Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Irrogulnr. at ( ifftircs which show a net loss on
most of the active stocks.
sU.S. 100 , ' < ,0. , & .N. W
' U.S. , 112 ? < preferred. . .
,1 New 48 120 N. Y. C
Pacific C's of 05. 120 % Orctron Tran. . .
Central 1'aclfio. . IXi ) Pncllic Mall. . . . .
C.&A 139 P. , I ) . &E
preferred. . . . 165 P.P.O 123
C.B. AC ) Island. . . . 12.
1 > . , L.AAY _ . . .
D.AJI.0 15 preferred. . . 41
Erie , 24& 0. , M. A SU P. . . 8GJ
preferred. . . . 51 preferred. . 118JJ
lllnolsCentral. ISSJf SU V. & O 3T.Jf
; * wvv. ; ; ; ; preferred. . .
Kansas ATcxos. Texas Pacific. . .
LnkcShoro 80 Union Pacific. . .
Jj. & N * . . . W. , StL.P. .
Mich. Contra ! . . . . preferred. . .
Mo. 1'acllic 103 Western Union
' | > ft T
Northern 1'nc. . . '
preferred. . . * Kx. IMv'idend.
Uliloncn. March > . Flour Xotlilne do-
ItiKS winter wheat llonr. 84.40C < w.M :
ooutltern , 84.oo < 34.rwVlsconsln : , S < n06j4.W ;
Michigan soft sprine wheat , gaTOC .OO : Min
nesota bakers' , si.M4.fio : ; iiatents , S4.Go@
5.00 : low erodes , S2.00@3.00.
Wheat Active and unsettled ; opened at
} { ( < tic below jnstcrday's close , advanced
$ , receded | < c , became weak. scllitiB
off } c mnro and closed % c. under yesterday ;
r < 53 lor March ; 7 5 < o for May.
Com Fairly acllvo but unsettled : strong
early advanced K ( } < c , declined KMK , and
closed at about Jnsldo prices but reacted to
Onts Quiet and d"ull but steady ; figures at
outside quotations yesterday ; 2Uc lor cash ;
27c for March ; ! W5c for May.
Ilyc Dull atr/iKo for March.
JJarlcy Dull nt ( We.
Timothy-Prime , 31.85Q1.60.
.Flaxsced No. 1 , S1.10.
Whisky 81.14. . ,
1'urk Light demand ; declined 1
lint closed steady at Insldo litruros ; t.70f ) (
0.75 tor cali ; S .07 @ 0.70 for March ;
9.77 i for May.
Lard StioiiKcr and 2Ve higher SO.OOiJ ?
for cash and Marc ; for
liu'lk Meats Shoulders , 8n.OOSn.05 ( ; short
clear. S5.GOji0.00 ( ; short ribs. S5.XQ5.SK. : ) :
IJultcr Steady ; ( rood extra creamery , IS ®
Slcj choice to linodalry,15Hc.
Cheese Finn ; full cream chei'dars , 10 ®
10J < Tc ; Hats , 10@llo ; Young Americas , llm )
12c : Hats , 4@rc.
Cifecn , 0 } c : heavy erren salted ,
; light , 8'4"c : damaged. Otfc : bull liltloi.
Co : dry salti : < f , liJ e ; dry Mint , FJ@Uo ; calf
skins , 10@l.'Jc.
Tallow o. 1 country , 4 } c.
ICeccint" . bhipments.
Flour. Wil'j . 10,000 11,000
Wheat , bit . 41,000 ' .000
Corn , tm . 274,000 50,000
OatUm . bSOOO 60,000
Uyebtl . 2,000 4,000
JJarluy.bu . 31,000 40.000
8tlonlfl , March 24. Wheat-Weak ; No.
2 red , cash , b7 c ; May , S9c.
Corn Kasy ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , KJJf@34c ;
May , 5W'ttc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , SOc ;
May , BOKc.
AVhiskv Firm at S1.10.
Pork-Steady at 810.25.
Butter Quiet but steady ; creamery , 25 ®
SOc ; dairy. I8@20c.
& Xc higher. Corn K@ c lower. Oats
Liverpool , March tti. Wheat Oir c < .
moderately ; new No. 2 winter , dull at 7s
% d ; spring , dull at 7s 4d.
Flour Supply good ; steady at 8s 2d.
Corn Supply uood ; spot , 4s ; March , easy
nt 4s ; April and May , easy at 4s l } d.
Toledo , March 24. Wheat Excited ; cash ,
Corn Steady : cash , 38Kc.
Oats Unchanged.
Kansas City , March 24. Wheat
Unsettled ; cash , fi3o bid , ( M o asked ; April ,
CCKc bid , fi7J < Tc asitcji ; May. Ot > % @ 70c ,
Corn-Quiet ; cash , 20Kc bid ; April , 27c
bid , 28 > c asked ; May , aifc asked.
Oats-Casli and May , 2S } < fc bid , 20 > c asked.
Now Orleans , March 24. Corn Strong
and higher at 4Cc.
Oats Steady at SOc.
Corn meal Steady at S2.10.
Provisions Firmer , but not quotably
Ughcr ; the firmness boiiitf caused by the rail
road strike In Kansas City checking the sup
Lard Hullned tierce , S5.75.
Bulk Meats Light demand but holders
firm ; shoulders , S4.00 ; long clear and clear
ribs , Sft.50.
Now Yorlc , March -Wheat Kecelpts
11,000 ; exports , 100.000 ; spot steady ; options
opened rather easier , aitorwatds strength
cncrt and advanced ? @ ; < o , later ruled easier ,
declined J < @ 13 < c , cloMim steadier with re
covervof J < J 3fc ; ! ; ungraded red , 87c ; No. 2
redUi ! > c In sloro ; ft'J u alloat ; May closing at
Kic.CornSnot , higher but less active : options
opened Jf@JijO better , later declined : ® %
closing steady ; receipts , 0,000 ; exports : nnunuled , 44.j40 ( | < fc ; No. 3 , WA < &
45VcNo. ; 2 , 40 c In elevator ; May closing
at 'I7Vc.
Oats Higher and moderately active ; re
ccipts , : uxpoits , 5 ; mixed western , lib
@ : ik ( ; : whlto wpstiTii , : i-Hc. ! )
Petroleum Steady ; United closed al74c.
ElCgb Fair demand and firm ; receipts
0,000 packages ; western , lJM@liKc. ! :
hard l.owpr and dull ; western btoam ,
spot , Sfl.Uffr'i.5 : ( : May , 50.B@fl. : : .
Butter Kalr domiuid nnd urm.
Cliecso Quiet but ( Irmly held.
Milwaukee , March 24. Wheat Steadier
cash , 77,1 < c ; May , bO'fc : June , 81c.
Corn-Dull ; No. 2M5Xc ! ,
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , ! IH < c.
Ityo-Dnll ; No. 1. ( lie.
Bailey Firmer ; No. 2 , Glc ,
Provisions Steady : mess pork , cash and
March , S ! .75 ; May. 89.85.
Cincinnati. Miirch 21. Wheat Quiet
No. 3 red , SKg'JOe.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , yj
Oats Stronger : No. 3 mixed ,
ltyi Strong ; No. 2 , or.5if.7c ,
Bailey Quiet and unchanged.
Pork Dull at Sio.00.
hard Strong at i-0.00.
Whisky-Quiet at S1.10.
