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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEffi1 , THURSDAY , M/VUOH 25. 1S3S , SPECIAL NOTIOE8L Advertl cments under th shoal 10 cents par line for the first In ortlon 7 coats for oioh BUbgcqucntlcsortttn.aud ll.CC n line per month. No fulvcrtl oincnt taken for IciJ tlmn 25 cents. Sevonwords will l > o count1 * ! to the Hnoi thty tnortrun consecutively and mustbo ptildln i. vnnce. All advertisements mint te handoi In before 2 o'clock p. m. , ami under no circum stances will they bo taken or discontinued br telephone. . Parties advertising In those columns an ! har- inplho answers addressed mcuro of THE Ilnn , will plcnto ak for check to enable them to got their letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of cfceok. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. 10 Z.OAIT uoinrr. to loan nt reasonable rates on MONEY , furnllntOi watches and other per- fonal property without removal. Small pay ments liken nt any tlmo nnd Interest reduced In proportion. Huilm-is confidential. 0. J. Tnv vrrll , llnom in.lronllnnk llulldlng , 12th and 1-nr- nntn. Tiiko clovntor. 091 ONEV TO LOA ? On residence proportv. 8 percent. No comml lon. C. J. rnswoll & Co. , llonm 10 Iron Hank llulldlng , 12th an J rnrnain , " " ' KY to lonn on mortgage security. Honl oMntu nnd commercial paper bought. J. H. ricedmiii , oaro Solman Ilros. . 100 N. 13th St. ; noOOO to lonn. Bums * 5' nml upwards. $ Low cat rates. Homls , 16th and Dougla sts. TO LOAN on horses. wanoiiB , fur niture , wnlchrs , without removal. Terms cnsr. O-.I Caswell , lloom in. Iron Hank llulld- Ing , mh and rnrnaii. . Take olovalor. TO LOAN on htKines * property. Opposite Postofflco. W. O.Shrlvcr. 1 4 nnoooo to loan on liuslno nnd residence $ protiorty In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards. Ames , 1507 Farnam St. " 33 ino,0on to loan on city residence property $ Oeo. W. Day. 1509 fnrnam. P3-J nio LOAN Honey in any amount L On all classes of security. Pborttimo loans on real o tato. Ix > ng time loans on real o-auto. Money to loan on chattels. Money to loan on collr.toraK Money to loan on any good security. Terms ciipy. tlmo to pult. Apply nttlioOmalm Financial Krehansrs , Iliirhor's building , SW corner of Fifteenth and Farnam sts. upstairs mo for cvcryoodylou can borrow MONnY on furniture , her cs. wnirons , plr.noi , ptock of nil kinds diamonds nnd flno watches on your own tlmo. Payments received nt uny tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro ratn. Property loft In your own possession. Termi low as the lowest. Call nnd FCO mo. nujlness confidential. Noadvantnco takrn. > \ . II. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthncll's Now HulWJntr , Northcant pnr. nor 15th ami Harnoy. _ + ' - TO T.OAN-O. F. Pavlj A Co. Heal MONKT nnd Loan agents , 1503 mnmm at TO l.OAN-On peed nociirltles. A MONRV , room7Kcdlck Block , 150V Farnam _ _ 'ONKY TO LOAN On real OBtnlo and chat- M tola. .D. Ii. Tliomas. _ PI5 MONKY TO LOAN In sums of J200 and up wards on fii-ft-dnss real estate security , rotter & Cobb , 1615 Fnrnam St. 010 I.OANKH nt C. F. llecd * Go's. Loan MONKY , on furniture , pianos , horses wagons personal property of all kinds and nil other nr- llclcsof value , without removal. BIO 8. lath , o\rr Itlnvhnm'fl romm/sslon / store. All bus iness strictly confldontal. 917 SUBXXTESS CHANCES. " 131 OB SALE Oroxchango : stoolcof dry poods , JU proucrics , Hoots , Shoes nnd Hiudwaro , tor peed farm html In eastern Neb Tor particulars address Lock llos 160 , Louisville , Nob. 712-20 * O EXCHANGE Kansas lands for pcnrrnl merchandise. Also Nlslina Valley laud to rxchiuiRO for general merchandise. II. k It. , Town. * 1IOTPJ3 , Shonniidonh. - "filOIl SALE A 75 to 100 bit full complete rol- K lor mill. Will cell at very reasonable llpuron. Thoio Is also In connection n larpe clovntor whciolnpruln can bo Bloredcto. , which can bo hnd ut the mill tloor nil the year round. Parties clcsirlnp to purchuso will plonse com ply at once , olthor by letter or como and see us personally. Vfo will fflvo the pocrets whcrmn wo will pliotv that the mill and priiln business Is making money fast. Itranon ol polling owner w Ishcs tope po Into tbo pork packing busings and so would llko to dispose of It ntonco. Wo will nlso Roll with or without It n well established lumber yard. Tlio mill turns out tbo best Hour of any mill In tlin Btato and has now a peed run of merchant's custom. Wo are nlso shipping hundreds of cars of corn , oats nnd wheat Hi Chicago which alonn will pay for tlin money in- vostod. Innulroof John M. Dlols & Son. Sc-rlb- ner , Nob. Terms cash or part tlmo only. 418-21 FOR SALE Ono ot the best paving abstract , loan and real estate olllces In Iowa. Address M. M. M. , lleo onico. 075-27 TjlOIl RALE Bnkcrv and lunch Ptand In town -13 of about 1,200 Inhabitants : chnnco for a good linker. Inn.uiio of Kopp , Drolbus & Co. , 1100 'ynrnnmst ' 245 T710U SALEMllo dairy , n cowp , 1 Jersey bull , -I ? Shnrei , wairon , otc. Norwood Park. Vlor- cnco. John Williams. 