Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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y * OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAllL OTBEET.
IJclUcri-d by cnrrlcr In nnypartof the city nt
nunty cents per week.
II. W. TILTO.V , - - Mnrmsrcr.
JlesiM-psOrnCF , Ko. 13.
NIOHT r.tnTon , Xo. 2) ) .
Now spring goods nt Keller's.
Yesterday nftornoon A. C. Loftier nntl
Mary White , of Omiihn , wuro married by
Justice Frninuy in Ills ollice.
Mr. nnd Airs. J. Y. Fuller entertained
nt their residence last evening a number
of their frhnds at a card party.
Tlio necessity of hnving 1'onrl street
paved is growing moro apparent dally.
This season should sco the work done.
Uuanclln , finding himself cho cn mar-
slml for two yours more , has ( -.old his gro
cery store to Isaac nnd Hunry Clients * .
Permit to wed was yesteulay given to
A. C. Ltiller nntl Mary While , both of
Omaha : Thomas Dewless and Hose Woth-
crford , both of Florence , Nebraska.
Seven nioro were arrested yesterday as
vagrants. Three of them weio boys from
Creston , who claimed to be passing
through here for Uhmlron. They weio
A little girl , iClla McCarthy , wns bitten
by n. dog belonging to Hugh Oliver ns
sfio wns passing along Bancroft htroot.
The fact coming to the knowledge of the
owner of the dog , ho had the marshal
shoot the offending animal at once.
Chief Templeton is looking sharply after
violations of the lire ordinance. Tlioro
1ms been ti great deal of laxity in regard
to this , all sorts of building : ) being put tip
within the lire limits during the past two
years. The ordinance is now to bo en
forced strictly.
There is a good deal of feeling between
the lival'bus lines. Two of the drivers.
William Jeffries nntl William Bancroft ,
got to quarrelling nt tlio dummy depot as
to which was entitled to u passenger , and
their language was to loud ami dirty that
both were arrested.
Judge Love nnd Judge Slilras were
both holding courts yesterday. Before
the former the case of Green vs Ncgloy
wns being tried. The plaintiff leased an
elevator to the defendant , and claims that
the defendant overloaded it so that it fell
down. Judge Shiras spent the day In
hearing equity cases.
There have been numerous complaints
made about u vicious do kept as u watch
nt Mrs. Davis' sccoiul hand store on
Broadway , and yesterday an information
was filed against her. She appeared in
court and promised to have the dog sent
away if the ease could bo dropped. The
matter was settled by the dog being or
dered to leave the city within twenty-four
Several merchants and property own
ers on Broadway are clubbing together
to have electric lights hung from the cen
ter of the street , thus giving light to their
places of bnsiiu's.s , and proving n. public
convenience. One such light is to bo
Wi ( . . and another
hung nenr tno upuiu . . , . . „ . ,
near the corner of Scott and Brondwny.
Others will doubtless follow the example
thus set.
The freight superintendents of the
various roads gathered hero yesterday ,
there being 1. N. Button of the Milwau
kee & St. Paul , J. A. McMillan of the
Union Pacific , E. H. Francito of the
Wabash , II. II. Cadwalader of the C. , B.
& Q. , H S. Iliggins of the Kock Island ,
C. A. Barnhard of the K. C. & St. Joe , J.
O. Clifford of the O. & N. W. The busi
ness of tlieso railroaders was to check up
nnd talk over the various matters usual
to the monthly meeting.
Yesterday morning a linn man mot
John N. Baldwin , of { the law firm of
Wright. Baldwin & llaldano , who ever
Binco the first of the present month has
licon on the Pacinc slope. As during Mr.
Baldwin's absence reports have been cir
culated to the effect that he expected to
make California his future homo , and
also that the primary object of his visit
was to secure bonds for Dr. E. D. Cross ,
who Is still confined in Fort Madison
prison unable to secure bondsmen , the
BEJ : mnn asked Mr. Baldwin if either of
tlieso reports wore true , to which ho re
plied that they were not , und that his
trip wns ono of pleasure alone.
II. Bcccroft , who recently purchased of
Jnko Kodgors the old 'bus and baggage
line , and who is continuing to run it as
the "Council Binds Omnibus nnd Bag-
page Trnnster Line , " is greatly annoyed
at thu fact that another Hue has started
up , of which Lewis & Arnd tire the pro
prietors. Ho claims they are not playing
lair in adopting a name similar to that
used by him. and which has been in use
for years. The name under which the
now line runs Is so similar , he claims ,
that it injures his business. He therefore
wants an injunction , to restrain them
from using their present name for their
line , and force them to christen it some
thing entirely different from that which
ho uses.
Getting Tlolcot Offices.
The Chicago & Northwestern railroad
company now have an uptown ticket of-
lice. Mr. Babcoek , their general agent ,
having received a telegram from the gen
eral ticket agent ot the Wabash road
giving the Northwestern permission to
move into the Wabash ticket odlco , ho
yesterday had the liukct case removed
to tlio Wnbash corner.
