0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEP , TUESDAY , MARCH so , usso. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. MONDAY MORNING , MARCH. S9. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Cclltcrcil by carrier In nny part of the city at twenty cents JUT neck. 11. W. TII.TO.V , Manager. Tr.t.r.riioNE3 : HCFINFM OFFICE , No. 43. Ninnr KOITOII , No. S ) . Ml XOU MUNT10.V. New spring goods nl Roller's. Tcrmil to wed was yesterday given to Mnrtin L. Leo and Minnie Kimbnll , botli of tills city. Tlio storm lias interfered very little with the Intins , the Union 1'acilic being Ilio only one seriously delayed. Tiic city calabooso should bo patched tip ul oneu , so thai drunken men will not bo In il linger ot falling out every tlmo they lean against the wall. John Hitchcock , father of the young man who was injured by tinnbllrg into a well , has returned to his homo in Mo- lalo , the son getting along well toward recovery. It is reported that Abe Slyors. who was injured by a house falling on him , is in quite a critical condition , his injuries be ing internal , and the linal result dillieult to determine. They are gradually breaking In. Ono of thu new policemen in trying to signal n brother oflleer bv rapping uiion a lamu- post , tiroko his billy into splinters. Ho forgot thai II was not u prisoner's head lie was thumping. Frank I/evine , who has as largo a col lection of old coin us any ono in this part of the coun'ry , added greatly to it the other day by the receipt of a number of specimens from the east. Ainonir them was a silver dollar , 'American , bearing ilato of 1703. Chief Matthews , of the police force , lias his vest decorated with a fold star , a beauty , the gift of Harry Hirkinbine , the e.ngint'or of the water works. Council Ulnfl's never had a chief who was more worthy of wearing such a star. Ono of thu little ones at thu Home of the Friendless was buried yesterday. Much sympathy and generosity was shown by a number of citizens in ar ranging lor the funeral , and the services were very tender and impressive. The now city council starts jn well. They have not had but one meeting , and * do not propose to meet again until the regular mooting next Monday night. They seem to bcliovo in grinding out a li lot of business when they do meet , rather than keep tlio mill grinding slowly and putting small batches in thu hopper. The ca.sc of I/column v the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company came to mi end in the Uniteu States court yes terday , tlio jury returning a verdict for the maintin , fixing Ins damages at $700. In mis suit heavy damages wore claimed by the plaint ! ! ! ' on account of little his son being killed by the cars at Dunlap. The funeral of William Lacy was held ycMcrday morning , and was very largely attended. The Catholic church was hlled to its utmost capacity , and there was a very long line of carriages filled with friends wno followed the remains to their last resting placo. Father Ilcaly gave a very sympathetic address. The county treasurer has a pet crow , which attracts the attention of visitors to that ollico. and helps to make it cheerful for the fellow who lias to turn both pock ets wrong side out to got enough to pay liis taxes. A cheery sort of a bird to have around such a place , and it brightens the gloom greatly. War has opened on the saloons which nro not complying with tlio requirement to close Sutulay. Last week ono information mation was Ulod against John Nicholson , and yesterday intormations wore filed against Voter Beciitolo and Charles I3arg- hiiusen. The mayor evidently intends to have the order obeyed or make trouble. Henry Paschel , E. Rosccrans and J. W. Jlorso are silting as a board of appraisers to lix tiio damages claimed by J. M. riiillips on account of a change of grade near his property on Bancroft street. The attorneys were yesterday making arguments and examining witnesses , so that proceedings took quite a courtly form , and the three well known citizens were sitting in bane , as digniticd as a supreme court. Ono of the tramps at work on the street was hoard counselling with n fellow in the chain gang as to the advisability of making a break to gel away. ' ! don't mind thuir shooting , for they wouldn't aim to hit anyway , but I'm afraid the cops would blow their whistles. I'd rather they'd shoot than blow these whis tles , for wnen the whistle bounds every body knows wo are running away. " Charles Stubbons was yesterday fined for getting crazy drunk and shooting ou" his revolver. The follow whom Charles in his wrath proposed to use as a target was not a bit afraid. Ho