Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUB OMAHA DAI&Y BEffi4 SATURDAY , MARCH 27 , 1885.
The Various Lifo Insurance Companies Do
ing Business in Nebraska ,
Tabttlntctt Inforinntlou For the Gen
eral Publics Tlirco Now Corpo
rations to tlio Front
Ullnor Mentions.
[ ntOM inr. TIER'S MNCOI.N nuiiKAU.1
I Auditor Habcock lias prepared for tlio
information of tlio public tlio following
table showing tlio business transacted by :
tlio various lifo nnd accident insurance
companies in Nebraska during last year ,
together with such oilier information as
may be of interest lo llio gcncrnl public :
83 : . .to
a :3 : 2. .too
88 :3 : 8 : iS8 : | 3
; cf ; ) "sfsf ; ; o'
cf < - " t-i ef
any.Co any. 'o s'23
3 . .
.iSUr/ ) 'Si
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Co " 23 tn -
SScfest S > .2
* ;
. o
. 0,0
Company. Ic § I less = :
51 183
' Pill 11 i
oj iw Cii. s
Coroner Koborts rcturnoil from Olive
Dratich pruoinct ycslcnlny afternoon ,
wliuro ho hntl boon called Thursday to
hold mi inqnost on the remains of .John
Kersch , who liad boon found hanging tea
a trco. Tlio funornl was licld yesterday
forenoon , and the jury brought in n ver
dict of Miicido by hanging. Kerseh was
a bachelor and lived ulone .on u rented
farm in Olive Urunoh precinct. He was
not mentally strong at nny time , and on
Sunday ho was clear oil his baso. Ho
imng/med that sonio one was pursuing him ,
nud in this condition called at it neigh
bor's and asked for protection ami
nt the same tune oflorod a roll of green
backs , which on their refusal to take ho
threw under the table and started on the
run towards the grove where lie wns
found. This was the last seen of him
alive. On going to the house it wns dis
covered that he had not returned ami
Roarch was begun for him , which resulted
in finding him on n little island in the
south branch of Salt crook. Ho had pro
cured a lariat rope and with it had com
mitted the not of self destruction. It ap
peared that ho had climbed the trco and
then slowly let himself down , and dcatli
came from strangulation.
Thrco now corporations worn recorded
by the secretary of state yesterday. The
first was tlio Superior Cattle company , of
Superior , Nuekolls county , the promoters
of which are C. . Adams , E. J. Adams ,
D. liossormau , K. Itosscrman , W. A.
Movers , lj. li. Adams , L. H. Hosscrman
ami J. 11. Hossorman. The authorized
capiUil is $100,000.
The Nebraska Distilling company , of
Nebraska City , with a capital of $100,000 ,
is another new organisation. The inoor-
porators are George L. Woolsoy , Dexter
Minis and Krustus C. ( ialllcld.
John Lisco and William F. Dodge , of
Clarks , Mcrrlck county , have organized
what they term the Central Nebraska
Detective association.
The ball given by tlio llobrow Ladies'
Uonovolont association Monday overling
was the most notable event of the week
in the social Una. Tliciu.was a lurgu at
tendance of our most worthy Hebrew cit-
i/.ons , and a snug sum was realized for
the poor , for whose sake the holies and
beaux mingled in glad communion and
danced till daybreak.
Mr * . Draper has relumed to her homo
in Iowa , after A short visit with her s > on ,
T. U. Draper , in tuis city'
K. M. Marquette and family are homo
from their trip to California.
Houry MoLain has brought an action
in the ( listriet court against 1'otor John
son to recover money received by John-
BOH for the services of SufTolk Chief , ti
horse owned by Mclnin.
The lii ! : : man in gathering the facts in
a scandal sensation which when made
public will Bhake Lincoln society to the
very foundations.
( ius Sanndcrii has bought the tKtnros
and furnishings of ( Jnick's saloon for
$7,000 , and will take possesjipn April 1.
Ho is to nay a rental of $170 a month for
the promises.
A rumor is current to the ofiuot that J.
J. Imholfis about to engage in the hank
ing business in this city , with Colonel
Cornish of Iowa.
William Mc-Loan , of South llond , Neb. ,
put up at the Opelt house Thursday
night , and celebrated his arrival in the
city by blowing out the gas. The doc
tors had n hard rustic with William yes
terday , nud llnally Micceeilcd in saving
The back door of Hnrpolslioimcr's dry
goods store was found open yesterday
morning by Olllcor BenmnghotV for the
third time in throe months.
The police picked up Henry Chinn , a
young coon vng yesterday , ana ticketed
him to the mform school.
Commutation papers have been issued
by the governor to two prisoners in the
pen. CUarleu Smith , who win sent from
Icrrlck county on eighteen months
cntcnco for forgery , is nl lowed tlireo
lonths. nnd Kobt. Hell , of Keith county ,
n for three years for grand larceny , gets
of ( seven months.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Itcghtol celebrated
ho twentieth anniversary of their mar-
iago : Saturday evening last by giving n
milling reception to thrir daughter
Vlicc : , who was then married to Mr. John
1 Kato.
iim The republican central committee will
ncet to-night at the blllco of I. L. 1/ymati.
Alany Lincoln people are arranging to
ittcnd the funeral of Mrs. Latham at
Nebraska City Sunday.
Sheriff Warren of iSowcnsllc , Pa. , ob-
.alned. extradition warrants from the
jovernor yesterday for tlio return to that
place of Charles 11. Hayes , now in jail at
Jmalia. Hayes is charged with seducing
tl ho daughter of Harvey Arbuckle , a
tvrnlthy resident of Lawrence county.
Work on the capitol building will bo
rcsuhied about the 1st of April. Con
tractor Stout is already massing a largo
amount of material on the ground , and
has u largo force of men under contract.
Tlio Dying Shoemaker.
