Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1886, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE. WEDNESDAY , MARCH 31 , 1886. , THE DAJLY BEE. DjtAHA.OFFicr.Mo.M4 ginFAmmt ST NEW YonKOmcr.ltooM M.TrununB litm.ntNa OrncE , No. 613 FOUHTEKNTH St. FtiblNhcxl every tnornlnc , exert Simdny. The only Monday morning paper published In the Btnto. TTOMS tir MAIM Ono Yeftr.lO.C | T1irp i Months . BlxHonlliS . 6.000no | Month . 1.00 Inn WEEKLY DEE , Published Every WcJnosday. TF.nJis , rostrAtn : Ono Vcnr , with premium . . . J2.00 Ono Ycnr , without premium . . . . . . . . 1.2S BU Montli" , without prcinluin . . . j Quo Month , on trlnl. . . . . . . . . 10 All crnnmunlcntlotn relntlnjf to ncirsnmlndl. torlnl mutter * should bo addressed totliohni- -ion or MIL UKK. AllbuMneeilottcMnnd remittances should bo . 'odrcetcd to Tnr. Ilr.u I' COMPANY , MfOMAitA. Drnftn , check1 ! mid poMofflco oidora f * to uo mndo payable to the order of the company. Hit BU POBLISHIIGliPAIT , PROPRIEIORS , K. UOSKWATKU. Eniion. AMONG the multitude ot claims now before congress there arc fully 1,500 that nro of n strictly private character. It would seem that such matters should be adjusted by the court of claims. TUB forest products of the United State. , arc north w > ilay not less than S800- 000,000 , which is n good deal more than tlio value of the metal and mineral out put of all our mines of coal , K'ld , silver , copper iron -ui'l lead , all put together. Tltls is conclusive proof of the value of tree planting. Tan Mississippi legislature has passed an act taxing whisky drummers , but ac cording to a recent United Slates supreme court decision such a. law is unconstitu tional. The Mississippi legislators evi dently do not read the newspapers , other wise thny would have- known of the Michigan case in which the decision was rendered. Tin : Connecticut legislature 1ms again defeated a bill designed to prevent the acceptance by members of free railroad pusses. A similar bill would meet a like fate in the Nebraska legislature. The average legislator in any state is not generally known to refuse anything , and believes in taking advantage of all the perquisites within his reach. OUT of 7,000 bills and resolutions intro duced in the house this session only about a dozen of any importance have been passed. There is a great waste of time and money in the introduction of useless bills , which as a rule nro Introduced for political effect or to satisfy the cranks. It costs a congressman nothing to intro duce a bunbombo bl ) ] in order to make his constituents bcliovo that ho is a great legislator. SKCUHTAUV MANNING is reported as no better. His case is said to bo a clear one of collapse , the result of overwork and worry as head of the treasury depart ment. In Mr. Manning's instance , to the enormous routine work demanding bis attention was added incessant and an noying applications for ollice , which made heavy drafts upon precious time. Combined with this was the opposition of a largo and inllncntial portion of bis party ( o his financial policy. Ho wonder ho succumbed to the strain. Nerves of stcol and brains of crystal would yield to such a pressure. Tun screams for havmony in the ranks of the Nebraska democracy would bo heartrending if the public wore not per fectly aware that they are all for ofl'ect. The peace wanted is that which reigned in Warsaw after its sack and the victors bold undisputed possession of the inins. . So farns the patronnsfciiwMlSng bosses of Nobi'ttskivn ) concerned their only desire for harmony is of the kind which results from iv prostrate rival. All the cant about democratic principles , party loy alty and support of the administration has no other basis than the attempt to whip into line all opponents of boss rule , UNnnit a recent decision of taosuprcmo court United States , commissioners arc permitted to charge docket fees. This will nmkqlhat oflico in some cities worth from 5,000 to $10,000 a year. This is only in keeping with the rule in all de partments of the federal judiciary ser vice to roll up fees to the highest limit oi the law. The clerks and marshals have for years pursued this nlan with so much patriotic enthusiasm that n suitor , who has once hud experience with costs in Un cle Sam's courts , never forgets his bill , There are costs In every direction anil point of the compass ; costs before bringing suit , accumulating costs "during its pondage , accumulated costs during its prosecution and a mountain ol coats tit its termination. The excessive fees of the federal courts have bccomo n positive scandal , and the result Is the movement to reduce thorn and to make the fee-paid ollicials salaried instead ol dependent upon their collections. When the compensation of ofllcors of the law depends upon the fees there Is a constant tendency to bleed the suitor for the bone lit of what his pookctbook holds , This i < why the dread of beginning action in the /odiirnl courts on account of e.xpeusr > i : is so general. to tlmt slnion-iinro organ of rrtiMibllcmiism , the Omahn llejntblican , which Is oondiiotod by a ( jrcoloy roptibll ran tintl nn Andy Johnson party bolter , Senator Van Wyck was the only inombui of his puny who voted against the K < 1 nnuulf ) resolutions , Senator Mitchell ol Oregon anil Hiiltlloborgcr of Virginir \n\\\t \ \ him company. As n mutter of fact th'i J'Mmuiula resolutions