Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tx * * . * .
, .
General Recognition of the Folly ? f En
deavoring to Bull Wheat.
Usual Flist Day of tlio Month Apntliy
In Alt GoniinwlltlcH 1'rlccH Ma-
tcrlally Uncliiin o < lJcn -
crnl lCciortH ,
CitirAoo , Apill 1. lSicolnl | TolcRiain. ]
WHIAT : To-day oiu'tatltins on .Clianeo
wcie hotiinicli to brn nliont on cltlier tlio
bull or bear filde. Ctulins llrmi'il ti | > n
' lltllcby rnbtr.salKmhiKiulccii'.iso ( if 2 , 0,000
linslicls lii ( ; inln oij ) invfai'c. but tliu tienKlli
was not continued loin ? nftcr tlm ofilclal
opuiiliiK , whlcli wns at sij c for May , ' / cover
ever ycstcnlny'i cloilnp. Vnltipsqiik-kly inn
ilown to MJJ e and tip ninlii ; to Me. 'J'ldscon-
slltiitcd nhont Ihubolo mnio. It ci'ii-
irally i ( > ciit' ! Hint tlicu ; was little ti e in
liAjiiR to tmll the iniirki't , nnd tliiTftoio opcr-
ntors intliur inngcd tlipniK'lvrs on tliPSCIIIiiK
ldi' . This faction vasInlbyScliwarDnpco
and StaufTor early In the day , after \\hlc-li the
riowd took up tlio drni and rontlnnod It
\vltliont fcattuc to tlio linlsb , tlio Imrkwaid
anil foisvard motion between MVWMcbclnp )
ro ] > pnteil several tlnios. At I o'clock wheat
was.'teady but dull. Dellvcilcs to-day were
flee in ( iveijlblni ; exeopt unrk. Kleinln
it Hoyden and Notion . \Vottldn ton
took In over half ( lie. wheat , about l.C09OCO
hnshcl.H bdiiK dellvcied. Tooled tullts put
ontlliebulkof It.
COIINCorn was moduiately active , but
\\esikniidlowcr. Deliveries on Apiil con-
ttnctsfo \ larger than expected nnd atrtfie-
Katetl tOO.OOO bti beH. They weio taken ,
lionexer , by sliiipeis. | Itorelpts weie fnlr
and the deinnnd for Immediate .shipment
not veiy nrsent. and only room tor
JJ.S.OOO biiiiliels weie uiinud. | ; ! Siieonlntho
offerings \\otollbeial and were mostly taken
by .sboits. ilny sold at ! ! sj ( n"s.'icand elosod
ntiJS' ' cat 1 o'cloek , u ttlllo below yesterday.
I'noviHioxs 1'iovlslonseio quiet. Shoi t
i Ibs attracted tbe most nttentlon and i tiled
Him and a simile blu'her. I'm I ; : ind lard \\eie
quiet nnd hleady. I'm ties weio eneially in
clined to wait for the monthly statemunt of
Mocks. Mess poik for .May opened at St. ! " > 0 ,
fell to glVi' , and closed at Stt.ifc ! . June
closed at Sn.,7K and July at S'.i,4" . haul for
May sold at .00@'Ur , and elosed at 8" > .0. > .
At ! l:15 : cut ! ) puts on May \\heatboldat
e ; calls , Sl c.
Cliiiiidlor-nrowii Co.'s Report.
The following report of Chicaeo's specul.i-
tlvemaiketsls fuinislie.l the linn bySr. . T.
J'cck , Umatia icpiUMMitatlvo of Chandler ,
lit own Co. , ol Chicago and Milwaukee :
The maiket has been unusually quiet and
steady to-day. Cables \\eio icported linn on
client nnd steady on corn. The amount of
wheat on passaso Miows a deciease of fiO- ,
000 bushels. Russia not i lied Kuropeon pow-
eis that she would not join them In coercing
( Jieece , but for all this the market lemaincd
steady and inactive. May wheat opened at
blj-fe , sold down to bO e and elo oil nt fOJ
Slcatlp. m. The deliveries tills inoinint ;
\\eroouly lair.
Corn ( Jnlet at yesteiday's pi ices.
J'imlslons Oiienect weak but closed com-
pai.itlvcly linn.
2iO : : p. m. Everything qutut and firm.
CinrAdo , April L | Special Telegram. ]
CAITM : The domain ! was fair and prices
lather tinner on anything tlmt vins really
tle.siiuble in the. fat cattle lino. Thciucro \
only a few loads of big cattle on tin ; maiket ,
nnd the geneial quality was rather below the
standard. Buyers that had orders for eastern
markets claimed it was Impossible- get
\\liiittlieywanted. Prune No. 1 1500 Ib. and
upward steeis may bo inioteu at S5.50@"i.75.
Medium and light htceib , suitable for the
drchsed beeC trade , sold all tiio way fiom
54.fiO to 54.90. Cow htock and coarse butchers'
lock Is belling fully as high as at any time.
Dulls arc making higher prici'stlian last week ,
Stockcr and tecder tiado Is active to tlio
uxtcnt of tlio supply. Several consignments
of cornfed Texans have in rived tills week
nnd have .sold within a range of ? 4.X4.40. : )
Shipping steers , ISSO to 1500 Ibs , 85.00 5.75 ;
1200 to 11150 Ibs , S4.T-.40 ; 1)50 ) to 1200 Ibs ,
54.00 ( 1.75.
lldtis Tlm market opened about a nickel
lo\\er than at the close last night , yet at tlio
finish to-day theio was llttlu or no change ,
nnd Icucreru lelt than lor any day tills
wok. The HS OI ted heavy sold at S 1.40
(34.45. .Mixed sold hugely at (54.25@4. ( : J-a
few huds r.t S4.5 ! ! ; odds nml ends nt $4.00@
4.15. , and ussoi ted light at SUMHI.bS. PackIng -
Ing and shipping , 250 to 110 Ibs , ? 4.l ® 4.4\
Now York. Apiil 1. MONEY On call ,
IKC'W * per cent.
PiiiMtMiiiPANnii : : : PAPIJII MM percent.
STKUMNO KxciMNnK Unchanged jS-i.Wi
foi-hi\t > days and tH.bVj on dcmuid ; ,
( lOVMINMKNTh Dllll hilt Ill'lll.
t-'T.K'Kh Stocks ( onlliiued quiet nud
liiegular. Coal stocks weio Meady. Vaniler-
liiltb held their own , but weio dull and otlici-
\\IMI fcatineloss. CraiigeiK showed borne
weakness nnd SI. Paul Is down. In liual
deals theimuket Miowedery decided fever- aud iiregulailty for most ot tlieactl\o
.s , and closed feverish and liiegular.
8V cent bonds. . . ioi C. . \V 107't
U.S. piefencd. 181) )
Now4's . 12(1 ( ' 4 N.Y , 0
Pacillo G's of ' 05. 12 Oreson Trail. . . PaclUo. . PacllioMall
C.&A. 140 P. , D. &K
Piefeired. . , . 1M P.P.0 131
o. , n. itq Hock Islann. . . , 125
D. , L.&W St. L. AS. K. . . . 1U
1 > > U.G 14J.JI piefened. . .
