Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1886, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , .TUESbAJf * MARCH 10,1880. PICHT TO A FINISH. Lincoln Prohibitionists Shy a Blood-Oard- ling Castor Into the Ring. THEY MEAN TO LAY OUT LICENSE Lawyers Sleekly Apologize to the Court A Drummer Fulls to Get a Ilvorce4-Tho News in Hrlcr. I most Ttc nCB's MKCOIAnunriAtM 'JTlicj revival meetings tit the Methodist church \vliicli , il is understood , will shortly bo brought lo a close by the de parture of Mr. Hitler , the evangclisti to Onmlia , nrc to bo followed by iv crtisndo , tholiko of which , in the minds of the promoters , 1ms never been seen in this country. This crusade will be conducted by the people who Imvo boon upholding Mr. Hitler , the Woman's Christian Tern- porhnco union and the prohibition leaders , and will 1)0 conducted with all the thoroughness of n inilitury campaign. A prominent stale ollluiiil who claims to know the plan of battle , says the city will be divided into districts , in onchof which n body of mixed workers will go from bouse to house , praying with the inmates , and exhorting their aidforthu purifying of the moral atmosphere. As a forerun ner of this criisndn , find a declaration of tliu intention of the prohiblionisls lo lake an nclivo part in the city oleclion , tliufol lowing circular is being distributed : I.ICE.VSI : Mtniunii MILLS SHAM. TIIKY JIE AM.OWII > TO nu.v ANOTiir.ii Yi\nV : To the People of Mil coin : The tlmo has roino when ovt'ry cltl/.nn of Lincoln Is brought face to fnco with the ono cicat issue that dominates In municipal nlfnirs. Tlio initiation comes foicibiy homo to every thinking nilinl ; Will tlio good people of our city longer icmain partners In the cilmcsol thn llitor | trnlllc ? Knthuis , aio you ready to sell your sons to dchaitclu'i v nuil your dnimhtera lo dishonor'/ Am you ti"1,000 or a S'J.MO clll/.onV Elllier lirlco It cheap eiioiiuli to tlio saloon keeper. Mothers , Imvo you nmtlo your plea for do- Ilvoinncu to those who alone have power to break your chains to the voters whoso opin ions \\elih ; at the ballot box ? If yon Imvo not , look now to lliosaloty of your chldrcn. Young man , will you exercise your man hood to iieo 11 HI diink-slnvo and dry the tears of a weening mother , or will you bow at the beck of the whisky politician and become the set vile tool of the dramsellcrV Daughters , are you willing that nenily thirty glided diam shops , with their enticing nllnrciiicnts , shall be continued , to debase 1 our brother , father or lover , find bring dis grace , dishonor and sorrow to your heart ? If not , then use your persuasive Inlluonco upon all of your voting 11lends lo support the pro hibition ticket. Moderate drinker , do you wait to go down to a drunkard's lioll1If you do not , vote llio prohibition ticket. Vote for your own pio- tCction , remembering that every victim now slumbering In n diunkind's grave was once as moclcralc as yon nro now. and ncihaps do lled llio clouds of impending disaster tlmt hung so thrcntenlnL'lv over life's blight morning and finally eclipsed tlio sunlight be- foio manhood's high noon was nearly reached. Shall wo longer leave the control of our city government In tlio hands of the lowest clement of society'/ Shall the class with lieadquaitcrs In the sa loons , and from which como almost all the criminals that crowd our police courts , longer bo allowed to select our olllclnls'/ \Vo call upon Ihe business men , the piofcs- sional citizens , llio mechanics and the laborIng - Ing men , lo unite and destroy tills parasllo ol society , llio Hum rower , that annually takes from our people moro than hall a inil- llonMollnrs which should be expended in the channels of honest and legitimate trade , and uses it to debauch our sons and dishonor our daughters , to foster dons of vlco and crime that nre'corrupting society. Kvery moral and material Interest of our city demands the entire suppression of tills appalling crime , as all cfl'oits at regulation have uttctly failed. The gambling vice , the social evil , and all the inoial cancois that out away llio hcait ot society , elusler around tills ono great patent crime , the Honor curso. Wo call upon all who believe that the law-abiding and moral citl/cnship of tills community should secure their rightful supremacy to the end that law may be respected and all these vile dons of Iniquity bo broken up. to work fiom now un til tlio Oth day of April for the tiiumph of. the pilnclples of right and justice and the success "ot llio prohibition city ticket. A nominating mass convention will bo hold In lliis city on Wednesday evening. March 'J4 , beginning at 7 o'clock p. m. . for the pur pose of placing a city ticket In the field. All persons who are ready to Join In the cam paign agnlnstlho saloon and on llio side of tlio home , are Invlled lo lake an active part. The Liquor Tralllc and its attendant and resultant cilmcs must go. il W. HAIIDV. Pros. Capital City Pro. Club. A. ItoiiHHTS , Seciotary , A. O. Woi.FiNiAiOii : ) ! ; : , B. H. KINO , II. IS. ( iKoiiorc , ( iKO. K. HlOKI.OW , E. G. CUCMKNTS. Committee. The Law and Order league managers refuse to endorse this move , saying they are working for practical rather than im possible cwis. nnd that they will content themselves with securjng a rigid enforce ment of laws us they exist on the statute books , a work in whloh they claim to have thus far boon very successful , hav ing broken up unlicensed liquor soiling compelled licensed dealers to conduct their business in strict nccorduncu with tlioSlocumb law , and put till the lending gamblers and snorting women on trial for their oll'onsua. A. "WAll OV WOUDS IK COUUT. When thu state closed its testimony in - > - nawi yesterday. Mr. L. C. tlio lieroiu v. . . . . 