Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Assumed Murderer of Watson B. Smith
To Be EeleasedToday ,
Tlio Glllcslo | Property Appraisement.
Cloiul OH the Title Andy Don-
Allison's Drunk Other Men
tions From tlio Cnpltnl.
[ PIIOM inn ner.'s I.IXCOI.M
Tlio convict l'ii < rson , whoso nllcped
confession concerning tlio Watson H.
Smith murder created such a sonsatlon
last summer , will' bo roloiusod from tlio
penitentiary to-day , his term of Impris
onment expiring nt noon. Duputy
United Stntos Mnftlml Hastings is here
watching the opening of tlio gates , tuid
tlio moment Plorson steps outsideho will
bo arrested for tlio niurdor of Smith and
given an opportunity to show how much
or how little ho knows about that tcrriblo
crime. Warden Nobcs , when questioned
on tlio matter last night , said it was true
that i'lorson was to bo set frco to-day ,
and that ho further understood that the
United States olliclals would take him
into custody at once , but beyond that ho
was not at liberty to speak. Mr. Hast
ings could not bo found , having pinned
himself securely liuyond the reach of thu
itowfl hunters until after his great errand
is accomplished.
Tin : on.i.isi'iE : I'liorEUTV.
Tlio gentlemen appointed by the board
of public lands and buildings to appraise
the value of tlio ( tille.spie property on
r. and Eighth street , the tltlo to which is
now in tlioMuto , have made a report liv
ing the price which they think it ought to
roall/.o at $17,000. This is about S'-.OOO
moro than the most Minguiiio believers
in Lincon real rstatu have dared to esti
mate , and by many good Judges is pro
nounced a ridiculously high valuation.
Tins property , which is situated near the
capltol building , came in'to possession of
the statu some years ago as nearly every
Llncnluito knows , on foreelosuro of a
mortgage given' by the owner , Mr. Gil-
Icspiu , to secure tliorental of school
Jaiuls in which lie was operating. Itcon-
si.sts of six lots , numbered 7 to 13 inclu
sive , in block 153. In their schedule the
appraisers set down the value of these
lots as follows : No. 7 , $2,750 : No. 8 ,
$2SMO ; No. 0 ; $3,000 ; No. 10 , $2,000 ;
No. 11 , $2,200 : No 12 , $2,750. On
lot No. 10 is an old frame house , the only
improvement of note on the tract , which
it > put in at $3,000. This appraisement
has been made with a view to a sale atan
early day , the guardians of tlio stato'8 in
vestments being satisfied that there is
.nothing to bo gained by waiting for fur
ther i MC rousts. The sale will bo con
ducted under the rules governing the dis
posal of pulilio lands , which provide that
each lot must bo sold separately to the
highest bidder , and that no oiler of less
than the apprniseinent can bo considered.
Where a safe is olloctcd the purchaser is
to pay one-tenth of the price down , and
can have twenty years'timo in which to
complete his payments , interest at the
rate of 0 per cent to bo charged yearly.
It is not expected that the bidding
will bo very spirited , as the
appraisement is too high for
men merely looking for an investment to
bid up to. It has been hinted that it is to
the interest of certain ollicials to have
the sale go by default in order that tlio
property may be leased to some of their
Iriends. This is hardly probable , as the
rental of C per cent on thu appraised
value would make leasing a moro costly
investment than an outright purchase.
As an example of how the title to real
estate may become confused or "clouded , "
tin action bogtm in the district court yes
terday by Julia M. Triekoy against Anna
U. James et al is interesting. In 1801) )
Edward It. James and wife sold to Silas
W. Hunt lot 3. block -10. in the city
of Lincoln , for $1,250. John I * .
Lantz. the notary before whom
the acknowledgment was made , failed to
incorporate Mrs. James' name , and the
original deed has since boon mislaid or
lost. In 1870 the promises wore sold by
Uent to John D. Ham , who in 1873 con
veyed them to William LEystor. . In
18SO Kyster sold to Mary A. Horey. Three
years later James AloMurtry came in
possession , and in 1884 the present phun-
tiir , Julia M. Triekoy , bought the prop
erty. Through all these transfers and
years there was no trouble , but now a
' 'cloud" comes up , owing to the original
deed being lost and Lantz's neglect to got
Mrs. James' name in the acknowledg
ment. The plaiiitll ! asks as a matter of
equity that this wrong bo righted , and
the defendants , being merely nominal
ones , are not making any strenuous ob
Among the drunks and disorderlies
marshalled before Judge Montgomery
yesterday morning was an elderly man
who gave his name ns Andrew Donald
son , and said ho was from Omaha. The
pollco reported that when arrested Don
aldson was trying to got acquainted with
the wooden Indian in front of Wolto-
made's cigar store , and was profuse in
his assertions to the untamed red man
that if ho would come down to the cor
ner they'd "set 'em up again. " Donald
son when put in iall had only. & 3 in
money about him , but when paraded in '
the forum of justice ho claimed to have j'
been robbed of $100 which ho was taking
to Ins family in Stromsburg , Nob. Jiidgd
Montgomery put the uswufmo on liiin.
which ho paid by turning over an old
wagon wheel silver watch. Donaldson
saps ho has two good farms in Illinois ,
but Nebraska will do to live in , oven if
tlio Indians are deucedly uncivil.
J. U. Wilcox , the eonlidonco man no-
rused of picking tlio pocket of a rural
New Yorker at the 1) ) . & M. depot one
dav last week , was up buforu Judge
Montgomery yesterday lor examination.
Jack Caldwell , his attorney , made a
strong plea for Ids release , but the judge
held him for trial in $ 1,000. in default of
which ho lingers in the coolor.
A number of Lincoln people have gene
down to Humboldt to attend Ihu funeral
of Mrs. W. 11. .Sterns , who died in Florida
a few days ago , and has been brought
homo for Imriul.
