Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
G THE OMAHA BBS , Wfl . lAIAROHU. 1838 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' . \ MONDAY MORNING , MARCH. 29. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL , STB15ET. Delivered by cnirier In nny ] iart of the city at twenty cents per wick. II. W.TILTOX , - TELEPHONES ! Orricn , No. 43. NmiiT r.tnioit , No. 21 New sprniK goods at Keller's. Tlio bonrd of supervisors meets next week. Tlio Knights of Labor socialize this evening , On anil after to-morrow n penalty nt- tnchcs to nil unpaid tnNus. Two drunks furnished the only business for tin1 iiolk-o court yesterday. Work on Ihn now court honso will bo resumed so soon as the weather penults' . IVrniit to marry was yesterday glvun - > ( SrcKcrs Jensen and Jlury Jensen , both 01 this city. A suit of clothes which had been cleaned and hung up to dry on a Dnnlap clothes line , for the purpo = o of _ having them font to the I Ionic for the Friendless hero were stolen by some tramp. All HODH of veterans should meet at the Grand Army hall this evening to per fect arrangements for their organl/.iition. Alnrgo number have already expressed n determination to join such an organi/.a- tlon.aml it will doubtless be a strong one. At lliu close of the Western Iowa busi ness college last Friday , four boys , Kd- ward Murphy , Emil Lofturt , Charles Liuigmado antl William 1'cthybriilge , were granted their diplomas , having tin- ished tlio business course with honor. The commissioners appointed to ap p raise the damages claimed by .1. M. 'liillips on account of aehangeof grade in front of ids property on Bancroft street , have decided upon their report , .but have made it a scaled secret to bo opened only at tlio next council meeting. The funeral of the Into George F. Smith was hold yesterday afternuon , " and was very largely attended. The Odd Fellows turned out in a body , Mr. Smith having been nn honored member of that order. Many veterans also showed their respect for their fallen comrade by attending the Burvlcus. Kov. Mr. Mackcywas the ollici- atlng clergyman. Dr. K. F. Hiowcnd , of St. Louis , has de cided to settle hi lids city and has se cured nn ollico , room ! ) , in Everett's block. As a physician and surgeon ho comes highly recommended and will doubtless linu tlio lield a prolitnblc and pleasant one. Among old acquaintances whom lie has met hero is Guorgo It. licard , who know him in Michigan. Mr. F. .1. Day of this city , No. at ) Pearl street , has plats of and olloi'd for&ilo u few choice lots in Rapid City , Dakota. ir.'Jir ! ! : in ; ? liuie city of 2,000 people , on Rapid Ivtni , tlio gulo to the Black Hills. By Juno 1 it will be the terminus of the Iremont. Eikhorn & Missouri Valley railway. Its growth is unquestionable and presents good clninces for profitable investments. The charge against Charles Bare- bauson , that ho liad disobeyed the ordi nance requiring the closing of saloons on Sunday , was heard before Judge Ayles- worth vcsterday. The evidence showed that the place was being scrubbed out , but that tlio men doing this work abso lutely refused to sell oven a cigar , and when llio work ot cleaning up the saloon was over , the doors were locked again. The charge was therefore dismissed. City Engineer Tostevin is preparing plans for the enlargement 01 tlio city building by which an addition of twenty- five feel is to bo added , running back the entire length of the building. This will bo two stories in height , to that there will bo room for offices below mid n largo hall nbovo. The present building is alto gether too small , and the improvement is greatly needed. The council chamber is BO small now that when thorn is any business of interest before that body the citizens have to paek themselves in like herring. The plans and estimates will probably J > o submitted to the next mcel- iug of the council. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Best coal and wood m the city at Glca- eon's , liO Pearl street. _ For first class Missouri wood call on Glcason , at his coal ollice , 20 1'earl street. Undo Hum's Courts. In tlio United States court yesterday , before Judge Love , the case of A. J. Crit- tcndcn against the Springfield Fire and Marino Insurance company was being tried. Before Judge Shims tlio case of the Iowa State b livings institution against James Gouldon , Ed. Mott , Chicago Lum ber company et nl , was being heard , the plaintiff attempting to foreclose a mort gage on properly on which mechanic's lions had been filed for material furnished in building , and