Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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Nrw YoiiKOinrr.IlooM tt.TniiiUNK llim.wvo
rntitlMiM Mr rT > i""iilnKfiTC itii8iinn1Rjr. Thn
only Monday iiiorniiitf pupcr published In tlio
f.ln to.
Ono Ytnr inmTlirrn , Mnnthi
fill Month * . 6 Mi UNO Month . 1.0) )
TUB WerKl.v III r. , I'liblmhfd r.vnry Wednesday.
Ono Vtnr , with premium . . , . . . ' . , . $200
Ono I tnr without pi emltim . 1.
Hx Month * , nllhnilt premium . . . . . D
t'no ' Month , un Irlnl . . 10
All communion ) Ion * rolnlliiK > < > nr wo ami HI-
torlnl nuitlr m nliouM bo uddrofliwl to tlio Km-
/ou or lit , lli.r.
iiUHivcM MTTrru :
All tiiHlnrcBMUn'iind remittance * nhnnll bo
mirtn'Mcd to Tins III r. ITiii.tHtiimi CoMiMir ,
OMAHA , Drnflfi , i IK ( kit mid pontofficn unlorn
totioinhilo pnynblotolhtHmlorof the ( . oinpnny ,
( linn coinu to slay. Ilia tltlo
no loiiKui' culled In
on the IIIKI | ; | tiljiu. Ho la nol ul con *
ilrinud , nml ho Nliunlil nolbo.
Mil , WIHI ; has boon conflr.nuul post-
mnstnr ut I'liittsnioiitli. 'J'lio I' . II. bosses
wlll.rliinn a victory. So dors , I. Sterling
Morton , II is u who child that Knows ila
own father.
i : DII.I.ON' , tlm hii ud nltoinuy of
Jny Cioiiltl , tulviscH the gmtl rnllrniul
wtcokcr tonne this Knijjlitu of Labor for
( luningus. Mr , ( toiiM would hiivo to buy
thu jury In ovorv cnso in oidurlo/rol /
WK notice nninnu tm ! Htuitll confirnia-
tlotiB Hint or Jniuilhun I' . ( iiiuhuir us mtr-
voyor guiiurnl of Nulunsku mid lowu. If
wo uro not iiilstiiKoii , this Is the sumo
"must KO" ( iiinlitpr about whom the
Humid hits had HO much to miy.
Tin ; Council IHufTi Nonpnroil , says :
"Kom > u Hhtup lookout for Umnhnnpius. "
This IB evidently intcndnd to lufor to
Oiniiliu oili/diiH who luivo occitsion to
visit Comioll ItlullH. Wo utinnol HOC why
the uncionl Join mil of the Blurt's should
Ihua Hli mntl/u visitors to that city. Thuru
IH ouilalnly no animosity oNlstin bo-
hmm Oinuhii nml Council ISIulH Thu
Oinnhii papots uihoitiso Connuil HIiillH
morn tliiin tlio pajicrs of that oily , and
trout her fail ly in uvnry ivspcct. That
innuh can bo Hiiitl for the llii : ; , ut least ,
whoso "spies" dally spy out thu news of
our sister city moio thoiotiirhly than any
otliur nuws-jjnllioiws.
HiiAiisr , the mini who has
boon appointed by the governor of Cali
fornia to the United Status sonata to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Sou-
nlor Millnr , is u voty rich man , his wealth
bulnj ? variously estimated fiom 55,000,000 ,
820.000,000. , Ills foituno is thu result of
luoKy mining opor.itlons. Itas His
moiioy alone thut Hcoiucd him tlio posi
tion of Hunator. Ho indulges in the lux
ury of being the piopiiutor of tt news-
puptirhluli in ho\eu ciirs has coht him
u qimrtor of a million , ontsldo of the or
iginal purchase ) money. Jt Is sufo to say
that Air. Hoaist , if ho is so inclined , can
ontuhino Tabor by purchasing nightahiits
tit 81,000 each.
AN Atlantic , lowatvoricspondunl wants
to Know if the goveinmunt owns the
In-ldgo botucun Council Hlufl's and
Omaha , and \\hether thogovuinmont or
u pilvtitu coipointion is building the now
brlilgo. Tliu iu esonl r.iilway bridge oor
the MKsoml at this ] ) omt Isownud by a
brldgu company , composed of thu Union
1'acllio btooKholdors , and pr.xctloally belongs -
longs to thu Union Taeillo railway com-
1)an5' ) . In fact thu biidgo is a part of tlio
main linn , although operated as sepa
rata division , \\illi special tolls imposed
by nn act of congioss , passed in 1871.
Thu now brldgu is being built by the rail
road company , doubtless with a view of
ovmitually redeeming the ] cnUio biidgo
bunds and merging the bridge into thu
main lino.
MAiEMAmiKR , of Missouri ,
calls upon thu raihoads to lesumu trjlliu.
This Is proper. Thu r.Uhoads aru public
soivants. Why should thu publlu biitVur
bccauto of thu quauels of tlio corpoia *
tious with tliolr employes)1 ) It Is the bus
iness of the companies to settlu disputes
which intuifuiu with thu u.xerclsu of their
functions as common cat dura without
putting the pnblio to inconvenience and
loss. Tim Mlssomi I'aullio man-
ngors have been discriminating
ngalnst tliu employment of or
ganized labor , liver since the settle
ment of thu last labor trouble on tliulr
lines they hnvo boon quietly but bteadily
dropping Knights of Labor fiom their
rolls. The strike on the To.\as 1'aciHo
did not cause , it merely precipitated the
strike on the Missouri Paclllu fybtem.
Tito Rival btriko now in piogieS' . Is a
war byldeli labor K endea\oilng to as-
colt its right to organl/c. No one de
nies the light of capital to combine.
Capital is now attempting to nullify the
power of labor to do the * .uno , Mr. IIo\io
Is solely rcsponsiblofor thu couliimcnco
of the pre.MMit stiugglu. Hu Jwns
ofl'ercd a settlement by puarofnl aibitra-
tlon , and hu decllnetllt. Labor , tluough
its chief woikmon , was willing to leave
to others the consideration of Us claim
nnd the righting of Its wiongs. Xotning
but thu ollondud dignity of u well-fed rail-
tad m.xnager iutorpnaed to pi event the
Bpoody close of the htrlko , Whatgrpnuds
then has Mr lloxle for appealing to pub-
llcsvmp.ithy ? Ho will conecilo iwnhing ,
Ho will aibltrato nothing , lie assort * his
power to crush out the preiont stilku by
inconveniencing the piibliu and paial\z-
ing tmdu , by refusing to soivo his
patrons as ho Is obliged to do by law , nnd
by making the Miftertngi of commercial
communities the club by which to boat
out public sympathy with hU employes.
