THE OMAHA DAILY BBS , SACuiWAY. MAROH-23. 1888 THE DAILY BEE ) COUNCJlTBLUFFS. SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH. M. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. EclUcrcd by carrier In any part of the city nt twcntj ccnta per w tok. II. W. TIM ON , - Manager. , > fo. 4J. Ninnt KIIITOU. No.M. MINOII MINTIO\ , New spihiR oods at Roller's. Now .sprint ; wraps just icccivctl .it Ilitrkiii'ss lirot ) ' . Hory O'Moic nt Dolmny'fl tonight for the Imnclll of thu I'nrnull fuinl. The Muthotllst liidins are i > rumnng | lo a pliantoin conceit in Masonic hull ne\t Thursday night. Yon will find the finest ami Ihe largest nnd the cheapest line of new embroideries in the city at Harkness Hros' . Dave Marcroft , colored , arrested for assaulting another colored man , was yes- Icidny given ono day in jail. A pleasant gathering of friends in dulged in a progressive euchre parly Thursday evening at tlio homo of Mrs J. N. Casady. Don't forget to go and hcarn puncgyrio on the two Hags by M. J. O'UonucIl In the piny "Rory O'Aloru , " at Dolmny's new opera house to-night. Religious services at the Baptist church Sunday at 10'50 ! a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sub ject for evoninir , "Amusements. " Seals free. All cordially invited. Thu Sherwood conceit In t evening called foi th much enthusiasm. It was a lich treat for the music lovers of llio eily , and those who missed it , missed much. Services in the Congiegalional church to-morrow morning and evening as usual. Subjeel of morning sermon , "Where a Wise Man Keeps His Eyes. " Evening , "A Strong Invitalion. " All are welcome. On Thursday evening Prof. MoNuugh- ton cnlcilaincd the ioung people's class of the Melhodisl Sunday school. They turned the tables on the professor and presented him with a handsome gold- headed cane. The sale of railroad tickets from this city to California points is dully increas ing , both over the Union Pacific and li. & M. roads , the purchasers announcing their intention of visiting the Pacific slope during the pro /iilcnce of llio cheap rules. The Ogdcn house is undergoing some niaiked changes anil improvements. Not only is the front being made a mire , white , but there arc many interior im provements being made , which will add to the comlort and enjoyment of its many patrons. On Thursday evening Mrs. J. N. Casady enlei tamed at her residence on Oakland avenue a progressive euchre party. The gentlemen's first pri/o was won by Ira Scolield and his wife was awarded the ladies' , while Mrs. is. S. Keller and W. D. Hardin were given the boobies. The show windows of Stubbs on Broad way have been attractively adorned with Ills name in gold script , one of the pret tiest bits of loitering in the city. It was I Ihe work of George It. lieard , who has also done llio interior decorations , which arc very handsome. The Rev. W. T. Smith , presiding elder of Council liliiU's district , will conduct the services at the HroadwayM.E. church to-morrow. At the close ot the morning fccrvico the holy communion will be ad ministered. The love feast service will be held at 0:30 : p. m. Pierce , thu hotel beat and insurance solicitor , was released from yester day , his tiiuu being up. Ho did nol tarry to vindicate his character , as ho promised to do , but hurriedly took the great Rock Island route for the cast , traveling on foot and alone that he might the easier inspect the condition of the track. There was a jolly campliro at Carson Wednesday night. Members of posts in Oakland , Macedonia anil other towns were present. Ron. W. W. Ramsey of Harlan was the principal speaker and delivered a masterly address. A grand supper was served. The Carson post reali/.ed about $70 for its relict fund. The police yesterday arrested a suspi cious young boy mimed liakcr from Mis souri Valley. The boy had a horse , and claimed that his father had sent him to this city to sell it. The story seeming w. . improbable , the police concluded to liolu L him until word could bo received from Missouri Valley. I fir Tramps are no longer to be allowed to loaf about the eily. An opportunity Is to bo given them to work , an opportunity which they will have to accept or else move on. Yesterday six vagrants woio