J. C. Mitchell , who has been the Wn
bash ticket agent for the past live years ,
is the agent. Thu agency falls into ex
cellent hands , and the many friends of
Mr. Mitchell will congratulate him.
This addition now gives Mr. Mitchell
the agency of five roads , viz : The Chicago
cage iV Northwestern , the Sioux City &
Pacific , Missouri Paoilic , Council Bluffs &
St. Louis and the Wnbash , St. Louis &
TJio Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
road has not yet been able to secure an
uptown ollicc. nnd if they propose to have
ono thcro is little doubt but they will bo
compelled to go In alone.
Now Carpets at Harkncss Brothers.
A MIssliiK Mnn.
David Rico , a pressman , who has
worked In thu various nowapnpor ofllces
hero for seine time , disappeared Tuesday
and had not been hoard from up to last
night. His \\ife was making anxious in.
mimes for him , having left her in almost
destitute uirciimbtances , Whisky scorns
to have dragged Rico pretty well down ,
and hu hns lost several positions by his
wc-ikncss. Ho recently nr.-.du an attempt
to reform , and mnkliij ; excellent pro
gress , secured work , but has for a week
past boon indulging again , and the
chances now are that hu is off on a spree
Best coal nnd wood m the city at Glca-
son'f , i'O Pearl street.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire , 101
Petirl btreet , Council Bluff * .
Muscatino Seed Sweet Potatoes , For
ah by Snydcr & Loumnn.
Attention , Sir Knights.
Thcro will bo a special conclave , ol
Ivanhoe commandery , No , 17 , K. T.t this
( Thursday ) evening for Rod Cross work ,
ut 0.30 o'clock sharp.
By Order of the E. C.
Spring. Wraps at 11 ark ness Brothers ,
Judge Brewer's Decision Remanding the
Bluffs Saloon Oases ,
Knllwnys GcttniR Tticlr Ticket OJTlcos
Settled An Old MnnMnlccs a Fool
ish Ijonn Cnrson's Speech
Supporting Ills Novel Hill.
Sent Jlnck to State Courts.
An important decision 1ms boon ren
dered in the United Stales circuit court
li.V Judge llrcwcf , romnndintt bnck to the
fiinto court thosaloon cases started in this
city. The decision involves about forty
case ? , and the prohibitionists are rcjoic-
iittf in what limy deem a decision which
will soon ctiablo them to close the
saloons. Thusocascs were started before
Judge- Connor , and tltn defendants made
a motion to have them sent to the United
States courts. The question was Mib-
milted to the federal courts , but the cases
were- not transferred , they being still
kept on the docket of .ludgo Comior's
court. Now that the federal court re
mand ? the eases , tlioro seems not much
of 11 show for longer delay in securing
the injunctions , and Ihn prahlbilionists
will nppiy to .ludgo Connor for the in
junctions at once. 'J he saloon men are
naturally much exercised , ai.d know
hardly what to do. Some are disposed to
pay the city the regular license and com
ply with the requirement tor closing
saloons Sundays , etc. , in order to get
whal protection the city can give , if any.
Others do not see how the. city can give
any protection , and that their only hope
is in futtiro litigation , and that their
money should go for that , instead of for a
license which avails nothing. Daily con
ferences are being held to decide upon
future action. An appeal is to be taken
from the decision , ami .some hope is felt
that delay may bo thus gained.
A. Ovciton vsVllllam \ Lacy and 1'atrick
Lucy. This wnsnmocfcilinKcomtncnct'd in
tlieclicnlt court of tno Tlmtruntli judicial dis-
tiict of Io\\n , under section 15ii : of the code ,
In which It wasclinrKi'dthatdcfcndaiits weio
maintaining a nuisance by keeping a saloon.
and piayed that they be enjoined and
nuisance abated. A petition and bond for re
moval weie tiled and case transfcircd to this
court. A motion to icmmid is made. The
questions Involved aio whether inocccdinus
to enforce the mohlbitory law nio lemovahlc
into the ledeini rouits. Similar cases have
aiiscn In the state of Kansas , and In deciding
those I prcpaicd an opinion which llilo with
this as oxpipsslnc my views.
Tlicio is n Kciicinl snnlhulty between the
statutes of the two states , and while by icahon
of feme minor differences between them
( ivoiy uxpicsslon in that opinion many not be
strictly uccinato when applied to this case.
yet I sec no such dltfeicnco as calls for the
wiitiiiK of a separate and lull opinion.
