Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1886, Image 3
THE OMAHA "DAILY BEE. MARCH 31. I8861 . . : sntitlicrn. , 8 < . .VK < rj.7. ' i Mlclilpnn soHsprlncwrtrnt , 83.70 W4.00 ; Ann-iicsota bakers' , $3.50ftH.rjO ; pat- tnt , H.OV 500 ; low crades , S2.00t3. < Kf. Wncnt Knrly wonk nnd ? ( , c lov cr , later btwino winktT , llicn nilvnnccil Jfc , ntlcrt easier , nnd rloicd 'tcboltcrUian ycstotdny ; 7V@7Po ( ; for cash ! 70&c ' forMnrcli ; ' Oo'm-Wcnkrr rntlv , declined > V < % Ixo-imc steadier ! RIHf'W' . ' c f r cash ; ® Mc for Jlnrch ; rAj ( t3 < c for May. Oats-Ilulrd steady within yesterday's ' ranpo ; C0 > ic for cash ; 27c for ilnrchi Mjfc for Slny. R > r-Qupt | at M ( fi.VJJ < c. llarlcy-Diill at TXc. ) Tltnotliy-I'rltiiP , S1.70Q1.78. Klnx cwl-No. 1 , Sl.OTJi. WlilBky-Sl.H. otk-Actlu'lmt IrrcRiilar : oppncd < ilcadlcr , ndvnnccd fi ( ' 7J < > ' I7' < ( a0c , Ini- inovcd ( rflOc , and riilfd slcail ' for cn n8'J. ; ! .i i . .r- > < nu.i7i < lor Jlnv. Iai71 Kaslcr ; dcrllncil tJK 'c , but closed stcadr : > .Wd < > .M\4 \ for cash nnd March ; $ ( 2r > . ( i7H for May. Unlit Ments-fliiiMldci" . S .r.5 ? ? .00 : short clpar , S'l.iJV'M.-lO ; shoit rlbsS5.l7'LW.0. ' . ( Hulter Finn ; pooil to r.xlm ctoiiincry.'JOQ 31r ; Kood to line ilnliy. 10 > ffd'JOc. Clipcse Stwilv nnd stioiiu' ; full ereatn clic'dni ' , 10f , 10ct ; Hats , Young Kuirs . JlfdcA-unclinnccil ; crcen , CJfe : heavy rri'un sailed , 7Uo ; li lit , 8J4e : dninijcd : , flUc ; bull hides. cc : diy Raited , l c ; dry Hint , l auc ; cairaldns , itxaiuc Tallow UticliatiKcd ; No. 1 country , } < c KecelnK Slniniipnt" . Klotir.bbh . 11,000 12,000 . 2looo 29.000 Coin.uu . fcl , ( KW ( ) at .bu . .8,000 Kyibn . r. . . . n,000 4.0W ) Uarlev.bu . 44.000 SS.OUO Now York. March -Wheat TJepclptfi , 28,000 ; exports , none ; spot steady ; options opened \\ctk biitclnsed lit in ; un radwl led , ; ro. a rod , c In stoic , ce Mny closlnir . Corn hewer , spot steady ; receliiti , rfl.OOO ; expoits , ai,000 ; nncraile.f , W&tfWo ; No. ! 1 , 4Sc ; No. S , 4\$4ltfc ( \ In eluvator , 47J.ftiJ4Sc ; Mny closing at 47J c. Oats-lUcelpts , 42,000 ; export ? , none : mixed estuin , SO Hlc ; white western , IK ) , ' . Petroleum Sleady ; milted cloird nt 7tM'c. KKKs-ljulet but steady ; lecelpts , 7,200 packS - S ; \\eHlern , 1'J i'c. Laid Aclhou ; < ; lcrii stcani , spot , 50.20 Hultcr-Kit m and In coed demand ; vest- cm. l.V'OK'c : Klgln cieamery , .T.t@ : ! * > c. Cheese I'll inpslcin ; , M@W,4e. iio. March ao. Wheat E\ tremely dull ; lutuiesiu'slected ; No. 1 haul , rash and Apill , 85c ; May , b < 5c ; .June. S7'4'c ; No. 1 northern , cash atulAprll , 7UJ c ; May , c ; Jiini' , 8lfc. lonr-Qniet , patents , 54.C54t5j bakers' , Ifecelpts-Wlieat , 23,000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 11,000 bu ; Hour. 18,000 bbls. Cincinnati , March yo. Wheat Barely steady ; No. 2 ted , 8Sc. Corn Knsy ; No. 2 mixed , B7c. Oats Shailo III iner ; No. 2 mixed. Sic. Uyo Finn : No. 3 , Grx G7c. Ha > ley Fair deniand. Pork-Dull and lower at S10.75. Lard-Weak nt S5.CO. Whisky-Quiet at SUO. Milwaukee , Mnich 80. Wheat Higher ; cash , 7UUc ; Mav , Nlc : Juno , & } { c. Corn Dull ; No. 2 , HOJ c. Oats Steadv : No. 2 , JHKc. Kvc-QuleU'No. 1. 02c. Harlny Finn r ; No. 2 , We. Piovislons Lo\\er : niebS pork , cash and JInicll , tl.t ) ; May , 5:0.30. Now Orleans , March 80. Mnrkcls Un changed. Oats Steady at f Poik-Dull laid-S5.75. Hulk Meats Shoulders , S.1.5 ! ) ; long clear. S5.i7J : ; clear ribs , 5S.87Jg5.4eJ ( Toledo , MaichOO. Wheat Strong ; cash Corn sfoady : cash , Oats-httelebs Ijlvcrpool , March . " 0. Wheat In fair do- iiiiMiil : new No , 2 winter , dull nt 7syMd : 'Floitr Poo'r demand : biiiaiiy TitSs 2T. ; Coin In lair demand ; spot , dull nt 4s yd ; March , linn at 4s 2 > fd ; Apul and May , steady at 4s 2d. Kansas City. March 80. Wheat Weak er : cash , one bid , 07c asked. Corn Weak ; cash , ' 7Kc. Oals Cash , 28 > fc asked. St. IjouiH. Maich : ,0. Wheat Firm and hiirher ; No. 2 icd. cash , B8c ; May , 8 ! > Ke. Corn l-'iun ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , y4e ; May , . OatK Steady ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , COe ; Jlny , SOHc bid. live Easy nt COc. Whisky-Finn at S1.10. 1'oik Slcady atSlO.'O. Lard-Steady nt S5.87K. Butter Finn ; cicainery , 27(232c ( ; dairy , 18 . D Ai'TnitNOON BoAitn Wheat Finn nnd X di > % c higher. Corn Unchanged. Oats ) ie lower. UVE STOOIC. Chicago , March W ) . The Drovers' Journal rciious : Catllu Itecelpts , 5,000 ; active nnilstraav ; shipments , nouo ; shliiplnKcatllo , 554.15@5.CO ; Hlockcis nntl fucdei.s , S'J.OO@S.CO ; Texans , S4.OX2-l.50. lings Kccelptfl , 15.000 ; sleady and 5 ( lOc hljrhcr ; packliif : nnd Rhlpplni ; , S4.15@-1.-10 ; llgk und skips , $4.80 4.40. Sheen Keceipts , 4,000 ; ncllvo nnd steady ; natives , S4.i7 : ( < ? 5.N > ; lambs , S5.85J.12W. KaiiHasGity , Maich 'M. Caltlo Hccei pis , 1,200 : hlilpinenls , 200 ; maiket steady ; buleli- crs btroni : nnd n shade lilghci ; choice to Jnncy , S.r.0. ' > Q5.fiO : lair to good , S4.00@5.00. Hogs Itrcolrits , 15.000 ; slilniuciits , 200 ; iniuket strongnnd asunde higher ; good to choice , SIU5. < < ! 4.00. St. ixmlM , March 30. Cattle Uecclpts , 140Hlilpinents , none. Jlogs Kecelpls , liOO : ; shipments , none. OJUAHA ItlVK SXOOU. Tuesday Evening. March 30. As compared with a week ago the rn- culjits show a wllght decrease In Iho number of hogs and a oorrespomllnn Increase In eal tlo. The week thus far shows an IncreabD over the haino thnu last week ot 'OU hogs and 200 cattle with a loss of 100 sheep. 