THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FRIDAY , MlVRGH 10 , 188& . TTTTC DAILY BEE. OMAHA OrriciNo.i4 ! ) A.vnpjcFAnxAM ST Jir.W YOIIK OrncRi noon Ci.TntnUNB Ilmuitso WASHINGTON OFIICK , No. 513 rouiiTCGxtit Si. ruML < ticd orerr momliwr , except SiindnjT0 } ' only Monday morningimpor published In the Btnto. anmii TIT mitt OneVrnr flUHTlirtf ( > Months J2..rO Elx Months. ftjW.Ono Month 1.00 Tin. WEEKLY HKK , Published Every Wednesday. TEIIMR , rosrrAio : One Vcnr , with premium $2.00 Onp Yrnr , without premium 1.26 Fix > lontlt , w lUitnit premium " ' Ono Month , on trlnl 10 connr.BroNnr.Ncr. ! , All romrminlcfitlons rclntlni ? to news and fxlN torlnlnmttrm bould bo addressed tollioUui * ion otUK 11 EG. : All tmslnm Jfttoro nnd ramllt uncos should ho nadrcPfed to Till ! llr.r. I'uiiUHilINO COMPANV , OUA.IA. Drnftn. check * nnd i > itoIHeo onlors to be inn Jo jmynblo to tlio order of the company. IRE HIE PUBLIStHHEliPASr , PROPRIETORS , E. nOSRWATRK. EDITOR. TIIR Laucr trial is now over , and a now Ecnsatlon must bo found to lake its place. GEXHKAJ , HOWARD , who lias been on the anxious seat for some little lime , will bo nominated us a major general to-day. MR. POWDEIILY is on the ground in .Kansas City and the trtio inwardness of the great strike may bo expected shortly to reveal itself. URXCRAI * HOWARD'S headquarters will not bo in the saddle although ho will probably bo assigned to Pope's old com mand at Sun Francisco. A ruoJiiNKNT business linn in Mncon , Ga. , controls the weather signals for that town. If the firm could only control the weather it could then render the people some signal service. Ai'osrin CANNON evidently docs netlike like the looks of the prison gates which are yawning for him. It is rumored that ho has lied , leaving his bondsmen in Salt Lake to settle for his $45,000 bond. Titc following comment on high license Ju Nebraska , which wo take from the St. J-ouls Itcpttbltctm , is pretty nearly true : "In Nebraska , under tlio high license Jaw , the number of saloons remains al- ttiost stationary , while population goes on increasing more rapidly than over. " SWITZERLAND is about to pass n law making it a misdutneanor for any woman to wear corsets laced beyond n certain standard of tightness. The dispatches fail to state who is to gather the informa tion upon which prosecutions will bo based. DDUINO the Lmicr trial womans * rights were asserted and recognized. Tlio whole court room was pre-empted by the fair sex , and the only scats reserved were for tlio twelve jurymen , the judge , the prisoner and the attorneys. Tins shows what woman can get without the ballot. DISPATCHES from Washington confirm what had already been foreshadowed by our advices. General Howard's name vrill bo sent in to-day to the senate for the major generalship made vacant by Pope's retirement. Tlio president has nfter all decided to allow seniority the preference as a claim for promotion. PHESIDENT CLEVELAND is drifting daily wider and wider from his party. So far from harmonizing the differences in the democratic lines he has increased every gap in tlio ranks. Tlio majority in con gress and the president arc in harmony upon scarcely a single issue. The demo cratic administration is paving the way for a speedy return of tlio republican party to power. CALIFOUNIANS think David S. Terry , -who killed' Senator Hroderick , will bo appointed to succeed Senator Miller. Terry is the lawyer who married his cli ent , Sarah Allhca Hill , the woman who recently acquired a national notoriety , owing to the Sharon-Hill divorce suit. The appointment of Terry to the United States senate will be another great boom for Sarah Althca. TIIK sale of the Morgan art collection , which cost Mrs. Morgan about n million . dollars , will foot up nearly two million dollars. It was jnojily \ a foiv ivcqka tigO lmt ) Mrs. Morgan was a fool , and that her colloctiou would not sell for one- tenth of its cost. A good many pcoplo will still continue to think that she was a foolisti woman , and a great many- more will think that the purchasers at the ro- cn t auction were more foolish than over ho was. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE poor class4 > t England will rcjoico over the rejection of the royal parts item in Uic British supply bill. For years British tax payers have boon protecting iiguiiist the largo scries of royal perquis ites with which they have been burdened. For example , the queen rarely stays at Buckingham palace more than tlircu days lit u Umo and yet the country has to pay C30 men to take care of some 100 horses Ctublodthere. Ana this is but one needless - „ loss Uuckingham palace Itom. Tim royal ivicws at Hampton conrt are an equal burden , and suvoral of the royal princes linvo certain classes of personal bills paid for them , although richly pensioned. It l quite possible that the parks now in the jjumo of tlio sovcrign will bo con demned and placed under the supcrvi- lou of local authorities nil over the realm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TJIB mayor and city council should enforce - force tliii gas ordinance to the lottor. TJiey have decided that IM per thous and feets \ a MI 111 cl cut price for the quality of the material furnished. They should now sco to it that the ordinance fixing thu price is obeyed. If there is not already authority to enforce it the council should anu'iid its order and forbid the presenting by any person of gas bills at a rate higher than the ordinance permits , There is no doubt whatever that the council can make it a misdemeanor pun < ishublo by severe penalties for any agent or collector to present illegal ami .excessive gas bills just us tlio legislature makes it a