t PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE , FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , FJRIDAY MORNING , MARCH 10. 1886. NUMBER 221 Manning Creates a Bent In tbo Deadlock With the Administration. REASONS GRACEFULLY GIVEN. Proposed ClmiiKO In Hanking Laws AfTectltift Omaha Dr. Norvln Grcen'fl Had Hey Western Postmasters Appointed. nnclulnwu Ily the Administration. WASHIKHTOX , March IS. [ Special Tele gram.J Thercsccms to boiiultc a rent In the deadlock between the senate and the presi dent. The breakage Is caused by a graceful backdown by the administration , through Secretary Manning , lo thu finance commit tee of the senate. Some ilava ago that com mittee addiesscd a note to Iho secretary of the treasury In regard toceitaln nominations for Internal revenue collectors. A day after , a letter came In answer from Manning , re peating that the president still stood by his lefusal to furnish papers , but thai the secre tary could in f01 m the committee that the business of thu collectors of Internal revenue was behig badly confused by the senate's action In ' 'holding up" so many nominations for those places. Then he launched out Into a long levluw of certain cases , and said that the conduct of thu men who had held these offices was extremely good ; their affairs had been conducted In a most exemphuy manner ; that the morals of thu appointees weio excellent. Ho dwelt upon the duties of both ofllcial.s and ( he senate In this regard , and said that there were no pa pers on file relating to the ofllcer they de sired to know of. Ho concluded his long epistle by saying "that th.s president thought It for the best Intciests of his administration to have In these olllces men of the same polit ical complexion as himself. " The letter created finite a flutter In Ihe committee , for It was a vlitnal example of tho'Ilne , "Wlillo rofuslmrto coii'ont , consented. " Yet they did not deem It of sulllclcnt an swer to their rcifucst. A resolution was offered to return the letter to Mr. Manning , with Instructions that the committee did not desire a stump speech on Ihe subject but the facts. A vote was taken on this motion , and to the surprise of many of the committee several of the democrats voted to icturn the letter , among them Heck. It was carried and the letter returned. At the next meeting of the committee another letter was found from Manning , which was a short one. In fact only the sali ent points. Itcfcrcnco to the good conduct nnd condition of the affairs , the moral char acter of the appoluteo and Iho desire of Iho president to have persons of Ids party In of fice all the stnmn speech was omitted. The republicans had gained their point. The reasons were given , and hence they have al ready reported favorably on some Internal revenue collections , and at the meeting to day others were considered and reported on in executive session and continued. The reason Heck voted to return tbo letter was be cause ho was anxious to have his Kentucky men reported on. The action of the secretary of the treasury may be followed soon by the others. If so , thu rent In the dead lock will grow , and it seems now as If the speeches wcio not failures cither. IMtorOSKD CUANQK IX IlAXIvI.N'O LAWS. At present the national banking law re quires that every banking association located nt Baltimore. Boston , Albany , Charleston , Chicago , Cincinnati , Cleveland , Detroit , Louisville , Milwaukee , New Orleans , New York , Philadelphia , Pittsburg , Klchmoml , Rt. Louis , San Francisco and Washington Fhall at nil times keep on hand , In lawful money , an amount equal to at least 25 per eent of the aggregate amount of Its notes in circulation and its deposits , and every other bank shall keep on hand 15 per cent. Three- llftlis of the reserve of 15 percent required to bo kept on hand by country banks may consist of balances duo such banks by those of the cities above named. The city banks are thus made depositories for coun try banks nnd become agents of the latter In making exchange and In thu transaction of all business requiring the transportation of money or credit. Mr. Warner of Missouri has a bill to amend this law by adding Kan sas City , Omaha , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Indianapolis and Atlanta to the list of cities In which national hanks may become agents oi country banks and keep on deposit the three-llfths of Iho reserve of 15 per cent re quired to bo held to secure circulation and deposits. THI : HAD nor ov A men pATiir.n. Dr. Norvln ( Jrecn , president of the West- mn Union Telegraph company , Is deeply Chagrined at the prospect thai the nomination of his son , Warren ( iicen , as consul general nl Yokohaina will bo rejecledjby the senate , owing to the young man's dissipated nnd disreputable habits. Dr. ( irc.cn had consultations yesterday nnd to day with a number of his senatorial friends of both parties , In .which he begged that his family be spared the disgrace of Warren's rejection , and promised that if the senate would eonlinn his nomination ho would com- pell him to resign immediately thoieufter , CAPITA ! , nitllU'S. Senator Allison , as chairman of the sub committee of the senate committee on appro priations , having under invo.ittgatlon thu fiiibject of undervaluations , went to New Yorklo-nlght. Ho expects the subcommittee tee , which has made several trips east , will complete Its work on this visit. The seeietary ot the treasury to-day trans mitted to congress a letter from the super vising aichllect of the treasury recommend ing an nppioprlatlon of $150,000 for heating , hoisting nnd ventilating apparatus for 1S.S7. Of tills amount 515,0 , 0 Is for Council Jiluifs , Iowa , and Sr.ooo for Nebraska City , Neb. WKsnni.v rosTAi. INVUIIMATIO.V. Commissions have been issued for the fol lowing Iowa postmasters : Olu W. Wllllksen , nt Thor ; Peter W. Kollh , at Strawborr ) Point ; Kilwln Poitor , at Klslng Sun ; Lewis ( i , Itlce , nt Herndon ; Daiius II. Hunan. Now Hampton ; Samuel Henderson , at Mount Ayr ; Theodore W. ivory , at Ulenwood. For Nebraska : 1'rankT. Travis , at Hoi dretfo ; Sanfoul L. Stutevant , at l-'ulleiton. After this week tlio Star mall seivlco from Towniond to PJcktvII will bo discontinued CONTKSTKI ) SEATS. HcprcscntatUo Halm's Death Com- pllotuo.sMatters Herlously , WASIIINUTOS , Maich IS. ( Special. ) Tlio death of ex-Uovernor Halm so suddenly las Monday morning has complicated the con tested election eases to a considerable exten1 and It Is likely to result In the defeat of the republicans In each Instance. The committee on