Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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A. Lincoln Merchant Slams the Door of His
Domestic Realm at a Minister.
A. Hntcli of 3Ictlcs Turned Out The
DORRO TrlnlV Prisoner He-
leased I''roni tlio 1'cii
Capital Notes.
I mow THE USE'S MS-COLS nutiEAt ; . )
The Jovcrs of scnndnl and Gossip nro
having n good time talking over llic trim
inwardness of the following card , which
appear/oil / in tlio Stiitits-AnzdgGr :
" 1 licrobv foiljld ttio Itev. Mi. Harms , of
tills city , front o\er entering niv Drumlsca
aifnln during my abicnce. If I should bo
present 1 will take miiiiinnry incasutc.s to
ujuct him nl nil liiujiuK I : uu compelled to
take llil coiirso to savu mylfo fioin Insult
nnil protect tlio happiness of inyfninily. Tlio
l > asoHuiiiit ( | inmlu on r'ritlfty to destroy our
domestic iicnca may bo Hindu inoro public
hereafter. " CiiAiu.KS
Mr. Harms la tlio pastor of the ( Jcr-
ntnti Methodist church and bc.nrs : i high
reputation as a citizen and preacher.
Meyers Is u member of tiic liquor linn of
Schwartz & Meyers , and it is hinted that
the insult to which lie refers was a warn
ing given by llnrins against Uio evil of
carrying on Midi a business. As till thu
parties concerned seem averse to giving
any particulars the situation can enl } be
guessed at.
.Detective Littlclluld , has discovered
tliat the child found a few days ago in n
barn on Fourteenth street is the offspring
of u married woman , whoao domestic relations
lations arc not of the happiest kind.
When the cliild wns horn she tried to
leave it at the homo for Urn friendless ,
but as she declined to comply with the
Tiilns and nurse it for a week , , it was not
received. The woman then left the in
fant in the barn and watched about tlio
neighborhood until satisfied that it had
been found by people who would care for
At the commencement exorcises of the
medical department of the Slate Univer
sity yesterday fourteen .students received
diplomas as full fledged doctors of med
icine. The young sawbones thus turned
out arc : Uonjumin Franklin flay , Charles
N. lialdwin , Sarah Elizabeth Green ,
William Nathaniel Ilvltnn , Thomas Clay
Canine , Fred William Voos , Don Frank
-Morris , Jennings li. Coll'man , Charles A.
'Shoemaker , Jessie J. Campbell , Mary
Alice Lufz , Oren Jl. Ilugg mid Charles
Albort-Hnlo. The usual -addresses were
Amonj' the witnesses called by the
prosecution in the Doggo case yesterday
was M. A. Uartigan , the Plattsmouth law
yer , who testified to iiaving hadiinumbcr
of conversations with Doggo after the
Horold failure. Although badgered badly
by Judge Mason , Mr. Ilartigan swore
positively that Doggo had told him aboul
the attempt to swindle the creditors , giv
ing him to understand that it was a
crooked transaction from the beginning.
