning Gladstone lei his In tention ol haiuling Ireland ovoi to Paineli , whom ho linioiislv donouncc'd. A woiking- niaii nieiso nnd olfeu'd an aiiienduiont to Lnbboclt's lesolution. but ho was howleel lown and the lesolution can led amid wild enthusiasm , lint 200 persons In the immense .uidionce voted In the negative. Piibteur's Russian 1'ntlonts. PA ttis Apt 11 2. The majority of M. Pns- teui's Kussiaii patients will leave for home to moil ow , tlioir wounds having entliely healed. Pout whoso wounds have not jet cientii/cd will lemaln in the hospital lor several elajs longer. 'Iho situation at Decayevlllo continues stiaincd owing to tlio stiike. 'the nubile ce'eiitoi will anivo at Deei/e'villo to mor- tow to institute | iiocecdlngs against the law bieakeis. _ Bread Hiots In Italy. Mi : , VN , April 2. Seiious ilots have oc- cuueil In conseqiicnco ol icsistaneo to the Octioi tax on bieadon the pait of woikmen icslding In the siibnibsanil emplojcd in the citj' . ' 1 ho police are making most strenuous elloits In sappiess tliPilisoidcis. .Seventj- dv o m tests hive nil e\idj been made. The gat and eh-etiic lamps have been vvicckcd m all paitsot tlio citj. TlioTlilid Tinio LOMIOV 2 In the liein-o of , Ajnil * - com mons this evunlng the bill le'pealing the con tagious diseases act pished the committee and was tlie thiid tlmu unopiioseel. The Knw KemuiiiH In PO 15i ill iv , A in II 2. The iciclislag to day , bj a vote of WJ te > 1 ! ! " , deeldod ill favoi of pro- loinring anti-socialist law. Caiileel Ills ISonilsnicn AVIth film. I > IMMI , N. II. , Apill 2. The piopeity of nil the lonitec'ii 01 more smctles on thu late Colonel I lojt's last two bonds ns tieasiiier of the W. S. He > jt Manntactuilng ceimpinj , has been attnche-d , llacli bond is foi sOO.OOO , Jami's W. Ge > dlie'v and John O , IMgeily , whose names appeal among the signets , vi > that theli slgnatiiies aio toi- geiles. Thu attacliments liavo ipsiilteil Inclosing seveial iilaces of business. In M'veial cadi's tlio savings of a lifetime will bo hvveiit nvvnv. Kstlmatlllg that the stoek- holdeis will leceivoa'J ) pel cent dividend , theio vvotilit lemaln a delielt eit SlOs.OiW , lep- ip-enllin ; Iho slulnkago ot imipeity , bul debts and the dei'aleation and iriegulai bus iness paper of the into trevisiiici. lej llliiino for All. SAN Pu.VNCisro , Apiil 2. The Chionlelo's Foil Howie , A i I OIM , special sajs : IJen- tenant Palson ariived to-daj witli liftj-e'lght Apaeho piisonuts , liicludini ; Chiliualma , Kiitne1 , Josiia ami Nairn , the weiist of Iho Icailei.s , next to ( icioniiuo. All aie glad to get In. Chihuahua hail u povv-vvow with Ciook this nfteuioon nnd said : " 1 know who committed maiiv of the out- luges , but ( ieroiilmo Is to blame foi all. llo foiled us nil tlio icsenvatlon lij lies. I don't think Int'll come in novv. 1 hive tin own nwaj mj anus and am not afraid 1 must die seine time1. It jmi punish too hard , jou nnd join otlUcrs liavo families anil love much , so im vt It. " Ciool ; told him to go back to camp am ICst. Cr.ivvleuel'H Killing. CITV of Mi\irei : , Apill -Pioslden DiaIn his message to eongie'as to daj , bajs regaiellng the killing of Captain Ciowfoul bj the Mexican soldien , "that the Mexican foicewas composed ot volunteers fiom Chi huihiin , who natnrallj would not believe that the Indians with Captnln Cinwfoii weio Irienils , lor accordln , ? to the trentj which pcimlttcd the soldlcts of eilhei lepub llctocie > ss the trontiei in puiaiiit of hostile Indians , onlj re'giihu tioopsvveio allowed to iiio > s" Tlio piesldent e\piesscd H'o'ret n thooccuiience. A I'rlelay ST. Lous. April 2. - A Pot-nispnlcl siH-clal fiom LeixiiiL'ton , Kj' . , sajs thatJel \ \ llson ( coloa'd ) was hanged theiotoelaj i or the niui dc-i ot Joiinio ban lord , his miv tres > , Julj : )1. ) ISfil. AVcailior Tor To-Day. Mtssoi in i uv Iiieieasing cloudl njis ! nnd local snows ; winds gcnerallj cast oily ; slowly ilslnjj tcinporatiiie' . CROOK RETURNS TO OMAHA , Tlio Gallant Indian Tighter Assigned to the Department of the Platto. HOWARD GOES TO THE PACIFIC. The MIllrrltcsMiul Over the "Slottci1" House Appointments Deter mined to Defeat O'Neill's Artltriuloniim Notes. Gonrrul Crook Transferred toOmnhn. WASIIINOIOV , April ' . ' . [ Special Tele- ; rnin , | The tiansfer of ( ! rncral ( . 'took fiom hccommniid of the Ucpaitiuent of Arinnia , vhlcli has been o\pcctcd for some time , has nkcn place , ( iciuinl Crook npplliNl some line ago to bo ghcn the command of the Jepartnient of the I'latlo when ( icncml lowaul should lca\e it. The sccictaij of sai has sent ( jcneial Miles to the Duiuit- iient of Arl7onn In the hopp that ho will bo able to captnie and suppie s the Apache nurdeieis. His piescnt command , the Jepaitment of the Mls ourl , will go to some othei bilgadiei gcneial , iiolnbly to ( ieneial Hngi'i , while It is quito llkelj that Cienetal btanlcy will be transfciied fiom the Depaitment of Texas to ho Uepaitnieiit ol Dakota Oiders jcen Issued by the wai denailment ghlng lajoi Guneial hcholicld command of the Division ol the Atlantic , Major Cencial Terrj thoDhlslon of the Missoml nnd Major Uoneial llowaid the Dhibion ot the I'acllic. C = T3 'lilt. Mll.I.Klllll.S riSOllllVO. Ncbiaska politics In Washington aie at 'overheat. 