4'.i Hurr , counsel for the dcfonUtuu , * . . . . the court to direct the Jury to bring m a verdict for his client , on the ground that the stiilulo under which llorold is being - ing prosecuted requires the showing of an uciuttl transfer or sale , in order to make nn otlunso , and the district attorney had fulled to Introduce any evidence on this point. Jndgo Pound said the question was u very delicatu ono , and ho did not wish to decide it hastily. If the whole of tlio statute was to govern , ho said , the necessary evidence bud been adduced , but if the statute was to bo confined to the title there might bo some doubt about It. In order lo expedite the proceedings the judge- overruled the motion and ordered llio defendant to go on with the case , Mr. Durr took nn exception , and then examined Mrs. llorold and Mrs , llaylan , both of whom denied thai any goods from llerohl's store hud over boon concealed in dufomlant'ahouso , as alleged by witnesses lor thu state. During the argument over the motion District Attorney Strode and Mr. Hurr both booninu o.solted , and accused each olhor of torturing the truth out of shape , nnd other heinous oil'unsos , Judge Pound promptly rapped them lo order , and said that ho should expect an apology from each in open court at tlio opening of the afternoon session. At 1:80 : Mr. Strode nnd Mr , Hurr , both looking a little sheep , ish , marched up and told the regulation story about being very sorry tor what had occurred , charged it all to the excite ment of the moment , and promised tu never ofl'eml in like manner again , NO SYMI'ATIU" KOU llltUMMKIIS.Tvsa "I don't have much sympathy with ( raveling salcsi on who run about the country getting nurried promiscuously , " said Judge Pound in thu district courl yesterday. The occasion \vn-s llio appli cation ofLtandor Allurd , n mock-look- ing drummer , for n divorce from his wie , Kinina Leo Allurd. The plaintifFs story was that after u three year's uo quumtunou with thu woman ho was mar ricd lo her in n town in Vermont. It : October. 1683 , the incentive being hoi allegation that ho was the fathci of'a child born lo her about n month before fore , Two days after the jnarraigt llmntii acknowledged lo her husbant that laho-had "played him for a sucker , ' that the real father of the kid wa : nn old beau named Vit Hall. This wai too much for the drummer's susceptible norvcs , nnd ho parted without ceremony from the woman bo bad sworn to love , honor , cherish nnd obey , and coming lo Nebraska , settled down to secure a residence and a divorce. Loan- tier's tale was supported by affidavits from a number of dames in tlio Green Mountain state , which tended to show that Knunn was a pretty tough sort of pirl before marriage , and hadn't im proved any since. Ono woman swore tbntKinma , wbilo at work for her , "had gene to n ilanco with Hall , nnd came back Ihc next morning looking as though she Imd had n hard time. " This seemed o strike llio judge ns a ralhor novel lausc for separation , especially as it had inppencd sonic nine months before the innrringo. nnd he cut the matter short by saying : "Woll , Allard , I'm sorry for you , but I don'tseo how 1 can help you. I guess you took tlio woman for holler or worse indwlll have lo stick to it. However , Til take tlio papers and look them over o HOC whether there is any good proof of adultery before marriage. " This seemed 'o daze the plaintiff , and even after the iidgo ami lawyers had loft the court oem ho sat stolidly looking at the jtl- lichil hunch as though unable to under stand thu situation. niiir.i' MKXTION. "What shall wo do with the tramps ? " is fast becoming the absorbing and vital question. The city is full of hoallhy , full grown strangers who neither toil nor spin , nnd lo.wliom bolts Mid bars have no lorrors. A roundup by Iho police , follow ed by a few days work on the muddy cross-walks , would probably euro most of these impecunious gentlemen of a desire - sire to remain in the capital city , Wing Hop is thu latest addition to Lin coln's Chinese quarter. As Wing is the ictual owner of a laundry outfit , no is a nan of much importance , and his settle- nent here was observed by admiring countrymen Saturday night with n big 'blow out. " in which llro crackers , Ian- urns and heaps of gaudy paper ligured [ H'oniinently. John FilBgcral received n telegram from Manager llohmaim of the Tit/- crald Hose company yesterday , stating unit they would reach Lincoln Wednes day noon. The only now action entered in the dis- rict court yesterday , was ono in which Edwin Bond sues August Arndt nnd ethers - ors for the undisturbed possession of cor- ain promises to which tneplalntilt'olaims lllle on n mortgage given by Arndt to secure payment of a note for § 400. The Lvcning News has been enlarged lo n seven column folio , but Editor Hyde still wears the same size hat. The will of Charles W. Jenkins , of Stevens Creek precinct , has been admitted to probnto. Several parties in Lincoln bnvo re ceived Invitations to the anniversary celebration - obration of the "domestic" wedding of Colonel Frank Siimns , the