Mr. Uartigan was followed by Tome
TUeyor , who in the rojo of interpreter ,
road several letters written by Doggo to
i Mrs. Ilerold , in which the story the latter
was to tell to avoid searching inquiry was
plainly set forth. The sensation in tlio
case , however , came at the afternoon scs
sion of the court when Horold was put
on the stand by the state , and gave the
details of the deal with tiic defendant
In the fall of 181 , Horold said , he tound
himself some sfM.OOO in debt , having a big
stock of goods on hand and bul little
.nionoy'to ' pay for them. At this juncture
Dr. Doggo whispered in his oar thai
nothing could be easier than to arrange a
scheme by which his creditors would bo
forced to a favorable settlement. In furtherance -
thoranco of this scheme Herold gave
Doggo notes , dating back to 1883 , to the
amount of $5,000 , on which ho confessed
judgment. . although at the time tlicro
was no debt or valid consiHorution. Will
these judgments in his name Doggo waste
to have taken possession of the stock
forced a satisfactory settlement with tlio
creditors , and divided tlio profits will
Horold. How the * job was frustrated al
readers of tlio UKB know , but what the
iury who are trying the case will think o :
it is one of the biggest conundrums of the
One of the happiest men in Lincoln
yesterday was 1'eto Matthews , who was
released from the penitentiary by a
mandate from thu supreme court.- Mat
thews was convicted of rape nearly three
roars ago and sent to the pen. This
week his attorney , Jack Caldwell , got tlio
attention of the supreme court and sue
ccedod in having the sentence sol aside
fw tup 6r.Su . VouUinfled. In tba distric
court yesterday District Attorney Strode
told Judge lltiyward that us the principal
noir.t of the reversal was insufficiency of
evidence , and ho had nothing now in that
line to olror , ho felt it Ins duty to nolle
further proceedings. Judge Ilayward
assented and Matthews , who was present
in the custody of the sheriff , was turned
The city council held a special meeting
last night to consider tlio charges of
brutal conduct iniulo by Thomas lloolnn
n "ill list Policeman Smith , lieelan swore
thai ho visited police headquarters to
complain of a supposed case of small
pox and was arrested on u churga of
drunkenness by Smith and used very
roughly. Judge Montgomery culcl that
Ileelan was brought heforo him , and being -
ing satisliod ho was not intoxicated
he refused to issue a war
rant. Smith , on his own behalf.
swore ho thought Hcalan was drunk and
did not use any more force than neces
sary la taking him to the cooler. The
council decided 5 to 3 that Iho charges
wore not proven. Smith's friends were
Webster , llillingsly , Brock , ilurgreavcs
and Cooper. The two opposed to him
were Lau and Daily , Couucilmun Dean
was absent.
One of the strongest of the recently
organized canning companies in this
state is at Tokamah , which sprang into
ollicial existence yesterday. Iho capital
Wilson & Sutherland , J. tSpcllinuu and
C. W. Conkling.
Dr. ( lorth and tlio state sanitary com
mission tire taking a look ever tlio west
ern part of Nebraska.
Tlio Knights of Labor nnd their friends
had a swell tiuio nt Temple hull Wednes
day evening , tlio occasion being the second
end dancing party given by Capital an-
sembly this season. Over 100 couples
were in attendance , and everything
passed oR' without a hitch , thanks to the
cllieiont and t'ourtoous knights who made
up the committees.
.Sneak thieves are becoming a little two
plentiful in Lincoln for the comfort of
law abiding citizens , Wednesday night
n couple of adventurous spirits tried to
steal a coat from a dummy in front of
Kwing'a store , and later ix eash box con
taining $7 was lifted from an O street
oar.John R. Mfgnhan vs. Deles A. Udall
anil Sam'l. G. Ovten. is Uio title of an no
tion brought in the district court yester
day to forcolosn a mechanic's linu.
The Otnahn Lumber company , consist-
tig of Moses F RitUiuhouse , Jesse K. Km-
ro ami Ralph 'W. Clay toil , tiaa been iu-
corporated. The capital iis f20,000 , all
> aid in.
The royal welcome to tlio Fitzgoralds
Wednesday seems to have exhausted all
ho vitality of thn average citizen , anil
everyone was taking a rest yesterday. As
n consequence news was scarce , and the
-eportcin had to draw largely on their
1'eoplo who know the facts vr that the
charges mndo against Deputy Shi-rill'
IJeach by the Fairmount correspondent
of the Journal , in connection with the nr-
rest of two runaway girls from this city ,
arc mterly fal o and malicious. Mr. Meh-
ols has been paid in full for whatever
service he rendered. The girls say that
thcv were nearlv starved while in his
custody , and were subjected to indecent
proposals until taken in charge by Mr.
The newly-elected officers of Odd Fel
lows' lodge No. 2flJ ! ! ( , were installed pub
licly tit Brigg * ' hall last evening.
The Union I'neifie trains were run over
Lho H. & M. road yesterday , owing to a
bad washout near Columbus.