SherilV Loithold , of Allamako county ,
Iowa , obtained from Governor Dawes
yi'storday an extradition warrant for the
return to tlio Imperial htato of ono John
A mot ) , wanted there for larceny. This is
the eighth warrant issued to Iowa , elli
cials in the last ten days.
lilbhop Wortldiigton will conduct the
continuation ceremonies at the Kpisoopal
church of the Holy Trinity , in this city ,
Wednesday morning.
A domestio employed at Mrs. South-
worth's boarding house , u23 Kloventh
htreet , disappeared quietly Sunday after
noon , and with her went $10 of tlio land
lady's cash.
1-our iinfortuuato drunks
were ar
raigned in police court by Hljah White
hall \cstordaY morning , and received the
regulation sentence of § 5 and costs earh ,
Summerhas , > burst upon us suddenly
tind there in already a marked dcnuuul
for fans and dusters.
J. W. Wallin , a stock-shipper at Salt-
Illo , Lancaster County , complains to the
railroad commission about the rotten
shutes used by the I ) & M at that point ,
and which ho ajleges nmkcs the transfer
of stock exceedingly dangerous.
Therti was a small strike in the county
court yesterdayConstable Hunger refus
ing to servo papers for jurors or wituoss-
os unless his fees were paid in advance.
Deputy Shorill Udcch was entrusted with
the job of gutting the people wauled , into
court , nnd did it in good shnpo. Hunger
has lost Ills fees several times of Into "by
the summary dismissal of cases , ami says
ho iloosn't wtint to do nny Inoro credit
Hon.Vm. . 11. Munger , of Fremont , 19
to sit ns a roferco in Lincoln to-day to
hear testimony in tiio matter of J. U.
Webster's claim ngalnst Lancaster
county for 514,000 , alleged to bo duo tinder -
dor the now famous contract for refunding -
ing tlio old Midland bonds.
The First National bank , of Lincoln ,
has brought suit against J. M. U'illis , to
recover on a note for $350.
Marshal iJonch had the prisoners in the
city jail out fornn airing yesterday , and
put them nt work breaking slono on the
sunny side of the oniriiio house.
M. J. Konnard , OmahaW. . N. Carnen
Hurford , Ashland ; Dan D. Fuller , Oma
ha ; C. Thompson , Ashland ; J. T. Hink-
ley , AMihmd.
A I'semlo Science tlmt lias Waned in
London News : M. Dumas recently de
livered the funeral oration of ono Dos-
barollcs , professor of palmistry and , in
course of his remarks , spoke of Desba-
rolles as having done for the hand what
( Sail and Spur/lieim had done for the
brain. If this parallel is to bo taken se
riously it is not too much to say that the
science of palmistry must bo regarded as
practically extinct. Phrenology to-day
Is an olloto branch of thought. We look
in vain for any mention of the word m
the indices of works on the brain which
deal with the latest information .science
has elicited respecting the organ of mind.
No one possessing the most elementary
knowledge of progress science has made
within the last twenty years , in the mat
ter of the functions ot the brain , can for
a moment accord to phrenology a stable
position in the list of modern branches
mid modes of inquiry. It is , poiehancc ,
only breaking a buttorlly on the wheel
and slaying the slain to say so much.
Hut the science of Gall. Spur/helm and
George Combe still survives in holes ami
corners among us in the shape of demon
strations by peripatetic phrenologists of
the "characters" of their clients. Busts
nro still to bo seen and bought in winch
the human heads \ mapped out into
of "destructivoncss" and "
spacca "vener
ation , " into areas of "amativencss , "
"form , " "color , " "language , " and so
forth. There are many persons who still
believe that the faculties of human nature
nro all pigeon-holed , as the phrenologist
teaches , on the contour of the brain.
The reading of character and the con
stitution of mind would bo an oxtraordiiu
iirily easy matter were such things true.
The brain , alas ! is much too complex an
organ to bo so lightly disposed of. It
has taken the best work of a quarter of a
century in modern phjsiology to open up
the subject of brain functions , and it will
occupy the energies of many years before
wo are able dotinitely to sum up clearly
and explicitly the exact nature of many
of the brain's ways and works. Hut
what we do know of cerebral structure
and action slays phrenology more com
pletely than it has oycr been disposed of
before. The work of Hitzig , Fritich ,
Ferrer and others has taught us the new
phrenology that of experimental science.
Jt lias exploded the old myths about fac
ulties , "bumps" and brain organs , of
vyhich so much talk was heard half a
century gone by. Wo are able to-day to
indicate generally how the organ of mind
works , now certain of its parts come
to the front over others , how there should
exist lower and higher "centers" in its
substance , how one part regulates speech ,
and another .seeing , and another hearing.
In our hospitals for nervous diseases to
day the physician , from his study in tlio
work of the'normal brain , is able to place
his linger on the region lie regards as af
fected his and inquiry
in patient , post-mortem
quiry as well as evidence of other kind ,
is brought into the Hold of research to
confirm his deductions. Looking back
to the days of palmistry and soothsaying ,
wo spo in the old phrenology , which still
survives in unlearned circles ; a lit ac
companiment of the "science of hands.
Tlio School Land Lenses.
Sutton IlcoMer *
The recent leasing of school lands in
Keith county serves to call to mind the
controversy over this subject in tlio last
campaign. The action of the board of
public lands and buildings was very
stoutly defended , and those who had
condemned their loose way of doing busi
ness have bcon over smco very roundly
denounced. It was claimed as a wicked
and wanton attack for political purposes.
