\T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEJXESDAY. MAttOH 24 , 1838. Y1ERSON SEVER CONFESSED , The Alleged Slayer of Watson B , Smith Pro fesses Profound Ignorance , KNOWS NOTHING OF THE CRIME Arrested.by United States Authorities Immediately on Ilia Kclcnsc An Kxnmlnntloii Com- nicnocd HrlcfB. [ ntOM inn HUB'S LINCOLN nuiiEAir.1 At 10 o'clock yesterday morning \\'nr tlcn Nolics released from roufincnient ir tlio penitentiary Jolm Piorcon , scntcnoci from Douglas comity in 1832 to four year imprisonment for robbery. As the ox jjonvict , clatl in citizens' clothes , slcppci Co tlio door to go out n frco intui , Doput ; United Stales Marslial Hustings clappoi Ills band on his shoulder and suid : "i'iuv son , 1 have n warrant for yon. " M this unexpected grrctlng Piorcon vlio had been looking forward to a tin ; of liberty in town , blanched a little , bu without making inquiry as to the nalnr pf the oflonso or asking to HCC the wai innt , said : "Well , l.supposo I must g * .vith you , " and cheerfully walkedoll'wlt 'Hustings to the carriage wlioro Shcrl Jlcllck's deputy was waiting to drive li'u lo his now quarters in the county jai 1'iorson is a man of about 150 years , of I'm physique , mid with si linn , bi not bad looking countenance. 1 talking with thu 15ii : : represent ! tivo yesterday afternoon ho sal his homo was in ISurlinglon , Iowa , bi just before arrest ho had taken si job at hotel In Omaha. The ollunso for whic lie was convicted was the robbery of man named Howard , sit a saloon opposii tlio Union Pacific depot. Pior.son stouti assorts that ho was innocent of thocrim unit never saw or hoard of the man mil ho came running out of the saloon Biiyii : he had been robbed. Piei > on was the standing in the doorway , and had a litt talk with Howard about tlio job. Tl same night lip was p'muhcd by llio polic and on thu trial Howard swore ho was tl man who robbed him. Referring to li arrest by Hastings , yesterday , Piorson , answer to the reporter's questions , sai "I have not boon told what 1 am ho ! for , but 1 .suppose , of course , it is on n count ot that Smith matter. I anticipate trouble about it when tlmt fuss was nun in the pnpurs a year ago. Hut I doi know anything about the murder , in liavo nothing to toll , so tlioy can't ho me very long. " Piorson .says that ins cell-mate Sutlo who claims to have extorted u confussli of his knowledge of the WnUon 1J. Smi murder from him , was a crank who w trying to toady to the warden and ma all the good time ho could. "Wli soon after that batch of lies was pu lishod , " continued 1'iorson , "Snttou w released. His term was not out with eight or ton months , and a man cai make that amount of good limp in t Nebraska penitentiary for nothing , never made any confession to Sutton anyone else , for 1 had nothing to confe 1 never know anything about the aill until 1 was shown an extract from t Omaha Herald referring lo n story U by Anna Henry , and saying I know abc the inurdur. I used to live with t llenrv woman , and know George Grooi and Jacit Mu ent , but never had a deals with the latter. 1 was never in 1 place half a doxen times in my lifo. did not know Watson U. Smith , a never heard of him until after the m cli r. I left Omaha in October. 18 mid wont to Council Blufl's , where worked until the next Man when I came back to Omaha , can't make my statement any strong than to.Eivy that 1 ilojj.'t ' know > . " ' , ' ; ; about the ivumlor. They have hounc mo at tlio pen ever since Sutton told story , trying to make moconfess'tosoi thing I could not toll. A little noi paper man ( Fred Nye ) came down fr Omaha , and had an interview with about the alleged confession , and tl went back und wrolo a lot of lies ami n represented mo till through. Then W den Kobos put mo in the black hole twi ank kept mo there for a weok. Who naked Him what ho did it for lie said 11 been reported by the foreman of the I : ness fehop for bad conduct. 1 know 11 not done anything wrong , so I as ! Nobes to send for the foreman and li him htnto what it was , but ho refused do it. When I got out I asked the fc man why ho had reported mo , and Haid ho had not done so. He further s : 'You ought to know yourself why Nol put you in the hole. He's trying to mi you toll something about the Smith m dor. ' That was the way they used mo along after Sutton told his tale , and m hlmselt solid with the warden. " At 8 o'clock last evening Pierson ' taken before United States Commissio Dilllngsly for examination. Hon. K. Ifurtlett , of Omaha , appeared for government , and John Caldwell , of I coin , for the prisoner. When Pier was arraigned Air. Caldwell made ob , tiou to the proceedings , claiming that federal courts hud no jurisdiction un the reservation , grant by which United States holdtitlo to the postol property in Omaha where tlio allc mnrdor was committed. Air. Bart contended that the only right rosorvoi the hUito of Nebraska under that gr was the authority of state ofllcors servo processes on the premises , anil ilhibtrato the volution of state and fedi government on this point cites the c bratud case of Althea Hill vs Son : Sharon , wlioro tlio fair plaintin" , hav used her revolver on a lawyer in United Ktato.i court room , was hoi answer by the federal Judgo. Conn sioner Hillingsly said ho was not road decldo the question , and while ho ha under consideration tlio oxaminatioi witnesses could .proceed. The lirst i culled was Norman A , Kuhn , the Om druggist , who testified to tlnding body of Wutson 1) ) , Smith at the dee tlio lutter's ollico on tiio