Taken from nn Unpublished lliogra *
l > liy or Ilcrr Uricstiaoli.
Pittsburk Dispatch : llerr Drlesbarh's
life was full of remarkable incidents , and
ho frcxucntly tribk ploajure in relating
incidents of his life. The following is in
his own words :
" 1 was exhibiting in the city of Haiti-
more. We were playing a piece in which
one of my tigers was to suddenly leap
from above upon me , as if to kill me. Al
ter it would jump onto me we would roll
around on tlio floor , lo all apiiearunccs
engaged lu mortal combat. This theater
in which we were playing had a largo
pit , and it was filled almost to Miflbca-
lion that evening with boys and men
This time the tiger jumped over my head
and WIB : liyinir lor the pit when 1 caught
him by the tail and hauled him back. 1
needn't tell you that standing room was
made mighty quick itrthat pit when they
seen Iho animal coming. They rushed
out poll-moll , screaming for mo lo hold
on to him. "
When J'Mwin Forrest was playing at
the JJowery theater in New lork , hi.-f
piece was followed by an exhibition of
lions by their trainer , llerr Driesbaeh.
During their stay there Forrest remarked
one day that he had never experienced
tlio emotion caused by fright that ho
was never scared in his life. Drie&bach
heard the remark and duo evening look
Forrest homo with him. They entered a
house , and after passing through long
uud dark passages , Driesbaeh opened a
door and said , "This way , Mr. l-orrost. "
As Forrest entered the door was slammed
behind him. .Forrest felt something
touch his leg in the darkness , and reach
ing down nis hand touched what ho
thought was a cat's back , which he gent
ly stroked. A rasping growl greeted Uio
motion and he saw two liory eyeballs
glaring at him. "Are you afraid , Mr.
Forrest ? " asked thu lion-tamer , who was
invisible in the darkness. Forrest replied ,
"Not a bit , " when the lion-tamer said
something and the growl deepened and
the backliugan to arch. Forrest hold out
for a few moments , when he exclaimed ,
"Now lot mo out , you infernal scoundrel ,
orTll break every bone in your body. "
The lion king kept him there and ho did
not dare to move a finger , while the lion
kopl rubbing against his Jog. Forrest
fmallv promised a champagne supper if
Driesbaeh would let him out , which was
done and the bet was immediately paid.
The lion king was to some extent a
practical joker. On one occasion when
no was exhibiting in Broadway , Now
York , he had entered a don of animals
and was going through the customary
performance one Saturday night when
lie was suddenly strelclica on his back
and a largo Brazilian liger was on his
throat and Iho oilier animals were wildly
dashing about Iho cage. Dncsbach's
voice was heard calling for aid in a
hoarse manner. The audience became
excited and women shrieked. Several
keepers ran lo Iho prostrate lion-tamer's
aid , and he was dragged from the cage.
He came from behind the cage with his
face and tights covered with crimson
liquid like blood , lie was _ hastily taken
up-stairs , where a physician , who was
convenionlly near , examined him and
said that although seriously injured , the
lion-tamer would live. The next day
Driesbach appeared on the streets , with
his face covered with strips of court-
plaster and his arm in a sling. His
friends were greatly excited over his cs-
cano , but their sympalhy turned to dis
gust when they learned that the gore on
the lion-tamer's face bad been squeezed
from u sponge filled with rose pink , and
that the affair was an advertising dodge
arranged by the management of tlio
While traveling along the Ohio river
season Herr Driesbaeh was wanted in
Cincinnati to give an exhibition at tlio
old Wood's Theatre. Ho was showing in
Zancsvillo when ho received a flattering
oiler by telegraph , and ho accepted.
Hastoly caging a tiger in a ordinary
store box he proceeded to the Ohio river
and alarlcd for Cincinnati by boat. Ho
registered himself as Herr Driesbaeh and
the tiffcr as "Co _ ] , Alp-WinKT .1 W ° one
save tlfo captain of the boat know wuo
"Col. Alexander" ho
was , allhough was
assigned to Dricsbaeh's room in the boat.
