Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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J3ell\ored tiy cnrricr In rmj-jmrtof thocltynt
twenty tints per wick.
II. W. TII.TO.V , - Mnimijer.
HuMM. ROmcE , Ni ) . 4
NKIIIT r.uiTOit , No. " ) .
New spring goods at RultorN.
Tlio United States court meets licrc
c\t Momliiy.
Kveriboily will bo ndmittod free at tlio
opening ot tlio innsiciil Institute to-night.
J. .Johnson , arrested on suspicion of i.ol
lielng wunted liere , was yoaU'idny given
n chance to leave the city. He took it.
There are forty-one applications for
positions in the Iir dopartment. This
doc.s not look as if all could be accommo
UBellc Smith was arrested last evening
lor obtaining money under false pre
tences from A. II. Johnston , a money
loaner on chattels.
Mrs. K. Man , mother of Fritz Hern-
hardi , died on "I uesday night at lier resi
dence No. 217 South Filth street. Tlio
funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this
Matrimonial permits were yesterday
issued to Jacob Zeiklcr and Mary Fov of
Lovcland ; Nathan Moore and Morn It.
Hodeiiljongh of Macedonia ; John liusso
and Maggie Naneell of Council ISlulls.
George Adams , a plain drunk , who had
the distinction of hcin" the lirst to ho
arrested by tlio new police , was yoMoiday
lined tlio usual amount , and congratu
lated hiiiiMilf on not being charged extra
for the distinction.
Chief Matthews innilo Ids first arrest
yesteiday. a fellow giving tlio name of
llnhor , who got mad because ho was not
given a free meal at the Scott house ,
llnber in his wrath smashed in a window
and then Matthews led him to tlio cooler.
The American District Telegraph com
pany has completed arrangements tor
the speedy construction of their lines
hero. The work will commence at once ,
and as fast as wo'thor will permit the
work will go on until the service is in
complete working older.
Among the eases to como before tlio
supreme court at its session hero is that
of Cooper against Mills count ) , in which
tlio lower court gave judgment for $1J5-
000 in favor of the plaintill' for personal
injuries received byailing through a
The new policemen have received in
structions to keep moving on their beats ,
and not stop to visit with every fellow
who chances to have an hour or so to
spare. They must move on , which will
bo a change from the old gossipy way of
hanging about the streets.
Tlio ball given by the Ancient Order ol
Hibernians last evening was very largely
attended , and proved to be fully as enjoy
able as was expected , which is saying
much. All enjoyed themselves heartily.
The music , supper and all arrangements
were such as ensured this result.
An attempt is to bo made to do away
with the market place at the junction of
Main and 1'earl streets and have this
kind of business done on the city grounds ,
between the city building and city jail.
The scales of tlio city woighmaster and
his office are located at the city building ,
and other conveniences will bo provided
there to accommodate the public.
The junior class of the high school held
their club meeting at the homo of Miss
Nannie Harding Tuesday"evening. . A
very pleasant time was had. One of the
most interestine features was a "quoto
tlowiif'1 ' which promises to become moro
popular tjian tlSt5 oiii-jnnliioucd "polling
down. Sides worn chosen , ami fUt | > il !
tions giyen from Shakespeare until one
side was beaten. Games and social chat
ting followed.
Dr. Cook yesterday received a letter
from 11. M. Wilbur , at Iowa City , stating
that ho had jiibt received a telegram from
St. Paul announcing the death of his wife.
Mrs. Wilbur was formerly a , teacher in
the public schools hero , and at the time
of her death was engaged as u teacher in
the St. Paul schools. She was n very elli-
ciont and popular teacher , and outside of
the school loom made many friends , who
admired her many womanly qualities of
mind and heart. The news will be as sad
us it is Midden to her friends hero.
Personal I'nrnjrnpli8.
E. Floury , of Carson , was in the city
J. J. IHiss has returned from a visit to
Nebraska Kity.
J. J. Sullivan and wife , of Missouri
Valley , were in the Binds ycsterdav.
Joe Klntz , of Kintz & Klecb , has gone
to Chicago on a brief business tour.
li. Silloway , of Cedar rapids , is looking
after his interests in the Ugden house ,
and shaking hands with friends.