Tlieic Is ono matter which palls for Mime
notice. Theie nio two defendants , one a
landlord and the other a tenant ; ono the
owner of the liuildlnir , the other the keeper ot
thu saloon. The petition nllccos that prior to
.1 nly , IbS-l , the sale ot ale , beer and vinous
llqnois was not moliibiled ; that piior to that
day deloiulaiit tenant leased the building for
a term of years extending beyond July 4 ,
i v.\t tnr jlc | nxrCiSg , , purpose ot orciipyjng tlie
same as a raloln ; ; that ny inn nui o uu „ . .
iioliibitcd from using the building for any
) thiT purpose , and that prior to tlmt ditto de-
lendnnt had , at an expense of 5:1,000 : , pro-
cnicd appioprlnte lixtmcs , furnltiuc. etc. , for
carrying on the business , and that said
ixtiiic.s , etc. , mo adapted cr.Iy for
said business ; that prior to said
date the defendant landlord , had
nt an expense of Sl.OCO prepared the building-
'or .said use. Upon tlu-su facts It is urged
hat thcro is a direct invasion and dc.strnc-
ion of propcity ilnhts , made sacicd by the
Fourteenth amendment against any state
* * * *
The argument presented Is that nt a time
when the tialllc in ale , wine and beer was
, i'gal , defendants engaged in it , tlui ono lit-
; in up ills building and the other buying
lixtmcs , etc. , for it. that a contract of lease
was entoicd Into for the use of the building
Tor that purpose and none other , that the
landlord's security tor lent will bo dost toyed
if the business is stopped , nnd that the value
of the improvements , lixturcs , etc. , designed
and adapted for this use nnd none other , will
1)0 dcstioycd it bitch use is lestiniucd.
1 nm not Insensible to the dillicnltlcs pre
sented by the foiocolng facts , nor do 1 moan
toalllrni that lioni them does not .sprint : a
question which calls for examination by tlio
snpinnie coutt of tiio United Stales , and
which will challenge Its most soilous consid-
ci.ition , yet I think them arc sutilcient ica-
sons for holding that they present no case
lor removal.
Fhst Tlie enforcement of tlio penal laws
of a state , or those designed to promote the
uood otdcr nnd morals oil .society , should hp
left to the courts of the state , non coiihtat.
but that if rights of property in any partlcn'
lar case are Invaded , tlieso courts will pio"
tect , and no occasion ever bo pipi-eiitcd for
challenging tlio attention ol the federal
Second Removal should not be allowed tin-
Jess tlio jtuisdletlon of the ledeial courts is
Ihlul Even though a federal question bo
Involved no removal can bo had unless the
amount in contioversy bo S500. The amount
does not limit review by the supreme com t oE
the United States on writ of error to tlio
state court , but does limit tlio right of 10-
moval bftlnio dial , nndtheioforothcie should
bo no reasonable doubt as to the amount In
contioversy. It is not distinctly avoired
that the lease hetoro July 4 , 1SS1 , Is still In
force. It may have expired bufoio this pro
ceeding wascoinmeneed. contract
obligations , no piopcrty rights are distnibcd.
The costs ot improvements , fixtures , etc. , Is
alleged , but not the pie.ient value. They
may to-day bo so injuied or detcrrioatcd In
value as to bo worth much less than S.VX ) .
Com ts also talco judicial notice of matters ol
common knowlcdtu * . and no allegations con-
tiadicting such matters nio to bo regaidcd.
Many of the fixtures of a saloon , ns chairs ,
tables , etc. , nro of equal valno for many pur
poses ; othcis , Mich as decorations , cmmteis ,
etc. , are ol eont-ldciablo valno for some pur
poses lunch stands , restaurants and the
like. Most of them nio removable without
injiuy to the building , and the building itself
ii > avnllabh ) for the c.urylng on of many kinds
of business. It Is not pretended that defend-
nuts had on Inmd nny ale , wlno or beer ,
owned prior to.luly 4. lbi-1. It would bcom
lair , thcicfoie , to hold that the pilndplo
dnmngo deleiuiiints hiistained , according Jo
their own hhnwln , Is thu mcio Incidental ro-
stilt of the stopping of their lmsiies ! < , nnd not
llowinglioin a dliect Iiunsion upon piopeity
rights. AH to tlieso Incidental Incon
veniences the case of tholtccr company vs
Musi , is authority lor Maying that thopio -
sent no fmthcr mic-stlon for thu con
sideration of the com Is , In con-
cltxlon , I refer to thu opinion of
J ml n < i David Maitln , of the second judicial
dKtiict of Kniis is. In the ca-o of thu Slate ox
lei vs lleniy Uiatiloy , In whicli tlu > question
of the amount in i > ontiivcr.--ly in cases of this
naliitc is discussed with exceeding lorco and
Thu motion to icmand will bo sustained ,
an (1 tlie same older made in similar cases.
tlio I ) rl nlr or.
Senator Carson of lids county has sue-
reeded in getting Ids bill passed in thu
senate punishing drnnkonness. While
others have been framing leglblatlon to
punish the sellers , ho has boon nt work
devising some way of stopping the buyers.
His bill provides for thu first oflenso of
intoxication a line of $10 , or throe days'
work on thoetrccts ; for the second oHunso
a line of25 , or work on the btrcots for
six days ; for the third oflbiuo a fine of
550 , or twelvn daye1 work on the streets.
