THE OMAHA DAILY BEJB > , THURSDA.Y , M.\ROH ia 183(5 ( , fi WHOLESALE AND JOBBING EIO-CTSES OIF- - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ; A fffl&p/y } ; frt / / " /.urfifctojA r'sr DKinu : , WILLS : & co. , V holesulo Agricultural Implements , Boggles , Cm rlage , I'.tc , Jito. Council llhilTa , lown. KEYSTONK MANUrAOTUIUNU CO. , Corn Shelters , Stalk Cullers , PlscIInrrowB , Seeders , Corn PMntcrs , PooJ Cutters - tors , IIlo. Fuolory , Ilock Fulls , IIH. Nos. 1E01 , mi , 150' . , IM7 Mnln BL , Council llluffa. UAVll ) BllAULHV & CO. , Mnnufrs nnd Jobbers of Sgricnltural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies , Carrlatroi. nnd nil kinds of Perm Machinery. 1100 to UW South Main Street , Council Illuifj , lown. AXK nAffDLUS. r.O. dt.r.vsov , T. , QKO.F. Witmirr. I'ros.'IruiM. V.-Pros&Man. Hoc.AComuoL Council BlalTs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated ) Manufacturers of Axle , Pick , Sloljjo and Small IliiiiilU'i , of every description. CAlll'KTa. COUNCIL 1JLUFFS OAUPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , OH Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholstery Goods , Ktc. No , 403 Ilroadwny Council llluffs , Iowa. ClOAItS , TOBACCO , KTO. Pl-fUEGOY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes , Nos. S3 Mnln and 27 Pearl Sts. , Council BluHj , Iowa. COMMISSION. SNYDLU & LKAMAN , \ \ holcsalo fruit and Produce Commission Merchants , No. UPo-irl St , Council muffs. C/tAOK/g/tS. McCLUIlG CRACKER CO. , Mnnufncturors of Fine Crackers , Biscuits and Cafcos , Council 7Jlii/x , Jotia. CIlOOKKnV. MAUIIKH & CRAIG , Importers & Jobbers of Crocfcery.Glass . wara Lamps , Prult .lari , Cutlery , Stonownro , llnr Goods Fancy Uoods , Klc , Council lllulls , lown. DltljgaiSTS. IIARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Eto. No. Ki Main St. , and No. ' 'I Pearl bt , Council lllulls rnr GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Ktc. Nos. 112 and 11 1 Main St. , No3. 113 and 115 Pearl St. , Council lllnlfa , Iowa. FRUITS. - _ _ O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale alifornia Fruits a Specialty , General Commission. No. GU Broadway , Council niuir.3. WHIT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale 1 Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries , Nos. 10 nnd 18 Pearl Bt. , Council lllulfa. GKONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers In Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 110 nnd 121 , Main St. , Council llluffs , lowu. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 llroad- vvny , Council IllulTs. 1' . C. 1)15 VOL , Wholes ilo Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Ilofrigtrntors. etc. Nos. G01 Ilroadwny , and 10 _ Main sli oot. Council llluffs. _ _ UAJIKKSS , KTO. _ 1JKCKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Ko. 623 Mnln St. . Council lllu Ifa , Iowa. HATS , CAPS. KTC. METCALt' UUOTIIEUS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves , Nos. 342 and 311 Ilroadwny , Council niulfs. KEELTNK & FELT , Wholujalo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , _ And Wood Slouk , Council lllulfH , Iowa. 11WKS AKD WOOL. J ) . 11. McUANELU & CO. , . Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , V-Nool , Pelts , Oruaso and Kuid Council UliillH , lown. COUNCIL ULUl'FS OIL CO. , Wholesale Ucnlora In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisolina B3TO. , 8. Theodore , Agent , Council Itltllfa. Town. A. OVKRTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And llridtro Material Spcclaltlns.Wholosnlo Lnm- borofull KliuH. O'llco No. 11) ) 3InIu bt. , Connull Hliitrs. Ion it \\'INKS \ \ AND MQUOllS , JOHN LINDEH , Wholos.ilo Imported and Domestic Wines ft Liquors , Ai'ont lorbt. ( lOtlhaul's Herb lllttorj. No. U Mnln bt. , Council lllulls. tsciixr.inr.ii & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines aud Liquors , .Vo > i 31 tin f > t. , futiic inajf. KT. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. OffleoOver American Uxprcss Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , UitiDiUCrUIUI AMD OXALED IH HAIR GOODS No , 337 Eroadwjy , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTIOB& Advcrtl omcnt nJer tls ieadio cents per line for the first In'ertlon , 7 oontj for o ? h tubBcquent InsorUJn.nnJ ? 1.5C a line per month. jHondv < rtlemuit tukonfor le s than 2S cents. Boron words will bo count " > 1 to thollnot thtr mint run ooneoutlTely and must bo paldln nl- Tfinco. All advertisements tn ist be handed la before 2 o'clock p. m. , and under no circum- Btnncca will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. rnrlles advertising In thoio columns nn 1 hat- Inptho answers nddressoJ metro of TUB JlEK , will plcnso nslc for cheek to enable them to ijot their letters , Mtiono will bo dolucrol oicopt on prc'entntlon of checV. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO Z.OAJT-MOHEY. MONKY to loan on morlRaironr'Ciirlty. Hc-nl p late nnd commercial piper boujrht , .1. H. Vrtcdnun , uuo Eolinmi Urns. . 100 N. 13tli St. $ , " ! ( > , two tn IQIIII. Sums J'Xl mid upwauls. Lou eat rules. Hcmls , lalh nnd Douglas sis. SM MOSfHVlo.loanon resMonco ptoportv. 0. .7. Cnsn ell Co. , Iloom 11) ) , Nebraska National Dank. MONI2V TO LOAN on horses , wniroili. fur. nlturo , wntphPi. without removal. Terms cny. C..1 Caswcir , Uoom in. lion Hank llullrt. injr , 12th nnd Knrnan. . Tnkc elevator. g' l np7 Til ONKV TO LOAN on luninrM property. JliJ Opposite PoMoHipo. W. G.Shrlvcr. 101 r 00,00o to loan on business and residence $ properly In sums of $1,000 and upwards. Anns , 1W)7 ) Till nam st. 018 $ tnoonoto loan on city rcsldcnco property ( loo. W.Day , IMP I'nrnam. fJJ TO LOAN Money in any nmount On all ellipses of cccui Ily. Bhorttuuc loans on ronl c tat9. 1/ontr tlmo loans on real estate. Money to loan on chntlrls. Money to loan on colKlorals. Money to loan on nny Rood security. Terms enpy , tlmo to iut. | _ Apply nt the Omaha Plnanclal r.vchansra , llnrkcr'R building , 8\V corner of riftccnlhandPninam Ms. upslnlra 010 MONI'.V for cvcrjbodyl Vou can borrow money on furniture , hones , wairons , plf.nos , Block of all kinds , diamonds and flno watches on jour own tlmo. Payment * received nt any time , nnd Interest reduced pro ratn. Property loft In your own possession Toims lawnstfio lovvrst. Call nnd pee mo. nuMnoss confidential Nondvnntnoro tnkcn. W. H. Croft , Hoom \Vlthnc1Ps Now Hull < ? JnffNorthenBtcor nor Kith nnd Ilniney. 