r , + S J - r „ - * * * ' > * , . ' ' . - - fcJi , _ . . . * ' * f % tat ! * \ , THE OMAHA ILY BEE. \ It } . 3V. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , FHIDAY MORNEISTG , APHIL 2 , 1880 , NUMBER 230 , ] .1 THIS STRIKE MUST GO ON , The St , Louis Knights Openly Eebol Against Chief Powderly's ' Orders. WORK FOR ALL OR FOR NONE. An Appeal to the Public From the Q DlRtrlct Itonril Parsons nnd Fort Worth In Control of Mobs Incidents. The .Situation In St. Ionl.q. ST. Louts , April L It Is not by nny means certain that cither the knights on the Gould system or those In Knst tst. Louis would re turn to work to-day in obedience to tlio order Issued by the oflleors of their assemblies. Tlio chairman obeyed the Instructions of the pen- i-ral executive board by an order to 8,000 knk'ht.s of this assembly to resume work , but neutralized it with an appended notice that tlio time at which they could apply for their positions would bo telephoned to the.ni later. At a late hour last night he said he bad not .sent any telegram announcing any hour lor resumption of work and refused to explain why. The dllllciilty of sending back to work the Kast St. Louis knights comes from local assemblies and not from the ex ecutive committees , which Intended to have ordered them to resume yesterday , but met with a protest from the knights themselves based on Individual grievances which they demand shall bo adjust ed before they seek rc-cmploymen t. Their oxccutlvo committees liavo issued or ders so worded as to throw the responsibility of tlielr action to-day on their own lodges , so unless the three committees take decided ncllon and Issue precise orders for the re sumption of work , Iho general executive com mittee when It reaches there to-morrow will find that Its order has not caused the clfect Intended. Notwithstanding the failure of the knights on tlio Missouri Pacific railway to return to work , freight traflic on that road has assumed nearly the normal condition. This mom Ing the different freight depots throughout tlio city presented nn animated appearance. Transfer trucks and wagons were heavily laden. In the railroad yards universal activity prevailed In marked con trast to the dullness which existed during tlio strike. Ficlght trains are being made up preparatory to starting and placed In position to receive their loads without any attemptat Interference from tliostilking knights. The general ollices of the com pany have assumed their normal activity , incident upon tlio icsiiniption of Irelght tralllc on the system , and to-day the clerks who were temporarily suspended dining the strike resumed work. Governor Ogle-shy and 1 his adjutant general arrived In East St. L'liils last evening. Soon after tlio go\ernor'.s arrival he received a delegation of knights who represented their t > Ido of the trouble to him. They told the governor they were will ing lo resume work when tlielr grievances shall liavo been ml lusted , and deprecate all acts of violence. They explained the stop page of the Vandalla train after thoudjiilant general had been told that they should be moved without. Interference , with tlio state- nienttliat they had notsiitliclcnt timeto notify tlio lailroad men of the promises they had made. They said the companies were willing topay the wages asked of them Individually hut refused to deal with the Knights , and they could not understand why If the com panies reeogiii'/.ed the Brotheihood of Loco motive Engineers and Firemen they could refuse to deal with them , and yesterday morning they offered to couple npat'aln on thu Chicago , Burlington A ; Ouincy railway but their services were refused. All they had done was to persuade the men not to run their tialns and had notliitlmidated them. Governor Oglcsby , after breakfast this morning , proceeded to the relay denot , where tlio largest number of strikers wcro assem bled , and addressed to them .some well chosen lemnrks Hearing on tlio stiikc. He cautioned . .ai.uvyniii > .i using violence in any case and informed them that tha Ia > "s must be obeyed and enforced ; that if the county aiithoritles were not equal to the task of preserving rail road property , there was a power still stiong- er which would bo called upon U\v its pi o- tcctlon. ( Six freight trains , three each upon'the Mis souri Pacific nnd Iron Mountain roads , started out of this city to-day , No pollco protection was requested by tht ; 'oflleers of nny toads and no hindrances of'any kind were olfercd by tlio strikers nt nnv point along tlio roads leading out of tills city. A meeting of the sirlkers atTiirnei'shall , Kast St. Louis , greatly decreased tlio number of men congregated around the iclay depot. A Ymidalia train was made 1111 , and upon starting from the yards the engine was ap preached by strikers who ner.suailed the en gineer to deseit his post. The engine was then detached trom the train nnd run back to the round house. At the same tlmo a freight traliOvas made iiphvtho Indianapolis & bt. Louis , and was about to stait out when several stilkeis requested the engineer to abandon his engine. This ho refused to do and the train left without lurtherlnterfer- encc. THK STUIKI3 MUST GO ON. The Exhontivo lioai-ilx IHHIIO An Order to That KfTcot. ST. LOIMS , April L Contrary to the gen- cial opinion expressed on every hand tin executive committee of district assembly No. 101 would designate the hour of 10 tliip morning as Iho tlmo when tha striking knights should return to work , no order U j that effect was Issued , and at ID o'clock t ho strike still continues. None of the strikers have applied this morning for work to tlio Missouri Pacllic olliclals , and they say they will not do so till orders art ) Issued by thcli executive committee. Despite the continuance of tlio strlko upon this side-of the river , a considerable niimboi of now switchmen and yardmen liavo been „ employed to till the vacant places of the strilt' > iV \ crs , and nil appearances this morning Indl J > cato a speedy icsumption of freight trnlllc on ok tlio different roiuK Switch engines aio run nlng back nnd forward preparatory to start Ing out freight trains. None of the switel engineers have yet been prevailed upon to quit work , and If the regular freight engi neers hhall bo equally faithful In performing their duties there is no doubt that freight tralllc on nil the roads will bo nt least paitlally resumed to-day. The executive committee of district assem bly : > * ' . ( ) , the members of which Include Mis souri Pacllic shop men nnd mechanics , ap pointed a committee to call upon Master .Me chanic Battled to ascertain what men ho would lo-cmploy. The