Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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MONiY : to loan on mortgage security. H nl
cslnlo nnd commercial piipcr botiifht , J. II.
1 icedmnn , euro Solniiin IlroS. . 100 N. 13th St.
$ nooon to loan. Finns ? .VjO nnd upward * .
Lowest rates , llomls , 15th nnd Douglas sts.
02. )
MONIIY to lonn nn resMoneo property. C. J.
Cnsutll St Co. , Ilootn Ui , NobrnsVn National
Hank. 3J2-20
ONl'.Y TO I.OAX on horses , wnffons. fur-
nlturo , wnlchos , without removal. Terms
cnsy. C. J fnswcll , Koom 10. Iron llnnk llulld-
intr , Kth nnd I'linmti. . Tnko clovntor. 25l-np7
TlTONTiv TO iToAN on lii inos ? proportyr
I'lOpposite 1'oslomeo. W.O.Shrlvcr. 101
Q > noonon to lonn on business nnd ro ldonco
P property In sums of $1,000 mid upwards.
Amts , iWJ7rnrnnm st. KJ3
$ lfio.onoto lonn on cltv residence property
Oeo. W.Dny , 1609 Fmnnm. KM
riio LOAN Money in nny nmount
1. On nil clnf . ? s of security.
Pbort time lonns on rcnl ostnts.
Ixmir tlma lonns on rcnl estate.
Monoyto lonn on chnttcls.
Money to lonn on c/iliiltcrnls.
Money to lonn on nny Rood security.
Terms cnsy , tlmo to suit.
Apply nt thoOmnhn Flnnnclnt Uxchnnpa ,
Hnrker'R building , S\V corner ot
Fifteenth and Fnrnnm sts. upstnlrs 010
MONKV for cvcryhodytou cnn borrow
money on furnlturo , horses , wnirons ,
plr.nos , stock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd flnn
wntches on your own time. Payments received
nt Rny tlmo , nnd Interest reduced pro rnln.
Property left In your own possession. Terms
law rm the lowest. Cnll nnd see mo. ftuslncss
confldontlnl. Nondvnntncro taken. W. II. Croft ,
Iloom 4 , Wlthnoll's Now Ilulk'Jnu , Northonnt eor-
nrr 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 142
M OTSTCT TO T.nAN O. F. Dnvls & Co. Heal
Eatato end Loan agents , 1505 Farnnm St.
MONRr TO IXJAN-On ( rood soourltlos. A
McQavock , room 7 Ilodlck Dlock , 1509 Farnam
M InNI'.Y Tn T.nAN-On real oetnto and chat
tels. D. L. Tliomas. " 45
MONI'.Y Tn l.OAK In sums of * 200 nnd up
wards on flrst-elnsn ronl ostnto Bcourlty.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St 010
MnNP.Y I.OANKO nt C. F. Heed & Go's. Txjnn
offlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wntrons
' pcrsonnl property of nil kinds nnd all other nr-
tlclos of vnhio , without removal. 310 S. nth ,
o\er Itlnffbum'fl romm/sslon stoio. All bus
iness strictly continental. 017
\\ANTii > Partner In Slock Kiinch
t with references wnnts n pnttnor In stoc
buslnoss within 75 miles of Omuhn , with unlimi
ted frco frrnrlnir , with fn.OOO to bo paid In 3
nnnunl tnvmnntsior two partners with $3,00) ) .
This nmount will bo secured to nnrtnors , with
Interest , on ronl estnto. Cnll on Tr. Fish , Secy. " !
Hoom , Y MCA , mornings from 10 to , 1 or ml-
dross. 401-10 *
F JlUt SAl.i : Stock of Rrocorlbs ; reason of
selling , rotlrliifr Irom business. Tor. 10th
and Hickory. 418-20 *
T\rANTin A partner with smnll enpltnl tor
nnowbnkcry. Address C 85 , llooolllee.
470-10 *
TTUm SAT.K rr nt mnrket In n irood location ,
JL' 2 j ears established Rvcrythlnir convenient
for running same. Address O 70 , Uco olllco.
404-18 *
TT10II HAT.R A 7' . to 100 bll. full oompleto rot-
Ji lor mill. Will soil nt very icnsonnblo figures.
There Is nlfo In connection n largo elevator irraln can bo stored etc. , which can bo
hnd at the mill door nil the year round. Parties
desiring to purchase will plonso comply nt once ,
nlthor by lotlor or como and see us poisonnlly.
Wo will glvotho secrets wherein wo will show
that the mill and grain business Is making
money fnst. Henson ol selling owner wishes to
fro Into the pork packing business nnd so would
llko to dispose of it ntonco. Wo will also soil
with or without It n well established liimbor
jaril. The mill turns out the best Hour of any
mill In thn stnto nnd 1ms now n good run of
merchant's custom. Wo nro also shipping
liundteds of cars of corn , onts and wheat to
Chicago which alone will pay for the money In
vested. Innulrnof John M. Dlels & Son , Scrib-
nor , Nob. Terms cnsh or pnrt time only. 418-24
FOU 8AIYI" At nbnrgnin , n very prodtnblo
nnd well established renl estnto nnd insur-
nnco busino'S. Owner must go east , Address
Ixjck'IIox 03 , Wymoro , Nob. 3C.-23 *
Foil SAr.K Itakorv and luneh stand In town
of about 1.3X1 Inhabitants ; chance for ngood
linker. Inquire of Kopp , Drolbus & Co. . 1100
rnrnnm st. 215
OH SAT.K-.MIIo dairy. It COWB , 1 Jersey bull ,
2 horses , waoron , oto. Not wood Park , Flor
ence. John Williams. 247
F Oil KXCIIANC.K-Stocks of goods of every
kind , for farms nnd land ; nlso lands to ov-
change for goods. If you wnnt to trndn , no
mntlprwhnt Itis youhnvo , write , with full do-
seilptlon. to C. 1 * . Mnyno , real ostnto broker ,
Omnha , Neb. 103
Foil NAT.ii : Creamery will bo sold cheap , on
easy terms , to anyone who will run It the
coming season. O. M. Carter , Aehland , Nob.
YlrANTii > TooTclittngn for stock of hard-
wmo mul ( ronnrnl motI'hnnillso , COO norcsoC
flno Tlmyor Co.Nob. , Innd ; S lots In Genoa ,
Neb. , prod store building { best corner ) ; good
dwelling ( best locution ) in Kssox , In. , al o 81
.ncros )5 ) mile from town of Essov , Ta. , seeded In
bine irrass. For further particulars address
John Llndorholni Central Cltv Nebraska. 059
Oil SAI.K A $ .Y > 10 stock of millinery goods
In splendid location. A big bargain for some
.ono as n liberal discount will bo glvnn. For fur
ther particulars nddress I ! 90 , Hoc Olllco. 02.1
PKUSONAI- thn man whowiotoP O.
box 057 from Sioux City plonso luriilsh his
Omnhnnddios * . 47B-17 *
PKItSOXAI. Would hko parlies wishing to
iidopt n baby to correspond with C 74r Itoo
olllco. 411-10 *
pnilSONAI , Topoi-nns who wish to build n
J homo In Orchard hill , 1 will soil ots In that
lUldltlon nnd nk nothing down but thn nominal
Mini ol ton dollars , tliu renmlnilor to run for
live joais with Interest at 8 percent. This is
the best otTer over mndo to nny homo sonkor In
this city. Call and see mo. C. K. Mnyno , S. W.
Coi nor 15th and Farnam stroots. 219
T1IKW. C. MotznorStovoltopnlrCo. Ill South
14th St I'otwoon Dodiro and Douglas.
LOST llotwocn Hth and 17th Sis. onoKngo
Imiioitanl pnpois. Itoturn to 113 01111117th
rt. mulgDtiow.uil. ' 483-10 *
LOST Hi own cow with wlillo slur In foro-
linad , scuu-on loft Ride. $10.00 low aril will
lie paid for horitturn to Albert Hanno. Cor.
MlinndMurcySt. 410-10 *
OOMS nnd board. .09 NorthSBd st.