Erie . , 20 0. , 51. & St. P. . .
preferred. . . . 00 ' ineferred. . ll'J"
Illinois Central. ISOVj'tit , V , Jt o 89 f
1. , II. JeW 24Jfi piefcrrcti. . . 101H
Kansas A Texas. 2sJ8-Texas Pacilio. . . 11 Jf
LaKeShore R4J-J UnionPacilic. . .
40' W. , St. h. & P. . 10
Midi. Central. . . . OS i preferred. . . 17
ilo. I'acllio . 100 Western Union 07
Northern 1'ao. . . S5)O.H.&N )
DIUfl'llLHl. . .
Kx. Int. tKx. Dlv.
I f '
„ , April 1 Flour Quietsteady and
W unehaiiKcd ; winter wheat Hour. fc4.40&j5-.M ) ;
Boutliein. 84.OCS.u4.tVi : WUconsln. S.54.75 ;
JJlchli'iiii t'O'tspiliii : wheat , S.7UiI.OO : ! ( ; .Min-
ucboia b-Uitrh1 , 5H.f > Ov54.50 ; patents , Sl.OSQ
tiOO : low KnideSv 52.OOC-3.oo.
Wheat Weak ; opened steadier. declliud
ruled steadier , implored Jfa ( ? 'e , fell off
recoyt-ied ugahi , and clo&ed about the
; 7iV37S5sc forcaah : 70c for
tirll : soV < Mo ior .May.
( 'nin Qnk't Imtnioro doing : ruled steady
lthniit .jKcial chaiipe ! ! M * < W'Vi\c forea h :
" (3'J ( ! fe for April ; n > < 'tirfi4'c ' ( for May.
O.ita-tjulct ; ftiturrsc under ycstonls.vs
oslntfrA'cfpr cnslr ' c ; < c for April ; :
f ( T Juiy.
Kyp DullfttfA ? .
Hnrlev Dull atCOc.
Tltnoihy-I'rlinn , SI.PK31.ta
No. 1 , SLOT. ' * .
Vork Mmlcratcly active , ruled Irregularly
within small range ; openedfiO'Kcnndcryes-
. . . . . . illghtr
elliie , lalilcd 2' ' , ( ( " . and clo'ed active ; So.W )
for cash and A pi 1 ; S-V"i ! ' for May.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , sn.MMn.W ) : short
clear sides , 8V > 0i5.55 ; short ribs , S. > . -0
Ituttcr Klrm ; good to extra creamery , 20 ®
flUi c ; good lo llnii dali j , lO'j'fiWOJfc.
Cheese Quiet ; lull cicaui chci'dnrs ' , 10@
lie ; llat.s , lOJ iBtlk'c ; > otiug Amcilcas ,
' " ' " " " ' * ' " '
skims ,
irsfs-liiJ.Yrfllp ,
Hides Uiicliaiured ; eiecn , OJ c : heavy
crcen saltid. " 'u'c ' ; li ; lit , Me : dauiagcd , O'ic ' ;
hull lildc . ( ic : dry sailed , 12jjc ; dry Hint ,
l.WHc ; calfsklim , lt @ic : ! ,
Tallow Unchanged ; N'o. 1 country , .l < c.
Kccchits. Sliitiinents.
Flour , hhl s . 17OJ ( ' it)00 : ) )
Wlicat.htt . 15,000 8.000
Coin , mi . tO.OOO 10,000 . 6 , < 0 00,000
Uarlev.lm . 15.0JO 2 * . ,000
New York. A pill l.-Wlieat Hecelnts ,
llooo ; e.\poit . . ' ,000 : lo\\ei : uu.niadcd. tHe ) ;
No. 'J red , t /c / in Moie , 'IM OilM'iC ,
nlloat ; No. 1 led , S1.01 ; No. U led , .May , clos-
IHLMlttKI > tP.
Coin K.islcr ; ipcclpt , 15,000 ; cxpoits ,
" ' . , (100 ( ; uiiu'iado.1. l . (4.i ( > 4c ; No. 3ISc ; No. 'J ,
Hie In elevator , 47'4c ' alloat ; May closing
nt 4Vc ( !
Oat.s Less acliuicceipts ; , 40,000 ; expoits ,
nniic : uilved westciu , : JO'i.(7)7c ( { ) ; wlilte west-
cm. 40 r ; .
I'etrolcuui Steady ; united closed at 71Vc.
Kijgs liulut but steady ; we'jteiii , 12)if@
129ii' .
1'oik Slendy aiul I'alily active.
Laid Less active ; sales : wcstein steam ,
sjiot , 'a'A'i ; May , StV.Sirm5.2fl.
ButlerJnlet ( lint Him ; western , 15@.T.c ! ;
J lirlu cicaincry. : nKiir > c ,
C'lieesoQuiet but liimly held ; wcbtcin ,
St. Ion is. Am 11 L NVheat We.ik and
lower ; No. 2 icd , cash , ss' ' c ; May. SSIJM1.
Coin Lower ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , l0 ! ! < f@
! ! OVc ; May , : Uc ) asked.
l\i > Steady at noc.
Wliiskv Finn at SI. 10.
1'oikSteady nt S10.CO.
Lard Kasy nt .Vso.
Hutier Steady and Hrm ; cieaniery , 2732c ;
daily. lXl2hc.
Arniixoo.N : HOAIID Wheat Strain : and
UO'ai' lilKhcr. Coin Jc higher. Oats
Slnulu better.
AttiinonpoiiH. April 1. Wheat Quiet
and tuluies neglected ; No. 1 hard , cash
and ; ; .May. b c ; .luiie. h7Kc : No. 1
northern , cash and Apiil , i > 0c ; > lay , Sic ;
June , SJKc.
Klour ( Juict , p.itents , 5I.OO@I.55 ; bakor.s' ,
Hecelpts Wheat , 00,0001m ; Hour. 125 bbls. , 21,400 bu ; Ilotii21HOO
Cincliiiinti. April 1. Wheat Finn ;
No. 2 red. sy,0 ! Ke. )
Com Dull ; N'o.a mixed , WMQWfc.
Oats Active , but lower ; No. 2 , mixed ,
Hyp No. 2 , 07c.
Uarloy Unchanged.
Pork Onletit5'.t.7. > .
Lard Nominal at S5.80GW.S7 f.
Whisky Quiet nt 31.10.
Milwaukee , Apiil 1. Wheat Strong ;
cash , IHKr ; May , Sl\'c : .Itine , M 'e.
Com Dull ; No. 2. liGJic.
Oats-Quiet : No. li. : : ic.
Hye Dull ; No. 8. I52c.
Harley Kasyj No. 2 , Tytc.
Provisions Dull ; mess porlt , cash and
Minch , 80.25 ; May , S9.o. : ; City , April L Wheat Lower ;
cash , G5c bid , 0113 0 asked ; May , Ob ( HOSe ;
June , 72e hid , 7lc ! as-lied.
Corn Weak ; casli , 2iiicbd ) ! , 27 > c asked ;
May. 2Nfi' .
Oats Nominal ; SOJjfc bid , 27 } < fc nsked.
Liverpool , April L Wheat Fair de
mand ; new No. 2 winter , 7s o d , thin ;
hpiiug , 7s4(1 , Hrm.
Klonr Poor demand ; 8s Sd , steady.
Corn Poor demand ; futures , no demand ;
spot , 4s2'fd , steady ; Aprll , 4s , 2d.
New OrleuiiH , April 1. Muikcts Un-
Coin Kn&ler ; white , 45e.