night of Nov bor 5.1881 , and describes minutely condition of the corpse and its surroi ings. When the examination 6f Kuhn was concluded an adjournn was taken until 8 o'clock this inornin , The alleged confession , which Pioi now so .strongly denies having made , to the ell'uct that Jack Nugent , of Dun had paid him 8300 for killing Watson Smith , and tlmt his woman. Anna Ho know all about the transaction. This afterward modified so us to make a : named George liroomcs the pnncipa the killing , and Pioraou his ace plico , Nugent , it will bo remembered , os lislieil a htrong alibi at the timu thu " fossiqn" was printed , and Anna He who is still in Omaha , also protested Pierson hud ne > ' r told her anj thing ructly or indiicctly , about the murdo TIIK KAUFJfMAH CASK MOLLKU. At the request of tiio prosecuting npssi's , tlio information ch.irging 1) , Kautl'man witli soiling moituaged p erty , was nollod in thu district court torday , and the defendant honorably charged Air. Kautlmsin is a farmer , ing iiboiuVovcm miles north of Line About two years ago ho bought of a named Kennedy , of Jackson , Miohig lot of sheep , giving a luortgifgft on frhecp and tlioir incrcaso to .secure mcni of a note , given as the pure price. Alost of the shcop died with | in the | icad , and the only part the property left was ono boas clip of wool , whtou Kiuill liuld subject to Keuuedy's order fi long time. As tlio wool was depreciating in price and quality , and Kennedy after repeated notices , Jailed to take it , KaulT * man on advice of hU lawyer , cold it. For this ho was arrested on complaint of Kennedy and the case was set for trial nt tlds term. A few days ago Kennedy and liis lawyer came on from Jackson , and wrote to KaulTman from the Com mercial hotel in tins city , asking on what terms a settlement could bo made , intimating that they were ready to drop the prosecution for a money considera tion. Knun'man'fl reply wns that he would not give ono penny to satisfy them , as ho was confident they were trying tt blackmail him , and lie thought ho could establish it In com t. This was followed by a request from Kennedy for an inter 'io\v ' , which Kaun'mnii likewise refused [ 'ho prosecutors then took the train 'nst ' , ami when well into Iowa where UIPJ know they could not bo molested , tele graphed Kaull'man that they had con lulled to have the case dismissed , whicl vas done yesterday. It was KaufTmnn'i ! nlentlon if Kennedy had not left tin tate BO hastily to hold him to answer for unlicious prosecution and sue for hcavj damages. damages.Kinn Kinn AT Tin : VKXITKKTIATIY. About 7 o'clock last night a lire broki out in tlio stone building of tlio Wcsten Manufacturing company at tlio ntati xjnitentiary and raged lor over an hou loforo it was extinguished , The city fin lopartment and some of the trusty con victs managed by hard work to eon I'm Hip Ihunns to the rooms in which the , originated , and consequently tiio ( Inning is suppossd to bo comparatively small Wiii'ilmi Nobes reports that the fir started from a barrel of asplialtum in th blacksmith shop , into which somobod ; thrust n hot iron. The building and eon tents are owned by the Western Mam : factnriug company and fully insured. A TUAVKSTVOK JUSTICE. The jury in the Doggo case came hit court lastniglil with a verdict of nt guilty. The result of the trial is a sui priso to all who knew the facts in th case , as Doggo was proven to bo the h stigator of the fraud for which Hcrol was convicted. It is hinted that his a < quiltal is partly the price of n Imrgai with District Attorney Strode by Dojjgo lawyers by which Strode bound himse' not to prosecute Doggo if tlio latter woul conio back irom Switzerland and tcslil against Ilerold. Strode kept his won but to satisfy the innocent public Doput District Attorney Stearns was put fo ward to conduct tlio trial. As the cas now stands Doggo , the putter up of tl : job , gets § 15.000 of the swag and oscapi punishment , while Herold , his accon plico , loses his money and gets five yein in tlio pen. The whole thing , so far ! the Doggo prosecution is concerned , is sickening travesty on justice as lutniii i&terod by modern juries. iimnr MENTION. The mud Is drying up , business is ii proving and every ono is happy. Property owners are beginning to n knowledge a willingness to pay for a d cent sowurace. Tlio clerks at tlio Windsor are sportii now silk hats , presented by Landloi Glass. Tlio ball given at Tcniplo hall Momli evening by the Hebrew Ladies' Itanov lout association was ono of tlio best r tomtod and most enjoyable parlies of tl season. Tiio principal object was raise funds for the poor , but a suitali observation of the Jewish feast of Purl was also intended and carried out The university faculty luivo bpc warned against the approach of a scic tilic crook , who under the name of _ II. Williams is visiting educational instil lions , and robbing their collections valuable snccimons. And now Councilman Webster and Sc rotary Lewis , of the Law anil Ord League , have opened a wild and wool correspondence about Policeman Smil of whom Mayor Burr says : "Hogoc not. " Governor Dawcs , at the request of t sanitary livestock commission , has issu proclamation barring out from K the months of " Juno , July , August , September , and C tober , all cattle from Texas , Arkansi Louisiana , Alabama , Mississippi , Florie Georgia , Tennessee , and North and Sou Jarouna , except under such quaranti rules as may bo prescribed by the co mission. J , C. Hnrphani. of the saddlery firm iustin & Ilurplmm , was married on t 20th instant , to Miss ClamB. Cook. 