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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , W'fflDNESD ' Y , M\ttOH 31 , 1836 , SPECIAX. . Advcrtl'emcTits under thshcml 10 cents per line for the first Insertion. 7 wets for o 5h euliscqucnUcsortSOn.and JlSC n llnu per month. Noii'lvrrli oniont tnkon 'or lcs thnn STiCcnts. Bovonwonls will ho oounfwl to the lines they tnuitrnn eonnccuUvely and mustoo pMdlh al. vnnco. All advertisements must bo hando 1 in before 3 o'clock p. m. , and under no circum- itnnccs will they bo taken or dtscontlnuoJ br telephone. Pnrtlcsndvcrtlslng In thcao column ? nnl hir- infttho answers addros'od mcaro of THE BEE , wlllplcneo Mk for chock to onublo thorn to got their tottcw. nsnono will bo delivered except on presentation of ohocfc All answers to adver tisements thouMbo enclosed in envelopes. TO tOAJT-MOHZY. to lonn nt. reasonable rntes on MONKV horses , fnrnlturo , wntohos nnd other per- penal propoity wllhont rotnoval. Smnll pay ments taken nt nny tlmo nnd interest rolurod In proportion. HusltiO'BPonfldontlnl. O , J. Cav w-ll , lioom in. Iron llnnk llulldlng,12th nnd Vnr- nam. Tnko olnvntor. < ! 01 " ONHV TO LOAN On rosldonro property , M Sporccnt. No commission. C. J. ( 'iiswoll & Co. , itoom 19 Iron llnnk llulldlnv , 12th nnd Knrnnm. JJ03. TITONKV to lonn on mnrttrnfrosocurlty. Uonl iri cMnto nnd commnrclnl pni > or bouuht , .1. H. Krcotlmin , cnro Column llros. . ind N. 13th St. C nnono to loun , BumB $5'jo ' nnd P Ixiwost rates. Uemls , ISth nnd D 1IONKV TO T.OAN on lm im > M property. 1 > 1 Oppotllo 1'oBloniro. W.O.BIulvcr. 101 to lonn on Imsltifm nnd ro ldonco < P pronorty In sunn of 81,000 nnd upwards. Ames , l.'iQ7 Knrnnm t. B38 ino.oontn lonn on city rcaldnnco property 2T Oco. W.Dny , 1500 Fnrnnm. VJO ID LOAN Money m nny amount T On nil c1n Msofnccurlty. Phort ttmo loans on ronl oitnts. Ixing tlmo loans on renl ostnto. Money to lonn on chnttcls. Money to lonn on colliUornli Money to lonn on nny peed Terms onsy , tlmo to suit. , Apply ntthnnmnlm Klnixnclnl Kjcchnncs , llni-ker'flbulldliiir.SWcoriiorot Firtoonth nnd Frtrnnm 6tn. upstairs " 10 for everybody ! ou cnn borrow MONKY on furniture , horses , wnunin , plr.nos , ftoek of nil klndt , cllnmnnils nnd line wnlchcs on your own tlmo. Payments rccolveil at liny tlmn , nnd Interest reduced pro rntn. Property loft In your own possession. Terms tow ns the lowest Cnll nnd fco mo. tltiPlnoBS conflilentlnl. Nonilvnntngo taken. W. H. Croft , Itooin 4 , WlilineirsNownulWInif.Northeartcor- jnqi IHth nnd Hnnicy. > " TO T.OAN O. F. Tnvtl ) & Co. Heal MONKT nnd Loan agents , 1505 Fnrnnm St ONRV TO lXAN-On good soourltios. A MeGovock , room T flcdlck Block , 1509 Fnrnnm _ Bt OH TO LOAN On ronl cstnto and ohnt- M tola. D. L. Thomas. 045 MMONKY MONKY TO LOAN Inaums of fOlOnndup. wnrdR on nrstclnss ronl ostnto security. Potta- & Cobb , 1B15Fnrnnm Bt. 11 ONI5Y LOANKD nt C. P. Uccd * Co's. Ixinn M1 Olllco , on furniture , plnnos , horses , wngons pcrsonnl property of nil Kinds nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 a. ith : ! , over ninihnm'B rommlsslon store. All bus iness strictly confldonlnl. 017 UUSIJTESS CIIAKCEB. "TjiOU RALK Stock of grooorlns In splendid J locnllon. Address D SH. lloo Olllcp. 833-5 * mo rixcilAyaK-if you hnvo hind to ov- JL chnnp-o for stocks of woods list It with 0. J. Cnswcll & Co , Itoom 19 , Neb Nut'l llnnk building. aM-7 O KXClIANOK-Tf you hnvo stocks of goods to OTchnngo fee land list tlio pnmo wlthC.J. Cnswoll & Co , Room 19 , Neb Nut'l Hunk building. Ml-7 FOK SALK A lliiht mnnufncturlng business , worked nt 500 per cent profit. Owner hits other nnd more Important alTnlrs to attend to. Will oxchutigo for real estate. Address D 15. lloo Olllco. 75B O KXGHANOK ICnnnna lands for general mcrchnndlsc. Also Nlshnn Vnlloy land to exchange for ponnrnl mcrchnndlso. H. & U. , liny 1M : | , Shonnndonli , lown. * FOK SALK Ilnkery nnd lunoh stnnd In town of nbout 1,200Inhnbltnnts : chnnco for ngood bnkcr. Inquire of Kopp , Drolbus t Co. , 1100 Fit rn n mBt. 215 FOIt SAT.I3Mllo dnlry , 0 ows , 1 Jersey bull , " homes , waffon , etc. Norwood Park.Flor- onco. John Williams. 247 " * OKlJXCHANOK-Stocksofgooilsof every kind , for farms nnd land ; also hinds to exchange - change for goods. If you want to trndn , no rnnttorwhnt Itlsyouhnvo , wrlto , with full do- C. E. Mnyne , renl estate broker , Oiniilia. Neb. 103 FOlt HAI.R Creamery will bo sold chcnp , on ensy terms , to nnyono who will run It the coming season. ' O..1I. Carter ' Ashlnud , Nob. 813 \T7ANTKH To oxchanirn for stock of hanl- ( wnro nnd goncrnl movolmndlso , 5nOnerosoC flno Thnyer Co.'Nob. , hind : fi lots In Gonon , Nob. , good Ftoro building { best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best locution ) In ICsso.t , In. , nUn 81) [ net 03 Yt mile from town of Ussox , In. , soodrd In blue gntos. Kor further tmrtlculiiM niMrns * John Mndnrholin Central Cltv Nobrnslm. G. " > 1 FOK SA LI' : A T.'W'X ' ) stock of millinery goods in splendid locution. A big bnrgnln for someone ono ns n llbornl discount will bo glvon. For fur ther particulars address II ' . ) < ! . line Olllco. rai PKKSONAL-To ncrsons who wish to build a homo In Orchard Mill. I will poll lots upon payment of the noinlmil stun ot ton dollars nnd bnlniirent the ( mil of live yearn. Intorntt at 8 per ot'iit. payable poml-unninUly. This Is the brst oil vr over mndu to any home-seeker In this cltv. Cull nnd sco mo. C. B. Mnyne , 8. W. cor. 15th and I'limam. 