Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    . t r
Advertlpcmcntsundor th ahead 10 ccmspor
line for the nrst Insertion. 7 contj for o h
Buhscquent Inscrticn.nnd JIJIC n line per month.
No advrrtlsoment taken for les ? than 2.1 cents.
Bovcnwordi wilt bo count sd to the line ! they
tn i trun oonsecutlvely and mum bo paldtn ftl *
TMieo. All advertisements must bo handed la
before Z o'clock D. mM nnd under no circum-
tancca will they \ > o tnkon or dlscontlnuoJ br
Partltsaclrcrtlslnsrln thMo column1 * ftnlir -
In K the answers addressed in care of Tnr. HRR ,
will plcnso auk for chock to enable thorn to got
their letters , asnono will be dolivoroil except on
presentation of oieck. All answcrt to ndvcr-
tlf > eincntshoiildbo enclosed In envelopes.
TO LOAN on city real estate , low
MONKY , lone commission. Dig-
Kins & I'ark , lf.13 Doiinlrt.s. WXM1
MONKY to lonn nt ronRonnhlo rntrs on
her cs , furnlturo , watches nnd other per
sonal property without removal. Small pay
ments taken nt any tlmo and Interest reduced
in proportion , nuslno B confidential. 0. J. Tas-
well , Itoom W. Iron Hank Inlldltig,12th and Far-
nnm. Take elevator. 091
7)Nivv TcTl.OAN On rc-xldonco property.
8 percent. No commission. O. J. Cnswnll
& Co. , Itoom 10 Iron Dank Ilulldlnfr , 12th nnd
Turtium. 3 * * ' .
TlfONKY to loan on mortairo ( security. Koal
J'l rdlato nnd rommerclal paper hoimht. J , II.
Frco < lman , care Solman Ilros. . 100 N. J3th St
no.ono to loan. Sums * V and tipwanls.
$ lowest rates. Hcmls , IBth nnd Douglasst3. _
Tf ONiV TO LOAN on business proporty.
IM Opposllq I'ostonico. W.a.Shrlver. 1D
fitOooo ) to loan on hnslne1 nnil resldotieo
$ propnrtv In sums of $1,000 nnd upward * .
Ames , 1NI7 . - loan on city residence property
$ 0 i. W.Day , 1608 Fnrniun. UW
? no LOAN Money in nny amount
JL On nil cln scs of security.
Phorttimo lonns on real ostats.
I .out , ' tlmo lonns on renl estate.
Money to loan on chnttcls.
Money to loan on collaterals.
Money to loan on nny ( rood security.
9 Terms enny , tlmo to suit.
' ° Apply nt the Omaha Financial
Harkcr's bulldlnur , SW corner of
Fifteenth and Farnam sts. - -
ONUY'fur everybody I \ on can borrow
money on furnlturo , horses , wairons ,
pli.nos. Block of nil kinds , diamonds nnd flno
i watches on your own tlmo. Payments received
V t nny time , nnd Interest reduced pro rata.
J'ropc-rtv left In jour own possession. Terms
low lint IIP lowest Call nnd pee mo. lltislness
confidential. Nondvnntnirn taken. W. It Croft
lloom 4. WlthnHl's Nowllulk'lni , ' , Northed" ! cor
ner and Hnrney. _ _ _ . 42
TO T.OAN O. K. T > nvlK fcCo. Heal
MONEY nnd Loan naonts , IKS Fnrniun St
ONKV TO 1/UN On ( rood ncpurltios. A
McOavock , room 7 Hodlck lllock , 1509 Farnam
Bt. . "I *
TO T.OAN On real cstato and chat
tels. D. L. Thomas. nlr >
MONIIY TO LOAN In sums of $200 and up-
wards on flrpt-clnsa ronl estate security.
Potlcr * Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm Bt H4B
I.OANI'.n nt C. F. Herd & Co's. I/oan
olTlro , on furniture , pianos , hnrsos , wasons
personal property of all Kinds and all other ar
ticle * of value , without removal. 310 H. 13th ,
over lllti'ihnm's rommtsslon store. All bus
iness strictly confidontal. 017
Foil SALK Small Block general merchnn
dlso , Sears Heal Ustato ABcncy , 15th and
DodffO. 081 3 *
Foil SALIl Steam laundry , dolntr n peed
business ; cheap , or will oxclmixro for horses
orcnttle ; ration or addro s W. M. Chenowlth ,
Wo. Vnlley , lown. lllnoss cnuso of ozolmnin * .
PB4-2 *
T-ion SAI.n Stock of urocerles In splendid
J1 locution. Address D 28 , Hoe Oftico. 8035 *
If von Imve land to or-
r chan o for storks of eoods list It with C. J.
Cnswoll k Co , lloom 10 , Neb Nat'l Hank building.
nW KXCIIANCIK If yon linvo Blocks of
. ( roods to c.tchantro fee land list the fame
wllhC. .1. Caswoll & Co , Itoom 10 , Neb Nat'l
Bank liulldlnir. Kil-7
FOHSALK A Hdlit manufacturing bnslnpsfl ,
worked at 500 per cent profit. Owner has
other and moro Important nlfalrs to attend to.
Will exchange tor real estate. Address I ) 15. Iloo
office. 753
Tjloil RAT.K llakorv and lunch ntnnd In town
Jj of about 1,200 Inhabitants ; chance for ngood
baker. Iiuiulro of Kopp , Drolbus & Co. , 11UO
Fnrnam fit. 15
TTfoil SAT.iMllo dairy , 0 cows , 1 bull ,
JL : 2 horses , wniron , etc. Norwood Fiirlt. Tier-
onco. John Wjlllains. U17
FOIl KXCll.VNC.K-Slocks of ( roods of every
klml , for fnnnB nnil land ; also lands to o\-
chiinim foi-Koods. If you want to trndii , no
i mntlor wlmt It is yonhavo , wrlto , with full de
scription , to C. IX Mayno , real estate biokor ,
Omaha , Nob. 1S8 _
, TT'OIt SAT.K Cieamory will bo sold cheap , on
Jt ? OHKJ-tenns , to anyone who will run it the
coming soiibOn. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Neb.
V\fANTKD TboxchniifW for ntock of Imnl-
* ' ware and ( tonnral moruhandlso , WW nrrosof
flno Thayer Co. , Nob. , land : 5 lots In Conoa.