Mr , Ho\ie has been ordered to operate
Ins road , llu should bo permitted to at
tempt It. Lhborhllo justified iu refusing -
fusing its services. , will not bo wan anted
In intcrierlng with the efloil of the iail-
road manager to mu\o freight on his
lines under thu command of the state
authorities , rorciblo resistance \\ill bo
folly , r.vssho piotcst > \ ill accomplish as
inucb Trained labor outside of labor
organisations will bo if not 5m-
possible to sccuro for Mr. llu\io' pur
pose. Lot him try it on. Then the
responsibility for failure will bo laid OH
the right shoulders. The present strike
is n btiiko against Jay Gould and his
Thn 1'lprson
The jirctcndcd discovery of the assas
sin of Watson It. Smith in the person of
John Picrson was exploded sovcrnl
months ngo by the last United States
grand jury. After a thorough inquiry
Into the confession of I'icrson , said to
huvo been made in confidence to a fellow
convict In the penitentiary , the grand
jury failed to find aiy ground for an In
dictment , cither against Pionon , Jack
Kngcnt or Ciroomos , each of whom wits
flnld to bo Implicated. No now evidence
that would justify the belief that Picrson
oilhior murdered WntwmH. Smith or had
been u party to the murder has yet come
in possession of the oflicors of the law.
It is not oven claimed that they linvu as-
suiance of receiving Mich additional evi
dence. What wan ant U there , then , for
the ariest of PloiFnn on this ehaigo the
moment , he had solved out his sentence
for grand larceny ? What tight had the
commissioner before whom i'loison wan
at ralgncd to commit him without bail to
pilMUi to await the aetlon of the next
grand jury ? Picrson , It is line , has been
a convict , and ho may be a. very bad man.
But for all that Im Is entitled to Ills Illi
citly nnli-ss there la leasonablo
gtotind for bolluf that ho has
commuted the ctlmo with which ho is
charged. ' 1 lie mere fact Hint Picison Is
an outcast without friends anil without
money lould not deprive him of the
lights which other men enjoy in a free
country. Tlio pielimiiiary tilal befoio
Commissioner Hllllngsloy was If unj thing
a moii ) outi.igeoiiH tuivesly on justice
than VVIIH perpolialod In the uucst nnd
impiisonmcnt of August Aindt for the
.samocilmu. When Arndt waa clapped
Into ptison for thojnnrder of Watson II ,
Smith , tineo ycaifi ago , ho was denied
the privilege of seeing lilsown family and
kept in close conlincmcnt long
enough to cnublo the detectives to
lillu his lunik nnd to cairy
oil' coitain papois which weie
needed by Arndt to make absolute proof
of his famous case against the Union
Paclllu , whoso decision involved the en-
the laud grant of that toad. Thoie is no
moio in oof ag.ilnsl I'iur.son than there
was against Aimil. The only object , as
wo have over been able to learn , for
branding Aindt as a murdcicr and do-
piiving him of his liboitv for weeks , was
his bull bended oflbil to compel the
Union Pacific to stiriondur ti quar
ter section of land in Sannders county
upon which ho had Buttled. Aindt
was indiHorcol enough to lobol against
ids t > i.innical tioalmont , nnd ho
was punished by a United States
comtbyii short term of imprisonment
on thu pretext Unit houltciod thioats
against the judge.
What the aim and object of Pinrson's
ineaiceialion may bo , we cannot divine ,
unless it is for the purpose of enabling
Warden Nobes1 to got some notoriety as a
gteat detective. And this brings us
dhcctly to the conduct of Nobes in this
case , AccoidhiR to Piorson , the pic-
tended confession was concocted by ono
Snlton. a convict who was anxious to
vvoik uponNobub' vanity as a detective ,
and got an oaily release as u leward.
Pieidon further charges that Nobes
hummed him in the dark cell
nnd toiturod him several times to oxtoit
from him the confession which Sutton
had repoitcd. The question is , what
light has Waidun Nobes to play the in
quisitor ? What light hns ho to toituro
convicts with ti view to o.xtoiling confes
sions fiom them ? Supposing tlsal Ptoi-
bon had nctually admitted every ci line in
the calendar under Iho Ihumbscrow
piebsuro , what value would his confes
sion have in a trial for murder ? Would
not the courts have to ittlo oul all Mich
evidence ? Tills Is , however , in full
keeping with Mr. Nobes' iccoid.
When bo was impoitod from Joliet ,
ton years ago , ho introduced into
the penitentiary a system of most
lovolling torlure. Ho hung men in
stocks , buspended man by their thumbs ,
hummed thorn in dark cells and chained
thorn to thu bull rings. At thu instance
of thu Itr.i : a committed was appointed
by the legihlatuio to invcstigato those
ctuultics , and thai committee unani
mously lequnstod the governor to have
those practices abolished and the warden
and his dopuly dismissed. Thu iccom-
inundations of the legislature with 10-
g.nd to torture wore oairiedout. The
waidon , Mr. Woodhurst , was dismissed ,
but Nobos , who had boon the chief
of the cruelties , was rutained nnd In due
time oven promoted. His conduct
to wauls 1'kn son would indicate that he
lias resumed his favorite pastime , toi lur
ing piisonors.
Why the United States anthotitins
should lend themselves to such business
for the suko of making Nobes famous
passes our comprehension , As a matter
of justice and common humanity we pro
test against the impiisonmenl of Pieisou
under the sham trial bofoio Comm'iH-
olonor llllllngsly. Four years have
elapsed since thu mm dor of Mr. Smith.
The detectives hav e had ample time to
work up the case , and this gt cat mare's
nest will hardly justify the courts in
making victims of men who happen to
belong to the cilmlnal classes. Society
has no right to persecute and hound men
who have load enough to cairy in being
branded as ox-convlets.
Tlio City lUcutlon.
