Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1886, Image 7

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    ' THE OMAHADAltY BEE , TUESDAY , MARCH 10. 1336.
MONKY to lonn on mortgage security. Hnnl
lnto nnd commfrrlnl pnper bought , .1. II ,
1'icoilinan , cnio Solmnn Bros. . 106 N. 13th St.
$3IOOO to lonu. Sums $ .7)0 ) nnd upwrnnl * .
Ixjwcst rntcs. Ilemls , 16th nnd Douglases.
MONKY to lonn on rcslilonco proper ! v. C. , T.
Cnwcll&Co.Boom 19 , Nebraska Nntlonnt
Bunk. [ 2-20 _
MONKY TO LOAN on horses , wneons. fur
niture , watches , w II hout romovnl. Termi
cnsy. P. J Cnswoll , Hoom 19 , lion Hank BuildIng -
' Ing , IJth nnd Fnrnnn : . Tnke olovnlor. g5l-np7
MONKV TO LOAN on business property.
Opposite Ppstonico. W.O.Shrlvcr. 1DI
2j5ooooo to ioari on business nnd reside nco
T > propnrtv In sums of $1,000 nnd upwards.
Ames , tM'rnrnnm st. 039
$ IflO.OOO to lonn on city rosldenco property
Ooo. W , Day , 1609 rnrnmn. ffW
f I1O LOAN Monor m nny mnount ,
JL On nil claKf-esof security.
Pliorttimo lonns on ronl ostnts.
Ixiiif ; llmo loans on ronl estate.
Moncyto lonn on chattel * .
Money to lonn on cftlUtarnK
Money to lonn on nny peed security.
Term § Mfljr. tlmo to suit.
Apply nttboOmnhn Klnnnclnl Ktchnnifs ,
Bnrkrr's building , 8W corner of
Fifteenth and Fnrnnm sta. upstftlrs DIO
MONKY for ovcrybodyt You cnn borrow
money on fxirnlturo , Tiorsrs. wagons ,
plMios , stock of nil kinds , diamonds nnd flno
watches on your own tlmo. Pnymonts rccolToa
t ny tlmo , nnd Intoroot rixluccd pro ratn.
Property loft In your own possession. Terms
l w HH tfio lowrst , Cnll nnd see mo. tluslncsi
confidential. NondvnntAjro tnkon. W. II. Croft ,
Hoom 4 , Wllhnoll'8 NowBulWJnar.NortlionRtcor.
tier IJith nnd Hnrnoy. 912
IONKY TO LOAN O. F. Dnvla & Co. Heal
M Kstato and Loan nconts , 1505 Fnrnum St.
MONKY TO LOAN-On Rood gocurltlos. A
JIcGnvock , room 7 llcdlck Block , 1509 Fnrnnm
st ni4
M ONEY TO LOAN On ronl estnto nnd chat
tels. D. U Thonms. Oir
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of JMO nnd up-
wnrds on flrst-clnss roM estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm St. Bin
MONKY LOANED nt C. F. llcod & Go's. Ixinn
ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons
personal property of nil kinds nnd nil other nr-
tides of rnluo , without romovnl. 319 S. 13tli ,
over Dlnuhiim'n Commlaslou store , AU bus
iness strictly confldontal. 017
\\7ANTii ) 1'nrtncrehlp in cstabllsliod mor-
> cnntllo or iniiiuifnctnrlnfr business by
yonni : mnn with cnpltnl nnd ( roodbusinessqitnl-
IllciUlons. Address 0 7I > , llco odlco. 41M5 ! *
\\7ASTKI Partner In Stock llimoli A pnrly
' with rofcronccs wants n partner In Mode
business within 7ii miles of Omiiha , with unllml-
ted free ernzlnfr , with ( nKX ( ) to bo pnld In 3
nnnunl rnvmontflior two partners with $ fl,00 ( ) .
This nmonnt will bo secured to partners , with
Interest , on rcnl estnto. Cnll on'Pr. Fiih , Secy.1)
Itoom , Y JIC A , mornlnjrs from 10 to , 1 or ad
dress. 4BMO
Foil SALK Rtock of groceries : rcnion of
Rolllnir , rotliliiff Irom business. Cor. 10th
mid Hickory. 4I8-20 *
WANTBIl A partner with sinnll cnpltnl for
11 now buttery. Address G 83 , Boo onico.
47MB *
Tmoil SALK Moat market In n Rood location ,
JU 2 yonrs established. EvorythliKr eonvonlont
for running 6amp. Addicss U 70 , Iloo onico.
404-1H *
TT OIl SALK A 75 to 100 bll. full complete rol-
JLi lor mill. Will soil nt rory rcasotmblo ( Iguros.
Tlioro Is also In connection n Inrtro clovntor
wherein grain cnn bo stored etc. , which cnn bo
had nt the mill door nil the year round , I'nrtlos
desiring to purchase will please comply nt onro ,
either by letter or como nnd POO us personally.
Wo will give the secrets whorcm wo will show
tlmt the mill nnd groin bnslnois Is making
money fast. Itenson ol selling owner wishes to
go Into the pnrk packing business and so would
like to dispose of It nt onco. Wo will also neil
with or without It n well established lumber
ymil. The mill turns out the best flour of nny
mill In the state nnd has now a good run of
morolmnt'fl cutom. Wo nro nlso shipping
hundreds of cars of corn , oats nnd wheat to
Chicago which nlono will pny for the money In
vested. Inquire of John M. TIHs & Son , Scrlb-
nor. Nob. Terms cnsh or pnrt tlmo only. 418-24
BUSINESS CirANCES-Pnrtlos having $100 to
$ BOO to Invest nnd arc looking for business ,
cnn mnko liberal nrrnngomonts with us for solo
lurencyof snvnrnl Inrgo cities for sale of the
SIlvorGItt linking Powder. Boston earth. Cox
Chemical Co. . 1315 UnriieySt. 423-15 *
; CHANGE I will offer for snlo n
well established harness shop In a good
llvo town of TOO Inhabitants on the n. & M. 11.U. ,
la a good fnrmlng community ; no opposition ;
sntlsfnctory reasons for selling out. Address
foreljc weeks , Chns. Fllcklngor , Jflrtb , Lancas
ter Co. . Nob. 157-1.1
FOH SAF.K First clnss bakery In good locr\
tlonnddrossCr2 ; Boo onioo. "
"I7AOH SALK At a bargain , n very profltnblo
a. and well established rcnl estnto and limir-
nnco bnslno s. Owner must go oast. Address
Ixick Iloy63 , Wymoro. Nob. SBII I *
FOU SALK Chcnp , a well established htor-
ago business. Inquire nt No. 1317 Uodgo st.
297-15 *
Foil S.YLK Bakery nnd lunch stand In town
of nboutl.COOInhabitants ; chance for npnod
linker. Inrjulro ot Kopp , Drclbus & Co. , 1100
I'm unmet. 215
T710K SALK--Mile ilnlry , 0 cows , 1 .Trr ny hull ,
av Shorscj , wnsron , etc. Norwood Park. 1'lor-
onco. John Williams. ' . ' 17
TT1OK KXCirANflK Storks of goods of every
J : kindfor fnrnisnnd land ; nlso lands to ov-
change for goods. If you wnnt to tindo , no
inntterwhnt Ills yonhnvo , write , with full do-
Fcrlptlon , to C. K. Mnyno , real estate broker ,
Onmlin. Neb. 168
TT'OIlSALi : Creamery will bo pold cheap , on
J ? easy terms , to nnj'ono who will run It the
coming season. O. MfCarter , , Ashland , Xcb.