misdemeanor foi Any conductor or agent of a railroad tc -.Aemaud or collect more than three cents a luilu from passengers.rn,0 forfeiture ol the gas charter would afford no relief The city cannot afford to bo without gas Hut it is just as well eft" with one company MS with another , as long us prices arc Aeasoiiablo , Us business Is fcimply tc protect consumers from extortion , ami | uuku the penalties severe enough toexucl Jwdlecce to its regulations. Inaugurating the Cable System. The announcement that ilio cable sys tem of propelling streetcars is soon to bo inaugurated in Omaha assures this city in the near future n valuable improvement in tlio line of rapid transit. The steady advance of Omaha westward along the lulls that rise from the river nnd extend into the country beyond tlio city limits has been one of the interesting tcaturcs of our growth of the past live years. Level ground has not been valued so highly ns high and breezy loca tions , and the plateau outside of the business portions has received less attention from those seeking locations for homes than the streets which climb the hills. The greatest settlement has been towards the west where the facilities for rapid transit have been the least. Hill ! ! oiler great difficulties for horse car lines to overcome , and in ono direction at least the time gained over that made in walking is trilling. The cable cars pos sess the advantage of being operated with cqaal facility on level or rising ground. Steam power takes little account of hills which would f-taggcr horseflesh. The engines whicli propel the endless cables to which the cars are attached can overcome grades twice ns steep n ? any which we have on our Omaha streets. In point of speed the cable also greatly supe rior to those on the ordinary lines. The average rate of the Omaha horse cars Is less than four miles an hour. The speed attained by the cable cars in other cities averages eight miles an hour , or exactly double. To a resident of this city whoso homo is a mile or more from his place of business this is an important considera tion. There arc disadvantages , however , ns well as advantages connected with the cable car system. Accidents to pedes trians arc more numerous. The crip is not so easily controlled as horseflesh. Hut with proper regulations nnd restric tions the dangers can bo reduced to a small point. Ho IlcspcrtH the I Jay Gould announces in an interview that ho will not interfere in the strike on his southwestern system because it was inaugurated on a road which is in the hands of the United States court , and lie respects the majesty of the law. Ilow long since Jay Gould acquired his respect for the law and his reverence for the courts ? Ho had not learned it in the days of Erie , when ho seized the books of that corporation , and spent hours on a Hudson river ferry boat dodging the writs of the courts. Ho had not pro gressed much further in his lesson when ih corrupt association with Judges Uarnard nnd Cardozol enabled him to .iso the bench to cloak his dishonest schemes for nibbing the public. His deep respect for law had not yet boon ac quired when his lobbyists swarmed around Jio capital at Washington and besieged the general land office to fortify his oecu- Kition of the Union Pacific management , lis admiration for impartial justice bad lot reached its present enthusiasm when Judge Wcstfield in chambers ratified by n purchased decision the Manhattan ele vated railroad steal at the great jobber's ridding. What hypocrisy in tlio veteran cor- ruptcr of courts and legislatures , the purchaser of juries nnd suborner of crime in high judicial places to irate about his respect for law. What knavery for a man who boasts that ho lays for his law by the year to pretend lo bow to the majesty of the courts whom ho has made his willing tools. Mr. Gould" sees nothing in the great railroad strike to call for his interference. lie protests that he is powerless , even if 10 felt so disposed to correct the wrongs complained of. But no ono knows better : han the arch hypocrite who is now junk eting in his million dollar yacht that a word from the controller of the South western system would bring the great strike to a close. IN the midst of a speech said to have been ono of the most eloquent and pow erful over delivered in a Nebraska court room , Mr. Thurston made a violent and bitter attack upon tlio press in general and the Omaha newspaper men in par ticular , for their iullrcnco upon public opinion and against his client. The oc casion no doubt demanded Mr. Thurs- ton's eloquent diatrabo. Although the jury had been secluded from the rmbljc mm Siiut out ir&m the Influence of the newspapers , they cannot have boon in sensible to the atmosphere of a public opinion whoso current has for months boon so unfavorable to tlio prisoner. They breathed it on tno court room. They must have scon it reflected on the interested faces of the spectators and in terpreted its force from the speeches of the counsel. It was distinctly against the prisoner in jeopardy of his life. On that account was mi clement to bo op posed by the counsel for the defense. For this reason , ns wo have said , the oo- casion demanded Mr. Thurstoii's thun derous sentences ot denunciation against those who had assisted In forming , or wore responsible in part for the mainte nance of unfavorable public sentiment. Hut after admitting this there is some thing elfco to be added. It needed nothing morn than the publication of the fact of the killing of Mrs. Laucr by her husband to arouse the public indicuatlon which has steadily increased as all the details of their unhappy married life have become known. Public opinion is for tunately opposed to all wife