Thoru is much ut stake this year In the
city election which comes olV ten dajs
h.cnce. While wo do not elect a major
and full sot of officers , we arc to replace
one half of the city council nnd one-
thiid of thu bchool board. These conn-
oilmen will constitute one-half of the city
council next year as vvoll as thisjcnr
and the member. , of the board of educa
tion will hold for tluecyear- .
The power of the cllj council for good
or bad is incalculable If composed of
piudcnl and uptight men the council will
? uvo thousands of to the
taxpajcrs and gi\o us a city
government that will materi
ally further the growth and
prosperity of Omaha , Made up of job
bers and scallawa . the council will become -
como u source of danger to piopcrty-
owners , ana a drawback to the general
welfare of the city. Thcio never was a
time when Omaha needed good men in
thu council moio than * ho will in the next
two i ears Tlio great strides w'hich this
city has made in the past liveye.irancce-v-
gitato pubho improvements on : \ very
large > > culo. It Is safe to say that more
than a million dollars will bo spent by
Onnha iu the next two ycai's ' for public
improvements. Ihoro is ulnt-iJy work
enough laid out for this j car to amount
to more tlum half a million. The question
is whrthcr the pouucil is to repre
sent the interests of the tax payers or
whether it is to be owned by corporations ,
contractors nnd speculators. All the
safeguards which the charier lias placed
against jobbery nnd corruption amount
to nothing when severely put to the test.
The laws make it n criminal offense for
nny city olllcinl to bo directly or Indl-
icetly Interested in contracts , or nny Im
provements which the council controls.
Hut tl is notorious that contractors and
conncilmcn have a way of whipping the
devil around the slump. Whcio n
dishonest councllmcti desires n share in
the prollU of n conlracl , ho alwniH
manages to find some way to grallfy his
Whal Iho city needs Is responsible and
reputable business men at the helm of
public affairs. The Itoublo Is llial busi
ness men as a class take no interest In
Iho clly allahs , They mo nlwnjslndig-
mint when aii.v thing goes w i eng , bill they
ate the last to mnku nny sacrifice of their
own comfort or convenience for Iho pub
lic good , The method by which candi
dates aio put fotwnrd requlics active
pnitlelpntlon in the primary elections.
To obtain tcpulablocandidates , icpnlablo
clti/cns must take pait. As a gunoial
ittlo , this clafiH htay nwny from the prl-
mat ies and leave them in the hand.s of
the hoodlums and bummeis. Then when
clccllon day comes lliey announce tliom-
fcelvusns highly disgusted bccatiso both
tickets are made \ipof men in whom they
huvo no confidence.
In n people's govcrnmcnl the blame for
bad govcrnmcnl h with the people. The
Hit earn never lisctr above Its soutco.
While n large majoiity of the electors
aru honest and intelligent , they leave the
machinery of elections in tlio hands of
thu eotinpt , vicious nnd Ignoiaiit. Tor
lliu result , they hayo only Ihcmsolvos to
Otliur IiiuulH Tlmn Ourx.
The government bus notified parlia-
incut that it has set April 1 as the day on
which Mr. Gladstone will bring his liish
progiammo bofoio the commons. On
tliat date the split in the llbcial ranks
may bo expected to disclose itself. The
iiitiodttction of the monsuio will doubt
less compel Mr. Chamboilain to show his
hand. Ills ladicul colleagues whoso
threats of resignation from the cabinet
nnd of opposition in the house will also
bofoicod to declare themselves. That
thciowillbo important defections from
Mr. Gladstone's party is certain. Upon
the stiongth or weakness of the icvolt
will depend Hie failure or success of thu ladical ullorl to deal with the condi
tion of Ireland. Mr. Chamberlain is n
whrowd and an able politician. The lib-
cud party tire indebted liugely for their
httccoss in 1880 to his practical talent for
oigaui/.ation. Ills work among the rural
constituencies in 1885 saved Mr. Glad
stone from defeat last November. Ho
has a considerable following in the pros-
out parliament and a , largo constituency
among the newly enfranchised votes out-
bide. Whether Mr. Gladstone can carry
his Irish programme with Mr. Chamber
lain leading a indical icvolt against il is
the nil absoibing question. Purnoll bo-
liovcs ho can , The Iiish loader boldly
assorts upon an appeal to the county ,
liish votes will return Mr. Gladstone to
power with n majority of 170 over toiics
und followers of Mr. Chnmbcilnin com
bined. Other friends of the premier in-
sisl that Chamberlain's defection will be
harmless and will inin its lender in the
futuru. lint the outcome is in doubt. Il
must icmnin so until the strength of the
libelal defection is developed.
. * *
German scmi-olhcinl oignns seem de
termined to impi ess upon their readers
the certainty of nn impending conllicl
between Franco nnd the Fatheilund.
Nuvor since tlip death of Uambctta has
the prospect of a war between the two
nations boon so earnestly discussed. It
is dillicnlt , however , to sco the basis for
Ihc excitement. The French papers 10-
iuso to 10join to the Gorman attacks.
There scorns to bo no intention on the
part of the French government to furnish
nn occasion for such nil outbieak.
Whether the clatter of the German
press masks somu hidden move
on the continental chess bo.ud
remains to bo scon. Fiance
Is certainly not yet piopaicd for Iho "war
of rovongo" of which she was once so
pioudly ptcdicting. liismaick's diplo
macy has icndorod her isolated among
the nations of Europe. Italy was thai
estranged , then Russia and Austria. Tliu
center of diplomatic Intrigue was long
ngo moved fiom Paris to IJoilin. Nor
has the Fionch army yet profited Mif-
ftclonlly fiom the lesson of 1670 lo enable
il to moot the legions of Germany on an
equal fooling. I'ranco is wlso enough to
submit to tliu inevitable and to wait
a more favorable oppaitunlty for retali
ation. It ims not yet come.
The results of Bismarck's negotiations
with the Vatican are appealing. The
cloiieals have already rallied to his sup-
poit in the anti-socialist measure which
will piobably bo passed in a modified
foi in through clerical votes. The chan
cellor Is busy with ids plans for German-
I/ing Poland , for incioasing the Gciman
cxpoit trade nnd for extending the
aulhoiity of tlio empire in its taxing
power with n view to increasing the bud
get. Nothing dismayed by the lojuction
of his spliit monopoly bill , ho has drafted
another meastu e i aislng thu tax on spii its
which ho is confident of putting on it.- ,
. *
passage. *
ThuAmeiiean consul at Copenhagen
furnishes some very interesting nnd sug
gestive facts concerning agriculture in
Denmark. It is shown , for instance , that
1 t lia funnel * of that country nru much
bettor of ) ' than those of Great Dritain nnd
Franco , because they began some years
ngo to tm n their attention to the dairy
and liv u stock business instead of devoting
their efforts entirely to the growing of
grain , This is a lesson vv hich American
agriculturists need to leain above all
others , The tlm has como when they
Cfcn no longer icly upon prolitnblo prices
for vv bent , corn and cotton and the sooner
they begin to change their operations
nccoidingly , the butter it will bo for them
in every icspcet.