To o.xohnniin for stock of luird-
ware and gennral morolinndlse , frlO nnrosof
.fine Thayer Co. , Nob. , land ; fi lots In Genoa ,
Nfb. . prod store binlilliig ( host corner ) ; goo.l .
il oiling ( best location ) In Kssox. In. , nlio W
"norcs 4 mile from town of Kssov , In.soodod In
blue vri : < > s. For further particular * nddroi-j
John I.lndcrliolni Central Cltv Nohraskn. flol
POIt SALK-A tJ.5riO stock of millinery goods
In splendid locution. A big bargain for some
one it" > a llbernl dN-ount will bo glvun. Tor fni--
tla-r particulars iiddrcss HUD , Hem Olllco. ftii
the man who wrotnl' . O.
Iiovfl57 from Sioux Clly please furnish his
Onmlin iidilros ; . 470-17 *
3 3iit.SONAL-WoHld : Ilko parties wishing to
mlopt a biiby to correspond with 0 71 , Iloo
ollloo. ill-Ill *
Kll ON.\L Wnntud to know the nddross of
Thomas .1 , Kynn.n painter by trade , lined
nliout Weav . < ; Iniiinln one log. Ho left I'rrston ,
} own. about the year IBs ) , UUsIstor nnd friends
uould llkii to henr nny news concnrnlnir him.
llnnimh .M , Ilardln , Savnnna. Carroll
3r.HSONALTo persons who wish to build n
3- liomoln Oielmrd hill , I will sell ots In Hint
nddltlnn nml a k nothing down but the nominal
mm of ton dollar * , the remainder to run for
llvi'yrnrswlth Interest nt 8 percent. This Is
'the ' host offer ever made to any homo seeker In
this city , ( 'all nnd too mo. C. 15. Mnyne , S. W ,
Corner IStli nnd Fnrnnm Btfetfl. 219
miKV\.C.MctzncrBtovo opaIrCo. IllSouth
J14th St. i-utwoen led o and Uouelna.
T OST Ili-own cow with whlto star In foro-
J-J head , irar on left side. $10.00 r wnrd will
lie pitkl for h r return to Albert Itunne. Cor.
ttliaDdMarcy.St. 41Q-16 *
T OST A umall iniiiut lockut watch oharin.
J- < liberal lewaN will lie ir.tld Ihuler by leav
nt l-ilft F.irniim st. W , F. llechcl. IiM-15 *
LOST A young bob-tall , rod setter dog. A
Miitablo rowanl for hli tuturu to I'll-DOUR-
Ing St. < 0b-15 *
LOST D.u-k gray rolt.Tmonths olJ. l ) n C ,
IJcrcliT , lOlh and Cupllol nvo. 383-18
' 3 li\VAItl ) ntuuit tpnnlpl dog pup , ears
$ riUliiT sinnll ! lost fnnn lill Kingbt. . : iTO-l,1
OOMS nnd lioar-l. ' | 0) NortU 3.M st.
Foil B.VI.l2-.Mik : dulry , SO eow * . horses ,
wagon , rum , ctn. ln.Ulrt | ) U 1. Tliomtts ,
Itoom d.Cfulvhiuii l.loi . * . 407-M'
II * YOU have property to snll or exclmniru ,
list It wllhO. .1. Ciuuoil Sc Co. , Itoom 13. No-
" loMkuNntlHimlll inli. _ YoleiihonoaaJ. _ itll-SI
LKAbH-15 Jots In IV.rU.'s jijdltlJrt on
Clark ani ) Suiindurd Sis. Amc , IW. Far-
nniii. . 3.VI
TWO-VKAH old DurUnra buU will Uund
Qrtl-hoiito north of Uuie-btul ciound on
J. T. Koliltisoti , Omnliu , N'&U.
HAI.K Horit , bttjrgy aud liaraojs. Ap-
gi UJV3 i'atnam St. 4
] 7Un SALE A two-whocted cnrt , horJo nnd
1 hnrncss , $100. Apply I , Strlbllng , 2421 Pnrker
gtroot *
* 373-17
_ _ _
sA l.i : M mules nnd 0 driving horsn
-L' nnd one span of farm marcs nt 207 N. 10th SU
_ 8iTrlC * _
TTloiiSAl.i : l.tftJcnrloatsof Slllnn and , on
J- track nt I/oiilnlllo. Noli. Contractors and
builders wnntin ? sand order on time. Prices
rcn'onnhlo. J. 1. A. I loot or. itn-gi
"iTloil SALI ; side bnr , top buggjchcnp. . Ad-
13 dro s 1213 Virginia nvo. 422-10 *
Foil SALH- now plnnont abnrgnln. In-
qulro n 1113 N. IDtli ist. 201-15 *
IloTTs ATI fVl Iglit delivery pony or
ttnm , nnd n honvy sorrel , cnrrlago or workIng -
Ing tptra. : _ 1A. _ Mnrsli , 10th nmlOiimiiig. _ Stl _
"Ij'oii MALK 5 or o bond ot good work horses ;
Jnlso n lot of household furniture , etc. An-
liou'cr-llnsch llrmvlng Association , Oth nntl
Cnpltolnvo. it. Kontlnir , Agent. 70lmhl3
Foil wcnthcr strips , storm sash and doors , ca
to F. U. Stead aa 8. ICth St. 04 ! )
A llrst-olnis womnircook"nrNbr-
ils' rcstnurniit , 101 S. ICth St. near noilgo.
w ANTii > Airpod Rlrl for goilornl house-
wt > rk at 405 KUtli M. 405
yyAXTKIJ Oood strong girl. 1305 1'nrnntn.
WANTKD Lndleflnnd Ocntlotnuti ln cHy or
country to tnko light work at tliolr lioinos.
$1.GO to $3,1)0 ) day easily mndo : wotk ont by
mnll , no cnnviiMlng. Wo luivo n good demand
for our work , nnd furnish sti-nily omiiloymont.
Address , with ctnmp , Crown M'f'g Co. . 291 Vine
Street , Cincinnati , Ohio. 45Bnprl7 *
\\7AJJTKl > Aji1nfitructri' s fern young Indy.
t Ono competent In KnglNh hrnnchcs mul
Literature. . Address or npply nt 114 S.liuli
pcrcot. 231-15 *
ANTin-A : married Indy with n child
woiilil Ilko to Inuo n altnntlon nn honso-
keeper with it widower or bnuliolor. Aildrois 0
B4 , llco onico. 409-17 *
W ANTKD Flrst-clnss wulst und skirt innkrr ,
ulso niiprontlcus. Itoom 14Crounso lllock ,
450-15 *
Ttf ANTHH A good womnn cook ; good wngrs.
Address City Motel , Fairmont , Nob. 447
WANTKD Lady ngeiits for a renowned
rubber ppoclalty ; enclose stamp for full
particulars , sample , etc. Address The French
Spoclllo Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. 44H-17
TT7 ° ANTKD Experienced seamstresses nt
1 Canflold's overall factory , llth nnd Doug-
Ins , iip-stnirs. 4i2-10 : *
W ANTKD A good oxporlonoed woman ,
middle ngod , to do housowoik for n fainllv
of three. Must como well recommended. Good
wnges will be paid ton competent ono. Apply
nt 1,309 Douglas St. Mrs. H. Hlloy. 415-ili *
ANTKD Woman servant to wnlt ou tublo
nnd do general work around housu ; apply
between 11 und 12,912 Douglas street. < UJ
WANTii-Olil : competent nnd willing to do
general housework nt 2J12 Davonpoi t St.
