Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Oablo Railway an Assured Tact An
Important Meeting Hold ,
IS'cws and Notes About the Rnllronds
The Kxt-nslvo U'dshouts on the
Union t'ncinc-l'ollec Points
untl General 1/ocnl.
The Gallic Hnlhvny.
For some time tlioro lias been tx scheme
afoot to build n c.'iblo railway in Omaha.
The charter was obtained two or throe
years ago , ami gradually the plans of the
projectors have been qulutly worked up ,
until they have resulted In somollilng
dcllnito nnd langiblu. The cable railway
Is soon to be a. reality.
A very quiet meeting of those inter
ested In the project , was held nt the
1'axton hotel , to discuss the plans for
the road , which have been drawn up
by Mr. Hell , foreman of the 1'axton As
VIorJy Iron works. There were present
two practical engineers from Chicago ,
Mr. J. A. Kline and (1. ( C. Uarkcr , who
may possibly bo secured to assist in the
construction of the road. The plans
were thoroughly discussed and finally
adopted. It was resolved to commence
work on the construction of the road by
aboltt the first of April , or at any rate as
soon as the frost is out of the ground.
The plans as adopted contemplate a
magnificent cable railway system , great
er , so far as extent of territory to bo
covered is concerned than the ono in
Kansas City. In that city there are not
more than two miles of doitbhj track ,
while in Omaha the road will commoncn
operations with four miles of double
track. The course of the line will bo as
follows : Commencing at Tenth and
Dodge it will run up that thoroughfare
to Thirty-iifth , south on Thirty-fifth to
Harnoy and cast again on Hartley to
Tenth , and north on Tenth to
Dodge , the fclarting point. There
is some talk of running the track west on
Douglas to Thirly-liftli instead of on
Dodge , but it is probable that the latter
thoroughfare , for several reasons , will
bo chosen. From the track on Tenth
street a short branch line will bo run
down to the depot. Other lines will bo
run out in a northerly direction within a
year or two , but the company intend to
complete first the four miles on the streets
named. The road will bo in running or
der by November 1 , 1880 , at the latest.
Sixteen cars of the ordinary capacity will
bo placed on the track to start withwitli , a
possibility of an iiKToaso In the number if
bnsincss warrants. The round trip will
bo made in about thirty minutes or less
time. So that a man can start from
Tenth and Dodge streets , say , nnd arrive
at his home on Twout.y-liftli and Dodge
streets in about live minutes.
The location for the main depot ,
round house and operating house ,
has not yet boon determined
though negotiations are in progress for
several desirable sites. One of them is a
lot beyond the upper Farnam street
school house , on Thirty-second street.
Another schcruo is to locate the buildings
on lower heavcmvortli street.
As already intimated the practical en
gineering work has been placed entirely
in charge of Mr. Harry Boll , of the
Omnha Iron foundry , a gentleman of
long years of experience , and ably fitted
to look after every detail of the impor
tant work witli which ho has been en
trusted. Ho has drawn up plans for the
rend , which have boon apurovcd by sev
eral eminent engineers who have looked
them over.
In ono particular , these plans diflor
from those of any road in operation in
this country. The principle of the cable
and the grip is of course to bo used in the
operation of the road , but wih ( this im
portant feature. Instead of being run
through a tunnel , composed partly of
wood and iron , the cable passes through
iron tubing with a slot on top , which al
lows the grip to connect witli Iho cablo.
This tubing will bo so thoroughly braced
that under no pressure whatsoever can
the slot through which the grip passes bo
closed. This imperfection exists in the
wood and iron tunnel heretofore used in
cable railway construction , which
often under the inlluonco of
heat , cold , or umluo pros-
tire , Avould bo contracted so as
to prevent the frco passage of the grip'
By this now scheme Mr. lioll Is confident
the danger of accidents will bo greatly
lessened. Arms , firmly braced , will bo
run out irom the tubing , and will fur
nish support for the rails on either side.
The work of casting the tubing will bo
done under the immediate supervision of
Mr. Dull himself.
Tin ; COST.
