Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Etllvtrcil liy cnrricr In ntiypnrtof the city at
In rnly cents per week.
II. W. TH.TON , . . . Manager.
JltrsixFsoOmcK , No. 41.
NICIIIT t'.tiiTOii , No. St.
Now spring goods nl Roller's.
Rcciilnr meeting of rnlcllty Council
NCI. iiifl , R. A. , this ( Krltlny ) evening. A
full iilluniliiiico ii desired.
rjMoso Wise rcrolvGil yesterday one cnr-
lonil of good young woik inures , whieli hu
offers for palu nt IIIH .stable.
Harmony Mission dimu t-oclablu will hu
held this UVPIIIMU at the rusidutieu of Mrs.
Dr. Clink , onVlllow \ avenue.
The Mueller Musle company yesterday
were unloading four curs containing
croquet .sct.s , oabv carriages and bane
ball hats.
A Milwaukee & St. I'ntil switchman
tunned O'llrien , yesterday morning had a
linger or two taken oil' between the
The new city council of Dcnison has
onlered that the mayor collect from each
finloon the sum of 3-0 per month , mill in
their failure to pay to close them up.
A gang of tramps wore raising iv dis
turlmneu In the vicinity of the Northwest
ern depot yeiturduy. They got to light
ing among themselves , and one was bad
ly used ui > . The nolicu went for the
crowd and captured about half a do/.en
of them.
John Anderson , IM. Anderson and J.
W. Ander.son , three farmers , living ti
short distance out of the city , have been
arrested on the charge of assaulting and
battering a neighbor , William Travis.
They gave bonds for their appearance in
Justice Selmr/'H court next Monday.
S. A. Hroadwell , of , was in the
city yesterdr.y. Ho has dropped out of
public notoriety , and is quietly trying to
get on his feet again , in which ellbrt hu
is receiving oiicour.igumunt and kindly
help by many , and much of the bitter-
dess expressed against him is disappear
Prof. T. Martin Towne , of Chicago , ar
rived here yesterday from North Loup ,
! Neb. , where he has been holdiiig a very
successful musical institute. The insti
tute huro opened last evening , with every
indication of its being a grand success.
This evening was given up largely to an
explanation of methods to bo followed ,
and in thu work of organi/.ation. Those
who were not able to bo out last evening
should be on hand this evening , if they
desire to improve the rare opportunity
aH'orded by the presence in this city o'i
this excellent instructor ami director.
Host coal anil wood in the city at Glca-
son's , 20 Pearl street.
Father llcaly atNcola.
Rev. Father Healy delivered the ad
dress at Neola on St. Patrick's day. It
was an eloquent discourse , full of inspir
iting thought to every Irish heart. His
hearers were delighted , and many words
of praise were heard from those who
wore present. Ho chose as his text , "I
have elected yon , and I have chosen you
that you go forth and bear fruit , and that
your fruit shall remain. " In the course
of hlH address ho said : "At no time and
on no day should the religious anil pa
triotic feelings of our follow countrymen
be so enthusiastic as at the present time
anil on this St. Patrick's day. It is true
that in days gone by Ireland's children ,
always witn joy , sang the praises of her
biunts and heroes , but that joy was not
unalloyed with sorrow. Her joys found
graves beneath her tears. Hut to-day a
voice calls over the ocean. It thrills the
Irish heart with a lieaycn-scnt message.
ICrin has risen , is grasping at victory , and
she shall lie crowned. Since the time St
Patrick trod and blessed the soil of Ire
land her faith has been her nationality.
It is her glory and will bo her crown "
/The speaker then proceeded to give a
vivid picturing of the life of the saint.
In his closing he spoke eloquently of the
permanence of the faith , and the faith
shown by the Irish in America. He also
spoke of the crisis in Ireland and lie-
land's hone for legislative independence
founded on her faith and on the prin
ciples taught by St. Patrick.
Preparatory to auctioneering oft' the
balance of my stock , I will oiler greater
inducements in order to reduce it as
much as possible. E. DOWI.IXU.
A Showinc of the City.
The board of trade is preparing to pub
lish an attractive book , illustrating the
city , and presenting its many advantages.
The book will have about eighty pages ,
and will contain chapters on the history
of the city and it.s growth from 1839 until
now ; its commercial and nmnufiicturiii"
tuiv.lutAgeS ] baulCs and banking ; cost of
living ; population , wealth , etc. There
will bo illustrations of various buildings
in the city , the now court house , govern
ment building , Masonic temple , union
depot , churches , school buildings , oto.
Altogether the book will bo one which
will show up Council Blull's in a very
pleasing form , and will serve as an ex
cellent help in calling public attention to
the prospects and prosperity of the city.
The enterprise should meet with hearty
encouragement , and he carried easily to
n successful completion. The illustrations
uro being prepared by C. E. Fiiedman , n
young man who since coming huro has
fchown his artistio ability and skill in
many ways. The illustrations will Uo ex
cellent. _
Only a few moro carpets loft at E.