beaters. Mr. Thurbton does not liiiiit-elf billevo that the press was unjustified in printing the news of the rupture which resulted from John Lauer's brutality so many months ago. The press was not responsible for his inhumanity ; the pros * cannot bo charged with impropriety in giving its readers the facts in a case which was al ready of neighborhood notoriety , and Ilio editors and roportorj are cer tainly in no way proper subjects for criticism in holding up the mirror to the public- and reflecting the lights and shadows alike , which have played ova i this wretched tragedy of a short but un happy life. Public opinion is nothing more than the orystalizcd judgment oJ individuals. It frequently reflects pre judice and cowardice aud hastily forme verdicts. But matured public opinion rarely wanders from the truth. The press is but u single clement in formiu and in moulding it. In the present case it has presented the facts as gleaned aud presented thorn 'so correctly that the sworn testimony of the trial has varied iittlo from the stor.v as given months ago by the industrious gleaners of the newspapers.Yithout exception editorial comment has been noncommittal since the prisoner was ar raigned for his crime. The evidence on jolh sides has been presented to the pub lic impartially , nnd if the features of the scenes in the courtroom have intensified .ho feeling of public indignation , the : althful pen photographers cannot bo jlnmed for the ofl'ect. COXGRCSSMAX HAIIN , of Louisiana , who was found dead in his room in Washington last Monday , was a Hayar- an by birth , but came to this country at nn early ngo with his parents , who lo cated at New Orleans. When the war of .he rebellion broke out ho had just grad uated as a lawyer. His sympathy was with the Union , and his loyalty would not. permit him lo take an oath of ollico requiring fidelity lo the Confederate suites. When the Union forces arrived u Now Orleans Mr. Halm at once took in active part in the reconstruction of Louisiana , and during liio reconstruction days he was ono of Ihu most prominent men in the state , llo was elected to con gress , but was not permitted lo take his scat until February 7th , 1Q03. After the expiration of his congressional term he was appointed prize commissioner of New Orleans. Ho purchased and edited the Now Orleans Daily True Delta , in which lie advocated emancipation , Ho was elected the first governor of Louis iana as a tree state , and was inaugurated March -llh , 1804 , receiving from President Lincoln , on the 15lh of that month , the additional powers of military governor. Having been elected United States sen- alo. in January , 18C5 , ho resigned the office of governor , but did not press his claim lo a scat in the senate. EVEHV effort to invade tlio Yellowstone National park with a railroad should bo summarily checked by congress. A bill lias been introduced to permit the con struction of a railroad through the park , the excuse being that a road is neccssarv Lo reach the Cooke mining district. This is not n valid excuse , however , and it isle lo bo hoped that it will have no weight. If ono railroad is admitted to the park , other railroads will follow , and the result will bo that its value as a national reser vation and a resort for pleasure seekers will bo destroyed. If there is a mining district of sufficient value to have a rail road built 'to it , fetich a railroad can afford to take a circuitous route and leave the park uninvadcd. ST. PATRICK'S day of 18SO was a glor ious one for Ireland. Jnstca'l ' of expen sive processions nnd wasted money , the reports bring news of largo additions to the national funds , of the green nnd orange entwined , and of a union of Irish men , regardless of creed , to advance the great work of securing the rights of the Irish nation. COURTNEV , the match king , died last week , leaving a fortune of 53,000,000 as the result of thirty years engaged in mak ing parlor matches. Mr. Courtney began business with a capital of § 50. This is a striking example of the rapid accumula tion of wealth by honest industry. HAVING decided to invest largely in railroads , it is to bo hoped that China will be able to employ all her cheap John labor in their construction. JThcro are several thousand in America who can bo spared without the least trouble. ROSCOE CONKLINO is credited with making about $40,000 , a year from his law practice. This beats politics , nnd ex plains why Mr. Conkling has no desire lo return to the political arena and bank rupt himself. THE I < ' 1ELJJ OP INDUSTRY. The Knights In Topeka ] Kan. , own their hall. hall.Tho The unionists of Lynn have 815,000 In bank and.intcnd to build n hall. Philadelphia has more hands employed In the kult goods industry at this thno than nt any other for yeais. Several Massachusetts and Maiito Woolen mill owners have voluntarily icduced tlio hours of labor from eleven to ten per day. A movement is on foot to have Michael Davitt , the Irish patilot , commissioned [ as un organizer of tlio Knights of Labor In Great Biltain and Europe. Henry B. Courtney , the head of tlio Diamond mend Watch company , died at Wilmington , Del. llo started in business In 183 ] with § 50 , and was worth at his death over 55,000,000. Additional latgorotiJj ! 