'llieraltla market was unusually active to day nnd fiesh receipts of good cattle rapidly chanced hands. The dressed beef buyeis weio anxious to pick up as many loads of choice corn-fed catllo as they could. Choleo fat COWH and heifer : ) nio In good de mand , Tjio Quotations for the day am : choice to extra steeis , averaging 1,400 lo 1,500 pounds , S4.00CTS4.75 ; fair to good , 1.200 to ] , ; 'M pounds , e-i.20tfS4.50 ; medium , 1,10) to T 1,200 pounds. si.K : > ( gl.lO ; choice fat cows and heifer , : < ! | Si.GO : ; inediiim cow ? , Si75 ( < ? : i.l5 : choice to extra stags and bulls , S2.40 & , ' . ( 0. Thin Btuir Is haul to sell , whilnall good stock Is In good demand. Kvcrylhlng nn the nmikct was sold and tbo yards \\oro clear when Iho market closed. Iteeelpls of sheep \\euilkht and the mar- lci inilet , good giades selling Iroin . The hog market opened qulel and steady. The lueak In Iho poi k mat Kel yo-li'nliy ; has caused a depressed teehng among buyeis , but them was no chnngo In prices from ye.sler- day. Later In tint day Ihciu was nuiio Illu In the market and sales vt cio made at stionger pi Ices. Ketoro the maiket rloMHl Iho ) > ens weiu all cleared , evrylhlng being i-old. Tlio niiiikct closed about 50 higher , Uno load hold as high as ! UO , bul It was an oxtni rholce load nnd v , as soiled. Coed assorted light und medium weights aio In good demand - mand , Ciiotcu shipping ; lots In fair demand , whlln common , rou 'h and sklppy btuif is nlniust nnsalalile. Thu quotations aio : HUCIUITS. llnirs POO t.'attlo. , , . 400 ISHIUIKSKNTATIVK 8AI.KS. COW8. r- nee . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1H..2I5 83.iO ? 3 S l S-T.75 3 .24.1 3. < 50 75 195 .T.SO 10 IVW 3.05 37..200 3.80 10 BOS H.70 00 174 3.SO 72 214 3.7J C3 223 3.SO 41 , . . . . . .277 3.7ri 70 211 3.80 (51 ( SIS 3.15 CS 2:51 : 3.00 C8 U30 3.75 51 225 3.W Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 7 . 115 S .2.- 7 . 177 $3.40 J1IOHKST AND UNVrjST. Showing the lileliest and lowest prices paid on this market for mixed packing boss dur- Intr ttio t > astsc\en days and forthucorru- spondlngpcrjqit niotith. " 1'cbruary. farcn Tuesday S3.75 03.00 Wednesday. . . 8.70 M4JOO 'I'liutsday , . . . , : ) .GO Friday . Saturday 3.X ( ) Monday 3.70 ( n.f , TiinMlay. . . . . . 3.fX ) 3.10 All sales of block In ( his maikcl are made per c\\t. live weight unless stated. Dead hoes j-ell nt Ic per Ib for all weights. "Skins , " or hops wclghlnc less than 100 HH , noaluo. . Pie nant sows aic doclicd 40 Ibs nnd tlans bO Ibs. Notes. Kvprj thing sold. Jloi ; pens cleared. Cattlu oo to lOc higher. Cattle- market booming. Hog market Cc stronger. W. ,1. Harmon was hcie with 57 cattle. The packers are anxious for fat entile. The ealtlo maiket has an upward tendency. 0. T. Ward , Rising , marketed a load of lloir.s. Tlncocnis of cattle shipped nnd two cars of hoes. L. A. Powell , Grand Island , marketed a load of 72 liogs. Georco Hoctel , Mltlard , was hero and sold JW head of cattle. KcliuutM . , Albion , had another load ol' hogs on to-day's maiket. A. W. Ueahn , a well known shipper , of Cottl.uul , was at the yards. Lovl Itider , P. Fa > ; an and Frank IlnsktiiP , of Logan , \NCIC liciollh cattle. Charlie ( lothain , the genial stock agent of tliu liock Island , Is at the yaids again. C. C. Clifton , of Wahoo , was at the yaids and nmikclcd a load of cattle and 78 hogs. W. Hays , of Valparaiso , catno in with a load of hogs which he sold on the market. .lolin KnobloeauiQ In with a car ol' cattle and n car of hogs which ho sold on the market. Mr. Going , of ICceno & ftolnp , Fremont , was at the \rnds and bold a load of hoes nt the top pi Ice. 1) . A. Parklunst , of Paikhurst & Wells Scotia , came In to day with S cars ot cattle and the bainc number of hogs. Mr. Emcrlnoof Jones , & Kmciinc , Council IJlulTs , wan at the yaids to-day with a load of cattle , which sold at teims very satibfactoiy to thalr owners. Chicago cattle men are discnsslne the ad- vKability ol makinn Satuiday a holiday. As a iiilo Ihe iccehils of ealtlo are very light on Snliuday , and In anticipation of this buyers Kuncinlly 1111 their orders lor tbe u'ek by the close of Friday. OJIAIJ.V IVHOIjESAljE MAUHKTS Gcncrnl Slnrkcts , Tuesday \enlns , March SO. Eoos The lecclpts are liberal and the maiket Inirly nctivo. A few hliiKlocabu lot-s went nshlgli-nslOc to-day but the bulk of sales were made nt 9Kc. UiHTKii There is n strong demand for choice grades ot butter but there is very lit- tlecomlnir in. The poor nnd inferior grades do not sell leadily. Choice lolls aiu quoted nt 10@18e ; fair to good , 10 ( < $12c : intdiior , 4M ( > c : creamery , ixaroe. Only the \ery choicest grades will hilng top prices. 6111:1:91 : : Fancy full cream Cheddars. Octo ber make. llj c : llats , l2U'c ; young America , Ho ; lust quality Swiss cheese , Ific ; second quality , 13@Uc ; Llmburger , ll812e ( ! ; skim llats D.glOc. ( . POUI.TIIV The receipts of diesced poultry are very light while there is a laiily good do- . , " ' ' " 'dressed chickens aio quoted lllfllKl. _ . VJM-'IO > - ' - . ! at .t@10c. The season Tor mm - * . , . finkovq . ' U passinl , however , cliolce stock will sell in n small way at n@12c. Gct't > o nnd ducks . GAME The demand for ducks was better to-day , nnd tiesh lecelpts bold at slightly higher prices. Prlees for the most part are nominal. Praliieecldckens. per doz. 2.M ) ; quail , per doz. S1.3Ti@I.60 ; snipe' ' , . ; lack rabbits , per do& S'i.r > ( ) @ 15.00 : "niallaid iducks. S2.00 ; teal ducks. Sl 1 ! ; lulled duckp. 