fV - V * I' THE OMAHA DAILY - BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , MAK01I 1.0. 1836. NUMBER 213 DEFEAT SURE IN IDE HOUSE , Morrison's Tariff Measure Without a Show of Successful Passage. A LOBBYIST ON THE FLOOR. Senator Wilson Denies Ono of Ilia Statements "Weaver's Contested Scat Kx-Prcslclciit Arthur's Illness Ocncrnl Notes. TIio Morrlnon Tariff Dill. WASHINGTON , March 15. [ Special Telo- jjroiiiij Hepic ontallvo McKlnley ot Ohio said lo your correspondent this af In noon that the committee on ways nnd mentis would undoubtedly complete llio consider ation of the Moiiison tnrilT bill In time to rcpoit It by the iWth of this month , tlie hcai- Ing lioin parties intcicstcd having closed. "Do jon think them will bo any inatcilnl change inadu In the bill by the committee ? " was iiskcti. "No , " leplled Major MeKlnley , "I tlilnk It will bo returned to the honsoln about the ; sanio foi in it was fhst Intioduced. Mr. Moi i Ihon seems to have tlie majority of the committee with him .solidly , but \vu intend to appeal f i oin the committed on ways and means to the committee ot the whole house , " mul tlie major smiled .significantly. "Yon tlilnk the bill will bo defeated , then1" ! "Yes , I Ihinlcho , and without any doubt. " Major McKinley , It Is mul w stood , will make the re port for the mlnoi Ity of the committee , as bo did upon the tamous horizontal tariff bill by the same author two years ago. It was one of the strongest piotcctive aigumcntB over maile. Gcncial Hrowne , Messis. Kelly , Ilccd and lllscock , and other lepubllcau members of tliii committee on ways nnd means , bay the measure will bo defeated. Tin : i > is : MOINKS mvin : LANDS. epresontnttvo ] Van Vooihccsof Hoch- rslcr. New York , was on the floor of the house this motning. Ho took occasion to commend the eomso of tiio resident In the matter of thu veto of the Dos Molnes river lands bill , and 'incidentally attempted to work up sentiment among the New York state incmbeis against the pioposltion to pass the bill over the veto. In carrying out bis purpose Mr. Van Voorheesasscited that Senator Wilson had previously woiked and voted against a simi lar measure. Your coricspondent saw Son- atoi Wilson later and was assmcd that the statement made by Mr .Van bees was uttoily without found ation. The opponents of. the bill arc wotklng baixl to prevent Us passage over the veto , but the efforts ot such men as Van Voorhees In tills dliection will ccitainly piovc tutilo If they nro based upon such misstatements - statements as these set nlloat by the hot- heiulcd ox-congtessiiian liom Kochcstcr. rin : wnA.vim-cAMWir.rj. . CASK. Judge Cook , who IIP.S been heio lorsomo tt mo as attoinoy foi Gcneial Weaver In the Campbell-Weaver contested election case fiom the Sixth Iowa district , lelt hero this morning for his homo in Iowa , liufoie bis depaituro ho Mated that bo would leave his case In jjood hands that Itcpiesenta- tive Hen Hall would take charge of it. Hall la a member of thn honso committee on elections , and this Is the first time on icc- oul , it tine , ot a member of a commltteo act ing as attorney In n case pciming befoio tlio committee. I doubt the tiuth of the statement , for Mr. Hall lias been rcgiuded nsnf.iir man heretofore. T Aiirtiuit noPiT.ifisrYir.L. : A private letter received hero to-day states that ox-President Arthur Is hopelessly ill , and that bis most intimate friends have no hope of his lecovcry. His stomach and liver have broken down until they do not piopeily pci foi in their functions , and ho has genoinl- ly declined In health. When Mr. Aithuv left the white house a little over a year ago ho told a fiiend that lie veiy much needed abso lute icst , and that it would take many months to icstoro him to the vigor ho took to the ex ecutive mansion. The letter closes with the positive declaration fiom thowiltcr that the ex-prcsldcnt would not live a foitnlght. AN KllllOH COKltKCTKD. It was the Wilson Instead of the McMillan bill foi felting to the btato of Iowa lauds giantcd to the Sioux City te St. Paul lalhoad that passed the sen at u on Filday last. The AVIlson bill gives llvo'tuli sections of land or lands the company has alieady leccivcd. The Wilson bill ptotcets the settlets and their tight , and is much better than the Mc Millan bill , whleh was by citor announced to have been passed. 