57 ! ) BTOVE EEPAIKS. ilHW. C. MotznorStovollopalrCo. ItlSouth 14th St I'otwonn Doiliro and Douirhts. BOAHDZITO. Wi ANTKD 100 boarders ut Hixson'c dining hull.CJI.H. lOtllSt. 8CJ-3 * T7UKKKNT. with bonnl , a furnlshod room JIJ 171B Cuss St. b07-2'J * rpAULK board. 1018 Dodge street. LOST. IOST-Oold cyo glasses. F. A. llrown , 411 N. _ _ 17111 St , VI18-U ) T < IST Tnpsiiay ovo. , pulr prold eye glnsscs. JLJ rimlor plousu return them to this oiilc-o uml rncolvo rowurd. I ' 'oTICAYKD-Serrcl Imiito. while star on fore- L > hoailvhltu opot on hind loot. Any ono i o- turnlng the sumn to Frank Kiujlook , R. 14th St. , l > ot. 1'lurco uud Willluuis , will be llboiullv ru- wuriloil. 002-1 * Foil IIKNT Square I'Juno , $1 monthly. A. Uospo , 1513 Douglas. uio T7IOK UKNT Organs , 12 per month. Hospo , Ju 1513 Douglas. UOa _ PKOI'OSAT.s for Renl Kstuto. lllds will bonicoiviid by tlio rrusli-os of Poutli Omnha \jp to Tuesday April 3) ) , for the purclmt-o of the K , half of the N. W , qimiU'r anil the N , Vf , iiuartor of the N , K. nunrtor , of H'ctlon ' llvo ( M , township fourteen ( I4l , range thlrli'on (13) ( ) , Doiit'lis rounty l.lliiorn.s moro or less. This Is vhat U knouiiHS the "Orcliai-d tract" of the Fyndicntu InmU. li IH only a llttlo over n mlle lioin llnnsuom Park ami about one-half mlln lunthwcbt of IhustocK yards. U lies beautiful nnd wll | iniiKu cU-gunt property to subdivide. Will bo hol.l . | n2J , Mlur I1 1 ucro tracts. Terms , ono fouitb 1'iihh , bitlauci ) 1 , 2 nnd ! I yours at 7 per co'nt. The right to icjoat uuy or nil bids ro- Bur\c l , Aiidrcsj M. A. Upton , Manager. 21U S. I'Jtli Bt. 8i > 4u20 IIDWHJK * SKAY , Renl Kstllto Agents , S r.wr Jfth and Uutiglns bts. 7-SKU IU V und Cesspools clrunua by II. lloorOI , N | 5th Mieot IllJNT-storo lOoi AlXJ ft. , leomor's block , nr fth und Howard ; nlso oiu niifiii- hcd mom. eta _ _ 'jrit ) 1 1 Tt K vrSiiinro | I'iano , { 3 monthly. A. X' llojpo , l.'iU Douglas. till " " n"ll l.I.''lilots In P.irkn'g nddltlon on Claik und Suundura Sts. Ames , 1507 Fur- jittm. _ svj BAIKiAINS lu Immovod und unimproved ( propci ly. W. II. ( iieL > ii,215Slith : et. KM TUB fi O11 MALK The boat Konornl merchandise JL' business in not t Invest 1'or par- tloulaia tuldrtun McCord , lliudy Si Co. , Omaha Kcb. ttiS-U | 7 > Oll SALU-Uprteht piano , monthly JU payments , lloapo , 1613 Doutfl las , jwi * | TlOllSALK-SolIor for tale the following Jprpporty at public uuctlou , on Sutuiduy. April 3. ISM , at the usual Uour : One ( > eel tnhlo , cue bllllnrJ table , ono black counter , ono larxo Ice box , ouo cuunii-r , 18 foct ioinf , < jiio lion sato , thiwi large mirroru. OUM boiler for houthig r , ooo sot Klo > wart- , spittoons , Ao. , A.C. , y , l JTIOR SALE One hundred shnrcs Mock In Ne- A1 hroskn & lown Insurance Ompnnr of Omaha ; ale 100 fihnrcs stock In Western Homo Insurance Company of Sioux City , L A. Miller , Council Illufts. P34-1 TTIOIS SALH Cheap , before April 1 , single Jlicdstond nnd spring , f.V60 ; wa hstand$2.60 | plusll parlor IOUMRP , 8. ) yards onri'Ot good ni now , nnd other furniture. 1210 Douglns St. , .lloom 3. Ssil-31 * POli SA LC-Work lmr = e , only $27. Apply C ? - Savage , 13th nnd ItlcKory. 8ll-3 > "IT1OKSALE S'jHnrn plnno , $50 , monthly pay- JL monts. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. C07 TTIOlt SALIJ l f pun brown mnrc . Inquire nt - AHgnn Ilro3.,2.i < l nnd Letyonworth. 63 Foil SALi : Match loams nnd IIOHOS ot nl kinds to suit cu totnors at Slnr Snlo Stnblcs , 20th and Cnming. JI. Cannon , Prop. 777 Oil SALi-Ocn. : Howard wishes to sell n pnlr of horses , good for family cnrringo. nqulro U. S. Btnblcs , corner llth and Chicago. 7 lni 171O11 SALU Fresh inllch cow. 1707 Cns3 St. J ? 737-30 * TTtOIl SALH A hnnlwood counter for oITIco J uso. Ihoulront tills onion. B.S7 WAlITED-rEMALK HELP. WANTKD A young .lady of good nddroM , Mho writes n good hand nnd Is willing to work hard for ngood snlnry. to address D. 30 , thlspnpur. References required , IGO-I * WANTKD Scnndlnnvlnn or Oormnn girl for general houseworks small family ; good homo. Cnll Thursdny , ft ! ! 8.20th st gJu-31 ANTKD At oncoi n girl for reRtnurant worlt 6048.13th St. 910-30' "t\7ANTKD : A girl to do goncrnl housework V ? In family ottwo. 2.U1 bodge St. 8$0-3 "VYfANTKU A girl for general housework. i German or Swede pinfoirod. Wager $4 per week. Apply nt once S. I ! . Tor. Sit t and Luavonworth. lrs. M. F. Mm tin. t'10 ' \irANTlJll A good girl for family of thtce , > > Apply nt 2103 Pass st BAl WANTKD A good girl nt No. 2007 Webster St. PJ3-31 * WANTKD A good girl for Renornl house- work. 442 Convent st. MM' vy ANTKD A girl to SOW. 813 South 14th. \\7ANTKD Girl for gonornl houpowork , rcf- eronco rcqiilrod. Apply S5I3 Dodge St. M3 T\rANT"ii : > gTrl'forgouoral housework , in- t > quire 1H05 I'urnain. U13-31 V\rANTKl > Several Rooil ( jlrls for penernl IT hotifoworlt ! vnnos from $3,50 to $5 per week. None hut those thnt cnn brlnff best of rcfoionces from Inst cinuloyer nocd apply. No cliiiracs. Omnlmlntclllgunuu Olllco , 8 K cor 15th nnd Douglas bt. 8SK31 ( WANTKD Girl for gouornl housework. 