Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Agricultural Implements , Baggies ,
Carriages , t'.la , I'tc. Council Hltiifs , Iowa ,
Corn Shelters , Stalk Gutters ,
Dlscllarrows , Seeders , Corn Planters , Food Cut-
ters.lltc. Factory , Hock Falls , UK
Kos. iroi , 1M3 , 15QV1507 .Main St. Council llliilfs.
r & co. ,
Manuf'rs an t Jobbers of
Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
Cnrrlnffri , nnd all hln Is of I'arm Maohlnory.
1100 to 1110 South Main Street , Council Ululis ,
I'.O. QI.KASON , T. It.Dnmit.i * , dno.F. WmniiT.
PiC3.iVTrcin. V..Pros.A.Mnn. See iVGouusoL
Council Bluffs Handle Factory ,
( Incorporated. )
Manufacturers of Axle , Tick , Sledge and Small
Handles , of every description.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , Curtain I'lxturcs , Upholstery OooJs ,
Kto , No , 403 Hroadway Council Hluus ,
Wholesale Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Kos. 23 Muln uiid 27 1'onrl Sts. , Council lllulla ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. 14 Pearl St. , Council Hlulfs.
Mnuufncturors of
Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cake ? ,
Council niufff , Tinea.
MAU11EU & CllAIG ,
Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.Glass . ware
Lamps , Krult Jan , Cutlery , Stoneware , liar
Goods , Fancy Goods , lite. Council lllulf 3 ,
I1AULE , I1AAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Sundries , No. 23 Main St. , and
No. 21 Pearl St. , Council lilulTa
vnr coons.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
, Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods ,
Notions , ito. : Noi. 112 nnd 111 Main St. , Nos. 113
unil ll.'i 1'cnrl St. , Council lllulls , Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty ,
" ' ' ' Oorfonil Commission. No. 513 Uioudwuy ,
Council niutfs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 10 unil 18 1'cail St. , Council lihiir.M.
Jobbers in Staple and Tancy Groceries ,
Nos. 117 , 113 and 121 , Main St. , Council UlulTa ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale Liquor Dontors. No. 410 llroad-
way , Council Illulfd.
1' . C. IK VOL ,
Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves ,
KofrUjcrators , otc. Nos. 601 llroadu-ay , and 10
Muln street , Council Illuir-i.
tlanufncturors of and Wholcsalo Dealers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Ko Main St. . Council Illulfa , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No * . 312 nnd all llroadwny , Council
, Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Illulfs , Iowa.
1) . H. MoDAXELl ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
TallowWool , 1'ultn , nrcmoimtl Tura Council
llluild , lo\ra.
Wholesale Ioali < r * In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gasolina
32TO. , E3TO ,
B.Thoodoro , Atfcnt , Council Illulfa. Iowa.
H , I'lHNQ , KTC ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
ber ot nil Klmls. Olllou No. 1'JO Main St. ,
_ Council lllulfa. Iowa. _
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
Afc'ont for St. ( Jotlhart'a Hi ri Illttors. No. 13
Mulu St. , Council Illutls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines aud Liquors ,
4Yu OJJ Main St. , Cuuitc
Justice of the Peace.
Ofllco Over American Express Comiuuiy.
Vo. 337 Broadway , Council BluHs.
Advertisements under th t hcft'l 10 cents per
line for the first ln < ortlon , 7 cants for owh
subsequent Icscrtion.nnd f\J a line per month.
No advcrtl cinctit token for less thnn 25 cents.
Bovcnwords will bo oountod to the line ; thty
mtiet run consecutively ixnd must bo pildln al-
ranee. All advertisements must bo handed In
before 2 o'clock p. m. , and under no ciroum-
Stances will they bo taken or discontinued by
Parties advertising In thpso columns nnil hir
ing tha answers addressed in euro of Tnr. HEB ,
will plenso ask for check to enable thorn to got
tliclr letters , as none will bo delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to ndrer *
tlccmcnts ehouldho enclosed In envelopes.
MONKY to loan on morKrnno securlty. Itr-al
estntu and romtiif'rclnl paper bomrht , J. II.
Frcodmaii , euro Solnmn llros. . 100 N. 13th St.
$30,000 to loan. Sum * J.Vrt nnd upwards.
Low cst rates , llomis , 15th nnd Douglas sts.
MONKS' to loan on resilience property. 'C. ' , T.
Cuswell K Co. , Doom 1U , Nebraska National
IJntik. mi-20
MONEY-JTO LOAN on horses , wnirons. fur-
nlltiro , watchc , without rcmovnl. Terms
easy. C , .1 Oxswell , IThotn in. Iron Hank Iliilld.
luff , Uth and FnrnaiL. Takeclovnlor. . 254-qp7
TO LOAor bll mrss property.
OpposltoPostolllro.V. . O.Shrlvcr. int
$ fnnnnn to loan on business nml ro'ldoncc
property In sums of $1,000 and upwards.
Aims , 1507 Fnmain at. U39
$ ir.o.oontn loan on city rcsldcnco property
Goo. W. Hay , 150U Farnatu. K
rrv > LOAN Money in any amount
i. On nil clnFwn of tccurlty.
Phorttimo loans on real otnt .
I/oup tlmo loann on real estate.
Money to loan on chattels.
Money to loan on colKtoraK
Money to loan on any uood security.
Terms easy , tlmo to suit.
Apply nttlioOmiiha Financial Kxohanjs ,
Ilnrker's hulldlnir , SW corner of
Fifteenth and Farnara sts. upstairs 00
MONKY for everybody ! Vou can borrow
money on furnlturo , horses. wairoin ,
pli.nos , Ftock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd ilno
watches on jour own tlmo. Tnymonts received
Bt nny time , nnd interest reduced pro ratn.
Property loft In jour own posic'Ulon. Terms
low n the lownnt. Cnll and fee mo. IltiPlncss
confidential. Noadvanlnuo taken. W. It Croft ,
Itoom 4Wlthneir8NowIJull < ! inirNortheal < trrir-
nor 15th nnd Hnrncy. 142
TO LOAN O. if. Davis 4 Co. Heal
MONKY nnd Loan agents , 1503 Farnnm St.
MONKV TO LOAN-On peed seonrltios. A
McQ avock , room 7 Hodlck Ulock , 1J09 Farnam
st , ni4
> ONIY TO T.OAN On real estate and chat
tels. D. L. Thomas. W5
MONKY TO LOAN Tn sums of J200 and up
wards on flrpt-clam real estate Boourlty.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnnm St. 1MB
MONKY I.OANKD at C. F. Meed & Go's. I/oal
ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , watrons
pcreonal property of all kinds and all other ar
ticles ofvalue ; without removal. : i9 ! 8. I'Uh ,
over Hlnirlmin's rommfsslon storo. All bus
iness strictly confldontttl. 017
Foil SAT.i : The best located cnndv nnd fruit
store In Omaha. Inquire for llvo days at
Stephens , Voogolo & Dinnlng's , 13" Douglas st.
FOR SAT < K Stock of procorlos : reason of
pclllnir , retiring from business. Cor. 10th
nnd Hickory , 41S-20 *
Tmoil SAT.i : Moat market In n peed location ,
J2joars established. Everything- convenient
for running same. Address 0 70 , IIoo ollico.
4B1-18 *
-IJ10II SAI.n-A 75 to 100 bll. full complete rol-
JU lor mill. Will Fell at very reasonable figures.
There Is also In connection a largo elevator
whcicln grain ran tie stored etc. , which can bo
lmd at the mill door all the year round. Parties
desiring to purchase wlllplonso comply atonro ,
cilthor by lottnr or como nnd PCO us porfsonnllj- .