were noi titloptud by the caucus. They were noi intulo a party issue by n party vote bcfon tlio question of their dual adoptior waa rcnohoil , Senator Van Wyck ex orclsed Ids right as a man ii Voting according to Ins conviction ! tigntiiHt the trivial issues which the Kit nitinda resolutions vainly attempted U raise. ' 1'lioy were valueless as campalgi material , and useless from any standpoin Of party expediency. They nltirmedln \ could not bu maintained , nnd they sottlct nothing but the inability of ( ho senate tc cross-examine the executive upon matter ; which lay within ids own province to do tcrmmo. Mr , Hoar and other senators whoso republicanism no ono will < jucs tion , openly declined to bo bound by tin resolutions while voting/or their passage Senator Van Wvck , with his two ropub Henri ussooiatcs , preferred the mort liovwst course of Jlatly dvclinlng U either their form or substance i The Engilah Commission a Failure. Advocates of railroad commissions ns adjusters of the difTcrenccs between the railways and their patrons are constantly pointing to the English commission ns a successful example of the practical oper ations of such a body. As n matter of the fact the English railroad commission , though endowed with much greater pow ers than those of any in this country , has failed to solve the problem for which it was constituted. A bill lias recently been introduced In parliament to supersede it by another commission , with arbitrary powers of regulation , whoso every order will have the force of a judgment , and from whoso decisions concerning rates , fees and tolls no appeal can bo taken. The commission proposed Is to bo in oflect a court of llnal resort , composed of profoundly learned judges , with most oxtunsivo powers , holding of lice for life , and so liberally salaried that there shall bo no ground for suspicions of corruption. An important clause in tlio bill requires the railway companies to submit within a year a revised specifica tion of their rates and charges and a re vised schedule of maximum rates and charges. Advisory commissioners are to bo appointed to hear complaints , confer with the railways , and publish results. The whole design of the bill is to give the greatest publicity to all the till'airs nnd methods of the railways. It is evident that the iiresont law in England fails for the reason that every like law In this country lias fallen short of success. The commission Is powerless to afford the relief dosired. It can recommend , but it cannot enforce. On this account commissions htivo stood in the way of securing redress because they have been used and are used ns tx sop to public sentiment and their ex istence proves a barrier to effective legis lation lo remedy the evils which are the outgrowth of railroad mismanagement. A commission like that projected in England to replace the ono now vainly struggling to satisfy both the railroads and the public is less n commission than ii court of the highest jurisdiction and supreme power over all questions brought before it. It would bo free from the many objections now urged against ex isting commissions , but the great cor porations of England are hardly likely to pcrjnit its creation. llussin Intriguing. There is a growing feeling of anxiety in England over the signs of Russia's stealthy advance in Central Asia toward the Indian frontier General Alikhanon" , the llussian fire cater , whoso name was so prominent in news from Afghanistan a year ago , lias made an imposing entry into Pendjeh , and has assured the natives of Russia's protection against all ono- mics. This is the same Allkhanoll who , only a few months ago , was announced as having been removed from his com mand for cruel treatment of the people of Werv. It appears that the old Muscovite trick of disgracing in public but rewarding in private , military ollicers and diplomats , whose xeal has mndo them particularly obnoxious to England or Some other great power , is still being played with skill and vigor. Alikhanoft' evidently retains the support and confidence of his own supe riors and there are other signs than his own actions which indicate that ho may soon have another opportunity to win new laurels upon the field of battle. The work of delimiting the Afghan frontier is at n standstill owing to the convenient illness of M. Lcssar , the young Prussian diplomat and engineer , who figured so conspicuously in London lu = * spring. It is ajj fjnii" Bjgll f0"r " M , l < ess r to "become ill again under such circumstances. Ho had a very Important and convenient illness something over a year ago when Sir Peter Lumsden and his assistants of the British boundary commission were waiting to begin work on tlio frontier , nnd Russia was preparing to push the line far to the south Ijy BOiz'mg the Pendjeh oasis. At last accounts General KomarofT was ex pected to arrive at Pendjoh soon. This is precisely the move lie would make if another grab for Afghan territory were contemplated. England is not idle. The railroad toward Quotta and Candahar is being pushed steadily forward and the depots of Illndostan are daily sending hundreds of tons of material to aid in the construc tion of this important line of military supply. The British government is de termined , if brought face to face with the possibility of war for their Indian posses sions , to meet the issue fully