5ro J lfia croclS1 ! ; at llltes , Pa , , for the manufacture of plate < glass , nnd extensive contracts have been placed in western Pennsylvania for btcol tub ular boilers , tables and all the necessary par aphernalia. The manufacturers of window glass assert that the trade appears indifferent as to whether factoiies run or not. Prices , they say , are ruinously low , and imported glass can be bought In this country at about the price of liomc-mado glass. Other branches of the glass trade are active. Koielcu Iron and fitocl makers report an Improving demand for material both for American , Indian and Australian maikots , partlculaily for railway mateilal. The cut lery manufacturers arc meeting with orders from the United States. A Manchester , Kngland , firm has Just made the largestlocomotlvoframe-slotting machine over turned out The bed is .SO icet long , D feet wide and will weigh sixty tons. It has improved arrangements for driving. It is nt- tiacting the general attention of engineers. A new organization lias sprung up in the south calltxl "The Wheel. . ' ' It has seven planks , similar In many icspccts to those ot other labor organisations , but 111010 ot a po litical complexion. The mcinbcrhlj > has giown rapidly. Its first plank dumniuis that tolograpmc and railroad lines be eontiollod by tlio goveinment , nnd tiint national bank ciiironcylio ictlrudund that iibury laws be prohibited. Reductions in wages nro frequent In Great Diltaln and Kuiope , even as low as they are. Considerable ) complaint Is made , but Jabur organisations tlieio sooiu to bo acquiescent. Thu trades-unions Imvo been paying moio at tention for ycais past to paying the doctors' nnd tnidcitakeiV bills of their members than to making determined ctloits to impioro importers of mannfactuied goods are watching tliu cnmvio ot the American mar kets > eiy closely , Ttioy quietly predict that there \\ill be eomc heavy impoitatlons of lu.inutactiiH'd goods , bimllar In clinractcr to that of JSS1 and IBSi. Already larco impoits have bo2ti mndo of certain pioducts , and should the present cost bo Incicased 5 or 10 percent , the way will bo opened for heavy blilpincnts. Philadelphia Record : The executive honid of the Knights of Labor has been obliged to put a f-top tu the organization of assemblies for tony dsy . Too many aie wowdinp : In and siifilefent care cannot be taken to keep out the unworthy. The order is giowing bcjouil thu conception of Its founders. Thokonorul executive , commilteo is oveiburdciu'd'vlthwork. At the present Unit ) U has nearly 500 appeals , crlovances and complaints fioin wMhlii its own meiiir bcrshlp concerning- fntcrnat'and extern al troubles , iioimi nucldncry , It Is rccog' uiiod , intiit be established and set to work in the nature of knightly com ts , wherein dllllcul- ties , both Internal and external can bo promptly ettlnd , and it In proposed to cs- taLlUU sucli coiutu. for that pnipose. It is thcmKht there 111 "bo no dimanlty ton n din obtntnlnjr men with level : heads to do this work. They arc , howctcr"very scarce , bnt n sense of responsibility develops ti wonder- Proolnnifttions. Stotu CitJoinwil. ) . Since the resignation of Mayor , of Council Uliiffs , It is5notVcd that the Issu ance ot proclamations ifts 'gone Into n stale of Innocuous desuetude. Innate Modesty ofvNcwsunpcr Men. iVfiu Haven .JS'cics. The Innate modesty of newspaper men is shown by the fact that a Texas editor killed three men the other ilnr , and In alluding to the Incident afterwards acknowledged that he only tried to kill one. Woitli n Dozen or Six m .Tones. Denver Trtlnutfltcintliltean. Mrs. VnuCott , the revivalist , 1ms done a Rieat deal of good In the world , nnd will un doubtedly accomplish much In Denver. She Is worth a dozen cheap shoutcrs like Sam Jones. lOaHjUnougli. . P/ifl < i < ! dpM < Jtecortl. The crashed strawberry vase , which went for 818,000,000 nt tliu Morcan aln In New York , is eight inches high and three Indies broad. It wouldn't hold In cold tlio dollars paid for It. and yet it mlcht hold all the sense expended In bitch a purchase. Personal Property. limlon I'ltfl. Mrs. Lntmtry now holds deeds and mort gages on New York real estate to the value of 5150,000. The peronal property she formerly held there , whoso first name was Fieddy , Is worth n great deal more than that. _ Ono of tlio Modern Rotirbons. Ifeui Yo > k Star. One of the commonest specimens of thn "Bourbon" is who will modern the man not pcrceUo that there Is anything In the icla- tlous of capital and labor other than that \\hlch atTectcd him and his fellows In former days. _ _ A Boomerang. If the Lincoln Journal nnd those local papers who have so much to say In abusing Van Wyck , without auypaiticular specifica tions , do not soon desist , they will brs the means of making him his own successor. Such things always provn to bo a boomerang. i A Branch Road to Omaha. Duffaln Gup ( Dal ; . ) Aruits. The Black Hills should have direct com munication with Omaha , as the interests of the wholesale houses of that town and the people of this country are greatly impaired by not having such facilities. Wo hope to sen this matter agltatedlby tlio piess of the Hills aud Omaha. / ' Covering a Good Don ! 'orGrouml. Fremont Tribune. The BIK : says of Dr.'Mlllfir's mission to Washington that his time liasbeen taken up almost enlliely In lobby'liiK ' tor the Union Tactile landing bill anl Patrick's torpedo boat scheme. 