'Dear wife , I'm waxlnc ncftr my end , "
The dying cobbler wild ;
"Soon to an upper world my polo
Its lonely way must tliiuad.
" 1 fear. Indeed , I'm ' ppKRlnc out ;
lint then \\liat boots U. lovoV
Hcie we lime been a titled pair ,
And so we'll be above.
"Sly Ills , 1 know , no drugs may heel ,
So It's welt to incpnic ;
Wo can't nut counU-rto our fate-
Just put a peg In tlieiol
"The future need not RVC ! you caie ,
1'vo loll my awl to you ;
Tor. ili-pp within my Inner sole ,
1 know that you'\o been true.
"I've always given you your lights ,
Hut now jou uni'-tbo left ;
However , do not Kiluve too much
When of me you're beicft.
"A ln-4 fniowelll now will takn , "
He smiled and raised bis lieiul.
"JMnst the criii-l timlndy
That Inya you low , " sue said.
"I'll slimier 'way In pence , " he hlghcd ,
'The strlfo will soon bo past. "
11H head loll back , ho sweetly smiled ,
Anil then he bieatlicd Ills last.
[ Korilbtown Herald.
Eastcin Catholics deny thcio is a want of
hatinony among the members of the univer
sity committee.
The Connecticut seunte , by a vote of 17 to 7.
has passed the bill piovtilinK for compulsory
Institictlon In the public schools on the ef
fects ol alcohol anil tobacco.
The llev. Dr. Koss. former twenty years
the principal of Dalhousio college , died at
AVoikhas been begun at Sheffield , Eng
land , on thn nrt gallery for which the late J.
Newton Mnppln leit STfl.ooO for u biiildlnir
fund and pictiucs vil : ued at S5COOi)0. ) It will
be named the Slappln Ait Gallery.
draco llubbanl , a crntlusito of the Iowa
University , has adopted the profession of
civil engineer , and is employed In-tho United
States Government Suney In Montana to
make maps.
Huilolph Alhrccht's university at Vienna Is
the largoht In Ktnupe. It has " > piole sois
ml fi.'iSl students.
There arc 8'Jro public schools in Dakota ,
.night by 4.H5 teachc-8 , nnd having0'Ui5en- )
oiled pupils. The iicimaucut school pioucr-
y is valued at Si2,18Tbr. ( ) . 'J'hu total ircelpts
ast year wcio 5-lll,75C.TO ; total cxpundl-
ures , Sl,814ili. ! ! .
ft Is announced that n New York gontle-
nan of wealth , who docs not wish his mime
undo public at present , has In formed the olll-
ers ot the Northwe.stcrn unlvcrlty , at Evan-
ton , 111. , that the may diaw upon him for
10,000 with which to cicct a new college
iiiildlnc to bo known as Sclenre Hall , to be
Javotctl to the uurpohos of Rcienttlic lii'itriic-
ion. The new building will bo erected Uur-
ng the coming summer.
In iFCltlicio wcio firty-oncsolentlllc and art
chools in ( ! ieat Itrltaln. Now tlieie aio
> 2r of Institutions , with 87,777 htu-
Icnts In science. The entile eiluoational c -
abllshincnt Is under govcrinneiit control.
A welcome guest in winter ; the new
'omedial ' agent Red Star Cough Cure.
Real Kstnto Trnnororn.
The follov/mg transfers wore filed
darch 25 , with the county clerk , and
reported for the BEE by Ames1 Real
Estate Agency :
James G Taylor ( single ) to Chailcs C
George , lot 3 block 1 Hlllsldo add No. 2 ,
Omaha , w d 81.100.
james At Woohvoith and wife to Otto Wit-
orf , ne qr scpyj , 15,13 Douglas Co. no SI.
AETouzalin ( single ) to Kent Ullayilen ,
ots 3 and 4 block 3 Hillside add No. U Omaha ,
w d-81.
WJ Connclinnd wife to Swan Ptitcrspii ,
ot 18 Hickory Place add , Omaha , w d-8400.
Algernon S Paddock and wife to Dexter L
Thomas , lots 0 and 7 block 12 Highland Place
Omaha , w d 51,700.
Mlllard V Soars ( single ) to William II Vin
egar , lot a block 2 Hlewlld add Omaha , w d
S''b)0. ( )
.ionn WPanl ( single ) to William J Paul ,
ot 1 block V Prospect place Omaha , w d
51iOO. !
William J Paul ( single ) to John W Paul ,
_ ot 8 blocu 11 Lowe a 1st add Omaha , w d
Allen Knot to Knbcit Mason , lot 1 block -11
Omaha , q c STU.T1- .
Dexter L Thomas and wlfo to Ida J McConnell -
nell , lots block V Lowe's add Omaha , w d
? 700.
Dexter L Thomas and wlfo to Wilson T
Graham and others , lots 1 and Q block V
Lowe's add Omaha , w d S1.400.
Dexter L Thomas anil who to Sfary I TId-
ball , lot 4 block Y Lowe's add Omaha , w d
Dexter L Thomas and wlfo to Mary I TId-
ball , lota block V Lowe's add Omaha , w d
Albert J Peck and otlieis to L I ) Holmes ,
lots : J and 4 Oxford place add Omaha , n c SI.
Kmnm S Kry anil luibb to Dexter L Thomas ,
part of ho qr mv qr sec 6,15,13 , Douglas Co , w
a 50,200.
John G Althouso and wife to John Hcnr-
qulst , lots H and G block 'M Credit lronclcr add
Omalia , w d SJ,500.
William Ruth and wife to Thomas U Wood-
oltou , und hi lot a block 225 Omaha , w d
Ono of tlio most ingenious processes
which has lately come into vogue in the
treatment of iron an Austriaiunvcnllon
is that of giving to the metal n silver
surface , this being cflbctcd by first cover
ing the iron with morouryaml then silver
by tlio galvanic process. IJy heating to
! Xy ) , C. , the mpruuryevaporate * andtha
silver layer is fixed.