NeK/KTod sloro building ( host corner ) ; ( fool
ilnollinit (1 ( > cst location ) In V.ssnx , In. , also K )
neies It mile Irom town of Essex , la. , seeded In
blue Kra. s. For further particulars address
John LIndorholm Central Cltv Nebraska. 031
FOHSAI.K A J.WO stock of millinery ttoods
In pplondld location. A hlir hnrwaln for someone
ono as a liberal discount will bo ( riven. For fur
ther particulars address I ! W , line Onion. 02 5
Pr.HSON.VL t.lst your property with us. If
von wish to cell , buy or exchange ; It you
nlsh your lioiifoluntod ) , or > wish to rent a
hou e , and rentx I'ollpLted , wo will attend toll
for you. Wo buy , full , uxchanpo , and pay taxes
for non-residents. Wo do a strictly commission
business. Clark fc Hatcher , Agents , 107 South
14lhMioot. OJ7
PiilSt XAL To persons who wish to build a
homo In Orchard Hill , I will pull lots upon
payment of the nominal sum of ten dollars ami
baluiuo nt the nnd of llvo year.s. Interest nt U
iinr rrnt , payable Miml-annually. Tills I" the
orst oiler over made toiinv homo-seeker In this
city. Call and t > co mo. U. 11 Mayno , S. W. cor.
15th und Farnam. 579
K W. C. MetrnorBtovo HopalrCo. Ill South
14th St I'otwuon UoJyo and Douulas.
W ANTICD-im boarders ut Illxson's dlnlnj , '
hull : , Ml. 8.10th st. b-im *
lll.i : board. 1010 Dodge street.
STIIAYKD Sorrel horse , whlto star on foro-
head.Ntliltohpol on hind foot Any ono returning -
turning the fame to Fiank Kiajlaok , S. lltb St ,
bet , I'lorco und Wlllhuns , will bo liberally 10-
. - '
EOU SAI.E-Fieshcow. 151h nnd 1'Ierre.
niKNANTh Wo have numerous Inquiries to
J. lout lionsis and ctittageK. Ifjouwunta
tiinant ll t jour hoiiaoa with us. Hush tc' , ' "
IfiOll ItKNT Sqiiaro I'lnno , $4 mouthly. A.
1 Hospe , 15111 llouiflas. UIO
TTIoiutUNT Oraruns , f2 pur month. IIospo ,
J.1 I'M I > ouKlun. 108
_ _ _
IJHI VV and Cesspools cleaned by K. Kwliiir.of-
tloo 'Ml ' , X 15th utreot _ uiOapjl *
KN1' Store room SixtO ft , Heemer's
block.oorbth mid llonurd ; also 0113 imltir-
nlthed room. Otlj
Po'll HI-.Nf S < iuariiTiuno , $3 monthly. A.
IIospo , 15ii : DoiiKhis. I'll '
OH I.KASK-lSlots 111 addition on
Clurk and launders Sts. Amcj , 1507 I'ar-
jium. _ 3M _
BAKli.VINS In Impiovud and unimprov
propeity. W. II. ( iix-en , i'15 S lUlli bt. K
* I7Hll SA I.K I tp'in brown marcs. Inqulro nt
J. Kuan llixjs-iii | and Loavunwurth M
" 1714)11 HAI.i : 1. ( asp and part IKf furultutc of n
X1 lo-room house. Addieii IK
"ITtOK SA1.K 1 oiler lor falo the followlut ;
Jpruperly at pnbllo auctlou onSnturduy.Apr.
Dd , IWil , ut the UMiul hour.
One iMiol tubh * . .
Ouu bliliird table , ono biu-fc uoiiitcr | ,
One lnrKO lee box.
Ono counter 1U feet l ( > ni\Ouo lion cafe. 3
Inrgo mlirori. 1 Holier lor ticatintruuY , I lot
glau nuro , tpltlous , uto.ouo water tank. Ivbh
JolJU , Atlantic , Ip n. KiJ-J
17011 SALK Match teams and hordes of al
J' kinds to kult cu tomors nt Star Sato Stnblc * ,
Otb on * Cumlus. M. Ctuuiou , 1'rup. 7 > !
TTlon BALE CJionp Tie : furnlturo of ti 4-
.1 ? room hou.soj lieu o c-nn bo tented. Inaulro
KWFalrvlcw slrcut , 4th house north from St
Mary's arc. w-S'
T71OH 8AI > K The best frpnernl mcrchandl o
JL ; buslno fl In northwest Nebraska. For par-
tlcnlnra nddrcts McCord , llrndy i Co. , Omaha'
Neb. 1E3J-14
OH 8AT.K irpriffht pinno , I1B3 , monthly
pnymcnlR. IIospo , 1C13 Uduglni. WS
ITIOKSAI.K 1 offer for sale the following
J- property at public niictlon , on Saturday ,
April 3 , IPI I , nt the usual hour : Ono pool table ,
tine bllllnrd tnlile , ono blnck counter , ono Inrpo
Ire IKIT , ono counter , 16 f < jt lotur , ono Iron safe ,
three lanro mirrors , ono boiler for hcntlnir
nntcr , onooet ttla'S ware , spittoons , Ac , Ac. ,
one water tank. JOHN , Atlantic , Iowa.
TTIOIl SAI.i-ono htindreil shares stock in NoV -
V hrnska A ; Towa Insurance Compnnr ? of
Omnlin : nl > o IOJ shares stock In Western Homo
Insurance Company of Sioux C'lly. L A. Miller ,
Council IllutTs. Wl-l
FoltSAI.ISQuarn pianoS.Vmontlilyiay- )
inonts. llofpo , 1S13 Douglas.1C ,
ANFi:7)-A jrood laundry ( rlrl to leiivc the
city : thu best of wnxo.s paid and faro paid.
Inquire lloom I Ilushman lllock , IGthnnd DOUR-
las st. PUi-3
W ANTii > No. 1 ( rlrl tfaltor. Dauhanm' *
Hostauninl , 1511 Farnnm. IUS-2
ANTii > flood girl for general housework
nt 1511 Davenport st. W > 0-2
WANTKD Aptrl HOT 15 years old to nurfo
child 18 months old. Apply nt once , B. K.
cor. 21st nnd Loavenworth. Alr.s. Martin , ! > S1
ITANTKU-Olrl at 315 N. 18th street.
> street.DP23 *
W ANTKD Good nurio girl. 1900 Farnnm.
WANTii > A jounp lady of freed nddress
w ho writes n irouil hand and U willing to
workhaitl for n Rood salary , to address D , 30 ,
thispnpor. Jtofercncos roqulrod. 026-1 *
W 'ANTKD A Rlrl to do fronornl housework
in family nf two. S3J1 Dodge St 8s3 *
W ANTKH A ( rlrl for Konoral housowoik.
Gorman or Swede preferred. Wager $
per week. Apply nt once 8. K. cor. 21st nnd
Louvonwortb , Mr * . M. F. Martin. DIB
W ANTKD A ( rood Rlrl for general house
work. 442 Convent st. 001-1 *
WANTKD-A elrl to BO\T. 013 South 14th.
fc07-l *
\7ANTii ) Ulil for general housework , ref
erence ron.illrod. Apply S513 Dodge S t.