The cost of the cable railway will bo
very much le. s than of the road in Kan.
saa City or Chicago. It will not exceed-
according to present calculations , more
than $52,000 per mile , double track. In
Chicago the cost was tJlUO.OOOj in Kansas
City something over $150,000. Estimat
ing the cost of the Omaha road at $00,000 , ,
which the projectors of the scheme name
ns an outside figure , the total cost of four
miles of double traok would not bo over
$230,000 , and the cost of the entire- ten
miles plant would not oxructl ? GOO,000. ,
The cost of railway stock , etc. , is in
cluded in these figures. The company
already has $110,000 cash capital paid ,
nnd all necessary funds will bo available
as the work of construction progresses ,
from the sale of stock.
Hull Notes.
The washouts along the line of the
Union Pacific are seriously impairing the
train service , Telegrams received yester
day at headquarters toll of extensive wash
outs at Valley , Mercer and Columbus. At
tliu two former places the i'hitto is still
rising , and has already carried away
large suctions of track. At Valley the
line is washed away in at least twenty
tUU'urout places , each in extent
from 200 to 1,000 feet. At Mercer ,
the track is also gouged in ten
or llftuon diffurunt planes. At Columbus
the track is submerged as mentioned in the
Kpecial dispatches yc.-terday. All Union
Pacific trains are running on the IS. &J\1.
tracks as far west as Kearney ,
I < o. 3 overland came in yesterday morn'
ing about two hours Into over the H. & M.
' 'ho Lincoln train in the morning was
ab iiduiu'd. The ovcrhmd in the own-
US v . ' t out about the tame hour via the
II. M Union I'lioilio otlicials say that
tLey lupc to hayo tuo tracks required in
time to permit them to bo used by Satur
day at the least.
The Union Pacific yesterday announced
another deep cut in passenger rates.
Tickets for the coast are now sold for $2.1 ,
with * 10 rebate on reaching destination ,
first class passage , and for second class
$20. with rebate of $10.
'Iho Lincoln express on the Union
Pacific * was abandoned again yesterday by
reason of the washout nt Valley. An
engine nnd ono passenger coach were
sent out on No. 8's time , which went ns
far ns Valley nnd returned on No.1's
time , arriving here at 0:20. :
The Illntcrs on Trial ,
The trial of the assailants of Officer
Charles llloom was called in police court
yesterday afternoon shortly after 4
o'clock. Tlio little court room was
crowded to its utmost capacity with in
terested spectators , and outside were
gathered a hundred men unable to gain
admittance. The trial had been post
poned for l\vo hours on account of the
Inability to secure lawyers until General
Cowan had concluded his plea in the
Lauor case. When they did arrive , how
ever , the counsel for the live prisoners
demanded a jury trial. A jury of si *
was accordingly struck and the trial ad
journed until 10 o'clock this morning.
The following are the jurymen selected :
\V. F. ( jtirlny. John II. Krok , John S.
Merger , \V. T. Seaman , W. J. Mount and
Polo Klsa&ser. The charge against the
men has uce.n changed from assault with
intent to kill to plain assault and battery.
ncntcn AVItli a Shovel.
Conrad Doonges , n man with a very
black eye and badly bruised cheek , ap
peared before Judge Stenbcrg yesterday
nnd swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of ( iusl. Meyer , his assailant. He
said that he had gone into M'eyer's house
to collect a debt which the latter had re
fused to pay. An animated discussion
followed , in the course of which Doonges
threatened to sue Meyer. The latter then
turned upon him with u coal shovel and
beat him badly before he could make his
escape. _ .
After Ills Man.
Shcriu" Richmond of Grinncll , Iowa ,
arrived in Omaha yesterday to take
back with him the supposed embezzler ,
II. T. Koontz , who was arrested hero a
day or two since. Ho will bo obliged to
secure a requisition from Governor
Dawes , as Koontz refuses to go back
without one. The crime with which Mr.
K. is clmrccd is receiving from n coal
linn near Griunell n largo amount of coal
to bo sold on commission , the proceeds
of which , amounting to about $300 , ho
Police Points.
Judge Stenberg disposed of n large
number of drunks and vagrants in the
police court yesterday , none of the
cases being of any great importance. John
Wnlburiij the notorious crook , vagrant
and ex-jail bird , was given three days to
pack up and leave the city.