'Iho state , ns Is genei ally well itiiown , Is cuiscd Milli two demoeiatlc losses who aic ctcinally at loggerheads. Ihcso bosses nro 111. Cieorgo It. Mlllci , editor ofthe Umalia llc'iald , and J. Stuilhnr Moi- 011 , dull man of the democratic state commit- ee. The latter 1ms been hero for some time engaged in the laudable attempt to secinc all he fedcial pntionage foi his paitictilar rlcnds. In this ho has bceh eminently suc cessful , and ns n lesult the ad- iciunts of Millet aie fiothing at ho mouth. Moiton made his gieat point vesteulaj'vhcn ho succeeded In seeming the ippointiuent of General Vifquain , edltoi of ho Lincoln Demociat and n bwoin enemy of Milloi's , as consul to Haianquilln. Ills man Jeaid was also appointed postmastei at Oiete , another fiiend at Oilcans and still iiiothei at Xotth Hend. The uuKindest cut of all towatils the Omaha cdltot was Motion's icllon in seeming the i evocation of the noni- nation of Mlllei's appointee as postmaster at ICeainej , and the appointment of Watson , us own paitlcnlai lucnd , In his place , in.n KMisi.n to iihKnvr IT. The opponents ot tlio O'Neill nibitiatlon inboi bill lia\o deteimlned to delcat it , If possible , to-moiiou , and a jilan has been igiced upon toollei a lesolntion foi the ai > - l > ointment of a committee of live incnibcis to Investigate the existing labot distnibances witha\iow toiupoitlim what legislation , if iny , is necessaiy foi the ic-stoiatlon of older n this and other cases. Theio 1 scarcely a nan in the house outside of the laboi committee who beliies the bill now icported meets tlio emeigencj' , but thej" will nuailj all vote foi it lathei tiian go on recoul against it. With the subbtituto pioposed , howevci , it is believed a way out ol the dilllctilty will bo alfoided , and those vvho .ire getting up the commission scheme count upon Its adoption. Wniner ot Ohio , it Is said will olloi the ie elution - lution 01 substitute. A CANVASS emi : itAMntt'prrv niM A cnmassof the hoiboon the bankiuptcy bill was completed to d ly. The result shows 17U membc'ta in fa\oi of taking up the bill lei consUieiation , bO aio known to oppose It unilei allclicuinstnnces , and 25 nicinbcis aio In doubt. Tlio position of the otheis or liow thej v\IU vote has not jet been ascot tallied. New Kimland Is practically solid foi the bill. Ol tlio thiitjfouiotcs in Xow Yoik onlj two aio doubtful Mossis. Pajno and Dowd- iioy ; the otliei-s aie lei it. The west is about equally divided , while a decided majoiity of the soutliein incnibcis aio fiimly op posed to the meastne. Thn hostility ol the south Is largely duo to the fact that the ledeial comtb will ha\o contiol of all bankinptuj iuatoi ! . fcouthein ho tllltj to lederal eouits Is explained because these com Is aic the onlj bauiei which exists to thocompletodominaiion of the soutliein deinociats o\ei the negiocs and white repub licans , and which ha\o to some extent opci- ated to pievent theii complete political dc stiuctlon. Tlio position ot the -western meni- beis Is undeistood to bo about as follows : Of the Minnesota men , Mossis. White , Wakelield. ( illlillan and Strait aie tin the bill , while It Is believed Mi. Nelson Is in clined to vote against It. The Nebraska del egation lavois the measure. Messis. Miuphj- , llendeison , Congei , Holmes and fat mule ol lovvaaie icpoited to bo lavoi.ibly disposed lovvaid theblll. lessillcpbiiin and Tied eile-k of tlio same state aie against it. 'Ilio othei moiiibi'is ot the delegation , Messis. Wcavci , Ljmaii , Hall and I'lillei , aio In doubt. w r.siinx : i-osi xr , Ncbiaska postmasteis were commissioned to daas follows : O eai I' . Ilanillton , Ai- moda ; Ad.iIInoM. U. Kehbeig , Cleai Spiing ; Thomas A. Mitchell , Oichaid. And Iowa postmabtcisas follows : David M. Tobias , ( iioshani ; William Coleman , New Albln ; Jesse U. Oiawfoul , bloan : Adelphla II. liooic , Sni ) ina. The < postollleo site at Jcssup , Antelope coiiutj , has been lemoved two and one-hall miles southeast. The postmaster gencial today appointed T , W. Al lustrous postmastei at Jame son , Cl.itK enmity , Iowa ; Itnae I ) . Cat- son at Kiikvlllc , Wnpello county , Iowa ; Cliaik's 0. Albiight at Llbcity , ( iage conntj , N'ebiaska. rt I.I.I.K wn.r. bi'KAK ON bir.vrir. Mr. Tnller of Iowa will open the debate upon the tlher question to-moiiow. It Is undoibtood that Mr. Puller w 111 make a Miong sllvei hpeoch. llo will oppose lice tolnago will t.ivoi pie > cnt limitition , nnd will opjio t suspension. 