THE OMAHA DAILY BBR , FRIDAY , APML 2 , 1886. THE DEMOCRATS NOMINATE , The Ward Primaries Hold and Candidates For Oounoilmen Selected , THE MARCH CRIMINAL RECORD. Tlio Bad People Who Ilavo llcou Ar- rcHtod DurliiK the Month Nuws From the Courts Itnllrorul Notes Iiucnl Matters. Candidates Tor Cotincllincti. Whisky and beer flowed freely In cer tain quarters , last night , for It was the ni ht of the democratic ward primaries , and there was work to bo done. Candidates nnd their friends were busy nil day , and worked llko t'trers ' during the two hours that votliiK was going on from C to 7 o'clock. In wards however some , , every thing was quiet uml peaceful , but in the First and Third the fight waxed hot. Gangs of men wore constantly moving from one polling place to the other and crowded around the ballot boxes to help thulr friends and discomfit their enemies. Strange to say , however , few tistie en counters occurred , although hot words and cutting remarks were numerous. The First ward primary was held at the Shivin house on Tenth street , and hero the heaviest voting was done , 727 ballots being east. The three candidates for councilman were Thomas J. Lowry , Wil liam Nevo and Kichard Kngelmann , hut : \t \ the start the first named took the lead. The voting resulted in : Lowry151 , Neve 21 ! ) , Kngeinmnn 07 , a majority for the former of 175. The delegates elected to the city convention were : Charles Met * . William Siaulding ) , P. C. llafe.y , Charles liramlles , A. G. ISuchannn , John Kane and P. Desmond. There were only two candidates for the nomination in the Second ward Patrick Garvoy and Henry llornbergor. The primary was held at lleimrod's ' saloon , Thirteenth and Jackson streets , and wns quiet hut closely contested. Out of a to tal of 324 votes cast , Harvey received 210 and Ilornborgor 103. V. S. howls , Jo 1m Miilionoy , Louis Iloimrod , F. J. Dorklcy , George V. llines , Eil O'Connor and P. J. Harrcttwere selected as delegates to the city convention. Aflairs were rather warm in the Third ward from the opening of the polls until tiie closing. The votes cast numbered U8. and were put in with a rush after 0 o'clock. Patrick Ford , the present coun cilman , was a candidate for rcnomina- lion , s nents 47. The delegation to the city is composed as follows : Joe Tcahon , Henry Parrisli. Julius Meyer , P. Ford.JP. H. Geary , Fred Kohlmoyer , and August Weiss. There was only one ticket in the Fourth ward , and the primary was therefore quiet , 122 votes being cast. Joseph Gar- ncau , jr. , was selected as nominee for councilman , and the following are' the delegates to the city convention : J. II. McShane , Samuel Shears , A. J. Potter , W. II. McCord , J. J. O'Connor , A. E. Uoggeshall , and J. C. Pontxcl. A largo vote was also cast in the Fifth ward , James Uolan receiving 1)1 ! ) votes , Thomas Falconer 120 , and Kdward Davis 118. The following delegates were elect- od-j\ Thomas II. Dniluy. Gus Carey , Geprgo Winheart. James Douglas Wil liam Solvers , John Cumininirs and 11. Kurdish. The Sixth ward cast the smallest num ber ot votes of any in the city , but the conteat was the closest. H. II. Lucas re ceived 50 votes , James Stephen son -11 , and ! ' . K. lirnytou 10. The delegates elected to the city convention are : Au gust Cloves. Andy Smith , A. F. Wolf , Otis Carmichael , B. A. Hall , Henry Hitter , John Buliek. OMAHA'S CUIMRS. The ArrcHtH hy the I'oHce In March and the Offences. The police court record for the month of March was completed yesterday by Clerk Pent/.cl , showing the total number of arrests by the force to be 500 , classified as follows : Jltiblicry 3 Burcliiry 2 Assault with Intent to kill 1 Vo nti : ry 1 Assault and battery IT PiiRltlvo from jiiHtlco i $ Disturbance of the peace 01 IJeframllin : hotel a Keening opium joint 1 . ! Prostitution int ) Peddllnj : without license 2 Selling liquor lo minors 1 Obtaining money undur false pretenses. . . 1 Inmates of disorderly house 7 Vagrants and suspicious characters 127 Intoxication ill Hoys t-ent to reform school ! larceny 12 Commuting nuisance ! i Total Hoii DlHtrlot Court Notos. Ilonry Lago has begun suit in tlio dis trict court against James C. Mitchell and others to have his title to two lots in the city confirmed la opposition to tlio claims of ownership of Iho said lots by the de fendants , A transcript of appeal from the verdict of the police court in the case of 1'ctcr Smith was filed in tlio'district court yes terday afternoon. Smith was convicted February 11 of soiling liquor to minors , anil was lined $25 nnd costs. E. K. Athorlon , the fast racer who de feated ( irogg at the exposition building Wednesday , commenced n suit of attach ment in .Justice llelsloy's court yesterday against Albert Finch. The defendant , it U claimed , pocketed $50 , the forfeit iiionoy on the race , because , as alleged , Atherton and his parly were not on hand at tlio stipulated time , 3 o'clock In the afternoon. Tiio case of Laing vs. Nelson is stllljpn trial before Judge Novlllo in the district court. Culled It n Drnw. Local sports are deeply interested in tlio recent contest between O , H , Smith , thu Omaha pugilist , and Jaok Keofo , of Philadelphia. Smith was badly winded in the fifth round , nnd received severe punishment in the sixth. The referee declared tlio light