2fo\v soinCjOthc'r atitlioi ity says he is trying to get on thu Ut li commission. This man must be covei ing a ' good deal of grou n d 1 The Street Car Driver's Song. There Is music sweet In IJio ilnglng bell , And it travels the air b ( lh fust and far , But there's nothing sweet in. the bounds that swell ' ; ' ; FronHlie driver's gong In the ono-hoisecar. When you hear that sound , with suspicious air Von look at the others who with you lidc , To pick out tlm one who h.xs dropped no laio Fioin the mouth of the box to the tell-tale slide. But yonr happincis Is not quite supreme Till the driver slides hack the street-car door , And exclaims in his rage , with lilsoyongleam : "Thcie ain't 'noiigh lares , and I want ono more. " STATE AND TEIUUTOIVX. Nebraska Jottings. Nearly § 12,000 have been subscribed for a new hotel in Tccumsch. Muscular scullers arc in demand at Nebraska City to navigate the Missouri in yawls. John Moulding , n resident of Johnson county since 1855 , nnd the founder of To- cuniseh , is in destitute circumstances. The census of Fairinount shows n popu lation of 1,317 , more than enough to make it a city of the second chibs. This is a gain of 40 percent in six months. The remains of David V. Blair , tlio un fortunate .section boss who was killed by the cars at Miser Station , \Vyo. , Satur day , wore brought to Silver Creel ; , Neb. , for burial. Christ Ncidig planted several loads of Sg ? . ? ir s slaiwy ; a\i\nw \ me report ujujjJfi littu ct coal on his land. Ho did this in order to sell his claim for a good price and was successful. A callous bachelor suggests the follow ing topic : for discussion at thu annual convention of the Fremont Young Ladies' Protective association : "Hosolvod , That n wife's wardrobe is dearer than herself. " The mean old thing ! The West Point papers , the Republican nnd the Progress , are lighting over thn matter of which of the two papers has been successful in wheedling Ctnning county out of the greatest amount of money in the last seve.n years. Accord ing to the Republican's llgnres the Progress succeeded in pocketing tlio most boodle. Tlio Ouster City ( Black Hills ) Chronicle has advices from reliable sources that the B. & M. railroad will build into that country. "This company , " says the Chronicle , "is pushing the prado rapidly , having nearly 2,000 , men at work nt this time. Contracts have been recently lot to n point twenty-livq or thirty miles south of Clmilron. A representative of that company was recently at DuU'alo ( iap , gathering information touching upon the prospective ( Cosourees of tlio southern hills , and will vitv't Custer City in u few days with the tame purpose in view. This looks omioii8 | ) | and argues the early railroad connection of Custur City with the cast and wostj" Iowa Items. ' The railroads contumigU Sioux City have decided to build a Jimon depot. Twcnty-livo farmers residing near Hast ings have started a cotopdrativo black smith shop. ' - The Turners of DnvonrJprl , if the prohi bition question isfactlledfiivprablototluiir interests , to crcfH all opera house to cost about $80,000. Labt October Clarence Ackcrnmn left Ackloy for Douglas county Dakota , where ho entered tno ministry. Ho con tinued preaching the gospel till February llth. On the evening of that day ho started for lo\va , and has not been heard of since. The inauguration of bluetingoporations in Jackson county by the Chicago , Bur lington & Northern Railroad company hab been the moans of turning looau from their dons largo numbers of wolves , which have scattered through that region and are proving upon the hogs and sheep to an alarming extent. At Dubuque Saturday evening' , John Dean , a grain buyer was assaulted by boino drunken farmers , strangers to him , and was terribly cut up with a knife. Ono of his ears wa's almost cut off nnd two gashes thro ? inches long extended down the right chcofc ntii h\to the bono , Hail gashes wore made in the neck nnd shoul ders. The assailants escaped before being - ing nrrcsfed. The G. A. U. of Sioux City have decided lo introduce at their meeting next month n new and important toast , "Tho Army Muo ! , " and hurl apostrophes at the mem ory of the valient , plodding beast , around whom cannon lialls ripped and roared in war times. No historian lias yet transmitted on historic pages the record of his virtues ; no painter lias de lineated on the breathing canvas the mildness of his soft brown cj'e ; no sculp tor lias clii&cled out of palpitating mar ble the incomparable outlines of his matchless anatomy ; no poet lias sung in the melodious verso of immortal song his praises ; no orator has pronounced on Dakota. The Yanklon creamery is again in oper ation. Devil's Lake celebrated , with bauds and bonfires , Secretary Lamar's decision in tliu Briltinland case. While thawing out some giant powder near Rapid City , a man named Johnson had ono side of his face and head blown olF. olF.Rich Rich deposits of silver quartz have been known to e.\isl at Palisade , nine miles from Valley Springs. A specimen of qimrti has been assayed and yielded as high as $03 tv ton. At Sioux Falls a challenge has boon is sued by thu Knights Templar to the uni formed rank Knights of Pythias to u com petitive drill , which challenge has boon accepted. The date for the contest has not boon settled upon. The county scat fight in Kingsbury county this year promises to bo an excit ing one. 'J hero are several contestants , and a Sioux Falls man who owns a largo farm live miles cast of DeSmct , has adored to give -1 0,000 toward the con struction of buildings if the county scat is located on his land. In the case of Taucr vs the heirs of y alter A.Mntin , from thn Walortown laud district , the secretary of the interior has decided that the widow of a deceased homestead ontrymaii , who had complied with the requirements of the law up to the date of his death , is not required to ro.sido on thu laud , but may , by continued culti vation thereof for the remainder of the period , complete the claim aud receive patent therefor. A Heroic Woman. C/ifcarjn Herald. For several years women have sought to obtain licenses from the government as pilots on the Mississippi river , but they have invariably failed. If the perform ance of Mrs. Sargeant , wife of the owner of the steamer which was wrecked by a boiler explosion last week before Vicksburg - burg , are a , fair sample of what women engaged in the river business can do