13 ONKT TO T.OAN O. K. Davis A. Co. Heal M Estate nnd Loan ngcnts , 1603 rnrnnmSt. ONKY TO IXAN-On ( rood securities. A McOavocV , room 7 llcdlck Dlock , 1009 rarnam Bt. Pit M ONKY TO T.OAN-On real cstato and chat tels D. L. Tliomos. 04ri MONHY TO LOAN In sums of $200 and up- wards on first-class real cstato security. Potter A Cobb , 1515 Tarnam St. 40 ONEY I.OANID : t c. r. need & co's. Loan office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal property of nil Kinds and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. .110 8 llth , ovtr Ulnihfim'ft Commission store. All bus iness strictly confldontnl. 017 BUDINESB CHANCES. SAT.K The best looitcd cnndv and fruit Foil store In Omaha Innulro for llvo days nt Stephens , Voogclo & . Dlnnlng's , 1 J Douglas st. Foil SAM- ; stock of Biocortos ; reason of sdllng , roth Ingfiom business Cor. 10th mul Hickory. 44S-20 * _ Foil SAI.R Mont market In n good location , 2 joais estnbllsuod Kv cry thing convenient foi running eumc. Addioss C 70 , llco olllco. 461-18 * _ OK SALE-A 7. . " , tn 100 bll. full complete roller - lor mill. Will sell nt very reasonable figures. Ihoro Is nlFo In connection n largo clovntor vvheieln grain can ho stored etc. , which can bo bud nt the mill door all the > enr round. Parties desiring to pnrchnso will plo-iso comply at onro , rlthor by letter or como nnd FCO us personally. Wo will Blvo the pocrots whciem wo will phew that the mill nnd ginln lnislno s Is making money fast Hciison ot soiling owner w Ishos tope , po Into the poik packing business and so would llko to dispose of It nt oneo. Wo will also sell with or without It n well established lumber jiinl. Iho mill tin us out the host Hour of any mill In tlio state and 1ms now a good run of merchant's custom. Wo nro also shipping hundiulsof cnrs of corn , onts nnd whcnt to Chicago which nlono xv 111 pay for the money In vested. Innulro of John M. Dlols & Bon , Bcrlb- nor , Neb. Terms cash or part time only. 418-24 FOU SATiE At n bargain , a very profitable and well established real cstnto and Intnir- nneo buslno s. Owner must go oust. Address Lock Hex 03 , Wymoi o. Nob. 301-2,1 * FOR 8AT.K Ilnkerv nnd lunch stand In town of aboutl,200 Inhabitants : chnnco for n good bnlvcr. Inqulio of Kopp , Diolbus & Co , 1100 I'nmnmst. 21' > FOU RAtK--Mllo dnlrv , 0 cows. 1 .Tor < = cy bull , 2horhcs , wneon , etc. Noiwood Pnik.l'loi- onco. John Williams. 217 T7IOK EKC1IANOK Stocks of goods of every -L ? kind , for f nuns nnd land ; also lands to ox- rhango for goods. If > ou want to innttnrwlintlt Isyouhnvo , wiito , with full do- scilptlon. to C. K. Jlajno , real estate bioker , UnmlmNob. 1C3 _ " | 7OKSATjK Creamery will ho sold cheap , on JL1 easy terms , to anyone who will run It the coming season. O. M. Carter , Ashland , Nob. 818 _ VWANTKD To o-vchnngn for stock of hard- ! wnro and morchniidlso , CfiO acrcsof flno Tlmjcr Co , Neb , land ; 5 lots In Gonoa. Neb. , good Ptoio building ( host ooinoi ) ; goo I dwelling ( bo't location ) In I'ssov , la , also 81 ncioj VJ mlle from town of Ks or , In , seeded In blue grass. Tor fiirlhor particulars nddross John Undorholra CcntinlCltv Ncbrnskn. C5'l ' Oil HAM : A $3.r > 00 sUiok of mllllnory goods In splendid location. A bfgbaigaln for someone ono ns n liberal discount will bo given. Tor fur ther particulars nddrcss II W , Itno Ofllco. G.U gEJRBONAl. "IDKRSONAr. Tlneo now collages and lots on L montlilv pnj incuts. langhigln prlco liom SCOOtoltOO. Jt. C. Pattoison , U21 rainam. Bavin _ PEUSONAi , Slv flnn loslduncos rnnglnu- price from f 1,000 to $ ? ,003 each. 11. C. I'nt- loi.-on , 1221 rurnam. fi 15-10 _ PllltSONAIS'Sftol on ruinnm Rticot nt n bingalii , 11 taKcn soon. It , C. PaUci on. l.i Tin mini. BJ5-19 PiitSOXATr-WII : | ( ho man whowiotoP O. box 057 liom yionvClly please furnish his Omaha nddioss. 47'J 17 * plKSONAl.-Would ! like parties wishing to JL ndoptnhnb ; lo coriospond v\llh O 71. lloo olllcc' . 411 1U * _ : itS ( NAI < Toporsons who wish to build a homo In Oiohnid hill , 1 will null otslnthat nddltlon nnd ask nothing down but the nominal Finn of ton dollius , thu lomalnder to 11111 for llviiyeniHWlth Interest at B percent. ThH H thobostotforovm made to nny homo sonkni In this ully. Call nnd see mo. C. U Miiyno , 8. W. Coiner 15th nnd I'm mini sir not B. 21 ! ) _ ETOVS BEPAIBH. li r. W. C. MotzncrStovo ItopalrCo. HI South Uth Bt. I'Ltwcon Dodyo and Douglas. WAVruii A liuly whosn husband tiavcls vtlEhes to room und lionnl jounglrdy ; tPims moderate : strict I j prlvnto family. Ad- dro U M , llco olllco. MMb * ' OO MS and board. 11W North ftil st. t'10mh2I ' * inBCELLANEOUS. [ IIAK cuetomois for good ilcslmblo farming land In Nebraska. Address , w lib ilc triptlon , lowest prlco nnd toi ins. b. A. Blomnn , Oamlm , Neb. 4-JU-a _ _ _ FO1 bAI.K-Mltk dahy , 20 cows , lioucs , wagon , inns , via. Imiulio D It 'lliomus , Itoomti.Cichjhton block , ' Ir \ < ) U hnvo property to t-ell or ovulmngo , IMIt wilhl * . J. Cnswcll & Co. , Uoom W. No- liiusl.ii National Bulk. U olc phone JJJ. ini 'J F oil I.i\si-tsuri P.ukr.'s addition on riiuk and Sauiidord Sts , Amca , 1M7 Pm- 3.Y ) JTOB | ? voi ; NAI.I. A car load of lioi.iis , mlvcil -L1 nr.Klo'.bolh ( liivlnjundduift. SA. Colliiij. Ineij.'ltiH umlin : et. 51J-iy AliK HorBOsand brood mnrrs. t-Uer- man uvo uud Center St.iic.ulioddar IHoiuo. IfiOli Hors.o , buffcy and Uaruptt. Ap- 1 pi ) Bl2WJraiDaiaSt. 403 _ IfOKSAl. ! ! A two wheeled can , horse and J harnuss , $100 , Apu ! ) ) - btrlbllnjHl Purkcr sti ecu , rfi.i ; _ ITOKS.vr.i- lC03oarloalsof Slllan 611110 011 Irark at LonUvlllo , Nob. ContrnetoH mil biilltliTS wanting siuil onlor on time. Prices un-.oiittbo. ! J.I. A. Hoover. lllt h.VI.i : \ llfiit tMivury tmny or bugtry tcumund a hua % > Mmvl , carna owr v\uik- . U A , MiujU , lusli SAM : 5 or fl bond of good work horses ; FOH o a lot of household furniture , etc. An- hruser-Uusoh Ilrowlng Association , Pth anil Cnpllolavo. M. Keating , Agent. 