247 T71OII iXCHAN : < JK Stocks of poods of ovcry JO kind , for farms and land ; also lands to o\- change for poods. If you want to mutter w lint It is youhavo , write , with full do- Pcrlptlon , to C. E. Mnyno , icnl estate biokor , Omiilia Neb. 103 "iron SALE Creamery will bo Bold cheap , on JL' i-asy terms , t < > anyone who will run It the coming season. O. JI. Carter , Ashland , Neb. V\rANTii > TO oxchnimn for Flock of hard- 11 ware and general morclmmllso , fiOO nerosof flno Tlinyor Co.Nob. , land : r > lots In Gunon , NcK. gcod floro building ( best corner ) ; geol dwolllng- ( t location ) In Kssox , In , nUo R ) ncins V mlloliom town of Ilssox , Ta. , spoiled In bum ffii\ss. \ For furtbnr piirtloiilur nddross .lolin MnilerholinCentral _ Cltv Nobrnskn. Ml " ' OK SAT. ! : A $ : .500 stook of tnllllnery goods In splundld locution. A big bargain for porno ono us n liberal discount will bo glvon. Tor fur ther particulars address HUH. line Olllcn. fLi ! PERSOITAI , . * ] 3TKISOANI. I have for snTn one or nil of ten .1. lots on Fnrnam st. oitst of "Oth st , nt n bar- 1'iiln If tnknn on or before ten ( Iiijs. It. C. Pat- tiTBon , 1224 Fin nnm. 7Ti7-27 " ] 315IlSOfAIWo onn show 3-011 posltlvo bar- * - pains In linpmvixl icMdrnoo property , va- citnt lots and iicro trnotr It will puy jou to In- \ostlvnliithoiu loforo pincliaaliig uuuwhoro. Jllco & Jlooro , 12 ! Farnnm , 7.1I-25 TfllTTr. Toi'n.n plniso crnd his to Tlio Fiinious , D inliui , Iowa , 1 e will lionr ofEoiiiuthliiif lo Ills advantniTO. 7H1-2J , * TISItSOXAI' < If you have dcslrahlo piopoity -L of liny niitiiro for sale , lli-t it with Cochran Ilrox. , oslato ngonts , IMU Farnnni st. 70927 J > I5KSONArTIiTo"jicrsons who wish to build a homo In Orchur.1 Hill , 1 will .sell lots upon im ; inont of the nominal sum of tun dollars nnd balauroat thu end of Ihoyeiiis. Inlon t nt 8 per cent , im > nliln fioml-anniially. This Is the boot olfcr ( i\i'r iniulo lonny homo-fiookor In this city. Cnll and too mo. C. U Mayuu , S. W cor. Ifilli nnd 1'amiim. _ fjD PnitSONAI. Would hko parllc.s wlshlim to mlopt n baby to correspond with 0 74. lloo olllco , 411 l * STOW KEPAIHO. ilK W. C. Muuncr Steve Itopulr Co. Ill South 14th St. 1'otwoou Dodiro and Uouslos. LOST. STJtAVBI-Or Btolou-Ono tliroo-yonr-olil dark rod cow , small smooth made , email iioinn , ten horn tcrniclioa on lollI'nuk. Sultablo rowtud iflviMi If loturninl K. W. Slmenil , Hoom 4 , HiMlIck llloek , or rcsldcnco on y. 17th and Ccu- tcr ets. , Clly , 7.525 C2TllAYKU-FromIS ± 5 1'oul st. , on Sunday , ' .March 1 , bay hoifo , li to spot In lorchcnd. two loft In t whllo. womlts nhout ll'i ) , Liberal rpivniil > U11 bo puld for Ills return. Frank Click- linum. onti-21 * roum ) . " | 7i ( UNi > Front half of Judy's gold watch case , J ? Ciillnt Ihlnolllcu. COK'i' A gontlsumii'e glovo. Inijulio Dee UOJ WAr TiiMrll : let , Loaid nnd room In pr- ! > atofnmlly. by u > < ) imir man. Addioas , ghliiK toriiip , II. M. U , lleo otllio. 7ll'-H : * " 13 OO.A1S and board. ; oa North 2id st. JLv UlOmh27 * MIBCElLAiraOUS. T UHWIOK * SEAY , Heal Estate Aucnts , JLJ 313-or isth aud Douglas tls. 7.KKJI PniVY und CosspooU rJcancd by E. K vluyof. llooS03 , N liUi ktiiHiL r.lOnp2l TJ > OIl HAJ.K-Oobil buspy horse. Apuly. m JL' 1421 Hownrvi kl. Wa.V Ii OU JCiXT.-Sioro room 22x00 ft. . Ucemor1 * ' bkxVc < rbtU mij llo.vurU ; ul u ou.-uufur- room. Foil l.KASi-l5 lots In Parkf1 * addition on Clark and SaundcM Sts. Amos , 1507 Far- tmm. BAJ.S MJSOELLAJIEOUB. _ _ "nioil ALKMr Tmdo-Haooii 5rlvln5 | ) onT . -L harnotsand buirey.chenp for ca h or will trade for lot. lUo i iiooro , 1222 Farnnm. 732-25 POH SAM-Frc9li milch cow. 1707 Cass at. 727-00 * "fjlon SAljR A matoh team and busw cheap , JL1 at 1'ncino House , North 10th st. 841-2(1 ( * T71OU HAI.n 1 fpin brown mare . Iniulro at J-1 I.jfnn Ilros ,2Jdnnd I/oivoiiworth. f > 3 "TTIOlt SAM : A hardwood counter for offlco J-uso.liiqulro nt this olllco. CS7 _ _ 1tloil SAI.lf TIVO thoroughbred Jcr ( 'jrcows" X ! ultliciiho liy Iholr shU'J. Oporgo Kcollno , 1133 Pierce St. , Council muffs , IOWA. C7I-25 _ Foil SAMnoolanXTmyTtaTllon : , "iroTbr Hoy. " a joars od ! ! "Ooncrnl ClovolamV' 2 years old : ourn line animals. 1'or particulars a ldros j. Q. Hall , Ulbbon , Non. cn-31 * "KAOIl n-cnthcr strips storm sash nnd doors , ffO JL' toK. 1) . .Mead SIWH. ICthst. I9 _ WA TED rE3VIAX.E HELP. \VANTBD-A good"girr nt No. 213 South 10th i Btroot. 733-25 * WANTED Flr t cla s woman cook , 23ns Farimm strcot. Sir * . J. M. T.iurston. 343 ANTED A Hcnii'llnnvlnn girl nt the res- tnu rant , 418 South 13th st 723-24 * WANTKD A jrlrl for ireneinl houoowork ! wnffoi t\ \ per \inok , ir thornuRhly com petent. Call this cvonlncr nt third liouso north of lenvonwoithonCoirnt st. , ouo block Irom Park avenue street c'irs. 720 WANTiF : eir7 : must bo eood cook. washer and lioncr. Apply 1U15 Capitol nvcnilo. 3I1-20 * _ WANTiiGlrlntOI8S. : 17th street. Henry Iloinhorjfer. 349-2.1 WANTIill A Rlrl who can opcnk lliiullsh to work Inn family of two. Irish preferred. Apply at Currull's store , Stock Ynidi , South Omaha , 710-24 * ANTED A Inund.-y plri at the Atlantic Hotel , 8 10th street 7.21-20 * WANTRft-liclD ; a competent middle aired woman to tnko euro of children : otuoi50- merits roiiulicd. Mrs. Wiurcu Swit/lor , 2.VV4 Bt Mary's Avonuo. 714 20 WANTMi Good fflrls for poncinlliousoworlc nnd Rood cooks. Call UU l th St. , Nebras ka Employment Agency. 702 WAsTin-airl3 : for private families , hotels nnd restaurants. Call nt Omalm Employ * mcnUlurciiu , 1120 1'ainam st. 7ul TyANTii : > oirTfo fhouuowork. 