had iv policy in thu Burial Insurance company , of which the ileet-lootcd 1'iorco was the agent. If ho had been killed the company would hnvo to give him a $100 funeral or go back on its promise. The funeral of the late Ocorgo F. Smith is to bo hold this afternoon at 1:30 : o'clock at the family residence near the water works. The services will bo under the auspices of the Odd Follows , of which order ho was a member. Having been nn old soldier thu veterans aru requested to join the procession at Odd Follows hall , and show duo respect to the fallen comrade , The engine house of the water works has been draped in respect for him , ami the employes of the company will attend the funeral in a body , and the oflices of the company , as well as the of- lice of the New York rlumbing company , will remain closed during the hours of the funeral. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. Best coal and wood in the city at Glca- ion's , ! ! 0 Pearl street. _ For first class Missouri wood call on Gloason , at his coal ollico , 201'uarl street. Wo Aru With You ! The only Chicago & Northwestern ticket ofiico has removed to No. 421 Broad- - PHV rvY stbirh : c ro } null t'.ClCCtS are tnero Bold to Chicago and all principal points cast. J. c. Mnciir.u. , Tickol Agent. Personal Judge McUill , of Crcstoii , visited the HI nil's yesterday. C. L. Hydu II. F. Rodefcr , of Logan , woru in the city yeatorday , Colonel Stone , of Aurora. Ill , , father- in-law of W. J. llancook , is in the city on n visit. O. B. Straub and A , W Courson , of the 111 ram Uavis & Co. buggy factory , nro at the Ogdou , Miss Stella Crane , of Carson , who has been visiting her cousin , Mrs. U. E. Adams , has returned to her homo. PCharlcs Cormeny and Thomas Brcn- nan , two former Council Blntl's citizens but now of Sionx City , A\ ore in the city yesterday. Mrs. Churchill , mother of J , A. Church ill , of this city , is expected to arrive on the Union 1'acitic this morning , accom liiin'cd by her daughter , Mrs , H. Smith , of Oakland , California , whom Mio has boon visiting for a vcnr past. Mrs. fli > jrlill'a : ) homo is in Vermont , but she > vlll runsain lu-ru a short time before pro- cccd'ng oast. Dr , McLcod , oculist and aurlst , No. 503 Jiroiu'.way , Council Blnlls. . l- I' ' THE MISSING RA8DAIL SEEN , He Promises to Oomo Back on April Fool's Day to Viu.icato Himself. A SPICY CHAT ABOUT MEXICO. Tlio AVn.v Tlicy Start tlio Cumbersome Singes of Our SUter Itcpuullc Tlio News of Yesterday Told lirkcfly. Ilnck From Mexico. Colonel Snpp and Hon. Gco. F. Wright lately returned from tin extended trip through Mexico , where they found ninny nutters to interest them : ind their friends. Mr. NVriglit was clmttlng with a llltlo group of friends ycstcrduy , telling some of his experiences. "Yon ought to ROC tlio way they start off a stage there. They have n stage which is as licnvv as a , sleeping car and Ihoy hiteh a little pair of mules onto the front of this , and then they lull on in front of them six more innloitll , | : iibrcaht , nml four more ahead of them , abreast , and then two more as leaders. They have ahont as many men to hitch tip as there are mules , and they keep fooling around , and making the head mules believe that they are not hitched up until they get all ready , they toll you to get in , the driver gathers up all the reins , and then the lust tug is hitched and awnyyou go. For the first mile it means business. They ahyays go on the jump , und arc sure to strike all the stones. In fact they seem to take nains to pick out some stony place to start. Alter the lirst mile it is all rigiit , and they can htop and start tip at will. It's the fashion of the country in making all starts. A fellow there don't think : i horse is any good at all unless it takes liftecn minutu.s to get on his back , and the hor.se kicks and nucks enough to throw any ordinary man oil"1 "How did you enjoy the meals served in Mexico ? " "Ilorriblel The only clean thing you can get is a boiled egg with the slii'll still on. Garlic is .stnlVed into every dish , and in all sorts of ways. Take rice for instance. They are bent on putting any thing into rice so it won't taste like nee It don't make much dillerence what they can get , so long as they get something to spoil the taste of it. Co lieu ? You ought to see it. It is as black as a colHn and as thick as pudding , and they drink it 'grounds and all. We drank it until it made us sick , and after that had to eon- line ourselves to milk and water. " "Are there not some signs of progress and improvement1' "They arc few. Yon should sec them plow. They have a little bit of a , one- handled all'air which just tickles the ground and it does just as well , for the gram will grow if it only has a little water. They fasten the yoke to tlio horns of the oxen instead of about their necks. There was an Englishman there who owned a big ranche , and he was bound that they should use the yokes as they are used in this country. Ho saw that the oxen were yoked himself , and worked his way from one end of his rancho to the other , and when ho came back the next day he found every blessed one of them had taken oil' the yokes as soon as his back was turned , and had fastened them onto the horns. The only way ho could get his help to use the yokes right was to threaten them. In starting oxen there is a startling exception in the rule as generally. It takes them until noon to start a yoke of oxen. Anil then their plows. There are some American plows to be found there. There were n lot of regular plows introduced there , but the only way they could get these fel lows to use them was by sawing oft" one handle. Then they thought they were better. Yon sec they want one hand to crack the whin with. Now American plows lira made for them little bits of things , like a boy's plow , with one handle and a long light beam , reaching way up fco as to fasten to the horns of the oxen. " Rnmlnll Heard I'rom. At last tidings have been received from W. C. Randall , the insurance agent who , about a month ago , was reported as dying suddenly in St. Louis. The report was found to bo false , and there was a. con jecture that ho had got on a big spree , or had some other like reason for absenting himself from nis office hero. Numerous creditors ap'peared , the office was sio/.ed , and there was n sensational revelation of affairs , causing much talk. Nothing has been heard of his whereabouts since , un til the return from Kansas of Mr. E. L. Shugart and Mr. I. N. Flickinger , who had been called into that state to look after some land business. In going from Saline to Aberdeen they were surprised to find Randall on the train. He claimed to have heard nothing before about the sensation which his uisappcarancc from the city had caused , and appeared very indignant at the reports afloat , and claimed that he should return here by the Ibt of April and vindicate his honor and reputation. Ho claimed that the com pany hiil not used him right. Ho was not feeling well , and felt that he must have n change and rest. Consequently , he sent word to the general office to have them send a man here to take his place for sixty days. He claimed that lie had written agreements with the company for lilting up the offices hero , and incur ring other debts , which the company had refuseil to pay , on the grounds that they had never authori/.cd Randall to contract them. When bantered about the fact that his obituary had been written up hero on the strength of the telegram an nouncing his death , ho had little to say explanatory of it , oxcot ) that it was all a mibtako about his having died , and ho did seem to bo a lively corpse. Ho said ho was traveling on the road now , und when asked for whom ho said , "Oh , a friend of mine. " Ho reassured the Coun cil DhiIVs twain that he should bo in this city by the 1st of April to not matters right here , and to hhow the baseness of the reports circulating about him. Ho gave his present address as Kansas City , Those hero who want to sen him may therefore expect him to call on them April 1 , an appropriate date to sot , . . ! . . . . . . . Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L , Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council IJlulls. A h'no line of now opera glasses , and the latest pattern Holosterie barometers , besides all the now and leading novelties in jewelry , diamond * , etc , , at C. B , Jaequerimn & Co.'s , No 27 Main btreet. M'CULLOUGH AND BOOTH. Fred Wnrclo's Opinion of the Two Great Actors. Now York Mail and Express : A re- jiortor for the Mall and Express met Fred Wardo the other day. Mr. Wardo'said it was tlio lirst time ho had played in New York City as a t > tar , and ho was highly pleased at his suei-ess. For live years ho had been traveling about the country , gradually working toward Now York , and to bo received t > o kindly bv the audi ence was to him most gratifying. "Yon have been in this country a long tinio now. Mr. Wunle * " "Since 1874. I was born in the houth of England and educated at the city of London schools. On coming to this country I was engaged at Hooth's ' theatre , and played a character lirst in a drama of Houclenult called Hello Lamar. Th $ late John MeCullougli was also a mem ber of the company at the time. Either the mat few months in 187-1 or early in 187 , I Mipporlcd the late Charlotte - lotto Cnshman , and played Mncdiilt in Macbeth. 