colored Olios- lorlield nt the Paxton , which is set for the 25th inst. Auditor Babcock's force is busy send ing out blanks to thd various railways in thu stale , on which Ihoy must make re turns before April 5 ot all their taxable property. An extradition warrant was issued from the executive ollico yesterday for the return to Iowa of ono James N. Kear ney , charged with obtaining money under fnlso pretenses. Mrs. liurzok , the wife of ono of Dnm- row's best tailors , died suddenly from disease incident to childbirth. Miss Sadie Booth , after n two months' residence m Lincoln , has returned to Omnlin to resume her work in tlio ollico of the clerk of the United Stales court. Judge Hnywnrd came to Lincoln yes terday for the lirflt time since his appoint ment and took the oath of ollico. In the afternoon ho opened court in primitive style in the auto-room , sitting behind n twenty-shilling desk , and looking va cantly nl some of the ornrmental lawyers who occupied llio pine chairs and snick ered while Clerk Shier was administering llio oalh. Fifty now notaries publics wore com missioned yesterday. Governor Dawes lias made requisition on the Dakota authorities for the custody of a man recently run down in that terri tory by an Omaha dotcctivo. The refusal of the executive clerks to give the name of the alleged criminal lends to the re port that tlio case is ouo of unusual im portance. Four new insurance companies have boon Admitted to business in this stnlo this year. They are the Equitable Life , of DCS Moincs ; Mnsschusetts Mutual Life , of Springfield ; Hockford Fire , of Rockford - ford , 111. , and People's Fire , of Pillsburg , Pa. Pa.Auditor Auditor Babcock and wife will return from a visit at Ord to day. B. H. DOUGLAS & SONS' CAPSICUM COUGH DROPS are the result of over forty years experience in compounding cough mixtures. They are the best. An auxiliary to the rudder for steer ing sea-going vessels has boon proposed. It consist' ' ! simply of two discharge pipes , placed ono ut oaoh side of thu vessel's btcrn as far below the water line as pos sible , and connected with a slcam pump capable of forcing a powerful stream ol water through tlio pi ] > es , which , imping' ' ing upon the water in contact with the vessel , forces it to the sidu opposite to Hint from whicii tlio steam issues. TThcn B by wu ikkwe R TO her Caitorit , When the was B Child , the cried for Cantoris , ' ' --.I 7 bwww _ "iM.dulnogtoCwtorU , n u jn ? When the hd Children , eh gm Ui m OaitotH Recent excavations nt the Acropolis nl Athens have resulted in the discovery o : six mutilated female statues in mnrblo These fragments , which wore colored nml belong to the period before Phidias cannot fail lo bu of gruat importance ii the hislory of art , as no museum ii Europe possesses works of this period The btatuos are part of those ovorthrowr by 1'ursinns and booried by llio Greeks n Iho building of t ho Acropolis in llio limi of Pericles. PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tte OrenlMt Medical Triumph of the Age ) SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. . To * ofuppeilto , llutroli conlve , I'uin la the ticail , nllb a dull cuiallan In tUo kack part , Fain under llio boulder- bladot Fulloeii lifter ratine , with n dli- Inclination lo exertion of budr or ml nil , Irrllnbllitrofteuiiier , I.otraplrlti , TrltU a fueling of having neglected omo duty , Weariness , Ulzzlnei * , fluttering ot llio Heart , Dot * tu < fovclho orei , Ileailuclio over llio riant ere , Iteilloinris , wlili fllfUl drrnnn , IlluUIr colored Urlar , and CONSTIPATION. 7 TUTT'S riLl.s are especially adapted to lucb cases , ono dose effects eucli u chaiiEooffoollngaatoastonlilitlioautrcrcr. Tboy Inercai e the Ain > etltt , ml cause the tody to Take ou Ir'letli , thus ( be y lom U nnurlihed.and liylliclr Tonic Action oa the UbieiUveOrBauilletuIarHtool8ara podurfd.nPrt | Be. _ 4 Ifurroy ; Ht. . N.Y. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILL& It uoratos the txxlm&kiw tiealtby flesh , t-trenctheas the woat , repalrt-tlie wastes of too eyHum with pure blooj and hard muscle ; woe * the uervoua svitcm. IntiEOrates tha brain , und Impart * Uw vigor o { inotiiiooj. E > 1. SolJ br couriT NOTES. iVMnn from Plattgtnouth Fotintl Ilia Watch The MornlnR Grist. J. W. Kcnnard is an old gentleman from Plnttsmotith with a dcclilotl predi lection for spreoing. Ho stood up before Jttdgo Stcnberg in police court yesterday and , looking him straight in tiio eyes , plead Hot guilty to a charge of ilrunkcnncss. It seems that Kcnnard lad arrived hero on Saturday and on Sat- mlny night % vas decoyed into n notorious don on Twelfth street by the charms of no of the young woman , Shortly afterwards - wards ho had this same girl arrested for ebbing him of his gold watch and chain , f ho ticker was found upon his own per- ion , however , and the girl was released. ICcnnard promised to leave town , and railed to do so and was arrested last night benstly drunk. His case has been continued for hearing. Charles Nast , John Uunlavo , Peter An- ilorson , Normon llamsoy and Charles Pilfrain wore lined $3 and costs for in toxication. Tlio two latter paid. Mike Pilrccll , James Krtigcr , David Tostoyin , nnd Sam Swoalon , arrested ou a similar charge , were released. Mrs. Jamison , n colored wench , was arrested for complicity in the $05 rob bery , of which Mike Uilligan was tlio victim last week , and was remanded for