70tmhl3 "T71OII weather strips , storm sash nnd doors , go Jc to F. I ) . Mend .IP 3.16lh St. M WAJTTED-rEMALE \ \TANTUH-A pooil girl for general house- work. Inqulro IMliolm & Ur.iksoii.opp. postolllco. _ 618-17 " "r\ \NTiil-aood : girl for housework , 1SP1 > V DougHg. Mrs. A. D. Morso. B3frl9 \\rANThU-Glrl for potifrnl housework ! must como well recommended. Inquire 5313 Dnvonpott 81. _ 641-lt > "ll ANTlJIi A neat voting person tn liclptiiCo caroot children aud assist In housework. aoi a autii. 6ti _ ATsTi : ! ) A girl for general hou oworknt nt 2418 Dnvonpoit 6t ; peed vrngos. 651.10' \TAXTit : > Girl to do general housework nt > > 221Cnss t. fcTO 10 * _ _ _ _ _ T Olils for flr t and second work , nlso tooks ntNobinskii Employment Aaon- cy , 11U Ivth at. , cor Cnpltol Av o , _ ft l WANTRD 14 girls for ginci-nl housework : nlso good COOKS lor boarding houses nnd hotels ; al o dining room girls nnd good mini- ilre oplnecsglvpii ; frno < Onmhii Employ- nu nt lluienu , 1120 1'arnnm st. _ p-lJa U-At onco. n lady solicitor. Call nt Uoom 22 , Crolghlon lllock. 6 2-18 ANT'KU-Good cook lit 710 8 HSt.pcod wages. 01J-17P " | \7A > TED A Bill for general housowork. N U cor 17th nud Loavonworth. John L. Hill. 4W-1S * W ANTii > Good cook nt tlio Institute lintel , 13th and Capitol nv o. 402-20 * ( TA > TII > I'lifit-clnss waist and skirt maker , > also appiontlcce. Uoom 11 , Crouno Lllock. - * 450--JO WANTKU flormnn Blrl or boy to help m kitchen. 21781.'th. 489-18 * A first class woman cook at Nor- WANTKD tls' restaurant , 101 S. loth Bt. ncnr Dodgo. 477-17 WANTED Good Btiong girl. 1905 Pnrunm. 403-17 * WANTKD lndlus nnd Gentlemen In city or country lo taku light work at tholr homos. $1.00 to tJ.UOnduy cnsilv made ; woik Font by mall , no canvassing. \ \ o hnvo n good domana iorourwoik , nnd tninlsh Ptc-ndy cmplojment Address , w Hit tin nip. down M'f g Co.14 Vine Stioot , Cinclnmiti , Ohio. 450aprl7 * WAIsTin-A : mnirlcd lady with n child \\ouMlllio to hnvo n situation as housekeeper - keeper with n vUdower orbncholoi. Address 0 84 , lloo olllco. 409-17 * ANTKU A itood woman cook ; peed w apes. Address City Hotel , Fairmont , Nob. 417 WA > TUU Lady ngcnts for n lonowncd lubber specialty ; cutln o stamp foi lull pnrtlciilais , sample , otc. Address Thu French bpocino Co. , Philadelphia , Pn. ilrt-17 TID Woman sorvnnt to wait on table WA and do ( ronernl woik ntouml house ; npply between 11 nnU U.U12 ! Douglas sttoct. : U ) WANTED A L-lil for general houaowoilc ; Inqulro 1810 nilney. Mrs. E. Hosowator 804 WANTKD Lady cook A No. 1 ; Gorman proton od. U. S. Hotel , 10th nnd Doutflns. Chns. Kohlmojcr. Uj7 \TrANTnD-Airlrl about 15 or 10 j oars old to T > nuisc. Apply ri. E. coi. 21st aud Loavon- worth , li ! AG ENTS Ixsciil nnd tiav olIiiR1 can make from fi7to $ ! 00 weoklv. Addioss Imperial Plto E\tluBuIsborCo.Sto\vart : IJuIldlng , Now Vork. Ofll-aprl * WA Tln A nist-class dlutnir-toom plil at 1518 Dodge St. OSU WANTIII ) Good slrls for ffonornl house work. Uoom lUusbman Lllook , ICth and DouRlos. nv ) WANTED-MA1B HELP. \\TANTED One peed general blacksmith to woik by the month ) shop nnd tools tur- nlshcd. AddicssCM , Ilue olllco. 5.S2-18 WANTHI ) Ono pipe fitter nnd ns helper to blacksmith that can muko himself irencr- nil } useful. AaditsCDJ , Hoe Onito. OJ3 1& "VX7"ANTlin A snlcsinan by n wholesale RIO- ' ' eery house lor the South Plnttu countiy ; none but otporlonced men nocd npply by lottoi. Address C W , Bou olllco. 6J1-19 An experienced oity salosmnn ; ono ncqualntod with the trade. Apply at at 1113 llninoy st from 5 to 0 p in. 47M7 TT7ANTKD 50nood : harness makers. Address T > Jlnrls 111 os. baddlory Co , Omaha , Nob. 43-22 WANTHU A llvo , Industrious man to sell gooda by eamplo to mills and stores tlnougli Nobiaska ; permanent v ork und good ] ) ity to ono who can como vvoll recommended , Apply , naming references nnd stating iuo nnd foimoi occupation , Itowo&Co , ClovolandOblo. WANTKU AircntS for "Tho Child's HIblo. ' Introduction by Dr. J. H. Vincent. Over 400 engravings. Ono agent has lately sold 150 in n town of 2U8 pcoplo ; 78 In n village of 074. The host selling book in this country. Adctro s Cns- sell & Co. , Limited , 40 Dearborn st , Chicago. ANTJSU A bookkeeper desires a situation In Omaha , good penman nnd accountant ; 10 j oats' experience ; llrst-class references. Ad dress C 8J , llco Oillco. 470-20 * WANTED Good llvo agents nt once ( olthor sovlto canvass witli n last-selling aitlclo ; soils on sight ; agents can easily make from $ J lo $10 porday. Addiess at once and ecouio ter ritory , Cuicka Dioom Holder Co. , Decatur , 111. WANTED Good organ and piano salosmau that can glvo good lofoioncm ; state sal ary or commission deshcd. Only these moan ing business iipply J. U. Uaino it Co , Grand Isl and , Nob. 420-1U WANTED A j oung man VN 1th n horse , to carry an evening route on the Omaha Dally llco. 4J8 T\7ANTED Agents-Twenty good solicitors V > to work llfo insurance In Omaha nnd Iowa. Llhoial commissions to good men. Pull Instruc tions and outllt froo. Cull on or wrllo Kraus & Campbell , Iloom 22 , Nebraska National Hank llulldlng. 38U . ' 5 * W ANTKII Sixteen harness mu'iors ' nt Slo- man Ilros , 13th nnd Dod if BIB. . 248 WANTED Rcllablo iiRonts nnd dealers in West Iowa and Nebraska foi the Wlilto Sowing Jliiohlno mid supplies for nil make of machines. Cnluloguo lice , /ohiung , I'lioin- ton i. Co. 2U7iipr5 ITANTKU-AtfcntS. 200N. 16th 8L > . TT1 SITUATIOIT WA1TTED. Ily compctont nnd oxpeiloncod i man , situation as delivery clerk ; thoiougli- h i e , Uilnlo.l : with city Undo. Can epottk Lug- ll-li , DiinUh , ( Iciimui und llohomlun liinguagoii. Can luiitMi llr-l-c'nBS loam and dolivoiy vvavon It duaiicd. Apply nt 15/J I'luiuim St. . ground Iloor. 650-19 * WANTED Middle aged v > Oman wants plneo to mind baby 01 help light housowoikcity or countiy. H18 Do iglas st. WAM'ED-posltlon with lumber llrm In Omulm by man having 10 ji * experi ence ; good nccountiiut nnd boouiicoper. Ad- dref s C W , lloo ollioo. W9 S3 * W ANTED A situation ns cook. Addroxs Goo. C. llallcySholllulJ , Wuriau Co , Pa. 4018 * MlSCEII.AIfEOUS WANTS. WANTED To buy a stcondOiand tjpo- vrrllcr. J. H. Ilaynes < Sc Co. , Omaha. _ 615nplO " \\7"AM ED To buy a houf o and lot for nbout $ . ' , UOO or $1,000. Addu : sJ. H. P.vaiisXCo. , I'll Dodge lit. OJJ-JO _ " \\7"AN 1'EU Itoom nnd boaid for guntloinan > nntl wlfo inprlvato family ; mint buwost of P. O. uiulnoith of i'liiiuun fat. Address O 01 , llvo Olllco. MU-17 * tnulo , lot in Ixiuo'biidd lei 11 pnli of j oung hoircs , Him m u good smglo chninf , or ono see 1 ho is'J Inn ness und bu/gy , llko .V Mooio , 1222 Patnuiu. 