The French army has always been
more or lu s a disturbing element in poll-
tie ; , and some of the moat important
vv art ever lakou part in by Franco vvoru
ontcrfd.upon to t > atisfy the militari" ele
ment. Keeently , however , two regiments
wen-transferred by the minister of war
from pleasant quarters v > hich they hnd
hold for fourteen jears to less desirable
stations , becsusu their oflitcrs hud been
too outspoken In expressing their 6jrn-
luuhy with the aiislocnitio party nnd
thulr dislike of republican civil officials.
The govcremont linb i evidently lenrncd a
lesson from the pas,1nnil ( is not likely to
ondnngor lliocontintyty.of the republic
by allowing the 'TwncJi colonels" to ar
rogate to themselves tfio right of being
its advisers or critic's. *
How fast the Poles' ' are getting out ol
Prussian Poland wo do Hot yet lonrn , but
the practical proscripiloft ot the Jens is
clearing out UtisMah Poland with con
siderable rapidity. A dispatch from
Warsaw states that 20lfo , | left last year
for America alone. At least ns many
more hnvo gone Into other IJuropean
countries. The autocrats will pull the
strings nnd the people dance about as
they will. Yet is it only the autocrats
that do this ? It is not much more than a
century since the expatriation of the
Acadlnns occurred , anil the rod races of
lids counlry have bccnicmovcd fiom ono
quarlor lo another since wo hnvo been
making domociatlo history , nnd Iho pio-
cess is not ended yet.
Tin : lutcst news fiom Knglish labor
troubles indicates thai Iho decline In com
merce Is occasioning acute dlsti ess among
British seamen , who mo vigorously pro
testing ngaltibt Iho continuance of a pol
icy which , tlioy Insist , Is biinging Indus-
ttial niln upon both (5icat liritalu and the
colonies. No doubt much sjmpalhy Is
felt for the dislicsscdRcamcn , but Knglifdi
ndmlnlsttnllons mo usually far sighted
enough to toll thudifleicncu between tem
porary depression and permanent decay.
Whatever may happen In the fuluio ,
thcio aru ns yet no tollable indications
that the coinmcicial supremacy of Eng
land is seriously threatened , ami English
cabinets do not icmlily > luld to hasty and
inconsiderate demands. The picsent
dcpicssion Is feoveio upon the vvoiking
classes , bnl Ihoio is no icason to suppose
that it is more than temporary or that an
English administration allow itself
lo bo hurilcd into a change of policy by a
popular clamor.
* \
The unpopularity of tlio queen has ex--
clled set ions alarm , oven in English court
circles which ate gcnci ally tlio last lofoel
any uneasiness , and us consequence and
collective , Victoria Kuginia has an
nounced her Intention of appearing in
public moro frequently hereafter. The
causes of unpopularity are several
in number , the most nelivo being
her recent attempts to influence the
couiso of political matters by in-
tcrforing in cabinet arrangements ,
nnd her long scolusiou which 1ms mnde
her a stranger to the English people.
Not n few of the most bitter complaints
como fiom the London trades-people ,
who lament the difieicnco between the
present nml the pnsi for , fiequent royal
appearances and court fetes at Iho capi
tal mean heavy salosi and largo receipts.
How deep tlio feeling against the queen
is can not easily bo loldv but there must
bo moio 'than mere , taljc in it , or the
queen could not have been induced lo
idler her course.
The Canadian government if making
arrangements "for a lively season with
immigration , the njrcnld of the vai ions
colonies in the dominion having como
together and held a conference to decide
upon ways nnd moans for carrying on
the campaign with vigor during the
confmir summer. Badly as the dominion
needs immigiunts , however , its ngcnts
are disposed to bo pmlicular in the matter -
tor of their selection , and icpicsonta-
tions will bo made to British agents
in Europe that none but ngiieult-
urnl laborers should como lo the Domin
ion. Mechanics , it is statedwill find their
occupations oroidono nlroady , nnd will
piolit noittier themselves ijor Iho country
to which they como , while assisted emi
grants mo not wanted at alh In other
words , while tno Dominion is anxious for
immigration , it is not so desirous of help
in that direction that it is willing to take
any and nil who apply , but will exercise
discrimination , and by this means will
hope to secure n bettor class of citi/cns.
V. NASHV , postmaster nt
Kentucky X Roads , has not rctiicd liom
politics. Ho is a candidate for alderman
in Toledo.
Dr. Leopold 11112 , Iho patriarch ot Jovvlsh
literature , is dead.
Kx-Coiigrcssiuan Del ford , of Colorado , is
lect'iiIng upon ' 'Labor Pioblems. "
fto coo Colliding is said to lecelvo S.n 50 per
clay for coiuliiLtliig the Jake Shnip ln\call-
cut Ion.
Miss Anna Dlclcenson Is writing n histor
ical play to show up man's Inhumanity to
JIIss Uhoda Houghton , the well known
authoress , Is about 40 jeais of age. She is
thlu and ghnrp-fc.ituicd.
C. P. lIuntlnRton , ( lie railroad klnc , says
lie rests two days In tlio week. Ho should
permit his employes to rest also.
Lieut. Oov. Ames of Mass.ichusctts elves
52,000a joai to the town of Kiston , In that
state , to bo used In setting out shade trees.
Ex-tov. ( George lloadlcy , of Ohio , Is said
to he much brolien In health , nnd it Is doubt
ful U ho will over cuter active public life
Henry N. Alden Is the working editor of
"Harper'sMonfldy. " Messrs. Cintls. How-
els nnd Warner have charge of the depart
( Icncrnl Nelson A. Miles was n clerk In a
crockery stole before hounllited foi the war.
Ho first displayed a K'nIus < for war by
smashes the dishes , " " ,
Mrs. Ann Mason of Piitchoguo , X. V. , who
celebrated her 100th liirthita'y anniversary n
fewdajsago , walks dayy to thopostnfllcc ,
thtee miles from her home.