The Orentoat Medical Trinraph of tlio Ago !
Che bead , with a dull leniatlon In tlio
back part , 1'nlu uorlcr Iho boulder-
blade , Fullneis nflcr eating , vrllb ndli-
laellnallonta exertion of body ornilnJ ,
Irritebllltr otlemvtr , I.oirnplrlti , wliU
nrcclluaofbaTlnetiDiilccieil omodutr ,
\Vcarloeia , Plzzlnoii , I'luucrluij nt tbo
Heart. Ilolo bofurolbo CTCI , llcaducho
nvor tbo Tlclit ere , Iteatlesmesirlih
fltful drenmi , Illelitr colored Urlao , nod
TUTT'H P1X.I.8 arc especially adapted
to inch cases , ono close crfecia etiuh a
cbango of feeling an to astonhlitlio sufferer.
They IncrMio the Appctltoanil cauia the
fcodr to Titko 011 1'leiU.ttiuj tba ivitem li
nourUhedan < l brtbelrTonlo Action on
th l > laittlreOraan > , Itcuulur fitoult ro
IiroducM. I'rlca-J. e. 44 ifiirrny St..N.V.
nenorat 4 the body , makes bealtby tleali.
the wefc , repairs tbo wustui of
Uio sjetom with pure blood and hard uiuicla ;
cone * tha Derrous jeU > ia , laTitcorates tba
train , and Imparta the rigor 'ot manhood.
* 1 . SoM br druzRUU.
OFf 0 44 itturrHrt.i How York.
The llo or Slio of It.
ins vir.v.
There's n glory ot tlio stmllglit , and another
of tlio moon s
fhcro's the bonnty ot the morning , nnd the
richness of tlio noon ;
There's a Joy nnd sntlsfnctlon In all tlio earth
contains ,
Uut contentment tlxvells In woman , It she can
but hold the reins.
The earth Is full of glory , and the world Is
pasting fair ;
December daj s aio pleasant , and Juno days
rich and rnro ;
Life seems like some pny picture , o cr which
the sunbeams llai-li ,
If n man's wlfo never asks him to "let her
ha\o some cash. "
110N13Y ron CTHK LAl > lKfl.
All dressy spring wrnps arc short.
Piinsles ate the ( lowers oC the passing mo
Some ot the straw hats have Itcmbrnmlt
Uolli round and pointed bodices nro fash-
Shoes and boots are less polntod , but not
sqiiiuo toed.
Ulack lace bonnets nro the rage at the mo
ment In 1'atls.
Satin and watered ilbbons nro revived on
spilng dresses.
Suinhs nnd ihadnmcs In delleato tints con
tinue in la\or.
Hooks and eyes nre ngaln used on the
bodies of drosses.
Sailor hats with broad brims nrc among the
vnrlous shapes In straw.
Skirts of stii-ut suits nro made longer and
barely csenpu the sidewalk.
Heavy cord and braid trimmings , n la mill-
tairc , will bo used tor Jackets.
The best wet weather coat Is of rough
frle7c , bourotte , or bonclo cloth.
Lonp wraps will bo worn only for travel
ing and rainy weather this spiing.
Stripes of all widths mul In ovcry vnilety
of cluster Is immensely popular.
Tlio pointed waistcoat front Is tlio marked
feature in thn young gills' spring frocks.
Plaid buttons of Ivory and ot molar como
among cither novelties in big buttons.
Yellow will bo combined with black , whlto
and the ihuk shades of yellow-brown.
Havana or tobacco brown will bo n lovorltc
color lor spilng wear for suits and jackets.
Some of the new bnnnots aio formed ot
llit ; loops of ilbbon oveilapplng ono another.
I'lno corduroy will be used for cults , col-
IniH , and rovers for woolen dresses lor clilld-
White petticoats me no longer woin di
rectly under the diess skill except for indoor
Another season ot black hosiery Is pre
dicted , but not to tlio exclusion ol coloiod
Hough straw bonnets trimmed with ilbbon
bows nnd beads will bu worn with tallor-
mde costumes.
Cordcreino Is the abbreviation of corde do
a leine , the sister fabric of coiduroy , Its
) ldcr blc ; brother.
Some ot the new dresses have , full over-
klits shlncd on to tlio long bodice , which Is
lolntcd back and front.
Buttons are so largo and ornamental that
hey are no longer used for tastuulngbodices ,
'lit ' lorm the tiimmlng.
Dark blue , dark green , pansy shades , gar-
ict , bronze and drab nro worn by elderly us
eil as by younger women.
Short loose jacket fionts opening over
eng pointed waistcoats are seen on some of
he new spring street diessos.
Black silk and fine glossy black alpaca are
.lie materials used for the long petticoat
A01 n under the skirl of street 1 rocks.
Walking dresses are to be somewhat loncer
, han I'onneily. just clearing the ground. The
ikirts of house dresses will touch the iloor.
Cnirle Uincg Is tlio editor ol the only news-
, taper in the United States that is published
by acoloii'd woman. She is tinniariled , and
"Ivcsnt Petersburg , Vn.
"A woman Is n good deal like an accor-
ileon , " bajs hawrenco O'Rcilley. "You can
iliaw her out all right , but the music begins
when yon tiy to shut her up. "
The women of Mexico liavo such beautiful-
v long and thick hair that a real American
switch is looked upon as n wondeitul curlosi-
y. A lialdheaded woman was never known
.n . Mexico.
Diagonal fronts upon both basques and
stiect jackets niovery popular , and English
cutaway coats fastening diagonally * across the
chest , with two buttons , are also considered
very chic.
The striped , haired and blocked boucle or
frlse cliamlirays and /opliyrs are always made
up in combination with plain chambrays nnd
zephyrs ol the same color as the ground of
Iho other stuff.