X U10mh27 *
: ; deslrnblo farming
bind In Nobraskn , Address , with dosurlptlon ,
lowest prluu nnd terms , ti. A. Slomun , Oniahu ,
Nob. 4'.K22 '
F OU HAI.i ; Milk dnliy , 2U en\vs , horses ,
Matron , cans , ote. liuiulro D J > Thomas ,
ItoointJ.CrclKliton block. 407-20'
fl' YOU lia\o property to sell or exchange ,
.L ll'-t It with C. .1. CusHoll & Co. , Itoom 1'J. ' No-
Vrn&ka National Dunk. Telephone 220. 3-U-21
OH I.iSEl5Iots In r.uko'8 nddltlon on
riark and Snundors Sta. Amo3 , 1M7
nnm. H.V )
"TT RAM : of TTnunfuinUiiio nt &u
, , ( V. Nurlh SlxU'onth street , Wednesday. 10
ock , Match 17th. istt ) , I parlor sot , 22 ) ( ! . - ; line
ol carpet , 4lds body lln scls carpet , 1 heat-
j.-no\u , I line mlirortoat ( IS , 1 conier table , H
jot of window rurtalns , : ) luffs , a lot of ehalu ,
t comimulos , 2 tlnu boilioom t-uts , blands , dl&hos
cooklnir ntdi-IU , andkitohcn furnliiuo such na
Istounl Inn lliat-chuss buiiso ; bedding , ma '
tivsMisiina Hprintrs. A. W. Cownn \ Co. , AMJ-
tloneoin imil dodeis In now and kornnd-hand
luinliuio , lUSAllUXoith nih st. 510-ltl
SAl.i : Knrnliuu' , cook btovo nnd tlx-
* nOIC SAI.K llorbosnnd brood mart's. Slier-
J. ' innn ave und Center Si. ncur Coddnrd House.
1AOK HAI.i : limed , b AH. ] jjaiross. AP-
1 > dy KWJ Karnam St. 4X'
3rons.VI.K A tn oiinoltM ait , here > < and
1 harncii , $10 < L Apply 1. Stdlillna : , 2U4 1'.ir
OU iiTMT * _
T71OIC .SAI.U & 0 mules and 0 driving norsa
Jsud ono span ui Ji-rin tuarca nt 207 X. luth bt ,
TnoiCSAI.J : 1'XMcarloalaof fpnd , on
JC lir.ik at IxiulJvllle. Nub. Contiactorj and
wunt.iix taiul ouler on time. 1'rlco *
iratonnblo. J . f. A. llumcr. l
SALK Bide bar , top b\J \ ; , ( , ) chciip. Ad-
dr nl2iavirjlnUn\e , 4'lti'
" | 7\OU \ SAl.i : Allarht doKverj pony or bujy
* ti , w. Una a hciuvy furrcl , cairl.iiio or work-
ii. A. MuKh , loth nmK'iiuJiUj ? . 211
" 17 < on SAI.K fi or fl bond ot coo 1 work horses ;
J. nl o a lot of houichoM furnltnro , etc. An-
tioti'cr-lliisch Brewlnu Association. Otli and
Cnpltolavo. M. Kontln ? , Acnt. 76 mhlS
Foil wonther strlp , storm Rnsh onJ doors , go
to K. D. Mead at 3. ICth St Wl
" \\rANTiD : oirM for flr t nnd econd work ,
i nl o cooks nt Ncbrnskn IlmploJ ment Aeon-
cy , 11 ICth it , cor Cnpltol Ave , f > - )
" \\rANTr.n-Uelrl * for R-cnernl housework ;
nlso ( rood c" > ol , for bonnlliiff houses and
hotels ; nl o dining room jrlrls nnd pool Inun-
clre o ; plftccstrlvcii free. Omnha Employment -
ment lluroaii , 1120 rariinm st. 52)3 )
* "
W T\NTKT-At ) onneTiilti'ly STllcTtor. Cnll nt
Koom 22 , Crol hton Illock. 6iMB
_ _
\\T ANTKD Kxporlcnrod mnchlno linn Is for
TI custom shirt * : npp'y to Norfinc'tcni
Shirt I'nctory , cor 13th nna Douglas , o er Onix-
ImSaUiuTillatik. : > i * ' "
\YANTKD-Good cook nt 710 slTst. ,
M wngcs. 51M7p
\\7ASTKD-A trlrl for jrcncrnl lieu owork.
ii N Hcor 17th nnd Lcavonnorth. John L.
Hill. 4W-18 *
iO3d cook at the Instltn t o I iotol ,
13th nnd Capitol in o. 4'i2-20
WANTKD FlrAt-cln s wnlet nnd skill mnker ,
nlso aiprciltlcos. | Hoom 14Cioun o Block.
45'J-20 *
WANTKD-Oorinnn Blrl or boy to help in
kitchen. 217812th. 13M8 <
WANTKD A flrst-cli s woman cook nt Nor-
ils'rcstnurant , 104 S. ICth St. near Dodgo.
WANTKD A tmn < \ girl for general house
work nt 405 NlMh St. 465
WANTKD Good strong girl. 1W5 rnrnnm.
4U3-17 *
WANTKD l.ndloi and Gentlemen In city or
country to tnko llgiit work at their homos.
$1.00 to$3.iOndny ( onsllv made ; woik ont by
mall , no canvassing. Wo Inn o a good demand
for our woik , nnd furnish steady employment.
Address , with stamp. Clown MT'g CO..J.-J4 Vine
Street , Cincinnati , Olilo. 4.Wnpil7 *
T\7-ANTKD-A mmrlod Indy with n
Tf would llko to lm\o n sltimtlon ns housekeeper -
keeper with n widower or bachelor. Address 0
! M , lieo olllce. 40.1-17 *
CfANTKD AcooJ omnncook ! . _ „ _
> Address City Motel , Fairmont , Neb. 417
"V\7ANTin : Lady agents for n renowned
IT rubber specialty ; enclose stamp for full
imillciilnrs , sample , etc. Address The French
Specific Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 410-17
WAN'TKD Kxporlenced senmstiesses at
Canflold's overall factory , llth mid Doug-
Ins.up-stalis. 4'Ji-lfl *
WANTii : ) A ( food experienced woman ,
middle nirod , to do housework for n fnmllv
of three. Musi como well reconimeiulod. Good
wages will bo paid to ii cimpctont one. Apply
nt 1WJDoiifjlas : St. Mis II Klloy.41ri10
WANTIM ) Woman servant to wait on tnblo
and dofroneral wnik around house ; nnply
between U mid 12.1)12 ) Douslns street. 3i )
"V\rANTI"D A phi for gcneinl hoiisowork ;
i ? Inquire 1S10 Harncy. Mrs. E. llosowntcr
"fXTANTUU Lady cook A No. 1 ; Oar in nu
T > preleriod. U. S. Hotel , 10th and Doujrlas.
Clms. Kohlmoycr. 357
TI7ANTiu : A fflrl nhout 15 or 18 years old to
T nurse. Apply S. C. cor. 21st nnd Leaven-
worth. 13J
AOKNTS Locnlmid traveling cnn make from
$25 to $200 weekly. Addiess Impeiinl Flro
llxtlngulshor Co. , Stewart Uulkllng , Now Yoilc.
901-aprl *
WANTKD A first-class dlnlns-room girl at
1518 Dodpo St. HS9
WANTUD Oood plrls for ( foneral house
work. Koom 4Uusumnn Ulock , 10th and
Domrliis. 1150
\VANTj : Oood boy at Max Uncut , cor 16th
TI bet Fm nnm and Hnrnoy. 5JI-10
\JITANTKI ) An experienced city salesman ;
TT ono ncqunlntcd with the trade. Apply at
nt 1113 llnrnoyst from 5 to 0 p. in. 497-17
17ANTKD r,0 ifood hnrnoss mnkors. Address
> JInik Bios. Saddlery Co. , Omaha , Neb.
WANTUD Tailors. J. Couon.SOS S llth St.
515-10 *
WANTKD A live , Industrious man to sell
goods by snmplo to mills nnd stores
through Nobinskn ; permanent w oik and good
pay to ono who can como well recommended.
Apply , naming rot01 encos and stntmg ago nnd
former occupation , Kuwo & Co. , Cleveland , Ohio.
for "Tho Child's Illblo. ' '
Introduction by Dr. .1. II. Vincent. Over
400 engravings. Ono agent lias lately sold 150 In
atown of 8.I.M people ; 78 In a village of 074. The
best selling book in this country. Address Cas-
scll & Co. , Limited , 40 Dearborn st , Chicago.
WANTKD A bookkeeper desires n situation
In Omnhn , good penmnn and accountant ;
10 yoais' oxpoi lonco ; tlrst-clnss icfoiences. Ad
dress C Si , Hen Ollice. 470-20 *
Two good tnilors to ge to llont-
rlco , Neb. HUorwlu , Uciitrico , Nob.
453-10 *
\\7"AJfTii Boy 14 or 15 j o'irs of ago in
nn onico. Address , In own liandwiltlng ,
0 80 , Uco Ollico. 41. > 10
TTrANTKD Good live agents at once ( either
i so\to ) canvass with n last-soiling mtlcln ;
sells on sight ; uponts can easily make Irom $2
to $10 per day. Address at oncn and * como ter-
iltory , Kuicka IHooin Holder Co. , Ucciitur , III.
WANTji > Good organ and piano salesman
Unit can give good references ; stnto sal
ary or commission deslied. Only these mean
ing business apply J. 0. Italno it Co , Grand Isl
and , Nob. 420-10
WANTUD A joung man with a liorso , to
carry an evening touto on the Omaha
Daily Uco. 43S
WANTKD A gentleman of ability to tnko
orders for our now book , 1 ho Ciuiio of Iro-
hind Pleaded Itoloro the Civilized Woild. There
IH a lot tune in this lor the right man. Callat
loom 0 , Kodlck's block. 413-10
T\7ANTKD Agents Twenty good solicitors
i to wet k llfo Insurance In Omiih i and Iowa ,
I.ilicial commissions tp good men , Full Instruo-
lions and outllt free. Call on or write Kriius &
Camnboll , Koom 22 , Nebraska National Hank
llulldlng. - 3bO-25 *
W ANTKD Sixteen harness makers at Slo >
man Bios. , 13th and Do Ipro pis. 24S
WANTKD llollablo agents und dealers In
West Iowa nnd Nebraska lor the Whlto
Bowing Machine and supplies for all mnko of
machined. Catalogue Iroc , Zohrunif , Thorn
ton It Co. 2U7npr3
| 7ANTiil Affcnte , 200N. ICthst.