\\7ANTKD-Sovoinl ( rood Klrls for jroneral
housework : wn oj from $ ,1.50 to $5 per
week. None but thnMi that rnn bring : best of
relcronccs from last cmtiloycr need apply. No
chariies. Omaha Intcllit'enco Oitico , S K cor 15th
and Uouitlas at 8SO-31
WANTKI ) Immodlntoly , 0 nodRiilsnt the
Occidental hotel , lUh and Howard. 80i
"l\7ANTUD \ dluhiB-room slrl , 1 chambermaid -
' maid , I dishwasher and 1 laundress. Ap
ply 100 S. Ilth st. 077
W ANTKD Good girl for conoral bousswnrk
Mrs. S. A. Slomun , l'J14 I'lirnain st. 533
\v 1rANTKD A good woman cook ; uood wiuros.
iVddrcss City Hotel , Fairmont , Neb. 417
ACS KNTS Local and traveling cim make from
$23 to $200 wpi-lcly. Address imperial Fire
KxtliiKUishcrCo. , Stewart Hulldliig , Now York.
004-nprl *
W ANTI3D-Two first classcoatmakers. Address -
dross John Morrison , Lincoln.
WANTKIJ TAVO jrood rellnhlo salosmcn to
sell n first-class felling- article to business
houses only In the city. Good pay. Apply at
Windsor hotel between 0 nnd 8 p. m. this oven-
Inir. 07C-1 *
W iVNTKIJ Yoiinjr man to work In store ,
apply 4IBH S. 1Kb st. 1)78-1 ) *
WANTISD A man of ( jood address , fgood
ICiifjllsh educallon , who is willing to woik
hard for a peed s ilnry , to address I ) , " > 0. this
paper. Houd requited. U ' 7-1J
W ANTKO 'M jouiiR men nnd ladies to on-
srnBO in Iho telegraph aorvlco. Addtoss
W. J. D.loom 1 , Crounso block , Kith st ( i.W.t'l *
" \\7ANTKIJ 3 Rood cnnvas'OH to sell fitrnl-
> > turo on Installments. Call oa M. F. Mar
tin , 31U South luth Bt. D7J
ANTii > Sixteen harness makers Bt 813-
man Hros. , IHth und Do.ljro sis. ZlA
W ANTKD Hollablo agents and dealers In
West lown nnd Nebraska for the Whlto
SowliiK Machine und supplies for all make of
machines. Catalogue free. Zohrunsr. Thorn
ton & Co. UU7npr5
WANTED Hy oxpcrlmiood dressmnkers ,
work In families , $1.25 per day. aith and
St JIary's avo. , Unowold's block. 070-3 *
WANTKI > Hy n youns German , steady om-
ploymcntns gardner. Address I ) 4i ; , lleo
Ollico. W ; i
WANTKIJ Work , by n steady , sobtr man ;
farmlnir , or anythint ; bonnst to earn a
livlojf. Hul oronces. Address , Work , Iloo olllco.
-\T , ANTUIl To tent a residence with 9 or 10
VI rooms , first class household conveniences
anil niluateil near the cenlerof thu city. Ad
dress C. U. Mayne , S. W. cor. Farnam and Ifith
sts. SO
WANTKU A lurnlnhnd room In the nclgh-
boihood ol'Ctipilol Hill ; price not to ax-
ceed $15 , pormiinout iiunrtcrs desired. Address
" 1 > . U7 , " Hoe ollico. 081-1 *
ANTKIJ Second-hand parlor bod-room
suite. Address D.T. , Hue Onico. Ol'J
$ : ioon Deehablc house and lot wanted for a
customer for about 3,000 , all cabli. Hush > V
fc'clby.aiBS. intli. UM
" \\7"ANTio , ; To buy kitchen range in
T T condition , uuitablo for hotel. Address D
DJ , Heo Olliuo. U40-1
WANTKI ) To buy rcsi.'inriuit llxuiioi ; must
bo in t'ooJ Older and neat. Addrn- 1) IfJ ,
Itco OJIIco. 911-1
: - Hue chandelier for 4 or a
lumps. Addiess D3U , Heo Olllco. OIJ-1
W ANTKO All teachers who desire employ
ment on a coed Milary duriiii , " vacation to
address 1) , X. , this pauor. 'J 5-l *
ANTKD Sulto of rooms with board In
Kiod location , easy walking distance Irom
raxlon hoiisn. Man. wlfo and 8-year-old
( hiUKhtereastern ( pooplo. 1'rlcos must bu rea-
eonahlo. Aildross U II , llooollico. 7U-al'
ANTKIl To tiny a second-hand typo ,
writer. J. H. Ilaynes & Co. , Omaha.
To trade , lot In I'laliiviow add for
i T a pnlrof younK hordesthat are food fiiiRlo
dnvnrx , or ono iiood hone , harness and buiruy.
Hleo&JMoore 1 "J Fariium. f > ll
O SO houses anil cot twos to rent.
Will llnd you tenants at once. Hush A ;
Belby'J188. 15th. O.'i7
Foil ItKNT HOUEO of 7 rooms , butli , hard
and soft water. 2311 Capitol avo. I'MMl' '
10U HKNT-in-room dwelling , $50. Hush &
Solby , 218 S. H > lh. % 'J
FOK HUNT About May nt. new modern-
built lOroom house , contrul Ideation. Ap
ply to .Mrs , Whitmoro , 713 19th St. OJ9-S *
UKNT Kirot-olasHcottageGrooms , well
and cistern , cor ! r.d nnd Cahloniia , > 3) pur
month. Apply Houm 21 , Omaha National H ink
Hiilldlne' . UM
"ITIOIl UKNT 8-iooiu cottage , NoUon's add t5
: Vint , 1C Hi and Cass , J15.
4-room house , 1Mb and Itard , J15.
lloufos $ "iO and fu ) per month.
J. H. Uruni A Co. , I6L1 Itodttu St , 833-1
F fOK | ItiST : Warehouio room 61x113 feet.
( Iraliiuii .V Honawa , Ciolgliton lllock. V\ ! >
F OH KUNT-Hick | yard. T. Murray.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' " " _
[ THIll KIJNT-llrU'k janl. Apply to Took M
JUodge , opp poatolheo. MJapr- *
TTUmillSNT Onullat.bctwoon luth and 17th
J. his , on HowurJ. Inquire Omahu Heal Kitato
nnd l < oan Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T"
Foil HKNT- . stores , imsTilith st. (1. II.
Peterson. 7U1
_ _ _ _
Foil HKNT- . brick stoi-oson South lith St.
In-t Honanland Jackson. 1'auUea .V Co. ,
- St .va
F urm o acres , tweve nioi
from Onmlut Apply at the Omaha Finan
cial Kxcliunjc , S\V corner of 15lh and Furnam.
IPOU HKN'T Iloalmblu ruiidiHK'O , G looms ,
-I. Slilnn'.idnddi house of U rooms , South Mb ,
uUo. barns with lofts. J , I'hlpps Hoe , Uox&J7.