the question of the pri ority of right boinir involved. Wo Arc With You ! The only Chicago & Northwestern ticket ollico has removed to No. 421 Broad way ( Wabash ollice ) and tickets are there sold to Chicago and all principal points cast. J. 0. MITCHELL , Ticket Agent. Ills AVI To. At an early hour yesterday morning , or n late hour Monday night , Captain Antler- eou and C. Martin , of the Merchants' police , together withOllicer Beswick , had quite a time inducing u plasterer , Stick Carl , to return peaceably to his homo on Hailison street. Carl was ugly drunk , but finally ftartud fcr homo. Thinking that possibly ho might wreak his wrath on ills wife the oflicurs followed film and remained oulsido the liouso in readiness to furnish relief. It was t-oon needed , for Carl began pounding his wife in such an energetic manner as to lead her to run shrieking from tlio house. As ho fol lowed , ho was speedily taken in haml by lliu three otlieors , and spent tlio rest ot the jiight nt the city calaboose. Dr MuLcod , oculist and inirist , No. 602 Broadway , Council 1Mnil's , Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L , Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Personal I'uniKrarilis. A. U. Slater , of Wnyne , Neb. , was in the city yc-btorday , en route for Walnut. Miss Sarah Angoll and Miss Wilson , of the 1'onca schools , have been visiting ut A. T. Fliokinger's , und loft hist evening for Lincoln to attend tlio state teachers' nssociation. Miss Zllpha Ilubbnrd and Miss Wright , teachers in the Peru normal school , am in the city the gue.sts of Mrs. E. E. 1 lark- ness , and will to-day go to Lincoln tr at tend the btuto teachers' association. Both these ladies taught in the schools here un der Prof. Furnain and mnt lioro many of their old friends. Mrs. N. Churchill and Mrs. Horace Smith , mother and daughter cf J. A. Churchill , arrived in the city yesterday inoniing from Oakland , , wliero Mrs. Churchill has been visiting hnr daughter. After a visit with her son Mrs. C. will return to ncr homo in Vermont , while Mr& . Smith will return to Oakland. Now is the time to buy dress goods clicau ut E , DowJiiig'e. THE EQUINE ARISTOCRACY , Various Items Gleaned From the Stables and Stock Farms , THE SHOWS BOOKED FOR APRIL. Trnvcrs AVnnts $2f OO For Ilclnc Unt- tcrcil The WclcliinnBttf r AVnnts tlio Ilcvcnnc ns AVcll ns the Ofllco A Joke On An Officer. Ilorso Note" . A sliorttlmo ago there appeared several coinintinicatlons concerning tlio claimed record of 20 : for Zulu , owned by Colonel Popplotou. The manner in which this record was obtained caused two chal lenges to issue , with big money back of them , that Zulu could not make any where near such u record. These chal lenges have called forth no response jot , and the horsemen interested urn wonder ing ut the silence. The last numbr of the Chicago Horseman contains a colored cartoon setting out tlio manner in which judges lit some of thn tracks make tin records to accommodate their friends. His said to have been suggested by tlio alleged manner in which Zulu was given n record here. The take-oil' is a merry one anyway , and there is much truth pic tured , of course , in the exaggerated form common lo cartoons. A great deal of sport is boinv made about the allair , and the only way of escape seems to DO the accept ing of some of these challenges , and either making the challengers back the track or else prove by an actual show ing of speed that Zulu is as fast as is claimed. Colonel Daily's line colt , sired by Archi bald , standard , No. a , ! ) ! , " ) , is quite ill. Messrs. J. T. Stewart & Son have had' dropped at the Maples Stud I'arm the lirst thoroughbred foal of tlio season , b. c. , by Vandal , Jr. , out of Ida B. ( by Mon archist out of Katinska , by imp. Austra lian. ) The Macedonia Macedonian has re cently been looking over the stables of William Tompkin , located near that place. It says : "We were liivsl shown the thoroughbred stallion , Inlernational , formerly Boss O'Neil. Ho is a bright bay , 10 hands high , antl weighs 1,123 Ibs. , and is as line a built horse as wo have over fccen. His sire was imported Intruder , whose pedigree , taken from the English stud book , proves him to bo ono of the best blooded horses in England , and winners of more races than any other breed. International , on his sire's side , carries the blood of such horses as Curler , Orlando , Rataplan , Don John , Gladiator , ami Touchstone. His dam was Kitty O'Neal , who was a daugh ter of HonnioScothuid and Emily Payton. International's ' grand dam , Lady