But subsequent events have proved that
the board was open to justly severe ecu-
suro. Had not the lease of these
lands been prevented by the
intervention of outside parlies ,
tlio state would have bcon tv very heavy
loser for a torni of years. And it is in
just that condition now as regards other
counties in which leases were consum
mated. As to Keith county , with its 80-
000 acres of school lands , the appraise
ment under which leases have boon re
cently made , is on an average about six
times as high as that under which thu old
deal was sought to have been played. In
stead of fifty to soventy-livo cents an
aero the lands are now appraised at $3
to S3.00 an aero. And tlio demand for
them at this last lignro was eager and the
- , _ gPiliUtL So that tlio sohoo !
fund "will now rccoivo from this
ono county nlono many tliotisaiiln of
dollars annually moro than it would
liaro done had the other nil but eonsinu-
muted echenio not boon nipped in the
bloom. Thorn nro other evidences Unit
Commissioner Scott is looking nftur tlio
interests of tlio school fund llo looks
ever tlio ground in portion , ntlonds to tlio
public sales of school lands , ami in cases
wlioro appraisements nro too low , tlio
board through his advice reject the ap
praisement. It ifl a comfort , t\\t \ \ > o , to
know that some of tlio follows who. to nil
appearances , stood in with the old ring ,
Imvo ovor-reached thumsolvcs ami were
unable lo unload some of their leasedami ,
lioneo were out their first payment.
' "
atffli M j | tsatamcaai
T2io Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago !
I.oaiufuiiprllfo , Uatrcli cnttlvc , 1'uin la
the head , vrllli u tlnll eimnllon In the
back purl ) 1'fllu un-Jer Ilio Unuldcr-
blnde , Fullneis ufcer vJtlae , tTllUndla-
Inclination to exertion of Lodr or mind ,
Irritabllltrof lemprr , I.otvaplrlti , vrilh
ufeullnr of having neglected omodiitr.
YVevrlncsi , IJlzzlui'M , Fluitcrluffnt tue
It carl. UotH brio rot ho ej'e , Ileadacuo
over iliu ilglit cjti , Henllcunfits , rrllli
tit fill tlrenmi. Illclilr colored Ilrlur , und
TUTX'S IIXB nre especially adapted
to mob oases , ono tlaia effects eucli a
changoDfft6llnc stoa9tonlilitlinsuirerrr.
Thojr In cruise the Appetite , u > | caute tha
bcdjr to 1'xke on Flcjli , Urj > tue tj stein It
> > OTiriihe(1ana by tnxlrTouta Action on
tha l > lxc Uve Organs , IteBularS tool * nre
produced. I'rlofiUlir.I i aim-ray fit..N.V
Jluuoratm U)8 bod/ , make * htultliy flub ,
Etreugthuis tha waux , r p Iri ll.o wastes ot
Vie ) teia with i > tV4 blood nuJ hard muscle ;
tonea Ui * nenroiu trstem , iurinratet ) tba
train , and Inu > trt4 th vi or
$1. Sold by dnij
Oi'I'lOE 44 ilurrnrSI. , Now York.
Dave MnfTntt'ft Career.
New York Special to Chicago Tribune !
1) . II MoflaU , president t > fllio Denver &
Kio ttrando Hailroad , lias so many iron *
m tlio llro in the financial World tbat ho
comes often to Now Yorfc. Ho Is hero
now , liavlnp 'come on to attend the
funeral of Ids partner and friend , ov
Senator CliafTro. It was Cliafleo who
pave direction lo Moflalt's first efforts to
make money on a blp scale. Moffntt was
originally a drupRlst's apprentice at
Nowburjr , in this stato. iio had an In-
qul.illivo mind , and was constantly try
ing to lltul out the contents of bottles.
Quo day ho sampled a big ammonia-
bottle with such recklessness that ho
wont sprawling on his back on the floor
in a swoon. When he recovered ho con
cluded that ho did not want to
learn the drug business. Ho wont west
and drove n stage in Iowa , and then be-
eamo on o.xpross messenger. This was
In the day * when that service was on
coaolios and exceedingly dangerous. Fi
nally ho landed in Coloi ado and started a
stationary store. In two yo.\r.s it had
grown lo such "dimensions that he sold
his interest to his partner for 100,000
and went into the First Nationa bank ,
which had been organized by UliaHoo.
Ho h president of the bank now and h
worth ! ? - > ,003,000 to $0,000,000. Ho stood
by Senator Cliafleo in all the senator's
losses In the last two years , and gave him
nisistanco whenever wanted. MoR'att
once stumped Cyrus W. Field. 11 was
when the campaign of 1894 was
warmest in New York. MofVatl was
at I ho republican national committee
headquarters with Cliafleo. Field
came in and began to tell what ought to
be done about raising money. Ho had
talked a long time when Mollatt , who
had bcon listening quietly , spoke up :
"Well , talk is cheap. You are right
about raising monoy. I will give as
much as you will Suppose wo start the
subscription right hero.1 Field stared at
Moflatt in ama/.ement , and linallv asked
his name. "It is no matter what my
name is so long as it is good on a check.
If you say $50,000 I will duplicate it. "
Field wont away in a dudgeon , believing
ho had been insulted until ho hcaid who
Moflutt was , when ho laughed over the
incident but made no sitnscriplion.
iMofl'att had a deal with Jay Gould some
years ago wliieli causes the little Wall
street wizard to liato the Denver man
with a holy hatred. It was in the Denver
Pucilio transaction , ( .lould wanted con
trol of the road , and was to pay S'-.OOO-
000 for the interest hold by Alottat. He
got out to Denver intending to take pos
session of the board of directors by giv
ing his check for Mollat's stock , when ho
proposed to let the chock await payment
until he got ready. Ho gave the check
to MotVat , and then asked for the trans
fer of the stock. Moflatt cooly replied
that the transfer must await the certifi
cation of the check. Ho sent it on to
New York and made the railroad mag
nate wait its return Ooforo ho would btir
a peg. It gave Gould the nightmare for
a year or more aftorwauls whenever
Mofl'att's name was mentioned.