1 was in the original cast of Julius Ca-sar at Booth's , and rcMgncd from that company because I was al lotted the part of Julius IVsar. 1 then joined John MeCullough's company and played lago to his Othello and Marc An tony to his Julius Ctesar. It is to John McCullough that I owe my present posi tion. Ho advised mo to star live years ago , and 1 took his advice. There never was a more thorough gentleman or kindhearted - hearted man than McCullough. Why , sir , 1 havu known hint to slip off' the stage when ho was disengaged , enter a box and lead the applause for some one who deserved approbation. Poor JohnVo ! \ wore great friends ; ha was a great actor. ' 'You must bo well acquainted with Mr. llootli ? " "I nm , sir , and our close acquaintance grow from our fondness for pipes. Mr. liooth is very reserved , modest and re tiring. He is fond of his pipe. I as an Englishman am alto fond of a pipo- , and often when traveling together wo would retire to the baggage-car and light our pipes , and then , somehow or other , over that iociable pipe wo would get to study ing and talking until we became fast friends. " "There is n popular idea that Mr. Booth does not favor any good actor be ing in his company , because he is of a verv jealous disposition , " "That is altogether false. There is not n spark of jealousy in Mr. Booth , and ho has boon supported by men who are now starring all over the country. John McCullough , Lawrence Itarivlt , Ebon Plympton and lie ts of others have been in his company , and now he lias the Boston Museum Company with him. Mr. Bootit is such a splendid actor that a good man will fall altogether in the shade by his side. " OHIO'S RICHEST CITIZEN. Ills name is David Sintoii Ills I'c- oiillnrltIcs or 1'ersoii and Mind. Cincinnati Enquirer : Who is it ? It is David Sinton , Ohio's richest man , who handles more ready cash than any of the eighteen or twenty nulljonaircs or mil lionaire estate's in our midst. His wealth is estimated at from $10,000,030 to fjR'.OOO- 000 , nndjycl this is the man who lately gave $7" > ,000 to the Art Museum , by which he achieved a national reputation second only to the late Reuben Springer and Charles W. West. That was not his only charity , for a few years ago he gave the Butliol § 100,000 and to the Young Mens' Christian Association $ ! I3,000. u hat a strange mingling of personal iai > imony and public charityl Ho is of Scotch-Irish descent and was born in the Belfast district , so famous for its linens. At the age of three he came to America , his parents settling at Pitts- burg. There the boy grew up about the huge foundries and naturally began to think that fortunes were made in iron. His lirst business venture was a clerkship in a country store at a salary of SI a month. Drifting down the Ohio river he stops at the furnaces of the Hanging Rock region and soon secures a clerk"- ship , is not long in becoming manager ana at last half owner. His next venture was in Cincinnati , where ho opened an iron store for furnishing the products of the furnaces to buyers. There are 11111115' anecdotes of his pe culiar traits. Manager Page , of the Western Union , was one of the few who ever got the best of the old man. It was in this way : Some time since there was passed a city ordinance compelling all owners of property to put on smoke con sumers. Among the lirst who came to the front with smoke consumers was David Sinton , who had invented a device that ho claimed Tilled the bill. He had it lint on a building that he owns , and when in a few day Page received notice to put one on the Western Union building , he addressed Sinton a note. The millionaire answered in person , went down stairs sat on an old box and figured up the cost of the affair and reported to Page. "All right , Mr. Sinton ; we'll sign a contract. " 'Agreed. " One feature of Mr. Sinton's consumer was that it consisted of two arches made of firebrick , which Mr. Page believed would come down from the force of the llames. Sinton insisted they would not , and if they did , agreed to put them up. In went the consumer , and in three months' time down caved the arch. Sinton was notified that his arch had fallen. Ho called , and insisted that the lircman had pulled it down. Tins tlio lireman an old em ploye denied , and Sinton then said , well it will cost jron $30 to put up another arch with my workmen and under my direction : "Oh , no , " replied Page : "I have a contract with yon , Mr. Sinton , and as you are a responsible