'i ' Tlio Fitzgerald hose company will no 'id brato the victory of its team at N < d Orleans by giving a grand ball at C rd Hull on Frjilay evening of tins wook. rd The Capital National bank has beg d suit in tlio district court to rcuoi o $3,000 on two promissory notes made o C. F. Uowman. ) - A man named Hubert , livlnjr in Illinc 0 is making a strong appeal to the covei 1 , or for tlio pardon , of ISradshaw , who v s sent to the penitentiary three years n 0 for the murder of Yoorhecs in Us I' county , I'll ll Architect Wilcox has settled his diff loIS onces with the Home for the Friendl pcoplo ami taken pay tor his work or IS compromise basis. ir The Frionel Building and Loan asso 1. ation , with n capital of 8100,000 , lias be 10 incorporated by G. W. Alexander. 1- Parker , K. J. Ferguson , W. F. Wolf ate Jolin H. Vandobe'rg. B10 The supreme court mot yesterday , n 10 listened to arguments in the matter 3r the State ox rcl Dodson vs. Mcokor. 'J 10o latter was clerk of Sallnn county , nnd v : o bounced by tlio commissioners , who ] id Dodson in his place. Meeker refuses tt surrender tlio ollico. holding that the e Lo triot judge is the only person author ! ; it.o to appoint his successor. The case is .o on tlio application of Dodson for o m teal dnnius to compel Meeker to step do ale und out. ojr The Exeter Creamery company jr Fillmore county , was incorporated y jrR | tordny. Eleven shared of $500 each cc 10 prise the capital stock. Lo 3' Why They 'KiUiod for Logan. to The youn'j ladies wore dressing for it gorman and were talking as women 3f ways do when they are awake , in 1J ( think Senator Logan is the nk la man in Washington , " said ono. 10of "Why , what's lie done ? " asked anotl of _ "flo's going to luiyo the senatu take . tlio bill to intu'cubo the olllcicnoy of , army.1' I ttxtr , , ! wjmt , ] 0 you . . . Ciro ! for | . . I "What do 1 care ? A good deal , I i nt toll you , and yon will be as interested 1 nm when you have danced with m many lieutenants as I have , and I usa thorn walking over your toes , and gett a , their feet tanglad in your tram , and h li. boring around llko a bale of hay on st li.as generally. " as " 'Hah for Gen. Logan I" shouted a h dozen jjirU in tlio hull , and the process j" | movcd'oiV , Tlio poorest can bo cured of pain. Jacobs Oil is only fifty cents n bottlo. n The lluinunu society of St. Louis at prevented a theatre manager of that < li- irom I'onducting a test by which a ward was to go to the boy who would for a long time on a chunk of ice. ' disappointment of the manager was coeded by the disgust of a small boy > - walked away witli a peculiar step , ow ip- - to the rubber that lined the seat of 39- is- trousers. IV- Inan an ia he Whtn Hibj u tick , we girt her CaitorU , When ebe nsu a Cliil.l . , the tried fur Cutoria , ISU Wbeo ate Ucconie Mlta , the clang to CutorU , nb of Wlitn sb In ! Children , eh c re Uitia Cutoii Vs tin ti THE SCOUT'S ' ADVENTURE , The Mysterious Letters Out in an Old Beach Tree. A Treasure Discovered In Georgia by the Aid of a Friendless Uog j AVns Ilcwnrtlcd AVIth n Ucnthig. Detroit Frco Press : When Johnston was falling back before Sherman's ad vance through Northern Georgia , and be fore the contllcts of Lost and Pine moun tains , 1 was continually on the front witli a band of scouts. Wo penetrated the Yankee lines time after time , but always to return to headquarters with the same report. Sherman had ono of the grand' cst armies in tlio world , and lie was in such strength that ho could fight John ston in front and pass ills flanks at the same limo , Ono day , while scouting between Marietta and tlio Etowah river , the fed' ' ral cavalry passed and cut oil' my rotreal by the highways , and for six or seven hours 1 was. obliged to secrete myself h a thicket. It was in leaving this phici that I came across a dog who was doubtless loss owned in the near vicinity , but hue been frightened into llio woods by tin skirmishing. Ho took to mo kindly , am had dogged my heels for half an liotii when ho suddenly leaped aside and begat pawing the ground at the foot of a largi beech. I halted for a moment and .sau thai the earth was fresh , as if a grave had been dug. It was but natural t < conclude that some ono had boun she near byt and thai his comrades had givci him burial. Upon closely examine llio tree , I found the fresh cut initials : "D S. G. " Tlio ; were not wlioro one would have lookei for them , but within three feet of thi ground , i had no doubt whatever that i dead man rested llioro , and I picked up i club and drove llio dog away , under III impression that ho was hungry , and di : termined to got at the body. 1 succeeded after a couple of days , in gelling bad inlo llio confederate lines , and the inci dent did not recur to mo for years. Ono summer's day in 1870 , while I wa going from Homo to Cnrtersvillo , I formei the acquaintance of a strange rwho gav his name as Charles Gaines , and wh claimed lo bo a Virginian. Ho sai ho was looking for improved lam ! and had been advised lo looalo nea Marietta. This slory was straight cnougi except that 1 did not bcliovo ho was Virginian. Ho hadn't tiio look nor th dialect , and when I came to quiz hir about cerlain localions around Richinon ho soon became confused. I was llion a deioctivo in the omplo of several railroad lines , and it was enl natural for mo lo ask myself why thi man had lied lo me. I look pains lo h him know that i was willing to answc all his questions , and directly he bepriv asking about the section of counlry b ( Iween Marietta and Etowah. Howantc lo know the value pf land ; if much lores had boon cleared &inco the war ; if ther had been any finds of Ircasurp aroun Marietta ana various ether tilings H worked the questions out of mo withov scorning lo be more Hum generally into : osted , and while I was somehow suspii iotis of him , 1 could not exactly dote : mine on what to place my finger. Why ? 