Foil HAr.K At n banruln , tine 9-oora nousu
with mo.leru coiivenloauej : full lot ; on
) larnry it , neui'Jjth ; f3 > A I'ottor & Cobb ,
1115 Funvmut. JiW
POU MKNT-Qm-aou lorui. U03 S. lltu StVi )
nit nr. . i , > rco 0-room COt ! ( TP. S. T ,
JL1 Peterson. S. P. . cor. ISth nnd Douglas. 691
KKNT Furnished rooms. Itoferonco
Foil . 1820 Cnss St. " 37-1 *
fTlOll IUJNT Hooms newly furnished ; prices
J2 moderate ; central location. 1818 Capitol nvo.
UKNT 4 nicely furnished rooms In the
Foil lllock , 18th nnd Chlcntro.stS.
Call for Mr. Hoyd. 1510 Douglas St. il-
. .71liNT UnfurnishoJ rooms 1417 How
ard. CnU f torn fi to 0p.m. Oi-3p
UKNT Smnll front room for frcntlcmnn
Foil board ; references required. 1721
roi-l *
Dpuglassl ;
ni"oifitKST Furnished room. 1510 Hnrney.
[ o RKST-T\TO woll-ftirnl he < l nnd very
F comfortable rooms , with bonrd , rcntrnlly
ocnlc < l. 1415JIU10S. 0. > 5 *
jnoil UKNT Good furnished rooms , location
Jl ? central. Inquire ftt Atkinson's tnllllnory
store , Masonic lllock , intli nnd Cap , nvo. W4-1
on linXT-oniro nnd More room. Oration
i Drummoiul , 131S Harnoy , fcra
oil UKMT Pfon niit furnished room , $5 per
month. 005 N. 17th. 009-1 *
I710U11KNT Unfurnlshod rooms nl HJIplow-
UKNT Furnished room , with or with
out board. 014 N. 17th St. 875
iiENT Two nicely furnUhol rooms in
corner house on street car line , 2327 Dodfio
street. 878-13 *
HKNT-Furnlshecl and unfurnlshod
Foil with board. H. W. corner 21st and
Lcnnmworth Sts. F5lapr3
TjAOH Ul'.NT Nlcoly furnlshoJ rooms lor pen-
-U tlomon. All modern oonvonlonce * . Short
block fi-om streotcarllno. Ureaklnstlurnlshod.
Hofcronecs Blvcn nnd required. Address H ,
euro McCnuuo llroi. . City. OTI nprB *
UENT Suit of rooms , tmfurnlf > hcdonn :
Foil furnished ; with board or without , S.
W.cornurSOth nd Webster. 780-nprl
FOU UKNT To man nnd wlfo , without
children , 4 convenient chambers BUltnnlo
for hoiiBokooplnfr , 3 blocks from 1' . O. , 819 N
17th street 713
F oil nKNT Two nicely furnished rooms ,
with board , with all modern conveniences.
T710U KKNT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cass st
J } - *
_ lllSap- > _
Oil 11HNT Klesnnt nnd desirable rooms ,
F furnished or unfurnlshod. 11)07 ) Douplas
ft lielorenccsroqulrod of applicants. GG3
T71OU UKNT uood room nnd good board.
-13 1603 Farnam.
Foil KINT With board , one Jar o ntoaly
furnished front room , gus and bath room nt
14QU Jones St. _ -78 _
Tj > OK HUNT LnrRO room wltb or without
Jj board. 1701 Capitol nvo. SW
Foil HUNT Furnished rooms , single and on
suite , with or without board. AOdross 0 51 ,
HeoOJllco. 24(1 (
Foil UK.vr Sloro room n Wlthnoll block ,
bet , Hnrnoy and Farnam oa 16th. Inquire
lloom 17. Wlthnoll Ulock. 777
froUS.VM-lly Boll & McCandllsh , 1511
Dodfjo trcot.
3 West Omaha ncrcs , ench tS.TOO.
Pii lie Avenue rcsideuco , 7 rooms , stnblo ,
llanseom Pluco , house 7 rooms , east front ,
nimobau h Place , liouso 7 rooms , $3,500.
GoorRtn Avenue , house $3,000 ; cuah $ VHbal )
uncu monthly ,
i bouses and lot' , llrtp-8 & Hill's add , $1,900 to
$ -ii : > 0 , very easy terms.
Valunblo house aud lot , , California st Kx-
cliuiiRO for ouUIdo property.
"Ncur Leavcnuorth btroct , lioueo , two lots ;
south front , $ i,800.
St , Marys Avenue , very choice residence
property , rtixi- : ) ! , south front
Wafnut Hill , house 7 rooms , south aud cast
front , $3,300 ; easy tuims.
Bunny Side , two lots , south front , each
House , east front , ncro of land , $1.000.
Fnirview acres , east front. $ JUOi 10 JICE cent
cash ; balapqti monthly.
West Side lots , tm to $ :5Ui : ) .
lln inoj > rt location on Hodire etreot bargain.
Fairview acres , very choice property , only
$3iJO ; lonif time.
Notiouliloto show property whether you
buy or not. 078-7
$7OO for lot in Burr Oak , cast front , on com
pleted Kriide , on Phil Shorlduti street. Hush
& Selby , 218 S. 15th. U31-2
T71OI1.3A1.U Corner , nnd ono next to It , Vir-
-I ? Blnhi avenue. botli 81,700 bartfiiiu. ( irnluim
&BL-nawa.CreiKhton lllock. M4
T710U SAL.K Lot In Pollinm Plaoo , $373 , easy
J3 terms.
Lots In llanseom Place , $750 to 31,000.
Lot on Virginia live. , $5,000.
U lota In Sunnyaido , $ J.3UO.
a lots on Wet Farnam St , $15.500.
Lot in Lowo's add. , $15) ) .
Corner lol In LOWO'H add. , $350.
Lot on Hamilton St. . $ 'JOO. '
2 lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000.
Lot on Sew.ud St. $ = 00.
Corner lot in Prospect Place , $750.
Corner on Fnrnam Ht.Rlxiu ( : ft. , $70,000.
< i bouses and full lot , intli near Widistcr , $9,000.
S lots In In ( o'snilit. , f 1,1,75 and ? 1"U ) uacli.
Vi lot nnd 0-room house , fzurd St. , near 20th ,
$2f > 0fl.
126 feet on S 13th St. . $11OOX
U lota on 24th St. , $ : oxw. (
2 lots on DecutnrM. , $1,000.
Loton'J3rdStl.-VK ) .
lot In Nelson'n mid. , $1,700.
House and lull Jot , bain , well , etc. , on Hamil
ton St. , $1,00) . I3nsy terms.
Goo. P. Heinls.lotuandDoURhisSts. 873
FOU SAI.K Good house , full lot , ono block
fiom car line , North Omaha , Graham \
Ilonaua , CroiBhton Illook , _ U44
T71O1C SAf.K The church and lot known as St.