> r.ii
WANTKD imploj : mont ulh suivej-ois or
enirlneorH , ntfo .t , sliiKlo , conipoteiit und
wllln. John Kiiox , Bunt rice , Nob. 4UV1U *
WANTKD A position by nn experienced nnd
competent business man ; best ol reloi-
cnccs. Aildru3Cb7 , llcoOlllce. & 00-1Q *
WANTKD A position as traveling salesman
Klulit years oxpoilcnco. Well ncniinlnted
with Ihotiadoln Nebraska. Ile tof rolerencos
lurnUhed fiom last employers , Addiosb U. bS ,
llooolllto. 4SO-10-
W ANTKD A situation as cook. Address
Goo. U. Bailey , tShotlluld , Wai ran Co. , ru.
IIM-1S *
\\ Indy wlio n hujbnnd tiavnls
IT wlslius to room nnd bonrd yonnir lidy ;
terms inoderato ; stilctly prlvutu lainlly. Ad-
Ileo oillco. COl-lb'
> llcom nnd bo.ird for ( roiitlorniin
ii and wlfo in prhato family ; must lmwo-t
of P. O. unit north of 1'iiinuuist. Addioss O ' . ) ] ,
I luu Olllco. 61U-17 *
\\7ANTKD-To trade , lot In Ix > o's udd for u
ii | air of jounx'hiiraes , that aruiood milo !
ilinius , nr oiiot'oii I hoi ej huincss and bii | . ' ry.
lllcu It Mooio , 12U2 rnrnnm. 6)1 )
' A yooil room \\ith minium con ,
vonlciicos , inifiirnUliL'd or fuinUhed , tor
sliiKloeontioman , Addrojj 1' 0 iov ! 510 city.
priciuiml location. 4.VJ
WANTKD-ly ) the Ut or April , n smnll cut-
ti-J : or thico good i-ooitnunliirni lied , Kir
Ilirht hontukoc piUif. Addics , giving locatioii ,
C 3J , Ileo oillco. 4b7
" \\TAN'TiD : Thvco hundred lor moia ] aeies
11 or land for n block rnuc'i. Oiviieiti or agents
can llrd a losponslblo tenant , lor ton yoais , by
Immediately nddro ln or Yixltlm ; the Omaha
Dairy association , 3U tlxlrronlh St. 432 Z\ \
\VANTKD Honsi. of 4 to , fl loonu ; central
\l location ; will lout for ono year. Address
077Boeomrc. 4K-17 *
\ VANTKlFor ipot c < sh , desirable ie l-
i T donee forth Irani { 3U03 to t'd/WJ. Address
P. a box 414. 4UO
\XrANTKD Parties havlm ? lieu o ) for rent
> V to ll t the same with ! . We hnvo nppll-
cntlon * ) thnt we cnnnot nil. 0. J. Cnswoll * Co. ,
lloorn IP , Nobm'krt Nntionnl Bank. Tclephono
ANTKD-Actlvo Indy nirents to oell our
combined wnlst nnd corset. For circular ,
nddress Jnckson Corset Co. , Box PI > , Omnhn ,
7r > 1inhl *
-ANTKD Tonms. 3098. llth St.
\ \
( Tu itllNT slirlok stores on South l"th St.
bet Howard and.lnck on. 1 0-rooTi hon o ,
summer kitchen , east fiont , 23rd St. noitr bt
car line , $2J per month. Paulson fe Co. . Ijl3
Fnrnnmjt. uSO
OUltr.NT A finely located 8-ioom bouso
F with nil inoiltr.i Improvomonls. nl o two
nicely furnl'hod tooms. Call at 131. Dojliro St.
) ll HKNT House 3-rooms. Iinulroon 18th
I7i 1 west M ! o nerr Plei , o. 403-17 *
* Oil HUNT A line dwo'iliiB , 0-nioms , els-
1 .1 tcin.bu-n , olo. I IHck Irom ttreot cnr .
Smnlirriilt.oioiiBli for faintly , $ > J ,
Paik , Uenl rslnto.lB'S ' Doimlns.
. ' . month ;
ItKNT--lIoiifoSronni' , SC5ior
Foil S510 Cfl Ifornlii st. 4"J.'iJ * _ _
ANTKD To purchase lot and hoil i < . 0 or 8
rooms. wc t of 20th st , south of Dmlira :
house must bo In ROOI ! repair ; no fancv p rice
w III bo paid. LovgionA tt lido. 1J _ '
tII HUNT Three-room bouso , Oth k Dnljo.
Iin.VT House of ! 1 rooms. 2 closets nnd
Foil on Walnut St.,5 blocks Horn U. P.
depot. Inquire Aug. llnudow , 1317 Chlcairo st.
! J73-ltj *
UINT lo ) lrnblo residence0 teems ,
S linn's 2d ndd ; house of II rooms , South 5th ,
also u barns with loftj. J. Phlpps Hoe , Iiov557.
4 > 4
TTIOIl SAM : A 6-room cottnyo , ! 4 lot. No. 95i )
.13 Division street , ! block north of Cumlny ;
easy tirms. 406-17 *
OH IlKNT 80 aero farm , all under cultlva-
tion.wlth house nnd linrn , six ( Ol miles from
postolllce. 11. Mulinwoiler & Co. , 309 8 llth st ,
Omni n , Nob. 45S--.M *
Tjioil HUNT Fioin May 1st , n furnished
JL1 house , with modern comcnlcnous ; pleasant
locality nnd w.thln half n blnek of stieot car
lino. Apply to.Mr . F.ustls , Collax st , , 2d door
noith of Loavenwortli st. 43I-10'
POIt ltiNT : Store room on C. 12.
Mn > noS. AV. cor. 15th and Fainam. 300
IinXT West half of 2141 Dnvcnpoit St ;
FOH ' . ln'iuiront2U8 Capltnln\onite.
HUNT Hituo of ? o\on rooms , pleas-
Foil and centrally located. Inauiro 1217
I'm nnm. 303
-House. And furnlturo for sale ;
location cent nil. Addioss 0 04 , Dee Ojllco.
TTlOKllKNT-Two very dosh'ublo lints on
-U Hownrd Street over ! " ! " > with all inoJuru im
provements. A splendid locitlon to rent fur
nished rooms. Omaha lloul IMnto and Loan
Co. , Rooms ! nnd \VlthiiellllIook. . 7S4
FOU SAMS At n bmpaln , lino'.l-oom house
with modern convonU'ticos ; full lot ; on
Hnrnoy st , near 25th ; S3.233. Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Farnnm su > l > 'J
FOIC KENT Garden larm. 30J S. llth St.
TTIOH IIKNT Fnrm 0(160 acres , twelve mlles
JJ from Omaha. Apply at the Omaha Finan
cial i\cliange : , SW coiner of 15th and I'arnam.
nil HUNT House of8rnoms2M nnd Har
F ney St Inqulio of Mount c GrltUn213 S llth
Sticot. "if-
OHllENT Furnlilicd rooms , K4 N. 15th
St. GtB-18 *
Foil 11BNT Nicely furnished rooms In nice
cotta o for $0 , > i and ts l > or month at 4CO
Walnut St. , 8 mlnu'.os walk southeast of U. P.
doiiot. . T0
_ _ _
Fmi IlKNT Fiirnlshol room ; uYIuTio at
drug Rtoro cor 10th and Douglas. _ 5'1 !
TJ > OH HUNT On the Istof April , Iniso front
JD room with bay window and aleovo. Suits of
rooms , lied room with all modern Impiovu-
monts , furnished or unfurnished , one block
w oat of com t houso. 18-'l I'arnam St. 503-23
IlKNT Comfortable rooms , Including
hieakfast and 0 o'clock dinner , on Fnrmitn
near courthouse , tQKuntlomou ; tlist cln-s ; C
bl lice olllco. OO.MS *
Foil KENT Front room , fuinlshod or un
furnished , No. 1027 South 18th St. , J. J.
Welihnns. 455-17 *
IlKNTTwo nicely furnished looms ,
FOK or without boaul. Ill b ISth st. 451
Foil IlKNT I'm nlshod loom mid board.
Toimsicnsonablo. Itofcrcnccs o.\chanscd.
701 S. 18th St. 441-10 *
Oil IlKNT Koom for light housekeeping.
1510 Harnoy. 435
Foil RUNT Nicely fuinlshed loonif. 1013
Uoilgo. 4U3-18 *
HENT 3 orfi tooms. Inquire at S. K.
corner 17th and Loiivcnworth sts. 334
Oli IIKNT Cheap room. 1417 Howard.
37S-lb *
Foil KKNT Two rooms furnished , on sulto
or single. S. W. cor. llth and Howard.
377-1B *
FOU KINT ; Nicely furnished loom with
bonrd. 714 N. l tli St. 474-25
T71OII IlKNT uOOd room mil good board ,
-U 191M Fnrnam. 3 ) .ipr3
OH IlKNT With bo.ud , ono larjro nicely
finnlshed front loom , gas and bath loomnt
HOt ) Jones St. 27'1 '
T7 OK ItKNT r.nrpo loom with or without
A3 board. 1701 Capitol avo. 252
FOH HUNT Olllco , 218 S. r > tb St.
