Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , T rlURSDAY , M.VttUII 18 , 183S.
Now York , .March 17. MoaEV On cnll ,
t n < iy al U < f23 cciii. .
1'iiiM B .M KIIJ-A XTIM : I'Arnn 4ff } * per cent. Ex < 5iiA.voE Dull bill stcailv at
4.S7'fc for slxlil.iys anil WOtf on tlcinnnd.
MovhiisjiBNis null lint stonily.
STOCKS The stock market was ( leclilcilly
nctl\p anil weak. Tlicrovasn weak o | > cn
Injr , lirst prices sliowliiff KPiietnlly n loss o
} f to % nnd nftt-r a brief RUOW of flrinncss an
a very ileclilctl break , wlilcli carried IIHCC
down about'J tiprcent bcfnro inlililny. The
( Irclhio was tliou clicekcil and n Ilrm tcino
with lew artlvlty prevailed for an hour , fol
lowed aRaln by tcnewod wcakni-os that ron-
tliuicdtotlioclose. The break In the fore
noon was directly trnccablo to coal stock" ,
Which wcro conspicuous for a de
cline , especially Ktadlntr , which sold fioin
SJTJ/down toiiVSf. The aftei noon's ilecllno
followed icotts | that a stillco had taken
TilnrunmniiK the employes of tlio Uhlcaito ,
jtiirlliiKton Qiilncy rallimd , nnd that fur-
thcrltoublc tlirousliont tlioest was threat
ened. \\asaualaday for tlio bears , the
whole list closing at near tlio lowest liirnrc * ! ,
nnilfioinl to m per cunt lower than last
S ccnt boniH. . * . \Y
U.S. 4k's
Now 4's
1'acIfloG'flof ' 9 . ociron Trnu .
Central 1'nclllc. . PnclliR Mall
C.&A no P. , 1) . &K °
tirofcn cd. . . . ins P.P. C . 181
G , n. itj Hock Islam * . . . 127
1) . , I , . itVV St. L. AS. K. . 20
JV.tK. O in jnefcrred. . 43Ml
Eric 5f VC. , 51. A St. t Ml/ ?
preferred. . . . CO'f ' preferred. .
Illinois Central. 140 stv.&o
I. , U.AW 20 piefcireit. . . 11WJ4--
Kansas AToxas. as Texas I'nelllc. . . 12'tf
LakeShore asM Union I'aclllo. . .
41 W..SUL. , fcl' . .
Mich. Ce.ntrni. . . . 12 picfeiied. . .
.Mo. I'acllio 1US Western Union. ( VI
Koithein I'.ic. . . aov o.
prcfuiml. . .
ilaicli 17. Flour l-'lim and
steady ; winter wheat Hour. SI.40J14.S" :
MmtliiTn.S4.UOrM.V ( > : Wisconsin , S4.fi06J .75 ;
Michigan soUspilnewlirat , S3.70C' I.OO : Mm-
ncbota bakers' , S3.r,0rtl..Vj ( ; patents , Sl."X2 (
5.00 : low Kiades. W.Xc ) < i3.0X
Wheat Lc.s4 iloiiiK ! opened easy , de
clined Jt ' /c below yesterday's close , im
proved ifec , i tiled easier , and rinsed } f. under
ysleiilay:7i ! : ! > 4 ( ? § for cash ; 1Hclor3iaieli ! ) ;
for . .
-M .May.
Coin Active and closed steady : futures
declined Ufa lallied We and closed % c under
\rtturdav ; : nKfti : 7kc for cash ; : ; < c for
Match ; ftWWXc for JIay.
Oats About steady ; -M. c lor cash ; 2 ; > c lor
Maicli ; : iiW.l3i < c lor .May.
Jlc-Iulatr ( > ' .ic.
Hailey DullntGOc.
Timothy Pi line , SI.8SQ1.00.
Flaxseed-No. 1 , Sl.ll.
Whisky Sl.l I.
Poik Declined ir@l7Jfc ( , rallied fi@7'fc !
and inled conipamtively steady to elose ;
S . ( iuYUUK for cash ; SU.OO for March ; 8J.70@ (
0.73 lor May ; Sn.77 > < ( ! 49.78 for June.
Laid Killed 2J < fn lower and closed compar-
ati\elv hteiuly ; S-ri. ! > JJ4 for casli and Match ;
ttyf for May.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , S3.WWZil.00 : short
clonr , 8 * > .rKr ) 5.ft5 ; > linrt lihs , S5.155.UO.
Hutter Steady ; ( teed to Inncy cieamery ,
20iWc : ; Rood to llnu dnlry , 10fC'J5c. (
Cheese Steady and lirmer ; full cicam chei'- '
dars t ) > fjiIoycHats ) \ do. . 10@lle ; Young
Ameilcas , ilal2c ( ; skims , 4 ( < lOc.
Jnelian cd ; preen , 7c : licavv
irn'en Failed , lully cured , Sc ; light , sj c ;
bull hides. Cc ; dry salted. l'Jac ; dty lllnt ,
lilfigUc : ealf skins. 10@isc. :
Tullow Unchaimed : o. l country , 4 > c ;
No. a countiy , : % c : cake. 4c.
UeoelnK Sliiumcnt .
Flour , bbls 20,000 8,000
Wheat , bu 29,000 14.000
Corn , mi 413,000 80,000
Oala.bti 11M.OOO J J5,000
Uye.Ull 3,000 1:11,000 :
JJn.rluy.lm 4'Jooo
St. Louis. Mniclil ? . Wheat Easy ; No.
2 icd , cash , Ul fe ; May , injfc bid.
Corn Kasy ; No. 2. mixed , eash.34 © ! IJ/c ;
ay , : Kir.e. ( ? : !
Oats-Steaily ; No. 2 , mixed , [ cash , 2
Jlay , 3l'f@31 ( e.
Itvo Firm at OOc.
Whisky SI. 10.
Lard Finn at (
Hutter Steady and unchanged ; cieamery ,
25 ( ? : > c ; daliy. l liic.
AITIUNOON HoAim Wheat } ( < t > * fc
lower. Corn Shade easier. Oats Un
Liverpool. March 17. Wheat Offered
moderately ; No. 2 winter , firm at 7s 4d ;
hpihiK , linn at 7s 4) ) < ; il.
Flour Offeicd moderately and steady at
Corn Supply peed ; spot firm at 4s 2 } d ;
March , linn at 4s2 d ; April and May , tteiulv
Toledo , Match 17. Wheat Active but
easy ; cash , OlfJilHc
Corn Quiet ; cash , 3Sc.
Oats Kiisier ; cash , SlMc.
New Orleans , March 17. Coin Dull ,
weak end lower ; white. 4 Ic ; yellow , 40c.
Oats Unchanged ; Ji'Jc.
Coinincal Unchanged at 52.15.
IIou Products Unchanged.
Poik-Unchanped at S10.6a
Lard UnchaiiKed at § 5.75.
Hulk Meats Shouldeis , S3.00 ; long clear
and clear rib. 85.3 %
Kanonn City , March 17. Wheat
Weak ; No. a cash. 70o bid ; April , 72 c
asked ; May. TiJ Wc.
' UoiT" Wea5 ! ! " cusn > ' " ' c nsked ; Apill ,
27Kc bi.i ! M ; i' , . , ,
' iHjf"1'
Oats-Cash , 'i&c
Mllwuukeo , Maich n.
casli , 8lKc ; May , 84 > 'c ; June , XSc.
Corn Dull ; No. 3. UTHTc ,
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 31c.
Jtye Kasy ; No. 1 , ( i.c.