After the boat put oil' , the passengers
became jolly from frequent center shots
on a black bottle. It was decided to
visit Driesbach's room and ascertain if
ho had anything good. The lion-lamer
assented , and taking his companions
thither , opened the door for lliom. A
bottle was found , and Driesbaeh excused
himself to got a pitcher of water. The
tiger was not visible when the crowd en
tered the room , having crawled under a
bunk to which ho was chained , as his
lamer had removed him from Iho store
box. Presently those inside the room
heard u scratching and growling , and
"Col. Alexander" emerged from under
the bunk and prepared to leap. The
crowd rushed neudlong for the door ,
through which they scrambled in llioir
hurry to leave Iho room , Drlostmch mot
them outside and laughed hcarlily at
their fright , and taking the tlgor's chain
fed him around the bert for passengers
to fondle.
The Tennessee Knights of Labor will
run a full state ticket at tlto coming elec
Steamboat Frank , a Modoo Indian who
was captured tit Iho time of the .Modoo
war , and who is still a prisoner of tlio
United States , is attending , by permit of
Iho government , the Oak drove seminary
in Maine. Ho now calls himself Frank
Modoc , and is studying for the ministry.
Hu is making good programs in his studies
and is apparently u doyoul Christian.
Ho is proud of his descent from a long
line of Modoc chieftains , and conducts
himself with true Indian dignity.
Is very prevalent at this season , the
symptoms being bitter taste , oQ'euslvo
breath , coated tongue , sick headache ,
drowsiness , dizziness , loss of appetite. If
this condition is allowed lo continue ,
serious consequences may follow. By
promptly taking Hood's Sarsapurilln , n
fever may ho avoided or premature death
prevented. It is a positive cure for bil
lioiisncss. Sold by all druggists.
Fire and Water.
Ono'coat of Fisher Brothers Fire ami
Water proof roof paint used in time will
preserve the roof of your building for
many years , without further repairing ,
thereby making it the best and cheapest
paint in thu world. For full particulars
apply to N. A. TOWKK & Co. ,
General Agents. The Paxton ,
Uefnre buying ent prices nt the Ce.'itrul
Lumber Yard , I8iu and Culiforah.
TflPto ftp PUT * T TittrTno
A Frontispiece Portrait of Idmnnds During
His Great Suspension Speech ,
The Color Linn nnd Wnlst Line In Pol
itics nnit Society In Washing
ton Poor "Ostler Joe"
mill the Prudes.
WASIII.NOTOX , D. C. , March 11.
Oil , WHO IS 1110111 ?
In Which Oco. V. Kdmunds will Take the
Lending 1'nit , Supported by an Ex-
cc'llunt Company of 75 Ac
tors ot Koto. "
The above bill of attraction , prepared
by one of the saucy , clover little pages of
thu senate , nnd which fell into my hands
by chance , is being most effectually car
ried out. Not since the days of thu "Am
nesty debates" and "clcctorial count"
discussions lias there been such a crush
for seats in the galleries. Thu tide of
emigration turns toward tlio eapitol nt u
very early hour in the morning and long
before the hour of convening 12 o'clock ,
sharp every nook big enough to hold
halt of n man is tilled and nt standing
room to bo had. I will embrace this op
portunity lo frco tlio minds of irate "sen-
iitoro1 families" who arc obliged to go
away on many occasions because there is
no sittings in the galleries , where there
is a long front seat in the senators' re
served gallery , empty with the little gate
upon which is a plate marked " 1'resi-
dent , " locked and no vulgar American
citizen can enter. It is on Iho most rare
occasion that this seat is occupied. Across
the way is the blue upholstered diplomat
ic gallery , vacant the year around , un
less some committee room lunch party
repair thither , as they did not long since ,
tlio observed of all ob.sorvcrscspecially as
"injured wife , " who hadn't been naked
the "festive board"was "
to join , "hunting
: i man , " and that man left the blue up-
liplslorcd gallery in a hurry , much to the
amusement of seine lookers on. Well , it
is a shame to withhold these scats on
these crush days. It should bo iirst come
lirst &crvud. If the president's family de
sires to visit the oapitol at any special
time , why they can easily telephone and
u seat will bo reserved of course. And
as for reserving a hundred sittings or
moro for the diplomatic corps who sel
dom visit either house of congress except
on great occasions , and then they have
seats on the lloor , it is enough to rile tlio
temper of intelligent Americans. Tlicro
are no reserved seats in parliament for
us "furrinors , " or in airy other foreign
seat of government that I have heard of.