sentenced to work , and us them is plenty to do on the strecls Ihoro was no Iroublo in keeping them busy. The musical institute , under the direc tion of Prof. Towna. seems to have aroused much enthusiasm , and there is f'Very indication Hint there will be n very largo attendance. His reputation as a composer and instructor is so well known that these desiring to gain musical in- slruclion and culture need litllo urging to avail themselves of this opportunity. His days will bo devoted lo the giving of private lessons to such as dusiio , ami his evenings to thu institute. To-night there should bo n full attendance of all those who desire to enjoy the advantages of the institute. It will bo hold in the par lors of the Congregational church , and to-night will bo in fact llio llrsl rual ses sion for instruction , the other gatherings being largely preliminary und for the purposes of organisation. Cm tains , Curtains , Curtains , Harkness Brolhcis. " O'Moro" . "Rory To-night. Everybody should remember the Rory O'Moro entertaiiimonl for the benefit of the Irish Relief fund at Dohany's now opera house to-night. The following is n correct cast of characters : Knry O'Moro . Gcorpe Hughes Mis , O'Mnio . Miss Dccne Lnt/.lncor Mary O'Moio . . .Miss A. llecbcu Col. Thunder . , . I'M K. DoLncy . , . . . .Wlllliini M.iloney Khun llui . I. M. O'Doiinell Scruhus . ,1 oim Mulonoy lo WcUlslu . Thomas Hitches Pleriu . Kluvo Ailiiins Hodilci Imr bolomon , . , Jnmes liulviu Jlill Join's . John Conner Flannel ty . , . John Mul < iueen JCatliloen . , . * . . Miss Colin 11 i Nellie O'KIIey . Miss Mamie O' . Hotly . MIssJiillnHilttcs Mih. lnlo ) . Miss Klttio KdKOito Uhltly l'.ioy . Miss Km ma Ka\ annual boUllcis , VVomamy , etc , Trains will leave Omaha at 0.05 p. m nnd ? ; 10 p , m. Slreol cars wi'J ' mccl the 7:10 : train at the transfer to accommodate lliobo of thu Omaha delegation that do not come al 0.05 , Carpets , Carpets , Carpets , Harkues Brolherb. The elementary class of the Musical in Etitnlu will incut at 4.00 this aftucnoou Tlio evening cession will begin at 0UO. : licst coal nnd wood m the city at ( ilci : eon's , 2G Pearl street. Substantial abstracts of tltlo and real cstuto loans. J.V , & K. L. Squire , 101 Four ! street , Council Uluil's. Foe first class Missouri wood call'on tilo.svou , ut his coal olllco , CO I'earl street. 'Money to loan by Forrest Smith. I SUICIDED BY STABBING , A Woman ot the Transfer Plunges a Knife Into Her Heart , SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Music Mndc In the IllitlTs-Prepnrlnff For the Sisters' Knlr Tramps HoltiK Ulvcn Street Work Vnrlotin Music In the Illnffc. Two now pieces of blicct inusio have been published which interest particu larly Council BIuIVs people , and at the samu time have merit sulllcicnt to eom- inoiul them to intisle lovers everywhere antl win tliclr way into popular favor. They aio especially of interest to resi dents here because they are the product of local talent and skill. One is entitled "Thu Picture of I\Iy \ Angel Mother's raeo , " a fans and chorus , the words and music by ! A. Ron1 , of this city. It is dedicated to his friend M. 11. 1'eters , of Watscra , 111. , and there is a tender bit of history to llio production. Mr. Roil'as a boy was a paper carrier for Mr. Peters , a well known journalist of Illinois , and thus boLMii an acquaintance which ripened into friendship. Mr. Peters lost iiis mother when lie was a mum child , and her mi'inory was very tenderly eherissiied by him. Several years ago Mr. Roll punned the xvoids of this song , and they so pleased Mr. Pelors that the promise was given to publish them in bhrrt music form. Thai promise is now mot , and very appropi lately the dedication is made to liim. Tiieoids and niusic aie very touching , anil thu piece is pronounced ti grin. grin.The other nirco is entitled "Memory. " The wouls are by thu lamented Garlield , written by him when lie was in college. Tim music is by J. A. Roll' . The words have a double Illness to the title of "Memory , " now that their author is cherished so in the memory of all. The niusic also mcilts special praise. Uoth these pieces are published by Dalbey iRoll' , of tins city. It is not known perhaps to spinu of the readers