22U UotlBlns St. 888-50 * WANTED A good girl for housework nt ISM N 18th St. Cull nt oiu-e. 885-33 * \\rANTii : > A irooil reliable plil to do house T > woi k In nmunll fnmlly , 2JJ1 Dudgo Btrcot , Southwest corner. SlTJ-CUp \lt7"ANTin : A girl for general housework In VV smnll fnmlly. 1013 Dodge. 873-aQ * \ ; ANTED A trlrl for Rononil housework. Inqulroitt IMlioliu A : Urlckeon's. 831-31 ANTUD Good Inundross , wairos $1 per wouk. Apply nt S. W. cor. Hnrnoyand 10th. 8I.8-J1 OooilSonmstros os nt Cnnnold's WANTini Overall Factory , cor llth and Douelns , un-stnlrs. 81M3 * A girl , 110J Juckson sU \TirANTri-OlnInK : room girl , 513 S. ICth V\ \ Henry OstholT. 70S-3J WANTKD-Tmmodlntolj- good girls nt the Occidental Iiotul , 10th nud HoH-nrd. 801 1 dlnlnff-room girl , 1 chamber- ? tnntd , ! dishwasher uud 1 laundress. Ap ply 100 S. llth st 877 WANTED Rood girl for general housswork Mrs. a A. Slomnn , 1'JU Fnrnnm st. 033 1 A good woman cook ; good wnges. Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Neb. 447 AOKNTS Local nnd traveling cnn mnkcfrom $25 to $200 wooklv. Address Imperial Flro Extinguisher Co. , Stownrt IJulldlng , New V'ork. KM-nprl * WANTED Good girls for general house work. Itoom 411ushmnu Ulock , 10th nnd Douglas. n50 WANTED-MAI.E HELP. 'tXTANTKD A mnn ot good address , good TT Kngllsh education , who is willing to wotlc hard for u good salary , to nddruss D , 30 , this paper , llond required. 9J7-la T\7"ANTHD A moaliunlo who uiulcistands I V placing grain elevator machinery nnd is a practical engineer. Address Hurdonhorgh & Co. , Coin , lowe , bfll-31 > WANTKD A hvo nmn with horse nnd wagon and $203toengngo In u good paying busi ness. Address D 22 , Uco office. S07-31 * WANTKD 20 young men nnd ladles to en gage In the telegraph service. Address W. J. 1 , Crounso block , 10th st C39n21 * WANTKD n good cnnvns-ors to poll furni ture on Install immts. Cull on M. F. Mar tin , 810 South 15th St. 573 ANTKD Sixteen harness mukora nt Slo- W man ilros. , 13th mid DOJgo sts. 2(4 ( WANTKD Rrllublo agents nnd dealers In West lowu nnd Nebraska for the Whlto Bowing Maohlno nnd atippllos for all make of machines. Catalogue froo. Zohriing , Thorn ton & Co. 207npr5 CITUATIOU WANTED. " \\7-ANTKO I'osltlon by n llrsl-class stciiograplior and typo wrltlst of ox- porioiH-i' ; in law , tallrond nnd mnnulncturiiig ; fii'St of rofoii'tifos nnd will furnish own ma- cliino. Addrcm I ) 40 , lloo Olllco. U17-3J' ' WANTii ; > A situation by n young man ; dry goods or grocery urofuiroil , RofiTiices. Address D 29JiueolIlco. fc'tPl ! WANTKD Ilyjoung man of sober habits , position In wholesale or retail sloroor Olllco ; had experience In bookkeeping ; good lot t i rs. Add ross. 1) 27 , Ilco Otllco. OOtK * \\7ANTKD Uoiipnil Olllco woilc by nn ox- ' pcrloncod clerk. Has siilllclontknowloilgo of stenography and type-writing loroidlnary iiincnuunsU work. References given. Address D l , lien OIHce. 8.-2-JJO * -\\7"ANTKD Situation us engineer ; ind sti-utn > i niter ; haU.S. . roitttlcitlr. IW years ov- pcrlonco , with lofcience. Address 1) 2. > , lloo ollico. 8C.riO ) WANTlilv- Work , by n stonily , fcobtr mnn ; farmltur , or niixthlng honrst touarna living. Roluroiiooi. Address , Work , lloo ollico. WANTS. \ \ 7ANTii > All teachers who desire employ- mrnt on u good biilury during vacation to , 32 , this pauor. U25-1 * W ANTKD Toami lor tallrond work. 1X8. Albright , WW Furnam. WANTKD Suite of rooms with bonnl in good locution , ensy walking distance trom Paxton housn. Man , wita und 8-year-old dnuxhterfonstumpcopltt. Prices must bo roa- Bonnblo. Adilmsa 1) 11 , lloo olllce. H70-al * " \TJTANTKD To nuy a second-bund typo- V T writer. J , 11. lluyiii > 3 & Co. , Oinulni. Mfrnplfl T17ANTiu : To trndo , lot in I'lnlnviow ndd for r T n pair of young hort-ostlu\t nro good single dnvnit * . or ono good liorsc , horaoss and buggy , Itico & Moore 1222 Fanitiin. Ml rOtt KHNT-UOUSE3 AJTD Z.OTS. Foic niN'T House with 0 looms , in good locnllly. liKiuho 217 S. 15th 6t 'JltKll- Foil ItKNT-Iu HIIWO'S add , near Siundors street , O-room house , In perfect oii'.or , with burn for Elx hones , Bhudd , clu. , and K ucro of ground. H. 0. Clark , 1312 Itouglua si root. 728-23 T71OK KKNT llrickyurd. ' T. Murray. ITIOllllKNT llrlckyant. Apply to l'ook As JDculgii. . opp postolllce. P42aprt t lOlb and 17th , on HowurJ. Inquire Omaha Real Citato nnd I.OHU Co. 73JJ _ _ FOK KINT HonreKrooms , $35por month ; Inquire 251Q Capitol aw. 4'.U 31 Foil KENT To n responslblo party Without children , a lurxu nicely turnUUul honso near the center und on puvodstrooi. ( iood ret- oiences rcqulroJ. Inquire nt 1U21 1'urnum St. F OK KKNT-2 EtOrCJ. HUaiSth St Ffterton. _ FOK JtKNT Houses for rent In gooJ lornli- ties. Ludwlck & floay , ti B cor 1Mb uud Douglas. 