rial. rial.Mr. . and Mrs. Owen Connolly , ( alias iVhisky Jack ) , were sent lo jail for live lays to sober up. Oninlm'B BinfdI Orns. The Omaha Musical Protective union is making nrrangcincnls for a grand carni val nnd bal masque , to take place at the exposition building April 7. A magnifi cent feature of the nftair will bo a street > .irado on tlio order of ( he Mardi Gras of ho Veiled Prophets' procession of St. ixmis , In which the entire union of 120 musicians will play togelhcr , all being in nask costume , llio whole ntliur will Ipubtless bo the grandest thing of the kind over witnessed in Omaha. The Musical Protective union is com- joscd of the following orchestras and brass bands : The Aiiisiciil Union orches tra , the Union Pacific band , A. O. II. band , the Fourth United States Infantry band , Hoffman's orchestra , HhutfiH's or chestra , Motta's band , Prochaska's or chestra , Ilnvluzeek orchestra. Julius Thiolo Independence orchestra and Horn- borgcr's orchestra. The committee of arrangements is com posed of Wm. F. Pflaiging of the Union Pnciiio band , F. Ales of the Fort Omaha band , Julius Thiolo of Independence or chestra , A. Hhuifus of lihiufns' orchestra , F. Lorrestin of Hoffman's orchestra. Tom Douglas of A. O. II. Hand , 1 $ . Prochaska of Prochaska band , II. Jackson of Union Pacific band , Julius Httrgold of Gorman band , H. T. Irvine of Musical Union band , Julius Meyer of Musical Union or chestra. White Cedar Piling is better than oak for bridge or foundation work. It lasts longer in or out of the "round and can bo turnislicd and driven for one-third less cost by D. Sopor & Co. , 1020 Fnrnam street , Omaha. Itrcvitlcs. Detective Charles J. Kmer.y has re turned from a successful business trip in Dakota. Policeman Graham'has boon suspended on the charge of sleeping on his beat. He denies the charge , and says ho has witnesses to prove it. It is not probable that Omaha will enter into either the Western or North western Iciuruo scheme , so that if this city is to enjoy any base-ball this season , her dependence will have to be on a reor ganization of Iho old Union Pacific club. When the Union Pacific Knights of Labor wore running the Missouri Pacido engine intoHho roundhouse Sunday , _ as already mentioned , an explosion occurred , which led Iho Missouri Pacific engineer to believe lliat ho was to bo dy namited into eternity. Some roguish spirit put a couple of torpedoes under the wheels just as the lononiotivo was being backed into the roundhouse. A terrible explosion followed , and the poor engi neer jumped headlong from the cab , and gathering himself , made a dash for dear life. A. MABVBLOTJS OTTHE. A Pure Blnlt TVhUkey llio Only Cnra Per Consmoiption. It hns become the settled practice of all physicians , of oil dispensing druggists , to administer pure , unadulterated whiskey tor CONSUMPTION , and Duffy's Pure Molt Whlikey ha * become the recognized and nnquestloaed tnocflo fpr the CURE of this dreaded dlsed&o. Tbo subjoined testimonials menials bear witness to Us undoubted efllcacy. " 11 Madison Ave. . Baltimore , Mil. , . . junt&XjM had n imtleht In the last staa6s.qf conpumptjonv6o. . Whim food of ino3Ipln was eU'ea woyild vomit It. I had elven her various remedies , bat all wore expelled , aoa.sue raqelvedruUrlpjent only by enorna and Inunction ot Cotl Liver tvliloh rrore ) oicccJUicly dlsagMeaK her. J had ft bottle of D. . _ . - ' _ Pure Wlilafeey , I Qdminlstorort a Kiaepoouful which wai not vomited. The second aos * . wjl'i a llttlq meat julca was Within a week the was alio ) to eat hnartlll. . All thU AfttrEor fatally had atssmbleil tea § a her die , I run convinced that it is pot only tret from fusel oil , bnt not { hany Tray sidulterotod. " VfotUL. A. Bncwsrcu. ir. D. Baltimore , Mil. . May 6,188 $ . "OnKfWMVH : I Wtia 8ttdd ely ntrlcten with u e vqi e lumorrbage , loslnic about Ballon ! blood * t the flrst attack , and I qunntides treilTi ptly Ibereaftor. wai dpnQlOorod hop Uis : my frlenaa ar- 1 for my fuoeroL I wag rymoved to be Hebrew HaablUl. and vjo tharo or- ver OU . . . . uwjuiouu UJIUK vtui > / oWe roy flte lo Jft purity , arid r nnoiameOd It for palcaonary 3 K. Central Are. . Haiti qlore. lid , July SJJ J , 1S83. I have been 111 : my at I would die of cou > so alek and weak that e'v ' mo your ey. My dootnr a then I began jLli MKfe. AKNIB dHIJIES. MatUr 8U PJifla. . Pa. , Npv. 0.1885. DAfl StM ! My daughter had been In lcete poolui , Her mother died of con. eumptioQ , Too doctor enlJslie would not live , I used your Daily's Pure Malt Wills- key * bd > coc nroitlon ctiro in her COM. The doctor died of consumption himself ) ( ( if now tlctean and is strone aba Kftrty. " JOHN WLUflFULCEll. it known 8Itt r > of Charity tatoa , writes : J. Y , . Homo of Industry , Nov. B. JJS5. _ N : It gives me great pleasure to recommend Duffy' * l'ur aiAll WhUKeV , which I n&ve used with ercot saticfactldn in coCsamytloni in the last 'tocos of that dread dUcae6 ; TUo patient can rttolp- . ' when nil other rtmedfcq ( all. IfSCKmnend It to afl. " Mofrttn eyi MiSu HICBONVIIO. Fcdornl UulldliiK Itnms. United States Marshal Biorbowcr anil Deputy Allen returned j-cstcrduy from l incoln , they have been in altendancc upon Ihe criminal session of the United States ctnrt. With them came the pris oners who have been tried and sentenced E. Ii. Heath , Ihe defaulting postal clerk nt Kearney , two years in the Detroit house of correction ; James Van hue , selling