Wo will glvo the spciots wherein wo will Phew
that the mill and gialn busliio s is ranking
money fast Itonson ol polling owner wishes to
go Into the pork packing business nnd so would
Ilko to dl pose of It nt once , a Wo will nlco soil
with or without It a well established lumber
yanl. The mill turns out the best llour of any
mill In the state and has now n good run of
merchant's ouptoin. Wo nrn also shipping
hundreds of cars of corn , oats nud wheat to
Chicago which alone will pay for the money In
vested. Innulroof .JohnM. nioH & Son. Scrlb-
nor , Neb. Terms ca h or part time only. 418-24
Foil SAtiK At n bargain , a very profitable
and well established real cstato and insur-
anoo Imsluc'S. Owner must go oast. Address
Lock llovli.1 , Wymoro. Nob. not-23 *
TTIOIl SALI * Hakorv nnd lunrh stnnd in town
Jj of about 1,200 Inhabitants ; ohancofor ngood
baker. Inquire of Kopp , Drolbus & Co. , 1100
Fnniam st. 2J5
Foil SAr.K--JIllo dairy , n rows , 1 .Torsoy bull ,
S horses , wagon , otc. Norwood Park.l'lor-
cnco. John Williams. 247
Poll KXCIIANOE Stocks of goods of every
kind , for farms nnd land : also lands to ex
change for goods. If you want to
mattorwhat It is yonhnvo , wrlto , with full de
scription , to C. K. Mnyuo , real estate biokor ,
Omaha , Neb. 108
Foil SALE Creamery will bo sold cheap , on
ou y terms , to anyone who will run it the
coming season. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob.
ToOAClmnrfO for stock of hard-
T wnro and gonoinl morchandlso , 5CiO ncrosof
flno Thayer Co. , Nub. , land : 5 lots In Genoa ,
NeK. good stoio building ( host corner ) ; good
dwelling ( best location ) In Kssov. In. , also B )
acics " 4 mile from town of Hssov , la.seeded In
blue grass. Tor further particulars address
John I.lndorbolm Central Cltv Nebraska , fiol
FOIl SAI.K A SJ/iTO stock of mllllnory goods
In Pplondld location. A big bargain for someone
ono as u liberal discount will ho given. For f ur-
thorparticulars address HIM. Hno Olllco. fi22
Piil8ONATj : To persons who wish to build n
lidino In Orchiir.l Hill , I will sell lots upon
pinmont oftlie nominal sum of ten dollars and
Imtanra at thoom ] ol llvo years. InturiM at H
JUT cent , payable soml-aiiiiiially. This Is the
best olFor over nmilo lo nny honio-pooker In this
city. Call and see mo. C. E. Mayno , H. W cor ,
15th and Farnam. 579
T , Woiihl hko pattlos wishing to
JL adopt a baby to coriospond with C 71. Hoe
ollico ; 414-21 *
PKItSONAI * Thruu new cottages line lots on
monthly payments , ranging In prlco iroin
SCOO to f 1.NM. 1C C. i'ultorsoii. 1221 rurniim.
I" > IJHSONAI < Six flno looldcncM ranging In
prlco from $5,000 to fS.OOJ each. H. ( J. 1'at-
lcrfon,12.'l Farnam , 5.TIU
PUIISONAI , ± > cpat | on rainnin BtrciTuTn
Imrgaln , If taken soon. it. U , Pnttci-Mm. 1221
Farnam. 53.V1U
Tin : W. C. MotzncrStovo IlopalrCo. Ill South
14th St. t-ctwoau Dodge and Douglas.
FOIIND-A bunch of keys , Inqulio at this of.
ilco. .M14-20
\\7"ANTKn A lady whoso husband travels
wishes to room nud board joiing Itdy ;
terms moderate : strictly private family. Address -
dross C N ) , Ilco olllce. 501-18 *
00JIS and board. ' , m North 22d st.
7J OH KISNT StoroixiomS-'xtfl ft. , Hcemor'B
J' block , oor bth nud Howanl ; aUo on ? iinfnr-
nlthcil loom. . MU
[ lIAVKcustomorjlor goal doslrublo funning
land In Nobiuskn , Address , with ilcbcilptlon ,
lowest price and tuims. b. A. Sloman.Onnha ,
Neb. 4-.IU-22
TTMIH SAl.i-Mik : ; dairy , 0 cows , liaises ,
1' wagon , cans , etc. Inijulio 1) 1 , Tlioiuiij ,
Itoomb , Crelvh'ou block. 407-20 *
II * YOtr Imvo propoity to bell orchango ,
lift it ulth C. J. faswc'll & Co. , Itoom 19. No-
bi National Dank. UVlcphono 22J. UH-2J
Foil IKA.SU-i5"lot3 in PHIkt.'s addition nn
Clark and Saundora Sts. Ainns , 1507 Far-
lllllll. S5J
Foil SAM-riovolaut : bay stnllloii , "Doiby
1'oy , " : > joura o'd ; "lieneinl tlovehmd ,
ymri oil : film line unliniils. Fur niu Honiara
0 Uliyss J , G. Hall , Utubum Nou. 6 > j-Sl
POIl SAI.K A car load of horses , mined
tradpibuthdri\fiigiiiiddraft. S. A. Colllus ,
luorilioCuiuii' bt. 64U-1U *
Tnoit hAI.K llor us and brood inures. Flier-
JO man in u and Center tiu-iiuur Uoddurd Houso.
4M-22 *
* , oit SALK Horto , biiejry nud hariiejs. Ap
1 ply ut aa-J I'm mini Si. 40
1TIOH SAIT-1COO car loul * of Sllum sandTon
JL ? truck at IxiuUvlllo , NoliContnmtord uua
rbilldcraiitn ] , ' gaud order ou time. Prices
J. 1. A , Homer.
"TTIon SAtn A light delivery pony or
JD ttnm , nd n heavy < wrrcl , enrrlago or work-
Ingtoitra. B. A. Marsh , 18th and Cuming. 211
TfT'OKSAM : 5orQbendot RooJTwork tiorsos"
JO nl o a lot of househoM furnlturo , otc. An-
boujcr-lliisch Hrewlng Association , Cth and
Capitol avo. M. Kcatlmt , Agent. 70lmhl3
Foil weather strlpi , otorm pash ttnd doors , go
to F. D. Mead 2U9 3. ICth St. 1'W
l7"ANTr.I > fllrl towasli.iron and cook , 013
> S. 18th street ; good wages. M10'
WANTr.D Olrl for general hou owork In
family ot two : must bo ( food cook nnd
Inundrywomnn ; references required ; irood
wiipos to Miet-clas * ulrl. Appiy Mrs.V. . H.
SicCord , S. W. cor. Uth nntl Douglas. 675
"XTTANTKI * A strong kitchen girl nt St..lfimcs
i i hotel , opposlts U. P. depot. 577-19'
\\TANTiii : Two respectable Rlrls to vrnth
I I dishes ! 1 woman cook. Coino prewired to
stny. loth ncnr Dodge. 674-1 a
Yoiinirfrlrl to hqlp In housework
In tnnll : family. 201 HfmarJ. Mi-Ill"
WANTIII ) T.vo irood German girls for KH
clicMi uork , 1U17 Howard St. , wnffofl $3 JO
nnd ( i per week. 61020 *
W 'ANTi : Waist and pklrt makoM at Mrs.
51. Wallace's , cor. loth nnd Dnrcnnori ,
Ul-SQ *
IT-AN'Tl'.n-Oood plrl for housonork , 1818
> Douglas. MiA. . D. Mors6. DJ'J-IU '
Olrl for ponernl housework :
must come well rcconuncndud. Iniiilro |
2.113 Iaotl)0i | t SU M3-l'.l
7ANTii : > A neat ynunrt person to hrlptnko
cnroof children and ns-slst In lioueowork.
W ANTKD A ( fill for general hniKowmltnt
at 2418 Davenport at ; KOOI ! wa os. Ml-lli *
I7ANTKD Oltl to do ifonoral housowoiknt
> 22l8Cn53St. 630-1 D *
T\7'ANTiil Ulrls for first nnd second work ,
T i also cooks nt Nebraska Employment Aden-
cy , 110 loth st. , cor Capitol Ave , 523
W ANTKD 14 jrlrls for general housework :
ulso Koodcooks for hoaidlnir houses and
hotels : also dluliifr room irlrU and peed latin.