elections In the house , ofhlch G'ovcinor Halm was a member , now consists of nine democrats and four republicans. .There are four contests before the committee ; In tkieo case * democratic contestoVs are trying to uu Miat republicans ; in the other a republican Is trying for the seat now occupied by a grcon back-democrat. In .tho latter ( Campbel n-'alnst Weaver of Iowa ) Ihc contestant , cer tainly has a very strong case , and Utheio Jiad betn uo change In tbo cwuuiltttc Weaver vould , In all probability , have been un sealed. The prospecls now Arc that lie will retain his scat during this congress. It Islet lot so certain , however , that Mr. Iloincls , the slltlnc member from Toledo , Ohio , will re- naln. The eminent free-trader , i Frank ilurd , wants the scat. Ho said , just before ho session began , that If he could not obtain ho seat that ho claimed Inside of sixty days 10 would withdraw from the contest. Hems ms not yet withdrawn , on the contrary he Is fighting hard for the seat nnd means to get It fit takes until the 1st of March , 1887. Thcro s something radically wrong in the manner > f conducting election contests In the house. It Is a disgrace that years must pass before It can bo known who Is elected to a congress. * rottTV-NINTH CONGHESS. Senate. WASHINGTON , March IS. The scriato to- lay passed , without debate , the bill providing "or a commission of live persons to Investl- ; alc Ihc alcoholic liquor traillc. Its relations .o . revenue nnd taxation , and Us general economic , criminal , moial and scientific as pects. The senate passed the bill to remove the barge of desertion from the rccoids of the adjutant-general of the army against soldiers who re-enlisted In Iho latu war without hav ing lecelvcd a discharge from their first regi ments ; providing , the seeietary of war shall be satl.shi'd that thu le-cnlKtmunr was not to scenic bounty , Mr. Logan called up his bill "To Increase Hie efficiency of the army. " It was amended and ordered lepiintcd. At2 o'clock the nnlinlshed business was lilacul before tlio senate , being the icsoltt- Lions reported by Mr. Kdmunds from the ju diciary committee expressing the senate's condemnation of the attornoy-trenaral for re fusing to furnish papers called for by the senate. Mr. Van Wyek offered as an amendment In tlio resolution the following : "And in all such cases removal the mailer ot continua tion shall be considered In open session of tlm senate. " Mr. Sewell , occupying the chair , remarked : The amendment will bo printed and Uo over. " Mr. Drown then took the lloor In opposition to the report of the majority of the commit tee. He said It seemed to him that there was but a single question nt issue between the president and the majority of the senate. That question was : Had the president , with out the advice and consent of tlio senate , the power to remove a federal officer , if in his opinion public Interest required such re moval ? Mr. Drown argued at length to siiow that the constitution conferred tbo power of removal on the president alone , and that as the constitution was the supreme law , that settled the question , no matter how many acts of congress might have been passed In viola tion of it. Mr. Spooner took the lloor in support of the majority report. He said he would make no attcmpllo disguise the fact , or eulogize for it , that the fortunes of the republican parly wen ; very dear to him. Ho would not attempt to deny that ho wished that that pnity might here and elsewhcio reap every fail- party advantage which might bo taken from thu blunders and shoitcomings , if any such there were , of this administration. Mr. Spoonor read from the president's message tlio clause Inviting the senate to "tho fullest scrutiny" of nominations submitted. Did this. Mr. Spooner asked , mean that ho was willing to give the senate ) all the informa tion in his possession ? Or did it mean that he should make a paitlal presentation ? Mr. Spooner then look up the question from a legal point of view , and quoted from the con stitution and tenure of offlco act to show that the powerof lemoval as well as appointment was In the president and senate aeling to gether , and that , what was In his solo discre tion absolute was Iho power of suspension during the recess of the senate. Mr. Spooner still having the floor the fon- ale went Inlo executive session and soon ad journed. House. WASHINGTON , March 18. The house In committee of the whole to-dny , Mr. Town- shornl in the clmir.on the Indian appropriation bill , finished foity-two of forty-eight pages of the bill , when the committee lose and the liouso adjourned. T1IJ : ) PENSION CHARGES. Blade Clte.s Cases in Substantiation of His Allegations. WASHINGTON , March 18. Senators Cnl- lom ( chairman ) , Harrison , Deck , Plumb and Kcnna of the sub-committee on expenditures of public monies , assembled at the committee room this nvening to continue tlm examina tion of Commissioner Dlack. Kx-Pcnslon Commissioner Dudley , whose administration of the nension office Is understood to have been thu subject of the allegations of Commis sioner Black's report , which gave rise to the investigation , was present. Senator Harri son repeated his Inquiry of the last meeting , If the commission could furnish Ihe names and numbers. In any cases , which have bt'on allowed or rejected on account of the politics of the claimant. Senator Dlack , In reply , furnished a list of twenty cases , all of which , he. said , came within tlio class referred to. He said ho would furnish , In addition , : < TX ) or 100 allldavlts when the committee should have examined the list In support of bis allegation that the pension ollico was conducted as n political machine. Commissioner Dlack said , in answer to further inquiries , that the list by no means comprised all Ihe cases of Ihe efiaiacter referred to , of which ho had knowl edge. Alter being examined In relation ton number of cases not of general Interest , Commissioner Dlack left the tiles In other eases on his list with the committee for ex amination stipulating no others than the members should lie. allowed lo see them. Adjourned until Wednesday. CONl-'I ' IIM AT10NS. A Hatch L'avoi'Alily Hcturned From the .Senate. WASIIINOTO.V , March 18. The senate con firmed Iho following nominations to-day : V. O , King of Texas , secretary of legation nnd consul general of the United States at liogotn. Drlgadler General Alfred II. Terry , major general. Andruw Welch of Illinois , collector of In ternal revenue for thu second district of illi- nol < s. .1. Nowcramslo of Dakota , Indian