Wanted to exchange lor stock of Hard
ware nnd general merchandise , 500 acres
of line Tliaycr county ( ) ; live lots
in Genoa ( Neb. ) ; good store building-
( best corner ) ; good dwelling ( best loca
tion ) in Essex ( Iowa ) ; also eighty acres
one-half mile from town of Essex ( Iowa ) ,
seeded in blue grass For further par
ticulars , address John Limlerholm , Cen
tral City , Nebraska.
Ho Wants to Inquire.
Editor Omaha BEE : I would like to
answer the city council through your
columns in regard to a matter which
came. up at their last meeting. You
stated in last evening's issue that a peti
tion had been placed before the council
requesting a certain brick yard on west
Bttrt street to bo declared a nuisance on
account of it being an injury to the good
health of the people and a damage to the
surrounding property. The signers were
informed that they wore a lot of cranks ,
and the petition was laid on the table ,
tlioro to rest forever in peace. It might
seem strange that the petition should rc-
coivo no bettor treatment , but the matter
is easily explained when it is known that
the owner of the brick yard is a relative
of a member of the council. Now , Mr.
Editor , is it fair that wo should bo unable
to get any city accommodations and yet
ho compelled to pay city taxes' \Vo
have neither streets , walks , police or fire
protection nor water. Wp might as well
live out on the open prairie many miles
from Omaha anil wp would have as many
benefits. I would like to know why wo
pay citv taxes.
White Cedar Piling is better than oak
for bridge or foundation work. It lasts
longer in or out of the ground and can
be Itirnislied and driven for one-third less
cost by D. Sopor & Co. , 1020 Farnam
street , Omaha.
Revival Meetings.
The revival meetings hold in the First
Methodist church are increasing in inter
est and power each evening. There is a
faith among the Christian people that a
great revival of religion , such as has
never been known in Omaha , is to break
out and sweep this city. All Christian
people who believe in the religion of the
bible are asked to pray for this revival
and como and bo present at the meetings.
Hpv. Hitler who has been so successful in
Lincoln will bo hero on Sunday next.
Meetings will bo held in the First M. E.
church each night this week except Sat
urday night. Como , and bring your
\Vnit !
Hake & Palmer , Howard and Four
teenth streets , will oiler for snlo on and
after April 1 Iho largest stock of horses
and mules in the city.
Purchase of the Nail Works.
The Omaha nail works wore purchased
yesterday by a new company for $00,000 ,
and an oll'or was immediately madeby
other parties to the now company to buy
the real estate alone for $15,000. The
now company is composed of William
Haven , quite a wealthy man of Syracuse ,
N. V. , ( } . T. Walker , I. S. Hascall.
George Towlo. W. N. McCandlish am !
several other Omaha men. The capital
block is $150,000. with $120,000 paid in.
The company \villat _ oueo bo thoroughly
organized , and proceed immediately to
put the works in good shape and operate
Personal I'nrnm-aplis.
W. II. Paten , of Fullerton , is a Millnrd
Patrick Kgan , of Lincoln , is at the
Millard ,
F. F. Fargo and wife , of Buffalo , N. Y. ,
accompanied by ML-sos May Johnson ,
Annie and Mary Fargo , are Pax ton
John Boyd , superintendent of the
stock yards , went to Denver last evening
on business in the interest of the yards.
Hen Hogon spoke to a largo and enthu
siastic audience at the South Methodist
church on Tenth street lust night , wher
ho will speak again to-night.
A literary social of the St , Mary's Ave
nue Congregational churcli will bo held
this evening in. the church parlors from
7:30 : to 10 o'clock , No refreshments will
be served and no collection taken. A
short literary programme and sociability
will bo tho.itatures. . . All friends of the
church audits ucoulo atu invited.
The Sherwood Plnno Recital.