Dowlings. _ _
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. As B. L. Squire , 101
Pearl street , Council IHull's.
A Ilj nt the Imwycrs ,
It is conceded that attorneys are apt
to give juries a good deal of chart' , and do
not conllno themselves strictly to the
facts in arguing in favor of their clients ,
but now comes the olllclal utterance of
the fact by the supreme court. In a mo
tion for a rehearing the claim was made
that one of the attorneys had indulged in
misrepresentations to tlie jury which
prejudiced the ease. Tho.snpremo court
refuses the motion for a rehearing , and
says ; "Council must bo permitted some
latitude and discretion in addressing a
jury , and if absolute correctness of state
ment is required , nowtriah for failure in
this , wo apprehend , will have to
bo grunted in almost every contested
case. " With such an utterance , the
jurors will bo warned against believing
all that the luwers utter in the heat of
argument when enthusiastic for their
Elegant Brocaded Velvets at 75 cents a
yard at K , Dowling's.
For first class Missouri wood call on
Glcason , at his coal nlllcu , ifl ? I'oarl atruct.
Money to loan by Forrest Smith.
Personal Para
Cyrus Heard of Ilarlan was in the city
W , D. Kirkland' has icturncd from
Chicago , and while abn'nt ' visited his
r at Shoboygiw , NVis.
A Number of Important and Interesting
Oases Decided Yesterday ,
A New Advertisement For the IltufTV *
A Crooked Ijcmn Hurt By a
Kill II MI : Hiillilliitf Co ( Tin nil
Getting New Bonds.
The Supreme Court.
In the supreme court yesterday a num
ber of decisions were rendered , as fol
lows :
John A Ikon vs Chicago , llnrlliuion and
Quliicy railroad , appellant. 1'iom I'nuc dis
trict cotut. Action for lecou-ry for twenty-
elfjht IHUSlilcli plnlntltT alleges IIP doll v-
PI fd totlefenilnut to ho transposed to Clil-
cairo. but wlilch It failed to deli\cr. Ku-
State of Iowa vs Joseph McKvov , appel
lant. Fi oia Oseeola district court. Informa
tion tiled bclore justice of tliu peace , clung-
Inn defendant with keeping intoxicating
liquors for sale. ' Defendant was lined , nnd
nppualeil. The district cotut entered judg
ment apilnst him. Appealed then to this
court. Allhmed.
Sl.iteol Itnsas James A. Saumlcrs ap
pellant. Krom KpoUiik district court , In-
diutmciit tor uttering and publishing as true
two foigcd piomlssory notes. Ite\eiM'd.
II. lleuklo vs the town of Kcota etal.ap-
iiollunt. I' lorn Keokuk circuit coiut. The
board of viMinti/atinu cdiisptl ceitaln asM'ss-
inents to he mndo against plnlntllT , who
caused a wilt of ceitloiail In Issue to test the
\alhllty of the's pioceediiiKS. He-
T. K. Wilson vs the same ; J. W. Tnbman
vs s.unc ; K , M. Hlchey same. AlllrintMl.
William V. Doiulmc vs I , . 11. Wagner , ap
pellant. Fiom I\uns dlsdlet cnuit. lie-
Scott v.s Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway. On lelic.irlni : . Overiuled.
State of Iowa vs. James Williamson , ap
pellant. Krom Jnipcr district coint. De-
tcmliuit was convicted of mallelou mischief
In maiming and ilislicmlng a horse , the
piopeity of one 11. C. ( ! raxes. nnd was sen
tenced to pay a line of S.VJ. Alllrmeil.
A. 1. Lindsay , a } > pcllants. . Cltv of DCS
Molnps. Fiom Polk circuit com t. An action
to ii'covor damages lor injury by a lall upon
a sidewalk , rendeied dangerous by anciimu-
late ot Ice and snow. Iteveiscd. In this
decision the court says : "lu other wonls , a
cltv with 40,000 inhabitants and IM miles of
sidewalk should bo held to the same degree
ot eaiu In this respect as the smaller towns
with less extent ot sidewalk. " Seo\eis and
Heed , justices , dissent liom this point of the
Indepenilent School District ot Burlington
vs MIM chants National bank , appellant.
Kiom Washington clfstilrt coint. Action to
lecover SlW.T'Jl.iM as nil aliened balance of a
deposit account , ami also to rcco\er the same
amount lor money nlleced to have been
wrougliilly used by plaintiff's ttensuier , one
Parsons , In paving to the dctendnnt of his
Individual Indebtedness. Theie was a trial
by jtiiy ami judgment tendered lor S'il,5W.-t4.
Deteiulaiit appeals. Iteveised.
