Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
tt THE OMAHADAILi-BBB. WEDNESDAY. MAttOII 31,1886. Ill Lai 3CM cu f ! Io IV u 1a a ' u 8k * ( . Notice of Registration , rpo TUT' lxgn\ \ Voter * of ill District of the Sth JL Wnr l. In the Cltr of Omnhn : You nro licrcbr notinoil ( lint the tinder .l rned will sit ni Ilrfflntrnr for the ai DlMrlct of the Bth "Word , nt Iteilmnn's free ! gtorr , 918 North Ifith etroet.eoramonclntr Thurglny , March Zoth , K-8J , ntll o'clock n. m. , fort ho purpo o of roirl'tcr- Inir nllnnnlllloil votoiv within taUlM ! District of of thd Mh Wnnl , nnrt for the pnrpcgo or nddlnR to , mul corroPtlnif thn r rl trntlon ftlrcndv mndo , and for suoli purpo o the undorlKUC < l will lt nnrl keep hl book of rofi < tr tlon open oncli dnjr thoronftoi' ( i-Jiopt 8undn } ) fit the plaeo nforMnld from eln\on o'clock n m until foron o'clock p. m. , until Monday , April filh , nt tlio hour of 12 o'cl-ick m.whpn snl I book of rcffl'trntlon will lie c1o oit AH qunllllfd votcM nronoiineiliuatlcnilnnd fee thnt tholr nnmo ) nro properly . : ) mhl8 HofflstrnrCd District of f > tli Ward. notice of Registration. . n OTHR Lcpnl VotOM of the ai District Of tlio Jh Wnrd , MI tlio CHr of Onmlm : You nro hereby notllled thnt the iiinlcralpnoJ will < ! lt M Hcfflstrnr for snld ili'trlct nl the Wn- lin h Ticket OfllfO , N. > . cor. 1/ilh / nd Kiminm strecU , eornmoncltir ( Thursday , Miuoli S > th , ItSO , nt II o'clock n. in. , for the pnrpo o of rpjl tor- Inir all qitftlinod votartwithin * ald district , nnd for the purpoo of nddlnsr to , nml corrcotltiK the roKlitrntlon alrcn/ly uiuda , nnd forguch purpose the iimlottlxncJ will sit nnd kcop hl4 book of roKlitrntlon open onch dnx thorcnftor ( oscopt Sundnyn ) nt the plnco nforoinld fiom olovt'n o'clock a. in. until ro < , on o'clock p. in. , until April , ISM ! , nt the hour of 12 o'clock m , when anld book of tcidslrntlnn will boclosod. All nunllfled voters lira notlllod to nttond niid see tlmt tholr nnmos ni o properly reslMorod. J.\Mi:8 : O. CAlil'KKTRK , mhl7 Itojl tmr2d Ulstrlot , < th Ward. Notice of Rcglstrnllon. mo TUB Ix-Lml Votprsof tlio 1st District , 6th X Wnrd , In tlio City of Omnha : You are hrroby notified that the undersigned will nit nq UoKl'trnr fur the 1st District , 5th Wnrd , at ISM Chlcniro Rtroot , commenclntt TIuiiTday , Miiroh > th , 18-M , nt 11 o'clock a. in. , for the ptirpo o of rcKhtorlnK nil qtmllflcd votcrti with said 1st District , Oth Ward , nnd for the purpose ) of nddhiK to , nnd corrvctlnv the roKlstrntlon nlrrndy mndo , nnd for such pur- | H > ia the uniloralirnod will nit nnd kcop his book of rrirhtrutlon opnn onch dny thoroaftoroxcopt ( Bundn > 8)nt ) the plnco nforosald frora cloven n. m. inilil flovon p.m. , until Monday , April Gth , nt the hour of lam. , when Biild book of regis tration will bo closod. All mmllfloil voters nro nolincd to attend nnd sso that tholr nnmos nro Notlco of Registration. the legal voters of the Hist District , 4th TO M'nnl , In the city of Omnhn. You nro hereby notllled thnt the undersigned will fit ns lU'glstinr for Iho lit District of the 4th ward , nt I'orsylh's di ng store. 10th nnd Cap- I Avonnocommencing Thtliflday , Muich25 , 188rt , nt II o'clock n. in. , lor the purpose of reg > Istorlmr nil qtmllllod voters wllhln snld 1st dls trlct of the 4lh ward , nnd for the purpose of nil ding to nnd corroding the registration nlromly mndo , and for such purpose the undersigned will nit nnd kcop his book of rojM ration open oacli ilny thereat lor. oxccpt Sunday * , nt the plnco nfoiosnld from 11 o'clock n. m. , until 7 o'clock p. m. , until Monday , April 5th , nt the honrol ISo'clocIc m.nhcn said boon of regis tration will he closed. All qilnlllk'd voters nro not Illod to attend nnd see thnt tholr nnmos nro propel ly roistered. W J. MOUNT , ItegIstrnrlstDUt.,4thWmd. Omnhn , March goth. 188H. _ Notlco of Registration- mo Till : Li-gal Voters of 1st District , Sixth i Ward , In the City or Omaha : Yon uro hereby notlllod tlmt the undersigned will sit as Ilcglstrar for First (1) ( ) District , Sixth ( OWnrd ) , nt thostoroof It. II.Lucni , ' . " 'OJ Cum- Ings St. , commencing Tiinrsday , Mnrch 2.1th , 18141,111 11 o'cloak a. ui. . for the purpose of reg istering nil qmilltlod voters within snld Hloctlon District nnd for Inn purpnsa of adding to , nnd correcting the registration nlromly mndo , nnd for such purpose the undersigned nlll sit nnd kcop bis book of loglstrntlon open each dny Uoronftorfo-xcoptSunilnys ) nt the plnco nforo- sald from cloven o'clock u. m. until raven o'clock p. m. , until Monday. April 5th , nt the hour of 12 o'clock in. , hen Bald book of registration will bo closed. All ( inallllod voters nro notillod to attend nnd BCO that their nnmos nrn properly registered. CliAS. WILK1N3 , mch-17 noglstrar 1st Dlatrlct.ctli Wnnl. * Notlco ofRegistration. TO THK Legitl Votorsof2d District of the Oth Wind , In tlio City of Omnhn : Yon nro hereby notlllod that the undersigned will lt ns lloglstrnr for the 2d District of the Cth Wngd , at the stoio of A. II. Sander , corner of Cumlng nnd 24th streets , commencing Thurs day , Muivh 2Mb , 18MI , nt 11 o'clock n. m. , for the purpose of registering nil qualified voters within suld2nd Dlstuct of the Otli Wnnl , and for the purpose of lidding to , nnd correcting the regis tration ulrendv mndo , nnd for such purpose the utulei signed will sit and keep bis book of lo Is- tratlon open onch day thereafter ( oicopt Sun days ) nt the plnco aforesaid from eleven o'clock n. in. until KCVOII o'clock p. m. , until Monday , April 5th , nt the hour of 12o'clockm. , when paid book of registration will bo closed. All iiuullllod voters nro notified to nttond nnd see tlmt their uamoR lire properly registered. mhl7 JOHN CAItU. Iteglstrar. Notlco of Rogistratio n. mo TIII2 Voters of the 1st District of JL the 1st Ward , In the City cf Omalm : Yon nro hereby notlllud thnt the undersigned will sit us ItCK'Istrai- the 1st Dlstilut ot the 1st Wnrd. nt5US und 5'.M South 10th btioet , com- incnclm'Tliur.'day , Mnieh25th , I-M3 ! , nt 11 o'clock iu in. , for thn purpose of rouislei : Ing nil ( | iiiill- Hod voters Mlthlu said 1st District uf the 1st Ward , and lor tho. purpose of nddlng to , nnd con eel Ing the legislation nliondy made.and for puriioso the undersigned will sit nnd keep his book of registration open cnuh dnv thorn- niter ( oscept Sundays ) nt the plnco nfoiosnld Iromnloven o'clock n. m. until Rovon o'clock p. in. , until Monday , April full , 18 1. at the hour of 1. ; o'clock in.heu Mild book of legist ration will bo rlosnl. All iiuiilltloil voters iuo noticed to attend nnd sou that their nnmns are piotiorly icg'sterod. ' . ISAAO IIUIIIN. mlilJ _ Itpgjstrnr j8tOlstrjct. 