Mrs. Charles Mack , wife of the con
ductor on tlio dummy train , spent yes
terday with friends in the lUull's.
Charles Adolph returned yesterday
from Kansas , where ho lias been gather
ing in a big amount ot real estate. Ho is
onthusiatlc over Kansas , its past and its
prospects. Ho comes one arm in splints ,
however , having met with ti bad break ,
by an accidental tumble into the cellar of
n now building ho was erecting.
Among the prominent attorneys attend
. . . . . .
A.lll.t.ff ll'll , VJ. Hi * WWi , 1'llt .I"K IWIIi .LJlUn-
Wright , DCS Malnes , W. A. Work. Ot.
tuimvn : 1) . C. Herman , Ottnmw.i ; 1-5. II.
T. L Maxwell , Creston.
The i'nclllc House Property.
A fo > r days ago wo assured the puhlin
that all reports about the closing of the
Fticlltu house were premature and un
founded. We made promises to duly an
nounce any changes. To quiet the
nerves of those who have spout sleepless
nights in imagimnggreat hotel changes ,
we now announce that we have reversed
our lease of the I'acilio house and will
continue to occupy it , accommodating
our friends and patrons as usual. There
will bo extensive and marked improve
ments made at once in tlio hotel. With
thanks for past patronage , we remain
J.V. . FKIICJUbOjj & SOX ,
Pioprletors of I'aeilie
l\\K \ Kcca Demanded.
Fremont Ilcnjumiu , one of the attor
neys engaged by Arch Coll'man , of Avo-
ca , has presented a bill for services ,
amounting to $ ' . ' ,500. Mr , Collmau is not
impressed with the modesty of the fee
charged , and deems it exorbitant , as the
case lias only reached the grand jury ,
nnd not been tried at nil. Ho objects to
paying it , and a suit will now bo the re
sult Coll'man is said to bo willing and
ready to pay what ho deems a reasonable
fee , but for a pioliminury examination ho
thinks such an amount is exorbitant , The
courts will have to determine it.
Best coal nnd wood in the city at Glca-
sou's , 2(51'oarl ( street.
For Sale.
Seventy-live heud of horses.
'S PAUK lIiwsK&OATTi.r. Co. ,
Council UlultV , Iowa.
Anxious Inquiries as to tlio Inaugural of the
Now Administration.
State Supreme Court Proceedings
The Iiocal Unllroiul unices
Misplaced Confi
Docs lie Menu It ?
"Docs ho mean it ? " That Is being
asked by many in reference to tlio in
augural of the now major. His distinct
avowal that the city must bo cleared of
cuppers , plugger.s and crooked men ,
called forth the hearty endorsement of
woilliycltl/cns , but among the hangers-
on of tome of the dens , the declaration
was at lirst looked upon as a , binIV. Theic
have been occasional utterances of quite
similar import in the nast , but threats
soon passed into friendship , and matters
were made easy in a manner best known
to those concoi lied. The inquiry has
been made rather doubtfully , butltseems
now conceded that the present mayor
really means business. Some of the fel
lows have already emigrated , and others
were given the a Mitauoe so clearly yes
terday that there was no more foolish
ness as to cause them to decide to begin
packing. It is evident that none of the
old methods of sheltering from the storm
will avail under the present administra
tion , and the house cleaning is not to DO
Another anxious inquiry is as to
whether the avowed policy in regard to
closing saloons on bunday is to he fol
lowed out. On this , too , there scouts , to
bo no weakening. The ollicials are getting
in readiness to compel the closing of all
bars on Sunday , without regard to where
they are or who runs them. The great
dillieulty has been that the hotels did not
think they could \\ell close their .bars ,
without inconveniencing some of their
guests. This saloons having lunch coun
ters followed with the claim ( lint they had
boarders who must have their meals , and
they could not close the saloon without
closing tlio lunch counter. The city has
been trying to solve this dillieulty for
these unfortunates , biittho present mayor
proposes to let them wre. tlo with the
im//le as to how they can arrange it.