in an emergency , they certainly appear lo be well qualified for admission into ttio ranks of the captains as well ns into those of the pilots. As Mr. Sargeant was at homo in poor health his wife was in charge of the boat's business. When the explosion occurred of the deck hands wore blown into the river. The captain , pilot and engin eer were cither disabled or panic strick en. Although Mrs. Sargeant's clothing took lire she retained presence of mind and took command of the boat. Under her direction the tires were extinguished , the men in the water who were in sight were rescued and the boat was pulled ashore whcro it sank in shallow water. Eye witnesses express the opinion that if fehe. had not been present tlio steamer would have been entirely destroyed and that .several additional lives might have been lost. If Mrs. Sargeant would like a liccnso to act as pilot or as captain she should apply now. liltcrary Work anil AVages. r/iI ( < iIclj/ia ) / ( Timer , It is now said that Mr. William D. How- ells commands higher prices for liis work , particularly in the magazines , than any other American author. The , rumor is that ho receives from $50 to § 100 a page for his work in the Century and in Har per's , and that ins estimated income from his writings this year will be about § 20- 000. Twenty-live years ago his salary us a news editor was § 20 a week. Ciuessers say that Jinierbon'a books all told never yielded him more than about § 30,000 , or say 81,000 a year for thn best thirty years of his life. But Mr. Emer son belonged to that quality of genius that always commands nioro ot this world's reverence than of its ready cash. The best things in him and in his work were fee far beyond any accepted market value that they were practically invalua ble. ble.Mr. . Howells has touched that happy medium of taste nnd execution which renders him very enjoyable IQ the heir and lives. Twenty thousand dollars a 'year is not a largo income for a man who has fought his way through all the phases of literary work as Mr. llowolls has done and of course the more he is talked about the greater will bo the demand for his LOOKS , and his income ought to increase in proportion. Honesty Rewarded. Chicago News : A very small newsboy stood at the corner of Superior and Clark Mrecls yuMorday. Under his arm was a solitary and bespattered copy of the News. Satisfied cither by the plethoric condition of his pocket , caused by a successful run of business , or by the warmth of the sun , ho disdained to call his wares. A rotund and austere ofllcor of the North Side Street Railway Com- puny passed. Ho stopped abruptly , approached preached the lounging youngster , and said : "Mows , boy , " nt the same time slipping a coin into the hand of the urchin , who , in turn , dexterously de posited it between his t eth. Dellvoring thn wrinkled paper the boy sent a dirty hand into his tron. ens pocket and produced four pennies and a nickel , which he emptied into the extended palm of the dignified purchaser , "You hliould bo moro careful , sir , " said thn rotund gen tleman , glancing at the cliango and then handing it back to the youngster. "I gave you a 8-cent piece not a dime. " Not a muscle of the boy's face moved. The same dirty Iittlo hand went up to his mouth and returned with the 11-ccnt piece , Quick as n flash the coin had again changed owners. "What's this iorV" gasped the dignified ofliclal. "Keep i or money , " replied the hey , with a wave of the dirty hand : "I likes tor re ward honesty , " The dignified gentle man hhibliud to the roots of his hair , and stood for a moment gazing at the back of the t-elf-po.ssossed urchin , who had turned on his heel and sauntered away. A Comlonsoil NOVA | . Rufus W. Nye , of Wayne county , Now York , disappeared seventeen yours ago. In 1874. his wife , believing him dead , married an old sweetheart , who died two years afterward. In 1881 she married again , and a few days ago Nye turned up. Ho had made a fortune in the log ging business in Michigan. Ho had an interview with his wife's present hus band , who recognized the priority of his claim and biirrendered the woman , who has gone west with her new-found hus band. _ United States Consul Lyoll , at Geneva , advises American chcosemakers to make sugar of milk froni whey , as is done in Switzerland profitably. THE WILD WEST. Unnclie Mfo nnd Oamd Shooting , Tlrtodoro Roosevelt bcmlrlbutos lo tkb Marcli Outing nn interesting nvllclo from which wo extract the following : To see the rapidity with whicli the larger kinds of pamo animals arc being exterminated throughout the United States is really melancholy. Twcnty-ltvo years ago , or even lifte'cn years ago , the western plains nnd mountains were in places fairly thronged with deer , elk , antelope nnd bullalo ; indeed Ihero was then no other part of the world save South Africa whcro the number of in dividuals of largo game animals wns so largo. All this lias now been changed , ' or else is being changed at a really ro- mnrkablo rate of speed. The buffalo nro already gone ; u few stratrgling individ uals , and perhaps here and there a herd so small that it can hardly be called more than n sqund , are all that remain. Over four-fifths of their former range the same into has befallen the oik and their number , even among tlio moun tainous haunts , which Mill all'ord them a refuge , is greatly decreased. The shrinkage umonc ducr and antclopo Inn been relatively nearly as serious. There are but few places left now where it is profitable for a man to take to hunting as u profession ; the brutal skin-hunters and meat-butchers of the woods ami prairies have done their work : and these uuekskin-clad and greasy nimrods are now themselves