1'I.IISOSAI. . C , C. Woolworth of Omaha Is at the Kbbltt THI : TKMPHQ.M : INQUIUV. Indian Coiiiniisslonur AtUlilH impliat- : iually 'JVntlllcs. WASIIINOIOX , April 2. Indian Conimis slonei AIKlns was examined by the telephone fnvestimating committee todaj- , and 10- heniaedtho btoij of tlioI'.uiKIectiIcoigaiiiza tion as hcretofoio i elated. Mr , lEannoy in ( juhed If the wltncbS ie0'auleil It as projiei foi a incinbvi of congicss to accept n gift llo had asreed to juy whatevct asscssinent' wcie necessity to devclopan unknowi > quail tlty. Mi. Kdtn inauiied if tjio witness had ovei used his olllcial connection to fuithi1 the Intcteats ot the Pan Klectilc. "None on the face of God Almiglitj'd earth , " taid the vvltne s. slappliig energetically tlmbacko tlio chair upon which no loaned , "and IK man can look mo in the. faro and siv so. would cut hand at the wiibt before would do such a Ihliu. " 11. O. Sei\as of Xevv Orleans then took the stand and related the well-known circum stances leading up to the beginning ot th KOjeriimeiit suit. Adioinni-d until Mondav Acting Attorney Ueueial CJoodo has 10- turned the bills of Jrfl Clrandler , Eppa Hun- ton and Charles 11. Whitman , ot the siveclnl counsel to assist In the prosecution of the suit ajalnst the Bell Telephone company , to Iho fiisl comptroller ot the treasury , with n statement that the amount called for Sl.OOO lor each Is In accordance with n contract tcgularly executed and Is fe > rservIces already icndetcel , 'the firstcomptroller has accoiel- Ingly passed the bills and they have been paid. ItOltBC. W \sitnoTON , April 2. Mr. 1'oian of Ohio otTercd an amendment , tint on the iroposltlon of clthci pnity to the controversy 0 submit dlffcicncc"5 to aibitratlon the othei uitj shall refuse , thopaity submlttlne the noposltlon may icquest a judge of an United Stalls disttlct comt to appoint nn ntblttator. foiegardcd the bill In Its piosent shape as in eiiU'ilii ! ; weds e lei the enactment of such c-rlslation in the Inline as would ciush out iignti i/od labm. 'llnoitch oiganl/atlon. and itgunl/atlon alune , tlio laboilng men of this niiniij eonld woik out their salvation , and 10 was willing I- ) have tills mtcstlon. nnd all luesiions ol tills character , to oiganiml aliin. Mi. Dibble offeied nn ninciidment piovld- ngtliat tlio commlsslonei ot laboi , on the oqucst of either p.uty to the contioveisv , shall oldei an Investigation tobe made. ' 1 hu juie.iu ol laboi , he said , had becif ignoicd nt 1 pic'at cMiieigincj' . 'Iho puipoit of hh nnendmcnt was to make the commissioner H Inboi u tictoiln gatheilng this Inloima- Ion. Ion.Mi. . Neglcvolfoitd nn amendment that the boaid ol aibitiation .shall Inqniio into Ilio uactice of ( ot lain lailioad companies of naintainingncompanjsjstemol lite insiu- tnco to evade the pajment ot damages for oss of life thioiieh neijligciiceoiollieivvlse. Mi. O'Volll de-claied that the Knights of : .aboi were in laver of arbitration. Ho stood lero appealing for law , foi justice and lor ight , tor to d ly the countiy was almost on the M'ige of a volcano. The people weio si.mdlnj : idle nnd sutfeiing for the vvantot food In tlio west on acconntof a sliikc1 , while roiistitutlonal cranUs blood quibbling on the looi of the house. llo appealed to the mem- ) eis to stand by tlio committee on labor , to vote down the amendment * , and to put their iccls on that class ot men who could suggest lotldng , who weio meio obstructions mid Lunacies on theii patty , and who ought to lave better sense. The amendments wcio all voted down , but ho tiist. section ot the bill was modified in several pniticulais. The committee then passed on to the con sideration ot the second section. Mr. Uieekemldge moved to stiiko out so nucli ot the section ns gives the board of ar bitration powei to administer oaths , subpojna witnesses , etc. Mi. Law lei said that the opponents of tills bill bad had three long months to picpnc something upon the question and had not done so. lnt ! now thej insulted the intelli gence of well-meaning niun on tlio pomnilt- ; eo on laboi who had given It theii attention. Passing on to the consideration ol th-i stiiko on the Mis-onii I'acllic , ho dcelaicd that without wishing to become communistic in Ills utteranccb , he was liee to say that if .lav tiould was hung to n lamp post In Now Yoik itvvould bo u blessing to the commiiiiitj' known as the United States. [ Luughtei.J Tlio action ot Jay Gould might cost hiindivds and thousands ot lives tlnoughout the vvcbt- ein btatcs. Death to n man liUo tills was nothing computed might occm it the dlllicultics weie not settled In those states. Tiicie was no b-xsis in this mattei. It was justice to tl'o workman. 