Mliinonpoiiu. Match 24. Wheat Un
nettled : fiiiuicH lower with stinted demand
No. 1 haul , cash. tWc ; April , 85J/c ; May
/u.luiie. ; . ssc : No. 1 noithcrn , cash , 7'Jc
Ajirll , 7HM ; May , SO e. : Juno , Sic.
Flour Inactive , patents , . < 4.0.5@-l.b5 ; bak
llecolptH Wbent , : : r.,000 Im : Hour , 70 bbls
Sldpments Wheat , 10,000 bu ; Hour , 14,000
bbls. _ _
clilciiKo , MtuchSl. Tlio Drovers' Jotirna
rejiorts ;
Cattle Kecelpts , fi.000 ; slow and weak
hhlpiiiui. , S.'UK5rO ) ; stockeix uiul feeders
SiJ.ful.'i ; ( ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , S'J.
: i.7."i ; bulk , S'-(10 ( < . 3.00 ; eastern bh
iloing almost notliliiL" .
llo s Kecelit8 | , 12..VX ) : stioni : nnd So
higher : loiisli and mixed , S4.1@l.r.i ( ) ) ; pack
ing and shipping S .8.5iJl.70 ; light , 84.00 ®
4.45i ; his Ips. S2.W > < ji 3.00.
Sheep Kecolpts , aXH , ( ) ; atinngcr ; natives
S'.1,7.Xi7.ri ! ; lambs per head , S4.i5@4.50.
St. Ijci-il - * . March 31. Cattlo-llocelpts
! iOO ; shipments , notiu ; not enough btocK to
malio a maiket ; pilees nominally firm aiu
Hogs Hncelpts , SOO ; t-lilmnciit1 ; , 1,400 ; ac
tive and .Vf ) 10n hlgliur ; butchets' and cliolr
heavy , 84.0 : ! < au..1iO ; mixcu paclilng , 54.00 ®
KniiHiisClty , March St. Halltoad double
still continues and trade is at a standstill.
Cattle lUvelpts. 10 ; shipments , none
practically no market.
Hogs Itecelpts , SOO : slilpmenls , none
steady ; a few sal s were mnde at fe3,25.25
Wednesday Kveiilir. . March 21.
Tlio tccelptb weto lighter to-duy on botl
cattui and hogs , wldlutheiu w.xs an Incieas
In tlm teeelpts of hlieep. The packing hous
was unable to inn Its beet packing deiiat t
luiiiit to its ftdl capacity on uccuunt ot
scaicety of cattle.
Ucceipts ut cattle weio light and the mar
Uct steuly. Dii'sscd beef steers are In gooi
dcmaiul. ButclieiV stulT Is quiet and lower
owing to Hit ) slow demand. Shipping cattl
tin ; in good di'imtnd and meet with road )
half , ' 1 o-day s quotations are : Choice to ux
Ira steoi.s , nvcia lni : 1,403 to ! ,500 Ibs , .
l.Bi : fulr to good , averaging 1.200 t
1.S.V.I ll , S4.2M4.GO : medium , averaging 1.200
to IH.0 ibs , 4,004.15 : medlinn , avei-.tsin ) ,
1,100 to 1.HX ) Ihs , $ : i.'S < 5i.Ui : ; good to fa
cows and heifers , gi.233.50 ; ; medium cow
and Heifers. SATftafclOO ; _ cou to extra stag
and linlls ,
.Thtf ling maiket was about 10c' higher to
day nnd linn. Choice mediiimip.'u-kcib.uio < i
domaud and coJibtitut the oulygiade hellin.
o any extent. Thcro la not much sale at
he present time for mixed lots. Hops
atS3.SWl3.fO ! good mixed at 83.75(33.95. (
The sheep market is quiet. Uood shipping
ots , averaging 100 to 125 lb , S4.00frZ4.rx ) ; me
dium butchers' ' , 60 to IK ) Ibs , S
Cattle . . . 200
logs , . , . 000
Sheep . 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
0 . 1043 83.W ) 7.W. S4.40
29 , . U7.-I 3.70 0 . 1315 4.CO
5 . 1CW8 3.85
mr.nnii" .
\o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 . 785 S3.50 41 . 070 S3.CO
cow. .
\o. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
7 . 1211 Sa'r , 4'i . 1105 & 3.70
C . 10C-1 3.25
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 . SKW S',75 1 . 1100 S2.85
S . 1030 2.85
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
13 . MM $3.00 12 . b73 $3.15
sttr.Ki * .
No. Av. Pr.
JIS . W S4.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
M . 25'J ? 3.S'i 81 . 213 84.00
81 . 2-,2 ! l.05 r,4 . 205 4.00
75 . 211 atO 71 . 207 4.00
05 . 210 3.115
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
5 . 318 S'.70 ! 8 . 310 S3.70
5 . 820 ! ! .70
inoiir.sT ANn i.own T.
Showing the hiirlicst and lowest prices paid
on this market for mixed packing hoes dur-
Ine tuo nast seven days and for the corre-
spotullng period last month
February. Marcn
Wednesday 83.75 ( S4.05 S3.75
Thursday. . 3.75
Friday 3.75 3.70
Saturday 4.00 ( rf ! 1. 15
Monday 4.00 @I.15 .
Tuesday 3.0 J ® i,10 3.75 ® 3.00
Wednesday 3.S5 3.70 M4.00
All sales ot stock in tills market arts made
per cwt. llvo weight unless otherwise
stated. Dead hogs sell at 1e per Hi for all
weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less
than 100 Ibi , no value. Pregnant sows are
docked 40 los and sings SO Ibd.
Choice cows sell icadlly.
Everybody talking about "strikes. "
Two loads of tut cows bi ought S3. 70.
This hog market ROCS up another notch.
Bulls and common butcher stock , lower.
Fitteou cars of 11033 were shipped fioin the
yards to-day.
The receipts of hogs are averaging heavier
than lust week.
Shall wu sort the ho s ? Continues to bo
leading question.
Bulls that would have sold on Monday at
S'i.25 ' ate slow to-day at S00.
Four cars of sheep , four cars of cattle , and
two of horses were shipped to-day.
Country roads arc Impiovlng , they say ,
Farmers can get their hess to maiket
J. Koacii , manager of the Frontier Cattle
Co. , was at the yards to-day with two loads
of cattle ,
II. S. Manvlllp. manager of the Converse
Cattle Co. , bold t'vo "cars of cattle on the
market to-day.
General Markets ,
Wednesday Evening , March 24.
Enas Tlio receipts were mete liberal to
day and the market not quite as linn. Sales
ranged at IKftlSe.
Burrnn The lollowlng are the prevailing
prices : Choice rolls are quoted at in@lOc ;
J'air to good , © 10c ; Inferior. 4ic ( ; cream
ery. in 1 11) bricks , > ! 30c. Only the very
choicest grades will bilng top price ? .