Without doubt the most artistic , in
structive nnd enjoyable piano recital
over presented to an Omaha audience
was that given by Mr. Wllllim II. Sher
wood of Boston , nt the Boyd last evening -
ing , under the auspices of the Ladies'
Musical society. The programme em
braced the brilliant Polonaise of Chopin
anil Liszt , the beautiful melodies of
Mendelssohn , the deep , thoughtful sub
jects of Bach , and the sublime march
"Tannhnusor1 of Wngner. Mr. Sher
wood demonstrated to the audience last
evening the fact that ho was not only a
very artistic performer , but a correct In
terpreter and teacher of the great works
of the old masters. This gentleman Is
certainly one of the greatest pianists of
the day. The Omaha public have heard
Carrino , Julia Hive-King anil Dokontskl ,
but none of these great performers have
shown liner execution , morq musical In
telligence or n truer nrtistie feeling. A
very'pleasant feature of the evening was
the singing of Mrs. Martin Calm , Her
numbers , "O Don Fattilo" and "My
Little Darling , " were splendidly ren
dered and very warmly received. This
lady has already produced n very favor-
nblo impression in Omaha , where she has
recently located. Her sinning last even
ing was marked by the Miiuo e.\cclloiico ,
and she promises to bo one of our most
satisfactory vocalists , The ladles ot the
Musical society are to bo congratulated
upon the complete success ot the Sher
wood piano recital.
Commercial men take notice G'tl Contr'l
Hotel , Kearney , Neb. , has changed hands.
T. C. Bralmml. Prop !
A quiet wedding took place yesterday
at OX ; ! South Fifteenth street , the con
tracting parties being George Jellrov and
Miss Mattie B. MeCray. Uuv. W. J.
Harsha performed the ceremony.
Prepared with ppcclnl regard to honltK
No Ammonin , Umo or Alum.
Architects and Building Superinl's '
Office , Cor. Hlh nnd rnrnnin Streets , Itoonil )
NOIIOF With P. M. KlliS.
O ill A HA
13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. NlcMENAMY , Proprietor.
Blitcen years' Hospital nnd I'rlrato 1'ractlca
We Lava the facilities , apparatus ami remedies
for the eticcesjful treatment of every form of dls.
cnso reaulritig cither meillcnl or surgical treatment ,
anil imlto ell to como and Investigate for tlicmsclYea
or correspond ith 119. Long eiperlcnco In treat-
In ; ; cnscs I/ letter enables ua to treat many cases
BCicntlflcnlfy without sceln ! ? them.
WHITK FOU CIHOULAR on Deformities nnd
Ilrncci , Club Feet , Curvatures of the Spine ,
DISEASES op WOMEN , Piles , Tumorn , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paral
ysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Blood nnd
all surgical oprrationii.
lluttorlrs , Inliiilorn , llrncos , TriiMeg , nnd
nil kinds of Medical nud Surgical Appliances , man
ufactured and for nale.
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Diseases
from whatever cause produced , successfully treated.
Wo can remove Syphilitic poltou from the system
without mercury.
New rcstorntlvo treatment for loss of vital power ,
Call mid consult us or pcnd naino nnd post-onico
address plainly written enclose stamp , and wo
will send you , in plain wrapper , our
Ur.iNAiiY OnuANs , or tcud history of your ca o for
an opinion.
Persons unable to visit ns may bo treated at their
liomes , by correspondence. Medicines niul Instru
ments sent by mail or express HKCUHKLY PACK
ED FROM onsnilVATION. no mark * to Indicate
contents or fender. One personal interview pre
ferred If comcnlont. Fifty rooms for the accom
modation of patients Board and attendance ut
reasonable prices. Address all Letters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute.
Cor. 13th 51 nnd Capitol Ave , . OMAHA. N.B.
ON APmi , 1st ,
Wo will open our
Horse and Mule Market
Cor. Howard and UthSts Omaha , Neb.
With several car Inartii of eooa stock , nml will keep
romtitntly on Imwl u full utttiurtrucnt ot DllAFT unil
1HUV1.NU HUllblSb 111 car lots or ut rctitll.
Short-hand Institute
The Inrtrost , best and cheapest ehort-lmtid and
type-writing school In the weft.
l.cmn tills valuable art anil Eucuro a lucrative
position , chort-hniul tuugut by mull to tlioso
who cannot attend the Institute ) .
Wo Itcop on hand n full supply of Pitman's
shoit-hand ten books , also tyjUMrrltcr supplies
for imttlculani gcnd for circulars to
Valentine's ' Short-Hand Institute
J118 and 1123 O street , Unooln , NcbJD
OVER 400,000 BI. IN U8E.