Miss Kin ICato , of JanMi , la the Yum-Ynin
of the Xonnal school of Salem , Muss. She
U going back to Japan to tell the little Japs
nil about the Salem witches.
' Mrs. L.uitiy"b.i)3/Loidon / { gossip , "Is
coming to America to , llvo , and , what Is
more , she Is to marry V 'rlck Oeblmidt ,
w hose lov e is f ar superior lo Ms orthography.
Mrs. Maria Longworth Nichols , vv Idovv of
the Into ( icorgo Ward Nichols , worth 83,000-
000 In liorovvn right , was married at Cincin
nati the other day to Dellamy Storer , a well-
knuvui la\\jer.
Itev. John Itankln , nge < l 03 , ono of the
olileat abolitionists In tlio United btates ,
dlednt Irontun , Ohio , the other day. Hull
\\ahthatiol.itedthe incidents that gave rise
to the celebrated "Unclo Tom's Cabin. "
I > OIIB Tluio lctv\ccn Trains.
l\vrla TnuiHp < .
Sn > s the governor of Missouri to the gov
ernor of Kansas : "It's along time between
tralus. " _
Hard Upon Statesmen.
Xtu > I'ati , Journal.
The chaplain of the United Sttites senate
unintentionally hint the feelint.'a of
grav e and rewreud. body by pra > Ing for Ihe
destruction of gvme , > ters In cards , dice and
chips. Senators Uiaw uotnlug of tuce
things but they are compelled to go Into so
ciety , and society plays pokor.
Opcrn of Cnr Men , ,
Cltlcago Tiilnmc.
The opera of car men , ns likely to bo per
formed If the strike extends much fuithcr ,
will bo n line performance no doubt , but
pilce.i will bo too high. It won't pay.
Snnko Tracks In tlieSnnd.
General F. E. Spinner , the innnvno used
to sign greenbacks , spends much of Ids
time writing for the local papers ot Florida.
They can road his writing down. They me
use to seeing stinko tracks In the sand.
To Glvo the Jnvv n Clinnoo.
11 was noticed Hint when the clmnhln of
the house prapit against gambling ot nil
sorts ho very guardedly refened to the wick
edness of "money-making other than by tlio
fmontot Iho faco. " The old quotation had
It "bto\v , " but wo tirpsumo theclinplaln , for
obvious reasons , put in the whole face to give
thu jawachauco.
AclvprtlHcil ( Julio Thoroughly.
/v < inrn Cllu Join-mil.
"Tho right of suffraijo wis oilglnally ex
truded to women as n matter or niUoitlso-
ment for the territory , " snys ovDclcg.ito
Post of . "I think
, Wjomlng. Wjomlng became -
came l > pttpiknovvu In n shorter period than
anyothci tciiltoty In | the United State" . "
Yes , jes ; Urn women of Wyoming and Utah
ha\o tuhuttUcd both tciiltotles qult'j thor
\Vlllovv , Tit Willow.
A mcichant alone In n desolate Htoro
bang " \Vlllow. \ tlt-\\lllow , tit-wIllow ! "
1 said tohlm , "U'liv iiiojuu pielug the llnoi
hinging 'Willow ; tit-willow , tit-willow ! " "
"Alas ! " ho icpllcd , ns ho smothered his cries ,
"I thought it was nonsense to advcrtl o ,
And now l'\o no custom at all hut tlio Hies ,
Oh , 'Willow , tltIllow , tlt-w illow I1 "
Gl\o the Girls ti ItitiliipRq
lint llinitnnmen ) ( latcttc ,
This a pinclicnl woild , and tlic demand
is for practical men nnd women. On this
account u thorough business ti.iiuingis
the best discipline which ourjoinig can
huvo. Ucsidc , business nfl'.iirs ofl'cr bet
tor opportunities to ladies tit present than
tiny other field to which they can turn
their attention. To those pi opcrlytt.iiiipd
for its duties , nnd possessed of n peed
stock of persnver.inco , a business lifo af
fords the most ceitiiin guaiuntco of suc
cess. To tlioso duly jiropaicd and who
apply themselves diligently , it is an
almost ccitain path to prospoury. Why
should not our pills , ns they ( now up to
bo women , go into some regular occupa
tion , just as tlio boys do' is a question
that is often asked. Thoio is no good
reason why they should not , ut least ,
have tlio piepaintion fordoingsomothing
ns well as tlio boys. And what prepara
tion can a voting ladv have to bling her
in harmony with and make her as self-
reliant as her brothers or other young
men , unless it bo the same daily training
that they have received the familiar/- !
ing of herself with tlio principles nnd
usages of business lifo. In other words ,
if u parent wishes to give a daughter
something that would initiate her into
the real economics of every day affairs
the actualities of business life that
something would bo u business education.
Therefore wo say most emphatically to
parents : Tuiin your daughters for busi
Winter Kn.fnyniont.
There is happiness iu clinging
To a gaulou gate and swinging
On a balmy Mimmer evening with a maiden
that jou love ;
Hut In wlntoi Itisswcetcr
In the sitting-room to meet hci
And hug her to jour bosom as jou nestle
near the stove.
In such a situation
You aio safe tiom observation ,
And jou needn't tlio lulling dew or
damp , malailal fog
While vows of love jou'ro making ,
And till jour leave jou'io taking.
You need have no anxiety at all about the
dog. [ Boston Cornier.
Dlxoy and ' 'Adonisr ' > aio to icmain nt the
Uijou until July.
Llzlo May Ulmer will soon bo seen at
roiepiuigh's in "Dad's ( ilrl. "
In Juno W. T. C.nleton goes lo I'M is and
Vienna on a hunt for now opeias.
llciiulon Morsell will probably not be a
nicmbci of the Boston Ideals next season.
Maria .Tansen and Mail ; Smith vvill bo In
the New York Cnblno cominny no\t reason.
The daughter of the compo ci of ' 'raust , "
Mile. .Icmnle Conned , Is to bo mauled to
Huron Pierio do Lassus.
Tcllula Kvans , Chailos J. Campbell and
Kirt. Calhoun h.ivo made decided hits at the
Boston Uljou thcatio In "Princess Toto. "
Ccorgo C. Uonifaco , Ji. . has leslgned his
position with tlio McCatill Opcni company
and enlisted under the baunei of. the "Tin
Soldier. "
Montegrltfo , the tenor of the Emma Abbott
Opuuicoiiipiny , bv'en engaged to slug In
opera and concerts In London ami the piov lu
ces next beason.