WANTKI ) A Oorman girl for general klt-
chonwork at 1017 Howard at. ! ! 8i-15 *
J-AGIilatlTl NTlTtS ;
3S5-15 *
W ANTKD A glil lor general housework ;
Inqulro 1810 Harney. Mrs. E. Kosowatcr
-Lncly cook-A No. 1 ; dorm tin
profaned. U. S. Hotel , 10th uud Uoii hu.
Chas. Kohlmoyor. 57
ANTI3D OooilUltlllli ; room pills , nlso girls
for ffcnorul housework. Oood wu os ,
places given 1'ruo. Cnll Omnlm Employment
Iliirciui , lliiO Fnrnnm St. S10
\T7ANTUU-A girl nhotifliPor ID years old to
t > nurse. Apply d. E. cor. 21st nnd Loavon-
worth. 131
AOKNTS l.ociUiincl traveling cnn make from
$2oto $ JOO weekly. Address linm-rliil Klro
Extinguisher Co. , Stewart llulldln ? , Now York.
tC4-nprl ) *
W ANTEii A flrst-clnss dlnlnif-roora irlrl at
1518 Dodiro St. OS' )
WANT15D Good tjirU lor fronoral house
work. Boom 4 Bushman Block , 10th nnd
Douglas. P'lO
WANTKIJ A hookkoepor doslros n situation
In Omnhn , Rood jienman and accountant :
10 yoais' experience ; first-class references. Address -
dress C 83 , Hen Olllco. 470-30 *
WANTED Two ( rood tailors to RP to Beat
rice , Nob. IIBonvln , Beatrice , Noo.
4M-10 *
Book npcnts for S different kinds
t T of EnjflMi and Oorinan niatfiizlnos. Over
70 percent profit. Address International Pub
lishing Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 4(10-15 ( *
TT/'ANTKH Boy 14 or 15 > ours of ape In
nn onico. Address , in own handwriting ,
0 tO , Dee Olllco. 445-10
li Good IJvo agents nt once ( either
r > BOX ) to canvass with a 1'nst-folllni'article ;
sells on sift lit ; UR-cuts cnn easily iiiuko from Site
to $10 per dny. Address nt once and secure ter
ritory , Luii'lm llrooni Holder Co. , Dccntur , 111.
4IB-a )
WANT13D OoodorKiin nnd piano salesman
that cnn lve Rood references ; state sal-
nry orcoinmhslou desired. Only these monn-
Inn business apply J. O. Itnlno i ; Co , Grand Isl-
imd , Nob. 420-li )
ANTKH A youiiff man with n horeo , to
carry an evening route on the Omnha
Pally lleo. 43i
\\7"AXTli : ) A Kontloman of nblllty to take
T T orders for our now book/J'lio Cause of Iro-
hind 1'Ioadod Uoforo the Clvlh/cd World. There
Isafortiuioln this for the right man. Cullnt
room 0 , Uodlck'fl Ijl'X'k. 413-11) )
ANTKD A Rood upholsterer. 12. Stockort ,
_ - NoOT lltoaihyay. Council lllulls. 411-15
" \X7"'VNTii : ) A llrst-class dry goods rleik
wishes nsltuntlon ; sponks Swedish , Dan
ish , Dcriiinn , 1'reiieh nud Knifllsh : good rofor-
encoa BlVon. Address CM , Iteo ollico. 8 7-15 *
\\7ANTK1I Auonls Tivcnty oed BOllcltors
to work life Insurance InOnmha nntl Iowa.
Mlioral commissions to good men. l-'nll Instruc
tions nud outllt free , ( 'nil on or wrlto Kraus fc
Campbell , Itoom , Nebraska National Hank
Building. iW-'o *
ANTii : > Sixteen linrnoss makord nt 8lo-
W niim llros , liUh and Dojiro sts. 'MA
WANTKl > llnlliiblo ngouts nnd dealers In
West lown nnd Nebraska lor the White
Sowing .Machine und supplies for all mnko of
machines. Catalogue free. Zohrung , Thorn-
ton & Co. 207npr,1
-1 l7ANViU-Affcnt& .200N. 10th St.
"V\7'ANTIII > A position nsfravnllng Biilosinaii.
T ? KUhtyoms uxpeilunuu. Well iieqiinhiti'il
with thu trade In Nebraska , Bostof rutorenccs
Itirnishoil tixiia last employers. Address C Hs ,
Hooollicu. ' 4M-li- ) )
WANTKH Situation on country neivspapor
as odltor or associate. Itopiilillcaii jiaper
preferred. Have goo < ? oducutlon and taste for
thu business. 11 nvo bud six months experience
in printing business. Can Clvo good reloronces ,
Addroas .M. F. It. , Boo , Council Illulfs. 412-15
A situation as cook. Address
WANTKD Bnlloy , Shelllold , Wurran Co. , Pa ,
400-18 *
WANTISO Byn good general cook ( whlto ) ,
A position with n surveying corps or small
hotel. I ) . Wright. City. 310-15 *
Ti/ANTKn Three hundred lor mor 1 ucrus
> ? of luiid for a stock ranch. Ownerii orngonts
ran tlnd n respoimlble tenant , lor ton years , by
Immediately addressing or visiting the Omuliu
Dairy association. 8UHl\ioenlli 3t. 463-gl
WANTKIi To rent olllro In Dininess part of
clty. AiUlress UH2. Bee olMoo. 472-15 *
vi'TANTlSU 1 lousuof I to 0 i ems ; central
IT location ; will rent for QUO year. Address
0 77 , 1 Icti ollleo. _ 453-17 *
WANTI5U A good room with modern con-
vfiitencua , tinfurnUliud or furnished , for
Blngloirentinmiuipiofnrrod , Address 1' O Box
filO city. Slatu prlco anil location. 45. !
WNTlIKor spot csHh , drslrnblo rrsl-
dunce worth from $5,000 to $9,000. Address
P. O. boxjlj. _ [ _ 400
W.\TI'ii-Bu : : y hoi e. Itimh & Belby,2PJ
S. 151h. _ U& _ f
WANTKli rjty m-opcrty In cxchaiii'o for
Nebiaska nnd town farms , C. J. Cuswfll
k Co. , Hoom 19 , Nebraska National Bank. Telu-
H10-2- )
WANTlin Pintles luivlnif honsos for runt
to list thu BHino with us. Wo haienpnll-
rations that we canuot till. C. J. Caswcll A ; Co. ,
Hoom 1'J , Nubruska Nutlounl Unnk. Tolephdne
ttxi. _ : cu-2 )
WANTI1. ! ) Actlro l.idy ngcnla to sell our
romblniKl iviiiut and oorswt. Tor circular ,
nddroea Jack&un Comet Co. , Box 645 , Omahu ,
Nub. _ 7Mmhl3
W ANTKD-Toams , UOO 6 , lltb st.
WANTK1) To pnreliatti lot and house. 0 or 8
rooms , west of eoth st. toiuh ofDOdgo ;
hduiamuetbc In good repair ; no fancy price
njllhepuld. JJivyicn.'i Wildo. 457-17
imuic KilNTT-Tlirco-room housv.vth & Dodge.
1 "jVoK HUNT Koujnoranxinu.3 c'.oeetl ' nd
1 btul'lc ou Wnlnut st.,5 black * frnm IJ. P.
doK | > u Icquirv Auf. HnuiUxr , 1317 Chicago su
niNT DoslrnWo residence , 8 rooms ,
S'ilnn's2d ndd ; house ofOrooms. South 5th ,
nlso 2 barns with lofts. J. Phlpps Hoe , Hex 557.