A bonnet of split straw has n pointed
scalloped brim. It Is trimmed with straw-
colored lace wrought with cold threads and a
montuiu of white lilacs. Tlio strings aio of
faille francalso ribbon with purl edges.
Love IB said to bo the motive power of tlio
woi Id , nnd yet lifty-six women out of every
ninety-two willstlck to It that a. well-seasoneif
luocmi handle Is iiinro reliable than moral
suasion for immediate lesults. | Chicago
A woman named ICuenzo had been sup-
portfdby public chailty In a blleslan village
lor thirty ywars. The other day , having fallen
heir to SO.OOO , she Have Sii.UOO to the villniio
with which to build a giavel to a neigh
boring town.
A Kansas young woman was escorting two
little gills alonj ; the sticola of Leavenworth ,
at the same time carrying a wash tub , The
children weio attacked by n mad do , when
the voung woman piompfly put the tub ovei
the beast and sat down on it.
A training school for nurses Is to bo estab
lished at Toklo. Japan , under thu supciTisioi
ot Miss Linda Ulclinids , late Hiipcrintondcn
of n similar institution In Jtoston. The nov
training school will be partly under ml&slon
aiyand partly under government pationage ,
Ulack will bo as fashionably worn as over
In transpaicnt materials , such as grenadine ,
lace , embioldered tulle , bead-wiought silk
canvas goods , and in ctnmlno fabrics ; plain
lace , stilpcil or enriched with velvet stripes
both wldo and narrow.
Ono of the new spring hat shapes , and a
very popular ono , has n very laige half coni
cal ciown , with a brim that falls straight al
most over the nape of the neck In the back ,
llaios up over the loft ear and foiehead , and
droops over the right car. This hat is far
moro becoming than might be supposed from
the description.
In England and Wales there nro 1M5,000
women in domestic service ; 1,578,000 workers
In various waso-p.iying Industries ; IW.OOO
engaged in the prolesslons ; 01,000 employed
1n agriculture as n means nt subsistence ;
llMXX ) in commercial pursuits , and about
0.000,000.wivet , ) and daughters of woiklngnifii
N < ho earn their own living.
A charming evening dress designed for n
youns lady's wear for the summer season Is
made ot milk-whlto surah , with the Mnruuer-
ito bodlco and sleeves trimmed with Vene
tian lace. The tunic Is veiy boutlaiit over
thu hips ending In a t > , isli nnd long ends in
the bark. The skill pmtlon Is simply kilted ,
tlio halt of the length of each pleat hold down
with handsome pearl ornaments ,
All ol the fashionable wraps for this and
the coiuins season will bo short , with tlio ex
ception of those designed for traveling , and
the graceful Chinese dust cloaks to put on
over handsome day or evening dresses whllo
ill I vlng any great distance. There is literally
no end to the variety of abbreviated dolmans
mans , vlsltes , and other half-littlng wraps
brought out.
A noor worunn applied to tlio lady In cliargo
ot the associated charities lor assistance ,
"Have yon a liublmnd ? " inquired the lady.
"i'cB'm , " answered the woman , "but lie's
pooily and can't ' niafeo n llvlli1. " "How
many chlldien Imvo you ? " Thirteen , mum. "
"Thfitecn ! " icpllcd the lady in suipilse.
"Yos'm thlitfen. " " 1'ou
, must have had
some twins ? " No'm , " the woman replied ,
innocently ; "them ain't no twins. I thought
1 was doin' my slmro with ono at n time. "
She was ably assisted.
The next tltno General Sherman irocs to
war he should shoot his Ink bottle.
If a man wants R misfit there are always
tailor shops enough where hu can get It.
They call paintings canvasses nowadays ,
but then political canvasses usually-paint the
towiithoy aiohuld in.
An a result of the Mikado epidemic "tho
( lowers that bloom in the spring" will bo
chestnuts when they do come ,
This Is u pnnerful season and n woman
has six wcnks In which to meditate upon pi
ous thoughts and the sort of bonnet she will
AXewYork iudgo has decided that It Is
not & cilmo to. bo poor. This may bo true ;
but certain investigations in Now York show
thnt In n great many cases U is a crime to bo
rich.A sentimental -jrlft'r Pays "n baby Is a link
which binds Its mother to heaven. " Pretty
often It Is n link tfhicli hinds Her to thn house
when she Is "almost dying" to go out mak
ing calls or to do a little shopping.
Klght statues of women painted In colors
have been Just 'dug up nt the Acropolis nt
Athens. They may be icgardcd as curiosi
ties In Athens , bill in this country MO can see
painted women on the stngo almost any
iilclit In the week Sunday cxcepted.
A San Francisco family recently cngns-cd n
young girl from the cast who advertised that
she had been "foui years In her last place. "
The family snb qurntly learned that she
would ha\o remained longer than four years
In her last place If the go\crnor had not par
doned her when hc'dld.
Since James P.irlon made n plea In ono of
.in monthly magazines for n newspaper
rlthout advertisements , he is In dally tecelpt
f foity-seven copies of the Congressional
toconl. Ho Is In a fairway of ccttlnir too
iiucli of what ho wants. [ Norrlstown ller-
A scientific writer estimates that a spider
ats four times Its weight tor breakfast , nine
lines Its weight for dinner , and thirteen
lines Its weight foi supper. Not desiring to
ntcr into competition with the spider , wo
.void . the rolls nnd cakes at our boarding
Adlscu'slon Iscolng on In Boston as to
iVho is the oldest living member of the Ma-
ionic fraternity In New Kncland. If the
lartles engaged In the discussion will exer-
Iso nllttlt ! patience , In a week or two thuv
nay see his death announced In the papers ,
lo dies about once a week. [ Norrlstown
As the car ro.ichcd Westvlllo. an old man
ivlth a lone , white board rose feebly Irom n
jorner seat and tottered toward the door , llo
ivas , however , stopped by the conductor , who
ald : "Your tare , please , " " 1 paid my tare. "
U'hcnV I don't ' lemembur It. " "Why , 1
iald you when I got on the car. " "Whom
lid yon itet on ? " "At Fair Haven. " "That
.von't . do , " said the conductor ; "when 1 left
Kair Haven there was only a little boy on the
'ar. " "Yes , " answered the old man , "I
; uowit. 1 was that llttlo boy. " [ Now lla-
eii Morning News.