81.00(31.50 ( ; small rab- bils. 7n@.oc : Reese , S3.00i3.r ( > o 1'iiKSKiivES , Jnr.iii : , KTC. Preserves , all kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOo ; do In pail lols , per lb. U c : a oi ted 5-lb. palls per crate , ( > palls , 83.15. .tellies , all kinds , fust grade , 20-lb. pulls , per lb. 8c ; assotted , Jinil giade , 5-lb , palls , per crate , 0 palls , 82.50 : do , 1-lb. palls , per case , 2 doz. 52.25 : do , tumb lers , per CIIM > , 2 doz. , S1.40. Jelly , all kinds , second tirade , 30-lb. pails , per lb. Oc. MInce meat , best giadoi \ bbl. per lb. 7c ; do , 18 , andCS-lb. 2-lb. do. Mb SH - palls , per - 7J c ; palls , per crate. OpaiN , S3.75. Apple butlo- extra line , # bbl. per lb , 7c ; do 40-lb pal ? per lb , 7Kc : do , 5-lb palls , per cralo , C pals 82.75. Pe.icli and plum butler , 40-lb pa Us , e lb , OJ4e ; peach plum n nd nulnco butter , sorted , fill ) pit Is , par cr.ito , 0 palls , S3. hoisc ladlsh. pint hollies , per doz fcl.50. Pins' FIKT. : TIIII-K , ETC l-igs' teet , perfcf bbl , S4.75 ; do , } { bbl. 82.40 ; do. per kit , UOc , I niubs' tongues , per K bbl , $3.50 ; do , i > er kit , 82.75 ; do , quart jars per doz , 85.50 ; do , pint jais per casi2 do87.00. . Tripe , per \i \ bbl , S4.75 ; do , per tfbbl , 82.40 ; do , per kit , We. We.SAURR SAURR KKAUT Hcst quality , 45 pal bbl , $7.50 ; SO pal bbl. S0.50 ; 15 iral bbl. 83.75. NUTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans , medium , Ue ; English walnutfl , He ; aliuonda , Tarragona , 20c ; do , Langucdoc , 17c ; Hiazlis , I2c ; ( ilbcits , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , lancy Virginia Scdo ; , lonsted. lOc. COMB IloNKV California 310 frame tM ) Ibs , In case perlb. , IS ? ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska. . CiDEit Michlcan rcUned , per bbl , § 0.50 ; do. half bbl. . 4.00. ViNuaAU Wlilto wine , ICc ; cider , 12 c. CoroA.v UTS At SUJO&5.00. NEW 1'ias , IATKS. ETC. Layer figs , 5 and 8-lb boxes , per Ib , lfii ( 17c ; Prunelle.s , 25-lb boxes , per Ib , Ibc , Dates , ' fnney Kard , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , 14e ; do , fancy Persian , 60-Jb boxes , per Ib. 10.3110 . ; Cnlltoiniu black ligs , 10 . UANANAS Fresh stock has arrived and the mtiiket Is well supplied. Thity are quoted nt 8-.50Q4.00 per bunch , accoidfnx to sl/.e. sl.e.LKMONS Kanc.y Messina and Palermo , per box. S5.iOdo. ( : cholcoIe ina and Palermo , per box. S > .00do. ; per 5 box lot , 84.UO4.75. California lemons , $3.75 per box. , Per 100 , S4.50 ; less than 100 , OiiANfius-Choice Los Anpcies , per box , S2.75 : do.S-box lols , perboxS2.CO ; do , 10-box lols , 82.50 ; fancy Riverside , S3.75 ; do , 5-box lots. 83.50 : Navels. S5.00. CiiANiiKiiuiis : Choice Jersey. Bell * and Huule , per bbl , SO.OO : bush box. & 2.00. OvbTiai * Now York counts , 45o : extra selects. 40C- selects , 35c ; stmularuR SOc ; mediums. 25c. I'r.oviiioNs Ham , OKc ; breakfast bacon , 8J c ; clear sldo bacon , 7Kc ; dry salted aides , 6 > ie ; shoit lib sides , GKC ; shoulders. 6Wo : - ' - " " " - - bbl ; diiedbeef , pieees , 12c ; laid , tluiees , OH'C ; 50 Ib cans , 7c ; 10 Ib cans ( Falibanks ) , 7i e ; 5 Ib cans , do , 7Ve ; ; 3 Ib cans , do. , 7 } < o ; boneless ham , lOc. . . . . .ES Cabbairc. 200 lb cnites , 3 ( . . ; caul I ( lower , 5X50 per doz ; gus , 15o per lbcelery ; , liiant , S1.50 ierdo * ; seot potntocs , Joisuys , 4c per lb : iiitabagas , SJ.25 per bbl ; pieplant , 15c per lbradl&hes : , fiOu ) > er do/iieen ; ; onions , sOcper iloz. Ai'1' New York Baldwins , S2.50 ffiii.OO ; Missouri Gciiltons , per bbl. , S2.40 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.25 : do. 10-lb lots 82.00MItoiiri ; WlllowTwiKS.Hen Davis , etc , S2.75 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 52.50 : do. 10-bbl lots , S2.40 ; Mlchltan Haldwins , S > . &OC < t2.75. PoTA'iwiih Judging Iroin tliu number of inquliies made by potalou shippers , tlicro must boa lariro stock of potatoes in the coun try. As HOOII ! . the roads bi'como so that farmers can bring them In , heavy shipments may IKS looked lor. and lower prices are anticipated. Picsont quotations ate : Kxtra choice Nebraska and lo\va , .VXiiOOc ; fair to good , 40@.W ; Salt J.ake potatoes , per bu , 75p. O.MONb Choice Ohio yellow , per bbl , 83.50 , HEANS The mnrket Is very dull. Hand ctcKcd navy , 1.7.1 , hand-picked medium. Sl.W al.75 : teed clean couutrv. Sl.'iS ; Inferior. 75ca.oo ( ; CullfoinU pc-a beans , Sl.b5 ; CUiforuialiav'beans , Sl.S5fa2.)0. ( ) tillAbS SKUDb CIoMT. GO 11)3. ) tO bUbllt-1 , choice led. 87.&OftS.OO ; Wliitti Dutch , SS.f ' " " - 10.50 ; Alfal Mammoth , Ibs. to bush. _ . . to bubh. , Kentucky extra clean , Rtd Top , bS ; Oichaid Urass , German Millet. .TO Hw. pet bush. , S1.00@1.25 ; llunitarian , 43 Ibs. per bush. , SLlOflM.Oi ; Kn- cllsli Blue or Rye Grass , 14 Ibs. per bush , N Elevator prices for cpr lots : Corn , 20'4c : oals , 2c ; wheat , MJ < c ; , 45c : bar ley , 4 ! < c. On the street * and at the mllN : Corn , aac : oats , a-Vgasc wheat , No. a , GOc ; rye , 45@jOc. fi.oun nnd MIM-STUFFS Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , 83.00(33.10 ( ; second quality , Si.50'J.OO ; best quality spring wheat flour , patent , S3.50@3.75 : buckwheat flour. In barrel ? , 85.75 ; ready ral ed 31b paoK- tiRCs , 84.00 ; 0 lb packages , 83.W ) ; bran. 55c per cwt : chopped leed. 7lo ) per cwt ; whllo corn meal , We ; yellow corn meal , TOcpcrcwt. fcieenlntr , COcper cwt ; hominy , Sl.Muer ) cwt ; shorts , GOc uer cwt : eraham , SI.75 per cwt , liav. In bales. SC..OOC7.0Q uer ton. Hums Ut con butchers,0c : crecn cured. 7fcJdry flint , U(3i3c ( : dry salt , Oiwioc : dam aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow He. Grease , pilmo while. 3p ; ; yellow. 3c ; brown. CJ c Sheen Polls 25M7.XS Kt'iis AND SKINS Mink. each. 10 ( < MOc ; muskrat , winter. 2tffc" > c : do. kit1 * , lc ; Otter , S2.50fflo.00 ; skunk , short striped , IRGfcBc : do. broad striped. 10@15 ; badger. 25@50 ; HM coon. No. 1 large , -tOQ'O : do. No. 2. 20frt30 ; do. No. 3 , 10ir i5c : wolf uralrin 604&7V ; : do. mountain , fc'i.oo < Jl3.oo ; wildcal. 16 ® 10 ; bea ver , Sl.50ft2.50 perlb ; fox. each. 4U.1.75 : dterskln : . drv winter , I1 ( * 13o per lb ; do. fall nnil summer , l."Ktc.antelope. : : . 