< liesses : places Kvon ! Iroo. Omaha Kinploy.
llutuuu , IIL'O rurnam st. M4 < J
W ANTED At once , a lady solicitor. Call at
Unam 4J2 , Craltthtan Illock. 6S2-I8
WAJJTCD A Rlrl for ( reiicrnl housework.
N Kcor 17th and I.cavonwortli. .lolm L.
Hill. 4li'i-18 *
NTKD First-class wnlst nnd skirt maker ,
nlso apprentices. Itoom II , Ciouuso Illock.
4520 *
WANTED ficrmnn girl or boy to help m
kitchen. 217 S 12th. 48M8
t fANTKD A coed oman cook ; jrood Hires.
Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 417
WANTKIJ Woman servant to wait on table
and doBoneialworkaround house : apply
bot\ > eon 11 and 12.912 Douglas street. 0-J
W ANTKU A girl for general housework ;
1810 Hsmey. Mrs. K. llosowntor
WANTED-Lady cook-A No. 1 ; Oorman
prefoucd. u. S. Hotel , 10th and Douglas.
Chas. Ivohlmcyor. 357
AtiKNlS Local nnd tinvcllmrcan make from
fJotn JwW ) weoklv. Address Imperial Tire
E-ttlugulshorCo. , Stowait Uulldlng , Now York.
P64-aprl *
WANTKD A first-class dlnlng-ioom gill at
1613 Dodge st. sn
WANT12II Good girls for general house
work , lloom 4UU8hman Ulock , 10th and
Douglas. H.r > 0
\VANTKn An assistant bookkeeper wants a
situation , nnd also ono who would take
writing , 714 N loth st 570-18'
WANTKD It good canviia'CH to sell furnl-
turo on Installmcuis- Call oitM. . F , Mar
tin , 310 South 15th Bt. . C73
WANTUI ) Ono good general black mllh to
work by the month ; shop nnd tools fur
nished. Address CH4 , lluoofllco. 5.52-18
V\7"ANTin One plpo-nttor and as helper to
TV blacksmith tluucnn mtiKo hlmscll guncr-
ally useful. AddrcsiCUJ , lloo Ollico. 53.1-lh
WANTKD A salesman by it wholesale gio-
ccry house lor thp South Phutu country ;
none but cxpoi-lonccd ragn ndml 4ppb'.Uv letter.
Address _ C IW , Hoe ollico. 53J-1' )
7ANTED to good Inn ness makcis. Address
1 JIark llros. Saddlery Co , Omaha , Nob.
\H7ANTKD-Agonta for "The Child's Hlblp. '
V Introduction by Dr. .1. H. Vincent. Over
400 engravings. Ono agent has lately sold 15D In
utown of 2iMpcoplo : ; 78 In a village of 074. The
host selling book in this country. Ail < lro s Ciis-
sell & Co.Limited , 40 Dearborn st , Chicago.
'ANTin A bookkeeper desires n slliJtitlon
In Omaha , good peunian aud accountant ;
10ycais'o.Tpuilonou ; ilrst-class rcforcucos. Address -
dress C SJ , UOH Ollicc. 470-2u *
VlTANTni ) Good llvo agents at once ( cither
soxlto canvass with a Inst-.olllnviu-tlcln ;
sells on sight ; agents can easily make from $2
to f 10 per day. Address at once and fceuro tor-
iltory , Kuicka lltoom Holder Co. , Docattir , 111.
WANTUD Good organ and piano salesman
In tit can give good loioroncas ; statu sal
ary orcommlisloii desired , Only thnso moan
ing business apply J. G. Italno A Co , Grand Isl
and , Nob. 4JO-1U
WANTKD A young man with a horse , to
entry an evening route oil the Omaha
Dally Ilco , 433
WANTKD Agents Twenty good solicitors
to workllfo Insurance InOmiirmanl Iowa.
Liberal commissions to good men. Full instruc
tions and outllt fioo. Cull on or write Kraus &
Campbell , Itoom 2 , Nebraska National Hunk
Huildlng. Iiba-2.- , *
ANTii > SlMcon harness niakors nt Slo-
man llros. , 13th nnd Da igo sts. U18
WANTKI ) Itollablo agents and ilonlori In
West Iowa and Nebraska lor the Whlto
Bowing Slaohino nnd supplloj for nil make of
machines. Catalogue Ircc. Zohrung , Tliorn-
ton & Co. SuTaprJ
yANTin-Airents. 200 N. icthst.
POK KAI.I3 Four U-yonr-old colts. Inqu 10
at T. J. Scherb's , Florouco Lake , or at I.
Schoib , No. 812 N. 10th St. Ki'J-l'J >
\\fANTI2I ) Hy young man lately from Kn-
TT gland , situation us coachman in pilvato
lanllly ; thoroughly experienced In thu manage
ment of lioi > ea , nnd all things comu-utod with
Htnlilo noik lii ircnoriU. Addicts C U7 , Ilco
Ollice. r.lS-20 *
WANTUD A situation by a young man M ho
luis Just completed n thoiough courFolu
bookkcclng | ) , Addtoss O W , IIoo Olllco. MJ-lb'
: ! ! Hy compptout nnd oxporloiiced
man , situation as delivery cierX ; thorough
ly ro U'llutol with city trade. Can i-peak IJnjr-
ll-li , Daiilxli , Geiman and Holiemlnn languages.
Cuii lurnlsli llr t-o'iiss tuiim and delivery \MI-OII
it iluslu'J. Apply at 1GSJ I'miiiini St. , ground
lloor. 550-10'
* r\7"ANTKI > Middle aged woman wnntH place
to mind baby or help light housotvoik.clty
or country. 1118 Do.iglns bt. 5VMi > *
lumlor Ilrm In
Omuha by man havlmr 10 jaura' cxpeil-
cncu ; peed arcountunt and bookkeeper. Ad
dress 0 D3 , lieu ollico. 020-23 *
\\7ANTKD A gltuatton as cook. Address
T > Goo. 15. Hailoy , Shclliold , Wurrun Co. , Pa.
V\7AVTii : > Tv'0 uiifuriilshod rooms with
TI board , for gsntlomnn , wile ttiiJ 2 children ,
Address llock I bland ticket ollico. 1533 Fin mini
f licet. 5hQ
V\7ANTii-U : roomi , 1 larso iliifuriiUbod ,
i > with water ; 1 smaller , iiiifnriilsliid : 1 lur-
nlllHxI : In liouto or block. 11. GiConl , ( "oin-
murclal National Haiik. D',5 1'J *
\\7ANTIII ) To liiiy a second-hand type-
it writer. J , 11. lluynosJt Co. , Omaha.
_ QISnplQ
WANTIIli Toliuy nhoufo and lot for about
$2QuOor J 1,000. Addrtts J. II. Uvwis A : Lo. ,
ISl'l Doilgo t-t. WI-20
WANTin : To trade , lot in Louo's add forli
pair of young lioi > c > , th it are good smylo
drnors , or imu goo I IIOIMh.irneSs ; and buggy.
HlJO & Moore , KJ2 Frtrnuiii , 11
\ 7ANTiiHylout : of Aprll. a binnco >
1 > inyo or thrfo good rooins.unturiilshud , for
light houeokfupiiii , ' . Addicss , glvlug location ,
UK ) , lU-u oltico. 4aT
Three hundred lor more ] acres
M of land lorn btockrnuoh. OtriiuraornKonts
cauilr.d u roapoiiilbla tenant , tor twi jcurs , by
Immcdlutcly uddrc Inx1 or vlaitlnif tlio Onialm
Dairy usaoclation , 214 &l\luonlli 81. 403-33
\\T ANTKD Cor ( pot cssh , ileslrablo rcsl-
Y i riunc-o ortll from $5,000 to fS.030. Addicjs
1p. . iMUjlU. _ | _ 4UU
\\'A ? > 'TKI > City tiroporty In uxcbatigo for
fi Ncbiasknnnd loua farms. U. J. Cusucll
& . Co , Itoom ID , NcbiUjka.Nutloual Hunk. Tclu-
I phoiU)22U. ) - 'J30-2J
T \f ANTKlwliifepy horso. Hush & SoUvy , 213
ANTHDhlps bavin ? houses ror"ront
to list thil same with us. Wo liavo appll.
cations that we cannot fill. C. J. Cnswell & Co. ,
lloom 19 , Nobrn K National Dank. Tclephono
220. ' > _ JT31-80
WANTiiAclIvo : lady agents to sell our
comblnextVMst and corset. For olrqular ,
address Jackson tCorset Co. , Hex S4iOmtthn (
Neb. _ " . ; _ tiVlinhlp *
\ T ANT nn-io ns. goo s. nth et.