The Ameilcan Opera 'company secured
IlerrSjlvabj agreeing to my him 0,000 a
month lor no\t season 52,000 a month moio
than Candldus Is now paid ,
T. A. Okoy , a Columbus ( O. ) manager , has
closed a flvn-jears contract with Minnie Mad-
dern foi a tour around the world. OKey will
luo lots of tun , een It ho doesn't uialw mutli
Managers 11111 and Abbey are said to have
tlich ejo on u mysterious jouiu woman at
Chlca.o ns a possible future .lullct. Her
most obv lous gift nt piesunt Is said to bo pro
nounced beauty.
At the New fork Standard thcatro elec
tricians and mechanics are now engaged In
putting In the electric plant renuhed to pro
duce the scenic effects of "Tho Little Ty
coon , " which opens at that houbo shortly ,
Nine diamas by Silvio Pelllco , the noted
Italian dramatist , who died In Ib5l , near
Tin In , have been found In an old diawcr in
a house In that city and uio about to bo pub
lished. Pellico w rote thu hrst play on Fr u-
ccsn da Rlmim.
Dailnra Hobinson. a little , uneducated 0
jearold npgio girl of West Point , On. , bids
inlr to rival Blind Tom as n plnniot. fahe
plajs with wonderful conectnei-snnvcompo
sition that she has once heanl. Like Tom ,
she seems oblivious to eveijthlng else when
listening to music or playlm ; the piano.
Maurice Uirrjmoto nnd William lieattle
Kingston , n London joinuallstire lomuted
to bu working In collaboration or. the libretto
of nn opera to bo juoduced In London early
In thu fall , the music of which Is to be com-
IIOMI ! by William Fullcrlon , an Amerlcnn
coinpo- , who hns written much good music ,
W. S. ( illbcrt receives 8M from the Xew
York MndKon SrpMaro theatre for every performance
" " In that house.
formance of "Kngngcd" As
the play is published In this country Mr.
1'almrr has n perfect light to produce it
without inhie tovaltles. Mr. Gilbert's letter -
ter thanking Mi. Palmer foi mobilizing a
lirltUh nutliora rights not been ucehod.
The riilladelphla Chinch Choli Oncratom-
) U completed , and numbers iilty nu-m-
Eui . It U under the mniiUr'tmu'iit of Itobcrt
( it-nil , nnd the > cnson of thu eompnny begins
to-morrow. Kmragpmi'iita of one week each
will bo tilled at liiookltn , Xcwnik and Jei-
fee ) City , alter which the company propotoq
to produce a reportoirn of Uilbeit and bulll-
vau a opeius In Xew Vork.
Italy hn M.OOO.COi Tathollcs.
Theio nro l.TTT.OO ) Lutherans In Dentil irk.
The Kngllsh peers control 3.SVJ eluireh liv
> &irly200,000Preabtt'rhtis attend pub
lic woisililp In this couutrj.
Mis. Ma4ie Van Colt Is conducting a
siuc < b-iul ( icvlval nt Denvir ,
All but 7,030 of tlio i > npiilulliq of Xorvvny
belong to tno Luthean rhurdi
A new Methodl&t chuio } ' , t test S'j.OM , lj
tobu built at Web-ter CIt ) , Iowa.
The effort to evauirelUe I'erai.i Is limited
a'anoft entliely to tue 1'rwbtcri.iu chutvh of
the United fctalea.
Eight millions of dollais a jcar are pnld to
clergymen ot the Catholic chnrch by the
Trench government.
In Greenland there nre seven thnimnd
KsQiilmau converts under the fostering care
of the Danish Mission society.
Rov. M. I ) . Shutter , a popular Hiptlst min
ister of .Minneapolis , has resigned from his
pistorate. glvlnifnsaieasoii his Inability to
longer beltovo Iu the faith of the Baptists or
lo sj mpathl7o w Ith them.
, Bishop Bedell nnd Mrs. Bedell , of Ohio ,
bavomadongcueious gift of SJ.OOO to bo
used by Uishnp rerguson for tlio building
and equipment of a mUslon station , to bo
named 'Ihurston station , in Llberh.
The annual Income ial ed bythoWosloy-
MIS foi hniuo mlislons has now reached a to
tal of SlTO.ooj , This Is exclusive of what Is
raised by the special fund for the extension
of Methodism throughout Great Britain.
Pastor Schneller , of Bethlehem , now
preaches regularly at Hebron , the ancient
eltywheie Abraham , Isaac and Jacob wcto
Imrled. Ihocospel h\s not been preached
there since US7. when the city tell Into the
lianas of Saladln.
The government of Austria has given the
Amei can hoard the right to buy 01 build halls
for blblo lectures nnjvvhoro In Bohemia.
'I his Is an Important concession , nnd shows
the grow ing lav or of the authorities tow aid
evangelical work.
'Iho llev. 0. W. Ward , of r.mjlevvnod , N.
. ) . , hns been called to the lectnishlp of Tilu-
Ity prulsh. Butrnlo. at a silai \ ot fcO.UJU. The
' "
nevv'lilnltj cliuich , on lela"\vaie ) nvenuc. Is
very costlv and beautiful , nnd is attended by
a licit and fashionable coumegallon.
Caidlnal Newman icappeaied ivcenlly In
the oratoiy pulpit at Kdghibton , Lnglaiid ,
lor the lust tlmi ) ibis j eat , his health having
much Itnmoved. lie ic.ul and In Icily e\-
plained the newpapalciicjolieal.pioclafmlng
n jubilee foi Ib&O , with a linn and distinct
At last the nrehcplscopil chair of Po en-
( Jie = cn , formeih held by Ledooliowskl. has ,
by agieement between Bismarck nnd the
pope , been beMovved upon Ulndei , of
Kouicsberg. The see was novel hefoio held
bynUciman. It isa tiiuiiiph lot Blsmaiok ,
and the Poles feel another nnd dnm ig-
Ing blow has been sliuck nt theli nallenalltj.