ITUMi f AiK Aft-room cottniro , H tot. No. Ml
JJ Division street , 1 block north of Cumlng !
t sy terms. 460-17 *
IlKNT SO ncro fnrm , nil under cultlvn-
FOR . house nnd tnrn , six ( Ol miles from
poslolllco. 11. Maniirvcllor A Co. , 3093 llthft ,
Omalin , Nob. 4M-20 *
Oil ItKNT Houfonfa rooms , neil nnd sta
F ble. Patterson's nddltlon south of Lear-
cnworthst. William JlcCauloy , P. O. Omnhn.
. . . . IIKNT From May 1st , n furnished
house , with modern conveniences ; pleasant
locality and within hnlf n block of street cnr
lino. Apply to Mrs. Kustl * , Colfnx St. , 2d door
north of I.eavqmTorth at. 431-19 *
TTUm UiNT Store room on ICth. C. E.
JJ Mnyno , S. W. cor. 15th nnd I'nrnnm. 300
71 oh llK.NT-Wc.sthnir of 2141 Davenport St ;
3 room j. Inquire nt2t3 Cnpltnl avenue.
419-10 *
FOIt niCKT II ) use of seven rooms , pleas-
nntly nnd centrally located. Inquire 1217
rnrnnm. iK' 3
77 O11KKNTHouso. . And furniture for onlo ;
JL1 location central. Address 0 01 , Iloo Olllco ,
_ _ _
TTIOKKKNT Two verv dcslMblo tints on
JP Howard Street ever idll with nil modern 1m-
provcmcnts. A splendid location to rent fur
nished rooms. Omnlm Ucnl Kstnto nnd Loan
Co. , Hoe ma 22 nnd 2J Wlthnoll Illook. 'si
OK "itlCNT Store nnd bnsoiiiont in center of
city illxturos und lease for sale , 308 South
1CP-15 *
SALi : At n bargain , line u-oom housu
Foil modern conveniences ; full lot ; on
Hnrncy St. , near 25th ; $5,200. Potter & Cobb ,
1515Fnrnnm _ t. 059
ifioit KUNT-Qnrdon inrm. 309 S. llth'St ,
IlKNT Farm of 160 acres , twelve mlles
from Omnhn. Apply nt the Omaha Flnnu-
oial Exchange , S\V coiner of 15th and Fiiriiain ,
House otB roiimsUM and Hftr
FORUKNT of Mount &UrllUn2l3S 14th
Street. . JH2
F OH HKNT Throe nouses of 10 , 0 nnd 4
rooms oach. J. Pnlpp * Hoc. 051
TJ1OR IlKNT Vront room , furnished or un-
JJ furnl hcd , No. 1027 South 18th St. J. J.
Wclshaiia. 4rM-17t
OH HUNT Two nicely liirnlslica rooms ,
F with or without board. Ill B ICth ft. 451
Foil RKNT rurnlslicd room ami board.
Terms reasonable. References exchanged.
704 S. 18th St. 444-lflr
Foil KENT Itoom for light housekeeping.
1510 Harnoy. , . i 43)
FOU IlKNT Nicely furnished rooms. 1013
Dodge 4 1-18
EOIl IlKNT Klcgnntliirnl41ioJ and unfur
nished rooms with or without board ; red
carpnsscstho door. S. W , oor.ol 2dth nnd Web
ster. 3M-15
Foil KiNT-3 : or 5 rooms. Iimulro nt S. E.
comer 17th nnd Louvenworth sts. 33J
Foil 11ENT Furnished room with board for
two gentlemen. 704 South 18th. 882-15 *
Foil KENT Cheap room. 1417 Hownrd.
378-18 *
KENT Two rooms furnished , on suite
or single. S. W. cor. 13th und Howard.
U77-18 *
IlKNT Nicely furnished room with
FOU . 714 N. lUth St. * 474-25
FOU IlKNT uoocl room nnd good board.
10J3 Fnrnnm. 3Vnpra )
Tmoil IlKNT With board , DUO Inrge nicely
-L : furnished front room , gas and bath room at
1403 Jones St. 270
UKNT Lurgo room with or without
FOU . 1701 Capital nvo. 2. > 2
EOll KENT Oillco , 218 S. 13th St.
flOB HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room nt
1 Dodge ; all modern conveniences. " '
FOlt IlKNT Furnished rooms , single and on
suite , with or without board. Address 0 51 ,
Boo Olllco. UC
F IOU KENT Furnished rooms. 1810 Dodge.
FOK KENT 2 nicely furnished rooms. 1C23
DodKQ. 1M-17 *
OK HUNT Furnished front room with use
F of bath room. Inquire at Olllco of C. K.
Mnyno , 15th and Fnrnnm. 121
Foil HUNT For light housekeeping rooms
furnished and unfurnished in lioemor's
Block , cor. Eighth nnd Howard st. T75
FOK KENT Store room n Wlthnoll block ,
bet , Hnrnoy and Farnam on 15th. Inquire
Koom 17 , Witlmoll Block. 777
FOlt HUNT t nicely furnished rooms with or
without board. 5al Pleasant st. 715m Iil8
Foil KKlrf Nlcoly furnUhed room's , with
heat , gas and bath ; also llrst-class table
board : best of references given and required.
1S14 Uodgo st KO
HOUFO nnd lot
Parker's Addition ,
? I , TOCO.
West Omaha ,
2 lull lots " '
ami houto
IIuiiE-com 1'a rk , - '
Cunnlncluim & Brcnnan , . .
1511 Dodiro.
OH SAI.K 5 acres near Wnlniit Hill , $3,000.
Cunningham 4 ; llronnun , 1511 Doilgo.
T71OK SAI.i : Goodhoiiso nnd lot S-lnl struct
JJ iionr Leaveiiworth , f-.SOO. Cuiinlnghiim Hi
Bicnnnn , 1511 Dodge. , 475-15.
"filOll SAT.i : Uy Grahnm' & ncnawiir -
JL ? Lots In Ilniiscom J'lnco , 5700 to f 1,800.
Good lot on Virginia avenue ; SW5.-
Corner on Georgia nvo , Sl/jOJj lii
Two full lots on Georgia nvenno , both § ,1,000.
Thrco lot , IliirrOnk n'ld , $750 ouch.
Lot on Dndgo street , n bargain , ? 1,100. <
Corner , S blocks 1 mm SiuiudoM , t Iflj'i.t >
Lots In Iloyd's-ndJ.faiO. ,
: Hl.n-rooin ] house , Niirth 19th st , $ l,550r i
! Viicl40 , 7-room hnilso , N 18th , f..WJO. , .
Iloiifoot H rooms' N 2lst , S'J.OIW. "
l.ot on t.'iimlngstroot , u linrgiiln , $1,101. ,
Ilcni3oot'5 roums , lotU3xlJ5 , McCnndlisli Place
K/rt ) .
lOXvltO ft on Georgia nvo ; on o Mo' ck from
I.i'nveiiworlh strpot , $ J.tX)0. )
Lots in Marsh's ndd , 71,000 to $ ) . < M } . ,
Thrto lots in Omaha View , fUiO ( ) . - '
One-half iicro , hoitbO of 5 rooms , on Hurt st ,
? ; i.500.
