Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Ollttllfr Stcntlyt peed extra creamcrj' .
Sic ; choice to line Ualry,15 J22c.
Cheese Ftill cream clie(1nn ( > .0l , < (310oi ( flats ,
lOTAHH'c ; Young Americas , lijffrfiSc.
Illde < Green , fij c : heavy errcn saltal ,
7&e : liRht , H'4Pt ' ilamnircd , OJ c : bull hides.
Ccury : salted , 12Ucdry ; flint , 13Ue ; calf
'lailow I > o. 1 counlry , , . . .
Jtccclnt * . Shipments.
Flour.bbls . 12,000 10.WO
WlicnUbu . 22,000
Corn , mi . nrooo
Onts.bu . 07,000 47,1X10
Kyo.bil . 2.000 0,000
liarfcr.bu . 8fl.coo 10.000
St. Loulfl , March 1W. Wbeat Finn nntl
higher ; No. 2 1 ml , cash , S8c ; May. b' c.
C'orn rinn ; Ao. 2 , mixed , cash , 34c ; May ,
* '
'oat'f-Strady ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , COc ;
Jlay , CO.Vc blif.
Hjc Kasy atrXc. )
Whisky-Firm ntSl.10.
Pork Steady ntSlO.SO.
hnnl-Stcndy at 55.87J6
Huttpr Dull but llrm ; creamery , 25QrOc , ;
AKTKIINCWX HoAitn Wheat Firm nnd > (
@ 5c higher. Corn Easy nnd ) ( ® } Q lower.
Oats Unchanged ,
Liverpool , March 2 , " . Wheat Poor de
mand ; new No. 2 winter , dull at 7s3 < ( l ;
spring , dull at 7 4d ,
Flour 1'oordemand : steady atSsSd.
Coin 1'oor demand : spot , dull atIs2d ;
JIarch , easy nt 4s 2U ; April and May , easy at
4s IJ d.
Toledo , Starch 23. Wheat Steady ; cash ,
Corn Steady : cash ,
Oats UnchanKcd.
KmiHnnClty , March 2.'i. Wheat Unset
tled ; cash. 07c asked ; April , 074'c asked ;
Jlny. C9 r@70 > tfc ,
Corn Quiet ; cash , nominal ; April , 27Jfc
bid , 28 o asked : May , S0fc.
Oats-Cash , 23 { c bid ,
Now OrleniiH , March 23. Corn Strong
nnd higher at 40c.
Oats Firm at : iO@40c.
Cornmeal Steady at S2.10.
Provisions Firmer , but not quotahly
hlpher ; I lie Ihmness being caused by the- rail
road strike in Kansas City checking the sup-
Lard Hcllncil tierce , 8B.75.
liulk Meats Light demand but holders
firm ; shoulders , 4.00 ; long clear and clear
rlbH , 55.00.
Now York , March 25. Wheat Kocelpts ,
7,000 ; exports , yi.OOO ; spot J < c higher but very
quiet ; options opened ? < @ ; tfc higher , after
I wards tilled easier , fell back X&fa closing
steady ; ungraded red , 87o : JSo. 2 red , U2e
In store ; May closing atWlc.
Corn-Siot ) , llrm ; options opened J SJ c
higher , butclobod with advance- lost : recenits ,
6'J.OOO ; cxioitH. 87,000 ; ungraded , 4iro : ! ; No.
3 , 4r , fc ; No. 2,4J ( ! c in elevator ; May closing
Oats Higher ; receipts. 47,000 ; exports ,
1,500 ; mixed western , : ! ( ! > rf@SOc ; white west
ern , SSffllBtfc ,
J'ctroleum Steady ; United closed at7.l ) c.
Eggs Firm nnd good Inquiry ; western ,
14W141.fc. (
Pork Dull and easy ; mess , S9.75@10.25 for
old , 811.00 for new.
Lard Steady ; western steam spot , SC.3254 ;
Mav , 50.a ? :
I/utter Firm ; western , 12@13 c : lgln
creamery , 34e.
Cheese Quiet but , firmly held ; western flat ,
Blllwaukoc , March 25. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 7 c : May , bOKc ; June , 8'Jtfc
Corn Steady : No. 2 , : > 0'ic.
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , ill e ,
Kyp-Weak ; No. 1. 03c.
Uarlcy Nominal ; No. 2 , file.
Provisions Steady ; mess pork , cash and
March , S0.75 ; May , S9.8. > .
Glncliiiiatl , March 2.1 ; . Wheat llcavy
nnd lower ; No. 2 led , bSJ c.
Corn Dull and unchanged ; No. 2 mixed ,
37Kui-ic. ( ! !
Oats Scarce but firm ; No. 2 mixed. 32K ®
33o.Kye Unchanged : No. 3 , G < VgC7c.
UaHcy Finn ; cxtiaNo. 3 spring , 01Kc.
Pork-Quiet at S10.00.
I .aril Fair demand at S5.or@G.OO.
Whisky Steady at § 1.10.
MlnneanoiiH. March an. Wheat Steady ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 85o ; May , 8"e ; June , KSj c ;
No. 1 northern , cash , 70o ; May , Sic : June ,
tti c.
Flour Stoadv ; patents , 84.a" < < ( > 4.y5 ; bak
ers' . st.05@t.M. : :
Recolpts Wheat , : 5,000 bu : Hour , 2&lbbs. !
Shipments Wheat , ± J,000 bu ; Hour , 20,000
Chicago , March 25. The Drovers' Journal
reports :
Cattle Itecclpta , 8,000 ; slow and 10rtlfic
lower ; shipping stcoix , SUK5.CO : ) ; stockers
and fcedciH , 2.f)0V.40 | ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 8l.75@i.7.'i : ; hulk , S.OOC'L : ! .20.
lloga Kecelpts , 20.000 ; active but lOc
lower ; roimh and mixed , S4.00M4.t5 ! : packIng -
Ing and shlpplliL' , S.20 ( < J4.05 ; light , S-J.CO ®
4.40 ; skls.1.00i.75. ] ) :
Slieoj ) Iti-cclpts , 3,000 ; slow ; natives , 52.50
@ 5..riO ; lambs , S4.X ) @ .oo.
St. Ijo'ilH. March 25. Cattle Receipts ,
00 ; shipments , none ; .market nominally
Hogs Itecolpts , 3,300 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
opened .Steady , closing lower ; butchers' anil
best heavy , $4.0 : ! < ? M.45 ; mixctt packing , Sl.OO
© 1.2,5 ; light , Sl.tO I.JX ) .
KaiiHaH City , March 25. Cattle Itecelpts ,
500 ; shipments , none ; .shipping grades nomi
nally lOoIiivtor ; butchers weak and feeders
steady ; chcilco to fancy , S5.00g5.20 ; fair to
coed , S4.10i7J-l.lK ) ; common to' medium , S4.00
C < 4.50 ; htoi-Uers anil loeders , S3.40@4.20 ;
cows , '
Hogs UceulptR , B35 ; shipments , none ;
weak and 10al5c ( lower ; good to choice ,
53.'JO(24.tK ( ) ; common to medium , W.CO@a.bO.
Thur.sday Evcnlne , AInrchSS.
The receipts of cattle wcro light to-day ;
nmikct quiet but bttoug. There Is fair de
mand lor handy fat stccis. llutcher.s'
htock Is In blow demand and quiet.