1 kept asking myself this quo lion , but could not answer it. He had a ticket to Cartorsvillo , and bi fore wo reached that place I had madon my mind to go on witli him to ( Marictb Whnt decided mo was llns : Ho sat o the outside of the seat , and a passen" ( goiii { ' to the water-cooler knocked Ids hi oil' . It rested for a moment in the aisli and I faintly read tlio name "Boston" ii side in gilt loiters. The njimo of tl . lrtl nl * * * * < * * * iBL - U 1 111U * * . . . . j. VUtlO 11. .o nuuvo u , uiu JLCOUIU noi can it. No hat sold in Richmond would bet llio name of Boston. Where did ho gi it ? By-and-by , I made a careful oxamn ation of his boots' He never bougl them south of the Ohio. I decided tl same in regard to his clothing. Ho wi trying lo deceive me. Whatoojcot coul he have in view ? When wo reached Marietta both of i wont to the same hotel. I thought 1 began to light shy of mo , anil I took pail to keep out of his way. During tlio ov ning ho asked several townspeople in r gard to tlio country north of Mariolt and engaged ot a livery man a sadd horse for next day. I did a heap of thin ing that night over the stranger's cas but when mornincj came I was none tl wiser for it. His horse was broug around after breakfast and ho rode oil. was templed to got another and folio him , but by what right ? What had I done or what was ho going to do ? went up to my room on an errand , n yet decided whether lo go or slay , and tlio hallway my foot struck a momora dum book. I carricil it into my roor and Hie lirst tiling my eye caught w the name inside llio cover , ; 'Gcorj Paige. " II was a well-worn book , near full of cnlrics. Most of them seemed relate to trips between Boston and Pro\ donee , but near the back end I found 01 reading : About ton miles north of Mariett Georgia , turn to right , wlioro hlghw : bonds to loft ; go inlo woods about li rods ; look for twin becch-treo , with ii tials "D. S. G. " cut low down. My heart gave a jump. That was t ! spot wlioro the Yankee cavalry run n into hiding , and those were the initii 1 had seen on tlio trool Had this slrang coma down to unearth a skeleton ? Iw wondering ever tlio matlor when 1 boa llio chiller of hoofs , and know thai ho h returned. Ho had discovered the loss his book. Now , llion.I did what you m call a moan trick , t pocketed the boo got clown stairs without being soon , ai wont to llio nearest Justice anu demand a warrant for the arrest of George Pal for robbery. Before ho hud ceased ion ing for Ids lost memorandum a constnl made him prisoner. Meanwhile I hade gaged a horse and wagon , borrowed oninty tca chest 'and a spade , and , Paige wont to jail , I drove out of I wanted to unearth that skeleton mysc It was siv years binco I had loft It , 1 : I had but little dillieulty in finding t grave , although the beech tree had be cut down , uidecd , I walked nlnu Mraigjit to it , and , though the initii were indistinct , they were there as \ \ nesses. In half an hour I had unearth the "corpso. " Ho. or it , consisted of rotten cofleo sack , wrapped around mouldy blue blouse , and inside the bloi were three gold watches , $120 in go 1,203 in irreonbacks , half a dozen g ( rings , a fine diamond pin. two gold brai iuts , a gold-lined cup , a full sol of cam It. jewelry , a solid silver back comb , a about four pounds of silver spoons , a forks , tlio whole being worth to mo no us ly 88,000. ty The stun" had boon deposited by two ulit three , or perhaps half a do/on forage lit and much of it had been stolen from t 10X dead on the baltlo-lields. X When the treasure hnd been secure 10 drove on to Carter&villo , and from thei : .sent the horse back , and telegraphed Pangq my rcirrets al his situation , a had discovered my mistake in aoousl him , Ho was held a day or two and d charged. Ho rode out to the spot u found tlio treasure gone , and loft t state without a word as to what his n errand hud boon. * * * Premnturo decline of pov in either sex , however induced , speed and permanently cured. Book for cenls in stamps. World's DUpensi Medical Asjociation. CU3 Muiu Stre Bufl'alo , N. Y. BREAKING 'fjHE ' BRONCHO. A Realistic Sketch or One of the Du- tlcrofiix Cowboy. San Francisco 'Chronicle ' : About the 10th of May the foreman of n cow outfit is in the nearest town hiring his uicn and loading n fi eight team with provis ions. The men g6 out to tlio ranch with him , nnd two or three days before tlio round-nil , which is usually in the latter half of May , the horses nro mustered and divideil amoivg the mon. The ponies that have bebn running on the range through the winter1 nro thrown in witli whatever fresh ; edits the outfit has pur chased , nnd the men nil proceed to the corral. Tlio boss first attends to the riders who were with him the year before - fore- . fore"Tex , what did youriito ! " "CoonSeurio , , L'ctcLocoGotchraddv , : all there is here. Hod Cloud was sold with the culls , nnd Jaybird nln'l been found vet " "Well , throw your tug on tlmt glass- oyud pinto next to the bars there , and I'll give you on old un , too. " While the boss goes on assigning the hor.