The ornor will go foith that whore hotels
or lunch counters situated that the
doors of one cannot bo closed without
closing the doors of the other , that the
bars must be closed , and no drinks sold
fionithcm. If any drinks aro.sold fiom
the bar , then war is to bo declared against
the oU'endor. It is understood that there
is to bo no backing down from this posi
tion , in favor of any one.
For lirst class Missouri wood call on
Gleason , at his coal ollicc , SOL'cnrl street.
Money to loan by Forrest Smith.
The Supreme Court.
There were a number of decisions ren
dered yesteiday by the supreme court , as
follows :
Minion vslJlnttncret nl. Petition for re-
licminc o\cuiilcl. This petition was tiled
upon the uround that a lamlloid cannot be
made liable for a nuisance cieated by his ten
ant , ot \ \ lcMo \ \ \ 1ms no knowledge , the hind-
Ion ! , Mr. tilbbs , disclaiming that ho was re
sponsible for the fact that his tenants sold
intoxicating Illinois. Tlio court says : "Tho
existence of the nuisance having been con
clusively established by the judgment of this
court , it necessarily lollows that the tenants
cannot continue tlio business. The picialscs
tuny continue to bo occupied by them for a
lawful putpo e. and the lease may continue
to o.xlst. ( Jleaily , however , in our judgment ,
Mr. ( iibbscan pioteot hiinselt and his piem-
iscs fiom being a public nuisance , nnd to that
end ho mnv have thn power to cancel tlio
fcaso of Onjoin tC ! : ' 'ulawliil ' use. We , how
ever , do not regaid It as tsscmm ! 1" < iutol >
mine tills question. The petition foi n 1'C-
healing Is ovciiuled. When Mr. ( Slubs was
made a party to tlio notion he obtained knowl
edge that It was claimed niidchatged that his
tenants had been using the leased premises
as n place for the sale ot intoxicating liquors ,
thcieby cientlugapubllcnulsaiico , and tlieie-
foio he , as the owner , would become liable.
This , at least , should bcieguided nssullicieut
to nut him on liKiuiiy as to the tiuth or
the matter charged. "
II. U. N. Twining , appellant , vs city of
Bmlliigton. Appeal from DCS Mnlnes dis
trict court. The plaintiff claims to bo no the
owner of a paiccl of laud In which the city
iilso clnlins title. This action was brought
by plalntitl to ( julct his nllegcd title. Upon
a trial there was n decree dismissing the
plalutlll's petition , and ho appeals. Af-
Jonathan ( See vs S. C. Moss , appellant.
From DCS Molncs distilct court. Plaintiff
biought action on account of ccitaln alleged
( also and fraudulent rcpicsuntatioiisniada by
delLMiiIant concerning the business and finan
cial condition of the Diirllngton Shirt and
Steam Laundry company , an Incorporation
of which he was nil oDicer , byhicli plaintiff
was Induced to purchase twenty-four shares
of stock for 82,400. Thei o was n verdict nnd
judgment tor plnlutlir. Defendant appeals.
Jacob Urandonborger vs L. Hegler , appcl-
Innt. From Leo circuit court. Action on
an injunction bond of $100. Judgment was
asked for that amount , nnd icndcied tor SI00
nnd costs. Defendant appeals. Appcnl dis
William Bell vs city of Burlington , appel
lant. Fiom les Maine * circuit court. Con
troversy between the city and the plaintiff ns
to the location of boundary line between the
stieet and abutting lots. Allirmcd.
Gibson J3io\\iio appellant C. J. Illckic.
From Leo dlstiict coint. Jtoversod.
Stnto vs Mahan. On rehearing. Former
opinion adhered to.
White Vb Smith. On tehe.ulnjr. Petition
Ameilcnn Buttonholing , Oversenmlng nnd
Seeing Machine company , appellant , vs.
The liuillngton Mutual Loan association.
Fiom Den Mollies dlstiict court. Action In
equity to icdecm from a foieclosuro and sale
under n mortgage. Alllnned.
Chnrles Winzer v. City of Burlington , ap
pellant. Fiom Des Molnes district court.
Plalntllf Is the owner of real estate which ho
claims Is exempt horn municipal taxes. Ac
tion commenced to restrain tinther collec
tion nnd imnui for taxes previously panld.