'No doubt special occasions may receive
speeitic treatment ; that's all very well ,
but reserved seats the year urouud is too
said a distinguished member as the old
Vcrmoiiter entered the senate and took
his seat behind a pile of formidable
looking books and papers ; "ho never
lircs an idle shot , and no knows game
when ho sees it. " All of my readers
have read Mr. Edmunds' siieecn ere this ;
if they haven't they ought , for though
there were "dry legal points" discussed ,
it is good reading , as you will iind. It is
senate ctiquotto that when ono of its
members is about to make a set speech
lie must appear in his best clothes , not
his state dinner cloth-pin suit , but Ids
Sunday , buttoned up close across the
chest a manly style to bo commended to
all men as the most becoming , aud sen
ators are human enough to like to show
off to tlio very best advantage. Senator
Edmunds had on his black 1'rinco Albert
suit and appeared mighty well , nay al
most luiudsqmo , if it had not been for
the awful wicked look out of his cyo.
That left cyo of his has a peculiar
way of drawing his brow down over ,
while his right brow is uplifted. There
seems to bo division to his head -from the
nape of his neck to the tip of his nose.
At any rate you can look that man
square in tlio face and see two legal
opinions nt once ; that is ho always
keeps two points in view the man and
his game. Well , it was his game eye
that had the widest rango. Physically ,
ho never was handsomer : his complexion
has a freshness about it this winter which
it has lacked for several years. A rear
view of Senator Edmunds from the gal
lery is deceiving , standing as ho ( Iocs
witli his shoulders thrown forward , and
his head , all but a lillle fringe of hair on
Iho ouler edge which makes a kind of a
halo , is clean and smooth as a darning
ball. In his case distance docs not lend
enchantment ; the nearer you gel lo Son-
iilor Edmunds the younger and better ho
looks. Ho is not an old man in years by
a long way ; but there is no question
about niij Jii\viupr an old , as well as long
ucau 60 thj's'o bre.rJ. Ui'MDlpg shnulders
ot his. Of course the whole town was
lalklng about lhat speech attacking the
adminislralion Tuesday night and when
with his his wife on his arm , there was a
slir and buzz of surprise. Ho did not fol
low in the line of "move on. please , " but
appeared in the door directly opposite of
the president and receiving party in the
blue room. Evidently some of the ofll-
ccrs had sent him hither as the special
unexpected guest of the evening and if
Mr. Cleveland and his sister gave a start
of surprise and looked at each other for
a second only , what else could bo expect
ed ? But the blank surprise gave way to
smiles that traveled miles over the presi
dent's beaming face as ho cordially greet
ed Senator and Mrs , Edmunds , and Miss
Cleveland was rosy with pleasant greet
ings. "Well , did you over see tlio like of
tlnsV" blurted out an astonished member
standing hard by "only a few hours ago
Edmunds was justgolng for Iho adminis
tration ami here he is just us calm and
pleasant as though nothing had hap
pened , "
"Oh , but It is the party and not the
man , " said his colleague. No doubt
U favor and George would make jolly
chums out on a still hunt after speckled
trout sumo mid-summer day among thu
cool mountain streams of A'ermont. Grover -
vor likes to go fishing and if there is any
thing George F likes it is to camp out in
liio mountains where ho can throw in his
line for a dainty trout.