-1 ? Mm It's church on hth and Pierce Sis. , price
$1,001) , part cash , bill , to suit. Apply to HiiKliG ,
Clark. 8n-2
FO II SAMC place ; 8'i ncio plocu ,
with buildings , etc , John F. Hocli , Omaha
Mil-IO *
FOIIH.VI.K Two oust fronts , Hanscoml'lnco ,
ench $850. Graham k Honuwa , CrolKhton
lllock. U44
. : - \ . ! : $2,750. W. H.
Grcon , 15S Hth ht. f23
TT1OH SAI.i : A now steam roller mill in No. 1
-L buhinens locality ; line wheat country : but
llttlo eompotlllon ; $17,50) ; cost more. W. H.
G 10011 , 215 S 13th Ht H23
_ _
"TT1O11 SAI.U Packlnu house nnd larpo
Jl grounds. A Kioat business opportunity.
For s lie low on easy terms. W. H. Green , 21j S
13th el U
OH SAI.i : 80 acres ; ilj miles from court
F house ; will sub llvldo and soil for double
cost. fcJOJpcrucio . H. Urcon , 215 S 13th bt.
roilSAI.K-Twooletrantlots on Hurt strict ,
line l.ulldliw site , * 2bOJ. Graham & Uona-
wa , Crulgliton lllock. UI4
FOll SAl.K-IIouso 10x10 feet , lot r > 0xlti ) , In
Kountzo'Hlid add. , south front , $2,500 ; terms
to be arranged. Wnrohull & Lobuck , 150J Far-
num dtroet up stairs. 812
TTHHl SAl7KThroe tine lots , Shlnn's add. $300
-U each. Graham & lloiiawu , Crel litoa lllock.
FOKSAI.ICKlojrant corner , south-oast front ,
Hangcom Place , 1,000 , Graham & tlonnwa ,
Crolffhton Ulock. . Bit
Foil SA1.K 133 foot aiuaro on Farnam ,
$1(1,500. ( W. H.Gruon,2lS813th st. B21
F Oil SAI.i : U ) feet nnd line liouso on Far-
num ; $7,50 } . W. H. Green , 215 S 13th st.
Oil SAM : -Cottage and full Int , Hansoom
Place , uroat bargain ; $ Jtt)0 , W. H. Green ,
2J5 S 13th Bt. B- >
' _ _
TmiHt'sA l.i-75il ) double front oh'l'aik avo.
J ? $4,000. WH. drt-on , SI5813Uii.t. Ei7
$ THO for lot "iii ThorTibu rg. A8k nT Tut it.
HushAFelby,218 S. 15th. H.12-2
OOIlSAM-TiTOloUin Plalnvlow , 4150 each.
J3 Potter 4 Cobb , 315 r'ainamst KS
1,000 for lot on S. 15th , 13x140 , Hush ir Selby ,
IB 1-3
Foil SAI.i : Three lots near the Convent
Itargttln if taken at onoo , $7W fcach. Uia-
hum It Honawa , Crc'KUtoji lllock. Ull
FOK SALK-Throo Unu lots In Shlnn'd Ud add.
ut $ S oacli. I'ottor It Cobb , 1515 Farnam.
1/iOIt in Ijowe's Ut addition.
-L' south fronts , easy terms , only * W3. Potter
& Cobb , 1515 Fanium at , Ml
TTtOHSAL , ! ; Alow of the best otl In '
J-1 odd , ut JSU oaen. 1'ottur Ctobb , 1313 Far
nam Ht KiS
I.nrpe lot i
Klognnt house ,
Kast front
Near SU Mnrrt Avenue ,
t7 , < m c 1
CunnlnRbnniiA Urcnnan ,
1B11 Dodgo. ; 773-1
FOK SAI.K A llrst class now 10 room hoil < io
" with nlli inpilotn linprovomonts , nml n
Rood barn , chit-ken IIOIKO , xc. , nil In flno order ,
with Uiroo lot * . sMith front , commanding a line
view , Wnlnutfilllll addition. Terms emy. In-
qulroof U I . .Uri < jksoior ! Edholm & Krlckon ,
opp. P.O. , . , _ Ol6npr3i
OR SATlmr U F. Hlnsor , 110 N. Ifithst.
Now 7 room. * liouso , ( loorgln nvo , chonp ,
Good fl-room liouso , Ooorplix nvo. , $2,500.
Wl-foot corner , S Inrffo houses , Hurt St. , .
liouso , North 18th , near business ,
. .
Smnlllot , Rood house , ISth st , will exchange
for ncro property. JI.OUO.
9-room Iioiifo , full lot , Hurt at , f , , rm.
2 lots With 3 Kooit houses , N llith , (10,000.
142 feet east Iront , California st , fS/iOO.
Desirable residence opposite 1'opploton , SIS } )
Good -roOm liouso , Itnprovcmout Ass.,500
6-room house , N l th t , $3lno.
Vine residence , Clark nnU 10th , 300.
132xl701ioii o , 0 looms , JInrnoy St. $8.200.
flflxlft ! rooms , Harncy Bt , Jl.OOO.
90x17.1 brick house , Hamilton 8t , Jo.OJOj will
exchange lor farm.
( loiul 0-rootn house , J , I , H edict's ndd , $ .1 600.
Hou o 7 rooms , 3 lots , Sulnn'sSd nUJ , t. OOO.
n houses , Lake's ndd , { 1,800.
llrick bouso , Nol on'S mid. $2,500.
Kind residence , K , V. Smith's mid , $0,003.
Now liouso , 01x140 lot , K.V. Smithes ndd. $4,000
44jcUO,3hoU ! > es , K.V. Smith's ndd , J2.000 oath.
P.lxUU , wood liouso , Heed's 1st ndd , f ' ,003.
Honutiful residence , ClilcfXKO st , (6,0X1.
S peed hou < os , 2 lots , cor. vacant , east front ,
Hood's 1st ndd , $8.000.
BOxlGS , ROW ! hous , Sliull's 1st ndd , $ .1,003.
90x18.1 , small liouso and Imrn , Sliull's ndd , $ ' COO
0 lot ) , Marsh's tidd , $ I.HO to Sl..OO ouch
Lots In Shlnn'fl ndd , $700 to (1,0 HI.
4 lots In I. n o & Soldon's ndd. , fS.MO.
2.W lots In Uinnha Vlow. $2M to f-VJO.
I'nrtioa wanting to build oim got o lot with
email payment down.
1'iirk Forest lots $200 to $350.
C acres ncnr Stock Yards , f."i,000.
A tew choice residence lots In the oonter of
1 have sovot al farms to trudo for city prop-
orly. K. F Itliiger. 1K
OK SAI.K II foot on Farnnm , (0ou . W.