n draw. Keofo appealed to the crowd in the rink , which cheered for him loudly. Smith then mounted a chair and said Keofo had won the light. Kecfo said if he hadn't ho would ligjit another round , and started towards bmith's cor- Jior. Mayor Cleland , in the gallery , pot excited and saw visions of blood. Ho said the match was only permitted by Biillbninco , and called to the chief of pollen and marshal to arrest Keofo. The ollieers approached as ordered , but u general yell of protest caused the niiivor to again mount his forum mul modify his ordor. Kccfo is at largo , 'Iho result Is about as anticipated , A number of local sporting men laid bets on Smith's success , but the more t'onser- I\yatlvo placed his chances for the best , | < Ut a draw. Smith has many admirers vim l > ojievo that with proper training _ uandlinz ho could easily down icfe. White Cedar Piling 1s bettor than oak or bridge or foundation work. It lasts I longer in or out of the ground and can I bo furnished and driven lor one-third loss fcosjbyl ) . Sopor & Co. , 1020 rarnam itrcet , Omaha , . - * -4 - HKSUiMINO TJIAFF1C. = J The Missouri Pacific Scuds Out Its Frst Train Yesterday A tndn of thirty cars of freight was sent out over the Missouri Paclnc railroad ycstrday , the first since March 5th. It was sent to St. Louis and other points south , and consisted almost entirely of merchan dise. The whole thing wns done very quietly , and not the slightest resistance xvns encountered from the K. of L. men. The Missouri Pacific local agent reports that ho is receiving largo quantities of freight daily. NOTES AND l'KHSOK.\I.9. W. A. Deiiel , superintendent of the Union Pacific at Cheyenne is in the city. The election of directors for the Union Pacific which took place in Boston Wed nesday , resulted in the selection of Col- Eato lloyt , to take the place of Hugh Kiddle. The election for president took place yesterday. Many land-exploring tickets arc being sold to the west. The Union Pacific express was again late last evening. The low rates seem to have partially demoralixed some ot the travel-loving public. Kver since the cut , people have been making a grand rush west , but now many have changed their minds anil are going cast. To Boston the i" to in $2(5 ( , nnd many are going to sec the "hub" and surroundings while they can do so with out material damage to their bank ac counts. Three ftcrmans , "right from the old country , " wont into the baggage room last evening before the Union Pacific train sturtcuand managed to talk Kng- lish onougli to make one of thn clerks understand that they wished their trunks cheeked to San Francisco. "Well , say , do you talk Dutch , or what ? " nskcd the clerk. "Yah , yah , Teich , " was the an swer. "Well , mine chiminey gracious , 'Tcich' it up a little so that 1 ean under land what you want , " said the cleric. Two of the Germans were resuscitated jy the liberal use of smelling-salts ( lim- jurgor cheese ) , and the other was borne carefully out of the room to the car , ; rciit fears being entertained as to his iltimato recovery. All of which goes to show that foreigners cannot stand Ameri can puns , oven though English is to them : m unknown tongue. The St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad company has had considerable trouble in the past few days as regards [ ho ferries at Sioux City and Covington. J'lio river at theso'points has been lower this spring , with the exception of a few days following the breaking tip of the eo , than was ever known before , making ferriage bad. To-day , owing to heavy winds , no boats were run at all. AMUSEMENTS. "Victor , the Illttc Stocking , " nn Un- ( Iiialilled SUCCCHB Last Evening- The opera house was filled with an appreciative audience last night to wit ness the lioston Ideals rendition of ' 'Vic tor , the IJluo Stocking. " It was the first time tliis opera has been given in Omaha , and it mot with the great success which it merited. It is bright , sparkling and pure , abounding in clever dialogue and charming sittiation. The sccno of the play is laid in Paris , in the year of the fall of the Uastile. The plot , while not com plicated , possesses enough interest to absorb serb the attention of the audience. The interest centers about two characters , "Victor Delmar , " a loiter writer or sec retary , and "Fanehcttc. " During tlio progress of the opera the fact is dis closed that instead of being a mere street- singer , as she appears , Fanchettois really the daughter of a French nobleman , who considers himself a poet. The noble man brings one of his poems to Victor for revision. The poem is full ot loyalty to the king , but Victor , who is an ardent friend of the people , changes its sense completely , and after passing through his hands , instead of being a royalist song it becomes a republican street ballad. The marquis , of course , is brought into disfavor witli the king and is ordered to the Haslile. However , ho escapes to London , taking "Funchotto , " whom ho in the monntimo recognized with his daughter with him. While ho is absent Victor is elected a general in the army of ( ho republic and saves him from imprisonment when lie returns to Paris. Fanchette also returns and the course of true love , which had been clogged by the discovery of her high birtli , once more moves