Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1886, Image 1

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IN' '
Is the Qoiman Chancellor Oonniving With
the Chinese Government.
Van Wyck Scores the Overcharging
Monopoly In the Senate Opposed
to a Ilatikriittt Iaw Wash
ington Notes ,
Our Duty Toward China.
WASHINGTON , March 2t. [ Special Tele
gram. ] A few weeks ago the Critic of this
city printed a sensatlnnal Interview with n
member of olio of the legations , giving the
reasons which Induced the president's mes
sage to congress showing the strained rela
tion ! ) between this country and China and
Impllcilly asking tlioleglslntUobrmich of the
government to takcsomu action In the mat
ter. This evening's paper contains another
Interview on tlio subject. It icpiesents the
president and cabinet as being very much
conceincd tor fear Chlini may levy nn Indem
nity on our scaboaid cities in iclaliatlon for
the destruction of the Ufa and piopeityof
Chinese residents In this country unless
home vigorous action shall bo taken , The
article stales that not only Is Knglaiid en
couraging the Chinese government to this
coutse , but Germany ns well. "Within tiio
past two , " the mtlclo continue ? , " ( ior-
many has nlfcctcd n gieat lilendshlp
ior China. She has built for
her four povteifiil lion-clad : : ,
averaging liom 4,800 to 0(00 ( tons each , armed
with the lines t Kiupp trims and icndy for in-
itant service. The picdomlnanco of ( icriuan
influence In China Is shown by the fact that
thu contract lor const ) uctlng a system ol rail-
toads from the iuteiiorof China to the sca-
coabt has been gianted to the great lierlln
banker , Itlucchioder , ono of Uismaick's
Rtauuchcst filends. Ho believes some sor-
of Bcciet treaty has been cnteied into be
tween ( icimany and China. Not the least
IntcicMing incident of tlio present time Is
that a ( icinian siiuadion , consisting of four
incn-ol-war , is nowciutslng In the south nnd
ccntial Alilcan waters within Unco days
btcain of our coast , the first that ever came
lieio ot so many sail. It Is undei the com
mand of one of tlio best sailoisof thoCcimnn
navy , Commodore Hun/.cl. The squadion
consists of the Stoln , carrying sixteen gnus ,
thoMultke , sixteen guns , the Sofia , ton guns ,
anil the Ariadne , nlnu guns. The olllcer- ,
nnd crew of the licet amount to 1,320 men.
What they me doing just at this time in
Ameilcan wateis is a mattei of some. IntcicM.
In view of lUsmaick's action icwulln
Ameilcan pioducts nnd Ameilcan natuial-
Ized cltl/ens , It means nothing filcndly to
the United States , yon may bo ceitaln. "
The Intcitlow concludes In these words :
' Some answei must be given the Chinese
ministers demand , and very soon , too. The
iliU3tton ! , I loam , was consldeied yostcidny
( Tuesday ) at the cabinet meeting. It has
been suggested to the piesldcnt that ho take
n couibo which 1 think would bo approved by
the entire countiy. Mr. Ulalno was the
choice of neatly one-half the American people
ple for the presidency. Tills Chinese matter
Is not a political question at all. It belongs
to both paitles to the wl.olo country.
The picsldent found it wlioio It is to-day.
His administration Is not responsible for Its
existence. Let him send for Mr. lilnino and
ask him to assist in formulating seine method
of dealing with It In a broad , statesmanlike
manner , which both political paitles can
unite in suppoitlng. Thcro is a picccdent
for this In the McLcod ca e. Mr. Webster
was made secretary of state then. The
question Involved was one of gieat delicacy.
Ho felt that botli political paitles weio
equally Inteicsteil nnd .should bo consulted ,
so ho invited gentlemen of the highest per
sonal standing of the opposition to aid him
with their advice. They met the Invitation
in thu spliit In which it was tendcicd , and
the lesult maintained tlio nation's reputation
in a mannei that was woithy the beat daybof
American diplomacy.
VAN wvcic WACIIIS A itiTnn wArt.
Senator Van Wyck's war upon that notori
ous monopoly , the Washington Gas Light
company , Is all the talk heio to-night. I''or
many years this coipoi.\tlon has buon n btn-
den upon the taxpayois heio. It has chaigcd
cnoinioiis lutes for gas , beginning at about
84 per l.OCO cubic feet , until it has icached
51.50. Senator Van Wyck Is showing that
the company can fuinlsh gas hero whcio coal
is cheap and consumption large for SI a thou
sand and make laigo piollts. All the steps
which liavo been taken to sccmo through
congicss chaitfi.s for rival companies Imo
been smotheied , until this monopoly has
giown to enoimous piopoitlons. Senator
Van Wyck made a iciy telling speech on the
subject to-day. Ho said tlmt Washington
Eteins to bocontiollcd by Unco kinds ol cor
poratlons national banks which pay no-
taxes , mllionds by steam nnd street , and the
Washington Gas Light company. Van
Wjck lovicwcd tko ope.iatlons of the
gas company. When i-hmteied In 1W8
the capital stock was fixed at { ? . .00,000. The
capital stock was Incieased to S1OJO,000 , anil
then to W.OOO.OJO , all out of the eainlngs.
The htockholdcis only linrMcd S' 00ooo , , and
tlio stock 1ms been Incieased to S',000OOJ , ant
theio was SWOiX , ) inoto , making in all
8VAXtlHW. ) The company added to the
plant , not Horn thu pockets of thu block-
holders , but liom the pockets of the people.
Two millions had been taken fiom thu people
over nnd above Inigo annual dividends , am
the block is w oi th ? 51.OOJ.OOO ted ly , yet , ho said
tliesu pcojilo mo under thu piotectlon of con
gtcss , and this coi pomtton is under tlio icg
illation of congii'.ss. The company , not con
tent w 1th plundeilng and Mcallne liom the
pcoploheio S'-CO.J,000 ! , had to lm\o laigodlvl
( lends on wiiat thin1 hnil htolon. Air. Vnn
Wtk has Iho almost uminimoiis biippoit of
the ultUens in his light.
A. polltion , largely signed by piominent
piote.ssloiial and men of Sioux City
Iowa , was pic.sontcd in the house to-day bj
Mr. Dorsey of Nebraska. Tlio pctitloncis
Mrongly untngoul/es tiio passage of u bank
ruptlaw. They gay they oppobo a bankiupt
Jnw-liifit , bjcauso the country h lich nnd
piospoious , nnd such IcsUlatlon has novel
been asked or given ou'opt to lellevo mi-
fortunatedebtois whoha\o been biokcn by
war prices or unexpected pioMialion
ot business paused by the continued
failure of ctops , and even then
emnted only at long Inteivals
ami forMiort poilods ; SKOIU ) , bccauso it encourages -
courages gambling upon nuugins auul otlici
rash speculations , boulcilii upon dishonest
in-aellccs mid based upon lalse businebs prln
clplos ; thlid , It Impnln public confidence In
contracts by alToullng dishonest men nn ens )
escape fiom the payment of their just debts ;
foinlh , It nbscibs In cxuensUo litigation the
assets of thu debtor ; fifth , It crents and adds
totljonrmy ot frdor.\l ofileo hpldeis who
imu.1 . be > the pctiple.