7JK11 _ TT\OIl \ ItUNT Two cottuircJ. 5 rooms , now -L ; Charles Oedeii , UtU snJ Douglas , nour Ba- vluge bank. . - v 7ii03J " _ _ Jj1OK"ilkxT-S brick gtoi-esoa' South IHth fit. - Ibet Howard nud Jnckaou. Pan [ sou i ; Co. , 15M Farnam St- . toS _ IIKNT Furmof lOJncrod. twelve miles fixiirOiiuihu Apply at ttiu Oiuahu Finan cial. Kxchan e , bW coruer of 15h und Furimm. ill Foil nrjfT-le ) lrnWe residence , fl rooms , Shlnn's 2 < 1 ndd ; lioujo of n rooms. South fith , nlso S barns with lolls. J , Pblpps Roe , Hot 5J7. KKNT-Storo room on Ifith. 0. E. Foil Muyno.S. W. cor. 15th nnd Fartinm. _ FOKSALK Atn bargain , flno 9-oom tiou o with mo lent conveniences ; full lot : on Hnrney st , near 25th ; ? 5,2X > . t'ottor k Cobb , 1515 Fiirnum St. CM TOOllKKNT-OarJon tnrm. 803 3. llth St. 73 HUNT Nlco O-room cottago. S. T FOK . S. E. cor. 13th txnd Douglas. Ml iilJNT-A lint. Iniulro N. K. Hit10th I Foil Capitol avenue. Hit ron BEHT BOOMS. Largo front room newly ntid beautifully lurmshod , with bonnl. 1005 Fnrnnm. HI54U * lUN r Nlcoly furnished trout room with board. 7H North rnh st U23-12 " 61lTlKNT Vo ncIF-furnl8lica anil very comfortable rooms , with board , oontrnlly located. H15 Jones. POV5 * _ FOH lU'.NT Geol furnlshoil rooms , locution central. Inquire at Atkinson1 * millinery Store , Masonic mock , lnth mid Cap , avo. POM POIl HUNT Offlro ami ttoro room. Gruttou Jc Drnminond , 1315 Itnrney. 893 nt furnished room , $ . " > pur month. 005 N. 17th. WiM * _ TTIOII UKNT Furnished double parlor In new JJ lint , over 1616 Howard street : gn * , bnth etc. Cnn uceotuiuodnto four grntlomou , Inqulront drug store , 1001 Hownrrt street MttSOp Oil HKNT-Unfurnlshod rooms nt 1417 How nrd. 772-3 * NT Fiirnlshml room , with or with out bonrd. OH N. Kill St. 878 _ TrTmllKKY- nicely furnished rooms In .1 corner house on street oar line , 2227 Dodge Sticot. 878-13' _ 17011 HUNT Three nice unfurnished rooms JL1 for light housekeeping. Inquire 201. ! llnr- lio- . _ 748 31 * Oil IinXT Furnished and tinfurnlshod rooms with board. S. W. corner " 1st and Lonvonworth Sts. 5lnpr2 OH KKNT Nicely furnished rooms for iron- F tlomon. All mudorn conveniences' . Short block from street cnr lino. Ilrcnkfnstlurnlshod. References glvwi und required. Address 11. , care McCiiguo Ilros , , City. 83'tnprS' ' _ IJiOKHKNT Suit of rooms , unfurnished : ono L room furnished ; with board or without , S. W. corner 20th nnd Webster. 780-iiprl KKNT 3 furnished rooms for house keeping , prlco moderate. 715 N. 18th St. . 7ti31 * Fen HKNT To man and wlfo , without children , 4 convenient chambers sultutilo for housekeeping , 8 blocks from P. O. , 310 N 17th street 718 _ "ITtOIt 11 K NT Two nicely furnished rooms , -L ! with board , with all modern conveniences. 2235 Pudge. TOO _ Oil HUNT Furnished rooms. 1707 Cuss st. ItKNT Klogunt anil doslrublo rooms , furnished or unfurnished. 1C07 Douglas st References required of applicants. flflj Foil IlKNT bood room und good board. 193J Fnrnnm. 85J.ipr3 OK IlKNT With board , ono largo nicely furnished front room , gas mid bath room at 140 ! ) Jones St 278 Tj > OIl IlKNT Largo room with or without ij board. 1701 Capitol avo. 23 ! T71OK HUNT Furnished rooms , single nnd on JO suite , with or without board. Ai'dross ' 0 M , IJoo Olllco. 24U T710U KKXT Store room' ' n Wlthnoll block , -L' bet. Hartley and Furnam on 15th. Inquire Room 17 , Wlthncll Block. 777 FOB BAin-nousE3-rOTa FOR SALK Lot in Pollmm Plnco , $575 , easy terms. Lots In Hanscom Plnco , 750 to $1,000. Lot on Virginia nvc. , $2,000. 2 lots In Sunnysldo , $ .300. U lots on West Karniim St , $ l5jjQO , Lot in Lowe's ndd. , $15' ) . Comer lot in Lowo'h add. , $550. Lot on Hamilton St. , f'.KX ) . S lots on Hamilton St. , $1,000. IxHoiiSowarclSL.S-OJ. Corner lot in Prospect Place , f 750. Corner on FurnnmSt.mxiai ft , $20,000. 2 houses nnd full lot , Kith nonr.Webster , $0,003. Blots in La < o'sadd. , $1,175 anil $ 1'JOJ'cuch. H lot nud O-room house , IzaiU St. , near 20th , 52.500. 125 feet on S 13th St. , Sll.OOO. 11 lots on 24th St , f-'uWX ) . 2 lots on Decatur St , $1,000. Lot on 23rd St , $ lnoo.- Ixrt in Nelson's ndd. , $1,700. House and full tot , bum , well , etc. , on Hamil ton St , $1,000. Busy terms. Goo. P. llcmls , Ifith and Douglas Sts. 873 T71OK WALK Tlio church nnd lot known ns St. JMark's church on bth and Pierce Sts. , prlco JI.OOO , part c.isb , bill , to suit Apply to HughU. Clark. 874-2 TTlOIlSALi : Klvo acio place : Bii acre ploco , J- with buildings , etc. John V. Hoch , Omaha MMO" jrtOK SALK A Ilargnln A young mnn wish- JL } ing to leave the city hits u good lot In Hans com Place N blch he will sell cheap und on easy tcims If taken before ) next Thursday. Will mcot buyer wherever requested , Address D 24 , Uco Olllco. 