1st Wnrd. llutlco of Registration. T'O ' THK Ix-gnl Voters of 2d DUtrict , 1st Wnrd , In the city nf Omnhn. Yon uro hereby notllled thnt theundorsignod will Hit as ItoglKtinr lor 2d Dlstiict , 1st Wmd , at 172SSoiith iio : > onth strcot , commencing Mnrch 25th , IPbt ) , nt 11 o'clock a. m. , lor the purpose of regMoiIng nil qnalltlcd valors within said 2d District , nnd for the piirpogo of adding to , and correcting the rtuietrntlnn already miulo , and for such pin pose the undorflgnod will sit nnd keep his book of registration open cnch day theicnltcr ( o\ccps "iindnvs ) nl the place nfoio- said liom cloven o'clock n. m. until rovcn o'clock p. m. , until April 5th. 18 % nt the hour of 12 o'clock m. . when nuld book of leglstrntlon will ho closed. All quuhllod voters nro notlllod to attend nnd see that their nnmos nro properly n-glMeiod. IIUNHY nilHKNl'KOItr , dmhmoap'i jlciKlatrnr'Jtl DlMilct , 1st Waul. Notlco of Registration. S'PO TUT. Lo ul Votora of Iho 3il District of the X 1st Wmd , In City ol Omaha : Yon am hoioby notltlod Unit the nmlorstgnod will alt as llox-lfitrar fur the ltd District of the 1st Wnnl , nLlU'J South Ith stieol , ( omiiienelng Tlmi-dny , March > tli , IBStl , at 11 o'clock a.m. , for the pniposo of loglsterlng all iinnlllUd votora within said 3d Dislr.ot of the 1st Wnrd , and tor the puiposo oC adding to , and cancel ing the i Ion ahondy made , ami lortmc'h purpose Iho nndeislgnod will sit nnd keep his book of registration open onoh dny IhiiKnltor ( osccpt Hnnilnys ) nt the plnco nfurosnld Irom rlovrn o'clock n m. until seven o'clock n. m. , until Monday , April Mb , 18'fl.nt Iho lumrof it n'i lock m , , when mild book nf logistintlniMrlll boclo'e.1. All < innllllod totorsmo notlllod to attend ami eon thnt their mimes an * properly roglslored. AI.I'ltKl ) V1NKY , _ mhl8 " _ _ J'o Islim-M District , Ut Wind. Notice of Registration. n O Till : l-ogul YotmBof2ml Wiu-U in the City J ol Omaha ; You iuo uoinby notlllod tint the undorslgnod will sit as Hoglstinr lor thu Ut Dlstilct ol the 2nd Wnnl of n. ld city , at the S. W , ror. 13th und Jackson ( llelmi-od is Co.'s btoio ) , conimeneing Thursday , the -itii day of Mnich , A. D. , IhSj. nt 11 o'clock a. m. . for the pulpo o of roglbtoring ulluallllt'l ] Totc'rs within Haul District and for the purpoM ) of adding to , und cot routing the registration already imvlo , nnd fnrbiiuh puriioso tbo imdoi signed will sit und knop his book of resignation eon | eueh dny thoio ltoru\ioit ( | bundnjK ) at the place nfoiasnld fiom cloven o'clock n. m. until toven o'clock p. in. , until Monday , the Mh day of April , nt the hour of 12 o'clock m . \ \ lieu Bald book of registration will b closed. All nimllllod voters uro notlllud to uttdid nnd bco thnt thnlr names nro properly roslMoroO. JAMUS DONNIJU.Y.Sii. , mchl7 Hogibtrar. _ _ Notlco o Registration. rn ( ) THK 1 cjrti Voters of tho2d IHstilet of the JL 2dard , in the City of Omnhn : Kou nro heioby notlticd thnt the undurslgnod will bit M KcKlMrnr lor thn M DKtrlct of the 2d Ward , ut HU& llowHpl street , lomniencing 'Jhutsilay , March 2.1th , ItM , at II o'clock a. m . Tor the purpo o of rrgistorlmr nil iiunllnc-d voters within said 2d lllsulct of thoSd Ward , nnd lor the purpose of uildlng to. nnd correct ing the lOKlstrnllon nliuudy made , nnd for inch JHIIIIO-I the iindei > l neil will bit nnd keep his book of ron'letiatlon onen nnoh d y tht-ivntter ( except Pnnd.ijX ut the plac-o iitorcsull fiom cloven o'clock a.m. until H'\OII o'clock p. m. , until Monday. April 5th , nt the hourof 12 o'clock in , when paid book of icflstratlon will bo -closed. All unuhflod voters me notltlcd to at tend und see tlmt their names uro piopeily ieir- toicd. JOHN I' DALKY. iiighin Itc2litrur2d Dbtriet. d Wnrd , Notice ot mi ) . THK Uirul Vutem of thu TUttrt Wnrd In JL the City ol Omulia : You nro hereby notlllod that the undei signed will Mt us Itcidstiar for thu Third Wai dat No. SOJ'i ' KoiitulhliUH'ntu ( licet , butuoen rnrnum nnd Douglas , coniinuni-ing Thuii-day , Mnrch &tb , UM , nt 11 o'clock H. m. , for the purpo o of rujrUtrrlng ullnUHlinod voters wllhln said Third Wnrd mid for the purpOKo of adding to , nnd cor recting lha rcglbtmtiQii nlroudr made , and for puch purpo'u Iuo undi-rslgnod trill all und keep his book of iflifUtnulon upon onch dtty tlmie- nftvr ( oxcopl Hundujs ) Ht thn pluco ufoio ald from elpvun o'clouk a. m until bovon o'clock n. in , , until Monday , April 6th , ut the hour of 12 o'clock ra. , whou snld book of rfglstmtlon will bo elated. All quallflod voiort nro notlfluJtn Mend nmi tec IbHt tlmlr nuinej nre properly -ejrlMored. WM. JI. MOHAN , llitfi irar. mills PROCLAMATION ANDJLECTION NOTICE EXEcmvn j ClTTOPt ) < t.UIA.NnilHASKA , V Mayor's Onion , March 13th , 18M. 1 BY VIKTI'R of the nuthorltv In me vested , T , JnmOT R. Iloyrl , mayor of tlio cltr of Oninlm , do horMjy irlro notice nnaproolnlm to tlioounll- ll l Vi7ier of BHld city , nml rospcctlvo wnrds thereof , nntlotlnt ? districts tlioroln. Hint the nniuml city olp."llon for tlio yonr ISSfl , will beheld hold In ( snlil city , TucsJny , Iho 6th dnr of April. IRsn. nt which olcotlnn the mmildod- motors of snld city will elect three members of tlio bonnl ofoliicntion of the fchool district of the city of Om'nhnto scrro three yonr < , nml the annulled votcn of onch wnnl in said city will elect ono coiiiicll-innn to Bono ns council-mail from Mich ward for thotorm of two yours. The polls of RftM election will ho open ntfl o'clock In the morningmul will continue open until t o'clock In the nitornoon of snld day , nnJ no longer , and at the following plncos , to-wlt : rlltST WAIID. Votlnpr DUtrfct No. 1 At 8. W. corner Tenth nnd Jones Rtrect. Votlnir Dlotrlct No. 2 At cnplno house , 102J Dorensstrrot. Voting District No. 8-At 1110 South Sixth street. EFCO.VD WATtD. Voting- District No. 1-At No. 1210 South Thlr- tofitith street. Voting District No. 2 At No , 1713 St. Mary's nronuo. THIRD WAnn. At Iho carpenter shop on the east sldoof Klovonlli street , between Douglas nnJ Dodge turrets. Voting District No. 1 At 1'lnntcrs House on Cnpltnl nrrnun , between Sixteenth and Sovon- tennth street ? . Voting District No. S At basement In now court house. FIFTH WAIID. Votlnir District No. 1. At eouthoait corner of Chlcntro nnd Twelfth streets. Voting District No. U. At Uodmiin'a 'cod etoro , corner Iznrd mid Sixteenth sticuts. SIXTH WAHtl. Voting District No. I. At 2017 Oumlng ftreot Voting District No. 2. AtMOl Cumlnjr street. I do further irlvo notloo nnd proclaim thnt nt the time nnd placetinovo mentioned , the fol lowing question nnd tnoposltlon concerning the Issnoofthuliondtof tnocllyof Omnlmlntliosiim of flGO.fO ) , lor the construction nnd mainten ance nf powers In snld city will nNo bo submitted to Mild electors of mild city , to-ult : Shall the bonds of the city of Omnhn bo Ismocl by said city. In the sum of ono hundred thousand dollnrs , ono-hnlf of fmld amount to bo OJcrondod In the construction of mnln sonnw In thnt part of the city lying north of Dodge street , nnd ono-hnlf of snlJ nmonnt in the construction of mnln sewers In thnt