A Mystery Solved ,
Among the ninny tnmedics which have
occurred nt Niagara Falls , the death of
T. G. DoWitt , a New York commercial
traveler , will always bo remembered as
of surpassing horror. While viewing the
ice formation below the cataract the un-
lortunato traveler slipped and shot down
tlio mound with frightful rapidity , disap
pearing , as was .supposed , into the water
below. It now transpires that ho was not
drowned nor seriously injured by tlio fall ,
but fell in a crevice , where lie cither froze
or starved to death. His body will bo re
covered. The agony endured by him
until released by tleath can be but faintly
imagined. The roar of tlio falls pre
vented Ills despairing cries being heard ,
although a beaten path in the MIOW allows
that lib made it long struggle before
abandoning hope of rescue.
A sine euro for Blind. Bleeding , Itcliln
and Ulcerated Piles lias been discovered by
Or. Williams , ( an Indian lumedy ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian 1'ile Ointment. A single
box Im3 cured the worst chronic c.tscs of 'J. " > or
SO ) card standing. No ono need sailer live
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
1111 ; medicine. Lotions and instruments do
moro harm tlmn good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
Intense itching , ( particularly at nleht after
getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , elves
instant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
Dr. Krazier's Jlatric Ointment cures ns by
magic , Pimples , Black Heads or Grubs ,
Blotches anil Eruptions on the fucc , leaving
the sKin clear and beautiful. Also cities Itch
Salt Ulieinn , Soie Nipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers. ,
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
lictalicd by Ktihn & Co. , nnd Schroder &
Conrad. At wholesale bv C. V. Gooduun.
Colonel Nicholas Smith , "tho grca
American professional beauty , " is a native
tivo of Shelby County , Kentucky , am
"was born so. " A Louibvillo paper says
that in his youthful years it was Ins daily
habit to stand before his mirror and ex
claim : "I thank Thee , O Uod , for thii
magnificently handsome face. "
AitRObtura Blttors Is a household wotd al
over the world. For over 60 yeam it has nil
vcitlbed itself by Its merits. It Is now adver
tlsed to warn the nubile against counterfeits
The genuine article is manufactured by Dr
J. U. B. tilegert & Sons.
T. C. Dutro , n wealthy citi/on of St
Louis , wont to Lcadvillo recently will
tlio idea of investing largely in tlio mine
thoro. Wliilo looking through the "Col
onel Sellers" mine lie stumbled and fel
into a shallow pit. Ho did not think hi
was hurt , but ho died in four claya from
the olYucts of tlio fall.
Puriftr Vour lllood.
Anioiif' spring preptirutlons. do no
nugloct that which ia moat iniportuut o :
nil your own body. During the wintei
thu blood iibsorbfinnny iinpuriticswhich ,
if not cxpullod , nro lliiblo to break out in
scrofula or ether Tlio bosl
sprint : niudioino in Ilood'8 Siirsiipnrilln
It oxpula every impurity from the blood
mid K'IVCS btroiu'tli to every fiuiotion o :
tlio body. Sola by nil dru ists.
In cxporhnonts on the inlhionco o
outward ugonulcs on the duvcloumbnt t
ova , Itauborand Sauhssu liayo dolonninc
that the dovolopiuunt of lion's O H
ceases below twcnty-Hvo dcgroas contl-
prado , and that those eggs can bear torn-
] ) ornturod of from forty to forty-livo do-
gruos for only a sliort time ,
Kvcry Woman Known Tlieni ,
The hiinmn body Is much like n peed
clock or watch in its movements ; jf ono
pees too slow or too fast , so follow all
the othur.s , and bad time results ; if ono
organ or sot of organs woiks imporluctly ,
perversion of functional ell'ort of all the
organs is sure to follow. Hence it is that
the iiumorous ailmcnU which make
woman's lifo miserable nro the direct is
sue of the abnormal action of the uturino
system. For nil that numeroud class of
favmptoma and every woman knows
thorn there is ono unfailing remedy , Dr.
Piorco's "Favorite Prescription , " the
favorite of the sex.
' 'A Chinaman walked into the public
bphoo ! at lillensbury. Oregon , thu other
day , witli books nnd slates , anil wished to
bo enrolled ns n student. The teacher
permitted him to stay until noon , and
then the directors told him that the
Chinese must po.
If you cannot go to Florida when sick
take Red Star Cough Cure. No opiates.
Ed word Olson.tho well-known clothier ,
has just received at his now store , 1010
timiam street , a tine line of men's and
boys' clothing , gents' furnishing poods ,
all of the latest styles , and will soli
cheaper than ever. '
Please give rue a call. . '
Glimpses or A ; Socinl ( Queen , a Borrowing
Daughter and a Tlceing Wife.
End of High Ambition Tlio Fliitht
From tlio Kntnou * Snnsldc Homo
of1 Cnnonchct.
Philadelphia * Tiniest Chief Justice
Chase was not.n magnetic man ; ho had
few personal friends nnd no intimates.
Ho did not , like Henry Clay , draw about
him a host of enthusiastic followers , who
stuck to him in defeat as well as in
.victory. But Salmon P. Chase had ono
friend who never deserted him ono
friend who never faltered in her trust or
failed in her love and thai ono true ,
faithful and devoted friend was Ids old
est daughtcr.Kato Chaso-Spraguo Losing
his third nnd last wlfo before ho was -15 ,
Ills young and gifted daughter was the
ono companion qf his life , tlio conlidnnt
in all his high political aspirations nnd
the lender sympathiser in Iho hour of
defeat. There was a mutual confidence
between father and daughter which
never censed.