0KW ! FOH.SALK-75.tl50 , Coif ax st ; $2,750. W. H. Qreon , 215SlUth t f23 T71OK SALK A now steam roller mill In No. 1 JL business locality : Him wheat country : but llttlo competition ; { 17.50U ; cost moio. W. H. arcen , 215813th St. 82 ! ) , SALK ' " house and - EOK I'licltlngr" hu-go grounds. A irronc business opportunity. For sale low on oaey terms. W. IL- Green , 215 S mil Kt MO SALK-M acres 3 mlles from" court FOIt ; will subdivide und soil lor double cost $30J porucie , W , H. ( Jrooil,2J5 , 8 33th st A Bill FOK RALK Ton ncros in llrlghton ndd. , honso , burn , collnr. well , 2uO maple trees , 450 grnpos , r > 00 nispbuiTlcs , bay iiiuru , linrnuss und wagon , 00 feet roadway on every sldo. * LOT un 1'hll Sboridnn ht. Aliarguin. IAJT In Plaln- vlow add , , on easy terms. J. M. Arnout , 310 So. 16th st 840-30 * POK SALK House 10x40 foot , lot MxlSO , in KoiiMtyo'fiM ndd. , south frontwJ.SOOj terms to bo arranged , Marshall & Loboik1WJ 1'nr- nam street up stnlrd. 812 -I7-OK HALIS-A few J IHlpoiU Place , nud two of tlio bust lots in Dwlght.t Lyinau aid ; terms to bult H. Q Clark , 1312 Douglas struct. 729 2u FOK UALK-A full lot with un eight-room lioiiho and good barn on 2ith ) St. , 150 feet Iroui I'uinam. Prlco J2.100. Poltor fc Cobb , 1515 Furnam 752-31 | 7Ull.SALK If you wnntto buy n house and JL' lot on monthly payments , oall on Ludwlck & ; Sony. E cor , 15th and Douglas sts. 73U-31 TTlOIt SALK Houses anil lots on easy pay- Jmonts. . Ludwlck Ic Bony ; SB cor. 15tli and Douglas fitioctu. 730-31 F N.VLK A llrstolnas now 10 room honso . with all modern IiiipiovoinoiitH , und a good barn , chicken hotiso , &o. , nil In line order , with thruo lotsHoutb front , commanding a line view , Walnut Hill addition. Terms easy. In. quIioofC. L. llrloksou , of Edliolin & Ertokfcon , opp. P. 0. Ol5-apr21 Foil SALK First-class residence property on Ht. llary's ave , ; largo lot , good IIOUHO nnd other1 inprovcmonts ; prlco reasonable : terms easy. Cochran Ilros. , 15)9 Furnam. 705 FOK SALK A well established and paying business In city for sale at a bargain , in quire Immediately , llallou Ilros. , 317 8. IHth Bt. BU2-30 Foil SALK Elegant nouso.boaiilir ul grounds U lull lots ; very dosirublo und u bargain if tukou quick ; $0,500. W. 11. Gicon , 215 B 13th 6t. & * FOK H.VLK-Ry A. P. Tukuy. lUnures northwest of city . $3 50 3 lots , Potbum I'luce , oaoh . , , . . . ivu Cottiitfo and corner lot , ? 5th nnd Chicago , , . 3/yjci L'ottu o and lot , 15th near Center st . 2b 7 room house uml lotuurnur IJtli and Mar- 7 room house nnd lot , 15th St. , near Mur- Ihu . , . , . 3,000 3 lots , ( "lark Place , each . tliD Hot , Clark Place . . . , , , . . , . OX ) II room honso ti lot 21st Bt . , . . . . , . 2,000 lot on Cutnlngittruot , near 27th . 2l ) 7 room house tinii full lot , Chicago near 2Jtb . . . 0.501) ) Llugunt house und to feat corner Furimm undttthSt . 10,000 Mfoet vacunton rurnnm , east of 25th . 10,000 Nice IIOUM ) and lot on Farnani , west of 81th St . , . , . 7,000 A. P. Tukov , 1301 Kurnuni street ' A IO llAKOAIN-SI.wa will buy 10 ilr.t- ii-class low , cadi QOxU3 , outh front , east of Kc.ri , one block wast of BauuderJ St , AUJroja II. FockoiiEahor , City. T71OK SALK lats to the. west of town , near -L1 Karnam * t uud Lowe avo. , in Potter' * add. , cafe and protltuble Investment at tMJ each. Pot tor it Uobb 1515 Furnum t FOK SAL&--JM feet g-iuro on Farnnm , $10,500. TCJI. Green,215 S 13th st SU TJHHt SAI.lP-Mffoct nnd fline house on Par- JU imin ; t730l | W. H. Grocn , 215 S 13th st. IilOK SALR bAttaffo nnd full lot , H n oem Plnco , great bnrgnln ; $3,20J. W. H. Orcon , gl5S131h st. n g. < FoTTsAUE-Tilxin double fronton Park are. ; t,0 ; > J. W H. Grcon , 215 S131hst gJ ? fjUHt SALT RjETKTtlnRer , Il N. 15th st. J- Now 7 room house , Oeorgln nvo , eUenp , . . . J3..MO. - | ( Good O-room house , Gonrglft nvp. , $2 , " > 00. ( W.foot eorner , 2 Inrgo hou os , Hurt st , 53.000. Klognnt bouse , North 18th , near business , SO.UOO. Small lot , good hoiifo , ISth st , 'Will exchange for aero properly. $1.000. O-room house , full lot , Hurt st , ? . " > ,600. 2 lots wIth 3 good houses , N lath , $10,000. 142 feet east iront , California st. $ .V0. Doslrnblorosidencoopposllol'opplcton , $4 10 Good 5-room Imuco , Imtirorcinout Ass. , f3WO 5-room house , N ll'tli ' ft , $3,1(0. Tine rosldonco. Chirk and 10th , $3 , 10. 132x170 liomo.O toom. , Hnrncy st , $8 00. CflxlK housefl rooms , Hnrnoy st , J4.000. 00x173 brick house , Hamilton st , Ki.OUO ; wilt exchange for fnrm , Good O-room house , J.I. Kodlck'8ndd(3MO. lloit > o 7 rooms , S Kits , Shlnn'B2d ndJ , ? J,200J. El honso , Lnke'g ndd. f l.KK ) . Ilrlck bouso , Nelson's ndil , $ V > 00- Pine rcsldoneo , U. V. Smith's mid , $0,00) . Now houso. WJxUOIot , K.V. Smithes ndd. $4,0nd 44xl40,31iouscs , li.V. Smith's mid , ! 2OiK ) each. 03x122. peed house , Rcod's 1st ndd. J'.OOJ. Ilcm4ftil ! residence , Chicago st , fT > ,0 W. 2 good houses , 2 lots , ear. vacant cast front , Itoed's 1st ndd , fS.Om BOxlOS , good bousr , ShUll'slctndd. $3,003. POxlfU , small house nnd burn , Slum's ndd , 600 20 lots , Marsh's ndd , $1,000 to 11'JOO onch I/tts in Bhlnu's mid , $700 to $1,010. 