pnrt cf the city Ijlng south of Dodge strcot , eiild bonds to bcconui duo In tucnty joni-sfrom dnto thereof , nnd to benr Interest payable semi nnmmlly , nt a rnto not exceeding six per cent pur annum , upon Interest coupons to bo nttuchcd to s lid bonds , snld bonds to bo issued dm Ing1 the year IB" * , nnd not to ho sold lor loss than pur , the piocccils of snlil bonds to hcoiunlly illvlded nnd plnced to the eiodlt of tuo iimds to bo known us Iho "Noith Omnhn So or I'lind" nnd the "South Omuhn Sou or Fund , " nnd the money In snob. ftnuU shnll not bodlvmtpd fiom the purpose for which thuy nro to bo Issued. All votes "Vcs" on snld proposition will bo rognidcd nnd considered i.s nuthuil/.lng the Issue of snld bonds and all votes "No" shnll bo rci > rdo J and coiiilderoJ as ugalnst isbUlng snld bonds. In witness whotcof , 1 hnvo hereunto sot my hand nnd enlist ! ] thu sonl of snld city to bo nttlxcd.thoduy and ycnr tlritnbovo written. [ SKAr.l - JAMES M. 11OVD , Mayor. Attest. : J. B. SOUTH AUD , City Clerk Special Ordinance Uo. 785. A N Ordinance levying a gpoclnl tnv nndnsscss- - clinont upon certain Iota , parts of lots nnd real o tuto In tlio city ot Omahu , for thu const mo tion of plclo walks. WIIKIH-HH , the owners , respectively , of the lots , pints of lots and itial cstnto hereinafter ( lot-crlbed , have fulled to construct sidewalks within the time nllowed by ordinance , after duo nnd proper notlco so to do , nnd Wiir.iiKAS , snchsldowulkH have boon duly con structed by the contractor to nliom was award ed the contract for constructing mid repairing sldownlks , nnd WiiKiuus , the sovoial lots , parts of lots nnd rcul ostnlo hnvo onch been specially benefited to tlio full amount of the spociul tnx nnd 1139019- ruont herein levied , by reason of such improve ment opposite thognmo , respectively ; THEREFORE , for thopuiposo of covorlnsr nnd puyitiR thn cost of such Improvement : Uo It Ordained by the City Council of the city of Omnhn : Hectlon 1. Thnt the several sums set opposite the lots , parts of lots nnd ical cstnto hciolnnf tor described , bo nnd the enmc mo hereby respec tively lovled nnd assessed upon nch of said lots , pints of lots nnd reul estate , as lollows , to-wlt : II W Axford , It 10 , Axlonl'a ndd . $2714 II WAxfoid , It 11 , Avford's tuM . 42 77 II H.Avford's add . 47 BO School District ol Omaha , It I , blk U , Lake's mid . . . . . . . . . . . 4130 J Klsh , It 5 , Neltoii's add . 2f > 74 W M I'ostor , It 0 , " 3o 07 W M foster. Jt 11 , " 18 44 CFHIclcmiin.ltX ! , " 1841 Cl > 36 , " 18 M CKDi.8Coll.U43. " 18 rS J KUItenstolii , It 1 , blk 7 , Parker's add W ) (5 ( .1 1C Ottonstoln. It 2 , blk 7 , " 18 ts SV 1 , blk U , " If , 40 A M 1'attuifon , It2 , WU 4 , " 12 U8 J A labile V " 12 2S J A Horbuok. It 14 , blk 4 , " III Oil Flni once K.Moirlll. o > i It 13 , blkO , " 12 (18 ( Vloun.-o I ! Jlonlll , oVi ItH.blUO , " 13 ( o John Tn > lor. It 13 , blk 10 , " 111 OS John Tuj lor. It 14 , blk 10 , " 1424 JneobSclirinerand John O'Donohuo , It 14. blk 12 , 1'atrlck'H 2nd ndd . 1180 Siislo M I'uilllps , It 3. blk 12 , Pntiick's 2nd add . . . . , . 11 80 Jacob Hchilncr nnd John O'Donohno , It IS , blk 12 , Putrlck'a 2nd add . 11 Ml 0 K III. blk 12 , Patrlck'B''d udd 14 45 Thos C Ilrumior. It 14 , blk 7 , " 1180 15. blk 7. " II W Thos 111 , blk 7. " U 67 .1 T I'nnlscn , h 2tl , 1'aulscn's ndd . 14 75 , It ! ! 7 , " . 1475 .1 T I'auben , I12B , " . 1475 J T rmiNcn , It 2U , " . : . . . . 14 75 JTl'nuNen , Itao , ' . 1175 H Wuls , It'll , " . 14 75 JTI'iiulson , ItK. " . Ul 22 ) ion lltcoU's4th add . 17 55 Hyion . ' , " . 1410 Ilyron 3 , " . 14 III 4. " . II 1R III mil Heed , It 0 , " . Hill hrutlon2. Thnt the special tnxcs levied nnd asscssod nsiitoiuMild eliull bo duo immediately upon thu passage mid approval of this ordin ance. nnd Blmll liecomo delinquent If not paid within Illty ( Injs therenltcr ; nnd thoici'pon , n ponnlty of ton pop cent Khull bo added , together with Interest nt the rnto ol ono per emit a month , payable in advance trotn the time suld tnxos bo- COIIUIHO dollniiient. | HoctlonU. Tuul this ordlnnnco shnll t.iko effect nnd hu In toico fiom nml niter Us pussngo. I'UKSod Mnrch ' . 'tlu ' 188U. W. I' . IIKCIIKI , , I'rosldent City Council. J. II. BoiiTiiAlti ) . City Cloik. Apjirovediluieli lltli. l J. . .1Mhfl K. Ilovi ) . Mnyor. ThrM ) tnxcs nro now duo nnd pnynblo to the city tiensniur , and lll liecomo delinquent Apiil Will , ISir/l , nftorhlcli duto u penalty elton ton per cent \\ill bo added together with Intel est at tlio into of ono percent per month In ad- \nuco. TnujiANIlt'cii , City Tionsuier. _ _ _ Proposals for Military Supplies. llKUIQIlAim.llS Dtll-AltTMtMOK 1IIK I'tATTK , I Umci : oFCniia'QuAiiTiiiiMASTUu , > OMAII.Nub. . . Match 2Ith , iff * . } SEALHD pioiiosiiU , in tiliilicnlt1 , hiibjoot to iibiml conditions , nlll bo locclvcd at tills ollico until 12 o'clock noon xinlral standard time , on dates named luircitltor , ut whleii times nnd place I boy will hu opened , in pidv onuuof blhloiH , lor liiinlslilnitund dellvoiyot milllnry buppllus Ouilng the llcnl jear com- inuiiLlagJiily 1st , Ih l , utonch of the following mlhtniy jioits nnd stutlims : Omnhn Dopot. ( 'luijonno Depot , 0.Jcn Depot , Forts Omnha , N'lobrnru , Kobliicon , Sidney , D. A. ItusM'll , 1'icd Hteulc. lliiduur , l.nrnmlo , ilc- Klnni > yVaBlmklo nml Dougus and Camps Pilot Hntto and Midloino llutto. l'iou | nls lor oed , ooul nnd charcoal , will bo opened Tunsilny , April 27th , 18N1. I'ropoMils tor hay , ctrnw , giulnand brnn will bo opened Monday , May 21th , J8-W. Kxropt at Oinaliu Depot propornls will also bo rocelveil up to the enino hour , central time , l > y the Quartormnstur nt onch station nbovo named for siipplltii lupilrrd for his station only. Proposals nru ale InvltiMl and lll bo lecelved at this otllco until Apiil 27th , 18MI , lei furnish ing , delivered on the ours , nearest tbo inlnoi uu line of Union I'uclflo or adlaceiit rnllronds. of eight ihoufand tons bituminous coal , . ' 10 pouiuUto the ton. Also nt this oillL-o until May 21th , IBSfl , for sup- plylnir at stntlons on line of Union 1'uclHc nt and botonn Oinuhik unit Noilh 1'lutte of WJ.COJ poundaoi fotn and r/Kl.DoO ponmls of outs , nnd on llnuof i'K-mont. Klkhoin und Mlssouil Vul- lev It. U. nt nnd boluoon Omnhn and VaU'iitlno of 50Jll pounds uf co i n and 5K1 , < 00 iKiundnouts. Profoicncu will ho then to ai tides of doint'a- t'opioducllon ' nndinunufuctuio , conditions of price nnd iimllty | being onuiil , nnd suoh prcfoi- t-nto will bo gl > fit to ailloliis cC Amiiricun pio- duct 'on and luunufaciuro prodncoil on the Pucllo I'oast to the oMunt of theojiisumptlon lutjulriMl by thu public sort leo thoio PrunositUtorc'lthin-ilASd of the stores men tioned or for quantities lees than the uhola 10- iiulrcd , will bo ie > coj\fd. Thn iTOVurnment 10- bci ve the light to reject nny or all piopoi-nls , or to ftecopt nny pnipotul jor a less