1T.USONAI. JlI'.NriON. Itopresentiitlvo Laird IMS returned Irom Ncbtnskn whither ho went to attend the Initial of his brother , who w.13 accidentally w dajs ago. THIS PAN unnormo. Tim iluuso Committee UPSUIIIOS In- vi'stlcatlon of tlio All'nir. WASIIIXCITON , Maich in. In the telephone Investigation to-day Hauls Rogers wasio- called , and said that the gentlemen con nected with the Pan Kleclilo romp.uiy were ieiiucstcdlogl\o their names as a guarantee to outside paitlc.s that the company would bo lalilyand lionoiatily conducted ; an enter prise based upon tutmo possibilities loqulied aguaiaiiteo of men of national icpufailon. lioirnve. S10XK ( ) stock to Hlcluid Winter- hinltli of Kmitueky. The witness also stated thiitun elloit had been made to h.ivu him aj > - polntcd electrician ol thohoiisoot lepie.sent- allve.s , Inhlcli Senators Hauls and Gar- J.ind had Intmested themselves. Such ap pointment would , witness s.ild , have enabled him to eairy on experiments widen would alike benefit the gnvernment and the Pan Kleetilo company. Tlie examination will bo iciiowed on Monday. FOUTY-KJNTll CONG HUS'J. Senate. WASHING-ION , Match 15. Among the pe titions pi escnted and tefeued to the com mittees , \\cio a number hum local nssem- MU1" of the Knights of Labor throughout tiio fiiuiitiy , fnvoilng the building of tlio llenno- pin eanal. 1 \ resolution was agreed to , to appoint Itev. .1. d. liutlei , I ) , 1) . , of Washington , chaplain ot tlie limit e. Vllei a brief discussion of the house bill in- en. XMIIJ ; the pensloiib of widows and depen- ilcnt icl.itlvei ol deceased soldiers , the son.Ui' I'djoiu ncd nut < > f inspect to t'.e ' memory of Hahn , House. Mireh in. Immediately after the leading of the Join nal the liou'oad- joiuned , out of ie peet to tl'.e tncmoiy of .Mlclriel Halm ot l.oulblann. Tlio American JIo . WAStitNOTON , March IS. Iteproscntattvn Phelps , of XowJet-oOy will , under the call of M.itos to-moirow , present a memorial lioiu the Mow Jersey st.ito bivid of itMricultiiic , pro ) Ing enngieaa to male diligent investiga tion Into the ICHSOIIS why Amciican | iork Is absolutely excluded from Get many , Ati.stilu and other conn tiles , Ono Nomination. WASHINGTON , Maieh 15. The president to-day sei-t the following nomination to the senate ; To be postmahter i\t Abingtou. 111. , Thales 12 , Given. Dcntli of an Cx-tJcnci nor. SAN FiiAHt'ifcroj March 15. H\-Covcinor ; William liuln died this motulii- ! alter it ' illness. IOWA Ocncrnl ProcccdltiBs A Protest En tered by the Democrats. Dis : Moixis : , Iowa , Maich in. The scnato passed on the third reading the Gatch bill for the oiganlzatlon nnd regulation of mu tual baneflt associations. Scott Intiodiiccd n concnnent resolution authorlrlni ; the board of capltol commissioners to employ Mrs. Har riet Kctcham to make a marble statue of some one of Iowa's distinguished men deceased. Sutton , chairman of the conimtttca on ai > - pioprlatlons , intiodiiced a icsolutlon asking that his committee bo given until Match 21 In which to icoort. Adopted. The scnato then Indellnltcly postponed a laige number of bills reported unfavorably by the committees , lo which tlmro wixs no objection , and passed Mnernl Icgnll/.lngacts ; also , the Wolfe bill proNldlng for the election and compensation of county attorney. Tlie lionso having re fused to concur In the senate amendments on the bill legnlatlng medical piactlco and the senate refusing to iccede , the picsldent appointed Caldwell , McCoy and Bolter as n committee on confetenco to meet a like com mittee from the house. In the houie a large number of legalizing acts wcic passed , but nobills of gcneial Im portancc , llolbrook nnd seventeen oilier demociats Illed a piotest against the resolu tion of ccnsuic tor the picsidcnt's \eto , pass ed under tlie previous question on Satin day , They doslied to ha\o tlio piotest cnteied in the join nal. This occasioned a sharp debate. Thompson of Linn , moved to lefcr the pio- tcsl to the committee on judiciary , claiming that n piotest icllecting upon tlio action of the house was not In older , and could not bo onteicd on the journal. Kc.it Icy , Ilol- biook and others Insisted It was , and pend ing settlement of thu question , the house ad join neil , ' _ THE Peculiar Circumstance In Connection With IttiKKiiKOiitnii Watts. Ciiit'Aoo , Match 15. A very Important fact In connection with the Investigation of thoexptcss robbery was made public this moinlng. It seems that at a conference of tlio expiess and railway officials and dctectlu's yesteiday , Baggageman Watts was placed under a rigid cross- examination. AVygant'ssecietaty took a few notes and wont Mom tlio hotel wheto the eonteienco was held to the office to write out Ids notes. Ho did not nn ivc there , and aftet some lioins seaich was instituted but nottaco of tlie missing jonng man has been found , Wygant lias every conlideneo in his integri ty and is sine that ho has either been abduct ed 01 met I out play. It Is nndoistood that under the seveio eioss-e.xamintalon of tlio cletc'ctlvei , Watts made some valuable state ments , but lust what ho has admitted cannot be abceitaincd. The jouthful McDonald turned up to-night In a demented condition near a coal ollico in a distant pait ot tlio city. Ho could give no coherent account ol himself , and his notes , of the baggau'eman's .statement are not to ho found. Tlide is no clue to the manner ol their disappearance or as to tlio cause ot the stenographer's sudden distraction. CincAoo , Maieh 13. Uaily News Moirla ( III. ) .special : JClfoits aio being diiected towauls the attest ol Mike llumphie > s. a local despctado , as the man who killed Nichols , the expiess messenger. His hair Is tlio exact color of the handful found in the death clutch ot Nichols. Humphicj s has not been seen since tlio murder. lilPELESS ON A L1MI5. To.xmis Lynch a Suspected Horse Thief. GAI.VKSTOX , March 15. The News' Cop ; pcras Gave special says ; Between 12 and 1 o'clock last night a band of eight masked men called at the house of T. O. Polk , seized him and cairledhlm Into the yard , where ho was knocked down with a heavy club nnd icvolvers. After dragging the Insensible man some distance feet foremost tlnough the biush , the mob took Polk up and CHI lied him half a mile and hung him to a ttce , where the body was found this morn ing. Polk's neighbors suspected him of be longing to a band of horse thieves who had been depicdatlng Caryll county. No arrests have been made. THE FltlK IlECOUD. A Furniture Factory Damaged $55- OOO Worth. CHICAGO , March 15. R. Dclmal it Cro.s' furnituie factory was danmccd by llio to night. The loss to Dcimal Uios. will bo S15 000 , and to A. O. Slaughter , owner of the bnlldinir , about S 10,000. The Insuianco in each case Is ample. The other losses nioin- considciable. _ _ _ _ _ _ Rolling Mills in Ashes. CiricAoo , March 15. The Daily News' Pontiac , 111. , special : The Pontiae rolling mills , with several adjoining dwellings , weie cntitcly buincd today. Taylor Hios. owned the mills. Loss , S5Q.OOO ; hall Insmcd. Collision at Hen. Nr.w Yonic , Mareli 15. Ono of the sailors of the Oregon tills morning said that Imme diately after the collision the hulk of a sailIng - Ing vessel was seen drifting slowly on the poit bide of the steamer , gra/lng her side as hho passed astcin. It Is thought ( fiat she sank ashoon as she clcaied the Oregon , and as nonoof hcrcicw were on the Kulda , he piesumcd they all had been dtowncd. Miners on a Strike. PnTsnuuo March 15. Scvetal bundled Milking mlncrb In the livvln dlstilet assem bled at I twin at 1 this inoinliig and