Hailey-Quiet ; No. 2Slfc.
l'io visions Lower ; mess pork , cash and
Maich. 8S1.05 ; May.'S3.75.
Mtiinonnous. Afatcli 17. Wheat Weak , ' .
No. 1 haul , cash , 8Sc ; Aiull , bsJifc ; May ,
lHfe ) ; June , nic ; No. 1 noithein. cash , b2)fc ;
Anll ) , S3c : May , S'io ; June. sdJi'c.
Flour Quiet ; patents , 54.C53-1.85 ; bakers' ,
S3.Vii.lio. ( :
Itccclpts Wheat , 50,000 bu ; nour , 121- ,
000 bills.
Shipments Wheat , 22,000 bit ; Hour , 10,000
Cincinnati , Maich 17. Wheat Dull ;
tin. 3 led. ! > , ' < fc.
Corn Fair demand : No. 2 , 37KQ3JC ,
Oats Heavy ; No. 2 mixed , 32'ic. '
H\e-Flun ; No. 3 , OOftiUc.
D.II ley Unchanged ; extra No. 8 spring ,
1'ork Dull at S10.00.
Laid Quiet at S5.bS.
Whisky-Steady at S1.10.
Now Vork. Maieli -Wheat Receipts ,
22,000 ; e\poits , none ; spot hliuilo lower and
dull ; options lower , closing he.ivy ; ungraded
ml , 8l&l > 0e ; No. red , VD o.alloat ; Apill
closing at 05Ve.
Corn Lower , closing heavy ; iceelprs , 240-
000 ; oxpoits. ll iOtX , ) ; unt'raded , 41 40Ko ;
No. 3 , 45J4C V < < ' : No. 2 , 40. < fc In elevator
4Gcalloat ; Apill elo-ug | at 4lwc. (
Oats Lower and dull ; ivcclpts , 55,000 : ex-
poits , 1,700 ; mixed we tein , ot Oe ; white ,
westoin , wtfiHKe ,
Petroleum Finn ; United closed at 77J < c.
Kgijs Dull nnd easier ; we.sloin , lil ! < Tc.
Pork Dull , and baiely bteady ; old mess
quoted .it SU.heavri ; new , 811.00 ( < < 11,50.
Laid Shade lower and less active ; went-
Cilihteumt-pot ,
Huttei Fair demand and veiy linn on liiui
grades : \\esletn , 12c < ' .3lc ; Klglu ciemuei v , 3l. ! l.
Cheese Finn but quiet ; westptii Hut , 7 i
siooit. ;
Chlcmuo , March 17. ThuJJrovcre1 Journal
reports ;
lower ;
mul feeder . _ . . . . . .
mixed , 51.5fK-W.sO ; bulk , 82.1 K < I3.CO.
Hogs lU-eefiits. 10.0UO ; hlc.uiy ; rough and
mixed , 3.7U < i-U5 : packing and shipping ,
llulit , .00(31.20 ( ; bklps , 51J.75
. .
Sheep Iterelpts , 3,000 ; steady ; natives ,
E2.N > @ 5.60 ; Toxiins. 82.004.oa
8t , IjoulM. March 17. Cattle Iteceipts.
1JX : ) ; shipments , 100 ; quiet but steady ;
common tocholcci > hl | > plni.4.0CH < $5.i3 ; ; butch
ers' steers , 63.fkXt4.40j ! cows and heifers ,
gif 033.75 ; Mockers and teoitei > , 82.WX31.20.
Hogs Iteceipts , 4,000 ; shipments , bOO ;
nelho andste.uly ; butehers' and best heavy ,
f5.1M5.iO : ; mixed packing , C&bO&UO ; light ,
Hnikuas City , March 17. Cattle. R -
teluU , 71H ) ; shiptncnt.s , 200 ; blow , weak und
lU lSo lower for Bhipplng grades : bulclieis'
itulf , WillOc lower , choice to I'niicv , t" .ic
IV.-O ; common to choice. S4.00jjrj.o < j ; ftock-
is nnd feeder * , SJ iKX.iU.7P.
, 5iW ; ahlutucuts. l.tOQ ;
! ow nnd lOc lower ; good :
common to medium , S3,40rt3,00 ( ; skips and
pigs. S2.COA9.fiO.
Wednesday Kvcnln ? . March 17.
The cattle tiinrKet was a little weak to-day
at thu prices quoted. Hammond & Co. were
In the market and bomtlit several kyi'K
Diesied beef stecis a\era luc l.ittO to i,4VO
lb , are quoted nt S4..W < 4.70 : i.200 to 1,275
Ibi. S4.1.W4.40 ; llcht grades , 1,000 to 1.100 Ibs ,
§ 3.75 14.00 ; good to choice cows and heifers ,
SWjJaVX ) ; stags and bulls , If In good llesh ,
The hoc market was lower. Heavy hogs
arc neglected , \\hllc the demand Is good lor
medium wehhR Choice mixed packing hops
aio quoted at ; fair to good at
53.0003.,0 : common at'Xtt.'l.riO.
Cioc.d sheep are selling icadlly at S4.2X'8
4.00 for 100 to 12.1 Ib. shipcrs ) ) , and 53.75Q4.00
forfcOtoUOlb. butcheis.
iuciirTS. :
Note All sales of stock In this matkctaie
made per ewt. live weight unless otherwise
Muted. Dead hogs sell at Ic per Ib lor nil
weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less
than 100 Ibs , noalue. . Picgnant sows aie
docked 40 Iu3 and stags SO Ibs.
Wednesday Evening , Maich 17.
General Mnrkctg ,
Eons The receipts continue llcht. No
shipments have been made this \\eek. Thp
local demand has increased to some extent
and tlie light iccelpts have caused a tempo
rary scaiclty. The picvalllng pilco to-day
\sas lOKc , a lew bingle case lots going as
hlL'has lie.
Hui'TKH There are no new features in
the mniket and values lemaln steady at
former quotations. Choice dairy butter
Is In good demand , but theio Is veiy
little coming In. Choice rolls aio quoted
at 13@lOc ; lair to good. S@lOc : Inferior , 4Q
( ic : cicameiv. in lib biieks , 30c.
CHIISI : : : Fancy lull cream Cheddars. Octo
ber make. HKe : Hats , l2H'c ; voung
Ameilca , Me ; nn.t . quality Swiss cheese ,
lOc ; second quality , 13@l4c ; Limbtnger ,
Potn/riiY There is n fair demand Tor poul
try in a.small way. Choice chickens me
quoted nt 8Pc ; turkeys S@l'c ? with an oc
casional sale of lancy stock at lOc ; geese and
ducks , i10c. )
( tA.MI : A few ducks aio coming In and
meet with fail sale. Prices for the most pait
aio nominal. Praiiio chicken1 * , per do/ .