man , if you don't have j-our workmen there by 10 o'clock to-morrow then I will bringsuit. " The workmen began at work at 7 o'clock the next morning ; but the consumer was no good , and finally had to be taken out. Air. Sinton is a stickler for blue blood , and glories in his humble origin. It is his greatest pride to tell how lie has arisen by his own exertions from the bogs of poverty to the throne of wealth Ho is fond of a game of curds not for money , but can never stand being beaten. His only son died Feveraal years ago , so that most of his vast wealth will go to his son-in-law. C P. Tuft , whoso father lately represented this country at tlio court of St. Petersburg. AllpPiRonsafllletPil with Uv.sjippsia , Dia- nhica' Colle , and all kinds or imliKOhtions will Had Immediate lelraf and sure cine by using Angostura Bitters. The only gen uine is manufactured by Ur. J. O. 1 ! . Sleguit & Sens. How Mr. CulIo Bcj > fui to Write. Philadelphia Times : Mr. Cable says that , though ho always had an inward conviction that ho could be a writer , cir cumstances seemed to force him into commercial pursuits and for several years ho was a chief clerk to a largo linn in New Orleans , beside holding a prom inent position in the cotton exchange of that city. For a time ho wrote in ama teurish way for several local papers and was tinally engaged to write a column every week for the Sunday edition of the New Orleans Picayune. When that pa per changed hands ho was assigned to write a series of articles giving a history of all thu religions and charitaule institu tions of the cit5' . To do that ho had to read the history of Now Orleans , which ho fen o ijo vlmiwnytlmt of Louisf- aua. Ho was BO charmed with the romances interwoven with that his tory that ho then resolved to write stories of the early Creole daj-s , For an entire year ho read all that ho could find pertaining to the subject without putting pen to paper , meanwhile retaining his clerical position. It is now about four years since ho gave up commercial pur suits to devote himself wholly to litera ture. Ho was first led to think of going upon the platform to read selections from his own works by his success in making an appeal to the congregation of a Preb- byterian church , of which ho was a mem ber , to pay off'an old debt. Prior to that time ho had uhvnys been very timid about letting his voice bo heard in pub lic , but his address to the church people had such a romarkanlo effect the total amount of the debt , which had been hanging over them for years , being promptly subscribed within a few min utes after ho had finished that ho took some lessons in elocution and essayed to give public readln , "rom his mvn works , with what success utC the world knows. Postmaster Cong-ir , of Washington , D. C. , was promptly * cured by Red Star Cough Cure. The average salary of the Methodist preachers of tlio Baltimore conference is $785 a year. Sixty preachers , some of them married , receive less than this amounts to , uud one receives. only $100. I'ostofllco in Nebraska and lowaj drtring the week ending March 27 , 18SCT' ' ful-nhhcd by Win. Vnnbcck , of the postoflfofj department : Established Mcrriinan , Cherry conn- Nuckolls county , Michael Kane ; Draft , Harlau county , Jnmosll Barnunr Howe , Nomaha county , A. 1) . ' 1Huglips ; Lib erty , ( Sago county , Charlqs A. Albright ; Paul , Otoo count5' , Chnrli < s Trait ; River- dale , HnlValo county , W. U. Higgins ; Richmond mend , Holt county , L..B , Temple. lowA , Postmasters appointed Hra7.il , An- pjuioo o county , John C. Hell ; Brongh , man , Dallas county , Hut-mom ! A. Eveland ; Kinross. Kookuk county , O. F. Bangh- man ; Kirkwnod , Appanooso county , John Powell ; Lohrvilh ; . Calhoun county , Joseph M. Arnott ; Mackoy , Boone coun ty , James Murricn. Swan Lake , Emmet county , A. Jcnkin ; Preparation , Mnnona county , James ( irahnm ; Truro , Madison coimt5' , J. D. Tillman. "Tho leprous distllmcnt. whoso effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man , That , swilt as quicksilver , it courses through The natural gates and alloys of the body , " and causes the skin to become "barked about most la/.ar-liko , with vile and loathsome crust. " Such are the effects of diseased and morbid bile , the only antidote for which is to cleanse and regulate the liver an office admirably performed by Dr. Pierco's "liolden Med ical Discovery. " Incident of tlio Sclljiiiaii-\Voriiiscr "Wedding. New York Loiter Cleveland Plain Dealer : A young and enterprising He brew slock broker saw a la ge square en velope among the wedding presents with the legend "From father to Julia. " Most