611 " \\rAJ < TED A good roe n v\lth modern con. i > vonloncoD , unfiiinUhod or fiunblicd , tor FinglOBOiitiomnn. Aililrc.-a 1' 0 llox 610 cltj. btuto pi Ice und location , 45J TATAS i irii fiyWo Tnoi Apiii."irnTinnwP 1 1 mj-'ooi thrcOcroad i4)onuiinturiiUbed , for light liiU eKcipitv. Address , triviiu lotation , U fcJ , IK o ollico. 4d7 i Tlnco Imndrtit lor moi.ol iieies l ( of land for n stock innoli. O.MUMHOI tiifonls ciuillnd a loiiionslblu tenant , lor ton ve.irj , by Immedlulol ) tulilro liiir or visiting the Omaha Pali ) iii-oclallon , 214 tlxlcenlh St. 4C2 Ji : J Hmisoof 4 lo 0 ioom ; central 11 locution ; will rent for one jeur. Addiess CTT.lIcoolSco. 45J-I7 * _ " \T7AMJJD-ror spot cs h , dotlrublo icul- denioworth from $3,000 to Ja.UW. Addiuns P.O. tmv4U. 4UQ _ \\'AM'1'U City pioporty In exchange for it Ncbihsknnnd loun liiinn. ( . ' J. laswoll fc Co , Ito-oin 1U , Nrbrusku Nutiouul 11 tin U. Tulo- J.W-2J KEKtC-gQUSEB AlfP LOTS. FOR UKNT-to a responsible patty ( without olill Iron preferred ) n Inrgonlcelj furnished hou o near the tenter nnd on javcd Mrcct ; peed icfercncfs rytjulrod. Imiuiront 1P21 Fur- until st. 517 RUNT Housnofilrooms , 2 closets nnd FOR stable on Wnlnutft.,8 blocks from U. P. depot. Inquire Aiifr. Ilnndow , 1317 Chleniro st. * : XT-llilckynrd. T. Murray. Ioi 1 531 _ Ri : > T J brick stores on bonth 1 1 th St7 FOR Ilownrd nud .Inckson. 1 ( f-room house , summer kitchen , east front. 23rd St. ncir St. cnr line , $ JJpor month , Paulson & Co. , 1113 Fnrnam St. R'O _ OR RUNT A fluoly located Rroom hous ? F with all modirn improxoinents. l o two nlcth furnished looms Cull at 1317 DodKo St , - * HUNT House 3-rooms. Inqulro oil 18tU Foil nostcldo near I'letxo. 4M-17 * oil Ui : > T-Hou o 8 rooms , $25 per month ; Inquire 2510 California st. 4"3-'a * To purchase lot nndhoilRO , 6 or Brooms WANTED rooms , west of With st , south of Dodno : house must bo In ( food repair ; no fancy t * rlco vv 111 bo paid. Lovirron \ Wildo. 457-17 roil KENT Three-room house , Oth & Dodge. UM nit KENT Doslrnblo residence , 6 rooms , Bonn's 2d ndd ; house of rooms , South nth , nlso a bains with lofts. J. Phipps Hoe , llox 557. FOU SAM' Alt-room countro , ' 4 lot. No. 963 Division street , ! block north of Cumins ; easy terms. 4b6-l7 * THOU Itr.NT SO-ncro fnrm , all undorcultlva- J ? tlon.vv lib IIOUPO nnd barn , slv ( fl ) miles from noslnHloo. II. Mnnnwolloi & Co.,3U93 lllhst , Onialia , Neb. 458-iM * KENT Prom May 1st , n fuinlshod Foil , with modern conveniences ; pleasant locality nnd within half n block of street car lino. Apply to Mrs iu : * > tl9 , Colln8t. . , 2d door north of I oivcnworlh st. 431-10 * ItiNT Store room on ICth. C. E. Poll ) 110,8. W. cor. 15th and rarnnm. 300 Oil HUNT Houso. An I furniture for salot location contral. Address 0 01 , lloo OJlloo. 35U TT1 OR KENT Two very doslrrtblo Hats oil J ? HownrdStreet over Hit" ) with nil modern Im provements. A pplondld location to rent fur nished looms. Oniulit Ucnl I > lnto nnd Loan Co , Koomsii and gl Wllhiioll lllook. 7vS ( "OK 8AI.K At n barpaln , flno U oem house wllh modern convonloncoa ; full lot ; on Hnrnoy st , near 25th ; f3B03. Pottoi & Cobb , 1515 Parnam et. V > 'J OK itUXT-Qnidon tarm. J03 8. llth St.T . T fl IIRNT Pnrm oflOO acres , tWclvo miles FOR Omaha. Apply at the Omaha Plnan- clal Exchange , B\V corner of 15th nnd Pnrnam. FOB BEST BOOMS. KENT Pnrnam Bt , window nnd desk FOK . Olllco or store room , 10th stnoith of depot. Apply _ to J. Ii , Evnus & Co . 1518 T7OU HEXT nooin , Uushmnn's Block. r 538 "TJIOK Ill Ni ; Deslinblo luinlshod looms ; lo- calloiiccnlr ljr Inqiilto at Atkinson's Mll- .llnory sloro , IGtli and Capitol avo. S18-10 * Foil KKNT S20por month to right party , n front parlor'llnoly furnished. Address 01 call 1010 Pariinm. 543-1 ! ) * TTlbHllEM Purnlshed rooms , Wl N. 15th J St. 518-18 * TTtOR IIKNT- Nicely furnlshcil rooms In lllco JL ? cottairo fof * l5f-i nnd f8 per month at 400 Walnut St. , 8 ifcimhos walk eouthoastof U. P. depot. 5JO FOK UKNT Furnlshoil room ; Iniulro nt drug store eec Hub nnd Douglas. SJ1 TT > OHnKNT Ontho Istof April , largo front JJ room with bay window nnd nlcovo. Suits of rooms. Bed room with nil modern improve ments , furnished 01 unfurnished , ono block VN osl of com t house 16J1 Pnrnam at 503-J3 T OUKENT Comfortnblo rooms , including JL1 bionkfnst and 0 o'clock dinner , on Parnam near court liouso , to gentlemen ; llrst class ; C 81 lloo oillco. KKM8 * TT71OK KENT Pront room , furnished or un- -C furnished. No. 1027 South 18th St .1. J. Wclshnna. 455 17 * OK KENT Two nicely furnished looms , F with or without board. Ill S mh et. 451 FFoil Foil llENT Uoom for light housekeeping. 1510 Hamey. 4J5 TTIOK UENT Nicely furnished looms. 1013 Jtv Dodge , 40J-18 * F IO11 HEN r Ctioap room. 1417 Howard. U78-1S * FOlt KINT : Two rooms furnished , on sulto or single. S. W. cor. 13lh and How ard. U77-1H * Foil KINT ; Nicely furnished room with board. 711 N. liltli St. 47425 Foil IlpN'T uood room and good board. 100.1 rarnam. SJJapiJ TTioil HiNT-Wlth board , ono largo nlooly JL' furnished front room , gas mid bnth room nt 1409 Jones St. 27(1 TTiOll UENT T.argo room with or without JU boaid. 1701 Capitol nvo. ! 53 ' OK JlKNT-Olllco , 21b S. 15tb St. 2C1 -TflOIt HENT-J Iooly furnUhod room lit 22,17 JL ! Dodge ; nil moJprn convonloncos.'U2 FOK IIUXT Furnlsliod rooms , single nnd on sulto. with or without board. Address 0 51 , Ooo Olllco. 240 Oil HUNT l-urnlshod rooms. ISlODndgo. 241 Oil KENT 2 nicely furnished rooms lOil Doilxo. 1BM7 * T7 ou KEVT KnrnWio 1 front loom with use JL ot bath loom. Inqulro ut Ofllco of C. JJ. Muyno , 15th an 1 Pani-im. 121 FOU HUNT Poi light housekeeping rooms fuinlbhod and unfurnished la liooiuur's lllocl. , oor. lilltlith mid Howard at. 775 Foil IlKVT store room n Wlthnoll block , bet , Ilnrney nnd ruumm on Uth. liiQUlro Uoomn , WlUmoll IllQL'k. 777 FOU UENT l nicely f iirnlshc'd rooms with or without board. 5 0 Pie Haul st. 715mblj T7IOU UENT Nicely furnlshod rooms , with JL ! heat , gas and bath ; also nrat-class table board ; best of references glvon and roiulrod. 