on serenely. As "Fanchctto" Mile. Zelio do Lussan made a great hit. She has a fine , well modulated soprano of excellent timbre. In addition to this she possesses a pretty face and exquisite figure , which together with her piquant acting makes her ner- formanco altogether charming. Mr. Mc Donald as "Victor" displayed his voieo to perfection. His talent , however , seems to bo limited to his singing , ns he does not excel as an actor. Miss Agnes Hunting don both sang and acted well and re ceived deserved applause. Uarnabeo , Mor.scll and Frothingham , the universal favorites , easily maintained tlieir repu tation. As H whole the company was ex cellent , and showed the results of care ful training. The chorus sang in har mony and in time , and aided L'j' ' Miss Lussan , in the last act awoke the audience to such enthusiasm as has seldom been scon in Omaha. To-night "Tho Maid of Honor" will bo presented , with elegant costumes and ap propriate scenery. This is more closely allied to grand opera than almost any operetta on the stage. It has been highly commended by tlio critics and will doubtless - loss draw a crowded house. At to-mor row's matinee "Tho Musketurs" will bo produced , At Creltihtou College. It is a pleasure to the students of Croighton college to have distribution dayeomo. This was the ease ] Wednesday when the boys were summoned to tlio college - logo hall. Recitation and song turned the troubled thoiu'hts of the /onions stu dent into moments of jollification , as each manly scholar executed his part of the exercises. It is whispered among the Btudunts that they will bo called upon to give a seiontilio exhibition before long , but when they do not know. Tlio leaders of each class are striving hard for first place as the year draws to a close , especially in tlioso branches for which a medal of consider able value will bo given , General satis faction was oxbrossed by the president yesterday at the close of the exercises. The folk wing students made a good nverago of notes : Henry Malone 85 , Thomas Hitsscll 1)7 ) , John Whulon 01 , Frank Hurnos 83 , John 11. Fumy 05 , Ed Smith 85 , Francis Fauforlik 81 , John Uronnau 81 , Hen Hello 88. Joseph McCarvillo 03 , Chas. NenieU 85 , Taos. Lyman 01 , Joseph McCarthy 07 , Hartwell Murray 01 , Michael O'Connor 83 , John O'Neill 01 , Hiehard Pureull 83 , Arthur Hertel 82 , Thos. Uurko K ) , Francis Furcy 80 , Fran cis Gallagher Si , Harry Galla gher 81 , Henry Hennenliofer 83 , Bert Minor 85 , Robert Kecd 81 , Chas. Smith 80 , Thomas Swift 80 Heniurd Wittig 02 , Nat Field 87 , Charles Howard 87. Ed Lyman 00 , Frank Loyctt 100 , Cor. Murphy 00 , Michael Mcohan 81. Joseph Not-h 80 , John Palmer 01 , Ed Powers 60 , Harry Perkins 80 , Leonard Schlobci 83 , Chas. Heaton 81 , Win. Forn- dran 01 , Joseph Faufcrlik 8iJ , Antoro Horeik 80 , Uert Murphy frl , John Mullo SO.Jn.s.P.oudSl. Dr. W. C. Spaldm-j lias taken , charge of the social column of the Sunday lie- publican. ' VING SIN Evangelist Bitlor at the First M , I ! , ( Jhurch , Shows How it Should be Done. FOOLS AND THEIR FOLLIES. What tlio April One .Reporter Saw The Iicngiic IiivcfttlKating n Wo man's Wronjjs A Ilcad Alan Identified Itrlef Mention. The Itcvlval. At a few moments after half past seven Wednesday night , a procession of seven Chinamen , headed by thohalf-Anglociscd leader of the celestial race in this city , San Goon , passed up the nislo of the First M. E. church. They had come to attend the revival , and as they pushed their way up front , ttieicrowds which had already gathered parted , and allowed them to take n scat in ono of the first pews. The Chinamen were not the last ones to arrive , for up to eight o'clock or after , people came pouring in , until the spacious auditorium was filled. KVcti about the reporter's stand the throng pressed and took seats , hardly leaving room for the scribes to apply elbow grease. The meeting was opened with prayer , followed by Miiging. Then Rev. Ir. Hitler , the evangelist , advanced to the front part of the platform and began speaking. "A revival , " hs said , "is a sort ol growth. Wo have got to learn how to conduct it ; to understand the methods of one another. 1 have got myself fairly before you , and I think you understand mo ; now I want to understand you. I want to hear what you have to say. I would like to have about twcnty-livo minutes given up to the audience , so that 200 people may relate personal experi ence. Ho brief. Don't ' waste time. Talk from the depths of your heart. It will do you treed , and will help the sinners. Oh ! brethren , 1 believe wo are going to have a greater revival hero a greater out pouring of tiie spirit than you have any idea of. God grant it" The singing of "I Will Follow Jesus" came next. Then the Rev. Hitler called upon the recent converts as well as the oliler Christians to tell their experience's Rev. Mr. MeCaig spoke rather beyond the limit laid down by Mr. Hitler. "Hrothrcn , I want to say , " ho concluded , "that my heart has never gone out to wards men as it has since I have lived in Omaha. My son } has never yearned for the salvation of sinners as it has since my stay here. " Rev. Mr. Phplps spoke briefly. "Glory , Glory , llallelujan" followed , one stan/.a of which was so inspiring that Mr. Hitler asked the privilege of singing it as a