S2.BO ; quail , per do/ ! . S1.25@l..r)0 ! : jack rab
bits , per doz. S3.00 : mallard ducks. S2.00 ( $
2.50 : teal ducks. fjl.axai.BO ; mixed ducks ,
SLSoSKSO ; small labblts. "iSQEOc : ueese ,
PitKSKitvns , Jnt.i.ins , nrr. Picscrvcs , all
kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOc ; do In pail
lots , per lb. 9Hc : nssoited 5-lb. palls per crate ,
0 pails , § 3.7.r . Jellies , nil kinds , giaile ,
20-lb. pails , per lb. Sc ; assorted , lii t gtadc ,
5-lb , pails , per crate , 0 palls , S2.50 : do ,
Mb. palls , pel case , iidoi. sa.B.'i ' : do , lumb-
leis , jier case , 2 doz. , S 1.40. Jelly , all kinds ,
second grade , 30-lb. pails , per lb. 5c. Mince
meat , best grade * / bbl. perlb. 7c ; do , 18 ,
88 andOS-lb. palls , per 2-lb. 7) ) c ; do. Mb
palls , per crate , fl pails , S3.75. Apple butter ,
extra line , Kbbl. perlb , 7c ; do 40-lb palls ,
perlb , ? Kc ; do , 5-lb palls , per crate , 0 pails ,
? 2.75. I'each and plum butter , 40-lb pails , per
lb , UKc ; peach plum and quince butter , assoiled -
soiled , G-lb pails , per ciatc , 0 pails , S3.75 ;
catsup , per case , 3 doz , pint bottles , S5.00 ;
horse radish , pint bottles , per doz S1.50.
Pins' Knr.T. Titipu , KTC Pigs' feet , per Jf
hbl , ? 1.00 ; do , X bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , OOc.
Lambs'tongues , per \i bbl , S3.50 ; do. per
kit , 82.75 ; do , quart jars per doS5.50 ; do ,
pint Isiis per case , 2 doz , 87.00. Tiipo , per y
libl , $4.00 ; de , per bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit ,
DOc. KHA.UT nest quality , 45 pal bbl ,
S7.50 ; SO gal bbl , 80.50 ; 15 iral bbl , 84.00.
12c ; Hlbeits. 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy
Virginia 8cdo ; , toasted , lOc.
COMII lloNBV California 2 ID frame IK ) Ibs ,
In ease perlb. , 15c ; 10 lb. frames , Nebraska ,
CinKi : Michigan refined , per bbl. . 50.50 ;
do. half bbl. . 54.00.
VJNKO AH White wine , lOc ; cider , 12 > e.
CoroANtns At 54.50 5.00.
NEW FIDS , DATES , ETC. Layer figs , 5 and
B-lb boxes , per Ib , 10@l7c ; Pumolles , 25-lb
boxes , per Ib , Itc. Dates , fancy Fard , 12-lb
boxes , per Ib. He ; do , fancy Peislun , CO-Ib
boxes , per Ib. lie.
LIMONB : tfancy Messina nnd Palermo , per
CM.IU ; ( iu , ruuA lut-s , \i\-t KW . . , - ,
lots , 82.50 ; fancy Riverside , S3.7& ; dff ,
lots. Si.50 ! : Navels. S5.00.
Hell and Cherry , per
bbl.S5.75 ; Hell and Cherry , 5 bbl. lots , per
bbl. S5.50.
OYSTKHS Now Yoik counts , 45c : extra
selects , 40c ; selects , 35c ; stutulaidft 30c :
niediiims , 25i * .
Ai'i' : Fancy N. Y. Baldwins nnd green-
Ings , $3.50(3)3.00 ( ) : Mlb-souri Uenltons. pel bbl. ,
S2.40 ; do , 5-bbl lots , 82.25 ; do. 10-lb lots ,
$ ' . ' .00 ; Mlssoml Willow Twigs , Hen Davis , etc ,
82.75 ; do , fl-bhl lots. t2.5 ( ) ; ilo , 10 bbl lots ,
82.10 ; fancy Mlchliran htoelc. SiS.OOg.33. ( : )' Calltornia cabbage , 3c per
Ib ; Miutliein and Colorado , old htock , 2J4H ;
Callfoinla eeleiy , 82.00U2.M ( ) per doz : Jersey
sweet potatoes , 4c per Ib ; patsnlps , 82.00 per
bushel ; Jliclilirun rutabaga , 52.50 per bbl ;
caullllowcr , 5'.00 per doz ; hoiboiudlsti , 7c
per Ib.
( iiiASS Si'.niis Clover. 60 Ibs. to bushel ,
choice iedS7.M ) ; White Dutch , 6S.BO10.50 ;
Allalfa , SO.OO ( ( IO.K ( ) : Alsyke. 87.00 J7.50 ;
Mammoth , 87.OtXSir.50 ; Timothy , choice , 45
Ibs. tobusli. . . W.2X32.0 ( : ; ; Hluo Uiass . , 14 Ibs ,
to bus
lied _ .
( Icimun : . . _ . . . . _
Hungarian , 7b Ibs. per bush. , _ . . .
glish Hluo or Uye ( iniss , H Ibs. per bush. .
POTATOES Stock Is moving to some ex
tent. Choice to fancy aio > tcd Mock U
quoted at SOaoOc : medium at 4050o ; Salt
Lake slock ut NXiiS > c.
O.viosh Cholco htock Is not plenty nt
Sl.oo per bu. Salt Lake yellow Is quoted at
81.35 per bu.
Hr.AN.s Hand nlckeu navy. 81.75 ;
hunil-pickcd medium , Sl.50C3l.75 : Lfood clean
country. S1.2.Y41.60 ; inlenor. 75cfi.00 : Call-
fniuiapiu lio.ins , 31.W ; Culitoirilu bay beans ,
UIIAIN F.levator prices : Corn , 2lc ; oats ,
2'c ' ; wheat. ( ! 'e ; lye , 45c : barley , 4Hc.
l < i.ouu and JMn.i.STUi'i's ' \ inter wheat
Hour , best nunllty patent , SXOO(33.10 ( ; bccond
quality , 8i.50rf3.00 ( ; beit quality spring
wheat nour , patent , 32.50 ® , ' .7.'j ; buckwheat
Hour , In bariels. , 85.75 ; icady raised 31b pack
ages , S 1.00 ; 0 Ib pack-uses , S3.1X ) ; bran. fi. '
per cwt : chopped teed , 70oper cwt ; white
coin meal. fe < > a ; yellow coin meal. 70opcr cwt.
Bcieenlnir , ffleper cwt ; hominy , Sl.Wpor cwt ;
shortb , bOc per cwt : gruham , $1.75 per cwt ;
hav. In bales. SU.uM7.00 uer ton.
J'novisioNs. Ham , u WlOe breakfast
bacon. fcOSKCe-.elear side bacon , 7c : dry salted
Bides , fie ; bhouldeis. sunr cured. 5j o ; mess
pork per bbl. . S1U.OO : lard , 40 lb. cans , per lb ,
WGJTo : 10. 5 and 3 lb 7 @ 3e ; dried bertt
hams. U'c
JintKfl Uiuoii butcheis , Co ; preen etircj.
7 > fodry : lllnt.ll iSe : dry salt , OwiOc ; dam-
need hlde tuivtulnls price. Tallow -fyic.
( ilease , prime wUite. ft eellow ; , Jcf
bioun , 2XV. Sheet ) Pelts-2o < 8753 !
r'uitb AM ) SKINS il int. t-.ich. lOQIOc ;
itiuskrnt.lnter , 'A3-V ; do. kits. le ; Utter , ) ; skuiiK , snort striped , 15W5c : do.
l > ioad stiined. 10 15 ; badger. 2-VtSO : Itao-
ccon. So. I lartte , . ( Krf 0 : do. No. 2 , '
I "do. JSo. S , UKJ3c ; vrulf , pniU'lo , &
do. mountain , S2.00@3.00 ! wildcat , 15i40bea- ;
\er. Sl.50@2.y > i > er lb : fet , each. < o ( $1. 5 :
deerskin : , drv winter , 1 ' ( SlSc perlb ; do. fall
end summ er , luMite ; aiite.oe. | ) ftonojcr lb
Lr.ATiui ; No. 1 riltsbuig hninis * . J. C.