OK KKNT Nlcnly furnished , room at 2227
Dodge ; all modern conveniences. 212-20
TTlOIl Itl'XT Fuinlshod rooms , single and on
JE suite , with or without bo.ird. AdJi os ? 0 51 ,
Ileo Ollice. 210
_ _
OU KKNT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodgo.
_ _
FOK KKNT 2 nicely furnished rooms. IG-JJ
IloilBO. _ 101-17 *
Furnlsho I front room with use
i. of bath room. Inquire at olllco ol C. K.
Miiyno , 1 3th and Fai nam. 121
Foil KKNT For light houaokooplng rooms
furnished and iinturnlsliQd in Boomer's
Block , cor. UUrhth and Howard St. 175
TTVoiTuKNT atom room n Wlthnoll block ,
-L ? hot , Harnoy nnd FarnAin on 15th. Inquire
llooml" , WltlinulllllQc'k. 777
FOH KKNT 4 nicely furnished rooms with or
without board. WO Ploasnnt st.
OH KK.vr Nicely furnUhoil rooms , with
heat , ttnt nnd bath ; also tlrst-class iiihlo
bomd ; best of roforonuoi given and toiulroJ.
1SI4 Dodge st. 5-13
'ITIOKhAr.K-lOOfcc't.S. fronton Hamilton Ht ,
JJ Prospect Place , ? 1UW.
Corner lotonSowaid St. , In Prospect I'luoa
LotonCliarloj St near 29th , $650.
I < ot on Iliiirllton nenr 20lh , $75 J.
Lot on Vhglnla nvJ. , near Lcavonwotth St. ,
Lot 125x150 , S. 13th St. 111,000.
lxt on Farnam St. corner ( KU132 , (23,000.
Lot on I'm nam Kt , corner Sxl32 , ; 25OX ) .
House nnd lot on Hamilton St , near Poor
Clalro Convent , $1OOJ ; easy terms.
Lot In Nolson'sndd , fl,700 ,
Lot In IXUi > 's add , 15 W ; easy terms
112 loot on Fnrmitn St , near 27th , f2 > per foot.
Coiner lot In Lawo's add , $ SOO
2 largo hoiibos and full lot on 19th near Web-
Btor St , $ 'i,500. '
HOUBO and > i lot on Trurd near 21th St , S'.SOO.
( ic.'O. P. llomls , 15th mid Douglas St. 501
rj > O II S.V LI. 3-1 oem liouso , oumonted cellar ,
J' otit-buildliiffs , lion Ji'iH-o , thlo walks , etc. ,
nil In tl i > -tln-8 rupair , line shade t iocs , bin nil
fruit , etc , on Popploton n\unuo. Terms easy.
'I ho host buriinln in the oily , $3'XO , , Hlirglns A :
Paik , 15U Douglas. _ 4NH8
1 IUTirrKiATN $ T-)10 will buy To'lirTF
xjLulasa lotsiMioh lVxU."i. foiitli trout , east of
Fort , ono block w rst of i-aun Jors St. Address
H FtcVomcl or , C Ity _ gQ aiub *
1 Olt.S.VIi-lIouso : and lot 17th St tmtwoon
1 Clilengo nnd Davcnpoit.lU-iooms , city water ,
cletcin , tncup It uiUen In 10 days. ( J , J. ( as-
well .M. o.Eoum li > , No'irnskuNat'l Bank build
ing. 017-20
_ _
"I71OK SALI' 5-rooin lioufo with tloiots. pan-
J- try , etc. llnsiMiit'iit with 2-iimins , well , els-
leiii. mm nlie out buildings. Terms to suit.
On Cumins St , $ .v',7uO. , IHifBlna \ Park. 1512
Pout-he. 4 4-18
TJ1OK SAI.K Five acres , cast slope , In May-
-J. UulJ , lit 250 per aero if sold buioro March
Mb. AJdrosOOJ , Bee Olllco. 3U-17 ( *
T7IOIISAI.K Ixits to the wo.-.t of town , near
J1'rtnmoi EI. Hiid Lowe are. , in Pot tor's add. ,
< n.foniilroUtublo | ) iiUL'Stuicnt at $ . .JJand JtJJO
auli. 1'oiter Cjbb 1015 1'uruuia at. bo < J
. . . _ .
ST..I * * * < i
llotrjo nnd lot ,
1B1U nnd Cnstt ,
* 4,5JO.
Vlrxlala fit frmxl
fA , < XO. V.
llotifo nnd lot ,
PlS'li street )
Cuiin'uglintnA. ' Jlrcnnnn , 1MI Dodsc.
oil SAI.K-Ixatsn HaiMCon
I , its In Hovil a addition , JJJO.
Ixits in .1. I. HnlleV'snddltlO' ) , Jt.fO ) .
Lois In 11 V , Simt 's ml lltlon , $1,6JJ.
1.0(8 ( In Patrick" . ! ilJdltlon , J700.
lots In HnwIhbrnVi nddltlon , $ TuO.
Ixtsln I.nko'i < | ililitloii , $1.100.
CuntiliiKlinm .x llronimn , 1511 DoJpo.
WA < 5iiiNc.TONm , M. is tlio best nnd chonp-
o t ricio property.
\VASIIINOTON II1I.I. u omnun's best
> > suburb. Aero lot , ? OX ) .
WASHINGTON iiii.r , .ellsfnMor thiin any
other addition. Aero lots , t03) .
U > nee bios an ncro In WnihltiRton Hill , for n
P loir days only , Ctmnlnghnm & llroiumn , 1511
led ) ? c.
FOK SALK-NIco lum o nn 1 lnr o let Pop-
plcton inoinio , south trout , tinly tJ.Vj1.
Cunnlnirhnin > V Ilremttm , mil Do (70. (
17UMI HAI.K--U full lot ? nnd thieo houses
J-1 rented nt $10) ) j oc month , on Chloivo tioot ,
Jsin.iHHlt fn y term * C'tinnlimhiim > V Brontmn ,
ISll DoiUo.
] 7M W HAI.K-A Rtoronml lot on S 13th , ro iTod
lor $ .11 n iiinntli. only f..IM. Cumtliijtlmni
ti Ilionmm , loll Dodiru.
T7IOK HAI.K-inxHI feat on 1'iiik nvpniio ,
-L' $1,000. CiiiinliMlmm & Itrommn , I.11 Dodirc.
"ITUMl SAI.B Fume I'oiittlftll lo s tinnr tlio
J ? Saciod Heart.\cn.lnmy , south fionti. Sl,2jl )
tmch. Cunnlnphiim .VIltiHiimii , I'll Dnliro.
FOK SA1.K l-room Imuai , clo oU , pnnlty ,
cistern , well , lnirn * Imtn , on Unit St. I'rl'-o
Jl.soo'on inonthl * , or > early piiyinunts. Itlirulns
.V I'm It , 131S Duitt-lns. IVi.13
T AN ! ) sKKicnis. "ATI-UN rtoN--For mil
J-J particulars about frco nnd chonp lun.U In
Western Nebraska address Tlio * . 0. Patterson ,
llcalKstiUoAuont , Noith I'latto Nob. i5
fiV > ll SALK lly PniiNon & Co. , 1513 Farnnm
-L fttitet.
4 choco5 ! acre lots In Kcnitneton , $3T)9 )
Icholcoftncro lilt in IConslnzton fl.OJO
1 lot on Ml , I'lo.isant Mroot , IlkKory Place
with I room new houso. itabo ! and clstoin , $1 ,
400 ; f 101) ) c.i h , bnliinco on \ ory onny tnrnis.
I.ot4'\170liiMllhudV ) Cailwcll's add , hous
11x21 , $ lKMon ; ; < i ) terms.
] Oiu'if'sonNSuundiiSi.trcot . , otcollont loca
tion , 1,1)00 ) : very easv terms.
10 act 04 joining-I'm t Onialia nt f3,003 ; eplcn-
did chancu to double lneminent. .
Coiner lot in I'mKoi's udd , ono bquiuo from
street par , house 23xJ8 , well , cistern , ots , $2,100 ;
cnsy tot m .
Vi lot , honso Hx fl , with basement and kltchon
Hoggs ft Hill's add , cor of Dodge and 30thlOJO ;
easy terms.
5 acres In Helalro ndd , west of Walnut Hill ,
now 4 room house , lingo stable , $1-50J ; ea * > y
term * .
Corner lot 100x110 , on Park Ave , with elegant
I ) room house , $3,2" > 0.
Ixnl2u\l24 , ono B-junro from red street line ,
clozant location in Iliunii's ndd , Sl.btfO ; $1,200 ,
cash , bnlanco ou time.
81) ) ucnH hlirhly Improved farm , 5 miles from
city limits $4/iiW.
PnttUon A ; Co. , 1511 Farnam street. 3C3-17
TTlOIl SA1.K Wo have some splendid bnririilns
J- both in vno int nml Imprni , oil propurly that
toany < nc contomiilntlng-biDH'g ' will do well to
seo. Cnll on us. lllsglns1'nrk , 1512 Donglns
" " "
Foil SAM : linMncsspioporlr Hint will pnv
to Inrcstlgulfl ltlpeA.Moorel J rnrimm.uOS-17
roitiirK ! bS''Vrt'0. Shrlver-
15 benutlli ljlofs , Charles ndd. , $3,000 to
Ixit 75x110 , lloMlelt's ' sub-division , onst front , it r
Aero lot , Hliiub\ugli ] : add. , $700.