-cs Tex coils up his riata , a rope of plaited mw-liido ns largo as your linger and fifty to eighty feet long. On the end worki-d "hondoo " small of this is a , or ring of rawhide , through which the rope is doubled , and ho pulls enough slack through it to make a loop fifteen or twenty foot in circumference. Holding tlio coil in his left hand , lie grasps the rope just outside the loop and holds it in his right hand , eloubled back on tlio loop. Then ho trows the loop out behind him and .shouts to the colt , who makes a dash along the side of the corral. As ho passes Tex throws the loop overhand and lorks it taunt as it falls over the pony'd head. The frightened colt runs to the end of the ropn at lull speed , and meanwhile Tcv crouches on the ground , with liis weight thrown back on the ropo. Thu pony "changes ends" with a jerk that al most breaks his nock , and then Tex rung up to him. This gives him thick and starts him again , and nttor the perform ance has been gone through a tloKon limes the pony has learned not lo "run on n ropo" and the first step toward his education is accomplished. He is then named. This is a subject for debate , and Tex linnlly deeidas on "Streaks" a = appropriate for a "paint" or piobnld horse. Streaks is led out of the coiral , nnd while ono of thu oilier boys holds the rope Tex takes another rope , and as the pony rims past him , snares hi ; lore feet auef throws him on the ground. This second rope is passed to another man , who holds it so that tlio pony is powerless. Blanket ami saddle are cinched on , anil the "hnckamorc. " a sort of bailer with si nose piece that will draw up tightly when pulled , is put on. To this is aimed f horsehair rope , calleel a mnearto , and nf tor a handkerchief has been put over the pony's eyes the other loops are loosed Streaks plunges to his feet and rims or the macarto. This ho finds oven more more unprofitable than running on the riata , for the nosespioco brings him ui all standing. iWhcn ho is quiet cnougl lo approach , jTcx tics tlio maearlc so tu to imiKo reins ami throws hihisolf inle the saddle. SlrcaUs looks as if he mean mischief , nnd the bystanders climb up or tlio corral to' ' bo out of liarms ! way Sometimes a mounted man is at hand U "haze" the broncho nnd keep him fron running through p , wire fence or smash ing into a wagon. Tex reaches over ant raises the blind , and then the fun begins Streaks stands still for a moment , am then makes a'mad ' plunge into the aii and lands on his stillened forelegs , will his nose almost on the ground. Tex ha balanced himself and returns the compliment mont with a tquclj of the spur. Streak makes a succession of swift paingcs changing ends at every jump , and strik ing the ground like a street paver's ram nier. Ho is evidently a "plum son of ! gun , " for ho pilches in a circle , which i lar harder for the rider than if ho pitchcc straight ahead. JTljo boys s pnt cnojir.iUiuttlv ! : ; "Si him Hoop , aex , " "Cnlttornia him , ' "Hang nnd rattle , " "Sot him afire,1 "Look for a prickly pear to light on,1 "Mind that prairie dog town. " Tex plie spur ami ctierto , shouting "I-i-c-a-a , " ; talismanic word of much repute amonj "broncho busters. " Streaks finds tha bucking is no use , and ho suddenly rear nnd falls ever backward , driving : the lior ; of the saddle into the ground. Ho look around to enjoy the sight of Tox'a lifoles boely , but Tex is standing by his heai but the coil of the marcnrto , which lift' ' boon caught under .his bolt , fast In hi loft hand. When Streaks finds liis fee again Tex is on his back , nnd the pen makes n bolt of it. A mile or two tell on him , nnd Tex manages to jerk hi head around so'that ho heads for horn again. When llio pony is so cxliausto that bo is comparatively submissive ho i a "broko horso. " Ho will bo harder t ride the scconel time when ho is bitte than the first , but by tlio time ho has boo mounted half a dozen limes ho will 1 : qnito tractable. Thou ho has to li " " and must Icar taught to "savvy cows , to dodge , stop and whirl around like cat. Tlio "broke horses" that have bee running loose all winter are apt to i : moro troublesome than tlio colts , and tli best riders in the outfit will tnko tli nonsense out of a bad horse if the mate to whom ho is assigned is not a vcr "stifV" vaquero , Tun FAVORITE Washing Compound the day is unquestionably JAME PYLE'SPEAULINE. It dispenses wit HID necessity for beating or rubbing tli clthoso , and docs not injure the fabric. Gladstone's London Times : Wo understand tin Mr. Gladstone's courageous invitation I the public to correspond with him o Irish affairs lias not mot with the omba passing rcsponbo Unit was feared , an indcotl seemed most probable. Evot morning brings letlors , cliiolly from Ir land , but the number does not ovortti the oflbrts of his secretaries or M Gladstone's ability to keep pace with tl suggestions o ( lured. It appears that co respondents nro not lured by the pro licet of writing aj letter of which ho certain to receive no ncknowlodgnien and is destined lo prompt relegation I the waste-paper ba'fckot. The corro&poi dents who pester Mr. Gladstone in ore ! nnry times have over bofoio Uiom tl hope of cither ffcceiving a post-card i reply , or porndvonturo u letter , whic they map send to the newspapers , con ' ling their name with Hint of the liber' leader. Them is the same inlliionco i work witli the crowds of people wl write to tlio chancellor frequently , humorous iniinnur , recites n few of tl suggestions mfulo to him by unknou correspondents , anil who can say wh particular letter may not bo selecti for quotation to Jho