WOUKINH HAHIl roj-Nr.lllASI : A rOIT8. ! E !
Aji oilulntO bill lns been unuu'.mously ' 10-
poited to tho-bouse fiom tlie fomuiitlro nt
inllithry nlfali * , mal.InK appioinintltins
rebuilding mllitaiy pdi.ts. Jt contains a
eir.uedipniuprUhitfSlW.ooqti ? ielulld Foil
JloMuwu , KeU To
) f Nebraska credit for this Is due. Ho went
icforo the commltfcoou military afTalrs and
undo an argument In which he showed In
coinInclng terms the necessity of rebuilding
'ort Robinson. Another bill has also been
reported from the committees , maklngan ap-
iroprlntlon of SfiOO.OOO lor the completion ot
ho Impro\emcnts nlicady begun. Out of
his Forts Niubrnrn nnd Omaha , Neb. , will bo
irmlilcil for. Mr. Dorsey said to jour cor-
espondcnt to-day tlmt Foil Itoblnson would
io made now , with nil the modern conveni
ences , and Niobium and Omaha put In good
condition. Ho has no doubt of the pas-
ingo of thcso incnsures , ns they mo regu-
ar nppioprlatiou bills , nnd llicieforo prlvl-
The Secretary's Ailment Moro Serious
Than HH | PhyNlulnnH Admit.
WASIIINOTON , D. C. , Mnrch 21. Inquiry
at Secretary Mnnniiu's house this morning !
elicits the Information from his private sec-
rctaiy that Manning is doing well , and his
ihyslclan ay3 e\eijthing is favorable. Ills
bpialncd ankle causes him conshlciable nalii
WAsiu.NoroN , Mmch VJI. Dr. Hnmllton
made a statement to Assistant Sccietary
Falrchlld this nlternoon in icizaid lo the con-
lltion of Secretary .MannliiK. He lias
syniptonis of apoplexy , mid Is not icgardcd
ml of danger. Hamilton sa\s lie will be
confined to his bed for bomn lime.
At it o'clock to-night thu physicians In
attendance upon Sccietary Manning staled
, hat his condition was about unchanged , nl-
.hough ho moves himself in Ids bud with
lather moioease and appeals motoc'omfoil-
able. Ills face is Hushed , nnd his bicathing
aboicd. Dr. Lincoln , In i espouse ton quus-
tlod. said : "It will bo .several days yet befoic
ill danger Is passed , mid suvcinl weeks bofoie
10 can safely lesiimn woik. " Aiecuiience
ot the attack ot ycsteiitay Is greatly feaied ,
mid the exit onto gravity of the case can
lardly bo incicstlmatcd. It is impossible to
isceitaln fiom nrotesslonnl sources tlio .secio-
aiy's tiuu conuitloi > , inasmuch ns his physi
cians , onto ! icspect to the wishes ot the fa in
ly , decline to give n detailed statement of
the case. _
m < AXK.3 C1IAKGU.
ThcConiniisgloiicr Cleverly Caughtbj'
the Senate Committco.
WASHINCHON , March 21. Tlio examina
tion of Pension Commissioner Black was
continued by tlio senate committee on c.x-
pcndituies of pnblta money this morning.
Senator Harrison took up the case of Cap
tain John A. , one of twenty cases
furnished by Commissioner ISlack lo .sustain
Ids chaigcs that the pension olllco had been
managed as a political machine by Ids prede
Commissioner Black said he did not wish
to be examined this morning oil that case ,
nnd ho would withdinw it.
Senatoi linnIson aMced whether Ills with-
dinwal was in coiibciiuencoof the politics of
the claimant.
General .Black declined to answer the ques
Harrison asked whether his withdiawnl
wns not made because ot the dibeomy that
thu claimant wns n democtat.
Witness said ho didn't know yet ; ho hadn't
completed the case.
Senator Haiilson asked the leasons which
compelled the witness to withdraw the case.
In icply Ciencial Black said ho was tola
yesteiday by a mnn that the committee had
an excellent joke which they weio going to
spring on him. That theio was n case of ono
man who was a democrat and chnii man of a
dcmociatlc county committee. Ho ( Mr.
Black ) ran over his libt htmledly. nnd bo-
eame satisfied that the man Whltsit was a
Hairibon asked if the witness knew that
the claimant had nhvn > s been ndcmociat and
was chairman of the democratic committee of
Indianapolis , to which tlio commissioner ic-
plied in the negative.
Commissioner Black said ho had not
dropped Whltsit. Ho did not know whethei
ho should do It. Kmplmlically he thought
the testimony wns insulllclcnt to keep him
on tlio rolls.
Plumb called attention to another on the
docket which he asked witness to lead.
Commissioner Block lead as follows :
PENSION OFFICE , Jan. V. ) , ibifl. Claimant ,
thiough Hon. A. 11. Pettlbono ; Informed
name was diopped as additional evidence
docs not change status.
Commissioner Black appeared never to
hnvolicaid of tills ondoisemcnt befoio. In
loplv to Plumb ho said that It would indicate
that the thing had been "Jockeyed" within
my office. A mnn who Ims only one or two
cleiksof ills own persuasion in u gieat divi
sion like that lias to taico some charges.
The committee adjourned to meet ono week
Iroin to day.
WASIIINOTON , Mmch 21. In Ihc senate to-
dny , nt2 o'clock , the niiny bill went over.
Tlio resolutions rcpoited fiom the jiuliclmy
committee weio taken up , and Mr. Morgan
addressed the senate In opposition to the ma-
joilty vote.
Consldciablo crossfiilng occuiird in tlio de
bate between Messis. Hoar , ( hay. Edmunds ,
Butler and Hauls , and without action on the
icbolutions the senate adjoinned.
WASIIINOTON , Maich 24. The house to
day , after a debate upon nn amendment
ofTcicdmid icjuctcd , pnsseed tlio Indian np-
pioptiation bill yeas2.M , noes 5.
The house Immediately went Into com
mittee of tlio whole on thopostolllco apino-
pilation bill.
Mr. Bloiint , ehalimnn of the committee on
postollices and post loads , biicily explained
thi ) piovisions of the bill. It nppiomlated ,
ho bald , Ml.S'JO.fiSb ns ag.iinst nn estimate ot
SSl.tisfl.ltjn , and an appropiiatlon of S5U.TOO-
WOfoi thocniient jear.
Mr. Bunour'hs called the attention of tlio
committee to the tact that the estimate lor
the pay ot lallway postal cleiks was too low ,
anil spoke nt conslttciable length on the gcn- ipie tlon.
The committee then lose nnd the house adjoin
join _ _ _ _ _ _
Clements Without Cloincnoy.
WASHINGTON , March 21 , The minoilty
icpoit of Uepiescntalivo Clements , of
( looigln , upon Mr. Tonoy's bill to mpeal the
civil hcivlco law , takes the gioiind that the
gra\o abuses I hat glow up under it publlcan
inlodo not demand or justify n new nnd rad
ical depnitmo In the pilneipfes embodied in
the civil beivieo law. Any attempt to limit
the presldont'h powei of appointment or 10-
moval Is not aalid law , and can only op-
crate through oxecutlvo ticqulusconcB. In
conclusion the icpoit attackb the piescnt s > stern -
tern of dlstilbulion of appointments to the
Mutes , nnd declaies that if wo mo to hnvo n
puimnnoiit olllclal community It bhoulil bo
oigaiii/cd on n better basis , but the most ill-
lect way to ictoim it would bo thiougli a ic-
peal of thi ) law.