5 ( < fl0.j per h IjKATiir.n Nn. 1 rittsbuig harness. , ) . C. } j. A ; lions , .IGu ; No. 1 Pittsburg , K. & 8.3fc : No. 1 Ince leather , OTjc ; prime slaughter solo leather , S3 attic : prlmo oak solo leathers , 30@ SDc. Upper leather , per fool , 20 iMa'j hem. llp ; , 7fit ( ! > 5c : oak kip , 85@r ! > o : Frennh kip , Sl.oJfZil.W ; hoiu. calf , Sl.ixwi.lO ; oak calf , 81.0001.35 ; Ficnchcalf , SlAX LSj ; Morocco boqt leg , : ! 0S3Jc ( ; Moiocco oil pebble , 28W33 ( topplncs and llnlims , SO.00@lO.oa per dee ! COAL Antlirncltu Bnilc.S8.25 ; ogir , 83.35 ; lance , SSW ; cliu"tniit. SS.50 ; lnwa.SU.50 ; Walnut block , 83.75 ; Illinois , 85.00 ; Missouri , S4.00. > HKAVV HAitnwAiti : Iron , rates , 82.33 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ; ' persct , telloes , axles. \ < t\iif i'Uf o'lntn * miiO | | 'ti jj * iv"ri * | COll chain , per lb , 05l2c ( : iimlleabK 0 < iSc : Iron wrdgcs , ( ic : crow-liars Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ! spring sleel , 7@Sc ; Uuiden'.s hor. oshoc , SI.40 : Hurden's inulo shoes , 85.10. Haibcd Who , In car lols , 84.00 per 103 Ibs. Iron Nails , latos , 10 to 00. 83,00. Shot Sl.M ) : buckshot , SI.85 : oriental powder , kegs , $8,50 (3-1.00 ( ; do , half kegs , 82.00 ; do , quarter kegs , 81.50 ; blasllng , kegs , 53.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet , 50i\ Lead Har , 81.05. DKY PAINTS Whllo lead , Sc : Ficnchzlnc , 12c ; Paris whiting , 3Mc : whiting gilders , l4'uvlilttng ; , com'I. fjfc ; lampblack , Her- mantowii , 12c ; lamiblack ] , culinary , 8c ; Prussian blue , B5p ; ultramailnc , ISc : vandyke - dyke , blown , Sc ; umber , burnt-lc ; umber , ia\v , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw. 4c ; Pails preen , genuine , 23o ; Paris pieen , com mon , 20c ; cliiomo green , N. 1' . , 20e ; chromo piecn , K , 12c ; vrimillion , Kugllsli , In oil dOc ; law and burnt umber , 1 lb. cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 1'Jc ' ; Vandyke , brown , ISc ; lelincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , ICc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultranmilnu blue , 18c : chromo green , L. , M. & D. , ICu ; blind nnd shutter gieon , Jj. , M. it D. , Hie ; Paris gieen , lUc ; Indian icd , 15c ; Venetian icd , Oc ; Tuscan , 2Jc ; American veimillion , I. . & D. , 20c ; yellow ochie , i'c ' ; L. M. tk O. D. , ISc ; golden ochre , Kic ; patent dryer , He ; graining colors , lleht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh , We etcen seal , 12e ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; French zinc , 75c ; vermllllon , Ameilca , Itfc ; Indian red. lOc ; iosonlnk,14o ; Venetian , red , Cook- son's , a e ; Venetian , red , Amciicnn , lic ! ; led lead , 7J < c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , lochclle 3c , ; ochre , I'lench ' , 2J e ; ochie , Ameiiean , 2o ; Winter's mineral , 2He ; Lehlgh brown , 2J c ; Sjianlsh brown , 2 > e ; Prince's mineral , 3c. Duuos AND Cnr.MicAi.s Acid , caibolle , 30c ; acid , tartaiic , 63e ; balsam copaiba , per Hi , 50c ; bark , sasvittas , per lb , 12c : calomel , per lb , Tic ; chinchonidia , per oz , 40c ; chloro- inrin , per lb , GOc ; Doveis powders , per It ) , 81.2,5 ; epsom salts , perlb , 3kc ; glycerine , pure , per lb. ISc ; lead , ncetato , per II ) , 20c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per pal. , 81.00 ; oil , castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil. origanum , 50c ; opium. § 3.75 ; mil- nine , P. & W. , nnd K. & S. , per oz , 85e ; po tassium iodide , per lb , ? ; ! .00 ; snlictn , per oz , 40c ; sulphate morphine , per oz , S2.SO ; sul phur , per lb. 24c : strychnine , per o$1.40. . _ caibou , per gallon. lOc : 150 ° hcadl'ightrrcrgallon , u J ! ? ' ' hondllcht , per pal , I5c : 150W water white. Uc ; Ilnsceir , . .di per pallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 47c : lard , winter str'd , per pallon. OOc ; No. 1 , 40c : No. 3. 4Ge ; castor XXX , per gallon , 81.55 ; No. 3 , 81.44 ; sweet , per itallon , 81.00 ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , 81.00 ; lish , W. B. . per gallon , G5c ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 70c ; No. 1. GSc : lubricating , zero , per gallon , No. 1 summer. 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , SOc ; No. 2. 25c ; sperm , signal , per pallon , 75c : tin pentine , per gallon , 57c ; gaso lene , per gallon , He VAHNISIIUS Uarrels , per gallon : i'urnl- turo , extra , S1.10 ; fiuniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ; coach , extra , 81.40 ; coacii , No. 1 , 81.20 ; D.unar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asplmltuin extra , Me ; s'hcllac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsli , Si'iiiiTS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.12 ; do 101 proof , 81.13 ; BpirltH , second quality , 101 proof , 51.12 ; do , IbS pioof , $1.11. Alco hol , 188 proof , & 2.10 per wino gallon. Redis tilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended , S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky oonrbons , 82.00MO.OO ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 83.00(30.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.50@3.00. Brandies , imported , S5.00@8.50 ; domestic. Sl. : @ 3.00. Gins Impoitcd , 84.50 0.X ( > ; domestic. S1.25@.1.00. Rums , Im ported , S4.50@8.00 ; Now England. S1.75@2.00 ; domestic , Sl.'i' > ( S3.00. Champagnes , Import ed , per case. 82300@31.00 ; Ameiiean , per case , 810.00 10.00. risri. nr.uniNGfl. . | I 'sH'f ; fli Q'r Ilbls I > 13 Kta mew TlBtt | KOO 100 80 | 60 40 12 10 MACKP.KKU. HblsJlIftlf . risn. SOU I 100 DO W 40 , ot nionterMc88 35 00 18 03,10 , . ' ) 0 ffi 7 00 1 95 EZ.NO. ISh'r SI 0012 00" 30 0 30 5 10 1 - No. IShore 1 00. 0 50 BJ 4 bO'a VO 1 10 Hed. No. 1 Shore. , . 13 ( XI 7 00 0 35'i ' ; M'i ' 95 ! 85 " " Uav 11 00 5 CO 6 45 3 05 3 60 75 Faniilj 000 500 4 5T > U W i 10 5 Fat 7 UP 4 UP 70 | 65 ( JIKR FISH. ' ' * NEW FIBIL - No. 1 White Fibh 7 00,0 , BO 3 10 1 1)41 ) Karallr s wa is1 : : ( is i TO ! 