vast audience tl chnnco.lor of i thu exchequer attract But it is different when nothing partlc lar is to be gained by contributing a dre to the stream of loiters that wns expect * to bwiunp Downing street , The streai therefore , turns out to be a very gout ono , a fact perhaps not greatly to bo d plore-d in the public interest. It is pro ablothatMr. Gladstone ofloctcd his ma purpose when , by his invitation to t ! world of letter writers , lip showed th lie appioachcd consideration of llio su jcet with nu open mind , nnd that hit. o anxiety was lo arrive at a solution of t question irrespective of party. "That tired " from which - * ( ittt- Lit Wt fooling" , W1 * if iwt * J < suffer so much , particularly in Iho mor ing , is entirely thrown on" by Hooe Sars tipharilla. "Wo Lead the Trade On line Java and Mocha coll'eo , Ooloi and Gunpowder tea. GRAND UNION TEA Co. , Sign Big Steam Tea Kettle. Cure of Pleurisy. 00 MAIS STUKCT , GLOUCESTER MASS. , April 10 , isso. Allcock's Porous Plasters have been used in our family for the last three or four years with very beneficial results. Previous to that time I had boon subject to attacks of a severe pain in my left sido. Hot cloths and liniments aflbrdcd temporary relief , but after a wlillo the pain always returned. In the fall of 18SO , after a very severe attack , I wn-s advisoel by a friend to try an Allcock's Porous Plaster on my side , which greatly bcno- lilted mo. After that I tried several kinds of plasters to see which was boat , and finally decided that Allcock's suited mj * case the best. I have worn them con stantly on my side ever since , and have never been troubled with the pain , except when I loft thorn off for a few days. Wo always keep a supply In the house , and whenever a pain soi/.os any of us , In any part of the body , wo just apply an All- cock's Plaster aim can most heartily re commend them. JAMES PHTTKIUEW. A discussion going on in Boston as to who is the ohlcst Hying member of the Masonic fraternity in Now England has brought forth Hie names of several who Iiave uelongcd to llio order for more than half u century , among them David Me- Daniels , of Morrislown , Vt. , who joined in 181. , when 21 years old. No less than $25,000 has boon spent by llio German government in boring a hole. This cosily hole was made at Schlado- back , near Lcipslc , and was made with diamond drills to the depth of 4,500 feet the deepest drilling over dono. The object was to got a true estimate of coal deposits thcro. riLE3 ! A sure euro for Blind. Blceilln ? , Itclilu mid Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian leiuody ) , c.illotl lr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment A slnIo box has cm cd the woist chronic cases ot 2.1 or CO ) cars standing. No ono need sutler llvo minute's alter applying this wonderful sooth In ? medicine. Lotions and liistiumcntsdo inoio Imiiu than pond. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absoibs tlio tumuis , allays the Intense Itching , ( particularly at nlcht nfter pettlne warm In bed ) , acts as a poultice , civei Instant rellui , ami is prep.ued only for 1'iloa , itchlm ; of private parts , and for nothing else. SKIN I ) IS 12 AS HM OUHKI ) . Dr. Fiazier's Mnclc Ointment cures as by magic , ritniilcs , Black llo.uls or limbs , Hlotclics and Eruptions on the face , leaving thesKln clear anil upiiutlful. Also cines Itch. Suit lU'ontn , Sore Nipples , Soio Lips , ami Old Obsl Inixto Ulcers. Sold by diugglsts , or mailed on receipt oE CO cents. Hetailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroctcr * Couiad. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman. "Roswcll House , " in Gloucester Conn ly , Virginia , is ono of tlio most ancient landmarks of the old dominion. It is n massive structure of brick , as largo as an English castle. The roof is Hat and coV' cred wilh lead. The mansion was buill by Mann Page , a grandson of Sir Join : Page. Ho was probably llio wcallliiosl landholder of his lime in Virginia , will the exception of the fail-faxes. ron OF AND The sweet trum , us Rolliornil from a tree of the lame name , grn iwlnR nIOnB.tho BmiiU BtrenmBjj . II ) o Woulhcrn btalei etimtiiatinK or. and wiiooplnK-cnuuli. Wlion cnmblnud wllli llio DcallnK mucllnulnons principle In tba mullein plant of thu olil Holds , presents In TAYion'tt CltEllOKEE llEMCDY Of &WCKT OUJI AND MUL LEIN the lined known remedy for Couvhs , Croup , Whooping-cough and consumption ! ami so pala > Idblo unrclillu In plaa i > cl to tnlro It. Ask your Clticiriiit for It. 1'rtro iAc. anil a > l.OO. - AWV.JLTKK A/Jt'AVLOJl.Atlaatu.Om Railway Time Table OMAHA. Tno following Is the time of nrrivnl nnd dc parturoof trains b/ Central StmnlnrJ time n the local depots. Trains of ttio C. , St P. , M. < O. nrrlvo and depart from tholr dopot. corno ot 14th ami Webster streets ; trains on tlio O. i M. , O. , n. & Q. nncl K. 0. . St. J. it C. U. rrom th B. & M. depot ; all others from tbo Union 1'aclfl d ° POt BniDOE TBAINS. HrldRO trains wll leave U , f. depot at 8:75- n7:35-8:00-H : : : ) -8:60-inO:00-lluO : : : a. m. , 1:00 : lBOl:603:003:00 : : : 01 4:03-5:00 : : 6 : J3- 0:10 : 1:00 : 11:10 : p. m. Lonvo transfer for Oraftha at 7:13 : R 8:15 : 9 : ! 0:4S : U 10:35 10:37 : 11 :3Ta.J : ! m.l:3T ! : 8:13- : S:3T-3:30-3iJT : : 4:37 : 6:5) : UI3 : 7:80-7:66- : LINKS , Arrival rind douarturo of trains from tti transfer depot at Council Bluffs : DEl'AI'T. ' ARlUVn. CHICAGO , HOCK JSf.ANlJ k 1'AClFir. B7:1lA. : M I 1)0:15 ) : A , : H : I5A. u l6Ui' ! : ) . CUMOr. M I U 7:00 p. CHICAGO & NUIITlnrUSTRllK. II 0:15 : A. n I 1)0:15 : A. CUiOP. M I l)7:00i- . CHICAGO , nUHMNQTON ft QUINdr. A & . * ) A. M I AO'.l'i ' 4. II 6iOi ; > . u IIC : Ol > . I A 7:10 : p. CHICAOO , MIMVAUKUK t ST. 1'AIIf. . 