Best nero lots In Kenslngloji n < Jd , $ JOO
1'lvo acres , Tunic's Riilidlv. , $3,000.
ff ) ! IHSout1i lHliIMX ) :
WKIfi'J.oast tiont.Haniicom I'lnco , SS-'jO.
tirnliunillunawu.Urultshton Block. 408-10
rpo IlllY or sell reality cull and sea It. C. I'at-
JL toiBan.l-'JI Fiinium. _ 3J'J-15
"niOH HAI.13 Flvo acre's , east slope , In May-
JL1 field , lit S.J50 jinr ncro If sold bul'oro March
gtJlh. Address 0 ttl , Iloo Olllco. _ ; nt'.17
Foil SAI.H Flvo-aaro place ; eight nud n
hnlfacro piece with buildings , etc. ; and
slx-ncio piece with buildings , otu. ; ulso full
dairy outllt , 25 cows , etc. John I' . Hooli , Omaha
* CV > I | SAI.K 5 onst-front lots , 2 corners , N.
J. 21st St. with 1 Inrgo 14-ruom house and 1 new
8-room housu , barn , fruit , tree ; , etc. , u bargain ,
( If (000 *
2 lots , 5 room house , Davenport St , a good
Investment , (5,5'Jj. '
Lots In Marsh ndd. $1,000 to f 1.70X
ixjts in 1'nrk Forest , $ JOO ,
Lots In Amber I'lnoo ,
l ts in Oroluml Hill , $453to $7.V ) .
Lots In Omnhn View , ti"t to f'io'J.
K. F. HIliBCr. 110 N. 15th St. 203
mo UUV or sell lonlitycall nnd BOO II. 0. 1'at-
Jtor&en , I t Fiirnam.
BKM , & jrUANDMSII. olfor on easy terms.
10th fit , business property , per square toot ,
Ilownid ht. buslnosj , per front foot , $2) ) .
Uuugliu Co , lurm , per acre , $ -iil.
Wnshlngton Co , farm , per ncro. $30.
AVnielioiibu property , 1'Hil , $ i 0) ) .
Knlivliiw ucreb bonutles 5 years , S3KI ,
Wnst Side lots , where canning factory will em
ploy 60 to 2(10 ( hands , $2i'J to $ i W.
Beautiful 3 acres , house , ou.xt front , trees and
fruit , near Loatonworth , uasy terms. $ ] t H.
Leavuniroi th struct propoity , liij luet Ironl ;
HoUbO und lot , high cast front , small cnsh
pa > moiit , Imlniifo per month 91'i.
U you want lots or Improved property in any
pin tot' thu city cull on
42T-1U Bol ! Jc McCandllah , 1511 Dodge attoct.
FOH SALK- Corner lots m Lowe's ndd. $5iS.
Inside lot In Luwu'a udd. f Ii5.
Corner , OOxlXi on Fariiuin bt. , fiO,0 > l
Corner , I'tixlft ! on Fnrnum St. , (37,0)9.
x32 on FaruumSt. , f 10 > J.
12-\1VJ a. 13th St. . tll/XW.
2 lots In Sunny Side luillo from P. O. , $2,109.
Coiner lot In 1'roapoet Pluue , JW.
lai on Uhnrlca near SOlh Su , f'JiJ.
lloubo And lot lu 1'i-ospoct Placu , $1,110. Easy
Two lota on Hamilton St. . 1,009. Goo. f.
lU-inli. 15tU and Douglas. _ . . . ' EM
ous.u.K-Lotu Ju t soutn of ttia jiarkin
Cl rk I'laca 1550 > ach , oa easy terms. 1'ot-
, 1513 Puruaui. Kd
TT\onsAMi-2 \ full lots. 2 IIOUSM 6 and 7
JL ? rooms. In Armstronir's ndd. $7.i > l.
C0xl20 , house o rooms , Uoggs * Hill's ndd , $3-
700 *
3 lots 40x120 , 3 oottnjres , 4 room ? , In Bopgs &
Hill's ndd , $ . ! ! ( . n
40x120 , cottnuA Bo * * & Hill's ndd , $1TA
( Xxl70 ) , house SfroottU , S. loth St. , flO.OOO.
62x132 , t , near 22d , $10,001
44x1.71 , cottnijot room ? , Hnrnorst , $3,150.
( WxUB , 13th nolr Douglos. $ lflj. l .
4lxl ! , house Brooms , Hnrnoy SU , $1,000.
e8ti3i,2 Inrgo lioiisos , Hurt , $ ) ,0"0.
83x132 , for wdojir .oiohnngo for land , iloublo
hoiiFO , Cnllfnrnln St. , $1,000.
B6xl'i2 , now ho'.soO rooms , Capitol nvo. . $3.003.
07x132 , house Uryorns , mth ncnr Unrd , $9OOiX
nixirrt , house Srtvrms , Hnrnoy , JO.OOO.
UUO , hoti < o7 t-poht * . 18th near I7nrd , $5.C0.
tnxia ) , house r ny J75 mo. , Capitol nve.25,000
m\\Si \ , 4 luni'ol , IVtlluenr I/nrd , $10COO.
fiCx32 ! , Davonpdrtand 17th , $11,101.
Wxl.10 , lione ( I looms , Shlnn's ndd , $3,5)0.
firttl32oppo lt Hltfi ehool , $5.0Ji.
x" , house 1 teem . Hurt nnd 2ith ) , S1.POO.
( rt\l.t,2lioi'o,5 ! ! nnili ) roomS. . Mill , $3,750.
fi8tll2 ; , brick hflu o 11 rooms. lomtlas t.U. ( X ) .
2 lotd MxlSj , house 0 rooms , Ionl o ndd , $0,000.
CG\I5 ' , house I rooms , opposite Poppleton's ,
$4r.J. !
HuxlfiO , house 3 rooms , Vlrirltila nvo , $1 ,275.
60x150 , house ! i rooms , Georgia nvo , $1,50,1.
3V4 lots.cloffnnl residence , ( ioorgln nvc. $30.000.
Cor. lot , housoT rooms , Vlrglnlajftvo , $1,700.
50x210 , fnclng'2 ' streets , 0 room house fnetng
park. This ll very doslrnblo property. tl. OO.
Full lot , now hiuso ( n rooms , Georgia nvo , $3,100.
Until 1 , cor. 4 room house , Improvement Ass. ,
Full lots. 18th St. , now house , Improvement
' '
44x150 , houso'nrooms,22d st. , $3,500.
00tl32 , tine 9 room house , Martini nnd Eleventh
StS. , $1,800.
Ixt , 7 room IIOCFO , Sounders St. , $3,3X1 , $1,000
cash , bal. In ncro property.
3W ncios near the fort , $2,10i ) .
3jncrr'4'j miles nw postoflico , S135 per ncre.
K. F. Ulngor , 1 N. l.llhst. _ 3D7
J-J pur Honiara About free nnd cheap lands In
Western Nobralka address Thos. C. Patterson ,
Heal listato AitoaU North Platte Nob. Ml
F OH SAI.K-1)y ) Paulson * Co. , 1513 Fnrnnm
4 oholco5 ncro lots In IConslnglon , $3,500
1 choloo5acro lot In Kensington. $1,000
1 lot on Ml. Pleasant street , Hickory Plnco
with 4 room now house , stable ami clstoin , $1 ,
400 ; $ KK ) cash , linliiiico on very onsy terms.
Lot 43x170 In Mlllard tc Cadwoll's ndd , hous
14x21 , $ ltuo ; onsy terms.
