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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1886)
on wltli lliclr operations with tlm provision market nfcahist them unless they can buy hogs at n lower range of prices. A filling of. packln ? hogs could have been made up to day around about S4 00 , as bltf a string as wnsmado up on Sattmlay nt SJ.07' . Good to choice butcher pigs sold at S 1.503 .00 , and a isoitcd ll lit at 84.20 , largely nt S4.10. There wore Wtr assoitcd shipping hogs wanted , hence there were no sales and no quotations. FINANCIAL. Now York , March 13. Mor.Y : On call , JK/t'JJ-f per rent. I'liuii : MmtrANTii.r. PAPF.n Hg.1 } per cent STKIII.INO EXCHANGE Dull but steady nt 4.S > 7Jfc for slxly da\s and 4.WJ/P on ilcninnd. OOVMIHMKNTS Dull but steady , \\ltli cur rency o's weaker. STOCKS Chances in quotations are mostly nnlmpoitanl , and for thu most part show do cllne.i. The nintkct opened generally n Blmde higher , and was veiy fovoilsli for the first hour , and Irregular. After some weak ness In the pcncrai list , between 11 and 13 o'clork , the market was Hun to strong until latolu thoaftciuoon , when It again yielded n fraction , but rallied mid closed Him and Koncially Irotn j < @ c higher than ilual HK ui us Saturday. 8TOCICS ON WAM , BTRKKT. 8cent bonds. . . .W. . . . if. S. 4 > f's pieferred. New 4'n y. o I'aclllc O's of'05. I''O Oieeon Trail. Central I'aclllc. . ' I'aclllo Mall. . . C.&A 14'3' I' . . I ) . JtK preferred. . . . IM IM'.OIslana. C. , ft. & ( J Islana. . n.L.\v 1V&K.U 10'"I jirefciicd. . Eric 27K.C. , M. &SU1' . . . o./4 . preferred. . . . fil'f ' piefened. . l'J-2 ! < Illinois Central. . HOJ/St. V. & O SliJi 1..U.&W 2iyfl prefeneu. . . 10- ; Kansas itToxas. 2SJ < Texas I'aclllc. . . li ! LnkeShoro tO'f Union raelllB. . ' ' ' ' ' Mlch.Vt'iit'ral' . ! . . 72 I prcfuricd.u 3tlo. I'aclllc 103 Wcstftn Union. ( Mj Nortlieiu 1'ac. . . 20KO. K..tN 10-J prefciied. . . 58 ' * K\-dlvhlcnd. 1'KOUUCli Match 15. Flour Firm and tin- changed ; winter wln-.U Hour. P4.404.S' ; wmtliurn , 8UWjs-l.CS ; Wisconsin , S4.W ) c4.1 ( ) ; Michigan soil spilnir wheat , S.70I.OO : ! : Min- nesotu bakers' , si.W@4.r : > ( ) ; patents , 54.ftj ( | 5.00 : low Kiades & 2.00c < ji.0j. : Wheat Fail Iv active : opened ytc. hlilipr , drcllued Jkc , dmlni ; lust hour inlcd steady nnd closed J c tinder Satuiday : for March ; bo ; Q48 c for cash ; 8. " lor Jlay. Corn Weaker ; futures. ? @Kc lower , closinc atinsldo Urines ; lower uiades loutM" closed rather easy ; ! MJ ) < @ : j7Hc lor cash ; : ) ; < ( ! for Match ; : KiK for May. Oats Weaker : Mav rulpd J @o lower ; SUfttaiKo for cash ; 28 > c forMaieli ; for May. K > e-Dullatr/Jc. Uarley OOc. Tiimithy-Pilmc , 81.88. Flaxseed No. 1 , cash , Whisky S1.14. Toik Unusually active early and near close milled slightly : steady at S'J.TOWD.Tfl for cash ; SD.70 lor Maieh ; S9.bO@0.b2jf lor Mav. Laid Easier ; Uccded5@rjfe ! , and closed at medium limnes ; $ r > MM for cash and March ; Sfi.OTJ O.OO for May. Hulk Meats-Shouldeis , SU.OO)4.00 ( ? ! ) ; short cloar. S5.r,0 , ( < ir > .rkr ; shoittlbs , 5fl.lo@3.1Uf. ) Hutter Ciood to extra cicanmry , 2Xg31c ( ; choice to line selections , dally , lf > ( < Ki2c. Cheese Quiet ; lull cicaut ehei'dars ' , tt@10e ; flats , OKQSlO'fc ; Young Ameileas , ll/l2e ( ! / ! ; skims , OCio c , EaeH AVeak at 12 ( inc. llldes UnrliaiiL'ed ; irrcen , 7c : heavv crcen hailed , lully cured , be ; light , 8c ; bull hides , Oe ; tfrv salted. 12 > 5c ; dry Hint , 18(314c ( ! : calfskins. 10@i % . Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 countiy , 4jvCc ; No. 2 country , y e : cake. 4Jfu. KeculuK Shipments. Flour , buh . 12.000 7OOC Wheat bu . 'AOOO 21OOC Corn.uu . lbsooo ai.ooc . IM.OOO W.OOC Kyebu . 2,000 l.OOC 13nrleybu . 41,000 10.00C Now York , Match 15. Wheat Uccclpts , 18,000 ; expoits , 44,000 ; spot lower ; options opened strong , advanced } c , alter wauls weakened , icactcd J < @l > < c , leavInK oil steady ; uniiaded red , b'JiiiiK'c ; No. a red , W3J < e f. o. b. ; Ajull I'loshiK at OOc. Coin Easier , rloslng weak ; iccclpts , S47- 000 ; o\poits , Gn,000 ; unKradccl , 44it47c ( ; No , ! i , 4 ( ! < < l4ti c ; No. 2 , 47K@-"Jic in elevator : Apiil closine at 47Jfc. Oath Shade better ; receipts , 47,000 ; ex- polls , none : mixed western , J7X@40c ; white , western , 40@40c. IVtroleum Finn. Ec ( Easier ; western , 13Jf@14c. Pork-Dull and easy ; mess , &U.87 for old , 811.00 for new. Lard Lower but moro active ; western strain spot , S0.2.rX2 < 1.27K : April , S0.25@0.27. Unttcr Steady and lair demand ; western , I0 ( lo ; Klein cieamerv , 3 = ! c. Cheese Finn with fair Inquiry. Milwaukee , Match 15. Wheat Dull : cash , 81Ke ; May , 84J c ; .lime , Wib'c. Coin Steady : No. 2 , : J7 4'c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2. : ! 2c. Hye Nominal ; No. 1 , OOc. ] J.ii ley-Easier ; No. 2 , fllKe. I'lovislons Lower : mess pork , cash and March , $0.70 ; May , S9.80. Clnoliinntl , March 15. Wheat Heavy ; No.2iellH@ ! > V. Coin Quiet ; No. 3 mixed , 88c. Oats-Klimcr ; No. 2 mixed , 3 @r To. Kyo StiniiKer ; No. 2 , 07c. Barley Quiet ; cxtia No. ! J spring , G2@.i7c. 1'ork Dull and lower at 510.00. Jard-Wcakatsr.00. Whisky Steady nt S1.10. Mtiinoaiioiis. March 15. Wheat Steady ; No. 1 hard , cash. b8c ; May , Olkc ; June ! ? { e ; No. I noithcrn , cash , saj c ; May , 83c ; June , bOc. . Flour Firm ; patents , S4.C534.W ) ; bakers' , llccelpts Wlieat , 114,000 bn. Shipments Wheat , 7,000 , bu ; tlonr. 