Chicago , Durlliicton & Qidncy lialhoad
company , appellants , vs. John Jackson.
FIUIII Mills county district court. Action tor
possession ot eighty acics in Mills county.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. & B. L. Squire , 101
Petui street , Council lilull's ,
Tlio Musical Institute.
The musical institute which is to open
to-day under the direction of Piofessor
Martin Towne , affords nn opportunity for
voice culture which every lover of music
in Council Ulntls should improve. This
city can boast of uu unusual amount of
musical talent , but it needs unity , such as
this course of instruction will give. It is
expected there will bo a chorus of moro
than ' 'CO voices , including the best talent
of tlio city. Tiie classes nre arranged ns
follows : l or juveniles from 8 to 14 years ,
0.30 p. in. ; rudimentary class , for adults ,
young or old at 7:30 : ; chorus class
at 9l0. : ! 'lickets for the course are
placed at the lew pricoof $1 to enable all
who desirn instruction to attend. Prof ,
Towue will also uivo private lessons in
voice culture to all who desire , The insti
tute begins to-night and continues two
weeks , at thu close of which n grand con
cert will be gien. . The Congregational
clmivh will bo iifod for the conduction of
I lie classes. Prof , Towne's reputation ns
u musical director and vocal teacher is s > o
well known it is unneeossarv to enlaigo
upon Jiis merits nt this tinioj that he is
coming will be sulHeinnt to insui'o him a
large class. It will booll , however , to
secure your tickeU before the ouuiiiug of
the Institute to uvoid delay. They iuuy
bo found at the store of Hnrkness Hros. ,
W. S. Homer's , Squire Hros. orU. Mont
gomery's offices.
MUplnectl Confidence.
A short time ago tlio police arrested a
follow named Williams for being noisy
drunk , nnd being nimble ( o pay his fine
ho did chores around the city building
for several days. Last neck ho said he
had a chance to work for n well known
Keg Creek farmer , Mr. \ \ ard. Yester
day Mr. Ward was hero and related his
c.xpGiicnce with the fellow , lie had em
ployed him for n time last fall , nnd after
Ids relca e from jail here last week he
employed him again. Ho sent him to
Council Mlnll's with the team to do some
business and the fellow disappeared ,
team and nil , Mr. Ward then came here.
and following the clues found that ho had
gone to Omaha and theru sold the outfit.
Mr. Ward found the man who had
bought the stolen horses , but this man
had traded off one of them. This com
plicated matters , but Mr. Ward succeeded
in securing his. property and was yester
day en touto homo again. Ho got no
track ot Williams , and tlio fellow has
doubtless put a long distance between
him and this part of the country.
No Olllccs Yet.
The Milwaukee and Northwestern
roails have not located their ticket of-
lices. Colonel T. MoKissock of the Coun
cil lilull's iV St. Louis road , came in yes
terday alteinoon but no decision was
reached in regaid to the two former
roads locating their offices witli the ( J.
U. & St. L. ticket ollice , nor will there be
a decision until word lias been received
from certain Chicago railroad ollieinls.
In thn meantime the Northwestern ami
Milwaukee roads have no other oflicos
than those in their local depots.
S ! IMIjl33 !
A sure euro for Blind. Bleeding ; , Itchin
nnd Ulcerated Piles h.xs been dlscovcicd by
Dr. Williams , ( nil Indian icmcdv ) , called Dr
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has cured tlio woist cliionic cases ol 'J , ' > or
W ) j ears standing. No 0110 need suffer live
minutes alter applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and Instruments do
moie hniiu than good. Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absoibsthe tumors , allays tlio
intense itching , ( p.utleulmly at ninlit after
uettlii' ' wana in li d ) , acts ns a poultice , civea
instant iclicf , nnd Ispicpaicd only for Piles ,
itching of piivate pails , and for nothing else.
Dr. Fia/iei's Magic Ointment cures ns by
mnnic , Pimples , iJlack Heads or Giubs ,
lilotcbes nnd ErunMons on the face , leaving
the sKln clear nnti. . .nut If ul. Also cuicsltcli.
Salt itbuiuu , Sore /Tipples , Sore Lips , and
Old Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by duiggists , or mailed on receipt of
00 cents.