10 iicros on N Snundcrs street , excellent loca
tion , $3,000 ; very easy terms. *
lu acres Joining Fort Oninha nt $3,000 ; splen
did chnnce to double Investment.
Corner lot In Parker's ndd , ono square from
Ft root oar , house 20x28 , well , cistern , ot3 , $2.100 ;
onsy terms.
M lot , house 14x20 , with bnsomont nnd kitchen
Hoggs & Hill's ndd , eor of Dudgo nud 30thl,000i
5 acres lil Bclalro add , west of Walnut Hill ,
new 4 room house , largo stable , $1-503 ; easy
terms. , .
Corner lot IDOtllO , on Pnrk Ave , with clcgnnt
0 room liouso , $8,210.
Lot 120x121 , ono square from red street line ,
eloannt location in Hngnn's ndd , $1,800 ; $1,200 ,
cash , Imlnnco on time.
80 ncros highly Improved fnrm , C miles from
olty limits , $1,500.
Paulson & Co. . 15H Farnnm street. 30J-17
F OH CALK bv W.G. Shrlver-
15 boautltul tots , Charles ndd. , $3,000 , to
Lot 75x110 , Hcdlck's sub-division , cast front ,
Acre lot , Himcbaugh ndd. , $700.
Lot nenr Pnrk nve , Hlmebnugh Placo. $ l.fi50.
2,1 choice lots , Hanscom Plnco , $800 to $1WW. D
Lot on Saunders . , 3 foot front. 51,200.
Full lot corner 21st nnd Hurt , $0.000.
3leiutlful lots , corner , near St. cars , S,100.
2 lots , Lake's ndd , $1,175 und $1,200.
2 lots , Hodlck's sub. corner , each $ J.0.10.
Full lot , Capital avo. , near IVth St. , $1,000.
Lots on California St. 1 mile from P O , $1,300.
Full lot on Dodge $10,000.
Full lot on 12tlu nnd Lcnvonworth , corner ,
$ i5 ooo. ni. ,
Corner lot SSx fi njct , 14th nnd .Tones , $3,003.
2 lots , corner , Hhlttli's ndd. , $1,500. II. , " ' "
G cottages " on monthly payments ,
Sl,500to $1,750.
Largo new 4 stnrr double brick building , ono
block from P O.-y/VjOO. /
2 houses and1 lofr'on cnr line , rents $50 per
month , easy terms , $3,500.
Nice cottage , Vi lot , back High school , $2,000.
City property to trade for suburban property.
Monov to loan. Call In and go out and ( -co my
list. W. 0. Shrrtepppp. P. Q. 433-10
EC. PATTKfjSok Heal iStato,1224 : Fnrnnm
Ton ncros , ttetWllful , cheap , $1,001.
8-room cottage , lot fiOvlfiS. bargain , $3,500.
Nowcottugo nnd lot , monthly payments , ? 1,800.
Aero lots , city lots , cottages and residences
throughout the uttyTor snlo.
Money to loanra&unprovcd socurlty.
Call on or address It. C. Patterson. 289
FOH SAT.K Seven hnlf-nero lots each 105x132
east of Fort , fyst.wost ? of Sagudors St. For
price nnd tcrinslvUsrosa.H. Fcckousulior , city.
- 8M-1B *
_ _
rro IJUV or soil reality call nnd see H. C. Pnt-
JL toi-son , 1234 lyiirnnin. _ 3'J9-15 '
Plain view , * 450 oach.
Potter & Cobb. 1515 Farnuin st. B58
TTIOIlSAr.n-103 ncros In city limits of Koar-
-L novnt a bargain , nnd on good terms. Ad
dress H. M. Woohnnn , U. P. Town Lot Agent ,
Denver Junction. Colorado. _ 41mh34
TJ1OH SAI.K Lots to the west of town , near
JU Fnrnnm st. nnd Lowe avo. , In Potter's add. ,
safonnd protltnblo Investment nt $100 nnd $03'0
onch. Potter & Cobb 1511 Fnrimm st. 850
T10H SALK-Threo line lots In Slilnn's 3d add.
? nt $800 oach. Potter A : Cobb , 1515 Farnam.
SAMS-Lots III LOWO'D 1st addition ,
JL' south fronts , easy torma , only * 5lJ. ) Potter
& Cobb , 1515 Fnriinm st. _ ail
F OK SALK Best 5-ticro tracts In the market ,
only $ ' 100 per ncre. Inquire about them.
Vpttorje Cobb. 1515 Fnrnnm. 81S
FOlSALK Aero loLs.Olso'sndd. , only $1,103
1'otter Si. Cobb. 1515 Farnam. _ 857
FOHSAI.n Sovcrnl doslrablo business lots
on mill St. , and buslneu and residence lots
in nllpiirtsof the city. Also warehouse , hotel
nnd lurm property. Houses to rent. Property
shown tree of charge and a largo ll t to select
train at prices ranging Irom $25) to $10,0)1. ) Par
ties desiring to Invest should look ever our list
nml prices before buying. Correspondence so-
llclleil and Intorinatlon about the oily iroelv
given. Uinnhii Itolil Estate A ; Loan Co. , Hoom 2J ,
Witlmcll Illook Ojnnha. _ 727
mo IJUY or sell ruality cnl nnd sco U. C. Pnt-
-1 torsonJ22l Farmtm. _ ! ! J3-15 _
F OK SALI : Alow oftlio best ots In Wllcox's
add. nt $030 cnoli. Potter A : Cobb , 1511 Par-
nnm ft. _ 8,15
P Oil SALi-Cliujvp : lots In IJiirrOnk.Jiis't oast"
of IlnnscomPnrk , ne.irBtrootcar . < , $75) ) , easy
terms. PottorA : Cobb. 1515 Fainam st. Wl
SALE Cheap , ono of the best Improved
JU and llnost located farms lu Douglas county ,
Neb. , 5 miles west of Oinalm court homo , etn-
tnlnlng 100 acres , with house , stable , WQlfs , or-
clinnl nnd pasture , etc. ; ono-h'ilf cash , Imlnnco
to suit purchaser. For further particulars ul-
dre sGoo. I.inilo , care Oinalm Boo , Omaha , Ne
braska. _ ou.
Foil SALK mi. linrKnln Corner in Isnno &
BoMun'A addition , only 2 blocks from Loav-
cmwnrth St. , 132x121 , only J1,5W. Potter Jc Cobb ,
1515 Furnam st. tJ.13
T71OK S.\Li-oilison : has lorsalo lots In Hans.
JL' com Plnco , $ SOi ) to $ ll0'3.
Gibson has for salu housus and lots in Hans-
com Plauo.
Gibson 1ms for sale houses nnd lots In nil parts
f the city.
Gibson has improved farms and lands in all
parts of Nuliraska tor sale or oxchangu.