Iiulrst Hiding Yelilclo mnde. CUT
tilth one peruanutvo. U'h Siriii | leuvluen ml
buorlcii Accuroioxto toDwaicbtthercvrj. Eqa&liy
xtt-ll mluvtrd l rouub ruuiitrr read * up.
flnp ilrivmul cIUc * . .lluiiururlurrd nni' ooldty
' " " " " " luild eW"
S. YCor. / . 10th and Farnam ,
Has the largest list ol property , the
cheaest ani best , the easiest terms ;
no matter what kind of property you
want , by all moans examine his list
before purchasing elsewhere ,
In every desirable addition to the city. Geu-
tloiimnly salesmen with buggies
A lot on 10th , between Douglas and Dodge , a
bargain If taken at once.
FOK SAM : No. 103. Lot fronting two
streets , two good houses only 0 blocks
from court house , ? 5,000. Easy terms.
175. Lot GOxliil ; house , 8 rooms ; S. 13th
near Center st. , $3,200 , ; easy terms.
183. Six-room cottage , full lot , line view ,
beautiful location , Shinn's add. , $2,500 ;
easy terms.
208. Two lots in Reed's First add. Four
largo houses. Will pay 13 per cent , on
the investment ; $113,000.
209. Lot 100x140 , four-room cottage , S.
15th st. , next to Hartman school , ? 3GOO , ,
on monthly payments.
215. East front lot , house 8 rooms , in
block 8 , Hanscom Place , $3,200 ; easy
218. Full lot , brick house 7 rooms , liar-
ncy. near 25th , § 0,000.
221 ! . I'tno location in West Omaha , 7-
room cottage , large barn grounds ! 201x
124 , corner on three streets , ? 0,500.
223. Corner lot on Cliicago st. , line loea
tion , $0,000.
225. Two full lots , elegant residence
property , furnaces , everything strictly
first-class , goixl location , $11,000.
200. Full lot , two cottages , Shinn's add ,
202. Cottage of live rooms , full lot Shulls
adil. l.b'OO.
810. Nice Jot , cottage 4 rooms , Prospect
Place , $1,500 , 200 down , ? 20 per month.
33 ! ) . Two lots on 20th St. , 4 good houses ,
$0.500. This is a bargain and a good
819. Half lot on Webstar st : Two good
houses , ? 0,000.
352. ! ull lot , 2 brick houses , ' ono frame
house , S. llth St. , s3,500. <
808. Full lot , largo house' ' on Farnam
street , $8,500.
850. Full lot , 0 room house , furnace , gas ,
water , sewer. Farnam st. ; $10,500.
800. Full .ot Brick house , Omaha View ,
$1,1150. $150 cash , $10 per month.
800. Two full lots , two story House , three
miles from postollice , $800 , § 100 down
$10 per month.
800. Lot 00x213 , two new houses , one 8
rooms , one of 0. A nice place to live
or a good investment. Howard near
20th ; $7,500. ,
870. Elegant residence property on Cap
itol Hill. House of 15 rooms ; $8,000. ,
800 Lot 00x138 , house 0 rooms. S. llth
St. ; $2.500.
393. Full lot , two story house , 7 rooms ,
fruit trees , barn , etc. Shinn's add ;
399. Two lots , good , 4 room house and
stable. Lowe's add ; $2,000. Easy
411. Elegant residence property 8 room
house , lot 75x140. $7,500. Virginia ave
105. Lots on Georgia avo. , between Lcav
cnworth and Farnam , $1,800 each. Ea
sy terms.
171. Lot facing Hanscom Park on Park
avo. , $1.00. ( !
170. Nice lot in Ilimpbaiigh Place , ? .1GOO.
177. Three nice lots in block 5 , Hanseom
Place , $1,350 to $1,500 each.
183. 13Mt. square cor. , Harnoy and 20th
St. , $20,000
107. Lot , 00x131. 13th st. , near Center ,
201. Lots in Coif ax st. , between Leaven-
worth and F-irnam , $2,000 each.
208. Acre Jots in Himobaugh's add ; $150
each ,
210. Corner Farnam and 28th streets , COx
132 ; $5,000.
228. Half dozen choice lots in Ilanscom
Place ; $750 and $300 each.
231. Three lots in Marsh's add ; $773 to
$1,250 caoh.
230. Lot in Clifton Place ; $1,000. ,
100. Two good lots in Lhvight & Lyman's
add. for $750.