: Fancy fullcrcam Cheddars. Octo
ber make. HJ c : Jlats , 12 > ; C ; young
America , lie ; first quality Swiss cheese ,
lOc ; second quality , 1314o {
Pout.Tity Tlio market Is bareof choice
poultry and the demand IB good. Choice
dressed chickens are quoted at 8@9c ; tur
keys 80c ; choice gccso nnd ducks , 9c. A
few choice to fancy turkeys might go as high
as lOc. Live chickens are quoted at 53.00 ®
( { AMP. With the exception of a few ducks
nothing lias been iccoivcd In the line of came
woith mentioning. Prices for the most part
10 nominal. Prairie chickens , per doz ,
2.W ) ; quail , per doz. S1.251.50 ; jack rab-
ts , per doz. S'i50T(3.00 ( : mallard ducks , SAOO
2.25 : teal ducks. § 1.25 ; mixed ducks , 31.25
1.50 ; small rabbits. 75)0o ) : ceeso,83.00
I'ltr.SEitvus , JKI.I.IKS , ETC. Preserves , nil
Inds , 20-lb. pails per ib. lOc ; do in pallets
ots , per Ib. 9Kc : assorted 5-lb. pails per crate ,
0 pails , S3.75. Jellies , all kinds , first grade ,
20-lb. palls , per Ib. 8c ; assoited , first grade ,
5-lb , palls , per crate , 0 pails , 82.50 : do ,
1-lb. pails , per case , 2 doz. S'-.25 ; do , tumb
lers , per cac , 2 doz. , S1.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second grade , 30-lb. palls , per Ib. 5c. Mince
meat , best grade Jf bbl. pcrlb. 7c ; do , 18 ,
! W nndCS-b. | pails , per 2-lb. 7 c ; do. 5-lb
palls , per ct ate. 0 palls , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extra fine , Kbbl. per lb,7c ; do 40-lb pails ,
perlb , 7Kc ; do , 5-lb jialls , per crate , 0 palls ,
S'J.75. Pcnch and plum butter. 40-lb pails , per
Ib , 9Kcpeach ; plum and quince butter , as
soited , 5-lb pails , pcrciate , 0 pails , S3.75 ;
catsup , per case , 8 doz , pint bottles , § 5.00 ;
hoiso radish , pint bottles , per do$1.50. .
Pins'rFiiKT. Titii'E , ETC Pigs' tcct , per y
bbl , S4.00 ; do , ! f bbl. 82.00 ; do , jier kit , 'Me.
Lambs' tongues , per bbl , 53.50 ; do , per
kit , S2.75 ; do , quart jars per doz , 55.50 ; do ,
pint jars per case , 2 do87.00. . Tripe , per K
bbl,54.00 ; do , per bbl , 52.00 ; do , per kit ,
SAUHII KitAtiT Best quality , 45 pal bbl ,
S7..W ; 30 gal bbl , 50.50 ; 15 gal bbl. S 1.00.
NUTS Pecans , large polished. He ; pecans ,
medium , Uc : English walnuts , Me ; nlmonds ,
Tarragona ; do , Languenoc , 17c ; Brazils ,
I2c ; lilbetts , 14o ; jieanuLs , hand picked , fancy
"Viiglnia He ; do. roasted. lOc.
UOMII HO.VEY California 2 iDframn iK ) Ibs ,
In case pcrlb. , 15 ; 10 Ib. frames , Nebraska.
CiDEit Michigan refined , per bbl. , 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . S4.00.
VINEOAH Wlilto wine , lOc ; elder , 12Kc.
CoroA.MJTH At S4.50' f ) . < JO.
NEW Fins , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 5 and
8-lb boxen , per Ib , I0@l7c ; Pmnelk-s. 2Mb
boxes , per Ib , Uc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per Ib , 14o ; do , fancy Persian , W-lb
boxes , per Ib. He
LEMONS I'ancy Messina and Palermo , per
bov , 85.50 : do. choice Medina and I'aleimo ,
per box , g.00do. ; per 5 box lot , 84.00@4.75.
California lemons , 53.75 per box.
BANANAS Per bunch , according to size
52.rx ) : i.5'j.
CocoANtirs Per 100 , 54.50 ; less than 100 ,
vOIIANOES Choice Los Angeles , per box ,
52.75 : do , 5-box lots , per box , SifiO ; do , 10-box
lots , S2.5U ; fancy Hlversldo , S3.75 ; do , 5-box
lots. g.50 ! ! : Navels , S5.00.
CitAMii'.iiiiiKS Choli'o Jersey , Bell and
Bugle , per bbl , 50.00 : bush box , sl'.OO.
Ov.vrins"Ncw : York counts , ' 45c : extra
selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ; atandarus ! ) c ;
mediums , 2.r > e. .
PIIOVISIONS. Ham , ( i osbreakfast bacon'
bWo ; clear side bacon , 7 , u ; dry Raited
Bides , 0 > 4o : hluitt rib Hides , tlKc ; blioulder * ,
5 > 'e ; messpoik , S1I.OU uer bbl ; di led beef ,
ham pieces , I''u ; hud , tleicen , OKc ; M ) Ib
cans , 7o ; 10 Ib cans ( Pali minks ) , 7c : 5 Ib
cans do , 7 ? c ; 3 Ib cans do , 7Kc ; boneless
ham lOc.
Vinr.rAiu.K : < i Cabbage , SOO Ibcratcs , 3cper
Ib ; caul Illower.S 3.50 perdozasparagus,15c ; per
Ih ; celeiy.Ciunt. 81.50 pcrdoz ; Hweet potatoes ,
Jei > eys , 4cperlb ; intabagus , Si&O per bbl ;
pieplant , lAu ) KT Ib : radishes , 50c per do < ;
green onions. 'UM per do/ .
I.KH Fancy N. V , lialdwinsnnd gn'en-
PorA'iois : Kvtm choice Nebiaska and
Iowa , 55GiCOc ; fair to good , 40@50o ; Salt
Lake potatoes , per bu. 73c.
ONIONS Choice Ohio yellow , per bbl ,
ONioNs Cholco stock Is not plenty at
Sl.OO per bu. Salt Lake yellow Is quoted at
. .
BEANS Hand ulckcil navy. 51.75 ,
hand-pickinl medium , 51.50 1.75 ; L-ond ck-ai
countrr. 8l.25L50j inferior. 75c(5..00 ( : Caii-
foinia pea beans , S1.5 ; Calitoinia bay bcan .
( Jii.vss SKKDSClover. . 00 Iba. tobuslici ,
choice ted. 57.50 : White Dutch , 58.010.5U ;
Alfalfa , S0.00@10.00 : AUyke. S7.o6@7.50 ;
Mammolh. 87.tX7.50 ) : Timothy , choice , 45
Ibs. to bush. . fc2.\3.50 ) ; Blue Uniss , 14 Ibs.
per . -
dbli Uhto ur Ityu Grass , U Ibt. per bush. ,
IN Elevator prices for CUT lots : Corn ,
20'4c : oats , s.'ct whcit , 58Xc ; rye , 45c ; barley -
ley , 4Sc. On the streets and at the mills :
Corn , 22c : oats , 25@2Sc ; wheat , No. 2 , COc ;
rye. 45@50c. .
II.OVR and MILT.STUFF9 "iVinter wheat
flour , best quality patent , S3.XKS3.10 ( ; second
quality , SJ.50@ : .uO : best quality tpring
wheat Hour , patent , Si50tai75 : buckwheat
flour , In barrels. S5.75 ; ready raised 31b pack
ages , 84.00 ; 0 lb packages , 83.00 ; bran. 5V :
per cwt : chopped iced , Toe per ewt ; whlto
corn meal , SOcyellow ; corn meal. 70cper cwt.
fciecnlng , COc per cwt ; hominy. S1.50pcr cwt ;
shorts , we per cwt : graham , 31.75 per cwt ;
hay. In bales. S Vol7.00 Dcr ton.
s-Ui con butchers , 0 } < e ; srcen cured.