Gibson has thousands of acres of land In
Western Nebraska for sale from $2 to f i per
Gibson would Ilko to see you if you want to
( ilbsou'sls the place to list your property. Call
und sou him at Hoom \Vltlinull i Block , cor. 15th
nnd Hnrnorsts. io''i * _ 830
Foil SALK Ifyuri lot i , eor. California and
intli Bts.,2blitksfroin ( : proposed paving on
Cnmlng st. , $810 nuil f ( > 50 ouch. Potter A : Cobb ,
1515 Farnam 8L , L , „ 819
Fl > l7 8AI.K iJ/nprKlot. n good il-room house ,
a grocery stofpi irith stables , out-honses and
olty water , 22U jiX-ntf , Loitvonworth , rent tfll.O )
or mo , , prlco $3. )0.j'iThls is u tint rate Invest
ment. Onmhn Itvul.K.-ttiiti ) it Lonn Co. , Itooms
2iinil2U , NVIthuc l JjljUik. 740
FOKS.VI.K Airiro1 story , ! 2xJJ , frame build
Ing , suitable ror ri fctoro , near Uth auJ
namSts. Apply.ftthu , ollico. 9t7
1710H 8ALI-3Wnbro ) stock farm lu Nunco
X' lountj , Neb'/omfanJ ' ono-hulf mlles Irom
Conoa.thu JnneAllin 'of the Albion and Cedar
ItupliLihriinuh of IT.'P. ' H. It. . 200 acres of u
under fence , corraletc. . , all llrst nnd second
bottom lii"d anr Biitltlble tor cultivation , 120
norcs good buy lfuitl.'Ona ' hulf eujh nnd ono-
half twelve montrti' llnio or oxclinugo tor Onm-
liiueiil ustatu. Kddirtisj Junies Vure , Oinuhu ,
Neb. , or Ix > ck Box 200 , Kansas City , .Mo. 241-20
rfuV IIUY or Bell ruallty call und teu It C. Put-
_ JU turcon. 1224 Furiiain. if/J-15
FOU SALK-By A. P. Tukey.
10 agroj northwest of city $3,250
Lot' ' , block 2 , Hoggs A ; Hill's udd 1,100
I/it on 15th near t'entorbt , 1,200
3 lots , I'eluum Plnco , ouch U50
Cottngo und corner lot,25th and Chicago , , . 3/.1U
Cottiuo and lot , 1.1th nrnrCvnter bt 2,800
7 room hoiue und lot , corner 15th nnd Mur-
tlm , 3WO
7 room house und lot , 15th st , , near Mar-
' tlm , , , . ,3,000
.i lots , Clark Place , ouch . , . , . . 0./I
Hot , Clark Placo. . , . . . * . . . . 600
fl room house > ; lot-'Ut 6t 2/XM
Ixit Cumlnif btreet , near 27th 2,000
7 loom housu und full lot , Chicago near
Situ. . , . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.530
A. P. Tukey. lIQt ! Fartinm street. 339np'j
"C OII SALK A nmv 7-room house and lot on
JJ Suundori et. , u bargain , 4 aero lots in
Hlmobaugh i ndd. very chcnp. Houses nnd lots
In'all parts of the city. Improve ! nnd unlin.
proved lupd for dale or tnido. It K , Hull , 1 N.
15th tt. ltiuli2i
AKAKE llAKOAIN-sit nores , 3 ( { mlles
northwe t from poMofllco. with ( rood house ,
liarn , well , etc. This plneo Is worth $500 per
ncio without Improvements Wo oiler the
whole for n few days nt the very low prlco of
$2.6W , $ rae cixh , balance In two jenra. Stock-
dale & llunclicr , 1511 Doilgo St. 473
Tmoii SAi.T'liy J. ll."iTvans * Co. , 1513 Dodge
* - Mrcct. Imjiroved residence.
12 Lot onob tor , a largo houses
with nil modern Improvements , cen
tral locution , easy terms $5,000
251 Fnrnlmin street trout , BoppsA : Hill's
Addition , two dwellings 11,000
1 U block , California street , Is finest in
thoclty ,
3 100 feet front on ' "OUt , Just south ot
St XlnryX3 owhouses 15,000
8 50x132 , Fnrnnm , east of 2Cth street , 9-
roomlioiiso. . , . , 8,030
S91 Improved property , Park nvenuo ,
fholco 13,000
371 Lot , Hickory Plnco , south front ,
rents leper cent 1,009
353 3 lots on corner Walnut Hill , small
housea baigaln. . . , . l,5t > i
853 Good lot , now unQnUhcd house , 0
rooms , Wnlnut Hill , 1,750
Siil-Cottngo.Shlturfindil , M lot 1,500
KCfl-Cottago , Shlnu's iuld , corner K lot . . 1,80) )
321 Large house nnd line lot on-S. 20th 3r. 0,009
And many good bargains lha\o not pcrmU-
slon to advert Iso.
Unimproved rosldcueo property on lonir tlmo
nnd easy torma :
40 ! ) IXJtS
IMI Corner west ends lots , n Imrgnln
274 Hnnsoom Plnce , 17 lota , Virginia nvenuo ,
Pnrk nvenuo , Georgia nvouilo. Slu-rldan
street , $7iK ) . $ fO ) , $ .VK ) . $ nee , $1,100 , $1,750 ,
nlnglo lots or Inrgor ti nets.
3M I lawl home , special bargains , $103 to 8700 ,
nny sized front desired.
354-Good lots on Walnut Hill $300
! H1 3 Inmost nud br t lots.BrooUllticnvo. . iNW
KJ3ncio , Park Place 800
Corner ncro , 33) feet onst front , Pnrk
Plnco 3,200
Aero cornering on Cro'ton il.OOO
Aero Joining Hlllslilo No. 2 4,000
331 4lolB , o.ast front , Plalnvlow , orlelnnl
J170 t-outli front4 block from sti cot cnrs. 72.1
3.M Corner Lonvrnworth sti-ert 1,690
281 7n lli ) , Park nvo. , rhnico losldenco. . . 4,000
203 75x140 , Colfnx St. , choice lesidonco. . . 0Wt\ \
213 Siutiidors A Hlmobangh's luM.rorncr. ! 12'i
211 Bautlderi < & Himnbniigh'A add , Inside. 275
Low-priced lots In nil additions on long tlmo
nnd low Interest.
Business piopcrty
Hownrd st , corner 20,000
2 15th st , corner 0,000
11 Hnrnoy Ft , 4-story nud basement ,
lirlok , well leased 33,000
And other Hrct-clnss locations.
Burgulns In 1,5 nnd lOncio tracts.
If jou want the best property In thoclty ,
whether Improved or otherwise ,
t If you want to Invest $2H ( ) oil$300 ,
10 you want to bocuro n llttlo homo ,
Come , nnd como now , before thu spring boom
adds 25 percent to everything In sight. .1. B.
livuns & Co. , 1513 Dodge St. 43CM5
IDKATT'S Subdivision.
1'intt's Subdivision , ncro lot ? , southwest , nt
tKWpor lot.
Mclrme Hill.
Melro < o Hill , just 10 minutes' wnlk from Hans-
corn Pnrk , $300 per lot ou monthly , quarterly
or yearly payments.
10 per cent down on Melrose Hill lots.
Dwlgh t&Lytnnn's addition.
Dwlght 4 : Lyman's , south of Hauscom Pnrk ,
saw u lot.
Now port ncro lots.
RKWnn ncro for Newport.
Nowpoitfastest Rclllii-r ncros.
Newport reached by level roads.
Newport unsurpassed view.
Newport. Sco It and you will udmlt its value
and worth.
Como nnd see Newport.
ClaiLMiilon lit terminus of two car lines , 5750 to
$8X ( ) a lot.
Oak Chathnm $800 per lot.
Belt Line depot Is located ou Oak Chnthntn.
Plalnvlew. Just south of Oak Chatham , lots nt
$550 on the usual onsy terms.
$2,100will buy 5 acres in Tuttlo's subdivision.
This Is a bargain.
$5,500 will buy n now 8 room , modern built ,
housn on cur- line , cnst front , corner lot.
Ames Plnco cheapest olty lots.
Amos Place , fair prices , easy terms.
Amos Plaoo , full lotpfor $400 to $000.