of lliu lir. ! ; that Council Blntl'hns a music publishing enterprise ! started , and these aru among the lirst of the productions. Mr. J. A. Rod' has composed si number of choice and popular songs within the past few years , but they have boon published elsewhere until now. Professor Dal boy , who lately became a resident of this city , lias gained quite a wide reputation as a composer , especially of band music , and lie will continue his work hero , a valuable acquisition to the city. lie luih composed some of the mo > t popular music played to-day by the best bands in the count ! v. The engraving of these pieces is done by Mr. F. E. Roll , a brother of J. A. Boll' . The work is excellent , and the title pages , designed and engraved also by him , are very attractive and show rare taste and skill. * The fact that Council IJlufla possesses 3'oung men of such gifts and culture in musical art , and the starting of such an enterprise here , is a cause for congratula tion , and there should be encouiagemcnt given that may cause thu enterprise to grow and prosper. The pieces already published are to be found on sale in D. AV. lluslincll's book store , and already there have been imincioiisoidcr& received for them fromdillerent paits of the coun try. They are exciting much praise , and seem to have touched the popular heart. For Sale. Seventy-live head of horses. BHOWN'S PA K HonsnfcCATTLi : Co. , Council ISIulls , Iowa. Stabbed to the Heart. Mrs. Eva t ) . Folger committed suicide by slabbing herself in the left breast yes terday afternoon about 1:30 : o'clock , in room 53 in the Union Pacific hotel at the transfer depot. The facts , as fainted by her son , Ross Lloyd Folgor , who handed his mother the knife by which she came to her death , explains the sad event in full as far as the coroner's jury learned. hoould be 14 years ot age in June next ; that his mother , who was 40 years old , and him self lefl San 1'rancisco on Monday , March 15 , for Chicago. They came over llio Union P.icilio and arrived in this city yesterday ( Friday ) morning. He noticed nothing strange about his mother's ap pearance ; they got on the Rock Island train at the transfer , bound for Chicago , when his mother loft the car in ti few minutes after. Ho next saw lior on the platform frith the brakcman and seemed sick : that she was taken up btairs in a fainting condition and after remaining there until about 1 o'clock asked him for his pocket-knife. He handed it to her and shoitly afterward ho hoard something tear and turning around baw'she was pushing the knife into her heart Ho ran and pushed the boll button and a porter came up. Hu told him he needed help. A lady then came in. After his mother stabbuil herself she sat on a chair and then fell on the lloor. She died in about three min utes. utes.Tho The boy further stated they were going lo visit his uncle in Chicago , but Know llttlo if anything of him. Said ho has an uncle , James rolger , in Monroe , New Hampshire ; also John Folgor and an Aunt Mary in Boston. The last words his mother uttered was in asking for the loan of his. knifo. Mrs. L. J. Van Urniau , wito of the hotel manager , tfstilied as to being called by her husband to attend to the' wants of the lady who had a fainting spell. She scorned lational but disin clined to talk. Gave her some hot lea which revived her. This was about 10.80 in the morning. Tlio next she hoard was aflor 1 o'cloek , when the porter was called to answer the bull. The woman was then lying on the lloor , her head rest ing in the lap of her ton. She died in a minute or so after witness arrived. The ehronor found $10 on the dead woman , j.1) ; ) of which w.ts in gold , the balance in silver , all tied up in a handkerchief. After the woman had left the Rock Island car Chat los Keith , general agoat for the "Q" road , and JeromeMeClin - lock of tlio Rock Island , notlee.d she was in a fainting condition , and broughl her iulo Urn depot and ordered a room , The jury , which wan composed of Ed. Ingruham , Ed. A. Wioklmm and E , C. Ualdy. roturcd a verdict in accordance with the foiegoiiig facts , that sha died by stabbing lun'sult iu HID heart witli a small pockol knife. The knife , which was exhibited to the jury , is an