This case lias an luteiestlug hlstoiy. The
treasmer of the school distilct , Paisonsas
also assistant cashier of the bank. Uo
claimed to have a certain balance theic , and
the tiustccs of tlin school district , on going to
the bank , ucrcluloimcd by the book keeper
that theie was such a balance to his cicilit as
repieseiited by him. Boon after Puibons
skipped for Canada , a defaulter , and the
bank claimed then that Pai.sous had made
himself an eutiy of 535.000 to his ciedlt on
Mis personal account , which he had no right
to make and the school distiict sought to
make the buik nay the delicit. The lower
coint decided In lavorof the board , but this
decision leleases the bnukliom obligation to
pay the loss.
For Sale.
Seventy-live head of horses.
Council mull's , Iowa.
Rccortla of Liitiuor Sales.
There have been varied contests grow
ing out of the attempted enforcement of
the prohibitory law , and numerous inter
esting law questions have been brought
out. Among the latest questions is one
in regard to the forms of the reports to bo
filled by those having county permits to
sell for medical and other purposes.
Judge Givcns , of the DCS Moines circuit
court , has just rendered two decisions
which are interesting as touching upon
the manner of making such reports. The
most essential parts of these decisions arc
given as follows :
I hold it to bo a matter of common knowl
edge to all conversant with the business that
a case of beer means twenty-four quarts of
boor in bottles , and hence that a icpnrt ot tlio
number ot cases of beer Is a report of thy
quantity. As to distilled spirits , while pioof
gallons me the only rcpioscntative of actual
quantity , yet as tlio tuulu between the dealer
ami consumer Is uniformly can led on by the
wine gallon , nnd as , under the federal stat
utes ami those of the state , the dealer as such
is prohibited tiom mixing IKHIOIH , wo hold
that the term quantity as used in the statute
with refcienco to distilled sphits means the
wine ami not pioof gallon. Section -015 of
the Code proulcs the bnirel shall be called
"thirty-one and a half gallons. " Hence wo
hold that the report of the quantity of dis
tilled spirits by the baircl has , under
the statute , and commercial usage , a defi
nite meaning , to-wit : thiity-ono and n half
callous , nnd as to the quantity , Is a compli
ance with tlio law , Theiuport of freight paid ,
we think , Is siilllclently definite , being at HO
much per gallon , and from which nnd tlie ;
uwuIisaiwM nny gallon" , llio costs
can bo ncciuntely tleteimlncd. llu\ing nr-
li veil at these conclusions as to the manner
of estimating the quantity of liquors as con
templated in the statute , wo hold It entirely
possible to determine tiom each ot these in-
ports each paiticulnr icqtilml to bo icpoitcd.
Whether they will account for all liquois on
hand nnd purchased , or show that nil sales
were within the proms allowed , wo have not
determined , as the plnlutllf doc.s not rest his
action upon either of tl cso causes. The mo
tion Is sustained and vcidlct ordered lor tlie
In the ease No. 7700 , between the same par
ties , submitted to tliecouit the tlircoiouorts
In e\lilence , show that hi giving the kind of
Illinois sold ami the piup > , pa lor which sold ,
the columns lor those puiposes are blank ,
tor Instnnce , IIPIO Is a safe ot whisky teA
A - M - for medical purposes , pioperly
entered. The next line shows a safe to
C - t ) - , but Is blank as to the kind of
liquor and purpose fet which sold not oven
the usual "ilo" mark to indicate that It was
ot the same kind or for the same pmposo as
last above. The law Imperatively requires
the kind nml purpose to bo shown , and while.
wo might hold that the use of "do" or tlio
usual mink wnssiillicient , wo think tlio blank
columns of these repents do not show thu
kinds sold nor the purpose tor which sold ,
nnd the defendant is liable to the penalty
inescilbed. J ink-men t airalust tlie do-
lemlaiit for $500 , one-halt In f.nor
of tlio school fund of Polk county and one-
halt In laver ot the rclator , A. 1) . Littleton ,
It Is n commonly accepted belief that it Is Im
possible to make the icpoits icipilicd.Vlutn \
it Is understood that thu wine irallon Is the
measuieiueut by which they nro to bo made ,
there can bo no dllllciilty hi making pur
chases and sales balance with reusoiuililo
accuracy by allowing the pioper per cent lor
leakage and evaporation that does umuohln-
lily occur. PiicDs paid , including Height , and
piicci leeched nnd proth clmigcd cnu bo
sbown with pei led accuracy. Kveiy sale
should ho us fully stated as though It was the
only one. The kind an 1 puiposo should bn
fully wiiltcn , nnd thn wilting so legible ami
duiablons to avoid suspicion. I go beyond
the cases bufoie mo to make tht usugcoatlons
because tlio .subject seems to bo much mls-
undci stood.
_ _
Crooked Scheming.