7 icdry : flint. llf-JlHc : dry salt , twioc : dam-
aced hide ? two-thlids price. Tallow 'Jc.
Ure.iso , pilmo white , a e ; yellow , 3c ;
brown. SJjc. Sheet ) Pelts 25M75c
Funs A : n Siuxs Mink. each. 10(240a ( ;
muskrat. winter. 2@5c : do. kits. ! c ; Otter ,
52.500UW ; skunk , shoit striped , 15fW5c : do.
brostl striped , 10@15 ; badger. 2550 : llac
coon. Mo. l large. o@0 : do. No. 2. 20 30 :
do. No. 3. loA35c , ; wolf , praltlo 60 ( < Z > 7 > c :
do. mountain. 82.00(3,3.00 ( ; wildcat. 15(3 ( 10 ; bea-
vcr , S1.50Q2.50 per lb : fox. each.iO (31.75 ( :
deerskin : , drvwinter , n fil5c pcrlbdo. ; fall
and summer , 15f i2c : aute.opc. 5. .10.- per lb
Lr.ATiiint No. 1 Pitlsburg harm-si. J. C.
L. vyoiifi.fiONo. : . 1I'lttsburrf. K. its. ! " > G ? :
Mo. 1 Inee leather , 0 c : pilmo slaughter solo
leather , 23' < Kic : ! : pilmc oak solo leathers ®
Site. Uppcr leather , per loot , 20'iKo' ; hem.
kip , 75CnN" > c : oak kip , 8.i.- ! > c : Freueh kip ,
S1.0W.25 ; hem. calf , Sl.otfl.10 ) ( ; oak calf ,
S1.0C1.25 ; French c.\lf , S1.25(31.S5 ( ; Moiocco
boot leg , 80frtre : ; Moiocco oil pebble , 2 $ ® > 2c ;
toppinu's and Unities , SO.OOWlo.oo per doz.
Co.u. Anthracite grate. SS.25 ; egg , SN.25 ;
ratine , S3 50 : che tnnt. Ss.50 ; Iowa. S3.50 ;
Walnut bluck , 53.76 ; Illinois , S5.00 ; Missouri ,
lli'AW llAiimv.vm : lion , rates , S2.35 ;
plow steel , spe'.hl east , 4c ; trticlble steel , Cc ;
each , 75e ; sinuro nuts , per Ib. 7 < reilc ; coil
chain , per Ib , ( k12c ? : malleabl" . Ofe'So ' : Iron
wedges , Cc : ciowbars , Cc ; imrrow teeth , 4c ;
spilng steel , 7C' c ; Uuidcn'.s horsesliocs.
Sl.4' ' ) : Burden's ninlc shoes , S5.40. IJaibcd
AVIrc , in car lots , S4.00 per 10D Ibs. Iron
Nails , luloi , 10 to 00 , { ? : t,00. Shot-Sl.rx ) :
buiikshot , Sl.W : oriental powder , kegs , § 3.50
fft 1.00 ; do , half kegs , § 2.00 ; do , quarter kegs ,
Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , saU5 ; fuse , per 100 feet ,
50.Le.ul Bar , SUB.
Dnv PAI.VIS Whlto lead , So ; French ylnc ,
12c ; Paris \\hitlng , 2' ' < fo ; whiting gilders ,
IJtfc : whiting , com'l ' , ijfc ; lampblack , ( ! er-
mantown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , fee ;
Prussian blue , 55a ; ultramarine , ISic ; vandyke -
dyke , brown , Be ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber ,
raw. 4o ; sienna , burnt. 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ;
Parts giecn. genuine , 23i ; Paris
innn , 20c ; elnomu green , X. Y , , 20c ; chrome
gicen , K , 12c ; vermillion , English , In oil ,
COc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans ,
12o ; raw and burnt sienna , 1'Jc ; Vandyke ,
biown , l".c ; reliued lampblack , 12c ; coach
black and Ivory black , 10s ; drop black , IGc ;
Prussian blue , 40o : ultiamarluo blue , ISe ;
chiomo preen , L. , M. it U. , Die : blind and
shutter green , L. , M. & U. , Kio ; Paris giecn ,
IBc ; Indlnn red , I5c ; Venetian led , Oc ; Tus
can , 22c ; Ameiicau vermilllon , L. iVsl ) . , 20o ;
yellow oclne , flc ; L. M. A ; O. D. , 18c ; golden
ochre , lic ( ; patent dryer , be ; graining colors ,
light oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash , V-'c.
PAINTS IN On , Wlilto lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7J c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S".t > 0 ; Mar
seilles gieeu , I to 5 lb cans , -Oc ; French /.inc ,
green seal , 12e ; Ficnch zinc , red seal , He ;
French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vermilllon , America , ISc ; Indian ,
led. lOc ; rose pink. 14c ; Venetian , red , Cook-
son's , 2c ; Venetian , red , American , IJfc ;
led lead. 7j c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2Uc ;
chrome yellow , K , I2c ; ochre , rochelle ! ! c , ;
oclue , French , 2 0 ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter's mincial , 2' ' i ! ; Lehlgh blown , 2vfe } ;
Sanish ] brown , 2' c ; Prince's mlneial , ! ic.
Unuos AND CIIKMICAI.I Acid , carbolic ,
SOc : acid , tartaric , Me ; balsam copaiba , per
lli , 50c ; bark , sassafras , per lb , 12c : calomel ,
per lb , 72c ; chinchouidin , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
Jorm , per lb , COc ; Doveis powders , per lb ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per II ) , : ! Vc ; glycerine ,
pure , per lt > , 18c ; lead , acetate , per tt > , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.OO : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
S1.40 ; oil , orlgiinnm , 50c ; opium. S3.75 ; qui
nine , P. & W. , and 1 { . & S. , per o85c ; po
tassium Iodide , per lb , Sit.OO ; sallcin , per of ,
iOo ; sulphate morphine , per ox , S2.0 ; sul
phur , per lb , 24c ; strychnine , perez , SI.-10.
OiT , . " . HO * ' carbon , per callon , lOc : 150"
headlight , pcrgulio : ' . , lie ; 175U hcadlit'lit. per
gal , 15c : 150U water while. 14c ; Unseed , hard ,
sperm , W. B. . per galioa. 51.00 ; fish , W. B. ,
per gallon , 05c ; neatsfoot , ctia : : , per gallon ,
70o ; No. 1. CSc : InbricatliiK , zero , nor gallon ,
No. 1 hiimmor. 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per
gallon , 30c ; No. 2. 25c ; sperm , signal , | V
pllon , 75c ; turpentine , per gallon , 57e ; gas
lone , per Ballon , 14c.
VAKNISHIIS Uarrols , per gallon : Furnl-
tme , extra , oi.iu ; iiirniture , JNO. 1 , si.uu ;
coach , extra , 51.40 ; coacn , No. 1 , 81.20 ;
Damar , extia , S1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra , , 58c ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linish ,
Si'iitiT.s-Colqgno spirits , Ib8 proof , 51.12 ;
do 101 proof , $1.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.13 : do , 188 proof , 51.11. Alco
hol , 188 pioof , 82.10 per wine gallon , lledh-
tilled whiskies , 81.0001.50. ( iln blended ,
Sl.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons S2.OOfflO.00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00@o.50 ;
( lOldcn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.60@3.00. Brandies , imported , 55.00(5-8.50 ( ;
domestic , S1.303.00. Gins , Imported , 54.50
WC..OO ; domestic. S1.25@3.00. Hums. Im-
poitedS4.50 , ( 8.00 ; New Kngland , S1.75@3.00 ;
domestic , Sl.'i > @ 3.00. Champagnes , Import
ed , per case. S2303@34.00 ; American , per
case , S10.OD@10.00.