committee has not yet had aconi'eienee with Bartlett , and nei ther the demands of the committee or the plans of Bartlett auioftlclally known , A mem ber of the committee aald this morning they would demand that all Iho men , without ex ception , who struck , shall bo ro-employed , Bullion w.is scon and In reply to an inquiry ns to what men ho would take back , lephed that ho would liavo to exorcise his own judg ment In Unit matter ; thntoionoof tho-.y who had deployed the company's propeily would Uo re-employed , and that the number ho would ttiko b.iuk would bo determined by the number of men actually needed , which was to MI.V that competent men who had boon en gaged during the strike would not bo dis charged to make room for striken. A Hunt fctUcniMit of Iho strlko on tlm Missouri Pa cllic railroad seems as tar from settlement as over.fr thnexeciitlvoconinilllcoofdMrlctas- semblv 101 have determined toanpolnt no arbi tration committee to confer with lloxlo till the old employes of the lo.id shall bo take.n back. The Post-Dispatch specials from Han nibal nnd St. Joseph Indicate that the strik ers have all gone back to wotk. The following document has been Issued for publication : . . To the Public As'showing the sincerity of thu railioad manaccis in Ilielr treatment of the Knights of Labor , we respectfully state thai pursuant io thu order Of our'-general cxccutlvti boaule thh duy seiifa committee 0 the managers of the several railroads offer- ng to return the men to work , and In no In- lance would they bo received or treated with , ach ofllcinl In turn either refusing them a tearing or evading with specious siiblerfiiies or direct answers , or icfuslng them employ- ncnt. lloxlo has agreed to receive a com- nlttco of employes to adjust nny grievances vlilcb may exist. Ho refuses personally , and lirongh his snbordlnntes , to recognize any of is as employes , ami refuses to rtcelvo any jut such as no calls employes. In short , after lould and himself have conveyed to the vorld that they nro willing to settle , they reuse - use lo soltlc. Now we appeal to the candid ind suirerlng public , on whom Is falling all ho weight of this great conflict. If we liavo not been deceived enough. How much s long suffering labor to bear ? 1 Ills great strlko never would have been had lloxlo condescended months ao to hear our omplaints. Wo do not claim to be moro ban human. In this country position makes lo.nian a king or slave , nnd an Imperious ro- nsal on tlio part of ono citizen to confer vlth other citizens with whom he may have iiisinc.-s connections , when such lelusal begets - gets a great hnslvss and social icvolullon. Islet lot only a mistake , but a crime against the mbllc. ( Jould Is Invoking ( lie law aimlnst ittlo criminals who nrc made desperate by ns policy and oppiosslon , and yet the ler- orizcd public does not Invoke the law ignlnst the arch-criminal of the land , if we iiinnol return to work the strike must no on. By older of the executive board of district assemblies 101. 'ji ; nud IT. UIjACKIjtSTING TIIK HOYS. The Gutilil Hoatl Oillolalu Will Only Illro Those They l''col Inclined. ST. Lot'ts. April L It now develops that indcr Instructions from the executive board of districts 101. IKl nnd 17 , n committee from ocnl assembly 3,050 nwaited upon Master Mechanic Bartlett last evening at the Mis- iourl Pacific shops and tendered the services if tlio old shop employes. Tlio men , they mid , were icady to go to work his morning and they desired to lind out if they nil would bo taken back , and a istof lifty-two names was handed Bartlett , vho after scanning itcnecked off seventeen of them as the names of tlio men whom ho voitld employ. Thu others , ho said , ho would lot take ock. Attempts of a similar laturo wcro made by committees if strikers at prominent points ill over the Gould system. , n every Instance the executive board claim hat the committees received the same reply , o their offers on the part of the strikers to ctiirn to work. Tlio railroad olllcials stated , t is claimed , that they did not require the. services of all their old employes ; that hey would not take them all back and could use their own discretion D selecting the men they wanted. The ratio if men tlio roads were willing to take luck to ho number who are on strike , llio executive ward says , Is about the same all over the syn- cm seventeen out of lifty , or thereabouts. 1'ho reports these committees icceived by elcgrnph determined the executive board lo ssuo their addiess this afternoonnnd to con- inuo tlio strlko until the road consents o take back all of the stiikers. 1'ho members of the board want it distinct- y understood that tlto Knights of Labor will lang together : that one will not leturn to vork without the others ; and that the men vho came out through sympathy with the iiembers of district assembly 101 must bo upported before the strikers , In whoso inter- ist they went out , will consent to a settle- iient. _ AN APPEAL TO OGLiRanr. Uerclinnts of St. IjouiHCall Ills Atten tion tn tlio Situation. ST. Louis , April 1. About noon to-day ; ovcral representative members of tlio Merchants' exchange , headed by D. It. 'rands' , mayor of the city , called upon Gov- irnor O lesby at the Martcll house in Kust St. Louis. Speeches were made selling forth attention to the delay to commerce , the in- ury to the city , the lawless acts of strikers , file. , nnd urging upon him the necessity for calling out the militia at once to restore order nnd effect a resumption of Irelglit rallley Tlio governor replied that while ho enow that the authorities of Kast St. Louis were unable to cope with the situation , Ire county of St. Clnlr was largo and popu lous and that tlio powers of the sheriff were very great. These had not been exhausted , and until they were ho could not , under the aw , call on tlio militia for aid. He-really regretted Hie situation of affairs but did not leel authorized to take moro forcible measures at present. If , however , ho should bo actu ally obliged to brinsisoldiers hero they would como lor active service and resolute work ; there would bo no nonsense nor child's play about It. TIIK TIIAIN FAILED TO MOVE. A Conflict Between Htrikers and Citi zens nt b'ort Worth. FOIIT WoitTii , Texas , April 1. Fort Worth is In the hands of a , mob. A citizens'posse was summoned by the sheriff to assemble this morning. At tlio Missouri Pacific yards they met , some ! ! 