people would have felt sonic delicacy in investigating tlio package , but not so with this young man. He appeared after the wedding at Dolmonico's cafe _ and stated that Mr. Wormser had given his daimht-r § 181,000 in Lake Shore lirfcts. "How do j'on know ? " he was asked. "Because I opened the envi'lope and counted the bonds , " was the reply. "Wore they not afraid to allow you to do so ? " "Oh , no ; there wore two detectives watching mo and , besides , the bonds were all in the bride's name. " As Lake Shore lirsts are f-elling at 13H , the envelope must have contained one hundred $1,000 bonds and the counting process must have been somewhat pro longed. Circumstances beyond } , our control have delnycd the closing * out of our en tire stock as we had rjarpjoseil. ii . i n The npproachin. ? season of spring * trade llnds us with a" go&illy stock of Dry Gools ; and Carpets , some lines de pleted but cleared of Undesirable gooils. O il 1 Being-in Ilio dry goods business wo know of no better place to continue the same than in CounciU.Blufrs. AVe shall therefore re-stock eVery department with new and seasonable goods. Our Mr. E. E. Harkncss , is now making pur chases in eastern markets , and we shall soon have uTe To offer our customers. Onrcarnet de partment will be complete with the new patterns of Moquette , Body Brussels , Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain from domestic and foreign markets. We have already on our tables the choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham burg embroideries ever offered in the city , aiie an excellent assortment of white goods to which AVO shall make frequent additions. We thank our many patrons for their favors and gootl will in the past , and we shall endeavor to merit the same in the future , by attention to their inter ests , and by good goods and wo invite all to call and examine our now pur chases before buying In other markets. Harkness 401 BROADWAY MCI IJ Council Bluffs , Iowa. Farm at a'iargain. ' Well Improved farm of 07 jicres tor sale ; fro"1 Council B\ilf8J { \ ! Addicss IHA SCOKIKLU , Council Uluffs. KIEL SALE STABLES ! .tffift Horsed and Mules kept constantly on hand , for fulo at retail or In car loads. . Orders promdtly tilled tiy contract on short notice , block sola ou commission. 8W.UTKU Sc 110LKV , 1'roprlctors. Btaule Corner Fifth .Aveuuo aud Fourth St Council Ululld low * . WHOLESALE AND JOBBING HOT7S3S3 OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKKE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Iraplemsnts , CniTlajres , Klo , Do. Co\mcl ! UlitlTs , lown. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Sellers , Stalk Callers , DlscIInrrows , Seeders , Corn Planter" , Food Cut ters , Ktc , Vnctory , Hock Falls , UK yoi. IfOI , 1WI , 15 < K , 1507 Mnln St. , Council HlnCTa. DAV1I ) IHlAlTLKY & CO-i Manuf'rsnn 1 Jobbers of Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Bugles , Carriages , and nil klnH of Farm Mio'iln ry. 1100 to 1118 South Mnln Street , Council IHurfs , Ion a. AXK 1I.IXDI.KS. V.O. Qr.KtsoN , T. It.Dnum.is , UKO.K. Witintir. Pivs-ATrens. V.l'rosMiti. . Sea fcCounsol. Council BluTs Handla Factory , Uncorpornted.l Manufacturers of Axle. Pick , Slo.lcro and Simll Handles , of every do crlptlon. CARl'KTS. COUNCIL HLUFTS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtnln fixture' . Vpholstory flee la , Kto. No. 405 llroivhvny Council lllulf- ) , Iowa. 01U/1/ZS , TOH.1CCO , KTC. PEREGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 28 Main ami 27 Pearl Sts. , Council UlulTj , Town. COMMISSION. SNYDEU & LEAMAN , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Commission Marcliaits. Xo. H Pearl St. , Council HluT * . CRACKER'S. McCLURG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits aai Ca'i3i , Council llluff. < , Tmtu. CROCKERY. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers&JobbersofCrocfcery.Glasswaiu . Lumps , Fruit .Tors , Cutlery , Stonownro , Hnr Goods , Fancy Goods , lite. Council lllults , Iowa. DRUGGISTS. IIARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries , Etc. No. 22 Mnln St , and No. 211'onrl St. , Council mulls. DRY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Notions. Etc. Nos. 112 and 114 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 115 Pearl St , Council lllulls. Iowa. FltVlTS. O. \ \ . BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. BiS Broadway , Council Bluffs. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesala Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pearl St. , Council DluCf * . GROCERIES. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEX , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Grocsries , Nos. 117. 118 and 121 , Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Lliuor Dealers. No. 116 Broad way , Council Bluffs. HARDWARE. P. C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware Tinware Gasoline , , Stoves , Refrigerators , etc. No * . 511 Broadway , and 10 Mtiin street. Council Bluffs. HARNESS , ETC. 11ECKMAN & CO. , Jlanu'acturors of and Wholesale Doilors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. C25 Main St. . Council BluffJ , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No ? , ill'i and 314 Broadway , Council llluga. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron Steel Hails Hardware , , , Heavy , And Wood Slock , Council lllutTs , Jpwa. _ HIDKS AND WOOL. i ) . H. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , ( lrea o and Furs Council Illulfri , lown. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oil > , EJTO. , BJTCJ. 8 , Theodore , Atcont , Council Illiilfs. lown. fnivHJ , K'lV. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Woud , Southera Lumbar , Piling , Ami liriilifo Material Bpoolultk-s.WlioluiiUo J.uui- her ot all k'iiuls. oilcu : No. Uu Mala tit. , Council HlulTs. Iowa. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN LINUER , Whok'sula Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. ( iotthanl's Herb Hitter ) . No. 13 Main St. , Council BluUd. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Xu COO Main St. , Cuitnell llu/s. N. SCHUH.Z , Justice of the Peace. Offlco Over American Express Company. MS. D. A. BENEDICT MANUrACTUllKH AND DIULKII IN HAIR GOODS I No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. w. i\ ii \ \ llrlck h.tlMlm nnv kind vnlsfil or moved nml sntlsfnotlon irtinrnntopd. I'mnio limnos inove.l cnl.ltllcOHJttruoVs-llio beat la the wirll. 808 Eighth Aveniio ami Eighth Stroat , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special iKtvortlsemonti , mioh nl LostFounilToloaaKo 8 lo , To Rant , Wii'itt nonrdlnotc. , will bo Inserted In thli column it thelcw rnto of TEN CUNTS 1'Hll UNK fop th3 flretlnsortlon nd KIV15 CUOT3 I'MII LIMK for rnch subso.iuont Insertion. Laivo ixlvorlha mcntsat our ollloo , No. U Pearl sti-ost , no. r lliouUvuy , Council IlluTa. WANTS. "WT'.ANTIJI ) A ulrl lor irnanvnl lioii o. ork. Y > No. Ifrl HiuiL'ioft tlii'i i , Coinio.l HliilTs. U7ANTKD A iflrl lor wciicial hotiganork In UFinnll family. Applr lit I Till llrontluuy. T710II PALK-OUl Diiiioi-s. In qmintltles to suit , Jt ? m Hso ( illlco , No. 12 I'curl stroot. " 171011 Itr.NT 1'lvo room oott'ipo. Inquire nt JL1 liM I'ourth stioct , or of McMlcUen , 1)10 ) I'lntncr struct. SWAN & WAUCtilt , No. ! W Miitil struct , ( under Cltlztm's Il.iik : > , real osinto mm mor- cliiiiullio oxcliiinsfo lirolcPH. Our books nro lull ol'cpoclnl iMirKtilni , but It U Impossible to pub lish rcllnbla list from Iho fnet of go ninny dully . Whnt wo usk N ! If you wmt to soi il art ratio anything In onr line , write IH nmlvo will Runil you a pllo of Imnr.'iltH to select from. I.nmlH Improved or unlmprove I. city or town property , Btos'ts ' of K-oodx of nny klml In any pliiuo. 11 such jo.i biivo or such you want let 113 ucnrfiom you. S.vun & Wulkur Council UliilTs RlTSSELL&Co Hnnufncturcrsof nil elzcaof Automatic Engines Especially Hcsi < ? noJ for Runnlnsr MILLS , GUAINLELKVATOHS , AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Massillou Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Ilorso Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffe. SEND FOR 1833 ANNUAL. THE CARTER WHITE LEAD CO.'S ' DIAMOND 11HAND OP Strictly Pure Lead , line and Oil PREPAIRED PAINTS -\ro Just ns represented , fjeo from ndiiltorn- tlon , mill tlio vary l > e t mnnuiiieturod , a Inct tlntcnn bo Hiil > siintiated by iiutuul compari sons. 1'or Bale by S. H. KEL.I.T . , Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc. 507 Main Street , Council Bluffs. Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFa The following la tlio tlmo of arrival nn < l departure of trains by central standard tlrao , nt tlie local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton minutes curlier and arrive ten minutes later : BEPAUT-cmcAno * KOHTmvESmm.AUI"V8- 0:30A.M : * l11" " > 'd ISipross CMp. : w. 12'40P M Accommodation 4Mp > < 8EOJ : > . M Express 0:0.A. : . M. CHICAGO * HOCK ISLAND. 8-2,1 A. u MailtuidKxprcss 0:5 : } p. H , 7:1BA. M Accommodation 6:451 : * . M. CCOiM : Kxprcss UOiA. : M. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & BT. I'AUI , ! ) :20 : A. M Mull and Kvpros UMi' : . u. 0:501' : . M HspU'SS 0U5A. ; JC CHICAGO. U1IIIMNO1O.V & QU1NCV. 0:40AM : Mull and Kxpross C:50r. li:50r. : M Kxpross y0j ; WAIIARII , ST. L.OUIS ft PACIFIC. 