Lotncur 1'nrkuvo , ITIraolmufrh Plnco , $1,650.
" 5 choice lots , Iliin com I'laco , $ 03 to ? IUOO. D
Lot on Sanndoia Pt , ( U foot front ,
Full lot cornerSly nnd Hurt ,
Lots on California St. 1 mlle from 1' 0 , $1,300.
Full lot on Dodwo 10,030.
Full lot on llith .nnd Lcnvonwortu. corner ,
$15'000. i [ A f i
Corner lot 8Svl feet , fall nnd Jones , $3,000.
2 lots , corner , Shlnn's add. , fl.VW. n. . " "
0 cottaircs and lots on mor.thly payments ,
$1.50010 Sl,7IV.riit , - .
Lurgo now-1 gtoiwjloiiblo brlok building1 ! ono
block lroml'0. H8OOJ.
U houses and lot on car line , rents $50 per
month , ousy terms , $ ) , r > 03.
Nice cottage , V lot , back nish school , $2,000.
City propoitj to trade for siiliorbnn property.
Monovtoloan. Cnll In mid ire out nna PCO my
list. W. G. Shrlvor. ojip. P. O. 433-10
Foil SAI.K 3spihir ( wasfons. Hayes .V Paul
son , 2212 Cumlng street. 014-22 *
EC. I'ATTKKSOX , Heal Estntol2S4 Fnrnnm
Ten ncros , beautiful , cheap , f t.001.
8 loom cottiwo , lot UJxllM , liargnln , $3 , ! > 00.
Now uott.iffonnd lot , monthly payments , $1,800.
AGIO lots , city lots , cottages mid residences
tluomjliout thn city for sale.
Money to loan on approved security.
Call on or ndiliess It. C. Patterson. SS9
T < O IIUY or soli reality call nnd see It. C. Pat
terson , 1 M Kariiiim. ! )93-15 )
FOHS.VI.r.-Tn-olotsln Plalnvlow , $150 oacu.
Potter i Cobb. 1515 Fat nam St. ' 058
TT1OIISALK Thrco rtno lots In Shlnn's 3d add.
J3 nt ? 300 oach. Potter & Cobb , 1615 i'arnnm.
fjlOIt SAI.K Lots In l owo's 1st nddltlon ,
J ? south fronts , easy terms , only $503. Potter
& CobbI'll ) Knrnam st. ail
FOUSAI.i : \Volm\o80ino hl bargains in
imiio\iil ! ro-IilcMco iiioperty ; call nnd Fee
us. Jtlco &Momo , ISUrniiiuiii. 509-17
FnilS.vr.i : Hosts aero tiacts in the market ,
only ? MO per ncro. fmiulro about them.
Potter tV Cobb , 1515 Tarnara. biS
FOHSALK-Acro lots , flUc'sadd. , only SI ,533
Potter A Cobb , 151 > Parnam. 857
IOK SAI.U See hai'h'alns In Omaha real estate -
tate , by Itloi ) & Moot o , 122J I'm num. 51i-17
FOHSAL12 BovornI dcslrablo DiHinois lots
on Kith St. , and Imslnoss and ruaidonco lots
In nil parts of the city. Alio waiohouao , hotel
nnd 1 arm property. Jlonsos to rent. Property
gboH'nlrouof char o nnd u lanro list to select
tromnt prices raiiKln Irom 5J5J to $10,033. 1'ni-
ties ilcslilnt ; to Invest shonM losk over our list
and prices before biiylna- . Correspondence so-
llclted nnd Inlnrmatlon about the clrv troelv
( rlvim. Uinuliu llual IStato A : Lean Co. , Koom 31 ,
Witlmoll Illook , Omaha. 7.7
TjlOK SAr.i-A tow of the beat OH In Wllcov's
4-1 add. nt JUJO oaoh. Potter i : Cobb , 1515 Far-
iiam bt. R5
FOK SAM : Cho ip lots In llnrr O ik , Just piTit
of Ilrtiiacoin IS ) , easy
terms. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnntn st. 851
SAII : _ Cheap , ono ol the host Improve. 1
J. nnd llnoat located farms in Dou l.u i-onnty ,
Nob. , 5 miles west of OmiiUn court homo , con-
talnlnsr IfiO nuros , with IHJIISO , Ktuhlo , wolli , or-
cliaulnndpasliiru , oto. ; onu-half oiuh , linlinco
to suit piirohasor. For further imrtlaul.iri nl-
drn sOoo. Llndo , care Omaha Itoo , Omuhn. No-
luaskiu ( iiu
FOHSAI.K-liiirBawnln-rornor In I sane &
Boldon's addition , only 2 blocks trom l.oav-
onworth st. , llUtl' ' ! , only f l&J ) . Vottor A : Cobb ,
15151'arnnm t. K > )
- . . - , . lorsalo lots In Hani-
- ' com Phicu , t W tu f 1 , 03.
Oib&on has for sale ihousos and lots in Hans *
com Plnco , 51 is
Gibson has fort snlb'housosund ' lots in all paits
f the city. r n
( JlbMin has laiprOTOJ farms and lands In all
parts of Nobrasliii fir sain or oxehuiigo.
Ulbson lias UiousamU of acres oC land In
Western Nobratlia for sale from $ J to ft per
ncrn. iu- 1 i
Ulbson would llko 10 see you If you want to
buy or 8ill. / . >
nn to list your property. Cull
nnd see him nt HooihO , Wlthnoll ntock , cor. 15th
und Knrnor ets.Mt ' & -0
FOIlSALb FAitKI'it' . cor. CAJJfornln and
U0tlistd.,2buieksfiom proposed i > avlnim
Cumlngst. , 8U.VMlJ'59j3oooli ) , Potter & Cobb ,
1515 Fnrnnm st , y't ' ' & !
Flio uv or fMlTrfiihty call und BCO H. O. Pnt-
J-lor on , J234 Mti'/nim. ' / 3'CJ ' 15 : By ( iraliain & llunowa.
JIxls In lluiiseom Plaeo , S70J to $1,800.
Oood lot on Virginia nvuniio , f W5.
Corncron ( ieoigla avo. tl.l ) ! .
Two full lots on ( looiyla u\oiiuo , both f2,000.
Tlin'olot * . liiiirOukuld , ; 7SOeucli. -
Ixit on Doilifo btioct , u burgiiln , JI.IOO.
Corner , 2 blocks from Saundora , $1,559.
UJxl40,5-rooin Imueo , North lOlli St. f.Vfi. \ .
3.-IXHO , 7-rooin UniihO , N Ibtb , fi.SM.
Iloiif o oft ) rooms' N 21st.OOiX !
l < ot on Cumlnt ; fetroct.a Imr aln , $1,400.
Ilousoof & rooms , lot 33x135 , McCuniilUu Plnco
VfiM ,
103x140 ft on ( icorgla n\o , ono block fioru
I.cavoinunlh stieet , $ iXJO. (
Lots In .Marsh's mid , * 1,000 to $1.003.
Thrco lota in Omaha View , tlflw.
Ono-huU ncro. nouso of 5 roomson Burt st ,
Hot aero lots In Kensington ndd. J-00 cacti.
rivnnrit < 3TuttlQ'8 Riibdlv. . f.,0 > J.
5lJi-Jl , Soulh isth , * l/iOO.
50x150 , iust liont.Hausoom Place , $ ? 50.
Graham & liennwu , Ciulghton Ulock. 103-ld
FnJCSAI.i : Uusincss itroiiorty that will pay
to Invostiirutu. lllcu X Moore , 1-- ' Fai num.
, 6U5-1I
T OVOUKX * AVIt.Di : , enlE tnto nrokcrs
JLJHomn 10 , Ornnlto Illock. Tolopluino 753.
LUtyour property with w nnd wo will sec
thatour InteroMS arc not notrlectod.
The follow Intr ro n few of our bnrjrnlns. Cftll
In nnd you will sec hundred * of other splendid
dinners to Invest.
Lot on Fiirunm nonr 15th , flno 0-roora houeo ,
123-y-room house on Hnrney near C5th , flno
bnsemont nnd nil modern Improvement ? , very
ons > v terms. $5,230.
124 lliiiliiejs lot ( iBxl33) ! ) on Lca\ctmorth St.
with S houses $ ll , u.
250 2 lots nn Campbell St , onU front , cnch STOT.
SOJ Itoautlful lot jicarOJth nnd California SU. ,
f T > 0.
2W ( 2 flno lots oh 3Jd near Loiwnworth , OOvlSI ,
south front , n bargain , each , M.'XX ' ) .
aw Flno cn t front lot on Virginia nvo. , $1,100.
113 Sploiullil lot northonst of Ilaiuconi Park ,
past front , tl.150.
1R > Slots with hoil oon51d nonr Fnrnnm well ,
clMrm.otn , fl.iiOJ.
13-1 J-room hoi. o nnd lot , 9hlnn' < i ndd. with
closets , lnriioiitlimiH'3.o ! torn.
HS Slnrfrolotsott H.iriu'ynnd Jtttit St with !
loomh HMO nnd housa. nil oxlr.i bar-
R.lln , both lor.Di. !