10.00C bbls. Wheat In Storo-Mlnncapolls , 5,093,225 bu bt Paul , 1,074,000. bu. St. L/ouls , Match 15. Wheat Easy ; No 2 led , cash. 10- ' ' " , _ ; - * > " ' ' Corn Kasy ; 34"K5 : 7eis'li ; Sflc May. Oats Weak ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , May , ilU/c. Uvo-Weak at COc. Whisky-551.10. Poik EasyutSlO.M. Laid S5.b6. Hutter Quiet but steady ; cieamery , 25 ( < JiOo ; dairy. l < $2rtc. Avir.iiNoox HoAiti ) . Wheat Wcak.snni /ICiiVo lower. Corn and oats Ijivorpool , Maich 15. Wheat Good dc maud ; new No. 2 winter , lina nt 7s 3d siuliiK , Hun at7s3 > { d. Flour Fair demand and hteady at Hs 2 < l. Coin Fair demand ; spot , linn at 4s UVc Match , steady ut 4s 2Jtfd ; Apiil and May easy at 4s 2d , Toledo , Maich 15. Wheat Firm ; casli . Crorn-E.\sler ; rash , S tOath-Qulet ; cash , : K. Now Orleans , Maich 15. Coi n Easy white , 45o ; ji'How , 40c. O.ils Steady at ! X > is. Corn meal Qnect at 52.CI ) . HOK 1'iodiirU Dull and a bhado lower. 1'oflv-SlO.riO. Lnid S5.75. UulK Me.its-Shouldei-s , , S3.00 ; Ions cloa nnd rlwirilb.S5.37K. KananH City , M\icli : 15. Wheat - Lo\u'i ; No. 2 led. ca h , Tin hid , 72' ' nskcd ; Apiil , We bid , 74 > fc asked ; Mil ) ' Corn Lower ; No. 2 cash. 27e bid , 2 n.sKedM.iy,80J ; < c Oatb-Cash , Ssj/c asked. L.1VJ3 . STOCIC. ChlcnRo , Match 15. The Diovers'.Iournr Cattle llccelpts , 7,000 : quiet and 10 ® IS lowei ; slilppini ; btours. S3.75i ( 5.ri. > ; btoouei and Icedi'is , S.OOif-i.X ! : ) ; cows , bulls an mixed , Sioofti.oo ; bulk , fcs.wxga.tx ) , Hob's HfceTpts. 17,000 ; slow and rxglO lower ; rough and mixed , S .tO .U ) ; pucl iiic and Mdpplivr. S .10S4. ; light , 5i.i.X : 4.15 ; bkijK saoo3.rA Shcci > Keceliits , 4..WO ; slow and n shad lox\er ; natives , gi40jt5.0J ; Twnus.5 , 4.15. ! 4.15.The DION crs' Journal special cablegrai fin in Liverpool Indlcateb a lalrly active cattl mnikrt at steady prices. The best Ameiica ulcers are Milllnt ; nt 13 > f l4aixrllMtit t c \\rlulit. Supplies of Aiuciican and Canndln block arc icported light. Dritish and oll'i1 , int's fiom tlio continent mo not us pleutlfi ns afow weeks ago. St. InmU. ilaich 15. Cnttlo llecelpti 200 ; blilniiients , nonu ; netlvo , 10u < ; i.rH5 on biitniri cattle ; othci crndcb btt'.uly : con mon to cholco Bliipplnir , Sl.00@5.40 ; butrlicr btcoix , fea.20 ( 4.rfl : cows nnd hellers , 5- . . ' * 3.75 ; btockf audfeeui'i ? , ' Hogs Receipts , 700 ; shipments none : quiet nnd weak ; butchers' and best heavy , W.2GX3-UO ; mixed packintr , 83.WQU3. Knnsns City , March 15. Cattle He- celtits , OX ) ; shipments , none ; slow and weak ; fie lower for shipping ; choice to fancy , S5.H ( 65.15 ; common to choice , S4.00Vt" > . on ; stock- crs nnd feeders , linn nt 53wxrt3.'o : co\\s , Hogs llccclptu , 1,300 ; "shipments , none ; weak ; good to choice , S4.00 4.20 : common to medium , 53.70(23.00 ( } skips and pigs , S'J.OOtf OMAHA IlVfi STOCK. Monday l enin ? . Atarch It The week opened with the cattle maiket cly niilet , Theic was not much stock In and the Inqnliy was light. Dressed beet nnd snipping steers ( native ) , nvera ? ' Ing l.avj to 1,4:10 : Ibs , nto mwtcil at SJ.MXrt4.70 ; 1,2X ! ) to 1,273 Ibs , SU5jj ( 4.40 ; light grades , 1,000 to 1,100 Ibs , S3.7.VI14.W ; good to choice cows nnd heifers , Sn.&a.riO ; htagsnml bulls , If In good Hush , S2.7r.Wi- > . The hog market opened stroiic but closed weak. At the piescnt Mate ol the demand. heavy Logs an- almost entirely neglected and about the saniR thing may be said ofery light hogs. Hozs aveiaslng 'JW toVX ) nto in lood demand , ( 'hnleo mixed packing hops arc ouok-d at : ! ; fair to good ul sr . < v > G.75 ? : ) ; common at t3..v . . ( iood sheep are selling lendlly at S-l.ays 4.00 for 100 to irtt Ib. shipper , ixud fc3.75@-1.OC forbOtoOOlb. butcheis. Cattle COO moiir.sT AXD . . Showing the highest and lowest prices paid on this iiiiitket for liozs dnrinir the lust KOVCII days and for the corresponding period last month. Kebiuaiy. Malcli Monday. . . . S3. S7J ( jt 3.00 Tuesday. . . . sn.r > .r 3.00 @ 4.00 Wednesday. , 3.00 3.50 03.SK ) Thtiihday 3.bO 3.K ! ) @ Kildav 5J.M ( u4.00 3.SO g&UK ) Satin day n.77'/.071'J ' ! Monday ? . I ! l.07J4 ( < g4.lO 3.M ) Note All sales of stock in tills mailot ; aic madepcrcwt the weight unless othci\\ls ( htutrd. Dead hojjs sell nt le per Ib lor nli weiphls. "Skins , " or ho s wcI hlnK le.s1 th.ui 100 Ihs , noaluc. . Piciniant .sows uu docked 10 Ibs and Maus bO Ibs. OMAHA W1101.iKSA.ljE MARKETS , Monday Evening , Match 15. General Markets , Ends The iccelpK weic not very hcavj today. The maikut continues steady nt 10 ( 1jifTTiu The market continues aboul steady at foimer quotations. Choice daiij butter Is In good demand , but theio isci.v . little comlni' in. Choice rolls aio quoted at 13@lCc ; fair to Rood , t < < ? 10c : inferior , 4 ( Cc : cicamcrv. in lib bilcks , 30c. CHIISI : : : Fancy full cream Cheddars. Octo ber make. llj c : Hats. I2) ) c ; Ameilca , Me ; hist quality Swiss cheese , lOc ; second quality , 13@14c ; Llinburgcr , POIJI.TIIT TliPielsa fair demand forpoul- tiy Inn small way. Choice chickens aic quoted at wgOc ; tuikejsb ( < ic\vitli an oc casional sale ot fancy stock at lOc ; geese and ducks , U@iOo. ( { AMI : Pilccs for the most part nio nominal. Praliie chickens , per doz , S2.50 ; quail , per doz , 81.25 ( < ii.r ) > 0 ; jack nib- bits , per doz. SS.OO : mallard ducks. 82.006 ? 2.50 : teal duck" . 81.'AT < ai.50 ; mixed ducks , 81.25@1.50 ; small inbbits. 75@.0c : uecbc , S3.00&3..r > o. l'iti-.KHVis : , Jirins : ETC. Preserves , till kinds , 20-lb. palls perlb. lOc ; do in pall lots per Ib. DJic ; asset ted ! > -lb. palls per ciate , ( > pails , SU.75. Jellies , ail kinds , Hist grade , 20-lb. pails , per Ib. So ; nssoited , lirst grade , 5-lb , palls , per crate , 0 lulls , 82.50 : do , 1-lb. pails , per case , 2do ? . S'-.25 ; do , tumb- leis , per ease , 2 do81.40. . Jelly , all kinds .second ijrade , 150-lb. p.ills , per Ib. 5c. Jllnce meat , best giadei bbl. perlb. 