II . ' WiS
ron nr-HT'-nousES Airo X.OTS.
77OII IMNT-A : lint. Inquire N. 11 cor. 16th
V nnd CnpltoJ avcnuoj _ Hit
IlUNTfT-Tp a responsible party ( without
JL3 children protrrrod ) n largo nicely furnlsliod
lioii o near the cciilcr ami on pa\ol Mroct :
good rotorcnccs reiiulroJ. liiqulro nt 1921 Far-
mini si. M *
) ll Ill'.NT Hotisnofa rooms , 3 clofcts nnd
r f table on Walnut blooks from IT. P.
depot , liniulro Aug. Hnndow , 1317 Chicago st.
HUNT Ilrickyard. T. Murray ,
" m'Hr.NT 2 brick stores on South nth St7
bet. Hownnl nnd .Iack on 1 n-room hoii o ,
summer kitchen , east front , 23rd SI. nonr M
car line , $20 per month. Paulson & Co. , I51J
Farnam St. 620
HI'NT A finely located 8-room house
Foil nil moJcru imptovptiionn. also two
nicely furnished rooms. Call nt 13171'odiro ' St.
FOIl IlKNT Ilniifo S rooms , $33 per month ;
Inquire tSlOCnliroi nla si. ! > J a *
Oil KKNT DoMrnulo rosldonco , 6 iooai .
BMnn's2d add : house of 0rooms , South Mb ,
also 2 barns with lofts. J , Phlpps Hoe , Uox637. _
EOncro farm , nil under cultlva-
FonilKNT . houfo nnd Lnrn , elx ( ( i ) mile * from
postolllco. H. Miililiwellor & Co.,300 S llthst ,
Oinnl.a . , Kcb. 458-20 *
IlKNT From May 1st , n furnished
house , with modern conveniences ; pleasant
locality nnd within half u liloek of strrnt car
lino. ApiilytoMr < IustlColfnx ! st. , 2d door
north of l.cavenworth st. 431-10 *
ItUNT-Ftoro room on 10th. C. II.
Foil . . W. cor. Ifith and Farnam. HOP
TT < OllUKNT Houso. And fumlturo for sale ;
JC locution central. Address 0 01 , lloo Oillco.
ItKNT Two vorv doslr.lilo tlau on
Foil Street over ItlK with all moJurn Im
provements. A splondld location to rout fur
nished toomi. Omaha llcal IMnto nnd Loan
Co. , ltooms 2 and aJ Wlthnoll Illook. "S3
F7)ll SAIiE At n baipaln , nno 0-ooin house
with modern conveniences : full lot : on
Hnrnoy St. , nour Sothj f5,2JJ. l'ottor& Tobb ,
1515 Tarnam st. < i :
TT\Oll7lENT \ Garden larm. 'M ) S. llth St.
oil KENT raim ot ICO act cs. twelve miles
from Omaha. Ajiply at the Omaha Mimn-
, SW coiner of 15th nnd rnnmin.
4t 1
KKNT Trout room , furnished Or un-
Foil . 1510 Hntnoy. 672
IlKNT Furnished room , 401 N 15th st.
Foil fi70-19
T7\OIl \ rllKNT Kurnl hod or unfurnished , n
-I ? nultoof rooms , wither without board , S W
corner 20th and Webster st. G7W1J *
Foil llKNT Karnnm st , window nnd desk
room. Olllco or store room , 10th ct , north
of depot. Am > ly , to J. U. Evans S : Co. , 1513
Dodge St. , t K37-18
Foil llENIWKoom , llushman's Ulock.
Foil ItKNT ltlrablo nirnlshod rooms ; lo
cation coninJ.ln | < iulio at AtHliiFoa'H Jill-
lluery Btoro , lulh aud Cnpitol ovo. G10-191
Foil llKNT ? 3Ppcr month to right party , n
front pailor ( Inoly turiilshed. Address 01
call 1010 Fnrmfai. ' niM'J *
" _
Nr Furnished rooms , 521 N. Ifilh
St. " D18-18 *
Foil HKNTf-Nlccly furnished looms In nlco
cottage fo SO , S" nud S8 nor month nt4iB (
WalnutSt.,8mmu'.os walk southeast of U. 1' .
depot. t 5M
T71O11 RKNT FurnishoJ room ; Imulre nt
J drug Htoto'cbr ' 10thand Douglas. 521
ntlio Istof Aptll , Inrsti front
room with bay window and nlcovo. Suits of
rooms. Hod . .roomUth nil modern improve
ments , furnished or unfurnished , ono block
w est of court houso. 1821 Knrnnin St txcii
Foil IlKNT Comfortable rooms , Including
breakfast and 0 o'clockillnuor. on I-'ariinm
near courthouse , totrontlomon ; ilist class ; C
SI Heo oIllco. 502-1S *
F Oil UKNT--Two nicely furnished rooms ,
with or without board. Ill S 13th St. 451
Foil HENT Nicely luinlshod rooms. 1013
Dodge , 4UIMS *
Pull HUNT Cheap room. 1117 Hou ard.
378-18 *
F Oil llKNT Two rooms furnished , on sulto
or single. S. W. cor. Uth and Howard.
377-18 *
OR ItKNT Nicely furnished room with
board. 711 N. lUtti St. 474-25
F 1OII HUNT oooa room nnd good board.
193) ) ruriuun. 35JaprJ
FOR IlKNT With boaid , ono largo ulcoly
furnished front room , gas nnd bath room at
140-JJonoiSt. 270
TT OIl HUNT T/nrgo room with or without
U board. 1704 Capitol avo. 252
T7A OU HUNT Ollice , 2188. 15U' St.
FOR IlKNT Nicely furnished roam at 22J7
Dodge ; all modern conveniences. 242-23
Foil HUNT Furnished rooms , slnglo and on
suite , with or without board. Address O 51 ,
Ilco Olllco. 210
F 10U HKNT-l'iirnlshod rooms. 1S1U Dodgo.
Foil IlKVr Furnlsho 1 front room with use
of bath room. Iniulro ut otllco of C. U.
Mnyno , luth and Farnniu. 1-1
Foil HISNT-Storo room u Wlthnoll block ,
bet , Hnrnoy and Fnrnam on 15th , liupulro
Itoom IT , Witlinoll Illoclc. 777
Edit IlKNr Nleoly furnlsliod rooms , with
heat , gas aud lulh ; ulso ili-st-oliss table
boaid ; bast of roforouooi given nnJ roiniroJ.
ISllUolifo st. S.O
IT Host ncio
An aero.
Cunningham if Hrcnnaii , 1511 Dodgo.
Foil SAM : 7 lots mrl Sroom house- , West
fcldu , fi.UUJ fur a'l ' , Cuimlnghum & : Hien-
nuii,15II Dodge.
Tnou SAI.IJ-.V lull lot on 10th street , near
JJ Doiiirlas , Sll.OOO. C.iniiliislmm i : Hrciinun ,
1511 Dodgo.
EOIt SAI.i-8jvcial : noiisos and lots In Hans-
coin I'luco. Ctinulngliuiii a Hionimu , 1D11
Dodgo. -T
$ : ) , ooo will buy u hou > u und two full lots in
Haiiacom 1'lacu. Cuiiuliiuhum & llruiiimii ,
1511 DoJgo. il
Tj.OIl SAL.K T o-story , 7-ioom house , nearly
JU now , voryisollij and substantial ; will sell
furnlturo , if dffttcd , very cheap. Hulncs Ilroo.
k Co. , Uth uud Horiioy sts. 657
FM > Il .SALIC-r-Atrii buigalu , 2 flno rosldonco
lots.soutll utti 'oust ' irunle , J.lth nnd Chica
go st. imiuiroot U. L. Urlck&ou , opp , 1' . O.