Dell Smith and Jacob Hunkloa'-e ' under
am-st on the charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses. The ease is rather
peculiar. Ilunklo owns live horses , on
which Shugart , Walt & WJcs have a mort
gage. Smith , who has been drhiug a
dirt wagon tor Ilunklo , went to the olHco
of A. 11. Johnson , No. a.3 Pearl street ,
and representing that the team belonged
to n'm ' , borrowed $50 , giving a mo.'tgngo
on the team. It being learned that the
team belonged to Uunklo , ami that there
was already a mortgage on the hordes ,
Smith w.xs anvitiid. Ho claims that
Ilunklo got him to borrow the money ,
and that llunkjo plnnucd the scheme.
Ho says ho gave Ilunklo half of the money
thus obtained , and kept the other half ,
llunklp denies that ho knew anything
about Smith borrowing the money unjd.
Smith's arrest , and that ho cliu hoi put up
the job or have anything to do with it.
TUcr will both be given.n hearing to-J i' .
Smith has Served one term for passing
counteifeit money , which causes his
story to bo looked on with some distrust.
ColTiimu'fl Ilomls.
The ColTman case has taken a now
shoot. It seems that ho is being caused
considerable trouble by the action of Frc
mont llenjamln , who served as one of his
attorneys. Benjamin demands $2,500
fees for what lie has done in the caso.
Coll'man , while expressing his readiness
to pay any reasonable amount , refuses to
pay any such amount as this , claiming
that the services were not so valuable.1 , as
the case had not reached * further than the
grand jury room. Benjamin was also
one of Coll'man's bonusmeu , the bonds
being ? 10,000. Thu dill'oronco arising
about the tecs as attorney has caused Hen-
jamin to go off tliu bond , and this neces
sitated a now bond. Coll'man was there
fore delivered up to the sherllV. and yes
terday ellbrts were being made to seeuro
a new bond. Until this is completed
Collman will remain in thu hands of thu
shorin" , as requited by law
The 1'nclllo HOIIHO Property.
A few days ago we assured thu public
that all reports about thu closing of the
Paeilic house were prcmatiiio and un
founded. Wo made promises to duly an
nounce any thangos. To quiet the
nerves ot those who have spent sleepless
nights in Imagininggroat hotel changes ,
we now announce that we have renewed
our leusa of the P.ieilie House and will
continue to occupy it , accommodating
our friends and patrons as usual. There
will bo e.\tensivc and marked improve
ments made at once in the hotel. Witli
thanks for past patronage , wo remain ,
( i. W. Knitm'soN & SON ,
Proprietors of Paeilic House.
Crushed By a Falling
About 10 o'clock yesterday morning
Abe Styres , who was at work on Eleventh
avenue , was quite badly injured by the
falling of a hotisc. Styres was engaged
witli other workmen in lowering on jacks
ti house under which a brick foundation
had just been completed. One of tlie
braces slipped and Styres was caught and
quite badly injured. When I ho house
struck the foundation the weight caused
pai t of the new brick work to fall. The
injuiies are not of a serious nature , and
Styres will be out at work shoitly.
A Nevada Story of How It Broke
Fcrrj iniiii DnKtictt' * ) Business.
Carson ( Nevada ) Appeal : Many years
ago down in Idaho , ( luring a gold excite
ment , a good money men went into the
country to make many outside the gold
hunting industry. 'I heir idea was to
make tlie other fellows delve for tlio gold
while they appropriated it afterward.
Itollin Daggett , aftciward Nevada's
Congressman , established a ferry-boat
on a small creek and named the place
"Death's Ford , " at the same time invent
ing a musty legend to the ollect that it
was thus named because so many lives
had been lost in the attempt to cioss it.
The stream was not over a dozen yards
wide and tlie water nowhere over two
feet dec ) ) , but he rigged up a llatboat
ami pulled it back and forth by a rope
contrivance Whenever the prospectors
crossed ho regaled thoiii witli horrible
tales of the treachery of the stream , and
the remorseless quicksands which had
drawn so many men and mules to terri
ble deaths.
In the night when ho ferried people
over ho would caution them not to get
too near the edge of the boat , as a fall
overboard meant certain death. By let
ting the dim old lantern go out and mak
ing slow time ho frequently impressed
tlio passengers with the idea that the
stream was naif a mile wide. For night
trips ho charged $5 , but if the wind was
high and the weather bail ho struck san-
quine prospectors for much laigor sums
In the daytime $1 was his modest charge.
He went along in tins way for several
months , the men who rushed to the hills
looking upon him : is a benefactor to his
race by this conquering of so .formidable
an obstacle to travel as "Death's Ford. "
One clay Charley Stoddard , the promoter ,
appeared on the bank with a mule and
boarded the llatboat to cross. In the
midst of the stream , just when the ferry
man was telling how dangerous tlio
nlaco was , the mule crew restive and
loll overboard. One leg caught on a
rope and ho got his head under water ,
and , unable to extricate Himself , was
drowned. When ho was cut loose he lay
there in the middle of "Death's Ford , "
half out of water , so that all who came
along saw what a miserable sham the
ferry was , and that any four-footed ani
mal could walk across. Daggott tried to
get the mule away , but ho was too heavy
to budge , nnd so ho lay thi're in ' , ' „ ' „ ,
oigiic inr WCCKS , V. " ' . . iJ.Tggett/s business
as a ferryman was ruined. That's the
reason old Dag hardly over speaks to
Charlie Stoddard when he meets him.