Oath Steady nt .7. ) ( < t40e.
Corn iMcal Dul I. weak and lower at 51.00.
Voik-Dull atSlO.50.
Lard S5.75.
Hog I'mdiicts Kasler but not qnotnbly
lower. Otheis uiicliaimed.
Hulk Meats Shouldeis , fS.ltt ; Ions clear.
S5.37K ; clear libs , S.'i.37J @ .1i.4rf
Chlonco , A pi II L The Drovers' Jouinnl
reuoits :
Cattle Receipts , O.SOO ; fairly active and
steady ; shipping steers S4.00 ( )1.7'i ) ' ; stockcis
aiidlecdcis. veiv " net hunt S3.00@-4.flO ; cows ,
hulls aiidiui\pcl2.00i'3.tK ) ; bulk , SU.OO@i.50 : ;
Texas cattle , Sl.00l. 10.
Jlogs Itccnipts , 18,000 ; slow and a shade
lower ; elosed steady ; loiiL'h nnd mlvcd , SIUX )
ffl4.iO : : imckiuj : nnd ( .hipping , SJ.fJOSi rj ;
flKht , SI.N@I.W. : ) :
Sheep-Heceipts , COO ; strone ; natives , S3.00
n.b5 ; Texans , S'J.50I.25.
St. Ijo'iis. April 1. Hogs Receipts ,
8,000 : shipments , none ; steady ; Yorkers ,
Sl.M@4.00 : ; packers , § 3.50 ( l.OO ; butchers ,
v Cattle Receipts , 300 ; shipments , none ;
steady and prices nominal ; expoit steers ,
S4.f > 5.ii5.20 ; common to choice shippers. $3.40
@ 4.75 ; htockeis and lecdeis , S2.7.Vii4.25.
Kansas City , Aiull L Cattle Receipts ,
I.CiCO ; shipments , 000 ; bhippitijrnud butchers
weak ; stockers and fecdeis hrm nt gi.80a : ( )
4.20 ; choice to luney , S5.OVjJ5.30 : common to
good , 54.00 5.00 ; cows. S'J.40 ® : ! . : ) .
llou's -Receipts. 5.KOD ; shipments , 3,000 ;
coed to choice , ? .1 > 5@4.00 : commoi ) to mo-
tlium , St..0i.bO : ; skips and pigs- , S2.00@3.40.
Thursday Evening , Apiil L
Tlio iccclpts of cattle were liuht and the
maikct lirm. Coed fat c.ittle of all grades
Iind a ready sale , while poor and thin stnlV
is almost itns.ilahle. We quote
Diesscd beet and shipping steers , choice to
e\tia , averaging 1,4M to 1,500 pounds , at
SItX ) ( ZSI.75 ; good , averaging 1.200 to 1,350
pounds , atS4.20i.fS4.50 ; medium. 1,100 to 1,200 S3.KVigl.10 ; choice fat cows and
lielleis , si.HO : < 3S3.GO ! medium cows. S2.7M < 7 >
© 3.25 ; choice to e.xtia stags and bulls , § 2.40
3.25.Tlio receipts of hogs to-day were liberal ,
and the maiket was quiet and easier. Kast-
oin advices show a decline ot' C'illK ; . Assort
ed lots of all good giades in lair demand ,
but medium v\eights In best demand , while
heavier guides aie selling moio readily than
List week. SKIppy stulf almost unsalable.
Tlie market rloseii about Cc lower. We quote
for to-day : Choice medium weights , assorted ,
Si.SOQi.85 : ; good to clioleo heavy , S3.7003.N ) ;
good mixed , si.05@.7'i : : ) ; common iimuh
gnides , S-r'0(3y.t5 ! ! ( ; skips and culls , ' ? 3.00J (
'Tiiobhcep market Is bare and pi Ices arc
only nominal. Good grades aio quoted fiom
* * 3 0V ( " " < r4 ' 2r >
Cattle 200
Hogb 1000
hliKlS. : (
No. Av.
IS 1075
IS 10K ! )
17 1177
No. Av.
1 ItW )
No. Av.
U 475
07 217
70 iSW
M 2(15
04 UX )
JO 243
02 215
Showing the hiichest and lowest prices paid
on this market for mixed packing hous dur-
liie tiie uabt bcven days and for the corre-
perlod last moiitli.
February. -Marcli
SS.70 W4.00 Sa.CO
Friday H.05 < fti. : { 3.05
Satuiilay. . . 175 8.CO
Monday 170 QJ3.75
Tui'Mlay. . . , 3.M 53.00
Wednesday. 3.05
March 3.05Ajirll
All sales of Mocl < In this market arc made
per cwt. live weight unless otheiwlse
.stated. Dead hops sell nt le per Ib for all
weights. "Skins , " oi hoes weighing IP S
tlmn 100Ihs. no value. I'l-eirnant sows are
docked -10 Ibs and stnirs SO Ibs.
Hogs all sold.
Cattle market steady.
One car of bulls left over.
Clark Hros. shipped live ear * of hoes.
Good demand for dressed beef steers.
Stuart & K. , St. I'nnl , maikcted SO hogs.
Walker Uro ? . , Waverly , sold a load of hoes
.1. A. Moore , Gibbon , marketed a load of 09
K. M. Brass , North Loup , sold a load of
.1. Williamson , Dannebiog , marketed 70
Claik llcaton , Weston , marketed a load ot
F. L. Cotton , Kearney , sold n load of 72
Heg market opened steady but closed
w cak.
II. U. Miller , Wayne , sold a load of hogs on
the maiket.
D. Anderson , Columbus , had a load of hugs
on the maiket.
.lolin Lemke. Mlllaid , was nt the yards and
makcted a load of cattle.
W. Weyant , jr. . Malcolm , disposed of a
load of hogs on the market.
J. Kiick , Crete , and Collandcr & Jones ,
Suwaul , each sold a load of hogs.
Mr. Little , of New Yoik , was at the vards
to-day in tlie Interest of eastern capitalists ,
Mr. Hcynolds , of Haimon & He.jnolds ,
Fiemont , sold a load of cattle and n load of
hogs at tlio yaids.
Mclnlosh & Sutton , Chapman's , were at
the ) aids to-day with a load of hogs , which
they sold on the maiket.
General MnrketR ,
Thursday livening , April 1.
Koos The receipts ate liberal , tlio bulk
ot sales belne made at 'J T'.i' e.
Brvinn Thoie Is a stioug demand for
choice grades of butter but theie is v ciy lit
tle comlni : in. The poor and interior guides
do not sell le.ulily. Choice rolls nro quoted
at 10@lbo ; fair to good , 10 ( < Z12c : inferior.
4uic ( ( ; crtamciy. 2. " > ( < i"0.Only tlio very
choicest grades will hiliitr top pi ices. : : Fancy liillcream clieddars. Octo
ber make. llJie : Hats. 12'ic ' ; voting
Amciica , He ; quality Swiss cheese ,
Hie : second quality , iftGiUc ; Llmlmrger ,
llfiC12c ; skim Hats UylOe.
Pori.Tiiv The icccipts of tlipssed poultry
are very light while theie is : i taiily good de
mand. Choice dressed chickens aio quoted
at WulOc. The .season for dressed tut keys is
passed , however , choice block will sell In a
small way at H.tfl2c. ( Geese nud ducks
10@lle. Live chickens , Sl'.00ii.50 , and only
a tew coming in ,
GAMP. The demand tor ducks was butter
to-dny , and fic > li iceeipts sold at slightly
liiglier prices. 1'tlccs for tlio most pint
aie nominal. Praiiieccliickens. jior doz.