no mistake about that. Our district people
ple arc still mad as March hares over the
appointment of "that niggor. " as
Matthews is fondly called , to tlio oineo of
recorder of deeds. It is a bitter pill for
the democrats to swallow. In the
louguago of a "solid south" member lo
a "united north" member , "I'll bo
if 1 ever vote the democratic tickel
again ! "
"What's the mailer now ? " asked the
united north ,
" 0 , when the president crams a
nijrgor down our throats il's more than 1
can stand , and I know thai lam echoing
tlio sentiments of hundreds of the dem
ocrats.Vo might expect an appoint-
mcnt of that kind and color from you
republicans , but not from this adminis
tration. Bolter things are expected of
us. "
"I don't object to your saying color ,
but I do protest against kind , " replied
united north. "Frederick Douglass is one
of Uio grandest and most talented men
of the age , while your man of color is
renowned for being a colored politician ,
uud valuable r.s sucn. "
"Whatever ho is renowned for , the
democratic party is nutunUlyJounosed to
One of the Best ati'l Largest Stocks in the U.S.
to Select from.
No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevate
GKO. nUHKE , JtannRor ,
JIEKEUENCES : Jteichnnts' anU Farmers' Hank , D.ivlil City , Neb. ; Koarnev National
UnnkKi-arncvNeb. : CohimliiH SUite Hank. Columbus , Nub. ; MeDonald's B.uik , Noith
i'lattp , Ni-b. ; Oiniilia National Hank. Omaha , Neb.
Will pay customers' ilr.Ut with bill of hullm ; attaclied for two-thirds value ot stock.
the nigger holding olllce.und it Matthews
was valuable to Dim Manning , why in
didn't he keep him in New York ?
It is u .sliumo lo impose such New
York scum on the Districl. The office is
purely a local one , and not to be paid
out of the government money bag.
What in can tie ! party expect next ? "
for forty days and nights , and much
need there is of solemn reflection.
While there willjbo no gieat swell occasions -
sions ; Ihere will be little rippling enter-
Icrtainments such as Ihcatru parties ,
with chiimpaignu parties after opera ,
box parlies in decolleltc dress , ladies sit
ting in front , gents standing up behind
them ! A llesh and blood side show , in
teresting to all parts of the house Ihroiigh
opera glasses. The conversation between
the acts will naturally bo the scandal of
Mrs. James Brown Potter's reading of
" 'Ostler ' Joe" at Mrs. Whitney's charity
entertainment not long since : a dainty
bit of naughty gossip lor prtiriouts to
rolj over their tongues while they hold
their hands before their eyes , and peep
through their lingers. The lady _ with the
lowest necked uross on will bo the
most scandali/.ed , and Ihu gentle
man with "much experience"
willjObo shocked , of course , over
room 'OSTLHU ' .ion.
By this time no doubt every ono has
rcail that much talkcd-of poem aud the
criticisms Mrs. Potter's
snvoro upon re
citing it before such a thin-skinned
crowd. Wo are , told that ladies loft the
room and gentlemen blushed. That there
is a society manin.\Vnshiiuiton capable
of blushing is refreshing. I should like
his photograph , , Possibly there was
something in thqipoom to remind him of
some experience ofhis , , own. And the
ladies who left" thu room out of pure
modesty and delicate sensibility , their
bare arms and rincoyorcd vyaist suffused
with hot color 'how shocking- and how
very amusing. Certainly , Mrs. Potter is
well advertised/ / the author of the
Doom wakes up to lind himself famous.
Mrs. Potter is one of the celebrated
beauties of New'Yorfe , a hnndsonio wo
man who wears clinginirskirtsnnd makes
the most of her charms ; " a sort of Lang-
try , with artful simplicity and artless ef
fects , stage struck aud most dramatic" in
her style. Slio Sefiks' notoriety and nho
has it , thanks to hftr benefactress , Mrs.
Whitney. "If there is u James Potter
Brown , wo don't know anything about
him ; ho hasn't recited hero in Washing
ton , " said an old coon of "much travel. "
"There is nothing in that poem to shock
the most sensitive nerves ; wo often have
it on the half shell in Now York , but it
was Mrs. Potter's dramatic style of ron-
during the suggestive lines that touched
the tender ones. "
Too much of wicked Now York is what
nfl'ects the healthy condition of Washing
ton just now. Cox.