Tlio GoliiR or AVIntcr.
'm clad It is golng.its blowing and snowing.
Its ccln. waves and bllzzaids , Its Iceland
Irosts :
'or It all there's no knowing Just what I am
owing ,
Tls only n youngster can guess what It
? or midwinter sleighing comes higher than
Way ing ,
A sail on the river costs less than a ball ;
the opera's playing the liddleryou'io
paying ,
I'm tiled of Its dancing , Its lancers and
prancing ,
Its "Tuesdays , " "at homes , " nnd Its " /Ivc- /
o'clock teas , "
Its social romanclnc , Its gossip entrancing ,
1 sign for the desert , to live as 1 please.
And now I atfirui it , and time will con linn
Pin so' tired' and poor that my sins I'll re
pent ,
A.nd I'll be , as they term It , a pious old her
The holiest man on Iho earth during Lent.
[ U. J. liurdotto In Uiooklyu Eagle.
. "For economy anp comfort every
spring , we use Hood's Sarsaparilln , "
writes a Buflalo , N. Y. ) Indy. 100 doses
Ono Dollar. . ,
Maine newspapers report thnt game is
very abundant this Winter in the well set-
settlou control district of that state. A
herd of thirty-live onribou , for example ,
was lately secn'hiakiiig Its wny toward
Mount Katahdin , unpn whoso upper
slopes those animals find a moss of winch
they are very fond. '
JJo well regulated household should bo
wlthont n bottle of Anuosttira Hitters.
the world renowned appetizer and invigora-
tor. Uoware of cpnntt'r Icits. Ask your gro
cer or druggist for the. genuine article , nianu-
lacturcd by Dr. .T. G. n. Slegcil Js Sons.
f '
A tipsy colore.U woman caused great
ixcilmont in the Hebrew quarter ot St.
Louis the other day by meandering along
.ho street wearingas a shawl iv ' 'tulith , "
n garment worn by the orthodox Jews : it
morning prayers only. The woman
would give no ncconnt of how she pro
cured the garment , and had no idea of
its sacred character.
The rosy freshness and a velvety soft
ness of the skin is invariably by those
who use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder.
On a recent snowy S.unday in Shcfllold ,
England , a parish clergyman took the
nl most unprecedented course of closing
the service after the prnyer , "not. " ns ho
explained to his flock , "because there is
only a small congregation , or because I
haven't a sermon , for I have a carefully
prepared sermon in my pocket , but because -
cause 1 am anxious you should get homo
quickly nnd take off your wet boots. "
Oh ! if 1 f uly had her complexion
Why , it is casfly obtained. Use Pox.zoni's
Just boforc the outbreak of the war
Stonewall Jackson , then a professor in
the Virginia Military institute at Lexing
ton , organized a Sunday school for col
ored children , which is still sustained by
leading citizuns there. The Sunday
school lias now set on foot a subscription
for : n monument to Jackson , which is
meeting with a Hvtily response among
the people , black and white , of the south.
* * w Premature doolino of power
in either sex , however induced , speedily
nnd permanently cured. Book for 10
cents in stamps. World's Dispensary
Medical Association , 003 Main Street ,
Buflalo , N. Y.
David Siton , Ohio's richest man , is a
Scotch-Irishman , and grow tip around
the big iron mills of Pittsburg. Ho bo-
gnu business as a clerk in a country Rtoro
at ? ! a month ; then lie was a clerk in a
blast furnace , afterwards manager' , nnd
at last owner. After that the advance in
wealth wns fast. Ho is worth $13,000,000 ,
and gives largely to public charities ,
A sure cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itoliin
nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ur
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A single
box has cured the woist chronic cases of i or
WTyenrs standing. No one need Buffer live
minutes at tor applying this wonderful sooth
Ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do
moro harm than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tlto
Intcnso Itching , ( particularly nt night after
getting warm in bed ) , . nets as n poultice ; , elves
Instant relief , nnd is prepared only for Piles ,
Itching of private narls , and for nothing else.
Dr. Frazler's MagloOlntmdiit , euros ns by
maclc , Pimples , 'lUitck lieads or ( hubs ,
JJlotches nnu Eruptions on tlio face , leaving
the sKlii clear amlljeautUul. Also cures Itch.
Salt Klicum , Soro. Nipples , Sore Lltw , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers. ,
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
DO cents. I
J'etnlled by Kuhn A Co. . and Schroetcf &
Conrad. At wholesale bv C. F. ( loodmau.
Some of the boM. uori1 lands in In < } iami
are the bottoms o'f ponds which Imvo been
drained , but in dol'taln oj tlfo lltSvovk -
ing of the soil causes an intolerable itch
ing , followed by burning pain in the skin
for some days. The cause of this is found
to bo the minute spiculus of sponges
which once grew in the pond and remain
in enormous abundance in tlio dust.
When E bj wa kV , we p ve ber0.utort ,
VThcn ilie ITIU a Child , ebe cried for Coatoiia ,
When elie became Miss , she clang to CattorU ,
Wlitu ibe bad Children , abe gave them CMtorla ,
Atkinson's < < the leading SfKUnery and
Hair Goods Emporium ) have moved to
their spacious rooms in Masonic temple ,
10th st. nud Capitol ave. , where they will
in future be uleusee to greet tuejr mail ) '
patrons aud friujids ,
Vlsolutely Pure and Unadulterated.