The Koniau Catholic society for Ihupiopa-
gallon ot tliolalth lopoilsiecelpts of T.lsuiH
Italics , nil ol vvlilch , UMeut about5J5 fumes ,
came fiom Kuiuuo , Tianco ccutilbutlng
4.W ,7W ( fiaiics. Kiom all North America
111,3.P francs wcio leeched , the eontilbu-
tlons fiom the United States being7S.OOO
fiaiics. The nppiopilntions to the United
States weie : W5'G ( ) liaiies , besides 2J.OOO
francs to a mission In the Itocky mountnlns.
Aeeoidlnc ton icport which has just been
published there aio In the Piussiau ehtncli
about 0,000 livings , an increase ot only lout-
teen during the j ear. On the othoi hand , the
ntimbei of tlicoleglcal students has been moie
than ticblcil dinliig the last seven 01 eight
jeais. The war with Fiance , It seems , had
ho clfect of tciilbly leduclng the theologians
ot the universities. Among Iho vat Ions
t ther Items of Intormation the leporl meii-
alons that there has been a decieaso In the
numbei ol baptisms nnd that eleven Protest-
nuts have gone over to Judaism.
"Julius , do jou know the tenth command
ment ? " "Yes'm. " "Veiy well ; icelto it'1
" 1 can't. " "Hut
jou said just now jou
knew It. " "O jes ; 1 know It when I see It"
A Wisconsin mlnlstci was dismissed from
an orthodox pulpit because he built a Iho un
der n balky hoisc. I'ho may do very well lor
starting n stubborn sinnei on the light road ,
bul It's ciucl to use It on a hor&c.
During a icllglous revival nt Mllfoid , Pa ,
the daughter ot a mlseiablodiuuKaid became
Inteiested and was a tegiilai attendant. Tlio
ladles have now notilied hci that she must
diess in betlci ntjlo 01 discontinue her at
John P. Delphey , a young attorney of To
ledo , O. , who was lined ill ) foi Kissing Neva
Johnston , a pietty soprano , In an elevatoi ,
conju not pa\ his line and lias been sent to
Iho workhouse. A Chicago chinch has shown
ontcipiiso by bceining Miss Johnson tor the
"What is spirit , papa ? " asked n little boy
Just Irom Sunday school "A spirit , my
boy , " replied the lather , nltei some cogita
tion , "Is something j on cannot see. " "Yes ,
I know , " said the hopeful sou , who in turn
had taken time to consider ; "it is what j on
smelt of alter coming out of the cupbo.ud
last even ing. "
"llullo.John do lo school' " '
. ; you go Sunday
asked an Oakland gentleman as ho met a
Chinaman ono btinday nioiiiing. "Me po
alleo ttmo Sunday school. " "Do jou like It ? "
"Alice Sluice jou. Mo got good Uncliro ; mo
washcoloi he ) ; stt.ileo sKlit , stealco stock
ings ; she no h'lieo. Sunday school sclollar
iKistcalco ; sibte ? '
"You ' 'fellei ' Johnnie "
siy , , re-
maiKed the joung gentleman's Sundaj-
Rchool tuachei. "It isn't conect.V11,1 \
don't caie , it Is in the bible , " exclaimed
Johnnie. "Isiiah fotntcen , eight : 'Yea ,
the Hi tiees lejolce at tliee , and the cedais of
Ixibaiion , saying since thou nit laid down
no follei is come up au'atnst us. ' "
"Coiiveited horse car conductois , " the
Clulbtian Iteu'istei leuiaike , "mako excellent
deacons. They aio so accustomed to taking
up a collection that they can make theii np-
Ceal \ery Individual without any show of om-
innssmcnt. And the IOOK of expectancy
with which they pass around the plate shows
the value ot a good business ti.iining tor this
dep.utnicnt ot chinch work. Perhaps U
might bo well foi some city churches to en
gage n couple ot hoiso-cai conductois , just to
cnish out deadheadlsm.
A potato weighing two pounds nnd ton
ounces , i.aised at Hullalo Gap , Dak. , was
brought in for the inspection of the Ucu'b
agricultural editor yesteiday.
Soics nnd Glandular bwollinge Curcil
by Ciitlcma.
EMMA nOVNTON , a"T Washington Mrcot ,
llo-ion , EHft : "I lm\o IIOIMI nlllfitrd foi
ono > en run ] nine months I ho doctors
cnllud tuplix. I was taken ivlth ( hoaJful pnlns
< n the luailiiml bodj.myfoetbociunoao suollon
Unit I una poifcotly liulplo'8 , OICA Inohooiit nn
my bnd > und fuco , my tippLtltu lolt mo , 1 could
not Bleep nights , I lost lushand soon bi eumn
somotcued that I lont'fil to illo , I'lijPklniu
fnlltd to help mo. Mj ill euo dully grow woisc ,
my sulfprlnKS bpcumo tonlble. The ornplli n
IturoHsed to iricat burrunln ? , lonl Bniulllnir
sores , trom which a icddUh luiillei tontttuitly
nourod , forming crust ) of KILMI thlcKnais
Ulhtir Boies uppuuroJ onurioiis pnitb of my
lioily , nuil I buciimu BO irrnk Ihut I could not
Imnomj bed In this condition and b > ndvlco
of n veil known phjsloliin , I hesnn to use the
C'ntlftirii Itomellds , nud in tncho "ctlcsuis
porftotlj cured. "
scuoruLOUb ULcnus.
James ! ' . Uichnrdeon , custom house , Now
Orleans , on oitth , SIJB : "In * " } tciofnlon
illcoi * lirolio out on my holy , until 1 m n innss
of cornipllon. nrorythlnyr kiiown lo tlio m < dl-
cal inenlly wns tried Iniiln 1 boonino mniro
mock , Al time'could not lift my humid to my
hund , tonld not turn In but ; as In ooiistmit
jniln , nnd looUud upon Illo us u curco. No relief
01 euro In ten jenn. In IH'U I huuidof the
Cutfcuiii Ileniodlcd , used Uiom und > vus | nrfo'-t-
I ) ClllOd "
tSnorn to hoforo U S. Com. J 1) . CHAvrronu.
Inherited nml conlnirlous humuravlililosiof
hair , elundiilar 6 elUiis ( , iikpM patch ! 11n llui
tliront and mouth , ubcesscs , tumois. mi biincK f.