Jln on Defends Ills Bureau.
WASHINGTON , March 21. ( leneral Ha/en ,
chief signal otllcei , appealed bofoio the house
conimiiteu on expenditures In the war depart
ment today In answer lo charges inndo
against the signal seivico by Second Comp-
tiollcrMaynnid. Ho said whllu the senlco
has > tii'blcd the cost wns saoo.OjO le-s per
annum tluin when ho tool ; chaigo of the
olllco. Ho declined the vuiloiis allocations of
Inouulaiity nnd unauthoii/ed expenditure of
publU ) money by the signal .service to bo nu
ll ue , and muinlaincd Hint Iho o\i ndltuics
wi'iupiojieraiid nece.sbaiy nnd weio author
ized by a higher authority than the chief
signal olllcer ,
Casey Young's Kxainlnntlon Contin
WASHINGTON , March 21. The telephone
committee roiuuicd Iho examination of Casey
Vounsrtoday. lift tatd emphatically that the
nttomey gcnwal ne\vr told him , or any one
vl'o thnuib knew of , ( that 4iu u-ould 'bring
suit siKninSt thn Uell company. Until tie had
semi it itr tlio p.ipcr'i 1)0 ) lud n over iinml that
the uUornoy seupnil was lo leave town In
oidei that Uuoilo might brine tlie biilt. Wit-
iH'ss was ( . xmnlnea at great leilgih , but
uothkii ; ofKdiCRil intemsi wai tlleitcd , atui
The Oomtnitteo's Appropriations Tor Iowa's '
Various Publio Institutions.
The Governor Makes Two Import
ant AppolntmcntR Tlio Scniito
Seeks Inrormatlon Assem
bly NotCH.
Appropriations For State Institutions.
DKS MOINKS. Iowa , March 2t. [ Speclnl
Telegram. ! The house commltteo on appro
priations reported to-day on most of the state
Institutions. Their icports clve to the Foi t
Mndlson penttentlmy,311,700to ; the Anamosa
penitcntlaiy , 3'11,400 ; to the Olenwood Insll-
tuto for feeble mlndo 1 childicn , 511,200 ; for
the state noimal school nt Cdear Kails ,
Sai.GjOj to the Vinton college for the blind ,
810,200 ; to the agricultural coltcgo nt Ames ,
5500 : ! ; to the Pilsoners' Aid association ,
Sl,600 ; for the cxpeii'-es of the Iowa exhibit
at the New Oilenns exposition , 820,000 ; for
the deaf and dumb Institute at Council
Bluffs , 51,450. The bills piovidlng appro-
prlallons for the tlneo Insane nsilunis ,
nlicady icported , weio the special older In
thu house , but ns they weio likely to occasion
n good deal of debate , they wcie laid over
till after the other appioprlation bills wcro
received , and will bo the special older for
Friday nt U n. in.
Them is much dissatisfaction with the re
port of the committee in allowing only
310,000 foi the new hospital being built nt
Clarlnda. The Irnstees asked for So03,000 to
continue the work , but the committee pie
pose that \\oik shall bo stopped until Iho
floating debt of the Mate is paid. They allow
fet building additions to the asylums at In
dependence mul Mount Pleasant , but their
Incieased capacity will still leave 1,500
ln ano tn the state for whom
thcro Is no piovlslon. A strong
light will bo made for an appiopiintlon to
keep up woik on the Clnrlndn hospital. Cer
tain rumors alfectlng the location of the hos
pital there and the manner In which tlio last
appropriation was expended have been cur
rent , but the friends ol the hospital mo ask
ing mi opuortunlty to rctuto Ilia chmges nnd
demand a vindication. They hope to get nn
nppropilntlon over the adveiso icpoit of the
0011111111100. OH Ing to the depleted condition
of the tieasury it Is probable that no anpro-
pilation will be made for the capital or for the
new slate fair gionnds.
Goveinor Lmiabco made two impoitant
appointments to-day Peter A. Dey of Iowa
City to be inlhoad commissioner , nnd John
Blinchaid of Dubtique to be state oil in
spector. Mr. Dey's nomination Is relencd to
the executive council lor continuation , nnd
Mr. Blauchard's to the senate. Botli will
undoubtedly be conliruicd. Mr. Dey succeeds
himself on the railioad commission. Ho Is
the dcmocintle member of the bonul , the
other two being lomibllcans. Mr. Blnnchard
is the editor of the DuburjeTlmcs and brother
toll. W. Blnnchaul , the present inspector ,
who was appointed two jcars ago.
The senate to-day passed n conciinent ioso-
Ititlon asking tlie governor for information
upon the following points :
1 The picsent condition of the finnnces of
the stntc , including the amount of the real
deficit , It nny now exists.
2 The prospective revenue of the state for
tlio next biennial peilod.
3 As to the number , condition nnd distri
bution of the insane In Iowa.
4 The number in public and private hos
pitals , with any suggestions upon these ques
tions that may bo of interest to the legisla
The governor will , in a few days , send a
special message to the legislatuie answering
these questions.
PUM.MAN iinruscs TO PAY TAXTS. :
The executive council , now engaged in
making assessments on the i.illroads , Islock-
ing hoins witli the Pullman Sleeping Car
company. Heretofore It lias been cuMomniy
to assess tills company for the amount of
lollunr stock owned by them and used In this
state and nppoitlon the amount of tax to each
of the toads using the Pullman cais , to be
paid tliioiigh ttliem. The company , having
been successful In icslstlng tax collection
suits in Wisconsin , Indiana and Tennesse ,
now announce their Intention of icfuslng to
pay their tax in Iowa. The Chicago , Bur
lington & Qiiincy accordingly filed with
ho council Saturday n supplemental report
under piotest , showing the number of Pull
man cars used on their lines , mid Mating
that the Pullman compiny was icfuslng to
pay their tax thiough this load. The council
lias taken no action yet on this refusal , but
( lovctnor Larrabco stated to-night that ho
thought tlie Iowa statutes will allow tlio
state to iccovcr if the company pcislMs In 10-
1 using. Mho attention of the leglslatmo will
piobably bo called to this matter.
The house passed the bill providing that
electois of any township may foim inde
pendent bchool dlstilcts. The house con-
curied in the senate lesolutlon tn adjoin n
Apill R , but the motion to reconsider wns
filed. The bill allowing tlio Chicago , Iowa tt
Northern Pacific laihoad light ot way over
the state tands near Anamosa wns passed.
Tlio house bill ptovldln ; lor the examination
of Insurance companies nnd piescrlbing In
what securities their funds , may bo Invented
wns passed. The bill icqulrlng railroads to
give icbnto tickets tor extra fares paid on
caisas passed.