4 lots In Isnno & St'Mon's ndd , , $ * > /iOO. 250 lols In Omnhn Vlow. $260 to $ MO. Pnrtles wanting to build can got n lot with small payment down. Park Forest lots $3H to SOW. D acres near Slock Ynnls , $ o,000. A few choice residence lots In the center of 1 have several farms to trade for city prop- orty. K. F. Illnger. POO F OK SALK n feet on Fimiutn , $0oo . W. H. Oroon , 815 B 13th H. B25 Foil SALK Klogant residence nnd lot on Cass st (11,5)0 , W. H. a 10en , 315 S Uth st I poll 1 SALK-Pnulson * Co. , No. 1513 I'arimm stioot K ) acres near Walnut Hill. $10) per aero. 41 ft on Furnam neuroouit house , with O-room house , $12ax ) 2 splendid lots on Hnrnoy st , near court house f 10J per foot. Lot adjoining , 11x130 , with O-room house , born , carriage house , $5,000. 44 ft. front on loth Rtroot ; S houses rented for $ )25 ) per month , $13,000. 2 choice lots In Hunscom Place with 7-room Ural-class house , kitchen , barn , cistern , oto. , J5.0CO. Full lot on S. 13th st , bet. Dorcas and Martha , 5-room now -house , kitchen , well , brick collar , etc. , $3.00J. Hngy terms. Lot 43t 170. cast f rout tn Mlllnrd & Cnldwoll's nild. on Hlghlnnd st. w th house 14x21 , kitchen , collnr , etc , Sl.STiO. A bnrgnln. Lot H0xl37,4-room now house , etc. , InPnrkor'B add. , 1 blk. oust of street car line , $2,100 at very easy terms. 5 ncros In Dollnlio add , with 4-room nqw house , good stable , nto. , $1,500. Choice business lots on Saunders , Lake and Ohio streets. Having accepted the ngrncy for tlio snlo of lots in South Omnhn , wo shall bo pleased to assist any onodoslring to put chase there ; nsaii Investment It lakus the lead of all other prop erty. fcomo choice lots In Thornburgh's , Illmo- bnugh * Snumlers , Dwlght & Lymnn's , und Kensington'lixlnillons. Some of the llnc.-t resiliences In the very best locution ut mailouito prices. MO-2 Pnul cn & Co. , No. 1513 Fnrnam St. FOIISALE Lot3 111 Ha thoruo. Lots In Pnrmenter 1'lnco. " Plaluviow. " Cherry Onrdon. " JUrkwood. " Sllnn's2ndndd. | " nunscotn 1'lnco. " Kostor's ndd , ( Walnut Hills. ) " HurrOnk. " Jno. I. Uodlok's add. " West SUo. " Isano & Seldon's ndd. And South Omntiti. Also houses and lots for sale , nnd splendid In- sldo lots for reslilPiicos nnl buslnoss purpobes. Farm hinds In Npbrnskn , Iowa and Illinois. Clark Ic HoVchbiV ngonU , 107 S Hth st 600 POnSALlwolotsIti I'lnlnvlow , S453 each. Potter & Cobb'1515 Pnrnnatst 053 POU SALE Three fine lots In Shlnn's 3d add. tit f 800 each. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm. 817 TjlOIl SALK Lots In Lowe's 1st addition , -L south fronts , easy terms , only J503. Potter If Cobb , 1515 Furnam st. SM FOHSALU A tow oftho best ots in Wllonx's ndi at JOJO each. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fur nam Bt 855 "IT1OII S.VI.i : nero lot , n good B-room hoiiso , a- store with stnblcs and angrocorv , , out-homos city water , 23d near Loiivonworth , rent $1 > .0) ) ermo.prlcof3,50J. This Is n 11 rst rate Invest- inent. Omaha Uoal Rstato & Loan Co. , Rooms 22nnd23 , WItlmUl block. 710 F OK SAM : Host 5-acro tracts In the market , only $200 per ncro. Inquire about thorn. I'ottor Uobb , 1515 Farnnm. 85S TTlOKSALK-Acro lots , disc's add. , only 31.53D JP Potter & Cobb , 1515 Furnam. 857 TmoKSALK Several doslrnblo Duelnoss lots JU on 10th St. , nnd busluoss nnd rosUlonca lots in all parts of the city. Also wnrohouso , hotel nud farm property. Housostoront Properly shown free of charge und a largo list to select Iromnt prices ranging from $ Jj ) to $10,03J. Par- tlusdoslilng to Invust should look ovur our list nnd prices before buying. Correspondence so- Hcltod and information nbnut thu cltv froclv given. Omaha R al I'.stnto & Loan Co. , Room UJ , Wlthncll lllook. Oiniihn. 727 " _ _ ' "A HAKE 'IIAKRAIN Six acres , ! 14 ! mlles -iXnorthwot from postolllco , with good house , barn , well , etc. ThU place is worth SWD 'per ncio without improvoments. Wo olfor the whole for n few days at the very low prlco of $2,501) ) , $ fWO cash , balance In two yours. Stook- dale & ; llunchor , 1511 Dodge St , 473 Fen SAL ic 5 acres with hou o aid ) barjit iy acres ot grnno vluo , J cr < of rnspberriua , nlco bay nuirn , harness nnd wagon , nil now ; pno mile west of Koit Omaha : all for $1,80.1. Iniulro ] on the luoinltoa , Snuiut'l I ) . Jones. 571-31 * " 1T1OK SAI.I : ciiuap.onu of the bo lmprovol -L and llnost located farms In Douglas uounty , Nob.Bmllta west of Omalia court house , con taining 160 acre's , with hsuso , sfiblo , wolU , or- clutrdnnd i > asturu , etc. ; onu-liulf cash , balancu to suit purchaser. For further particulars ti 1- ilrcssOOo. Llnde , cnro Omaha lloo , Omnha. No' braska. QOJ FOKSALi : nig Ilargnln Corner in Isaao * SoMon'fl addition , only 2 blocks from r , nv- cnwnrtli St. . liUxUI , only $1,5JJ. Pottur & Cobb , 1515 1'iimam st ru-'I ITIOKhALK-nibsoiiha * foraalo lou In Hani- J. com Place , $800 to f I.SOJ. Gibson haa for salo'liousoj and lots In Hum- con ) Place , Gibson has for snlo houses and lots In all parts / the city. ( llbson has Improved fnrms und lands" In nil parts of Nebraska lorsalo or oxchaniro. ( llbson hits thousands of acres o ( land in Western Nebraska lor nalu from $2 to { I per ncro. . Qlbson would like to see you It you want to buy nr 6i.ll. aibson'HU the place to list your nroporty. Call nnd uno him nt RdomU , Wlthnoll IJlock , cor. 15th nnd Harnor st-jr I S O -71OKSALKftA 16160x140 , and dwolllliir 20x35 , JL1 near futurallcownoll Hull , otiinip ; hulf cash , balance siimlf monthly payments. Y. ! ' Vo- illckn,52J8. 