'Iheio was no liaiiu in this bill , and the dis cussion ot it had a healthy elTect upon the eotintiy. It was an honest bill , and it there was anything vviong with It congiess could icpeal it at aiiv tinio. Mi. Hieckeniidffo'fi rjotlon vvni-dcfcatcd. - Mr. Kellj' otlered an omoiidnient appropil- atmg 5 > 00UO , ( ) foi the payment ot the expenses ot nibitration , On motion of Mi. Lowiy an amendment was adopted , jnovlding tliat In no case shall any witness bo compelled to disclose the seciets 01 modiico tlio lecouls ot anj laboi organi/atlon of'.vhich he many bo an olliccr 01 member. llic second section of the bill was agreed to witli ceitain amendments recommended bj the commltteo on labor , and the third and lomth sections were agiecd to without change. While the fifth section was undci consider- tlon toi the jmiposo ot limiting deb itc , but beloiea motion to that end could bo sub mitted , a motion to lake a iceess until 70 : ! was a iced to , the evenini : session being tor thn consldciatlon of pension bills. ' 1 he bouse , at its evening session , passed thlitj-live pension bills anil adjourned. Tlio > fa.or | GoncralH WAsin.Nfiro.N , Apiil 2. A general older was Issued by the wai derailment this after noon , announcing the following assign ments : Majoi G-MieiaU. M. Suhoheld to the Divi sion of the Atlantic. Majoi Geneial A , H. Teiry to the Division of tlio Missouil. Major ( lOiieral llowaid to the Division of Iho Pacilic. Hiigadiei General Crook was today 10- Ileved HOIK the command of the Dcpaitment ot A ri/ona and assigned to the Dopaitment ot the Plattc , loimcily coniinaiided by Howard liiU'adlei GencialN.A. Miles , now in com mand ot the Dopaitme'iit ot Missoml , has been assigned to the Depaitment ol Aii7ona. Kecretary laiinin Iinpro\lnc : . W vsiuvtnov , Apiil 'J. Dr. Hamilton qiioiiloiud as to Manning's condition at 11 o'tlock. "llo ontlnues to " ( improve , le- m.iiked the doctoi , "and Is vtry I'liich ' bet- tei. We aio gio itlj' encouraged. " The phjsioians of Secielaiy Mainline rc- poit his condition lo-ninht as unchanged. A ZMuch Slnrilod Hcprolmto. Cine uio , Ajnll 'J. A decieo lor ? 0,000 alimony was today nvv tinted bv Judge hhepTid to Mis. Maty Woodwoith , ngaini-t ht'i hn-bind , Di. Wllbert Woodwoith , vvlio dcscilid hoi about til teen jcais ago , since which time he mauled , lobbed and deseited anotliei woman , nnd Is now undoi the name1 ol Di. William P. Wood , living with a thiid who at Indianapolis , vvheie helms a laigo mactlco and has iiecn unaided as an exemplaiv man. His Hist two wives casually became acquainted in ( lilcago , and one day each eonlidr ntl.illy sliowed theii husbiud'h photogiaph to eain other , Woodvvorth Isaii ox-momhei of the Voimont and Kans is leglslatuies , and w > is n judge in Michigan. Tin eo Jjlltlo Konntoil C.ious Are T I'j VM ) , Tp\as , Apill ii. Novvs was 10- celved Iicio today ot the binning of Unco negioehlldien last night In a cabin on the faun of A Helli'll , about foui miles south of this place dining thoubseiicn of llulr pat ents , It Is supposed that a Imtnllo ot clothes nou the Die became Ignited and bet the build ing on the. _ _ SUippcil AViih Other Pcoplo's Money. Ki.NOf.ioN , Out. , April ' . ' . An Investiga tion Into the nffalis of J , A. McMuhon , a law- jei of this eltj , who left muldenlv seine time ago , shows bo has appiopliated monev he- longing to hli clients , estimated at fc-O.OoO. Losses In sjieculatlnu : me said to bo the T\vn lurK < ! H on thn Itocilcw. , Kbsex count ) , Out. . Apill2. Last evening nsqtuill stiuek the baigo Jiui- llngton , with the baizes Star of Hopp. ni > d Vanetta In tow. lioth baigcs weio dilven on Point Pelle and are total wrecks. ' 1 he cievva wcio saved , bin had u nnirow escape. A linttlo In Uruguay. MOXTKVJDIO , ( via. Ualveston ) April 2. A. strong gov'einmeiit torco under Generals Tajaennd Aniblobavo been attacked near the river Dainan by thu revolutionists , Airc- iloml anil C.istio. Thu goveiniiunt tiooi-i ] w we defeated w ith a loss 01 loin huiulted men. liaised tlio Jlnfcs on Clifnaincn. SAN PiixNcitco , April 2. The P.ipilie Mall has inbed p.v > spngcr into ? foi Chinese fc-J. * > to SW a head. The lesnlt w III be to stop the heavj exodus of thlntsc. INTEND TO IMPEACH BROWN , It is Only a Question of Time When Pro ceedings Will Be Begun. JOINT BALLOTS FOR THE HOME. Tvventy-TvvoTnken , With ItiirlliiRton , MniHlinlltnun , Sac City niul Colfliv the rnvorltes Opiicrnl News. Strong Pooling Atninnt Ilr-own. Dl.s MOIVI.S Iowa , Apt II. . [ Special Tol- rgram ) . 'llic le-poitof the Uiown investiga tion tommllte'u It 11 been tlic e'vcltlne subject allelnv. Somtoisnuel le-piesoutatlves alike say Unit theio isbut ono eotiiso open , niul it it tabling luipcni'liinunt puiici'dlnitt n.nliist Uinwn , It is enl ) n ipieMioii ns In when It liall lie iloiu1. ho main ol the , mem- bi'islnd oNpecte'd to ndjouin witliin n lew dnjs that their plans foi hoini * woikoulil bo seilotisly distmbcd it thi'utu le- qulred to piotinct the session foi nil Impeachment tiinl , so ono ol two cour-es meupoii Hist , to neljouin niul let tlio gov- ei nui call nn oxttn suasion some tltno latoi lor this tiinl ; 01 scconel , have the nitlclcM of Im peachment piepaied light nvvaj' , mid then take a icccss of a month 01 two nnd iccon- vene. One impel hint point Is the question ofsalniy. HeingtuidnlKod compensation , if tlicj weie to continue In session foriinothor month or two thej would leeclvo nothing e\- tr.i foi the service , but 1C the govcineu should call mi extia. session they would be allowed pay forthetlmc. It Is held bj some that It the le.lslnttiu > bhoulil taken iccess and then 10- convcno foi the special puiposo ot ttylng Urow n , it would bo allowed