Bounti- fill , was half sister to Blair Athol , the sire and grand sire of the best long distance horses in England or the United States , ami Uluir Atliol sold for more money than any horse before or since , bringing the griiat price 01 ? -,90. ' ? . . - . , . . . "Wo next passed to the slaSic ot U.L. , G. She is by Pat Maloy , ho oy imported Lexington , dam Nannie White , by St. Charles , by American Eclipse , she is the mother of the following colts : Bees wing , a beautiful chcsmtt sorrel , 0 years old , sired by Council Blufl's ; Lady O'Neal , a dark hay , 11 months old , by Interna tional ; Mary T. , bay , 2 years old , four teen hands high , by International ; and "Lady Tompkin , bright bay , 5 years old , by Council BluHs. AU the colts show pure breeding , and wo doubt if a bettor lot can bo found in the United States. Lmkboy , brother to International , is possessed of the Jine.sL marks of speed wo have over seen , nnd if ho moots no ill luck wo predict that ho will make a fine record as soon as ho is put on the track. Mr. Tompkin contuniplates purchasing a thoroughbred trotter to add to his stables which will make his stud com plete. " Wo nro not asking 50a on tlio dollar on the actual cost of a great many of our goods. E. DOWLING. Carrying u Concealed Pipe. Now that the old police force have dolled their stars the boys sit around and tell of the varied experiences , not only 'fcssing , but peaching on their follows. "Did you hear , about Jack catching a follow at the Pacilic house for currying concealed weapons ? I guess you news paper fellows never did get onto that. 1 might as well toll you now. There was a traveling fellow there who had an elegant - gant meerschaum pipe , in a case , and ho had it in his pocket. Some of tlio boys thought they would bother Jack a little , and so they pointed out this fellow to him and put him on , tolling him he was a con man , ono of the worst sort , and a shooter. They told Jack that ho ought to run him in , but that he must lookout and not give the fellow a chance to pull his gun. Ho had a big ono in bis overcoat pocket , right hitiuly. Jack managed to pass along near the follow two or three times , brushing sort of against his coat pookot , and satisfied himself that the fellow had n revolver sura. Ho thought that ho could run him in for carrying concealed weapons , if he couldn't get anything else against him. Jack was dentil on con men , you know. Well , the traveling man was Just stepping out of the hotel ollice. as innocent as a lamb , when Jack thinking it was his last show for nipphur him , stopped up to him and asked him ono or two questions , as to what his n at no was , whcrcQho came from , where ho was going , etc. The traveling man , not knowing it was an ollicor , thought ho was mighty impudent , and ho cut him oil'short. . This made Jack think btill morothat ho was crooked , and as the fellow happened to put his hand in the pookot , Jack made up Ids mind it was then or novor. Jaok , you know , is plucky , and ho did not propose to give Iho follow any bhow to shoot , so ho grabbed him , saying , "I'll show yccs whither yccs [ can carry concealed weapons in the state of Iowa or not , " and before the fellow know what was go ing on , Jack iiad the coine-a-alongs onto him , and had dived into the fellows pookot and dragged out Iho supposed rn- volvor. As Jack's eyes rested on the ciiho covering a meerschaum pipe , ho willed , and the roar which came from the crowd peeking from around the corner drowned tlio travelling man's cusses , as Jack lot go and began apolo gising , The gaug had worked Jack for all ho was worth , and tor weeks it wasn't safe for any fellow to whisper in his ear. 'Jack , there's a con man. Look out for him. Ho shools with a pipo. ' " A fine line of now opera glasses , and the latest pattern liolosturle baromolorg , besides all the new and leading novelties in jewelry , diamonds , etc. , at C. B. Jacqucrmm & Co's , No. 27 Main &t. Tlio AVcl hiuastor'8 Prospects. The vexed question of the city scales will soon bo before the council for some acllon. The city owns a set of scales , which are located at the city building , wliilo the space between the city building ami the jail is intended for the market place. ThiB has been practically uban- doucd for two veurs past , mid the busi ness has been mainly done by tlio scales at the intersection of Main and Pearl streets. Those scales are said to bo lo cated on city property , but are owned and controlled by private parties , The street is used us the standing place for thu hay wagons ; etc , Tlio merchants iu that vicinity have been glad to have the pcalos and tiie market place there , as they think it helps trade in that locality. The official weighmastcr is. however de prived of the revenues of the office , and as the city i entitled to 2D per cent of all ills receipts , the city treasury does not receive its portion of the bu inc.s. \ \ ith the new wcighmaster coining into ollice , an attempt will be made to have him do Iho weighing and take the receipts. The attempt to force the business from its present center on Main street to the city building will meet witli much opposition. It is understood that the private scales will not bo abandoned without a fight. Still , it seems that an officer elect should be protected by the city in nil his rights , and llio nalural revenue of the ollico should bo his. Otherwise it is a farce to elect a weighmaster. Wants Pity For tlio Ilnttor. Justice Sehur/8 court was recently oc cupied for several days in tlio trial of the case of the Andersons , charged with hav ing a aultcd and battered William Trav- crs. The affair was a neighborhood row , occuri ing a few miles out of the city. Onu of the Andersons was fined $10 and costs. This has not satisfied Travcrs , and ho has now commenced a suit in the dis trict court , claiming 52,500 damages for injuries dona his body by the Andersons , for menial anguish , etc. Itnolccd For April. The following arc the companies booked for the coming month at tlio opera house. The month of April will of course open with the Comedy of Errors , but that will bo presented in all parts of llio city. The other cnlcrtainmcnls are : April 5 W. J. Scaniun. April 7 and 8 Shadows of a Great City. April 12-Pair of Kids. April 19 and 20 Joseph Proctor. April 21 Saucer's Bunch of Keys. April 20 Lillian Spencer. Senator Brlght'B Duelling Story. Sunny South : Senator Bright , of In diana , used to loll a good story about n challenge ho received from Joseph G. Marshall , a political rival. The parties went to Louisville to tight , but the diffi culty was there sotllcd by Gen. William O. Butler. Pending the settlement of the affair , the police put in an appear ance for the purpose of arresting tlio combatants. "I'm looking for Mr. Marshall , sure , " said the Irish captain ns ho entered Mr Marshall's room at the hotel , "and I be lieve tlio mon is before mo. " Mr. Marshall divined at once flic pur- posp of this visit , and assuming an air of indifference , coolly inquired : "What ono of the Marshalls do you desire to seoV There arc two of us hero. " ' The OHO who is to lighl Hie jewel , sure , " replied llio policeman. "AhI I undersland. You should see my brother. Ho is in tlio room at the other end of the hall. " "But is ho the Misler Marshall that's a lawyer ? " inquired the skeptical cap tain. tain."llo "llo will probably toll you that lie is a minister. But don't lot him fool you. Lawyers , you know , can quote toxls as well as pruiiCll1'3- " . , . , , . , The policeman politely tnaimnu .1. for Ids assistance , bowed him&olf out of the room , and passed on to the room of llov. Samuel Marshall , an elder brother and a prominent divine of Ken tucky. In vain did Iho minister expos tulate. "Your texts don't apply , " said the plucky Irishman. "You're mo mon , sure now ! You're no more of a preacher than I am myself , " and the fellow was hurry ing him down the stairway when they met a mutual friend , who explained to the policeman that ho was badly "sold. " Meanwhile Joseph Marshall had moved lo parts unknown , and thus avoided llio humilialiou of going to the mayor's court. A Child Without a Country. Washington letter : Everybody is famil iar with Edward Evorct Halo's story , "A Man Without a Country. " A very vol uminous correspondence between United States and Consul Shackclford at Nantes and the stale department , recently made public , contains the details of a story , less interesting , perhaps , but none the less true , of a child without a country. The facts briefly stated arc these : Some years ago Charles Busch , a natur alized German-American , accompanied by his pretty , Italian wife , sailed for Franco to accept an engagement as a tenor singer in one of the opera compa nies in Paris. En route , a child , who was named Charles Herman Busch. was born to them. The mother died shortly after reaching Franco , and Iho father soon fol lowed her. The child , having boon born on Iho high seas , was literally without a country. The French authorities refused to administer upon the father's estate or provide fa guardian for the infant , be cause