In the scnnlo the military commit tco repotted
the bill establibhing n soldiers' homo mid ap
propriating SIOD.020 for that pin pose , Sen
ator Scott oifcred n substitute providing tlmt
thu Soldiers' Orphan home , at Davenpoit , bo
used for the soldier- , ' home , but pending
discussion the senate locelvcd n message
tiom the goveinor nominating John Blnn-
chnrd , ot Diibuquc , state oil Inspector vice
B , W , Blnnchnrd , whoso term expires , mid
went Into executive session to consider it.
Out i ago ny Masked Men.
KIOKUK : , Iowa , Match 21 , The residence
occupied by Joe Homer In the suburbs of the
city was burned at 1 o'clock yeMeulay morn-
I m : . Homer claims that tin eo m caked men
cnteied the hoiisegagged anil Don ml him ,
nnd. after pout Ing coal-oil on the fuinltuie ,
Hied It. Tliov left , saying : "You can't gi\e
usnwny. " 'Ihoiloor wnbleft slightly open.
Horner rolled out to the fiont gnto. where
his gioaiib attracted the neighbor , lie. "had
nbtiugglo with the men , masks cnmo
olf. All weio stiangeis. It is not known
whether the. ninth o was robbery or ro\enge.
Ilornei had had tioubluwitli ills wife , mid
she is now at Memphis , Mo.
In Deep Water With Dents.
CHICAGO , March 21. A Dally News special
fiom Peorla says : ItuzKiV Itymi , owners of
the Advance elevator anagram commission
. , . . . . . . .
l\f tlli '
( mill \ flitt * nf.k I M * lnll .r .it. fl'l. *
; ; . ' . w 3 muu iKjuivs
liieio Is small hope of tilling It over
Jachno Secured Hull. .
Y YUIIK , March W. Alderman Jaehno
and his boiuUmun weio met by JiulgeUilder-
slce\p to-day. Ho accepted his urollcied
j. c. MouflAN STABUID. :
The I'ostnmstcr at Kcnruoy Slnahcd
by a Cra/.y 1'raVclcr.
KKAIINEY , Neb. , March l. [ Special Tolc-
grain.J An Insane man , who uot oft the
west-bound train tills morning , created n
sensation all day on the streets , nnd was put
In charpo of Special Policeman Moore , who
took him to the Union Pacific depot. While
silting In the ticket office ho becnino excited
and grabbed night operator J. 0. Lowe's
44-cnlibic io\oher and snapped It three times
nt him mid also nt Pat Sampson , a switch
man. Ho then rushed out and meeting J.C.
Morgan , postmaster anil editor of the Uulfalo
County Couilcr , on the platform stabbed him
four times nnd made his escape. Moigan's
wounds are supposed to bo not daiigcions.
Constable Will Learn at tested a notorious
character named Joe Haul/ for lighting.
Haul/ plead guilty , was lined and leaves for
Omaha on the morning train to llll a position
as d rug clc i k.
Defaulter Matliowson'H AITnlrs.
Nonroi.K , Neb. , March 24. [ Special
Tcleciam.J Friends of Cliailcy Mnthcwson
have settled down to tlio coin ietion tlmt ho
wasfilghtencd away by his financial dllllcul-
tics , and that ho could liavo extilcatcd him
self by maklnc known his needs , but
ho was usually reticent about Ills nlfairs even
to those who weio closely associated with
him. The nggiegaic of attachments on his
propcily amounts to , icprcsentlng
really about SM.OOO actual liabilities. Ills
lenity has been appraised nl a cash \aluatlon
of 522,030. It has just been ascertained that
thcro Is a deficiency In the Kenneth Mathe-
son estate of about 80,000. The bondsmen
are II. C. Drome , N. A. Uainbolt , Dr. IJear.S.
S. Colton of Norfolk , K. S. IJutlcr of Neligh ,
Win. T. Scarls of Platte county.
Heavy Fire at Hastings.
HASTINGS , Neb. , March 21. [ Special Tele
gram. ] A § 12,000 liio occurred In Hastings
this morning , the heaviest loss being in line
fast stock. It occuired on the fair ground lu
the box stalls , and one of the men there em-
plojed taking care of thohoises neaily lost
his life. Ills face and hands wcro tenlbly
binned. Ho was getting out ono of the
horses when It tlnew him down , and before
ho could get out ho was terribly burned.
It Is thought that as .some boys were up near
thcie shooting the lira originated fiom a
burn Ing gun wail falling in tlio grass just
beside the stalls. Some of the stock was vety
valuable , being fast animals. A. J. Welglo
is the heaviest loser.
The Sprliift Boom Starts Well.
-NniASKACiTY : : , Neb. , ilaich 21. [ Spe
cial Telegram. ] The Nebraska Distilling
Company AMIS icorgaiiized to-day , with capi
tal incieased to 8100,000. They will piepaio
the plant at once nnd stait 'tho woiks
within sixty days. The Incoipoiatois aie G.
L. Woolsov , D. T. Mills , of Uoston , antU : . O.
Guflieldof New Yoik. ThQJiay roll will bo
540,000 a year. The spring boom begins ,
Cheerfully Corrected.
CKHTK , Neb. , March 24. [ Special ] The
statement In the Uiu of the JOth lust. , in re
gard to White & Qlado's dam having cone
out , is incoircct. Their dam Is , and has been ,
all right , and the mills ? arc running icgu-
laily. ' 5
Ucvoltinfj Crimes in the South Ameri
can State of Santanilcr.
New YORK , Maich 24. Panama advices of
tholCth inst. say aseiles of teirlblo murders
have been committed at Aiboledas , in the
state of Santaudcr. An cntlio family was
assassinated. The names of the victims are
Carbelon Marciales , Facuiita Ortega , his
wife , Camlla , a girl of 13 years , Volcrla , aged
10 , Hlcardo , aged 8 , Cayetano , ngod 5 , Vir
ginia , aged 2 , and an infant to which tlio
mother had given buth in tlio excitement
which preceded tlio wholesale minder. The
assassins are live In number Antonla Esta-
ban , Francisco Maiclaies , Mcguol Floies ,
1'anta Lon Hosca and a deaf and dumb man.
The nppichonsion of the assassins lias
brought to light other crimes of u revolting
A Denial From Headquarters.
UOSION , March 24. [ Special Telegram , ]
A Washington dispatch to a local paper
states that "Charles Fiancis Adams.picsldent
of the Union Pacific , has made a proposition
to the house committee on Pacific lailioads
to the effect that his company Is willing to
dun < ncr to tlio United States , In any njmi
ner that may bo deemed best , all branch
roads owned and opciated by the Union Pa
cific , ns sccuiity for payment of the amount
to which that company Is now Indebted to
the govcinnipnt. " It has been ascertained
that neither Adams 1191nny other olllcer of
the load has made a piopositlon to congicss
or its committees on Pacific lailroads in i ela
tion to tlio matter rcteircd to.
lllow Out His Worthless Hrafna.