2:15 : p. H.Local tit.i/oilU Uxiiross Local 3:00 : p. M.TransforSt. Louis Kv.Triuisfor.'JO r. M KANSAS CITV , NT. JOB & COUNCIL 11LUFKS 10:10A.M : Mail and Kxpross fi : : p. c. Vl'6P. : l Hxproyi 0:25 : A.M. BIOUX CITV Jt PACIFIC * . 7:15 : A.M . . .Sioux iily Mall R:30p. : M. CUr. : : n Kt. 1'aul Kxprcaa 8:25 : A. j < . UNION PACJnO. 10:35 : A. M Du'ivi'r ' Utpn 9 5.1r. : M. 2Klp. M..Lincoln I'assiii. ) .V It. V.UU5 ; r. u. 7Kl : ) > . M Ovurland Krproas 8:15 : JL. M. IJUMMV THAINSTO OMAHA. Lcuvo Council Uluffs 7-A" > 8 : m : M 10.10 : llao u , m. : 1JO S.10 : J.W : 4:30 : BJ3 : fiiJ : Blft-ll:15 : : p. ra. Sundays 7:05 : Itj'JU llao- : . ni2-W ; : * lil-55-0iW ! ! : : IIl5p. in. LoavoOmu- ua-0J5-7T5-S:50-10:00-llaOtt. : : : : : m : 1:00'jO'J : - U:00-4:00 : : 5:00 : : CM : M 11:10p.in. : Sundays ) : 'i:60.-:4 : : 11:00 : a. ra. : 8:00a:00 : : GOU : C:05 : 3ic-iiio : : P m. Council Bluffs Bus AND' Carriage Transfer Co. & Ai'iul , Props. and liogsnio tnkon to and from all tilling. IliiB-ios , carriages uud \ > aK itKf > wag ons make connection ) with all trains Prompt attention given to a'l calls. Special rules lo theatrical troupoitind commercial men. Car- rlinrcs run diiy and nlKlit. Ollico nt Osilen House , Ti'loihriio | 1"3. Also at licchlclo's Hotel. Lrarooi doruon the lutes , OOTJiTCIJL. . STEAM DYE WORKS , All Work Flift Clots Ollico In Mrs. C.L. Gilette's Hair Goois Stora , No. 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Postofflce , j npE. orriCEn. * n. u. PUSXT . OFFICES , & PUSSY , COUNCIL BlUFfS , IOWA , E t , l'li5hed ' 1405. I wish to rospnotfnlly call the attention of my patrons anil tlio public In general , to my remo val fioin thu old stand Nos. 7 mid V. Main Bt , to my new nnd commodious quarters , No. 226 Broadway , JJ'ru ! ! / wl" b2 PleasM to son my many friend * . with n lnrjfo , now and complete assortment of LUfESfFabricsinSpringSTILK And holiiff located In luriro quarters 1 am bettor than over before prepaied to borvo tlio public. llespeetrnlly , J. M. SMITH , ' Merchant Tailor _ NO220 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB siks , " ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In Stnto nnd Fedor.il Courts. Kooms 7 and 8 , Sluuart Jilo..lc. LAMPS and CROKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 23 Alain Street. Council JHiifTs. la BICE , M. CANCERS CHRONIC DISEASES of all kinds a specialty Over thirty years' print oixl oxpudonjj. No. 11 1'o.irl Street , Uoum U UluilA A.C.IiunNHAM. Pros. L.W.TUI.MSYS , Vice-Pros. JAMLB N. Unow.v , Cashier. Cooncil Bluffs Haliooal Bank 103 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 260,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Do a ( fonoral banking buslnnsa. Accounts of banks , bunkers , merchants , man ufacturers and Individuals resolved ou favora ble terms. Domestic and foraln exchaiiffo. Tlio very beat of attention Blven to nil bust ness committed to our euro. TIMOTHY SEED. I have a quantity of eonnd , well cleaned seed which 1 olfor at reasonable figures. Seed or the crop of 1883. Correspondencesolicited. . F. G. BUTLKlt , Sohallor , Iowa. 0. & N. W. Ky. WISE , Horses and Mules For nil purposes. l > oijrlit ; und sold , at ioall ! and In loin Sovonty-slx bnad of the very best quality of mules now on hand. Council Blulfs lown. COUNCIL BLUFFS Baggage & Transfer Line. 'Una and liaggatfo wagons connect with al trains , to all hotel ! ) , toMdunups , me. Spncial at tention to COMMKHClAI.MliN and TilEATItl- CAT , THOI'l'KS. ' Prompt attention given all calls. Ofllco at 1'acltlu Hnnso , Telephone No 140 ! also Toljphouo No. 128 at Option House. H. BEEOROFT , Proprietor. CARPETS , CUI&TAINS , g , Mattings , Window ShadesEtc 1 Wholesale and Retail. Spring * 11J80 Our stock is now coin- and colorings in ail prudes of Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , UplioJutcry Goods , etc , VQl'UltMl 1'itICKS-Mnil onlnrs at tended to prompt ! } ' . 1'Mnc UphulMtcry Work to order. COUNCIL BLUJ-'FS CARPKTS CO. , 4i05 lirontlwuy. Looking bracks } fc-r Fsncas AND OIHlJIt HAILS , HOD'S. 1HC , FKNCKS UlJII/1' WITHOUT .NAILS , Any part reii'llly tnkan out or ro.daco I. For picket or rnll feno3ilioii nru-ood , cannot lie ox- culled lur ru'lintr ul any mm. Kor 11 irtioulurs write C. J. IIIX'KMAN , liifuntnr. Council llluUs. Plato and county rights lor sale. MM TICKET OFFICE A. T , ELWSLL , Agait , No. 5i7IJroadirar , Oounoil ONLY HOTEL In Council Ulurrs havld 3-rir © ' And ill modern Imurovuiuoat * , cull wl'ii Ur ulurm bells , etc. , Utuu : C11JM8TON , ; ( MOUN , jvc