neither of tlio parents was u citizen of llio republic. Consul Shackolford could do nothing without permission of the government After two years' delay this permission was finally granted. The American colony in Paris became inter ested in the child , who is said to bo re markably bright and preccious , and a fund has been subscribed sufficient to rear and educate him until his 10th year , when an effort will bo made to appoint him a cadet at the naval academy at An napolis. The little fortune of 27,000 francs , the proceeds of his father's cstalc , will bo invested for him and placed at his disposal when ho shall have finished his education. A Fly Man Cnuglit. Dnlroit Free Press : "Ono of the curious traits about those French-Canadians , " said a fly man yesterday , "is the fact that they never die of old ago. Some seven teen years ago n couple of us wore work ing a Great Western train , and wo beat a Frenchman out of $15 on the throe-card monte racket. Ho was a little , old. wilt ed up specimen , seaming to bo all of 70 years old , and Im didn't got tlio game through his head before we jumped the train at a small station. The other day I was coming to Detroit from the east ami when the train stopped at St. Thomas I got out to stretch my logs , I had scarce ly touched the platform when somebody grasped me and'a voice cried out : ' "Ho is da nniiuil Ho bait ma out of fccftccn dollairo ! ' "I looked around to find that same old Frenchman hanging to my sloovo. I couldn't sco that he had changed a parti cle in looks or grown older by a day. " 'I want mo foofteen dollairo1 ! ho shouted as lie danced around. 'Dis man ho llirow one two thrco cards and ho tauko ma foeftccn dojlairo and koopt' "I tried to brass it out , but it was no go und the result was that 1 had to fork over the money. Ho stood there as the train moved all , und slinking his fist at me lie shouted : " 'Ha ! I forgot ! Yon doant pay mo no 'nteres' on znt fcefteon dollairc for seven teen yaarcs ! I see you again mebbo sev enteen ynares more ! ' " A Very Successful Case. First Lawyer "Ah , Dobklns , how did you ooino out in that case you wore just beginning when I went east ? " bocond Lawyer "Gloriously ; it was a perfect success ; created a great sensation , papers full of it ; got lots of advertising out of it ; I think it , was the making of my future. " f * 'Good ! Glad to hoar it , old follow I know you had stuff in you ; ami , by tne way. what did they do to your client ? " "Oli , they hanged him , " Your system is now more sussceptiblo to the benefits of a reliable medicinethan at any other season , Take Hood'Sar- iaparillu. . . ' ncferrctl' / Him. Detroit Free Press ; A citizen rushed up-stairs on the Jefferson avenue side of Merril hall so fast yifstoVday that a man on the landing inquired : "Has anything happened ? " "I'm getting out of the way of a man who wanti to borrow money , " was the reply as ho passed down on the Wood ward avenue side. In about five minutes n second man c.imo rushing up and called to the man on the landing : " "Anybody gone" "Yes. " "Have on light overcoat and plug hat ? " ' 1 "Yes. " "Wonder which way ho went ? " "Down the other stairs , I guess. Ho said some dead-boat was after him to borrow money. If you hurry perhaps you " "Oh , it's no usel" calmly observed the other. "I'm the dead-heat ho referred to , and it's evident lie has tumbled to llio racket. " _ A Phitmlclithln dninliorcc. Philadelphia News : "A man called about six months ago , " said the pawn broker , "and handing mo a watch worth at least $230. asked me to let him have 25 cents upon it. I looked at him in sur prise and then hastily ran over our list of stolen watches. It was not mentioned there. I told him that I would give him far more than 2. > cents upon thu watch. , Ho said he wanted no more , and noticing my look of surprise lie said to mo'To- : night 1 accompany some friends to the thealro. I know from previous experi ence that I will become intoxicated , and I will eillicr lose or sell my watch. I now leave it safe in your hands , receiving for it 25 cents. To-morrow morning 1 will pay you 28 cents and got it back. ' "Well , sir , regularly every week , or every two weeks , thai man visits mo and leaves his walch in , ny care. " Thought He wns nn Kplneoimllnn. Washington Hatchet : Secretary Chase was nol originally a profane man. Ho learned lo swear after ho went into Lin coln's cabinet. Ono day , after ho had delivered himself rather vigorously , Lin coln said to him : "Mr. Chase , are you an Episcopalian ? " "Why do you asl > ? " was the