7c ; do , IS , ! W andGS-lb. pails , per 2-lb. 7' < Te ; do. 5-lb palls , per crate. 0 palls , S.75. : ! Apple butter , extia line , Kbbl. perlb , 7c ; do 40-lb pails perlb , 7'Xc ; do , 5-Ib pails , per ciate , 0 pails , S2.75. 1'e.ich and plum butter. 40-lb palls , pci Ib , ! ) J < c ; peach plum and quince butter , assoiled - soiled , 5-lb pails , per crate , 0 palls , ? : V75 ; catsup , per case , S do/ , pint bottles , & 5.00 ; IKUM ? ladish , pint bottles , per doSI.GO. . Pins' FIIT. : : Tnii'i : , ETC Pigs' feet , perH bbl , 84.00 ; do , > < bbl. § 2.00 ; do. per kit , ! Xc. ) Lambs'tongues , per& bbl , 8'.50 ! ; do , pet kit , § 2.75 ; do , quai t jars per do5.50 ; do , pint jars per case , 2 do87.00. . Ti Ipe , per "ft bbl , 51,00 ; de , per Kbbl , S'i.00 ; do , per kit , SAur.n KIIAUT Uest qualltv , 45 pal bbl , S7..W ; SO p.U bbl , SJ.nO ( ; 15 gal bbl , SI.OO. Nurs Pecans , Inipo polished. He ; pecans , medium , Uc ; Mnpllsh walnuts , He : almonds , Tarragona , 0a ; do , Languonoc , 17c ; Bru/lls , 1'Jc ; Illbiiits , 14c ; peanuts , hand picked , tancj Viipinia , Kc ; do , loastcd , lOc. UOMII HOXF.Y Calilornia 2 iDframe CO Ibs , In case per Ib. , 15c ; 10 Ib. flames , Nebraska , 1GW17C. CinEn Mlchlcan refined , per bbl. , 0.50 ; do. halt bbl. . f 4.00. ViNKOAit White wine , ICc ; cider , 12J e. CoroANUTs At S4.fiOsri.oo. Nr.w Kios , DATKS , ETC. La > er fips , 5 and 8-lb boxes , tier Ib , Ifi ( < il7c ; Prunclle.s. 25-lb boxes , per Ib , Ibc. Dates , fancy Kaid , 12-lb boxes , per Ib , I4c ; do , fancy Persian , W-Jb boxes , per Ib. lie. LKMONS I'liucy Messina and Paleimo , per box. $5.00 : do. choice Meshina nnd Pnl < " " perboxil.50do. ; " " - ' jot y xftfif ! liium icmon'si ! . . ' < 0 per box. 52. ' lots , _ . lots. SU.50 : Navels. * r.oo. CiiANiiiiintiKH Hell and Cherry , pei bbl , S5.7.V Bell and Cherry , 5 bbl. lots , pci bbl. S5.50. ' --Ncw York counts 45c extiT OvsTiit'Ncw : , ; selects , 40c ; selects , S5c ; nt.mdiuus aoc : mediums , 2r > o. APi'i.ns Kaney N. Y. Baldwins and grcciv Inirs , S-2.f)0 < 7iX : : ; ( > : Missouri Cenltoiis , per bbl. 82.40 ; do , 5-bbl lots , Si.W ; do. 10-lb lots S'.OOiMlH'-oiiil WiliowTwlcs , Hen D.ivls , etc S > 2.75 ; do , 5-blil lots , 82..rX ; do , 10-bbl lots 52.40 ; fancy Michigan stock. sa.OOfTiU.25. California cabbage , 8c pei Hi ; southern and Coloiado. old stock , -J c Calif01 nla celery , S2.00Q2.50 ] ier doz : J cr-ej sweet potatoes , ! < per Ib ; parsnips , 82.00 pe : busliel ; MIchlL'un rntabaicn , 82.00 per bbl caulillower , 82.00 pei liot)0iadbh,7i ; tier Ib , GIIASS Si'.iuis Clover. 00 Ibs. to bushel Choice led. S7.M ) ; White Dutch , 88.SOfiS10.50 Alfalfa , Sy.OO lo.OO ; Alsjke , 87.00 7.50 Mammoth. 8MK7.50 ) ; Timolhy , choice , 4' ' Ibs. to bush. . b2.20Jt2.TO ( : ; Uluo ( iinss , 14 Ibs to bush. , Kentucky extra clean , 8l.OOCift.2f ) Ued Top , SV ? ; Orchard ( ir.iss , S.2.'r'0 ( ( Joiiuan Millet , fiOlbs. per bush. , Sl.lWiiH.2ri llniiL'aiian , 7t > Ibs. per bush. , < (41,2ri ( ; Kn pllsh Uluo or Uyo Crabs , 14 Ibs. per bush. 81.25. POTATOT.S Stock Is moving lo some ox tent. Cholco to Itincy assoMed stock i nuoted at SO fiOc medium at 40 > < f.Wc ; ! Lake stock ut NVah.'ic. ONIONS Cholcu stock Is not plenty a 81.00 per bu. Salt J.ulcu yellow 1 * quoted a 81.2 > per bu. HKANS Hand picked navy. 81.75 hand-picked mc-dlnm. 81.sOtfU.7B : uood clt-ai country. Sl.aviii.M ) ; Inferior , 75c ( ; 1.00 : Call luiiila pea be.ius , &l.b5 ; C.iliioiulabay beam . . . r ( iitAix Elouitor prices : Corn , tci oati 2l2ffc ; wheat. niKc ; lye , 45o ; barley , 4Sc. Ji.oim nnrt MH.i.sruKi's \ inter when flour , best quality patent , 83.003.10j secom quality , * ; .50uS.J.W > : best quality spiin ; \\heat Hour , patent. S 503 ( : huckwhca ( lour , In liarifls , f.'i.75 ; ready nilsed 31b papli nges. 84.00 ; | b packages , 83.W ; biaii. V , per cwt : chopped leed , 70o per r\\t ; hlt coin , bOc ; jellow corn 70ci > cr c\\l ficirenlnjfcoopercnt ; hominySl.Wpei cwt slioits , nOc per cwt : pndiam , $1.75 per ewt hav. in bales. SiLCKK i7.00 tier ton. I'liovieioNS. iiain. i'H'Wl'Je. ' brcakfas b.icon , b@sKc : clp.u side bacon , 7o : dry salfei bldps , Oc ; bhonldeis. supir cuied. fiKo ; m < * - > poik per bbl. . 813.00 : lard. 40 Ib. cans , per 11 lACSTc : 10. & and 3 Ib 7 # < Sc ; diled bee hams. I2c Ureen butchers , Co : preen rurci' ' AND buixs-Miulc , each/ mnskrat winter. 2Uoc ; do. kits. lc : Otter , S2.505.00 ; skunk , short striped , 1 < WCL lo. broad strljied , 10 ® 15 ; badger , 256J50 ; Rno coon. No. llnrftc , 0 ® 0 : do. No. a , 20@.x ; do. No. 3 , i\d25 ( < ? : wolf , prnlilo fiocsrxj ; do. mountain , Si0003.00wlldcat,15 ; < ; ? 40b.i.v ; ( \cr , S1.503.50 per Ib : fox. each. < 0 @ 1..5 : deerskin : , tlrv winter , IdQl.'xj per Ib ; do. fall nml siimiuor , 15cd 2c ; atitcloi e , flwiOj per HI. LKATiir.ii No. 1 I'iltsbuig hntncs4. J. 0 , L. & lions. 30c ; No. 1 Pittsburg , K. * S.3C ? : No. 1 lace leather , o * c ; pilmo slaughter solo leather. 23 'i&Jc ; piliue oak sole loathets. sc > ® SiV. upppi leather , per foot , 20 I51 ; hem. kip , 75WMc : oak kip , S5@ioc : French kip , S1.0X l.'i'i ; hpin. enlf , 81.00 1.10 ; oak calf , S1.0C jt. ! ; KienchciiirSl.avai.85 ; Moiocco boot leg , ao6.T2c ; Morocco oil iebble,2XrHc : ; toppings and linings ! , SO.OOcrf 10.00 per doz. HKAVY 11 VIIPWAIII : lion , rate' , 82.35 ; plow .steel , special cast , 4c ; niclble steel , Oe ; ca t tools do , 12 1c ! ; wagon spokes , per set , S1.75 3.00 ; hubs , per set , st.'M ; lelloes , sawed diy , 51.40 ; tungttco , each , 7.V1 ; nxles , each , 75c ; snuaic nuts , per Ib. 70Mlc ; col | chain , per Ib , ( Xi12c : malleable , tKrfyc ; lion wedges , Oc : ciowbais , ( ! c ; haitow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 76 0 ; Uurdcn's hotspshoes. SI.4J : lluiden's niulo shoes , 55.10. H.iibed Wire In cnrloK 51.00 ppr 103 lb < . Iron Nalls-ltap , 10 to 00. S3CO. Shot S1..V ) : buckshot , 81. M : oriental powder , kegs. i350 ; do , half keifs , S2.00 ; do , qnniter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting , kegs , 8H.35 ; luse , per 100 lect , 50c. Lead Uar , 81.05. COAL Antlnnclto urntc , 89.35 ; pgg , SS.2.1 ; ; rnnirc , Sar > 0 ; cliu tnut SS50 ; lo\\n , S3.50 ; Walnut block , 83.76 ; Illinois , 85.00 ; Mlssouil , " bnv PAIXIS Wldto lead , 8c ; Fiench zinc , 12c ; Paris whiting. 