CIIVIIAND : , Ohio , Match 24. A farm
laborer named Chailes Meyer , employed by
Fanner William Avan ot Uiighton , a village
eight inllrs from Cleveland , attempted to Uill
tlio wife of ids iormcr emriloici. J. LWy -
man , who lives near the Avan farm , yester
day. Alter lirinctwobhotsather ho tan tiom
Iho house. Ho was pursued by mcmbeis of
the family and bomo laboieid. The chase was
kept upturn mile. . Moj er held the pistol In
lib hand us ho ran , and just as ho was cx-
liaiited and in danger ot being caught ho
turned , and , before tin pursuers could "come
up , blow out his brains , dying instantly. It
Is supposed tlmt ho was In love with Mrs.
\Vyman , Who bcoincd him , and tlmt his pur
pose \ \ .tto kill both her and hliiiclf. lloth
the bullets aimed at her missed. Merer was
'i-ijeaisold , and a quiet , haul woiklng fel
Six IIoracthiGvcH Kxtermlnntod ,
HIHMAIICK , D. T. , Maich 24. A leport
which leached hem to-day says that a unity
of cowboys cnmo upon n number of horse-
thieves in the timber on the liver bank about
100 miles ninth or'Dismaick , and alter the
exchange of several shots tlio thieves at
tempted to escape. Charles liraddock and
Jack O'Ui ion , two of tlio outlaws , were killed
In the light on thu livei bank. Four of the
thieves leached the rUei and lode out on the
Ice , lioiilnir to escape. Two of the
broke through the Ice and. witli their ildeis ,
weio swept away. The two other thieves
i etui nod to the bank and fiiiricndeied , It is
probablu they will bo lyjiched cowboy
A Kick All Around.
CmoAno , March 24. Tlio Northwestern
Traffic association , which by limitation ex
pires Maich 81 , met hero this morning. The
claim was nt once made by the Noithwcstern
load that its Wablibuin roiitu sliould not bo
subject to tlio pool and sliould bo allowed to
meet the competition of the St. Paul & Du-
Intli. Tlio St. Paul olllcials declared tliat In
such cabo the buslne. s of the St. Paul via Mil-
wnukeo and the lakes should also bo placed
outside ot the pool Jurisdiction. After nu all
day discussion adjournment was taken until
Itcstorcd to the Puhlio Domain.
WASHINGTON , March 2-1. The secietary of
tliQ Interior ictidcicd a decision res tin Ing to
the public domain lands along the line ot the
Atlantic & Paclhc .toad for n distance of iit > i
miles , in which ho holds that the railioad has
no legal claim to it.
Death of a Pan tour Patient.
PAIIIS , Maich 24Ono of the Uusslan
peasants whowo'e ' bitten by Solves and weio
bent to M. Pabto'ur for treatment died Mou-
day jilght lii'terrlb'lo agony nnil'witli all the
svmptoms of hjtltophublu. . ' M. Pasteur Is un
dismayed , howen-r , and bays tlmt too Ion' ; a
time-\\as pass bcfoiu flip 111,111 was
put imdei Ucutmuut. . '
Jay Gould Intends to Fight the Battle to a
Desperate Finish ,
The Wizard of Wall Street Blusters
nntl lUtifTs Tlio Kansas City
Switchmen's Strike United La
bor Troubles Klscwhcrc.
A Fljht to the lilt tor End.
Nr.w Yoim , March 24. The Tribune to
morrow will publish n long Interview with
Jay Gould In volution to the strike on his
llne . The following is the substance oC
Ciould's remarks : There can bo no compro
mise In this case. Thcio Is no loom for com-
piomlse , for the stiikcis have confessed In
effect tlmt they ha\o no grievance against the
company. I nm bound to light the question
to the blttci end. and for this ic.isoii I hn\o
asked the opinion of Judge Dillon ns to our
legal rights under the circumstances , nmt his
decision Is that It Is our duty ns well
as our light to pio\ent the Inlcirup-
tlon of the business of the load
by all legal moans. Hosnjs tlmt the com
pany luis n clear legal lemedy ngnlnst the
Knights ot Labor oiganiration foi suits , and
wo pioposo to test this < iuestion In the com K
Wo shall sue the iiicmbeis nt the oiganl/n-
tlon , mid in fuel papers In the case are being
piopaicd in accoulaiicc with Judge Dillon's
opinion.Vo pioposo to lecovcr damages of
every membcrol the oignni/atlon who has
nny pioiteity. A gioatmaiiyof the employes
ot the Missouri Pacific have homes which
they boucht out ot their savings. They nre
responsible to us lor the losses wo have Mit-
foied if they are Knights of Labor. Wo will
show them wo Intend to enforce our legal
rights. I propose to light it out on this line.
J'hi'io Is another fcatuio of the case , and
that Is , that e\ery shipper and manulacturcr ,
and o\ory peiMOii who has Milfeicd loss fiom
the stilke , lias the sauio legal icdiebs the iail-
load company lias. The success of this
strike , he fnld , would unsettle confidence
tluomihout the wotld , and these workmen
would bo the first to lecl Its dlsnstious
consequences. He had no news , ho bald ,
which would lead htm to Mippo that the
sttlko would extend to the east , and
Intimated that ho might ask for Injunctions
restraining the working Knights of Labor
f 10111 contiUniting to the suppoit of Ihoso on
Gould then showed the concspoiidenpo
between himselt as pip ident ot the Mlbsouii
Pacific company and Dillon and Swayn Us
bollcitois. ( Soiild wiltcs tuidpr date of the
23d. bcttlnc foitli the blockade ofthcioad
by the stilkcis nnd asking what the legal
rfchts of the company mi > , and paitlcnlaily
whether the stiikcis aio liable to the com
pany for damages. The attorney's icplv is
substantially the same ns Judge Dillon , and
closes : "A body which diiects illesral acts , as
well nsn'l peisons who aid , abet , counsel or
assist in furthering their accomplishment ,
meeqtiallv liable , and each Is liable to the
extent ot the who'p ' aegiegnto damage ; and
all or one may bo sued theiefor. Kecovery ,
tu a civil suit , in nowise alfects cilmlnal lia
bility. " _ _
Proercss of the Great Strike.
ST. Louis , March 21. The three executive
boauls of the Knights of Labor now In ses
sion have .decided to meet with the business
men of the city to-nightiu Mercantile Llbiarv
hall and advise with them upon the situation
before adopting any fiutlier mcasmes In
tended to lesultIn an extension of the Miiko
to other rallionds and othui cities.
ST. Louis , Maieh 24. A freight train of
fifteen cais was made up this moining at
Union depot and stalled o\er the Missouri
Pacific tracks in the dlicctlon of Seventeenth
sticct. Airivlng nt that point thu cio\vd
called upon the engineer and liicman
to leave their posts , \\liich they did.
The mob soon became so dense
that it was deemed advisable to clear the
yards and the police were summoned. Soon
a foice of 150 men , commanded by the chief
of police and all the captains , arrived on the
scenp. The crowd was then oidcied to ills- , and upon their icluslngtodo so the
police made a chaige upon them , hoping
to drive them away without using thnii
clubs. The later alternative , however , became -
came a ncccssaiy icsoit , the mob still
resisting. Dm ing the snuggle which ensued ,
several strikers were severely beaten by the
police , some ot whom in turn wcio badly
bruised fiom rocks tin own by the mob. After
tibiict light the ciowd was dispersed and
driven from the yauls. Another engine was
then procured which , aftei being coiwlcd to
the abandoned lieUht train , diew it
fiom the scene ot the ilot under
a guaid of about lifty police , who accom
panied it as far as the city limits , no iutei-
ierencohaIng been met with , How far bo-
3ond this point the tiain will bo able to mo-
cc'cil cannot bo conjecluicd , for the strikeis
may at any time icnderits piogicss impossi
Sr. Louis , March 2-1. A brief dispatch
from Klrkwood , twenty miles west of lieu- ,
.says that a height tialn passed that point at
11 : < jO.