Kato Chnso wns tlio pride of her
father's heart. Like him she was am
bitious , and while ho nspircd lo the high
est political honors , her ambition was to
bo a social queon. Her beauty , wit and
grace made her ono of tlio most brilliant
belles ot Washington while she wtw yet
in her teens. Her father's positions , first
as United States senator , and afterwards
as secretary of the treasury , made her n
conspicuous figure In the .social world ,
Mr. Chase , though so distinguished , was
far from being a rich man. Ho had it in
ids power to make millions while secre
tary of tlio treasury , but ho quitted ollico
poorer than lie entered it.
At the ago of 2 1 Miss Chase was mar
ried to William Suraguo , tlio younjr
millionaire senator from Kliode Island ,
who had been governor of the state when
ho was only 'M years old. The world
deemed this a. brilliant match. As usual ,
the world was wrong , for it was a most
ill-borted marriage , uovjrncr Sprague
was far inferior to his wife in mind and
manners , and she , discovering when too
late , that his heart could not be fired
with high ambition , turned her mind and
soul to promote the ambition of her
father. .
1 lirst saw Mrs. Sprague in the spring
of 180 ! ) . She was then 20 years old and
in the prime of her rare beauty. Tall ,
slender and graceful , her sparkling
vivacity , dashing manners and brilliant
powers of conversation fitted her to
adorn any society. At that time she had
only ono child , Willie , who has turned
out to bo a chip of the old block. 1
kr.ew her chicJly iuhcr , home life or m
the society that made her house , on the
corner of Sixth ami E streets , ono of the
favorite reports ; of Washington. She
occuplied in spnlfi rcsueeti the same
position of confidential advisor to her
lather that the late Miss IJayard did to
the secretary of' ' state , She mnnaged
her household' with great firmness and
was the absolutoimistress of a princely
establishment , with a retinue of servants ,
the chief of whom" Was a French cook ,
who received $1,200 a year for his ser
vices. As an cxanfplo of nor manner of
dealing with refractory servants it may
boce moioucd that on ono occasion the
ttiitchman was told to do something in
the house , lie refused , saying his duty
was oti the bo'x. qf .the carriage and no
where else , \vhorcupqn , , Mrs. Sprague
ordered out. tha carriage and kept the
ioachman sitting on the box all night.
There is in my mind's eye a vision of
this fascinating woman in all her incom
parable boiuity as she one _ evening en
tered the white house , leaning upon the
arm of her father , moro than a o/.en
years ago. She was dressed with ex
quisite taste , well becoming her fair
young face and faultless figure. Over a
pearl-colored dress of softest silk fell a
rich profusion of costly lace. _ A double
row of pearls encircled her delicate neck
and in nor sunny brown hair a
iifjlo diamond .star of extraordinary
niThcre were , at the white house that
mght beautiful women and distinguished
en from every section of this vn l
country , rewesenting every typo of
physical grace ami strength. IJutitwas
a subject of almost ponoral icniark that ,
for manly beauty and feminine loveliness ,
Chief Justice Chase and his daughter
carried oil' the palm that evening. The
father was proud of his daughter , proud
of her beauty , her wit , her intellect ,
proud of her ambition that aimed at the
presidency for him and the queen of the
white house for herself. She was proud
of her father , in whom was centered her
wildest dream of ambition , and she pre
pared herself for the rcall/.ation of this
glorious dream by studying all those arts
that fascinate and delight. She taught
herself the language of courts and prac
ticed the gay badiuago and witty ropar-
tea that lighten the formal etiquette of
Those who know the inside history of
Chief Justice Chase's life declare that his
presidential aspirations were inspired
moro by his daughter's than his own per
sonal ambition. During thu campaign
of 1808 , prior to the meeting of the demo-
cratlo convention , Mr. Chase was fre
quently mentioned as a i > oil > lo candi-
- " - iv , c ij. V4'"JTrn TM
uate , ior luo pic Kiejiw' , . luici airij ,
Sprague entered with zeal and energy in
thu oll'ort to secure tlio nomination of her
father. Her ambition was arousud und
for a time her brightest hones suemcil on
the point of being realized. Her father
often spoke of the joy it would give her
if ho should get the nomination , and
whim ho was told of his failure his lirst
words were : "Does Mrs. SpraiiuoknowV"
and when told she did , his next question
wnss "How does she bear itv" Mrs ,
Sprague bore up bravely under this terrible -
riblo disappointment , which cruAjidat
once and lorever her life-long dream of
ambition , >
The second > sight of tills dazzling
woman is vory.tifilorcnt from tlio iirst ,
when she npprurod in all the pride of
youth , beauty and ambition , Clothed in
"deep mourning , with her beautiful eyes
wet in tears , Mrs , * Sprague is bending
over the collin that contains all tlmt re
mains ot the father whom she idoli/.ed ,
No jewels are around her neck now , no
diamonds Hash frorii her queenly head 1 at
this grinf-stricknn moment. Her heart
is crushed by itiio sudden blow , all her
high hopes tire gone , all her ambition is
buried in her father's collin. She know
thai father us'iio ono else did or could
know him. She know all ho iiad been to
her , and know that his death was a loss
that could never bo replaced ; that hence
forth she must live without sympathy of
him , who had always been to her tlio
most devoted of fathers and the kindest
of friends. From the hour that made
her nn orphan the world lost most of its
brightness and nil of tlio sweetness for
Kate Chase ,
Years passed niter tiio sipht of our
heroine bcndingover her father's colllncd
form , and thu third and last sight of her
is oven more painful than tlio ono just
pictured. Driven to desperation by tlio
brutal conduct and insane threats of her
husband Mrs. Sprague determined to tly
from tlio house which was no longer a
homo nnd carry with her in her flight
her three daughters. Tlio affair was
secretly arranged during the temporary
absence of Mr. Spragup from Canouchet ,
thu country seat pf the family in Khodo
Island. Mr , Sprague had no objection
to Ills wife leaving , but he wished to re-
tain the girls , and this wis the von ,
Mrs. Spragno had determined ho should
not do. Like A true woman she had her
way. Sprague returned on the very day
that was appointed for the tllght of the
unhappy wlfo and her thrco daughters.