prepared. Russian ambition and Russian intrigue combined , nro rapidly paving the way for future trouble in central Asia. When it will break out depends entirely upon the private whim of the White Tuar. Gcronlmo's Surrender. Goronimo and his Apaoho bucks have mot General Crook and they are his. The hostile Chiricahuas have sur rendered unconditionally and are now in custody. Dispatches from Fort Howio announce that the Apache war is ended. This result is in a great measure due to the olleet of the lamented Craw ford's last campaign in which lie pur sued tlio Hying Apaches to their lair in the mountains of Sonora and made them sue for peaeo , But it la due no loss to the active endeavors and clear head of George Crook who alone has tested the value of Indian scouts in u half dozen campaigns and made savugo auxiliaries the backbone of Ids various expedi tions in Arizona and Mexico. Now that Goronimo has scrrendored without conditions , General Crook will be able to dispose of Him according to his deserts. It is snfo to say tlmt ho will not bo again returned to San Carlos and sub jected to the effects of a divided authori ty , civil and military , It is equally safe to say that Crook will llatly decline fu ture responsibility for the conduct ot hosliles not placed under his complete control. Having captured the renegade Indians his duties will end after ho has turned them over to the Indian department. Geronimo and his bucks should bo put whore they will novoragain trouble Arizona. A hemp neck tie or a cool cell on the Dry Tortugas would be an effective settlement of the Indian problem so far as they nro concerned. As for General Crook liu should bo re warded with the command of the department - . ment of the Platte , Having wound up thoApacho onuipalgn he can safely exchange - change the climate of Whipplo Barracks for the more salubrious utmosphnro of Omaha. Ais friends will bo glad to meet him utid welcome | im ! to the ctmimnud of n department in which ho won bright laurels and where his naino is held in honor and respect. THK insurance tax of the country Is an enormous ono when the full extent is taken into consideration , It is estimated by insurance companies that in tlio United States last year dwelling houses were burned at the rate of ono every hour , with an average loss of $1,890. Barns and sta bles , fifty per week. Country stores , three per clay , with n loss of $110,000 per week. Ten Jhotcls burn weekly , with n loss per year of _ $4,000,000. Every other day a lumber yard goes up in smoke , each representing $20,000. Forty-four cotton factories , the loss in each case bolng 528,000 , ; forty- three woolen mills at $ io,000 each , and forty-two chemical works at 827,000 each , were destroyed by lire last year. Forty-two boot and shoo factories were consumed , tlio loss being $17,000 each. Theatres were lapped up by the llames at the rate of five per month ; nvorago loss , $10,000. Only about half as many court houses were destroyed , the cost of each being about $20,000 , ! ix , when asked if any of ills recent prayers , especially that of a few days ago , when ho referred to bucket shops , stock gambling and other kinds of gambling , were made with ref erence to any member , lie replied : "Not atiill. But when 1 speak as the chaplain of the house to the representatives of the people , I feel that I am addressing the nation. " This is a clear case of hedging , and is no doubt the result of Mr. Morri son's intimation to the chaplain that his remarks were altogether too pointed , anil were considered personal by the congress men whom he hit below the belt , as it were. A CHICAGO paper prints a copyrighted cablegram under date of Paris , March 20 , bcginningjwith : "Count do Lcssops has returned full of vigor and enthusiasm in behalf of his pet project , tlio Panama canal. " Then follows u column inter view with the count. In the same paper wo observe a brief uncopyrighted cable gram of the same date stating that do hcssops has returned to Paris and is sick m bed. Wo bclievo the latter statement , and at the same time we suspect that llio copyrighted interview is a product of home manufacture. Sosn : weeks ago we were impertinently admonished by the Herald to stop talking about the rights and wrongs of labor un til wo had "composed the differences ex isting in our own office. " There was no occasion for this gentle hint nt that time , but wo are warranted at present iu kindly suggesting to our cotompornry that the differences in its oflice with compositors may need composing. SKNATOII VAN Wvcic's bill creating ad ditional land districts in Nebraska has passed the senate. The Omaha llcpubli- can may entertain its railroad constitu ency by questioning Senator Van Wyck's republicanism , but the people of Nebraska are well satisfied with his efforts iu their behalf. WHAT is being done about the Omaha exposition ? If the exposition this fall is to bo a success , active work must begin at once. We have a line building and an organization of business men. It is high time that stops should bo taken to arrange for the details of the great show. correspond- 11ms broken loose again. His latest story is about "an unheard of number of mpuntam lions in the Big Horse moun tains.1 ' That Lander correspondent is a Rooky mountain liar. THERE is some considerable talk about increasing the governor's salary. If wo raise