2 > tfc ; whiting glldeis , IJfc : whiting , coni'l , I' c ; lampblack , Cei- mantown , I2c ; lampblack , ordliu ry , H'o ; Prussian blue , fwc ; ultramarine , Ifc ; vandyke - dyke , blown , b'c ; utiibpr , biiiut , 4c ; timber , aw. 4c ; slennn , binnt. 4c : Rlcnna , law , 4c ; Pails preen , genuine , 25e ; Pails gieeu , com- nuiii , 20p ; phiomu green , N. Y. , 20c ; chrome gieen , K , 1'Jc ; VPI million , ICuglish. in oil nst. , lic ; law nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib pans , lOc ; law nnd burnt sienna , lOc ; Vandyke , blown , IHc ; icliiied launiblauk , 12c ; co.iuh black and l\oiy black , lOc ; diop black , lOc ; I'nisslaii blue , 40c : nltiamailiiQ blue. 18u ; chrome gieen , L. , M. > V : D. , Uk : ; bliiul mill shutter gioeii , L. , M. i\t D. , Kio ; P.uls pieen , ifc ; Indiiin red , ific ; Voiii'tlnn led , He ; Tus can , 22c ; American veinillllon , L. & D. , 20u ; yellow ochie , Uu ; L. M. iO. . D. , 18c ; golden ochre , Ifip ; patent diyer , Sc ; gi-anlng ! coloi-s. liqht ( i.ilc , Uaik 0,1 lc , walnut , chestnut anil nsh , 12c , Oit.s 1101-1 caibou , per gallon , lo ( ) : 150 headlight , per gallon , lie ; 17. " ) ° liiNitllliilit. per gal , I5c : 150 ° \ \ ateihlte.l4p ; linseed , hard , per gallon , 44c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 47c ; laid , winter sti'd , per gallon , CO j ; > o. 1 , 4Uc ; No. 2. 4 n ; castor XXX , per gallon , 81.55 : No. 3. 81.44 : s\\eet. nor gallon , 81.00 ; speim , W. U. . per gallon , SI.OO ; lish , W. U. . per gallon , Cos ; ncatstodt , extia , per gallon , 70c ; No. l.iiSe : lubiipatiiigero , ppr gallon , No. 1 summer. 15e ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 30e : No. 2 , 2.jc ; spcuu , sitnal , per gallon , 75c ; tuipentine , jier gallon , 5Sc ; gaso lene , ppr gallon , 13e. PAINTS IN On. While lead , Omaha , P. IV 7Kp ; white Ipad , St. Louis , pine , 57.bO ; Mar seilles giepn , 1 to 5 lt > eaiib , 20e ; Fiench nine , gteen seal , 12c ; Fiench zine , led seal , lie ; Fienph yinc , inainish asst , 20e ; French /Inc. 75c ; veimilllon , Ampiic.i , Ibc ; Indian , led. lOc ; roue-pink. I4c : Veneliau , led , Cook- son's , 2c ; Venetian , led , Ameiican , 15fc ; led lead , 7j < c ; cln onto yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , I2c : oclne , roclielle,3c , ; opine , Fienph , 25fr ; ochie. Ammeripan,2c ; Wliitri's , 2) ) p : Lehigh biown,2J c ; Kp.iulsh blown , 2 } c ; PiinceN minpial. 3c. VAII.VISUKS llauels , per gallon : Fuinl- tuie , extia , 81.10 ; iuinltiuo , No. 1 , 81.00 ; conch , extia , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1. 81.20 ; Damar. c.\tia , 31.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum qxtia , 58c ; shellac , & 3. . > 0 ; hard oil linlsh , Fish. IIEHUINGS. . lU'slll'f IJ'lq 0 r Itlls ) 1'H Kts risn. SO ) 100 00 U ) 40 i 12 10 Munn'8 S'tNo.l L'b 0 an 3 75 3 411 12,1 , CO CO M I/KoUlb'cd l-'uncyiO 00 J 603 OQ1 M 1 50 B'j 50 L'tju U'd.Sli'io F'uyS 60.1 25 3 L7 1 Bill 40 | 5) ) 47 CAKE FISH. MACKCIIEU SALMON. : .MPOUTED FISH. SMOKED FISII Halibut , luc ; scaled herr ings , 2 c ; salmon , He : .smolcua btuiifcon. 17c. 17c.SujfnitiKs SujfnitiKs Iinportcd Holland herrln3 , Kc s , b5c : Russian sardines. V o\ \ Ancho vies m class. Oio Bull brana. per ao/ . , S < .00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , skins and ueadsoir , uor pull. $ l.ou. Hvnur No. 70 , 2Sc , bbla ; No. 70 , 4-galIon efjs. 81.03 ; Now Orleans. : t-Uc ! per pillon ; Maple syrup , } $ baud , 1 * . < k ( ! . stilctly pine , 70c per gallon ; 1 ( jallon cans , S'J.tin per doz ; J | _ gallon cans , S5.U5 per doz ; quart cans , 1.00. STAKCH .Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Cc ; Mirror gloss , 8 IbfiJ c. Minor gloss , 0 lbOJ c ; ( ! ni\es' rein , 1 Ib. iuxe ; KliiKsfoid's corn , 1 Ib 7c ; lo.s.H , 1 Ib , 7c ; Kln sfoid's Ioss , 0 Ib , 7Hc : KlngHlord's pure , 8 Ib , fi c ; KIngv lord's bulk , lc. I'l.uoToiiAcco Climax , 42c perlb ; llorso- shoe , ! i9c : Star , il'Jo ; Spearhead , HUe ; Gold Hell , SKio ; Piper Hoidslck. fOj ; Punch , S-ic\ \ OANDV Mixed , lijf@12o ; stick , SODA In 11) jiapeis , 't.ii > n casu ; salsoda , Jjeif , jier Ib , ! i"c. .Medium. In bblssaw ) ; do In halt bbl , S3.75 ; Miiall , In bbls , S7.00 ; do in half bbls SJ.