somewhat surprised counter-question. "O , just of curiosity , " replied Lincoln. "Soward is an Episcopalian , and 1 had noticed llial you null he swore in much the same manner. " The Sisters ot Notre Dame , [ Maryland , use Red Star Cough Cure. Price , 25 cents. What Suiikllcr ? PHtsburg Chronicle : "How could Iho Oregon sink when she had Ihoso water tight compartments ? " asked McSwillI- Ron. Ron."Why , it was the water-tight compart ments that sunk the ship , " icplied Squil- dig. dig."How was that ? " "After Iho water gojt in , the compartments that it couldn't ments were so water-tight got out again. " > Circumstances beyond our control have delayed the closing.out of our en tire stock as wo hadjpui'posfid. The approaching season of sprinpf trade finds us witli a goodly stock of Dry Goods and Carpets , some lines de pleted but cleared of undesirable goods. Being in the dry goods business wo know of no bettor place to continue the same than in Council Bluffs. Wo shall therefore re-stock every department with new ami seasonable goods. Our Mr. E. E. Ilarkncss , is now making pur chases in eastern markets , und we shall soon have a Choice , Stock To offer our customers. Our carpet tle- partincntwill be complete with tlio new patterns of Moquette , Body Brussels , Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain poods from domestic and foreign markets. We have already on our tables tlio choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham burg' embroideries ever offered in the city , UHO an excellent assortment of white ( roods to which we shall make frequent additions. Wo thank our many patrons for their favors and good will in the past , and wo shall endeavor to merit the same in the future , by attentjon to their inter ests , and by good goo'ils und we invite all to call and examine .our new pur chases before buying In 'other markets. Harknek Bros 401 BROADWAY Council Bluffs , Iowa. KIEL SALE STABLES ! Jlorsos and Mules kept constantly on hand , for ealo at retail or In cur loads. Orders promdtly llllod by contract on short notice. Block sold on commission , BHLUTEU & 1IUI.BY. I'ronrlctprs. Stable Corner Firth Avenue and Fourth St Council llluirn low * . WHOLESALE AND JOBBINu KCOTJSB3 O2T COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEIIE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bnggia ; , _ Carriages , Etc , iio. : Coincll IlliUts , Icmn. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING" Ca" Corn Shelters , Stalk Callers , Dlsollnrrows , Seeders , Corn Planters , Kooil Cut ters , Kto. Fnctory , Hock rnlls , 1IU. yog. l.'Ol. mi. IJO-i , 15)7 Mnln St. , Council UliKTiU DAVID l uiLK\ & Cai Man ifrs nn 1 JoUbors ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriage , nml nil kin Is nt I'unn Mnc'iltmr. 1100 to llli ) South Mum Street , Council Illutls , Iowa. .l.VB K.O. ai.KASOV , T. II.DOUOI.V , OKO.R WllltlllT. l'rcs..VTrciis. V.-l'roi&Miu. Sna&CnunsoI. Council BluiTs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Mnnufnctnrcrs or Axle , 1'lek , Soljo ! ( nml Small _ llanillca , of every ilo orlptlnn. _ CAHl'KTS. COUNCIL HLUFFS CAKl'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Ciittnln Fixtures , UpholMciry OooJs , Ktc. No. 105 Ilroiutwii- Council lllulTd , _ _ Imvn. _ CltlAUS , T01IACCO , KTC. _ PEUKGO1' & MOOKE , Wliolosnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 3Mulu und 27 1'ciirl Sts. , Council Imvn. SNYDEIl & LBAMAN , Wliolosnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'cnrl St. Council ItliiiTa. McCLUKG CRACKER CO. , Mnnnfncturors of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cata , Conned Dlufft , TOWJ. CHOCK Mil' . _ _ ' MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobbersorCrockry.Glasswara . Lamps , Fruit .Tins , Cutlery , Stnuownro , llnr Qooils , Fancy Gooilx. Ktc. Council DluHs , lou-u. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , I-to. No. Z2 Mil In St. , anil No. SI Tcnrl St. , Council Ultills. - DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , laiparters ana iu ! w C [ Dr ; * ? ? ! : Notion1 * , rtc. Nos. 112 ana 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 mid 115 Pcnrl St. , Council lllnirs. Iowa. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. 512 Broadway , Council Hind's. W1HT & DUQUE1TE , Wliolosnlo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. anocRRiES. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council liluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Donlora. No. 110 Droiul- way , Council l P. C. DI5 VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , HcfilgcnUorB , etc Nos. 601 llrondwny , and 10 Main street , Council lllntfs. HARXKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , Mnnu'nctnrcrs of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. K5 Main St. . Council Dlulfs , Iowa. HATS , CAPS , ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Noa. :113 : and 311 flroadway , Council niuffa. HEAVY iiAHnn'Aiw. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council niulfg , HIDES AND WOOL. D. II. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , 1'clta.Oroil-sound Furs Council Illuffd , Iowa. 0/Z-S. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline E3TO , , E1TO. B.Theodore , Agent , Council Illulfa. Iowa. LUMliKIt , PJMXd , KTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And llrldtfo Mulctittl SnecliUllos.Wholesalo Lum ber or all Kinds. Ollico No. 13d Main rft. , Council Illuirs. Iowa. H7.YB.S AND LIQUOHS. JOHN LINDER , Wtiolesnlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. A oiit for St. Gottliftrti's Kerb llltterd. No. 13 Main St. Council Blulls. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Ko HDD Man ( St. , Council N. SCHTJBZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT JJiNUMCTUIlKU AHO OIALEU IK HAIR GOODS NO. 337 Broadway , Council BluiTn. HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER Hrlclt n.ilMlns nnv hind rnteed ov moved nn.l satisfaction Rimrnnteeil. Trnmo homes moveJ ouUtlloUlant truoks-llu beit In the worU. 803 Eighth Avenue mil Eighth Stroat , 'Council Blufl's. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICi : . Special ndvortlomont , such n ! I.oet.VouuJ , To lit in , l3 ib , To llant , WAIUI llonrdlng-.ote. , nlll bo Inserted In this columnnt thclow rate of TRM CBNH PKU UXK for tuj CrMlnsertlon nd I'lVK CU.VTd 1'Klt UNIJ for cnch BUbsoiuont linortlon. Imvo nlvortlis mcntsat our oiUco , No. LI 1'oiirl street , Uroadway , Council llluirs. WANTS. FOIt PAM'-OU ! tmpcrs , In iilnntltlos | to suit , at lleo ollico , No. 1IVurl street. IOH HUNT Vivo teem coltnso. Inquire nt JL1 120 Kourth stioct , or of 5lc.Mlclcn , Hid I'lutnci' street. SWAN K WA1.1C1CH , No. ! H Main street , ( under Citizen's'.O , ical estate nun mer chandise ovchtuiKO broker * , Our bonks are full of special bnrgnliK , but It Is Impossible to pub lish n reliable ! i t from thotnct of so many dally changes. Wlint wo nsk Is : If you want to sell nrtradoanythhtf ? In our line , wrlto ns and wo will pond younplloof harirulns to select from. Improved or unhuprove.1 , elty or townSEND property , btoaks of ffoa.H ot nny kind In any place. II gueh jou have or such yon want let 114 uonrfrom you. Svvun & Wnlkor Council lllnlfi RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all sUoa of Automatic Engines Especially Desltrned for Running MILLS , GKAIN'ULKVATOKS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou Threshers. Carey and Wooilbury Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House C ! St. ; Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1888 ANNUAL. THE CARTER \VHITE LEAD CO.'S ' DIAMOND I1HANI1 OV Strictly Pure Lead , Zinc and Oil PREPAIRED PAINTS Are just ns represented , free from ndnltern- tlon , and the very bott manufactured , a fnet that can bo substantiated by compari sons. For snlo by S. H. KELLY , Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc. 6O7 Main. Street , Oouncil Bluffs. Hallway Time Table , COUNCIL BLurra. The following Is the time of nrrlvnl an'l departure of truing by contra ! standard time , at the locnl depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton minutes earlier und urrlvo ten minutes lutor : UEI'AUT-CUICAOO ft KoiiTiivfeaMB .AnlllVBl 9:20 : A. M Jluil nnd Express 8:50 : p. M. 12:40i' : . M Accommodation 4Kp. : ) M. ( i5Ur. ; U Express 9:05 : A , M. CHICAGO ft ItOCK ISLAND. 0'30 A. II Mall und Kxprusd 0:50 : p. M. 7M5A.M Accommodation 5 : < 5l > . M. ( iCOP. : M Express 0:03 : A. M. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUL 0:20 : A. M Mull and Uxpruss 0:50p. : M. CoUP.M : Uxpreas 0OSA.u. : CIIICAOO. nUltMNOrON 4 O.U1NCV. 9:40A. : H MnilandltxprOBH GrXP. : ) 6:60p. : M Kxpross 9:05 : VTAI1AKII , ST. J.OUIS ft PACIFIC. 2:15 : p. M.Local St. Louis Express Local B:00 : P. M.TrnnsferSt. Louis lix. Transfor.3W : r. M KANSAS CITY , RT. JOB ft COUNCIL IlI.UfFS 10:10 : A. M Mall and Express fiiOp. : : M. U:05p. : M Express 0'J5A.M. : BIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC. 7:15A.M . . .Blonx Olty Mall 8:30P.M. : CliOrM : gul'aul Express U JA.M. UNION PACIFIC. 