Sonntor Carson made a longthysr.eech . In
favor of the measure , portions of which
were ns follows :
Wldln my associates have been talking I
have becu tlilnklu ? . and Imvo icnchid the
conclusion that It thcio weio no buyers there
\\ruld be. no sellers ; that If there were no
itiunlctrds thcro would be no legislation on
thu subject. . And I have endeavored to tincl
the root ot tl.o evil , nnd 1 nt > w belldVo It is
iiioio on the hide about which llu-ie Is .practi
cally no tabulation and niniu asUcd fpr. 1
hu\o Intruiluted tliojo bills in good laUli nud
vlth the view to stamp out the real usury ,
abatit which thcro Is nodoubtas to our power
to restrain by wholesome discipline. If n
mnn becomes Intoxicated Is there anything
more disgusting ; Is ho not a nuisance
wherever ho coos , ami don't ho know
It ? Don't ho so Iiojiio If he lias
one ? \\'ho over MW a tlrunkon
man cross the threshold of his home ? What a
spectacle \\as there ? See the frightened wife
nntl children as he plumes in with an oath ,
lie beats the poor wife , nnd his little chlldien
cringe In the coiucr crying , while he smashes
furniture with the Sells of a demon. And
yet my good temperance fi lends stand and
pity him , and woik themselves Into a fionzy
nt the man \\lioinlicobtainedthellquor. .
1'Itv the craven hnitc , nn\er. He Is In the
full strength of manhood , nnd with n total
disregard of all that lsmbc ! , \oluntarlly
gorges himself with mm , nnd become ) a
demon and only fit for the companionship
of doviK1 , I believe the time 1ms come to
abandon all this sentimental nonsense about
the iojr drunkard and pal down the
Iron heel of the law upon all
that will make thorn smait. nud If tneio Is a
spark of manhood left rekindle that noble
flplilf thai has Icon vnluntnrllv debauched.
Lotus have less ol hciolsm of the men who
hn\o of their own accoid deb.iuchcd nnd de
based themselves If examples are to lus uie-
sented to the youths of the laud , excmplily
him who hns had tne manly strength to re
strain his appetite nud lived a sober life , nud
give notice that the load to iaspect leads
only In the path of sobtlety , and If ho dares
to depart tiom It , the heavy hand of an Indig
nant nud outraged people will be laid upon
him. If the young men vert1
made to know that to "paint
thu town red" meant ostracism fiom
the society \\heie they had been accustomed
to attend , tint tlmyottng ladles ot their ac
quaintance would not icecivo their atten
tions , o would have better young men , and
no old biunuicis. Let this net bo strictly nd-
hvrrd to nnd mv fiicnd from 1'nge will bo re
lieved and then- will bo. no demand by tlu".o
ladles for piohlbltlon. K\eiy man knows thu
elfectol this tippling , and let him indulge.
Mr. I'lcMdcnt , 1 don't believe in so much
guardianship lor men of mature ago If they
moot sound mind. Hold them ic.spousiblu
for their conduct nlnnc. Don't lot us allow
them to use some ono else as a shield for
their own wantonness. Let us build up a.
higher nnd independent manhood
"Lot every man statnl erect ,
1 honoblo , nmnl } suit icsprct. "
Self icllance and self denial Is what Is de
manded. Mr. I'tcslilent , 1 hnvo olten 10-
llcelod upon nil Ideal people , with nil those
nttiUnites so completely blended. And how
giaud It would be If it could lie said of every
man as MntK Anthony , in the last staiua of
his speech at Oa-sar's innrial. Slmkcspcnio
hashlm s'iy : "Ills life was gentle ; the ele
ments weio so mixed In him that natuio
might stand upntid say to all the woild , this
was a man. " My friends icmimlcd me of the
staiiclanl bearer in Cwsm's army , who was
going with Ids banner away fiom the enemy.
Civsnr hailed hiuj nuii said , pointing :
' "Hit ! enemy is yonder , " nlld Ills' sol
dier Incrd about and pushed into the thick
est of the battle. So can wo say of the
battle that has bouu rasing in Iowa for so
many yeais the leal and most daugeiotis
enemy has been psimltted to hold his lines
and look on and laugh to sec the battle
waged against another than Ihc real toe.
And now let us "about face" nud attack the
icnl enemy. When CJo'igh signed the pledge
he was laughed nfnnd jeered. When he had
signed the piomisi to abstain , he turned to
ward those who taunted him and said : ' -Why
do yon laugh at me ? Am 1 not a man' . " ' My
lilcud tiom Pace eloquently told us , the
other dtiy that "fifty thousand am going
down every year into the dnik pit ot de
spair. " Now , why not close tip the pit and
compel this army to halt. Oougli used to
vividly dcsciibo the man who was In a boat
niovo the Kalis ot N'agara quietly iloaling
down tow aid the gieat cataract , a man far
above the falls shouted fiom the bank. "Stop I
don't go theic"but ho gave no heed. Still
othcis shouted to him ana yet ho paid no
beep to their voices of warning , but when he
came . , . „ . , . _ near . . . „ ! , ! „ the „ | , | brink ln „ _ , ho ! ! . then „ , , ! „ saw „ . ) .I. the . . „ awful . . nt1
auum < tMfl iviU * u vu liyDCIfC * ! U12 ? Vrtk MV , .
lie pulled \\iin an nis might , but E wits too
late and ho was dashed over the falls. If the
fust man who hailed him had taken a boat
ind compelled him to go ashore that grand
llto would have been saved. It Is with no
feclingof hatred that this measure Is pro
posed , but to compel men to icllcct and
maintain their manhood.