agent at Devil's Lake agency , Dakota. Postmasters ( iiistavus Schuasso , llapld City , Dak. ; Albert II. Secley , Unshvillo , 111. ; Wilber F. ( ioddard , Lena , 111. ; Willis T. ( iiimiss , Ualavla , 111. ; Benjamin Tobias , Washington , HI. ; Isaac 1) . Lecar. Salem , HI. ; K. I' , Javcot , Sandwich. III. ; K. Harbor , Mar- sullies , 111. : Samuel S. Kent , Maywnnd , HI. ; .lames It. Itlrli ivd on , Quiiiey , HI. ; Thomas J , Hudson , Wlntcrsot. Iowa. Henry ( ' . ( 'much of Now York , consul of the United Status at Milan. Capital WASHINGTON , Maich IS , The supervising architect recommends that a special appro priation bu asked for the repair and preser vation of tlm following named public build' Ings : Chicago Marino hospital , fcS'J.OOO ; Old- casro custom house , eta , SUI.IKM. TluH-ablnet , at Its meeting to-day , had un der consldeiatioii the proposed abiogatlon of thu trciity with thu Hawaiian government. PoRtnuiHlertJ Nominated. WASHINGTON , March IS. The president sent the following nominations to the senate : To be postmasters At Now Orleans , Samuel H , Duck ; at Canton , III. . It. A. Perkins ; at Sullivan , 111. , William Klikwood ; at Geneva , HI. , John C. Strader. The President's Hlrtlidny. WASHINGTON , March 18. The president was -I'J years of ago to-day. There were no celebrations of any occasion at the white house. Germany's ChalleiiKO to Prance. IJuni.iN , March IS. The Post says : France confesse-s bho is waiting to attack Germany. This is seilous. Germans who desired to conciliate Franco will now recognize the usc- lessness ot conciliation , and will wish that Frenchmen will soon llnd the opportunity they desire. . SHOT BY A SISTER CYPRIAN Jealousy Leads to a Terrible Tragedy In a DCS Moincs Bagnio. THE LOVERS' TRIP CUT SHORT. The Dying Woman Charges the Crime to Her Companion Ycstor- dny'i ) Work In Both IJOR- islntivc Hranchca. Jcnloimy Ijonds to IHnrder. Dr.s Motxr.s , Iowa , March 18. [ Special Telegram. ] A shocking and mysterious tratredy occurred here to-day , which is ballllng the Ingenuity of the police. Ahouso of questionable character on Cherry street was broken Into about 1 o'clock this after noon , and ono young woman , who answers to the name of Jessie Caller , was found dying on the bed with two bullet holes through her body. In the same room was n companion who answers to the name of May 1'niher , pale and nearly speechless with fright and excitement. The only clue to this affair Is the statement of a young man named J. II. Maxtor , who belongs In this city. It appears that lie lias been paying some attentions to bolh , partic ularly to May , but within a few days ho had transferred his Interest moro especially to Jessie. It seems thai to-day he had ai ranged tostait with the latter to Sioux City and called at tlio house for her about 11 o'clock. The cmtalns were drawn and no ono re sponded , lie called two or three times again , and began to suspect something wrong , so at 1 o'clock went again and broke open the house , finding things as reported. Tlio police were sum moned and after hearing the story from all parties , arrested the girl May and lodged her In jail. Her explanation of tlio probable murder Is that about 9 o'clock this morning , while both girls were In Iho room , some ono lired through the window , shooting the girl Jessie , but although this occurred early in the day she made no effort to leave the house , but remained locked in till discovered at 1 o'clock. An examination of the wounds shotted that they were probably made by a ! 52-calIbrobaII , and a 82-callbro revolver was found In the house with three chambers emptv. It Is the theory of the police that the woman arrested shot the other this morning through jealousy , and then was too much frightened to escape. The dying woman can not live through the night , her physician says. The dying woman made an ante-mor- tcm statement that the woman May shot at her twice this morning , after threatening to kill her , and was Intending to throw her down a trap door Inlo Iho ccller , when her courage failed. In the house to-day a bill was Introduced to abolish Ihc boaul of capltol commission ers. The committee on railroads reported favorably on the bill denning the duties of the railroad commissioners and giving them power to fix maximum rates. The bill relat ing to the election and compensation of dis trict judges , already discussed , was then taken up. The special feature considered was the Ilxlnt ; of the salary. This had been amended , changing the sum fixed by the bill from 53,0 0 to Sa.noo , Aflcr debate this section was so amended and adopted yeas 4:3 : , noes 30. As there was much dilferenco of opinion as to the provisions of the bill relat ing to changing the judicial districts , further consideration was postponed. The KIlcv bill , determining the number of grand and trial juries , was passed by tbo liouso to-day , under suspension of Iho rules with no dissenting voles. It is similar to the .Miles senate bill , and reduces the number of grand jurors to live in counties of less than 10,000 population , and seven in counties hav ing more than that. The house also ordered engrossed the Itoach bill , providing that when any railroad employs Is Injured in the discharge of duty and sues for damages , the burden of proof of conlrlbulory negligence on his part must bo shown by the defendants. The liouso also passed a concurrent resolu tion instructing the soldiers' homo committee to visit and examine Dubtujuo ns a location for a soldiers' homo. The liouso decided to begin morning sessions at 9 a. m. on and after March 2:1. : In the senate the committee on Iho agricul tural college presented a resolution of the faculty advising against the passage of the joint resolution pending in both houses for the establishment of n winter lerm at Hint school. On the third reading the sonata passed Iho ( latch bill regulating Iho organiza tion and operation of mutual benefit associa tions. Also the Clark bill suppressing the circulation of obscene literature. Scna- ator ( ialch Introduced n joint reso lution requesting the Iowa members of congress to endeavor to secure Indem nity for all persons who have settled on the DCS Molnes river lands now In contro versy ; provided , that such Indemnity shall not exceed In land moro than 1GO acres. The resolution was referred to the committee on federal relations. The senate spent the at- lernoon In further consideration of the Clark temperance bill. Speeches were made against it by Knight , Dodge and Wolf , and tor it by Sutton. The debate will bo lonowed to-mor row. row.Kmma Kmma , oldest daui'htcr ol Dr. S. 31. Cook , was found dead In her bed tills morning. Her death Is supposed to have resulted from heatt disease. * COUHT13I ) HMALI-i-rOX. One Wny of ProonrltiK " Disguise to Throw Olllcora OIV thoSecnt. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 18-Mlko Allen , alias Henry JCIegler , was arrested hero yes terday by Sheriff henIger , of Masslllon , O. , on the charge of murder , and was taken back last night. In December. 1ST7 , It Is charged , ho killed n man named It. II. Cooper , on the towpath of a canal in thulowii for the purpose of robbery. He stripped the body , and was attaching rocks to ft when ho was 1'rlghtoncd olf. Ho escaped and was not heard of for years. Slnciicommlttlngthocrlmo.lt Is said , he purposely contracted the small-pox , and became so badly pitted that ho hoped his Identity wouhl uu inruvor lost. Ho was rec ognised by an old chum , but denied that ho was the man. and told the authorities that he had thu small-pox In childhood. Ho referred them to thu small-pax hospital In Chicago , where ho hud worked. A tli.spatch was sunt there , and It was found ho came there with a smooth tace as an attendant and caught the dlscaso in a violent form. A Runaway Husband Pursued. YOUNCSTOW.V , Ohio , March IS , 1' . O. Sehroeder , n baker of Xiles , Ohio , ran nwny wIlhSl.lMi belonging to lib wife. Ho was found In nn intoxicated condition on the street and locked up. Ills wife eamo hero and asked the olllcors to search him. Two 500 bills and S150 In small bills were found seemed In the lining of his pantaloons. Mi * , Sehroeder refuses to prosecute , 1'aj inn $1 l.OOO to a Pensioner. COI.UMIIUS , Ohio , March 18. Pension Agent Uargar paid lo James F , linker of Franklin county 311,000 , thu amount of his back pension claim. It Is the largest over paid in Ohio , and the third l.irku t ever paid In the United States. IJaker is rx ) yeais of asro and paralyzed In bis legs , otherwise lie Is healthy. Ills regular pension Is' § T5 per month. ' , NfiBHASlCAjNUaGETS. Dedicatory Scrviuoa at the State Nor * nml School. Pnntr , Neb. , March 18. [ Special ] The dedication of the new notmnl school building took place yesterday. The programme was prepared by the principal , Dr. Gcorgo L. Farnain , and the facnlty. Speeches were made by various patties from different parts of the state , and by several members of the faculty and citizens of Tern. Tliero was an attendance of about 00 people. The exer cises continued from 3 to 0 p. in. In the evening a general reception was given by the principal , Dr. Farnam , and the faculty in the now building , and everybody seemed to en joy the occasion. Music was furnished by the 1'cru brass band. The school is now in excellent shape. There are some 800 students In attendance. The teachers are the best that can bo secured. The building Is complete in cverv respect , and Is equipped with all the latest apparatus and appliances. The Institution offers every Inducement to young ladles and gentlemen desiring to obtain nn education. The new building cosl 25,000 , and with the old build- in ir makes a very largo structure , luTordlng accommodation for100 students. The teachers arc doing excellent work , and the students are In demand elscwheions teachers. Mtogether the normal school at 1'eru is now an educational Institution of which the state may fell feel proud. AVater Keccdlnjr nt ColnnilniV COLUMIIUS , Neb. , March 18. fSpc-oal Telegram. ] The overflow of the past forty- eight hours Is rapidly receedlng. The anxiety for the safety of property Is abating , and n feeling of security from further encroach ments of the river prevails. The great Ice goruo remains Intact , with no signs of golnj ; out. Columbus lias scon the worst of her Hood and thu community heaves a sigh of relief. _ The Klkliorn Over Its Hunks. NOIIKOI.K , Neb. , March 18 , [ Special Tele- cram. ] A rapid rise of the north fork of the Elkhorn caused an overflow of a portion of the lower part of this city early this morning , creating considerable consternation but caus ing no Injury to the residents and but little damage to property. It subsided largely be fore evening. A MANIA FOR. F1UE. A R.y lloasts His Brother and the House Cat to Death. liK.vmxn , Pa. , March 18. The city super intendent of schools was Informed yesterday of a pupil just entered In the public schools heio who shows a remarkable mania for tur- Inrlng persons and animals with lire. Ills name Is llcubcn 13riner , and he is 7 years old. He Is a scholar in one of the Ninth ward schools. The teacher , can do nothing with him and is compelled lo keep him seated on the plattorm next to her desk. Until recently he resided with his parents in Philadelphia. There while his parents were absent ho lighted n piece of paper at the steve and de liberately set tire to the clothing of his little brother , aged eighteen months , whoso limbs were burned until bodied , while the young fiend enjoyed ic and gleefully told his parents what ho had done. Ho was penned in the garret and kept on bread and water for a month , aftl-r which ho'was sent to I leading , as ho expressed an in tention to cut 'his two brothers' throats with a buttor-kni.e. He- continually wants to .set , things on fire In school , the dress of the teacher or the cloth ing of the other pupils , and has several times been detected just In time to prevent the destruction of tlio buildings. While his grandmother , with whom he Is now living , was awav front homo ho caught the laigo house cat , placed her on a red hot stove , and roasted her to death. Such Inhuman acts of cruelty innumerable have been reported of him. Several medical gentlemen will proba bly examine him. * CAN PROVE AN ALIBI. Mllto Humphreys Shows nn Abiding Plnco Far From the Robbery. GIIAI-E CIIII-K , 111. , March 18. Mike Humpheys , who is freely charged with being ono of the robbers who murdered Messenger Nichols on the Uock Island road last Satur day , submits Iho following , which explains itself : I , Michael Humphreys , hereby state upon oath that I have been In ( Jrapo Creek , Vor- mlllion county , Illinois , for the past five weeks ; that on the night of the 12th of this month the night tlio robbery and murder was committed I was in drape Creelc , Illi nois , and on the morning of the 18th 1 went to work In mine 5 shaft at the above named place. These facts can bo substantiated by the following witnesses : James Dougherty ; A. M. liushong , Win. Jndd and others. MlCHAlU. Hmil'IlIIRYfl. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this ISth day oi March , 18SO. CiKOiiOK I ) . Mir.iv : , Justice of the Peace. SUITS COMPROMISED. The Mninlo-Gnrlnml Damage Suits Settled nt Detroit. Dr.Tiiorr , March 18. The famous Mamle- ( larland litigation has boon setllcd with a compromise. July 21SSO ) , the steam yacht Mamie , carrying the acolytes of the Most Holy Trinity Catholic chiTcli , collided with the ferry steamer Garland having an excur sion p.irty aboard. Seven persons were drowned , and suits for damages begun by tlio relatives against the two boats. During the past six years a vast amount of litigation has been carried on. tbo matter being fought through thu Canadian courts and state and United States coints , ono teaching the su- pieino couit. There were In all forty-eight suits pending when the soltlomerit was made. Tlm surplus of tlio company , alter ccitiiln obligations , are to bo puld over to the plalntlll's. The suits in the various courts were discontinued this morning. South Pacific I'Yncmentfl , SAX FJIANCISCO , Cal. , March IS. The steamer Oceanic arrived to-day with Hone Kong dates of February 3 , and Yokohama of March . China ovctland mall states acable- grain was received from a committee of Chung Wu Will Run , of' ' San Franclsro , ro- leirlng to the attack : hero upon Chinese life and property , and warning the Chinese not to come to America. The mikado has signified his Intention of contributing SWU Jo the Crant monument tiind In .New York as a token of his rospuct for ( ienmil ( Irani , and has ordered Hie amount forwarded to tlio president of the committee , A Heht of Gniici'nl Grant's Paid. JIIISIY : : CITY , N. J. , March 19. Some tlmo before the failure of the linn of ( Jrant & Wnul , Mrs. Virginia Cprbln of this city , ( ! en eral ( i rant's sister , entrusted Colonel Fred ( Jrant with S3SOOJ which ho invested with thu firm. A day or two ago Mrs. ( Jrant sent n certified check for the money from the pub lishers of her latu husband's book. on Oil , Short on Cash. Niw Yoinr , March 13.-M. J. Waters , of the Consolidated Petroleum and Stock ex change , tills afternoon announced his In ability to meet his engagements. It Is stated that his liabilities amount to margins on 200,000 barrels of oil and 4,000 slmics of stock , ot both of which 1m was long. Cholera In Italy. KOMI : , March IS. Two fatal cases of chol era are reported from Candla , two from I'o- Ha , and seven from Podtta. Wcatliej- Xo-Oay. > ' Missoimi VAM.KY Northerly winds ; stationary temperatuic ; light rains oi-snows.- CAVE THE WHOLE GAME AWAY A Loquacious Now York Alderman Peaches , on His Follow Bribe Takers. A CLEVER DETECTIVE'S WORK. Worms Into the Confidence of the Colinollinnn , Secures Criminat ing Kvldcnco , nmlThcii Ar rests His Dupe. A Rascally Alderman Arrested. NKW YORK , March 18. Alderman llonrg W. Jaclino was arrested at the city hat I at noon to-day , charged with bribery. This ar rest Is duo to the testimony produced against Jnuhno before the Broadway Investigation commlttcG on the 12th of the month. Testi mony was introduced to show that stolen silverware was traced to .laelino's shop , where It had been bonglil and molted ; that Jaclino tried to bribe one of the detectives sunt to recover the property , and falling In this , paid the value of the silver , SIilOD. .Upon Jaehnc's arrival at the city hall ho was taken Into ono of tlio private rooms. ' The indictment against Alderman .laehne has been found but not filed , " said District Attorney Marline this afternoon , "and It Is charged against him that ho iccelved a bribe , In consideration of which ho voted lor the granting of the franchise to build a road on Uroadway to this Droadway Surface company after the resolution had been vetoed by the mayor. The warrant for Jachne's arrest waa Issued by Judge Ollderslcovo of the court of general sessions upon allladvlls furnished mo by Inspector Byron , The alderman will bo arraigned before Judgu Glhtcrsleovo In n few minutes. " As soon as It became known on tlio street thatJaehnc had been arrested for participa tion In the llroadway railway steal , politi cians and aldermen by the dozen Hocked to the city hall and Marline's olllco. Among those who were allowed to see Jachno were Aldermen Delacy , Flnlgan and Maslerson. Lawyers Peter Mitchell and Itlchard New- combo hastened to the district attorney's office as soon as they heard of the arrest and hold n consultation with Jachnc. District Attorney Marline , under the direction of Judge Gildorslcevc , ordered papers for bail-to bo drawn , fixing the amount at § 15,000. Joe Donalld was accepted as bondsman. While tlio papers were being drawn tin Jaehno sat smoking a cigar In the private olllco. lie did not appear to feel very bad over Ills arrest and seemed to take It as a matter of course. He said ho did not want to talk about his ar rest to reporters. The court room was crowded when the alderman appeared and gave bail. Hearing was lixed tor Monday afternoon. Tim arrest created a sensation , but this feeling gave way to ono of astonishment when it became known later on Ihat.Jaehne'stconfidenco had been played upon by Inspector 13ynu's , and that ho had furnished that wily ofllcer of the law complete details of the corruption in the Broadway railway franchise matter , not only so far as ho himself was concerned ; but also a's to other members of the board of alder men who Bold themselves. Inspector Byrnes told his story of the steps that led up to the arrest after the alderman had been com mitted. It was n most extraordinary story , though-much moro was loft unsaid than was told ; bjthe chief of ttcKyilyus.Inspector' ' * Byrmsj5ossc.sse8 tlio rare gifrof' oeing able to'MrnrmJliiinsclt Into people's confidence , 'making them .talk to n very useful degree. Jaehno was no exception. In thocourso of ten months Intimacy with the Inspector , whom lie knew all the tlmo as Iho chief of the detective force , he unbosomed himself by degrees , and dually told him unreservedly , in confidence , of course , all about the big steal. When nothing more remained to bo told , Inspector Byrnes dropped the mask of a confidential friend , and assuming the character of an ollicial , had the alderman locked up. having previously scon to it that the alderman's "confidence" had unseen witnesses , who could make oath to what he had said. "Less than a year ago , " said the Inspector , "ten or eleven months , perhaps , the district attorney sent for mo and asked if 1 could not in some way help to get at the facts about the alleged railroad steals , and probe the truth of the rumors that were Hying around. It was not an easy