To-days quotations 1110 : Cholco to ex
tra steeis , averaglnu' 1,400 to 1,500 IDS , SM.05@
4.75 : lair to good , averaging 1.200 to
1.H50 Ibx. S4.20fZ ( 1.00 ; medium , averaging 1.200
to 1W ! ) UH , b4,00 ( > { 4.15 ; medium , averaging
1,100 to 1,200 | bs , $ : > .7.Vu.lK : ) > ; good to fai
co us and hellers , 5.2.Xittl.50 : { ; muilium cows
mid lit'ifoiH. 5fA7.X 4H.OO ; good to extra stags
and bulls , S'i.coc < f3.00.
'i'luuecrlptsot lions to-day itro niodeiatc.
Mnilct quh't and .V < flOj lower. Cholcit me
dium weights nssoili'il nto the only class
nif. Heavy IIORH are In poor demand anil
very lltllu bale for mixed lots. Quotations
for to-day mu : Choice assorted butchers'
pigs , aveiaging 220 to 2(0 ( His. SU5 : < < : t.y5 ;
cholcu hhlpplug , aveiaging ! - ' > to 350 Ibs ,
gi.o : ti.souiiod : ; hhlpplug , averr.glin. 2J5 to
! W | b.s , St.ii7wi.70 : : ; good mixed S.70@y.75 : ! ;
common lough , : m.'irt,50. :
Sheep'I'lio mculpis aru llglit and markol
quirt. ( ioOd hhlpiilug , avciiigliig 100 to 125
His. SUX"@l.-5 ; mi'dluui , avuiiiglng bO to 'JO
Ibs , fc.2V : ) l.oa.
Ciittlo . 200
miMisKsr.\Tnfi : : :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
, U'o 17 S4.1U
: 3.bO b'J . 1413 4.115
1 ?
: : : :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr
1 720 Si.H : ( ) 1 . mi S3.UO
2 1123
No. Av.
1. . . 11.10
N < . Av.
K. . . . 145
( .U. .U.VS
6'l "SO
to. , : u :
.Sliowlii ! , ' llm hiu'lipst aud lowe t prices paid
mi this matlel for mixed packlni ; hoes dur-
in ? tiio u.i t hovi'it days aud for the corns-
i > crud ! last moiitli.
! i'i'JSlL ' 1.'lilA' > i'LIL'g'.w ' '
All $ nlus of stock ID this in.\ilet ; are mad
per c\\t live wclu-'il ' unless nlhuiwl o
tnnvl. Lip.-id hi > z * soil at Ic | 'r Ii ! for nl
wfl 'litt. . "Skins , " or hogs neighing lea
Ihnn lOvi Ibj. noaluc. . Pn'gunut su'Vi are
dK.-ked U IDS and Hna SO Jbs.
Thin butchers' stock li almost unsaleable ,
N. F. Strom , Coleridge , had 01 sheep on the
T. Wilkinson , Kearney , had 2J3 sheep on
the market.
A. Slpnmn , of Beatrice , sold fifteen bulls
on the market ,
S. Power * , of Stilton , sold a load of hogs
averagings * ) Ibs.
Stewart A ; F. , of Donncborg , had a load of
attlo on the market.
Slxiy head ot oalilo were received from
Ian IHI & Co. , of Clarks.
John A. McShanc sold n fine bunch of S9
at cattle , averaging 144S Ibs.
Krazler A Ucnlon , Silver City , were on the
market with a load of hogs.
There was n load of lioijq on the matkct
rom North Loup , beloiiglm ; to J. K. Hale.
O. W. Pickering , Chester , Weeks Bro * . ,
O'Xell , each had n load of hogs on the market.
Mr. McDonald , a well-known live stock
lenler , came In to-day from Missouri Valley.
W. F. Hrmvn. ofV. . F. llrown & Co. , live
stock commission , has luturnud from Chi
A lend of Iios't avpraglne 25S lb . , which
were shipped In byV. . L. Naah , Kearney ,
were sold lo-dav.
We will lay the foundation for a new pack-
nir housu as soon as the gioitnd Is settled-
Stock Yards company.
Gpiiornl Sliu-lcots ,
Thursday fivonlnc , March M.
Koos The moio llbeial receipts have
knocked the bottom out of the esc inatkiit.
It Is not safe to quote the market above lOc ,
tlioiiRh n lew sales of .single cao lots were
made earlv In the morning ; at a little hluher
lluniu. Tills mat kct is still higher In proportion
tion than ClikML'o.
Btrmi-Cholce : : table lolls are In a little
bcttpi demand , though there Is no improve
ment In poor or Interior giailcs. The tol-
lowlng aru the pievalling juices : Choice
tolls are quoted nt in@lbc ; fair to good ,
10l'-'c ; Interior. ! ( ) ( ( ' ; creamery. In 1 11)
btlcks , 'Me , Only the vercy holcubt guides
will bi lug tun prices. : Fnncy fullcrcam Cheddars. Octo
ber tiiaki1. ll' ' c : Hats. I'JWo ; votinij
America , lie ; Iliht ijualltv SwM cheese ,
lOc ; second quality , I3 ( < jl4c ; JdinburR r ,
ffilSp ; ! < Ulm Hals ti ( ( lOe.
PotM.TitY TliL'domand fordressed poultry
Is sttongcr. but only In n small way. Cholco
ilrc.ssed chlukensaio quoted nt b@0e ; tur
keys 'Jc ; peuso and ducks , He. There Is inoro
Inquiry af tor live chickens a- * the season ad
vances ; quotations tor to-day wcro § 3.00
. .
( JAjin Uccclpts of ducks nrn quite liberal
aud market rules dull on nil kinds oxcont
Mallards , which about hold their own. Prices
for the most pait mo nominal. Pralrio
ducks , 51.OOW1.50 ; small rabbits. T
eese , S.00 ! ) 3.rx ) .
PiiKSKUvns , .lir.tiK : , r.rc. Preserves , all
clnds , vio-lb. palls peril ) . lOo ; do in pallets
ots , per lb. 'J ic : asoitcd.'i-lb. jiails per crate ,
0 pails , S3.7. > . .tellies , all kinds , Hist grade ,
ilb. ! ( > . pails , PIT lb. tfc ; assorted , lirst grade ,
n-lb. palls , per crate , 0 palls , S'J.W : do ,
Mb. palls , per case , lidoz. S'J.3.1 ; do , tumb-
h-rs , per case , S do/ . , 81.40. Jo ly. all kinds ,
second urado , 30-lb. pails , per lb. 5c. MIuco
meat , best grade \i bbl. per lb. 7c ; ilo , 18 ,
. . ! Mb. 7 do. 5-lb
US andi3-Ib. ( p.illn , per | c ; -
pails , per crate. 0 palls , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extta line , Kbbl , per lb , 7cdo ; 40-lb pails ,
per lb , 7 ! c ; do , 5-lb palK per crate , ( i pails.
S'J.75. Peach aud plum butter. 40-lb pails , per
lb. ( % c ; peach plum and qulnco butter , as-
koiteil , olb pails , per crate , 0 palls , S3.75
catsup , per case , 3 doz , pint bottles , 35.00
horse radish , Dint bottles , per doz 51.50.