10t Larso lot w.lh 4 room ho isn ru South lti !
Pt. . lin pment , 'll flno inill trioi rnd other
ImprovoiiH'iits fl.S ) ,
147 ( l.ot ( > 0tl4iin.iiom1ii ' * o line wrll ami cJ -
turn nnd fruit ( IOTA llnuse nlr iu orth
J ! , ' 0 , with nut fr ntcii ( ViiMont St. A tnui
linr."nln for u liw daI'ojt \\t \ tornn , 0.r > W ,
121 'Jlnr o lots ami ho.i o < i i ( nn. nvo. Bplon-
rt d lutomnunt mut all mo lorn Imptovomcnts ,
n liirniln. ? < ,0 0
121 ii i' o n lie ice and lot on It iniby St. , biao-
ini'iit , do o s ,'np , $ , ' . ' " > ' .
l.K l-ro-im hou o nnd lot on Fnuth Kill St. ,
wcll.i'lslorn , eonl honso , i'k % , SI. : J.
lls llou'ool S rooms on 1 hrcn St. . well , els-
tfvn.'luulo tiocs , oto . n I siriulil , $1.0Yi.
llt > HoiiMMin Clileimo St. H-IOOIIIS , woll. cis
tern , sluul" trot. ' , rte. , ? I.Oi ) ) .
117 llmiseof l-iDoms In Lonnslst iild. . liarn ,
( Mom , s ladetious , via. , easy teims , cheap nt
$1 / . 0.
212 Vine lots tn llnnseom Plaeu , on y tonns ,
20.1 flnolot on Ocoiffln nve , enstiit Park nnd
oust fiout. $750.
2)1 ) Splendid lot In Lotto's ndd. on very onsy
terms $ > l" > t ) .
131 1 line lots In Plnlnvlow fronting cast on
Suundurs St. , bo t of terms , S700.
2is 4 bountiful loH ono block from Lenvcn-
\\oitli St. , nnd nno block from ( nr line , $1OJ. .
it. line lots In llnwthiiiiiunililltlonoiiLMis ) terms.
41) lots in West Cumin * ? add oil o.ivy terms. S-75
nnd up.
Lots In walnut Hill on best of teims. $333 nnd
Lot * In Smiudcrs & Hlnicluuigh's nddltion , $275
to JiWl
1/its In Pclhnm Plnco sr.iOto $850.
TxlsIn Cliucnilon , easy curms , $ S93.
L-ils In Klikuood add. , 'n easy tc-rms , ? MO.
Lots In llnir Oak addlilon , onst ol llanscom
Plnoo. SO.V ) to $750.
Ileautlftil lots In Sunny Sldo nddltlon , onsy
tonns , $1 , < WO.
5aciotiact I't ' miles fromPO , l-room house ,
ptable , otc , Jl OO. Lovgrpn & Wlldo , Koom 10 ,
( Iranlto Itlouk. 41D-1J
Fen SAl.i : See hnrpnlns In Omiilm real es-
tnlo by ltlco& Moore , 122J I'nrimm. 512-17
A ItAIti : UAUOAIX-SK ncros , 3V mlles
jfA.noith est from postoHIco , Mlth Rood house ,
Imrii , well , oto. Tills plnco is worth f" > per
acio without Improvements Wo olter the
wliolo for n few days at tlio vciy low jirlco of
? 2Gli , yiOO c.ish , balance In two years. Slock-
dale & Duncher , 1511 Dodge St. 473
pHATT'S Subdivision.
Pratt's Subdivision , acio lotf , southwest , nt
f 050 per lot.
Melro-o Hill.
Molro-'oHIII , Just 10 mlnutos' walk from linns-
uom 1'nrk ' , $ .iiJ ) per lot on monthly , quarterly
or yeaily payments.
lOpercontdotvn on Mclroso Hill lots.
Dwhrh IX Lyman's nddltlon.
Dwlwht At Lyman's , south of Hnuscom Park ,
WO a. lot.
Newport aero lots.
JilOOnn aero for Newport.
Now poit , lastost selling ncros.
Newport lonchcd by level roads.
Newport unsurpassed view.
Newport. See It nnd j ou will admit its vnluo
mid worth.
Como mid see Newport.
Clnieiidon at terminus of two car lines , 5750 to
f SOO n lot.
Onk Chatham $000 per lot.
licit Line depot is located on Onk Chnthnm.
Plaltivlow. just south of Oak Clint ham , lots nt
J-55J on the usual easy toi ms.
$ . ' ,100 will buy 5 acres In Tuttlo's subdivision.
This is n bui-Knln.
$ " > .5M ( will buy ii now 8 room , modern built ,
housn on car line , cast front , corner lot.
Amos Place cheapest city lots.
Amos Place , fair prices , oa y forms.
Amos Phmo , full loto for S40ti to $ 00.
Cnto Hulllanto aero lots at $175 ; no better ncros
for the money.
llrlirhton ncro lots $275 per ncro.
Hiilphur Springs.
Sulplmr SprliiKS nddltlon on Sherman nvo. , op-
poslto base ball mounds.
See Si Ipuhr Sprinss.
Sulphur Springs addition lots ? 1,000 to $1,500 ;
ono quarter down , balance loiifr time.
$3riOO will but very doslrnblo resldoneo propoity
on Farnam stieet.
Look the frroumt over cnrofully before liuj ini ? .
Cnll nnd see the properties offered which jou
can buy nt fn-r prices and on easy payments.
AMES' Heal Kslato Agency.
1M)7 ) Farnam at.
FOHSALB Two lots in Polham i'lico , ono
block from atrootciir track Inquire 213 8.
13th Street. _ 535 _
T710IISAC.K-A lotCOxItO , and dwolllim' 2023 ,
-L noarfutuiu Iliownoll Hull , cheap ; liulf cash ,
balance small monthly payments. V. L. Vo-
dlcka , 520 S. 13th st. ll
TjlOKSALK AVe hnvo some blj ? bargains in
Jv Impiovod rosldonco propoity ; call mid FOO
us. Itlco A : Mooio , U ± ! Fnniiim st. 500-17
' OlF SAl.i : 7-room cottaifo , 1 bloclc From"
St , Mary's nvo. our linn , lot 76x110 , only
$1,150. Potter it Cobb , 1511 Farnam. lulu.
Oil SAM : Three lots In Shlnn's 2d addition ,
on enstorn slope , onlv 3 blocks from street
cnrs , clioap only J750. Potter & Cobb , 1515 P.u-
nam st. H5J
FOK SAM : U ncro lot , n KOO 1 0-room house ,
UKTOCcrv stoio , with stables , out-liou es and
city water , 22d near Lo.wonworth , rent > 5. ( ) )
cr mj.prico $ X50) This Is u tlrdt ratu Invest-
mont. Omaha Heal Estate & Loan Co. , Itooms
2 mid 2 ] , Wlthncll block. 740
FOItS.VLH-A two story , 22x33 , frame build
lnisuitable fora store , VJtli cml Par-
nntnSts. Applyat thU oilloa. 017
Foil .SAM : Wo himTpoiiTo big fmi gains in
Improved rcsldonco property ; call and ECO
us , lllco .V .Mooio , 1222 Fiirnam , 5UU-17
ITIOK SAIK 333 aero stock farm in Nanco
-L county , Neb .01111 and one-half mlles from
( ionoii , the junction of the Albion and Cedar
ItapliN branch of U. P. U. It. . 2M 110103 of it
miller Icnce , canal * , oto , all Hist anil second
bottom lii'id and suitable lor cultivation , 120
ncros good hay land. Ono half cash and ono.
bull' twelve months' time or exchange for Oma
ha 10,11 otnto. . Address James VOID , Omaha ,
Neb. , or Ixick Box 20J , Kansas Clly , Mo. 8 < H.3U
FOIl SAl.iBy : A. P. Tukey !
Ipneiosnorthwest ol city $ JT > < )
I-t2 ) , block2 , Di gs& Hill's udd 1.1UO
Lot on Kith near Ciintorst l,2iW
: i lots , Pulluim i'laco. enoh < kf > )
Cottngo and corner lot'Mil and Chicago. . . 3,5X1
Cotinxo and lot , 15th iicarl t'iilor kt 2bJlJ (
7 loom housu und lotooinor 15th nnd Mai-
thn 3WO
7 room houeo and lot , Pith St. , near Mar
tha 3,000
! 1 lots , Clark Place , onch Oil
llol.CUikPlneo MO
fl I oem house ii lot'2lbtst 2.00U
T/t on CumlngBliool , near 27th 2,003
7iooin house nnd full lot , Chicago near
Kill < WO
A. P. Tukoy , 1301 Fnriinm etroot. uJ |
Foil SAM ; A ncnv'-room house nnd lot on
Haundeis Ht. , a baigaln. 4 ncro lots In
Ilimubaiigh'sndd , very cheap. Houses nnd lots
In nil purls ol the elty. Improve ) und iinlin-
provedlaiid foraalo or tiudo. It. 11 , Ball , U2 N.
15th Bt. 8 mh2l
POHHAI.K See baigulnsln Omaha real es
tnto by Itlco & Slooi'o , 1KB Fainnm. 51M7
BKlTl , &M'IUNDIISH , otfor on easy tonns.