Cote Bulllanto aero lots at $175 ; no bettor acres
for the money.
Brighton ncro lots $273 per ncro.
Sulphur Springs.
Sulphur Springs addition on Sherman nvo. , op
posite base ball grounds.
Pee Srlpuhr Springs.
Sulphur Springs addition lots $1,003 to $1,500 ;
ono quarter down , balance long time.
$8,500 will but very doslrablo residence property
on Farnnm street.
Look the ground over cnrofully before buying.
Cull and see the properties ollorcd which you
cunbuyntfn-r prices nnd on onsy payments.
AilES' Konl Estate Agency.
1507 Farnnm St.
& -\VII.I > K , Kenl Kslato Brokers
Hooin 10 , Grnnlto Hlock. Telephone 753.
List your property with us nnd wo will see
tlmt your interests arc not neglected.
The following nro n few of our bnrgnlns. Call
In uud > < m will sco hundreds of other splendid
chances to Invest.
123 fl-room lioiiso on Hnrnoy near 25th , fine
basement uud nil modern Improt emonts , very
onsy terms , $5,200.
124 Iluslness lot ( I16xl32 > on Leavcmvorth St.
with 2 houses , $11,0110.
210 2 lots on Campbell St , on t front , onch $700.
2U2 Beautiful lot near 30th nnd California SU. ,
$8)0. !
202 2 line lots on aid near Lcnvonworth , 00x124 ,
fontli iront.u bargain , each , $1,0 X ) .
201 Flno oa t front lot on Virginia nvo , , $1,100.
1C2 Splendid lot northeast of Hanscom Park ,
unst front , $1.150.
103 2 lots with house on D3d near Farnam , well ,
cistern , etc. , $2 , < MO.
13(1 3-room house nud lot , Slilnn's ndd , with
closets , barn , outhouses , cistern.
HO 21atgo lots on Harnoy mul 20th St. with 4-
room house and 2-room house , an exlr.i bar
gain , both lor i-t.OOO.
Ids Lurgo lot with 4-room hoiifio en South 18th
St , , basement , well , line Irult ticoj und other
improvements , SISO' .
117 ( Lot > ? < K113) ) (1-room ( IIOIIPO , flno well nnd cis
tern nnd fruit tiees. House alone worth
$2,000. with cast fronton Convent St. A rnro
imrernln lor a low diiyn. Bust ol terms , Sfl/vX ) ,
120 2 largo lots uud house on Cap. ava splon-
old basement mid nil modern Improvements ,
u li'irffiiln ' , SS.oiO.
123 0-rooin honso and lot on Hnrncy St. , bnso-
inciil , eloiois , cle.cbra | ) , $1,2511.
132 l-room house nnd lot on b'outh 17th SU ,
wollcistern , coal IIOUBO , rto. , $ l00. : !
118 House of 8-rooms on Pioreo St. . well , els-
torn , shndo trees , etc. , n bargain , $3,000.
Hi ) Housu on Chicago St.i-rooms , well , cis
tern , f.liado trcTS , cte. , SO.tiOO.
117 House of l-ioomsln Lowo'slrt add. , barn ,
' ( lm < > rni shade Hoes , etc. , easy terms , cheap nt
212 Flno lots In Hansconi Place , easy terms ,
20.J Fine lot on Georgia nve , cast of Pnrk nnd
east front. $75) .
201 PpluudM lot. in Lowo's ndd. on very easy
terms , $ ino.
131 1 line lots In Plnlnvlow fronting : cast on
SanmlcM St. , best ol f i > rra < , ? 700.
2-s 4 beautiful lots one block from Lonvon-
woith St. and one block Irom car line , J-1.M ) ) .
; r : nno lots 111 Iinwthornu addition on easy tcrmi.
f ) lots In WoitCuinlng udd on easy terms. 8-75
and up.
Lent , In Walnut Hill on host of terms. $300 nnd
LotsluFauiidcra A ; Hlmebnugh's addition , $275
to SO'JO. '
Lots In IVllium PJnco $510to $ 50.
Lots In dm endoii , easy terms , SS90.
Lots In Klrkwood add. , on easy terms , ? i00. !
Lois In Burr Onk nddltlon , oust of Hunscom
Pluoo. $ QW to f T5U.
Bnnulltul lots in Sunny Side nddltion , easy
terms , $1)03. )
5 no rol met 44 ! miles from P O , 4-ioom house ,
Miihln , ole , JI.200. Lovgron A : Wilde , Hoom 10.
Oriinlto Hlock. 41U-15
FOHSALK Two lots m Polhnm Plnco. ono
block from atroot car track Inquire 213 S.
13th struct. S.
T710K.SALK-A lot fi'vl40 ' ) , and dwelling 20x2j ,
JU no rfuture Brovvnull llall.ehoap ; half cash ,
buluncu siiiull mouthly paymontii. V , U Vo-
dleka. 520 3.13111 St. 11
T71OH HAI.K 7-room cottage , 1 block Jrom
K Kt , Mury's nvo. car linn , lot 75x140 , only
tt.l.V ) . Potter A : Odhb. 151 > Furnnm. 1KX )
OHHALi-Tliioulots"lu"siilnii's2l : | nddltlon ,
on cnstorn slope , only U blocks fiom street
cnraclioup only $750. Potter A ; Cubb , 1515 Fur-
nuin st. Wi-
5 lots , Will tint Hill , on 00
Mercer nve , ? .r 00-(500 (
2 aortglJiooklinceach , 500
IIouso anil lot , Montana
St.v } blk to cars 2100
IIouso nnd Hnlf Aero
COX Cnliforuin & Slst. 2000
Lot 82x150 , 8 room house
COA largo bam , well , cistern ,
fruit trees , etc. , corner
COO Californin < t 32J , 4,250 a ?
gamMan i in oo
O Seuuro ono of those gilt
C'llL'O lots in 1'i.UK 1'LiOU
ta ln-forc it U too Into.
Those desiring to put out FrUlts of Ornamen
tnlTrcos , Shrubs. Plant * und Vine , will IInd U
groutltotheir Interest to consult H. L. Kmory *
by IctK 01 in por.-on , In ifganl tokind , quality
nnd prh'u , bctoruordering of any one. Oi'ilor
bhouldbuglvimoarly , Ollico UW Harnoy'St. ,
c glltnco,2AW Furnam St.
Also Business Lots
On the Inrgo mnp of Omnliu and observe that the two nml ouc-linl inilo
belt from the Omaha postoflico runs south of Section 33 nud through tilt
iiorth end of South Omaha.
And pencil , then get one of J. M. Wolf & Co.'s maps of Omaha ami South
Oinalm combined ,
On the string at 13lh and Farnam , Omaha's business center , nml yonrfyoucil
on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north ,
A circle nnd note where
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" arc far
Tliis mystic circle.
And think a moment what will malcc outside property increase in value.
Is ALL that will enhance the value of real estate other than at SOUTH
OMAHA. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railways center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in or near the city.
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation by that prince of meat producers , Nels Morris of
Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha be
fore a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken.
Make your selections now.
Lots that sold for § 300 in 1881 cannot now bo bought for $1,000.
Tlxe "V'ietcLui.ets
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between this
city and South Omaha.
Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will double in
value , ns this will afford cheap and quick transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
Agents to handle this property on good commission wanted
If as authority to Bull lots. For further information , maps , price Hats , nnd
descriptive circulurs , address . .
M. AH UPTON , Manager
" . ; 216 SOUTH 13TH' ST. , OMAHA , NEB