-r > ; uheiUlns , In bbls.SS.OX ) ; do. In hull bbls , S-1,75. DIIIKII Knuirs No. 1 quarter apples , 4o\ \ evajiomted boxes , b@tc ) ; blackberries' ' , boxes , U fflOc ) : pouches , eastern , ! % < JC. ' > , j c ; peaches , aporatcil , isj ( i$17o ; Salt hake , now , iyM Ho : uispbeiiles now , -@tiic ; currants , 7jai ) 7Xc ; pi unes , now , - ! % < y4J c. . iuuAiis Towdeied , 7 c ; cut loaf , 7fc ; gianulatcd , Ol/c ; eonleetloncrs' A , 6o\ \ htaiuliiid ( ixlra UOVo ; e.xti.i C , il c ; niedium yellow , do ; Nuw Oilciins , & } { & % . OAXXKII Gooits Oysteis , utandaid , pei case. 3.00 ; btiawbcnles,3 Ib. per case , 2.75 ; laspbeulei , 'J-lb , per case , S2.S5 ; Calilornhi pc.iiH , per case , $5r < 0 ; npilcots. per wise , 5 > l.t)0 ; peaches , pel e.ise , S4.75 ; whltocheiiies , pur case , SV.H ) ; plums , per case , 54.00 ; whor UebenlfN per cisf , # 2.40 ; ejB pluiiiH , U-lb ncrcabo. t'J..10 ; BICCII gau'es , .Mb. per e.iso , fiiSO ; pineapples , .Mb , per case' , S3.yoc < 15.50. .MA'icitr.s 1'er caddie , H. " > c ; touiid , pci caso. 45C ; simile cube * , S1.70 ; mule . - . ) bbl. S1.55 Aslitou SAi.T--lray loads , per ; in saclcs , fe.Vi ! ; if hacks , Ashton , UOc ; bbls dairy , 5iiXfii'J.7ft. ) So\i" > Klik's Savon Imperial. S2.03 Klik'sbatlnet , 8H.15 ; Kirk's btixndaid , SII.IM Khk'Hhlte Itu lau , S4. : ; Klrk'.s Whiti ] ) il\\orth' , l H'c ; Ked Cio s , UANIU.IS : Boxes , 40 Ib , 6s , lie ; 8s , lie boxes , 401b , 10 oz , C = , lie. ; halt box , iiOlli Ground IJlauk pepper , boxes , t lii@10c : cluimmon , ibftjric ; uiubtnul , 15 < c , . , hint ; , choice. 40oOc ; English brenktahl KO'id ' ! 4l.i40o ; cholcti. WiW 15c ; tiouclioui ; , nnwl , . , .OM&c ; choice , bS ftc ; .Japaus , lair , , SSfciiJic. IIIU IM , V A , | "IMIIttlll , IWi IKHUL'll llHl'llU , 57c ; Fmoille , lOc : Hud , 69c Hocky Monti- tain , 50c : rincj,4io5 Daisy , 40c ; Nortli Star. Tlje ; ( iQoij ] LjUcK. ox > c ; our Host , 02,1lc ! ; ( Stiod News , , Svnut So , 70. S'c , bbls ; No. 70. 4-callon Itecs. 31.03 ; New Oilcan1 ? : rc per pallun ; Maple Sjrn | > , \ ( barrel , 1 * T. } . stilctly pure , 70cpcr pallMU 1 pallon cans , 50.2 i > cr doz : allen calisj Sj.'iirtcrdoz t a S300 I'LUO TohACca CHmnx , 4cpcrtb : llorso- slioo , M'c ' ; Stnr , : ? c : Siicnrliend. : : ! o ; liolil Hell , 4'c ; Viper llrltlsluk. COo : 1'uncli. SSc ; "kouncFrltt , iijc ; JTJ , yac. lry CS oed s. TntNTS Amorlcnn , r ia ; Arnold's. Cc ; Co- chcco , Oc ; .Mnnclic > tir. Cc ; Iiytimnr > c ; ( Sloii- center , t > } fcDutnicll \ .lacqimnl , Cc ; Duniicll , i"e ; \\fiiusor , r ; I'aclllc. Oc ; Ilnrinonv , Hill , K , OJft'Loiistlnle ; , be ; Fi'uU , ScVmu ; ' - sutta , loj c. Coiisir : JIAKcaisarijc. : . 7c ; Armory , 7c ; I'unHicll | ! , 7j c ; Intllati Orcliaul , GVc ; Nnunikcai ; , 7c. Uiiowx CoTrox Lawronoo LL , Cc : Shaw- nnit , LI * , fici lioiiM'r Dam hi5c ; Atlantic LL , 5c ; hiduii Head. 7c ; WattdumM't , njfc ; down XXX , 0 < p ; Clifton CCO , O c ; Utlea 0. 4 ] u ; Alltntlcr , fKe. TirKiMm-AmoskiMC ACA 12 > < c ; Tliotn- tlyku OOO , 75c ; Tliotndykc liini'V. HJfc ; Yoilf , 10ifo : Voik fniu-y. l'JJ'c : Mllbuiy , ' IVnil Hlvcr , ll Hnmiltmi ; , We ; K\\ lit HlIT , 0 > c ; SlH-tucki't S. sue ; Sliettirk- ut SS , < ; Houtmik AA , Wo ; Atontauk lilt , Ho ; Uiuvua AOA , ito. : DIIXIMS Itrau-r Cieok AA , lie ; Hcnver Crci-k Bit. 10a ; Hiwt-r deck CC , Vc ; .lalTu-v XX , lie ; .JallieyXXX , I'.V ; .lallrcy 1) A : T , WKc ; Coliiiiiblan , liy-j'c ; YOIK. iiu : : Ymk , lancy , 1:13 : 0 ; K\uictt , Wo ; HaymaUei's blue iind blown , 7Ki' . DLTK ( t'liblpaclicd ' ) 8 or. Mncnotln. 10fc ; 10 07. M.iu'iioli.i , I'-'o : 8 oz. West Point , lOjje ; 10 oWist 1'olnt , l'J < c. DUCK ( colored ) Hoston l > 07. blown and drab , ! ) ) ( ; Jtpston O II bto\\n and tlinb , Wamsiitli ; , 8Kc ; Kublan , Warwick , $ * { ui Whittciulon. Oc ; Kanilolih | staple , nj c ; Lanslowne , 7c ; lilouccbter , T e. e.CIIKVIOTS Amoskeac , cliccks , ! ll < c ; A mos- , stitpLN. 8fc ! ; Slatt-r , stilues c ; Kdin- IJIH jj. U i1 ; Wliittendon , stilpcs , f-c ; ( ! Ien- IOM , Su ) : Otis , elicoU.s , > < o ; Otis stripes , He ; lloyal , Gc : Amoskwii ; , nniijicd , lOXe ! Ln- ray , book fold , We : Oberon. book fold , lljtfc ; Kndiirance , book told , We. a 1 Ueatib _ Dry Lumber. DIMKNblOVH AND TI.MI1KR9. 12 ft H ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 Uxfi 2x8 2x10. J1BJX ) 16.601560 10.10 17.50 a.f,02I.M ) ux 12 1 is.r.0. i r > .ro , 15.50 K.F.O 21 .M 4.X4-HX8 | 15.50'15.M'15.50 ' ' 1U.50 17.50 IS.DO'lU.rO ' Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. R. lii , 14 anil 10 ft S17.00 No. 2 " ' 12,14 and 10 It l. i.0l ) No. 3 ' is , 14 and 10 ft W.01 No. 4 " 'V ia14 and 10 It 11.00 unxctvn. No. 1 , 4 0Inch , Ifinnd Hfcet , rough..S10.50 Mo. 1 , 4&0lncli , 10 feet , rouith 17.0J No. 2 , 4&Gineh , 1'Jand 14 feet , rough. . 14.00 No.2. 4&GIncli. lafect.iouiih 15.00 I HIDING. 1st Com. , 12,14 and 10 feet S'N.50 2d " " 't (1" 20.00 3d " ' " , " i.ri.oa Fence , " " " il.Ofl CKILINO tVXn PAKTlTIOJf. 1st Com. , A In.iWhlto 1'ino Partition..ST3.00 " ' " . . 27.0 2nd Com. , % In. " " 14.5 Clear. In Nouvay 2nd Com. &in. ' t " " 1S.5 M FJ.OOUIN'U. A Olncli , white pmo S35.00 ItGincli " " 3100 COincli " ' 29.r,0 DlGinch , " " . . - . 2050 KtOlncli , " " 17.50 STocicnoAr.ns. A12 Inch , sis 12,14 and lii feet S4G 00 j { " ii ii n , i .1 4 < j 00 o " " " " " " ! so oeD D " > " ' ija oo No. 1 Com. 12 In. s. 1 s. 12,14 and'lO ft. lh 00 No.l " " " 10,18 and 20 ft. 1800 No.a " " " 12.14 and 1C ft. 1000 FI.N'IfIIINU. 1st and 2d Cleat , l } inch.s. 2s 551OU 1st and 2d Clear , IK nnd a inch , s 2s. . . . 5100 3d Clear , 1 } Inch , s2s 4'JOO 3d Clear , VA and a Inch , s 2s 4 ! ) 00 A Select , 1'j. I > < nnd2 inch , s2s 430IJ B Select , IK , IK and 2 Inch , s. 2s 80 ( W 1st and 2cl Clear , 1 men , s. iis 5100 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2s 4500 A Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s 4000 U Select 1 inch. s. 2s KOOO SKIP I.AP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 and 10 inch ? 17.5C No. 's , rial n , 8 and 10 Inch 15..1C No. 1O. ( J Itf.OC roi'j.Ait i.tiMinnt. Clear Poplar box lids , % ins , 2s 530.03 " ' ' ypanel \ \ \ stk wide , s 2a. 2 .fC " " Couusated Cclliiiir , % . . . 