matter , but I told him I would try. 1 picked out Alderman .Jachno for the sunjcct , and contrived to meet him accident ally , as It were , now and then , and mostly down town. When I did I managed in some way to bring up the franchise troubles , until .Jaehno trot used to liearinir mo talk about thorn. Gradually ho began to talk too. 1 got some Information at every ono of these meetings , which , though disjointed and loose , led up suic'ly lo the conviction that 11101103' had been paid Ii I in and others 1'or their votes on these railroad franchises. This information I im parted to the district attorney from tlmo to tlmo and a further line of inquiry was laid out. out."Things were narrowing down to business , and when 1 found District Attorney .Marline- and Judiro ( illdersleovo at the Manhattan club last Sunday night , I talked the situation over with them. They thought it quite prob able that conviction lor bribery could bo had with the evidence already in hand to work upon , but advised mo to have Jaclino make the statements where they could bo corroborated. To that cud 1 sent for Jaclino on Tuesday , Inviting him to a confidential chat at head quarters , lie came but wo were-disturbed and couldn't talk in pi-ace. So we appointed Wednesday night at my liouso for meeting , and Alderman Jaehne went away. Ho came on Wednesday and In the course of an In terview , lasting for hours , ho told mo all about his share in the Broadway railroad steal. I had two ol my men ported where they could hear everything that was said without being seen. Jar-lino wild that ho got & ! 0OOU for his vote on the llroadway fran chise. He told me how ho got it and how much ho had got lor other ralhoad fran chise : , ; how these same worn paid , anil much moio. Ho named other aldermen who had been bribed and voliuitceied thu Information that tlnco of them had Invested the money in real estate or business in which the money might bhow on thu Inquiry had. Since , the sen a to investigation began they had ii certain lawyer go over tliuir books and fix them so that It would appear all right wlion their turn should come. Ho wild who the lawyer was , but 1 am not going to tell yon now. 1 shall not toll you either In detail lust what ho bald and whom ho implicated. That will appear In proper season , Jachno said Incidentally during the inter view that If things got much hotter ho was going to skip town. I presume ho thouulit 1 was his good friend. I thought enough ot him , anyhow , to have him looked alter closely that night. Up till 10 o'clock this morning two detectives were on his track all the tlmo. At that hour I made my report to the district attorney and i ecu I veil a wamuit for his arrest. Wlillo I was In Martlno's I saw Jaehno going through thu city hall park I olio wed bv two of mj detectives , I sent Detective Ite.llly out with the warrant anil they airestcd Jaehne. and tool ; him to police lieadmiaiters. Jaehno was seen by an Associated press reporter at about 1 o'clock to-night In a saloon at Iho corner of Vnrlck and Houston sti eels , but he icfu ed to bo interviewed. InJiincjtlonBGranted llapidly. Nr.w YOJIK , March IS. The injunctions restraining the board of aldermen from passIng , - Ing the cable railway franchlso over the may or's veto are being granted moro rapidly than was at first anticipated. Three moro weru granted to-day. Tlio papers declare that thu u'solntlons of thu board were passed without the public being given an opportuni ty to bo heard , and a valuable iiitiichlr.c , worth at least ono million dollars , was given away. The Injunctions arc made lotnrnablo next Monday. The Franchise ! ) at"Auction. AI.JJANV. N. Y. , Mrticli 18 , Both .branches , 'of the .state legislative to-day passed the bill leq'nlilng ' that the street run toad franchise ? in New > oil ; behold to the nlgh'tst bidder. THE SOUTHERN' BUTCHERY. Accurate Information of Yesterday's Horrible Crime. New Ont.v.ANP , March 18. A special from Wlnona , Miss. , to the Times-Democrat , gives the following particulars of thoclruuinstanccs lending to the tmgedy enacted nt Carrollton , Miss. , yesterday : Some months ago Hobcrt Moore , n young man from Lelloro county , wont to Carrollton. There ho met Kd. Brown ( colored ) , with whom ho had nn altercation , and the ncuro stncatod and poured on him molasses which ho carried in n jug. J , M , Mddcll , Jr. , of Greenwood , rt friend ot Mooro's , happened to meet with Brown , and made $ omo allusions to his treatment oC Moore. Brown gave him Impudence and Llddoll started at him , but was prevented by by-slanders from attacking him. The negro then went and armed him self and Induced the others to do likewise. They stationed themselves on the streel , some concealing themselves behind trees. When Llddoll came alter supper from tlio hotel , ho saw them and asked them whaC they meant , whereupon Kd Brown responded it was none of Ids daninod business. At that , Llddell struck at Kd Brown with his list , and Kd and Charles Brown , his brother , both simultaneously tired upon Lddell ! _ , pjiu ball striking on tlio elbow of bis right arm. About this tlmo some tlftoim to twenty snots were Ihod from dllfcront quarters. Llddell pulled his pistol and hit Kd Brown In the ab domen , and received one shot In the fleshy part of his leg. Chasles Brown was shot In the shoulder. The parlies who had laken part In the affray were brought before Iho mayor foilh- wlthrecelved , an examinationnnd v > oio balled to appear before the next circuit couit. Throats were continually made by the Brown brothers that they would have Jim Liddoll's blood. Kurthnr , they had live double-barreled shotguns loaded seven tinners deep , and would "kill the llrst man who put bin foot on their ground. " On the 12th Instant they made allhlavlt- against James Ltddcll and others , Including some of the best citizens of the place , and men who knew nothing of. the dtlllculty , charging them with assaulting them with intent to murder In the previous difficulty. Previous to the opening of the trial yesterday Brown boasted on the street that ho had his body-guard and would shoot the llrst man who made a move In his direc tion. Tim enie was called at noon , when the court house immediately was tilled with negroes , who stationed themsu'lves mound and about the Brown brothers. Tlio ntlor- noys were proceeding with the case , when there suddenly appeared about 100 white men , all well armed. Pciccivlng their entrance , Kd Drown drew Ills pistol and lired In the direction of Llddoll , who was between his attorneys , and thereupon the lirlng began