L. Jjono.SOo. ; . 1 Pittslnng , K. & S.CO :
No. 1 Inro leathir , C5c5 prlmo slaughter sole
eaer. 23 < < 3.Jc ! prime oak solo leathers , iJC ®
SOo. Upper Icnllir , per toot , 20rt'v ; hem.
ktp , 75&.v > c : oak kin , t > W"V " : French Up ,
SI OVrTrl " " . lion , . p < il ? si Tilmi "V nlf.
. . . . ,
uu\sv * v * t i./vt > ' * * > i v/i vv.i if vjii jr\uL/iif * \it iu j
toppings and linings SO.OO ( < ao.ODperdo/ ,
HKAVV H.viinwAiii : Iron , r.itcs , S2.S5 ;
plow steel , spc'lnl cast , 4oj ( riiciblc steel , Cc ;
cast tools do , 12 lilbc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.7.5&V5.00 ; hubs , per set , fcl.23 ; lelloes ,
sawed diy , 81.40 ; tongues , each. 7ftc ; axles ,
each , 75c ; stiuaio nuts , per lb. 7yUlc ; coij
chain , per Ib , OM12c : malleable , fK c ; lion
wedges , Oc : crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4o ;
spring Mecl , 7 ( < tSc ; Hurden's lioiseshoes ,
Si.40 : Hurden's ntiilo shoes , 55.40. Harbed
AVIic In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron
Nalls-ltaes , 10 to 00. § 3,00. Shot 51.0 :
buckshot , 81.85 : oriental vow dcr , kegs , SS.50
( TM.oo ; do , half kegs , S-J.OO ; do , quaiter kegs ,
81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 53.35 ; fuse , perlOO feet ,
60o. Lead Har , 81.05.
COAL Antln-aclto grate , 5S.2.5 ; egg , S3.23 ;
ranee , 8850 : chc < tnm. SS.50 ; Iowa , ;
Walnut block , 53.7 : , ; Illinois , 55.00 ; Missouri ,
Duv PAINTS -White lead , Sc ; FicnchInc ,
12c ; Paris whiting , 2Uchltlng ; gilders ,
IJ/c ; whiting , com'l , Ij c ; lampblack , ( Jei-
mantown , I2c ; lampblack , onlimirv , 10 ;
Prussian blue , 65c ; ultramarine , 18u ; van-
d > ke , brown , be ; timber , burnt , 4c ; umber ,
uw. 4c ; sienna , burnt. 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ;
1'aiis gicen. genuine , 33s ; Pails gieen , com-
moil , 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20c ; chiomc
giecn , K , We ; vci million , Kngllsh , In oil
asst. , I5c ; law and burnt nmbcrl lb cans ,
lOc ; law and biiint sienna , lOc ; \andyke ,
brown , 13c ; rcllned lampblack , 12c ; coach
black and Ivory black , IGc ; diop black , lOc ;
Prussian blue , 40c : ultiamarlno blue , 18e ;
chrome gieen , L. , M. & D. , lOc : blind and
shutter pieeu , L. , M. it U. , lOc ; Paris gieen ,
18c ; Indiiin red , 15c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tus
can , 22c ; American vei million. L. it D. , 20e ;
yellow oclne. Uu : L. M. & O. I ) , , 18c ; golden
ochre , lOc ; patent iliyer , te ; gr.tintni ; colors.
light oak , daik oal ; , walnut , chestnut and
ash , 12c.
OILS 110 ° catbon. per gallon , lOc : 150 °
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 17.V headlight , per
gal , We : ISO" water white. 14o ; liiisceil , hard ,
per gallon , 41o ; linseed , boiled , per gallon ,
47c : laid , winter str'd. per gallon , r.0j : > o. 1 ,
4Uc : No. 2. 4c ( ! ; cantor XXX , per callon ,
51.53 ; No. : i , 81.44 ; sweet , nor gallon , ? 1.00 ;
W. U. . per gallon , 51.00 ; lish , W. K. ,
per gallon , C5j ; ne.ttstoot , e\tra , per gallon ,
7Cc ; No. 1. OSc : lubilcatlng , 7010 , per gallon ,
No 1 summer , 15c ; golden nuchlne , No. 1 , per
gallon , 30c ; No. 2 , 23c ; sjierm , slcnal , jier
gallon , 75c ; tuipentine , per gallon , 57e ; gaso
lene , per gallon , I4c.
PAINTS IN On. White lead , Omaha , P. P , '
7Jrfc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.8U ; Mar-
seilicsgieen , I to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zinc ,
irieen seal , 12e ; Ficnch zinc , red sea' ' , lie ;
Ficnch.Inc , in vainish asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; veimilllon , Ameilcu , Ibc ; Indian ,
led. lOc ; lose pink , 14c ; Venetian , led , Cook-
son's , 2.fe ' ; Venetian , red , American , l&c ;
icd lead , 7J c ; clnomc yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c : ochie , rochcllo : tc , ;
oclne , trench , 2c ; ochre. Ammerican.2c ;
Wlntei's mlneiaf , 2) ) e : Lclilgh blown , 2J c ;
Spanish blown , 2j c ; Prince's inineral , 3e.
VAitNiinns Hauels , per gallon : Fuinl-
turc , cxtia , 51.10 ; fuinltuic , No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach , c.\tm , 81.40 ; coacti , No. 1. 51.20 ;
D.imar , extra , 81.7.5 ; Japan , 70e ; asnhaltum
extra , We ; shellac , 83."X ) ; hard oil linlbh ,
Dnuoa AND CunMicAi.s Add , caibolic ,
3ic ( : acid , tartarlc , f > ' ! c : baham copaiba , per
Hi , r 0c ; bark , sassatias , per lb , I2e : calomel ,
per lb , 7Je ; chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloio-
loini , per lb , OOc ; Dovcis powdeis. per lb ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per lb , 3J c ; gl.\ecrlne ,
pure , per 11) . 20c ; lead , acetate , per lb , 20c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.CO : oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gnl. , 81.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. ,
81,40 ; oil. origanum , 50c ; opium. 83.75 ; qui
nine , P. it W. , and 1 ! . A : S. , per oz , b3o ; po
tassium iodide , per lb , 83.00 ; salleln , per o/ ,
40o ; sulphate morphine , per o , 53.00 ; sul
phur , per lb , 24c ; stgychnine , per ox , 51.45.
SPI HITS Cologne spirits , Its proof , 81.12 ;
do lOlproot , > 1.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.12 ; do , Ib8 proot , 51.11. Alco
hol , IfaS pioof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , S1.0U@1.50. . (5In blended ,
S1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@G.OO ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania i yes , § 2.00 ( < < 0.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
S1.50@3.00. Hrandies , impoited , $5.00@3.f,0 ;
domestic. Sl.o@3.00. : ; Gins , impoited , 54.50
Of0.00 ; domestic. S1.2.5@3.00. Ktims , 1m-
portcd , 84.50 8.00 ; New Kngland. 51.73(32.00 ( ;
domestic , S1.25J3.00. ( Champagnes , import
ed , per case. S2300@34.00 ; American , per
case , S10.oa@10.00.
Fish. .
lUl'slHT H'ls Q'r nblsl'ls ICta
| 200 100 80 i 60 40 | 13 10
Munn'B B't No.l L'b fl BO 3 ? f > 3 4 1 1 t. I CO 00 53
L'KO Oib'ed I'unoy.Q . uo,3 , GO 3 00 1 80 1 50 55 60
L'go M'd Sli'ro F'oy 5 51) ) J go 2 i > 7 1 87 1 40 | 6J 47
HACKF.Illil , .