2.60 ; quail , per do ? . S1.25@1.50 ; snipes ,
81.OOCnl.SO ; jack rnlililts , per doz. 82.50(8 ( !
3.00 : mallaid ducks , S2.00ffi2r,0 ( ; teal ducks.
81.25 : mixed ( lucks. S1.OOW1.GO ; small rab
bits. 75 ® ' . Oc : geese , S3.OOftZ3.fvu
PitisKuvis : : , JIIMKI : , in f1. Preserves , nil
kinds , 20-lb. palls peril ) . lOu ; do in pall
lots , per Ib. 9 > e : as-oi ted 5-lb. pails per crate ,
C , palls , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , liiht giade ,
2lb. ( . pails , per Ib. Nj ; assorted , first giade ,
6-lb. pails , ) ) er ciate , C palls , s2.50 ; do ,
1-lb. palls , per case , 2 dor. $2.25 : do , tumb
lers , per ca-e , 2 doSI. . 10. , le ly. all kinds ,
second grade , 30-lb. nails , per Ib. 5c. Mince
meat , best giado > j bbl. per Ib. 7c ; do , 18 ,
33 nndns-lb. pails , per 2-lb. 7 > c ; do. 5-lb
palls , per cmte. ti pails , S3.7B. Apple butter ,
extia line , X bbl. per Ib , 7c ; do 40-lb pails
per Ib , 7Me : do , 5-lb ] ) alls , per crate , 0 pails
S2.75. Peach and plum butter , 40-lb vails , 75-
Ib , 9-jC ; peach plum and quince butter , as
sorted , 5lt ) p.nfs , per crate , 0 pulls , 53.00 ;
hoise radish , nlnt bottles , per doSI.50. .
Pins' Tnii'K , KTC I'lgs' tect , per }
bbl , 54.75 ; do , if bbl. S2.40do ; , per kit , We.
Lambs'tongues , per f bbl , 83.50 ; do. pel-
kit , 82.75 ; do , quait jais per do55.50 ; do ,
pint jais per ease , 2 do37.00. . Tripe , per K
bbl , 54.75 ; do , per J bbl , S2.40 ; do , per * kit ,
tXCSAunr.KiiAUT Host quality , 45 gal bbl ,
87.5030 ; gal bbl. Sli.50 ; 15 iral bbl. 83.75.
Nt'TS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , S'c ' ; English walnuts , 14c : almonds ,
Tarragona , 20e ; do , Languedoc , 17c ; HntxIN.
I2c ; hlheits , 14c : peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Virginia 8c ; do. roasted. 10e.
Cosm HONKV Calilornia2 ID frame rtO Ibs ,
In case per Ib. , Wo ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska.
10 ( < fl7C.
Cinrcit Michiean reflncd , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbJ. . 54.00.
VIXUOAU White wine , lOc ; cider , 12 > tfc.
Coco A.N tn-s-At S4.50&5.00.
NEW Iftos , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 5 and
8-11) boxes , , iwr Ib , K tlTc ; I'mnelles , 2.Vlb
boxes , pet Ib , Ibc. Dates , fancy Fnrd , lU-lb
boxes , per Ib , He ; do , fancy Persian , 50-ib
boxes , per Ib. I0@llc ; California blaclc tins ,
BANANAS Fresh .stock has ailived and
the maiket is well supplied. They aie
quoted at S2.50@4.00 per bunch , according to
I.KMONS Fancy Messina and Palermo , per
box. 55.50 ; do. choice Messina and Palermo ,
per box. S".00 ; uo. per 5 box lot , 84.00 ( < t4.75.
California lemons , 53.75 per box.
CocoANtns Per 100 , 54.50 ; less than 100 ,
OitANflKs Choice Los Angeles , per box ,
S2.75 : do,5-box lots , per box , 82.00 ; do , 10-hox
lots , $2.50 ; fancy Hiverside , 83.75 ; do , 5-bov
Jots. 83.50 : Navels , 55.00.
CiiANmntitiF.s Choice Jersey. Boll nnd
Bude , per bbl , 50.00 : bush box , 53.00.
OvsTKits--New Yoik counts , 45c ; extra
selects. 40c selects , 35c ; standards 30c ;
mediums. 25c.
Pno VISIONS I lam. OKc ; breakfast bacon ,
SJ c ; clear side bacon , 7j o ; diy salted sides ,
0fc ; bhott rib sides , o&c ; shoulders. filfc ;
mess pork. S13.00 jier bbl ; dried beef , ham
pieces , 12c ; laid , tierces , fi'i'c ; f-0 Ib cans , 7c ;
10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7.fc : 5 Ib cans , do ,
7 c ; 3 Ib cans , do. , 7 > gc ; boneless ham , lOc.
Vr.nnr.vm.KS Cabhaire. 200 ib ciates , 3@
3 } cper Ib ; caullllower,8'.50 per doz ; aspara
gus , 15o per lhceleiy , ( Slant , 81.50 per doz ;
sweet potatoes , JerRovs , 4c per Ib ; uitab.igas ,
5'.25 per bbl ; pieplant , 15c per Ib : ladiblies ,
50e per dm ; creen onions , liocper do/ .
Ai'i'Mis New Yoik Baldwins , 82.50
( ! Ki.OQi Missouri ( icnitons , per bbl. ,
52.40 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 52.25 ; do. 10-lb lots ,
S2.00Missouu ; Willow-Twigs , Ben Davis , etc ,
82.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots. & 2..VJ : do , 10 bbl lots ,
52.40 ; Mlchliran Baldwins S'.nor < .75.
PoT.vroKh Judging f i om tlio number of
Inquiries made by potatoo shlppeis , theio
must be a laru'o stock of potatoes in tlio coun-
tiy. As soon as the loads become so that
tanners can bring them In , heavy shipments
limy bo looked for. nud lower pi ices are
anticipated. Piesont quotations are : Kxtru
choice Nebraska and Iowa , 55@ ( > 0c ; fair to
good , 40@50o ; Salt Lake potatoes , per bu , 75e.
ONIONS Choice Ohio yellow , pelbbl ,
( JitAss Sunns Clover. CO Ibs. to bushel ,
choice red , S7.5Xa ( > S.OO ; Whlto Dutch , 8h.50fn )
10.50 ; Alfalfa.8aoo@lo.00 : Alsyke,57.00@7.50 ;
Mammoth. g7.00@7.50 ; Timothy , choice , 41
Ihs. to bush. . t2.20J.50 ; Blue Grass , 14 Ibs.
to bush. , Kentucky extra clean , 81.00 (1.45 ;
lied Top , 85o ; Orchard ( ! rass , W.25n2,50 ( ;
Get man Millet. 50 Ibs. per bush. , S 1.00(31.25 ( ;
lluiigarlan , 2S Ibs. per bush. , ) : ) ( < C1.25 : Ku-
gli > h BIuo orltyo Grass. His. per bush. , 81,25.
BKANS The maiket is veiy dull. Hand
nicked navy. 51.75 , hand-picked medium.