quantity than the total did fin- , Illiuik prnpoauU und full Inetrurtlons u 111 bo furnl ! > hoU on application to thU ullico or to tlio iMnulurniiutcrb ut thevur'ou * postb named. Envelopes i.ontalnlnt , ' proposals should ho marked "Pi-opOhaU lor at . ' ' nnd ad- thessed < < i thu inulorblUi ! > d or to the tosnuotlvo post liuurtcnuuttciS , II. DANDV. Qvnutoriuntter U. H. A. . mcu27JCt Chi ( natinanic "DBEXEL & ( Successori to J. QwJaooUsJ UNDERTAKERS , AND K.MBALM15US. At Ihb < iU btanJ , 1107 VarnumHt. OrJora by tult graph bolicilod und promptly aitouJcd to. ' . . ' i C , F. Harrison , W , R , Gibson C. R. Woolley , TELEPHONE 314 , HARRISON , GIBSON WOOLLEY DEALERS IN Iloonis 20 nntl SO , Onmlm National Bank Btilliliiifir , Onmlm , Nebraska , Do Strictly a Commission Business. List Your PropertywiTiiUs FOR Tor Sale Fine corner lot ono block from street car in llanaoom Place , $1,000. For Sale A cheap lot $3)0 : easy terms. For Sale A splendid residence in Himo- batigh Place , 3 full lota , fiast front , anew now 13 room house with nil modern im- urovomonts , 53JCCO. , For Sale In Ilanscom Plnoo , 3 loU , 5 room house , onstfrontabar ; ainSl,0)0. ) For Sale or exchange , for vacant lot , one acre with house , barn , etc. $800 For Sale or exchange , for house nnd lot or vsicant lot , 100 acres $1 , 003. For Sale A line east fiont corner on Virginia and Woohvorth Avenues , , SI,700. For tjaluA crcat bargain for u few days , 3 good lots with liotiso and barn in llauseom Place , $3,800. For Sale Lot in Ilanscom Place , 51,100 , fora short time. ForSalo or exchange , for Omaha prop erty , a linely improved farm of 170 ncres , 5 miles of Toknnia , the county s at of Hurt county , Nob. , SGOCO. For sale 80 acres Wiist of Fort Omaha , § 100 an acre ; will sub-divide. ForSalo 10 acres in Brighton , hougo , barn , vine yard , small fruit of all Kinds horse , Wagon , implements , etc. , all for SCO..Oimi&t bo sola soon. For Sain Good house and 2 lots iu Ilans com Place , Su000 ; For Sale llouso and lot on Vir ginia Avenue , hear Lo.avcnworth , only § 2,300. For Sale Corner lot and house on Vir ginia Avenue ; a bargain ; only § 2,500. , For Sale On Georgia Avenue , near Judge Dundy's , east front , 10 room house , barn : all modern improvements Sn.OO'J. For Sale or hxchaugo , for western lands , or improved farms in Nebraska , gen eral sjock of merchandibo with sioro buildings ; line location , on a corner , 7 SCO 0 0. 0-rooin house , C closets , pantry , stable , coal-house , cistern , lot 50x150 , liana com Place , only $3,200. Fern SALE Four lots with line business house , splendid location , $14,000. FOR SALE Full lot on Ifoward nnd 12th Sis. , paved street , good business prop erty ; for a short time , ? 13,000. , This is a great bargain. Foil SALE llouso and lot on Pierce street ; 2-story house , 8-rooms , good well and cistern , $3,500. Foil SALE 2-story house on N. 18th St. Cistern , well , good fence , a bargain , $2,500. Foil SALE Lot 44x101 , Howard and 28th Sts. , faces Park avo. , is choice and cheap , $1,900. Fou SALE 100 acres In Stinton "Co * , Nob. , 4 miles from good U. 11. station. All tillable land , ? 2,000. Fou SAM : Splendid corner in Hanscom Place , 180x100. will make ! good lots. A great bargain , $ 1,000. Foil SALE Fine residence , cast front , on Georgia avonno. For terms and par ticulars inquire at this ollico. This is a great bargain. Fou SALE Ifouso 8-rooms , Hickory Place , lot 48x110 , cheap , only $1,000. must bo sold goon. Foil SALE Splendid lot in Ilanscom Place , 50x180. $1,500. Fou SALE One of the linest east front lots in Hanscom Placo. For price am ] terms call at this ollicc. This is a bar gain. Lot 132x70 on Ilarnev near 23th St. , $3,000 , J cash , 1in 1 months , } in one year , i in two years. This is choice properly , overlooks the entire city and will make four beautiful residence lots , and at the price is a great bargain. Fou SALE Two lots in Sunny Side , $2,100. , $500 cash , balance one , two' and three years. crty is within ono block of the street cars , near Popplolon's place. 1 now 3 room cottage at head of 18th st. , ? 1,200 ; $100 cash , bal $20 a month. 1 5 room house on N. 20th St. ; $200"down , ba . $20 a mouth. Lot on Elm St. , East of Sherman Avo. , 00x107 ; Sl.GOO ; $100 cash , bal quarterly payments. Lot 45x100 on Highland st. : $700 , , For Sale Nice house and lot on Georgia avenue , near Leavenworth. eabt front ; house of iivo rooms , collar , cistern , good barn , $1,000 , for u short time. For Sale House and lot on S.tlQth St. ; house of 8 rooms and basement , cis- toin , c-ity water , with stable ; rents for $25 per month : $3000 , terms to suit. For Sale lloiiso , 5 rooms , S , 18th st , , cis tern , collar ; monthly payments , " $2,500. 1'or bale at a bargain llouso and lot on Georgia ave. , near Jit. Pleasant st. , 0 room house , well , cistern , sill convenien ces : $3,500. For wile 1 lot 33\10 } , near R. R. on 10th ht ; $7,000. For sale 1 lots in Sunny Side , 1 mile from postolllco ; $1.300. 80 acres 14 miles east of Greenv/ood , Nob. , all in cultivation ; $3,200. For bale or Exchange For Omaha prop erty. 100 acres one-half milo cast o Louisville ; timber , running water , all fenced , good orchard , good frame house , barn , granary , etc. , $8,000. 80 acres 5 miles south of Cedar Creek , Nob. , all good land aud in cultivation , small house , $2,500. < For Sale 5 lots in Hanscom Place on Pars avenue , $0,000. For Sale House and lot on Georgia avo. , near AVolworth , house of 7 rooms , everything in lirst class condition , a bargain , $3,800. For Sale 10 desirable lots In Plainyiow on reasonable terms , For Sale House and lot on Harney st , between 25th and 2Uth btrcots , lot U0.x 132. IKroom hoiiio , $5,500. For Sale House and lot on North 18th fat , house 0 rooms , good barn , lot U5\ 135. $5,000. For Sale Business property on South 10th , line location for wholesale house , lot 100x.W ( , $10,000. For Sale llouso and lot in Lake's addi tion , 7-room house , good well ajid cis tern , cast front , $1,200. Foil SALE Nieesit 5-i\oro \ tract in Tuttle'a subdivision at a bargain. Foil SALE 0-acro tract on Saunders street ; house of 0 rooms , good barn plenty of fnilt-l,000. ) Fbu SALE 4 tiere with 4-room house and banij and bearing fruit trees , well and cistern , near Saunders street ; a great bargnJn-2SOp HARRISON , GIBSON & WOOLL.KY , Rooms 20 uud 0NiUoualT3auk ! Building BILL BYE ( THE MA8LY ART , ii i A Bright Future for Pugilism ns Depicted by the Versatile Humorist , Four Driys Sprint' tlio Company of air. Dcmps titfn HnllronilTrnm Thn I'liKlllH'fipGooa Qualities A Half-Mncto Man. I il _ V The recent prominence of Mr. John K. Dempsoj' , bettor known as Jnck Uoinpsoy , of Now York , brings to mind n four-days' trip t.ikon in Ills company from Portland , Oro. , to St. Paul , over tlio Northern Pncillc. There wore three nngiliats In the party besides myself