A Post-Dispatch special fiom Atchison
says : The Mibsomi Pacific niilroad ollhslals
made two attempts this morning to send out
lielght tinliiso\cr their load , but failed to
succeed. Thellist train succeeded , without
any interfeienoe. in riinntug to a point about
one mile tiom the union depot , whcio a num
ber of thn strikers boaidud it and set the
hiakes. The engine was killed and biought
back to the city with a.switch onglno. A second
end attempt was then made to statt under the
piotectlon of the city maislml , thobheilfl nnd
n number of policemen. The train succeeded
in getting as fai as the city limits , but a short
dUtiiucu Item them the strikers took contiol
and brought it back to thoyauls. Theiowas
consldciahlo excitement dm Ing the attempts
to move these tiains , but no fictions distuib-
anee. All thuMIssouiI P.iclfie engines heie ,
except t\\oam disabled.
ST. Lr/i'is , Match 24. A special fiom St.
Joseph , Mo. , to the Post-Dispatch .says that
nt noon to-day the yaid men in the Hannibal
it St. Joe and Kansas Cltv , hi. Joe & O'oiini'll
BlulfB yauls Miuck and height tiallio Is
entliely suspended.
L.v B.u.i.i : , 111. , Maich 21.Tho mil-
road Mriku Is doing geneial damage
to this pai t of the state. Mathesslar As Hig-
eleriecelvo their oio lor the maniitacturo of
zinc fiom Missouri , and liavu hut a small
quantity of the inlncinl , nnd can't get any
blilpmcnts. Itthcso woiks mo compelled to
shutdown , onu thousand men will bo tempo-
lailly thiown out of eiiipliiymi'iit. At
.sixteen bundled men in tlio PeiuIno woiks
will also bo laid oil.
Tlio SwltoliniPii'H Trouble Ended ,
KANSAS CITV , Mmch 24 , OiKOn-m. Kveiy-
tiling remains in stain ( | iio fills moinlnir.
No tieight Ib moving , and all Is quiet nt the
ynuls. Armour it Co. began loading live
hundied tons of provisions on a Mourner to
day which they have charteicd , nnd which
they will stait for St. Louis and Cincinnati.
KANSAS Cm * . Maich 2) ) . A meeting of
the superintendents Is now in session.
Nothing Ims tiansplied as to its action. No
freight trains liavo necn moved as jet. It Is
repuited tlmt the Wabasli will attempt to
send out a tialn to-day.
KANSAS Cirv , Maich 21. The railroad su
perintendents did nothing at their moining
bCMlon except to discuss tliu situation , They
meet again this atternoon. whiiii they will
piobably confer witli tlio strikers. .V pioini-
nent official oMiiesbCS the opinion that Iho
railroadsuonlil grant the switchmen's de
mand for the Chicago scale ot wages If they
would uuainnteo it sliould end thu Mi ike as
tur as Kansas City Is concerned , otheiwiso
thodemund will inobablybo letused.
The statement III the previous dispatch
quoting Mr. Nettli'ton as saying the switch
men's Mi Ike was .settled on the basis of Chicago
cage prices was made on tlio authoiity of an
evening paper. Xettlutou , tieliig asKccl later
by an Absoclated pribs ; rupiesontntUo , said
he had nmdo no such statement. Ho could
only say that thu stillce li.ul bcc.u bottled , and
that , ho presumed , wub what th ( )
public dcalred must to know. The
teims am kept , as yet , secret.
The men returned to woilc. at 7 o'clock to
night by oulcr otMr , Monnghnn , chief of
their oiyanUatlon , and are thunisehes Igjio-
' '
rantot ihu'piiccs U'xed upon , J < 'i eight intln *
nro rolling In and out of the ynnls to-night ,
and they will bo crowded to their fullest en-
imclty for some days. Numerous trains had
been sidetracked In the \lclnlty on their war
hpio and will now bo brought forward as rapIdly -
Idly ns possible.
KANSAS Ctrv , March 24. General Man
ager Xettloton , of thu Kansas Cltv , Fort
Scott A : Gulf load , nt who o olllco tlio confer
ence of railway olllcials was hold this after
noon. ntI O'clock ga\o notice that a compro-
ml o had been effected w Ith the switchmen.
and that the men would leturn to work at
once. Ity the settlement tlio general ninn-
agers nci-eo to pay the switchmen the Chicago
schedule price. This raises tlio blockade
from this city except as icgnuls the Mlssoml
Pncitlo road. _
\VIII Not Itrnoh ChlcnRO.
CntrAdo , March 24. The Jouinal says
Deputy MasteiVoikmnn John Foley , of the
Chicago Knights ot Labor , when talked with
this moining , said : " 1 tell jou candidly and
on Information fiom the head , tlmt theio Is
no mobnbllltv of the labor troublPb In rnll-
roaii chcles reaehlng Chicago tight away. In
fact , we do not consider that tlio workmen of
the southwest did the thing In Mailing
tills trouble. They would ha\o boon w her If
they had coimlbulcd to the suppoit ot thu
man liist dlschaiucd. We must use judgment
1 these matteis. "
CinrAno , Maich 2-1. "Tho situation In
local railroad elielcs Is becoming more and
more slialncd cadi liour , " said an utllclal of
one of the loads this moining.lille \ 1 do
not look for H. strike on all the roads Just at
present , the outlook on the Waliash Is not nt
all icassuilnir. " This statement was veilllcd
by a Dally News lopoiter. The i-nglnci'is ,
Ihcmen nnd switchmen , wlillo ( hey spoke
guaulcdly on the ubjectadmitted , thatil ; they
icceived oulcis nt any moment liom the
Knights of Laboi logo out they would not
bo surpiiscd. _
TheDaytoti Street Cnr Strike.
DAYTON , Ohio , Maich 21. The stilko
among the drhi-rs of Iho Thhd Sticet car
line still continues with , no prospects of set
tlement , l 'otu to live thousand men aio now
congregated in the vicinity of the west end
stables expecting that the company will
make anothei attempt to tun their cais , but
this will not be done for tlio piespiit , The
Oakwood line men stiucic to day and It is ex
pected that the L-'Ifth and W ayno street HUPS
will tollow In the stilko to-moiiow. The
moldei.s in the city mo all oil' duty , not on u
Millie , but aiding the railioad sttikeis.