ordinary pocket knifn , and the uludo used was two inches long and only aiinartcr of an inch \siilo , The boy will remain in tlio city until word is received from lolativos , who have been telegraphed to. Thun lin will go to Now Hampshire , as lie has very few rcl utivcs , Ids father having died in 16&3 in the ca > st. His mother m.ido a living in San Francisco at dress making , and her woi Idly possessions aiu all supposed to have boon witli her at the lime film so suddenly ondrd bur lift ) . I'vTlie body was biought up to 1'ield & Estop's undertaking rooms , where it will bo kept until an attempt is made to learn Hit ) Wishes of her f i iunds. The womnu'f trank had been checked on oas.t , but word has been sent to have it returned , aid | it is expected to bo hero this morn ing. Its contents may throw some adds Uonal light upon the mailer. Them was iiltlo lo bo learned giving auycluulo Ihe cause of the act , " Her son , who is an intelligent boy , Is unnblo togho any more inforinntion than that urinated above , and being so 5oung , lianlly rcali/cs the terrible ending of his mother's life. Information cleaned from other sources is to the ell'oct that ( lie woman had been tukinjj morphine , \yliifli \ probably crued her brain , loading her to llio act. Tlicro arc enough means to provide for the nec essary expenses hero. Jersey jackets at Harkncss Brothers. The Supreme Court. The following decisions wcro handed down from the supreme court yesterday ; Lucy M. Steele and 1'crrv & Townsenil vs W. IX Mills and H. T. I'rodorlck , appellants. Kinm Muiiiocdlsttlct couit. An action at law by which the philiitllTs seek to roco\pi of. defendants Sl.iiOO upon alleged liability as sureties on bond. Alllrmed. Annie Desoie vs Uojnl A. Adams , appcl- lant. KIOIII Moinou Olstiict cuuit. Action In equity to foieclose n chattel mortgage. iVIllitiird. .John I. Smley , tnmrdlan vs M. .T. Sntor et at , appcIlntiK l Voui DCS Moines district court. Action In equity to set aside moitfwco on and conveyance of ical estate. Afllrmcd. .1. 8. Fountain vs ( Scot-go Wc t cl al. Kioni Hnnlsoii county couit. Action on an Injunction bond. Itcu'itctl. State of Iowa on the iclatlon ofJ. I * . I'cnr- sou , apiuillnntsClwiles S. MeKnteo et al. KIOIII 1'olk circuit couit. lte\eisetl. Mr. McKuteoas granted a penult to < ell Intoxi cants and JIUNO a bond. Petitioner claims that the bond \\.is InuKcn liy his falllm ; to iiiakcaicluin to the count ) auditor on thu last Satinditv of .luno. isy. " , orHliln live d.ijs tlieie.iltcr. Action brought to ieeo\er Miitutoiy penalty. A demuiier to the peti tion w as sustained , and pl.tlntlll dcmuucd. Tin1 siipieme nun t holds that the leindie- inent tonmUu Mieh Iftuiii wllhlii the speeded time Is itmndatoiy instead ol dliectoiy. and hoit'totoro the couit eiied In sustaining the dein Hirer. C. M. , appellant , vs AV. U. Tallnian , admlnlslMtor. Kioiu Clarlc clicult couit. Alllnucd. Slate of Iowa vs Thomas 1/uic , appellant. Kioin Tauia dlstilct couit , Initletuient chaises ilmtceilnln iicisoual piopeitv ot the value nt il.'JVias stolen bv Jesse Davis , and Unit defendant iiulawlullviccelu'd them knouliiK them to be stolen. Allliiued.1 instate of Iowa \.s W. K Canada , appellant. KIOIII I'olk dlstilct coint. Detenilimtas lotinil guilty of attempted lane. Keveistsl. Stale of Iowa vs Samuel \V. Hilggs appol lant. From llaidln distilct com I. Deleud- unt coin letcd of adulteit. Allh Hied. A. xAmtctsoii vs .John Unit , appellant. Ki om I'.ino district com t. Libel. Reveised. j : . \V. 1'en.VAs J. L. Wagoner , appellant. I1 loin Vaiien elieilit couit. Action to le- stinln de'endant fiom tuiecloslni ; a chattel inoitirade on , ho claim * , ulaiulloul's lieu on the DiopertKexei ed. Lilla M. lllce , appellant , vs II. A. Hates and O. 15. Ajeis. Fiom Adalr ciicuit couit. Action to cancel t\\o tax det'ds and establish ] ) liiliitlft's ilh'ht to icdecm thu land. At- ill med. ( ! coiie Sweeney vs Sauh .1. la\id on et al , appellants. Kiom Des Molncs iMtctilt couil. Action to loicclose two contracts whciebv plaintiff sold to tlie defendants two pieces ot icil estate In Uiul'mgton. Modified andafliimed. William IlarKeeioad vsM. \Vateihouse ctal , appellants. Kioin Louisa dlsti let com t. Action to establish equitable Hen and to loie- close snim > . Modified and alllimed. Alhi Wood A : Co. s A. K. and M. 1) . llallowcll , appellants. 