1611 Dodge Bt. Ml FOB SALE-HOUSEB-LOTS. FOU HAI.E-pAl.a bargain , ii ilnn resMonco lots , soulh uud cast lionts , 25th nnd Chtcut go bt. Inqulr of C.,1 Erlcksoii , opp. P. O. fitJ 3 nmou HAIJC-IO , ) Ifut.S. lionl on Hainllton H t , JU PmspectPliirosi'jOO. Corner lot oilSuWHul bt. , In Prospect 1'laoo $759. ko'.Vw LotonriuirloiSt. neat 2Ulli , $ 50. Lot on Huii'llton m ar 2lUh , * 7" > ) Ixiton VJigliiln uvo. , nun Lfavonwoith St. , $ . ' ( Kfl. I , , ( ! ) fjats5ra \ , ts. i itb st 511,000 I ot on Furnaiu bt. oainoi UtJviai , $23,0'X ) , Lot on I'nnmm bl , corner Kf < xl t. , Ji'i.OW ' Huii8o nnd tnr on Hamlllon bt , near Poor Clalro Coin end fry-yi ; uasy toiius Lot In NeUoii'Dudd , $1,7JO Lot in Ixj ( 'g add5W ; cnsy terms 1,12 fuel on Put nnm fit , noui JTlli , fl- per foot. toint'i lei InJjO'/fts mill , ? 8 > j laigohouecsmm lull lot on 19th noarWcb- stoi bt , JB.WJ lluubo and 4 lot on Uarl nonrSlth St , $2 GO ) Gt-o. P. Hi nilj , 15th and Douglas .St Wl OU S VI. i ; 5 room house , cemented cellar , out-bulldlnga , lion U-ncu , tMo walks , ulc . UK ! HAIKJAIN-JI.W will buy 10 llrst- -cla s lots , each Hxli.1. couth front , cast of 1 'oil , ono block wnst of bauiiJoM tit. AdUrcbB H rocXcn > cl r , tlty 20'api8t FllM.VIi : _ House and lot 17lh bt. bclwoon Chlcugoand Iuvunpoii,10-room5cllywul i , clstnin , cneip If taktn in ill duva 0 J Cuu- n ell i. Co , Ito jui U , No Lra-'kn Niit'l Hunk build- Ing. 617-20 _ FOK S.U.K-Vrooin hou o with clujeU , pun- try , utc. Ilajemcnt with 2 lolnns. will , cis tern , unu llico IJUt bllildlllk'H. TCI 111 9 tO Slllt. On Cumlng bt , $ -,7CW. HUglns & Park. 151J JJotijilis. 4H 18 Foil SAMKlvo acres , oust blopO. In Mu > - ndd , ill t iO per iiorc If sold before Muruli 2lu. AddlVsSCUU.moOllku. JdM7 ) .YKOAINS- Hoiuonndlot , Now house , trfit 7'Sxlll ) , Virginia nvenuo , f.1tt.O. Hiti ( onndlot , S 15'h troet , CunniiiRlium & nrcnnnn , 1511 Dodge. rcKSALi-lx : > tslnllnnscom Place $300. Lots in Ilovd'g addition , S.JJI ) . Ixits In .1.1 flod'ck's ' addition , Jl.tOX Lots In K. V. Smith's ad lltlon , $ lWJ. Urtsln Patrick's addition , ? 71W. I/ots 111 Hawthorne nddlllon , J750. Lots In I.riko'j nddltlon , tl.iuo. CiiunliiHliam it llronnnn , 1511 Dodge. \\T-ASIIINOTON HIM. is the best ami cheap- Ti o t ncio property. iui.ij is Omaha's b t Hubuih. Aero lots.JgOOO. _ W VS 1 1 1 NGT ON"H fTlT eills fn tor than any nlhnr nddltlon. Aero lot .tflJ. $000 bujs an ncro In Washington Hill , lor n low da } s only , CuunliiKham & llrounan , 1511 podge. _ FOR SAMS Nice house anil lareo lot , Pop- ploton iiMmuo , south iiont , only $2,500. Cunnlnglinm & . llrcnnan , 1311 Dodgo. _ TTIO ll S \ i7i : 2 full lots and thieo houses -I ? rontdl at $100 1 or month , on ClilCJiro tiect , flOOdOs tnsy terms. Cunnlnirlmm & llronimn , 1511 Dodgo. _ 1T10R SAI.K-A storoniul lot on 8 Uth , rontoil J-1 for KiOn month , only H lW. Cuuiilnghnm A. lltcnnnu , 1511 Doilyo. _ Foil HAl.i : 100x110 foct on Pnrk avcnuo , $ IOUO. CunnlnKhnm & llronnnn , Pill Uodgo. FOR SAl.iPome beautiful lots nnnr tlio Sacred Heart Academy , south fronts , $1,250 each. Cunningham & llronnnn , 1511 lodto. ) FOR SAI.K l-room housu , closets , pantiy , cistern , well , InrKo barn , 'on lliut St. Prlco Sl.Mxr on monthly or yoaily payments. HIpK'lns A. I'm k. 1512 Doujtlns. 4H.V1B T AN1 > SHEIIEHS , ATTENTION For full -Uplrtloulars about free and cheap lands In Western Nebraska nddrosi Thos C. Patterson , Itcal Batnto Agent. North Platte Nob. l'55 ' OKSAMC-lOd norosln city limits of Kcnr- ncynt n bargain , and on good terms Ad dress II. M. Woolman , U. P. Town Lot Atont , Denver Junction , Colorado. TilOIl SALE Lois to the west of town , uoiir JJ Farnam st. and Lowe nvo. , in Pot tori add. , safe and prolltablo Investment at $ .VW and $ OJJ cacli. Potter A , Cobb 1015 Fnrnam st. fM OK 8ALi-lly : Paulson 5 , Co. , I51J ruutnin strtot. 4 choicef > aero lots In ICenshiffton , ? 3,100 1 choiceKnora lot in Kensington Jl.OJO 1 lot on Mt. Pleasant street , lllckoij Place with 4 room now house , stable nnd cislorn , $1 , 400 ; $100 cash , bnlnnco on very oisy toims Lot 41x170 In Mlllanl it Cadwoll's add , nous HJrtH , f 1)00 ) ; easy terms. 10 acres on N Snundois street , excellent loca tion , $ JtWO ; vcrj cap-U ims. 10 ncros Joining l'o/i.niulm / nt $3,003 ; splen did chnnco to double Investment Coiner lot In I'mktir's mid , ono equaio from Etrort car , house 'M\2 $ , well , clstcin , otc , $3.100 ; cnsy terms. i' , lot , house 14x"0 , with bnsomont nnd liltchcn Bogs X. Hill's ndd , cor of Dodge < m J 30tlilljO ) ; oasytorms. 5ncrca In Ho"t < ) ndd.vvcstof Walnut Hill , * imw l room hoifao , largo stable , Sl-500 ; easy terms. Corner lot 100\150 , On Park Ave , with clogant 0 room house , $3,2X ) . Lot 1.2U\121 , one stiuaio from rod street line , elegant location In Hagaii's ndd , $1,800 ; $1UOO , cnsh , balance on tlmo. 80 iicio3 lilirlily liiiniovcd farm , 5 miles from city limits , $ I,5UO. Paulson iV Co , 1513 Parnamstroot. 309-17 FOU SAT.1 : Wo have some splendid baignlm both In vacant nnd impiiivod proiioity that to any ono contemplating buv ing v111 do well to see. Call on us. lllgffhis Park , 15U Douglas street. 4bO IS T71OII SAI.13 Business propel tv that will pav Jt ! toinvcstlgato Itlcc'i.Mooro.lJ Pninam 503-17 FORK AT..I : by W.G. Shrlvor- 15 boautlfu Hots , Charles add. , (3,000 to $1,000. Lot 75x140 , Hodlok's sub-division , cnst front , $1,000 Aero lot , Iltmobnugh add. , 2700. I/ot near Park nvo , Hluiebnugh Place , $1.050. 25 choice lots , Hunscom Place , f 00 to 81'JOO. Q I/ot on Saundois bt , M foot Iront , $1,200. Full lot corner " 1st and Hurt , $ ( J,000. a boautif ul lots , corner , near St , cars , $3,100. , 2 lots ,'B mid , ? ll7r > and $100. 2 lot J , Uodlck's sub. cornoi , each $2 050. Vull lot , Capital nvo , near IDth St. , S > ,000. Lots on California St. 1 mile from 1 * 0 , $1,800. rull lot on Dodge $111,000. Pull lot on l-'lu and Leavcnworlli , coinci , $15000. Corner lot 6S\06 foot , 14th nnd Jones , $8,000. , 2 lots , corner , Shlnn's ndd , $1.500. i , " " B cottages and lots on monthly payments , $1.500 to ยง 1,750. Largo now 4 story double brick building , ono block IromPO , slS.OOD. 2 houses nnd lot on cm line , icuts $50 per month , easy toims , $ . ) , YD. Nlco colttige , Vi lot , back High school , $2,000. City pronoi ty to trade for subci ban pioporty. Monov to loan. Call In and go out and eeo my list. W. O. Slnlver.opp P. O 43316 F SAM : Sspiing v\agons. Hnjcs.V Paul- . ' 6on,22UCuinInif street. 