viz. , Dempsey , Dave Cnmibell ) , nntl Tom Clcary.Vo made a grand , triumphant tour across the conn- try , and I may truthfully state that I never foltsofrcotosay anything Iwanted to to other passengers ns 1 did at that time. I wish I could nflbrd to take tit least ono pugilist with mo all the time. In traveling about the country lecturing a good pugilist would bo of great assist ance. 1 would like to set him on tlio man who always asks : "Whore do you go to from here , Mr. NyoJ" Ho does not ask because ho wants to know , for the next moment ho asks ricjlit over again. I do not know why ho asks , but surely It is not for the purpose of finding out. Well , throughout our long journey across the state of Oregon and the terri tories of Idaho , Montana and Dakota , and the state of Minnesota , It was ono continual ovation. Dcmpsoy had n world-wido reputation , I found , coextensive sive with the horizon , as I may say , and bounded only by the zodiac. In my grout forthcoming work entitled "Half-Hours with Great Men , or Eminent People Which 1 Have Saw , " I shall give a fuller description of this journey. The book will bo a great boon. Mr. Dcmpsoy is not n man who would bo picked out as a great man. You irnght pass by him two or three times without recognizing his cmineiiue , and yet at a swapping matinee or swatting recital he seems to hold his audiences at his own sweet will also his antagonist. Mr. Domp&oy does not crave notoriety. lie seems rather to court seclusion. This is rather characteristic of the man. See how he walked around all over the state of Now York last week in tlio night , too in order to evade the crowd. His logic , however , is wonderful. Though quiet and unassuming hi his man ner , his arguments aic powerlul and gen erally make u largo protuberance wherev er they alight. Nothing is more pjeasing than the sight of a man who Uas riseu by his own un aided effort , fpuglithis way up , as it were , and yet who is not tvain. Mr. Dcmpsoy conversed with me frequently during our journey and did ndt seem to feel above mo. | > ' 1 opened -the , ' , ' , conversation by telling him tiiat I hat } scon u number of his works. Nothing pTpases a young author so much as a Hum fviomlly remark in re lation to his work. il had seen a study of his 0110 day in iNow York last spring. It was an italic nose' With quotation marks on each side. , ' " It was a very Jiapi > y little bon mot on Mr. DempBcy'sJjai t ; and attracted a good deal of notice htthu , timo. Mr. Dompsoyjs not a college graduate , ns many suppose. Ho is a self-made man. This should bo't gMitToncouragement to our boys wlicLaro now unknown and whose portraits have iot as yet appeared in tlio snorting papers. But Mr. Dempsey 's ' great force as a de bater is * less , perhaps , in the mat ter than in the manner , liis delivery is good , and hisgebturos cannot fail to con vince the most skeptical. Striking in ap pearance , aggressive in his nature , and happy in his gestures , ho is certain to at tract the attention of the police , and hu cannot fail to rivet the eye ot his adver sary. 1 saw one of his adversaries not long ago who-'e eye had been successfully riveted in that way. And yet John E. Dempsey was once a poor boy. He had none of the advanta ges which wealth and position bring. J5ut confident of his latent ability us a middle weight convinccr ho toiled on. over on , sitting up until long after other people had gone to bed , patiently knocking out those wno might be brought to him for that purpose. Ho never hung back because the way looked long and lonely. And what is the result ? To-day , in the full vigor of manhood , he is sought out and petted by every ono who takes an interest in the onward march of pugilism. It is a wonderful record , though brief. Jt shows what patient industry \\ill ac complish unaided. Had John E. Dempsey soy hesitated to enter the ring and said ho would rather go to school , where ho would bo safe , he might to-day be an edu cated man , but what does that amount to hero in America , where everybody can have an education J Ho would have lost his talent as a .slugger and drifted steadi ly downward , perhaps , till ho became n school-teacher narrow-chested editor - or a - tor , writing tiling- ! day after day just to gratify thu moibid curiosity of a sin- cursed world. Inclosing I would Iko to say that I hope 1 have not oppressed an opinion in the above that may hereafter bo used against mo. Do not understand me to hu the foe of education. Education and re finement are good enough in their places , but how shall wo attract attention by trying to become re lined and rducateil in a land where , as I say , education and refinement seem almost to run ram pant ? Heretofore , in America , pugilism has been subservient to the common .schools. Pugilism and polygamy have both be-on crowded to tlio wall. Now pugilism is about to lUiseit iUself. The tin ear and the gory IIOMJ will soon como to tlio front , and the day is not far distant whim progras.olvo pugiiistn and the pri/.e-rlnu will take the place of the poorly / militated ated common sp/iool / ; and the enervating prayer mceting0 { , HILL Nvn. THE CHINESE PRESS. 11 j How News la 'Collated by Celestial Editor * ) niid'Slioels Are Printed. There are at 'flV ) > present rffno four newspapers prhjicd , in Chinese charac ters regularly published in San Francis co , " > ays the Chronicle ot that city , They iiro all issurd scukly , and liuvu an aggregate average circulation of 2,000 copies. | ; i * n The majorlty'OT1 ' papers nro sent into the intenor. oLthis btate , to Wash ington territory. Uritibh Columbia , and the Sandwich islands , Only about ono- fifth of tlio whole ii'miber ' is taken in this city. The bubscripiion price of each is § 2.60 per annum , delivered by earners in the eity , and $ . > a year if sent through the mails to the country or abroard. The oldest paper of the quartet in the Recorder , pnulUlicd by Mun Kuo A : Co. , at 7,71. Washington street. It hab been in u.xistenco eighteen years aud has a tub- buription libt of WJO , of which eighty are delivered in the eHy and the remainder mailed to the interior. Mun Ktso , lU iirst proprietor anil editor , iniulo a for tune out of the Recorder. Selling out throe years ago , ho returned to t'hina to spend his declining years umung his kin dred , The Oriental Is published by Wall Koo & Co. , at 800 Washington street. It has boon in existence ( iveyuars and has u cir culation of about four hundred. The Weekly Occidental is now in 1U fourth year , and Horn Hong & Co. , its proprietors , claim that It is the "live" paper and has the "largest circulation. " It hns 200 city subscribers and 800 In the country. Cum Shoo , Its translator and reporter , is well educated in Engliish and Chinese , and nothing of Interest occurs in the Chinese quarter that ho docs not report for the paper whleh ho represents. Tlio American and Chincso Commer cial News , the latest aspirant for journal istic honors among the Chinese , was start ed by Snoy Kco & Co. , a little over three years ago. Its propriclors intended to revolutionize the Chinese newspaper bus iness in this city and engaged a largo stair of reporters , etc. Their puree , how ever , was not as largo as their Ideas , and a year ago they gracefully retired bank rupt. ' 1 ho present proprietors now have the paper on a paying basis , nnd claim a circulation of 700. The tillo of the paper is printed in old Roman text and above It is n representation of a ilaiiilug dragon. The stall'of a Chinese newspaper con sists usually of four persons vian edi tor , n sub-editor , n translator nnd a print er or pressman. The editor aud the sub editor are generally the proprietors , and each usually edits one-half the paper. Iho translator is a most Important person. His duties are to pick tip news around the Chincso quarters aud read carefully the American dally papers. 