the salary wo ought to raise bettor governors ; but the salary should never bo increased to $5,000 unless wo can get a guarantee that we can secure a $5,000 , man. THE Now York Morning Journal has reached a circulation of 170,431. , It will touch 200,000 , this year. It is the greatest marvel in American journalism. Its im mense circulation , acquired within thrco years , shows that the li'cly little paper is appreciated by the public * , ONE of the most prominent railroad men in the country , Mr. Wicker , of Chicago cage , lias got Jay Gould down Hue. Ho says that Gould's course in regard to tlio strike lias simply been tlio most gigantic stock jobbing operation on record. ALTHOUGH there is very little concern shown by the business men of Omaha in tlio approaching city election , they will discover after tlio election that the coun cil can do more mischief to this oily than any congressman or senator. Mn. HASCALL must feel highly gratified nt the support which ho is receiving from the bright young statesman who despises licchol und wants only honest and up right citizens to represent him in tlio council. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WE STILL want a market house , a great deal moro than we want u panorama , Wo want cheaper food for workinpmon and more direct barter between the pro ducer iind the consumer , HAUSIONY in the democratic 'party ia what Dr. Miller now wants , and it onlj remains for the balance of the party tc glvo in their unconditional submission ta the bosses. TUB democratic primaries on Thursday afternoon promise to bo very lively , The candidate who 1ms not some contractor behind his back is in u very bad way. lif it will satisfy the Jiepublican to have 1'ierson kept in Irons a few months , we presume the United States attorney oughl by all means to accommodate its editor , AccoumMi to our dispatches Jay Gould believes iu maylng hay while the bun shines. lie using the present &triko as a huge stock jobbing operation. "To bo or not to bo , that is the qucs- tlon" with n good many candidates foi the city council. WHAT lias become of the Onmha Northern railroad scheme ? IT was the fashion years ago for the great statesmen of this city to emigrate jo the south I'latlo region just before n senatorial vacancy occurred south of the Platto. This is prptiabjy the precedent upon which the Spqond nnd fifth wards nro trying lo supply * cotincllmon for the First and Third. ' OAUlNliT PUDDING. Secretary Whitney'Is k ncjihow of the In ventorof tlio cotton-Kin- ' 'Secictnry Kndlcolt doty ? not snoiul much money In society entertainments. Attorney General GArland Is as quiet as n telephone when the whb has been discon nected. Secretary Bayard's homo Is now presided over by his third daughter , MIs3 Mamie IJnynrd , Secretary A'Has Is said to bo about as dIsgusted - gusted a man as ever left a lucratU o law prac- lice to take an ofllcc. Secretary Jtannlnc's paralytic attack will probably Incapacitate him for active life , and ho will Very likely icslgn at an early day. Secretary Lamnr has icsumcd his habit of horseback riding , lollio gicat Inconvenience of n host of politicians , \\l\o \ can't catch him on the load as they could In the ( Alice. It Is whispered In the corridors of the In- trilor depnitment tlmt Mr. Lnmnr Intends tills spilng to have his Imlr cut short , lie has nhays worn long hair , much lo the dis gust of Hie barbers. Seciclary I.nmar Is the only member of ho cabinet who Is not keeping house , lie 1ms a suite ot six looms upon the sixth llonr of tlio Portland Flats. The 1'oithuid Flats building has the general appearance of a RIcat ship , ' and Mr. Laniar ll\cs in the bow ot this slitp. Xew York Journal : There Isn tendency among high public olllcials cabinet olllccis paitlculnily to overwork themselves. Sec- ret.iiy Manning' ! * sudden attack was a warn ing which that distinguished gentleman should not disregard. A similar wanting came to Mr. Ulaino , and he piofltcd by It. The strain upon a cabinet olllccr's mental and nervous system Is ery great greater than people have any idea of. It is a penalty of power. Tnlkluir run ! Voting. Omton llcmlil. The light to talk Is tv Uoit-glven right In women , though St. Paul placed some limita tions on It In his time. But the right to vote Is confuted legulnted by constitutions and statutes. Ho AV11I Die Otic of These Days. Clitcauo Kcm , The gentleman who writes all the smart things for dead people to say will die one of these days himself. Ho should write up a batch of cute sayings to bo used on himself alter ho Is gone. Mark Twain us a Knight. Clilcaaa Times. Iilaik Twain Is to bo the candidate of the Knights of Labor for mayor of Hartford. If anyone laisea the objection that Mark Is not aKiilghtof Labor , hej lias never teen him struggling over a brand-now joke. Important tj > Nebraska. SI. I'atil Pfyntei'iPrai. The bills ropoited from the house military atrahs committee'for strengthening Nebras ka foils aio importantim vluw of the settling up of the legion along the border of the Indian country and the necessity for protect ing settleis. Foil Niobrnra Is on the right of tliuSioux rpsi'rveandlFoif Robinson Is on the loft , and the Elltliotil' Aralloy ralhoad will give the needed iftjcess'to ' the posts. Cowants With Plstola. 