Foil SALI * 100 foot , S. front on Hamilton B t ,
Prospect PUre , . ; 1AM.
Corner loto Sjyard St. , In Prospect Place
1 ot on Cluirle.4 St. XMth , $ ( l'o ,
hot on Ilaii'inortsioiir i"Jtlis5) ) ,
IM on Viivlniu Jvp. , near Ixjuvt-nwortu St. ,
, ttih St. $11,000.
i-ot on Farnaii ) r < f , cJi'iier Ul ,
Lot ou Furmimr < t , coinurbbxltti , 5-J5.0W.
House nnd lot on Hamilton st , neiir Poor
Claim foment , fl , < U ) ; easy terms.
Lot in Nelsou'sudd , ? 1,7JJ.
Lot In IXJWII'B add , tiiJO ; easy terms.
ll > 2fcet on Fnrnam M , nour-7th , tl.'j per foot.
Comer lot In Lown 6 add , f WJ.
Ulart'o houses and lull lot on 1'Jlli nonr Webster -
stor St , S'J ' , . .
House ami > > ' , lot on Iznrd nour Jtli St , fi.5 > X
( Ho P , IlemU , 15th mU Donjlas 81 , Ml
Foil.SAI.K 5-roomhousu , cemented cellar ,
out-bulldliigs , lion Joiiro , i-lilo wulks , etc. ,
all in Ilrtt-elitsa repair , llnu lihudo trees , Email
fruit , eta , on Poimbtou nvonuo. 'J'ei ins easy.
' 1 be best bargain m thu city. J'XO. ' lllirglns
Park , 1512 Douglas. 4SMS
l" < i IIAIKiAIN-f 1,1)0 Mill buy 10 llr.-t-
la s lots , caati &ilV ) . foutU front , east tit
Fort , one block tst of riuunJfri St. Aildro.-a
il , Feckonscl r , City. 2iHiiiiti ] , ! : Hou&unndlot ITlU St. botwuvn
Chlrugo and Duveiiport.lO-rooms , city water ,
vlsti'i'n , cneap il taken in 10 days. C , J las-
\toll Co.iijom If , Nebraska Nut'l U.iuk build-
la/ , 617-3J
pUATT'S Subdivision.
Pratt's Subdivision , aero lot , southwest , at
fWOpor lot.
Mulroso Hill.
Jlolrojo Hill , Just 10 minutes' walk from Han-
com Park , tan per lot ou monthly , quarterly
or ycnrly pnyraunts.
10 per cent down on Molrojo Hill lots.
Dwlfth t.t Lyman's addition ,
Dwifrht Ac Lymnn's , south of Hnnscotu Park ,
? .VWn lot.
Newport aero lots.
f : > 00an ncro for Newport.
Newport , fastest soiling acres.
Newport reached by level roads.
Nowjuirt tili'tirpossod view.
Newport , See it and you will admit Us vnluo
and worth ,
Como and see Newport.
Clarrndon nt terminus of two car lines , $750 to
fin ) a lot.
Oak Chatham $000 per lot.
Holt Line depot Is located on Oak Chatham.
I'lahivlow , Just south of Oak Chatham , lots nt
$ \V ) on the usual easy terms.
$2,1 Oil n 111 buy r. ncros In Tuttlo's subdivision.
This I ; n bargain.
$ .V W will buy n new 8 room , modern built ,
liomn on car line , ea t front , corner lot.
Ames Plncu ehonpef t city lots ,
Ames Place , fair pilcr * , oa y tcrmt.
AmoI'laco , full lot for $4 ( > i lo S W.
Cole llullianto ncro lots nt $175 ; no bettor ncrcs
tor the money.
llrltfhton ncro lots $275 per ncro.
Sulphur Springs.
8uiphiir Springs ndJItlon on Sherman avo. , op-
IHisiln base ball grounds.
Sco 8iliuihr : Spring' .
SulphurSprings ! nddltlrfn lots $ lf > TO to $1,500 :
ono-qunrtordowii.bal.uiro long tlmo.
$8,5X ( ) will but very desirable resldcncu property
on rarunm street.
Ixok the ground over carefully before buying.
Call nnd see the properties offered which you
can buy nt fa-r prices and on easy payments.
AMU31 Itenl Kstnto Agency ,
1507 Farnam Bt
Foil SAM5 fi-room hoii'o with closols. pan-
try , oto. Uascmcnt with 2-rooms , well , ol1"
tern , ana nlco out-bulldlag . Terms to suit.
On turning Bt , $ ,700. Hlg lus & Park. 1312
Douglas. 4S4-18
1 ; > Oll SALE Lot on Cumins street. bargain ,
: ut. 11,400. Graham It llcimwn , urolghton
Illock. KM
Foil SAT.H 3 acres with house and barn : 1J <
acres of grano vluoi , 5 cr < * of raspberries ,
nlco bay nuiro. hirncs ? nnd wagon , nllnnw ; one
mlle westot Foil Omaha ; all for Jl.bOJ. Imiulio
on the ptoinlscs , Samuel IX Jono ? . & 7l-il : *
1 poll SAM' Hargaln House and lot. ono
1 block from street oat ? . North Omaha , $1,8X ) ,
Graham & Hcnawa , Crclghton Itlook.CO )
Foil SAT.I * 4-room house , clo ots , pantry ,
cliturn , oil. largo barn , on Hurt St. Prlco
? 1.W on mouthlvor yeatly payments. Hlgglns
.V Park , 15m Douglas. 4S.5-1S
- LJrtloiilars | about frco and ehaap lands in
Western Nebraska address Tlios. (1 Patterson ,
KcalKstatoAirant , North Platte Nob. lij'i
ITIOIISALI * 10) ncrosin city limits of Koar-
-L msy at a bargain , ana on good terms. Ad
dress II. M. Woolman , U. P. Town Lot Agent ,
Denver Junction , Colorado. 4lmh"4
POIl SAI.R Lots to the west of town , near
Farnam st. aud Lowe avo. , In Potter's add. ,
safe ami profitable Investment at f.VM ami < ( IJJ
each. Poltor & Cobb 1513 Farnam st. KM
FOI5 SALIC Wo have some splondld bargalm
both In vnoint nndlmprovol property that
to any on i contcmplatlmt bujlng will do well to
set * . Call ou us. Hlgglns&Fiuk , 151' . ' Douglas
sttoot. 4fC-l
Foil SALK Spprlllffungons. Hnyc < < & 1'iuil-
fen , 22UCmiiim ? all cot.
FOUSAI.K Tirolntsln Plalnvlowl50 oach.
Potter & Cobb. 1515 I'nnmin st. UJS
Foil SALi : Three line lot < In Shlnn's 3d ndd.
at SKK ) each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam.