1-roin these ho culls the market repot Is , accounts of outrages on Chinese , the passage - sago of any laws and ordinances particu larly nfTenUng the Chinese , anil any other items which ho thinks will interest his countrymen. These ho translates into Chincso characters , and hands them to the editors for Insertion in the forthcom ing issiui. I'he editors copy the characters so sup plied them with the ordinary Chincso pen and specially prepared ink on what is called transfer paper. The sheet of transfer paper is the same sixo as the pa per to bo printed. When the editor hits Ills shcot ot transfer paper filled with characters his labor is done , ami ho hands the paper over to the printer , This functionary has a lithographic Btono already prepared , and to it ho transfers the character * on the paper. After "setting" the ink on the stone with nltrio acid and gum lie is ready for printing. After passing a wet sponge over the stone ho rolls over it an ink roller , the Ink from which only adheres to the written characters. Ho then lays the sheet of paper to be printed on the stone , placing oil top of it a metal cover. An iron bar is now passed across this cover and tightened down by a lover worked by the foot of the operator. The frame on which the stone "is set is then , by means of a strap and pulley worked by the iirintcr , made to slide under the bar its whole length. The pressure of the bar on the cover causes the impression of Iho inked char acters to be transferred from the slone to the paper. The process is re peated until the required number of copies is printed. Then the btonc is cleaned off and smoothed down , and the characters for the other side ot the paper are transferred to it , and the printing on the other side of the printed .shoots com mences. One side only of a paper can be printed at a time. A smart printer can print ono side of 400 sheets in an ordinary working day. Five working days are re quired to get out an edition of 1,000 copies. The papers are printed with black ink on single sheets ol thin white paper , ex cept the Chincso new year , when either red paper is used or the characters are printed in red ink on the ordinary paper , red being considered the lucky color among the Chinese. The Need ol * the Hour. Detroit Free Press : "What seems to bo do need of de hour jistnow , " said the president of the Lime Kiln club , "am mo' boss sense an' fewer demagogues mo' of de spcerit of concession an" less of do spcerit of dcstruckshun mo' of do speorit of mutual interest an' less of dc principle of rule and ruin. If I put money into a factory an' make a success of it , I am entitled to a fa'r ' interest on my money invested an'a fa'r profit on market values. Beyand dat de income be longs to to do workmen who helped mo to make it. Lit am a plain principle of justice , in which no ono need be mistaken , an' it has only to bo followed to kcop employer and employe on do best of terms. Kbciy man am legally an'morally entitled to all the money lie can acciimmiilate wid- out chicanery or oppression -Dat we am not all worf a $1,000,000 apiece am our misfortune , an' bio win' Jay Gould up wid dynamite won't help out case a bit. "Dar1 should be no roduckshun of pay to faithful woikmen except to prevent loss in money invested. Dar' should bo no strike till a coinpioiniso has bin of fered an' rejected. While men workin1 atstarvashun wages may become desper ate , il should be remembered dat cbery fnoklory in do kcntry am an another burden added to Uixashun. A ship laid up at do wharf not only carries no cargo , but she am going to decay. Do work men who are not willin' to render a fa'r day's work is a cheat. Do employer who looks upon hia workman us a beast of bunion am a tyrant. "Do hull nueshun of capital versus la bor can bp simmered don't to this : Rea sonable hours-r-fa'r ' pay Iricmllv arbi- traslmn on all points of dispute. Dar am nullin fur either side to lo-io by eou- cedln1 dnr am ebon-thing fur boat sides to gain by a frank an' mutual under * Htamlin' . " "What Corsi'tH Have Done. "Take oft"your corsets ! " 1 hear a howl of dismay. "Oh , we can't ' Iivo without cor.sctsl Wo should fall to nieces ? " "I can't hold myself up an hour with out corsets I" " 1 always have sunh a pain in my side when I lay aside my corsets ! " Sly dears , do you see what a severe ac cusation you bring against this aitlclu yournolvcs ? Wearing corsets has bo on- Jeobled your muscles that they are no longer ot use to you. If you have never worn them , your body , left to the laws of Him who mndo it , would have nocded no support. 1 know onn woman , n'most ' ( JO years old , tall , stout , well developed , who lias never worn corsets or heels , and whose flesh Is linn and cool , needing no bones to kcop it in position except her own. I suppose you cannot undo wholly what the years of idle , foolish torture have done for you , but you can have a bettor future if you will begin now to live like rational beings. Go and buy some of those woll-mado , miw-fushioiicd waists , with buttons to hold upyour heavy , drag- gy skirts ; buy them big enough so that you can draw the longest brealli your squeezed and disabled lungs will allow , after the waist is burst ; M ) loose that you can lift your arms above your head oabi- Jv ; if your 6'do ' or your back aches , lie down ; inb your llauby llo h every day with a rough cloth \vrung _ out in salt and water ; draw 3'our breath in as far as you can'iiml bnialho it out slowly as you can every time the clocks trikes. How 'Aery Cookc. A I'rotty Oooil Doctor. Chicago News : An old member of Iho profession in this city tells us a story which , ho says , Dr. J. Adamw Allen told him many years ago , Dr. Allen , as the btory goes , was just beginning his practice when , ono winter a ay , seated in a oar , inullled to the oars , ho overheard this conversation between two passen gers who were sitting where they could not sco his face : "Say , George"said