special compen sation for the e\ttn woik. It is piobablothat this coniso will be adopted , as few of the menibeisarcpiopaied to scttloelown now lor anothci montli 01 bK weeks' session without an oppoitunity to go home nnd nriango Uio.ii w ork. inn siiowixo AeiAixsr JJKOVVN is so OT1U1NO that the republican membcis feel they daio not go botoro tin- people w ithont elolng some thing with ills case , nnd impeachment pro ceedings scent to be the ono thing necessaij' . Urovv n himself has ndihessod a memoiial to the house ot ippiescntatives asking tor impeachment pieiceedlngs. He claims that lie 1mb not had a laii tiial befoio the legisla- tl\o committee , althougli at the beginning of the investigation a mnjoiitj ot the com mittee weio piejudiccd in his la\or. 'tin1 findings nre so stroni : ; tlmt Hiownls condemned on cvciy liand. "It is a very damaging shovvlne , " said a judgoof tlie su- piume comt to-day. "It ib a teirible aiinlgn- miMit , " said anotliei state otllcoi. "Biown's guilt in taking lollb of money that did not belong to him is iiiiiiuostionniilc , " Mid n thiid , and that is the tone of comment that is lieaulon all sides. Senator Whiting , who alone dissented from the othei mombcis ot the committee , btated that he sliould file a inlnoilty rc'iott nejxt Monday if allowed to do so. lie differed jirincipally on tlio question of whether Shei- ; naii was justified In suspending Urown foi : he irreguhu teles in his conduct of the ollice of auditor , but the main tionblo with 'Whit- ing Is last l.illhen i tinning foi governorhe ieiC.itedlj ) declaied that lie belle\cd bhei nan had no right to suspend Uiovvn , ami it 10 weie elected go\crnoi lie would lelnst.ito lilm. Now ho hates to go back on that retold , although he gets little biippoit tiom othoi eleinocuts. 11AMO11NO FOll TlinOI.ninilS' IIOMI' . Tlielcgislatuio spent the whole daj in bal loting for the location ot the soleliets' home without icsult. Voting \\.ib by setiet billet , without siieechcb. Dining the atteinoon scveinl towns in noitliein Iowa weie given comiilimcntary votes , such as to put them fai ahead ol any otheis , but the contest was be tween liiiilington , Maishalltown , Colfaxand Sao City. Pining the day loity dilfeient towns wcieoted toi , and when the tvventj- econd ballot was icachcd , just bc'loio nd- jouuimcnl tliis evening , but eleven towns weio voted li/i. On this ballot Coltaxhad Huilington 27 , Maishalltovvn 7 , bioux , ' Cl'tj 27. 'Ihe highest \otoduiing the ntlei- noon was on the eighteenth ballot , when Me- Giooi had fib votes , but dioppod out of tlio lace immediate * ! } attei and did not appeal again. JiallotliiK will be lesiimcd to-mouow morning at 0 o'cloik. The thiio lilglii'-it Notes on each ballot , foi the lust tweho ballots , weie as tollows : Hallot IJuilington 21 , Mnibhalltown 20 , bae City 10. btcoml liallot lluilliiKton ! ! ! , Maishall- town 2.J , bacCity 10. Third llallot-lJiiilinglon : U , .Mais.ialltown 27. bac City IS. I'ointh Dallot Huillnglon S3 , Mai lial- ! town2' > . bact'ltj 2. ! . rilth Ilallot-Hiiiliiigton.TS , Marshalllown ! ? 0 , bac Cit > ' . " ) . .Slxlli liallot-liuilington : M , = nillto\\n 2T , bae Citj City 21. be\entli li.illot-lUullnpton 21 , Maisliall- town 17 , Colfax 15. KK'hth Ihllot-Iluilinu'ton 2 > , .Maihall > - town2.ri , SaoCib 10. Ninth IJallotlliiillngton 2J , Marshalltown 2J , t'olla\21. Tenth liailot Maisiialltown 21. Uuillnu'- ton'J ) , C'olla\2J. JJesenth JJallot lioono SO , Colfas. 27 , Maishalltownao. Twelfth Uallot-roitDodKO 1fJelfei,011 20 , Colfa\ , Uiiiliiigton2l. OIM.IIAI. 1 1 ( iisi. iivi : woitii. In the senate this moinliig n joint iciolu- tlon was Introduced mcmoilall/ing rongie i against giantlng to the Union I'acllio mid thn tonoebsions lo.jaiilliigeaiii'cllatloii ot its Indebtediifss now ask < d. In thehouso a hill to piolilblt alien mm- iesdents | tiom aciniilng titlotoieal estate in this fctato jiassed. Vi as 71 , noes Hi. ci i HIS riiuoM' . 1'iaiiK .Smith committed sulcido by rutting his thicnt in the .Mount I'le.isant jail last night. Last Xineml ui huatteinjted ) to slioot benntoi Woolson , and n low dajs ago was tried foi the olleiibo and sentenced to three jcais In the state nilson. lie wasaijont to boicmovcd to the penltentlaiy wiiuii ho killed lilnibt'lf. .Ti.MCK ; AM ) Till ; J'ACiriCH. U'Soiuo Onloialrt AVoio Imprisoned it Would Ilmo a Rood inct. : . Ni.W Voii ! > . Apiil ' - ' Ibpecial Tcilogi.ini ] The Woild's Wabhlnglon coircspondcnt h.ijs : Asblstant .Scciet.uj .IinKs ot the Inte- iloi depaitnicnt Is looking dpotlall ) aftei the P.u Itio lailioads , lie has lound a gic l many cases of rilmlnaliolalion of law upon the pait of oflld.ilb ot the lallroads , but In a ma jority of Installers thi e violations of law aio of such date that the statute of limitation foibldsnny rnoecution. . Jenkssalil justei- dav to a I'.illei that lie was anxious to get hold ot onu well antlicntiintid cast ! not jno- ttcted ! > } the Miituto ot limitation , llo thought It ono ot two officials of these loads could lie. suit to the ) > < iiitenti.U } it would t'llect. An Iowa Man Ateniiis ( | , Kulctdc. Xi.