SMOKED FISH Halibut , lOc ; scaled horr-
Int's , 2'c ; salmon , Ho : binoKeU btitrueon.
tJuNDittns Iuiiorteil | Holland herrlnsts ,
Kps-b.3c : : Jtiisslan sardines. 45o ; Anclio-
vies m class. Oio Bull brana. ncr do . ,
fci.OOj spiced Hamburg lierrinus , skins and
heads oil , uor pall. Si.oa
CODFISH l.arzo ( ! . U. whole cod , 4oj
0.tT. \ . , ( ieorsies chunks , 7c : clover leaf
( icorges strips , OJtfc : 1 Ib rolls , r lb boxes ,
O c ; prairiellower , alb brlckG > ; c.
Grocers' tilst.
Svnur No. 70Jc ! , bbls ; Vo. 70 4-sallon
kpps.Sl.Oi ; New Orleans SS@4 'c per gallon ;
Maple hynip , tf banel , 1' & C ! , strictly pure ,
Ocper gallon ; 1 gallon cans , fcy.25per doz :
} i gallon cans , 85.25perdo * ; quatt cans 3.00
tii'Aitcii Mirror globs , 1 lb , Txj ; Minor
gloss,3 lbfijfc. Mlirorgloss,0 lb , 0 > < c ; ( haves'
corn , 1 lb. OWc ; Klngbford'o coin , lib7e ,
Klngsfoid's gloss. 1 lb , 7c ; Klnsjsfour.s j-loss ,
0 Ib , 7J c : Klngstord's pure , a lb , 5 o ; Kings-
ford's bulk , 4e.
OANIIY Mixed , o@i3o ; ; stick , c.
SALT Dmy loadn. i > er bbl. Sl.M ; A'shton ,
llah" 8\00 ! ' 7gf baCk8' AsUt0" ' MC ! bbISl
aoii.v Iiilb' papers , S3.2ia case salsoda ,
keir , per lb , JKc.
I'ICKI.KS Medium , In bbls. SaoO ; do In
half bbls , S3.50 ; binall , In bbls , S7.00 ; do in
half bbls. S4.03 ; uheiklns , In bbls , 53.00 ; do.
In halt bbU , * M.f < 0.
Duiiii ) Fiton-b No. l quarter apples , -ic ;
outpointed boxes , bt&Vo ; blackberries boxes ,
l"6 'Jaf : peaches. e.istini,4 ! ( < e.V ij ; peaches ,
otniiurotPd , 15XC 17c ; Halt Lake , new , 7hfa
bo : raspburrlus , nuw. 'i-'S'ito ; currants , 71 > ( iJ
iiutncs i , new f' '
Aji rowd 7fo ; cut loaf ,
irianiilntcd , O' o ; confectioner ! , ' A , Ce ;
btiiiulauloxtnt Ct/e ) ; e.xtra U , 0 > fc ; medium
yellow , Oc ; New Otleans , 5jCc. (
CANNKD ( iooita ( listers. t > tandard , per
case. 53.00 ; stmwherries,2 lb. per ease , S2.75 ;
iasbeuie ] ) , 2-lb , per ease , 82.33 ; California
pears , per ease , $5,00 ; apiloots , percabe ,
1.00 ; peaches , per case , 84.75 ; white cherrleb ,
Ver caddie , iKc. ; round , per
case. 45c ; square cases , $1.70 ; mule hijuare ,
SOAPS Klrk'b Savon Imperial. 52.W :
Kirk'Hbatlnft , S8.15'Klrk's-atandaid ; , SH.WO ;
KhU'f\vlilUjltus ! atih SLMiKiri'b \Yhlt \
Cai > , SO..W ; Dftint , S4.2.J : Wnshbonrd , 3.1" .
CoFKH-.x Ontnaiv trades t' ' e ; fair , 10\ ( ?
lOJjc ; iirlmc , It1 C'Msc ; choice , l2UC < niUc : ;
fancy gieen and
eminent Java , 2 <
20e ; Mocha , 2- . '
IS CjMel/UIChl
' .MVI.ll f , 13Jfc
CAXDI.KS iToici 4d Ib , GX lie : 8s , lie ;
boxes , -lOlb , 10(7 ( , 0 $ , lie ; half box , 201I > ,
oi'ICT. ? i Black pepper , boxes. 15
i ic , ; nllspu-o , I2@icc ; elnmuiion , Itf25c ;
cloves , ! 5J5c ; gint-cr , I5if25ci mustatu , 15 ®
vill'ILA. * w\wi * 'f'"H iiJC <
choice , K < i70o ; Ooloint. need , ! V jbtOc ; Oo-
long , choice. 40 ( ! < : "nylishbreakfast ; ' , good ,
"fti40c ( ; choice , f I'liXx ; ; bottclioni ; , good , " "
; jliplco ! , S5 4oa ; Japans , InlrxjiirKs ;
pooil. 'Ice ' , 5X < ? 75o ; Tea mist , 15e ;
IV-i K
CitACKKiis ( HriK'au's soda , butter nnd
picnic , fij c : rwams , t.J . < c ; plnger snaps ,
bc ; cttvsodn , 7'jC.
PINT. CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of
the West , COc ; l'ouutitin,70c : Golden Thread ,
C7c ; Favorite , COc : Hitds , 53c Itocky Moun
tain , 50c : Knncy oc ; Daisy. 40c ; North Star.
70c ; Clood Luck.So ; Our IJest , C'JKcj Hood
" s , 55c ,
Ilry UoodR.
I'liiNTS Ainenean , 6H ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co-
checo , Co ; Alancllc.Kler , ( to ; I.yinan , 5o ; Ohm-
colter , f'Kc : Dunlicll , lac < iuaul , Cs ; Dnnncll ,
r > 4'c ; wfndsoi , .fie . ; I'aclllc , Cc ; Ilnimonr ,
JJCc ; Anchor Slihtlnus c ; Meirlmack
Shirtings , 4) ) c : Berwick , -Ic.
lii.iArini : ) COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
7c ; I'cDpercll , 7ac ; liulian Urclmid , OJ c ;
, 7c.
Hnow.x COTTOV Lawrence LL , Gc ; Shaw-
nint , LL. fie ; Uesiver Dam LL , r > c ; Atlantic
LL , Gc ; Indian Head. 7e : WaurhusM't , fijfe ;
Crown XXX , C'fe ' : Clifton CCO , 0'4'c ; Uttea
C. 4 { o ; Atlantic. ! ' , SJ < c.
TICKIMIS AmobkiMtr ACA 12k'c : Thoin-
iliko OOO , 7c ; Thorndyko fanrv , Kc ;
York , lii ) < c : voik fancy , lU c ; MHbiuy ,
12c ; Veail lllver , llj-fc ; llnmilton , I'.V ;
Swllt USvcr , fij4'c ; Shetuckct S. < fu ; Shctuck-
ct SS , Kc ; Montauk AA , lUc ; Moiitauk 1511 ,
llo ; Ontecn ACA , l c ,
DKXIMS Heaver Cieek AA. lie ; Heaver
Inncy , la c ; Kmutt , ISc ; llnymakci s blue
and brown , 7J e.
DI'CK ( Unbleached ) 8 or. Mnznolln.
10 Maznolla , I'-'c : 8 01. West Point ,
10 oz. West Point , 1'ikc.
DtTK ( coloreil ) Boston U oz. blown and
drab , 13)c ; Hoston O H blown and dial ) ,
Sic : Hoston XX brown and drab , lOc : Hoston
XXXlirown and dial ) . HMc ; Uoston O 1'
blue , 11K ; Waircn Tilcot , itc.