6ln College > street , ; o > 25 * WANTii-A good Klrl for family of three. Apply 2403 Cnsa Bt. CDG-24 TT7ANTKII A competent girl to cook , wash T andiron In family of tnrco , no children : hhrhostwiiKPSKliuntil uxiiorloncodBlrL Apply Mrs. A. .1. Hnnscom , 1824 DoUBlas fct. C'JI-24 * \\7ANTiD ninltw-ioom plrl. Planters House , corner DoJgo ami loth. O il 24 * WANTii ) A Rood Blrl , Oormnn prcferrod , for kltihon ork , at Idl7 How aril st , 0-0 2,1 * Tt/'ANTKD i uinlne-room B'fli ' 1 chamboi1- ' maid. 1 dishwasher nnd 1 liumJitss. Apply - ply 100 S. lltli st. 077 WANTKD A reliable plrl for housework In a sranll rurally ut 17UU Hurt st. Cbt-24 WANTUD Operators on cuMom shit ts. Ap ply Nditlni osloin Shirt Factory , 13th nnd Uouemj streets , over Omaha Savmss banK. 070-25 * \TfANTCn A peed plrl for pctii'ial houso- T I work. A peed homo for u plrl in liimllv of two , no clilldmii , no boarders , work Unlit. Call nt K. W. cor. 3Utb and Ma on Sts. , V block woht of Park iivcnuo. A. II. I'ltch. C04 "lT7A > 'TIn ! : A pirl lo do prnoral houcon-ork. i T A Oorman or Strode preferred. 1020 Doug las street. 1071 W ANT ICIJ Compof cut ghl for Ronoralh oiiBo work. Small family , good waxes. 110 8. 25th st,4th iloorfrom Dodgo. C57-24 * WANTKD I.ndlcs and younfr mon to tnko nleo plensnnt-uork ut tholr own homo : $3 to SSpcrdayoasllymiido ; woriBont by niniltno canvnsslnir. Address U. WAOXBU & Co. , Dubuque - quo , lowiu llox 177. 6.r7-2 ' WANT12D Root ) Klrl for ponoral housawork Mi a. S. A. Sloman , 1U14 Farnnm st. S38 WANTKn A peed woman cook ; peed wapea. Address City Hotel , riilrmont , Nob. 447 WANTKD Woman servant to wait on tnblo and do ponoral work around house ; apply between 11 and 12,912 Douglas street. ! U1 AGIINTS Ixjcnlnnd traveling cnn make from $25 to & ! 00 weekly. Address Imperial Fire Extinguisher Co. , Stownrt Building , Now York. U)4-nprl WANT1 ! ! ) Good plrl ? for poncral house work. Hoom 4Jushman lilock , ICth and Douplas. 950 W AH TED MAI , E HKLP. WANTED A few men to canvass the city fora peed paylnir iirtlolo. Tor parliciilurs call at Omaha House , Harncy St. , between 12th nnd llth 7Ju-.0 * ANTED A peed blacksmith , by Frank Whlto , Waco , Neb. 715-20 * A llrst-cla ! S shocmakT on sow od WANTED woik ; n jouiipinaii picfencd. Adilioss Gee Wuolbor , 6hcnuiidoubIowu. C90-2 * * \\7ANTED cu jouiiflr mon nnd indlostnon- > T piigolntho toli'pinph eorvico. Addicts W. .1. 1) . ,100111 l , Crounso block , IGth st WANTED ; ] good canvnsjors to fioll lurnl- turu on Installments. Call on M. 1' . Mnr- tin , DID fouthl&tliflt. DTJ \\7ANTED-ARonta Twenty peed Bollcitors 1 1 to wmk lllo ineurancu hi Oiunliii iui'1 ' I own. I.lboinl coniinl-elons to good men. Full Instruo- tiom und ontllt fioo. Call on or write ICriius & Ciiiiijiljoll , Itoom 22 , Nebraska Notional Hank llulldlug. : j ) > 0-25 * ANTED sixteen harness makoi-3 at Bis- man Dros , Uth und JoJfO sts. 214 WANTED Itollublo ugouts nnd dealers In Wi > st Iowa and Nebraska lor the Whltn Sowing .Muohlno and supplies for all mnko of machines. Catalogue fioc. Xohrumr , 1'lmrn- ton & Co. 2o7.tpr5 200 N. ICth Bt SITUATION WAHTED. \VMNTED young lady F < cks an ongiipomont M In dry poods , or rolrahmcnt bar In any dcpnt : 5 yonrV experience In former ; itoantly linm 1'.ngliind. ' Adilioss JI. II. Williams , Post- vlflo , Platlo Co. , Nob. tsa-25 * WANTii : > A situation for nlioy 17 years old to loam n trado. Cull at 1S11 Cuss st. IU2 25 * vyANTKD Position by a llrst class llconscd t > Bttitlouary onglnoor. Address D 1 , lleo olllco. 001-24 * WANTin-Bltuatlon-lly : n } ounp man 27 ) oars old , spouks and wrlloj both Enqlls'l ami Got man and undorstaiidssoino Danish ; bus 1 con In busliuisi 10 yourd , tbo lust 5 In a gouorul f-toin In wolorn Iowa. AiMre.-s John Molur , blO West SlldSt Davenport , Iowa , 072-24 * WANTEH Wori , by n steady , sobtr man ; farming , or un > thing honest to earn u living , lloforuncos. Addniss. Woik , lloo otllce , WANTED Woik on a ffontlomuu'B plneo by an oxporlcucod purdnor , oouuhman , iiillkor , In fact could do anything about the promises. Host rot crcncce. 1101 South loth Bt. 055-27 * WAJTTS. \\7ANTKD-Ily Oraalm Dairy Association , ii 211 N. Ifllh etrt-nt , forty farmers who can furnish 2. oiM Ibs of choice table biitterper wock : will Pay blphostJiinrhot prlco. Cnntiacts can bo nmdo by xtritlngordocingc. D , Hutchln- foil , Miuiufor. B4U-27 V\7ANTEM-Trnm for railroud worh. Aiiply to E S , Albright , KO * I'aniam , upbtulra. Hy n mlddlo nged pcntloinan , an unfuinUhcd mom. Addio-s D 21 , lleo o"lco ttntlna location , sl/o and pilco , UU2J * \l7ANTED-RtororooinBUltablo fcr u drug store. AUJrcis J. C. K. , lleooQlco. C70-24 * _ \\7ANTJn : A drug storocir hluFTrifcrost In il ono. Addivs * with lull imrtlouluia. Drugs , Heoolllop. Bol3l * " \\7A > TED To lent , acottasoof3or4 rooms il nototorl'l orlJ Uocla ! trout 1' . O. Ad- & 11-21 * \"tANTlll 'l o uiifiunUhcd rooms with ! ' buuiil , forgontlo-uiui , wllo miJ 2 chllJioiu AtldrchS Itocl ; IbUnd tlcl.ut oUlto , 1'JJJ Karnum ( tint. 6t\ \ ) vfrAN rii.To : buy n second-hum ! typc- li wi Itcr. J. U. H j ucs i : Co. , OiuuUa. " \\MNTED tr opot , dcslrablo rcsl- iloitcc worth from JS.'XU to $ SOJ'J. ' Addros3 P.O. box 411. < m ) "Yl AXTEH-Tinms. 