_ 10th et , business propoity , pur equiuu foot ,
] fowaul st. business , per front foot , $23.
Douglas Co. I arm , per acre , ? , ; il.
Wushtngton Co. farm , ] > or auru.0. .
Warehouse property , 112x1 B , $2,10) .
"ah view acres bounties 5youis , '
West Sldo lots , " hero canning luctory will pin-
ploy BO 10 200 hand i , $25) ) to fOX ) .
Uonullful 3 ncros , lioiise , oa > t front , trees mid
fruit , near Louwjiiwoith , easy ( aims. * ) , < JO ! > .
i/oavunwoilli street pioporiy , im foot liont ,
Hou'bO and lot , high ciut fiont , small cash
pnjment , babmio per month 3-'J.
It you want loth or Improved property In nny
part of thi ) cltyuull on
427.1'J Boil A : McL'niidl'Bh , 1511 Dodgojitroct.
F OKS.VLK lxts Just Boutn of the parkin
Cl irk Plaeo * s" 0 each , on easy terms. Pot
ter . Cobb , 1515 Farnam. 8.V )
"T71OK h.VLK I'lvo-anro plnco : olght mid u
JJ hulfncio pleeo with milMlng-s , ntu. ; mid
six-aciu pluuo with build InifS , olo. ; also full
dairy outllt , 25 cowe , otc. John P. Hoch , Omaha
Foil SALK J oast-front lots , 3 corners , Nr
21st St. with 1 largo 14-ioom hoiun und 1 now
8-roniu houbu , burn , fruit , treoi , etc. , n bargain ,
fH.'JUO. '
2 lots , 5 room house , Davenport St. , a good
lineament , f > , y > ) .
Ixits in Marsh add. { 1,003 to fl.'OX
Lots in Park Forodt , f W.
Lots in Amber Plnoo.
Lot * In Orchard Hill , (150 to $7VX
Lots In Omaha View , f25J to $050.
K. F. Klngor. Ill ) N. 15th St. 203
_ _
Foil fi\l.E Bualnc 5 property that will | uy
to InvoBtigato. Klfo A ; Mouro.1222 Farnam.
Oil hAI.K See llui train * in Ouinha 63-
tuto by like A ; Moore , lit ; I'Ki-uauJ. 517 :
l'KW BATIOAINS by Stockdnlo .t
SALU Spoclnl nttontlon l oi\ile < l to a Tory
nlco residence property on South 20th St.
which cm bo purchased for f5W < X $3'X'J
cash find Imlanco ono nnd lwo jp.irs. To
pnrtle * who aio looking for a plca < am and
conveniently locntcd plnco for n homo , wo
can eontldontly recommend this ns n inry
nvallnb'Q plnco nt a fair rrlco. Stockdnlo
Hnncher , 1511 PoJco St.
FOK SAl.H-A few very choice lot ! In Hillside.
No. 1 This Is acry deslrnlilo reildenco
proorlv. ) Prices from HJl'O to $1,000.
Stockdnlo & Iluncher , 1311 Dodge St.
1MK SALi-2X : ) feet front on Farnnm St. for
fro pcfiont foot Tnls 19 not a fancy
1 rp. . Stockdalo A llmtchor , 1M1 Dodge St.
FOK BAM ? Sout'i front ncio lot In Park Plnco
on'vfJ.OM. ' Al o ! I line south fronts each
r > 'i-l4s ; In s imo addition $ $50 and 1050 , Stock-
diilo A llunchor , 1511 Dodge St.
FOHSALi : A nlco on t front lot In Tollinm
Plnco lorn fcwdnvs * 'OJ A bnrgnln. Stock-
daloAIluncher , 1'ilt DodgoSt.
FOK SALK Two clogmit east IroiitS In Pnrkor'S
add , ono block trotn Snuiuliirf , $ 't.V)0 ) for
both StockJnlo > V Iluncher , 1511 Dodge St
FOU SALF.-TWO cnst fronts on Snundors ? 5,50) )
Icirbjthor $ . ) .5 ( > J for cornor. Stookdtlo it
llunchor , 1511 Dodge St.
FOK SAl.i. 5 1'losant south fients on Hamilton
SI , faeo on two streets , each 80\157. These
lots mo the cheapest In that locality , only
STOO each. StocKdnlo & Bunchcr , 1511 Dodge
FOK SALK The eholce't east fronts In Orch
ard Hill , w III sell In twos only , 1,1M ( for two.
' 1 his Is $2. * > ) less than Iht prlco. See them
liofoio ( liny mo cloMhl out. Stockdalo fi
Iluncher , 1511 Dodge St.
FOK SAL1I-A line west front on ttnst Orove.
near Loavenwoith , only JtOO. Sloekdalo k
Iluncher , 1511 Dodge SI 507-10
| 71OIls7\MT-3 Tiliriots , 2 houses -0 and 7
JL' looms , In Aimstninir's adit , f7mH ) .
00x120 , house 0 rooms , Boggs & Hill's add , $ J-
3 lots 40x120 , 8 cottages , 4 rooms , In Hoggs &
Hill's add. 5.210J.
40x120 , cottagi ) , Hoggs & Hill's add , f lm
fiO\ro , imubo u rooms , s. loth st. , (
02xllK , house 11 rooms , Cal. st , near 22d , $10OOX
41x110 , cnttnvo 4 looms , Hnrtioyst , 3,150.
oi\ifllth : nuar Douglos , J18r o.
44x122 , house 0 looms , Hnrney si. , tlH.OOO.
Mix I U.'J largo houses , Burt , f ) . < i\,0. \
iH.vl3 , ' , tor sale or o\elmmro for land , double
himse , California St. , $ t,000.
OOvl 12 , now bouse 0 rooms , Capitol nvo. . $3,000.
07xl.t2 , house U rooms , 18th nunr 1/ard , $0OOJ.
5t15' ' ) , houseS looms , Ilarnuy , fiilkU. )
fiOvHO , house 7 rooms. ISth near l/ard , S.'i.a'W.
03vl2i ) , house rents $75 mo. , Capitol uvoJ2o,000
Oflxlt2 ! , 4 houses , Ibth near I/ard , $10COO.
nfxlB ! , Davenport mid 17th , $ UuM.
50x150 , holisoU looms , Shlnn's ndd , $2,500.
MxltK. opposite High school , S5.000.
Ii0i : > . ) , house 0 looms. Hurt nnd2Jth , ? 1POO.
nixlIU , 2 liotisos , 5 mid 0 rooms. S. 10th. $3,750.
00x132 , brick house 11 rooms , Douglas st.$14.)00. ( )
2 lots 00x150 , hou < o 0 rooms , Ionl o add , Jfl.UOO.
C0\151 , house 0 looms , opposite Pappleton's ,
, '
V ) , house 3 rooms , Virginia avo. $1575.
GOxlVl , house n rooms , Georgia nvo , $ < ,50i ) .
; US lols.olognni rosldonco , Georgia ave. $ JO,000.
Cor. lot , Iiouso5 rooms , Yhglnlalnvo , $1,700.
6K210 , facing 2 streets , fl room house fnclng
pnik. This Is very doslrablo propoity. Jl.vOO.
Full lot , new house I ) looms , Georgia nvo , $3,100.
HOvlll.eor. 4 loom bouse , Improvement Ass. ,
Full lot S. 18th at. , now house , Improvement
A < = s. . $2,500.
44x150 , bou o 0 rooms , 22il St. , $3,500.
60x132 , line U room bouso , Mnrtlm und Ulovcnth
sts. , $4,800.
Lot , 7 loom house , Snundeis st , $3,830 , $1,003
cash , bnl. In ncro proportv.
3 > 5 acres nonr the fort , $2,101.
31 noi os 4H miles nw postoHIco , $135 per acre.
K. F. Kingor , 110 N. 15th st. I7
Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block ,
Ornde Systems nnd Sewerage Plans for Cities
nnd Towns a spoulnlty. Plans , IMlmatos uud
Spcclllcntlons forPtibllo nnd ether I'nglnoorln ;
works furnished. Surveys nnd llcpoit madu
on Public Improvements.
ANDRUW KOSEWATKH. Mambcr American Soolo-
Gty Civil Engineers. Citv Engineer of Omahu
no. O. CIIIUHTIE. Civil Knglnocr.
Notice to Contractors-
"VfOTICE Is hereby given that sealed proposals
-L\ for the construction of n court house in the
public squiu c. Voile , York county. Nobiaska ,
Ithooo tof which Is not to osteod tlio sum of
$50,000) ) , will bo icoolvcd at tlio county clerk's
ofllco , on or before April 20th. 1S I ) , at 1 o'clock ,
p. in. Said court honso to bo built , accoidlng to
plans mid spec-mentions on lllo In the county
clerk's olllco , Yoik county , or at the olllco of
O. II. Plaoy , No. 131 South Klovonth St . Lincoln ,
Nebraska , on und alter Match 2ltb , lbt0.
The party to whom tlio contract may bo
nwnrdod will lie required to ( 'ho hoii'I in double
the amount of the contract price ; conditioned
for the faithful porforni'inco of his obligation ,
said bond to bo approved hy the county bonrd.
The board tcsor\o the rljjlit to reject nny or
all Dids.
By Older of the board mndo Fobruaiy 20 , 1SS5.
mU"dflt M. EOVUItini'X. Countv Cleik.