This was an unexpected thing , but Mrs.
Sprague was i-qual to the occasion. There
was ono servant In the house the only
ono upon whoso fidelity she could doDcwF.
The hour fixed for the escape was 5
o'clock in the afternoon , when a earring
with a pair of fast horses was to bo at u
curtain spot on the beach to take up tha
party and dri"o with all Jpcccl to the
railroad station to catch the 0
o'clock train for Fall Ulvor. While
Sprague was cncngcd In Ids
own apartments winch were at ono
end of the immense house of eighty
rooms. ) Mrs. Sprague quietly loft by the
frontdoor j as though she was going to
take i a stroll on ( ho beach , A few min
utes after she left the house thu faithful
servant already mentioned smuggled the
thrco girls out of a side room and led
them to the appointed place on the bench
by unothor road than that taken by the
mother. Mrs. Sprague arrived lirst at
the rcnde/.vous , wlioro she found the carriage -
riago awaiting hor. To escape notice
she jumped In and told the driver to
move the hoivos slowly along the bench
until the children arilvcd , At length
they came and were placed safely in the
carriage , which drove rapidly to the sta
tion. So far , so good. Hut Mrs. Sprauo
did not feel safe Irom her husband's pur
suit until she had reached Boston late
that night.
Mrs. opraguo has led a very quiet life
slnco that famous Might from Cuuonchet.
For several voars she has lived at Kdgo-
Hold , near Washington , engaged in sup
erintending the education of her daugh
ters , upon whom she has centered tlio
affection which was once lavished upon
her father. During the past year or two
she has been living in Franco , lirst at
Fontaincbleuu. but more recently nt
Paris. She still retains all that witchery
of manner that made her olio of the nfost
admired women that over ndornod Wash
ington society.
In making the assertion that Pozzoni's
medicated completion powder is entire
ly free from injurious or deadly poisons ,
we do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of theohlcst
face powders in American market , and
is used m the famalies of some of our
most prominent medical men who have
personally acknowledged to thu proprie
tor that they not only considered ithurm-
Icss , but esteemed it highly beneficial in
every respect. Sold by nil druggists.
Some Bostonians are enjoying them
selves in discussing the question , "Who
wrote the letters of Juniusf" Thus far
the claims of Karl Tcmplu have been ad
vanced with most ability.
The Mormons are still picking up
proselytes among the poor whites of tlio
south. Elder Morgan has iust taken
thirty pretty tough-looking converts from
Tennessee and Alabama.
Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated ,
AHB PnucKinto BY PHTSICUNS evtnrwxcnr.
. Aiitl all TTattht0 JHscntcsf
For Bale by Druggists , Grocers nuU Dealers.
Price , One Dollar per IJoldo.
O -BolJon/jMnieAleJ bottler , unl nMi E rmln < ev
ertRncUaitBftrourlridt-markluUloltliVbllcheniUt ,
nbo\e. a n ( Him nm ofcomr ny tlo-nn Inlxrtlle ,
7 rerwm * < fcBtorth * llorkf MounUlui ( exr | > t tl.o
Territorial ) , unobla to | > recur II from ttirlr < lea ] r ,
f/mlm > e ll ir noren eetit , In iU1n CUM * , uur.iarkt ltUx-
rDiluiD ( MX PolUra to
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.BaitImoroMd.
taeoni ttQ pri * tip * UV * / r tct.ii *
rteorervfnm all Waiting Dtttaitt , It tan Stprrpar l
l > oafkomtil. + rptr. Mti yuirittt ( > * emtitgttt formula
a * < ttht vttojour irftfrt'V f a f ittoeait , vttl tuthttr-
fkltlantiftrtd ty our J. ' df ta I J > tj > art i < * t.
Hall'sSarts , Vaults Jim el ock $
na aim * vGiHf
1020 1'urnum Street , Onmha , Nebt
counTHr win tee er E MtNiia THU MAP THAT TH
The Croat Rock Island Route
duaranteei IU patron * that senrn of perronal eren.
ritv aifuuldd \ > y a ttjIJJ , UiorotiKlilr ImlUtUd rat'l-
tie ! , vniootli track * of cuntlituuiis ofcel rail. buli laii
tially htillt tulrurl * and l > rldro , rolllntr ittock aine > r
perfection as human tklll can maka It , tlio tttfvty
uppilaiicd or i > Unt btiircrajiUtformi and Air bmkrv
lUid tliat exactiiiJdlcflpllno which governs thu prao-
tloal oparatlon < > f nil itv tralni Other upoclaltlc * of
, } iU ruuu arw Tranwfun at alt euniiectliitr j > olntM In
union I Knots , and tlio uiihurpafc'td cutufuiU cuiii
luxurleiof u IA f - - -
7bo Ka t Fipnu Tnlni ltwfn Chl .po nrit
PearU , Council Illulft , Itntiian Lily , Lrarennorlli anil
At hUon ore cattipolotl of elf vclilllolcd. Jtm-lr up
lipuinrixl lur Coach * * , tlairoltlcent rullman 1'alncii
Blenptriof the lilcit detlen , uiuptuoui lilnlna
I/'MM. In vhlcbiUboratcly tuoliea ntritli are JiUurrJy
eaten llitwKonCtilcairoiutd KaniaiClly and Alililtcn
ro ulio run tha Celcbi ated llocllnlnu flialr Cure.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
U tlio direct and farorlte line tetoeen Chloxoand
lllnncnpi.ll. and St. I'aul , where IOIUIDI Uc.ui i made
In I'nloii l > eix > u for all polnu In the TirrltorlM and
llrltlib 1'rotlnco. Orcr thli route r it K l'rrn '
Iraliu are ruu to tbo watering ilacvi. tuinmir riv
Boru. pIctitrcLiuo localltlM , and liuntlnK ami lulilnz
ircniDli ; ( of luwa mitt Mlnnwota. It la alio the inu.i
a route to the rick wlitiat ileMl auJ
IUKII o Inttrlur I ) kot
Still .another . DIHKCT LINK , via B naca and Kan-
kakae , hat t > en opened telwutn I'tm Innttl. Indian-
Bi > ell and L fa y tt , and Council lilufli , IT.n.nflly ,
lflmi apll ana tit. ls ul and InteruivdUtu polutt.