Cmvu > TS Amoskcac , checks , DKc ; Ainos-
Ko.ur , shlpcs. ! % o ; Slater , btrljes , be ; Killn-
huiK. ' . 'We ' : Whittcndon , stripes , Sc ; ( Jlen-
lose , Oc : Otis , checks , > c ; Otis , stiipc.s 9c ;
lioyal , C'i'c ; Amoskeas , naiiped , I0) c ; Lu-
ray , book fold , 12c : Obeion , book fold , lljtfc ;
Kndiirancc , book told , 1-c.
nil Heans _
Dry Iinrubor.
' ' ' ft' ' ft' '
Il2 ft'li ft'lO ft'lS ) ? '
: x4 in.rv ) r..r > o i.vso in.6ui7.5013.rx >
s.xn lisoo IUM in ixi 10.0017.00 iw.oo.Ji.oo .
2\H 'iSfiO ' 15.5'J15.r,0 in.GO,17.r , > 0 1C.50 20/iO
2x10. 115.50 15.Wir , DO lUO'l7.50 ( ' LO.fO 2I.M
2\i2 lifi so ir.roio.:1u.K.ro2).ro2i.M
4x1-8x8 llSoiO ISiSO 15J.U 10.60 17.60 ISM 1 .M
No. 1 Com. s. 1./3.13.14 and 10 ft S17.00
No. 2 " " 12,14 and inn lfi.00
No.3 " IB , 14 and 10 ft 13.00
No. 4 " " ' 12 14 and 10 it 11.00
No. 1 , 4&0 Incli , 12and 14feot , rough..SlO.fiO
Mo. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 10 feet , rousili 17.0J
No. 2 , 4 & 0 int-li , 13 and 11 feet , lough. . 11.00
No.2 , 4&Clncli. 10lpotiouglt 15.00
1st Com. , 12 , ll&ndlOfeet S22.50
2d " " " ' " 20.00
M " ' " ( " 13,00
Fence , " " " 11.00
1st Com. , % In. AVJilte 1'ine Partition..53'i.OO
2nd Com. , % In ) IJ ' " . . 27.0
Clear , - > i in. Norway " " 14.5
2nd Com. H in. . . ' " 13.5
A otncli. whitepino ss .oo
HO Inch " " 35.00
O 0 inch , " " 29.RO
D Cinch , " " 2050
EOlnch , " " 17.50
A12 inch , s l s 12,14 and 10 feet S40 00
] } 11 i . ii u . . 4'J 00
' ' '
c " " " " " " . . ! ! . . . . so oo
B " " > i 11 23 oo
' ' '
No. 1 Coin. 13 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 an'd'l'6 ft. . IS 00
No. 1 " " " 10 , 18 and 20 ft , . 1800
No.3 " " " 12.14 and 10 ft. 1000
1st end 2 < 1 Clear , IJf Inch. s. 2s § 5100
1st and 2d Clear , l } and 21 ncli , a 2s. . . . 5100
Sd Clear , 1 % inch. s2a 4 ! ) 00
SdClear , IJSand'iinch , s 2s 4900
A Select , l1 , l1 anil 3 inch , s 2s 43 00
B Select. 1J1M and 3 Inch. s. 2s SO 00
1st an d'Jd Clear , 1 men , s. 2s 5100
3d clear , 1 inch , s 2s 4500
A Select , 1 inch , s. 2s 4000
B Select , l Inch. s. 2s COOO
No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 Inch S17.50
No. 2 , Plain , Sand 10 Inch 15.M )
No. 1O. G 1S.OO
Clear Poplar box bdsins,2s $30.03
" ' ' Kin , panel stk wide , s 2s. 23.00
" " CorniKated Ceilinit , % . . . 29.00
A * Standard 52.05
5 inch , clear , 51.55 ; 0 Inch , clear UH
No. 1. . 1.2 }
Lath 2.25
Qulncyvhlto limo ( best ) , 85c ; cement ,
Akron , S1.75 ; plaster , S2.bO ; hair , per bushel
UK ; sabh , 50 per cent off list ; doois , blinds ,
nionldincs , 50 per cent elf list ; tarred felt , per
cwt. , 81.D5 : straw board. S1.C3.
Tlio House of Urcxel.
Now York Commercial Advcrtibor :
The original Drcxel , tlio founder of the
Drcxul banking linns , with dlfleront
names , liure , m I'hiladelphin , London
l Paris , js said to htivu begun life us iv
n > " 1..A ' ' ' 'tor in the biggest village of
portrait jn. . - iVo place without
J ,
Pennsylvania , his ] . , , „ , , ,1 ( , carn by
itny means except wlmt he MV . , . . , , / .
the practice of his | ) rofossioi. ! Aa no w. . .
not thrive there ho tleejdecl to go to
South America , with n view to improv
ing his fortune. After spending somu
years in Hio do Janeiro , and ] iainting a
number of portraits of noted Jtni/.ilinns ,
ho returned home the possessor of .f 10- ,
000 , the clear prolit of hin arti.stic labors.
Ho wished to continue his call.
Ing , but ho could get no orders ,
his brief absence having donriveil
him of the small local reputation he
had previously acquired. Not knowing
what to take , ho Ijnully de
termined to set up a banking liouf-o ,
Ills friends reinon.strated with him , say
ing that his capital was insignificant for
such a purpose , juid that he would cer
tainly lese il ina , business of which ho
had no knlowbdgh , llo persisted , \w\v- \
ever , and , to tliefjiirpriEo of everybody ,
showed cMiaortlinary talents for bank
ing. Circumstances specially favored
him ; ho received the accounts of a num
ber of rich lirnis nnd corporations , and
was Intrusted with divers important
negotiations. His credit was soon linn-
ly establishedlind. ho rapidly acquired a
largo foitune , Tlio Drexel houses , which
made a crca.t ddal of money during the
war , have long bej'ii among the leading
private bankers of America. Their
founder who had Jong boon a niggard of
time , linally btopped from a railway
train still in motion in Philadelphia , and
received injuries that proved fatal.
( Buocossors to J. G. Jacobs , )
At the old btaud , HUT Farnam St. Orilors by
und prDinjitly uttondo 1 to.
The HUIard ,
B. Bhenrs , J. E. Murkel Thee , Bn obo , Proprletcrl
' ' Ouiuliu , Kebruska. . . _
Book Binding , Etc.
Printers , Cook Binders ,
And Illnnk Hook Manufacturer ? . No . 100 anj
108 South 14th Street. Omabn , Neb.
Bridges Steam Pile Drivings
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
Bridges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination nnd llowo Truss llrldges ,
Pllliiff and Onk 'limber. 15th St. , near rarnani ,
Telephone No "H.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n
Special brands I'ausl , Iludnelscr , Eilnngcr
Cor. Oth and Capitol Avo. , Omabn.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
" " "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Runs nnd Ammunition. s\'t \ to 13South llth
Street , IUJ.M to lust 1'nrnum Street , Oinalm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wliolcsnlo Dealeis In Leaf Tobacco" . Nos.
1 ( mid HON. 14th Stieet , Omaha. Neb.
. .
wocKery ,
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
tamps , Chlnmejs , Oflleo , 317 South 13th
Stioct. Omaha , Neb.
Carriages ,
Agents for V. A. Whitney Cnrrlago Co.'fl
Children's ' Carriages ,
Jcwctt'n Cclcbiatcil Hori Iterators. SenJ
pnor p ilco lists. H15 riinmm tt. , Omnlm.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcnotor , Pioprlctor. Miinurnrturcr of
Oulvunlml lion KIU ! Ooinlcc. tcu DodRO nnd 131
nml 105 North 10th Street , Oinalm , Nub.