Sl.50jil.75 : irood clean country. 51.25 ;
Interior. 75c : .00 ; California pea beans , ; Callloiniabav beans. Sl.h6f (
ItiDr.s Gieen tmtcheis , fie ; eieen cured ,
7t4cdry ; Hint. ll@iic : ; dry bait , HC-noc ; dam-
aeed hides two-tliiids price. Tallow Ic.
Grease , prime white. 3jse ; vellow. 3c ;
brown. 2tf } ( ! . Sliccn 1'elts 250J75C
runs AND SKINS .Mink. each. 1040c ;
mnskrat. winter. 25c ; do. kits , lo ; Otter ,
82.505.W ) ; skunk , Miort striped , l.V 25cdo.
broad striped. 10@15 ; badger. 25@50 ; Kao
coon. No. 1 largo , 40@,0 : do. No. 2. 2030 ;
do. ; No. s. lK < 5c : wolf , nrairio fiOa75c :
do. mountain , S > 2.ou@3.oowildcat ; , 15C040 ; bea
ver , ) ( C2.fjO per Ib ; fox , eacii. 40c1.75 :
deerckin : . drv winter , 10@l5o per Ib ; do. fall
and summer , 15f c : antelope. S'alOopei I )
LKATHKH No. l 1'lttsburg harness. J. C ,
L. Atons. . 30c ; No. 1 PJttoburg , K. & S. 3Cc ;
No. 1 lace leather , Cic ; prime slaughter sole
leather. 2SitS3c ; prlmo oak solo leathers , 36@
aje. Upper leather , per toot , 20j203 ; hum.
kip , 75W&5o : oak kip , b5 < 3'j5c ; French kip.
S1.00 L2.5j hem. call , 81.00 ( < .10 ; oak calf
81.OOQt.25 ; French calf , S1.25@1.85 ; Morocco
boot let , H05i32o ; Moiocco oil pebble , 38(333 (
toppings and llnlnt's. SO.OO lO.OO per do * , lo
COAL Anthracite grate , s8.25 ; pgg , es.23 ;
ranpe , 83 50 : chestnut. $8.50 ; lowu. S3.50 ;
\ \ ahuit block , 53.74 ; Illinois , 55.00 ; Missouri ,
ilBAVY HAnnwAitK-lron , rates , 82.35 ;
sawed dry , S1.40 ; touKues , each. 75n ; axlos.
each , 75c ; sqturo nuts , i > er Ib , 7ccUc ( ; coil
clinin. per Ib , OQl2o : uialltabl" . 6&8c : Iroa
s , Cc : crttxvhafe f c : liarrow teeth , 4c !
.steel , 7 ( > c ; Hurtlcn's lior > pshcs. ( !
Ihmlcn'ft iniilo Mines ? \40. Haibcd
Wire , iiicarliJl < i , 4.00 nor 100 lb-s. Iron
Nails rates 10 to no. Stutt : Shot Sl.x ) :
buckshot. : ovlrntal timuler , kegs , S3..V )
1'Jc : rails \\lillltiK , BUc ; whltlnir giltlers ,
lJ4o ; whltliKT , com I , IV : lam black , Cit-i-
mnntoMii , V.'c ; Ininiiblack , ordinary , PC ;
Prmsinn blue. fi-V ; ultMinariiiunltc : van-
tlyke , blown , Pc5 timber , biirnt,4 c ; umber ,
ravtc ; slcnnn , burnt-c ( ; sienna , raw. 4c ;
Pails eicon , genuine , i * e : rarls ciecn.eoin-
nion'JOc ; chroHiie ( 'U'en , X. V. , 20e ; clitomo
giecn , K , I'Jc ; vovmlliion , , in oil
fiOi1 raw nml tmrnt umber , 1 Ib. cans 12c ;
lawninl burnt sienna , 1'Jo ; Vandyke , brown ,
l.'io : lelincd lampblack. I''o : coacli btacK and
Ivoty blauk , ific ; drop black , irI'riinslnii ;
blue , -lOo ; ultiaiimrluo blue , lik1 : clmmio
preen , K. , 31. At 1) ) . , Ide ; blind nnd shutter
L'lecn , 1. . . M. * I ) . , NV : ; 1'arl" * eiccn , ISc ;
ludliin led , IV : ; Venetian led , V'c ' ; Tuscan ,
U'V ; Anieiicaneniilliloii , I. , tt O. , 200 ;
yellow oclne , ! > c ; L. JLAV : 0.1) . , ISe ; Roldeii
ochre , Kic ; patent ilryfr , Se ; eralnliiK colors ,
liclit nak , daik oak $ walnut , ciicstnut and
ash , lUo.
I'AINTS IN On. White lead , Oninlia , V. P. ,
zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , Aniurlcu , lSc ! ; Indian
led. lOc : lose pink. He ; Venetian , red , Cook-
ROII'N , 8J/c ; Venetian , red , American , l ( e ;
led lead. < Kc ; clnoiiic yellow , gcinline , 20e ;
chrome yellow , K , 1'Jc ; ochre , rochelle ik- . ;
oplirc , trench , UJfe ; oclne , Amciican , Uc ;
\VInter's mineral , a'fir ' : l.ehlili blown , Sfe ! ;
Spanish brown , 2'fc : Pi luce's mineral , ! te.
Dnnis AND ( jitKMirAt.s Acid , catholic ,
! 5 < V ; acid , tnrtarle. Tvlc ! balsam copaiba , PIT
Ib , Mcbark. ) ; sas Htias , per 11 > , me : calomel ,
per Ib , , 'Je ; clilnclionlilin , per oz , 40c ; chloio-
ioiin , per Hi , OOc ; Dovcis powders per Ib ,
8t'i'iepsom ; salts , peril' , il'fc ; Rlycerlne ,
pure , per tt > . ISc ; lead , ncetate , per Id , t0c ! ;
oil , castor , Xo. 1 , per pil. , 31.00 : oil , en.stor ,
No. S , ier pal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , percal. ,
S1.40 ; oil. oile.annm.nOY ; opium. Jfi.75 : ; ( iul-
nlne , P. A : W. , and II. At S. . per oz , 8Te ; po
tassium loilide , per H > , S ' .oo ; Millcln. per or ,
40c ; siiiplinte morphine , per oS2bO ; sul
phur , pur Hi.4e : strychnine , per o51.40. .
OILS 110s" carbon , pii gallon , lOo : 150 °
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 17. " ) ° headllcht. per
pal , l.'ie : 150 ° water white , 14c ; linseed , haul ,
per gallon , 4IP ; Unseed , boiled , PIT pallon ,
4Tc : laid , w Inter sli'd , pur gallon , noc : > o. 1 ,
4'Je ; No. 3. 4c ( ! ; castor XXX , per gallon ,
SI.55 ; No. : i. 31.44 ; sweet , per gallon , Sl.ixi ;
speiniV. . U. . per gallon. Sl.OU ; lisiiV. . U. .
jer gallon , G5c ; ncatsfoot , cxtia , per gallon ,
70o ; N'o. 1 , oscj lubrieatlnirero , per gallon ,
No l.siiniiner. loc ; golden ninclilne , No. 1 , per
gallon , : ; 0e ; Xo. 2 , : r > o ; sperm , signal , tier
gallon , T"ic : tin pontinc , per gallon , 57c ; gaso
lene , j er gallon , 14c.