SALK Lots in Lowe's 1st addition ,
JL ? south fronts , easy terms , only $533. Potter
& Cobb. 1513 Fnrnam st. 831
FOIl SALK Itest 5 acre tracts In the market ,
only tM per aero. Inquire about them.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Farnam. 85S
F"OIlHALBAcio lots. Glso'sndd. , only S1.53J
Potter & Cobb. 13I3 Farnam. Ki7
T7WII SALK House nnd lot on N. llitli si ,
JL $1,550. aruham& Honawa , Ciclgliton Ulock ,
POIlSAljE sovcrnl doslrablo buslnoo lots
on loth St. , nnd business and rosldencn lots
in nil parts of the city. Aim wnroliotiio , hotel
and larm property. Houses to rent. Property
shown free of charpo and a largo list to select
frorant prlcos ranging from fiT ] to $10,009. Par-
tieHllvslrlng to Invest should look over our list
and pncos before buying. Correspondence so
licited and information about the city freely
given. Omaha Koal Estate & Lean Co. , lloom 2.J ,
Vvithncll liloek , Omaha. 727
Foil SAIVK Alow of the best ots In Wlloox's
adtl. nt $830 each. Potter & Cobb , 1315 Fur-
namst. b55
Foil SAIjB Cheap lots In Hurr Oik , Just oat
of HaiiBeom Park , nonr street car4 , 175J , easy
terms. Potter & Gobi ) . 1515 Farnam at. B31
I TOR SATE Cheap , ono of the best Improved
and Huust located farms In Douglas county ,
Nob. ,5 miles west of Onvxlui court house , con-
tulning 10J ncros , with ho use , stable , wolM , or
chard nnd pasture , etc. ; ono-lrilf cash , balance
to suit purchaser. For further particulars ad-
ilru sQuo. Lindo , care Omaha Boa , Omaha , Ne
braska. GffiJ
FOHSAT.K Ulg Hargaln Corner In Isaac &
Scldon's addition , only 2 blocks from Leav-
onworth St. , IKxlZI , only $1,5)D. Potter i Cobb ,
1515 Farnam st b5.'i
] 71ll .SALIC Lot on Dadgo St. , grout bargain ,
- at $1,100. Graham fc Henawa , Crolgiiton
Illock. 553
FOKSALE-nihsonhas forsdloIoU in Hum-
com I'luco , fSOO to fl , 03.
Gibson has for sulo houses and lots In Hans-
corn PJaco.
( iilison has for sale houses und lots in all pans
f the city.
( ilbsnn has improved farms and lands in all
parts of Nebraska iors.ilo or exchange.
Gibson has thousands or ncros oC land In
Western Nebraska for sulo Iroin 51 to $4 per
Gibson would like to see you If you want to
buyorsfcll. >
Gibson's Is the plnco to list your property , rnll
anil see him at Koomit , Wlthucl ! Illock , cor. 15th
and Hartley sts. BSO
Foil SALII Four lots , cor , California and
UHh sts. , 'I blocks fiom proposed paving ou
Cumlngst. , ? 5)Uuiid'J5Jopch. Potter A ; Cobb ,
1515 Faiiinm st. MU
Foil MALI- : Two lots on Georgia avo. , both
$ -,000 , G rnll mu & Donawii , Crolghtou
ll'oo'c. CS1
AIIAUK 1IARKAIN Slv nrros , IP/ miles
noithwost from postollicellli good house ,
barn , well , etc. This jilaco is % > orth $5X1 per
acio without Improvemunts. Wo oiler the
whole for n few days at the very low prlco of
f2,5T ) , ? 'nOi'tt h , balance hi two years. Slock-
< lnloliunelicr , 1511 Dodge St. 47 ! )
FOHSALK Two lots in Pelham i'laco , ono
block from street car track Inquire SIB S ,
ISthstroot. 6V )
" _
OUSAIX-A lot 0110 , and dwelling 2.v2S . ) ,
near future Hroivuoll Hull , clioup ; half cash ,
balance small monthly payments. V , L. Vo-
difcka , fJ B. 13th at , nil
Pi ) l ? "HATT Ti oo m cottao , 1 block from
St , Mary's nvo. car llnu , lot 76x110 , only
$ l.l53.Pottor& _ C'ohli. 151 Fnrnam. WO
F OUKATJ * Tlirooldts In Sliliiu's l nddltlonT
on eastern slope , only U blocks from street
cars , cheap only $750. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far-
limn et. RW
I neil 8AI.K Flno corner , Oooigla nvcnue ,
1 south uii'l ' east front , $1,5JJ. Gniliiini &
Honawn , Crolghton Illock. ri : i
FDll HAI.U ! j aero lot , n goo t a room lioiiio.
a grocery store , with stables , out-houses and
cltywutur , i-M near Leavcnwoith , lent yliO )
or mo.prlco SI..WJ. Tills U ullrst rnui Invest
ment. Omaha Html Kstato & : Loan Co. , Itoouis
faud-3Wltlincllblook. 710
" 1711)11 SALi : : iJU ncro stock farm In Nnuco
J-1 county , Null. , one and one-halt miles irom
Genoa , thu junction of the Albion und Cedar
Hupids branch of U. P. U. It , . 2 nurus ol it
under Icuce , corrals , olo.all llrst and second
bottom Java imd suitable lor cultivation , IM
ncrusgooil hay lanl. Ono half cash and ono-
butt twelve inontln' time or cxchango for Oma
ha ioal ostnlo. Addioss .liimns Yuru , Uiiiiilin ,
Ncb.orI/ > clllocttX ) , Kuuias C'lty , Mu. a > l--'J
F OIl HALUHyA. . P. Tukcy.
10 ncros northwest ot city . fl.-'M
Lots , blnukS , Hoggs & Hill's ndd . . . . . 1,100
Ixit on 1.1th ucnr Cunter st . 1 , ' rt
! l lots , Polhiim PJaoo. each . till
1'ollnK j mid coiner lol , ith nud Chicago. . . D.ryjii
Cottiuo nnd lot , 15th nenr Center bt . . . . S.bCT )
7 room house nnd lot , coiner l.'tli nud Mar
tha . . 3,500
7 room house an J lot , i'Uli Et. , near Jlur-
thu . 3,000
II lots , Clnrlc Place , ouch . , ttV )
1 lot , Clark PJaco . WO
0 room houM ! lot ilst Bt . 3,000
I/H on CiiinlngolicotiK'ai-U7tli . S,0 > J
7 loom lioiiau nnd full lot , Chicago near
2-ilh . . . 0WO
_ A. J'.TuUoy l-M Fnrnam i-jroet. _ ii' ' i'I'- '
POK SAM- want cotla m to bull at,0 > 3
or $ J,030 J.H. Kvutiit A ; Co , III ) Dodge.
T7 > Il KALI' A ncw7-room liouso and lot on
Jj Hnundcrs St. , a bargain. 4 acio lots in
Himcbaugja'sadd. vtry cheap. Houses and lota
in all parts ot the city. Improved und unim
proved land for sulo or trudo. It. U , llull , U" N.
8Hmh't ;
Tmoil.SALIJ Lots Just soutn of the parli in
-L' Clark Pluoo * W oaoli , ou oiwy terms. Pot-
UriCobb , 151 $ KuruuinJ 830
77 on 8Atn-Tir 3. n. I'-wis ft Co. , 1513
1' I > odiro Street.
aw imrgo lioiijo , full lot , Kountzo &
Kuth's add. , easy terms. . , . , . .f (5,0)0 (
JR7 Cottnpo , full lot , Kounuo * lluth's
ndd. , city water nnd cl'teni .4. . . . , , 8,500
071 Hickory Place , lot nnd cottiigx ) , , , . , 1,000
431 Shull's add.IW foot fOtith front , peed
hou c , barn , cl tcni , etc . . 300
? S3 0-nioin rojldetieo , stable , etc. , linns-
com Placen bargain . . . . . . 4,500
37 0-room hotl o , lot COxlJ7 , fi-ont on 15th
St. , poll or ti ado 3,100
23 ? Itill lot 2 blocks from pavlnjr on 13th
St.iroodliou o , fi-rooiin. . . . . . . . . . . 3WO
411-llorback's 2nd add. , 75x1(0 ( on lHh,2
gooillunifcs , . , , , . , , . 5,00 }
3(53 ( Slilnu'8 add. , peed cuttuso , lot of
at low \earlraso . . . 400
! Wt House and lot , Shlnn'R ndd 1.00J
3M-llouonnd31ots. Wnlniit Itlll. . . . 1,503
401 Flno high lot , good cottage , Nelson's
ndd . . 8,000
13 I/it , 2 botisoj , original town site , best
bargain 1 liavo C.OOO
A largo Hue of choicest toildrneo property
ranging from SVUOO to $ 0,000 , which I have not
permission to ndvortl o.
tlJ I/itPnundcrs .V Hlmrdmllsh's ndd. . . ? 275
24' rorncr , Snundors.t lllnibatigh's ndd iti'i
4 : > l-Huir Oak , line lot l.CKW
4tfi-iicgaut : ; corner , Shiill's , 2 lots 0tt
42f > 2 best lots 111 Orchard 11 ill , n bargain.