IN USf 14
Anil H Wasting Dticmett
I'or ealo by Druggists , Croccrs nnd Dealers.
Price , Ouo nollnr per Boltlc.
In pelted tattltt , M none ( tennliia ft
rtpt luch i bear our lr 1 e-muk Utwl ollhe ot I rlirmlit ,
A , atmrp. * nd Ilia name of company Mown In bout * .
C7re t e tortb , Ilorkj Uonnt > lnlxrrlt' ( | ' ' <
TerrllorleM , untblo ta procort II from Ilirlr il l
can UATe Half Dotcn tent , In plain net , tinnutketl , Kx
proii charge * prepaid , by remmlog FU Dollar , tu
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. , Baltimore , Md.
Kt art t-fnl ttaitp for our I'u ttmptlim Fern
niid tvr fc
f frm * nil fl Dlitaiu. Ittn * l f > rrparti
t ( rrat w ir li la < i/ i 'i
i fj i < a rfhtnit , Hltt t , cteer
rally oiuw > r
Tickets only ? 5. Shares in Proportion.
fWo do hereby cortlty thnt wo enporviso the
orrnnpomonts for nil tuo Monthly and Qnnrtcily
JrawinffS ) of The Loulslnnn Stnto Lottery
Coinpnny and in person manage and control
the Drawings themselves , and tlmt the eiimo nro
conducted with honesty , fairness mid In good
faith toward nil tmrtlo * . and wo authorize the
Coinpnny to uo this certIllcato , wltb fno-slinlies
ofour signatures attaohoJ In Us ndrortiimou
Wo. tboundorsltrnod Hunks and Bankers , will
pay nil Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lot
teries which rany bo presented at our counters
Pres. Louisiana National Bank.
Pies , t ate National Bank.
Pres. Now Orleans National Bank.
Incorpornted in 1883 for SI years by the legis
lature for Educational anil Charitable purposoi
with n capital of jl.OOO.OOO to which n reserve
fund of over 550UOO hits since boon added.
Jly an overwhelming popular vote Its f runcblso
was made a part ot the present Stuto Constitution
adopted December 3d. A. D. 187V.
The only lottery over voted on and endorsed
by tlio ucople of any Btato.
it novnr scales or postpones.
iMfrrniiil single number driUvings take plnco
monthly , and the ottiaordlmiry drawings rogu-
Inrly every thrco months instead of soml-imnu
ally us norctotoro , Beginning March , 18ft ) .
4th Grand Drawing , Clasa D , In the Academy of
Musle. Now Orleans , Tuesday , Apr. 13th , 18S8
Olst Monthly Drawmir.
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Enoh. Fractions
in Fifths , in Proportion.
IJRT OF ruucc :
1 do do . 25,000
1 do do . 10,00'J
SPKIZBS OF . $0,000 12,000
r do 2,000 10,000
10M do 1,000 10,000
M do 10,000
100 do 20,000
300 do 100 ! iO,000
TiUO do CO 2.,000
1000 do 25,000
0 Approximation Prizes of $750 fi.750
U do do 000 4rXW
0 do do 250 2.330
1W37 Prizes , amounting to $205,503
Application for rules to clubs should bo made
only to tbo oUlco of the company In Now Or
For further Information write cloariyjrivin ?
full address. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money
Orders , or Now York Kxchango in ordinary let
ter , currency by oxuross ( all sums of $5 and up
wards at our expense ) addressee , .
flew Orleans , La.
Or M. A.DAUPniN ,
Washington , D. 0.
Make P. O. Money Orders payable and address
retrlbtorod letters to
New Orleans , La ,
Asthma Cure.
This Invalunblo snoclflo readily and perma
nently euros all kinds oC Autumn , Tlio most
ousthmto ima long standing cases yield prompt
ly to Its wonderful curing proportion U Is
known throughout tbo woild for Its uarlvulod
J. U UALDWIiLL , olty of Lincoln , Neb. , writeg ,
Jan. 25 , IBSlr since uslnc Dr. Hair's Asthma
Cure , for moro than one j ear , my wifu has been
entirely well , mid not oven a symptom of the
( llBuuso has appeared.
WILLIAM 1H5NNHTT , Illohland , Iowa , writes.
Nov.Hd , 1883 ! i imvo boon ullllctod with liny
Koverund Asthma sineo 1H.VJ , I followed your
dlicctlons and um hnppy to say that I never
elept butter In my lifo. I um glad that I am
Binonp the many who can speak so favorably of
your remedies.
A valuable 01 paijo troatlso containing elmllni
proof from every state In tlio U. 8. , Canada uml
Urcat lirltaln , will bo mailed upon application
Any druggist not bavins It In stock will pro-
cu It.
6 m\lM \ EI6IIE ! ! [
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
Grade Systems ana Sowertiifo Plan-for Cities
and Towns a tpwlaity. Plans , r.otlimitos unJ
Specifications for I'uullu and ether Kiih'lnoerln ?
\\orlcsfurnUhoil. Surveys aud Ituport umUu
on 1'ulillu Improvements.
ANDHKW Hot-rw tTBt. Member American Soolo-
Gty Civil IIiiffineeM. Oily Engineer of Omaha
0. li. CHRISTIE , Civil Unxmour ,
Lincoln Steam Dye Works
W. D. IHJHEKTSON , Prop'r. .
OIUoo No. 1105 O St. , Work * 8.E. Cor. F. & OtU.
Lincoln , Neb. Gontb' Clothing1 Cleaned and llo
ICES , Elc.
Oneoftho tiast cti ) % Liryesb Stools ii the U.S.
to Scloot from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator.
OUO. IUIUKG , Mann or.
KKKKUENCK3 : Merchants' nntl Kainiura1 Hank , DnvM City , NYli. ; Kearney Nntlonnl
Unnk , Kt'iirnoy , Nob. : Columbus Stnlo Hank. Columbus , Not ) . ; McDonalU'ii Hank , North
I'lnttc , Ni-b. ; Oiiialm Nntlnunl llnnk. Omahn. Nub.