liquor to Indians , six months in house of correction and Sylrcstoi Yundt , counterfeiting , four months in the county jail from the first o ] December last. Hichiird Seymour , alias "Bloody Dick , " supposed to bo impli cated in the Nebraska land frauds , ami young Tiotsort. charged with breaking open uostotHco.ntlvonmird and stenf ing a registered letter , were also broughl back from Lincoln to await trial at tht May term ofcourt. . Air. J , H. Anderson Qf Richmond , Mo. , entered upon his duties as chief clorji yesterdaj' , succeeding Mr. Brown iu Iho postal inspector's ollice. ConRrcss. Philadelphia North Americans The two Antiplioli of iliitscssiou of congress ire Judge Robert's. ! < rcon , of the Third Now Jersey District , and Gen. Egbert Viclo , of flio 'niirtcenth Now $ brk plstnct. Ono JS' ' c6nstantly mlstakoti 'or ' the other. Xot a-trip is made along Pennsylvania avenue by cither man without being addressed in the name of ils double. ThAy take the dilemma rationally nnd , laugh over tlio incidents ns they occur. A small delegation from Monmouth County. N. J , , in the interest of pending lofcifiuiUon there , called on GPU. Viclo n fov days ago , atiti after pre senting a pcrbs of memorials with countless slgutturos the visitors were chagrined lo leirn lliat they wore not ad dressing Judge Green. In the party was olio man who tbougjit ho knew the nulgo , His morlllication will never end. On tlio other hand , Jndgo Green called on ssistant Postmaster General Stevenson the oilier day , mid , being mistaken for Gen. Vielo , was confidentially assured lliat his wishes in respect to certain mat ters would bo carried out at nn early dale. Judge Green modestly chocked the ollicial. A colh'iiguo of the New York member has n holograph of his friend , under which is written the words : "His is nn eye like Mars , to threaten and command. " Tlio general said good- l.nmorcdly thai nobody had oll'ered to > av him a telaincr fee in the name of lis other self. He regarded Unit as an excellent sign. This is not the first timn there have been "two of a Kind" in congress. In the session of 1890-81 there were two brother. ! Hprr of Pennsylvania and llorr of Michigan. Both "wero short stout , jovial nleii. and resembled each oilier to a remarkable degreo. It is told of Senior Kvaits that meeting the two gentlemen together at an evening parly no hold out both hands , remarking In a manner historically laoonic for him : "Twins , 1 presume * " 'Tis ' vain to seek a powder that defies detection , but use Poz oni's lo improve llio complexion. A cow fell into the Potomao river at Washington on Monday , and , entering a large sewer which emplios near the spot , traversed it for nearly a square before a number of men succeeded in rescuing tlio frightened animal with rope and tackle hrougli a manhole. To the young face Poxzom's Powder gives treslior charms , to the old , re newed youth. "People nro not to bo boycotted for every liddlo-faddle , " was a recent phrase of tlio mayor of Limerick , and it has passed Into general currency in Ireland. One bad thing in Iho midst of the boy cotting hitherto has been that under cover of patriotism a man could take a pettv spite out ngainst another. Kdiicntctl anil K.vporlonccd. Hood's Sarsaparilhi is prepared by C. I. Hood & Co. , apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. , who have"athorough knowledge of pharmacy , and many years' practical experience in the1 business. It is prepared with the greatest/ / skill and care , under the direction of the 'inon who originated it. Hence Hood's Sarsaparilla may bo depended upon as n thoroughly pure , honest and rcliablo'inodicino. Secret service detectives have found a counterfeiter's press which can bo put into e ; market basket , and yet will crush Iho hardest silver to a ragged Him. Its oucmtion Is so cany and silent that the hand of a child eau triko oil' coins from planchettos under jts dies , and no sound of its movement } \\l\bo \ \ heard two yards away. \ , Fresh air , goAd food , and Rod Star Cough Cure make j-du healthy. Twenty- live cents. M A Santa Barbara , Cal. , school teacher foil in love with a pretty pupil , and she with him , and they decided lo elope. They got awav safely , boarded a steamer for Los Angeles and the good-natured captain ran thu vessel outside the thrce- league limit so that the voting lolka might bo married without a lieciiso. Af ter it was allover it was learned that they might just as well have been mar ried at homo , because no ono in the world had Iho least objection. The Qreat Invention , For IN HARD OR SOFT , HOT OR COLD WATER ll'/(0it Ilarnt to VAJlltlCorlUNDS , nna particularly adapted to WarmCllmates , No family , rich or poor , should bo without It. Bold by all Grocers , but beware of vile Iral tdtloaa. I'JSjtltLlXE la manufacture only by JAMES PYLE. NEW YORK ) , f .I 4 iiu. . 