1'iom Lee ciicuit couit. Action to iccover toi intoxicating Illinois. Alliimed , Kiist Unitaiian Society of Keokuk el al. , appellants , vsV. . K. Ilauisnn et al. Kioin IA'O clicult couit. Action was biouijlit bv nlalnlilts as devisees in the will ot K. II. llairlson , deceased , against defendants as oxecutois of the will , lor the pin pose of asceitalnlnfj their icspectho interests in the estate. Thu couit found that the plaintiffs took nothing undei the will , and they ap pealed. The testatot died in ls.7r , and by his will his estate was to bo divided among his wile and chiklie.ii. If it should exceed 8100,000 , nil over that amount should go to the Unitaiian society. At the time of appialse- ment the estate was found to bo less than 8100,000 , but befoie it v\as settled the assets appreciated until it became \\oitli "jl'Jl.OOO. The family had lecohcd 3100,000. nndtheio ifiiialned the balancoin the executoi's hands. It hccanio a question as \\lii\ttiinetho value of tlio estate should be ascertained , and byhat means. The couit held that the time of valulnir the estate shall be at the time of the tcstatoi's death. Afllimed. A. ClaUon , appellant , vs. Siisan Vliittakcr cl al. Krom les Moines dlstncl court. Action to cancel a note and moitgago on the alleged giound that they \\cio given without consideration , Sisters' Fair. .Arrangements arc progressing nicely for the fair to be given for the benefit of tiie sisters of St. Francis' academy. The dates will probably be fixed for the last week in April or first week in May. Dur ing the fair tiiero will bo two operettas given , one entitled "The Knhies and tlic Interviewer ; " the other will be a musical charade , "Dress " The work of drilling lias already commenced and two very enjoyable musical entertain- munis arc promised in addition to the other attractive features of the fair. Personal .Paragraphs. Senator Sutlon was hero yesterday. John Bono has gone cast on n goods purchasing trip. Dr. Frank Hanna , of Walnut , was in the city yesterday. Claim Agent Lloyd , of the Wabash , was in the city yesterday. Frank Shinn , the Carson attorney , was in the city yesterday. A. P. Cramei' , of Avoca , took n glimpse at the Hliius yesterday. A. S. Clough has gone to Now Mexico in the interests of Ilico's nursery. M. D O'Connoll , of DCS Moines , was in the city yesterday attending the su preme court. Judge Day , of Des Moines. is among the prominent ) ? called hero by business in the supreme court. A. B. Cumminga , of DCS Molnos , one of the brightest among the younger mem bers of the bar , is in the city , and will to day make an argument in the supreme court in the rehearing of the case of Palo Alto County vs Thomas Harrison. Caufmim's New Bontls. A. W. Caufmini's friends of Avoca huvo given a now bond for $10,000 for his ap pearance , and lust evening ho was released - leased fiom custody and this morning ho will leturn to his homo in Avoca. STEAM DYE WORKS. .Ml Woik Hist CInFB , Olllco In Mrs , C , L , Gillette's ' Hair Goois Store , No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp , Pos'ofilce ' , THOU. orriCEn. w , n. u. PUSBT . OFFICER & FUSSY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Established 1S0X. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Go. Ijcvvls & A mil , Projis. I'o'SODKcri and bn-nj.-o ) taken to and from nil tihlns. llUBies , ( 'milage8 and baggage \rug- OMB irako connect loin with all trains. Prompt attention clen to till uullg. Spvcmlratu * to tlicutrlcal ttunpos And commercial mcu. ( iar- li'.ijiis ' run ilny uii < l nfght. Ofllcc nt O dcU llonso. Tclt'i hc > uo 1 $ , Also at IKcbtclo's liutcl ,\t-oiJc ou tUueUuo- WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. AUllllVlillltAI , DKISUE , WELLS As \VholC8HlQ Agricultural Implaments , Carrlnjfc , Kto , Ktc. , Cquncll IllnlTs , IOWA. KEYSTONE MANUl ACTUUlN G CO. , Corn Shellers , Sialk Callers , Dlsoltnrrow . Scoilor Corn I'lantow , Too.l Cat- tew , iio. : rnctor.v , Kotk Kulli , UN. No . _ lf01 , 1571 , IfjOi , r > 37 Mnjil St , Council lllilffi. i)7\.vin niuiiTiY : k coi Mnniit'rsunl Jnbliors ot Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Bugles , and nil Un Is ot 1'nrm Mio'ilnirr. 