All tlio employes of the glass and cigar
manufactoiles stiuek to-day bocnnuo tlio pro-
pi ietors lofused to make them union lacto-
PresHlnj * Forward Tor
Nr.w YOUK , Mai ch 21. To-day all the cloak-
piessorn belonging to the Independent Cloak-
Piessprs' union joined tlio lanks of the
strikers. The cloak cutteis also stopped
work. Altogether about 7,000 persons aio
idle in thodmeient branches ol the cloak-
making tiade. Sitil m have acceded to the
demands ot the stiikois. Tlio strlkeis de
mand that no woik shall bo gl\en to outside
contiactois , the pi ices hcietofoio paid the
contractois to be paid the employes diucct ,
all ofliom .shall he mcmbeis of the union ,
nnd that no woik bb done on Satuiday ( llc-
biowSabbatli. ) _
Object to Ktrikcrs' rickets.
CIIICAOO , Match 24. Hruschko & Rlcke ,
fuinltmo mannfactuiers , today decided to
ask for an injunction against Fuinlturo
Woikeis' Union No. lab an oiganbatlon and
its bitty-four membois-judivldually , to pie-
vent "picketing" of their factory when a
strike is piogiesbing. Uv "picketing" the
linn means that the stiikers liavo cuards
along all the stiects leading to the factory by
whom non-union Imnds.wlio might bo going
there to woik aio Intercepted and dis
Shop Men Aste For filglit Hours.
CHICAGO , March " 4. Tlio Inter-Ocean's
Milwaukee special says : A petition Is being
circulated for signatures among the employes
in tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul rail
road shops and yaids in Milwaukee asking
Manager Mlllei to i educe the working time
to eight houis mill pay the same prices ns aio
now paid for ten hoius. The petition asks
aho that time and a half wages bo paid lor
overwork and double wascs toi Sunday woik.
The circulation ol the petition Is causing n
gieat deal ol unoislness.
A13rntixl V/lfo Murderer Who Halls
From Council UlufTd.
IticiiMoxn , Ind. , March 3-1. A most cold
blooded and atrocious murder \\as commit
ted about 3 o'clock jesteulay ntteinoon at
llacerstown , sixteen miles north ot lieie. A.
S. IJatos , a laborer , cut his wife's tluoat with
a pocket-knife , klllim ; hci instantly. The
hhcilil was telegrajihed for andbiniight him
to jail hoic , or ho would iniiiouL'tcdly
have been lynched , lie says ho Is 20
years old , and was bom and raised
at Council muffs , Iowa. Early in 1670
ho met Kittle Hoover , and man led her
In Aimustot that year. They lived in vari
ous pails of Iowa and Kansas , and letuined
to Council Bluffs early in Apill. 1831. She
then loft him and came tn her brother's nt
Hagcistown , Ind. , and last December ho tol-
Jrmcd her , and they have lived together ever
blnce , though never very happily. About 2
o'clock in the atternoon 1mas at woik giub-
blng up some ground , when ho bioko his boo
and came to town to luivo It icpiilicd. While
the blacksmith was atwoilc ho went homo ,
and found his wile dicsslng heiscH1. They
had fomowoids about her attending church
that night.w hen huclaliiiRMiobti uck him with
nn ax handle. Ho took it away tiom lierand
stiuek her with it. Shi ; then thieatened to
poison him. Sim was loaning amiinst thn
ciipboaid at the time , with herlcllaim on it
ami lien Igli t hand to lier face. Hecaimht
-hold of her light hand and , draw Ing his
pocket-knife , slabbed her neioss thu
She made n guigllng noNe and lell to the
floor dead , llobavs ho had no intention ot
kilUni : her , but Mi uck her with the knllo in
n moment ot pusiion. Ho told his story In a
pcifectly cool , dellbciato manner , and
bhouoil no emotion or uvcitemoiit. They
liavo two bimdl childicn , who weio absent at
their nncloS when Iho tiagedy occuued.
Insnno Over the Train Itobbery.
.IOI.IICT , 111. , Maich 21. The coiut loom
was thiown Into great confusion yesterdaj
when Henry hchiolhor , ol Lockpoil , inshed
In and Malted around the loom In ficaicli , as
lie bald , ot the jobber.- ! the Itock Island ox-
picsstiahi. Ho was put out with dlfllciilty ,
iind when teaiing down the stalls met Colonel
nel John Van Annan. Suddenly tinning , ho
chaigcd the colonel with being one ol the
lobburs mid thieatoned to kill him. IJy this
time a eiowd of deputies had gatlieioil , nnd
after a dcspoiato htiugglo the nunilnn was
oveipoweu'd and Colonel Van Annan us-
cued front his giasp. Sclnolber has become
violently Insane over the tialn lobbery.
Tin ; Nliuitoi-iilli Clicks ( lame.
Nnn OJIIIANS : , Maieh 2-L The nineteenth
game of the scilei In the ehusb contest , lie-
Iween Xuckeitoit nnd Slelnit. : , was plajcd
to day. The opening was the quern's camblt
declined. Xuckciloit played with the while ,
Stelnit/ taking thebhtuk. Afiei tu'enty-nlno
mo\es ho duteated Xuckeiloit easily. Time :
Xuekeitoit , ono hour ; Steinll/ , ono hour and
tour nilnuto. hlulnlt/ hud now won nine
games , und needs but onu inoto to win the
bcllls' ;
Thn Chinamen ICnoQkcit Out.
SANl'KANflafOIaich21.Il ) tllO mill Ol
the Chlne o expelled liom r.uicka , Cal. , to
lecovcr 873,0X1 damage to pi oporty nnd 6. > 7-
000 for'l is of builimss , Judge Saw ) er of the
United btale * ciiciilt couit today gi anted
thn motion to Ftiile out the lalier ilr.nse ,
Thlb jiraetleally cuds thn bull , ns > no property
\\ti * liijuicd by the expulsion ,
An KaKlu AttatikH a Chllil.
UTICA , N. y. , Mmeh 21-At Manhelin ,
Herklmcr county , Monday , a , bald wtfjle ,
nieasniln , ' ; about seven teut fiom tjptotip ,
tiled to c.ury away Iho 8-ywir-olrt' son ol
Jokcnh Davis , but uas proMMitcd by lain
hands Altcj a despcr.ito bftuggle. Tl.y vlilh
not 'bcriously injured. Thu eagle EUC-
lu making ) ; oud Hi eu'iipt1.
Rules Lnitl Down For the Government of
faithful Gatbolio Communicants ,
The Churoli Fair and Festival Must
Go Appeals For the Kilucntlou
of the Colored Jinn auO ttio
Untutored Savage.
Pccrops of the Plenary Council.