4 l rfti I'uMiiii'viwri * ? l I Input d.Kloi.i Otfo . Bir drmhl Try II. an lmut at ( ouourMU Aik hlUtR't'llfcCttl4bf | IIl - - . . ; . W. 7UF7E31WUJ , BUS iOZUT , It , M MEN You are allowed a free ( rial cf thirty days ot tbo use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Vollilc Belt with Ueetrio Bus pensory Appliances , for the epvdy ri'Hif and por. tnanent cure of Kervavf Debility , loss of I'ilaiKii nnd tlanhooil. nnd oil kindred troubles. Also for monj ctherdlsonscs. CJompleto rMtorntlon to Hcallb , Vlcor , nnd Manhood iruaranttixl. t > o risk la Incurred. Illu * m * DR. HAIR'S Asthma Cure. This Invnludblo Bneolflo readily and perma nently euros nil kinds of Asthma. The most pbktlnuto and Ions' stimdiwf casi-s yield prompt ly to its wonderful curhifl properties. It ii known tUrouBhout the world for Its uurlviiluj cUlcncy. J. U OAI.DWELIj , city of Lincoln , Nob. , writes , Jan. i.'i > , 11 : Hlnco usliu ; Dr. Unlr's Astlnun Cure , lor moro than ono year , my wife has boon entirely well , and' not oven u symptom oj tj,0 dlft'U'o nna anpoarud. , WILLIAM 1JKNN13TT , Illchlanil. Iowa , writes , Nov. 3d , 188U : I liavo been iilUlctod with Hay 1 over and Asthma slnco ISJ'J. I followed your directions und am happy to eny tlmt I never slept better In my life. I am t'liul tlmt 1 inn among the many wlio can peak BO favorably of your remedies. . A valuable 04 pao treatise containing elmilot Broot from every auto in the U , S. , Cuuuda aud real Urltaln , will bo mailed- upon application Any drutririst not having it in stock will pro * ENDORSERS. Thofolbwlnp distinguished por- soniwoll and widely known.testlfy to the valuable propeitlojof Simmons' Liver Rtgulator Hon. Alexander U , Stephens. John W. llockn-lth , lllsdoji of deorRla , ( lon.Jno. II. ( lonlon , ax-U. S. Senator. Hon. Jno.OIllShorter , rx-rSov. of Alnlmmn. Hov. David \VI1H. D.I ) . Vrcst ORlothotpo , Col. lllfhop 1'icrco , of M. U. Church South. Jw'ffO J a * . Jackson , Supreme Com t , Georgia , J. KOpar Thompson , Hon. lion Hill. Hon. John 0. Hrpckenrldfro. Hlrnin Warner , late Chlof Justice of On , Lewis Wundor , Asst. 1'ostma'tor , I'hllaitelphlR , And tunny others from whom wo Imvo letturs commenting upon this modlclno n < a most rnluiiMo household remedy , If you nio sullerlnir nnd cnnnot llnd to- llof , proetno at once from your ilriifrplH n bottle or llogulator. ( llvo it a fnlrtilal nn 1 It will not only nffonl relief but per- inancntly euro you. See Unit you get lliopjcnuhio. l'iopnrcd by J. II. BEIL1N&CO. , I'lillailelnh I n , To Railway Time Table. OMAHA. Ttio following Is Iho tlmo of arrival nnA do- pnrtuioof trains by Central Standard tlmo at the local depot * . Trains of the C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrive and depart from their depot , corner ot 14tli and Webster streets ! trains on the 11. * M. , C. , II. & Q. nnd K. 0. , St. J. * C. II. from the U. & M. depot : nil others from the Union 1'acltlo U ° " 0t' UUIDQK THAINS. llrlcljro train" will leave U. 1' . depot at 0:5 U7:3J-H:00-8IO-Br : : : : > o-lllO:00-llw : : a. m. . 11 1:00 : liw : 1:50 : 3:00-3:00 : : 11 4iW : 5Oi5:3J ; ) : oia ; 7:00 : 11:10 : p.m. Icavo transfer for Omalm atj:12 : R 8:15-9.ia : : 3:37- - 3:30ii37i37BijWU : \ : IS 7Vo-7'oO- : : - ! 815J-UMPCONNKCT1NO LINUS. Arrival and deniirttiro of trnlns from the trmiifurdcpot at Council UluITs : DUl'AI'T. AltlltVE. CIIIOAOO , 110CK 1SLANU t I'ACHIf. B7:1SA. : M I 1)015A ! , M H I:15A.M ) IlfiiJdl1. M CO:4UP. : M I 117:00 : l' . M CHICAGO k NOIlTItvrr.STr.HN. HDilSA. M I l)0lri ) : A. M UU:4Ur. : M I 117:001' : . M CII10AUO , HUIIMSOTOS t QUIKOV. A 0.05 A. M A 0:1 : ! * * t M Ii 0:1(1 : ( r. M 110:20 : p. M A7tO : P. M CIUCACIO , MtbVAUKGS fc ST. PAUL. 11 0:15 : A. M I 1) 0:15 : A. Jl U0i'jp. : M I 11 7W : ( r. st KANSAS Cm" . ST. JOU fc COUNCtr , 11I.UKF . A 10W : ( A. M I UU.31A. M C 8:55 : p. M I A 510 ! p. Jt > WAHASH , ST. i.ouia & PACIFIO. A 3:00 : P. M I A 0:30 : P. Jl , SIOUX C1TV & PACIFIC. A 7:01 : A. M I A 0r5 : A. Jt A 0:25 : F. M A 8:511' : . M STOCK YAIID3 TUAIN3 Will leave U. P. depot. Omalm , nt 0:10-8:3- : 10:15 : 10:5.5n. : m. ; 2:40 : 3:50 : 5S31) : . ill. J envoSlock Yiivda for Omnhn nt 7:53 : 10:25ft. : 12:01 : 1:29-4:10-5:07-0 : : 0 v. in. NOTE A trains dully ; II. ilnliy oxoopt Sunday : 0 dully oicopt Saturday ; 1) ) , dally oxoopt ilou- dur. WHO 19 UNACOJAINTED WITH THE CEOQnAPHY OP THIS couHTnr wiu. SEE nr EX MININO THIS MAP THAT THS OHICAGO.ROGK ISLANDS PACIFIC RAILWAY BT reiwon of Ifs central rosltlon and close relation to nil prluclpnl lines Kast anil West , at Initial and ( r > rolnal points , constitutes the most Important mitt- continental link In ttiat Bvst m of tlirou li tranfpon tatlon which Invites anil fncllltotm travel and tmnto between cities of the Atliuitlo nnd Pacldo Coasts. It Is also tbs favorlta anil liust ronto to and from points Last , Nnrthoant nnil Southeast , 'nnd corrcsuunillng points West , Nortuwflet and Southwest. The Croat Rock Island Route Guarantees Ita patrons that tenrti of personal sscn- rltr airordea by a sollil , tliorouKhly ballasted road- beil. smooth trurks of rnntlnuous rt el rail , substan tially built culrtrts and brldprcs , roillnir stork as nrar porf.'ctlon as human rklll enn nmka It. the safety oppllanous ur pntrnt biiirorsiliitrorms | and air hi ake > , pnil tlrnt einctlnir dl rlpllr.o wlilcli porenis the prao- tjcttl opsratlon < if all Its trains other speclaltlls of Ms route nro Iranifora at nil connnrtlni ; tiolnts In Union Depot * , and the unsurpassed comforts aad luiurles of Its Passenger Kguipnicit. The Fast Rjpruss Trains l > etir cn Chlcatro an Peoi a , Council Illiiirs , Vanjnn CIty.Luaveimorth an Atelilson nr componod or well vcnfllRtcd , nn ly vi holstercd Day Coaclios. Mnsrnincenl I'ullman I'alai-o . The Famous Albert Loa Route Is the direct nnd farorlto line between Chicago and Minneapolis andKt. j'aul , wliura connections nru made In Union lirpots for all points In the Tcrrltoiliw and lirltlth 1'rovlnces. Over this route Fsst Kiprrss Trains