The Greek Banquet Which Mme. Lo
Brun Oncn Gtivo Her FrloiulH.
Many tales were told of Mine. Lo
Brim's extravagance , says Clara Krskino
Clement , writing on "Art and Artists"
in St. Nicholas for March ; but her own
account of an entertainment which she
gave , and which was a subject of endless
remark , shows how little she merited
censure in that instance , at least. She
relates that she had invited a number of
friends for an evening to listen to the
reading of a pout. In the afternoon ,
while her brother read to her an account
of an ancient 'ireciun dinner , which even
gave the rules for cooking , Mma. ho
Brun determined upon improvising a
Greek suppur for her guests. She lirst
instructed her cook as to the preparation
of the toed , and then slio borrowed from
u dealer whom she know some cups ,
vases , and lamps , and arranged her
studio with the cllect which an artist
knows have to make.
Among her guests wore several beauti
ful women , and they all wore costumes
as much like the old ( ircek costumes as
was possible in tlio short time for
preparation. Mine , Lo Bruu wore thu
white blouse In which she always paint
ed , and added a veil and crown of
Howcrs. Her little daughter and another
child were dressed as pages , ami carried
antique vases. A canopy was hung
above the table , and the iruosts were
placed in pictnrosquo attitudes , and the
whole cllect was such that when the
later comers reached the door of the
Biinpcr-room they had u delightful sur
prise. It was as ft they had been trans-
potted to another ago and clime ; a Greek
song was chanted to the mnsiuof thu
lyre , and when honey , grapes , and other
dishes wore served after the Greek man
ner tlio enchantment was complete ; a
member of the company iccitcd odes
from a Greek poet of ancient times , and
all passed otV delightfully.
The fume of this novel affair spread
all over Paris , and its magnificence ami
its costs wore said to bo marvelous. Some
of the couit Indies asked Mine. Lo Brun
to repeat it , but nliu refused , and they
wcro disturbed by it , The king was told
that the supper cost 20,000 francs , but
one of the gentlemen who had been pro-
bout told hi * majesty the truth. However ,
the fcum was swelled to 10,000 by the time
Ilui story leached Home. Mine Lu Bruu
writes ; At Vienna the Buronesi do
- _ - -
StrogonofTtold mo that Iliad spent 60,000
{ ra.ncs for my Greek , supporj that at St.
'otcrsbnrg the price was nt length h'\cd
at 80,000 , francs , and the truth is that that
supper cost me about 15 francs. "
A Little DlficiiBsiou Between Husband
nnd Wife , Giving Both Awny.
"I was really very sick. " said she to the
guest. The husband at the other end of
tlie table sneered. "Wt-11 , yon may sneer ,
but 3 on know I was. J was real down
sick ; but Imijrhttlic nnd yon wouldn't
mind. ,
"Wouldn't I. " salt ! the husband.
It was cruelly ntiibiguous It might
mean anything. You could not tell
whether ho meant lie would be glad or
sorry , or If he was merely chiding her for
sayiiig such a thing.
11 W hen you were sick dill I watch
over you anil devote all my life to make
vou comfortable and worrying about
you ? "
"Well , yes ; yon acorn to worry a good
deal. I'll admit ; but - "
"But - What" What are you going
to say now ? 1 never met anything so un
feeling and ungrateful as a man. "
"Now look here , " he said to the guest ,
"I want to explain I don't want to say
anything harsh or mi kind about her.
She's been a pretty good wife , as wives
go son know , but < ; lie is nothing if not
artistic. Shu has an eye for color. My
hey , if ever you marrv , don't marry a
woman who has taste and an eye for
color. "
"Don't mind him , " broke in the wife.
"He's "
talking nonsense.
"I was sick onee. 1 dislocated my
shoulder and I couldn't move. That was
where she had me. I could eat and
drink and do everything but gut up and
move. No sooner did sue get mo fairly
down on a lounge than she wheeled the
lounge out into tlie lightest place in the
house , and for a week she kept trying all
sorts of coverlets , and tidies , and hang
ings , and blankets on mo , just to see
wlmt colors suited my complexion and
the room best. Shu wouldn't ' let any of
my f i lends spe mo unless I was covered
u ) > in mnk silk or blue satin or embroid
ered baxook , or tome other un
pronounceable , unintelligibly named
Mull1. "
"That is an awful , fearful , wicked
story ! "
"Now , my dear , you know it isn't.