UAI.TI.MOIIK , Mnrch 21. The deciees en
acted by the plenary council held In this city
In November , 1S8I , which \\eio bent to Homo
fornpiMovnl nnd ictuincd several months
ago , wcro given lo a few peisons to-dny 111
printed foi m. Tl.ey extend o\or 100 pages
nnd nro In Latin , The Ameilcan will to-
moiiow publish nn extended summary oC
The opening decree Is on faith , followed
by dcciceson eccleslnsllcnl persons , dlvlno
worship , Iho sncinnients , the educa
tion of the clcigy , the distinction
of Catholic youth , Clulstlan doctrine ,
7enl for souls , church property ,
cccleslnstlcnl courts nnd ecelcslnstlcnl trl-
bnnals. There Is n prefaloiy evhorlliiR nil
to faithfully obseno the enactments ot the
second plenary council ot Baltimore , and a
final title icgnrdlng tlio promulgation nnd
publication of these dcciocs. Some of ttio
regulations mo very eloquent In expicsslon
on the dignity ot the clergy. Sanctity mid
science are to bo the objects of labor ,
nnd this Is to Insui o them last
ing Influence over tlio Hocks en-
dusted to their emu. It Is recommended
that n special house in chaigo of some re
ligions oidershould bo elected for the lecep-
tlon of piiests who have been suspended for
beilous tnults whojet gl\o hopes ol collect
ing their vicious inclinations. Special atten
tion i's to bo paid lo the music adopted In the
chinches to add solemnity to the sacied ser-
Oneot the most Impoitant decrees Is that
concerning niatiliuony. It holds that since
ninriiago was raised to the dignity of n sncin-
nient It belongs solely to the chinch , to whom
thondmlnlstintlon ot thu .sncinment wnscn-
tilisted , to pass judgment on the validity ,
rights and obligations of maiilngc. No
legal divorce bus the Mlrhtest powei beioio
( Soil to loose the bond of marriage * nnd
make a subsequent one valid. Adulleiy ,
though It may justify "separation" liaiu
bed nnd bomd , cannot loose Urn maiilnge lie ,
MI that either of the parties may marry again.
Though the chinch sometimes permits the
maiihigo of Catholics with non-Catholics ,
bho never docs .so without the deepest regret
nnd with the explicit understanding that the
children of those unities must bo biought up
In the Catholic fnith.
Tlio council oideis Ihat within two years
fiom tlio piomulgnticn of tlieso decrees n
paioclunl school must bo erected and started
neai each chinch , unless thu bishop tor gun o
leasons should deter fora time the building
of buch K'hool. The S.000,000 coloicd people
are the subject of n vigorous plea for help
fiom nil those who would place this Important
elciiicnt ot the futuie In a place to act
for the weal of this icpublic. The Indian
tilbcs have also been considered , and ai-
rniigcmunts have been made lor special
yearly collections to bo taken up in nil
churches throughout the country to help
In promoting Catholicity nmong tlio
colored people and Indian tribes. Societies
which me bccrct , ns the church under
stands tills lei in such as Masonic
lodges nnd other .similar confratcinillcb nro
not to bo joined by Catholics. The council
directs tlio pastois to hnvu In cu'iy chinch a
fico space , and admonishes them tiom
humiliating the people in nubile If they do
not exactly keep within the limits of tlmt
space. The snlo ot Intoxicating liqnois
will not bo allowed In any caso.
Fairs , also are not to bo held
without special poimit from the bishop , and
not on Sundays , and no Intoxicating liquors
can bo uold by them. Suppers nnddlnneis ,
social panics and balls ulvon ut night for
raising money aio pioliibltcd.
Investigation Proves It a Harmless
Piece of Paper.
LONDON , Maich 11. The lopoitof the en
gagement late In Februaiy , In which the
Fiench wcio defeated , pioves to liavo been
It is stated thai n dcspciate quaiicl has i
taken place between Loid Randolph Chinch- '
ill nnd William Heniy Smith , both of whom
wcio mcmbais of Loid Sallsbmy's cabinet , |
mid that as a lesult Smith thieatcns to with- i
diaw tiom the eonseivatlvo paity unless ho'
receives an apology liom Cliiiicliill.
The queen , accompanied by the Princess
licatilco , went in an open caiiiago
to Hyde Paik this altuinoon and c\cry-
wheio wcio checicd by ciowds of
people. Among thu crowd which boideied
the palace nark on the ninth was a man In
shahby clolhes and wealing a .slouched hat.
He appealed to be much agitate , ! , nnd el
bowed his way to the edge of the nssembh'ge.
When the loyaltuiiiouticaeheda point oppo
site him ho iliiow something Into the car-
ilngc. ( Irent oxeltemont followed , and hn
wns quickly taken Into custody nnd hurl led
from the scene. It was Mibseuiiontly leai tied
that the ai tlclo was not an explosive , which
had been leaied. but only a piece of paper.
The ii.iper contained nothing moii ; than a
petition lor it'diess lot iipcisonnl gilevance.
in the petition the man claims ho was robbed
of Ids pension. He Is held for an Inquliy.
Joseph SandeiMin , member of pai ( lament
for Noith Aimngh , said ho doubled it Eng
lish ( loops bent iigniiiM the Oiaiigeiiien
would nso their bayonets. Theio weio
thousands ol Oiangemen In the Britlbh vol
unteer aimy who would bo willing to go to
lieland nl pioplhcur moment.
The nulclan Ijahor ItlotH.
Biti'ssin.s , Mfiich21. Thubtiiko began by
thn miners nt Llcgoa toi tnlght ago is uxlend-
Ing lapldly all ovei that legion. It has now
piaellenlly nfesumedti demand by
the nilncib ol the countiy lei an Incicnso of
wages , necompanl"d by a decieabo in tlio
houis of labor. This luboi movement nt
Llejru Is under the control ol anaiclilsis , and
the city Is ically at thuli meicy , In sonui Instances -
stances mobs ol nntuchlsts liavo Mopped people
ple in the Mi eels and demanded money ,
thientenlii ! ; vlolcnro ft not given them. They
have also luoKoii w IndowH In n gtent number
of houses and hhops. Thu gnuibonitliln
thobanacks Is in leadlncbs tor bc-iviee. A
pamiihlet i ailed "Tlie Cntechlsm of thu Pee
ple. * ' Is being induMiioiisly cliculntcd , Jt
leaches the docliine ot the geneial dlslillm-
( Ion ol' wealtli , and inges tliu use of luiuo to
nccomplibh its piactlu- ,
Itocinlvc'd liy tint Qtienn.
LONIION , Mill eh 21. Thu queen held a
dinwlng-iooiii In liuvkingham pidnco Tues
day aftei noon. Tim weather was summer-
lllto mid pleasant , and n most biilllmit
iissembly ol tilled nnd noted peisons vrcio
pioscnt. ilrs. Phelps , vtlln of the United
States inlnMcr , ultiactcd nttonllon by the
tnftoand elegance ol Inn attiie. Khowoiu ti
hklit with a bodko ot giiy brocade and n
tinlii of giayehet lined with giay biocade.
Jloniy While , of Iho Ameiicnn legation , nnd
Uhnilt" ! Phehiseio picsented to the nucen
by Minii-ter Phi'lps.
Aleck Ktf kH to Ills IitCo Tlilo.
Son.s , Msiifh 2l. Prlnco Alexander per-
hcvcies In Ids claim Hint ho Is Hie j-'ovir.or
ot ICahtein Koumella. nnd icftiM-s to nccedu
to Jiusshi's desiiu lo ha\e n hvojcar limit
placed on his title.
The Itritihh Whip Iho Itiirniese.
H.VNfiOON , March ' - . llrillsh tioops hnvo
iltfrntLil I5iiint'se. ! ucai. Veniethen , lilllng :
hKty and routuriir , ; runny pilboneu mid
d a iiumbur of eluplmnt 1 ,
Death or Justice. Hum.
N , Mauti'.M."KvJuiUre > dltd hue