41(1 ( Thornbiirg Place , scU'ctetl lots. . . . 40
SO ) VO best lot-tin llawtborno , 423 lo 750
Corner In Hawthorne , n baignln ,
l Knst fronts in I'lalnvlow , original
prlcr < < . . . . . . .
376-So. front H block from Saunders St ,
nud cars , > 723
West Side I.OM Some of the slghtllest lo
cations only rvV )
A flno corner. . . . , , . . , 1)00 )
343-Hrookllno , D flno ncrcs 1,890
IWI-ACIO lets in Park Place H.CXA )
KU H acre Park Plnco WO
331 Aero cornuiliw on Crostou , very
subtly 3,000
Four nore north of town ( > 00
321 Corner on Lcnvi'tinorth , n bargain. l.'KM
ail south fnmt , West iciui iun
Ton ncrcBca't of Ilrookllno 0511
2s ) 2i lots Hanscom Place 700 to 1,500.
Ml Choice residence 75 ft , front , Paris n\o 4,010'sndd. ! 751U front 3,000
Special bargains In other cltlos
Two line blocks In North ( lend on main
buslniiMstreot IH lots
Ono of the beM bluoUsln nouvor Junction COO
A lull block , Oaalhila 00
23 llnu lots In Gothoiil'iug. Vou can treble.
your money by Celling on tlmo. Allcaih 701
Lands throughout the Elate hnptovud and
If you want u home ,
II jou want to specitlato ,
The properly on my Hit * will supply you.
My tun-gala's ' mo for my customers.
1 ilo not , urn ! Hltall not , on u nn Interest In nny
addition nnd can thmofoio give jou dlslntvr-
o itcd ndvlco ns to whore to buy. J. B , Kvnns &
Co. , 1513 Dodge St. 607-13
BKI.T. -M'OANDLISII. . olTor ou easy terms.
10th st , business propoity , per square foot ,
Howard st. business , per front foot , $23 ,
Douglas Co. farm , per noieT .
AVnslilngton Co. farm , tier aci o. $20.
Warehouse property , l.Uxl'K , f-r 01.
Falrview acies t > ouutlos T > jours , $3)0.
Wc ! t Sldo lots , whore canning lactory will cm-
plov 50 to 200 hands , $23T to $0'IO. '
Itoautlliil ; ) acres , house , cast front , trees nnd
fruit , near Lo.ivonworth , easy terms , $1,000.
Loavenworth etroot property , 163 Icct front ;
House and lot , high cast front , email cash
pnymont , bulunco per month J-'l.
Ifjoii wuntlotsor Improved property in nny
pnitof the city call on
427-1U Hell & McUimdliSh , 1511 Dodge street.
Foil SALI3 Flvo-aaio place ; eight and a
half acio picco with buildings , etc. : and
slx-acio piece with buildings , etc. ; also full
dairy outllt , 3 cows , etc. John F. llocli , Omaha
TTlOIl SAI.13 2 full lots , 2 houses 0 nnd 7
4 ? rooms , In Armstrong's ndd , fiKX ) .
( XKl-O , liousoG rooms , Hoggs & Hill's add , $ ' , -
3 jots 40x120 , 3 cottages , 1 rooms , in Hoggs &
Hill's add , $ .210,1.
40x120 , cottaifi ) , Hoggs & Hill's addlT,0.
60U70 , hoUbo Oiooins , S. llitli St. , flO.IHJ.
G2\itJ ; , house 11 rooms , Cid. st , near 22d , $10,003.
44x150cottage 4 looms , Humoyst , $ .1,150.
OllxLti , 13th near Douglas , f 18.MO.
41x122housoO rooms , Hnruoy sU , $18,03D.
oilvris , . ' } largo houses , Hurt , SI.OM ) .
ICixllor ! ) sale or exchange lor land , double
housu , California st , $ IUOO.
GOxllB , now bo-suU looms , Capitol avo. . $3TOO.
07x1 L' , house 0 rooms , 18th near I/.unl , f3OOJ. .
r > 4xJ50 , houeoS looms , Hnrnoy , $0,000.
00x140 , houso7 rooms , llitli near Izard , $5,280.
im.120 , house rents $75 mo. , Capitol nvo$25OJO
r Dxi2 ; ! , I bouses , ibth nenr laird , $10,000.
GfixiK : , Davenport and 17th , $11,1X10.
GOxIM , housed rooms , Shlnn's add , 5 ,500.
6Rxit : : , opposite High school , $6.001) ) .
GfixV > , house n rooms. Hurt and20tb , $1,800.
OflxlUA 2 houses , 5 nnd I ) rooms , S. Will , $3,750.
C8xlU ! , brick house 11 rooms , Douglas BUI4,000.
2lots 80x15' ) , house 0 rooms , Doulso ndd. $ nOOJ.
GflxlDl ) , house 9 rooms , oppoblto Popploton'S ,
IJU.X150 , house 3 rooms , Virginia ave , $1,275.
GOxl.W , house II rooms , Georgia nvo , $1,500.
UV4 lols.oluitnni rcsldencu , Georgia avo. fJO.OOO.
Cor. lot , house 5 rooms , VligluhCavu , $1,703.
50\210 , facing 2 streets , 0 roc m house lacing
pink. This is veiydoslr.iblo propei ty. SttOO.
Full lot , lien * house li looms , ( icorgla ave , $ . ' 1,100.
110x111.cor. ! rojm house , Improvement Ass. ,
* * 2 rQQi
Full lot S. 18th St. , now house. Improvement
Ass. . S2.WO.
44xlf > 0 , hii ( > u rooma,221 St. , $ .If > 00.
60x132 , Hno U room bouse , Mnrtha nnd Klovcnlh
sts. , $4,81)0. )
Lot , 7 room house , Siiuiidois si. , $3,330 , $1,003
cnxti , bnl. In aero propei ty.
3 4 ncros near the fort , 2,100.
3)nc.ius 4K miles nw postollice , $133 per ncrc.
E. F. Kliitfor , 11U N. 15th bt. : i')7 ' )
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only load to take for Dos Molnni , Mar-
lialltowiiCudnrHapldH , Clinton , Dixie. Chicago ,
Mlltt niiltuo and all points oast. To the people of
Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho
Novada.Oroson , Washington and California It
ollorshuporior advantages not possible by any
other llnu
Among a few of the numerous points ol suiio-
riorlty onjoved by the patrons or tills roaalio-
twcon Omaha ami Chicago , uro Us two trains n
day of DAY COACI11IS which arc the llmM that
human ait and iugomilty can crcntu , IHI'AI-
ACi : SI.IiKI'INU C'AILS , whluii mu moiIi-U ot
comfort and olognnco. Its l > AltIXlt DUAWINd
ROOM CAItrt. uusurimssiul by any , nml Its wld -
ly qolobiaKul PALATIAL , DINING OAU8 , Ilio
equal of which raniiot bo found clsoivlinru.
At Council IJIulM thu trains of the Union Paci
fic Uy , connect in Union UtMiot with tlioso of the
Chicago & Northwastorn Ky. In Chicago the
trains oi thu line make close connection with
tliosoof nil eastern linns.
For Detroit , Columbiia , Indianapolis. Cmcln
nntl , Niagara 1'alU. Uulfalo , 1'Ittt.burjr. Toronto
Montreal , Hoston , Now York. Philadelphia , Halt -
t Imore.Washlngton nnd all point j In thu cast , uik
the ticket agtint for tic-lints via the
NOlini-Wr.STI'.IlN , "
If you wlphthobflfit ttccoiniuodatlons. Alltiokot
UcuorulJIanaacr. ' Gun.
DiAi.nii3 : IN
and M Work.
102G l > 'uriiam Street , Onialia , Neb.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . $200,000
SuplusMuy 1 , 18B5 . 25,000
U. W. YATKS , President.
A. K , TOU/.AMK , Vice J'nssidont.
W. II. S. HiKiiiEs , Cashier.
W. V. Moitir. , JOHN S. COI.LI.VS ,
U.V. . VATES , Lr.wisS. KKKU ,
Cor. 12th und Karnain Street ] .