Now Silks received to-day at Harkncss
A Wife Murderer.
Ill yesterday's Dnn dispatches appeared
the following :
INM > IAXA1'OL1R , Maicti 23. At Hngcis-
town , Wayne county , this afternoon , W. S.
Bates and wife quanvJlcd , and the woman
struck Dates with an axe. handle. Ho
wicstod the weapon from her. struck hr > r a
blow with it , and then made a slash at her
with a pocket knife , nearly beheading her.
The woman fell to the iloor dead. Bates was
The Bates named in the telegram is an
old Council Bltill'H boy. commonly known
here as Still Bates. The fact of his being
the same was confirmed yesterday by a
private teleirram to his brothers here ,
stating that he had killed his wife , but
giving no further particulars. The news
was a sad shock to his relatives hero , who
fei'l keenly the disgrace enor
mity of the crime. Bates' father
was an old resident of this city , and quite
prominent , haying at ono time been
mayor of the city. This son has been
reckless uiul much given to drink. When
sober ho was an excellent worker , ami of
kindly disposition , but when drunk he
was far to the other extreme , whisky
making him to bo feared by all who came
in contact with him. Ho was repeatedly
nrrcsted hero for being drunk a id for
lighling , and as frequently promised to
reform. Mrs. Bates was born in Illinois ,
nnd her folks afterwards moved to In
diana , where the tragedy occrured. Last
fall Bates seemed determined to lead a
dillerent sort of u life , if ho could only
get away from old associates. In this
nope his friends hero helped him lo get
back to Indiana witli his family , but it
seems that the change led to no great re
form. The news of the terrible'tragedy
came ns a great shock to the friends here ,
although it was not wholly inconsistent
with some ot his wild lits of temper as
shown hero when drunk. This leads to
the supposition that ho must have been
drtmk when ho thus killed his wife. They
itad two bcautifuljittlo girls , ono about 4
years of ago. thu otlior7. Mrs. Bates had
relatives in Hager town , and her brother
is the city murnhal of that place.
Moro Dress Patterns received at Hark-
ness Brothers.
Money to loan by Forrest Smith.
A. Marks is the happy father of a now
bouncing girl ,
II. ( } , Cilloy , the Glonwood hotel man ,
was hero yesterday.
lion , Samuel Chandler , of Sidney , was
In the city yesterday with his wifo. They
were on a general purchasing tour ,
Mr , and Airs. John N , Baldwin returned -
turned yesterday morning from a visit to
California points where they have boon
spending the present month.
Parker Spolibrd , of Bucksport , Mo. ,
was in the city yesterday visiting his
friend , W , S. Homer. Mr. Spolibrd is nn
engineer anil survpycd the "Q" road west
from Ited O.ik , and in his visit west
notes many important improvements in
this locality.
J. E. Pettlbono , of GIrard , Erie county ,
Pa. , is hero on a visit to his brother , who
is quite ill. Mr. IV.ttlbono has aUo the
pleasure of meeting hero Justice Schnrz ,
who served in the 100th Pennsylvania in
fantry , company G. , of which Mr. Petti-
bono was captain. The two had uot met
for years , and when Mr. Pcttibono
walked into the justice court , nnd Mr ,
Schur ? , recognized him , tlioro was n greet
ing such as old soldiers , separated for
years , cau appreciate. Last evening
they imt In thn tima rehearsing their ox-
poncncos , and exchanging news of old
Curtains , Oil Cloth , etc. , nt Harkncss
m ,
Another Verdant.
An old man named Uiloy was yesterday
conlidentcd out of $ ' 25 at the transfer by
a slick Young man , who gave him as
security. a beautiful. draft for 81,000. The
young man waated to pay Eomo freight
on coods. and the Ijaib was easily swal
lowed. Several hours later tlio old man
reported to police headquarters , but it
was then too late to find tlio slick young
gent. The old man was n California
excursionist , and left lor the west last
For first class Missouri wood call on
Gleason , nt his coal ollice , 20 Pearl street.
Ladies' nnd Children's llosinc nt
Harkncss Brothers.
Post Oillco
in Nebraska and Iowa during Hie week
ending March 20 , 1880 , furnished by Win.
Van Vlcek of Iho poslolllco deparmcnt.
Established Butka , Lonp county ,
Frank Butka , postmaster ; Loyal Hill ,
Lancaster county , Benjamin F. Dodrill ,
postmaster ; 1'licnc , Keith county , Mamie
F. .lack , postmaster.
Discontinued Bartomille , Frontier
pounty ; Brooks , Howard county ; Loup
Fork , Howard county.
Postmasters appointed Armada , Buf
falo county , Oscar F. Hamilton ! Crcs-
well , York county , William E. Brobsl ;
Glcnalpin. Antelope county , Anton Ha-
scr ; Munuvillc , Keya Paha county , F. F.
Established Tioga , Mahaska county ,
William ( Jilchrist.
Name Changed Smith , Cass countyto
Killtlulf , Jasper county , James I. Hear
den ; Lac-oy. Mnhaskn county , James W.