3M > ilc Itcultter. Especially would we'Impress ' upon young niuit that It Is not ovldende ot courage to carry a pistol. It is , If 'anything , a want ot courage. Theio have bfeon many men killed in this country because the men who shot them dlti not have the courage to retrain ficnn shooting. They were geared' 7rnj [ therefore li d , It is m- ft pmotlc'0 uro to nothing as regards courage , but It Is not a gentlemanly pastime. The Tone Mnstor. San Fiancisco Ncwi Letter. Wonderful music there was one day , Chopin to listen , Liszt to play. Said Chopin to Liszt : "Kam would I learn If the ear may , through music , the colois dis cern. " Then Liszt struck clear fiom the highest keys Thn song of bright hkics the summer brefizo ; And Chopin cried out with keen delight : 'U sco soil azure and glbtoning white. " Then Liszt sinotu slowly the deep bass chords And summoned theshadowy trooping hordes Ot doubt and despair that icnd and pcfe The soul in dink homs. "Away with the blade , Awful vision I" cried Chopin. It passed ; And away from the bass Liszt's lingers Hew fast Then a witching , palpitant , brilliant strain , Which thrilled and kindled and thrilled agnin ; And Chopin cried quick as tlio melody sped : "Mine eyes lest on roses and cheeks tliat arc red. " And so by his wondrous , exquisite art Liszt touched , through both eciibes , the ono human heart , And showed as a rose might , transformed tea a bird , That sound can be seen and hues can be heard. STATE AND TEUUCTOItY. Nebraska Jottings. The Blair Canning company has pur chased the machinery lor its factory. B , & M. oncrincors nro Betting grade stakes north of Broken Bow , Ouster county. The now church of the 'Seventh Dny Adventists of Tekamah is gradually as cending. Dakota City distributed goods to the value of S3.500 among the poor of tlio town this winter. The latest figures on Mnthowson's de ficit places it nt $ ia,000 , Norfolk will forgive - give him if ho returns. Two railroad thugs enticed u lamb into Gothenburg last Wednesday , drugged him with liquor and robbed him or a watch and ? UO. The robbers escaped. Samuel Kline , of Fhittsiuouth , Is .suffer ing trom a painful hole in his shin. A pistol dropped out of his hip pocket and shortened his footstopf. Tlio live people of Oyloridgn ] will vote next Tuesday on the question of "blow ing hi1' $500 on a cemetery' Tlio doctors ant shouting for the plant. A Museutino capitalist with patent machinery , is negotiating1'with llio Fre mont board of trade to 'start ' u factory there , Ho is also negotiating with par ties in Lincoln. i Oliver Jackson , of' Knox county , a grandson of Andrew Jnckson , of demo cratic fame , marketed'a load of hogs at Creighton 11 few days 11 0 Hhat uvcrugud 123 pounds. , * Says the Tecumseh Republican : "Tho bccr-giizdlng , whisky-soaked , llannol- mouthed galoot , who said tlmt we wore in the linbit of working in the printing olllco on Sunday , is respectfully informed thai lie is a liar of the lirst water , " A Miylook in Brown county recently took a chatlol mortgage on u well , and now the debating boeieties nro wrestlin" with the question , "What will become ol llio hole in case of foreclosure and re moval of the well. " An nttorney in Hartington haa turned lee o on the beardless editor of llio Non pareil and hurled him inlo court on a charge of libel. The ethics of the profes sion and public opinion compels the al- tornoy lo prove that ho is "a man" at the expense of the editor. At Nebraska City the town cow is a sa- crrd animal. The othcir day she was in sulted by the stuclou while she was quietly E in the graveyard and rubbing nor old coat off onto the tombstones. The owner of the cow licked the nian-wlth- thc-spado and essayed to teach him a thing or two. K.I' . Saundora , of Brownsville , has had considerable experience in the newspa per line in Nebraska. Ho has had an in terest in and helped to start sixteen dif ferent papers in the state , but at last has bccomo weary of newspaper lite and is now spending his millions at u country villa near Urownsvillo. Judge Lucas , of McCook , treated him self to a hot bath ono day last week , and was splashing and scooting nronmi Wiion an explosion occurred. llio Judge sailed through a window In dishabille and landed in a snowdrift. The simplicity of his altlro attracted as much attention In the front row as n Hlack Crook show , but the bashful judge covered his naked * ness with a blush and ran for cover. At Atkinson , ono day last week , while Geo. W. I.usk was driving out In the country , ho heard a rumbling noise nt u distance , and after driving about a milo further ho came up to a spring resemb ling an artesian well more than anything else , out of which the water spouted at least two fcnt nbovo the surface of the cround , This spring is situated about twelve miles northeast of Atkinson , and Is quite a sight V. W. Rrldwoll , the York school tcache'r who eloped with Miss May Wellington , a pretty young gill , daughter of a farmer , was overhauled bv the authori ties in Denver last Saturday , The sheriff of York county hurried after the truants , and has doubtless returned with them cro this. Uridwell claims that no charge can be maintained against him , as ho has not married Miss Mayand his conduct toward hnrho likens to tliatof si loving brother. The romantld side of the pedagogue , however , is likely to receive a warm wel come from old Wellington's boots and his big son. _ loxvn Items. A largo opera house will bo built