00 strong , according to orders. About -100 strikers , armed , desperate and ready for bloodshed were on the scene. Fifty well armed ofllcers wcro also on hand. A freight train was made tip and the Mlssoml Pacific engine came along to pull out the train when there was a grand rush by tlio strikers for tlio engine. Arms wcro pre sented on both sides. The engine was not molested but all the cars were uncounted , nnd oven the nuts were taken out of the draw- heads. Some of the knights were arrested and the engine sent back to the round house , and all attempts to move the train were abandoned. The citizens lacked organ ization. They had no leader , while every man In tlio ranks of the strikers was a leader. Mayor Smith addressed the mob , but tlio strikers cried , "liats , no moro Peter Smith for mayor again 1" The sheriff is summon ing the citizens to go armed to-morrow to the Missouri Pacllic yards. The striker's place ? are all tilled hcic. They are hungry ami bloodthirsty. _ _ _ _ _ _ KOOJf FOIt VKIIY FKW. Sholtloii'ti AiiKwnr to .Martin Irons Homo of the I'lnoos Killed. DAU.AS , Texas , April 1. The lollowlng telegram was received hero yesteiday : ST. Louis , March 31. To Iteeeivur Slid don. Texas Pacific Hallway Will you so all the strikers at work in tlielr former places and arbitrate past grievances on the Gould lloxio-Powdeily basis. MAKTI.V lnoxs. This dispatch was forwarded to Kecelve Sheldon , who Is making an Inspection of tin western portion of tlio load. It caught bin at Big Springs , whence the following reply was sent last night : Bin Si'iii.vos , Tex. , March 31. To Martli Irons , St. Louis , Mo. Wo cannot set all the strikers to work , ns wo liavo employed large numbers of men in their places who came to our assistance nt tlio Unit ) of need , and to dis charge them to give places to these who care lessly put us in a condition of great neei would bo the height of Ingratitude and in justice. I'arsons In tlio Hands nfn Mob. KANSAS Orrv , Apill 1 , The Journal's Topckn special says : Governor Martin ro reived a dispatch to-night from State Adjti tant General Campbell at Parsons , Kan. saying the mob was seemingly In the ascend ancy there and he could not start trains without aid. The governor thereupon an thoiized the calling out of the First Ilegl inent , state militia , or as much o It as Is needed , to-morrow morning and telegraphed General Carroll at Paoia tc go to Parsons and take command. It Is ex peeled that the Ottawa and Garnet com panics , and probably another , will be sent t ( the scene in the morning. Some twelve o titteen freight tialus wciu sent out to-day and a heavy business was done at the fielgh depot , where goods were leceivcd for al. points for the first limn during Urn strlko. The company Is still employing outside ap plicants. _ .Quaker Fnslilqii Without Quarreling. P.I.IJA' , Ap'rll. .1 ; The board of city railway presidents had a foifrhours' ' cpn- f'eiciice with ( lie aibitialirm committee of the. ( Juakcr C'ityPio.tecllvb iiwoelatlbu , > uights f Labor. A bill ot grievances , submitted by hetomniltlcoon Mnrch 23 , was considered n every detail , and an amicable uuder- tandlng was reached nnd an agreement Igned bv the president of every road In the Ity and bj- seven members of tlio arbitration ommittee. It provides for twelve hours as day's work and S'J as the pay. Miners'Strlko Inaugurated. PiTTSiimo , Pa. , April 1. Some .2.500 nlncrs on the Ialtlniorc. ) & Ohio road and Its imnchcs went on n strlko to-day lor n 2V cut rate on alt coal , no matter when shipped. This Is nn advance oC J cent over the rate along these roads for the past year. I'hrco mines have given In , nnd about 300 ncn arc at work. Tlio strike Is looked upon is trcncrul and many miners have left the alley to seek work elsewhere. Slowly llcsitmlnj ; nt Kansas City. KANSAS CITY , April 1. Though the strk- crs as a body have not returned to work , Mis souri Pacllic frelirht business Is progresslns uoro actively to-day. The freight depot was cow-lied to day nnd freight Is being received ns usual. Klve frciu'ht trains were sent ea t vlthoiit a guard , though the pollco force Is ctlll stationed in the yards. Ktrlkorn In Court. ST. Lnn , April 1. Fred Howard , n striker who assaulted a Missouri Pacllic nglncer because ho refused to leave his cnglno upon the request of tne kitghts : to lo so , was lined SIO'J and costs to-day nt the criminal court. Thomas llnss was lined In the same court Sio and costs for using thrcatcnlntrnnd alms- vo language In addressing n non-striker. Seeking Arbitration. PiTTsnuito , April 1. The striking street car men will meet to-morrow afternoon to consider n proposition from the railway com mutes to submit all the questions in dispute o arbitration , and tire men to return to work tending decision. A Ten 1'cr Cent Advance Given. CII-VKIANI > , Ohio , April 1. The moulders nt the Medina , Ohio , hollow ware works , one of Iho largest establishments of the kind In 'lie country , were to-day given an advance of .0 per cent In wages. * W ATE U YW ASTKS. The Effects of tlio Southern Freshet Worse TImti Anticipated. , AIn. , April 1. Specials to he Age from river towns of Nortli Alabama , lmw that the effects of the freshet arc worse ban telegraphed yesterday. Gadsden reports hat Coosa river is at its highest mark and till rising , with alarming reports from [ ibovo. All the railroad bridges on the branch oad between Attalln and Oadsden nro swept away , and a number of washouts on be Alabama Great Southern are reported on both sides of Attalln. The mill and lumber ntcrest at Gcdsden sulTered immense dam- ige. The Tennessee river is reported out of ts banks at several points. From Tuscola ind Warrlon advices are serlou ? , though it s believed the worst lias passed. Many louses on cither side of the river have been abandoned , nnd the water Is mining through the doors nnd windows. Some families occupy the upper stories of dwellings , nnd skill's and canal > oi'ts are used for transportation. The vil- ago of Nortliport , across the river , is almost submerged now , and the iron bridge connect- gg tire two placosjjis under water at botlr mils , and fears are entertained for its safety , i'ho water Is a foot deep In Tuscaloosa cotton 'actory ; work had to be abandoned. Just be fore dark the wreck of a small house passed down the river and several persons were ob served clinging toj the timbers. lEcscuing parties in skill's started out in pursuit : rom Tuscaloosa shore , nnd were rapidly "lorno outside by the rapid current. Mnny lersonslivlneon the lowlands below Tusca- oosa had to be rescued from their homes In kiir.s. No calculation can yet be made ns to : bo amount of damage done to the farming Interests , to the railroads nnd other high ways. From every place with telegraph olliccs como tlio same reports of no iralns and no malls since .Monday night. Regular trains on the roads centering hero have been discontinued till further orders , and no work is being done by the companies'em ployes except in repairs and construction. Humors reach here of loss of Hfo in Goose river valley. iticiiMOND. Va. , April 1. The James river nt tliis point has been risinc steadilv all day. and at 9 p. in. nearly all that portion of the city known as tlio "Rockets" was sub merged to n depth of eicht to ten feet. "Water has also Inviided the streets , the old market between Fifteenth and Eighteenth streets , cutting off communication between the upper ami lower part of the city except by boats or by golns a long distance around towaids the north. Street cars run only as far as the St. Charles hotel. The water is still i Ising at llio rate of six inches per hour , and it is expected that it will continue to do so until 4 or 5 o'clock to morrow morning. Tlio precautions taken by the people in the threatened districts will keep the damauo down to com small figures. Many poor families living In the "Hocketts" have been driven from their homes , r'rom present indications this flood will surpass those of 1870 and 1617. AIjDEUMAN'Tc THIEVES. Two Moro of Gothiuu'H Good Olliolals Under hoclc and Key. Nr.w VOIHC , April 1. Charles 15. Walto was arrested at 9 o'clock this morning nt the Grand Central depot. IIo was not in the least disconcerted , and seemed to understand thopurpoit of the ofllccr. and oven before the warrant was produced lie was Informed ho was under ancst. An evening paper pub lishes an interview with .ludgo ( illdursleevo , in which the judge says Waite Is the man who wrote the letter offering to tell all he knew about the Hrondway franchise bribery. The Commercial Advertiser publishes a three column Interview \yith Kx-AIderman Walte , calling It his confession. The sub stance of Walto's statement is that as n re ward tor his tcrviccs in sccurlint the election of Kirk ns picsidcnt of tlio board of alder men In issi , ho was given the privilege of appointing the railroad committee. IIo appointed such men ns ho know ho could easily "control" and know "Jim" Richmond. They voted on the franchise bill just as lie dlct.itcd. Tlio ox-al derman claims ho did all of this out of pure friendship for " .11m" Richmond , who was Ja cob Sharps' rklit bower in the deal , and that ho ( Wallo ) never got a dollar. Wnito mentions n number of aldermen who ho thinks did not secure money , but makes no positive statement. Walto linnlly ac knowledges his Interest In getting the lirondway franchise bill throiit'li , and was stimulated by a promise of the llro coiumls- sioncrship. Late this afternoon detectives loft tlio city hall with a number of warrants. It was almost positively stated that they were for the arrest of the franchbo aldermen of thp board of 1881. Later District Attorney Marline said ho concluded his interview with Waltn ; that Walto had not bee.ii arrested , nnd It was true that tlio ex-alderman had made a statement about the Uromhvay franchise. What Its substance was would not bo told. The otliclal could not tell what might bo clone in the futuio as to arresting Waite. Tlio ox- aldcriiian's statement bad been very satis factory to the district attorney. The onlvial Elated ho would not go home to Harlem to night but would remain down town , because important matters might turn up at any time during these troublous periods. Later In the evening the detectives returned to pollco headquarters having in custody ev- President James P. Kirk , of the board of aldermen of ISSI. Inspector liyrns .said the charge ngnlnst him was bribery , but de clined to ( jive any further particulars. Chairman Martin Irons , A. C , Coudilan , and other members of the executive" com mittee , when asked for further Information regaullnt ; the eifect of their appeal upon the situation , and whether or not tne number of men already at work would bo ineieased by another call by thu joint executive board , infixed posttivelv to discuss the subject. As -.ono of the comiplttcenieri Bald : * 'Wo have a MAYS FIGHTING MONOPOLY , Van Wyck Pays His Respects to the Wash ington Gas Ligtt dompany , WELL PROTECTED CORPORATION Tlio Nomination of J. C. Morgan as l ostinnstcrntlConrncy Withdrawn A I'oppy Oil Petition Washington. Notes. A Great Monopoly Exposed. WASHINGTON , April L [ Special Tele gram. ] Senator Van Wyck has drawn blood In his unrelenting war on monopolies and In his strife for tlio Interests of the laboring people here. IIo succeeded In his clforts to reduce the workine hours of the street car men without uduclnir their pay , and then ho turned his attention to that gigantic monopoly , the Washington Gas Light com pany , n corporation that was a few years ago granted a charter by congress on a toported capital of only iuCO.CCO , but which has now a capital of S-J,000X)0 ( ) , worth on the market S4OX.000 ) , attcr paying enormous salaries and unprecedented dividend ? . The com pany has succeeded In smotheiing all propo sitions of rival companies buforo consrc.s-i , and at this tlmo occupies the Held without competition. Senator Van Wyck het out to force tills corporation to fuinisli gas lor 51 Instead of Sl.fiO per 1,000 feet , and to show that at least two ot the three commis sioners of this district are largely Interested not only In the gas com pany , but In other corporations operating under charters Issued by authority of congress. In taco of the fact that the dis trict commissioners are icoiilred to see that the laws Imposing certain restrictions upon these corporations are enforced , lie has already succeeded In ono object and Is likely to bo successful In tlio other. 