11UO to 1113 South Miiln Street , Council Illults , Inwa. -1XK I' , T. , ( Ire r. WiuaiiT. l'ici.XTrcn < . V.-1'ros JcMnn. 803 .VCounsol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Inc-orpnrnteiU JInnufnclitioisor Axle , I'ifk , Sloljro nod Smill , of ci cry description. CMMPB7W. COUNCIL HLUl'FS CAU1MCT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Clollis , Ciirtnln rixlurci , Uphol tcry ( looJs , Ktc. Na 103 llroudtvny Council Illulfs , lown. C1DAIIS , 1011ACCO , K1C. PEREJOY ( & MOOUE , Wholesale Johbois In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. 28 Main find L'7 1'emlSU. , Council lllulls , lowiu COVMtSSIOX. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wholu n1o Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No 141'oirl St. , Council lllulfa. GllACKKItS. McCLUlUi CRACKER CO. , IlUlurl cturcl3 of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Ca ei , Count il Jlliiffii , luwa. rnocKKitr. MAURER & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crockory.GIasswan . Lnnips , Fruit .Ima , Cutlery , Stonewiiro. Ooods , 1'micy Goods. lUc. Council Hlulfsi , lowiu HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists ? Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. IHo. No. J Mnln St. , and No. 211'curl St. , Council Illulfs. ( c DRY fiObps. M. E. SMJTIIJ& CO. , Idiporters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Kte. Nop. lisltnd fU Mnlu St. , Nos. 113 and in I'cail St. Council Illuirs , luuii. O.V. . J5UTTS , Wholesale California 'Fhits a Specialty General Comtnlss'onr/ . 5U JJrondwny , Council WIRT & lUQUl-yivrE , Wliolesalo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 and 18 Pcatl St. , Council HlutT ? . OIIOCURIES. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St. , Council UlutTa , Iowa. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wliolesalo Liquor Dealers. No. 410 Broad way , Council lllulTa. r. c. DK VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , HcfrlKCrators. etc. Nos. 591 llroadway , and 10 .Main street , Council lllnffs. 11A11XESS , KTC. UECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and'Wuolcsalo Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , fitc. No. K5 Main St. . Council DlufTs , Iowa. HATS , CAPS , KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. St2 and 314 Ilnmdway , Council lllulfs. HEAVY KEELINE & FELT , Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Block , Council Illuirs , Iowa. HIDES AXD WOOL. D. It. McUANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'olts.Oit-asoand I'ura Council ItlullH , Iowa. COUNCIL IJLUJ-'FS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasoline E3TO. i ZP IO. S. Theodore , Agent , G'imiiuU Illuirs. Iowa. ' LUMUElt , 111iyQ * , KTC. . ' > - A. OVERTj-QN , * CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Ami Ilrldyo Material SpeclRNlPg.Wliolusalo Lum ber or all Kinds. Oillce No , 1JO Main St , Countll Illuirs Iowa. H7JVKS AKO JOHN IUNDEU , Whrilcsulb Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Gottbarrt's HLTJ ! Hitters. No. 13 Main .St. , Co\inc \ | | lilulls. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , Kit uu Main St. , Cuuni.ll N. SCHURZ , Justice ol1 the Peace. Ofllco Over American Express Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT MANUrACTL'llEll AND CEALEll IK HAIR GOODS [ No. 337 Broadway , Council Bluil * . To the Public Circumstances beyond our control liavo tlelnyeil the closing out of our en tire stock us wo Imil purposed. Tlio approaching season of spring trade finds us with a goodly stock of Dry Goods and Carpets , some lines de pleted but cleared of undesirable goods. Hchigln the dry goods business wo know of no bettor place to continue the same than in Council HltiU'H. We shall therefore re-stock every department with new and seasonable goods. Our Jir. E. E. llnrkncs * , is now making pur chases In eastern markets , and we shall soon have a Choice , tock To ofTur our customers. Our carpet de partment will be complete with the new patterns of Moquette , Body Brussels , Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain goods from domestic and foreign