300 S. nth st e \\rANTEn-Tptiado. Igt In Pmlnviow ndd for u pa'r ' of youny hunwMhat me good tingle drivers , or < ( uo i-uo J Uor oJ harness nd butnry. U-o i Mouu , icri I'aruout til Hou o Wo hnvo a tftrgo numbnr WANTED * for good cottipr * . , from f2i ) to $10 per month. If you want first-class tenants - ants , call on J. D. Evans & Co. , 1513 Dodge st. UEIIT-nOUSES AJID LOTS , T7IO11 11ENT Ono Hat , between ICth and 17th JL' M , on HowurJ. liviulro Omaha Heal Estate nnd loan Co. 738 FOR IlENT Hoiifo 8 rooms , $36 pot- month ; Inquire 2510 Cnpltol am 40M1 IT1 Oil KENT 2 stores. 1412 S. ISth St. Q. H , J Peterson. 7i4 niiNT Houses for rent In peed locali Foil . Ludwlck k Sony , S U cor 1Mb and Douglas. 7JM1 Foil KENT Two cottnec1 ! , B rooms , now. Charles Ogdcn , 13th and Douglas , near Sa vings bank. 72033 Oil HUNT In Howe's ndd , near Saundor's street , 0-ronm house , newly repaired nnd painted , with barn for six horses , chods , etc , nnd 'I aero of ground. H , 0. Clark , 1312 Douglas - las sti eel. 7g ffl ) TT1OII 11ENT A ton room house with fiunl- -13 tiiro , nt 1313 Capitol \\o. 711-25 * 11KNT BO-ncro Improved farm , all under Fr cultivation , with house nnd Imrti , six in ) miles from po'tolllco. ' _ _ . Mannno.lcr B. 11 th Bt , Omaha. 6W-2U' T7IOU HUNT House and oipht acres of land J on Military Head , half mile northwest of rnsorvolr. Inquire of Win. Mulhall , 2115 Nicholas las Bt. 078-25 * HKNT House 3 rooms , cor. 4th nnd Foil St. Inquire Aug. Pondord , 1317 Chicago cage Et. 007-21' OllllliXT To n rospoiislbln party without children , n large , convontont and handsome ly furnished house with nil modern Imorovo- inoillB. 110 885th 8t , 4th door from Dodgo.C58-24 * TTIOU KKNT Cheap ; 20 acres3 mlles from JO court bouse ; T acres orchard nnd small fruit , GOO grape * , boating suitable for market gardner - nor : Rood house , barn , oto. W. P. Murnmmh , cor l.'Hh and Ilnrnoy. Bia-24 * Oil KENT 2 brick stores on South 13th St. bet. Howard and Jackson. Paulson & Co. , 1513 FarnajnSU 583 P Oil HUNT Moo 0-roora cottiwo. S. T. Poturson , a K. cor. 10th nnd Douglan. 581 11ENT-A flat , Inquire N. E. cor. 10th Foil Capitol avonuo. 551 Tj OU HENT-liilckyard. T.Murray. * Foil HUNT Dosliablo residence , 0 rooms S ilmi'sCd iuld : house of Brooms , South fith , also 2 barns with lofts. J. Phlpps Hoc , Uox557. 451 T7\01l \ UENT-Storo room on ICth. C. E. J3 Ma ) no , 3. W. cor. IStli and Farnnm. 300 Foil SALE At n bargain , fine tl-oom nonso with modern conveniences ; full lot : un Harnoy st , nour 25th ; SS.'iiW. Potter * Cobb , 1515 Farnam st. ; U.VJ Foil KENT-Gimlon tarm. ! 3 S. llth St.I . I ( ill ITumilENT-FntmonoO acres , twelve mlles J ? from Omaha. Apply at the Omalm finan cial Exchange , 3W corner of 15th nnd Furnam. JOB BEHX-SOOMS. ITIOR HENT-Ono nlocly furnished room , SW JU cor 17th and Capitol Avonuo. 312-25 * "TOOK HUNT Two nicely luinlshod rooms , JU with board , with till modern conveniences. 2. ' ) Dodgo. TiM HUNT A furnished room with board Foil for two gentlemen at 701 S. IStli et ' * 582-'JG RENT 3 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping , 1 blocks from postolllco. In quire Onto City llostaurant , cor. Capitol n\o. nnd IBtn st ; rent $1- per month. 722-25 IlENT To man and wife , without Foil , 4 convenient chambers suitnnlo for housekeeping1 , y blocks fiom P. O. , 317 N Ktli stioot. 718 IlENT Furnlsliod rooms. 1707 Cass st FOH Oil IinNT Suit of furnished rooms and F piano. 1121 N. 17th Bt. ' G'a-J7 ! * 11I2NT Elognnt and desirable rooms , Foil or unfurnished. 1G07 Douglas st. References required of applicants. C05 Foil HUNT 4 looms en suite , In a do- slriiblo located brick , with nil conveniences , very cheap. Furnished magnlllcontly for light housekeeping , which mufit sell to give posses sion. Address D 4. lleo onico. ( UK-27 * F OH KENT Furnished rooms. Inquire N. W. cor. 18th nnd Farnam Bts. 681-25 "C1OH KENT Cheap room. 1117 Howard JD 378-24 * Foil KENT Nicely furnished rooms In nice cottage for $0 , $7 and ? 8 per month at 400 WalnutSt.,8 mlnu'.o3 walk Eouthcastof U. P. depot. 520 TTIOIl IlENT Furnlshod room ; inquire at JL' drug ntoro cor 10th and Oouglas. 521 KENT Nicely furnished room with FOR . 711 N. IDtli Bt. 474-3S I oil UKNT uooa room and good board. F lOOH Farnam. 83Jnpr3 T710U KUKT With board , ono lar o nicely -L ? furnished front room , gas nnd bath room at 1409 Jones St. 270 Tjum llUNT Tarjro room wltb or without ij hoard. 1701 Capitol nvo. Sol Foil UCNT rurnlshod rooms , slntflo and on suite , with or without board. Address O 51 , II uo Olllcc , U40 " ] \01t \ KENT Fuinlshod rooms. 18WIodKO. T71OU IinNT Stoto room in Withnoll block , JJ but , Harnoy nml.Fnrnaui . on 15th. Jnmilro Hoom 17. Wltlmoll llloek. Foil KKNT Nlcoly furnUliod looms , with heat , Kas and bith ; nUu llrst-chm table board ; host of loforoncoj t'lvon end roqiilrod. 1SH Dodmo st. KU SAI.Ii-HOUOE3-I.Or3. AKOAINS- Good House , On biuindvrj street , tWH ) . lloisBonnd 8 IntS , HansDOm 1'laco , KI.IJOU. llonsu and Cunningham & Ilrcnnan , 1511 Dodgo.UW31 UW-31 Foil SALE If you want to buy a hou = o and lot on monthly piiymunu , call on Ludwlck 6 Stmy , f E cor , lUli and Douglas sts. TUMI Foil SALE-O'ourncros finest suburban prop- ort > In Omaha , near I.oufunwortii st. , well lmi > ro\o.l. Owner 1 * going to Cullfornla lor his health and will soilutu bargain. Cochrnn Itioj. , iialostato , 150) Fiiriium. 707-27 ] 7r m SAI.i : A few of the best lots In Da- ten port Place , and two of the best lots In Dwlght& LjnmnaJd ; terms to suit H. G , Chilli , 1312 Douglasfetiout. 