Pins'KirT. : TittPi : , KTC l-igs' lect , perK
bDl , ? 4.00 ; do , X bbl. S'.OO : do , per kit , We.
hambs' tongues , per ) < bbl , 83.50 ; do , pot-
kit , S-.7S ; do , quart jars per doz , SS.SO ; do.
pint jars per case , B do . S7.00. Tripe , per K
bbl , SJ.oa ; do , per # bbl , S'J.OO ; do , per kit ,
tXJt * .
S'AUP.II KIIATIT Best quality , 45 pal bbl ,
S7..r > 0 ; 30 gal bbl. 80.50 ; 15 L'al bbl. S4.1W.
Xt'Ts Pecans , largo pollslied , lie ; pecans ,
medium , He ; English walnuts , I4c : almonds ,
Tarrnirona , 'Me ; do , Laiiguedoc , 17c ; Ura/lls ,
12c ; lilbeits. 14c ; peanuts , hand jiieked , fancy
Virginia 8cdo ; , roistcd. lOc.
COMH HONEY California- ID frame CM Ibs ,
in case per lb. , 15o ; 10 lb. Irames , Nebraska ,
CinEit Mlchlean rcllned , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 54.00.
ViNnoAii White wine , ICc ; cider , ISKe.
CoroA.N llTS-At S4.50ii5.00.
NKW I''IQH , I > ATIS. ETC. hayer figs. 5 and
8-lb boxes , per lb , lOjeiTc ; Pruuelles , 2.5-lb
boxes , per lb , l-c. * Dates , fancy Fanl , 12-lb
boxes , per lb. 14c ; Uo , fancy Persian , 50-lb
boxes , per lb. 10@llo ; Calilorula black lies ,
BANANAS Per bunch , according to size
LUMONS Fancy Messina and Palermo , per
box. S5..r)0 : do. choice Messina and Palermo ,
per box.00 ; do. per 5 box lot , 84. < jOi ( 4.75.
California lemons § 3.7. ) tier box.
CocoA.Nins Per 100 , § 1.50 ; less than 100 ,
OUAXOKS Choice1.03 AngeiPS , per box ,
S-.75 : do , , Vbox lots , per box , ; do , 10-box
lots , S'--IO ; fancy Hiverslde , S3.75 ; do , 5-box
lots. S3.50 : Navels. 35.00.
CiiAxniitnii : : ' < t'liolco Jersey , Bell and
BiiL'le , per bbl , SO.OO ; bush box. jfS.OO.
OVhTKiis New York counts , 4rx ; : extra
si'k'cts , 40c ; selects , ! J3o ; standards : > 0c ;
mediums. 2.V. .
PitovisioNS. Ham , ' .iKoibrcaKfast baco n'
8Wc ; clear side bacon , 7 > jc ; dry salted
bides , 0'4'c : short rib sides , UKc ; shoulder- ' ,
SKc ; mess pork , Sl'i.OO uer bbl ; dried beef ,
ham pieces , I'-'e ; lard , tierces , C ) c ; f > 0 lo
cans , 7e ; 10 lb cans ( Kalrianks,7 ) e : 5 lb
cans do , 7 ? e ; 3 lb cans do , 7 > c ; boneless
: : . Cabbage , 200 lb crates , n@
3fcperlb ; caulillowerSi.50 per doz ; aspara
gus , 15c per lb ; celery. Giant , 51.50 per do/ ;
sweet potatoes , Jerseys , 4c per lb ; tulabagas ,
SittS per bbl ; pieplant , 15c nor lb : ntdishcs ,
50o jier dogieen ; onions. iiOcoer do/ ; .
Arrr.iiB Kancy N. Y.B.ildwlnsaiid green
ings , 52.50@3.00 : Missouri Gcnltous , jier bbl. ,
SUMO ; do , 5-bbl lots , S2.U5 ; tlo. 10-lb lots ,
S'-.0 ( ) ; Missouri WIIIowTwIgs , Ben Davis , etc ,
S2.75 ; do. 5-bbl lots. 83.60 : do , 10-bbl lots ,
S2.4U ; MIchlL'an Baldwins , SI.60rtW.7S.
Por.vTOKs Extia choice Ncmaska and
Iowa , nrxgoOc ; lair to good , 40g50c ; Salt
l ako potatoes , per bu. 75e.
OXIONH Uholco Ohio yellow , per bbl ,
" '
'BKANS The market Is very dull. Hand
nlclced navy. Si. 75 , hand-picked medium.
Sl.50Cgl.75 : coed clean countrv. 81.33 :
inferior. 75c(31.00 ( : California pea be.ius ,
Sl.s > . " > ; Calitorniabav beans. Sl.aVmU.oo.
( iitA s SIIDS : : Clover. CO Ibs. to bushel ,
choice > edj7.50S.OO ; White Dutch , 8 60
10.50 ; Alfalla.S' ' .00 ( < ilO.OO : AlsykuS7.00@7.50 ;
Mammotli , 57.00 ( < .lr..0 ! ; Timothy , choice , 45
Ibs. to bush. . SU.SO@'J.50 ; Blue Uniss , H Ibs.
to , Ki'iituekv extra clean , Sl.00fil.25 ;
Ked TOIL h."Ki ; Oichanl ( irass , 8iS,1iC < o > i.60 ;
( ieiman Millet. 50 Ibs. per bush. , 81.00 ® l.'J5 ;
llunuailan , 4S Ibs. per bush. , SUOodl.25 ; Ku-
ullsh Blue or llyu tlrass , 14 Ib.s. per bush. ,
(5UAIX I'llovutor prices for car lots : Corn ,
eo' ' c : oats. B.'c ; wheat , 5S ) c ; rye. 45c ; bar
ley , 4 'c. On thu strci'ts aud at the mills :
Coin , : .h.'R ; oats , ii'iQUik1 ; wheat , No. 2 , COc ;
1'i.nuii ' ami MII.I.STUKFS Winter wheat
( lour , beit imailty patent , SH.OO@3.10 ; second
Quality , { J..vxui.)0 ; ( : best quality t.prlns
\\lieat Hour , patent , S3.50 ( 7 > . ' .75 : buckwheat
Hour , In barrels , § 5.75 ; ready raised iijli park-
aics. ; o lb packages , ga..H ) ; bran. .v
per cwt ; chopDcd leeit , 70o per cwt ; white
coin meal , see ; yellow corn mail , 70a per cwt.
spieeniuj ? , COopcrewt ; hominy , Sl.nopor cwt ;
slioits , ( As per cwt : uraham , Si.75 per cwt ;
linv. in bales. SiDO ) < vii7.00 uer ton.
llinr.s ( Jieou muHiprs , G > tfe : preen cured ,
7 cdry ; Him. li&jiic ; ; dry salt , Uta'lOo ; dam-
aired hides two-thirds pi let ? . Tallow I'c.