\ > Void ; , Apill'.1. William 0 , Acker- man , uf llaiilin county , Iowa , atteuiilel | ( sui- ( .ido at Uitf ( Ji.uld Union hotel this inoinin it is thought he. i an not uoo\ui , u hutoul , i latal dosu ot laudanum. NUBUASKiV NUUQKTS. ChniiRO of Vcnuo Denied lit the Hnll Case llo IMcadH Gttlttr. SofTii At nt'ii.v , Neb. , April 2. [ Si > cclnl 'IVlrnrniii.l The motion for a chnngo of > emio In the Hall murder case \\as oAcrruled by Judge Dtoady to day. It was the opinion of tincomt that the defendant would iccelvo a fall trial in Xcmaha county , and did not sec the necessity of seeding tlio chance. Hall withdrew his pica of not guilty nnd en- tcroda plea of gulltj to the eliaige of man slaughter. The case w 111 come up for a hear ing to-iiuii row nioinlng , when witnesses foi both sides will bo heard niul sentence of couit \ \ 111 be passed Thojiiiylu the I'nite whisky case brought in \eidlct today foi the plalnllir In the sumofSJV ) . 11 N uiideistood that the case will boanpealed. ' 1 lii < case of the Mate against . ) . Collins foi laicenj.n called this alloriuon. Collins pleaded gulltj and was sentenced to one ji'at in the i c.iitentmij. 'lipVct ! ittiuMi'fi Ortloi1 (5onio"sob. ! . Apill 2. fSjicclal. ] TliL'io lias Just liee-i oisaiiiyed In 0111 jouni : and mowing citb , P. 1' . Lllls , state oistxnl/cr , a lodge ol the Ancl-nt Oidei of United Woikmeii , with a list of iluutei inc'inbois made up trom ainoug out best ch s of citi zens. The ollieeis i leot aio : K 1' . Iteinhaul , > I. W. ; IVtei Klniiey , P. JI. W. ; Thompson , rorcnian ; tee ! li. Adams , O\ir- scei ; (5 ( co. II. Hair , Itecoider ; James 1 ( SlUi-splc , rinanciei ; Oi. 1. S. Co-hlan , lle- cehoi ; Josciih H. ( lillosplc , ( inldo ; Michael Monibsej , I.W. ; J..1. K\ansO.W. ; Tutslec" , L. I , . Work , John Herch and ( J. C. 1'aik ; Medical i\aminei , Ui. I. S. Coshlan. The lodge mec'ts on 1'ilday night ol each week , nnd Itnlteslslting bietlnen i'lom Chndion , e , \ alcntineaiul clsewheie. IT'S M-JAHING Till 3 KM ) . Tlio O\crlnml Unto \Var apparently Itonolivs a Settlement. Kiw YOKUApi12.0nuot ! tlir bittcicst ralhoadiatoAII that the \\estcin loads ln\oe\ei known has piobably come to an end. Tlio Transcontinental pool \\nsbiol\cn on the ISHli of rebinaiy bj the Atchlson , Topeki & Santa 1'e announelng a cut in latc-b between ew Yoikand San Ki-aneisco. It did this bemuse the othci membeisof the pool would not allow as laige a percentage f the lielglit business to the Atchison as it [ lemanded. All of the lines In the pool met lie cut , and tlio usult has leen that tnuclcis iiid tieigl t have gone to C.tlitoini t points at Atiemelj low i.itc-s. I'oi nassengei lates lie jniec of unlimited liist class iikcts fiom New Yoik to San rrancisco i\as ilJO.2. " , . Tills pilco was cut .mill the low water maik of S-b-r > 0 was reached. In i mights tlio pi ice lor cotton neco goods , lor example , was Sit pel 100 iioiinils tiom New Yolk to ban I'lancisco. I'ldb late was cut down until it became too ow to quote. 'I ho piincipal lightois wcio the Southem Taellie and Atehison. Toiieka & , Santa 1'e. Tlio othei lines , noticeably the Union 1'aellic and Pacilio JIail Steamship comi > an > , tollowcd the cut. but this was done note to keep tlio people inloinicd that theio t\eie such ionics than bo < anso they wanted o light. 'Iho Atchison ha's been "oiciiitJltho light tliiotighout the contest. The lesiilt ot it lias tlio appeaianco ot u vie- ' load. It is nndeibtood among ailioid men thatl'iesidentStiong piesentcd ils ultimatum to I'lcbideut lluntingtoii of he Southern I'uulic on 'iliuisday , and that lluntington asked until to day to answci it , and by telegraph he did answci , and immc- Ltiatoly his agents ntiniiunccd to bhipp is Hi it lates would be icstoied to the old basis attci to monow. The Atchison agents luxe \etieceUcd oideison thesiibjeet , though .hey aie expected \eiy soon. TJ1U NI3W YOHIC iVnothciumcial lliilic 'J nicer Under Arrest. Nnw YOHK , Apiil 2. Aldciman Fullgraff i\as aiiested this nioinlng on a bench \\ai- ant by a Cential ollice detective on the clungo ol biihiiy In connection with the mssage ol the llioadwaj Suilaco lailioad iinnuilso , and was taken to the distiictat- toinoj's ollice. JX-AIdeiman Waite is In chaipo of ln- spectoi U > ines and will spend tlio niglii in home hotel , Kx-Aldeiman Pinisonwas 10- leased on bail , liisbiothu.AIexandei , jnstilv- ing in tlio sum ot The penall > lei the olTeiiso is ten joais iniprisonnicnt 01 XOOOllne.oi both , in tlio discietion ot the omt. At Distiiel Attoinox .Maitlne's ollice It was said thcie would juob ibly bo noancsts to nl.lit. Alduiiimn I'nlgialT , belore tlio linestl- giting eommittio to da > , stiennonsly denied that lie had been paid an ) mone > lei Insole in la\oi ol gi lilting the li.uulii'e , ( icoige W. Altn , siicfcssoi toAideimin Jaelini ) in the jewiliy business , denhd tint he had gone to the sub tieasiu i to get a MO.Ofli ) lull changed as had been chalged , 01 that ho told .iiiuino Hint the "hoodie" was kept in Jachnc's sale in his stoie A numhd ot nldeinion ol Ibsl wilt becailed upon to lestlli to monow. Xi w VOIIK , Apiil 2. 