110:15 : A , il I J > U15A ; , CO:4J1' : . M I 117.1111' . KANSAS CITY. ST. JOti & COUNCIL 1U.UKI > . A 10.00 A. M I 1 > II 3A , C 6K5 : 1 * . M I A & ; 40 1' . WAUASII.BT. I.OUI3 * PACIFIC ) . A 8:00 : p. M I A 3:30 : p. 81OUX CITV t PACIFIC. A 7:05 : A. XI I A 0:35 : A. A 0J.P. : tl I A H.BJI- . E'OJA.CS IfcT TO ACES. Elc. is DEWEY & STONES' Oneoftfio Best 0,11 $ Lwyvst Stocks li ) the U.S. to Select from. No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator , M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ana llUIllCi ; , Mtxnnser , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UHFEHENCKS : Merchants' mitt Knrmois' Hunk , David City , Neb. ; Koariioy Kntlonnl , , . Haul . Columbus , Neb. MuDoiialil'H llnnk , North HankKturnov Ni'b. : Columbus Stnlo ; ; i'latlo. Nob. ; Omulm National H.ink. Oiiinh.i. Ne-l ) . Will pay customers' elr.ittltli bill of Incline nttaolioil for Uvo-tliirm vultio of stock. Or tlio Liquor lliibll , I'oslllt < < ly Cured by AiliNltiNlrrltiR Dr. llaltu-H1 ( loltlcti Niicclllo. U cnn boKlvpn Inn cup of roffop or ton \\llliont tlio knowloilKOOf llic ponon tnkliiB It.l iitoiliitcly lintiiiU-n. ninlMU cIToct n pommiipiitr.nJ fpccily euro , whctlivr llio pAllent Uu inmlorate drinker cr lu nlculuillc "reck. U liai tirru Riven In Iliou * nv.ids ot CMOS , nncl In every lnsuncor\icili'ct | euro bn.i follonuil. It np rr Ihlln. TiiD cyftom once linprc' nntcJ nlth the Sprcl.lc , It becomes nil ultci ImpOMlbllltr 'or llio liquor nppcllto to exist. FOIl 8A1.B 11Y rOLLOWINU UUUOQ1STS : UlIIIN iV CO. , Cor. ifltli unit llonnlnn , nnil ISIIi iV : t'mnlnu Htn. , Uniuhti , Nob. ' A. I ) . KO.STKK iV 1III.O. . Council ItlnfDi. toira. Oil or wrltp tor pniililt | < t contnlnlnii huntlrctls r 'ts" lmo l'il from HID bc"iouion uiiu uicii Iroia ; , l Bf. is ot llic ctvmlrv. HAMBDRG"AMUCAB Company. A DIUECTT LtNB FOlt England , France & Germany. The Btcuiiif nip ? of this well known line nro built of lion , \\iiter-tlght coniixiitiiiontg , and lire fnrnlslioJllli every loiinlslio lo nniko the passiiiro both i-afo und Rgrecublo. Tlioy cairy thu United Stntot ami Uurnpcnn mulli.inul UMUO Now York Thursdays and Saturdays for Plr. mouth , ( LONUONJ.CIicrboug.U'AlUb and HAM- I1U1W ) . Ituturnlnp , tha stonmora Icnvo HnmburR on Wcdnosilays iiiul Buniluyala. . Havtu , taklnir ra4 cnircrgiit Southampton and London. 1'lrst cabin $ > ) , 5UJ nml f"5 : Stoorngo $ J1. Itnllinad tickets Irom I'lymouth to Urlstol , Uur- < lllf. T < ondun , or to any plaoo In thu South ( if England , rilEl ; . StconiKO fioin Europe only W5. Boml for "Tourist IJarotli' . " 0. U. H10HAHD & CX ) . . Oonoral I'nMicnRcr Agents , Cl Broadway , Now York ; Washington and La Sallo Sts. , Chicago. 111. _ " " TIUZE , ? 75,000 , Tlclicts only ? 5. "shares m Pioportlon. LOU1SI&8& STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , I'NVo do horohy certify Unit < vo supervise Ihu nrranireinoiits for nil the Monthly and QunitorJy Jnuvinus of The Loulslanu Btato Lottery Company and In poison manniro and control llio Drawings themselves , und that thosamo ara conducted with honesty , fairness and In Rood fnlth toward all parties , and wo nuthorizo the Company to use tills cortlflcato , with fnc-slmlios of pur eignaturo ? Httapij ij | > i 113 qdycrtlsoivn COMMISSIONERS. We , thoundorslarncd nanVs and Dankora. will 1 > ny ml 1'rlzcs drawn In Thu Louisiana Stuto I-ot- torlos whlub may bo jircsontod at our counters J. IT. Fres. Louisiana National Bank. BAatUUL , II. KENNEDY , Pros , t ate National Bant A. BALDWIN , Fres , New Orleans National BanL Incorporated In 1803 for 23 yenrs by the loiU- laturo tor Educational iiml Clinrltablu purposes i\ith u capital of fl.OOO.OOJ to whlcli n rosurvo fund of over $ fifiOUM has slnco boon inldod. Ily nn ovorwliolmliiir popular vote Its f i ancbfso wiis inn Jo n pai t of thu present Stuto Constitution adopted UocomuorSd. A. I ) . IHT'J. Tbo onlv lottery ever voted on and endorsed by tbo people of any stnto. It never scales or postpones. Jtsirniud single number dnwmijs talto plaoo montbly , nnd tbo ovtiaor.llnnry UinwliiuB rojtu- Inrly every tlnco montln Inutrud of soiiil-nnim ally nancrotoloru , uttrlnnliiff Mmcb.lMf ) . A SPLENDID OlTOHTlIMTY TO WIN A FOHTUNIX 4tb Qrnnd Urnwliif , ' , ciniM D , In tbo Ac.idomy or Musio. Nuw Orloiiim , TuesJuy , Apr. Utli , 1330 Olst Montbly Dmwinir. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. 100,000Tlcliots at Flvo Dollars Each , ructions In Wftbs , In Proportion. aooo 10,000 u.ooo IO.OUO 10,000 10,000 20,000 150,000 & -iooo ! M,000 B.T50 spa Application for rates to clubs should bo mudo only to the ollico of the company In Now Or lenns. Tor fni thor Information wrlto clearly , civlnj full address. POSTAL NOTES , Kxjiross flnnuy Orders , or Now York Kvchango in ordinary letter - tor , currency by express dill bums of (5 and up wards ut our ejtponso ) addiossou , M. A. 1JAU1 11IN , Now Orleans , La. Or M. A.DAUPHIN , Wnalilngtou , ! ) . 0. Mnko P. O. Money Orduin paynblo nnd address rcelstcrod IrtU'is to NEW OHLUANS NATIONAL HANK , New Orloiins , La. is DEciniu ) nv Royal Havana Lottery ( AQOVKHNMENr JNnTI UTIOM Drawn at Havana , Cuba , March 13-27 , 1886 ( A OOVKIIN.MKNT IN8TITIJT1OM TICKETS IN Firms. Wholes fO.OO , I-'rnctions 1'rorata. Tickets In Kiftbs ; Wboles ? 