VAUXISIIKS Uaiiels , per pnllon : i'nnil-
tuie , extra , SI.10 ; liitnltiire. No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , SI. 10 ; coaeii , No. 1. SLIM ;
Damar. extra , 81.75 ; . ( IIIMII , 'Oc ; aspiialtum
e.xtiM , 53c ; shellac , S : ; . ' > 9 ; hatd oil linish ,
SiMUiTS-Cologne spirits , ISSpioof , 31.12 ;
do 101 proof , Jjl.18 ; spiiits second cjuality ,
101 prool , Sl.l'J ; do , Ibs proof , Sl.ll. Altio-
hol , IbS pi oof , S'.MO per wino gallon. Iteilis-
tllled whiskies , S1.00@l.r > 0. ( Jin blended ,
Sl.rflgW.OO ; ICentueky bourbons 32.00rfO.OO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes § 2.00ai.50 ( ! ;
( lolden Sheaf bouibon and rye whiskies
Sl.MK.T3.o > ) . Hranilli's , Impoitetl , Sfi.oo ( < i8.r > o ;
domes'tie , : Cins. Impoited , S4.'iO
ftid.OO : ( lomestTc. i5L'i" Cd .00. Hiinib , iiu-
poitcilS4.fitS.i)0 ( ) ( ( ) ; New Knghind. S1.7ig2.K ( ( ) ;
domestic , Sl/i.'i&rt.OO. Champagnes impoit-
ed , per rase. S2300@34.OD ; Amciican , per
case , SlO.OJa.10. 0.
nsn , nr.s iff iris o'r nbisji'is icts
> . 200 100 SKI DO 40 18 10
Munn's S't No.l IVb 0 00 3 fit ) 3 W 1 811 M 5-1
aib'cU Flinty,5 , Ml 3 LT > 2 ! I7 1 07 I 10 G'l
L'KO U'd Sh'i-o l'"fly5 ' | iiO , ! ) 2T > 2 07 1 Ii7 1 10. 53
LAKE risir.
SMOKED FISH Halibut , new , extra
lO c ; sc.iled henlnKS , * : S'Jc ; salmon , 14c ;
smoked bturpeon , ITo : uiiuiin haddie , he.
Su.vnitus : lniiotfd | : Holland herrings ,
tecs , hoc : Russian sardines. 45c ; Ancho
vies in glass. Oio Hull braim. oer ao ,
Si.OO ; spiced Hamburg herrings , flkins and
heads oil , uer pail , Sl.oU
CODFISH Lareo G. B. whole cod , 4c ;
C. itT. , Gcorics chiinlis , To ; clover leaf ,
Gcorccs snips. OJ c ; 1 Ib rolls , 5 Ib boxes ,
OWc ; prairie flower sib brIckG , ' < jc.
Grocers' Jjlst.
Svnur No. 70 , s-ic , bbls : No. 70 , 4-callon
kegs , 81.0' ) ; New Oilcans : iS@4'c per gallon ;
Maple byrup , } 4 barrel , btrictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , 89.25 per rtoz ;
K gallon cans , $5.25 per do * ; auartcans 3.00.
I'K'ia.Ks Medium , in bbls. S .OU ; do in
halt bbls , S3.50 ; small , in bills , S7.00 ; do in
half bills. 54,03 ; gherkins , in bbls , 88.00 ; do.
In halt bbls. 54.50.
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case. 58.00 ; stiawberrles,2 Ib.per cabe , S2.75 ;
raspberries , 2-lb , per case , 32.8. ) ; California
year.s , per case , ? ! ' > , fiO ; apricots , per case ,
S .tiO ; peaches , per case , 3-1.75 ; white cherries ,
per case , 55.90 ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whor
tleberries , per ease. 52.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
tier case. 83.50 ; green gages , 2-lb , per case ,
52.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , 83.20(91.60. (
STAIICII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , 6c ; Mirror
gloss , 3 Ib 5 > tfe. Mlrrorglossfi Ib , O c ; Graves'
corn , 1 Ib. ttyfc ; Klngsford's coin , lib To ,
Klngsford'sgloss. 1 ib , Tc ; Kingsford's closs ,
0 Ib , 7Kc : Kingston's pure , 3 Ib , t > } { cKings \ -
ford's bulk , 4c.
I'l.uo TOIIACCO Climax , 42c per Ib ; Horse
shoe , 39c : Star. 39o ; Spearhead , : c ; ( Jol < l
I\OI ] , 39os Piper | HeldHlck , c,0u ; Pnncli , 3Sc ;
Vouiig Fritz. 38c : JT.I. 35c.
CANDV Mixed,0 > < ( < > 12c ; stick , Q ailc.
SALT Diayloiids , per bbl. 51.55 ; Ashton ,
In sacks , 83.35 ; V , packs , Asliton , 85o ; bbls ,
dairy , 82.BO@2.7S.t >
SODA In Ib papers , SH.25 a case ; salsoda ,
keL' . per Ib. 22o. j
Tiie Millard ,
8 , Shears , J. K. Mnriel.TlioB. Swobo , I'roprlotori
Oinulla , Nvbrusko.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllank Hook Manufacturers. 100-lOd South
Fourt c en t h Pticet.
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J , Welbhans & Co.'s Quick
HalElnK lluckwheat flour and p rot ) rioters Omuha
City > UUs , cor. 6tb and rurnuiu Streets , Omata.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
ELOMAN uuoa ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Etuldkry and Shoe 1'inJinps , Hides , A\'ool , run ,
i rtlte.OrcascTallow , Etc. , Omaha. Net.
Dook Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And lllnnk Hook Manufacturers. Nns. JOB
10 ! * South 14th Strcst. Oninhn , Neb. _
Bridges -Steam Pile
1'iiR-liu rrs nnd Contrnctors.
Brges , Roof Tiusses , Stum Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd Ilowo Trii'i Ilildcr ,
rillnir nnd Onk Timber. 15th ft. , ni-ar I'nrnuni ,
Telephone X < < "M.
Agent for Anlieuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special branIP I'nust , Itiidnciscr , Erlnngcr
Cor.Oth nnd Capitol Ae. , Onmhn.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Duns nndAmmunition , -jr , to 12H South llth
FnrnnmSticct , Oinnlm , NO'J.
WEST A rurrsciiEit ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wlioli'i-nlo nonlcrs In l.oiif Tobiiwo * . Nos.
_ _ 1W ( nnd 110N. _ 14th Strrct. Oinnlni , Ncti. _
Accni for the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cliimncj.s Utc. Ofllra , 317 South 13th
Ktrrut.Oiimlit , Nub.
_ Carriages. _
c. s. Ciounuicii & co
Agents tor K. A. Whitney Cmilngo Co.'s
Children's ' Carriages ,
Jewell's tVlebinti'd Ito rlKcrmors. Send
dttor p rlco lists. 14i : > rurnam f-t. , Onmlm. _
Cornices ,
Eagle Cornice Y/orks. /
John Eponotcr , 1'rotnfrtor. Miiinifnrtnrcr of
( , ulvnn7fil ! Iron mid Ooiniro. td DoiU'.c mid Ul
nnd lUoNoilh Uth Street , Omnhn , Nob.
nrKMrixo & UOI.TK ,
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rinnlv , Etc. , 310 S. l lh Rt. Work done
In liny pun of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor.