one , "what kind of a doctor is this young Al len y "All 1 know about him U that no snatched my aunt from the grave last summer that H. I shall always think he did. " "Did he. , indeed * " said the other ; "well , ho must be a pretty good doctor , then. What was the matter with your mint * " "Oh , the Was ! oud .uud buried , you know.1' THE PAMU/V MAUKKT AVhitt tlio Thrifty llousowlfo Can Uuj- In the Local Marts Prices. New cauliflower is ono of the dolioa- clesat present obtainable , though scarce , selling nt from SO to 35 cents per head. Onions are selling at 80 cents n peck , while j-ollow Salt Lake onions bring 40 cents , Parsley is sold at C cents a bunch. Parsnips at 25 cents a peck. Celery sells at CO cents a dozen. New hot-house radishes GO cents a dozen. Lct- tuco five heads for a quarter , Now Cal ifornia celery in mammoth bunches sell from 15 to 20 cents per bunch. Spinnach from the southern states has now made Its appearance nnd sells for 60 cents u peck. Now green onions , Ihreo bunches for a dime. Watercress 5 cents a bunch. Pie-plant 15 cents a bunch. Oyster plants , three and four bunches for 25 cents. \ \ Isconsln cranberries , 10 cents a quart ; choicest Capo Cod , 15 cents n quart. Jersey sweet potatoes , 01 cents nor pound , Turnips 20 cents a pcok , Rutabagas 8 cents nor pound. Carrots 25 cents a peck. Salt Lake potatoes , 1 > 5 cents per bushel ; Nebraska potatoes , from Ot ) to 75 cents. California aspara gus sells at 25 cents yor pound. MIU1T3. Now California oranges' from 25 to 40 cents a California seed less oranges sell from 15 to 75 cents a doz en. Lemons bring from 25 to 05 cents , the outside price being for very choice ones. Kanunas are worth from 25 to 40 cents n dozen. risii. White fish and trout are soiling for 10 cents a pound. Fresh codlish is to bo purchased for 15 coins n pound , while halibut steaks are worth 25 conts. Eels are worth 20 cents a pound. Flounders are worth 12J conls a pound. Fresh mackerel brings 15 cents apiece. Smelts , are plenty and are selling for 12 } cents a pound. Skinned perch sell at 12 } cents per pound. Stripctl bass nro so scarce its to bo un quoted. Sea porch are worth 12c } a pound. Salt codlish tongues sell for 12- cents a pound. Fresh lobsters are just coming in for the season. Theysell at25 cents per pound. North river shad are now to bo purchased ; they are arriving in liner condition than this market has ever scon them. They sell nt $1 each for roc and 03 cents each for bucks. Oysters , of standard quality and size , are selling at 40 cents a ql. The selects bring GO cents a qt. Cans 20 to 40 cents. MEAT , rOULTUV AOT > GAS1E. The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ; rumps and upper part of round steak at 12J. Roasting ribs , firm and juicy , can bo bomrht from 10 to 12) ) cunts. Veal is extremely scarce and comes high , from 15 to 20 cents , according to the choicencss of the part. Sweet breads can bo pur chased at 25 cents a pair. Corn beef is selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for 12 } cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents Ham is worth 12 } cents in bulk. 20 cents sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage , 10 to 12 } cents. Venison , rich and juicy , can be purchased for 20 cents. KUTTEIt AND EGGS. Butter , from 20 to 30 cents a pound. Tlio latter price is for the best creamery. West Point butter , of the liner brand , sells for 35c. Eggs have a standard price of 12 } cents a dozen. Urovitles. Tihittliius Minikns and Miss Lena Schlick were married Monday , Justice Bcrka officiating. Tlio aso of Taylor vs Ball & Finch , affidavit for replevin , has boon sot for April 5 , by Justice Berka Ralph Bowman won his suit against the city by default in tlio county court yestculav. He obtained $112 on ac count of damages done by grading. A lire broke out in Chapmas , tailor shop , on ICth and Hurt htreots , yesterday morning , but was speedily extinguished by the lire department , The loss was trilling. Deputy Marshal Allen returned yester day morning from Detroit.whlther ho took tlio prisoners tried and sentenced at the last term of court. Mr. Bicrbowcr and wife are in Chicago. Judge Neville granted Martin House ! an injunction yesterday restraining C. E. and Samuel Strutton from dispos ing of a watch and other personal proper ty upon which they hold a chattel mort gage. Ho claims that they have no right to the property. The following is the forecast of weather ther for the week ending April 7 : The month of showcru promises a cold and generally " white" opening this year , with unsettled weather local snows in north ern and northwestern sections frosts in the west fair , cool weather , some still' bree/.es and blroiig winds showery , un settled and mild. ISAIINKY JHcAUIjKY DI3AD. The Veteran Actor 1'asses Away From the KUVctH or Too iMuuh Liquor. NEW Vomc , Match SO. Ihinoy ik'Aiiloy , the well-known comedian , died In St. Vin cent's hospital eaily yestcnlav morning fioin dellilum tieiiiuns. lie hud been dilnkhiR hard lor six years , lieqiiently missing per- lot malices , and about two months ngo de clined In this eity that he would act no 111010. Then began systematical ! uiibiokcncouises ol dninUeiiiicsS until two weeks ago hobo- e.iinoapltitiil slulit. On Filday last ho was reimni'd tiom a Jiin.uhvay hotel to llio hosnl- tal .sullfiiiiK intmiM.'ly. ami tl is iiioiiiliic ho dlfil. He leaves a widow , well known on the stage as Ilaehcl Johnson , last year with Ma\o's "Noideek" rnuipany. .MeAuley was lioin In tliii city in 1817 , and bi-irau aclfin ; In Hulialo In IK1 * ' , lie \\n.s nn accomplished actor ol the hTltlnmtit diauia t\\enty-livi ! jeaisago. Then ho .became les- hi-u ol Wooil'h museum in C'liirliiuatl , and alloiuaids built and managed the picsont Louisville theater. For ten yeaib ) > .ist lie liaveled over the country playing "Undo Dan'l" anil "Tho .lorMiyimm. " niiikint ; his lust appeal ance at Pojm'n theater In St. Louis early in l < YhilMiy. Ho was the Instiuutor and lii'at mnniigur of Alary AnduiMin. Ilcal Kiuiiu TriumrorH. ' Tlio following transfers wore filed March 20 , with the county clerk , and reported for the Biu : by Amos' Real Estate Agcncv : Oscar Llddlo ( singlet ) to Maik llansen.pait ohf olif noqr no or sec 31 , 15 , ii : , Douglas Co. wd-81m lloniy Ambler and wife and others to A Q Klger , part lots 5 and 0 block a AuihlcrplHce Omaha , w d-fc00. Fiances N Kennedy to Aiidiew Roseuater , part lot 7 Capitol add Oiimlm < | o SI. KrancU M 1'aiker and wltVi to Cnthuilno Oliver , ( i lif lot U block 7 Khlim's add Omahu. w d Sl.OT.'S. ThonusV Dlackbinn and wlfo to.lohu L McCague , lot 1 block 10 Hanscom place Omaha , wil-Sii.000. JMnigaiet Llppciicott and Iniib to JosUili Kent. s ) ft ol ohf ( if lot 12 block 15 Imp Asbo'll add Oinuiiu , w d S.V/0. Charles A Sherwooit ( sln 'lo ) to Willis a Ilcmemvay , lot 7 block 5 wi ht k Lyman's add Omaha , w d-Sm . , Alex ( i Cliailtini ( sltislc ) to Xral It Mo Leod , lot ii block 10 Ilanscom place Omaha , wd Sl/i-'iO. WllticitJ Van Aeinnm ( hlnahto H H AVilkliihoii , lols 1 and 2 block 10 llawthorno add Omaha , wd-sl50. : ! . .lelleronV Ueiltiml and wife and others to , S.S Wilkinson , lot I ! block 10 ll.uUhouiu lot 7 I'elham place add Omaha , w . James U Itatclllf ami wife to .loo A 'lays , lot 7 IVllmni place add Omaha , w dS W Joseph A llajes and wlfo tn Lou'iuo V MOI-.O and others , lot 7 J'ClIiam place add Omaha , w d-sm Uyron Rend and \v/o | and others to Morris Moult-on , loUl'and IS block 8 Campbell's add OniiUii. w d - 51 , MO. I'hlllu M Chandler to Mnry J Chandler , o lif Iptfls. IJitrr OaU add Onmlm , w d---SIW > 0 , Before buying got prices ut tim Central Lumber Vai'd , 10th and California. - WITHIN A TRIFLING RANGE , X , Nothing of An Astonishing Nixtnro to Wheat Prices Fluotiwte Narrowly. PORK IS SAVAGELY RAIDED , Nut Jones Jttnipn on Mny anil Jitno * Sending Prices Down llccor- cry Itoforo tlio Close IiUo Stock Quotations. C1UOAOO cntAlX MAUKHT. CHICAGO , March ft ) . [ Special Tcleginm. ] \ViuAT : Wheat opened Uo under > ester * day's close , but the market developed stencil * ness at once and the > o vas iccovcred with * out loss of time. Uialn cables \\cro tain * ami on the whole discouraging , ami foiolen political news was not reassuihiR Locally the market was tiionopoll7ed to a very great evton t by homo talent. Outside orders were t\\ \ few and far between. After the first bulge the maikot was subject to the usual plug- ( lug. It has been going on regularly for the past four or live days and tlio price of Mny diopped back to Mc. It reacted later and at Id o'clock .May wns selling at Sic. It was thought ( lint a favorable turn had been reached In thu peace negotia tions In the southwest , and this , milled to re * ports of quantities of pioperty taken In Now 1'oik for shipment abioad , iinp.uteil now life to business in the pit. Heloro I o'clock May wheat was selling at 81)40 , and the last sales were on a b.isls ot SlV diJfe. The tali Ing ot fifteen boat loads ntNcw York for c.vpot t wo $ known hero at 12:80. : The market appeared to have recomcil trom Its mill-session weak ness. ConN Coin opened steady this morning , but the pi Ice was henten down J c by Baxter & ( ioiumln. Tlio patties did not sell much , stuff , for the crowd vtns not In a buying mood and offered no resistance. Later the market leaded to the stalling point , In sym pathy ullhlirat and pork , OATS Quiet and undisturbed by the Influ ences that convulsed the more active ccieals. 1'itoviMONH Pork was savagely milled this 11101 nlng by Mat Jo'ies and his "tailors. " They jumped on .May and Juno , sanding the foimei tioiu SMS toS9.23tliovsml latter flora , n.M ) to S'.UO. ' ' The deellne brought out quite a lot of long poik , the irrnln houses offer ing pioperty In-ely. When the market seemed \\eakest e.uly sclleis turned buyers ami cou'icil their shorts. Tlio mnrkct then slowly locnxoicil and closed nt 1 o'clock with an uniluitono of thinness mid prices nearly back to the lap. Fluctuations In lard were slight and pctslstont puichafiing by the pack ing companies hold libs steady , quotations nt the close shoeing an Improvement over yes terday. Ain-niiNoox UoAitn Wheat spurted noarljr J c on the alteineon bnaid. Export Inquiry and additional pmchnbcs on this maiket for foreign account \\cto the causes. The closes wciojfc under the best prices , May ending at 81Yc. Tiovlslons weie strong , shorts sell ing fieely. 2:4) : p. m. Puts on Muyybcat , 81cj calls Clmndlor-Brown Co.'s Report. The tallowing report of Chicago's specula tive maikcts Is furnished the Hun by W. P. 1'cclc , Omaha representative ot Chandler , Jio\vn ! Co. , of Chicago and Milwaukee : Cables were quiet and steady tbls morning , and wheat opened cosy , and sold down > oor Qc for Mny. Ilussian securities were lower and the crow d looked for developments on the castci u question. The bear foatmes have all been discounted and ought to ad vance. Corn steady at about yesterday's figures. Pork weak. CHICAGO IjlVB STOCK. CHICAOO , MaichrA I Special Tolesram.J CAVILD Trade was active and prices fullv as lilih ; ns ycstciday , \ \ Ith liero and tbnro Iota ot steeis tlmt sold a simdo higher , making an advance of 10@lfic o\er tlio closing : prlco of lust week. Hljr , licavyc.ittloaro hellliii , ' within arangoof 85.00ir.7r ( > lor 1100 to KiOOIb average , ( iimil to choleo medium steers of 1SOO Ibs and upwaids may bo quoted at 4.75@ l.'JO , UOO to 1200 Ib steers will sell for 4.CO@IBO. Kxnoit demand lias dwindled down to a low loads now nnd aijaln , licucu a limited business In bit ; cattle. 1'alr to fjood cannlnj ; stock will sell for S".r05i.Tf ; > . ifYincy young heifers and blu fat , dry cows will will at fr.75 ! ) < 3-l.50. Bulls are M'lllug at S2.&OQ3.CO for coru fed and Si.Xi.70 : : ) : lor distillery fed. Btookurs'and feeders am making about tlio same prices as last week. HOOK As compnicd wlthawppkago prices nro0i \ lower , jet aHcnmpaied with .Monday values are a good n lOc liluher. The reKiilnr packing demand was about up to tlio usiii'l ' volume , ( but slilppeis weie not Inlying as many as lii-iotofoto. Tlio best liPnvy sold at S4.S. > @ -1.-)0. ) laifielyatHW > The best mixed und packing borts sold at Sl.liX&MO , with odds and ends at $4.10@U5. Light sortssod : at SI.20@l.lO , liuccly at S4.1X ) ( < i4.ia. : PlNANOIAlu. Now York , Alarch SO.-MoMEV On call , easy at2@J percent j STKIII.'I'.NO' KXCHA'NUE Dull but steady ; S4.W5J for klxty days ami 84.83 % on demand. ( lovKitNMHNis Active nnd Htrony , STOCKS blocks opened decidedly weak , and from K to over 1 per cent , lower , owlnj ; to tliolallinoin thn lailroad strlko ncKOtw- tlimsaiid of thenttenipt to harmonizethocoal [ Intcii'sts. JJecllnns , however , from the opmi- liiK ngiues wi'io only lr.icllonal.niid the rta > 'H business may bo dn crlhpd by the statement that the mnikct was dull after tlio lirnt0 ! inlnnlet. , andeloscd dull and stronif at or thu lictt Huuieb of the day for mod of tlio an- Uvo list. STOCKS ON WALL STIinKT. S cent bunds. . , 101 ,0. , &M. W . . . . . . l"C5i U.K. W * ll-'J ncferrod. . . lfW > i' Niiw 's. 12 N. Y. 0 Vti I'acilioO'Hof "J5. 12fiJ4'Oregon Trail. , . WiJ < Central I'aclllu , . " I'acilUi Mall WK C.itA lui'fpried. . , . 1W5 J'.l' . ( J > , . . . 1SO,1 a , n. .tj Itock Ihlann. . . . l2Ti ] ) . , I/ . & \V 12 * bt. I * A8. K. . . . 18 D.&ILCJ ift jnefcried. . . 4'J ! < KrlP " " C.M.&St. I' . . . MJi prof priori. . . . 6'J'j ' prefened. li'J ! SUl'.itEO ' J. , It. &Vf lJ ! ) picferied. . . KansaK .t'l'cxivs. ' 1'ei.aa J'ucllic. . . . 1I > Union I'aelllo. . . W. , St L. & ! , . Mich. Central. . , . 70 preferred , , . Mo. Pacific. . . . . . 1U > KVeKtorn Union Noitlieiu I'.io. . . > f O.H.11 * N picfencd. . , I > IIOIUCK. Cliluujsn. Mm oh bO. Flour Qulft bill tlvaity und 'uuchttutfcd ; wluttr wheat ilom