13tUU _ 811 Tmoit s.VLK-Ofieap lots In IJurr Oak , lust oust -L' of Hansoqm Ifufk. nonrstroot cars. f J53 , easy terms. I'ottor & Cobb. 151.1 Fnrnnm at 85t WANTKD A young nmn as clerk in store , dry goods , boots and shoes ; ono who can uplink Scandinavian preferred , ut ) rd and Oum * iugSt J. ajSucuYiild. _ 811-27 TTiOlt HAT.H XTiiolota lit Shlnn's 2J addition. X ? onoustouf IU4re , only 3 blocks from street cars.cnuup only $750. Potter X Cobb. 1515 Far- num bt i&i I "soil H.VLU-pllno corner , Georgia avenuu , 1 south uiU. CVJt front , $1,501 Graham At Ilenawa , Crolyhtou lllock. U'l Foil SALK Lots Just BOUtn of the parkin Clark PlaedtiV ) each , on easy terms. I'ot- tor A Cobb , 1515 Kurnaui. 850 TnonsXr7K F"bur TOM , uor. California nnl J-1 tfjth sts. . 3 blocks from proposml pavingon Cnming Kt.t W uud fUjOouoh. I'ottor i Cobb , 1515 Fuuiumjt. 64'J FOKSALK Two lots in Pfllham Plao9 , ouo block from gtrcotcur track , IiitjulroiH f. 13th struct 5.P Red Star Line Carrying the Belgium Royul ami UnltoU States llall.aullliitr gvury Saturday Between Antwerp ft New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. , Halon from | BO to $100. Kxcurilou trip from JHOtollW. Second Cabin (50 , ami Kioursiou ( ' .O. titueragQ passage nt low rales. Peter Wright & 80113 , General Agents , U llrouJwuy. * * ku\v Vnrt . * iiialia , Nubraslca , Frank E. Mouro * , W. , St , L Uckot uifout. ' ' A STANDARD MKDICA.L "STORK FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY 81 11Y MAIL , POSTPAID. ILLUSTltATIVU SAHPLK rilCE TO AW , mm lth n tnilvit'0ltr , Nerrom n < 1 Phrn rrom tnr nBrnon | | ( MnnKrror of VontU.nnrtthJ nntoM mlsPrte * ra'tilllng from ImlKcrctlon n < t or- fcycs. X book for crcrr mn. youn . mlilillo-aitol nndnM. Itronlnlm lUnro > crlUloniforAllncntaiin | > l clironlcill c.i c < , M'hnnoot which M InTnlitiblo. S > ( otinflbrtlioniithorwhn'O etporlnnce for J3 rninii mchn iimhitilr never hotPn'foll totho lot nr nnr I < hytlclnnHl1ipnKPMiniin : < l in bsunllfut Kronen rant- llnFmho ctlonTcri , fullcllt.cinrnntnpitto honnnor work In every > en w m rhnnlcnl , Iliernrr nnlprnrnv Honnl-tlinnnnr other worn In thu countrr forII.H orthemoneTnllllni refund In CTWT Instance. IVl'a only II bj m ll , po < tp W. Illn lriite.l . Mmol , (111. ( PrnJnoT. ( JnldrnMnUwantea thoKntharbrtaa Nv tlonal Medlrnl A eel tlnn. lo the linn , A. l * . lllmell. nml BMoelnto oftT-ora of the txnrrt the rovlortj r : > - 'lThPi < clonoCof1lfol ? < north moro tolno ronngnnt mlitillo-nve.l men of tlili Eouoritlon ihmi nil ttioRoit mine * of Cnllfornlnnnil tuo silver mlnos Ot .Ncv ilt combined.S. . K. Ghrtmlolo. ThoSclcnffl of Llfo point * oat the rooki nnd qulcli. rnnilsonnhlrh the constitution nml hopj < of miinf arounmnnn hsvo lieou fatnlly nreckoJ. Miinchoitor The sclonco of I.lfol-of greater value than all thl mpillcnl work * puhlKheil In this countrr [ oyenr ! > . Atlxntn Comtltullon. The science of I.ltoH n porli nnd maiterlr lo on nervous nntl phrslcal dobllltr. Detroit Krai lro . Addreitho 1'oibodv MoAlcnl Institute , or lr W. IL l irkerNo. I llulinncti street , Huston , .MUM.who rair beooniultwl on nil dlsoanei roqulrtng skll land oxpsrt * once. Chronic unit nixln.uo cllti > nu.i tint hnvo bit- tloil thn Fk.111 of nil othcri > hv lclitns it upeclnltT , SHO.I trofltotl sticcu sfullr without an loitanceot fu Mention Onnli.i lloo. Railway Time Table. OMAHA. The following Is the time of nrnvnl nnd de parture or trnlns hy Central Stnndnrd time nt the lucul depots. Trnlns of the C. . SL 1' . , M. & O. nrrlvo und dopnrt from their depot , corner or 14th nnd Webster utroau : trftlnson the II. * M. , C. , 11. & Q. nnd K. C. , St. J. A C. II. from the U. & M. depot : nil others from the Union I'nolflo depot UUIDQB TUAIN3. IlrldRO train * Will lo to II. 1 * . di'piit at 8'B : n7M-8:00-8:40 : : : 8:50-11 : 10:00-llrJU : n. in. . B 1:00 : -ltO-:00-3:00-.ll ! ! ! : : i:03-6OJ : : 3:3J : 0:10-7:00-ll:10p. : m. Lcnvo trntibfor Mr Omnhn nt73 : H R:15:33 : ! > : 0:4S-ll : 10:35-10iT-lli7ia. : : : : ; : ra. : ' 1:37-2:13- : : 8:373:303:37 : : : * :37 : 8W uia--7:20-T:50- : : : : " - : 8-11KpCoNNKCTINa LINKS Arrlvnl nnd nonnrturo of trnlns from the trnnsfordopot nt Council Uluffe : DEPAHT. AttlllVK. ciuaxao , nocit IBLANI > & I-ACU-IC. D 7:15 : A. M I U 0:15 : A. M IlShlfiA.M IlSi'JJf. M C 0:40 : r. M I D 7:00 : f. M CIITCAQO t NOIlTllWF.STKItS. n 8:15 : A. 3H I 1)0:15 : A.M CUiiOP. M I H7OQ : P. M CHICAGO , nUUMNOTON & QniSOV. A n.aiA. M l Anas \ . M U 0:4i. : ( ) . u HOiU'Oi' . M I A7aO p. M CIIIOAaO , MIMVAUKEE k SI. t'AUL. n 9:15 A. si I lu:15 : A.M C 0:40 : P. M I 117:001' : . M KANSAS ClTr. ST. JOn 4 COUNCIL llI.UFFs. A 10:00 : A. M Iil : : A. M 08:551' : . M I A 5:40 : 1' . M WAIIABII , ST. LOUIS 4 TACIFIO. A 3:00 : l > . M I A 3:30 : p. it SIOUX CITV 4 PACIFIC. A 7:01 : A. M I A 0:33 : A. H AOg51'.M ; _ I _ A 8:5T 1- . bennrt. _ WESTWARD _ Arrive Depart NORTHWARD. Arrive A.M. I P.M. I C. . IL & 0. I A.M. I P.M. 920 I 0:00 : | . . . .VinPlattsincuth. . . . | 9:20 : I 7 10 STOCK YARDS TRAINS Will leave U. P. dopot. Om-ih.i , nt (1:40 ( : 8:35 10:45 : 10:550. : m. ; 2:40 : 3:50 : 5:25 : p. m. LcnvoStock Yatds for Omaha at 7rw 10:25 : % . 