Gnlvnnlml Iron Coinlces , Etc. Spcehl'il-n.
j.rovod Patent Mi-lull'eSkyllfc'lit. MW und 61Ud.
l th Pt. . Omuliu. Neb. _ _ _ _ _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
' _ _
'TiwGate City PknlEg Hill.
Tnor ) , Snth nnd Hllnil ? . Also nil Llnds of
tuinlnt' . Scroll iind Stulr orlc ol oMiry do-
Mnnufncturcr nnd Donlcr In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stair ItnlU n specialty Telephone No. 0"J
15th nnd Mincv 8t . .Omalu , Nub.
_ Electrical Supplies.
iTw. WOLl'E i CO.Kloctrielan9r"
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc niock , Omnha. lliirjflar Alarms ,
I'iic Alarms , Electrlo Mntt In r , Bpuakliur Tubo3 ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cist Iron Building Work
Iron ? mrs ! , Kiillliitf , Rolled HOMUIS nnrt QlrJori > ,
Slrnm Knirlne . rira s Woik , General Foundry
Miiclilnuiuid Illaukvnilth Woik. OlHco nnd
Works , U. 1 * . Hy. iind 8 ITtli Bt. _
tron nr d Nails. _
" " '
"OMAH'ANAII.TM urAci'iiniNo co. ,
Cnt Hails and Spikes ,
rirc Nulls n. Srr jlnltv. Omnhn. Neb.
Omaha Safe Works ,
0. ANnitEEN.
Manufacturer of Fire nnd Ilurplnr Proof Snfoq ,
Vault Doors , Jail Worlc. Phuttcis nnd Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th nnd Jackson Sts. , Oinnlm , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 1S53.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KCUnnd 1AU Codgo Struct. Omnhu , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Gro. llnrkc. ,
Union Stock Vnrds , S. Umuli.i. Tolo.h'ioB83 :
W. F. IIHOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office EichnnRO Iliillduipr , Union Stock Yurda ,
fc > tioutli Omulia , Nob. Tclophono No. i50D.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Block Yards , Chicago , 111. , end Omaha ,
Nob. Frank CiivuCiidenMannKcrmahn ! ) llrunch.
Tcluiibouo Na. 283. Established 1802.
1 W. L. PAT1HCK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
.ftdilrcbs nilcnmmunlcatInns to us tit UnionHtock
Vurdu , South Omaha. Advances nmilo oil stock.
' Union Stock Yards Company ,
l lUmltcd. John F. llovd , tjupcrlntcnilcnt.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any mid ullhliiilsof ttouk solicit
i oil. Uiilonbti ck YardsOmaha , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lima ,
Been , Doors , Kto. Vauls Cor , 7haml ! Dougla ; ,
Cor , Oth und lougl < o.
Manufacturers of Sasb , Doors , Blinds ,
i , KtnirVork nn.l Interior Hard Wood
Finish , just opunrd , N. K. cor. tth and Leaven-
vorth Streets , Omuha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Ell S. llth Btrtet , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpctzcr ,
C. N. DIKT2 ;
Lumber ,
I3th and California Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Olh und Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nth.
Wholesale Dealer In Lumber ,
Omaha , Ncbru&ku.
Hardwood Lumber ,
n Block , Fancy Woods , llrldfo Tlmbrrs ,
ti. W , Cur. Wh und Uouglua.Umubu , Neb.
Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uuiiaim : Puycr , Utc.
Agricultural implements ,
Dealers in Afiricnltural Implements.
OITlep , Corner CtU nnd I'ncllloPts , Oiniilm ,
VAHI.IN , oitKxnomT & MAHTIN ,
WlioU'Sr.Io llcnlcrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nml llupulps , Oninhn Xob.
lIjli PAUKK1J ,
Vholrtalo Dcidor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrr.nijfs mill Itiipple ? . .1 ( no't St. , bet. th unJ
lJtnOini\hn , Ncli. _ _ _
Boots and Shoes ,
\ > \ A * . MOPSK x co-
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Jill Fiirnnm Street , Oinnhn , Noli. Mnnnfnctory ,
Siiminer Street , llo. ton.
Carpels. " _ %
* - '
'g A oitCHAHI ) ,
Wbolesalo Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnpj , Cnrl.iln Goods. Kte. . 14 1 rnrnnin
Street , Omnhn , Neb. _
Coal ) Lime , Etc. _ _
" % ' '
M'.VV W. nKIFOKI ) > ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Oflicc , Sias. Hlhrt. , Onmlm , Nob. YurJs , th
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
ficet vurletlcs. onirc.SCIS. 1'Hli Pt , Tclophono
No. 14SC.OiniihilNfb. _
" " ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SH S. 13tli St. , Onmlm , Neb.
( Ho. r.Towi.n , I'rcsldont
GTO. TAITT.IISOS , Sec. nnd Troas.
J. II. Hui.niiiT : , F. A. ,
I'topitrtor. Mini
Nebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
Oillcc , " 17 y. l.Uh Sticet. TclcphonoW.
Gro. I1.1.Mivnit , I'tcs. C 1.nooiiHAv.V.
.t. A. St'.sur.iti. VM ) Hco. uiulTicas.
Omaha Cos ; , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers of hunt nnd ofl con ! , Wfl S. Uth at. ,
OiniiUn , Neb. _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Eielutlvodculorslnlioiildor Colorado Coul.21J
! until Utlibtrcct.
CofTee and Spices.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . ColFcc * , Sploo1 * . Haklmr 1'owili-r '
Kxtinets , Lmiinlry lllun. Ink , etc. 11U-1U lliu-
noy Strcut , Oninlia , Ni'b.
Commission , Etc. _
" " "
IHUNCH i : CO. ,
Wholesale Frnitb , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 I'm-nam St. , Onmlm. Appli-i Oiiron-n | , ack-
Ins I'lntt As Co 'o TJLT | llrnnil Oystvis , Uuttor ,
LVes , Oumo , Vonllry , 1'otutoos. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Tiodiico , I'rovHons I'ltiils , Flour mid Feoil , 105
6. lUtitft.Oiuihii , Nel ) . CuiibUjuuiciiU solicited.
Itutnrna iniulo uromutly.
W. E.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIAI.TII.S riH-eM ! . lluttor. KpK4. 1'oultry
nnd Ui-'iio. lia S. Hth. , ( JiiiuUa , Nub. Tulo-
phone Jo. : W3. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
nuttor , EKKH " < 1 1'roduco. A full line of Stone *
vino. L'oiislBiinionts solicited. 1111 IJodtfo St. ,
O in a li a.
815 KlU Street. Onmlm , Nob. Siculultlos ] : But-
trr. Ep-nn. andClilcliuiis- _
WlllDEMAN .t CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oullry , Uuttor , Oamo , Krults , Etc. ! fM S. Hth
_ Et. , Oituiliii , Ncbruokn.
General Commission Merchants ,
HCCDodiroStieel , Oninlia , Nob. Conblgnmunta
Storage and Commission Merchants.
nnd Domoillo Ki nits ti spcoialty. El-
c nnt eiorniro rnellltlcs. W.irolioiibO mid ofllcc ,
11U North 13th St. Tclephono 775.
General Commission Merchant ,
Iluttor , Kw , Clii'is ! nnd Country I'l-odueo pen-
crally , UIW ti. Klh St. , Omuliu , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlfforntor nnd J'ncklntr House , Mill k Lonvon-
worth St. , on U. 1' . It. U. Trnclt , Onmbu , Nob.