markets. We have already on our tables the choicest select ions sf Swiss and Ham burg embroideries ever ofl'ercd in the city , ano an excellent assortment of white goods to which wo shall make frequent additions. We thank our many patrons for their favors and good will in the past , and we shall ciuloavor to merit the same in the future , by attention to their inter ests , and by good goods and \\e invite autocall and examine our new pur chases before buying in other markets. Harkness Bros 401 BROADWAY Council'Bluffs , Iowa. CARPETS , CURTAINS , Kugs , Mattings , Window Shacles.Etc Wholesale and Retail. Spring HUM ! Our stock is now com plete and contains the newest designs and colorings in all grades of Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Upholstery Goods , etc. POPULAR PJtICKS 3Iall orders at tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery Work to order. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPETS CO. , 405 Broadway. Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTHnit HAILS , HOD3 , ETC. FENCES BUILT WITHOUT NAILS. Any pint rcndlly tnkcn out or joplaced. 1'or picket or i all fciios" , Iron or wood , cannot bo excelled - celled lor lailing of any sou. Tor paitlculurs \rrllo C. J. BUC'KMAN , linentor. Council IllulTs. State and county rights lor sale. ONION TICKET OFFICE A , T. ELWELL , Agent , No. GOT Broadirnr. Council Dluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL HLUFFa The following la tlio time of arrival and doimrturoof trains by central standard time , at tbe local depots. Trains loiivu triiiibfordnpot ton minutes onrllor and arrive ton minutes later : 0:20 : A. M . flll | | luid ijprc'a ; . nMi' : . M. l"40l > M.- L'co" " " ° l'utlo11 . 4'iOl' : . Jl. UMPM ! ! . Kxpross . U:05A. : M. CIIICAK ) & liriCK 16IAND. 0-30A.M . . . MiillandlJarprcfiS . 0Wi : ) > .M. 7-i.iA. M . Accommodation . ulrir. : M. C'LUV.M . EipresH . UU5A.M. : CUIUiUO. Mll.WAUKKK * BT. I'AUt , 0:20 : A. M . Mull and Uxpross . D:50i' : , M. 0-WJr. H . Kxpri'SB . U.05A.M. CIIIOAOO. iiiniMNaroN ft OHOA.M . , . Mull and Uxpitas . ilMp. : C.bOr.M . i\pii : s . U:05 : WAIIASII , HT. 1.0UIi& J'ACIMC. SilTiP.M Local St.liOUlsKxiiroisUH'al . U,00 p.M.Transterbt. Ixjuls ljt.Tiaiisrc-r.l ! : W i' . u KANSAS CllV.bT. JOB * COUM'll. IILUKM 1010A. ; > . Mail and Kxprt-bb . ftilOi'.M. 11:051' : . M . Kxpress . . . OiSjA.u. BIOUX CITV * i-Aciria 7:15A.xi : . . . Sioux City Mall . 29' ' . M. 0aui' : . i . fit , I'aul tixprttog . a:2oA.u. : UNIIIN I'APJflU. 10:3fiA.M : . loii\er UxprefS . .5 : l' . M. 8:1 : Jr. ii , . .Lincoln l'iiEs.,0111. it K. V..2.05 r. t. 7Wr.u : . Uvurland Kinross . , bl5A.M. ! DUMMV TIIAIMJTO OJltllA. Ixavo ; Council Illilira 7:05-BiW-'J : : : W-10tO- : 11'JU : u. m. ; lJO- . > : ao.tJfi : : - -5J5-niJ- : : fcsr.-lliU p. in. Sunclui8-7.05-8JJ-U.'jO- : ' a. in : 2J'i : ' , J.IO-Di'- : ' i .W-llljp. : in , LeiuoOnw ha-fll : -7:15-8.50-10:00-ll : : : ( ) a. in llKl-JUa- : : iUO-l:00-'i.OO-0:05 ir.-ll:10 . : . . Sundays : : - : - : - : : p.m. -4)i5-7:60-s:4'n.oOn. : : m. ; a.OO -J.OO-5.W- 0:05 : 8:15-11:10 : : p in. _ Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved faun of 107 acres lor sale ; 2J < f miles fioui Council UluiK Aildiess IKA SCOHKLD , Council ONLY HOTEL la Council Illulla Uavlnir Fire Esoap © And all moaern Improvements , call bojii , ut Hlurm bells , etc. . Istbo VMJQSTON HO USE / No * . 215 , 17 ttud 213. Main Str.iut , X ilOHN , I'roprlutor. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. , RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , Rubber and Oiled Clothing STOOK : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St , Office 412 Broadway , 131-u.ffs , - w. AND RAISER . Ilrlclc bullillnjrof nnv Kind rnlscil or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Vramo houses movoJ . onl.itllcGiant trucka Ilia best In the worlJ. 