02 No. 1 Trout. . , 4 60,4 OJ a M 2 10 T4 No. 1 Pickerel 4 00a C0,3 Mil OJJ C8 VJCKl.Kl ) BAI.UON. SMOKED Fisn Halibut , now , extra tlnk , 10 } o ; soiled heiitnBs,5 25e ; salmon , Uc ; BiuoUed sturgeon. 17e ; liniian haiidlt1 , he. Su.vnuiES ImporU'd Holland horrlnsis , ki'irs , b5c ; Husslaa sardines. 45o ; Ancho vies m class. Oio Hull brana. er no . . S 1.00 ; spiced HamburK herrluus , skins and heads off , uer pall , Sl.oo. ! UrilUTEl > FIHII. WTI Ilbls lilt Ilbls O'r kits NEW FISH. llhls.rnlla or M ) 100 'JO 40 15 13 10 Nonvoirlan , KKK Hor'lnffs 13 W 505 K ) 3 003 70 02 81 NoiwcKi.ui KK 11 OO'fl no 5 45'3 ' U'la 0 Ml 75 s iu'4 ' 5U 4 ou2 | ; n 1 asi CoTTiFiSH l.arzo ( t , H , whole cod , icT C. AsT. , ( icorges chunks , 7c ; clover leaf , Heorges strlns , OKo ; l lb rolls , 5 lb boxes , PKc ; prairie ( lower 21b brlck.O c. Grooora * liUt. Svitur No. 70. a-Sc , bbls : No. 70 , 4-zallon kegs. 81.0.1 ; New Orleans ! M@4.o per gallon ; Maple bvnip , X barrel , strictly pure , 70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , SU.25pcr doz ; } i gallon cans , SViiperdoz ; auartcans 3.00. PICKI.IS Medium , in bbls. fctUW ; do In half bbls , S3.50 ; biimll. in bbls , 87.00 ; do in half bbU. S4.00 ; Kherklns , In bbls , S8.00 ; do. in half bks. 84.50. cas > o. i. . vaspbenles/J-lb , per . . _ years , per ease , § 5fiO , ; apricots , per case , S4.00 ; peaehcB , per ca-.e , 84.75 ; white cherries , per case , S5.1X ) ; plums , per case , S4.00 ; whor- tleberrles , i > er case , SA40 ; CKK plums , 2-lb , percase. $2.50 ; green gaiies , 2-lb , per case , S'.r.0i plheaimliw , 2-lb , i > er case,53.205.50. Sr-vucii illrror gloas , 1 lb , 6c ; Mirror glois , 3 lb S.KU. Minor floss. C Ib , O 'c ; Uravus , ' com , 1 Itv 0 > ic ; Klu rsford' coru , llbjcj Klnftsford'sRloss.J lb , Tc ; f Ib , 7 ! c ! Khiestord' * pure , n ] b , forrt's bulk , 4c. * ' Pi.t'nTOBACCO . . . Climax,42eperlb ; Horse- shof , JWc ; Star.iflOo ; Hpcarheid , 89o ; Gold lloll , S9c : Piper llcldwk. COo ; Punch , 3c ; Voung Fritz. 'Kcr.ITtf , 3x\ In , . dairy , S-MXKS2.7.V Sonx J nib paper ? ' , 33.23 a case ; satsoda , ketf , l > or Jb , Mo. luiii : > KIIUITS No. 1 quarter applet'4c ; ovauorntcd boxes , 8 < H'Jc ; blackberries , boxes prunes , ncvr , SiiOAin Powdered , ilfc : cut loaf , 7jfc ; irranulntcd , O jc ? confectioners' A , 0 fc ; standard extra ( . ' , 0 ? p ; cxtia C. o4'c ; ; medium yellow , oc ; > cwjrlfans. ( CJi'GiCc. MATCIII : ? 1'cr caddlo , : i ? > c : round , per case. 40c ; square case , 31.70 ; iiiulo square , SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial. S2.03 : Khk'a satinet. 53.15 $ Kirk's standard , S5. ! " o ; Kirk's whllo Uusslan. S4.n : ; Kirk's While f aiiey gieen nt I yellow , lUKOifUkcfoTd cov- crnment Java , -iK irtc ; intvrlor .Java , WjtffiJ ) aic ; Mocha , lJJ(5')4c ( : Arhuckio's ioa tL-d , ii : 'io ; AIoLatmhlin's XXXX roasted , itl c ; Dflwoith'fjj 18' ' c ; Hed Cross lfc. ! . CANni.ns IJoxos , 40 lb , os , lie : Ss , He ; boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , lie ; half box , 201b , Si'icns ( li-onnil Black pepper , boxes , IS ( .Hc ; nllspu-u , 12@10e : clnnnmon , lS@2" > c : cloves , 15@ije ; ginger , lf > ® 25c ; imiMaul , 15 ® 25c. 25c.T EA1 ? ( lunpowder , fair , 20S37c ; good. 45 (25xj ( : choico. 00 , 750 ! good llnoel la ) , 40i ( 4H ; choice , G0@70 : YOIIIIK Hyson , ijood , . .OIJJI.'R ; choice , 50ft5To ) ; Oolong. iood ; , : i.VoiOc ) ; Oo- V > - . Ai , uuuicu , t 'v Tni , , iiti < * ln. itlli. * < "v ; , good. ! @l3c ; choice , C ( ' ? 75o ; Tea Dust , 15o ; Tea Slftlnirs , ISe , CiiACKiins Galilean's soda , bullcr nnd picnic , 5Kc ; creams , 8) 05 pluger snaps , tKc ; cltv sodn , 7j < e. KI.VI : CUT Haul to Heat , 70c : Charm ot News , C5c , Dry Gooilfl. PIIINTS Ainci lean , 5l , < f ; Ai Hold's. Cc ; Co- chcco , Oc ; Alaiichesler , Oc ; I.ytnan , Be ; Glou cester , f > Kc : Dunnell .lacouaul.Cc ; Dunncll , f > McVfndsor ; , < ir ; I'.iclllc. Oc ; Harmouy , 4Mc ; Anchor Shillings 4'-fc ; Jlenlmack Whirlings , 4 < c : Hoi wick.Ic. . COTTONS Farmers' choice , OVc ; Cabot. OJfc ; Hone , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , iKc ; Hill , 'if , 04'c ; Lonsdale , Sc ; Fiult , Sc ; Wam- eutta , Consr.T .JEANS Kearsarce. 7c ; Armory , 7c ; Penpeiell , 7J c ; Indian Orehaid , OB ; Naumkcae , 7c , Hnovvx"CoTTOX Lawrence LL , Cc ; Shaw- C. 4 c ; Atlantic P , TICKI.NOS Amoskcae ACA 12 e : Thorn- dvko OOO , 7fc ; Thoindyko lanoy , DiJc ! ; York , lo c : Yoik lancy. 12'ifc ; Alllbtiiy , 12Kc ; Peail Kivcr , lljfc ; Hamlllon , 12o ; Swift Uiver , nj c ; Shetuckct S. 8' ' < u ; Sheluek- ct SS , U c ; Moutauk AA , 12c ; Monlauk HH , He. ; Omega ADA , Wo. DKNIMS Beaver . . Creek AA , He ; Beaver _ . _ _ _ . . i * t ) r Trt : * -wi / - i L.n > * * v nnd mown , 7' ' . DUCK ( llnbleached ) 8 oz. Macnolia. "Co ; 10 oz. Magnolia , 12c : 8 ot. West Point , i'c ; 10 oz.Vcst Point , 12Kc. -UCK ( colored ) UostonOoz. mown nnd dinb , 13 > < c ; Hoston 0 11 blown and dtab , Oc : Hoston XX brown'and drab , lOc : Hoston XXX brown nnd drub , Il > fc ; Hoston O P blue , 11KC ; AVai'rcn Tricot , l.'c. CHEVIOTS Aijioskbair , checks , O o ; Amos- keae , stilpes , 8ifo : Blalor , stripes , ttc ; ISdln- burg. 0 > c ; WhlHendon , sliipcs , Sc ; Olon- lose , Oc : Oils , checks , 9 > $ c ; Oils , stripes , Uc ; Royal , GSfo : Ambbkcag , napped , 10 > c ; Lu- my.boolcfold , 12c : fold , " " " Endurance , book fold , 12e. ad Beans i- Dry lJuiubor. K ft'H 11(10 ( ft'lS ' ft 20 ft 22 ft 31ft lfl.50 1T.M 18.50 19.59 15.0015.00 15.CklB.OJ,17.0a ) , , 20.03'21.00 ' 15.5Qll5.60 15.00 16.60 17.501S.50 0.00 4x4 8x8" ! ! i'.iiiisiso laisaluiilo ioai7iiO ! ) ! ! la no.vnnh. No. 1 Com. s. l.s. 13 , Hand IG ft S17.00 No. 3 " " 12,14 and 1C It ir.,00 No. 3 " " 13,14 and 10 ft 13.00 No. 4 " " 13,14 and 10 ft 11.00 FENCINO. No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 12and 14cot. rough..810.50 Mo. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , roush 17.03 No. 2 , 4 A 0 Inch , 13 and 14 feet , rough. . 14.00 No. 2 , 4 & O inch. 10 fcet.roufih 15.00 BIDINO. 1st Com. , 13,14 and 10 feet 325.50 2d " " " " 20.00 ! lil " ' " " 15.00 Fence , " " " 11.00 CF.ILINft AND PAUTITION. 1st Com. , % lii. White Vine Partition. .533.0 2nd Com.i In. " " " 2T.O Clear , % in. Norway " " 14.5 2nd Com.n. \ . " " 1S.5 PI.OORINO. A Cinch , white pine S3 > .oo 150 Inch " " 33.00 CO Inch " " 29.50 1) Cinch " " 20.50 EC Inch , " " 17.50 STOCK 1IOA11DS. A12 inch , si sis , u and iu feet S40 00 jj i , t , 11 i , 'u 42 00 c " " ii ii ! ! ! . ! . . .I 8000 J ) ii ii ii ii ' KJ 00 No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and'idVt. . IS 00 No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 0ft. . 1800 No. 3 " " " 12.14 and 10 f I. . 1000 POn.All I.U.M11K1 ! . Clear Poplar qox bds , % ins , 2s $30.03 " * ' Jiin , P' cl stk wide , B 2s. as.OO " " Corrueatcd Celling , % . . . 2U.OO FI.VISIIINO 1 Bt and 2d Clear , 1JInch.s. . 2s 55100 ihtandM Clear , IK and 2 Inch , s2s. . . . 5100 lid Clear , ! ' < Inch. s2s 4iiW ! Sdclear. I Inch , s2s 4500 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000 U Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 2000 HIIII' LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 817.50 No. B , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch 15.50 No. 1 , O. (5 ( 1S.OO HlllNOI.i.H : , 1/lTII. * A Standard 52.05 Cinchclear , 51.55 ; 0 inch , clear l.nri No. 1 l.Ji'j Lath S.25 I.11IE , ETC. Qulncyvhlto llino ( best ) , S5c ; cement. Akron , S1.7S ; plaslor , S2.M ) ; lialr , per bushel sou ; larrudteli , per vwU. 51.05 : Hlraw board , It lias recently boon discovered Hint Luke Dias , near DoLcon springs , Volnsia oountv' Flu. , | is fed by nn enormous spring , which Buildup about 200 yards oil' tuo south shoreof Iho lake , \\liun llio surface is perfcutly still the boiling can bo seen over nn arc of about live ucrcs. It is proposed to anchor n buoy over the center of the spring , since the best of cool water can be obtained there nt any time. f. . ' OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. Tlie Hillard , B. Shears , J. E. Markcl.Thos. Swobc , I'roprlotori Omuha , Ntbrueka. Flour and Feed , VTjTwELSHANB & Co , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Manufacturers of W. J. Wclahans & CO.'B Quick Itfllelnk'lluckwhwu Hour mul proprlotoniOnmua Uty Mill * , cor. btU nnil Furiuuu directs , Omaha. Leather , Hides , Etc , BLOMAN I1H03. , Wholwalo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaddlory una Hboo llndlura , lilacs , Wool , I'ura , . Or QAM. TaUow.Elc. ; Omuha. Not. - OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc. " " 11EHS riUXTlN'O CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And IlUnk nook Mnnufacturcrs. Nos. 108 nnd 103South 14th Street. Onmhix , Nob. Bridges Steam Pile Driving. RAYMOND * CAMPBKLt , Engineers anil Contractors. B rges , Kooi Tinges , Slcam Pile Driving Iron Combluntlon nml llowo Triifs llrldprs , I'lllnir nnd ( Ink Timber. Uth el. , near 1'nnmiu , Telephone NoTM. Beer , M. KEATINC7 , Agent for Anlieuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n ' Special brnnils Fnlist , Uiuluelser , Ki Cor. Oth nntl Capitol A\o. , Omnhn. _ Cigars and Tobacco. 'MAX Mnvniusfco Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , duns nnil Ammunition. SIS to SKI South llth StreetlQgO to Kt'l rurnara Street , Omnhn , Neb , lNTBn-Ocr.AN cuun KAcronr. WKST lc , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholosnlo Dcnlors In Ixnf ; Tobaccos. Nos. 103 und HON. 14th StreetOmnhn , Nob. uocKery , . . . "K wfiioi. . , Agent for the Manufacturers nnil Tmportcrs , Crockery. Glassware , Chlmncjs , Ktc. Onicr , ; )17 ) South 13tb Sticct. Omaha , Nub. Carriages , 0. S. GOODRICH A CO Agents for F. A. Whitney Cnrrlngo Co.'s Children's ' Carriages , Jewell's Celebrated Itoiilsonuors. Send duor prlco lists. Hl.'i 1'nnuun ft. , Omnhn. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works , John Kpcnotcr , Proprietor. Mitnufncturcr of nnlvnnlrcd lion ami Cornice , f-Jloilno ) mul 101 uiiJ 105 North 10th Street , Omnhn , Neb. ilUEMPIXO & Mnnufncturcrsof Omamcntnl Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , Etc. , lllO 8.12th St. Workdono In any pnit or thocoimtry. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor. Onlvnntzcil Iron CornlcfH , Etc. Speclil'a Improved - proved . . I'utunt . Mclnll'o . . ' t-kyllEhU 60S nna BIOS. Sfiit. t . . - \ i. . ii'-.t. . Kth bt. Omnhn. Nob. Doors , Sash , DC , The Gato'Ciiy Plcn'Eg'Kill. Doors , fash nnil HllmlB. Also nil Mnds of tinning : , f-croU nuilEtalr noili of o cry do- EC'ilptlon. A. Jfnnufncturcr nnd Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Halls n ppeciulty Telephone No. 93 15th ntul Marcv bt .Omnlia , Nub. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOlitTJ & "cO. , Blccirtclans , Electrical Supplies , Mnronlo Block , Omaha. Burglar Alarms. Bolls , t'lre Alurms , Klcutrlo Mnttln ? , HpoaUhj" ; Tubas , Iron Works. PVX'i'OV.c-vnci" ; rww WORKS' Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , JionStRlri , HallliiRKollod llonnis and Glrdors , Stontn EiiBlncs , llrnss Work , Gi-noinl Foun dry , Machine nnd Ulncksmlth Work. Oflice & Worlis , Union rnclllo H'y & So. 17th St Iron a : d Mails. "OMAHA NAIL Cut Nails and Spifcos , riro Nails e. f ? ' r Iir , OmahaJTeb. Safes , Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHEKN. Mnnufncturcrof Flroand Ilurijlnr Proof Snfoi , Vault Doors , .Inll Work. Sbuttcia and Wlro Work. Cor. 14th and Jackson ts. , Oinnhn , Nob. Wagons and Carriages. Established 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HCOnnO 1411 Dotlgo Street , Omaha , Neb Commission , Etc , M. DDRKB & SONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. lluiko , Jfnnaor , Union Stock Yards , S. Oniatia. Tolo.ihono 583 W. F. BROWN i CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Ofllco ExclmnRO niilldinpr. Union Stock Yards , t. South Onmbn , Nob. TelcphonoNo.COX MALLOIIY. SON & CO. Live Stock Commission , TTnlon Stock Yards , CblciiRO , 111. , nnd Oinnhn , Neb. FninkCht.ndt'nMuimKerOiniihuUranch. ! Tcluphono NO. Via. EstiiblisboU 16KJ. 1 W. I * PATRICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , /.ddruES all communications to iia at Union Stock iL'ni ds , South Onialiiv. Advances mudo on Block. Uiiion Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. Hod , Uupurlntcndonl. SAVAGK & GHEEN , live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of any nnd all kinds of stock boliolt I cd. Union bt ck VurdnUmabaNcb. , Lumber , Etc , IWA1H'OUD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , 8nsb , Doors , Ktc , Yards Cor. 7th and Cor , IJOHN JIANUrAOTinilNa COM 1 Kannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Ftnlr Work nnd Interior Hard Wood I'fnlsli. Juetopunod. N. K. cor. 8tU and Luuvcu- \vorth StrevU , Oniuhu , Nth. CHICAGO I.UMHEH COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , EH B. llth Btroct , Omnbn , Nok F. ColpeUer , Munu ur. C N. Lumber , 18th and California Street" , Omabn , Nob. KIIED W. GRAY , Lnmoer , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cor. Cth and Douglas Slrccts , Oniuhu , Neb , OEO. A. HOAGLAND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Ncbinsku. " CHAS. It. L15E , Hardv/ood / Lumber , , . _ - - Block | Fancy Woods. HrlUg-o Tlmburs , &c. , a. AV. Cor. VIh und Douglus , Omaha , .N'ub. o. r. LVJIAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , huildlwr 1'upcr. Etc. South 13t.'i OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY . . - " _ . Agricultural Implements. " " Y.IN1XOI5II &MKTCALF CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Agricultural Implements , Office , Corner CHi nnJ raclfloBts , Oinntm , ' PAHUN , OHKNDOIlrT & MAHT1N , Wholosj'.o Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnil Huskies , Oinnhn Neb. CllUltClULL I'AllKElli Wholesale Dcnlor in Agricnltural Implements , Wagons , Cnirlnces and IlupRlcs. Jcns St. , bol. Ctli nnil lCtliOranhaNob. Boots and Shoes , ,5. Jobbers of Boots and Sloes , 1411 Fnnmm Street , Omnhn , Noli. Manufactory , Sinnincr Street , lloston. Carpets , _ " ' ' "B. A. oitcUAit'n , Wliolesalo Carpets , Oil Cloths , Huttings , Curlntn Hoods. Ttp. , 1 < 23 1'nrnnm _ Street , Omnlm , Nob. _ Coal , Lime , Etc , JhVV W. HF.1M < 'OIM , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Offlcc,213S. Hlb H. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Otli nnJ Dr wipoit Streets. _ _ COUTANT & SQtlHK3 ? Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. licet varieties. Office. 213 S. lath St. Telephone No. 14' ' . ! , Omaha , NK11KASK Shippers of Coal and Goto , 11 S. 13th St. , Omaha. Noli. Oro. ( ! , Town : , 1'icslilont. GFO. PATTnisoN , Sco. uiulTivn * . 3. It. HUMIKIIT , 1' . A. , rrnpilrtor. Manager. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NT.UHASICA. OIIlcp.L'lTS. loth Street. Telephone ) 49. GEO. V. liAiurm , Prc * . C. 1' . ( ! OOI > MANV. 1'rcs. J. A. SUM > r.iu.AXi > See. niul Tiens. Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of hard nntl volt coo1 , "CO S. Uth St. , Omiihu , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ OMAHA COAL AND 1'HODUCr. CO. Hard and Soft Coal. EicUiPlvo dealers In Ilouldcr Colorado Coal,21J tomb Hth etrcut. Coffee and Spices , " " " " " " "cLAIUCi : JlHOS. Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. Ten" . ColTeoa , SplcM , lliililnff I'owdor. Vluvorlnff Hxtiacts , Laundry lllun. luU , etc. 1414-11) ) Har- noy Street , Oinnha , Nob. Commlssioni Etc. " " " "DUANCII & co. , Wholesale Fruits1 Produce , , Oysters , 1121 Fnrnam St. , Omnlm. Apples Our own pack- Inn 1'lalt Ac Co. s Tlijcr llranil Oyslcrs , llultor , Ht'gs , Gninc , Poultry , 1'otntocs. JOHN * ? . YLA.CK , General Commission Merchant , Proilnco , I'rovlsions , Kmlto , Tlonr nnil Kccil , 103 p. Utli St. , Oinnhii. Nob. Coublumucnts fcolloltoJ. llctuina made promutly , W. E. HIDDELL , General Commission Merchant. ErBCiAt.Tir.i.-Cliec'.c. Iluttvr 1'sp-s , 1'oultry nnil Gnmo. 113 fc' . 14th. , Oniuhu , Neb. Tolo- pliono fu. U3j. D. A. nufif.nY , Commission and Jobbing , flutter , T.KSS nnd Produce. A full line of Stono- v/uio. Coiielfiaiucuta tollcltcd. 1414 Dod-o ( St. , Omiibii. K. COHHISSION HERCHAHT. 815 12tb Street , Omnlm. Null. Specialties : nut- lur. KiriM. mid ClilcKuus. " WIEUCMAN & CO ' produce Commission Merchants. I'oultry , Butter' , Gnrno. Fruits , lite. Z20S. HtU St. , Oinnu.i , Hc-rasim. WESTEHFIELD mtOS. , . General Commission Merchants , HOC Dodge Street , Omnlm , Neb. Consignments Solicited. WKEKS & MILLAKD , Storage and Commission Merchants. Foro.'KH and Domestic Kiults a specialty. IJ1- epant btonitfo fiicllltloVnroliouso nnd office , 11U North 13th st. Telephone 776. n. MOHONY , General Commission Merchant , sr , Eggs , Cbccso nnd Country Product oruiiy , U03 S. 12th St. , Oinalin , Nub. McSHANE & 8CIIllOEniR , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. Bofrlfforntor unrt Packlnir House , 14th & Leaven- worth St. , ou U. I * . K. 15. Tinck , Omuliu , Neb. Established 1870. ROBERT PUUVIS , General Commission , DIB. lltu St , Omalui , Nob. Bpeeliiltlcs Butter Ejfgs , Poultry and Game. PEYCKE nitOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha , Neb ISAAC GlUFFlTH. Commission Merchant , nnrt wholesale denier In country produce , fruits , butter , eg-fra , etc. Goods on coiiHlKiunent a specialty. 'JM N , 10th ft , , Oinahn , Neb. k FON8 , ( Successors to A. P. Schnck. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 213 South 12th Street. Orauba , Neb. Dry Goous , j. j. uo\VN & coT " Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , ir.KJ JJouiflua Slrout , Omaha , Nub. I. . & CO. , Wholesale * Dealers In Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , /.aces , ninluoltlery nnd Whllo Coods. JICODouglas hticot , Oraiilm , Nob. VINYAHD A SOIINKIDKH. Jobbois In otioas , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing ' Goods 1030 and 1058 Farmim St. , OmahaNeb. Harness , Etc , WJILTY i LANnilOCK , Ilanufatturcrs and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goodd , lllunkcta lind Itobcj. It-'l l-'urnam Ojmihu , Jicb. Mattresses , E. M. Mattress Company , MnnufacturliiK' MuttreMOi , lleddlntr , Feather ] 'lllo s , ( Ma. ' I'M. 120G und l-W Douulna Struct , Omulm ! Nub. Overalls. .I3OrA ? Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Slilrt * . . IVti andl It Doucln atrcet , Ouii'iu ! , OMAHA JOBBERS1 OIREOTORY OMAHA I , Dealer * In All Kind * of Building Material at Wholesale. Ith Sttet nnd i n on f'ao 11 Trnck. Omnh . n.WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , roth nnd Irixnl Streets , Omaha , Nebmjkn. J. A. Wholesale Lumoer Lath , , Shingles , rtulldliiff I'npCM , P sh , DOOM , lllluds , Moulf Incs , 1'iekrtg , roMs , I.lnio , I'loMer , Itnf ( Cement. Nlntn nun Joncj , Omnlm Nob. Millinery. - - * s j. onEHFRi.niiit , Importer ? anil Jobbers ot Killinery and Notions , JH.lnnd 1214 Hurncy Street , Omixlm , Nclx Musical Instruments , _ & UIUCKSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Btrlnway Plnnoj , Wobrr , llockpr , llithtoantul -irifpt 1'mtioj , I'ncknrtl OrKiius , Chnso Orjtanfc 1U1 anil 103 1Mb street. NotionSi Etc , j. u nnANnins * SON , Y/holesala / Job Lots , try ficHiJ ? , Notions , Ociitu' Fnrnlshln ? nooiU. Goinl ? from Ninv York. Tindo sales dniljr. Oil nnd U3 South 13lh St. , Oinahn. Furniture , Etc. DKWUV \ 8TONK. Wliolesalo Dealers in Furniture , rnrnnin Street , Omnlm , Neb. _ Groceries. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 nml 1113 Uouvlna Street , Omnlm , Neb. E. U. CHAl'MAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tobacco nnd Sinokois' Artifice , l.'U Howard SL MHVRU & UAAVK15 Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , ? plccs , Clgnrs nnd Tobacco * , 1317 nnd ISlO Ins Street , Omnhn , Nub. ilcCOItn , IIKADV & COMl'ANi' , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd rnrnnm Stieots , Omnhn , PAXTO > f , OAlJjAOHKU & CO , , Wnolesalo Groceries and Provisions , Nos. 705 , 707 , 709 nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Omnhn , Nob. Hardware , w. J. nnoATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel. Eprlnps , Wagon Stock , Hiudwood Lumber , ota. KWand 1211 llnrnoy sticcv , OuiulmNob. _ " " "UDNEV&QIUUON , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carrlajro Wood Stock , Heavy llunlwaro , ) | Kto. 1217 und 121U LuavuntvoitliBti cut , Omaha , Nub. HIMRIlAUail & TAYIXH , Mechanics' Tools nnd Uulliilo Kculos. 14,03 Douj- Ins Sti col , Oniuhu , Nob. LKE.FUIED A CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Shcut Iron , Etc. AKonts for Howe Scales auil Jlituni Powder Co. , Omnlm Nob. MILTON ItOQUKS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Utilities , Orates , llrnsa poods. 1321 nnd UX3 FM > imm otioot. HECTOIl & W1LHELMY Co ] Wholesale Hardware and Nails. Rmcrson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th mid llurno/ btrcotd , Omnhn , Nub. Harvesters. co. , cincAao , Manufacturer of the Deering , Harvester Goods , Wrllo to Wm. M. Lorlmor. ( Ijiiornl Agent. Onmhn. TcIophonoUlO. Iron Pipe , Etc , A. L. BTHANQ COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Eugines. ( Stonm. TVaror , Killivuy and Milling' Bnpplloa , El WO , V i nnd ir.4 FilTliniii Ut. Qijiiiliii , Neb. Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam und Water Supplies. Headaunrtors To * Mast Fiost CO.'B Goods. 1111 Farnnm btroot , Oiuuha , Nob. Jewelry. EDHOLM & EIUCKBON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlcrs In 8llvor\vnro , Dlninonds , Wntohaa Clocks. Jawclurf ) ' Tools nnd Mntcrluls , Etc. , 1UJ nnd IQJ.lSth Street , Cor. Dodge , Oinnha , Neb , i I Notions , Etc , \ _ J. T. Robinson Notion Company , : ; 4m nnil 40.1 S. 10th St.,0mnhu , Nob. ) Wholcenlu DoaleM In Notions und Uonts * Far > nlshlncrUoodH. Oils , Etc. CONSOLlDATErTTANIC LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Garollno , Jllca Axle Grouro , Eto. A. II. Jlnnugur , Omnlm , Nob. Pork Packing. JAMES E. nOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Oinnbu , Nebraska , 1IAKIUB lc Packers and Provision Dealers , Offlco , Union Mnrlct.l'il7 Ioilo ; Strent. Packing i | hence , U. 1' . It. 1U Truck , Oniuhu , Nub. Tolo- pliono No. 1D7. Safes and Locks. 1' . IlOYEIl i CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 Fire und DurKlar Proof Bufoa/riino lxckdVniillt and Jail work. llr ' 01'arnnm btioet , umiihu , Neb Seeds , J. KVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds , AKrii-nlturHl. Voirotiiklo , lUc. Odd KollowV Hall , N. W. Cor. 1Kb und Hoilso Ht . , Oumlij , Nob. Drugs , Etc. THE OOODMAf DI1UG CO Wholesale Druggist1' , And Dealer In I'lihils , Oils und Window ( lias * Omuliu , Nob. , White Lead. C'Ai.T'Mtviirir ' , ri-M : ) co. , Strictly Pure White Lead , 3tli t .l < ! l ' U * . ' -it. , i. 8 Wines and Liquors. Il.Ell & CO. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Miioi8. ] Solo nianufiicturura of Kcimody'4 Enit India llllttru. 1112 llniney Btrctt , Omaha , Neb. ilKtJ. w. j ur/CAN , Successor to MoTlA > unA ti Du.sCAN , Impurton and Wliolnsulo Dculordin Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 14 nml ylfl 8. llth St. , Omnlm , Nub. _ , Fish , Lie. "TJKNSDX FISH COT Bucceskors to Ickcn Flomssen , V Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of 1'oiol/n rWi , Nos. lit 1-313 Jotul ij = _ Stroct uud U , J'.Tja * .Omuhi.NjU ( , ,