'I ho giand jmv 10- tuined lnditunnts ( lot liilbi > i > agiinsl Al- deinieii I'CMIMIII anil Kiik. KnL was ie- hased on STi.OOO bail , and 1'eaison ic < | idid to Imnlsli the sinio bond , whltli he is jet iimblo to do. The llioad- w.U tiancliisit nnestlgitlon loinniitteo was in session again to daj. Kx-Aldeiman rtill- giall was lecalled to the witness f-tand and testlliodns tohls iinanclal condition during the past lew jeaisat gical length. Wodnesilnj'is Traccily , Tito body of Anilrow IIo.uuloUio \ \ as inn down by a Union I'.u ihf on ino on Wodnehilav oM'iiin , is btill \\n\x \ \ at tlio roionoi'n ollico. : iwaitiniiiituiiiuiit ) His wife , \\lio is onlj 20 yean of a o , bt'on nniised ) of hei lin-jb'inil's death althon li -lie is in u CM st.itn She linn twicoviMteil the loom whoieln the hod ) lies , anil ya/os nt the coinso , 6ioinln l > ila/etl , by sonow , but neither crying 1101 inakini ; an. ) out waul Mgn of htnient The tiinonil will take nl.ico this afteinoon , inloimtml being niailo in 1'ios- pect JIill ceineleiy , Twontfivi1 conU will buy a boltlo of IJul Star Coti li duo It novel fulls to euroHood's Hood's Sarsap aril/a Combines , In a manner pccull ir to Itself , the host blood purKjIng and strengthening reme dies of tlio vegetable Kingdom. You will ( I nil this woiidorfnl remedy cITcitlvo where other mcillclni'i have failed , Tiy U now. H will purify jnnr Mnoi ) , icgulito the iliKCstlon , and glvo new life anil vlgorto thocntho beidy. " Hood's hirsiparllla did mo creat gnoil. I was tired out fromovcivvnrk , ami It toned inn up. " MliH (5 K. blMMOhH , Coliocs , N' , V. " 1 stifTcicil th 100 jrars fiom blood pol on , I took Hood's harsipirllii and think I am cured. " Miss. M. J. DAVIS , III uekport , N. V. lu'ifles l/m Jilooil Hoods Husiiatllla ] Is liarnctcrl/cd 1 > ) tlncc pe-enllailllus ; 1st , tlm combination M lemedhl agents ; 2dthe jnoporttvn , aU , Ilia jnoccti ol securing thu aetlve incillcinil qualities. 1 ho result Is a inulkhio of um.sxul streiigtli.'clfcctlni ; cures liltheito unknown. bent ) for book containing ; additional cv iUence. "Hood's SirsanarllH tones up my hjstcir. . puiinus my Mood , fclurpensiiiv ant < tile , and seems to iiiako IIIQ mcr" J r 'JMQMi'dO.s , UcgUtcru ( Decels , Lowell , M..SS. "Ilond's Bars ip.iillli hctts all others , and N worth Ils wclKlit In folil " I HVHKJMUON , J30 Hank btrcct , New YoiK CM } . Hood's Sarsapacilla bold by all drufu'sts. t j iu for 55. Maelr only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO , l.ov , , 11 , AlsiS. JOO DoscsOno _ Doair ! ) < . O'NEILL'S ' ' UNEARNED HONOR ! „ The Missouri Statesman Receiving Keif ( Orcelit Than Ho is Entitled To. j CHAPLAIN MILBURN'S PRAYERS , f Heprcscntatlvo Willis' or Ills IMucntlonftl Will The Contest Over Morrlioit'a TnrlfT aicnstirc. Nat nn Ofliulnl 1'cnocninVor. WASH O i ox , April'i tSiiectol.1 HfilHW jclitatlvo John J. O'Nclll of Missouri'hM been tlie subject of a greit deal of favorable comment dm Ing the past few days , gniwlu * out of his alleged attempt to * > ce re nn under * standing between Jay Gould and thn Knlffhta of Laboi. It was said last Monday tbalj O'Neill had been sent us nn ambassador from the tucsldont nud ho had urged Gould tV accept niblttiitlou ns tlio best menus for miiigiug about a settlement of the dltll- citltles tietwecn hlsiallioadsuml the stilkere , nnd In concessional nnd labor circles hero O'Neill wns nwnteled n gtoat deal of pralso foi ids supposed success in Induc ing Mi. Gould to come to tcims. It seems , hovvevei , that O'Neill has been iceelv Ins moio ciedlt than wns duo htm , nnd that ho did not go as an emissary of , tlie ptesldeut 01 nnj one oNo to the scene of battle. The stoilus to the ellcct tlmttbe pres ident has been tijiiig lei seine thus to liv diice Gould to listen to icason nro denied1 at the white house This does not signify k great deal , as denials aie maelo thJio to order upon any and nil snbjecU with the gientest dispatch. Still , It Is baldly likely that Mr. Cleveland has taken n hand In this elltUculty without havingbucnnskcd to do so by some of the paities Inteiested. Mll.lll IIV'S MADDI.MXO rnAYKllS. Chaplain Milbuin , "the blind ininii elo quent , " who has been stailllng the country by tliovigoi of Ids piajcis In the house of ; lepiosoutatives lately , Ins boon nsked to model ate his tone by seine ol the democratic leadeis , and In all piobabillty will do so la the future. A gieat deal of comment lias been excited ovei the action ot Mr. James of New Yoik , In declining to allow the pub lication of a piajci In the Kucord last Satnr- dav. Mr. James , who Is a man of strong re ligious convictions , wasaskcd his roasonsfor taking the ceiniso ho did , and whether ho ob jected to ptajeis In the of the Reo- onl. James leplled : "Mo , I never objcct'to piajeis , but 1 do object to buncombe. " Ami theio aio other