tor detalUd Information tlapi mid > ol < lem ,
obtainable , at well ai llckcti. at allirtni.lialTlckrl
onlcci In tt fulted Btatej and Canada ) ur tr J-
R , R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN ,
I'rct't & Oca'l Jl'B'r , Oen'1 1'l.t ft 1'aia , Xf't ,
uiii i u * A imn.
. . .
M. < * k
Full Assortment for sale to tlio Trndo by-
JN *
One of the Best anl Ltrgest Stocks in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator ,
GHO. nUHKK , Manwror ,
REFEHENCES : Moidmnts' and KarmerV Bank , David City , Nob. ; Kearney Notional
Bank , Keainoy , Neb. ; Columbus State Bimk. Columbus , Nub. ; McDonald's Bunk , North
i'latto. Nob. ; Omaha National Bank. Omaha , Net ) .
Will pay customers' draft with bill of ladlne attached for two-thirds value of stock.
Asthma Cure.
This Invnlunblo snoolflo rondlly and pormn-
nontly euros nil kinds of Asthma. The moat
otisttimto nnil lonw Btiuidltiir cnsos yield prompt
ly to Its wonderful curliia pioportloa. It Is
known throughout tbo worm for Its unrlralod
J. I , . OAUWUM , , cltr of Lincoln , Nob. , writes ,
Jan..r > , 1MI : ainco uslnr ; Dr. Hair's As-tlmm
Cure , for moro tlinn ono > i-nr , my wlfo 1ms boon
entirely oil , mid not ovuu u symptom of tlio
cllsoiiso 1ms npponrod.
WILLIAM HRNNKTT , lUohlnnd , Iowa , writes ,
Nov. ad , mi : I Imvo boon iitlllctisl with liny
1'ovor nnd Astlimn slnco 1S.VJ. I followed your
tlticctlons mill nm luippy to eny tlmt I never
slept better In my llfo. I ntn ( rind tlmt I mn
amons tlio many who cnn spenk so favorably or
your remedies.
AvnlunbloGl pnfro trontlso containing slmllnt
* piool from every state In tbo U. 8. , Cnnada and
Great Urltnln , will bo mailed upon application
Any druggist not bavins U In atook will pro-
ou It.
a rtntlrEt trprtiilof toolo of ri ulilu flaT rn ut < loTertti
tl. ! rt.rvi Pjir | < l * . PltrrWR. e4 Ari. , l il
rJf * tf Ib. l lg U t Ort nt. A f.w ilrcp. trap trl d.lieiwi. B T
Iv t cIMi cf ebuapva * . Bnd l All uci . l
trwlf * ofr uBltrf.Iti VAlk J6T It joi r ordnnjiM for U. | aUM
IMUt.inin nrtilr.dfcT bitO.lf tltO
et uuoAuwAY jr. r. _ ,
Kxhnnntojl Vltiilltr. Norroni nmt Physical . . „ ,
Premature Decline In Man. Krrora of youth , and tin
untold miseries roiultlnilfrom Indiscretion und or-
copies. A l > ook for every m in , young , mldlloA2oil (
nnil old. Itconttilna lii | > ra < crlritlc > ni for Hit nemo nn 1
chronic ulrtpnscsoachono of which Is Inraliinblo. S >
found by thouutliorwlui o experience for U yairsli
mien ns prolmbly never Doforofoll tolhn lot of liny
phyiilclun,1UiMKei : , bound In beautiful French muv
lln , embossed covon. full vllt. uruurnntood to bo minor
work In nvery sonvi m clmnlcnl , literary nnd profm.
eloniil tlmnimr other work In-tlils country forI.-SJ ,
or the money will bo rofnnd In every Instance. I'rlca
nnlr (1 l > y mull , pontpitld. Hlmtrntot nnmplo , nt.
Pendnoir. Ooldiuednlawnrdoil thenutliorbrtb * ! fv
tlomilModlcul A oclntlon. til the lion. A. 1' . IIUnoll ,
und innnciato omran of tbo boinl tbo render IB ra-
Kpnctfully raforrad. . . ,
The Science of I.lfo Is worth rnoro to th a younjj nn1
mlitdle-naeil men of tlil Renurntlon than nil thoirulil
mlnos of California nnd tha ellrcrmlnoi of Nor.ida
combined. S. K. Chronicle.
The Bclonco of Life points out the rocks and quick-
randu on which the constitution nnd liopoa of nnnr
n youngt man Imvo boea fatally wrecked. Mnnclicitor
Thu Science nf Life Is of greater vnltio than nil lliu
meillcnl works publtihcd In thli country for tlio pal t
U yean. Atlanta Constitution.
'I he Science of I.lfo 1) n sutiurb nna rnitntarly trnit-
Ino on norrous nud pliynlcul debility. Dutrolt Krua
Add'rostlio Po ibody Medical Institute , or Dr W. IL
1'srkor.No. < Uulltlncli street , Boston , Muss , .who mar
teconsulted ou all diseases requiring skill and exparl-
CjlCOi _ tiiinJI3lV.'lllUfllJailMtt ' -UlSP13" * UitttliavabjC.
uc filly w hout an IniUnco afalluri
Mention Onitiha Hat.