12:01 : 1:23 4:10-5:07 : : 0:20 : B. m. NOTB A trains dally ; n , dally except Sunday : 0 dally except Saturday ; D , dally except Mem- dur. HAMBURG""AMERICAN A DIRECT LINK FOR England , France & Germany. The steamships of this well known line nrn built ot lion , \uitor-tlglit comp iitmuuts , und are furnlbhed with every roqulsito to imtko the passagu both bafo and ngreuublu. They carry thu United Status and I'luropoan mall * . and leave Now YorkTIiursdavs and Saturdays for I'lv. mnuth. ( LONDONCUorbougPAUlS ) ( aud IIAM- Rc'turnlng , the steamers louvo Hamburg on Wixlnosdays nnd Sundays , via. Havre , taking pan onguiHUt Southampton nnd London. First cabin $50 , fOJ and $75 ; Stooi ngo $23. Rullioad tickets from Plymouth to Ilrltol , Car- illlf : Ixindon , or to uuy place in the South of England , KREK. Btcorago from Uuropo only f25. Send for "Tourist ( Ju/olti1. " C. U. RICIIAIID&CO. , Goncrnl Passenger Agents , .01 Tlrondwny , New York ; Washington und Ija Sallu Sts. . Chicago. III. _ ESTABLISHED 1803. CHANDLER-BROWNCO. GRAIN AND PBOVISION Cominission Merchants OFFICES : Hoard of Trndo , Chamber of Commerce , Mllwaukuo. . C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor , -W. 3 ? . JPSOK : , Biinne3H ! Solicitor , 13OI Done Omalia , Council Bluffs And Chicago Tn o only rend to tnko for DOS Molnos , Hnr- ha lltown.CcdarRiiplds , Clinton , Dixie. Chicago. Mtlwuukcu and nil polniH oast. To the iiooplu of NebrusUa , Coloiiulo , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho Novadu , Oregon , Wuslilngton und California It oilers superior ndvuntujfos not possible by any ether llnu Among n few of the numoi-ous points ot 8upo < riorityuiijoyedby the patrons of this road bo- twccn Omaha and Chicago , ure Its two trains a day of DA V COACHKS which are the IliuiU that human urt and Ingenuity can ciento. ltsl'AI < - ACK BI.KKI'INQ CARS , wlilcti uro moduls of ( omfort nnd olognnco. Its l'AHUlt DRAWINO ROOM OARS , unsurtuissud by liny , uml Its wide ly cclcbrutod PALATIAL DINING CARS , t tie equal of which cannot bo found ttUowhore. At Council muds the tiulns of the Union Pnet- fie ity. connect In Union Depot with those of thn Chicago ic NortlinuiUini Ry. In Chicago the truing of this line make clobo connection with these of all eastern lines. For Outroll.Oolumbus. Indianapolis. Cinclii natl , Niagara 1'ulls. Jlutfulo.I'itttibiirv. Taronva Montreal , Boston , New York. Phllalulphlu , Hal- tlmore.Wushlngton und nllpolnUIn tlio oust , usk the ticket ugont for tlckftH via the " . " "NOirril.WBSTKKN. If you wish the tiebt uooamiaodatloni. Alltlokot ItB. . HAIR. Gen. Puts. Agent KD - IIMUT. Alifc i-tfl c . BciurUUc ltd quick ar . 8 d Humf for Ma . , Dr. WARD & CO. . LOlVlbLUU , JIO. LUli \ ( D Lnf lolll On the Inrgo'uiap o Oinnlui nnd observe limb the two nntl one-lmlf milol bait from the Omaha postoflico runs south of Section 33 nnd through the | north end of South Omnha , TAKE A STRING And pencil , then get one o J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha and South | Omnha combincd , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th and Fnrnnm , Omaha's business center , nnd your pcuct on the fAring at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha i'roui the uorth , ' THEN DRAW A circle and note where SOUTH OMAHA Is and that "Additions " "Places" and " " , also many , "Hills" are fur OUTSIDE This magic circle THEN STOP And think a moment -\vliat \ will make outside property increase in valuo. THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTH OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up nnd make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow th transportation Hues. Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the beat manufacturing point of any in or nuar the city. Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTEREST , Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will irmlcG n town of themselves. TWO NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment To bo put into operation by that prince of meat producers , Nols Morris of Chicago. -3TOTJ IrTOOIE , Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha before - fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locutions uro being taken * Make your selections now. Lots that sold for $300 in 18Si cannot now be bought for $1,000. , * " "I * " v " " 7""I ° * Q "S" ! if 2T& f T T ( T s > ai gpJ Ja fj * * ° -"V < * - 1Bvj I t i 7 MM 11 M < a M- 1B- i-iiSP Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between tills city nnd South Omaha. A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it doe * lots will double in value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars , Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted AHY BEAL ESTATE AGENT lias authority to sell lots. For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circulars , address . Aa UPTON , Manager 216 SOUTH 13TH'ST' OMAHA , NEB.-