Itetalled bvKulinT& Co. . nnd Sclnocter *
Com ail. At wholesale bv C. F. Goodman.
Pierre Solider Mi'li.u. who was 08 yours
old lust November , claims to bo one of
the seven survivors of the wars of the
first Napoleon. His papers show that lie
enlisted In 1800 , was in the French army
for ten years and nine months , rose from
the ranks to the grade of lieutenant , and
was made chevalier of the Legion of Hon
or. lie is the father of sixteen children ,
and has lived in Philadelphia since 18511 ,
supporting himself by playiiiir the violin
in orchestra and giving mu&ic lessons.
# * * # Delicate diseases of either
sex , however induced , speedily and per
manently cured. Hook 10 cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical
Association , C03 Main street , Buffalo ,
The Thirteen club should start a branch
in Spain , where thn superstitious people
think their late king fell a victim to the
thirtecn-nt-tablo fatality. It seems that
when Alfonso visited Aranjuex last sum
mer to see the cholera patients he lunched
at the palace , and thirteen persons sat
down to the meal. Noticing the num
ber , the kinggayly referred to the tradi
tion , and made his equerry give him a
list of the guests , that ho might see
whether any one died within the year.
The king himself was the victim.
Ait Actni-.l ' "tiers are endorsed by nil
the iSullng physician * Phcnllsts' /"I
their inn ity and xsliolesomcnes1 ! . liqwato . .
coumccits nnd nsk your druggist nnd
giocerlorthe genuine nrticle , prepared by
Dr. J. G. B. Siegert & Sons.
A report on the progress of the leper
settlement at Moloknt , one of tlio Sand
wich islands , states that the settlement
opened in January , 1880 , with 1 11 lepers ,
ot whom 103 wore males and 88 females.
Up to November last there were admitted
3,101 lepers , of whom 1,085 , vere males
and 1,110 females. The largest muster
roll from the foundation of the settle
ment was in August , J884 , at which date
it stood 811 , comprising 513 males and
821 females. There is a biennial appro
priation of $100,000 for the maintenance
of tlio sufferers.
Do not cough in church. Take Red
Star Cough Cure with you. Twenty-
live cents.
_ _
Jacob Keogh , aged 83 , a mere skeleton ,
and possessing hardly strength enough to
move any portion of his bodv , was ad
mitted to Bellovtio hoppilal , Now York ,
on Saturday. Ho has been living for the
last two weeks upon water , given to him
in small quantities. His .stomach would
not retain food of any description , and
the smallest quantitii given would cause
violent spasms. Ho has been tending u
lead grindinginachinofortwo years , anil ,
having inhaled the dtist , chronic lend poi
soning sot in. Ills skin is thu color of
lead , nnd the whites of his eyes uao nearly
Thanks for n bottle of St. Jacobs Oil.
It cured our backache. Only fifty cents.
All Wink riistCius. Olllcoln
Mrs. C.L. Gilslti's Hair Goods Sto/e ,
No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Opp. Posioffice.
inos. OFFICER. w. n. u. vuaitr .
EstnbllBlioil ISflj ,
Council Bluffs Bus
Carriage Transfer Co.
& Arnd , Props.
and liaggvyo taken to and from
all tialns. IliiSscB , carrlUKOB and baggiiKu wuj , "
oiis iimko connections vritli all trains. Prompt
attenllon flvon to a'l ' falls. Special rules to
theatrical troupes and commercial men. Car
riages run day and nlk'bt , Olllco at Ogden
llauso. Tolcihonu ' . Also '
| 1L'3. at litchtc'lu's
Hotel. Lcu\foidvi on the Elate.
Kcrn rk tie icd quiet ccrti. .
, HrsdBUnip for < il lirUculin. | AJ4 tl ,
Or. WARD & . CO. . tOL'lbUNA , HO.
Ho,18MainStHo,17PearlSt , ,
Grand Spring Opening
Our buyer Imvinj ? nmdc extensive
purchases while in New York vc now
have open as full mid complete an as
sortment of everything in the dry
goods line for the ladies of Council
IJlufTs nnd vicinity ta they have ever
hud ofi'ercd them to'select from.