II. Green , 215 Siatust 825
FOR SAI.K Kleaanl resldpnoo nnd lot on
Cnssst tll,5W. W. II. Urocn , 215 S 13th st.
irioil SAM : Corner lot ftQYlU on H. It. track ,
-L $2,50J. Gruhum & Hoinwa.CrolBhton Hlock.
$1,100 lor Int In Hillside , richt on completed
grade , east slope. Kusli & Folby18 S. r th.
U. j3-J5
Oil NALK riuilsoii.t Co. , No. 1513 Fnrnnm
BOucres near Walnut Hill. $303 per ncro.
44 It. on Fnrnam near court bouse , with 0-room
hoilBO , $12,000
splendid lots on Hnrnoy St. , ncnr court house
SIOJ per loot.
Lot iidjiinlnt,41xir,0wlthC-roora house , barn ,
carrlcife house , M.OO. ) .
44 ft. fronton UUh street : 3 houses rented for
$ ir , per month , JH.OOU.
2 clidtco lots inllniKcom 1'ltxco with 7-room
( Iffit-clnss houeo , kitchen , burn , cistern , etc. ,
Full lot on S. 18th st , bet. Dorcns nnil Martha ,
5-room now house , kitchen , well , brick collar ,
etc. , $ ; 1,003. Ensy terms.
Ix > t 48x170 , cntt fmnt In MllUrd & Cnldwall's
ndd. on lllg-lilund St. . w ( h house H.\2I , kitchen ,
collar , etc. , S > 1:130. : A bargain.
Lot < JOxl37 , 4-room now house , etc. . In IMrkcr's
ndd. , 1 bl k. cist of street car line , $2,100 at vury
cnsy terms.
! > ncros In Holla I ro mid , with 1-room now liouso ,
good stnblo , oto. , SI.IOO.
Choice husliuiss-ilots on Saunders , Lake and
Ohio streets. " - .
llnvliiir nco3ptofl 1ho agency for the sale of
lots In Soiuli .Oiilalni , we shall ho pleased to
nsilst nny onoilitairlnirto purohnso thr > ro ; nsnn
Investment it lakes the lend ol nil other prop-
.So mo cliolto lots In Thornburph's , Illinc-
hniiKh & Saunders , Dwlght & Lyinau'a , und
KdiibliiRton addition ? .
Seine of the UneJft residences In the very best
location at mqiluiiito prices.
810-2 I'lhllseU tV Co. , No. 1513 1'arnain St.
FOKS.vr.i : Hosts aero tracts In the market ,
only fJOOi.pop uero. Inquire about them.
I'otter i : Co lib , 1 15 y Fnrnam. b33
FOIlSALlStjAnn lots. GUo's add. , only 51,555
I'ottor & CobU.'ljlS Karnam. _ 857
FOKSAtiBj-A bnreain In.a Rood 0-raoin cot-
tnso , 14 frit ilertr Cuinlng , bloclrfrotnicar
line , $2,000. Qmiiam & ticnawa , Crclghton lllk.
, . . 'M
_ ! ! > _
FOK SALK Several dojlniblo business lots
on Ifith St. , and business and rosldencn lots
In all parts of the city. Also warehouse , hotel
and larm property. Houses to rent. Property
shown free of ulmrffo and a lariro list in select
fromnt prices nuiRlnit from ? 2j ) to $10,030. I'ar-
tlosdoslritK ? to invest should look oror our list
nnd prices before biiylnsr. Correspondence so
licited and information about the city frocly
irlvoii. Omaha Honl l tnto &Lcan Co. , Uoom,2J.
Wlthnell lllock. Omiihfl. V-7
" "
"T"lfAK13 ii7vriaAIN Six acres , HVi mlles
-ti-northwost from postolllco , wltU ( rood house ,
barn , well , etc. This place Is worth $ r > ' 10 per
ncro without improvements. Wo olTor the
whole for a few days at the very low price of
$2,5'X ) , $000 cash , balance In two years. Stock-
tlulo & llunchor. 1MI Doilifo St. 473
I OIt SAK.I : nvo ncros In Tuttlo's sub-dlvi-
1 slonJ,100. . Graham & Hcnawa , Ciolffhton
lllock. IU4
FOHSAMI Illir "ar aln Corner In Isnao &
Bullion's addition , only 2 blocks from r < o v-
cnworlh 8t.iii\12l : , only J1.5JJ. 1'ottorie Cobb ,
1513 Fiirnam st 653
Foil SAI.i ; First-class rosldonco property
on St. Mary's nvo. ; larsu lot , wood liouio
and other niprovomcnU ; price rendonablo ;
teims oiisv. Oouhran llros. , 15JO Furnam. 703
"I7KHSAIU Klo nnt liousolieaiitlfiilK'roiinds
-L 3 full lots ; very do lniblo und n hnnrnln 1C
taken quick ; * 0,5 > J.V. . H. Orcun , ! i3 ! S 1 Illi st
POIt SAI-11 Five acre tract northwest of city ,
JUjOper ucie. Urubam It Henawn , OieiBli-
ton lllock. Ull
Foil SAIi-HyA. I' . Tnkoy.
10 acres northwest of city . $3,250
Illots , rolham 1'laeo. each . did
Cottnfo and eonior lot.vrith anil Clilcngo. . . .1,5
( 'oluuo luni lol , l.'ith ncnrCentor M . , W )
7 room house anil lot , corner 15th und Mar
tha . B.500
7 room house and lot , 13th St. , near Mar
tha . . . 3,000
Illots , Clark I'laco , each . < M
Hot , Clark Pluoo . MO
( I rnutn lioiitio Vi Int 'JUt st . 2OiU
IxitoiiOuuilng'htrnotHparS7tli . 2,003
Trooiii house mid full lot , Clilo.iiro near
Sth . . . 0,500
Eluirunt house uudiMj foot corner Tnmma
fin feel on 1'rtniam , cast of Hli . 10,000
Nlco liouso and lot on I'uniiun , west of
Slid St . 1 . 7.W
A , I' . Tulcor , 1331 1'nrnam street. 'i.Unp'J
AUIO HAII < iAIN-l,5iH will buy 10 flrst-
clnss lots , each 50x13.1. Iront , east of
I oil , one hloek west of SanaJc'i-3 St Addruss
H Fockonschor , City. ai'aprt *
Foil SAM : Wo are nironts for 300 lots in
South Omaha.
100 lots In Uicliinond ,
40 lol.s In llanseom 1'laco ,
30 lots In Hawthorne ,
MJ low In Woit Hide.
3D lots In Kllby I'iauu on long time.