803 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special nclvcrtlsomonti , such us LoBt.FounJ , To litnu , I'j * S ilo , To Itont , Wnntl nonrdluffctc. , will bo InsortoJ In this columnnt tliclow rate of TEN CUNTS PRH LINE for tha flretlnsortlon ami FIVE OBNi'3 PUll LINK for cncli auhaofiucnt lusortlon. Leave ii'lvortlss mcntsat our oiflco , No. IS Pearl atioot , niur\vuy , Council lllulTJ. WANTS. I\7ANTCD A phi lor trcnt'iiil hciugauntk In ? > a bimill riinnly. Apply at 17.11 limit Ina > . ITKlll SAt.i : Old n.ipors. In iiuantltlcs to suit , J ? * tit Itoo olllco , No. I" 1'cml btroc-t. TTUMl KENT Five loom ooltiitrc. Iiiciulioiit .C 1JO rouitb sticLt , or ol JloMlckun , alO I'liunei stioot. T\7AN'PKD A tellable solicitor mid policy > T wiltor , lie tun u\vu \ bomK IViinanoiil Hiluatioii. Aildicas by letter , F. J. Day , Council illulls. SWAN & WAMCr.i : , Na. 1)3 ) Main stioet , ( under Cltl/em's Hunk ) , leal rstatu mm inor- chrtndl oe\emiio ! ! brokers. Our books are tull ol ppediil Inn wain * , but It la Impossible to pub lish a rolmblo list fi om tlio fuel of so man } ilnlly miffCB. What wo ask la : If jou want to neil ti.iiloaiutliliijT In our line , write us anil wa will semi jou n pile of bai alns to select from. Lands Impioveii 01 unlnipioved , city or ton n ptoportysto'ks ol Kooils or any kind In any plate. It gut-h you bavo or such you want let us lieui from you. Sw.m & Walker Council ( Units RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all olzosof Automatic Engines Kspcclully Dc ilnnd for Itiiiinln ? MILLS , GKAINiELKVATOllS , AND ELKCTIUC LIGHTS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. New Mtissillou Threshers. Corey ami Woodburj' Horse Powers. STATIONARY , SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillou , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council IHnlft. SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. THE CARTER WHITE. LEW CO.'S ' DIAMOND JIKAMIOF Strictly Pure Lead , Zinc and Oil PREPAIREO PAINTS Am just as ropicsentod , fii-o fiom adultera tionun < l thuiiy beet nianufactuiuil , a ftu.t that can bo hulisiuiuiutoj by attunl coinpan- eons , 1'or tnlo by S. H. KELLY , Dealer in Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc. OO7 Haiu Street , Council BUdfu. KIEL SALE STABLES ! Ca und M'lles kept ronstantly oil band , for fnld fit H-liUI OP in carloads. Ord r promdtly tilled by contract ontlioit iiovl.o. ( bioeU soUl on ( .oinnilr.-ion. dlll.LMKK A. HOM5V , 1'roinlctiiri. Etnbio Cornir 1'iftb Ari-uuo auJ i'ourtU Jt. toiiuuil UiuUi REMOVED. I wish to icspoctfully c.ill tlm attention of my patrons and tlio public In ( 'cmnul. to my lomo * val tiom the old btund Nos. 7 and n. Main St. , to my uon and commodious No. 226 Broadway , Where I will bo pleased to POO my many fi lonrts. V i Itli ularKo , nuiv uud eomploto ussoi tmunt of all the UTBTFafciicstoSprlniSTTLES And beliiR located In Inrgo quiulers I nra better than orar bufnic picparod to seno the public. atcspuctlully , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJJSTOILi Practices In Stata niul Federal Courts. Kooms 7 anil S , Suu'art iJIonlc. LAMPS and CROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 2.1 Jfain Street. Council HIufTs. La B. BICE , M. D. or othur turn irfl removed without tlio Unlfo or drawing or blooO. CHRONIC DISEASES of M kinds a specialty. Over thirty years' nxioilon3. | No. 11 I'earl Street , Council lllulTl. KllKB. A.C.liUUMiAM , I'IOH. I.W. TuM.Kt s , Vlco-1'rcs. JAMCH N. ilnow.N.L'usliiur. Council Bluffs National Bank 102 MAIN STREET , Cnpital $100,000 Authorized Capital 250,000 , Btockholdoro Represent 1,000,000 Do ngcncml Imnklui ; busliuisi. Arrountsof bunks , bankers , inert-limits , mim- iirncliiicisiuiUImJIvIcluulu locolvod on fnvoru- Wo ttims. Domestic and foreign oxclmnso. Tlinvoiybest of attention uitun to all bull nu gtoininlttod tocuriuto. TIMOTHY SEED. I lia > o n ijunntlly of sound , well denned seed ulilch 1 ollorat luasnnnblu ll uics Howl of llio cioji of lt-8. ) . CoiKEpondunce Bollt'llcil. J' , Cl , I1UTUH , Scluillcr , Iowa. 0 , X N W. ly. ! Horses and Mules For nil pin poses bought nnd sild , t rolall and In loin Sovt nty six head of tlm uuy bust iiuulliy of mules now on lunJ , Council Ululfs loiyiu COUNCIL BLT7TFS Baggages Transfer Line. \ 'Jlus and bi'fe'pux" unions ronaect with nl tiiilns , tonll hotels , loildcnixs , rip. HpJnlut- loiiliou to iOM.MiiICIAI.Mi.N' : und TIJKA'J'JII- CAI. TitOl'l'KS. ' Pioiapt attention fi-un ull tnlK Ol'ice tit 1'iicllln Iloiist' , T ( Ifjitioiio No HO ; iiUo Tfltpborio No , i-J at Uj-Jui Jlousu. K. BKHOROFT , l'roprioto- ! . _