51422 * rpo IIUY or sell reality call nud sue H. C. Pat- JL toison. 1J21 rnrnam. 1IJJ-15 OKSALK-TnolotsIn Pliilnvlow,4l50 each. Potter & Cobb , 1515 P.unam st. 013 FOIt SAI K Three flno lots In Shlnn's Id add. lit $803 each. Potter & . Cobb , 1513 rarnnm. 817 _ Ifl Oil SAI.K Lota 111 Lowo's 1st ndlltlnn , 1 south fronts , easy terms , only $500. Potter i * Cobb , 1515 rarnam st. 851 ronSAT.E WolmvoBomo big Imigalns In impiovdd lo.-lclnnco pro portj ; call and FCO us. lllco 4 Mooie , 15U Parniin. 503-17 FOU SAI.15 Dost 5 aero Hants in the market , only $ JOO per aero. Tnmiiro about them. Potter H Cobb , 1515 Paimm. 53 TTlOIlSAMS-Acro lota. Glso's ndd. , only J1.50J Jt ? Potter & Cobb , 1515 rnrnam. 857 _ I7V > K bAMJ Sco bargains In Onmlin ion ! os- JO tito , by lioo&Mooie,122J ( Km num. 512-17 F Oil SAI.E Several doalinblo business lota on 10th St. , nnd business ami loalilontn lots in all parts of the city. Ale waiohouso , bolel nndliirmpiopeily. Houses to runt. Property pliottii free of charge and n largo list lo select fiom at prices ranging from g-SMo $10,0)1 ) , I'm- tlesduslilngto Invii t should look ovoi our list nml prices bnforo buj Inq : . Corrospondimco so licited nnd Information nbout thu eltv Irocly glvon. Omaha Koal Kslato & I.oun Co , Room 21 , Wlthnoll lllock , Omulm 7.7 _ Foil SAI.K Alow of tlio best olsln WIluox's ndd. nt $ OJO each. Poltor & Cobb , 1515 Pin- mini bt. b55 TTI 0 1 1 H.VI.IC Choip lots In llin r Oak , Just ouit J.1 ofllanscom I'nrk. noirotiootciiri.JJJJ , ousy terms. Teller ft GOTO. 1515 I'm mini bt. 851 "IjlOll SAr.i : Chc-iip. ono of the host Improve 1 -L and llnost located farms In Uougliii county , Nob.ftmllos of Omaha couit housu , con taining UK ) acios , with hcubo , Hiulilo , wells , or- olmidandpiutiiro , oto. ; ono half cash , Imltmco to suit purrhiisor. 1'or further putloiilard ul- clro-tsQoo. J.liulo , o.ii o Omaha lloo , Omulm. No- biaskiu CU ( Foil SAI.K-Illg llargalnCorner In lsaa"oT Boldnn's addition , only 2 blocks Iroin Lcav- cnworlh at , , M.'xl.'l , only $1,5W. Potter .V Cobb , 1615 rnrnam st. " &M FOUSAh-r. : ) , 4 lorsulolou In Huns- -om Pliicn , $ Gibson has for sale houses and lots In Hans. com Pliico , Gibson has for tulo houiosniul lots In all pans f the city. Gibson has ImprovoJ fntms and lauds In all pints of Nobiuska forhilcoi exchange. lilljjon has thouHiimlii of ncros of land In We stern Nebraska lor t > alu tiom $2 to $4 pur ncro. Gibson would llko to sco youlf jou wantto buy or II. < ilj3on'Hls | the plneo lo list your property. Call nnd see him at Room ; ) , Wlthnoll illock , cor. 15th uiul llmiiuy &U. bn 17Oll | SALK Pour lots , oor Calllouilft mil JL1 Ititli tsta ,2 blouks from prnpnwl Cumin , ' t. , < SjUnn4 $ JV3ouoh. Potter X Cobb , 819 I7\ll hAI.IC lUislnrsx pioporty Ihat will pay ' to iin ostlfe'at'j , llico i. Mooru , l li I'm num. fiO > l7 _ _ _ FOlt SAf.K See bin gains In Omaha idnl os- into b > Ulco X Muoro , IJJa J'uuiuin. SU17 A It \ in : iivuu.tlX ? IK aoies , ' . 1'i mlloi noilhwott from poitollkelili goo I hou e , barn , well , etu 'I tils phico H v\oith $ * > JO pui into vvllhont iihprovoincnta \\o olfur thu v. In ilo lor n few duys nt HID very Ion jnluiiof t , fi , $ * JOca > h , balance In two jours. Stock- daloX-Ilunclifr , nil Dodge SI , 47J FOUS VI.i : Two lots m PolUam Place , ono block from streetcar track Itifjur3'-b ! ? . 13lh streot. S nioiis ll.K-A lot&lxIIO. iintl dwcllliiir 2021 , -A- near f uturo lirovvno'I ' Hull , cheap ; lullf cash , bulancu siniill monthU pav lUcjnU. \ ' . L. Vo- dlcka.S.'O S. nth su _ _ I'll ' "TTlOIlSVI.i : Wuhavu some big bargains In -1. Impioud rctllinto propeil ) ; call nnd EC < J us. like A , MOOI-C\ lJJ.1'ariiuni et. _ SJJ-17 P1)H s \ I.T : 7-rooiu coitu'o , 1 b'ocu ' from bt , Mury'd avo. car linn , lot 75x149 , only $ I,15'J. , ' Potter it Cobb , 1315 Kurimm. _ OX ) SAi.r. bco-burgalmiln olnulm nutTTs" Foil U ) Itko i. Mooio , U. : . ' futuuui.DIMT. . -pllATT'S SubJIvlston. I'rnU'g SuMlrLllon , aero lot * , southwest , nt fftVJpor lot. Melro-o Hill. Melro plllll.Ju t lOmlnut * * ' walk from H ns. com 1 nrk , f30J pur lot on monthly , quarterly or yo.u ly tiay munt . lOpcrionluown on Melrosoltlll lots , llwldh t * Ionian's nddltlnn. Dulnht .V Ionian's , south of llanseom Park , f.vwn lot. NcHpoit ncro lots. f K.Xnn ) aero for Nowpirt. New port , fastest pollm ? ncro . Newport reacho 1 by lool roads. Nan | > ortuti urpas < cil view. Nowiiort. ScuUnuJjou 1H aJmtt Its rnluo nnd worth. foino nnd see I rir.Kirt. Clarendon nt ttrmlnusof two car lines , $730 to f SX ) n lot. Oalt riiatham ! COO per lot. Holt l.lno ilopot Is fopntpd on Oak rimtlinm. 1'lu nvlow , Justsnuth of D.ik Clinthnin , lotsnt $ .vMon the itsiliil itnsj tonin fJ.lMulll buy n acrot In Tuttlo's jubdUlslon. 'lhl Is a bargain. fVAlwIll buy n nmr 8 room , modern built , housn on uarllno , rn t frnnt , coinorlot. Ames Place clionpcst city lots. Amos Place , fair pi Ires , p.isy term . Amc < Plaoo. full lots for fKMtn $ ( i.n ( ) . Unto Itulllatuo acru lots at $173 ; no bettor acres for the money. llrlk-liton ncro lots f 'Ji5 per ncro. Sulphur Spring. Sulpliur Sin IIIRS addition on Shoriniu ave , op posite bnso bnll ttrouncls Bco Sulpulir Sprlnir ? . Sulphur bprlnRS nddltlon lots f 1,000 to ? l,500i one quarter dawn , bnlnnco tonir time. 8,500 will hut very desirable rcsldcnco proporti on Knrnnm struut. Look the tjround ovci carefully bofoio buylnir. Crtll and see the properties oiroicd which jolt caubuyntfu-i pi Ices nndonoiH ) pay mints. AMBS' Heal Eslnlo Atfonoy , l' 07 rariium 8U Oil sAt.K-Tlirea lots In Shlnn's 2J nddltlon , on eastern Blopp. onlv.Hilooka from street cnr. , cheap only $760. Vottor & Cabb , 1515 1'ur- nam St. K _ T71OU SALE n aero lot , n cool 0-room house , J uifrocorv store , with stublcs , ouMiousot nml city wnlor , 1KM near Li < av onworth , rout . or mo. , prlco f 1,500 ThU Is n flrst rate Invest- muni. Omaha lloal Estate & Loan Co , Itooms a and gJ.WHhnell block. 