solo. It must be confessed that the evangelist is not a great singer. Hut what lie lacked in technique he made up mcnthu siasm , and th audience responded bravely with theechorus. A very red faced young man , who said that ho was a sailor , had run away from homo when 10 years old and had followed the sea for eighteen years , stood up in the rear of the house. He had been con verted since coming to Omaha some months ago. " 1 have been as hard a man in my day as any man could bo , " ho said , "used to think of nothing but whis ky , cards and all things wicked used to give myself up wholly to the ways of the world. I am chanced now. 1 have an old Christian mother who has been pray ing for me all these years. I gbt a" letter from her to-day Goil bless her. Ono of the struggles 1 have had within tlio past few weelis has been against the use of to bacco. 1 am coming out a conqueror and 1 thank God foi it. " Loud cries of "Amen ! Amen ! " from all parts of the house showed the brother that ho had many sympathizers in his . struggle against the use of tobacco and other sins of the flesh. "Perhaps you want to hear from anoth er recruit , " said a blind man , rising to his feet. "I have served two enlistments in tlio United States army and was blind ed in one of thorn. A few nights ago I was converted in these meetings and re ceived my sight again my heavenly sight. " An old lady perhaps seventy-nine or eighty years of age said that she was proud to bo member of the army. " 1 am a Methodist and 1 am jilait of it. 1 hliall follow the path until the great captain shall call me homo. " A stanza or two of "Ho Lcadcth Me" was sung. An elderly gentleman in ono of tlio front pews told how his faitli had been strengthened. His feeling was that the present revival was going to reach out and embrace many houls who had never before tasted the righteousness of God. God.An An old gentleman with long gray whiskers asked the privilege of relating his personal experience in song , llo sang the old familiar stan/.a beginning : ' 1 rest , 1 rest Supremely blest , Without a care to canker. " His singing was not perfect by any moans , and rather amused some of the more worldly minded. One of tlio China men in the front row appeared particu larly amused , and grinned audibly. Still the singing continued , growing bettor toward the end , until most of the audi ence wore rather sorry when it closed , The vocalist then brielly told his exper ience and his faith ( hat the Lord was about to shower down a great blessing upon the people of Omaha. All over the house men and women of all ages arose and hriolly spoke. The evangelist , warming up , jumped to his feet and advanced to the edge of the platform. "Now I'm going to ask something , " ho Mild , " \vhich will roach a good many of your hearts. 1 want all of you hero who have once enjoyed the sweets of salvation , but do not enjoy thorn at. the present time , to stand up now. You nay , ' 1 undcr.stand the lan guage of Canaan , but 1 don't enjoy tlioso gnthls as 1 used to,1 There are many of you hero , who have backslidden. Let us toll Him about it. Wo will pray for you. " Slowly people arnsn in difl'uront parts of the house until perhaps twelve or fif teen had berne testimony to bavin" wan dered from the fold , They were invited to stand , and Mr. Hitler led in an earnest prayer that they might bo brought into the light again , More sinking followed. The Christian portion of the nudionco began to move lioro and there throughout the house , exhorting the sinners to rouont. The ovangoliht nervously flitted from ono part of tlio house to tlio other , shaking a hand hero , dropping a word there , and over and anon , praying with some strug gling penitent. He nervously rushed to the platform , nnd mounting a chair called to all who were trying to turn to Jesus to make tlio first stop in line and kneel at the altar , or take a front seat where they could bo prayed with. Quito n number responded some ton or twelve and nearly all professed con- Torsion before tuny turned away. Among them was a Chinaman , who , as the ovangclist announced , "had found Jesus since ho entered the houso. " The services were closed with the sing ing of the doxology , and the fourth nit'ht of Mr. Hitler's work In Omaha was at an end. Alilt FOOI/S DAY. Small Roys and Dignified Men Alike Subject to 1'racUcal Jokex. Wednesday was pre-eminently the day for the small , boys. The irrepressible kid arose early in the morning and began to lay traps for the uuwury to fall into. With a sly sardonlccvn demoniac when ho found a victim smile he started out in the morning bant upon deceit. Horse cars were stopped by him and after two minutes pataout waiting the driver was solaced by the remark that it was the First of AprD People kicked hats placed invitingly irpou the sidewalk nnd , when they found the hat was filled with brick , had a gcntla reminder for the rest of the day in their toes that they were April fools. Dignified men stooped down and picked up bright look- ins quarters only to- - drop them with scorched fingers in time to hear n hearty cry of "April Fool" and KCO a dozen heads disappear around the neighboring corner. Early in the morn ing the swirit of fun scorned to bo infec tious and the practical jokes were by no means confined to the youth. Hartoml- ors took