me inn to tha watorlnu places , summer 10- sorta. plctiircviuo localities. an3 linntlDK and llihlnu ernmulii of Iowa and Jllimecnta. It Is also tbo ino > t ( Ictlrabla roulo tu Iho itch wheat Uelds uad pastoral lands of Interior Iaknt\ titill anntliur DIltKirr LINK , Tla Renoca and Ksn. i well as tickets , at all principal-Picket OllUes In the United Btate * au4 UauailK ) ( ir by ail- H. R. OADLE , E. ST. JOHN , l'r ' ( ft Oui'l tl'e'r , Oen'l T'kt A I'aos. Ag"t , ' HARRIETT HUBBARD 120 West 18th sticct , New York , ARTISTIC FURNISHING and INTERIOR DECORATION SHOPPING m COMMISSION OF JILL KINDS I'JtOMPTJA' ATTENDED TO. I iiropose setting fnrtli nn my Annual Kuropoun Trip llio luttur part of .Miiroli , und shall tukourc'ut l > lu if uro In cxucuilnt ! uuy ordcra tUut may bu entrust ed to inu. Jam proparort to solpot und .pujsjiaso lirtlclei of Weiirlnij Auw.irol iiMil t'W ' Tuilit , oblocti ot iirt Rnd Virtu , Kurnliu nuirroifullan , lllti of Hllvcr , Ijicei , l'0 ' < JioIiJui"11iu K'rn-ln fnct nnytlilnir my customer nmy ooelrn. I Hull lake the tumu pains In illllntdi finallfrorcli'r ii ii Kicutor out. , auil Ue u trial , liow- ovrr unimportant. N. II. In Kundlnii orders , bo n exact ai posilble with limit In price. Karly oorroponuoncu espec ially nullullcd. , Mrs. Ajerlins tbo honor to refer to Mr. nndMri.Clius II. KounUo , Dourer , Col , Mrs. Hcliuyler Vim Itonsslear , Now Vork. HOT Ir. ) und Mrs. Clinton | Ack , Uraco Clinrch , IVgo Hov. lloliort Collyer , Cliurth of tliu stessliili , N. V. lluv.uiid .MM Arthur lirookB , Cliurcli of tlio Inuir- " ' 'llonVllobert Lincoln. S o of War.Washlngton , . U Justice und Mm. B. K. .Miller. ( lencnil nna Mrs John A. locan. Wr. und Mrs Charles 1J. Furwoll , Chicago. P. BOYEB & CO. DBALEH3 IN ltall'sSafesVautsTimeLocks ' ! and Jaii Work. 1020 L'urimm tUcct , Ouialia , Neb. Cure without modi A POSITIVE cine. PutontuJ Ucto ber 10 , Ibid. Ono box will curi the most obtlnnto onso In fourdeyg or loss- No nauseous doses of cubebs , copaiba or ull ol Bunilalwood that are certain to produce dyspep sia bydistroyliitf the oontlniri of the itomuch 1'rico 11.00. Sold by ull druififlsU or mailoil ot receipt of prlco. tor further pnrtlcnluis son for circular , P. O. llox 1W1. T. c. uft-ijXj Lisr co. . t. , Now York. tues-th-satlyui&o ACES , Etc , . .0 ? DEWEY & STONES' Oneoft/to Best ctntl Lwyost Stoobs lit jbhe U.S. to Select from , No Stairs to Climb , Elegant Passenger Elevator M.'BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , ana IIUIUCR , Manner , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. KKFEIJKNCK8 : MeiclinnK nntl Farmers' Hnulc , Davlil City , Nob. ; Kp.irnoy National Hank , Kontitwv , Nob. ; Uolumbm St\to : Hank. Columhiis , Neb. ; McDonald's llAiik , Noith I'lutlp. N't'b. ; Oninlm Nntlonnl Hank. Omaha , Nob. Will pay ciHtomors' tlralt with bill of latllnc attached for two-thirds vnluo of stock. THE BESTTHREAD SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Full Assortment for sale to the Trade by VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , ESTABLISHED 1803. CHANDLER-BROWNCO. GRAIN AND PROVISION Commission- Merchants , OFFICES : Board or Trade , Chamber ot Commoroo , Chicago. Milwaukee. H. C. MILLER , Western Business Solicitor , VNT. 3 = > . FECK : , Local Business Solioitor , ISOlDoug -A STANDARD MEDICAL WORK1 FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ORIAT 81 BV MAIL , POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE SABIl'LK rjtEIJ TO ALL KrtatiBtod Vitality. NerrotH nnd Physical nobility Premature loi"llne In Man , Krror of Youth , nnd tin untold mlerloi resultlnR from Indiscretion nnd ex cesses. A book for ivory man , young , mlddlo-nued nnd olil. It contains 125 proscriptions for all aciuo nnil chronlculseases , carhono or which Is Inraliinhlo. HI found by the author whoso axporlanco for 'il yours Is fuchnsproimbly never boforofell to tha lot of any physician : SUOpitRes , hound In beautiful Kronen mus lin , embossed covers , full ellt , imarnntced to bo a flnor workinnverysenflB-mochnnlcal , lltorary undprofe * . tlonal thnnnny other work In this country forlJ.51 or the money will be refund In every Instance. Prlno nnlr fl by mull , pnstpuld. Illn'tnllmt pninnlo , 01 : , pendnow. Gold inocln ) nwurrted thonuthorbrtho Nv tlonal Medical Assoclntlon , to the Hon. A. P. Illssoll , and msoeluto omcori of the board the reader Ii re spectfully referred. , ThoHcloncoof MfoH. worth moro to tile young and mlrtillo-nuodraonof thin RCnoratlon thnn nil thoKold mines of California nnil the silver mine * of Nov.ida combined. 8. K. Olironlclo. Tlio Hclonco of IJfo points out the rocks und quick- nnnda on which the constitution nnd hnpci of many n young rniui have boon fiitnlly wracked , Manchester The Hclonco of Llf allot crontor vnluo thnn ull the modlciil worku publlshoil In this country tor llio imst toyonrs. Atlimtii Constitution. TlioBolcncoof Wfuls nsuiiorb iind miijtorlr : l o on nervous and physical ( lability , Detroit Address tha Poiibody Institute , or Ir W. II. Purker.No. 4 llulltlncli street , Iloston , Mnsswho mar te consulted on ull Ulseiisos requiring skill and erporl- cnco. Chniiileiind obslnuto illsunsus thut liuvu buf. nod the skill of nil otliernliyalcUus n specialty. Huuh treated successfully without uu lustuuco of tulluro Mention Omuhii liou. HAMBURG -AMERICAN UPaclcot Company. A DIUEOT LINB F0 Eneland France & , Germany. The Btonmshlps pf this wull Unotvil llnu are built of lion , in wiilor-tlfht compiirtmonts , and mo lurnUlioil with ovury roqutalto to miiko tiw | puFsnva both eufo and ntrruuublo. Xhoy Curry the Unilocl Ktalon und European Smllsfniid leave ' " " - ifnd Baturdnyi for lU'l'uruliifl : , the Btenmora leave Hnmliurpr on ' ( Vi'ilnosdnya ' and Bundnys , via. Ilnvrp , taUluc ton und London. nrst wiiiJ , nn ; eor . Itallioad tickets from I'lywouUi to Ilrlsto ) , Our- dlir. Londnn , or to any pic on Jn thy B < nith of Kngland , 1'HKU. Htooritao from Kurdpo only | 23. Bcntl tot "Tourist tluzottt' . " C. 1) ) . UICHAKD & CO , , Qnnonil I'lissciiKcr Aints. ( 1 Hroadwny , Now York ; Wabhinmon und Jn Sullo Sts. Chlud-o , 111. OMAHA OPEN BOARD OF TRADE PABLiY & CO , , BROKER SIN GRAIN Provisions and B. R. Stocks. 