McKinley ; New Albin , Allamakne conn-
tv , William Coleman ; New Virginia ,
Warren county , M , J. Thomas : Prole ,
Warren countyK. Perkins ; Hock Branch ,
Woodbury county , William C. Edwards ;
Sloan , Woodbury countv , J. B. Craw
ford ; Sumner , Bromer co'unly , C. M. V.
Miller ; Zero , Lucas county , L. G.
One Who Never Had llcnrcl ot Dentil.
Marietta ( Ga ) Journal : Wo arc told
that when in the mountain fastnesses of
North Georgia a man's 13 year old
daughter died not long ago the father
bunt over the corpse with weeping eyes
and. lacerated liearl ami cxduiuiua : "oho
did not know tlioro was such a thing as
death. " It is a fact that neoiilc have
lived to bo adults there before tliey ever
heard of death.
Circumstances lic omlj our control
have delayed tlie closing out of our en
tire stock as we had Jntrhosed.
The npproaehinff scas'on of spring1
trade finds us with a goodly stock of
Dry foous and carpets , ifjoinG Ji"2 ! : De
pleted but cleared of undesirable goods.
> i
Being in the dry gooils business wo
know of no bettor place to continue the
same than in Council Uli'ills. Wo shall
therefore re-stock every department
with new and seasonable goods. Our
3Ir. E. E. Harkncss , is now making pur
chases in eastern markets , anil we shall
soon have aTe
To offer our customers. Onrcarpot de-
partinentwill be complete with the new
patterns of
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Etc. . Etc. , Curtains awl curtain poods
from domestic and foreign markets.
Wo have already on our tables the
choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham
burg embroideries over offered in the
city , ane an excellent assortment of
Avhite ffoods to which wo shall make
frequent additions.
We thank our many patrons for their
favors and ffood will in tlio past , and
wo shall endeavor to merit the sumo in
the future , by attention to their inter
ests , and by peed goods and we invite
all to call and examine our now pur
chases before buying in other markets.
Harkness Bros
Council Bluffs,1 Iowa.
Faimat a Bargain ,
\Vell Improved farm of 107 acres for sale ;
2)J ) miles from Council luirp. Address
Council Dluffg.
Horses und Mules kept constantly on hand ,
for f ale at ictall or In car loads.
Order * promdtly tilled by contract 911 short
notlco. Stock sold on comiiila-iofi.
8I1LUTKU & UOLKV , Proprietors.
Stable Corner Filth Avcuuo and Fourth St
Council Illutls Iowa.
ziO'crsEs o 1
Agricultural Implements , Boggles ,
Cnrrlase , EIo , Uto. Council HlufTs , lown.
Corn Shelters , Stalk Cutters ,
DlsoIIartows , Seeders , Corn Planters , VooJ Cul
ture , Factory , Hock Kails , Ills.
Xo .lf01,1UI , , 130s 1507 Main St. , Council llliiffj.
Mnn'ir'rs nn I.Iou ! > or3 of
Agricultural Implenmts.Wagons . , Baggies ,
Cnrtlfijro * . nnl ; nil kin Is ot I'nrm Mno'ilmrr.
11UO to 1113 South Main Street , Counl ! liluifii ,
r.O. GtF ON , T. H.louniA < < , Ur.o.F. WIUOIIT.
I'rcs.fcTrens. V.-I'ro &Mnti. Soa.VConnsol.
Council Bluffs"Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
Manufacturer * of A\lo , Tick , Slo'ljro nnil Small
llnmllps , of 01 cry tlcscilptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery OooJs ,
Ktc. No. 433 lltonlwny Council Muffs ,
Wholesale Jobborg In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipss ,
Nos. 23 Main nnd L'7 1'o.irl Sis. , Council
lown ,
Fruit and Produce Cominissbn Merchants ,
No. 11 Pearl St , Council lllnirs.
Jfannfttcturcrs of
Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Ca'w ,
f , lawit.
Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.GlasswaM .
Lnmps , Fruit .Tats , Cutlery , Stoneware. liar
Qoodd , Fancy ( Joodi. Etc. Council llluHs ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , Ktc. No. 3 > fnln St. , nnj
No. 11'carl St. , Council ttluirs.
? I.E. . SMITH & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of wjf GDds ? ,
Notions , Hto. Nos. 112 and 114 Mulit St. , Nos. 113
aU'Il51'nfl ! St. , Council Dluffs , town.
Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 543 Broadway ,
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 und 18 Pcail St. , Council muffs.
Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries ,
Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council Bluffs ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 liroud-
way , Council DlutTs.
P. C. DE VOL' ,
Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves ,
Hefrlgerntora. etc. Not. Wl firoadway , and 10
Miiln street. Council Uluffn.
JInnufacturcrs of and Wholosulo Doilors In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. C2o Miiln St. . Council lUuffa , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
Nos.312 and 314 Hro.iilway , Council lllutTs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council lilulfs , Iowa.