pleasure in giving their regular customers nauseous mixtures instead of the matutinal.cocktail which tlieir stomach ach craved ; smokers found nails and pieces of wood In their cigars , and those unfortunate enough to UMJ chewing to bacco got frequent tastes of quinine In stead of the much beloved nicotine. In fact every variety of chestnut was brought back from the dim. ugos of boy hood and iitili/.cd for all it was worth , and ingenious minds Fct themselves to work inventing new "gags. " Perhaps the most sport was had at the coroner's ofiieo. The body ot a man who had been killed by nn accident had been ' brought in , ami 'as usual there was n great crowd of morbid curiosity seekers anxious to see it. A mail would rush in hurriedly and exclaim : " 1 hear you'vo got a corpse in hero. Let mo see it now Unit's a good fellow. " The coroner would smile sarcastically and quietly remark : "I guess you've for gotten that this is the 1st of April. " That would be sullicirnt and without making any further inquiries the man would rush out. vowing vengeance upon the person who had played an April fool joke upon him. him.Tho The fun , however , was all good nn- turcd and no one seemed to take ollbnso at being sent upon a fool's errand. An Interesting Case. The Law and Order League yesterday took the girl , Louisa Mercer , who it is claimed , was enticed from her homo in Council Hlufl's , out o the house of Mrs. Frank. Agent James of the league , has been working untiro- iimly on the case for the past few day * , and has discovered evidence by which ho thinks he can prove- that the young woman was allured from her homo by promises that she would be taught Urn dress-maker's art in this pity. She has respectable parents living in tlio Ulufi's , who arc greatly grieved over the course into which she has fallen. Up to about a few weeks ago Miss Mercer worked in a hotel in Council Hlufi'Sj and two weeks since was brought to this city. In work ing up the case , Agent James was ren dered valuable assistance by Chief Mathews , of the Council BluQ's depart ment. It is stated by those who have known the girl that tlio woman who brought her to this city is not entirely to blame , and that this young lady was. . not as innocent when she came fo this city as she might have been. The Mercer girl declares she doesn't want to go back to her parents , but will leave the city as soon as possible. A Glided Me ltd Sharper. Hobbic Hros. , the ticket brokers , came very near being taken in last night by a slick rascal whoso namoiifi unknown. Ho entered their ollico evidently in a great hurry , nnd asked lor a ticket to a western point , which was furnished him. In pay ment he laid on the counter what was supposed to be a live-dollar gold piece and hurried away. After ho had been gone a tew minutes Mr. llobbie discov ered that the money was simply a now nickel , without the "cents , " which had been gilded. An officer was at once sent to the depot , and after a short search captured the man as he was boarding the west bound train. When accused of the crimp he ollered to settle with Hobbio for tlio ticket and upon doing so he was re leased and went on his way rejoicing. The Dead Man Identified. Andrew Hovamlo was the man instant ly killed at the east end of the Union Pacificjyards Wednesday evening by being run over by a switch engine. Benjamin Johnson came into the coroner's ollice yesterday morning and identified the body that of a black smith , Andrew Tlovnndo , living at the corner of Seventh and Jones .streets. An inquest was held in the morning , at which the facts as given above were de veloped. Tlio Kuddest'part of the tragedy is that the wife of the unfortunate man is to bo confined shortly. Ahout Two Murder Cases. District Attorney Kstello returned from Lincoln yesterday afternoon whore ho argued the motion in the lialhird murder case before the supreme court. The ar guments , he said , lasted for about live hours , and were full anil comprehensive , but just when the decision will bo ren dered is uncertain. Ho is of the opinion. however , that lialhird will not be granted a now trial , Mr. Kstollo is suH'ering from a severe cold and exhaustion , and fear.s that ho will bo unable to argue the motion in the Lauer ease on Saturday , the day on which tlio hearing is bet in the district court. In that case he will ask for a continuance. A Now Industry. Tlio Omaha canning company have perfected their organization by the elec tion of the following officers : S. 11. II. Chirk , John A. MeShano , Dr. J. R , Conk- ling , John T. Hell and E. L. Stone , directors - rectors ; W. G. Shriver , secretary ; E , L. Stone , treasurer , A contract has boon made with Mr. Leo Hird , of Minneapolis , Minn. , as superintendent of the works , which are to be located on the west side of the Missouri Pacific track , a mile west of the city limits on the extension of Lcavonworth street , Wanted to exchange for stock of Hard ware and general merchandise , r > iJO acres of fine Thayer county ( Nali.hind ) ; live lots in Genoa ( Nob. ) ; good store building ( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; also 'eighty acres one-half milo from town of E.ssex ( Iowa ) , needed in blue grass For further par ticulars , address John Linderholm , Cen tral City , Nebraska. ITnclo Sum's Money. The receipts of the internal revenue oflico for the month ending March 31 , were as follows : Collections on list . S 31.01 KKT stamps . 