3lr. Van Wyck yesterday Introduced a resolution in the senate callingtipon the com missioners of the District to Inform the sena tors whether any commissioners arc inter ested In street railways , national banks or the gaslight company of the District. The resolution was objected to and went over till [ onlay. Commissioner Webb has already ac knowledged that ho is guilty of the charge. He says : " 1 own stock In the Corcoran Piro Insurance company , Arlington Flro Insur ance company , in ono of the national banks and in the Washington Gaslight company , of which I am one of the directors. I have also been for the .last twenty years the af torney of the gas company. " Commissioner Webb states further that Commissioner Wheatloy owns stock in the gas company , These acknowledgments , published here this morning , created almost a sensation , and when Mr. Van Wyck called up Ids reso lution In the senate'shortly ' alter noon , ho liact everything Ills own way and It was passed with a whirl. Mr. Vnn Wyck said tlio only law givers for Washington city were the two houses of congrcs ? , . When questions arose between caplfalvnnd1abor here , nnritho commissioners of the District were required to do anything in referv ncii.to matters In dispute - * puto , it was proper for'congress to know the personal relations .of those personal Indi viduals to the corp"qratidns. Those commis sioners had declared that only one gas light company should liavo the right to supply gas to this city. Dlscussina the rules of this company , Mr. Vnn Wyok referred to the requirement of a largo deposit in ad vance from citizens using gas , and Hie enact ment by the gas company itself of a special Hen law in Its own favor. Who gave the company tlio power to say that If an out going tenant did not pay his bill the incom ing tenant would get no K.IS ? Congress had given millions of acres of land to the various Pacific railroads In or der to secure competition , only to find that competition "did not compote. " But hero wcro the commissioners of the Districtof Columbia publicly andspecilicnlly declaring that there should bo no competition in gas , and giving excuses as to why there should bo no competition. The gas company , on an Investment of S500.000 , had now a cap ital of $2,000,000 , worth S4.000.003 in the market , and declared dividends of from 40 to CO per cent , paying in ono year Sl.UOO.OOO In dlvldcds. The commissioners knew tlieso facts. Mr. Van Wyck animadverted Ion the poor qualltyof gas supplied. Ho albo refeiredto tlio cheapness of gas in Baltimore compared to Washington. Mr , Gorham of Maryland said there were several competing companies there and it was admitted tnat the prices charged as tlio result of competition would ruin any com pany. The consequence was that there was yearly amalgamations of such companies. Mr. Van Wvck said that only showed that congiess and tlio legislatures were In tiio hands of corporations which bid defiance to all law. It was the knowledge of this fact that was spreading the universal discontent of labor. The moral sense of the civilized woild having got rid ot chattel shivery , was now faced by these corporations with a wide spread industrial slavery , for that was what our corporate industrial system was. Sena tor Vnn Wyckhgs already won laurels In his light , which makes 1ms nanio a household word nnd n favorite among the common people ple here. "TIII : MOST u.NKiNnnsT CUT or AM , . " Some surprise was expressed by Xebraskans hero when the nomination of Kgbert I ! . Wat son to bo postmaster ut Kearney was sent to the senate this afternoon , as it was well known that J. 0. Morgan was nominated for the same place on January 11 last. Later It was ascertained that the nomination of Mor gan has been withdrawn'on account of ob jections made to him by Nebraska democrats. The nomination of Watson Is spoken of as a very gocd one. Till : MIIUAT WASTE OF Ff.AX ST1IAW. The enormous waste o'f valuable raw ma terial , wherever flax nnd hemp arc grown for the seed , has at last been , brought to the at tention of congress by parties Interested in the manufacture of textile fabrics. A dele gation of eastern men Interested In these goods Is now here to try to Induce congress , through the commissioner of agriculture , to provide some means to stimulate the manu facture of Improvediiiachliiery for the .separ ation of the liber hi order that the straw which Is now wasted may be saved to com merce. It is said by these gentlemen that In the states of Iowa , Nebraska nnd Minnesota seta , nnd the territory of Dakota , thousands upon thousands of tons of llax straw nro annually wasted which might bo saved to the material Increase of th'o Incomes of the farmers of these states , if the department of agriculture would attempt to btimulato the production of better machinery. POPPV Oil. J'KTITIO.V. Mr. Frederick Introduced In the house to day a petition , largely slirned by the business men nnd citizens of Marshalltown , Iowa , und addressed to Chairman Morrison of the committee on ways and means , betting forth that poppy seed oil , by borne error In the last tarilf revision , was placed upon the free list along with essential b'lls , whereas It , ls a paint oil ami Is being largely imported and used by paint griurters'Jnstead of Unseed oil , whlch-ls subjwt'to.diitiras well as the seed from which It Is manufactured ; nnd the pe- litloncrs ask that poppy oil pay a duty equiv alent to that placed on II n seed oil , on which class It properly belongs , otherwise It will mateilally Intcifere with the Interests of the linseed oil manufacture ot the entire coun- Iry , and especially the Interests of farmers In Iowa. Nebraska , Minnesota and Dakota. S1IK LOST Iir.lt LAND. Congressman Weaver , ot Nebraska , to-day secured the passage of a bill In the house di recting tire secretary ot the interior to Issue lo Mary K. O.iscy , of lUchardson county , Nc- biaska , land acrlp for 120 acres of land In lieu of Hint which she purchased nnd lost through contest. Her land was decided to have been within the limits of an Indian reservation , THE EDUCATION HILLS. Rumors In Connection With TlioIr Course in the House , WAIIIINOTO.V , Anrll L [ Special. ] H Is generally believed nowthnt If an educational 1)111 , such as is proposed by Senator Blair and Itepre.sentntivo AVillls , should bo parsed , that Ihc piesldcnt would veto It. It Is even said Iho president has taken an inteiestin thn con tention that has been prevailing In the house fora week about reference to committee of the second educational bill by Mr. Willis , the committee on education , to which the lirst one was referred , bavin i refused to report It back lo the hrus1. ; Humor lias it that the president has been In set * the bill die In tin- committee , liophigth.it he would not be called upon to blsn it. There me n lot of ugly reports 'olnj , ' around abnit the Inlhieiicea that wcro Inoiiaht to Iii-nrlo liavo the second bill 10- ferrcd lo the cnmm ttee on labor , where It is , and they will lik.