in Sioux City this year. Fort Madison is soon to have a new pottery establishment. Farmers in the vicinity of Paulina be gan seeding this week. The new $10,000 school house to bo built at Algona tills year will accommo date GOO pupils. Congressman Strublo has offered a re ward of $1,000 for the capture ) and con viction of the men who fired his liouso in Le Mars. George Foustor , the Carroll crook who induced his wife to forgo her father's name to sundry notes , which ho cashed , was captured near Manning las > t Friday. T. 12. Miller , an Ackloy saloonkeeper , was lined $000 on Tuesday for the illegal sale of liquors. In default of payment ho will bo imprisoned in the county Jail for 180 days. While on their way to n , wedding party near Wall Lake last week , Mr. and Mrs. Gnbul discovered that their little baby was dead , it had been wrapped up too closely and was smothered. A farmer of Sheridan township , Carroll county went hunting last week , his gun being ' 'loaded ' for b'ar. " Ho captured his gatno , however , and that evening ho had a new son-in-law , and an hour : later the son-in-law was a father. In the casn of W. 11. Whitsett against the Hook Island Railroad company , tried last week iu the district court at Osku- looaa , for damages iu tlio loss of a leg while in the company's employ , llio jury found a verdict for the plaintiff , and awarded him $8,000. Two "Bohemian oats" swindlers , named L. P. Walters and V , G. Tuttle , were ar rested at Chariton , and made to disgorge two notes for $100 and SlfiO each , given by John Funk and W. T. England. They were released on personal bonds of $1,000 each , and Skipped the country. Fourteen years ago Ijouis H"o | I'aullna jjcpoiitj , , a QU O 111 _ . . . , a.nd shortly afterward the cashier skipped , leaving the depositors out in the eold. Last week Mr. Iteseno was notified that payment was being made to old de positors and ho would receive what was duo him. On the 10th of March P. N. Baxter and Miss Sarah J. Gibson wc.'o married in Sioux City. Ono week after the bride filed a bill for divorce with the judge that tied the knot , charging her husband with fraud , obtaining money under false pre tenses and larceny of goods. VYtir fmts were sworn out for his arrest and put into the hands of Shcrilf McDonald , who as certained that Baxter had left the city , going ( iivect to Valentino , Neb. The telegraph was brought into use , and-ho was arrested there , and nn effort made to hold him until an olllcer from that city could get there. Dakota. A watch factory will be established at Grand Forks. rhoro nro only thirty-one families of Indians living on the Turtle Mountain reservation It is asserted that tlio Northwestern road will bring 70,000 immigrants into Southern Dakota this season. It is reported that Sitting Bull will not probably bo available for exhibition in llio cast again unless lie can bo em balmed. His age is not extreme , but his health is failing. One of the candidates for justice at the recent election at Carniigton announced that if elected ho would marry couples for $1 nnd wait for his pay till the liist child was born. Ho was elected. The extent to' which the loan business has been carried on in Dakota is indicat ed by the statement that in ono county the past few years 0,000 mortgages have been recorded , representing over S500.- 000. The Dcnth of Illnmnrclc. Detroit Free Press : "Mavbe you know my boy Shake ? " queried Mr. Dander as ho entered the Central station yesterday. "I think I have heard you speak of him , " replied the sergeant , "Shako vhus as sharp as a hoo. Ho Mibscribcd mil n shporting paper und knows all about ( rnmcs. Shake is goue again. " "What's the matter now ? " " \ hall , ti butcher eon my vhay ho puys himself a plauk bear a low days ago uiid puts him in a shed. Last full , after some thieves shteal my rihickons , 1 jiuys myself a bull-dog. His naino vhas Bismarck. Yobterday Shako says to niu : " Tndder , 1 like to take UUmarok out on a hunt , ' " 'Aln fair , vhas it ? ' " 'Only a Icodle vhays. I like to see ii ho knows wild game.1 "Dot feoomt , nil right to mo. sergeant , id 1 tells Shako logo along , In feotteon minutes I hear soouh awful howls und yells ash nefer vhas , und vhon I goes omit py dor pack vhay my hair slitands oop , Shako find put dot dog in mil dot boar. Ho says ho like to see if Bismarck knows n bear from u lion. " "Did hoy" ' ' 1 pclief ho did. Ho makes n shump for dot hear , nnd dot bear make a sliumi ) for him , und in ono minute Bismnivk vims dead. More ash feefty boys vhas aroiuult dot pen , und vlien I goes for Shake ) oaforybody runs avay , Sergeant * " "If i catcli Shako yesterday I doan' know vlmt I docs mlt him , I vhas so mudt , but last night 1 fools potter oafcr it , und if ho comes homo now I forgives him. If you sco him toll him elot. May bo ho likes to train our Bismarck to catch wild game , und ho doan' ' know about bears like an oldtman. " The Yale professors say that about May 15 Fnbry's comet will bo only 15.000.000 miles from the earth , nnd on Juno 1 Bar nard's will bo distant 85.000,000 miles. Both comets will appear in their greatest brilliancy about May 1 , and will be plain ly yiuible to the'naked eye. A. WESTEItN NKimASIlA. TOWN. Klmbnll , Gliojrcnno Count- . With n Splendid Iiocntton and Brilliant Prospects. KtUDALL , Neb. , March 20. [ Corres pondence of the Bur. . ] The