72'J2U OH SALE Corner lot In Burr Oak aiM. , 76x133,11,100. llico Se Moors , 1223 Knrimin. "VilOll SALi : A bargulnl 2Vi foot frontugo . .iby 13:2 : fcot deep , louood wlUi llfty trees tot , near isuundors at root , ut only (2.00J , If sohl at onco. Address It. 11. H. , lleo olllco. 74.1-27 * FOll SALE-llyA. P. Tukey. 10 acres northwuit uf city $3,250 illots , Polhum Pl.icooaoh. . . , 05 ( ) Cottajro and corner lot,25th and Chicago , , . 3,50u CottitKU and lot , 15th nuarCcnlor bt 2W ) 7 room housu and lot , corner 15th and ilur- tlm , , 8 00 7 room houfio and lot , 15th et. , nour Mar tha . . . , , 0,000 illots. ClurkPlaou , each , , < VJO Hot , Clark Place , SOO U loom house } 4 lot 21st et 2,000 lot on Cumlng atroot , near 27th 2,000 7 mom house and full lot , Chicago nour ' ' ' " A , P. Tutor , 1301 rurnaiiVbtro'et , POH SALE Houses and lots on easy pay ments , Ludwlck & Soay , BE cor. 15th and Douglas Btroms. FOUMAM-At : a bargain , 8 full lots peed 4 loom house , pantiy und closet , stable , hhed und chicken coop. In I MI no & Scldi-n'B ° dd. Goo.Vubcr , cor. Ccntiiil and Church , Oj3 i7 * FOll HALE A flrot class now 10 room house with nil modern Improvements , and a good burn , chlcktm house , \u. , all In line order , with tlircv lots , smith ln > iitooiiimuiidliig u Una view , Walnut Hill addition. Term * uaiy. In- ijuhuof f. L. Krloksou.of Edholm Ic Erlckson , opp. P , 0. 6r > apr2l FOll SALE Two-story , 7-room house , nearly new , very solid and auLatantiiU ; will Bull lurnituro , if Ocslio.ltry choap. Huinoi llras. . \ Co. , 13th anJ Harnoy sts , GJ7 "ptOlt SALIA splondlJ Invcitmoiit , corner toi-uis$12,000 W , II. UrVun Sli 0 ( "U8t. OK * T71OU SAI.K Firat-tlass rosldcnco pioporly --1 on iS | . Jlury'd mo. ; lurgo lot , good house and othorl mprovcmcnts ; jirleo rcu onabo ! : turrns ousy. Cocshruu Dfos , 15JU l-uinum. 70.t TTIOIt S.\r.h-4 boiutlful lots om S.iundorTfctT JPMInvlcw addition , 5)xl50 , $ * 75 each. Tlio bunch together inujt bo sold IliU week. I ( lee & Mooic , l.-i Fen SAT , ( , Imjirovcd fnrmi , by Tlnmlln & Ilrown,3nsrllth street , Oranlia , Neb , Cms County , tNcbra ka : E4 SEH. 87 , 10 , K. so acrc , about three miles from Avocasfi' ) ncros under cultivation. Oto" rounty.Nohroska : NVTUi 31 , flJTl , 150 acres , Improvements ; 120 ncres under cultivation and nowcorn crib. NEM.31. " , n , 100 acres. Improvemcnta ! 1V ncrcs under oultlvgtlon , with a double cornorib , now. SWU , 31,0,13 , UO acres ; CO acres under culti vation. * SWMJS.8. V1.r > 9ncresImprovementsH3ncr : * under cultlvntiou , and a now hcdgo foncoall around tbo farm , 8\VHsflie , ItlOncros ! 100 ncres under citltl- vntlon. / 8WH , 4,8. < S,1flO acres : ISO under cujtlvntlon , with nvocd dwelling , etablcoutuou , > e9 and corn crll ) = . Allot the nbovo lands within 4 mlles of Dun- bar. bar.N N o'J 8 w ? MD-g-ll , 80 acre * : so { lms-11 , ICO aero ? .120 ncics ono and a half miles southwest Syracuse , known ng the Chorn farm. 0i ) ncros under cultivation , hn ? two peed dwellings , barns , cribs , otc. All the nbovo lands will bo sold onfatornblo term' . i To I > a c 60 acres for twenty years : one- quarter of n mtlo west of Hnnscom Park , also nJ loins the poor farm on the south , tor prices nnd further Information call on nr nddroit llnmlln ic llrown , real estate doilcrs , 311 South 1 1th st. . Omaha. Neb. Cti5-20 _ TnoiisAl7E-Ixta In Hawthorne JL : Lots In Pnrmentcr Plnco , " Plalnvlow. ' Cherry Garden. " Klrktrood. " 8hliin'82ndndd. " Han coin Place. " Kostor'B ndd , ( Walnut Hills. ) " llurrOnk. " .Ino. I. Itodlck's ndd. " West Side. " Isaac & Soldon's ndd. And South Omaha. Alee tmtipcs nnd lots for sale , and splendid In- slue lots for residences mul biiAlno s purposes. 1'arm lands In Nebraska , low n nnd Illinois. Clark & Hatchor , ngunts , 1W 3 14th st , HOO FOllSAtK-DylMMlhiRor , 119 N. 15th St. Now 7 room house , Georgia avo. , cheap $3.T)00. Good 0 room house , Georgia ave. , f 2,500. GO foot corner , 2 larpo hnusos , Hurt St. , $3,000. Elognnt hoiuo , North Ihth , near business , Small lot , good house , 18th st.wlll exchange for acre property , $4,000. 9 room house , full lot , Burt St. , ( J.S'X ) . 2 lots with il peed houso' , N. 38th , S10.0M. 142 foot East front , California su , fViOO. Desirable residence onposito Pj'ipieton.fl.BOO. Good 5 room lieu o. Improvement Ass. , $2,500 B room house , N. 18th 8t.,100. ) Fine rcsldonco , Chirk and IVth , $3,600. 132x170 house , H rooms , Harnoy St. , SS.20) . 60x132 house. 0 looms , Ilnrnoy 8t , $4,000. 0vl73 brick house , Hamilton St. , $5,900. Will exchange for farm. Good 0 loom homo , J. I. Ilodlck'n add. , $3,500- IIousp 7 looms. 2 lots , Shlnn's 2nd ildd. , $2,200. n houses , Lako's add. , $1.800. Hrlck houso. NcKon's add. . $2,500. Fine roshloiico , 15. V. Smith's add. . $0.000. Now house , 00x140 lot. E. V.Smlth's add , 4,000. 44x1 10. 3 houses , E. V. Biiiltli's add , Si.OOO each ( 9x123. peed house , Heod's 1st add , $8,000. Hoautlf ul rcsMonco , Clilcnpo St. , ? 5OOJ. J peed houses. 2 lots , cor. vacant , east front , Hood's 1st add. $3,000. 00x1(18 ( , good house , Shull's 1st add. $3,001. 90xlS3 , small housu und barn , Sliulrsadd$3,500 2J lots. Marsh iuld , Sl.nOO to $1,000 each. Lots In Salnn'a ndd. $700 to $1,000. 