1305 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. I'xccutooidprs for purctiiiso or .suloof whunt , corn , pork nnil rulhoiul EtocUn. Holer by permission to llio Oinnhu Nntlonnt Ilink ! , rirstohiss intention to ordom fiom In- tuiiorwhluli uiotollcltud , rAUhlil' ii CO. SSlftBLiSHED M7 USED IN ALL Catalogues nnd Prlrpson apiillcatlon. Koldb-y All llio bvat Cnrrlaue liullderx and Healers. C'INC'IN.NATJ , I ) . H. A. C'sblu Addrcu , COO CIN , "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The Orlpliinl nnil Only Genuine. Bsfs ut il-ijl KtllibU. Btwtrt f werthlMt lulutlau. U lMsiiU \ M LAPIE8. AsLcut Ur ( iilit If 'CMckcitsr's Eo lUi > > i > d Utt u ( uiflpi > u ui for ffcille Ur tn fnf r tj rt-tuni rusJL NAME PAPER. I'MtheiuM-beml.- ! . , lltib buuart , I'liUads. , ( . Kali llraiil.u tvrmttitrn. ilk for "CMchw Mr' < UutfUU. " 1'winrrviia l'UI > . T > * .tu. ROSEWATER & CHRISTIE , Rooms 12 and 13 Granite Block , Grade Systems nnd Sowuritffo Plans for Cities nnil Towns if specialty. Plans , KBtlniutas nnd Speculations for Public nnil other KiiKlnoerlnir works furnished. Surveys and Itoport mudo on 1'ubllo Improvements. AKnni\r : ROFEWATCII , Member American Soo'o- Uty Civil KtiRlnours. City EiiRlnoor or Uuiahu EO. Ii. CHIUSTII : , Civil IJnjrinoor. Notice to Contractors * "VTOTICn Is horobr Rlvun that sealed proposals -L > for the construction of a court house in Iho public square. York , York county. Nebraska , ( the cost of which Is not to exceed thu sum ot f 50,000) ) , will bo received at tlio county olorlc's ollico , on or before April 20th , 181 , nt 1 o'clock , p. m. Said court housu tu bo built according to plans nnd specification1 ! on llio In the county cloik's ollico , York county , or at the ollico of O. II. Plaoy , No. Kll South Eleventh St. . Lincoln , Nebraska , on and attor March ! 2lth , IBS ) . Tlio party to whom the contract may bo nmirdocl will bo required to ( rive bund In double tbu amount of the contract prlco : canilltinned for thu faithful porformunoo of Ills obligation , said bond to bu approved by tbo county board. Tbo board iPBurvo the right to reject any or all blda. Ily order of the lionrd imulo robritnry 20,1S81) ) . inhiUOt M. SUViitiiiN. : ( Coiiiity Clerk. Ciilcap , Milwaukee & Si. . Paul The Short Line and Best Route From Omaha to the East. T\VOTIIAINS \ DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , JIliiMciipolls. Milwaukee , St. 1'aul , Ccdnr HapldSi Duvonimrr , Clinton. Dubuque , Koolilord , Hock Island. Kreonort , Jnnosvlllo , ICIprin , Madison , LnCrosso , llelolt , Wlnona Anil all other Important points East , Nortlio * i mid Soutlioiisl. Ticket offlco at HOI Farnnm street , ( In Paxton Ilotol ) . and nt Union 1'uolUo lojot. Pullman Sleepers and the Flnost Dliilnff Cars In the World are run on thn main llnus of tlio CHICAOOMUWAUKBK&ST. PAUL UAH.WAY , and every attention is paid tu imssuuaurs by eouito * ous employes of the company. U. Miu.Kit , General MnnnKor. J. F. TiroKuii , Assistant Qoncral Mnna or. A. V. H. GAIIPCNTBII , Qontrnl t'ossqiiaor ftal Ticket Atfonl. OEO , K. HuArroiiD , Aaelataul GtmoruU'ussou. BCr nnd Tivkot At'eut. Red Star Line Carrying the Belgium Itoyal and United Stajos Mnll,8alliiiK every Saturday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE GERMANY HOLLAND RHIHE , , ITALT , LAND AND FMSCB , Salon fron-Sto to * 100. Excursion ( rip from J'uuto flbO. Second taliin mid f'jO. SlooniKu jmssaKo at low rulos. VlrlgM ii Sons , uonorul AlfDilt3 , Hi Broadway , MOW J orU. "Omaha , Nebraska , Fruak B. Moores , W. , St , I ; . ft I' , tlukuf DebrasKa National Bant OMAHA , NEBRASKA.T Pftid up Capital . $850,000 SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . 2D.OOO U.V. . YATHS , I'rcsidont. A. E. TOU/.ALIN , Vlco Prasldont W. H. S , Huanus , Cashier. W. V. Moit3B , JonN S. COU.INS , U. W. YATES , LEIVW S. UBKD , A. E. TOUZAI.IN , BANKING OFFICE ) THE ntON BANK. Car. 12th and Farnam Stroots. Ocncrul IlnukliiL' lluslnosj Tnuiaaotal. GOLD MEDAT. , FABIB , 1878 , BAKER'S M'arrantcd alioliitcly pure Cocoa , from Tvhlch thaoicrssot Oil lias been romovcO lt lias ( Area ttmei the ilrenglh oj fPBcoa mlicd wllh Btarcli , Arrowroot or Hujar , and Is tlierifoio far more economi cal , anting left than ont ctnt a cvp , U Is delicious , nourlililug , etrenglhculug , easily digested , And udmlrably adapted fdt Invalids aa wilt us for ] if rfOiisluhcallh _ _ , Sold by ( IrbcerTeTorjiihere. BAKER & CO , , Dorclicster , Mass , I I RESTORED. ItcirtMly MQ n nnnn f r i' w if IdilliUUU ' - maty' i & , JisoiJ. &c. bating trl alrnaloo eryliiowur Bio < ly | i.\sdl > cnrrrtj > inirlcs .rcute , i.lchlis will lead I { ! ? < Cu5tffii0tfef. . Ktw York Cltr ,