Special ternm to those who will build Wo
have Improved and unimproved lots in nvury
part of town. Farms ami raw land tluoufjliout
thu state. f-r
If you want lati'i > .or lots. hlRh priced or low.
rail bolero buying on J. H & Co. , r > l'J
DodKO. Notary In ollleo evenliijfa _ Ui 3 _ _
TMlt SAI.I' Kino corner , Qooigla avenue ,
I1 south und 'o4t front , $ IWJ. Graham It
Hcnima. CrolghlojrHlock. _ W _
$ lt ( ) ( ) forliuu&u.unJ lot in I.ako'a addition , 4
room cottiiKO , good bain Ak about it ,
Ablt about this. Hujli & Selby , 218 & ISth.
FOU KAI-KLflouso of 13-1O01H3 and one of
3-ronms on JSlh St , $ .V > 00 , easy terms ; it-nt
for $ .V ) a month ; bartrnln If taken at once. Gra
ham & Hcnuwa , Ci-oigliloii lllock. O&'i
Foil SALK-lmiirovod tarms , by Ilnuilin &
Drown , 311 S tub Mrcet , Omaha , Nob.
Cuss County , Nflbauka :
K"i BU'i.i'T.w.jMTBi ) acres , about three nillQJ
from A voeir . * * * under cultivation.
Oton County , SbbHska :
NW'4 , 31 , it , 1,1 , llj acres , Improvements ! rja
acru under cultivation und now corn crib.
N4,3I ] : ! , U , in1(10 ( acres , Implements ; 135
acres under cultivation , with a double cornurlti ,
S\\'H , 31,9 , 13 , ICO acres ; GO acres under culti
SWljA'S.fllS. I58acrostmprovoment3 ; 113 acrs
under cultiviiuon , an J u new hcduo Icncoall
around the farm.
8Wi ! , 5 , tf,12. 100 acres ; 100 acres under culti
8W 4,4,8.1S , 160acroslS ) under cultivation ,
with u ( food Uwclllnif , Btablo.outhouses and corn
crib .
Allot the above landj within 4 miles of Dun-
bur. ,
N H no 14 , 10-8-11,80 ucroj ; o 'i a w > 4 , 19-b-ll ,
POauioai no 'i I'J-b-ll ' , IUO a'-rin ' ; KO acres onp
and ahulf inlloj soiithucjt Syraouso , known iits
llui L'horn farm , 'AU ucros under cultivation ,
has two Kood ayvclliu B , barns , crlbd , ota
All the above lands will bo fold on fuvorablu
teruij ,
Kor prices and further Information rail on or
m Id rent llatnlln A ; llroivn , real esUUe < ( oiUr4 ,
Ull South Ilth a. Omaha , Neb. U360 >
Ti > pIlS AiK-Tlirco ; lots in Shlnn'8 2J adJItlpn.
J1 on eastern slope , unlv 'A blocks from otreet
cars.cneap only f Tia t'ottcr it Cobb , 1515 Fur-
uum st. Ui
THOU SAtK Pour InM , oor. CAlltornls ftnl
JL' Both sts. , 2 blocks from propound pnrlnifon
CiimlnBstS.VauJ ) $930oflou. I'ottor A Cobb ,
Itli Fnrnain ? t. ? 49 I
SAI.K-Hy Clark & Hntchor , 107 South
JJ Fourteenth Streot.
35 S splendid lots with lionso nnd Im
provements In Isano Seldon's ad *
dltlon $10,00)
49 First-clnes residence property , Chicago
cage St , o-roora house , modern Inv
provomenta . 8.3X )
M Splendid lot in Hnnscom Place 1.I5J
( I ! Two houses and lo'g on Davenport
street 7,000
C7 Vournlco lots In AVnlntit Hill 1,000
C7t-10."i ncrcs In Nuckols county $10 per
ncro , A bargain. . ,
,2 3 nrrr-s in Tultlo's subdivision , very
Bluntly nnd beautifully located . . . . 1,500
73 Finn tin in 40) ) acres , highly Improved
only 3 mlles from Council lllutrs , nt
abargaln. , . .
74 lo acres In Po'.k county. Sell or exchange -
change for Omaha proporty. . . . . . . .
B2 HOIIPO and lot on Howard street.
Splendid bargain 9.000
03 Splendid Holler Flouring mill In Ne
braska doing pnymg business. A
rate bargain
01 Two Splendid business lots on Dodge
street 0,003
P3holeo corner In Ilnwthorno , east
front. Stieots graded 1,000
111 Ono story cottn o. North 17th Street
good Improvements 1,933
lift lieo acres In Howard county , $5 and
$10i rncro
US Now furnlturo with lease of 11-ioom
house. Dodge' near 15th 430
121 Four lots In llurr Onk froutine on
Virginia uvenuo , fcneod , natural
gnu o , yorv desirable location 3,200
123 Three lotw In ltrgan'8 addition , near
Omaha View l.POO
123NlcolotDwlghtLynnn.s addition 700
124 lot , Ninth and Jones , nlaptcd for
manufacturing or warehouse 0,000
127 First-class business house and lot on
lllli sticot bet. Douglas and Dodge 17.000
128-HnIf of block , West Omaha , ly norc9 ! IMH
ISO 8-room house with lot In Idlotvlld ,
nearcars 4,000
Acres In Syndicate Place , Mayflold , Newport ,
Holvcilero , and other places. 918
TTtousALK-aibson has forsalo lota In Hans-
JJ com Plaeo. $800 to $ lMOi ) .
Oibson has for sale houses and lots In Hans-
com Place.
Gibson has for sale houses ami lots In all parts
f the city.
Gibson has improved farms nnd lands In Ml
parts of Nebraska fornalo or exchange.
Gibson has thousands of acres of land In
Western Nebraska for sale from (3 to ti per
Qlbson would Ilka to sco you If you want to
buy orsbll.
Olbson'sla the plaoo to list your proporty. Cull
nnd see him at Itoom3 , Wltbnoll Ulock , cor. 15th
nnd Hnrnuv sts. SSO
T71OUSAI.K jTTot 00x140 , and dwelling 20x2 ? ,
-U near future llrownoll Hull , cheap ; half ca h ,
balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo-
dlcka.KJOS. 13th st Oil
i : Cheap lots In Htirr Oak , fust cast
JL1 of Hansoom Park , near Bt root cars , 57i ) , easy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Fainiuu st. al
TT1OII SAl.i : Hy.I. K. Hlloy , Hooms 4 and 0 ,
J ] Grnnlto Hloclc.
Slots in Hartlolfs addition $1,030 and 1,250.
f. lots , llurr Oak , * HM to SUM.
S lots , lloyd's addition , $300 each.
U lots nnd rottiurc , 2Jth tit , mar rarnain , $3,000.
HOUEO and lot , "Oth St. notr I'arnnm , $2OOJ.
C ( ! foot on Harney near Mth St , $ ± ! . ( X < U.
10 lots near Hed and Uioen oir lines , ? GJO to
44 feet on Oth and Jones Sts. , SB.OOO.
132 feet on Ilth St. , at end viaduct , $12,000.