The goods are all'of ' the very latest
patterns nnd design , especially intro
duced by us for this season. We will
endeavor always td give our custo
mers the full benefit of the lowest pos
sible price at which we make our own
purchases and we aij ) thereby certain
to always have
Such as cannot be beaten b } ' any one
in the dry goods business , in this part
of the west.
Double width cashmere in all the
new and lending shades , 12-ic per yd.
42 inch wide all wool cashmere that
is sold everywhere else ah from 40 to
50c , we sell at the remarkably low fig
ure of 25c per yard.
3 I/
/ %
We have 25 pieces , in all styles and
patterns , of white 'ilress ' goods , which
we offer for this wealc only , at 34 c
per yard.
One case , fast colors , gingham for
dresses or aprons , is sold by us at 4c
per yard-
7 % cents ,
FiiicC1 picccs checked and striped
muslin at Tie , worth tib last § 0c-
25 cents
Ten pieces of Turkey red table lin
en , guaranteed fast colors 25c per yd ,
worth 50c.
3 cents
One case of linen towels , 18x30
4 cents
Ten pieces linen crash in plain and
fancy colors at 4c per yard.
5 cents
100 Turkey red fringed nap
kins , red and white at fie.
5 cents
25 do/on till linen plaid fringed
napkins , red and white at 5c.
4 % cents
1 case lawrence 'brown muslin at
4Jc. T hey were never "offered in any
otliLT market for tads tlianTic.
5 ceiits
i 'i
1 ca e Hope blcatjhua muslin at 5c.
50 cents ,
i >
i ti
A lot of new styles in summer buggy
robes , 50c each.
Bankrupt Store ,
Nos 18 Main St. and 17 Pearl Street ,
Council Bluffs.
To the Public
Circumstances , beyond our control
have delayed the closing out of our en
tire stock as we had purposed ,
The approaching season of spring1
trade finds us with a goodly stock of
Dry Goods ami Carpets , some lines de
pleted but cleared of undesirable goods.
Hcinp : In the dry gools ; business ) wo
know of no bettor place lo continue the.
same than in Council lllufls. Wo shall
therefore re-stock every department
with now and seasonable goods. Our
Mr. E. E. Harkncss , Is now making pur
chases in eastern markets , and we shall
soon have a
Choice ,
To olTcr onr customers. Our carpet de
partment/will be complete with the new
patterns of
Moquette ,
Body Brussels ,
Etc. . Etc. , Curtains and curtain pooils
from domestic anil foreign markets.
We have already on onr tables the
choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham
burg1 embroideries ever ollcrcd in the
city , ane an excellent assortment of
white poods to which we shall make
frequent additions.
We thank our many patrons for their
favors and jjootl will in the past , and
we shall endeavor to merit the same in
the future , by attention to their inter
ests , and by peed poods nnd we invite
all to call and examine onr new pur
chases before buying in other markets.
Council BluiFs , Iowa.
, Mattings ,
Wholesale and Retail.
Spriiift : 18UG Ouv stock is now com
plete and contains the newest designs
nnd colorings in all grades of Carpets ,
Curtains , lings , Upholstery Goods , etc.
POPULAR PRICES Mail orders at
tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery
Work to order.
4 < 05 Uroadway.
Locking Bracket for Fences
Any piirt readlly tiikcn out or rcplncud. Kor
picket or rail fcnc. " , Iron orwood. cnnnot lie excelled -
celled lor nillliig of any sort. For particulars
wrlto C. J. UI'.CKMAN , Inventor.
Council lllulfs.
Plato anJ county rights for sale.
A. T , ELWELL , Agont.
No. 607 Ilroftdwar , Council Illuffi
Railway Time Table ,
The following Is tlio time of arrival nn I
departure of tialns by central Mandard time , at
tlio local depots. Trains leave tiansfurdnpot ton
minutes earlier and urrlvo ton mlnutca later :
B I > ' " "
D:2JA.M : JIa" l"1 I'XI1USS | ( IsAOp. M.
12:40r. : M Accommodation. . . . . . ,4SUi : > . M.
ole : p. M KxjirobS U:05A.u. :
O'SJA. M Mall and Hxpross 0OTp. : M ,
7-liA. M. . Accoiiiinodatlon fiM5i * . M ,
Ctur. M Kxpruaa : U5A. M.