deinociats besides James who sco n gieat deal * of bnneoiubo In these dlsseitatlyusof the chapliln , antl unless ho Ismoicearelitl In the Inline , heTis likely to create n gieal deal of dlssatlstacllon with his couiso , and peihaps some stionger protests than have jet been hcaiel. WlU.tb' MIUCA I ION 11II.I , . Tlio most Impoi taut movonienl in congress , peihaps , foi some time was the action of. the house on Monday in lefeu Ing the now edu cational bill to tlio committee on labor. The attempt was made and sucjeedeel bj' a major- itv of some tvvcntj-hvo votes , and. with this majoilly to stait with , Willis and his friends anticipate that they can pass thu bill In spite of the opposition. It is lather amusing to hear the * explanations of men who voted on the incasiiiu on Monday last. No ono seems to eleslto to ho rogaided us lavoring ( lie bill because ho voted with Willis. John II. Long , of Massachusetts , who was the * most piomlnent man on \ \ Jills' aide , ex plained his vote by saj lug tha ( ; hi ; oposcd he summary method ol stiangllng leglslo- .ion which hid been adopted by the commit- : ee on education , and that ho did not desire .0 seem to laver the policy of allow Ing n com- nitto to deteiinlno whetliei or not n measure was lit lor discussion. Governor Long added that ho should novel be willing to icsoit to so xtiemon coniso unless the mensuio under consideration was so obnoxious1 to him an to make it elcsliable * to kill Itbj any means. The educational bill , ho said , was not so bad as to wauant this step , and foi this reasori he voted to bring it bcfoib the house in onlir that its meilts and demerits might 0 iulh set (01 ( th. He did not wish to bo ro- aided ns having Indicated Ills com so towards . the bill on tlio linal vote by veiling to tnko Its consldeiation avvny liom the commltteo on dneatlon. On llioolhci hand , Mr. Cannon , ol Illinois , who in ly favot the bill , votca ngalnsl tlio chaugo In coinmlttep , nnd ex plained hinisell by saj ing Hint ho did not dc- > lie to adopt this method ot rebuking a com- nitto which might bo considered deicllct In , ts duty. Hobelioved that the for the liotibo to have pnisneel would liavo been to have ) Instineteil the committee to lepoit the bill either favorably or advciselj' . Ho voted against Vflh Ils this time , not because ho opposed til * * 1 bill , but because ho opj o-cd the plan to in sult the commltteo on education. U is not probable that the bill can ho irichoel at tliln'j session , even if a lavoiablS lepoit should b - , made bj the committee. The bate majority bj which It wns lemoved liom the charge ot i the committee on education nnd placed be * f * fine the committee on Inboi Is not tmlllcUAil , < 'V to instill'i suspension of the inles nnd thV. setting apart ol a day for Ils consideration , nnd 11 Is new so Intc in thn session nnd them ft aio MI many ineasuies ahead ot It on the cnl- " ondai , that 11 is piacthally Impossible to mieU ' It In tl'o ic-gulai of business. 1111 : i.vnirr nii.i , . S Few things liavo eome up in this ton groan t vvlilch liavo pioven so lumentablo to the ino- joilty ei piedomlnaiit paityas tlio contest-1 ovei the Monition taiirf bill. Considerable' ' . k cling 1ms been worked up on this issued" * wi and it will bo dillicnlt to hold the vojo to * * * - ) getheron otliui nvittuis without n caucus , . 1V Althoiu'h theio Iiua been constant " u castIng - . - Ing about" , niiet all kinds of hclKM > ics hav ' " * be-en pioposc'd teiglvotho measure hticngth , " * < It is wi'akei today than It was bnfeno these i ovcrtuies were bogtin. Tlio tailff icfofmera liave pioposcd all kinds ol tiadcs , combina tions and consolidations , but the t HI Iff bill standsnloni ) In its weakness. Thoio may be n miinhci ot cli inges and additions to the nieasino befoie * It Is lopoile'el , but'none , of them piomisult the * sticngtli It miisf have be * loio piss. TIIH i > i Men it MIO ft IMJ. "I feel as though we weie em Iliu veiy vcrce ot seine unusual sensation , " said nil olel ; f soutliein H'liatoi t'xlaj , "and I nm afraid It b. somclliing that is geniig lolapi | | < ii to Hie adiiiinistiatinn am aliaid death or soiuo- tlhii'4 else will di eirgaui/o alla.irt. " Tliis seeinn to bo an almost I'ciicral feeling heie. It piejbiblv iriovvu out ot ( hu illness of linen mi mbe'is olihocabiiiot. ft has been * long time * since so laigo a pieiporliortlpf thu 1 cabinet was eiisablcd , and nnturofly the nppielieiisioir would bo unnccessuillj'giciit. OI'l II I it J Ivl IIS OO.NL IIQVIP. The laii-'e'eifticesec-kin.constituenc ! ington has foi a jeit be-cn enjoying has al most oiititulj elisapjieaicel , Theio a 10 not moio than 1 pei cent as many ollife uekora hcic now as a jeai ago , and not nifc . , llinii unc Icjilh as man ) as sis months sinW ; Hi4 ; . , 01 tlieiu have le'lt. a few of them cp iipaw- tive-ij satUlicel , Old cltUcns fay tliore tire n / ' moio aspliants heie at this tiihc than usual tindui past adinlnlbtiations. Joseph Hall , nuiiia inj ; < ditor f > f . Lul-.u C'jty Xcvvb. is in Oia-jUar TJT