-Iy Kill It. Two of the rc- poits are that the KaiN lobby worked for It , , nid that llio river and harbor committee's Inlluince was exerted for it. A.V ACUI.MO.MOUS DEBATE. Logan's Army l tl ! Discussion Creates Homo Itittcr Feeling. WASIIINT.TO.V , Apill I. ( Special. ] The de'jato on tlio bill by Senator Logan to in- creasn the elllciency of the army , by Increas ing It a few thousand in number of men , lias licen niarued by more feclimr and Interest than Is usually shown in the senate. Tlio statements reiterated by Senator Plumb of Kansas , that Mr. Logan wanted a larger army to keep down labor riots , brought out some feeling on both sides. The friends of Mr. 1'himb , who is a strong Blaine man , liavo tried to make it appear that Mr. Blalno was jclilnd tlio Kansnn , and some of the Illinois talesman's friends liavo mentioned that it was a Blaine suggestion. None of such talk lias any effect upon those who know the fncts. Mr. Plumb is known to be bitterly opposed to permitting the soldiery to Interfere with Intcinnl disturb ances , like those growing out of labor tioublos. It Is hi nted , however , that Mr. Lo- ; au has been urged to tlio step ho has been taking by men in Chicago nnd other huge cities , who fear the results of riots In the fu ture. The question opens up the whole mat ter of calling United States troops to sup press local troubles. Many contend that the cities and states should nlono suppress labor und other riots. CONGRESS. * ' Senate. WASHINGTON , April L Shortly after open ing tlio senate , Mr. Edmunds moved that when the senate adjourned It would bo till Monday next. The committee on library reported favora bly the bill for the ercctfon of a monument to Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Cullom said he had the honor of intro ducing this bill. It appropriates $ 00.030 for the erection ot a monument at Washington to tlio memory of Lincoln. Time , said Mr. Cullom , would not dim or lessen the glory that clustered around the name of Lincoln. His great deeds and nobility of character would show only more plainly as time passed. Ills name and fame would exist for nil time among all the nations of the earth. Mr. Cul- lorn was proud to say that Lincoln had been his personal friend. He was a man tliatcould not diverge from Ids duty. Generous and great heal ted , full of human sympathy "with charity for all , with malice towards none" 'twas he who had said : "i have not planted a thorn In any bosom. " Ills name had taken its place by the bide of Washing ton. ton.Tho The bill passed. At the suggestion of Mr. Logan an under standing was secured by which Ids nrmy bill will bo taken up Monday next , immediately alter the morning business , and Its con sideration continue throughout the day , and If necessary from day to day till disposed of. Mr. Platt consented that the Washington territory bill might bo informally laid asldo In order to permit of the action on tlio army bill , but on condition that the Washington bill should not lose the right of way. The hour oft ! o'clock nrrlvlnir the Wash ington territory bill was laid before tlio sen ate and Mr. Dolph resumed the lloor to con- linuo his remarks in favor of the admission of the territory , and said If admitted it would soon become one ot the most , impoilant states of the republic. The committee's amendments lo the bill were then voted on seriatim and agreed to. Air. Doiph moved nn amendment , which was agreed to , exempting from the provision which required school lands not to bo sold for less than S5 an acre , certain lands al ready disposed of for the same purpose nt a lower price. Mr. Vooihecs submitted as a substitute for his bill last piesnnted ( the enabling act ) pio- vldlng for tlio admission of .Montana. This remains the pending question when tlio bill comes again betoro the senate. AI tor an executive session the donate ad journed till Monday. IIOIINO. WASHINCITON , April 1. The house went into committee of tlio whole , Mr , Springer in the chair , on the labor arbitration bill , gen eral debate to be closed at 4 o'clock. Mr. Worthlngton thought that the committee mitteo on labor , with the limited jurisdiction congress had over the subject , had done about nil It could do. Ho was disposed to vote for the bill , but ho could not but fuel but there was a possibility It would go out of the world a legislative nondescript , which boio on Its face an apology for its own existence. In closlnz the debate Mr. O'.Veill said every compulsory law placed on the statute books of any country bad proven a fnlliue. The desired result could only bo bccured by conciliation. The committee then rose and Mr. O'N'elll moved that all debate on the lirat section of the bill bo limited to ono minute. Pending a vote on Mr. O'.Vclll's motion the house adjourned. Harris' lO.vaininatloii Continued. WASAINOTON , April L Senator Hauls' examination was resumed by the telephone committee. Witness stated that ho had never icfcrrcd to Garland In connection with the government suit. Hale called the witness's attention to the fact that the supplementary agreement ho supposed he had signed seemed to bind all of the stockholders , Including Garland , to use all of tlielr Iniliicnco to Kecuro the institution of a government suit and the employment of their lawyers by the government. Witness leplled with some sur prise that he had no idea that they had com mitted themselves in that manner. Garland knew nothing of it. Adjourned. Mnrch l ) lt Statement. WASHINGTON , April L The following Is tlio recapitulation of the itebt statement , is sued to-day : Interest bearing debt , principal and Interest , total , 51.W,513,7S.5 ; debt on which Interest has ceased since maturity , to tal , SS.rm.WO ; debt-bearing no interest , SMfi. 017,717 ; total debt , principal and Interest , $1 , ' b04XW,4GJ ( : ; less cash itwnsavailabld font-due Hun of debt , 8 ; < 10'i3'Jl ' ; total debt , less available cash Items , S1,404,3 .S ; ' > 5 : net cash In treasury , STfl.KSLOJ'J ' : dock * ie ot debt du ring March , S14.0S7,8J > 41 cdw. In treasury available for reduction of public debt , S210- 2.T0.12S ; total cash In treasury , as shown by the treasurer's general account , S4yolW7,711. Penalty For Improper Use of Mnlld. WASHINGTON , April L Scnntor Wilson to-day reported favorably from the commit tee on postoftlccs his bill to amend the lie- vised Statutes of the United Slates so ns ( o make tlio penalty for using the mnlN to cir culate obscene or Immoral books , n line of not less than 5100 , nor more than S. " > ,00 , ) , or Im prisonment nt hard Inbor for not less thnn one year nor more than ten years , at the dis- ciotlonof the court , Secretary Mnnnliic'B Condition. WASHINGTON , April L Inquiry at Secre tary Manning's iiouse nt noon to-ilay , elicits the Information that the secretary Is about llio same ns at the last report. "There Is crcat Imurovomcnt In the sec retary's condition. " said Dr. Lincoln to- nlcht. "Ho was bright and cheerful und was nblo to u o Ids right bund some. Thoii-li far horn beluga well man , ho Is very much bet ter. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NelirnsUnim Nominated. WASHINGTON , April l. The following nominations wcro sent to the senate to-day : Victor Vlfqualn of Nebraska , consul at Barranqnllla. Postmasters David KralTt. Orleans , Neb. ; Orlando II. Itippev , Ainswoith , Neb. ; T. A. ( ' .Beard , Crete. Neb. ; Ksbcrt It. Watson , Kearney , Neb. Counterfeit ! j5 ! Abrnncl. WASHINGTON , April 1. A SJi counterfeit , brownbaek , national bank , has been dis covered'purporting to bo nn Issue of the Cen tral National bank of Norwnlk. Con.- . , and living its chatter number of tlio bank as 401. This'bank has never Issued a note of the scries of 18 J , nnd Its charter number Is Sil'.J. : Military Nominations. WASHINGTON , Apill 1. The president.sent the following nominations to the senate : To tie brigadier generals , Col. Thomas 11. linger , Klghteenth Infantry , vice ( Jen. Terry ; Col. Joseph ll. Porter , Twenty-fourth Infantry , vice Gen. Howard. UNION PACIIi'lO A ETA I US. President Adams K.vnlalns the Finan cial Condition ol'tho Company. BOSTON , April L [ SpecinlToIegrnm. ] At the annual meeting of tlio Union Pacllic stockholders yesterday , President Adams made a short review of the progress made by Hie road during the year. The most Interest ing portion ol his letnarks was In answer to two questions propounded almost simultan eously by Hastings , that U the. surplus last year was S2,5.,100.55 , when would the stock holders receive any dividend ? To tills , sev eral pieseiit.criedout : "Vcs.that's the point. " riie other was a request for information as to the existing relationship between the com pany and the government. Mr. Adams , in icply to tlio lir.st question , said : "Slnco I took charge of the affairs of tills company , a shoit time ago , my solo object has been to place It uiion a sound linancial and business baslsand lo do thls.it was necessary to devote the entire surplus to the liquidation of just claims against the company. The transconti nental war , which 1 have tried to prevent , nnd the growing compctiton from rival roads have , you know , badly reduced our receipts from through busness ! by taking from us a largo share of the traffic once entirely our own , but the bulldini ; m > of tlio west and the necessities of the day hjvo so increased our local business that If air cquitabm under standing can bo made with the government , I hope to be able lo talk with the stockhold ers In reference to the subject of dividends within a comparatively short time. " This remark was greeted with applause. In speaking of the relations of the government and the company the president said that the present policy of the government was dis graceful , disreputable and embarrassing. Ho said that thoTliurman act had not worked as Us franicr intended ; In fact , Thiiniian had acknowledged to him that as long as It re mained In effect It would bo n continual drawback and an embarrassment to the company. The bill now being prepared by the senate , which the public believed to bo one of the company's preparation , neither ho nor any ofliccr or representative of the company had been allowed to see , and if ho only knew what IU contents were lie would be only too pleased , as lie could then decldo on some dullnlto policy for the future , wldlo at present his ignorance caused him ( o ho all at sea. What tlio company wanted was to bo treated exactly as any other credit ors of the government , and bo permitted lo discharge its obligations by the ordinary sys tem of annual payments , and if they settle iion ) ) the tlmo to ha allowed , the company could manage its own atfalrs , like any other corporation. Tlio Warring Presidents Meet. Niw YOIIK. April L There was a meet ing of the presidents of the Southern Pacllie , Union Pacllic , nnd Atclilson , Topckn & Santa Fo railroads at the residence of C. P. Huntington to-day. Hiiutlngtoii , when asked about It , said : "Yes , Strougand Adams wcio both here , but tlio nll'alr could hardly bo called a meeting because nothing -positively was done about a settlement of existing dif ficulties. We talked ov.'r tlio situation in a friendly way , and several points which had not been well understood were explained. 1 do not like to say that wn came to an under standing or that a sediment Is sure , because many things might occur which would upset our plans , but 1 think It Is safe to say there will probably be a settle ment within thirty days. Mo other meeting has been arranged for , but corre spondence will bo continued as It has been for several weeks pasl. 1 thought , wo wcro near a settlement when wo had the last meet ing , but ceituin things came into tlio discus sion which pieventcd it. Our ships carry about 5,000 Ions weight , and a measure which means 4.0CO tons dead weight , nnd peilmps ono-fomth of this fielght was tor through t'oints ' , the balance being for Louisiana and Texas points , where rates were not cut , so we liavo made money on every vessel which has gone out. Of course wo have lost n gieat deal in through business , but I would feel that my titty years of existence was wasted if wo could not cniry on the light on ono ot our lines for twelve months. Any way , before n settlement can bo made our traillo managers will liavo to .settle details. 1 think that Strong and Adams have icturned to Boston. " At tlio unices on Broadway nothing was known positively about the meeting of the ine.-lilents. Hates are not being guaiantced beyond Satiii'day , however , and there is a disposition - position to do as little business as possible. WILL COM.M 13X013 AT ONOI3. CIioycmio'H (7111/.ens I'loancd With Tlielr Vinlt to Oiualin. Ciiirr.NNn : , Wyo. . Apill L [ Special Tele gram ] The trustees of tlio Cheycnno it Neil hern returned from Omaha this evening and .state that they received full assurances while In that city of such character as to jiib- tify the commencement of work on Satur day. A force of graders will bo put at work and about a mile of grade will bo constructed while awaiting permission fiom Washington to proceed through thu military ie crvatlon of Foil Itussall. The BlicKoii-idtrl'ersurvey , which is by the way of the foothills , U to bo adopted. All the Held notes arc alieady pre pared. Fourteen surveyous are already lij the field to follow tilts line. Wanted -To rent 10 vr 1 room hyuso hyMiiy Iht , .J.'L , Hr.imUu t 'Sun/ti'0.ti ] and 503 S , lOtUfet. " " ' , I I ALL AUBURN PAYING COURT , j\ A Liquor Damage Suit and Murder. 