( iieaso , jitltiui whlto. a e ; yellow , " ;
blown. 2Jfc. Shcon Pelts-255475c
Kuits AND .SKIXS Minlr. eai-li. 10(2 ( > 40o ;
mttskrat , wintor. 2iKj ' ; do. kits , to ; Utter ,
S2.50W5.00 ; skunk , filiort striped , l.ViKTio : do.
brood stiiped. 101415 ; badier. 25@50 ; Hao
coon. No. 1 larco. 40i.O . : do. No. 2. 20-i : ) ;
do. No. 3. iiViVs ; wolf , praltlo. 505c ;
do. mountain. S2.00C'3.00 : wildcat , 15(340 ( ; Doa-
ver. SLfxo IXT Ih ; fox , each. 4u.'Qi.75 :
drv winter , iy t5c per lb ; do. fall
and summer , ISMi c : iintioio. ; | ri < ( iO < per Hi
I.K.VI nun Nil. 1 rittbluiri ; linrut-si. J. C ,
h. iVsUoiic. SOn ; No. 1 PltUbuii ; . K. &S. ? / < . - :
tl.OJaU.-a : horn , calf , SI Kl-JO ; o h calf ,
| .UO l.-J5 ; Kioni-liealf.8l.31.S5 ; Morocuo
boot lo. , aO'ieWc ; Morocco oil jiebble/JSSa.'c- ;
toiiuinca aud linluiu. S-O.OOQU'.W per do/ .
Oo.vt Anthracite gratf , SS.85 : fgg. SS.'JV : S3 M : clio tiiul JS.60 ; Iowa. SU.M ;
Wiilnut block , fca.75 ; Illinois , 55.00 ; MUiuutl ,
Irou. r\lca : , S2.S5 ;
plow | east , 4c ; cruclbiu steel , Oo ;
cast tooU do , liaise ; \viiyon j > okus , per sot ,
$ l.T5ai.oo ( : ; UuCs. per s > t. il.'M ; Mlnot ,
Mwedury , SI. 40 ; tuuguo ) . * cb. 7Vaxli ; : * .
each , 7Mr njvure uuU. p i Hi. 7cJcilc ; roll
chulu. per 11) ) , ( K-tlJo : malUiblOirfic : iron
, Cc : uuwuu fr ; ; aro\v.tcctU , ic ;
spring steel , 7SSc ( ; Burden's horseshoes.
$1.40 : Burden's mule shoes , S5.40. Barbed
Wire , In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nail ? , rates , 10 to CO. S : , oo. Shot 81..V ) :
buckshot , S1.P5 : oriental powder , kegs , 58.50
(2rl.OO ( ; do , half kees , S'ioo ; do , quarter kegs ,
Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , 53.35 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
50o. Load Bar , SI.A (
Dm- PAINTS white lead , 8c ; French y.lnc ,
12C ; Paris whiting. 2Vc ; whiting gilders ,
IJ c : whiting , conn , Iffej lampblack , ( ! er-
juamown , I'-'c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian blue. Moiltramarluc ; , iSc ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , ijc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber ,
raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ;
Paris preen , genuine , 35s ; Paris green , com
mon , 20c ; ciiromc green , N. 'i.,20c : chromo
green , K , 12c : vermllllon , English. In oil ,
fiOc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 ib cans ,
12c ; law and burnt sienna , lie ; Vandyke ,
bro\Mi , 13c ; roliiiwl lamjiblack , 15c ; coach
black aud Ivory black , lee ; drop black , lOc ;
Prussian blue , 40c ; tiltramarluo blue. lJe ) :
cliromo green , L. , M. & I ) . , lOc : blind nuii
sliutter crecn , I * . , M. > t 1) . , lOc ; Paris green ,
Ibc ; Indinii red , l" > c ; Venetian red. We ; Tus
can. 23c ; American VPImillion , 1 , . AsD. , 20c ;
yellow ochre , tic ; L. M. AO. I ) . , 18c ; golden
ochre , I0c ; patent dryer , he ; cratuing colors ,
light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
nsii , I'-'c.
PAINTS IN- OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. ,
7.1 nc , 75c ; veriujlllou , Ametlca , ISc ; Indian ,
ted. lOe : ro o pluk , 14c ; Venetian , red , Cook-
fcon's , 2 0 ; Venetian , red , American , le ;
red Ipad , T , ' c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochtc , lochello 3o , ;
ochre , 1-renrli , 2Ji'c ; oclne , Amcilcan , 2c ;
n.iUCHI , lillltlliu. > i ; , Ulll iuil I uj'.iltfd ' , ( Hi
lb , 50c ; bark , sassafras , pur lb , 12c : ealomel ,
per II ) , 72c ; chinchouidln , per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per lb , GOc ; Doveis powders , per It ) ,
2 , per gal. , ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
S1.40 ; oil. origanum. We ; opium. S3.7."i ; qul-
nine , P. A : W. , aud It. As S. . per oz , 8. " > e ; po
tassium Iodide , per t ! > , S3.00 ; snlloln , per or. ,
40u ; sulphate morphine , per oz , S2.SO ; sul
phur , per ll > . 24u : strychnine , per oz , S1.40.
OILS 110" paibon. pnr callon , lOc : 1M
headliglit , pcrgalion , Uo ; \ " > ° headliiht. per
gal , irc : 150" water white. 14o ; Unseed , hard ,
illotilie ; linseed , boiled , per
sperm , W. B. . per gallon , § 1.00 ; tish , W. B. ,
nor gallon , O1) ? ; ne.itsfoot , extra , per gallon ,
70c ; No. e ; lubricating , zero , per gallon ,
No. 1 summer. 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per
gallon , : ! 0n ; No. 'J , 2.c ; sjcrm , sltnial , ) ) er
gallon , 75o ; turpentine , per gallon , 57e ; gaso
lene , per uallon , 14c.
VAisNisiiK1 * tlarrels , per gallon : j'tirnt-
tuic , extra , SI.10 ; furnlturo , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
couch , extra , S1.-10 ; coacii , No. 1. S1.20 ;
Damar , extra , 31.7.'i ; Japan , 70u ; nsphalttun
extra , 6So ; .shellac , % J3.X ) ; hard oil linibh ,
Si'iniTS Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 proof , Sl.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , Sl.W ; do , Ibs proof , SI.11. Aloo-
( lolilon Sheaf bourbon and ivo whiskies ,
Sl.50@3.00. Br.imlies. Imported. Sr..00& ;
domestic. Sl.oOWi.uo. ( Sins , Impoitcd , 81.60
dtf'M : .lotupstlc. Si.a.@i.oo. ittims , im-
liortcd , S l.mcss.ot ) ; Now England. S1.75ioo ;
domphtic , Sl.'iTi'HOO. Cliampagups , impoit-
ed , per case. $2SOJ@oyi : American , per
case ,
nan. lm's II > f lri < ! Q'r ' " ' 's'l'l' ' ' ' Kts
2UO J0o uu to 40 | is 10
Muun'B SHNo.1 L'b (1 ( 00 : l S1.3 20 1 S3 1 fO SI
I'KO aib'cd runcyir 603 ! S 3 U7 1 C7 t 40 6' )
L'KO KM Sh'i-o l'"ey.r ' | , 50,11 Sj's ' 117 1 fi7 1 40 Kl
HAcmiiti. : ; .
Hbls. Half Hbls Q'rDbls' '
200 i 100 UO | 60 40 | S
I B >
nioRtorMoss & > 00 18 00 10 23 0 Oi 7 30 1 05
Ex. No. ISb'r 4 00 12 60 11 ! 6 S0'r > 10 1 40
No. 1 Shore 18 00 , Ki ) 8 OJ 4 tO 3 UO 1 10
Mod. No. 1 Shore. . . is ( W. 7 oo a : i.vt : w's ' oj , K.