year 1830 will see the greatest Immigration to all parts of western Nebraska over known In the history of the state. Hero in Cheyenne - onno county , wo are not lonesome for any lack In this direction , The Incoming tide of actual settlers is already well un der way. It Is estimated that 125 cars of emigrant movables have been received at the six railroad towns in the county , and thirty of them were unloaded at Ivimball. CIIP.YKNNK COUNTV. Cheyenne is tlio largest county In the state an appropriate tltlo now applied to it is , "the biggest and best. " It is 107 miles from east to west , and about seven ty miles wido. Eighteen miles from the south line and twenty-two miles from the west line , on the ( main line of the Union Pacific railway , is situated the town of KIM1IAI.L. It lias a beautiful location on the south slope of the valley of the Ledge Polo crook , a never falling mountain stream which flows through the countv from west to oast. Potter , eighteen miles east , is llio only other town in the county with in thirty-live miles of Ivimball. Cheyenne county will , without any doubt , bo di vided this fall into six counties , which will leave Kimball very near the center of a county about thirty-live miles square. Tills cannot fail to give our town tlio county seat of as suggested "Kimball" county. The country surrounding us Is of the beautiful rolling sort. It is an astonish ing fact , remarked upon by all now com ers , how little waste land there is within the boundaries of "Kimball" county. The soil is an excellent rich , black loam , deep enough in all places for agricultural purposes. In the Ledge Polo valley the soil is just sandy enough to raise tlio finest vegetables in the world. Kimball was platted one yoavjago. On Juno 20th , 1883 , the first store was opened by Randall fc Co. Now , the following business enterprises are in healthy opera tion hero : Shoofor Bros , carry the larg est slock of general merchandise and linvo an immense trade. They handle lumber , hardware and agricultural im plements on an extensive scale. Capital Invested in slock , building nnd magnifi cent residence , about § 00,000. C. A. Schooley has invested nearly $1,000 in bulldliigs.and . runs Hotel Martha. Randall & Co. carry a stooK of general merchandise. N. E. Gnsmann handles groceries , drugs , hardware and feed. Has a big trade. Menyes & Ynmayon are opening a mammoth lumber yard , and will build it und slock it at oneo , a complete furniture store. Goo. A. Hoag- lanel , your wholesale lumber dealer , has oponc l iv big yard Ijore , with Gustavo LI mi in charge. James M. Bourse , a re cent arrival , carries a good block of drugs. There are live land agents , fifteen carpenters at work , one doctor , meat market , shoo shop , jewelry store , eto. Ton buildings are in cousro of construction. Do/ens more to follow. Tlio Observer , published weekly , makes a public oiler to answer all innuiries fiee , and to send tlio paper'which publishes all the immigration news , to any ono three months for 25 cents. A Woni ) TO THE wisn. The final summing up is : Kimball is situated in the centre of over 3,000 miles of rich agricultural country , and is tlio only town in said agricultural country. This whole tracl is being rapidly settled by responsible and influential families Irom llio east. Kimball is the only railroad - road ccnh-o nn-l - trai - -poVnt for all these ' oplo. It will be a town of 1,000 inhabitants before January 1. 1887. If you want a free home or : i location for any ot the following business enterprises , actatonco : Flouring mill , canning fac tory , bank , hardware store , agricultural implements , barber shop , harness shop , livery barn , more stoics. Wo can sup port enterprises of all kinds. Woynn " lawyers , land agents , carpenters p.ncl men" of all legitimate trades Tiel vocations. Wholesale ( .tores coi''u just as well flour ish hero us not. Last year demonstrated bevo.ni1 successful contradiction tlio fact that the soil will raise as good or bettor crops of all kinds as in tiny other part of the state. The country is rapidly scttlintr , and Kimbull will bo llio town. PAHVINOK. Dr. Piorce'8 "Favorite Prescription" perfectly and permanently cures these diseases peculiar lo females. Itistouio and nervine , effectually allaying and cur ing those sickening sensations that affccl liic stomach aim heart , through rellox action. Tlio backache and "dragging- down" sensations all disappear under the strengthening effects of this { > reat restorative. By urtitrgislii. Lieutenant General "Phil" Sheridan is a domestic man , fond of his cbildiun , three bright little girls , with wtiom liu may frequently be seen walking on pleas ant afternoons in Washington. "Jjittlo Phil's" hair is quite gray and his inns- laehojs almost white , but ho wears a red necktie. Ho also wears a sack coat , u tall silk hat , carries his cano in his coat pocket with a jaunty air. and looks like tlio bravo beau pabrour that lie is. PSORIASIS And All Itoliliifj nntl Scaly Hkln und Sonlp Discnncs Cured by Cutluni-a. "PSOHIASIS , oo/oma , totlor , ringworm , llcliou , prillitiiR , scnHl lit-nil , inllk trust , < liuiuruir , binbors" , bnUtsis' , giouuis' uml wii liorMO-iiiiii' Itch , unu ovcrr itpuulos ol' Ittlilnif. burning , Bcnly. pimply humora or tlio skin and sculp \\lthloMioi lnilr , nro r ° iltlvtly unictl ly Cut 1 cnrntlio emit