710 TtlOH HAI.I' Wo luuo 80MU ) biff bniualns In -L Improved residence inopcrly ; call and ECO us. lllco fi Moon * , im Kainnm. NrtU SAM ! J'JO arro stock farm In Naucu X' county , Neb.ono nml ono half mlles Irom ( lonoa , thu junction ol the Albion and Cedar Itniilds branch of U. P. U. K. . SOJ nuiosnfit under foncu , couals , oto. all flirt nnd second bottom la'id and suitable for cultlvallon , 1-0 ncros KOOd hay land , Ono half cnah nnd ono. lialf tvvolvo months' tlmo 01 oxchniiffo tor Onin * Imicnl csliuo. Address JiiUHM Voro , Omulm , Neb , or Lock llox WO , Kansas City , Mo. SSl-'O OK SAI.E-Ily A. P. TuKcy. 10 acres northwest of city J1,2V ) Lots , blocks , lIORgs & Hill's ndd 1,100 Ixit on nth near Center Bt I.'iW 3 lots , Polhnm Place , oaoh ml Cottfltfu and coiner lotSfitli nnd Chicago. . 3,511) ) CottiiKO and lot , 15th nenrCc'titci st . . . . ' . ' , buj 7 room house and lot , coinci 15th mill Mnr * " tlm 0,500 7 room house and lei , 15th St. , near Mar tha 8,001 ! Hol3 , Clailc Plnco , each OoO 1 lei , Clark Place 5"0 0 room house A < lofSlst st 8,00) ) lot on Cumin ? street , near 27lh . . . . ! ! ,000 7 loom housu nud full lot , Chicago ncni aplh 0WO A. P. TuUoy , litOt Fninnm street. "in > OK SAMI Anow7-room house and lot on JD Saunders St. , n bit gain. 4 auro lots In llliiiolmiiKli's add. very cheap. Houses and lots In all | > ai Is of the city. Improve ! and unlni- in ov od land for sale or trade , , Uall , I&K. hili st. 814mh21 BEM , JI'OANDMSH , offer on easy terms. lOtli Bt.bubinesspiopeity , per square foot , ilownrd st business , per front foot , $20. DoiiKluiCo. I in in , poi acio , Sill. Washlnslon Co. larm , per ncio , $30. Wnicliotisc piopurly , ll xlJJ , $ J,50J. Tiilivluw tierce bunutlus 5 joan , 5330. West Sldo lols , vx hero cannlnjr lacloiy will cm- ploy 51) ) lo JOO liaiida , f J50 to f 000. lloaiilllul 3 acios , hou o , east front , trees nud fruit , nonr Loavonworth , easy terms. $1,000. Loivotiwoithblroot proportj' , 105 loot liont ; cheap. House and lot , lilfrh eau fiont , small cash pav mont , balance poi monlh $ - " > . If jou want lot8 or Improved pioporty in any pait of the cltj call on 4 7-10 Hell & McCandllsh , 1511 Dodge street. FOR SAMS Lots Just soutn of tlio parkin Clark Plnco JOT each , on easy toims. Potter - tor & Cobb , 15151'nrnam. 50 FOR SALE Fix o aaro nliico ; olght and a half ncro ] ileco with buildings , etc. ; and slx-acio piece with buildings , etc. ; also full dairy outllt,2j cows , olc. John F. IIooli , Omahii FOKSAM5 5 oast-front lots , 2 comers , N. 21st St , with 1 luitfo 14-ioom house nnd 1 new B room house , barn , fiult , ticos , oto , n bargain , ' ' 2'lot's , 6 room house , Davenport St , n jjood invoslmont , (5,500. Lots In Maitth ndd. $1,000 to 51,701 I-ots In Pink Porest , SJOfl. Lots In Amber Pliioo. Lots In Oiclmrd Illll , $150 to $750. Lois In Omabn Vlow , f-tfO to fbjj. K. F. Hiligor. 11B N. lrth St. 203 FOR RALE Dullness property that will pay to luvcstliruto. lllco & Moore , 1.K3 rninnm. 00317 See IlarKuIufl In Omiiun ical estate - _ tate by Klce & , Mooi o , 1.J2.J Tui nam. 612-17 FOUhALl-2 full lots , S houses 0 und 7 rooms , In Armstrong's add , ? 7.0f > 0. C0vl20 , liousoO looms , Hoggs & HIM' a ndd , f ! , - 700. 3 lots 40x120 , 8 oottnscs , 4 looms , in BosgB i ; Hill s ndd , ? .210J. 40\120 , cottnau : , IloKffs & Hill's ndd , $1 , T50. fiOxl'O. liousn U rooms , S. 10th st , , $ UlOJJ. C xl L' , lioiiboll IOOIIH , Onl at , nciu g2d , 810,00) ) . 41x100 , cottnso4 : looms , Hurnc ) st , $ J,150. OKI W , 1 lib near Ioujlo9 , $18WO. 44\12 , hoiiboU looms , Hni novel , f 18,000. ( OYlU,21aigohou303 , Dint , f9XO. 33x13 , for sale 01 o.xclmniio foi laud , clouhlo house , Calllornla St. , $1,000. Cflxl CJ , now ho. so fl rooms , Cnpltol ave . fl.OOD CTxl.K , housa U rooms , ISIh near 1/iuil , $ U,00) ) . 5UI5)hoiisu8 ) looms , llninoy , Jii.OlW. WxHO , lioiiso ? rooms. IHth near Iznrd , fWO 09x120 , bouso rents $75 mo , Capitol oJ25OJO f > Oxl.I2. 4 houses , Ihth mmr I/.nnl , $10,000. COxl U , Duciiport ; and 17li ( , $11,00 > ) . COxCU ) , house U rooms , SUInu'a mill , f2noO. Mxlliopposltu HlRh school , $ 5 OH. ( itixV , IIOUFO n IOUIIIB , Hurt und JUth , S1.800 ( > ( lxUJ,2 house ) , 5 und 0 rooms , S. Ulli , ft , 7V ) . Ofixl K , brltk house 11 looms , Douglas Ht. , , M.ilOO 2 lots Ofi\l5J , house n rooms , Honl-o ndd. fll.ono 00\15) ) , house rooms , opposite Poppluton's , Sutra , liouso3rooms , Vh inla avo.SWi. 50x17) ) , house U rooms , ( looiRlu nve , $1,500 3Vi lots , oN'siini losljcnco , ( jror Ia n\o. $ JO,000 , Cot. lot , house 5 rooms , VliKliiluIiao , $1.700. ni.x-'IO , lacliitr 2 Pttocts , U room house inc. nj pink. Tlilsls voi vUoiliiblo pioporty. SI.WU 1'cill lot , mm house 0 1001111 , Hroisl.i ai > , & .I.1UU. inixlll.oDi. I loom IIOIUP , linpiovoniunt Asi , $ - , ,00. 1'ull lot H Ibth st. , now house , Improvement Ahb. $ J,5,0. M\liVJ , hon-ol ! rooms , 221 St. , $ ' 1,500. CU\li : , line U room housu , iliuthu mid niovontl , btS , fl.bUO. Lot , 7 loom IIOIIFO , Raundois st , f3,300 , Jl/WJ i ash , lull , in nn n pi opoi ty. 3'i ' ncrort nunrtho Inrt , > , ' , IO ) ! ) ) n < Ms4i/i miles nw po tolllco. ? 13J pur uric. i : r uiiiKoi , HUN. isthst. J7 * Star Line Currying thollolyliim Hoyal and Unit oil btatcs ' uvuiy S.UUnlny Between AniViferp & Hew York TO TUB RUItlE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL- LAUD AND FRANCE , Salon from JOO to $100. Excursion tilp fiom tllOlo fib1) ) , bucond Cubin $50 , nnd Kxouisijn $ ! n ) . btodi.iKo iiusiM 'ii nt low inlos. l' < ilor WrlKhl & bonj , Ooneral ASOIIU , Di llrondiviiy , jjuw Vork. Omaha , Nohr.uka , Piauk U. MoorosV. . , St , I , & . p , UcUul uirunt. ESTABLISHED 1800. CHAPLEPROWHCO. GRAIN AND PROVISION ssion erchants. Ilonrdof Trndo , ChamlHirof Commoicti , ; o. JMilvs.HiUeu. H. C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor. w. 3ECE : , llusliicsa Solicitor , la A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK FORYOUNG AND M1DDLE-AGED MBK ONLY 81 11V MAlti , 1'OSTl'AIU. SAMPLE viut : TO ALL KNOW THYSELF , nihi\nsto < 1 VitallyNflrrom and PhT < lfM Dsbllllf rrpiuninrflDofllnoln Mnn. Krrpri \onlhnnrt th untold ml ones roMiltlnifrom Indiscretion iind er CfMps A book tor ororr msn , yotinir , tntiMlo acifi findoM. HronMlm IWpre'crlplloni for nil arntonnil cnronlp < il riises.piirannoo ( which Is Inrnliinnlo. Si tounil l > rihonuthori ho 8 orperlonco for 11 rn nlt mcti us prolinmy never Dpfomfoll lnlh lot of ivnf Iihyslflani Tvpneo * . botinil In bf ntittritl Kronch mu - In embo dcovor * , fullcllt.aunfitntoojto bonilntr Honnl lh nnnT other wor * In this conntrr for | .H nrthpiiiotiBjr nil ) t > orot ml In ovcrr ln t nc . I'rbo onljr fl br limit , postpilil lllustmtotl mmplo , sis. Ffnnnnw. clolil me 1 1 * n r < 1p > l the author brtti a NV tlonnl MPillfAl AtsoolAtlnn. to the lion A.I * . tllKtll. nmt Hjwclito offlrorj of the bouJ the ronJorln r < v tpprtfuIlT rcff rro I . . . . 