Hiiv. 11 00 , 0 OJ C 4iT.3 Oo'i ' ra 75
I.nrgo Fimillr 0 Oil 5 OJ 4 Kl 3 S51J 10 ( iTi
Fat " 7 00 ! 4 00 3 03 3 05 1 70 53
HT Ilbls Q'rllbls P'ls KW
NEW VlSlt.
100 'JO & 0 40 I 12 . 10
No.l WllltO Fish
Family " -
No. 1 Trout
No.l I'leUorcl
SMOKED FISH Halibut , new , uxtra thick ,
10 .ic. hc.ilo I hfiilnKS,3 2o : ; salmon , 14c ;
smoked btuntcon. 17o ; llnnaii haiiiliu , tic.
Su.NDitiKs I'uporh'il Holland herrings.
kcs , b5c : liusslan Bardlncs.S5c ; Aneho-
vlcs in class. Oio Bull brntin. uor ao/ ,
Sl.OO ; spiced Hamburg herrinss , skius and
heads oil , uor pall. Sl.oJ.
CODFISH hareo ( } . 15. whole cod , 4e ;
f ! . iteT. , Georges chunks , 7c ; clover loaf ,
( Jeorecs strins. OKc : 1 It ) rolls , 5 lb boxes ,
( We ; pralrlollownr Ujbbriclc.G c.
Grocora' Jjlst.
Sviiur Ni > . 70. ate , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-sallon
kosis , S1.0 > ; New Orleans S@4c per gallon ;
JIajlo byrup , M barrel , btrictly pure ,
70c per gallon ; I gallon cans , S'J.25 per do/ ;
> gallon cans , SS. pordoz ; auart cans : iW. (
I'icici.Ks .Mi'dliiiii , In bbls. Sii.iW ; do In
halt bbls , S3.50 : small. In bhls. 87.00 ; do In
half bhls. S4.03 ; gherkins , in bbls , S8.00 ; do.
In half bids. S4.nft
CANNT.IJ Coons Oysters , staiulanl , per
case. S3.GO ; strawberile.s.'J lb. per case , S2.75 ;
raspberries-J-Ib , per case , 8'-f.35 ; Callfotnla
years , per case , § 5,00 ; aprlcotH , ,
554.00 ; pwclics , per case , 54.7"i ; white cherries ,
per case , 85.00 ; plums , per case , 54.00 ; whor-
tlebL'irli'.s. per case. S'2-10 ; egg plums , 3-lb ,
per case. 5S.50 ; green gages , a-lb , per case ,
S'.50 ; plneapjilps , 'J-lb , per case , 83.2005.SO.
Sr.viicnllrror \ KO ! , 1 lb , OoMirror ;
_ .
OANDV MIxeil , ! i } < @l-'c : stlolc ,
Knimilatrd , CJc ; confectlouers' A , OJjo ;
standaid extra CfiVo : extra C , 0)c ; medium
yellow. Oc ; Now Orleans. SJftaOc.
MATfiiKs Per caddie , H-'te ' ; lound , jer )
caso. 45c ; square cases , § 1.70 ; niulo square ,
.SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial. 82
. * - ' * > * > t * * nv a kj ti * if 11 * tutj lui . tjiVt
Kirk's.satinet , S3.iri ; Kltk's stanilaul , si.80 : ;
KhIt's white Ittisslan , S4.IK ; Klrlc's White
Cai ) , 50.'iO ; Dome , 84.25 ; Washboani , S3.1S.
COFKKKI Culinary grades , Ol e ; fair , 10 ®
lOKe ; Prime , llk@l''o ; choice , l'JJ eiiJic : ;
fancy gteen and yellow , 13K@HKe ; old gov-
enimi'iit Java , ao 'fic ; Interior Java , lH/f ( < a
3dc ; Aloi-lia , 2-J@Mo ; Arbucklo's roasied ,
IsL'us.MrL.auBhlln's XXXX roasted , 13 'c :
JiH\vorlirsls > < cKea ; Cross , 13 c.
CANIILIS UOKOS , 40 lb , Cs , lie ; 8s , He ;
boxes Mlb , 10 oz , Os , lie ; half box , 201b ,
UfjlV' .
arioK ( Srouud Black pepper , boxes , 15
@ -o ! ; ullspu-c , l-@lGc ; cinnamon , IffSfXoi
cloves lifjj-iae ; giut'oi , 15@i c ; mus > tard,15@
" '
. 20@3To : good , 45
long , choice. 40acOcEnglUhbreakfast ; , good ,
80440c : cholco , WSCSc ; tjouclioiiL' , good , 30
( S45c ; choice , 8545c ; Jauans.falr , SJG ;
cootl , . < u@45o ; choice , 55T5c ; Tea Bust , 15c ;
Tea SiWues. ISc. .
CHACKKILS Uarneau's soda , butter and
uluuio , a > < c : creams , BXc ; snaps ,
8Vc ; olty soda , TKc.
ifixn CUT Hard , to Beat , 70c ; Charm of
the West. COc ; Kunitaln , 70c : ( Solden Thread ,
07c ; Favorite , OOepHud" , 50c Itorky Moun
tain , We : Fancy , 46 f D.dsy. 40c ; Nortli Star ,
70c ; (5o ( Hl Luclft ftdb ; Our Best , trJ.Sc ; Good
News , CGc ,
Dry ( looili.
Pni.VTS AinlrUMh , S'j ; Arnold's. Cc : Co-
chpco , Cc ; Mnndiestpr. Oc ; Lyman , r > c ; Glou
cester , She : Dunuell .lacipiard , Cs ; Dunnell ,
filic ; Windsor1 , Oc ; Pact tic. Oc ; Harmony ,
4' < c : Anchor Slilrtlmrs , 4 f
iililrtltigs , 4 > ici ; Berwick .
Bi.tiAritKn COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
0 We ; Cabot. Cjic ; Hone , 7c ; Hill 4 4 , 7Hc ;
HIII. X , C ic ; Louitlalc.Sc ; Fruit , Sc ) Want-
unit , ill , . 5c ; Beaver Dam I < L , 6c ; Atlantic
MJ , 6c ; Indian Head , 7c ; WaupliiKsel , UJ/c !
Crown XXX , C 'e ; Clllton CCC , O c ; Utlca
C. 4 > 4c ; Atlantic P,5K c.
Tic KINDS AmoskeagACA 12 ] o : Thorn-
dvko OOO , 7 ( c ; Thorndyko fancy. Kc ;
York , 10'-c ' : Voik laiicy , 12 c : Mllbury ,
12Vfc Pearl IMvpr , ll' o ; Hamilton , lip ;
Swift Itiver , 0 ic ; Slietucket S. Kc ; tjhetupk-
et S3 , nl4e ; Moiitauk AA , 12ct Moiitauk BB.
lie ; Omeca ACA , lite.
IINIMS : Bcaxer Cieck AA , lie ; Beaver
and brown , 7Kc.
Dt'CK ( Uublpached ) 8 oz. Mnenolln ,
lOJ e : 10 oz. Maunolia , I''o : 8 oz. West Point ,
10 oz. West Point , 1''Uc.