Vou Know noriectlv well I could not re
sist. I couldn't move. "
" 1 didn't do anything of the kind. "
"I won't tell him , my dear , about that
sickness of voids. "
"What sickness ? "
"Well , when you got those new never
mind , I won't gi\e you away. "
' You can't give mo away. I'm not
afraid. "
"Well , j'ou remember when vou bought
a do/ecu new and elegant well , 1 may as
well say it night-caps. "
"You iust hold your tongue. I'm
ashamed of you. "
"Thoso nitrht-caps. You know quite
well you were taken sick and received all
your ladytrionds Injiud for twelve days. "
"You horrible slanderer ! "
"Kach day in a new night-cap , and you
went out on the thirteenth. "
Then she throw an orange at his head ,
and liu stopped.
Buftalo Exnrcs ; : Clever Tom Whifi'on
tells mo tins nnuoilotu" Before the days
of rapid transit on the Atlantic , English
actors wore few and far between in this
country. In thee times sin Englishman
in America was more or less of a curios
ity as many of them are even now. In
a company which was d oing Shakspuaro
at one ot the Boston theaters was an
English actor named Cojonian. Ho was
an actor of the old sWioyl , and quite as
tragic oil' the stage as on. His iullow-
players charted him in the dressing-room
on account of his bemg an Englishman ,
and particularly on a dilh'culty ho had in
the use of the aspirate. This had been
done so much that the Englishman was
roused to fiiriousncss if anyone dared to
imitate his cockney misuse of the eighth
letter ot our alphabet. One morning he
came down to breakfast at the Tremont
house in a not very pleasant framu of
mind. Ho had been charted pretty hard
thu evening before , and in addition had
not slept well The waiter a darky of
the darkest hue laid the bill of faro be
fore him and awaited his order.
" 'Avo you liany fresh heggs this morn
ing ? " asked Coleman.
"Yes , sail , " answered the darky ,
" 'ow'll you 'avc 'em cooked , pah ?
Boiled , scrambled , fried , homelet ; hanv
way you like sab. "
Coleman tinned quickly , gave the
waiter a sharp look , frowned , and then
as though making up his mind that Ins
ears had deceived him , indicated his
preference in the way of "heggs..1
"Hany think hel/.e , sab1' asked the
waiter. "Cawn beef 'ash ' is very nice
sab , dis muwin' . Bit of fisii , sah ? AM-
but steak , sah ; linnan 'addies ' , fresh cod
- " Colcman's face had turned purple.
He jumped to his feet , caught the waiter
by the collar , and held him at arm'H
"What do you mean , sirrah , " ho
roared. "By himita.ting a geutlo.mun's
npcecn. i-avcfi mlna to throttle you ,
you himpertinent scoundrel. "
"Hi begs your pardon sah , but hi real
ly can't 'elp it. Ili'm an Englishman
myself , sail. "
"You lie , you villain , " bollowcd _ Cole
man , "you've been paid for this. " By
this time some of tlie other guests had
intervened , and tlie darky , pale with
fear , was released from the actor's
clutches , The head waiter vouched for
the fact that the darkey was an English
man , born at Putney , and Coleman , re
stored to his equilibrium , settled down
to his breakfast again , but with a change
of waiters.
_ _
The young people of Korhonkson , Ul
ster county , N. Y. , are about to raisu
money for tliu local church by lilling or
ders for trailing arbutus.
AHVoilf riist Clara , Olllco In
Mrs. C.L. Gilitte'slairGcoJs ' Store ,
No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp , Pcs'.offlce.
Established IbCJ.
Council Bluffs Bus
Carriage Transfer Co.
& Arnd , Props.
ana biigifii o t iik I'M to and from
nil trulnd. Hushes , currlutrt 8 a-id bugjugo wug-
OIIB inn\o connection ? witli all trains. Prompt
intention irUcii to n'l ' mils. Bpuclnlriittxsto
tbcutrlciil truupcsmid commercial men. Cur-
rliiKcsnui duy uiul nltclit. Olllco itt
Houeo. Tblfhunu | 1 . Also at
llolvl. ' .ciui-oiiluiscm tbosltito.
To the Piiblic
Circumstances licyoml onr control
Imvo delayed tlie closinp out of our entire -
tire stock ns we had purposed.
The approaching season of spring
trade finds ns with n goodly stock of
Dry Goods and Carpets , some lines de
pleted but cleared of undesirable goods.
llcing in the dry poods business we
know of no better place to continue the
same limn in Council HlnlTH. Wo shall
therefore re-stock every department
with new and seasonable goods. Onr
Mr. K. E. llarkncss , is now making pur
chases In eastern market ? , and \vc shall
soon have u
Choice ,
To olTcr onr customers. Onrcnrpct de
partment will be complete with the new
patterns of
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain poods
from domestic and foreign markets.
We have already on our tables the
choicest selections sf Swiss nnd Ham
burg embroideries ever offered in the
city , ane an excellent assortment of
white goods to which AVO shall make
frequent additions.