Dl's'H'f ' iris.Q'r niilsll'ls Kts
KZWTI6IL \ 100 W 60 40 12 10
Munn'e S'tNo.l L'b R OO : i CO 3 20 1 8.11 TO 51
Vgo Oib'od Fiuicylfi 60 3 5'2 ' U7 1 CM 40 6'l
Jj'UO U'dBh'ro F'oylfi SO ai \ > S 117 1071 401 6' )
HKW FlSIt. IlblH. Illulf Ilbls'O'r ' Hills' '
! ! CO i 10U W 60 40 | o
Illontcr Mess 36 00 18 00 16 25 D 0.1 7 ft ) 1 03
Ex. No. ISh'r 4 U012 Mil 'M6 305 10 1
No. 1 Shorn 1800. U GO. 8 fil'l t-031101 10
Wed. No. 1 Shore. . . is oo. 7 oo n 3r.a , r > : ,2 uj | K >
14 Iluv 11 03 0 00
I.nrn'o Family
Fnt "
H'f Ilbls Q'rnhls P'ls Ktfl
100 U ) DO 40 13 1U
No. 1 White Fish. . . . 7 00,0 M'J W : i 10 1 04 DO
Fmnlly " 3 50 ! ) IB'iittVl ' 70 63 I J5
No. ITroiit 4 m 4 00 2 65 U 10 , 74 0. )
No. 1 Pickerel 4 Oua C0'2 ' 301 IW OS 60
PICKl.jjll H.VI.MD.N.
NEW kFAT Ilbls HlfllbhQ'rllbls Palls nr kits
200 100 DO 60 0 I 15 13 10
llloocl Hod I
AlUSKU . , , 11 007 000 353 653 00. 08 , 85
IllooU Hod
Cul , 13 007 OOO.'Mii 652 00 . 03 85
Sounds 15 OP'S 0)J7 2.-i4 ! OJ'3 ' 30' ' , 1 10 ! OT
SMOKED FISH Halibut , now , extra thick ,
10' ' . o ; HO.IIII | liciilntrs , 2'c ; salmon , Ho ;
smoked bturu'eon. 17o ; linnan liaildnbe. .
Su.vniiiKH i iiport-'ft Holland herrlnus ,
kctrs.85 < ) : lUisslan sardines. 4,5o ; Audio-
vU in class. Oio Hull brano. per ane. .
Si.OO ; spiced Hamburg liorrinss , skins and
heads oil , uor pall , Sl.OJ.
CoDFiia Lanru ( i. II , whole cod , 4c ;
( \ t'r , Ueorifos chunks , 7n ; clover leaf ,
( ieona-i strips. CKo ; I lb rolls , 5 lb boxes ,
P ; prairie ( lower 2b | brlck.OHc.
Svnui No. 70 , 2c ! , bbls ; No. 70 , 4-t'allon
ciis , S1.05 ; New Orleans .W < an'o per gallon ;
laiilo byrup , } 4 barrel. Mrlctly ptuu ,
70c per gallon ; 1 gallon cans. 0.25 per tioz ;
K gallon cans. 85.23 perdoz ; auart cans Sa.tK ) .
1'icKi.Kb .Mnllum , in bills , ? U.uo ; do In
halt bbls , Si.M : ; small. In bbls. S7.00 ; do In
half bbls. 610 J ; gherkins , In bbls , is. 00 ; do.
in halt bbls. 84.50.
ars , pur case"S5CO ; 'apricots , pur ram' ,
4.00 ; peaches , perca > uS4.7o ; while cheules ,
r case , S5.00 ; plums , per case , 4.00 ; whor-
Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Oc ; Mirror
PiVoTonAcco-01lmax,42cpcrlb ; Horse
shoe , Of > c : Star * 39i ; Spouhcail , J59c ; Gold
Koll , 39e ; Piper HcldMck , COa ; Punch , Sc ;
Voting FritA V : JTJ sic.
CAM > Y-Mlxe < ) , OK < < t2c ; stick , 9 > < ltc.
SALT Dray londs. per bbl. S1.55 ; Asliton ,
In sacks , $ .13.1 ; If sacks , Ashton , SOc ; bbls ,
SODA In ib t > aiers , 5S.2 a case ; silsoiln ,
ke , per lb , 2c. .
Ditir.n FIIOITS No. 1 quarter ;
evaporated bo\ci > , 8ft0c ; blackberries , boxes ,
, prunes , new ,
St'oAtH Powdered , ifc ; cut loaf ,
granulated , CJiC ; .confectioners' A , - . - ,
standard extra CjCVe : extra C , ( Hc ; medium
yellow , Oc : New Orleans. ? > % & & .
MATCIMS : Per caddie , "MO ; round , per
p.w. 45c ; square case ? , 51.70 ; mule square ,
SOAPS -Kirk's Savon Imperial. S2.03 :
Kirk's satinet , S3.15 ; Kirk's standard , S3.HO ;
Kiik's white Jtu-wian , S4.n : ; Kirk's Whlto
Cap , S0.50 ; Dome , 54.25 ; Washboard , J3.15.
COITUKS Ordinary grades , "i c ; fair , 10J ?
IQifc ; prime , ll'jCtt'Je ; choice , IS otl-Ufc ;
fancy gieen and yellow , 13l , wjl4lc ; ohl gov-
ernmcut JavaSOpMGa ; Inteifor Java , 10.'JOi '
23c ; Mocha , 2i' .2le : Arbucklo's roasted ,
13'c ; McLaiichlltrs XXXXroa'ted , iSJfc ;
Ullworth's , 13 > 4c ; lied Cross , 13 'c.
CAJJIH.KS Boxes , 40 lb , Cs , lie : 8s , He ;
boxes , 401b , 10 oz , Cs , lie ; half box , 201b ,
Si'icns ( Ifound Black pepper , boxes , 15
R2-'o ; allspive , 12@lCc ; cinnamon , lsCS25c ;
cloves , l5W2Jc ; ginger , i5@J5c ; intistaul , l&S
T _ .
GZ5 > c ,
choice ,
choice. _ _
long , choice.-lOW/Wo / : English breakfast , good ,
! ' > OiHOc ( ; choice. w > Gi05e ; Souchong , good. 30
@ 45c ; choice , ! B5545c ; Japans , fair. 2S35c ( ;
gonil. ! Vi@l5c ; choice , 55$75c ( ; Tea Dust , 15c ;
Tt-a Slftincs , ISe.
CiACKins ! : ( larneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5j c : cic.uns , 8Kc ; ginger snaps ,
BKc ; city houa , 7 c.
Ft.vr CUT Haiti to Beat , 70cClmrm : of
the West , COc ; Fountain , 70c : Golden Thicad ,
C7o ; Favorite , COc : BtuN , SOc Itooky Moun
tain , r > 0o ; Fancy , 45c ; Daisy. 40c ; North Star.