6.3 4 1.1B Spirits . ll'JNJUK ) Tubieco . 101.1S Special tax. , . &UVJO Total . SW5.5U.ia TThen Hrti ? WM Mck , vrp p T her Gutoria , When elie ITU a Child , site cried fpr Cutorto , . When sLc became Miss , ho clqag to Castorfi , VVUou ( ho Lad Children , ahe TO tlieia CMtoria , i. Acquitted orv I2vldenot ! lYotn Germany Some days ago , it may bo remembered , Michael lluss , a llohcmian who had just come to Omaha , was arrested at the instance of Michael Hlplc , a follow-coun- tryman , on a charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses. The story told by Uiplo was that Huss had been entrusted by his ( Uiplo's ) relatives with sonic goods In the .oid country to bring to America and deliver to lliplo. When lluss came , however , ho did not have the goods , say ing they had been taken away from him in Hamburg. KIple did not believe the story nnd had lluss arrested. The case was continued in police court until 3-cs- tcrday , when it was called for trial. In Iho meantime u letter had boon received from Hiple's mother in the old country saying that the goods she had sent by Huss had been returned to her by . the custom ofiicials , ns the duty had not been paid on them at Hamburg. This corrobo rated lliiss' story , and ho was accord ingly discharged by Judge Stcnberg. lUplo , however , was not satisfied , and wanted to settle the mutter by n light In tlio police court. A personal coiillict was with difficulty prevented by the ofiicers. Ic ! Narrowly Missed It "I came pretty near seeing snakes last night , judge , " faid a man arraigned in police court yesterday morning. "A little and I would have had to tackle the jim- jams. Send me to jail and let me sober up. I'm a total wreck. Heaven knows what's going to become of mo. " "You're sentenced to ten days in tlio county jail , " said Judge Stenbcrg ; 1 guess that'll ! ! Itn ntltillnrli . " "Say , pard , " said tno prisoner , ns ho took nis scat , "say ' pard ( addressing Court Ofllcor Whalen ) , can't you got me ono drink of whisky before I go up on the hill ? " The "cold tea" nourishment was given the poor fellow by Officer Whalen. and then , after solemnly pledging himself to temperance for the rest of his lite , the unfortunate who had so narrowly missed "seeing snakes" was wnisked oft" to the county jail. _ Conic ( Jill end Voto. The republican primaries for the pur pose of electing delegates to the city con vention will bo held this afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock at the following places : First Ward Commercial Hotel , Ninth Lnd Leavenworth streets. aSecond Ward Corner Thirteenth and vcavonwortli streets. Third Ward Northeast , corner of Twelfth and Dodge streets. Fourth Ward Police court room , city hall. hall.Filth Filth Ward U. P. I3akery , Sixteenth street. Sixth Ward 2210 Cumiiig street. Uy order of the committee. JOHN" S. WOOD. ATico Chairman. T. K. SuunouuuGii , Secretary. nK Their Facilities. Moses Itausmger , representing the lirunswick , lialkc , Callender company , the largest manufacturers of billiardjtablcs in the world , arrived in Omaha yester day and will take up his residence here as manager of the firm's branch in this city. It is the intention to increase the facilities hero , and plans have been drawn and a now building will bo built by the company on South Tenth struct. Mr. Honsingcr has previously bo-en located in Chicago and is an expert State Arrivals. At the Paxton H. A. . Dowin and wife , Kearney ; 15. A. Wiekham , Council BluH's ; Goo. L Woolsoy , Nenraska City ; Mrs. Fred J. Fox , Croighton. Mrs. G. H. Kleoberges and children , San Jose , California , are stopping at tlio Paxton. W. II. Coatcs , the popular East Saginaw - aw , M icliigan , drug man , is once more in Omaha , and hangs his liac on a special hook at the Pa.xton. At the Millard Mrs. L. Franklin , Lin coln ; F.K. Shepard , Council lilulls ; W. II. 15. Stout , Lincoln ; Dr. Helen Uodcl- son , Lincoln. Justice Leo Helsley was taken serious ly ill yesterday afternoon and is at pres ent confined lo his room. Brevities. The furniture- tlio Kmmt'tt ' house was transferred yesterday from Mrs. Kichard to Mrs. Grady. Yesterday was pay-day at thn military headquarters , and the boys were consequently quently elated. Three new brick buildings on Fifteenth street , nearly opposite the Exposition building , are nearly finished. Sergeant James Dchtnoy of the military headquarters , left the city yesterday , it is whispered , on a wedding iri | > . Mr. O. H. Simons , an electrician for the Western Union , is in the city , looking after the interests of his company hero. The board of trade room have been removed to rooms in the Imposition building , Fifteenth street , and have very co/.y apartments. The ease of Edholm & Erickson against Ilosno was on trial before Judge Wake- loy yesterday. The suit is brought to recover possession of a piano. The leading members of the "Hoston Ideal Opera Troupe , " are at the Paxlon and Millard hotels , while the lesser lights are .scattered about at tlio difiorent smaller hostelries , Two drunks , ono fined and the oth r committed in default , and the case of Philip Sinister , lined i ? . ' ) anil costs for fast driving , constituted tlio business in Jnclgo Stcnberg's tribunal yesterday morning. Special Agent James of the Law and Order League , filed three complaints yesterday in police court against Green & .Mohiifion , of the .saloon under the opera house , foi bulling liquor to minors. The election of officers of the Swedish Library association will bo hold at Cen tral hall to night. All members are requested to bo present. Guslav Lindquist , corresponding secretary1 DTho gas company made out its bills yesterday , the of April , at the rate of 81.75 and S ' .OO pur thousand foot , for the first time since tlio new gas ordinance was passed , or before , for that matter. "John Doe" wns arrested lasi , niynt ; drunk , Ho was plum full , inside , of liquor , and the ollieials at the police sta tion wore not in a position tosay whether it was from the "primary" cause or his books that filled the "tank" with a cold- cream thickness. The express companies carry u great deal of bullion from this city to Now Or leans , and some to Now York. Wells , Fargo & Co.'s to-day took out ? : iiOUO from the Omaha smelter to the United States mint at Now Orleans , and the agent says they average nearly that amount every day. Owing to the muddy state of the streets , teaming has been carried on at rather a disadvantage lately , and especially along the river front. At one time yesterday four wagons loadiwl with coal were stuck in the mud near the Omaha Coal com pany's yards , taking quite a while to bo extracted , and then at the expense of several wheels , whippletrecs and axles. fJF. IJ. Whitney , the popular agent of the Minneapolis & Omaha road , who is to remove from this city , was prufcnted last evening with an elegant gold chain and diamond locket by EOIHO of his friends and admirers. Iho presentation was made under the auspiees of the new ly organized ledge of the O. O. O. P. , .tho fcpeech being made by Col. Frank1 Hanlon. Mr. William Chambers , inspector for the purchase of cavalry horjfw in the division of the Missouri , has been ordered to proceed to SU Louis , to report to the depot quartermaster on April 12 , to In spect mules to be purchased for the de partment of the Missouri and the east. D Everybody in the Union Pacific headquarters - quarters will remember Mr. Uyron D. Hunt who held a position in the general freight ollico. up to lust year. Mr. B , is now In San Francisco , with the Central Pacific , and is engaged at his old pastime playing ball , under the iianio of "Cnte. " Hols connected with the Knickerbocker club , and at a recent game so distin guished himself ns to win the plaudits not only of these who witnessed his playing , but from the local press as well. _ Public sale of Short Horn cattle at Lin coln. Neb. , April M , 1880. Fifteen cows and heifers and twenty bulls. For cata logues apply to Col. F. M. Woods , Lin coln , Neb. , or Williams Ji Lacy , Laconn , Iowa. _ A III tile Hlnzc. A small blaze in n shed in the rear of the Euroucan hotel on Tenth street was extinguished by the lire department about 11 o'clock last evening. Tlio shed was used as a stable , and two horses belonging to a man named Itodriuk nar rowly escaped being roasted. The loss was slight. $ } Q8T PERFECT Prepared with special regard to hcul : ! . . No Aiimonln ) , l.lmc or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , ST. i.ouis Best Goods in the Market - III. -a , . Ask for our goods and Sec that they bear our trade mark. I3lh St , Cor. Capitol Avonuu , ton run TREATMENT or AM. Chronic & Gurgcal Diseases. PR. fVlcWJETiAMY. Proprietor. Sutcen years' HuMiital mul J'rlviilu iTnrllco -We linvo tlio fndlitlt'- | > | ritti : anil rt-innllra for IhoHiicci's-ful treatment of c\oiy form of ills- cnu rrqulrint , ' cither incilinil or f tirtlc ; < il treatmc-ul , mul hultoall tocomuiiiul lnvcctlntiifi.rtlu'insclrra | ; or corrc'8 | > oiul with us. Lang oxpvrlrnco In trrat- I licensed by lo'.tor enabled im to treat many casca BClnilifiaiUyvltlmiit M'eiiiL' tlu-ni. WHITJ ! FOIl CIROt'l.AK < > Deformities nnil llraccH , Club F t , Citrralurra of the .Spine , DianASEa op WO.MKN. I'K | | , Tiim m , Cancers , Catarrh , BroncliltlH , Initiation , Klcctrlcltjr , 1'unil- yeln , Kiillciisy , Ivlihicy. Uye , Ear , bkln , illood anil all xurKicui operations. lulti < rlcH , Inhnlorn. UriKTH , Trusfru , ntid Ml klnilfc of Medical mul Surgical .A pittances , man- ufucturfil mill for pule. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases A KI'li IAI/1 V. AJT , CONTAliIOlS ! AND III.OOD DISEASES. from whntuvur caiini > produced , siicci'taf til ly treated. \\V can remove Byphilltlo poUou from thu nyttem without mercury. Now rcMorative treatment for lo s power. AM , COMMUNICATIONS UONI'IDUXTIAL. Cnll mul consult us or pcml namu mul po t-oft'ieo address plainly written encluto eUmp , mid we will Ei-nd yon , In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO ( HEN tires 1'mvATB , SPECIAL ANO NJIIYO : < M HRUIKAI , WI-AHNEM. HritSJiATonmiiiu IUPOTEN- cv , rivi' , ( loNnnmiinA , OI.BKT , VAUIOOCKI.B , SrjuoTiuiK , ANI > AM. muKAKEs of Tin : OENITO- tlniNAiir Or.uAKS , or tend hiulory of your case for an opinion. lYrnonn unable to vlult us mny l > n treated at Uirlr liomi'H , by rorrwpondcncc. Sleillclncannil Inslrir moiiU fcnt by mall or cipiefuSIX'UHUIA' I'.U'K Jl ! ) TltOM OIWIillVATIO.V , no marks to Imlicat * contents or ficnilcr , Ono pcrmmal Interview pre- feired If convenient. Fifty roonii for tlio necom- 'noilatiim of paticntf Hjml : r.nd attendance at reasonable pilcea. Address all 1/cttcra to Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute. ar. 13thSt and Caollol Avp. , OMftHA. H'B. F. M. ELLIS"&OoT" Architects and Building Superiofs OMAHA , NEB , and DES M01HES , IA. Oflico , Cor. Hlh unil Kiinmm Streets , Itoom I J Gr.onci : HIIHM.NCIIIOI' with i' . M. Ellis. _ fa Or Hi 11 Mquor ilulill , i'utlfit ly Curi-il Ity AilmliiUlorliiK Dr. lliiluov' Uoldeu MM'filli' | . It cau bo Riven Inn cup of cotJic or Ira wllhout the knowledge of tiie peison Inklni ; II. Isiibsuliilely liaruili'M , nnd will offset a permanent ami ipcriljr cure , whotbvr ilia patient In a moileruto drinker A vi alcoholic wreck. It | jm been elven In tliou- n nd of cases , and In every lusuncoftptifect cure baa followed. II murr full" Tlia syalcm once Impiequated with llm Hpei-l.'lo. it becomes an ullei luipimlbility ( or HID liquor nppetlte to exist. VOn HAM : BY rou.owiNo UIIUOUISTH : KHHN fc CO. . ( ! or , I.llli mul Doualan , uud JHlh tV Ciiniliii : Hi * , , OnmUu , Neb. ' A. i ) . rovnu : A ; inn ? . , ( /'uiinrll IlliiU , I > MVH. Call or writf for pamphlet coiiiultiiiie hundreds t/t # * from tinbc't - women und men from ril tvrltol tbvcountrv HORSES O1ST APRIL 1st , \\u will oun | our Horse and Mule Market Cor. Howard and Htli Sts.,0niato , , fiet. With eeroral car ] oa < J .of goon fjck. unJ will VcCn rui. tu'tly ; r > Luutl a full umortiuvt .01 KUAt 1 uuu iJlUViNU 11UU = I.S 111 tar luU oral ru'all. HAKE & PALMER. TELEPHONE 621. REAL ESTATE S , W , Cor , 16th and Faraam. Properly for sale in every part of the city Call and Examine Our List , Eefore Buying Else * where. Gentlemanly Salesmen with Boggles , READ ! AT All TIES IMPROVED PROPERTY. 00 Full lot , -t-rooin house , Konntzo ! 5d add. , easy terms . ยง 1,900 17o Lot on l.'Hh street , -i-room house , $ ! K)0 ) cash , balance $ : . ' 0 per month . S.L'OO 183 li-room house , Shinn's add. , city water , etc. , f.JOO down , bal ance good terms . 2,500 , 228 Fine residence , good location , in Hanscom Place , easy terms. . . 3,000 , 231 0-rooni bouse , ! blocks from street cars , $1,200 cash , balance long time . 2,200 201 2 lols and o-room cottage on Park avenue , $1,000 cash , balance 1 , 2 and a years . 4,000 280 O-room house in Shinn's add. , $700 cash , balance monthly . 3,500 , 28i ( J lot , C-rooni cottage , South Omaha , $800 cash , bulanco $23 per month . 3,000 , 200 2 houses , 4 rooms each , $500 cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years. . . . 2,200 , 292 5-room house ingood'loeation , $700 down , $000 1 year , balance 3 years. 21)1 ) Corner lot on Farnam street very cheap. house , i cash 20,000 80 ! ) 5-room house two miles from postollice , good improvements , full lot . 1,700 310 Cottage of 7 rooms , a very nice place , $1,200 , cash , balance i , S and a voara . 3,000 320 G-room cottage , grounds lOOx 241. nauseam Placo. terms easy. 5,000 , 3'J9 2 muses , one ( I rooms and 0110 8 rooniH , lot ( iOxlOS , barn , etc. , $500 down , balance monthly. This is a very good investment ; will pay 13 per cent . 3,000 , 30'J ' 2 houses in Oak Knoll , easy terms ; very nice places . 7,500 , 195 House , U rooms , good improve ments . 3,000 , Uargains in South Omaha. Acre property N. W. of the city 3 miles , lo $100 per acre. VACANT LOT3. 80 Choice lot , llanscom . $1,000 , UM Lois in Meyer , Uiehards & Til- den's add. , each . $200 to 800 llJS-Clioieo lots in Hartlott'ri add. , each . 1,800 , 195-23 feet on Farnam . 5,000 203--2 lots in Polimm Plane , eni-h. . 050 201 15 lots in J. 1. Kedick's subiliv. caeii . $1,800 to 2,000 21(1 ( Corner lot on Farnam . 5,000 , 228 Six lots in Hanscom Place , each . f75U to 800 - li ( lots in Kediek'u Grove for. . 21,001) ) 252-Lots in Kced's add . 2,00 , ! ) 21)0 ) Lot in Hawthorne . C..O 291 2 lots , Iteod's add. , eaoh . 1,800 313 Lot in Cumiiig , $50 cash , $5 per month . 250 31)2-1 ) ncrn.GiMi's add . 1,700 Cheap lots. oa.\y forms , in Plnco Some of the building leNin in the oily , in roach of nycry ono. Small pa.yinonls down and balance on Jpng time. Three lots near Loavouworth ami Park avenue , ? ! JOO and $ IUIK ) . CJood Uoii'soof II rooms , hath , oily water , S3 line lots < > iJ\it. ; each , barn for It ) , oarriiigi'S , oto. , trees in.\ard. a line place , $9,00(1 ( cash , baliiniio 1 , a , U and ! years. BELVEDERE. Aero lots ijtfO1) ) to ? 10D , i cash , balamm 1 , Sand a years. Como and lake u ride ever the smoothest road loading out of Omaha. NEWPORT. Aero lots $ i5U to'j'ja. ' Very nice. ORCHARD HILL. City lots $ 150 to S'JIIO. ' Thia is undoubt edly the liiiost building placii abuiit Oniaha. If you want u lot to build on. call and get the bust tornis ever ofl'ereil in Omaha LEAVENWOIITH STREET , Thornburg 1'lace lots , ! ? UV , ) to fW ) . Tlio eheapesl loU ontlio marki-t IUIM than ii miles from the po > tolllcii. Tcrins can ' bo made lo suit purchaser. Small pay ment down andtu.pcr mouth. WEST SIDE. ' . ' ' l/js ( ' 1')0 ' ) to $ 'XW ' , 2J inilos from | i"t - ollico , the jnnciion dupot of tho. Hi-It Line and MisMiun i'm-ilic lluilroad's ; i.-f locatc-.d onVtsl \ fjldo. . . . C. E. * . 'i ; h and Farnam , Qqiaba ,