1) . H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TuUowWool , 1'olts , Grouse nnd Fura Council
, lowii.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisollna
S. Theodore , A cnt , Council llliiils. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
And Ilrlilso Matcrlul Snoclulllf > sWholosnlo
her ot ull Kinds. Otllcu No , IM Main BU ,
L'ouficll lllnira. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
Agent for St. Ciotthnrn's Hurb HlttPH No , 13
Mtiln St. , Council Illuirs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Aii 000 Afutii St. ,
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Exprnss Company.
No. 337 Brpadv/oyJ Council BluUs , (
llrlck b.ilMlm mtv kind ratupil or tnovod nnil satisfaction guaranteed , frame houics moved
onUitloOlant truoks-tho best In the worlL ri
803 Eighth Avenue mid Eighth Street , Council Bluffs.
NOTICi : . Special RdvcrthemonH , such n9
Lost.Fouud , To LJ.IH , Fo3 ito , To , WniH
Hoardingetc , will bo InsartoJ In thU colnmii'tt
thelow rate of TEN CKKTd TKH I.1N15 for the
nrstlniortlon ml FIVK OK.VT3 I'HU LttfS for
ench snbsoauont In ortlon. Ij'ju-o alvortUj
racntsat our oillco , No. U Paarl straot , near
llioadway , Council tlluirs.
WANl'Kl ) A ffli'l lor Keneinl homoivo .
No. lO'JUuncioft ' biii'ft , Council Illuirs.
l\ANTI3H A Blrl lor ccncrnl hntteannik In
TI a unnll fninily. Apply nt 17.11 Ilroivl ny.
FOR SAM : Old nnpcrs. In iinaiitltlcs to suit ,
at lice onico.No. U 1'oiul stioet.
FOU HUNT Five loom uottajro. liiqulro nt
K 0 Tourth fill cut , or ol Mc.MIcken , HID
Plainer street.
SWAN & WAMCKIt , No. M .Main stroct ,
( iiiiclcrCitl/on'a Hi'ik ' ) , real estuto aim mer-
chiimllso oxclmimo brokei's. Our books are full
ot special ImiKitlim , but It M linpojsit > lo to pill- )
llsh uiollnbloiM from tliu fact of so uiiiuy clallv
clumsr ? . What wo nsk Is : If you wnnt to soil
ortrndo nnj thliiff In our line , \trlto us nnd wo
will send you ti pllo of Imwtln ? to select fi-oin.
Lanils linprovoil or unlniprovo.l , olty or town
proporty.slock-i of woods ol" any Itlnd In any
jilnci11 B'luh j on have or su li yon want lot 113
ncui from you. Swan & Walker Council
Manufacturers of nil slzea oC
Automatic Engines
Especially DoslsnoJ for Ilunntair
Tubular and Locomotive Boilers.
New Massillon ThrcshoM.
Corey and Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portauie 22 $ Traction Enaincs ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch IIouso
510 Pearl St. , Council Bluftk
Pure lead. . Zinc and Oil
Am Just ns represented , free from udultmn-
tlon.nml tlio very lio-t innniifactnruil , n fact
tint ciui lie nnbstaiitliitod by actual coniparl-
eons. 1'or sale by
Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc.
C07 Main Btroot , Council Bluffs.
S&ailway Time Table ,
The followliiB Is the time of arrival nnd
departure ot trains by central standard tlrao. ut
tbo local depots. Trulni leave transfer ilopot ton
minutes oarllor und arrive ton minutes later :
9:20 : A. M . Mull and Express . 0:50p. : M.
12:40F : M . Acconimodutlou . 4Mi' : . M.
bUf. ) U . Kxpruss . 'J:0j : A. M.
0-30 A. i . Wall und Eiprobs . 8:50 : P.M.
7-15 A. M . Accommodation . 6:45 : P.M.
( , .mp. M . Express . UOJA. : M.
0:20 : A. M . Mall and Ktpifbs. . . . . . . . 0M : p. M ,
C:00r. : M . xpic B . 'JOjA. : M.
ciiiCAon. nuitt.iNnro.s A rjuiNCV.
0:40 : A. u . Mull and K.xprcss . UMr.
: S'jp.M ' . i.x-o : | | s . 9:05 :
2:15 P. M. Local St. Louis KVJU-CKS Local .
UOOP.M.TrnnsfcrSt. : Louis ISx. Transfer. ' ! : ! ! ! ) P. M
10:10 : A. M . Jlall and Uxpress . f > : ' ! 0p. M.
UKlfip.M . Kiprcss . 05A.M. : !
7:15A.M : . . .Bloux City Mall . CtfOp. r.
CuO I'.u , . , . . fit. 1'aul Kxprcss . B : JA.U.
JOuSA.M : . lo ) ivnr Kxpross . . . . . .6:45i : > . M.
Sl3f. : M. . . Lincoln Vast. , Dm. iV It V..atj : ) P. > l.
7:60 : r.w . OverlHiid Kinross . 8:15 : A.M.