K ( co'.otcd ) Boston Uo7. brown ami
drab. 13 > fo ; Boston O H btown and dial ) ,
He : Boston XX blown and drab , lOc : Boston
XXX brown ami drab. lllfc : Boston O P
blue , UKoVatreu ; Tticot , I5p.
Ciinvior.s Amoskpair , clu-cks , U o ; Amos-
kcasr , sttlpe.s. K'sfo ' ; Slater , stripes , to ; Kdln-
burg , ll.'ifc ' : WhlttPiidon , stripes , to ; Glen-
rose , Oe : Otis , eliecks. ! Uic ; Otis stripes , I'c ' ;
Itoyal , ti5 c : Amoskeair , napped , lO'je ; Ltt-
niy , boolc told , I''c : Ohcron , book fold , llKc ;
Knilitrauce , book fold , 13p.
ad Beans
Drr Ijutubor.
12 ft U ft'lO ' ft IS ft'20 ' ft'i2 ' ft 24ft
T | T TT ! IT ; H r ;
th'ioo I.YOJ iniuo iiojTM \ ao.Wi'.o : ! )
. 15.51 15.50 15.fl ) Ifi.W 17.M 111.50 : XI.0
2x10 lfi.51) ) ir.M ) 15.50 H1.N ) 17.50 SO.M ) 21.50 . i.vo auo 21.50
4.V4-SX8 ,15.50 , I.VO 15..VI IIUM17.51) ) 13.MIU.riO ,
No. t Com. s. 1. s. 12,11 ami 10 ft 817.00
No.2 " " I2lt , ami inn 15.00
No.3 " " 12,11 amllOIt 13.01
No. 4 " " 12,14 aud 10U 11.00
No. 1 , 4 & flinch , 13 nnd llfeet , rough. . siafiO
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , rontMi 17.0)
No. 2 , 4&0 Inch , 13 and It lect , rough. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 iiioh. 10 foot.roush 15.09
1st Com. , 12 , Hand 10 feet 522.50
2(1 " " " " 20.00
: td " " i.voj
Fence , " " " 11.00
1st Com. , 2f In. White Pine Partition..531.0
2nd Com. , H in. " " " . . 27.0
Clear.i \ Norway \ " " 14.5
2nd Com. ? iu. " " 13.5
A Olncli. white pine S31.03
BO inch , " " : ti.H ( )
CO Inch " " 20.50
I ) Olncli , " " ' . -050
E flinch , " "j 17.50
STOCK nn.Mtns.
A12 inch , sls'12 , 1 and 1U lect S10 00
B u * l * * a * * 4200
O " " " ' " 30 00
] ) " " 't [ " 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 1 00
No.l " " i i" 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 1800
No.2- " " , " 12. 14 and 10 tt. . 1000
. , FljftSItl.VU.
1st and 2d Clear , i ; inch. s. 2s § 51 Ot )
1st and 2d Clear , 1W and 2 inch , s2a. . . . 5100
3d Clear , 1' ' inWi , M'Js 4'J03
3dClear , 1 } auil'J inch , s 2s 41)03 )
A Select , l'f. ' iJiaivl2 Iiipli , s2 4300
BSplect. ! > / , 1H and 2 inch. s. 2s SO 00
Istniul' , 1 men , s. 2s 5100
Sd clear , Ilucus2s' ! 4iOO
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select. 1 inch. s. 2s 1000
' sinp i.A.r.
No. 1 , Plain , Srnnd 10 inch S17.50
No.2 , Plain , 8ind 10 inch 15.50
No. io. ! . . . . . . ? i .oo
I'Ot'I.All l.U.MIHIU.
Clear Poplar box bds , " ' < ius,2s SK .03
" " Kin , panel htk wide , s 2s. 23.CO
' " Coirtmatcil Ceillnir , Ji. . . 20.00
* A * Standard S2.C5
Scinch , clear , S1.55 ; 0 Inch , clear 1.0. }
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
lath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; ; . . . . . . . . . a-Ts
i.i.\in , r.TC.
Qulney whlto limo ( best ) , S5c ; cement ,
Akron , Si.75 ; plaster , S2.S ) : n.ilr , per bushel
30o ; tarred felt , per cwt. , § 1.05 : straw board ,
A man who died at Burlington , Iowa ,
the other day , loft S100 to the reporter
who should write the "best obituary" of
Deacon Asahol Lear , of South Sunapco ,
N. H. , has boon skatin this winter on a
pair of old-fashioned Dutch skates tiiut
no bought in 1810 , and has used every
winter MIICO.
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take for Dos Molnrs.
hiilltownCcdnrltapld9 , Clinton , Dixie. Chicago.
Milwaukee and all points cast. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wj-omlnjf , Utah , Idaho
Novadii.Oreaon , Wnihlnvton nnd California It
oil crs superior advantages not possible by any
other line
Among a few of ttio numerous points ot Biipo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this rouaijo
twcenOinaha and Chicago , nro Its two trains n
day of DAY COACHliS which are the llnost tlint
human art and Ingenuity can create. Its PAI -
ACH KLKKI'INQ OAH3 , widen nro modnla of
comfort and elegance. Its 1'A ULOlt DHAWINO
ItOOM CAHS. unsiirpnsBod by any , and its wide
ly celebrated I'AI.ATIAL DINING ] ( JAHS , tlio
equal of which cannot bo found elsowlinro.
At Council Hindi ) the trains of the Union Pact *
Do Uy. connect In Union Depot with those of tlm
Chicago & Nm III western Hy. InChlciiifo the
tralna of thU line nmko close connection with
thoaoof all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmcln
null , Niagara Fulls. JIutTulo , VlttKliurir. Toronto
llontrcid. Boston , NuNr York. Philadelphia , Dill-
tlmnre.AVushlimton and all points In thu east , ask
the ticket affont for tickets via the
If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket
- K. s. HAH. . .
Qoiiora MmmSror.P
The Millard ,
B. Shears , J.E. Jlarkcl.Thos. Swobo , Froprlotorl
Omuba , Nebraska.
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Wclshans 4 Co.'s Quick
liaising lluckwheat Hour and proprietors Omaha
City Mills , cor. btU and I'urnuiu Streets , Oraaluu
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , ' Saddlery Hardware , "
' Eaddlcry and Shoo Findings. Hides , Wool , Tun ,
' felts' . G tease. Tallow , Etc. , Oinutm. Net.
Book Binding , Etc ,
mr.s : pmxriNo co. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Jllfink Hook Mfimifucturors. Nos. IDS and
_ 108 South 14th Street. Ot'.mlm , Neb. _
_ Brjdges Steam Pile CKvmg. _ ]
rtiRlnccis and Contrnctors.
Brges , Ecol Tiujses , Sletm Pile Drivirg
Iron Comblnntlon nnd HOMO Trius llrklpps ,
I'lUn ? nnd Oiik Timber , 15th si. , nenr Fnrnnin ,
Telephone No 731.
Beer ,
Agent for Anlieiiser-Biisli Brewing Ass'n '
Special brnnJs 1'itust , lliulnolsor , Ei
Cor. Oth un\ Capitol Avc. , Omnhn.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
fluna and Ammunition , sin to Si"South ! Itth
Street , 1020 to 1021 fanmui Street , Omalin , Ne'j.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholosnlo Dciilors In Leaf TolinecoH. Noa.
lOSiiuHlO N , Hth Street. Oninliii.Xcli.