10:35A.U : Denver Kxpross. . . . . .5:4BP. : X. 2:13 : p. M..Lincoln Pass..Om. & V..2:05 : v. M. 7:60r.ii : Overland RxproBS 8:15A.M. : DUMMY TIIAIWBTO OMAHA. LcavoCouncil HluTg-7:05-SiM-U:30-10ii ( : : : : : ) 11SO : a. m. ; l:30-a:30-3'JO-4M-5'J5-n : : 3- 8:45-lliG : : p. m. 8undnys-7:05-'J:3 : : < > -ll0--n. : : ! m ; a:30 : : ! : : ! .6:25 : CH : ; U : < 5p. m. LonvoOmu- iS-7:35-8:00-10:00-ll'Wa. : : : : ' . m : lii-SK- : ) ( ) : i:00-4:00 : : 5:03-0:05 : : : < : -lllln.m. : ) . Sundays tl.B-7:60 : : su ? 11:00 : n. m. ! 2OJ3:0110:03 : : : - 6:03-3:16-11:10 : : : D m. Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved farm of 107 acres for sale ; 2)4 miles from Council HhiHs. AdUiess IRA 8COF1EUJ , Council OlnfTc. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. Arnd , Props. Fassentrcrs and baexayo talcon to nnd from nil trains. HUBSPS , cnirla os nnd hajjwnjru wag ons maUo connection * with all tr.ilns. Prompt attention elvcn to n'l ' calls. Special rates to theatrical troupes und commeiclal mon , Car- riiiKCH run day and night. Ofllco nt Ogden House. Telopbono 12S , Also at Ucchtclo'B Hotel , Leave oidurs on tint lotos , COXJOiTCIXj STEAM DYE WORKS Mrs. C , L , Gillette's ' Hair Goods Store , No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Poslofflce. THOB. orriCBB. w. n. u. pusar . OFFICER , 8s PUSBY , BANKER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Establish * ! REMOVED. I wish to respectfully call the attention of my liiilvons and tlio public In Ronernl , to inv renio- vnl fiom tlio old stnnd Nos. 7 nml P , Mnln St. , to my now nnd commodious quarters , No , 226 Broadway , Wtoic I will bo ] ) lon tvl to ven my many friends \\llh nmr ; < u , now nnd I'omplcUo lUFortmcntot nil the very UlTESTFafcinSpringSmES And beliiff locntod In Inrjro qunrtors I nm bettor tlinn over before iirupniod to EC wo lliu public. Hespectfiilly , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO S28 Brotxdway , Council Bluflfe. " JACOB SIMS , -III ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In Slnta antl Federal Courts. Uooiiis 7 anil S , Sausart iilunlc. MIPS and CRO KERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 1213 Main Street. Cotmuil Uluflk la "n. RIOE , M. D" rSNr.RRS or other tuni'iM removed > fltuout uauuano t10 | itnir0 or at awing of uiooJ. CHRONIC DISEASES or mi kinds a .PMiaitr. Over thirty yeiira' nrictcnl oxnorlonoj. No. 11 Pearl Street , Count U lllutls. ( VCONitUliTATlOX KltEB. A.C.Iiun.Mi IM. I'roa. I\V. Tui.t.Krs , Vloo-1'res. JAMES N. UnowxCashier. 102 MAIN STREET , Capital . . . : Authorised Capital . Mov , . Stockholders Hopvoaoiit . 1,000,000 Do n ( fenernl b.inlilnir buslu 3i. Accounts of banks , buufcars , merchants , mnn- ill Rclurcn ; nnd individuals rocolvoJ on favora ble teims. Domestic and foreign exchange. The very bust of attention given to all busl nosti committed to our cure. TIMOTHY SEED. I have a quantity of sound , well cleaned seed which 1 offer nt reasonable ! HjfiircB. Sceil of the crop of 1883. Coricfcpondcnco solicited. F. O. I1UTLVU , Schnllcr , lown. C. & N. W. Hy. MASON WISE , Horses and Mules For nil purposes , bought nnd sold , at ictnll nnd In lotR. Seveiity-slv head of the very best qunllly of mules now on hand. Council lilulTs lown. COUNCIL BLUFFS Baggages Transfer Line. 'Hits anil bntrgago wngonf ) connect with nl trains , to nil hottls , losldonccs , etc. Special nt- tcntlontoCOMMEUCIAL.Mr.N and TilBATllI- CAL THOUPKS. Prompt attention given nil culls. Ollico nt Puclllc House , Telephone No HO ; nlso Telephone No. 128 ut Ogdcn IIouso H. BEEOROFT , Proprietor. CARPETS , CURTAINS , Rugs , Mattings , Window ShadeB.Etc Wholesale anil Retail. Spring 10150 Our stock is now complete - ploto und oontniiiH tliu ncwcHt Uosltriis anil coloriiifirs In all tfnulfis of ( Jurjiets , Curfiiins , Iliifffl , Upholstery Goods , etc. POPULAR PRIOES-Mull orders at tended to proiniit.'y ' , Fine Upholstery Work to order. COUNCIL IJLUFFS CAUPKTS CO. , 1,05 , Uroadway. Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTIIint HAILS , 1(01)3 ( , KT < ! . FKNCKS BUILT WITHOUT NAILS , Anyinut n-aillly taken out or roplncaJ. Tor ] > lcki-tor tall rrnooi.lrnn < irwood , cannot he ox- colluil I or railing of liny uorl. Tor partloulars write a J. IICCKMAN , Inventor. " ' Council Btuto anil county rlshU for stxlo. UNION TICKET OFFICE A. T. ELWELL , Agent , No. W7 UroaJwar , Council Dlurti. ONLY HOTEL In Council Illutf havlatr Esoa/p © And alt moacrn lainrovuiaout * , call boy a , flr lUarui bells , eta , Utuo ES'J.1 ON IIO USE I Koi.r.15 , 17 nJ 213 , Main Strogt , . , . , X WO11N , I'roprlotcr