20.0C SHINOLKS , I.ATII. * A * Standard ' 5 Inch , clear , S1.55 ; Oinch , clear l.ii. " No.l 1.2.1 Lath 2.2 M.ME , ETC. Qulncy white Ilino ( best ) , 85c ; pement Akion , 81.75 ; plaster , S2.bO ; hair , per bushel 30c ; sabh , 50i > ercent elf list ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 'M per cent oir IKt ; tarred tclt , per cwt , S1.U5 : straw board. S1.C5. * rank' & . Drownoll , of Detroit , who killed the Rlnycr of Elmer K. Ellswortli , tliu lirsL Union soldier tu die on rebel soil , lias the hitter's diary , Hinting that when hi ) was a student ami copyini in a Chicane lawyer's olllce he often went n whole daj without food. n Angostura Bitter * * , the world renowned appetizer and Invigorator. Uhed now o\ci tuo whole tivlll/.ed nmld. Try it , but beware of Imitations. Ask your grocer or diu gist for thu genuine aiticle , prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ii. Sicgert & SOIIH. CHICAGO NORTH W BMMI" Council Bluffs ' And Chicagc i The only road tcr tnko f jr DCS Molnrs , Mnr- lmlltowuCcdnrIul | < l8 , Clinton. Dixie. ClilciiKO Mtlwaukoo nnd nil wlnts eiibt. To the pomilo ol Nebrttbku , QilomJo , Wyoming , Utah , Iclnho Novuilii.OrcijonViisliliiKlou nnd Cullfornlu II olTors suiierior ailvuntagos not poeelblo by uns other line Among a few of tno numerous polnta ot supe riority enjoyed by the patrons of tuld road bo twten Oniuha uiulCulcutro , are Its two trains c day of HAY COACHES which are tlio tlne.-t tliu human art and Inweiiulty can create. Its I'AI , ACK SI.KKl'lNQ UAHS. hicn are modcU o comfort an.l olotfimco. Its I'AHIXJH DKAWINC HOOM CAUS. uusurpnBeod by any , und Itu wide ly celobrutod 1'ALATIAh DININQ CAHS , tin equal of which cannot bo found rUowhero. At Council lllulfd thu trains of the Union I'oct flo Hy , coiuifct In Union Depot with those of tin Clilcuyoi Northwestern Uy. InClilcittfO tin trains of this line miiko close connection will thoBOOf all eastern lines , For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Cmchi natl.Niaifura VulU. Iluffalo , I'ltUliur ? . Toronto Montreal. UoMoii , New York. 1'hlluJclplila , Hal timorc.WaBhlnKton and all puling lu tlvu oust , us ! , , . II j-ou wlf-h the be t aocominodutlons. Alltlcfcc . . . Utuvral Mftnut'cr. ; Gen , ijubd. AktunU * ' ' OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. Book Binding , Etc , HUES PRINTING" Printers , Book Binders , And Hook Manufacturers. Nof" . 104 anj 10 * South Ulh Street. Uninha , Nub. Bridges Steam Pile Driving , 15AYMONI ) At CAMl'mCLL , Knplnrcrs nnd Contractors Bridges , Root Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Combination nnd llouo Tnifs PilliiK niul Onk Timber. 15th St. , ncnr rniimm , Tclcpliono Nt , Till. Bcei M. KEATING , Agent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass't Bpcclnl brnnilg I'mist , Iliulucljcr , Krlntigcr Uoer. Cor. Otli nml Cnpltol Arc. , Omnlm. Cigars and Tobacco. " " MAX MKYKtt & CO./ Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nuns niul Ammunition. 215 to SSI South tlth Street , KJ20 to llT-'l i'liuiniu Sticct , Oinalm , Nob. IMUIIOCKNCnuii KAcroiir. WKST A. rniTSCHKIt. Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , Anil WholvFitlo Deiilors Iti l.rnf Totintcnt. Nos , 108 nna 110 N. Dili Street , Omnlm , Xcti. .u W IOHT Agciu for tlio Muiiufttuturors nml Importers , Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , ClilumejH , t'.to. Olllco , : U7 Boutli 13tli Stiuct. Omulia , Nub. Catria es. C. S. ( lOODUlUH & CO Afonts for V. A. Whitney Cnrrlngo Co.'a Children's ' Carriages , JcMcttV Ci-lcliuitcil Ito rlpcrntori" . Sctul n orprlcoll'ls 141 > I'm uam it. , Oiiialiii. Cornices , Eagle Cornice Works. John r.pcnciL'i , Troiirlotor. Mnnufni turcr of ( iiilviinlrcil Iron uinl Ooiiilco. Id lodfo und 101 niul 103X01 th Utli Sticot , Oinnlui , Nub. uur.Mrixa & iioi/nC Mnnufiicturorsof Onniincntn ) Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals , itc.,310S. : l tli St. Workilono in nnyimrtof tliocouutry. Western Cornice Works , C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor. Onlvnnlrcil Iron Coinlce" . Rtc. Spccht'slm- prcncd Patent Mvliill'oSklight. ' W M iinU 5108. 12th St. . Omnlm. Nub. Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gate Gily Planing Mill. Doois , Push nml Illlmls. Alfo nil Minis of tinning. Scroll unclStulc work of o\ery de scription. A. 11OSEN11UHY , Mnnufiicttiror and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , UoaluiBjjs , Etc. Stnlr Hnils n ppccliilty Tclcpliono No. 02 loth ami Mnrcv Stu.Oinnuii , Nob. Electrical Supplies. L. W."wOLFn & CO. , Electricians , Electrical Supplies , MnEonlc Illoclt , Oinuhu. DurBlnr Alarms , llolli , 1'iio Alarms , Hlcctrlu Muttlmr , Spoukhu Tuboi , Iron at d Nails. _ "OMAHANAILMJ UFACTUHINcTcO. , Gut Kails and Spikes , Tire Nnlls r Pp' : lnlty. Omnlm. Nob. Safes. _ _ m ' ' Omatfa Safe Works' , O. ANDUKEN. Mnnufncturcr of I'll o nnd llurglnr Proof Snfoi , Vmilt DooiB , .lull Woik. Shutters nnd Wlro Work. Cor. Utli nnd Jucksou StB , _ Oranhn , Neb. Wagons and Carriages. Established 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , 1409 mid UU Pcx.lfc'0 Street , Oinuhu , Nob. Commission , Etc. M. ntJHKK & SONS , Live Stock Commission Oco. IIuilie. Manager , Union Stock Yuids , S. Oinalm. Tdlo.ihono 583 W. F. I1HOWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock. Oftlco Kiehnnirollulldlnp , Union Stock Ynrds , fe. , South Omulm , Nob. TelcphonuNo.COJ. | MAUAHIY. BON & CO. Live Stock Commission , TTnlon Block YnriH , Chlcngo , 111. , and Omnlm , Neb. FrnnkClilttoudc'iitManiiKorOniuhullraiicU. Kstiibllshcd IRrtJ. _ - - . - W. L. 1'ATHICK & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Addicts iillcommunlcntlonH to us lit Union Hlock X'uiUs , Boutli Omulia. Advances nuulo on Btock. I Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. Jolm ! ' . Koid , iiuperliitondonl. " ws * . BAVAOK&OUEKN , I Live Stock Commission Merchants. EbipmontH of nny mid nil kinds of Block solicit i ud. Union