We thank our many patrons for their
favors and good will in the past , and
we shall endeavor to merit the same in
the future , by attention to their inter
ests , nnd by good goods and wo invite
all to call and examine onr new pur
chases before buying in other markets.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Rug's , Mattings ,
YtTiiulow Shades , Etc
Wholesale and Itctail.
Sprinfif 1886 Our stock is now com
plete nnd contains the newest designs
nnd colorings in all prudes of Gurnets ,
Curtains , lings , Upholstery Goods , etc.
POPULAR PRICES Mail orders at
tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery
"Work to order.
4-05 Droaihvay.
Locking Bracket far Fences
Any part readily taken out or lopluco'l. Tor
± ' ; r ' . ' " 'Si ,
r r ; " - uu u. tauuot Cot *
celled lor nrniiit' ot tiny sail , i or piiillculaid
mlto C. J. I1CCKMAN , Inventor.
Council Illllird.
Pluto ftnd counly rlshts for salo.
A. T , BlTOl , Agent.
No.507nroiulirnr. Council Bluffs.
Railway Time Table ,
The followlnf ? la the tlmo of arrival nnl
departure of trulns by contrul stnndurd tlmo , ut
the local depots. Trains loivo triiiisfordopot ton
minutes curlier und uirlvo ten minutes later :
02)A.N ; . Jlailimd lixprcgs . flMi : ) > . M.
i . (0 , , M . Accommodation . 4:50i : . M.
0Ui ; ) > . M . Kxpross . DaSA.M. :
SI-MA. M . . . . .MtillandKxpicbS . 0:60i' : . u.
7-15 A. M . Accommodation . 5:45 : r. M.
ii-'Or. M . Kxprcss . UOiA. : M.
B0 A. , . . . , , . , imci Kxprosa . RiSOt' . M.
0:501' . M . KxpiMS . UOJA. ; M.
cincAoo. iiuiii.i.NdioN & guiNcr.
0:10 : A. M . Moll und Kxprtss . U:50P.
0:601M : . KtpiuBS , . , . U:05 :
1:35 : r. u.IxcalSl.I.oulaiitjiro < is Ixcul .
3:1/0 : / 1'.M.TrnnsfurSt , Louis lv.'rrnnstor.'J0 { : ! t'.M
lOilOA.u . Jluil und Kxprosa . & : tOP.M.
llitDl' M . . ,15lHObS | . OiJoA.M.
7:15A.M : . . .Slonx City Mail . H:80f. .
bUU I'.u. , , . , bt , 1'uul Kxprcau . . . . ,8ioAu. : !
UNION I'Aintia.
10USA.M : . Oo'nor BxprubS , , . .6 : i . M.
8ll : ! r. M. . . Lincoln riiss.Jiu. ( it U. V. .S:05 f. u.
7:63rM : . Overland Hxiiross . B:15A.M. :
UavoCounoU JlliiirB-7:05 : i -'J.3'5-10l- ' : )
11JU : a. m. ; lJO-aao-'J:3J-4au : : : 6inSJ : : -
t-.Vi 11:45 : p. m. SuiidiiyB-7:05-U:3)-llW- : : .
m ; 2UO : I ; ! u-5i5 : : Ui > 11:15 : p. in. LcuvoOma-
huJr : -7 : 15-8:50-10:00 : : 11:00 a. m. 1IH-BIM- :
! iCiO : 1:00 5:00 : : 0:05 : : l5-'ll:10p. : in. Sundays
-0a5-7CI : : > - - < :4 : 11:00 : a. m. : 2CKJJ:03B:00 : : : -
6Qj-815-ll10 ; ; ; p in. _
Farm at a Bargain.
Well Improved farm of 10T acres tor sain ;
2)4 miles fiom Council Blurts. Ailcliess
In Council Uluffs having
And ull modern improvoinuuta , cs.U Ugfa , Ur
Klurm bulla , etc. , la tlio
: 17 and 219 , liuln Street ,
X JI011N , 1'roprlotor. '
Rubber and Oiled Clothing
And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write
for Prices.
Storelijuss and SalasroamII , N , Main St. Offlca 412 Broadway ,
W. 3P.
Brick nulldlnpof nnv kind rnl < scil or moved . and satisfaction ( fimrnntccd. frame houses moved
ont.ltlloainnt trucks the best la the worlJ.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs.
NOTICE. special advertisements , sush in
tost.Fouad , To Lain , Po * 3 Uo , To Ilont , W.inti
llonrdiug.otc. , will bo Inserted in this cnlummit
tliclow rate of TKN CENTS 1'EIt LINK for tlio
flretlasortltm and FJ.V15 CU.Vl'3 Mill UNU for
each subsociuont Insertion. Lo-wo aJvorllsa
mcntsat our otlico , No. U I'oarl struct , naar
IJroadwiiy , Council Ulutrs.
l 7ANTln A irlrl lei ) ioii 3 orl < In
Tl u uniill liinnly. Apply ut 1WI Ilioudwnv.