5 ; Fractions pr ruiu. Subject to no manipulation , not contiollod by tbo pintles In Intoicst. Ills tbe 1 all cst tblnj In tbo nature of cbanco In oxUtcncu. Tor tickets apply U ) SHI I'SY k ( X ) . , 1212 Hrond. way , N. Y. City : M. O1TUN3 & CO. , 019 Mnlu ereet , Kunaas City , Mo. V/EAK 3 PEOPLE Anil ethers ( Ulfcrlnc frura ntrvom iloLlllty , cihau lliic du a li , pniniluru of young or oia ru rljr cund bjr lr , " 4S'iWJJ a i * * " orns'f rimnu * l.lK-tro. /Vsi-1 Marntlla llrlU ThO8 ond. In tlorytf .KHtato 111 tli Union lia > * Ulrii ciiird. l.leotrly. ; * - ' | ) jiittanlly f lt. 1'alcnird u.dijoU 10 jiupiure. 7uu cureoin'os. ninu ntnip tor | mni.inci ! OR. w. J. Horn * INVENTOR , 181 WAUASH Av. , CHICAOO. ESTABLISHED 1803. GHANDLEMROWNCO. QRAIN AND P210VISION Commission Merchants , Ilonnl of Trmlo , Cbnnibor of Commerce , Culciifto. Milwaukee. C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor , Ijoc.-xl Itiisincss Solicitor , 1UO-1 p. BOYER & a and Jc3 ? Work. 1020 L'iiriiixm Street , Oniuhri , Is'ob. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOORAFHV OF THIS y WILL etc er EXAMIMKO THIS MAP THAT THE CICAGOROGKISLfiiD ! ! ! a PACIFIC RAiLV/AV / Itrronflon of Its central posltlmi nmlctoin relation to nil principal lines Kant nml West , at fnltffi ) andtAt nlnnl polniK. ooiutltiitci th" most Important milt contliiLiitnl link hi tluvt pvsti'iti ot throuKh tronipon Cfitlon wJilch litvlti * and fArllltMen tisI ? nnd trafHo tiutwoen cities of the Atlantlu und I'nrlflc Coiuti 19 li nUo thn fftrorltp nnd Ito tiouto to and from pofotn l txKt , Nortlien t nnd Boutlicnst , nnd corrtapouiiloif liuliiu Wast. Nm ih wont nnd e jUhwcat. 4v I'T.Z C75nt CCh ! slnnt ? Rout * - Gimr nt fis IU ritronn tlmt BPnto 01 pcn > on l i ra. rltr ( Ioriiiil ) by a Mild , llioiciithlr tnllnttcd rond. bod. iniootli tritckii of cotiUnuonl ifeel nil. mibilan * tlally lii I U culvoru nnd lirldRes , rulllng nlocll at n r luirfocllan a human > hlll u n make It , tin intttf niipllnncoi of potonl liunriitili : < trnrniii nnd air brnktf , nnd linl oxncllnff dliclplluo which povenii tlm pr o ! Ufa ! deration ol all In Iralni Oilier antolaltUa pi hli routn ara Irnntforf nt nil connoctlnir nolnti In Union Dcpoli , mill tbo tinrtirpmsca eoaiforti aoa luiurloi at HI rnsicnser Equlpmont. .23 I'alnco l > loepar of th | at t dVilgn , and lumptiicup 1)1 lntnir Cum. In which clal > orattlj cooked mf all are l urtlr onion. Hetwoen Chicago and Kiw-iaiOlty and Atcuku are also run tUo CelobraUd ItocllalnK Clialr Can. , The Famous Albert Lea Rpute ' Ii the direct and farorlto Un ? bttwecn olilctnq and tllnneipolli andSt. I'nul , wbeia connectionarcn la In Union Depots ( or an polnti In tha Territorial and Hrltlali rrorlncoi. Orer thli route l" it Eipren Trains are run to tbo walortnfr plarci , eummer ro- iort > . plcturniiua lorlltl i , and liimtliiR and nihlnif . croundi ot Iowa nnd ftllimonota. li ! also th tnoic peilrablo routx to the rlcli wbent Qeldl aud paitgra ] lands of Interior Inkot % Htlll anotlirr DIIIECT I.INIt , TKBonacann < l Kan * kakco , ha b en opened betwe-cn rtnrlnnntl , Indian * nnolla and Lara } tlt , and Council Uluftl , KaniaiCltJ , Mlnnfaolli | nnl bt Paul and Intcrmedlato polnU. Tor detailed Information fie * Uapi nnd Folder * , obtalnablu , ai well ai tlcketv , at all lirlnclpal Ticket Omens In tUa UulUd Blat < > and Canada i or If ad- droislntf R. R. OAQLH , E. ST. JOHN , l'r:3't & Oon'l M'c'r , Oen'l T'kt te Tan. Ac'C , CTIZO-OO. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tbe Orlttlnnl nnd Only Oeuulne. Rah and alwati RelliMe. n wan of worthlraa Iralulloaa. Indli-jfoiabli to LADIES. Aak jour Umcilit Kir "Chlchf.tcr'l Ep0ll.l > and Uk > no glhtr , or fu.lcM I * . ( lump * ) to ui for ponloultri in littir tr rrtam mall. NAME PAPER. Chlchcater Ohrml l O * . . VBIU Mudliuu Hqunre , 1'bllada I'm. Sold by l > r < il ( lM BTcrrwbPro. * k for "C'lilckca. tcH. Kncll.l. " I'eiiniroiHl i'llla. Taki us uih.r. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , . NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $360,000 Suplus May 1 , 1885 930,000 li.V. . YATKS , President. A. E. TouzAi.m , Vioo Prosidont. \V. II. S. HUGHES , Casklav. \V. V. JMOU3B , UIUBCIO"afonN S. COLUNS , U. W. YATUS , Luwia S. UEKD , A. E. TOUZALIK , BANKING OFFICEi THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and Farnam StrooH. General llaulilutf Uualunsa Trumaotal. SENT C. O. D. O.SK OK MOIU5 \MMI.r.K.\I.E I'llICU. I I'AY nil cipio i tliaiKti In all p ilnl vlllitn UOO nilln. l.DOOpiiirlupi to nlu.t from Bind tuocuuli juiupforllluilruli-ilcitaloauu. Mention IhUpuinr , L. Q , SPENCER'S TOY FfiCTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. : HEN. You tire allowed a free ( rial oflMi t\i \ ilain ot tlio usg of UT. l > yo'a Ci'lcliiiktul Voltulo licit tvllti V.lti Irlo but * pjnsory ApI'llancfs , for tlio speedy rdlif uncl per. inanoiicourunt Kcrvnvi Inblhi. losn of Manhood , ami all Llndro < l trcnil.lt a. Alno ( or mcu/ olher < ll3casc3. Complete restoration to Ilialtli , VlKOr , anil Mniihoo I pvarautiiil. No rl k Is Incurred , Illui. tratcd tinrnphli't In MalfA f HtvlopA intillcil free. liyAU. CrouslCB VOI/TAIC ) 1ILI.T CU. , IHarnliull.micli- Star Line Currying the Dolfrlura Iloyal nnd United Statoj Mull.balllnif ovcry Suluidtiy Between Aniv/crp & How York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. Salon from IW to { 100. Excursion trip from tlluto tlbO , Second Cabin ( JU , und llicurslou t'.O. hleunigo iiU84u o ut low ralos. i'elcr WrlKlil i Hnus , Qoiiurul AgonU , U I ) road way , MOW York. Omulm , Nobnuka , Frank U. Mooroa , W. , Si , Ir 41' . ticket