70c ; ( ! oed Luck. 65c ; Our Best , G2.Ji'c ; Oood
News , 65c ,
l > r.v Goods ,
PniXTS American. 5J ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co-
chcco , Cc ; Manchester. Oc ; Lymaii , Be ; Glou
cester , 5Mc : Dunnell .lacntiard , Oj ; Dunuull ,
fiJi'efnilsor ; , Co ; Pacilic. Go ; Harmony ,
4 } c : Anchor ShirtltiKS , 4J c ; le
Shlitlnus , 4 c : Ucrwick .
Hi.iAriui : : > COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
rt'fc ; Cabot. i'fc ; Hone , 7c ; Hill 4 1 , 7J < o ;
Hill , X , fi > ' 4'c ; Lonsdalc.'So ; Kiult , ScVani ; -
sutta , lOXc ,
COIIT.T JIIANS Kcnrsar e. 7o ; Armory ,
7c ; Peiercll ] , 7 c ; Indian Orchard , o ; c ;
Naumkeair , 7c.
HIIOWK COTTON La wrcnco LL , Cc ; Shaw-
unit , LL.5c ; Ueavor Dam LL , 5u ; Atlantic
LL , Oc ; Indian Head. 7c ; WnuphuEsct , ( ' . ? fc ;
down XXX , OKc ; Clifton CCC , OJ c ; Utlca
C. 4J e ; Atlantic P , Ke. '
TICKINHH Amoski-as ACA 121 < c : Thorn-
dvko OOO , 7 fc ; Thorndyko fancv , 0 } c ;
York , Kl' c : Yotk fancy. 12&c : Mllbury ,
13) ) < c ; Pearl Ulver , HKc ; Hamilton , 12c ;
Swift Itiver , fi c ; Slietueket S. 8 ! < fc ; Slietuck-
et SS , 0 > < fo : Montauk AA , 12o ; Montauk UU ,
lie ; Omeira ACA , IBo.
Uoavcr Crook AA , lie ; Beaver
, ' -
and brown , < # c. .
DfCK ( Unbleached ) S oz. Magnolia ,
10 } < fc ; 10 Magnolia , 12c : So/ . West Point ,
10 ! c ; 10 \VcstPdlnt , 12 } c.
IMTK ( colored ) Boston l ) oz. brown and
drnb. l.o ; Boston "O II brown and dtab.
He : Boton XX brown and dtab , lOc : Boston
XXX brown iiiyl dial ) , HU'e ; Boston O P
blue , llj e ; Wniren Tricot , I5c.
CunyioTS Amosktag , checks , 0 } c ; Amos-
Itoap , shliicn , HJiPt Slater , stripes , t c ; Eilin-
burg , O e ; Wliirfennon. Ktriui's , c ; len-
rose , Oc : Otis , checkHf % ; Otis , Stripes , ' 'c ' ;
Iloyal , O c ; Amoskeag , napped , lOJ c ; Lu-
ray , book fold , 12c : Oberon. book folil , HJ < jc ;
Knilurancc , book fold , 12c.
ad Beans
Drr Lumber.
12 ft U ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24ft '
2x4 15.50 M.B015.BO 10.W 17.50 18.M 10.50
OT 'IS ' IV ) liUM'l.VUO ' 1R.OJ17.fkl SEJI1l.Kl (
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 Mild 10 ft . S17.00
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 15.00
No. 3 " " 13 , 14 and 10 H . 18.00
No. 1 " " 13 , 14 and 1(3 ( ft . 11.00
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 12 nnd 14feot , rough. .810.50
No. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 10 feet , rousli . 17.0J
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 1 1 feet , lough. . 1 1.00
No. 2 , 4 & 0 inch. 10 feet , rough . 15.00
1st Com. , 12 , 14 and 10 feet . 522.50
2d " " " "
. 20.00
! ! ( l " ' " " . 15.0J
Fence , " " " . 11.00
1st Com. , jrin. White Pine I _ rtitlon..S3'i.0
2nd Com. , kin. " " " . . 2r.o
Clear. in . Norway " " . 14. ,
2nd Com. % In. " " . 13.2 ,
A 0 Inch , white pine . $3 > .09
BO Inch " " . 35.00
00 inch " " .
DOInch " " . 20.50
K Cinch , " " . 17.50
STOCK iioAims.
A 13 Inch , S1&12 , Hand 10 feet . 54000
jj " " . 4200
O " " " " ' " . SO 00
I > " " " < SJ 00
No. 1 Com. 13 In. s. 1 R. 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. . 18 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 und 20 ft. . 1800
No. a " " " 12. 14 and 10 ft. 1000
1st and 2d Clear , \X Indus. Sa . S510U
1st and 2d Clear , 1) ) and 2 inch , s 2s. . . . 51 00
Ed clear. 1 inch , h2s 4500
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000 ,
B Select. 1 inch. s. 2s i.000 1 '
ami' LAP.
No. l , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch S17.50
No. 2 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch 15.50
No. 1 , O. ( J 1 .00
l-OI'I.Alt I.lI.MIIKIt. j '
Clear Poplar box bds , K Ins , 2s $ . ,0.03 '
" ' ' J < in , panel htk wide , s 2s. 2M.OO '
" " Corruuated Celling , % . . . 20.00 ! i
A * Standard 52.05
5 Inch , clear , S1.55 ; 0 inch , clear 1.05
No. 1 1.2)
Lath 2.25
Qitlncy whlto llmo ( best ) , 85o ; cement. ; plaster , S2.SO : hair , per bushel
SOo : tairedfelt , per cwt , . 51.15 : straw board ,
Notice to BrUljo Buliaors.
Sl'ALKU piopotnls will bo received nt the
olltco of IhuCjilur KiiKlnotr. Union 1'aclllu
Hulhvuy , OniiilinNohruaku , until Siittmluy
uvunlnv , MaruU ttlt'j , lor the nuporlructuro of
thohrluire * ) over lhioltlver ! nml Ku'ioy Crculc ,
anil lor one titty-foot prmy Hews Trusi ami
tlirrn tlihly-l'oot Iriipsoa Kliilerk.
I'liins iiiul hpocifloiilIiiiiB can bo seen at the
olllco of tliu Chief liiulnoL'iOmiilnu
, H. U. ( 'AM.AWAV.
Tim llmo for ioolviiir | UlN ( lor t > rlil ? os over
Illuo Itlvor mul Fancy Crock U oxtendoil to '
Murtli7Ui. . 1
8. II. CA1 A ; .V V. Gcnoral JlamiBer.
\ A
The Hlllard ,
B. Ehenrs , J. E. Stnrkol.Thos. Swobo , Proprletcra
Omulm , Nebraska.
Flour and Feed ,
w , j. wrfLSHANB & co. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Manufacturers of W. J. Welshuns & Co.'s Quick
Italbln ; lluckwhcat Hour and iironrletorflOnuuia
City llillu , cor. bth und 1'urnum Streets , Omaha.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery llcrdware ,
EfuJillcry uiul fchoe FlnUlnyii , Hides , Wo < 'l , Turs ,
" ' , Uicuu.'J'allo : > yitc. . Utaalm Net.
Book Binding , Etc ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Itlnnk Hook Manttracturers. No ? . 108 ami
108 Po > ith 14th Sttvxt. Omaha. Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile CKving.
lliifrlnccrs nnd Contractors.