4 lots In Isaac & Scldon'a ndd. $5'iOO. 25D lots In Omaha View , $250 to $500. Parties wanting to buud can got a lo with small payment down. Park Forest lots , $ MO to fJ'fl onch. Oucioa nc-ar Stock Yards , fj.OOO. A few choice losldcuco lots In the cantor of city. 1 Imvo several farms to trade for city prop- crty. B.F. HlnRor. QJ3 _ Foil SALBr-Cornor lot on ICth street near propORod'rladuct. Very cheap. For Sale 1'mo residence propoity on upper- llnrnuy strcntathiw ihriire , I'or Siilo South Omalm lots , the most boautl- ful nnd cheapest , on easy toims. 1'lrst class plnoo for homo or liuvstmont. Como mid In- Mjstlgato. Qpchran Ilros. , Kcal Kstato , 1509 Furniim. 708-23 _ FOR SALE 100 fcot , 8. fronton Hamilton 8 1 , Piospcct PlaoJ.'Sl.HOO. jCornor lot nSoward St. , In Prospect Place Lot on Charles St. near 29th , $8iO. Lot on Hamilton ncnr 29th , $75) . Loton Vlrflulujnvo. , near Lcavomvorth St , l'ot'l25xlr ! 0,1S.'i3"thSt. $11,000. Lot on Piirniirii Stoorncr 00vl33 , $20,030. Lot on FurpamM , corner 88xlJJ , if25OM. House and lot1 on Hamilton St , near Poor Clalro Convelitffil03 ) ( ! : easy terms. Lot In NolsonV add , $1,700. Lot In Lowo's addS500 ; easy terms 182 loot on Farnam St , near 27th , 8125 per foot. Coiner lot In Lowe's add , 5800. 2 larpu houses and lull lot on IDth near Web ster St , $ , r > OJ. House und Vi lot on Iznnl near 20th St , $2.500. Goo. P. llemis. 15th aud Douglas St. Ml A DIG I1ARGA1N $1,500 will buy 10 flr t- J-i-class lots , cmjli 60xl.i , ' > , Bouth front , east efFort Fort , ono block wc-t of Saunders St. Address H. FockenEclior , City. _ 2C3api8 * FOH SAI.K Store building and lot on Tur- nam , big barpiiln , pays 10 per cent , $2'i,000. W. H. Oreon.215 8. llltli St. U20 Fen SALE Lots to tbo west of town , near Farnam st. andLowo nve. , in Porter's add. . aafo nnd protltablo Investment at $50J and SflJJ each. Potter A : Cobb 1515 Fumam st. 850 FOHSALK Tivolotsln Plalnvlow , SI > 0 each. _ Potlorj : Cobb. 151 V Put iiam st. t)5S ) FOK SALE Thrco flno lots in Slilnn's 3d ndd. at$90a each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. 817 SALE Lots In 1/itro's 1st addition , JU south fronts , easy tomu , only $50) , Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam st 851 Foil SALE 4 aero lot , n pee 1 0-room house , nprocory store , with stables , out-nouses ana city water , 22d near Loavonworth , rent V15.DJ cr mo. , prloo $3/i'KI. ' This H a first rutu Invest ment. Oinnha lUiiU Estate & Loan Co. , Itooms 2and2JWltlincll block. _ 740 FOH SALE-Steum Keller Mills. Wo have a now steam roller mill In ono of the boat locali ties In the etato , complete and remlv to run , for Bale very low. W. II , Green , 215 S. 13th St , 01U Foils ALE Host 5 nero tracts In tlio market , only $200 per acre. Incnilro about thorn. Potter & Cobb , 1515 I'artmm. 853 TTIOIl SALE Aero loti , filso'a add. , only * 1,5JJ J3 Potter k Cobb , 1515 Fiirnain. 857 "I71OH hALE rnrms , Imprropd and uiilm- -L' proved In ovorv county In the Unto at \ ory lowllgmca. W. H. ( lioon,2156. 1,1th St. 010 T71OII SALE Sot-oral doshablo bu-lnms loti JL1 on Iftth St. , and biidliios and rnslduncn lots In all pnrtsof the city. Also warehouse , hotel and limn ] imi > pity. Houses to runt. Properly flionn frooof charge and a largo list to select troinnt prices ranglnir fioiu if5) ) to flO.OJJ. Pur- tlosdoslilng to Invest should look ever our list mid prlocs boforu buying. Correspondence so , llcltod mid informuiloii about the city froclr plvon , Omaha Heal Eitato & Lean Co. , Itoom 2J , Wltlmcll llloek. Omaha. _ 727 AltAltlT IIAIfAIN-SI < c ncros , U' ' , mlloj norilnvost from poslollluo , with peed house , barn , well , oto. This place Is tvoirli $5M per ucro without impiovoments. Wo oifcr the whiilo for a few duys nt the vciy low piico of f-'AX ) , $ uuo caih , linlnneo In two yuiir.i. Stock- diiloiV llunclicr , 1511 Doilgo Bt _ 47.1 T71OK SALK 5 ucros with house and b.iin : IJi - * - ' acres of grano vlucs , ? 4 en of rnspLorrlos , ulco bay mnro. harm-HS and wapon , allnuw ; ono mlle wootol IVftOmuha : nil for $ lsuj. Inquiio on llio promlsoa.Saciucl D. .lonoi 671-J1 * Foil H/VI.K Some of thu llncsl iitgldonco und proBjiectivo lnisiiiL'83 piopcrty on I'arnum etroot at icasfiuiiMBtlgurus , Jmprovod ami tin- tmprot od. Vf.JJirQrucn. 215 S. 13th St 021 TTUmHAU' lirj anrosln oily limits of Koar- Jnoy at a bargain , and on good terms. Ad dress H. M. Woojnmn , U. P. Town Lot Avout , DunvorJuuctJon.-t'oloindo. 41mli24 Foil SALK Cheap , ono of the bert Improvol and flnosrlocotod farms In Douglas county , Aeb.,6milo3wcst of Omaha couit house , con * tabling 183 ioroyith < li'iino , stublo , wolU , or- clmidandpastiiro , uta ; ono-half anh , baliuzo to suit purctiuiftr. jFor further puitloulars ul > dressGuo. Llndo , oaro Oumhu Uo3. Ooiaha. No- braska. _ . . _ &B F01lSALnTiljiarxalnConior | In Isaao & BoMoii'snfldlfion , only 2 blocks from Lenv- cnworlh st.KxM \ , only 51.5JJ. Potter .V Cobb , 1515 1'ariium bt. _ 853 ITIOUSALE-Olbsonhin lor sulo lots In Hutu. i ? comPlHco , $ l > ltolW3. ( lilison luu for s.ilu houjoi and lots In Hans- coin I'Jaco , ( iibson has for Btilo houses und lots In all pnm f tlio city. UJbsnn has Improved farms uiu land ] In all parts of NebrasKa for sale or exchange. Gibson luu thousands of ncros of land in Wostein N'obroika for Wllo from $ ' to $4 pur aero. Gibson would like to see you It you want to buy or bbll. Glbsoii'HU the place to list your properly. Call and see him at UooiuS , Wltlmoll lllosk , cor. 15th and Huruo v fct * . 