sharing tlio fate of the ( Tame that has disappeared from before their rifles. Still , however , there is plenty of sport to bo had by men who are of a more or less adventurous turn of mind , and suf- liclently hardy and resolute to be will ing to stand rough work and scant faro , aud of course , excepting some men who go out to bpcnd some mouths in travel ing solely for purposes of sport , no class has as much chance lo get it as is the case with the ranchmen , whoso herds now cover the great plains of the west , and oven range will up on the foothills of the mighty central chain of the Rocky Mountains. All my own hunting has been done simply in the intervals of the numerous duties of ranch life ; and in or der to understand the way wo set out on a trip after gamu it is necessary also to understand a little about the nature of our homes and surroundings. Many of the ranches are more mud hovels or log shuiilies , stuck down in any raw , treeless spot whcro there happens to be water and grass ; but many others are really bcautitully situated , and though rude in construction , are still largo enough and solid enough to yield ample comfort to the inmates. Onu such , now in my mind , which is placed in a bend of the Heart river , could not possibly be surpassed as regards the romantic beauty of its surroundings. My own house stands on a bottom of the Little Missouri nearly two miles in length , and perhaps half a milo or over in width , froji tfiR brink of the current to the line of steep and jagged buttcs that rise sharply up to bound it on the side farthest from thu river. Part of this bottom is open cov ered only with rank grass and sprawling Rage-brush ; but there are patches of dense woodland , where the brittle cottonwood - tonwood trees grow close together and stretch their heads high in the air. The house itself , made out of hewn logs , is in n largo open glade many acres in extent. It Ironts the river with its length of sixty feet , and along the front runs a broau veranda , whore wo sit in our locking-chairs in the bummer time when the day's work is done. Within it is divided into several rooms ; ono of these is where wo spend the winter evenings at the time when the cold has net in with a bitter intensity hardly known in any other part of the United Slates. A huge fireplace contains the great logs ot cedar alid cotton-wood ; skins of elk and deer coyer the floor , while wolf and fox furs hang from the walls ; antlers and horns are thrust into the rafters to servo as pegs on which to hang coats and caps. 4n the glade , beside the house , there arc several other buildings , a fatiiblc , a smithy , and two or three sheds and out houses , besides a high , circular horse-cor ral , with a snubbing post in the center , and a fenced in garden patch. Tlio river itself is usually shallow , rapid stream that n man cannot wade across , bnt that cannot carry the liglitu&t boat ; but when the MIOWS melt , or after heavy rains , it is changed into n boiling , muddy torrent that cannot bo crossed oy man or beast. and that will bear huge rafts. Ills at all times dangerous to cross on account of the quicksands ; but ( iftcr a series of freshets the whole river can be described as simply four or live feoto } ' turbulent water running down over the moving mass of quicksand three feet in depth , that lills tno extirobed of the stream. In ordinary iloodn there will remain certain fords and rapids that can bo cro.ssed ; but at times any horse that dared to attempt a passage , no matter where , would bo al most certainly lost. Back from tlio river for several miles extends u sfrctch of broken and intense ly rugged country , known in plains par lance as "bad lands. " It consists of chains of J teei ) buttcs or hills , often 21reru ! : , , 5uiui9 ! tttyiV-Ji11' ' ' ! ? , ij < ia gop- orated by a not-work ot deep ravines and winding valleys , which branch out in ev ery direction. When wo pass these bad lands we como to tno open nrairiu , which stretches out on every side in level or un dulating expanse as far as Ilia eye can reach. In a few of the gorges in the bad lands them are groves of wind-beat en pines , or dwarfed cedars , favorite haunts of the black-tail deer. A Cool Villain. Now York Herald : That is a very odd story which comes from Vienna. His like ono of Poo's narratives of complex crime which make the reader's flesh creep as though a centipede were crawl ing up and down his spinal column. Frau Kiiehnel had two thousand gulden , a snug bit of a fortune , nnd she wanted a husband , She advertised that slio would be glad to receive applications for her hand and heart , and named the sum she possessed us an inducement beyond the attractions of hnr person , A tall man , with an insinuating voice , called upon the lady , looked critically at her , mil still moro ciitically about tliu room , and then departed , bo far all is clear and plain. But from this point the plot thickens. Young Kunhnel coming liomo from school found the door looked , Ho knocked ; no answer. The door was forced bv some stalwart fellow and the apparently lifeless body of the poor woman foil into his arms. She recovered milliientlyto/'asp"Cold ! ! Cold ! " and to add , "It was u man who did it , " nnd to explain that it was ono of her matrimonial menial visitors , anil then the curtain dropped. The villain hud crept into her room un observed , runsai'kcd her dmst of draw- wri , stolen everything ho could lay bauds on , wounded tno woman fatally ami do- camped. The police aud the pcoplq are in eoiibtornntiou. No novelist can imagine a situate n half as thrilling a seine of the events in the ovorydtiy lito of a great city. The Next Now York Sun : "Madame , " said a po lite passenger