bti-ck Ynidd , Umubu , Neb. Lumber , Etc , IXJUJS IIItAUrOKD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , BaBb , Doois , Klo. YnrdH Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor. Utli und HOIIN MANUFACrtJUINO CO , . ' Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldliiKB , Klnlr Work nnd Iiitoi lor Hnrd Wood 3'inlfh. Juct opened. N. K. tor. 6tU and l.cuvou- VurtU Stitutb , Oumhu , Nub. LUMI1KH COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , EH S. th Street , Omnlm , Neb. F. Coluoucr , c. N. DIETS ; Lumber , 13th nnd California Suet-Is , Oumlm , Nob. " FHED W. GRAY , Lime Cement Etc Etc. Lumber , , , , , . Cor. Cth uuU Dougluj Strecta , Omaha , Neb , QUO. A. HOAGLAND \Yholesale Dealer In Lumber , Oumlm , Nebraska , " " " " CIIAS. JL LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wnr/cn Stock , Fnncy Woods , llrldgo TlmbPrs , Ac. , ri. W. Cor , fath und Douglas , Omulm , Nub. G. F. lA'MAN , Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uulldliii. 1'aper , Kto. Kouth Uth htroft , OCi'j OMAHA HOTEL DIRECTORY. The MUlard , 6. Ekears,3.E. Murktl.Tlios. Swobc , Proprietor ! Oinahu , Ncbnuluk. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements , * ' " " UNINOKU A. MUTCALF CO. , Wholcsnlo Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Office , Corner Cth nnj 1'aclflo Sts , Oinntm , . " ' rAHMX , OIIKNDOIIVV .t MAKT1N , Wliolcc..o ( Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons - - s.Ouudm Nob. OllUUCHILb 1 AKKKH , Wliolcsalo D srfor In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cnrrla < fes ami HiljrRlo * . .It nc Pt. , bet. I'th ' nnd Utli , Uinnhn , Nob. Boots and Shoes. _ _ \v. V."MOI SB A. ro.r Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Ull rnrnnin Street , Omaha , Nob. Mnnufnctory , Summer Strcot , lloston. Carpels , " S. A. OHCtlAUn. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mftttlngs , Cnrtnln Hood ? , Kit' . . H l Varnnni Street , Umnlm , Neb. Conl , Lime , Etc , hFi-'W. iniFoiu : ) , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone. Office , 513 S. lltli ft. , Onmhn , Neb. Yurds , Otli nnd li-/importStreets. ) COUTANT & SQUIRES Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal. tlcbt viirictlcs. onicc.SUlS. llthSt. Telephone No. HK.Onmlin , Nub. NliUltAStCA ITHtiCO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , S14 S. 13tli St. , Onmna. Neb. . fit o. O.TOWI.F , 1'icsldont. OEO. rArrrnsoN , Sco. nnd Tie-as. 3.11. Jlui.iir.UT , 1A. . 1'ropilctor. Miin Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NEIIRASKA. Ofllco , ' . ' 17 S. 13tb Street. Toluphono 43. GEoTV. I.Aiufiit , Tire. C.t\GOODMAN , V.Prca. .1. A. SUAUI.III.AMD Sec. ami Ticiis. Omaha Coai , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbcisof hunlnml 50ft ( onl.WJS. UtU St. , Uimvlin.Nc'b. OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Exclusive dculcra In llonlder Colorado Coal , 217 boutli Utlibticot. Coffee nnd Spices. CLAUKB I1HOS. A. CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. Ten"Cotrccs , Spiers , Hiililiui Powder flavoring Kill nets , Laundry Uliio. Ink , etc. 1114-10 Hiir- ney Street , Onuihii , Nub. Commission , Etc. . BRANCH & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , ] 121 fin-mini SUOinnlm. Apples Our own , , ack- liiB Plntt Je t'o/B TlRur Uinnd Ojstoirf , Uuttor , ITres , Gnmo , Poultiy , Potatoes. ' JOHN ! ' . FLACK , General Commission Merchant , riwluco , Piovl'lom , Krults , flour nnd Feed , 103 5. Utli St. , On.ulin , Neti. Coiiiignmenta solleitcd. Itetuiim undo uromptLy. W. R. General Commission Merchant. EPECiAi.Ticfi-Clu'i'M' , Hnlter , EKBH , I'oiiHrj nnrt liainc' , lia S. Htli. , Ouinliu , Nob. Tolo Iihono No. tlfl'i. _ _ _ _ D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , Butter , EKKS mid Produce. A full line or Stomv V.1UO. Coiibiumiionts Bollcltod. 11U lioilga bu , Oniulm. iV. " MCDONALD. COMMISSION MERCHANT. B15 12th Street , Oniubik , Neb. Spcelultlos : Hut _ tcr. I'.vu : ' * , nnd ( 'blclcons * " -r \VJ1JDESIAN & "CO J Produce Commission Merchants. Poultry llutler , Gnmo , Fruits , Ktc. 'J OS. 14(1 ( _ _ St. , Omnlm , NebrnsUii. E. SlOItONY , General Commission Merchant , nutter , KKK ! " . Clioeso nnd Country Produce gen criilly , WJ S. l tli St. , Omnlm , Nob. McSHANK Buyers of Butter and Eggs. ItofrltjcnUor nnd Pnelslmr Houso.Mtli & L 'nvon noith St. , on U. P. 11. It. Trnek , Omnlm , Nob. " Estnbllshed 187P. ItOUERT PUUVIS , General Commission , : il S. 14th St. , Omnlm , Nob. Fpoolnltlca Buttci 'b , Poultry mid Uuine. i'EVCKi ! Illtoa , Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce nnd 1'rovlsions , Oinuhn , Not ISAAC ( iUIKMTH. Commission Merchant , Wl'l "il/ioBuio apftlrr In counti-y pioduco , frnlls , uflttcr , Pgpfl , etu. Uoods on consignment i epeelalty. to ) N , ICIh et. , Omaha , Nob. KIIIBnUMIAUN & EONS , fSuewn or > to A. J' . Sclinck. ) Produce Commission Merchants , No. 213 South 12th Strcot. Omnlm , Neb. Ury Goods , J. J. BROWN & CO.r Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions , IXtf Douulns Street , Omulia , Mob. L. OINSIIKIIO A. CO. , Dcalcruln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , Liicos , KmbioldiTy nndVblto CoodSs WM Douglub Slitet , Oinnbu , Nob. Leather , Hides , Etc , SUWAN imos. , Wliolo : tlo Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Enddlory nnd Fboo rindlnim , Hldog , Wool , fun Polls , ( ircnuoTnllow , lUo. , Oiiiuliu Not. W.J.WKf HANS&CO. , . Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mnmifncturomof W. J.Welshnns & ( 'o.'s QlllcV Kiiltlnt : lluckwlii'nt Hour nnd proprlotorHOipnhj L'lty Mills , cor , till nnd Farnuni Streets , Otnnlia _ ] _ FIsh , LtC. _ " ri s u c o' . " Eucccssors to lekrn Pl&nitvn & Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , JtDfiortcia of Vorclwn FUb , Not. Oll-ilfl Jonc1 siiiint and U. P. Track , Oiualm , Nob. _ / Harness , Etc , WEF/TV / & LANDROCK , MiiniifacturorB nnd Jobberso ( Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goods , IllimXcls mill Robes. lUl Kurnuri Hlici't Omnlm. Mattresses , R. M. HOUSE , Mattress Company , Mnnufncturlni ? Muttro oii , llcddlnir , roatho 1'lllou 8 , ( 'otu , Ktc. 12UO und J-Ob Dutlclits Strool Omiihu , Ntb. Overalls , cANViKwrii/RTDrAci'i/ujNo co , Manufacturers of Overalls , JeuuPunt4iiilit ) . r.'e. , 1UU rJi Btitt-t , Ouiabn , NoU. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR OMAHA I , 'JHWHCO , Dealer * In All Klmlflof Building Material at Wholesale. Iflh Sttcctnml L n.on t'no 11 Truck , Omaht GKHMAN n.WVATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SCtli and Iznnl Streets , Omulm , XobraMtn. J. A. VTAKI'.PHH.l ) , Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles , IliilMInc Paper * . Pn h , Door * , lllhuU , Moul | loir * , rickt't * , Pot , l.lnio , Cluster , llnf , Cimcm , Nlutii nna Jones , Uinnlm Nub. Millinery. i. onr.iinu.DiVit , Importers niul JoliliorsoC Millinery and NMlons , Musical Inslrunicnts. Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , Stcliiwuy Plnnoi , Wobcr , Decker , llnlncs and Hi ! ( : > I'mmm , PueKiml Organs , Cunso loluiul 1UJ15U1 slii-oi. Notionsi Etc , " " ' " " " * j ? U llltANUIUS APON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry aood , Notions , ( Iritis' riirul liln ? fee ] < ln. llooils fiiim Nnw VoiK. 'luulu jalos duily. 50J and MIS South Ulli St. , Oumlm. _ Iron Works. _ PAXTOX , Vr V1KIII,1X(5 ( 1UOXVOUKS , a Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , IronSliilin , lliilllntItiillid llcniiH niul Olrdors , Klonni I'liitluc * . llui'i'tVoik , ( Icnoiid 1'oun- iluMiich no iiml llliirknnillh Woik. Olllco& Woik . t'lihin l-iiclllu U'y \ 8d. f.tli St. Furniture. Etc , T > HVKYSTONK. . Wholesale Dealers in Furnltara , Knnumi Street , Oinalm , Nob. Groceries. At.LEN 1MIOS. , . Wholesale Grocers , lllOnndim Doiiuliis Stivut.Uiuaha , Nob. E. U. CHAPMAN & CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tolmcco mid Smokcis' Articles , lil" Howard St. " MUYEH & HAAl'KH Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Bplcw , Cigars nml Tobaccos. 131" and 13W loufl > lnsSUcctOinuhnNob. McCOIlD , 11UADV & COMl'ANS ; Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and Fiuiuiui Bticuts , Omaha , Nob. 1'AXTON , ( lAMiAOHKlt A : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Kos. 7U5 , 7U7 , TtH imd 711 S. 10th St. , Oniulm , Neb. Hardware. W. J. 1IROATCII , Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel. Eprlnpro , Wnpon Stock , llnrdwootl Lumber , oto. KdO nnd Ull llimu > y etiucx , Oumliii , Not ) . EDNKY& OIDKON , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Cnrrlnso Wood Stock , Honvy Hnnlwaro , itc. : 1 17 uiul 11'1'J Lciivunuorth Street , Ouuvliu , Nob. IIIMEBAUOH & Builders' ' Hardware , Uccliantcs' Tools nnd Iluffiilo Sculcs. 03 Doug- IUB titrcut , Onuihii , Nub. LIB : , FIHED * co. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Eucot Iron , Etc. Agents for llowo Sculcs untl llluml I'owdor Co. , Oniulm Nob. MII.TON HOGEKS & Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , , Grutu ? , lni ) i tftruot.1J1. ' ! and 1323 Far- mini tftruot. ItECrOK & WII.HEIJIvca Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Emerson Stuol Nnlln. Cor. 10th nnd Hnrnoy bticctH , Oiualiii , Nc < b. _ ' Harvesters , _ WAI."lEEUlNa & CO.CIIK.'AGO , Muniifr.cturcr of tlio Deering , Harvester Goods , Write to Win. JI. Ixirlincr. Ovjnorid Agent , _ Oiniiliu. ToluiiliouuOlU. Iron Pipe , Qc. A. L. STUANQ COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. Etcnm , Wntor , Uullway nnd Milling Supplies , Ktc _ _ ZU , ttti uml 024 Fiiruam Bt. Oniulm " , Nob. CHURCHIIJj PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stcnm nnd Water Supplied. Head < | imrton for Must Foost CO.'H UooUb. 1111 ruiuuui Strcot , Oiuuhn , Nob. , Jewelry , KDHOLM & niUCKBON , n'uoiesaie Jewelers. Dealers In Sllvcrwuio , DlnmouOs , Wntchas Clnckn , JcwclciH1 Tools niul MutorlnH , ISto. , 101 nnd 103,1Mb Street , Cor. Dodge , Oumlm , Nob. l Notions , Elc. - J. T. Robinsoa Notion Company , ' ' tm nnd 405 K. 10th St.Onmlin , Nob. l Wholesale DciiloiB lu Notions uud 0 cuts' Fur- nUnlng ( loods. Oils , Etc. CONFOMDATKD TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Gaeollno , Mien Axle ( lioiicn , Ktc. A. H. lilsuop , .Oimilm.Nob. , Pork Packing , "JAMKS i : . iiov , Porfc Packer and Shipper , Oinalm , NebnisKii , IIAIUUH & Packers and Proyislon Dealers , Odlco , Union Mnrlut : , 1517 Doiltro Street. I bouse , U , 1' . H. It , Tmek , Onuiliu , Nub. Tolo- plionu No. 157. _ _ _ _ Safes and Locks. _ " " " > "l1. IIOYUIl & CO. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire nml llurulaiI'joof Bufes.Tiinii fxf ! ( , Vault.1 and Jail work. 1CO ( I'm mini tticot , Onuilui , Neb Seeds. J. I3VANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. Airilcultiirnl , Vcirottililo , lllo. Otlil IVllowV Hull. N. W. Cor. Utli unl Doiluo Hi . , Omulm , Nub. Drugs , Etc , THK ( lOOI lAN DHUO CO Wholesale Druggist' , Am ] n &ler lu rnlnts , OIU ana Wludoir Oniulm , Nub , Wliite Lead , CAltTKIlY1IITK \ J.K.M ) CO , , Strictly Pure White Lead , 01 Ii Hiami U , I1. It ) ' . , Omulm , Nub. Wines and Liquors , ftco. . Distillers and Importers of Y/ines / Anil I.lqiiorifiolo iniutufufturor" o' K"imoilr' Kaa India HlUiNs. J1U lUmioy titi > ( . ( , OumLs , . . . , Successor to MCN'AMAII/V .V DP.NOAK , nml Wliulebiiio Dculcrs-lu Wines , Liquors and Cigars , ( > K. IJU8\ ! , Oir.ubiX.U