B rfts , Roof Ticssts , Stctm Pile DriYing
Iron Combination nnd Howu Trtiss Rrldgrs ,
I'lllnff nnd Onk Timber , 15th St. , near Fntnmii ,
Beer ,
Agent for Anneuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Special brnn.lf Faust , lludnclscr , lirlangcr
Cor. Oth nnd Cnpttol Arc. , Oinnha.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX MKYKll & CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Gung nnd Ammunition. S15 to 223 South llth
fctrcet , liEOto IX't Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobacco * . Nos.
103 ami HON. llth Street , Omaha , Neb.
uockcry ,
* " wTL wmoTn\
Aficnt for the Manufacturer nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
tamps , Chimneys , Onico , ni7 South 13th
Street. Omaha , Neb.
Carriages ,
o. s. Goomucii & co
Agents for F. A. Whitney Cnrrlnao Co.'a
Children's ' Carriages ,
Jewell's Celobralcil Ko'rlKorators. ScnJ
pun r price llstB. 141 , ' ) Fnrimin St. , Omaha.
Lornlccs ,
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Epenotcr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
( ialvnnl7t d Iron and Oornlco. nM Dodo ; and 131
nml 1U3 North Uth Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mnnufacturoraof Omnuicntal
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Final" , Etc. , S10 S. 12th St. Workdono
in any pai t of the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. SPECHT. Proprietor.
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Eto , Fpoohl's Im
proved Patent Motall'o Skylight. Ma and 510 3.
Uth St. . Omulm. Nab.
Doors , Sash , Etc.
The Gate City Planing Mill.
Doors , Bnsh nnd Hllmls. ANo all kinds of
turning. Scroll and Stoli- work ot" every do-
Ecriptlon. _
Manufacturer and Dealer InDoors
Sash Blinds Etc.
Doors , , , Houldlngs , .
Stair ItnlU n Epeclalty. Telephone No. C2
15th and Marcr t B. , Omah , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
W. WOLFE & 70. , Electricans ,
Electrical Supplies ,
nsoncoot. * ? . . ' . : ! Biirjflnr Alarms , noils ,
Fuo Alarms , lilcctricMaltln.T , npe IrUT ' ube , _
_ Iron Works. _ _ _ _ _ _
PAX' ' V v v N 'V' \VfHKS ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
ItonStalrs , Knlllnir , Holled Honing nnd Girders ,
Steam Engine ? , Ilrass Work , General Foun
dry , Much no and Hhicksmllh Wotk. Ofllco &
Woiks , Union Pacillc K'y i : So. 17th St.
lion ar d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire ! : P-x ; ! aty. ! Omaha. Nnb.
Safes ,
Omalia Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Fire and Durplar Proof Snfo %
Vault Doors , Jail Work. Shutters und Wlro
Work. Cor. Kth and Jackson Sts. , Omaha , Nob.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Established 1833.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
JlfOanO U.U Cotlgo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
M. J10HKH & BONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. Diukc , Manager.
Dnlon Stock Yards , b. Omaha. Telephone 683
W. F. 1JUOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Onico F.ichaniro Duildlnp , Union Stock Yards ,
I. South Omuhn , Nob. Telephone No. 003.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , and Omaha ,
Neb. FrankUhl .uidcn IanaKorOmabullrancb.
Telephone No. z&J. Established 1BGJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
/-ddi I'ss all communications tons at Union Stock
i.'iudu , Bouth Omaha. Advances made on Block.
Uu'ion Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F , Iloyd , tiupcrlntcndonU
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Ebijiments of any und all kinds of stock solicit
i cd. Union btr.ek Yards , Omaha , Neb.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lnmber , Lath , Limo ,
Bash , Doors , Kto , Yards Cor , 7th und Douglas ,
Cor , Uth und Uou iua.
1 Manufacturers of Sash
, Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , t < talr Work and Interior Hani Wood
Finish. JtiEt opened. N. E. cor. CtU und Leuven-
uortli Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Wholssalo Lumber ,
814 S. Uth Etrtut , Omaha , Nub. F. Colpetzcr ,
Lumber ,
13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Lumber , Limo , Cement , Etc. , Etc ,
Cor. Cth und Uoufltib Stiucts , Omubit , NeU
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
CHA3. R. I.F.B ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrxa Stock , Fancy Woods , lliidgu Timb < Ts ,
&c. , B. W. Cor. Wh und Douglas , Omubu , NoU
a. p. LVM.V.V ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uuildiny Paper , L'tc. fioutli
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholesale *
Dealers In Agricultural Implements ,
Offlco , Corner Cth mul VnclfloSts , Omnlin , Net ? .
l'AUMN7oHKNlH > mT * MAHT1N , Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nntl Ihipglc ? , Omahn Nob.
Wholesale Dcnlcr In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , .
Carriages anil lUigglr * . .1i n ? St. , bet. l > th mul
IJth.Omilm.Ncb ,
Boots and Shoes ,
w. v. MOt'sr. ' & co.
Jobbers of Boots nnd Shoes ,
1411 Fnninm Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory ,
Summer Street , lioston.
Carpels ,
' " " " "
I''A. OKCHAnb ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Curtnln Goods. lilt * . . 11M IVirnnm
Street , Oinuhn , Neb. _
_ CoaF , Lime , Etc ,
JKlVw. HEDKOiu ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
Office , E13S. lUh ft. , Omnhn , Neb. Yards , Oth
cnJ Or rvnport Streets.
_ _
Dtialers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Best vnrlctlc ? . OIUcp. 2IH P. IHth St. Telephone
No. 14ft.Onmlm , Neb. _
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
S14 S. 13lh St. , Omaha , Neb.
( Iro. C , TOWI.E , 1'rcsldont.
CEO. PATrrnsoN , Beo. and Trcan.
J.H. HUI.IIKKT , l-.A. ,
1'ropilrtor. ManaRcr.
Hebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
office , 217 y. isth street. Telephone 43. _
Oio. : V , IiMunit , 1'res. 0. GOODMAN , V. 1'roa.
J. A. SumiKiu.ANl > See. ami ' 1'rcus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers ot lmnl nml < oft con ! , 203 S. Utli tit. ,
Oinalm , Nub. _ _ _ _ _ _
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Exclusive tlcalors In Ilonldcr Colorado Coul. 21 J
touth 14th Bti cut.
Coffee and Spices ,
" "
Omaha CoQeo and Spice Mills.
Tcn ° . Coffees , Biilcos. HakliiR 1'owilcr Flavoring
Kxtracte , Laundry lliuo. Ink , utc. 1414-1U Hiir-
ney Btroct , Omulm , Neb. _
Commission , Etc ,
llHANCH &CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fiirnnm St-.Oinulia. Apples Our own | . .urt-
Ins riutt It Co.'s Tiger llrnnd Oy&tcra , lluttor ,
KtTES , Oauio , Poultry , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Provisions , Fruits , Flour nml IVoil , 105
6. 14th St. , Omnlm , Ncl > . Consignments solicited.
Iteturns made uromotly.
\V. E.
General Commission Merchant.
rfB I-Tits-CliecFo , Ilutter , Eras , Poultry
nml ( Jiuno , IK > HiL > - > Omahii , Nob. lolo-
phone fJo. 3J.- > . _ * _ _ J _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
nuttor , HTo ( and Product ) . A full line of Stono-
wnro. Consignments solicited. 1411 Uodtro St. ,
CIS 12th Street , Omulm , Nob. Specialties : Dut >
ler. tirixp , nnd Chlckons-
" _ .