FOR SAM ? Oldn.ipoih. In qmmtltios to suit ,
at lluo Olllco , No. 1 I'ciul bt
FOR UK NT Flvo 100111 cottnpo. Inquire nt
JIM Fourth sticct , or of .McMlckcn , aifl
Plainer eti cot.
TV'ANTKD A glil for Koncml housewoilc.
? QoodUKCB. . Inijulro ol J. Mueller , 7 3
Willow ux rnuo.
SWAN & W.VLKKU , No. U3 Mulll stieot ,
( under CItl/cn's llanlO , roiil ostiile mm inur-
cliundlBOCXchuntfobrukcri ) . Our hooka nro lull
ot Bpcclnl ImiKiiin-i , but It U impossible to pulj-
ll h a lOlmblu list ft om tlio luut ot so tn.iny dally
tlnuiRos. What wo ask Is : If you want I o soil
ortrudo motliliix' In our line , wrllo us and wo
will send you u pllo of uaiw.ins to nuluct from.
] , mids improved or miiinproie.l , city or town
property , stocks of ifooiii Of any kind in any
plnc-p. If such jou have or such you wiinl let us
hour from you. Swan & Walker Council llliilfs
Manufacturers of all elzos ot
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Hunnlnz
Tubular nnd Locomotive Boilers.
New Mnssillon Threshers.
Carey nnd Woodbury Horse Powers.
Portable nnd Traction Engines ,
Factory Mnssillon , 0. Branch Ilonso
510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Strictly Pure Lead , line and Oil
Are Just BS loiuifiotitod , fieo from udultrrn.
lion , tind the \ciy liost iiiiuiuliiutiiiud , fnct
tint can ho piiliblimtlutod by uutuul coinp.ui-
iiB. J'or mlo by
Dealer in Urufis , Paints , Oils , Etc ,
(5O7 ( Main Street , Council
Homes and Mules kept ronslanlly on bund ,
for fiilo at uitnll or In cai lo.i'ls.
Oulois promdtly tilled l'.r contrnct ontlior (
uotlcu. Stock Hold on communion.
SlllUTiu : & IIOI-KV. Troprlclors.
HlaUlg Corner 1'ittU Avc-uuu uud 1'uurlU bt. llfutfa lowu.
T wish to respectfully cull the attention of inr
patrons mid the public In Kcnoinl , lo inv rumo-
vtil I loin the old sttind Nod. 7 mid U , .Main St. ,
to my non and commodious nuiutcr.-i ,
No. 226 Broadway ,
Whoiu 1 ill liu i > lon ed to fee inj mnny frlondJ.
\ \ Ith n luifio , noiv uiid colnplulo icboiiinctit of
ull the vury
Anil br-lnff located In Inrjjo quarters I nm bolter
Hum uvorboforo prop.irod to em vo tlio publlo.
llt'spect fully ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluflfa.
Practices In State mul Federal Co it its ,
Kooms 7 and S , ttnuzart Uloolc.
At Homer's ,
No. 2.1 Main Street. Council UlitlTa. lat -
t m If * f *
xt . jcfcUJjij , M. D.
or ether turn irs roinovcd without
the knlfo or drawing oC hlond.
Over thirty years' praet.oiil ox
No. 11 I'oarl Stieot , Council UluLlJ.
- '
A.U.UUII.MIAM. I'rp . I/.XV. Tuu.r.vs Vlco-Proa.
JAMHB N. IIitowN.Caelilor.
Council Bluffs National Bank
Cnpital $100,000
Authorized Capital 2GO.OOO
Stockholders Bopronont 1,000,000
Do nffunciul bunking buslnisi.
AccounlBof biuiUd , hunlicrd , inurclmnt' , limn.
ufncturors and Individuals tucolvod on fuvoia-
bio tonne.
Domestic und foreign
Tlio very bosl of ullcntlon Klvun to nil liual
nosstoinnilllod looiircuro. _
I hnvo n ( itinntlly of round , ivt'll clcnnod seed
which 1 offornt rousouublo lUiin s Food of U o
crop of 1R8) . Corri-eiiondonoo sollclu-d. 1' . O ,
JiUTI.UIt , Ecliiiller , loivn. C. & N. W. Jty.
Horses and Mules
For till purposcH. tiouchl nnd cold , nt inlnll anil
in loin EoT < 'iii2'ellioail ol tliou'y tii'et
nimllly of mules now on liand. CouiiLil UlulTn
Baggage & Transfer Line.
'Itus and buiiaoRo ivagcms connect with nl
trains , to nil li.til , lohUinuea , cto.
tentlonioCOMJIIMtCIAl.MKN and .r
c.\i , 'nioi.'vu.s. ' ivoiiipt uitcntioti ( rU'jii nil
rnlU. tllk itt I'uclllu JtouBC , Tclcpbohc Na
ll'J ; ulo Tclepliuno No. K'd at Ojdun Houio.
H. BEEOBOFT , Ftopnctor. '