8 0 FOK SALE Four lors. cor. OUtfornia mil UJIhatd. , 2 blocks Irom proposed nuvlngon Cumlngot. , $ SMRu43JJoucu. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam tt.v 61'J FOlltiALK Two lou in PclUamPlaca.ono block from ttrcot car track luqulrdiH p. IJth Etroot _ 5 niOUSAI.i-A | ot09T41uaj ! dWfllliu Jnuartutuio Ilrowiiell Hull , cheap ; half buluuco 8uiull monthly payments. Y. L. Vo- dlcka,52) S. Uth t Ull _ TTUm hV LKCup ip lots lu 11 Jrr O ik , lust cast JL , oflianaoom Park , nourotroutcurj , } 7JJ , oils/ tcruis. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Famaui st bjl Jjion SAt.E-J. B. Evans * Co. , 1513 Dodge ' Corner , enstnntl north front , 6 x138 , 10th St. , business property , $3,000. ConiPr , cast aud south front , 60x12 } , Kllby Corner , cast and south front , California street Finest corner In the city , Corner , north and wo < t front , HDtlSO , Satin- tiers .V Illmouauch'g add , $ SOO. Corner , south and west front , 100x125 , Daven port street , $1150. Corner , south nnd west front , Loavcnworth street , $ lm Corner , east front for business , 23 feet , 10th * tl86tl'iOO. Corner , 50xia ) , Saunflcrs i Hlmobnugh's ndd , $2.5.Corner Corner , 00x133 tcot front , Isaac JcSoldcn's add Coriior , Pntk Haco , 8SO ft , cast front , $1,000. Corner Cupliol A > cuue , 2 lots with 3 modern 1 on o , now , $ trox Corner , elegant proportr In Clarendon with neat cottage , 24x30. $ ii'50. 2 loti and cottage , $1,100. Corneron Sloth street , f2xlS ( , good new cot- tape. $2mx On long tlmo nml c > a y pnymcntH , Corner on T iivenwoHh cast of 2Mb , any plio , say 00x130 , $5,000. Wlllmako larger or smaller to suit Comer , Dcnlso's addition , ono of thu finest , Coriior , Purr Oak , $1,000. Corner , best residence property on Dodpo , nil modern Impi-ovemonU , good barn , clionp nt $14,000. Corner , one of the best tn touth part of town , 100x117 , $ .1.000. Corner , In Orchard Hill , one oftho Jlrst sales , 2 lots very clu-ap for ro ldcnpp , $1.450. Corner , Thdrnburp Plnco , $15) . ECm-norOiisstiii Hnwtlioui , $700. Comer Da\otiKitst. | In Hnwthorno.tflM ) . Coninr In West Side , sightly building spots only. $300. Conicr Slilnn'B ndd , Charles st , V4 lot , peed cottage , only $1,801. Corner-Ing ou Creston , 1 aero lot , a good bar- gnln , 13,000. Corners for business , Farnam uttoot. Sixteenth street , Howard street , Tenth strcot , Or any street In the city. Ilosldonco property , Improved & unlmprovol In all parts of the city. Collates nnd Hats to rent. Lands for sale in Washington , rintte , Coliar , IlulTalo , 1'holps , Hownril , Custer. Keith , Lincoln , Adams nnd other counties. W corner lots In Dent or Junction. A flno block in Onllallannly $ W , SO lots In Gothenburg , a bargain , $700. _ "If 'it SALI : cheapest lot In Hnnscom Piuie , - * - $3. 0. For Salo- Full lot on Farnnm street , $22.rOO. For Sulo Full lot with house , Hickory Place , $1. 00 * For Sale Elegant corner In Marsh's add , , For'Snlo Lot 75x102 foct on & 16th. with peed house ami bam In good repair , plenty of trult , u il only $1,010. 1'or Sale Full lot , only ono block from Loav- onwortli.bouth Irout , ? M)0. ) Thoao nro all doclded bargains , nnd wo hnvo ono hundred moic. Coohron Ilros. , 1501 Ftirnam st rout. _ 700-27 roilHAl.i ; Atowoftho host otslnviicoxs udil.nt$0 caclu Potter & Cobb , 15K ) Far nam st 855 _ " 171OII SALE 7-room cottage , 1 block from A. St , JInry's avo. cur linn , lot 75x140. only $1.150. Potter A : Cobb , 1515 r.irnam. Blip Foil SALE Three lots in Slilnn's 2d nddltlon , on eastern BO ! | > O , only 3 blocks from strcot cars , cheap only J750. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far- nnm st _ 853 TT > OIl SALE Fine corner , Qooigla nvcnuo , X1 south end east front , $1,500. Graham & ncnaw n , Ciclihlon Ulock. _ [ fa FOIlbALK Anuw7-room house and lot on Snundora ft. , a bargain. 4 aero lots In Hlmobauph'sndd. very cheap. Houses nnd lots In all parts of the city. Improved and iinlm- proved land for sale or trade. K. H , Hull , 1J2 N. loth St. B44nih24 TSoil SAI.K Ix > ts Just soutn or tlio parkin JP Clark Place S > 50 each , on easy terms. Pot ter A : Cobb , 1515 Farnnm. 850 FOK SALK rivo-aaro ptaco : eight aud a half aero plooo with buildings , oto. ; and six-nerd plnco with buildings , otc. ; also full dairy outllt , 25 oows , otc. John F. Hooh , Omaha A STANDARD MEDICAL 1VOUK PORYOUHG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEIi ONLY 81 IJY MAIL , POSTPAID. ILLUSTIIATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL KMQW TBYSELS > TxhamtortVKnlltT. Nervous nnd Physical Dohilltf IlKnsuira Decline in Sinn , Errors of Youth , nnd tlia u.VioW minifies resulting from Indtaciotlon nnd ox- cccfcs. A. book for every man , younir , middlo-nzoil and old. , Hconttlns 12aproscriptlons for nl nmto nil 1 clironlcillneasoj.enchono or which Ii invnluablo Ha found by the author whoo experience for U yoirai * such 09 probnbly nov r ticfnro fell tn the lot of * nr RhynlcinniMJpiKos. bound In beautiful French mm- in , embossed covers , full flit , irmrmiteoil to ho minor work In every -meehnnlrnl , llternrr nntl nrofav Blonnt tliknnnrnther work In tlila country for IJ-51 ortho money will bo refund In every lint.inco. prl3 only tl by mull , pnitpald. llhmtntol samplo. i Bend now. Oold modal awarded thsnutliorliTtha Nv tlonnlMoUlcil AKTOCIntlon. to the iron A. 1 > . Illssoll mid ii-Biicliitn onicorj of tha bo-irJ tlio rcnUerls Tl' fportfully referml. Thn bclonoo of 1,1 fa Is worth more to tn o fount nil mlddlo-nirol mon of thli concnitlnn thin fill thuEOM niltici of C'allfnrnlH nnil the silver mlnoi of Nev.iJn comblneil. S. F. Chronlclo. ThoSclPnroof Llfo polntaout the rocks nna quick- BJinJa on wlilrli tlio conntltntton and liojica of many u j ouni ; mon uavo been f iitully wrocUod. lliuichuitcr Tlio Science of Llfo 11 of grftlter vnluo than all tin modlcut works published in this country forthounst 60 > uar . AtliinUi Oormtltutlon. 