in a crowded street car from his comfortable boat to lady who was preserving her balance with dillicul- ty , "permit mu to - " "On , thank you , sir , " leplled the lady , sweetly , UH shu prepared to sit down. "Er as 1 was abuut lo my permit mo ah to call jour attention to that all- . " strap. _ _ _ 'THE WIST WASHI.M } COMPOUND of the- day is undoubtedly JAMES PVLE'S PEARL1NE. It cleanses the dirtiest and most oli-gaht fabiiii without injury and with little labor. For sale by groccru , PURE. I hO OPIUM IN AWV FOIUt as IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. PRICE 25 CENTS , 50 CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLE O K > CEN I BOTTLES nro wit up for the n jQrffJroMimnrtntiuniir nil who doslro n coo iintl IOTV priced Coush , CoIdandGroupRemedy TMOM : m. A iir.Mi-.nv roil CONSUMPTION ANT LUNG DISEASE. Bhoulil secure iliolawo ft bottle1 * . Direction nccomptm ) IMF nncli bottlo. Sold by nil Modichio Donlors. TO EUROPE isA Tiun.i : or.u v -run OLD nr-UAni.E Spring and Bummer eMlIng * BI folltmgi FfistRnlmdny ciui'Miuftll | iwirliofiom New York. ToU WtJncfclay riproM wrrlcv from Boston * nrtFROS . .rnllt M-illCI.Mnj 1 . Juno 1(1 ( , Julr II M'VTHIA . . . .nulln Al'HI M , Mlt . Jimon , July JI (1AIt.l\ . nils > ln > fJnnre , liOIIlMA . RttsMnj IZ.jMneV.JuljrT.AugunU SPECIAL NOTICE. Boston l > pnc ISO mllp nmnr I.trrrpool. than Ifrw 1 01 L , f ht Oitvon (0 ejytcftcit to maVe the iuiit0r f n lens than fir day * . HIP aliova Hoot U thp forfprifuAfrnf nntl most ntnfjr ( ff rrnf nllmt , mntiy of tlii'fhtp * nHncOTer&COfpct IOIIR. Kk feet wide. 7.WO t nimnml II u hom'po * i r. Thu lltui M tli oMrst Ini'xMrnrc nml ha * never lost O Pnosoncor * Oabln , ItfirAtraor InUTitmllnto tiu. } ttntt-clnxfl unwrnprr line , 'or fnillior lnfnnnitl < nirn < nnrp-nt in inrwt of the towns nml rttlrs throUKltoiit Ihc i-ountry. or . O. ( VIIITIKH. Ilnnnirrr of Wctirn IHpurtnu-ni , 151 lUthlolph Mirct , ( Under Rhrnimn HOIIMChiniBO ) , 1IL inted * liire wo ar0 not rcprtBculiiL OM : on MOKI : 1 PAY nil cspi-PM clmrsc" lo all point * within 300 mllci. l.orH'ontrlnm * to srlpct rrnm KrniltKomi Ktaiup Cor lllustrutcU cntalotfua. AU ntlan UUs puier. | L , G , SPENDER'S TOY FACTORY , 221 W. MADISON ST. , CHICAGO. Or ttin I.lquor lltibll , Cni-ctl by AdiuluUtorliiK Dr. Unities * Uolilcu 8i < > clflr. It can boRlron In.i cup of cofTi'e or lea without the knowledge' or the person taking It , Is absolutely liarmlcii.iiMd will olffrct u prrnmnrntand npecdjr euro , wlietlir tbe patient Un murtrmlc drinker ot vi alcoholic wreck. U 1ms been clvcn In tlioa- f.irtsot cniC5 , and In every Instance ft pel fret cure Imsfolloneil. It HI-TOT fnltx. Ilio nyttcm onca Impregnated n Ith , It becomes all ulttt Impu-Hlblllly for ( ho liquor appetite to cxlnt. roii HALF BY ronLowiNo nuuanisTS : KUIIN & CO. . Cor. tStti nml Dct'slnn , and IHIli A : CnmlDB SIM. , Umnlm , Ncl ) . A. D. FO.STKU < V 1JRU. . Council niutT * , loira. Call or write for pamphlet containing hundreds Iromllirbctvruuieu and meufrom GOLD MEDAL , TAKIO , 1878. BAKER'S , i _ Warranted cbialiitcly pura Cocoa , from which ILocicemof Oil has been rcrno\cd. Ithae < Ar < ttmej the strength ot Cocoa mixed xvltli Btnrcli , Arrowroot or Sugar , and U therefore far moro economi cal , catting ten than one cent a cup. It li dullcloas , nourishing , strengthening , easily dlgvded , mill admirably adapted for imullda as well no for persona In licaltll. Sold bjr tirurera cTcrjtthcre. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , 017 St. ClmrleiiSt. , BI. JT.oulM.aio. lrrciiiftrgrftilual cr two U dl lColtifef , bi < tcca tonftr cnrJtPliathe l' * 41lrtitni < otof CIIBAMIG. ll.Krotra , SKIM tnd VLOHU DKIAIM * hiDfcIir other rbTilclau lu&l. LeulJ , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other AfflC * lions ot Threat , ? i < ln orftf nos * Blc ° JPolmnlnd. aiA e * * I - ' " , * . foTci'I , ( Viftrj [ iIiaTlOe'prln liilei.B rilri PiRiftlf , * Diseases Artslnfl from Indiscretion , Ex6es8v Expocurc or Indulgence , tieh croJuca rom or tt fullowluf effeetii ncrvuuinen , rfebltiif. dlmeeii of ilb | Q4o/ellretifUorr ( | ln > ( < I i on lh r-ee , ilirilcaldfeir , ftTcrilontottic itfcklf 0f fiinaUi. coufuiloi of Idr i , ( * , rendorlDff MarrUue ituprnpcr or unliappy , ' iDirtledrnteloie/ftieto DJKtldrcit. . Con utatlcn'tof ! - flcrorby tuitl free , Invited anrl ittlellj CtcQ cotUt. A Positive Written Guarantee ctTin invnrret. ratlt cut. Uedlclbo * eot ri orniure Ij mall 01 eij-riii. - aeo PA' ra. rxifE PLATES , cinut cictb d /nt Mctllnf , fcnUd fur DOe la p ri Keor * .rc&cy , Orrr fit ; ul tienptetarci * ( ruaib Jlta } ru.l io title fellow ! as n * 3l whf | lutnlito4 * worath. ( rticvIllfy c . ; teV ho pbja. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH.11 The Original nntl Only < Jo mil no. Cftft n4 t1w ji KolUhU. IU ir * r worthing Inititlon * . ladliMDifttflt lo LAPIEG * Atk jwur IlruffifUl I-X * 'OMrUclrr' "iiultili7' n"J lk no r.Unr , or luclcia < . ) * ) tu ut fur v rUeuUri tn initrtj rrturn tnftlL Wtfcmt PAPER. < 'Mrlit.UrCI.rmlj. ' ' VUa MndUutiNquore , 111 Halri br 1 > rurj1t * evrrytflirr * . A k for ' -1 JiiitfU.t" I'cntirrujnl I'lll * . T kt * . I ill lir.iirtUoiiua I'rcniituin Decay. .SYi > Do yon unut n jmro. Woom- Comiloxiou I Jf so , implications of MAONOLI A liALAlrlll grot Ji'y yon lo your heart's con- lent . It docs awjiy with Sal- lownc&s , Kcducss , 1'implcs , lllolchcs , nnd all discuses and imperfections oi'tho fihin. It ovcrcor.icslho Hushed nppoar- nnco ol' heat , f'atf > : uo and ox- cltonipnt. It innlic.-j n lady of TllIil'iT appear 1 nt TWliN- TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect M-O its oU'eels. that it is Impossible to detect ilo application. i M