0 0 Attracting tlio Usual Attcniiei * MUCH-TRIED TRUTE LITIGATION , \ \ { Murk Hall , tlio Murderer of DfttlA | Worroll , Hooks n ChanRO of , Vcnno on tlio Cround of * Local 1'rcJtHlleo. ' ; 1. Sixth Trlnl of tlio Trnto Cnso. l | Sot TH At'iumv , Neb. , April 1. [ Special Telegram. ] The spring term of the district court began hero hist Monday with Hon. J.ll. Brady , of Bc.itilce , on Iho bench. Therein n long list of eases on Iho docket , and they nio being deposed of as rapidly as possible. Several cases of minor importance wore called and disposed of Monday afternoon nnd Tuesday morning , nnd nt 1 u. m. Taet-j' day , the celebrated Trute whisky case WM' ' brought up once moro for trial. The case fcfcd uocn tried In five different counties , and It nt' yet far from being settled. The suit was In stituted by Wilhclmlnn Trutc , of Tecumseh , ngalnst'K. M. Frost , a saloonkeeper ot th * same place , for damages In the sum of $10,000. The woman , whose husband died on March , Itfctt , after ft continued debauch of several days , holds that the defendant Is responsible for hit death , Inasmuch ns ho furnished him the liquor. The case was tried hero last fall nod resulted in a verdict of Sl,2oO ( or the plaintiff , Init a new trial was granted , as It was proved that some of the jury were guilty of showing , partiality. The attorneys lorthonrosccutloau' ' wero.IudgcO. I * . Mnsoti nnd Mrs. Ada Blt-rV ' tunbonder , of Lincoln. The defense was1 * supported by Judge Applcento & Son , of * Tecunisnh , L. W. Colby , of Beatrice , and ex- < county judge John S. Stull , of Auburn. The 5 afternoon of Tuesday was consumed in rcad- | Ing the depositions of the witnesses for the prosecution by Mrs. Blttenbondcr , nnd on Wednesday morning the reading was con tinued. A r.VSi : OK 1NTK11E.ST. The case excited a vast amount of Interest' and friends of both parties were numerous. % ? i | 1'ho courtroom was crowded al every ses sion , a larger number coming to hoar the lady : ttloineyMr.s.Bllteubendcr. The defense cndVavorcd to prove that Truto died by' poison administered by himself , and there- ' Tore that they are In no way rosponslbo for lluX-ticath of tlio unfortunate man. They pabdnccd strong arguments in their favor nud were supported by llio testimony of sdvcral reliable witnesses The arguments were concluded last evening nnd the case was given to the jury. After nmmlng out all nlcht they returned at 10 this morning , hav ing agreed to disagree. .Midge Broady In formed them that it was very necessary that Llio case should bo concluded at this term of court and ordcicd them to withdraw to tlielr room and not return until a verdict was reached. Till' MOST ISIPOUTAJfT CASE on the docket Is that of Mark Hall , for the murder of David Worrell In Auunrn on July 4,1834. The facts In the case are as follows : On July 4 , 1SS4 , a celebration was lmt"u ' " ' in Auburn and a vast number of "people had como to town to spend the day in amusement and fun. Fully 10,003 people were in attend- ' nice , and everything passed off pleasantly until about 4 p. m. , when the report was circulated through the vast concourse of people ple that a murder had been committed in1 Joseph G. Maclay's saloon , and in half nn liour David Worrell was lying cold In death. having received a fatal blow from n billiard cue In the hands of Mark Hall. David Worioll and three friends wcro playing pool , j in Maclay's saloon when Hall cauio in nnd at ( once began a quarrel with llio unoffending | . jg Worroll. Worrell , not wishing to engage In I * ; p a light , ndvlsed Hall to desist from ' * " & his quarrelsome Intentions and allow the game to continue. Hall paid no attention to Ids protestations for peace , but reaching' for a billiard cue dealt him n heavy blow on' ' .10 head , knocking him down and renderliij ? ' dm unconscious , from which state he never iccovcred. Worrell was Immediately can led from the room , doctors \vore called , but nothing could I bo done to save tlm life of tlio unlorfunato victim of n wild man's passion. Ho diet I in thirty minutes" , surrounded by his ugcd mother nnd the friends who had como to town witli him to spend the Fourth..As soon ns the news of the murder became known , the most Intense excitement prevailed. Hall had lied In tlio meantime to a neighboring woods , but was soon traced up and arrested. When lie was brought back to town many I.OUD TlllllIATS OK ZiYNGIHKO wcro Indulged in , and had It not been for the' ' advice anil dibits of the murdered man's brother , the prisoner would never have , seen1 , ' the sun set on that Fourth of July ; ' Mr.'f j , AVorrell advised Ills friends , who had by thls > v tlmo been aroused to a terrible , state of ex- , j , ; citemciit , to desist from any 'Violence ' and , ' * j allow the law , whoso hands already ( Irmly'3j held tiio criminal , lo take Its course , lippre- * fcrrcd , ho said , to see the death of bis brother/ , avenged by lawful means and did not wish V lo see the slayer strangled without the benefit * * \ of a hcarlne before the court. Hall was placed In Jail nnd securely guarded until the & 1 next morning , when ho was removed lo the ffV county jail at Brownsville. Alter a tlimvho was iolcnscd on what afterwards proved to bo a straw bond ' and iledi tlio country. Hu remained away for" a year , but finally resolved lo return and give himself up to the authorities , which Im did last winter , Hal ) takes Ills Incarceration stoically , nnd * hasllttlolo say legnidiug his future pi 03- pccls. Tlio gloomy apprehensions under which ho has constantly labored and the close conllnementto which ho has been subjected slnco his return to prison hnvo junduced n inalicd dilfeienco In his appearance , and In stead of being the healthy , robust man that ho was two years ago , ho Is now ivduccd al most to n phyhlcal wreck. 4 UK WANTS A CIIANOK OF VRXf'K. ' Tlio casu was called this mornlng.biit Iho de fendant , throu.h his attorney , J , 8 , Klnll.atk- ? ed for n change of von no Into some ether county , alleging that ho would not leceivo n fair trial here. The motion was nrgited bo- foni the couit to-dny and nlllduvlls were read by Mr. Stull , showing tliat prejudice existed * to Mich an extent as lo lenderIt Impossible , , , to .secure a jury that would try Mho case J i- " partially. District Attorney Ih ! ' . Osgood- ' , filed counter affidavitsshowing ; that n jury could easily be hccuicd hcic. Judge Jiroady * took the matter under advisement ami will v pns-s upon the question tc-monow morning ' at 'J o'clock. k . .in Knee Donp In Know , DF/nioir , Apiil I. Thu livening .loiunal' l.shpeming special ghes Urn particular * of the snow bloi'l.adu In Ihu upper puninsuln. Jit addition to HID heavy snow already pound twelve Inche- . loll last night , ci j thing l.s at a .standstill. Trains m to move , and \\oit. : n the l-inOor beenabanJoned. . \Vt-aih r I'ur To-pajr , rii \Ai.ur Local suoxifi Kene ally lllltillg lo cattculy ; .bUitliern ( imrtlon ; Ul In uoilhcnijottioiii ;