General Bauklui ilusluoji Trimjijtol.
* . tT aNcrrom nntl "J i TI ) hlltf | |
rrcm H --'lineIn Mi . of
- inrp - - a n. Krron > vonth , and tha
unloirt ml.Prloi r < MnlinBfrom | incll'crotlon unit ox-
ce p . A hook for orerr mnn. youne , mli1 ll < wijro1
unit old. It contain ! \V > pro < Tl | > tlc > n < for nil Home ami
. , ' \ . . P.l ! lVp"\rAf5rn"0"ll' : ' < 'l ' > I'lnToliinhlc. so
.ma I > yumiun1iorwho o eit > orlonco for n rotnu
mcli nvirohihlf norcr bororpfpll toiho lot of nr
ihrflrlnniaupnae , bnnnil In honntiful Krcneh rani
lln , cml'0 pa ODTCM , full clti. inm ran teed to r > n n nnor
notltln c\Ftj ni < mpclinnlrnl , lltomrr nnrtnrnfm.
, ipnM-tnonnnr | ottior nork In this rountrr forll-H
ortho money will be rofiiml In ororr InntAnro. Prln
pnlt II UT mMI , po tpnlil. llltKlnito.t l nmpt ftix
( Jondnow. OoWinoilaUwiinlo.l Uio nnlhcir hTtb tt >
tlonixl Mcitlcjil A locution , to the lion. A. P. IllMnlT.
- - ' - " ' " '
ot the board the r
Thnsclonroof l.lfol' worth more tothe roiinuanit
nilldlo-nso > men of tlilf conomtton than fill the ( told
mln of Cnllforntn find Itio filter mlnos ot N Trt
ctinihlneitS. . r. Olironlcle.
Tlio siclcnco of l.lfo point" out the roclil nnd quiet-
MtitU on which thn eon < tltutlon nnJ ltoi > o < of m nf
nro ntmnnlinv ( been totally wrockeJ. Mtnoliosler
Thn Science of UtoUnf cronior raluo thnn nlltht wotkn pubiuhcvl in thli country forthepait
Thosoloncoof Llfols n iii > ( rl > and mnm Hy trflnl-
o n ncrroiu anil | ilifilcjil debility. Detroit Knss
AdJroMlho I' Medical Instllutn. or l > r W , U.
1'ikrker , No. Illullilnch Mrect , lUxton. Man. , who may
be eoniultett on nil illiomoj r ouinnii aklll nnd orpcrf.
pnro. ChrDMlrunil obiliinta tlKoit oi tlmt IIKTO baf ,
ncil tlio > klll ot all pthornliriOclniii n apeclaltr. Sucli
Irontinl Miccn < fully without nn Initauco ol fsllur *
Mention Ooialm l o.
Roomi 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
( IrndoSj stems nnd Snwurairo Plans for Cities
nnd Tan im a specialty. Plans , KMImatcs nud
Hpe-cltlrullons forl'ubllo and ntlior KnplnccrliiK
world furnlshiHl. Survoja nnd Itcport tuudo
on Public Improvements.
ANDHIIW ItOfEWATKit. Member American Poolo-
Gty Civil Kntrlnorrs. City KiiRluoor of Omaha
EO. It. CillttsTin , Civil
ITotioo to Contractors.
"VtOTlCE Is hciobv Klvon tlmt aeulml proposals
-L > fur the construction ofn court house In the
publlo Hiimru | , York , York county. Nebraska ,
( the cost of which Is not to exceed the sum of
$ . ' > uOiX ) ) , will bo rocol\cd tit the county clerk's
ollico , on or buforu April 2ith ) , lfa , at I o'clock ,
p. m. Snld court housu to bo biillt acuordliifr to
plans ami Epcclllcatlons on Illo In the county
eluik'solllce , York counter nt the otllco oC
O. II. Pliiey , No. 131 South h'lovcnth St. . Lincoln ,
N bi askn , on and after Match 21th , 1BSO.
The party to whom the contract may lie
nwaixloil will bo roqulrod to Klvo bond In dotiblo
the amount of thooontract prlco ; conditioned
fortht ! Inlthfulporformiiiicoof his obllp-atlon ,
said bond to bo uppioved by the county board.
The board rcflotvo the right to reject uuy or
all tilds.
Uy order of the board mndo February SO , 1881
nihiMBt M. SOVHltniCJN , County Clerk.
Provisions aud K. B. Stocks.
1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Evocuto orders for purchase or ealo of wheat ,
coin , pork and lallroad fitooks.
Itolor by permission to the Omaha National
Hank , riistclass attvntlou to orders ftom In
terior which uro sollcitod , FARLEY A ; CO.
England , France & Germany.
The steamships of this well Itnonu line nro
built of lion , In water-light compartments , uud
are furnished with uvery roqulslto to make the
luibSiiRO both sulo and a renablu. Tlioy carry
tlui IJiutud Si uli's and Kimipimn mulls , nnd leave
New York Thursdays nnd Saturdays for'Piv-
tunutl. . , ( LONLONCl.orbuilU'AIUb ) ( uud HAH-
Ituturnlnrr , the steamers leave Hainbtirir on
WudiicsdayH nud Uuiidays , via. llano , taking
pns onpunnt Snuthampton and ( joudon.
First cabin $ ,0 , fin nnd * 75 ; Steerage ( S3.
Hallioiid tlukcLs fiom Plymouth to llrlstol , Car-
dlir. LoiulDTi , or to any place In the South of
Knpland , I'ltEIO. Stoeravo from Kuropo only
f2J. Bond lor "Tourist ( ia/otu- . " *
( Ml. HICHAUD.tCO. ,
Ociicial PuKbi'Hger Agunts ,
01 Hrondwny , New York ; Wnililnirtou and La
Sil : ! > ; e-t3. Chluairo , 111.
( ee & SI , Paul
The Short Line
and Best Honte
From Omaha to tlie East.
Chicago , Minneapolis. Milwaukee ,
SI. Paul , Cedar Haplds. Davenport ,
Clinton. Duhmiuo , Hockford ,
Hock Island , Freiiport , Jautm-lllo ,
KlKln , Aliidlsnn , LaCrosse ,
Hi'lnlt , Wlnonn
Andull other Important points Knst , Nortlioii
nud Southeast.
Ticket onico nt HOI Fnnmm street , ( In Paxton
lloti'Il. and at Union Paulllu DeiioU
Pullman SleoporH nnd the Finest Dlnlnsr *
In the Win Id nroimi on tlio main lines of tha
oveiy ntteiition IH jmld to passengers by coutto-
ouKcmnloycs of thu comiiaiiy.
It. MII.I.KII , GL'iioial.Miimwer ,
J. F. TIICKKII , AcsWaiit fieiieral Sfanniior ,
A , V. H. CAiit' NTEit , OonLinl Passoiigor
Ticket Aiteut.
( JKO. K. llKAri'oni ) , Assldtanl QcncrulPuseou.
ecrnnd Ticket/
tar Line
Carrying thoHolglum lloynl and Unltod States
Mnllsulllnif uvery iiatuidny .
Between Antwerp & Haw York
Salon from t 3 to $100. Kxoiirslon trip from
$110to $1W. Second Cabin JM , uud I'xoursloa
tw. hloi'ragn niiHsugo at low rutca. Peter
Wright tV Sons , General Agents , 53 Hruadwuy ,
Ijejw Vork.
Omaha , NuluusUa , Frank K. Macros , W. , St , L ,
Si P. ticket iigont.
Merchants ,
Hoard of Ti ndo , CliAinbor of I'ommoico ,
Clilungo. MllivauUue ,
M , C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor.
Jjocal Itiislncss Solicitor , itOi : Joufl
l\\ <
Alla | ttl > Bcr , t , . . , . _ _
" ' ' ' '
'Drll ARD''carwVjSuilA'.llO , ,