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Iluttor , fliuno , Fruits , Etc. 220 S. 14th
_ St. , Oniuhu , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
14C6 Dodge Stiuot , Omaliii , Nob. Consignments
_ _
Storage and Cofflmission Merchants.
nnd Domestic Fruits a specialty . Kl-
epant stortKfu facilities.VnrPhouuo mid ofllee ,
110 North IKth st. Telephone 175.
General Commission Merchant ,
Iuttcr ) , EI'RS , Chccsonml Country Produce ifon-
erufly , WJ a. 12th St. , Omuhn , Neb.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlg-crator and Pncklnir House , Uth A : Leaven-
worth St. , on U. P. It. IS. Track , Omaha , Nob.
Established 1670.
General Commission ,
til 8.14th St. , Omaha , Nob. Sjirclnltlcs Butter
Eggs , Poultry and ( Jamu.
PBVCKB miog.
Commission Merchants ,
Fruit * , Produce und Provisions , Omaha , Neb
Commission Marchant ,
nnd wholesale dealer In country produce , fruits ,
butter , IHKS , mo. Goods on consignment a
apctlalty. W N. 10th pt. , Omnhn , Nob.
KIHPClinilAUN & BON8 ,
( Successors to A. P. Bohack. )
Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. 213 South 12th Street. Omnlm , Neb
Dry Goous ,
* "
j , j. JJHOWN & CuT
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions.
1 ! 3 Uouulas Bliott , Omulm , Nub.
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , i.aces , Eiiil > roldery nnd Wliltu C'cods.
ICi'OUouiflasbticct , Omulm , Neb.
Jobbers In
otions , Hosiery fi Gents'Furnishing ' Goods
1000 und 1038 r niuni Bl.OmalmNeb.
HarnesSi Etc ,
wni/rv & A ? InocIC ) ,
MDnufacturerg and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tujf Goods , HlmikcU nnd Holios. 1421 Farnaro
Htui-t nnmhnJi ( > h.
Mattresses ,
E. M. HUUE ,
Mattress Company ,
MnnufaelurliiL' Mattresses , Itoilillnir , Feather
PJIIonti , Cots , 12UI and KW Douglas Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
, Shirtslite. , lit'nmll'Ot Oouglai
tu cct , OutaUa , Nt U ,
Dwlcwln AUKIailiof
Building Material at Wiiolesils ,
IfthStioct iiud I n ont'no flTrftok. Oimht
nnmtAH n. WYATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
roth nnd linnl Streets , Omaha , Nobraski.
j. A. WAKr.nitB : ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglas ,
IHilUllnir Pnporsi , Push. Door * , Hlliuli , Moult
Inen , Pickets , lv t , I.IIIHIlnster , H | (
( "ciiHMit. Nlntn nun Jonco , Omnlm Neb.
Millinery ,
i. onuiirr.i.TiKH ,
Importers ami Jobbcwot
Millinery and Notions ,
12innnd Kltllnrncy Street , Omnlm , JfoU ,
Musical Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
StPlnwfty 1'lnnn * , Wobcr , Decker , Halnos ami
lirlKRA I'miiii ? , PncknrU Organs , Chnso Organs.
1U1 uiul 1U ( street.
Notions , Etc.
" '
"a. i , . miANDir.9 & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Ooii1 , Notions , Gents' KurnMilmr Ooo > 1d ,
Ooods n-om Now York. Trndo tales daily. 50J
and COS South \'M > St. , Omulm.
Furniture. Etci
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltiira ,
_ _ _ _ I'nnuun Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _
Groceries ,
AU.HN nnos. !
Wholesale Grocers ,
lllCnndlltUouglns StreetOmnlmNcK
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Smokers' Articles , 121
. Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Eplcis , Clgnrs nnd TobnccoH. 1317 nml
his Street , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and Farnam Streets , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 70S , 707,703 ami 711 8.10th St. , Omuhn ,
Hardware ,
vr. J. imoATcir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel ,
s , Wnpon Stock , Hnrd'.VQQd Lumber , etc.
1'MJ and 1 11 llnriii'y Etfoa.UmMiaTrluo. .
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carrinpo Wood Stocl : , Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. 1217 and 1S18 Loavonworth Street , Omaha ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics'Tools ami IlulTuIo Scales. 1105Doug *
lusStrci.'t , Omaha , Neb.
rxn , Fiiiun & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Etc. Airunts for Ilou-o Scales ami
Miami Powder Co. , Omnhn Neb.
MILTON nocuns & SONS. .
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantles , Giatos , llracs poods. 1U21 and 132J
nain Street.
e Hardware and Halls.
Emerson Stool Nulls. Cor. Uth '
Streets , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturer of the
DeeriDfi Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. Jf. Lorlmcr , OBiierul Apent ,
Omaha. TelcphonoClO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etcam , Water , Hallway and Milling Sii | > pllo ? , Et
V2U , tUSuudr.'iFtirimui8t. ( Omaha , Nob. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
&tcnm and Water Supplies. Hcadiiuartcrs to *
Maet Fooet Co.'s Goods. 1111 Farnam Street ,
Omaha , Neb. ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dcnlcrs in Silverware , Ulamonds , Wntohas
Clocks , Jewelers' Tools ami Materials , Eto. , 101
nnd 103,15th Street , Cor. Dodge , Oinalm , Nob. , (
Notions , Etc , ,
J. T , Robinson Notion Company , "
403 and 405 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. J
Wholesale Dealers In Notions und Gents' Fur *
Dishing1 Goods.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
OaEOlIno , Mica Axle Grease , lite. A. II. Bishop ,
Manager , Omulm , Nob.
Pork Packing ,
JAMIS : E. nevi T
Fork Packer and Shipper ,
Oninhn , Nt'limsliii.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Odlco , Union Market , 1517 Hoilire Htrocit. I'licldng
liGiibo , U. P. IL 1C Truck , Omulia , Nob. Tolo-
phone No. 157.
Safes and Locks ,
I' . IIOYCll & CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1
Flro ami Iturular Proof Kurcd.Tlmo Locks , Vault *
and Jull work. 1UU ( Farnam ulreet , Omaha , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
Agricultural. Vii otnMo , Odd Kisllowu * Hall ,
N. W. Cor , Uth and Uodiro HI „ Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In PalntH , Oil and Window Glass ,
Cmmlm , Neb. ,
White Lead ,
CAIiTI'l ! WIIITi : M'.AD CO , ,
Strictly Para White Mil ,
Kill Muiul r. i' . it ) , , < jm.i m , NU
Wines and Liquors.
JI.KIt A CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Uqiiois. Kolo niMininu'tiirorH ol' Kcrnnxlr' *
Kiibt Jnaii : lHtui-d. ! 1I1J llitraey Street , Omaha ,
. . ,
SucccEEor to JlcNA.vuiiA fi DUNCAN , Imporwit
nnd Wliolctulo l ) ( alum In
Y/ines / and '
, Liquors 'Cigars ,
21 land 210 H. lllh St. , Omaha , Nob.
Fish , Etc ,
Euccofsors to Ickcn Elumsscii > V Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of 1'orelzn Fish , N'os , VI1-DI3 Jon l
_ BUvaaua U. I'.Tracii , Ouxi'a.NwU. ' . S