'ihoticlencoof Llfo It n sunorb and masterly trait- l < > on nervous und phyBlcul doblliiy. Detroit Kroj Add'rcistho PoiboilyModlcM Injtltuto. or Dr W. IL 1'urker , No. jHullI'.ncli atroot , lioston. M9 9. .whoiaiy teconsulteilon nil tllsu.isea requiringauill und orporl- once. Cliiniilciiiiil olnliimu dHuiiMin Unit li'ivo Dir tied the Rklll of all oltinrphyslcljnd a opecUlty. Sue i treated miccpMfully without uu ludtuiico of ftiiturj McDtlon Oaiahii 11 a u. Cure without modl- A POSITIVE clno. I'ntontol October - , bor 10,1 70. One box will euro the mobt obtlnato coso In four days or loss. No nauseous dosoa df cubebs , copaiba or oil of eandalwood that are curtain to produce dyspep- cla by dosti-oylnar the coating uf the biuuntcli , J' Sold by all driu lsts or mulled on rc-colptof prlco. lor further particulars sunt forclrcular. P. O. Ilex 1VH. - " CT. C.IjXjj - York.CDRE. . KJJohnsl. , Now York. RAILWAY. Oiaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago The only road to take for Ies Molnr * . Mar- halltowu , Cedar llapldn , Clinton , Dlrlp. Chioiiiro , Mllivnukt'o nnd nil txjims oast. To the people of Nebraska , Colorado , Wjomlnjr , Utah , Idaho Novadu.Uiciioii , Wiislilnirton and CHllfornlii It oilers supoi lor advantages not pusMblo by any othrrllnu Ainontr n few of tno numinous points ot supo- ilorltyonjoyudby thu patrons of thU loauho- Itti'cnOimilin and Clilciitfo. aio Its t o trains a diiy of DAY UOACHII.S which are the flnost Una huinnn art and imrunulty cun cicato. IUPAI * . AL'i : SMUH'INO CAU.S , whicii are models of comfoit nii.1 cloifiiuco. Us PAItlAJK DltAWINfl HIXJM ( ! AHri. ui iirnassud bymiy.und its wldo- ly cclohiutcil I'AI.ATIAhlJINING UAK3 , ttio jual of whloli cnunot bo found clgowhnro. At Cuuurjl llliills tlio tilling of the Union Paci- no Ity , conuoct In Union Depot with these ot tlio CLiicjigo.V Noifhucslcrn Ay. In Chicago the truliis of this line make dose connection with the oof all paMorii linos. For Detroit , Columbus. Indlunapolls , Cmcln null , Nlaifiiru Fulls. Ilulfulo , 1'lttslmiToronto Monlrcnl , Ilo-Km , Now York , Philadelphia , Ii il- tlnioro.Wntliliik'iiiii uiifl all points in tu'o east , ualc the tickul ftRunt tor ticki'U via tbo "NO TH-WiSTKUV. : " If you wish the Ixwt uccommodatloua. AlltlcVot B.a IIAIll , Geiioru EDWARD KUEHL , MAGISTKH OP PALMY8TKUY AND CONDI- T10NALIHf,8031Vnth titroot , betwoou Farnuta und Haroey , wiU , with tUa old of guardlau eplriu , obtain for any ono a irlanco in the putt and pro jout , and of curtain conditions In tliofuturo. Itonti uul bhoo3 madg tonlor. . I'crfcctsitl'fautloQ iruurdutoui. SOUTH OMAHA ! Beautiful Residence Lots' ' Also Business Lots On the large mnp of Onmliu niul observe tlmt the two nnd one-half ipilo belt from the Omaha posloflicc runs south of Section 33 find tlu'OUgh the north cud of South Omaha. TAKE A STRING And pencil , then get one of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omajin nuij South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th nnd Farnnm , Omaha's business center , nnd your pencil on the string at where Bcllcvuo street enters South Omnhn from the north , THEN DRAW A circle nnd note where SOUTH OMAHA Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Plnces" and "Hills" are far OUTSIDE This mystic circle. THEN STOP And think a moment what will make outside property increase in valuo. THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than nt SOUTH OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the transportation lines. Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the besfr manufacturing point of any in or near the city. Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARRDS INTEEST. Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. TWO NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this ycnr. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment \ To he put into operation by that prince o meat producers , Ncls Morris of j Chicago. Awny your day of grnco when you do not get an interest in South Omaha before - fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken. Make your selections now. Lots that sold for $300 in 1884 cannot now be bought for 81,000. Tlie "Vietdxxots Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between this city and South Omaha. A STREET CAR LINE Will nin to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it docs lota will double in ' ] value , as this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. Agents lo handle this property on good commission wanted ANY BEAL ESTATE AGENT Has authority to sell lots. l < "or further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circulars , address M. A , UPTON , Manager 216 SOUTH 13TH ST. , OMAHA , . NEB.