CKi lots , HaiiHcoin Place , $7M ) to $ lV > u.
6 3 lots , Ilawthoino Place , $ IUO to ftKW.
8 Ion , Illllsldo addition. $ ? : > 0 to $1.40) .
Blots , Lake's addition , JI.175 to $1.200.
5 lots , Mai all's addition , $775 to $2,300.
1 lot , Nelson's addition , $2,000.
5 lots , Pclham I'laco , $5 0 to $350.
Slots , Potter's addition , S'XIO ' to $700.
Blots , J. I Hcdlck's addition , ? ! , ' ) to JJ,03a
5 room homo and lot , S. 15th St. sy.'OO.
House and lot , barn , otc. , S. 13th St , $3fiU ) .
Ixt on S. 14th St. near CnMollar , $1 JO.
121 foot front on Campbell Bt , 51,800.
I/us In Shull's addition $ lMi l ) .
5 lots , Shlnn' 2nd addition , $750 to $1,50) .
Lots in ThornburiT , $331) ) .
7 lots , West Omaha addition , cheap.
3 lots , Walnut Hill , $175.
f. House of 4-rooms.2lots , Walrut Hill , $1,430.
Aero lot , Washington Hill , 4750.
L 5 ncro lotK , Mayllold , $3V ) iier acre.
In addition to Iho above , I have n Inrpo list of
liok-o residence and business lots , also subur
ban aero proporty.
For sale by J. E Hlley , Heal Estate and Loan
Broker , Itooms 4 and 5 , Grunlto lllock , 15th St.
near Funinm. " 30
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Ttto only road to take for Dos Molnos , > fnr-
ha lltownCedarHaplds , Clinton. Dixie. Chicago.
Milwaukee nnd all points east To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
Nevada.Orcaon , Washington and California It
offers superior advantages not possible by nny
other line
Among n few of tlio numerous points ot supe
riority enjoved by the patrons or this road be
tween Omaha and Chicago , are its two trains a
day of DAY' COAl'HIIS which are tlio llnoM tluit
hurnnn art and ingenuity can create. Its I'AI < -
ACi : HI.KKl'INCI CAHd , wliicn are models of
comfort nnd elegance. Its I A I1LOH DHAWINO
HOOM CAHS. unduriiasHod by any. and its wide
ly celebrated PALATIAL D1NINO CAHS , trio ! of whlcli cannot bo found oKowhoro.
At Couneil IllulfH tlio trains of the Union Paci
fic Hy , connect In Union Depot with llioso of Iho
Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection wilh
thosoof all cnttorn lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmolii
nail , Niagara Falls. Iliiifalo , Pittubur/ . Toronto
Montieal , llo'lon , Now York , Philadelphia , Hal *
tlmorcWashington and nil points In thu oust , uslc
the ticket agent fortickiits via the
If yon \rlr\t \ Iho best accommodations. All ticket
oguntfi M-ll tickets via this lino.
Uenora Munasor. Oca. Pass. Asout
England , France & Germany.
Tlio t-ieumthlpsof tills well Lnonu line nto
built of lion , in % vator-lluht C4imp'irtniunts , and
are iunilrthoil with iivc'rj lO'iulsllo to maKe the
putea e | ) | | pnfo and HKreinible Tlmy carry
Iho Unitud Stales nnd Ihir'iponn nvilKuud lo ivo
New York Thursdays and Saturdays for l'l r.
mnutli , ( IONUO.\ct.orboUfl'AItIa ) ; ! ( and ilAM-
Heturnlnif , the steamers h > ave Ilainliiirc on
WudnoBda > s and Sun.lajHtu , Ilavro , taklii
piis cnuuiiiat Soutliamplou and ( xiiidon.
First cabin | T 1 , * tlJ and 875 ; btoorajfo 83.J.
Itallroud tlckfU from I'lymoutli to Hrlbtol , Car-
illu . Indon , or to any place In the South of
Rutland , i'HKi ; . HteeiiiKO from Kuropo only
KO. Bona "glJ.-fa
. BD * CO ,
Qonoral I'lifescnKur Atconts ,
Cl Hroadway , Xe\r Vnik ; Washliisloii nml Ia
3ulle.cts. ! riileaL'o , III.
Chicago Milwaukee & SL Paul
The Short Line
and Best Houte
From Omaha to tbe East
ChlouKi > , Minneapolis. Milwaukee ,
Ft. 1'aul , ( Xiilar Jtapldj. D.ivcnpori ,
Clinton , Dubusue , Hockford ,
Hock Island. Fruoiiort , Jnnosvlllo ,
Klvln , > ladl on , I.aCrowo ,
llelolt. Winona
An. all other Important pulnu East , Northou
Ticket onico at 1401 Farnam street , ( In Pitxton
Ilotfll , und Ht t ulou I'avltlo Depot.
1'ullmun sleepcrd und the Finest Dining Curj
in tbo World are run on the main llm-s of thu
CllICAOMlI.WAt > KEK A-ST , 1'AL'I , HlI.WAy , ttlld
every uttentiou U paid to imnscng'vrby couilt-
OUB employes of ih. t-oiupuny.
It Jtu.i.Kii. Ocncrul Manager.
J. K. TUCICKK , AMslfctant Concrat Maaairnr.
A-V , II. UAUI-ENTCU , Ulniirul l'atoafQr ftal
OKO. K. HeA to u. AssUtaul
Kcr and Ticket Auviit.
Also Business Lots
Oil the largo mnp o Oninhii nnd observe that the two and one-half mile' '
bolt from the Onuihn posloflico runs south of Section 33 nnd through the
north end of South Omaha. > '
And pencil , then get one of J. M. WoliJ..Co.'s maps of Omaha niid South .
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's business center , and yourpeno'Jf
on the siring at where Bollcvue street enters South Omaha from the north , ,
A circle and note where i
' 4
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Eills" are far
This magic circle '
And think a moment what will make outside property increase in valuo. 'p. ' *
, ,
* r
Is ALL that will enhance the value o real estate other than at SOUTH
' i ? i
OLIAIIA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build'kp
nnd make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow th. ' ;
transportation lines.
Second All the great railways center there , thus making it tlio , boat
manufacturing point of any in or near the city.
Third ' , ,
Dressed Beef Business * * " ,
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year. ' - '
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation by that prince of meat producers , Nels Morris oij
Away your day ofgntce when you do not get an interest in South Omahab-i
fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations ore being takes *
Make your selections now. - , '
Lots that sold for $300 in 1881 cannot now bo bought for 81,000.
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares bet wean thia
city and South Omaha.
Will run to Iho Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will double IQ
value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation cither by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
Agents to handle this properly on good commission wanted
Has authority to sell lots. For further information , map * , price lists , , and
descriptive" circulars , address .
. . , Mafiage
216 SOUTH 13TH ST. , OMAHA , tNEB.