Bkln tu 0,11111 ! Ciitlunru an oxniilsltu Mtlilbpniilltlcr "Alcinnlly , nn 1 Cull' ( Mint llebolveinllio nuiv blood pinllliT tutor- niilly , vrlivn pliyslclnns mid ull olliui'iuiiiodiiw 1'uil. , 1'SOUIASIS , OlTsOALY SKIN. I , John J , Case , D. I ) . P. . Imvint ; tunollcrd clontUtry In this comity for tlilrty-llvu ) t > : tr. < unU buliiii uoll Unoivn tullioubUiKlB liocibouts : , ullli uvlcn' to liclpuny who lira nllllclo I utl liuvu been for tlio past IMulvo ycius , testify tlmt tlio ituinpdiot amid I'foriiih's , Uiitluum mo of or scaly bkln. In clslit duvs , nttur tlio dontoiti with lioiii I had coiibultud KIXVO mo no lioli | 01 en- couriwoaioMl. JOHN J. CASK , ! ) . U. 8 , Nun to u , N. J. Your Cntlcurn Kriin/nllcs pjilonnod tlorfnl rnio In-t tuinmcron onn ot UIII-CIIHIOIII 01-9 , nti old frcntlutiiiui of tovonty yoius ofniro wlio fuHVi-pil with u t'oiirl'iilly di lru-tlny criip tlon on tils hcHil an.l lace , und n ho had trio'U ul ruiutillos and doctots to no ptirposo J. K BsiiTii & Co. Toxiukntia , Ark. Jioui2 woxinciu-'Uh YJST. II. I' . Curpuntoi , lltiniloison , N. V. , on rod of psoriuslBor lopiosy.ol' tutnily jonrs' Hundliiir , by Cntlcuiii llnincillo-t. llio most ondfiliil cu iu on ircpnl. A iliibtpunlul of fccuhw U'll lioin him dally rhytitulaiii nnd Ills iilcnJb tliniifrhl ho inu t die. Cure t > noin to 1'Ofoion ' jiibllcn or Hi" poiieo und Jlondoison's ino t prouilnuutcItUouH , CUTICUUA HKBIKDJKS Arc sold liy nil diusrifista. 1'rlfo ; rutlcurn , M CIH.J Itosolvriil ; { 51,00 , Soap , * : , I'l-fjiaiul by tllO 1'uriKH UltlXl AMlCllKilJCAI. C . , JSuMOII Muss. Send for "How lo Cure Skin Diseases. " ' -l'll'V tlio complexion und &kln by the Cntiutiru bonp , OIIICU IN THK HACK , etltcbln tlioMilo , ururops , sliooltni ; mul tluitp imlns , iliuiiiinulu , luniriiig-lK , und t.ciiiiiu puliis , und c\fry oxlrrunl iiuliiunil uclio curort IT tl > Q Cullrnia Aiill-l'uln 1'lusior. % A no v nnd por- iniiuciil ami ptnlttt atitldolu to jiniii. ' 'ic. STRICTLY PURE. IT C02ITAKV8 NO OPIUM IN ANT rOHJt ff& sL/ / r ; : ' 25 26 CENTS CENTS for | Croup fdA IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 GENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE * 7 > RCEN I BOTTLES nro put P for the n < % < Jcommoituionot ( all who iloslro a BOO and low vi'luol Cough. ColdandCroupRemedy Tiiofi : iiKsntiNo x itnMKi > r ron CONSUMPTION ANT LUNG DISEASE , Should eccuro the Innro $1 bottles. Ulrootioa Bold by all Modiciuo Dealers. WHiTTI 017 HI. ClmrlosNcfit.LoutMo. . Aregnlirgrtduttaor two Wcdlcairollrtni , hatbetnlooftr enRiRfJ U IhtfpreltUrifttnifDlof CHKOMIC , Niavoui , Him ana luojn Diiii.ti tti n nr other rhrileliQ InBl. L uj. jolty papcri ihow tndall oldrciMtattVnotr. Nervous Prostration. Debility , MenUt and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Aflec- lions ot Throat. Skin or Bonci , Dlood Poisoning , old Sores and Ulcers , > r tr ua with tinpw.iui.i utowi , en Uteit lelrDtiac pflntlplei. B.rtlr. frltiletj. Olscasos Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , which rrojne , om rih follcF-lm eDccli i netiouiiicii ditillllt , Jlrant. , at llthk Mdiltritlltemoniorr , pimple , on tb hw , ph l ldecay , rrnlonlolh. i l < lor fcmilel , conrn U nt I0t. , , Hi. , rtndorlna Marriage Improper or unhappy , aia Illftrllri fnrrlopc , freeto anjr adJreil. ContultallcVatoN Be or If mill tree. Indlcd and ittlellr nOd nlUI. A Poslllvo Written Guarnntoo dnn in .T.I-JM. raMc cue. Wcaiclo lent crerjwbict bj mall or itrcaii. MARHIACE GUIDE , P ° . , I > AO3..yitiBl , . PLATIB . . . . , . elecant cloth in _ < J till - JIrj ir , kjrorCOo. iu pciut r urreoor. Ottr jj- derful | .D pteturci , true lo Illo | arllclti on lb fell lowing - contcnir.tnc nurrl n liouM rrid It T'pflar dlll . tame , paper coret , S3o. jtdJnti aabo P' . UUtllrr PAUL E , W FOUNTAIN PEN BEST IN THE WORLD. Warranted toulvosntUfno- tlon on uuy oilt mid Iu any hands. Price $ 2.50 JBTrickey&Co JEWELEtlB , Lincoln , Solo Whotcgnlo nscnts for Nolnaeku. SUPPLIED AT FACTOUY KATES. N. W. Tills U not a Stylo- grnph ponoll , but a first class iloxlblo gold pen of any do- sited Oneness of point. A FINE LINE OB -AT- WQODBRiOOE BROS' MUSIC HOUSE OMAHA NEBRASKA. 8ENTC.O. D. ONE UK MOKK AT tVHOI.KPAl.E 1'KICR. I PAT ill ciprcki clmrera to nil point * within 800 mlle . I , OH' cm rluuri to wlcct from , Brnil two cent ftampfor IllUKtrateucatalotfuu. Muntlon tlilfl pa- ) . L. Q , SPENCER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. ( Vhoio VITALITY Ii folllili. . llrain gXHAUKT UorJ'ower.J.'Mli. th . . . . . Lri > KIII Vl.U HI f - > > * ArtSpte.1 l.r . ill French I'hjiiolaiu juccwsfulfy IntroJilPixl liore. All w.alfiiifiirl drains | .romrtlr < ' "eikH. TKKA'iJijI\rMi \ iwperandinidloalenJor.etnont , .to.KJllli : . lion conic * or lir mall ) with * U mnliHiit iloctqr. C1VIAI.E A'JENCY. No. 174 Fulton Street , ( lew Ycth. Do you ivant n pure , bloomIng - Ing C'omjiloxkm I 11' so , a f'nv npnlicntions of lingua's MAGNOLIA 1JALM will grnt- il'y you to your heart's con tent. It docs mvay with Sal- loivncss , llcdnoss , 1'implcs , lilotclios , and all diseases and ImpoiTcctions of llio sljJn. it overcomes llio lliisliod ajipcar- nnco ol' lioat , laliyuo and ox- cltomnnl. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear Iiui TWJSN- TV ; and so nalaral. gradual , and peii'ect are its cflucLs. that ft is impossible to delect its application. \ I