I'ldiulins , DereK , scuiN ) , unsiinifof tin l.lOnoj' ,
nn I urlnurv mentis , cliops ) , nini'iiilUtdohi'lt ' ) .
chronlorhtuinntKro , ( onhtiiMtinnnnd plloi , H id
IUD31 dlftibfa aiistn , ' Irom nn linpuio 01 Im
povcrlshcd coiulitjon of tlio h'ojd nro niio'dlly
cuiot by thuCiilkuiu llu4Ulrunl , Ihui o > Moo 4
puilflor , iiiteiiiiill ) . iissintod li ) ( 'ntiuum , tlio
trc'iit tklniuro , nnd L'mlcmra faoap , .in cxijultno
tl.ln Lon itlfiur , cixtLinall > .
BoUi nvpr\horc I'rlcu , CullciiiiH , , VI els ;
CuiJr'jinioap , i" > Us ; Lutlcura lii-w.hdit , f I
I'litjiuied liy tbo POITLII UIIL'U AMI Cm MIC vi ,
I'u , Hoaiou.
Send for "riow to Cure Skin Diseases. "
UIUPMZS , III irkliciul ,8k n Il.erjisliosami llaby
1" llumnik , usoCutlftna Soap-
ov .intns AND PAINS
h no hum n skill U'fins ub.'e ' to
.tllu\iHl , l Ihe coalition ol iliou.
aands who 11 jot kauw pothnit ; of
thiu ntr und ult fnut un'id < lo tu piiin
Mild ( niUimnution , li.etu ; cii u A > i-
ii.ii. Z'M.
Kotloo to arise * flttllder * .
OU\LI1) proio | nU wil lo IB lived at the
Onlucoof Die Cult f 1 nf noir. Union Patlllu
UaiUvdy , Omuhu , Nijnies ! , until buturdn >
cM'iiliuMnrcll Suth. for the sup irktru > Hire ol
the bridges ov r Illue Hi > cr ud Knicy t.'i k ,
audtor one U1l-foov puu > Uovo , Trim nad
thrrc thlrtj foot iru eJ wirdfr ( .
Hans and ipvclftMtlom c-.n ha eoeu ut tlia
oniuior thoChl f Uuglneur , 0 iho. . . . . . .
E H CAiM'A Y.\i
Tlio Ihue for rocolvm , ' oili fl > r lirl'Jsui ovet
Illue Ul cr Mni fnwy Crctk l imonfyrJi lo
8. It CALWA AOquirul ' Jtn * 'St.
n Ct CEN I BOTTLES nro pin np for tuo n
A * Jcoinmol or all who doslro a coo
Rtul low priced
Ttio'i nrsiniNd MiKurnr roil
BhouM sccuro Uio Inrwo $1 linitkx Ulrootloa
ucconipminv \ uiioli bottlo.
Sold by nil Blodlciuo Donlora.
AriEot"cr du l or two U < airilColt > tM , nitt btenloncrr
tDKejlnlboircd llrtttn > < lllof CMOIK , Ni.roli , Bin
and lluvn Pimm ttmninr othir rhjiklin Iu SI. LoiUi ,
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial unit other Altec-
lions ol Throat , Skin or Dones , Blood Pollening ,
old Sores anil Ulcers , to UCMM wiib uni-.t.n.i.a
ccreii , tn lilctlieltutlQd rrlnelplti Btftlr , 1'rltfttilr.
Diseases Arising ( rom Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , hleh product , pm , .rib ,
roliowloi elTcetii Ditioninen , dtbllllr , 6lmneu ot ilibt
DilJtf ctlttni raorr , pimpln on Hit r c > , rhjilt > U > ; ,
Ttnloniolbi otldjor frmil.i. cotfuil cf U..i , < ia ,
rtadorlnir M rrlatro liuproptr or unhappy , u <
rcrioantotly 0urea. rtnpbtelSBrIMCQ ( ) tbtilwti * , ton\
In iftlcil cnrelor-e , rre to anynddrpn CetiiuUtlUBiitor-
Dec of I r mill rrtf. InrlKd .nj ililctl ; f nOi1 < ull.l.
A Positive Written Onarnntco iit.n in .T.rjeo.
nbl out. Utdlelni icatf a jnlnre b ; a > n oniprtii.
300 TAOX3 , FINE 1'LATKO , electnt cloth nj fill
blntlloK at.jrprfiOo Inr-oittRtorturreocr. Oror Oft/
I n pictures , true lo llt ( i nrlHUi on tbo rollowlok
, WbUU r. '
Wnrrnntcd ( oclvosnttafno
tion on nnyoik uud Iu uny
Price $ 2.5O
Lincoln ,
Solo Wbolcsnlo nrouts for
* - - - f i
N. 1 > . This la not a Stylo-
ginpli poncll , but n first cltas
Hoxlblo gold pen of nny do-
elrcd fineness of point.
i/rM.M. . . - - - - . * r- - * - L t .
Allf eirerl .efc nem iuu dqulekenrti Trl U -
M. Be dHump lor e l r rU uUr * 4 . iJ ,
I'rcp. \ioUin of youth ,
fill imprudcnoa caunlnir
1'rcmaturo Decay , Nrn
vou Dclillity. Ixnt M n-
hood. io. hn-lnsr trleil In valnoiory known r n i1r
Sin fl 1 a ulinp'o soli-euro , wlilcli he nlll eead
J IIKI' to hi * fdlow-HUlTereri Ad Jr kfl
J. II. KhE VU3. 43 CbatlMiitnx > t. Ncir Y ork CUT.
w VlTAI.ll V It t lll"F , ln IHIAI
FMIAUf > lH url'o erl'llK\IAirilf I <
El )
driilnj prumi tly j-uickoU. TliTA'llHtffftnt \ , u Sj -
inidl , * , 111 K.
u p < Ton < ) < ' l ( > n4on'finfnticl Oniwalty
lion ( onlco or hr mull ) will' lU finlu'jiit doctorj f HUE.
CIVIAI.E AliEftCY. No. 174 Fullcn 5U eUHt YorK
Do you want a pure , bloom *
ing Coniiiloxfoii { Ji'so , a
few aiwMcalioiifj of ] fiignu'.s
jrAGNOU A JLiLM will gruf-
if'y jou to your heart's con
tent. It does away'witli Sal-
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IMotchcK , nntl all diseases and
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overcomestlio flushed nppenr-
auco of licalj fatigue and ox-
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THIHT1' apjipar but TWfcN-
TY ; and so natural , gradual ,
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that it I > iinpos.siblo to detect