Will pny customers' draft with bill of liullnc attached for two-thirds value of stock.
without inoilt-
A POSITIVE olnc. I'atontoA Octo-
bur 10 , 1M70.
Ono box will euro
tlio most oMInnto cnso In fourdaya orlois.
No nnueconi doses oC cubolis , coimlb.x or oil of
Biinilulwooci tunt nro ccrtiiln to proiluco ilyapop-
Bln by doatroylnff tlio routines of the stonincli ,
1'rlco Bold by nil ( IrutffflBM or mnlloil on
receipt of prlco. For furtlior pivrtloulnm floiit
forclrculnr. 1' . O. llox isaj.
3c. .
KJJohnnl. , Now Yortt.
Oiaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlio only rona to tnko far Dos Molnns , Mixr-
h nlltown.CcdnrUaplds , Cllntnn. Dixie. Cliiciig-o ,
MUwnukco and nil points cnst. To the pcoplaof
Nebraska , Colorado. Wyominp , Utnh. Idnho
Novuda.OroHon , Wnshlmiton and Cnllfornln It
oilers Buporior advantages notposslblo by any
otlior line
Amonfr a r ° w ° r the numerous points ot supo-
riorlty enjoyed by the patrons of tills road bo-
twoonOinntia and Cbloiiffo , nro Its two trains a
dtiy of DAY COACHKS which nro the llnost tlmt
human urt and Inuonulty can cicnto. ItsPAIj-
ACK SI.KEl'INO OAKS , wblon nro models of
comfort and eleffnnco. Its PA11LOK DUAWINO
HOOM CAHS. uusurnitRSod by any , and Its wide
ly colobriltod PALATIAL DINING CAHS. tbe
equal of which cnnnot bo found clsowlioro.
At Council llluirs the trains of the Union Paci
fic Ky. connect In Union Depot with those of the
Chicago As Northwestern Ky. In Chicago tlio
trains of this line make oloso connection with
thnsoof nil eastern linos.
For DotroltiOoluinbus. Indlnnnpolls. Cinoln
nntl , Nlaifnrn Falls , IJuifnlo , I'lltotiurir. Toronto
Montreal , lloston , Now York , Phlladulliln ] , Hal-
tlmnre.Washliiffton and allpolntaln the oust , ask
tbo ticket agent for tickets vln the
" . "
If you wish the best accommodations. All tlakot
it B. IIAIB ,
Genera Wauuffcr. Qon. Pass.
and JaU Work.
1020 l-'arnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
Red Star Line
Carrying tlio Belgium lloyal and United Btatoa
IInll,8nllliifc' ovcry SitlurUiiy
Between Antwerp & Now York
Malon from { CO to $100. Hxcuraioii trip from
SllUto $160. Beeond Cutiin ( SO , mid Excursion
JH ! ) . fitoornRo n siifo ( nt low rntcs. 1'olor
Wright A ; Sons , Clonoral Agento , 55 Urouilwiy ,
j ow York.
Omnlin , Noliraslm , Frank H. Mooroa , Vf. , St , I *
I * , ticket agent.
IFaclcet Compaiay.
England France &
, Germany.
Thobtcimislilpsof this troll known line uro
built of lion , In wntor-tlKlit coinpartments , and
uro Iurnlslipd wltb every requisite to mnko tlio
rmsBiiiro Uotb uufo und ajrooulilo. Tlioy carry
tlio United Htalcn nnil Kiiropcnn miill , iind Icnvo
New Vorh Thursdays und Saturdays for 1'lr.
mnuth. ( LONDONj.UherboukMl'AUlb and HAM.
HuturnliiK' , tbOElcnmom louvo Hamburg on'
Wodnusdnye and tiuinliiys , via. flavro , taking
passonKorsat Soiilbampton and Ixjiiilon.
1'iret cabin JVI , $0 } and | 7fi ; Btoorngc f23.
Itullroud tickets from I'lymouth to llrlslol , Cur-
cllir. Ixindou , nr to liny place In tUohJouUi of
Un lund , VKGK. Btcornfto fiosn Uuropo only
$ S5. Send for "Tourist Oiuotto. "
Ooncrnl l'nt > aeiiitor Airunts ,
61 Itroadnrny , Now York ; WaehiiiKlou und In
SulloSta. Cliluneo. III.
Winter Mornings
l.oeo half their unpleasant ns
poois , when ono looks for
ward to a Incnkftifil ol iloll >
oloin GUlDlM5C'AKrSsiicli
in tlio t'oij'l ' hoiisowlte flniU
hu can ulirays ratio by mitk *
Illlf UBO Of
Warner's Safe Yeast ,
A better yonst wns never
miidn. 1th Dry Hop , l'iin > ] y
Vciiotiible , llonlth I'lisurV'
Injr , mill trcu from nil Injuri
ous mbstnncts. 1'rlco lUo u
box , 10 cuknn In u box.enough
to niakw VJ lon\os of Urcud ,
Jfjourtfrocor does not keep U aider It Uy
until of
Warner's Safe Yeast Co. , Rochester , N. Y.
Short-hand Institute
The largest , liost and cheapest short-hand mid
typo-iciltlia school in the went.
Lcttrn this valuuhle art mid eocuro n lucrative
position , Short-hand taiifht by mall to tlioso
who cunnot attend tbo iuetltuto.
Wu keep on bund a full supply of Pitman's
Blioit-lmud text books , also typu-wrttor suppilcn
For particulars ( and torohculara to
Valentine's Short-Hand Institute
1119 uud 112J O atruct Llacola , H bJ
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $200,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1885 80,000
11. W. YATKS , President.
A , E. Toii7.Ai.iN. Vioo President
\V. H. S. llyuiua , Cashlov ,
" " ( "
W. V. MoMt : , l""E"mj6iiN S. COLLINS ,
Cor. 12tk nuJ Farnnm Stroots.