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
Onulo SyfiHmiHimt ! Bowormro Plain lor
nnil Timnj n Kpciclully. I'luns , INtlinntoti uml
HpcclllrnlloiiH for 1'u lillu uml othur IhwIncotliiK
orks furnished. Hnrvoja mid Hopoit nniJo
on 1'ubllo Improvements.
ANDUI.W HosEwiTKit , Momlior American
Oty Civil UniflnooM. City Knp/lneor of Oinahii
l.Q. II UnuinTiu , Civil ISnirlnoor.
Provisions and K. H. Stoclcti ,
1300 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska ,
lixccuto orders for puicliuso or sale of wliotu ,
coin , pork und rullioud ttocks.
Holer by pcniibslou to the Omnhn Kiitlonnl
nunli. J''lrstclass nttcutlon to onlms fiom In-
tfiiorivhluh uiobolicltod , I-'AUUIY & CO.
Red Star Line
Carrying the Iloltrlum Iloyul and United States
JIullBaillii ' o\cry Haturday
Between Antwerp & Hew York
Baton from $00 to flOO. Excursion trip from
flluto JlbO. Sououil Cubin tW , anil Kxcuralim
t'JO. Htocraife juwjut , ' ' ) nt low lalcn. 1'ctcr
Wright X Sona , Uuncrul .Afunts , 65 Uroitdwuy ,
HOW York.
Omubu , Nebraska , Frauk U. .Moorci , W. , St , L.
It V , ticket
Merchants ,
Ilonrd of Trftdo , Clinmbor ot Commerce ) ,
Chicago. Milwaukee.
C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor
Local BuslnosH Solicitor , 1301 Doug
Cure without modi-
A POSITIVE olno. I'lituntoJ Octo
ber 10 , 1870.
Duo box will euro
the most obtlnnto cnso In fourdnyg
No nan eotiB do os of cubebs , copatbnor oil of
Btindtilwood that uro certain to produce dyspop-
Blti by dostioyliiK the ooiitlntfs of the stomach.
I' Soiii bynll diuwlsts or mailed on
receipt of prlco. For fnrtlior partleulais gone
for circular. P.O. lloxireil.
x. c. .A-maLj-A-itT -CURE.
K ! John St. , Now York.
Cataloging and 1'rlces nn appllpiitlnn. Hold by
all tbo Licit Carrliieo Ilullriorx and fjcalora.
Cublo Acldresn. COO CUT.
( Successors to J. Q. Jacobs , )
At the old stand , HO" Varnnm St. Onlors by
toU'irriiph Hollrltud nnd juomplly attoiidod to.
'J'olomionu N'o.-J
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $360,000
SuplusMay 1 , 1886 . 26,000
U. W. YATBS. President.
A. E. TOIJZALIN , Vice President
W. II. S. HyaiiKS , Cashier ,
\V. V. Mown , JOHN S. COLLINS ,
A. E ,
Cor. 12th and Farnnia Btrootl
General llauklmr Ilusliinti TransautaL
I 1'AV All ri . [ > n < rlrargt * lo nil point ) wllbln SIX )
rnlluB. I.OlMS.Hlllniftit to Mlvit Iroin Bend two ccnl
rtumn forllluitiutHfcutalotruu , fkntlon thj3 | > a | > ir.
Hotice to Contractors ,
* VTOTCKU liaiuliy ifhou tlmt buuloil jnoposnU
i- > for tlio const ruction of a court linnsu In tha
jmlillu rt'iiiiuo. Voile , York uonnty. Nubrnska ,
( thocobtut which In not to OMioud tliu um of
$ . 'iO,0Wj ( , will bo iLcolvciJ lit tlio county clorlj's
ollico , till or bdfoio AprilHli \ , ivw , lit f o'clook ,
| i. m , Bulil uouit lionao to hu built iiceordlnu ; to
imi'ly to whom tliu com i nut mny \ > < i
nwniiloil will bo ioijulro'1 tOKlvo bon I In donblu
tlio amount ot tlio contract prlco : tondltioncil
for the fnlthfnl porformnneo of hU olillK llon ,
S'.ilil bond to bo approved by the county boiud.
'I ho boaul icsena the rlfilit to icjcot any or
till DldH.
Ily oulor of the boniil mu'lo 1'obnmry 58,1C8X
mhWOt M. SOVISIUIION , County Cloik.
_ _ _
" '
You nre allowed ajtte ( rial af thirty datof Ilio uo
of Or. Djn't ( kloLralc J VultiUoIkltvltli I.lci-trlchu-
penzory AppIlii > < ' < -8 , for the f | > ceiy ! rdlcf > n'l | T.
Inap.cBt euro tit Kervout JictillUy. loaot Vitality uuil
ilunhood , anil oil Llinlretl trouhlcn. Also for inony
otbrritlscasci. ComplitorcnturatluntoIleMth , Visor ,
and ilaulinoil iruaruiild. . t > a rule I J lucurrtid. Illua.
tratcrt iinuiKhlnt In * rale < l riiiv fft-o , LyiuV
drralnl ; VOX.TAIU UttLT UU . IUur bulli AHuli-
Tlio Orlclnnl untl Only Genuine.
Bid nl U ji ( V-Uibto. 0 < w > of trarthleui lulutlou.
l > dhttBiabl < to LADIES. A lt four jlritjtaUl tl
" ' . t4 ut > ro ILclaM 9.
ui fat MtlkuUri tn Ittl * Itg rrluru UIAU.
NAME C'l.lihc. Cli lu
Vuld br lirii ffUU evf rrwlicrn Aik Cor ' CLIcbcv
ttft KojtUifr" I'tun/ruiul J'lll * . tUikovao.