general. Ten negroes were inslantly killed and Iwo others have since died. Some es caped by Jumping tlnough the windows , a distance of at least twenty feet from the ground. On most of the bodies arms were found. The room was entirely Tfllled with smoke. The judges' bench Is on the north side of the room and the benches facing It are towards the south. It Is n very largo court room , with windows all around. On the south wall were counted ir : : shot holes , and in the benches thirty shot holes. Ono shot struck ' the northeast'window sash and glanced into- tlio wall , i'iveother shots show on the north wall from the direction ot the benches. Largo pools of blood were on the lloor ot the court room. The mob then Ie.lt as quickly and quielly ns they came ill. The general impression Is that this [ will end fui ( her trouble , as heretofore a few-of. the negroes killed wore constantly creating nad feeling and led pfcher negroes , WHietffiwy' inclined , loproduco striftijtietjveoi flio'whites and br\clK.-U'Ue ) \ good-people of Carrollton deprecate all tills , and.regrpt that a fuxv.inno- cent colored people were drawn Into Ihofuss. The following is the list of killed : Andrew Itohurtson. Charles Brown , Kd Brown. Joe Long. John Alorey. Simon Lane. Jim Harris. Amos Matthews. Scott Moore. French Hughes. Coloy Little. Jin olinson. Fully as many moro wore injured , Amos Matthews was shot dead whiletryliigto make his escape through Hie window. One coloiod man rolled himself out of ono of the west windows , falling on the brick pavement out side , but got up and made his escape unliutt. As ho was getting out three shots were lired at him , two of which struck the window sill and ono went through the glass. AH Is quiet now. The urincinal leaders of the gang were Charles and Kd lirown , who went among the killed. It is impossible to get anyone to state the names of any of tlio persons In the mob , and it will bo very dllll- cult to ascertain them , ns nobody In the ex citement took notice of any ot' the persons who entered the court house. No ariests have yet been made. SHE LOVES H131 NOT. Hlic Semis Him Where He Can Cnrcss a Geological Hummer. TOI.KDO , Ohio. March 18. John 1' . Dclphy , a prominent young lawyer of this city , was arrested at a late hour last night Nearly three years ago ho saw Miss Neva Johnston , then first soprano In the First Congregational church In this city , and who recently accepted a similar position In a wealthy chinch In Chicago. Delphy was Immediately smitten willi tier charms , and began to write ho an- nonymotts letters expressing Ids admiration and love. This one-sided correspondence was carried on for some time , lo Iho Inllnllo annoyance ot Miss Johnston. At last Delphy got to following his lady love whenever she appeared upon the streets. Ho would hang around her residence at night and would place notes upon the end of a lish polo and push them Into Mis.s.lohnston'swindow. Finally ho met her in the elevator .in Ketch nm's ' block ono ntteinoon ami kissed bur. This act ciexted agieat sensation and Del phy was arrested on a charge of assault and battery. Alter a trial , which lasted some days , Delphy was convicted and sentenced to three mouths Imprisonment In the stone yawl and to pay a line of S'A The court sus pended sentence during good behavior. For aomo time Delphy refrained fiom pcr.-ecut- IngMiss Johnston , but during the late llico- i'lillllps scandal In which Delphy acted as attorney for Mis. Franklin , Iho perse- riitlun was renewed. Dclphy oven went so lar as to nrgo Mrs. Franklin to wo Miss Johnston and Inlercedo with her In bin behalf. Ho continued to lollow her and to send her notes until his persecution could bo borne no longer , and Miss Johnston's irlends applied for an enforcement of the sentence ! ol thu court. Delphy was accord. Ingly arrested this evening ami will bo taken to the Mono yard In tlio morning , Hu Is a very bright man , and , but for the one sub ject of Miss Johnston , Is apparently of sound mind. His parents are very wealthy and movn in tlm lu'M societv. Miss Johnston's trlends am afraid ho will follow her to Chi- ca''o and tenow his persecutions ; in tact , ho has stated ho will do K > , and they four that Delphy may kill her. Patched Up Iho DinVrcncnu. CHICAOO , March IS. The Central passen ger committee , In session hero to-day , patched up thu depute ! * that threatened Its existence ; A eompi online was reached by which the Pennsylvania and Cincinnati & Columbus Midland withdrew their notices of with drawal , each road agiceing to make a chaige for chair service on iti : com lifting lines. Commissioner Daniels wasautlioilml to es tablish a rate Inncau and ISMIU an association rate sheet , Including about 1" " ' points. The Kastern Illinois , upon application , became a member ot tlm association. Adjourned until next Wednesday. A Demented Mothor'rf Crlmtm , CINCINNATI. Mai-.h is. A short tlmo ago Mr. Bohrinan of Avondalu lost n Milt involv ing 8.100. This so preyed umm hl wife's- mind that It is thought she became. der.uigul. This motnlng It was found that she had mur dered her sun Albeit , iiucd U , stvciely wounded another son-and muUly ultu ! | : 'her- self dnriii the night. ' ' - ' ' ! * * ' * * TWO DAJS WILL SEE THE EN1 M Tlio Great Gould Strike In a Talr Way tf Draw Its Last Gasp. COMPROMISE SEEMS PROBABLE * Master Workman Powderly , On tli Scene of tlio Trouble , Wonders Why It Was Ever Instituted Predicts n Settlement. \ , The Strike Ncarlng the End. Sr. Louts , Match IS. A general Impres sion prevails hero ( his morning In railroad circles Hint the Oould strike is nearlng Iho end. Thu resumption In this city oC suburb an trains without Interference fiom the strik ers is looked upon as n hopeful slen , and the partial rcestnbllahment of freight tnilllo at other point * Is regarded In the same light , Theknluhls mo jubilant over the determin ation of Powderly , general master workman of the Knlglils ot Labor , to confer with the dissatisfied Gould knight.t , and they express couiideiico that his efforts towaids a "settlement of the dllllcultles will result successfully and In their favor. This , together with the announcement that Receiver Sheldon ot the To xas & Paeltlo rail- load has agreed to submit Iho question of Ihe justice of the discharge of Hall at Marshall , Texas , to arbitration , warrants the belief lhat Iho utrlko Is nearlng the.end. Karly sulmrb.in trains departed this mornmgand tlio company expect no moro opposition to the running of these trains. No attempt has been made to-dny to start out any freight. Kverythlnir