0:20 : A.M Mall and Kxiirciu : Mi > . M.
CHICAGO. < > N A qu cv.
9:10 : A. u Mall and KxpiL83 . , . , . , 0:501 * .
0&Ur.M : Kxpross , UU5 :
2:15p. ti.Local Bt. I.ouls Ilxprcsa Local.
'JXJ : ( r.M.TnuiBforSt. IxiuU Kv.Tnuibfer.a : 101 % M
30:10 : A , J ! Mall and Kxproas rn'iOi1. M.
U:05r : , u Kxprusa 0 : 5 A. 11.
7:15 A.M . . .Sioux City Mall BTOi' : . M.
f.'M iu ht. I'niil Uxprufis HiiA.u. :
JO : : iA. it Mun\er Hxpruis . . . . .6:151' . M.
SilJi- . M..Lincoln I'a8s.Oin. It H. V..B:05 : P. M.
7Wi'.u : Overland I'.xoross B:15A.M.
Leave Council lllutrs-7:05-bU. : : < -'J.30-10T- ' :
J1W : ) a , in. : lS-3ao ) : 3JO : 1:30-55-fl : ! : J
VU > 11:15 p. in. Sunanys-T -u.JJ-ll.'oO-a.
in ; 'J.W : : i.ii-6i'S : ) : fl : > ( l : I5p. in. LoavoOina
lia-6JS-7T5-a:50-10:00-llOUii. : : in ; 1:0.1-2:00- :
ajC-lOJ-500-0Oii : ( : ; : : I5 lllUp.m. : Suuda > s
'js'lS 7:6a--s-4 : 11:00 a. ia. ; 2:00UK5W : ( ) : ( -
0:05-8:15-11:10 : : p in.
Farm at a Bargain.
\Vell linpioved farm of 10T acica for Bale ;
Jf miles fiom Council UluH.s. Ailitipsi
IltA SCOK1KM ) ,
Counrll lilulff.
In Council muffs Imvlnz
Fire Esoeupe
, call l , lr
And all moaerii linprovoiiwirti > 7fa }
Klurm bells , etc. , is the
Nos.215,217 aud21 , MalnStrogt ,
JC M011N ,
Rubber and Oiled Clothing
And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write
for Prices.
Sioreliou33 anil SatoJi , 41 N , Main St. Ofllce 412 Broadway ,
Hrick btillillnir of nuv Uliul rnl'ed or moved nrul sntlsfnctlon Riimantccd. Traino houses muvo'l
onl.iclloaiaiH trucks the best In tlio wo ill
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Strcjt , Council Bluffs.
NOTICE. Spoolal advertisement such as
Lost.FoundTo Loin , l''oSilo , To Itont , WnnU
Bonrtling- . , will bo Inserted In this column at
tliolow rate of TRK CUNTS I'Ell LINE for tlio
flrstlnsortlon and FIVK CB.Vl'3 PKll LINE for
each subaoiuont Insertion. Lanvo tulvoi-tiM
mentsixt our oISco , No. t ! 1'ourl street , uoar
Bioadway , Council Ululfs.
WANTKD A jrirl lor ( jcncinl lioiisswoik In
u mmll family. Apply nt I7J1 Uiomlmiy.
"V\7"ANTLn : All t > Apuiiciicr < r < ly KOo < lb saluv
TT man , Apply to J. OolULorj , No. 18 ilnln
st t cot.
FOIl RAM' OM napois. In quiintltlos to unit ,
nt Ileo olIlco.No. llM'oiu I street.
WANTED A coinro'ent lady bookkeeper.
Stiitorolcicnsos , by whom lust omplojed ,
name and iuldro s In mil. AddicsiNholosnlu ,
A , JJeu ollice , Council _ Mlnl s _
WAXTKU A position ns pie simm by mnn
of faintly , tlnco years expeiionco. It ,
Dec ofllcc , Council Illulld.
f -i WAN & WA : I C , No. US Mnln sttcct ,
nn " ' _ ' /oil's Uunk ) , roul estate una iner-
( tinilu * wtkiira. . Our bnnkM iiro full
ortriulonnjtliliiK' l our line , rite us unu TT ?
v ill sonil you a pile of bargains to select from.