258. Mice tot in Denise add. : $800.
207. Lot in Arbor Place ; $100 ; monthly
270 , Lot 4 , block 270 : $000.
281. Three nice lots in block 20 , Ilanscom
Place ; $750 each. Verms easy.
300. 8 Acres Taylor's add ; $3,000.
301. Nice lot in' Hoes Place , $1.900.
301. Good lot in Hawthorn add ; $000.
309. Three nice lots in Shull's add. ; $ l,20fl
311. Two lots in Lake's add.$1,175 and
812. Six lots in block 11 , Ilanscom Place ;
$725 to $375 each.
313. Choice lot in WcstCumiiig add ; $250 ,
814. Full lot , Howard St. , near 12th ;
$13.00' < )
830. lOOxMOft. cor , Michigan and deorgia
avo. ; $3.000.
835. Plight lots in King's add. ; $550 each.
310. Two nice lots in Klrkwood : $150
Walnut Hill Lots $300 lo'.fOOO each , on
easv terms.
Fou SAJ.K 10 acres within 3fr miles
of the P. O. Nice House , largo
orchard , line location. Only a stone's
throw from Ambler Placu where $8,000
per acre is asked. Will sell the 10 acres
nt ? 550 per aero.
Twenty-live acres between Cote Brilliant
and Hyde Park , $150 per acre.
OIIOIIAICD iIiLr- > The most desirable res
U i ! neu portion of Omalia. The best lo
cation , with a splendid view of tld
whole city. Prices low and terms easy.
If you buy n lot before looking at
Orchard Hill you will regret it. It costs
nothing to take a ride out there to ex-
nmino it. For beautiful residence
sights or for fiafo investment buy in
Orelmnl Hill.
BKAUTIFUI. aero lots in Ilelvedero $300
to $350 each , which will bo worth $1,000 ,
inside of a year.
FOK anything in the real estate line call
on C. E. Mayno.
I .HAVE a complete sot of abstracts of
title for Douglas county.
AUSTKACTS made on sliort .notice and at
reasonable rates. ,
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate at' the
lowest rate of interest. : ; . . ' . .
Are caused when people are indisposed , and more tlian frequently oc
curs with MAN when things don't go his way. Sometimes caused from
one thing , some times from another ; but it is invariably the case when
he puts on his clothing , and finds after he has exerted himself and paid
an exorbitant price in order to not feel embarassed when he puts them
on , is one thing that will cause man to forget where he lives , for the
benefit of such gentlemen who have so often been disappointed in hav
ing their full gratification. If you have had a grievance in the past come
to The Misfit Clothing Parlors , and have every desire gratified and save
yourself from 60 to 100 per cent , or in other words get you two suits ,
two pair pantaloons or two overcoats for the same money you would
pay for one of the same outside. You can find one to please in pattern ,
cut and price of the following , in light medium and heavy weight
9 fiO That was made to order by a leading merchant tailor for 20 00
12 80 do do do 25 00
15 70 ' do do do 'M 00
1 ! ) 30 do do do 40 00
22 40 do do do 45 00
25 20 do do do 5000
The above is but a mere mention as at the back of these remain those
more expensive yet , to be closed in the same proportion of price. Should
you be more in need of a suit or both you cannot be more surprised in
your life than when you inspect the following
* 0-10 That was madcto order by a merchant tailor for 2000
ill 70 do do do 2750
10 80 do dodo do ai : oo
JB 00 dodo dodo do 40 00
11 ' . ' 0 dodo dodo do 45 00
do do do GO 00
The above mention will be found a mention of small circumstance
compared with others to select from consisting of any style in pattern
and cut should it prove neither an overcoat or a suit , and would be a
pair pantaloons you would profit 25 per cent by selecting from the fol
S 3 80 Will buy a pair pantaloons mntlo to order by a Loading Merchant Tailor fcnf * f ? ? ' '
" "
1 on n It ' " " " 0 1)1) )
H a S u u it " ' ' ' 750
u u u n itu II Ut )
4 DO
u ii it u 11 00
0 70 iiu itt
< t u
it u u 13 00
0 40
And many otJiers cut in any style you may desire tvUJt a ffitar-
antee of a perfect fit and satisfaction. Consignments from IcaiUny
mercJiant tailors tJirouyJioiit tlie country received daily ,