Agent for the Miumfucturors nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , I'.lo. OHlro , ill" South 13tb
. Onuihft , Nub.
Cairinge ; ,
Agents for 1A. . Whitney Cnirlti o Co.'s
Children's Carriages ,
Jcwctt'n Celebrated Ho rlRorators. Send
pnor price lists. 141S I'nrnnm St. , Omnhn.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John npeneior , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
( iiilMinl/ed Iron unit Cornice. tt ! > I Uoilo ) ; mid 101
mid 105 Not th 13th Stieut , Omulm , Neb. _ '
Knmifncturersof Oinnmcntnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , nunl * , Etc. , 3108. 12th Ht. Workdono
In any p.irt of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SI'ECIIT. Prorlotor. |
Onlvanlr.cil Iron Coinlcc ? , Etc. Rpc . . .
proved I'nluiitMi'liill'c Sirlight. Ms nnd 610a.
Kilt St. . Omaha. Neb.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Peers , Sash nnd Illluds. Also nil kinds of
tuinlm ; . Scrull andStiUv work ol tnery do-
Jlnnufacturcr nnd Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stulr Hulls n , upeclnlty Telephone No. 02
Joth nnd Mitfov St o. . Oinulia , Neb.
Electrical Supplies.
" "
L."w."WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Mnsonlc Block , Omnha. luir lur Alarms , Ilclli ,
I'no Alarms , Ulcetrio Muttln.r , Speaking Tuboj ,
Iron Works.
PAX" > Te - ' " .j " > ' -iroilXS ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorX ,
IronStnlrs , HiUlliiK , Kollrd Itcams and Girders ,
Steam Entrinesi , llms s Work , Genoriil I'oun-
dry. Math no nnd Illacksnilth Woilt. Otllco &
Works , Union Pnrlilc H'y Je So. lUh St.
Ircn r.t d Neils.
Cut Haili and Spikes ,
rire NciKr f r : ! r.llr. Oir.r.ha. Neb.
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnmifnctnrcr of Fli-o nnd Iturirlnr Proof Snfos ,
Vault Doors , .lull AVork. Shutters nnd WIre
Work. Cor. lltli nnd Jnekson .Sis. , Oinulia , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established IMS.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
MCOnmJ UU Dwbjc Street , Omubn , Neb.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. llurkc , Mnnuifcr ,
Union Stock Yarila , B. Uniulr.i. Tolo.ihono 582
W. F. I1HOWN i CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Offlco Exchange Iliilldinfr , Union Stock Yards ,
t South Omuhn , Nob. Telephone No. 003.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards Chicago , 111. , nnd Omnhn ,
Neb. Frank CiU.viidcnMnnnKOrinaba ! ( 11 ranch.
Telephone NKi. . Established 1BOJ.
W. L. I'ATIUCK & CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
-AriclrcfH nil cominnnlcattons to us nt Union Stock
VurdH , South Omaha. Advances mndo on Block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. lloid , Superintendent
SAVAliK & (1HERN ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants :
EblnmentH of any and all kinds of etoek solicit
. cu. Union Stock YuidsOmubaNeb.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
6aob , loore ) , Ktc Yards Cor. "til and
Cor. Uth und UouaUa.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stnlr Work uiul Interior Huid Wood
Klntbh. Jiibt opnnod. N. E. eor , bth aud Leuven-
WortU Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 8. lith Street , Omuha , Nob. 1' . Colpcucr ,
Munuu-cr ,
Lumber ,
Mth nnd California Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Ctb and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omutm , Nubraska.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Worcn Block , Fancy Woods , llrldtfo Timbers ,
&c. , 8. W. Cor. Vtli und Uouuws.Ouiuhii , .Sub.
Dealer in Sash.Doors , Blinds ,
UullOlnj. Taper , lito. Bouth 130. Ktio J , UO&3Q.
' Agricultural Implements.
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth anl 1'aclf.a Sts , Oninlm , Nob.
rAHllx7ol < KNnOIUT fi MAUT1N .
\Vholcslo Dealers lit
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nml lluftslcs , Oninlm Neb.
Wholesale DciHor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
HutrRln" . ,1 ( TIM St. , but. Pth nnj
13th , Dmnlin , Noli. ,
Boots and Shoes.
" " V. v. jtopsn & co.r
Jokers of Boots and Sloes ,
1411 Fimmm Street , Omuha , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street ) Ilostou.
Carpels ,
B . A. OHCIIAlin ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnga , Curtnln Goods. lite. , HSJ rnrnnm
Street , Omaha , Neb. _
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Limo and Stone.
( imcc,213S. 14th ft. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , mil
juiJ lrcupoit ) Stict'lft. _ _
"COUTANT & SQinur.8
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
fleet vnrictlci . Olllre.SlSP. latliSU Telephone
' No. llK..Oii.alm , Neb. _ _ _
NE11UASICA rtri'.IjCO. ,
Sliippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 S. 13th St. . Omnhn , Neb.
< lio. : ( Vnwi.r , 1'ieslilonf.
Pro. I'ATTTUSON , Sec. uudTrcas.
J. 11. , r.A. ll.\i.cii ,
1'roiuletor. MuimRcr.
Kebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAHA , N'nilltASKA.
Ofllco , 217 S. lathSticft. TolcphonoJJ.
CEO. F. I.uumi , I'rcs. C , 1' . OOOIIVAN , V. Vrca
J. A. StNDiui.\Ni ) : ) Seo. aiul Tietis.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
JobU-rs or lianl amioft cona ! S. Uta St. ,
Omulm , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
Exclusive dealers In Doubter Colorado Coal.SlJ
Loutli llth Btitut.
Coffee and Spices.
Omaha Colfco and Spice Mills.
Tea' , CoirecH , Spices , linking Powder 1'luvorlnR
Extiacts , Lnumiry Hluo. luk , oto. 1414-lu liar-
ney Street , Oniiilin , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
" "
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
J121 FimmmPt.Onmlm. Apples Our own , i ok-
itip I'lutt ' AtCo.'H TlB r llrand Oysters , lluttur ,
, Uiiino , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Product ) , PioMoiis , 1'rnlts , I'luur and IVod , 105
S. Htb St.Oiualm , Nel > . Coiiblanmeuts solicHud.
Itctmiis inado pnniiutly.
w. n.
General Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES Chcci-p. Hutter. ristrs , I'onltry
and ( .ilium. 112 K. llth , , ( hmilm , Nob. Tulo-
phone rfo. IW."i. _ _ _ _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
fiutter , Ktrirs ami Produce. A full line of Stono-
varo. ConbiBiiments tolleltoU. 1111 IJodfo at. ,
BID litU Street , Omalin. Nob. Specialties : Hut-
ter. Kyitf , and Cluclceiis.
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Duller , Cliuno , Krultp , Etc. 2X08. 14th
St. , Oinalui , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
14CO Dodt'O Street , Oninliu , Neb. Consignments
Storage and Commission Merchants.
und Ioiiio5tli 1'nilts u specialty. I'l-
storuitu facilities. Warehouse and olllcc ,
11U Nortli latb fct. Telephone tn.