A. Practical Joker's Method of Pool-
in Unsuspecting Freight Agents ,
From a Now York paper : Contracting
Agent Abrams , of the Chicago & North
western llailway , received a business-
looking postal card on Wednesday , in
viting him to call nt noon on the next
day at the Kings County Hydraulic
Machine Works , Kingston avenue and
Winthrop street , Brooklyn , nnd "namo
the lowest rate to Omaha on 200 tons of
machinery. " Ho spent nearly all
Wednesday evening figuring on the ex
pected job. Twenty other freight
agents , unknown to Mr. Abrams , were
similarly engaged. They had all reappear -
appear at" the macnliio work to name
their rates for transporting 200 tons of
machinery to twenty different ulaces on
ttiis hemisphere. Tno neighborhood of
Kingston avenue and Winthrop street is
saved from being a wilderness by a big
building that looks llko a factory and
by several shanties nnd a small black
smith shop. Well-dressed men hopped
nimbly up the felono steps of the building
at half-hourly intervals on Thursday
morning , and iwkcd the man who re
sponded to the jingle of the boll if the
building belonged to the Kings County
Hydraulic Machine Works. They were
told that it was the Kings Coiinty
Lunatic Asylum and by and by the man
at the door began to invite them in.
After visitintr the asylum the freight
agents wont over to the blacksmith shop
to see if the blacksmith had 200 tons of
machinery concealed about his place.
U hen the tenth man called the black
smith ran him out of the shop. Two of
the agents climbed over a feneo sur
rounding a shanty nnd stopped on a
mammoth boar half concealed in the
mud. The outraged boar raced them to
the door of the shanty , which was
opened by an Irish widow. She said
that the only maehinny about the
was used by her'daughter Mary Ann to
make shirts. It was dark before all the
agents , weary and 'niud-Dospattwcd , got
back to the city" They tire anxious to
lind the projector of the Kings County
Hydraulic Machine , v orks.
PILES ! I'lliES ! J'lfjRS
A sure euro fnrMIImd. Bleeding , Itchln
nnd Ulcerated Piloilms been discovered by
Dr. Williams , fan Indian remedy ) , called Ir
Williams' Indian I'ile Ointment. A single
box has cured tlio wm > i chronic cases of y > or
! X ) years standing. ' No ono newt suffer live
minutes after applying1 this wondurful t-ooth
Ing medicine. Lotion * and instruments do
more harm than good.Vmiams' Indian
I'llo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly nt nlcht after
petting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultlco , elves
instant rolluf , and is prepared only for 1'ilos ,
itching of private parts , and for nothing else.
Dr. Frazlor's Magic Ointment cuics as by
magic , Pimples , lllack Heads or Grubs ,
Jilotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the sKln clcarnnd beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
bait Ithouin , Sere Nipples , Sore Lips , aud
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt ot
CO cents.
Retailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroeter *
Conrad. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman.
Maximo Bouillier of Salem , Mass. .
drank sixteen glasses of whisky , and died
in u few hours.
Liverpool cotton factors believe the
market is now low enough for a reaction
and the mills are letting their contracts.
J. L. Estcs , Burncyville , Chickasaw
Nation , Indian Territory , writes : " 1
have to thank Allcock's Porous Plasters
for saving tlio lite of my wife ; she was
attacked with piuuimonla which commen
ced with a violent chill , great coughing
and high fever. I could not get a iloclor ,
but foruinatoly had u box of Allcock's
Porous Plasters in the house ; I placed
ono between her brcabts , one on eaeli
shoulder-blade , and ono on the small of
her back. In ( wo hours her cough almost
ceased and was very loose ; in four hours
she broke into a profuse perspiration.