Leave Council llunrs7W8llJU10:33 ) : : : : -
lli : a. in. ; itw ytx ) 3 : ) 4ra : ; 55 : ! nsj :
3:45-11:15 : p. m. Bundaj'7:05llJOa. : : : .
m ; S'J' : ) : ian-6"S : : 0iO : ; IIMIn. in. LonvoOma-
lS-7:35-8M-10Oi-ll'XJa. , : : : : . inl.WSiao -
i:00-l:00-5:00-0il ) : : : : , ' > nt 11:10 : p.m. Sundays
ia5-7:60--- ) : : < :4'l-ll:00n. : ' : m. : K:00a : : < W BOJ- :
6:05-8:15-11:10 : : v m.
Council Bluffs Bus
Carriage Transfer Co.
I.ou IH it Ai-ntl , Props.
I'n'Bontcoi'i and bngc.u'o taken to nnd from
all tiulns. llussei.cauliiirc'sniid bttKi'iiBOrajr -
0113 iiiu'io connection ! ivltli ull tr.tlns. Prompt
attention vlvon to nil culls fipoelal lotos to
thuiitrletil tiunjmsnnd coininoic'iul incii. Car-
rlUKea run iluy nnd nlclit. Oniro nt Odon
IIouso. Tolcpbo.tu l M. AIM at. llecUtelo'a
Hotel. Lfuveoulcrson ' .lio latoa.
AllY.'oiSf riret-Cliifa. Office In
Mrs , C.L , Gil ilte's ' Half Goods Slow ,
No. 29 Main St. , Council B'tifTs ' , Opp , Postodlce.
runs. ornosR. w > " *
I itNi to rripoctfnlly call the Attention of my
put rans nnit the public In Komirnl , to my rcma-
al from the old stnml Nos. 7 nmlp , Main flfl
to my now nnd commodious qunrlors ,
No. 226 Broadway ,
Xro ! ! ? wln la I'lonpeJ ' to see my tunny f rlondj.
A\lthnliireo , now nuil complete assortment bt
till the VITJ *
LATEST Fabrics in Spring STILES
.Ami bolnfr located In Inrjfo qunrtore I nm bettor
than over before prepared to sen o tlio pUbllo.
Huspi'ct Hilly ,
J. M , SMITH ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 33roadwnyCouncil Bluflfo.
Practices in Stata and Federal Courts.
Hooms T und 8 , Buu-wrt Ulonk.
At Homer's ,
Xo. 23 JItiiii Street. Council Blufft. la
B. BICE , M.
Ovcrthlrty years' nrict.oal ovnorlonao.
o. Jl 1'u.ul Strcut , Count U 111U1I3.
'nw. I\V. Tm.i.i vs , Vloo-Pros.
JAMES K. UiioiVNi Cashier.
Capital $ iCCOQQ
A\ttboriaed Capital 300,000
Stockholders Represent 1,000,000
Do a gcncint banldnir bnsln"3i.
Accounts of batiks , iKiijUcis , iiicrclinU = , man
ufacturers ami Individuals received on fnvora-
bio terms.
Domestic and foreign oxclinnso.
The very best o" attention tjlvcu to all bus !
ness committed lo our Cm J.
1 liavo a quantity of Eound , well olcnnetl seed
which J offer nt roasonnblo flfrnrrs. Eocd of tlio
crop of 18S.5. Coiiospondenco bollcltcd. P. G.
nUTLVH , Sclmllor , Io\vn. C. & N. W. Ry.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bonirht nnd sold , nt lotall and
lu lotB. Seventy-six head of tlio very best
nunllty ol mules now on hand. Council 111 u Its
Baggage & Transfer Line.
This nnd uafrsnjro wagons connect with nl
trains to all hotils , losldenecs , etc. Special nt-
CAL TltOUI'153. 1'roinpt nllcnllo ! ) srlvon nil
colls. Office at Paclllo House , Tclopliono No
140 ; also Telephone No. 1-3 ut 0 dcn House.
H. BEECROFT , Proprietor.
CjcL.Ri.PB 1 S-
Bugs , Mattings ,
Window Sliacles.Efcc
Wholesale and Retail.
Spring KlWl-Oiir stonk is now com
plete and contain ! ) the ncwcHt designs
and colorings in all grudmi of Carpets ,
Curtains , Hugs , Upholstery Uoodn , etc.
J'Ol'UhAIl J'lUOKS-Miiil orders at
tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery
Work to order.
103 Uroudway.
Lochsng Brackof fsr Fossoes
AND oninn HAILS , HOP * . iTC. :
ji-EKC'Ks uuii/r wrriKJUT NAILS.
Any pint millly taUon out or lojilnco ] . Tor
plfktl or i all fciio-Ji , lion orwooil.uiuniot \ *
celled lor uilllnif of nny Bon. I'or particular *
write C , J. lilX'KMAN. Invuntor.
Council Dlults ;
StMa ntvJ county rlalila forsulu.
A. T , EL/ELL ? / ,
No. 657 II road war , CJouncll IlluITi
Iu Council niuffc bavin ; ;
Fire BS
And nil modern Improvement : ) , call I/JJA Ur
Rlatin bells , etc. , Istuo
Noi.213 , S17 ud 219 , Main Street ,
- . X MOILS' , I'io-rl9ttr |