Slanufacturoraot Ornamental
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Flnali , Etc.,310 P. 12th St. Workdono
In any paitot tlucountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. PI'ECHT. Proprietor.
Onlvnnl7oil Iron Cornice"1 , I'lc. Snecht's tm-
tinivwl 1'nlcnt Jlclnll'oSlrjIlBlit Ma anil 0103.
Kth St. . Omalm. Ncl' .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
The 65e CilyPitn > ng Kill ,
Doors , Sash nnd nilndfl. Also nil Kinds of
tinning. Scroll und Stnlr woik ot o\cry do-
Mnnnfncturor nnd Dealer In
Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Etc.
Stnlr Kails n specialty. Telephone No. 03
J5thtuul JIiu-cvSt . , OniaIiu , Nub. .
Electrical Supplies.
L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Block , Omuhn. llur lnr Alarms , Hells ,
I'lru Alarms , nicctrluMiiUInT , breaking Tuboj ,
Iron ard Nails ,
Gat Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Nnlla r. Sp ; Inlly. Omnhn , Neb
Omatia Safe Works ,
Mnnufncturcr of Tlio nml llurjflnr Proof Snfo ,
Vault Doors , .lull Woik. Shutters und Wlro
Work. Cor. 14th nnd JnckhOn Sis. , Omalm , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages ,
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
14CO uuO Ull Dculfo Street , Omiihii , Nob.
Commission , Etc ,
Live Stock Commission
Goo. Duikc. MuimuLT.
Union Stock Vards , S. Omalm. Tolo.hono 563
W. F. miOWN & CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Office HxcbanRO HulldlnK , Union Stock Yarda ,
South Omuha , Nob. Telephone No. 60J.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. , und Omnlm ,
Nil ) . Knmk ChlttcndcnMnnnRcrOmuhn llruncli.
Tcleplio'io No. 2Ki. Kstubllshcd 1B02.
W. L. PATRICK i : CO. ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
. ' .ddrecR nil eommunlcations to us nt Union Stock
IT aids , South Omulm. Advances mudg On Block.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
, Limited. John V. llo > d , Superintendent
f SA V AUK & ( UlKKNi
f- , " . ' " : 'ock ' Commission Merchants.
, , " " . 'nj | kinds of Mock solicit
Bhlimonts of n 7 H' v * . < > mnlia , Nob.
, cd. UuloiiStick iiiro . . . ,
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Doors , Etc. Ynrds Cor. 7th nnd Dougteo ,
1 Manufacturers of Sasb
, Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldliu'S , btulr Woik und Inturlor Hnrd Wood
J'lnitli. Jiitt opened , jr. 15. tor. btlj uud Luuvun-
we r til Streets , Oicubii , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
614 S. Hth Etrtct , Omnlm , Nulj. F. Colpctzcr ,
Lumber ,
13th nnd California Stiiets , Opmlm , Neb
Limo Cement Etc. Etc.
Lumber , , , . , .
Cor. Ctli und Jtoualus titruotd , Omiitiu , Mob.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oiiuilui , Mubruskiu
Hardwood Lumber ,
Stock , I'ancy Woods , llrld o Timbers ,
itc. , B. W. Cor , Utli und Douglas , Onmtiu , A'eb.
Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Buildliur 1'apcr , Ktc. Huuth JQUi
Fish , Ltc.
6uccof ? < jrs to Ickrn filcmesrn ( c Co.
ho.lesale Fish Dealers ,
Importc-ra f.t { 'orel n l'l > liNfi. S.I 1-Mi Jinici
' '
Agricultural Implements. " _
' "
& MITTCALK eo. ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
Office , Corner Cth nn.l Pacific St * , Omnln , No ! ) .
' rAltLiyToHl'.NDOHIT & MA11T1X ,
WlioU'F..o Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
am ! llupHlcs , Omaha Ncl > .
\Vholcsalo DciHer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CarrinRCS anil Hupplcs. .1 < no * St. , bet. Mh nml
luth.Umahn , Neb , _
Boots and Shoes.
W. V. JIOl'313 A. CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Ull Faninin PtrrotOinnlin. Neb. Mnmifaetorjr ,
Summer Sticct.lloston.
s. A. oiiciiAiin ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlnse , Curtnlu Goods. Hie. . H3 Varnnm
Sticct , Unmun , Neb.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Jht-V W. 1)KIFOIU ) ,
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OfUec , S13 S. Hth0 ! . , Otnnlm. Neli. Ynrtls , Dth
nnil Drvunpoit Sticets.
Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal.
Heft M-.rlctM. Olllcc.EII1S. loth St. Telephones
No. lilt'Uinnhn , Null. .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
? .U S. 13tli SI. , Omium. Nob.
OKI. l' . TOVH.K , President.
( Iro.l'ATTT.usoN , Sec , tillil Treng.
J. 11. lIUMmitT , 1' . A. HA I en ,
Propilctor. MnimRer.
KebrasKa Coal and Lime Company ,
Olllcc , i'17 H. 13th Street. Telephone 43. _
GEO. 1' . I.AiiMin , 1'rcs. C. 1' . ODOIIMAN , V. Prc *
3. A. Btimitui\M : > bee. mid Ticus.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of bard nml oft coul , U > 4 S. UtU St. ,
Omnbtt , Neb.
Hard and Soft Coal.
EicluBivo dcnlcrs In Moulder Colorado Conl,2jJ
toutU lltliblicc't.
CofTee and Spices.
CLAHKR illtOS. iCO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tens , Collect , Spices , RiiMtm Powder 1'liivorlnff
Uxtincts , I-iumdry llhio. Ink , etc. 11U-1U llui-
noy Street , Omnhn , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
" "
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Fnrmmi St. . Oniulin. Applcs-Our own , .aclc-
liitf Pliitt & Co.'a TiKi-r Iliiuiil OjstciS , Duller ,
Uggs , Game , I'oultiy , Potiitocs.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Piovlsions , Krnlts , Pour and I-Vod. 105
B. 14th St. , On.r.lia , Neb. Coiibhjnuiunts solicited ,
llcturna iiindo Diouiutly.
General Commission Merchant.
ErtciAi/iiKS-CbofFf. Hutlcr. KBITS , Poultry
nnd Uiiniu. 112 8. Utb. , ( niuiliu , Nob. lolc-
lilinno Ko. 335. _ _ _ _ _
D. A. IlUltLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
nutter , Kjfirs und Produco. A full line of Stone
ware. Coiibliriimenta EollcitoU. 1111 Uod o bt ,
315 12th Street , Omnliii. Vet > . Spuelaltlcs : Hut-
_ , and ChleKuiis- _
" " " " *
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Duller , Oamo , rrults , Kte. i"-OS. 14th
_ _ _ St. , OrnaUa , Nebraska.
General Commission Merchants ,
14CC Dodge Street , Omnbn , Neb. Conslpninonta
General Commission Merchant ,
Butter , KfrKS C'hocfco and Country Produce gen
erally , 'MJ S. 1-tli St. , Oinalm , Nob.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrlpcrntor and Pachinp House , Htli & Li-avon-
worth St. , on U. P. U. 11. Trade , Onmba , Neb.
Established 1670.
General Commission ,
2118. 14th St.Omuhn , Nob. Bpoclnltlos-nuttor
B , Poultry and Game.