General Commission ,
211S. Hth St. , Oinnhn , Nob. Bpcclaltlus-nutter
K'i .
_ 1'oiiltry and Uumo.
Commission Merchants ,
Vrnlti , 1'rcdueo and Frovlrlons , Onaha _ , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wliolo'iilo denier in country produce , fruits ,
butter , CKKB. utu. Uoods on conslKinnunt a
specialty. IcWN , Ft. , Omaha , Nob.
( Sllccop = or to A. 1' . Pchnok.l
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 313 South 12th Strcot. Omnhn , Nob.
Dry Goous.
' " '
J. J. IIHOWN i ( X ) . ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
J3C3 DouKlus Snout , Onmlm , Nob.
L. niNsunua & co. ,
Whok'salo Doulcjsin
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , Luces , Eml'toMcry ' nnd Whlto Goods.
ICCUDout'luaBticct , Omuliu , Nob.
Jobbois In
otions , Hosiery & Gants'Purnisbiug ' Goods
1000 unil 1033 Fninam St. , Omuhn , Neb.
Harness , Etc ,
Miinnfuctuifrs uml Jobbursof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tuif ( Joodd , IMiinkLla nnd Holx't. 1121 1'urnuni
Ktiuct Onmha , Nub ?
H. M. H0IJ3B ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufacturing Mullrosccs , lIixMliiB- , Feather
i'llloutj , ( 'Ma , Etc. l uo mid l-'LH DuufUti tilrcvt ,
Omiiliu , Neb.
_ Overalls.
ijTiLfSTirACTUItlNfl CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jwnal'unu , Phliis , Eic.VU \ n-iUl'tH
Street , Omuhu ,
OMAHA L Mnr.u co ,
Dealer * In All Kmils of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
18th Street nnd l i o.i I'nc fuTrnok.Omnh : *
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth niul Irani Streets , Onmlm , Nebraska. _ _ ,
J. A. WAKIiriKLl ) .
W&olesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
foment. Nlntn mm .lotios , Oiiinlm
Millinery ,
Importers nml Jobbers ot
Millinery and Ijotlons , ,
K13nu1 till Hnrnoy Strcot ,
Musical Instruments. .
ii : > HOLM % I'.HlOKSOjfT
Wholesalers of Husical'-IistnwiU ' ,
Stclnwuy I'lnnoj. Weber. Docfcor.
Itrlirita I'nino * . I'lirkrml Orgnns , 'Ch neo
101 nml UU 15tli street.
Notions , Ett. .
- -
t , . miANima * BON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry flood * , Notions , Gent * ' Furnishing Good *
Uooil * trotn New Yoik. Trndo ealos daily. WJ
nnd MM South llith Ht..On\nm. \ ! ,
Furniture , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in FurnlUra ,
Fimnun Street , Uuiahn , Nob.
ALLKN into * ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
IHGfind 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Noh.
V. . . CHAPMAN * CO. , )
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , >
Tobacco mid Smokers' Article * , 1217 Howard Bt
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplccs , Cigar * nml Tobaccos. 1317 ntnl 1319 Dotlff
Ins Street , Omaha , Nob. f
Wholesale Grocers , $
Corner lOtli nud I'utnum Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 705 , 707,70S and 711 S. 10th St. , Oraalm , Neb. „
, .
niioATCII ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
Inps , WIIROII Stock , llnidnood Luranor.eto.
11.10 uiul J21I Hurncy stiem , Otnntnt , Nob. ,
. Wholesale -Iron , Steel , Wagon
Anrt 'CnrrliiRo Wood SJ kJ , Heavy Hardware ,
ito. : 1217 and I''lfl Lciivtmwortli Street , Omahft ,
imtr.nAUcm &JTAYLOH ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd IlnlTiilo Saulus. liOSDoug *
Ins tMrout. Omnha , Neb.
LKR , ntlEO & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
1 Sheet Iron , Ktu. Amenta for How o Scales ana
Atlanil l > owdorl.'o.Oniiihti Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Uintos , llinss Roods. 1321 nud 1324 Fhr-
luiiu Strcot.
nucTort & wiLiiEi-MY cai
Wholesale Hardware and Halls.
Emerson Stool NnllH. Cor. loth nnd llarnoy-i
bti cots , Oiuuha , Nob.
& CO. , CHICAGO , . .
Munufr.cturor or tha
Deoriu Harvester Goods/
Write to Wm. ) l. Ixji-luuir , a narnl Agent ,
_ _ Oiuuha. Telci'honoOlO. ' _ ,
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines ,
Etcnm , Water , Hulln ay and Milling Supplies , tt'\ ,
_ if.0 , UBnndlUIFaiimiiiSt. Qmahu , Neb. .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , >
Etcnm nnd Wutur Suppllos. Hondqimrtors taF
Mntt Foost Co.'s Goodh. 1111 Farnaiu Htro t , ?
Omuhn , Nob. '
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Silverware , Ultunonds , Wntohat "
ClockH , Jowolois' Tools and Materials , Kto , , K
nnd l t , 15tli Street , Cor. Uodgo , Omaha , Neb. '
, Notions , Etc.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company. T
4 ( nnd 403 S. lOlh St. , Omahn , Nob. ' < *
Wholesale Dealers In Notions aud Gouts' Fur. , v
nlbliliiB tioode.
Oils Etc. " % -r
- A 1
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GnEolIno , Mica Axle Groii ci , Eto. A , II.
Manager , Omaha , Nob. _ _
Porft Packing. r l
" ' " *
Fork Packer and Snipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers , .1
Office , Union Mnrkot.lM7 DodKO Btroot. 1'aokJn *
hoiiBo , U. 1 > . It. It. Track , Omaha , Nob. 'rek
phone No. 157. < % t
Safes and Locks.
" "
"l > . IIOYI5U Si CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & lock Co.sf '
Plro iind llurnlaiI'toof Hurcs.Tlmo Lock'sVault *
and Jull work. JU.'O Farnum HI i cot , Omaha , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Suds ,
Agricultural , VnKolnblo , Kto. O.Id Kcllown' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. lltli and Uodiro StOmuhu , Nob.
Drugs , Etc ,
- tWines \
Wholesale Druggists '
And Dealer In I'tiliits , Oils and Window Glau
Oumhii.'Ncb. , : _ _ _ '
White Lead.
( 'M'Ti'i' ' HIT 1 ' 1) rta ,
Strictly Pure White 'Lead ' ,
LH.lli . . - . - . jml I 1 * 1\ ( . . -.a I lu , ( |
Wines and Liquors ,
ii.iin & co. ,
Distillers and Importers oUWines 4i
And Ll'iuur * . hole maniifrict'iroraof KonnoJir'f
IJutl India Jlltieis. IIU Hunioy UtroctOiuiUa * ,
.M ) . \ \ . in fsOAH ,
Successor to > | 'AMAIIA &JL.MM ' , Importer *
and WhnloRulu lcalui lii $1
Wines , Liquors aud Cigars ,
111 nnd : au S. Jith Ht. , Oinuhii , Neb ,
Fish , Lie ,
"llKKSON .
SucccRsors to Icken Jlcnistcn * Co.
Wholesale Fish DeatoriL
ItaportCTD < : f l-'orol u 1'bli ,
' . > = = _ = . tilrcvt aud U.