General Commission Merchant ,
nutter , Kt-'t-'f , Cliccpo and Country Proilncorou <
cruily , WJ 8. J2th St. , Omalm , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlperntor and Packlnf.Iloiifo.Htli & Leaven-
worth St. , on U , P. It. li. Track , Omulia , Nob.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
HIS. UthSt.Oinalin , Neb. Specialties flutter
Kirgs , Poultry and Oiiiuo.
Commission Merchants ,
fruits , Prcdueo und Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
and wholesale dealer Inuoiintry produce , fruits ,
butter , CKKH , etu. Goods on consignment u
Specialty. W N. IGtli si. , Omulm , Neb.
( Successor * to A. P. Schaok. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. U13 South 12th Sticut. OmalmNeb.
Ury Goous.
J. J. I1UOWN k CO. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and notions ,
1X2 Doufflaa Street , Omulm , Nub.
L. niNSIIKItC * CO. ,
Wholbaalo Ucnlcmln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , J.aces , Kiiil > r ldcry und AVIiilo Coeds ,
, Oninlm , Neb.
Jobbois In
otions , Hosiery & Gents'Furnishing ' Goods
1000 mid 1013 F.iriium St. , Omuhu , Neb.
Harness , Etc ,
Mnnufncturcrs and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf Goods , Illankets and Ilobei. 1421 1'araata
_ _ Slieiit Oiniibu. Neb. _
_ Mallresses , _ . _ , - . , .
B. II. HUI5B ,
Mattress Company ,
Manufncturluu1 Mnttroseos , lltddliiir , Foatliur
Pillow * , Col , kta l ufl und 1203 .Uoiiflas Street ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeang I'uuts , Bhlrti. Ktc. . 11W ( anUrsi Joucla ) -
OMAHA I * MliU. ' CO ,
Dealers In All Kliultof
Building Material at Wiiolesilo ,
16th Sticot mul itMi'ncfl TrnoVOmah.v
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
COth nndlzimlSlrcol , Oninhn , Nebraska.
J. A. WAKKF1KM ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shlnglas ,
tlullilltiK I'niiow , Basil. DOOM , Hllnds , Moult ( V
InR ? , I'lckrts , I'OM ? , I.tuip. I'lnslor , llftf , ' ,
Cement. N'lutn HIHI Join. ' ? , Unmlm Nob. < jj
Importers ami Jobbers ot
Millinery and Notions ,
1213nntl 1214 llaruoy Street , Onmlin ,
Musical Instruments.
* " "
r.uitoi.M &
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. J
Blelmvny Plnnm.VoHor , Decker , HnliuMnnd '
HrlKi ; < < 1'iiuio ? , I'nc'Knrtl Organs , Clinso Org-.vns.
101 und mi 15th Mifct.
Notions ) EU ,
j. u iniANDtus , v :
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Oixidi , Notions , ( icnte1 riirtilslilnu floods ,
( ) oo < 1 * fi-oni New York. Triulo saloi daily. Vi
mut Ms South tilth St. , Omaha.
Furniture. Etc. > w _ _
pr.wr.Y * STONB ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltara ,
rnrnnm Street , Omnlm , Nub. _ _ _
Groceries ,
AM.KN naoa ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
HlCnmllll" Doutflns StreetOmaha , Nclv
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tolmeco and SmoKois' Articles , Kll llowiirJSt.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplces , ClRiirs and Tobacco * , 1317 nnd 1310 Douw
ilcCOltl ) , 1IKAUY& COMPANY
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'linmui Stieets , Omnhn , Nob.
1'AXTON , aAIt.AGIliil : As CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Koe. 70S , 707,709 and 711 S. 10th St. , Onmlin , NeU
" * ' " "
Heavy Hardvaro ; , Iron , Stool ,
Bprlnp-B , Wilson Slock , Hnrdwooil Luuilior , etc.
1LVJ iiiul 1211 lluriiuy btiecx , Omnlm , Nob.
13DNI3Y& GI11I10N ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrlnco Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
Ktc. 1217 aud 121'J ' Lcavuiiworth Street , Omnhn ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools and Dutrnlo Scnluo. 110J Doug *
lilt ) Street , Omiilm , Nub.
' "
1,1:1 : : , Kiti cu & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ete. Agents for Ilowo Scales untl
Miami 1'Owdcr Co. , Omulm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Uiuteu , llrnss poods. 1U21 and 132J Fhr *
nnin Stieot.
Wholesale Hardware and Kails ,
Emerson Stcol Nnlls. Cor. 10th und llarnoy
blrcote , Onmlin , Nub.
wai.'nEEuiNQ & co. , CIIICAQO ,
Jlanufr.oturor of the
Dcering Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Ijorlmer , General Agent ,
Omnlm. TelcpnoiieDlO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pcnips , Pipe and Engines.
Etcnm , Water , Idillnny nnd JtlllliiKSuppliesEt \
JM , IC-J and ir-'l l-'iunnin St. Oninliu , Neb. i
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Etcnm Hiul Wutor Supplies. Ilendtinnrteru tar
Must roost CO.'B Goods. 1111 Fuinnm Street ,
Omuhn , Nub.
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Bllverwiiro , Dlnnionds , Wntchai
Clocks. JowclnrR * Tools and Mutm-Iab , Ktc. , 10 ]
nnd lui , 15th Strcot , Cor. lodfo ) , Omulm , Neb. j
" '
Notions , Etc.
„ „
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , "
4K1 nnd 405 B. 10th ft. , Omuhn , Neh. '
Wholesale Dealers In Notions nnd Clouts' KUP <
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Onsollno , Mica AxloUrciibo , Etc. A , II. Itlsbop ,
.Oinnha , Nob.
Porft Packing ,
JAMKS K. 110YD ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Olllco , Union Mnrkot , 1517 Iod e Street. I'uckhig
lunibo , U. ] ' . It. U. Truck , Omuha , Nub. Tola-
Iihone No. 107.
Safes and Locks.
p. 110YEU & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Fire nnd IturRhtr Proof Sufes/riniu
mid Jail woik. 1020 I'nrnnm ttreot , Omnlin , Neb
Seeds ,
" "
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds ,
Afirlunltiirul , Vnjrotnblo , I'.te , Odd I'ullotv ' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. lltli nnd Dodtfu .SI . , Omulm , Nob.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In Tahiti1 , Oils nnJ Window OIi3J : ,
V/iiteLead. / !
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
20th Stui'i ' b I' . Ity. , iiiu : i.i , tin _ _ _ . _
Wines and Liquors ,
IUKU & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Manors. Solo iimmifm'tijn > r-i < > T'l
Kuklliullulllttti.s. 1112 lluiney Street , OIUU.IB ,
Nub. _ " _ _ _ M ,
"tir.o. w. mirxnAN ,
Buetessor to McNAJum A DI'.NUAN ,
and Wliuleiiulu DoUi-rii In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
H. IllliSt. , Hinalu , N b.
Fish , It- ,
ihrxsox nsii cov
. Buccf'&sora to Ickcn Flcmnmi & Co.
' Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
. Iiaporterl ) uf Fort-ten Tish , Nii * . OIM'13
J crQtiuot utiil U. V. Tf-auv , Uuuliu. t\ul