1hft Si Ionco of s Is wortti nioro to the roim and tntdillo ncol men of this concmit > n than til the uoUt mtnns of i'allfnrnli nd Iho tllror mlaoi of NoTudi combined - s K ihronlclo : 1 ho Sclonco of Life point * nut tlio rocks and quick. omlsim which the con'lltuiloa n I n poi ot innnf " tnftii hir0 bcoa filially wrecked. . M nchPstor Mi " ' 'i'lid sclonco of t.lfolsof uroMer Tivhio IhAnntlthO rncillenl work * publlshPd In thti countrr for tlio p.Ml to jciirf AllHittit Unnmilulloii. Thepdoncoof l.lfols siipotb nmranstorlr tro\t- l o on norrous nml tihyilCAl doblllly , UotroU fr j . Addr ther ahodrMollcMlumulo , orDf W.H. i'HtkorNo. ( lIuMMnrh nroot , llosion , MASS. . who mar beconinlloiloiiaUllsoai < ri. > iulrlnicikUI itnil < zprf. Pure Clironlrnml nbjlniito illseuol Hint luru b > ( - lloil Iho skill of all ptliornhr.McKus a tpctlallr. Such troaicU uccimfully nlluoul nn Insnucg of fnilur * Hontloii Umnli 11)Jo. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , ( Iriulo Sj > toni3iind.Souorn n Plans for Cities and 'lowns n upuclalty. Plans , Ustlnmtos nnd Bpoultlratlotirt fm Publlo nnd other ItnglnoorlnK woiUs furnished. Siuvujs and Itoport mndo on Public Impiovcmonts. A MUM w UosEWvTr.ii , XI ombcr American Soolo- Uty Civil P.nirlnni-is City Knglnner of Omaha EO. a CiiiusTiL , Civil Kiik-lnocr. Notice to Contractors. NOTlCKIs lioi bv glvun thntsrnlod proposals lot the construction ol n court house In the public square. Voile , Voik county. Nobiaskn. ithocot-tof which Iti not to oxiood the sura of $10,000) ) , will bo iccolxcd nt tlio county clerk's olllio , on 01 bnfoio April 20th , l sii , nt 1 o'clock , p m. Said court house to bo built ncioidltiff to plans nnd speclllc ntlons on fllo In the county tlcik'Botllco , York countv , 01 nt the olllco of O. H. Plnoy. No. 1.11 South lllovnuth St . Lincoln , Nebraska , on nml niter Mai Ui Ulth , IbNl. The putty to whom the tontrnct mny bo nwnulod will bo rnqtiliod to trlvo bond in double the nmount of tliocontiact prlco : conrlltioncu lei the Inlthfulpoiroimiincoof his obligation , said bom ] to bo nppiovcd by the county board. Thulioaid icsoivo the right to reject nily or nil bids. Ily oidcr of the boird mndo Pobrunry 20 , 1S88. mlmdut _ M. SOVliltiiON. : County Clurk. OMAHA OPEN BOARD OF TRADE. PABLEY & CO. , BROKER SIN GRAIN Provisions and U. K. Stocks. 1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Kxoouto orders f 01 puiclmsooi auloof wheat , coin , pork and rnllroinl stocks. llolor by pci mission to the Omaha National Hank , I'll st class intention to orders from In- terloi whluh nio collated. 1'AltMJV i CO. HAMBURG -AMERICAN 2aeleat Coiaapany. A DIHEOT LINE FOU England , Franco & Germany. Uhu steamships ol this well known line uro built ol lion , In wuiot-llght comp irtmuits , nnd aio Inrnlshud with ovoij icriulslto lo inako the pti'sairo both sufo nml ngrouahlo Thuy cnny the United htntoK nml Kurnpi'itii miilN.Hiul leiivo Ni'w Vork Thursdays nnd Sntuidnys for V\v. \ woulh , ( UlNUONJ.Uuoibouff.d'AUlS nud HAM- Kuliiinlnc , Iho Ktcumcrs lonvo Hamburg on Wednesday and biinduvs , vln. Huvro , lulling passcngcisnt boiithiimpton and London. Tirol cabin $50 , iiU nnd $75 ; bteoiatro$23. Itulliond tickets from Plymouth to llrlstol , Car- dill. London. 01 to nny place Ifl the Mouth ot Kiulund , I'ltni ; t > tieniuu : fiom Uuropo ouly ? :5. : Bund lor "TotuHt ( lu/otlc. " an. uioiiAnofcco. , 0 c nei id Piis-engor Agents , 01 Droaavvny , New Yoik ; Wnshliitfton nndLa biillobti. Chlciiiio , III. Sliicap Mmh & SI Paul The ShorifiLine and Best Boute From Omaha to the East. TWOTK.VINS UAIIjV IinTWKBN OMAHA AND Chicago , illnnu ijiolls. JlihMiukuo , St. Paul , Cedar Ifapim , Davenport , Clinton. ] ) uliifiio | , llockloid , Ilock Island , rieopoit , Juiuigvlllo , l'-Wn , MnilNon , I iiCrosso , Hi loll , Wlnonn AndiUlothor Impoitnni points Kast , Northoai nndbouihouit. liclat olllco nt 1101 Knrnnm si i cot 'l In Pnxtou Hottll. end at Union Puclllo Doj.ot.'l Piillmitn hleojieis und HID l-'lncbt Dining Cms In llioorld uio tun on the main lines of the UiiCAao.Mti.vvAUKhKtV.Sr J'UH , UAii.WAY.and i veiy nttuntlon Is paid lo piissongois by couifo- ons employes of the conipiuiv- . It. Ml 1.1.1.ii , UeneialDIanagur. J. r. TitcKrn , ABSlstiint Cunoral Jlnnosor. , A. V. H.OiiriiNTLii , Gemini 1'nsson ornal Jjckul AKOIII. ( Ho. i : llKAFroiii ) , Asel&tiuil QunernlPussoa. ( ft'i nnd Ticket . \JJtiit. AND Council Bluffs And Chicago Tlio only road to tuko fir Dna Molnoi , Mar- hulltowii.CcdiirUiiiilil * . Clinton. Dlxln. Chicago , Mllivaukco and nil points oust. To the pioplo of i\Vbr.ieku , ( Ailonulo , Wjomlng , Utah , Idaho Nov.idu.OiuonViisliliuKni und Cnllfoinliilt iilToissupoiior ndvnutnges not possible by nny other line AiiKinjr n few of the numoious points ot supo- lioiitj onjyyccjby tlio purum of llila loanbo- iwtonOiimhu und Chicago , mo Us mo trains a clay ol DAY CO.U'HLS which mo ( ho tlnojt that liui.iaii nit and Inguni'lly ( an trc'rtlu. Itsl'AI - ACi : CUtd , whlcii aio models of omfort unlulirfanto. Itsl'AltWIt DKAWINU HUO.M ( JAIls. unituipassi'd by any , and Its wldo- I ) telobruldd I'ALATIAL D1N1J56 CAI13 , tlio tijniilol w hich cM'inut ' bu loiind ulsowlmro. At Council illntlK thu tinini of llio Union Pact. flu Ily. connect In Union Uu > ot with llunoof tbo ( lilcngo Norlhwcfelmn Hy. In Chlcii.'o the trnlna of this line makoclcuo connection trltb thosiiof all oistom lines. Per Detroit. Columbus. IndlunnpoUs , Cincln null , Niagara Valid. Ilutfalo , Plit buig. Toronto Montreal , lioilon , Now Vork. i'liiludolphla , Ual- I tuoie.WtiBhlugtonund nil points In the tuat , ui' * Iho llcl.ut imunt lor tlnkots v In Iho . "Nouni-WP.bniiN.M : Ifjou wish Iho beet accommodations. Alltlokot a HAIP. , Gunorul Manlier. Qon.