The next tiny , though very woiik , she was
free from fever , and the third day wus
quite well. 1 also cured my child of
diphtheretic sore Ihroat , by wrapping
the neck in an Allcoek's Porous Plaster. "
Nevada is Iho paradise of Ihe school
teacher , where the average halary is
$ MO per month for males and § 00 for
It came , we rubbed , it conquered our
pain. 'Twas St. Jacobs Oil. It never
A widow of St. Louis lias sued a for
tune-toiler lor failing to show her her de
ceased husband after taking $1-100 for
the job.
TTton Baby iru slcV , wo pare licrC.utorta ,
"Wlion ilio iras a Child , ehe cried for tiutarla ,
When she bocuno illss , she clang to Cuatorin ,
When lie had C Ml iron , abe garo thorn Caatoria ,
A now town in Kansas lias been named
Tribune , in honor of Horace Greeley.
The sweet gum , an gathered from a trco of the
lame name , vrimlnft nlonu tlioimmll ntrcaras la
tba Southern States , contains a ntlmnlatlng at-
pectomnt principle that looecna thojiblcum pro
ducing ttio early morning cough , anu Btlmul&tea
and whooping-cough. When combined with the
Healing inuollnalnous principle In tba mullein
plant of the old lielJs. jprctenta In TAyj.ou's
l.riN Uio nnost known rumodyforCouKlis.Croup ,
VVIiooiilnK-fongtianrtconaumptlont and to pnm.
toblo nny child In r leupd to take IL Aek your
1'rlco ! i. > o. and ttl.OO.
. Atluutn.Oo.
Royal Havana Lottery
Drawn a' Havana , Cuba , March 13-27 , 1886
Wholes ? 5,00. Fractious I'ror.itn.
Tickets in Fifths ; Wholes ? 5t Fractions nr
t-utijoct to no manipulation , not controlled l > jr
Uio juiitius In Intercut. Ills Uio fnlrost tliliiK in
tlio nuturo of chanuu lu oxistnuca.
I'or tickets apply to SHU'S V4 CO. , ! 213Ilroad-
w y. N. V. City ; 41. OTTKNS Ic CO. , 013 Mala
ercot , Kimsud City , Mo.
Pianos and
Whoto VITALITY If faill.ij- . , Drain UUAIM'I ) and
FXlIAl > Tii or 1'ower I'llHM A'l I'ltKl.V U AST.
CO inar llbd a lierfeot and reliable cure In the
Adopted lor all i'rtutti I'Ljilclaui uud tdui ; rapidly
vuocvMfuuy Introduced Ler * > . AlliraLrnlmrl06flta |
drain , prpioptlr clucked. TIIKATJNK trlrlni , ' oew .
laHrandiuedlcA.len4orhemcnt * , < iP .FJ1I.K. Ci > ii > ultA'
lion ( oniteor l > jr mall ) with > U trnliuiit doctor * F it UK , ACENOT. No. 174 Fulton St&L Naw Tuk.
On the largo mnp of Omulm mid observe that the two and one-half mile
belt from the Omnhn rmstoflicc runs south of Section 33 mill through the
north end of South Omalm.
And pencil , then get one of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Onuihti and South
Omalm combincd ,
On the string at 13th and Fnrnam , Omiihu's business center , nnd your pencil
on the string at where IBollcvuc street enters South Omaha from the north ,
A circle and note where
Is , aud also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are fat
This mystic circle.
And think a moment what will malic outside property increase in value.
Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTIV
OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors lo build uj
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of. Omaha , which has aud always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in or near the city.
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town -themselves. .
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To bo put into operation by that priuco of meat producers , Ncls Morris ol
Away your day o grace when you do not get an interest iu South Omaha before -
fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken.
Make your selections now.
Lots that sold or $300 ill 1881 cannot now bo bought for 81,000. ,
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between thisi
city and South Omaha.
Will run lo the Stock Yards this year. The miuuto it does lots will double iu
value , as ! his will adbrd cheap and quick transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars ,
Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted
lias authority to soil lots. For further information , maps , price lists , an <
descriptive circulars , address
M. A , UPTON , Manager