England , Franss & Germany.
The steamships of this well known line nro
built ot lion , in water-tight cumpttrtmoms , and
mo liirnlshcd wltli nvcry ioiiilslto | to make tlio
pii'sngo both Kiifo nnd tigrooahlu. They eariy
the United States nnd Kiirnpean inalls.nnd le ivo
Now YoikTIiursdnys nnd Snturdaya for Pl -
rnnuth.LONUONCl.orboujfPAKlS ( ) ( nnd HAM *
Itcturnlng , the steamers lonvo Hamburg on
Wednosdajs and Sundays , via. Havre , taking
pasiongci Mit Southampton nnd London.
Flint cabin $11 , i > 0) ) and $75 ; Stconiffo $ J.t.
llnllioad tlrlvi.'H liom Plymouth to Urlslol , Cai-
ilitl. London , or to any plnco In the South of
Kniiland , I'HI.13. Stuonigo from Uuropu only
145. Send for "Tourist ( in/otic. "
C. It. KlUHAItDiVCO. .
Oenonil Pimseinrcr Afriiiits ,
Cl Ilrondwny , Now York ; Washington and La
Chicago , 111.
Provisions and B. B. Stoolte.
1308 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Kxccutoolder * for purchase or galoot wheat ,
corn , pork und iHllroad stocks.
llolor by permission to the Omnha National
Bank. Fiist class ntt ( ntlon to ordeis fiom In-
tailor wliloh urosolicited. FAHLKV & CO.
Hali'sSate3VautsJimeIocks !
and dpi ! Work.
i'arntxrn Street , Omulm , Neb.
Chicago , Milwaukee & SI Pool
The SliorffLlue
and Best Route
From Omaha to- the East.
Chicago , Minneapolis. Milniuikuo ,
HI , i'nul , Cedar KnpUj , Daveniioit ,
Clinton. DuliU'jun , Koukroid ,
Huek Island. Kroopoit , .Ini.oivllle ,
Elgin , Madison , I.uC'rcsso ' ,
Bi-lolt , Winonu
AuiliJl ether important points iast : , .
Tlck.'t onico jit 1401 rnrntun etieot.fln IMtton
Jloti.ll. . and nt Union 1'ucillo IJepot ,
I'ullmnn Slccpui bund the I'lucsl Dining C'ai'i
in tlio Woild are run on thn main lints of HID
evoiy nttentlon Is paid lo imssviwors by louilu *
out enipio } us of Iho company.
It. MIM.KII , Qnneial ilimuger.
J. K. 'l'icKKii ; , AMlttnnt tin nc nil Mannjor ,
A. v. H , CAin-nNrfcii , Goiuinl ra8 > onx r aal
Uuo. K. HuArroiliJ , AiJalttuut Qouornll'asavu-
Bcr nnJ Ticket Afc'eut.
Merchants ,
Bonrd of Trndc , Chamber of Commoroo ,
Atllwnukco ,
I. C , MILLER , Western Business Solicitor !
W. 3 ? . 3P33CIC ,
Locnl lUisluosi Solicitor , 1804
ihAimiiBict * * IUIIIIT. .IVTTUUI find PhTglCfll DBhlUtr
PronmtureDorlinom , Mnn. Krr0rs ofouth , find tha
untold nilorlo * . roniltlnv from ImlUcrotlon nuil or *
i ! ; 0)pnoi ) > . iMinnil In bountiful Kronrh muff
"oilrover * , full Kilt , minrmitcoil to boatlnor
work in rarr nonsnmoc hnnlcnl. lltornrjr nnil prAfai *
tlonnl thhnnnrnthpr work In this country forII.S1.
orthomoncjrwlll l > o rofiimt In ovcrr Invnnoo. t'rlfa
nnlr II bjrm < ill , po.ti > ild. lllii.trutoi | xAinplo. 113
Konilnnir. floM mo Ini nirnrileil tlio niitharlirtbB Mv
tlonalMoillcil Aosoelntlnn. to the lion. A. I * . lllMell.
nnu njHiiclntn onii-orj ot the board the realtor Ii ra <
" ' ' ' '
"i linHclonro'f'i'.l'f' ' ! * worth moro g > lho jfomiirnnd
inUlitlo-iteoilnionor tlili poncrnllon tlmn nil tlioitolil
mini" ofCnllfornlnniuJ Jhu silver mlacs of NofaJa
coinblnoJ. S. K. Chronicle.
ThoScloncoof llfo piilnHfiiil the rocks nnd quick-
minis on which the coiistltiitlon nnd hnpa * of mnnr
ii j-imturninn Imve boon fntiilly wrockoJ. Mnnchojtar
TlioSclpncoof I.I f fl loot Krentor vnluo thnnnlltha
iiicilknl works imlillihoil In this country forttmiuU
Kl jrnr Atliuitn Oonnlltutlon.
'IlioSilonroof I.lfeU n mjiorh nnd mmlorlr treat *
' nn ncrvoiu mul iihyelcnl iloblllty. Detroit Kron
licit the skill of nil < nhon > hr.leiiitn Kiiocliilty. Snoil
tru.itoil niiicos.fiilly nltuout un Instauoa of fallur *
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
Tlio only road to take for Dos Molno.i , Mnr-
halltown , Codarttaiiids , Clinton , DIrlo. Chicago ,
Milwaukee mid all points cast. To the pcoplo ol
Nehrnnka , Colorailo , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho
Novnda.OrcKon , Wiishlngton and California It
oilers supoi lor advuntngos not possible by any
ether line
Among n few of the numerous points ot supo-
rioiityonjovodby the patrons of this road between -
twoon Omaha nnd Chicago , nro Its two trains a
day of DAY COACHIIS which are the Jlnost that
human art nnd Ingenuity can create. Its PAL-
ACK SLUKPINQ CAKS , whicti mo models of
comfort nn.l elegance. Its PAKLOK DKAWINQ
KOOM CAKS , unsurpassed by any , and Its wide
ly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAKS , I bo
equal of which cannot bo found oUowhero.
At Council lllulfs the tialns of tlio Union Paci
fic Hy. connect in Union Depot with the o of the
Chicago & Northwestern Ky. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
tbosoof nil ca'-torn lines.
For Detroit , Columbus. Tndlannpolls , Cmcln
nntl.Nlagmu Falls , lluiralo , Plttsburg. Toronto
Montreal , Boston , New Ymk. Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmoro.Wnshlnglon nnd nil points in the oust , nslc
the ticket agent tor tickets via tlio
" ' "
If you wish the best accommodations. Alltlokot
It 8HAIK. .
Oonorul Mantisor. CHICAGO Gon. * Paaa. Agout.
The Croat Rock Island Route
The Famous Albert Lou Route
Ii tha direct cuvi farorlte line between Chicago nd
Minneapolis ftndrtt. 1 Aill , wlmto cunnectlonii are fiuda
In Union lirpotifur all polnli In tlio lerrllurlei uid
llrltiih 1'rurlnce * , ( Ivor Ihli route Fait hiproul
iralni MB run to the wntnrliic | > la < ri , miiiinicr re-
orti , pfctuifctiuo looAlltlcv , ui\4 liuntlnu iirl flihlnir
croundi of lotru mul lllniiuiiol * | t ! AIIU tbo inoit
Aeilralilo roulii to the ilrli ivbiat nildi and | iiurtl
laudmf Interior li koi\
Htlll < iiullir DlltKirr LINK , via PMIX * anil K n >
kakee , ) i bi-c-n uprnwl liutw i'ii cln , inn ll , InJUn-
iiulli > inl Ijiraieilr.BiKirnuiicll llultICpn. : . Cllr.
Miniifipi.lUund Kt 1'jul unit laUTineUUUi polnli.
Kur tletallt > il jtifuriiintloii tern Mnju inl holdcrt.
oblalnattltf. uc well as tltktti , at all iirlnclual Ticket
Olliifn In tUu UullfJ huio * and ( 'aiudai or ty ad-
ihiiielni :
R , R. CABLE , E , ST. JOHN ,
I're ! ' , A Ocil'l Jl'8'r , Ccn'l T'J.t & I'M. Jifft ,
Red Star Line
Carrying the Belgium Hoyul nnd Untied StiUcj
Mall , mill in,1 u.'ury t'ntuid.iy
Befv/een Antwerp & New York
S lon from tiM to $100. HxunrJloii trip from
fllUlo * lbJ. aoeond l.'utnii * V ) , and Kiour-iiim
( 'JO. iStuciiii o paKsiiiin nt lc v iiiloa. I'ntor
Wiixtit \ Hou , AgontJ , U llruadway ,
KUW i'ork.
Omiilm , NelirnsUn , Frank U. Moot el , W. , St , L.
& I' , til'kut Ui'CIIt.
ESTOnED.Iteiiir < T * *
rer.Allilra of youth ,
d luiiruduico caiuluv
reumturu Itecty. Ken
> ui Dbl'ility.Ixni ' M u.
(1031 ( , ic lu\liu tf'edln\ilnoiery knorurrmcuV
lu dUcovcrf d ihnpltaelr curfc.w lilcb Lo will lual
J'l'.KI' to liU folo\f. ! 'jncierf. Aitdrcel
i. U. ULliKi / . 13 cliitUu iUM.t. I.'uw York Cltr.