PKYCKlfimoi ! ]
Commission Merchants ,
Vruitj , Prcdnco and Provlsiona , Omaha , Neb
Commission Merchant ,
anil nliolcsulodcnlrr in country | iroduc ( > , fruit ; ,
butter , cpirH. etc. Uoodtt on comtlKnment u
specialty. ! JJ I , ' . IGth M. , Omalm , Nub.
( Slice I'sniri to A. P. Sehnclt. )
Produce Commission Merchants ,
No. 213 South l-'tu Street. Omalm , Nob.
Dry Goous.
j. J. nuowN & co. ,
? .r. floods and Notions ,
iwvwu v * * " *
Street n n J ° "c'u <
1323 Dou lus , {
L. OINSIir.HO t : CO ,
Wliolesulo nculcrsln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , I.IICCB , Knil'ioldory ' nnd Wlillo C'oods ' ,
KttlDout'liiaSticul , Omuliu , Mob.
Leather , Hides , Etc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Enddlcry nnd Lhoo 1'indltiKB. Jlldts , Wool , furs ,
I'd ! ? , OICUEPTallo > / , Kto. , Uinuha Hot ,
W..1 , Wr.LSIlANS Sc. CO. ,
Wliolesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mnnufucturoi E of W. J. WcUhuns .V Co.'s Quick
Uniting Ituckwlicnl lloiirnnd iuoiiili > tor > < Onmnt :
t'lty MI1U , tor. ttU nnd Tiunum Streets , Omuba.
Harness ! Etc ,
SIr.nuf jet m ors mid Jobbers nf
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tin f ( joodi , Illiuikcts nml Itolx < . llil 1'nruai *
< < ttnmiili.i. _ ,
Mattresses ,
E. 11. HITLSU ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnniifnctnrlmr .Mntlrcesoe , Huddlnp , Ircntlier
1'illuni , , Oita , iic. : li\x ) uud uus Douglus Street ,
Oinalm. Neb.
Overalls ,
co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jton Punts , Slili is , Kit- . , IK1nndrui Uouulu
BUccj , Ouiuliu , NtU - -
OMAHA r , - > Mn : co , ,
Dealer * In All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
1Mb Street nnd i n on t'ne 11 Track , Omaha
OV.llMAN 1) . WVATT.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
10th nnd Irnrd Streets , Omalm , NebrnsVt.
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
llulldlnc I'npcr * . $ A < hIoor ) * , ItlliuU , Jloul *
| IIB , l'lcKrt , POMS l.line , PliMor , lln | ,
Cement. Nlntii mm.lonecOmalm Neb.
ir6nittrru : > r.n ,
Importers nml Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1S13 nnl till llnrney Street , Omnlm , Nctv
Musical Instruments.
iniioiM : it r.iucicsoN ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Plclnway I'lnnoo , Wi'bor , Doekor , llalnesnnil
llrlw Pinnoi , Pnckunl OICIUH , Cbaso Urgnns.
lUliind KU15tbBtieet.
Notions , Etc.
"j ? U nilANDll'.S & PON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry ( iiiod * , Notion * , ( lentn' rurnl hlnir nomln.
( looils from > Inw Vink. Ti ado s.ilct daily. 53J
and WS South l.Hli St.Omabu.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wori ,
Iron Stairs , Italllnir , tlollrd lloam * nnil Girders ,
Steam lIiiRlnc' . IliussVoiK , ( leneral roun-
ih-y , Much nn mid IllnrksinllliVnik. . Otlleo &
_ _ WoiKu , Union I'mlllc ll'y \ So. nth St. _ _ _
Furniture. Etc.
nn\viY.vsTONi ; : ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnltara ,
Kiunatn Street , Omaha , Nob.
At.l.KN 11U03. .
Wholesale Grocers ,
1110nnd 1112 Douglas Street , Onmlia ,
K. 11. CHAPMAN & CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
' 1"17 Howard SU
Tobacco and Smokers' Aitlclea ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices' , Cigars and Tobnern * . 1317 mid 131J Doug
las Sti cet , Omaha , Neb.
McCOlin , 11HADY & COMPANV ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nml Parnani StrcotB , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705 , 707,709 and 711 S. lUth St. , Omaha , Neb.
W. J. MltOATClI ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Eprlnq-s , Wnirnn Stock , Hardwood Lumbrr , etc.
U'lKI and 1211 Hartley Mrcux , Ouiului , Neb.
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cflrrlujro Wood Stock , Heavy Ilurthraro ,
Kte. LilT mid I' l'J Lcavenwoith btiuut , Oniuhn ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Motlionlcs' Tools nml lluCTalo Scales. 1405Dous *
II.B blicol , Oinalui , Nob.
Lin : , ruiKD & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aircnts lor Howe Scales mid
Miami Ponder Co. , Omaha Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MnntluE , Ciiutcs , llrans Koods.
imin Sticot.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Steel Nails. Cor. IfltH and Harnoy
btreetu , Omnlm , Nub.
Manufacturer of the
Deeriufi Harvester Goods ,
Write to Wui. M. l.orlmcr. Oanoral Agent ,
Oniuhn. Tclephono U10.
Iron Pipe , Etc ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines. '
Elonm , Water , Itnllwuy mid Mllllnir Supplies , Et \
V2U , l 2 nnd ttM Kiiniiun St. Oinuha , Nob. .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcam nnd Water Huppllca. Headquarters fo
Wast 1'oost Co.'a Uoodb. 1111 I'arnmn Btieot ,
Omnhn , Nul ) . ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dtnlors In Silverware , Ilamoii'l t Wntclios
Clockn , Jcwelora' Tools and Materials , Klo. , 1U1
nnd luJ , ltthStrcct _ , Cor. Dodge , Omaha , Neb. _ j
Notions , Etc ,
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , '
< K ) 1111,140.1 , S. lOlli St.Oinalm , Neb. <
Wbolcsalu Uenlcrs In Notions and Gents' Fur.
nlshliur Goods.
Oils , Etc ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gnsollnu , Mien Axle Grcuso , Kto. A. II , lllahop ,
Munngor , Omulm , Noh.
Pork Packing.
" ' JAMHS U. I10Y1 > 7
Pork Packer and Shlppar ,
Omnhn , NehrnsKn ,
HAKltlS & FIRIinit ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
OIliCC , Union Mnrut _ ) , 1S17 Dodwo Stieot. PiiuUlnj
hoiic , . .L Wi M. u.rnctr , Limamt ,
phone No. lu/ / .
Safes and Locks ,
P. HOYEIl & CO ,
Agents for Hall's ' Safe SL Lock Co.s' '
Piro and lluwlar Pionf Hiil'tm/J'lino I.ocksVnultf
und , ) iUluiiik. _ lieu raimtm ttieol , Oinalm , Neb
Seeds ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
Airi'lfiilturnl , Vcjrctulilu , I'.tc. Old ( Vllown' Hall ,
N. W. Cor , llth and St . , Omaha , Neb.
Drugs , Etc.
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dealer In 1'iiiiilF , OiM nnd Wludotr Glass ,
Omaha , Ji'ul. ' . ,
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
SCtl Bl. , mid U. I1 , lly. , Onm'.1 , Nu
Wines and Liquors. & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Y/ines /
And Ucjuors. Hoio inniMifiictuioi > i > r Koninxly'i
Kiil ' India Itltteu. 111 > ll.iiuuy l-ucul , Om.Uui ,
iir.ii. iv , MunuA.t ,
I Successor to McNAUAllA A : Dl'M't.v , Importer !
nnd Wliolusiilu Du.iluu In
Y/ines / and
, Liquors Cigars ,
OB. lUtiSU , Omchu , Ntlj.