Lands Improved or unlinpiovc.1 , city or town
properlystojka of Koodi of any kind In any
place. It such jou have or Biicli you want lot us
nonrfrom von. Swan A ; Walker Council Illulfs
Manufacturers of all elzosot
Automatic Engines
Especially Designed for Itunnln ?
Tubular and Locomotive Boilerd.
New Massillon Threshers.
Carey and Wood bury Jlorso Powers.
Portable and Traction Engines ,
Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House
510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffe.
Strictly Poie Lead , Zinc and Oil
Are just ns roi > rp enl ( l , fico from mlultcrn'
lion , unit the vniy lie > t iiHuiufncliu.'iJ , u fiitt
Iliat can bo iiuUiitnulIutud by uuuul i-oininul-
bons. j'or biiki by
Dealer In Drugs , Paints , Oils , Etc.
6O7 Mnin Street , Council Bluffs.
anil Mtilus kept constantly on liantl ,
fursnlout lutnilor in CHI-loads.
Oixluij ? ijromdtlv lllU'l l > y MniliuU ouSlioit
nolliu. btntk scrM oil commission.
SllUJTiil& : JHJl.UV. J'roprMiirs.
Sfulilu. ( 'OIIHT rii < f > . A\Uuiu unii rou tli M.
Couutil llluils luitu. , '
I wish to respectfully call tlio attention of my
patrona unil tlm public In Rcneiul , to my remo-
Milliom thu old stand Nos. 7 and a , Jlnln St. ,
to my now nnd commodious iUtulori | ) ,
226 Broadway ,
Whom I will bo plonscd to sen my many frlonda.
With n Iar0'o , now and complete ( lism mieiit of
nil Ilio very
And bolmr located in loipo ( iimitors I inn bolter
than over betmo prepared to servo tuo public.
llospcttfully ,
Merchant Tailor
NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
radices In State anil Co nits.
i'vO"13 7 amis , Smuait Block.
At Homer's ,
No. 23 Main Street. Council Jllnfls. la
R.lSfOE" M. D.
f SNPPRC or olb.or turn irs removed without
taill/HnO t10 | | iniro or drawing of ulooi.
CHRONIC DISEASES of all kinds a Spclauy.
Ovoi thirty yonia' ui' .
No. 11 IViul Strc'ot , Council llluiTi
A.C.IIUKNiiAM , 1'iua. I.W. TIIM.RVS , Vlco-1'roj.
JAMES N. Uiio\v.sCuslilor.
national M
Onpitnl . .T777 . $100,000
Authorized Capital . 250,000
Stockholders Koprosout . 1,000,000
Do tiguneial banking uualnnjj.
Accounts of bunks , Imn'Kiiii ) , inerchaut , man-
ufiictuiersand Inilvldunls rocolvod on luvor.i-
tile forms.
Doinrstlo nn J lotolgn oxcliaiifo ,
'Jliovery bust of nttentlo.i t'lvoii to nil busl
nets comnilltu 1 to o.ircaru.
" " "
I liu\o n rjunntlly of Found , will clcnncd
\vli.cli I olToi at irnsonnuln lljtun a Peed of tlio
cioioflh8j. | Coirvi | < inonca ( ! aolleltril. K ( I ,
1IUTI.K1I , Pchnllor , Iowa. CAN W. Jy. !
Horses and Mules
For nil puii'osos. bouglit and sold , nt lotull mid
In loin .Scvriuj six ol tlio uuy best
< iuitllly of muled imvr ou band. Council HlulfH
lo a.
_ _
Baggage Transfer Line.
'Jltis und l > imuv wasonB loimcct wltli al
UalHA , loull hotlli , io < ldiniiB oil' . B | > u hd nt-
OAL TIIUI I'liS. rionii | | altiMillon ( f M-'ii all
calld. Olllcu at 1'iiclUo Iluut > e , Telephone No
1 < U ; alsoTclsiiliono No. 124 ut Ot'clcn House.
II. Pronriotor.