Is ( inlet nt Ihe different yards anil , although small groups of strikers aru gathered together just outside , it Is confidently believed the knights win continue their quiet demeanor. A special from Now Orleans to Iho Post- Dispatch says : General Dowen said at 1:80 : this altcrmiou , he consldeied the strike In n fair way to Its end. Tlm receivers , ho said , wilt not arbitrate , but It Hall submits his case to Ihu United Stales court , and the Jitdco should decide that Hall was discharged with out suftlclout cause , then the receivers will re instate him. If , after this , the strikers will not return to work , taen tlio Company will proceed under the protection of. the couit to carry on its business. It the strikers will submll to the juduo's decision , if itshould bo averse to them , thon-of course the strike will end. All tinlns , bolh passenger and freight , on this division of the Texas & Paclile , nte running on their regular time. KANSAS CITY , Mareh\ . Powderly was seen by an Associated press reporter this evening. Ilo expresscd.a willingness lo give the public any Information In his possession so far as tlm interests of his mission per mitted. Ho would , ho said , probably bo nblo to speak more definitely later In the evening regarding the proceedings of to-dny. Koply- Ing to questions Powderly said : "Iliad ado- sire to come upon the ground and learn tli o true Inwardness of thu stiike anil ascer tain exactly the situation as i could not do It nt a distance of over a Ihoilsaud miles. At the same time 1 received.a request from the local order ol the Knights of Labor themselves to come and endeavor to secure..a settlement of the matter nt fssuu between Iho railroad olllclals and themselves. Wo have spent the day In consultation , but I cannqt 'speak ns to , the result of our deliberations * ' 1 Intend toXseek a. conference to-morrow- with Hoxlo..an < Ucxpect to , leave . for St. s It ( pllne can bo arranged. " " "Will - rafeptf& 9trike I 'P ' "That I tf& andalmva -notLyet'succe , ied ; TIun ? > stncu have com plaints that the company has not kept ltd agreement of n year ago. There Is some miustlon as to wages , and the matter of Iho discharge ot employes also enters In. Can didly , 1 do not see the necessity lor this strike , or for Its continuance. In fact , Ihu day of strikes is passed. " I novel-ordered one In my life , and with two exceptions never tailed In an endeavor lo meet with the employers f or n settlement of tint differences with their employes. I have lusttclegrapliol Vice President Hoxlo , ask ing for a conference. " ' What was the temper of the discussions to-day ? " "Entirely cilm and natural. The men ap peared desirous of a speedy termination of i hod idle n Hies , and disposed to bo concilia tory so far as may bo consistent with their position. A session is now In progress which will probably continue all night. Thu alterna tive of refusal on the part of Hoxle lo meet us Is under consideration , but no decision has been reached. 1 do not anticipate a 10- ply from Iloxio before to-morrow , but it Is my belief that the strike will be ended with in a very few clays. " In speaking of the reported settlement ot the Texas & Pacllic trouble , Powderly fiatd ho wasnotintormed as to the details and the leport was not generally credited among the Knights of Labor. He thought an arbi tration by the Unlto'd States court would bo desirable. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BOYCOTT DEXOtlXOEP. Tcrrollaiito Merchants Have No Love Ii'oitho KiilKhts' AVcapon. TiuitK HAUTH , lud. , March 18. A meet ing ot about 17 > of tbo leading business men of Tcrro Haute was held at the city council chamber to take action on the boycott Insti tuted by thi ! Knights of Labor In this city. Kvcry branch of business Industry wasiepic- sented , and the meeting continued In session until n late hour discussing tlm boycott and Us effects on thu business of the city. Colonel It. W. Thompson , ex-secretary of the navy , piesldcd. Ho said tlio meeting was called that the merchants might calmly and deliberately unite themselves to oppose the practice ef boycotting now rampant In the city. Ho had coma on thu Invitation ol people ple who thought ho had nn Interest In thu business woltaro of tlm city , lie would gear ar far as any man to build up Terra Uaiitu. Ho considered himself as earnest a friend of tlio laboring men as any on tlio I'aco of HID eaith , and lie reall/ed lo thu fullest ex- lent their rights. They should on In rue their Inleiests , extend their business , accumulate propuity , and secnro fair compensation for their labor. The prosperity ol tlio city de pended on the success of that part of Iho com munity. but the practice of boycotting was , In his mind , Injurious to all the interests of the city. It exacts a compliance. lo demands which place thoM ) making them In antugonlbm to Iho best Interests of the city. Ho held that every man has u right lo deal with whomso ever ho pleases , to work for whatsoever ho pleases , and ( o make mutual eonttaels. If ho made a contract witli a man , Its tenns con cerned no one else but the employer and Iho employe. A committee of eight was appointed to dralt resolutions ( ixpresslvo of Urn sense of. the meeting. Tlm coinmitu-u reported it seiiesof lesolntlons opposing Hie boycott ns wrong In principle and Injurious to business , and that the merchants of Turre Haute could enter Into 'no enmpro- mlso with inference to it. It also pro- vldedthat a committee o ! ' ton should bo ap pointed to convoy Ihu lesolntlons to the Knights of I/ibor n xl Monday evening as the uiiipiallllcd opinion of the meeting. The report was unanimously adopted. A numlior ot business ini'ii made speeches which were lecuUud with upplntbu. r * Secure CniCAdo , March IB. The clgrirmakr.rs. ' assembly of the Knights of Labor to-day pre sented to every prominent manufacturer In Ihu city n demand for an Immodiatoadvanco \vni'Aof $2 per thousand clg.w. The inniui- facluicrs signed the scaln and azrecd that nil employes shall bccmno Knights of Labor. .No ghls under 10 years of ago mv to bo Idled. U'heu men are out of wmk no women are to bflpunuitlod to hum the trade. It i'i ' also agreed that when men are nut of employ ment a woman must ( ' ( 'discharged ' if her bus * linr.diuat work. Kight hours aie to cons-tl- tut''i ' day's labor , commencing May 1 , Mnkcru Ktrlko. Ni'.w Yoitic , March is.-ail the eloalt niakera of this city , numbcrlnir lfoo. aieoul on.t ; strike. They demand that ( he. contract .system ou nboll'hcd , so that they can dcW directly will ) thu