Ooncrnl Uauklnit DuBlnusi Tratuaotal.
Provisions and R. K. Stoolte.
1306 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Rxoculoordcra for purcbnso or BixlooC wliont ,
corn , pork nnil nillrond stocM.
Itorvr by porinlnslon to the Oimiun National
Hunk. Firstclnss ntiuntlou to orjlors front In-
turior whluli uro sollultoJ. HAltLEV & CO.
Merchants ,
Board of Trade , Cliambor of Connncrcc ,
Chiango. Milwaukee.
C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor.
[ /ocal Busluoss Solicitor , 13O1 DOUJJ
By reuonof Iti oentml poittfnn % nd close rclAtloa to
nil principal llnca Gait nnd Went. t Initial and trr-
cnlnal polntu , ooniiltutBi tlit mnit Important mjtr-
cuntln ntnl link In tlmt njiiem of tlirouuli ti n > pnrv
lotion whlcli Invlioii aniltirllltot trarel and trafflo
t ) twron cltlei of tlie illnnlla and I'arlQo Cuanlii. It
If alia the fararllo unit hrnt route tn n < ] from pulnta
Cant , Hnrtlieait and Houtheait , and
rolnts Weil , Noitlino t anil SouUiweil.
The Croat Rook lalancl Route
Oimrantefi Its patroni , that isnio el personal loca.
rttr nlfonlnd hj valid , thoronnlilT liall toJ road-
U8il , ( inooili trnclii or nonilnuous iltel rail , eutiton.
tlallr hullt culverts -mil
brldgei , rc/lllnif itock near
imrfrotlan ai liunmn nklll fan make It , tin
. - . iraniren at All connactlnir poInU In
union Uonoti , and tlio un > urp i > t l ogiuforti and
luiurlei ot Iti r aienifor Equipment.
The Tail Kinrfu Tralni bttwnen Chlriro ( nil
PtorU .Council lllotli. Kanaai City , l a vriincirh aDd
Atcblaun.Aa . competed of well rentlla lr.
eaten. Between Chleairo nnd KaniaiCllr and Atcbi
are alia run tne Oelobratud llecllnlnitClinlr C i .
The Famous Albert Loa Route '
( the direct and faTorlte line betneen Chicago and
MlnneepolliandSt. I'aul , where connertloniaronaile
( n Union pfpoti for all points In the lerrltorlei and
llrltuh 1'rorlncei. Orer tills route rant ICtpnu
'Jralm ure run to the watering placet , euminor r -
torU , plotin iiue looallllci , Him huntliiir and Iliulnir
Kroundiof Iowa and tllnnetota. H It alio the mo T
jlcMlrable rnnte to the rlcli Kheat floidi aud paitoral
laurtaoj .
Interior Daknt *
Still another 1I1IIECT LINK , TlnKenscaanrt Kan-
ki\kro , hat been opened Lrtwmn cinclnnail , Indian-
aiiolle anj Lafarette , and Council Illulfi , KaliianClly ,
aimtjeapolli anil Mt. llaul au'J IntcrmnlUtu | > olnti.
lor detailed Inrormatlun tee Mapi and Koldert ,
ablaliitblea > wull i llckm , at alj principal 1lckr {
( > mi ; In tlio Uultuil atatci auil CaunUai or by ad-
yrs3't a Oeu'lH 'd'r , Oon'l T'kt u 1-uii.
Or Iliu Liquor lliibll , I'u lli tty
Cured l > y Administering Dr.
Ifnlnos * tiolilon Mjtuolilv.
It can be given Inn cup of nulTio or ten without
tlio knowludguof Hie | ier uu laklni ; It.Uabsolulily
burmlm , nnd will nfleit a prruiaucnlnnU epcody
cute , wUrtbvr the patient li a uiuderutu c'rlnkvr ' ot
tu alcoholic wrack. It Imi b en Klvcn 111 lljOU'
nftiidiol CMOI , and In every Instancei\ierfoct | euro
bnnfollouccl. n nvrcr fulls , The lyttem oncu
linprcf nMted ulih the Upoclilc , It bvcomuaau ultef
Itupoiilhlllty for the liquor uppetltci to niltt.
ron BAi.n nv FOI.LOWINO uuuaoi.sTSj
IUJIIN iV CO. , Cm13th mid UanxUn , uuil
18lli A : C'uniluu Hl . , OmuUa , Ncb.l
A. U. 1'OSTim it I1HU. .
Council Illnmi , Iowa.
Call orwrlln for pamphlrt contulnlnir liundrndi
( "v > lt'imtliobtt wumen aud men Irout
r ' .Isuf tliucuunliv.
Tlio OrlKlii'il uncl Only Genuine.
Ctfe aal alviyi llrlliblt. n w r or trorlblcii Imlutleas *
Inll < [ ti > i > l < U lo LADIES. A > k jcui ilruiiulit t *
"CLIchj.lfr'j ruglUlP'aad Ukc i < . lutle o.
( IAUpi ) to iii for [ arllcultri tn Itlttr ty rfrturM mull.
HAME PAPER. 'lileli UrClinnlf l ito. .
US IB MadUuu Uyuore , I'll Had * , Pa.
tiold br OruKeUta evcrrwhrrA. Aik fur 'i'lilcbea *
M > ra * Kmcll.U" I'cun ) nuul I'llla. Tttl
OM : oit uuiti' \Miiii.r.s.\i.u cuicr-
I I'AY > ll tjprtit < h > rir ; * t" > n [ uilntt atiO
nillpi. l.unootnavri | c > ttk-i t rmm. H n-J l i cvic ,
tainiforlllutlralwJcuUctn ! > u. HBIIUOII iluii p r.