headed bj n brass band maichcd to Manor minesand persuaded the woiklng collleis to join the stilke. Oinclals Very Indignant. NKW Youi ; , M.irch 15 , The olllcei.s of the law are very Indignant rcgaidlug tlio .success of Dcmpsoy and La Blanche In eluding their vigilance. Tliedisttiet attoinoy declaies ho will tnko measuies to put tlio mtllclpimts nnd spcetntoi.s In jail. Among tlio latter tt H inuiei.stood were n number of club men liom New Yoiknnd members of the stock exchange , w liich makes the situation so much moio intciesllng , A Mystery Cleared Up. KI.VHNIV : ; , Neb. , Maich 15. [ Special Tel- cgtam. ] The body of George Hoge , who dlsappeaied notoriously fiom his homo at Keainey last November , was found to-day two miles noithwcst of town. Tlio Inquest icaiilted In identifying the body as above. Thcuo vveie no mniks of violence. O.mso of de.ith unknown. Thn Fiftieth CheH Game , NKW Oi .i.vxfl : , Match 15 , The llftlcth game of chess for the \\oild championship , be tween Zukcitoit and Stelnilz , and the sixth game of thoboiles In tlds city , was pl.ued this atteinuon and ended in a dniw niter luity-nlno moves by ZuUeitoit , who played with the vvhltrt men , nnd lorty-oljitby ; | Stein- It/ with the black. Time , /Cukcitoit , 1 hour , i'i minute. : , ; Stelnlti , 2 lioius 14 minutes. Ho Toolc llin Choice. Wall Street News : within twenty- four hours after the receipt of tlio news ot tlio breaking out of tlio trnnscontinoii. tnl pnsM'iigur rate war , .several citizens of a town in Illinois called upon u gentle man mimed Ihrcccnrd Jack , the spokes man said ; " \Vo liuvo been doing sonio fii'tirin"1. It will cost ? 17 to lynch nnd bury you. and the same amount to hond you to San r'rnnoiico. Odds is tlio diftbrcnuo with us. Jf there is any diueroyco to you plenso let us know before a o'clock. " Jack took tlio 2:80 : train for the. golden slopo. ' Don't fall to road tlu * advertisement of. JfaUo & I'jlme1. Tholr new horse marK - K t will bo ready foi busmen by April 1. CONTAGION AMONG CATTLE , The Honso Oommitteo on Agrioulturo Con siders the Subject. FAVORABLE REPORT ORDERED. Amendatory Provisions ot the Ilalcli Hill , Governing the Kllllnu of Diseased llovlnc.s and Pay Therefor. The Htircau of Animal Indnstry. 'WAsmsciTON , Slaich 15. Tlie house com- mlltce on agilcultuto to- < lay Instructed Kep- rcscntatlvo Hatch to rcpoit favorably tlio bill priptred by htm amendatory of tlie act estab lishing a bitieau of animal industry , nnd piovlding means for the suppicsslon of con- taclotis diseases among cattle. The limit of twenty persons as tlio number of employes to be allowed In thchuicnu ot animal Indus try Is removed , and the number is left discie- tloiiatywlth the commissioner otagrlcultuie. The chief titncndmcnt to the bill Is In sec tion 3 , which relates to the suppicsslou of contagions and infectious diseases. Tills section is amended ns follows : That it shall be tlio iltttv ot the commis sioner of ngilcnltuto to piciiaro such titles nnd tegulatlons as ho may deem necessary lor the speedy and effectual suppression and oxtlipatuin of said diseases , nnd to ceitlly such lilies nnd icculations to tlio executive mtthoiity of each state nnd tertltory , and invite - vito sniil nuthotlties to co-operate In the exe cution and enforcement of tills act. Whenever tlie plans and methods of tlio commissioner o ! agiicultute shall bo accepted by nny state or teriltoiy in which pleuto pneumonia or other contagious , infections or communicable disease Is declatcd to exist , nnd whenever the governor of a state or other properly constituted nuthoiitlos signify their readiness to co-operato for the extinc tion of any contagious , infectious or commu nicable disease in conformity with the pio- \lslonsoftliisnctthocomiiitssloncrofagilcul- tine Is heieby authorim ! to expend so much of the money npproptiated by this act as may bo neccssaty In such investigations In pay ment for animals it Is deemed necessaiy to slaughter , Is heielnafter provided , and In such disinfection nnd other means obprofec- tlon ns may bo necessary to extirpate tlio dis ease ; provided , that the commissioner of ngrlcnituio shall cause a special invcstlira- tlnn to be made as to the existence ot pleuio pneumonia , foot and mouth disease , and lindctpest luanypait of the United States weio he may have reason to suspect their ex istence , and upon discovery ot any of these diseases , tlie commission of.igilcultuie , with the consent , appioval or co-opeiatton of the goveinor or other properly constituted authoilty ot the state wlicie such disease may be found , shall cause an apptalsal ot tlie animal ornnlmals affected with or that have been exposed to such disease , and under the laws ot the state , piovidlng for condemning pnvato piopcrty for nubile use , shall cause the same to bo destroyed , and pay the owner not to exceed tinee-tout tin of Mich amount as thoapnialsois may determine to have been the value befote being diseased or exposed , outot nny monies appropiiated by cougiess for tills put pose. Piovided , further , that ho shall not pay moio than SlOO for any animal with a pedigieo recoidcd or lecordablo in the recogni/ed herd books of the breeds to which It may belong , or moio than SOO foran animal pedigteed , and that in no case shall compensation be allowed for any animal slaughtcicd under the uiovlsions of this act tliat may bo contracted or have been ex posed to such disease in n foreign countiy , nor shall compensation lie allowed to the owner of nn animal where , by icasonnblo diligence , ho could have pre vented his animals frin becoming exposed ; and provided , further , that whenever a state or tcnitory , in an any section of which con- tasiottsor infectious disease exists which the commissions of agriculture has dcclaied to be dangetous to the animal Industries of the nation , tails to make provisions for Its oxter- patlon. or to co-opeiate with the ulnns of tlie commissioner of agiictiltuio lor the exterpntion of such disease , the president of the United States , on pio- scntation of the tacts by tlio commissioner of agricultuie , shall be authorised to declare In quarantine such state or tcnitory , or such pait of said state ortcirltoy as he may deem dangerous to the animal industries ot the country nnd to icKttlato or piohiblt the tianspoitntion ot cattle out ot said state , ter- litory ordistiict. The act is amended so as to transfer the duty ot guatding these diseases in the Dls- tiict of Columbia liom ths distilct commisi. sioners to the commissioner of agriciiltne. It Is further amended so as to allow n day in time for the Inspection ot places where rattle aio kept in the Distiict ot Columbia , and to punish by fine and Imprisonment any poison who endeavors t ° pi event .such inspection , and a similar penalty is fixed for any poison who knowingly conceals the existence of any such disease on his piemises. The bill makes an anpiopriatlnn ot § ! 250OQO , to cany its pio- visions into ollect. TJII3 OREGON'S MAIfc. Only a Small Portion Saved From the Wreck of the Steamer. NEW Youiv , Maich 15. Postmaster Pear son states that by the steamer Oregon , which sailed from Liverpool on thoOth nnd Queens- town on the 7th Instant , there weiedespatched COS bags of mall. Of tlieso about 113 weio closed bags , containing iiCO bags of letter mall for the United States and Canada , the balance being made up of about 170 bags of newspaper mail , despatch bags ami a num ber of bags enclosing empty sacks retuined. Of ijO heavy reglsteted malls , estimated ns containing about i,400 ! letters and pack ages , despatched by the Oicgon , only n poi- tion of thu Fiencli , Italian , Swedish nnd llusslan malls , ninety-lour pieces In all , was icceived , the Itiltish aifd German loglstcied mail being all lost The lliltish , Geinian. Swiss. Swedish , lielglan , Portuguese and Capo Town money order lists tiom London , lieilln. Itaslu , Mululo , Antwcip , Lisbon and Capo Town icspoetlvely , ana the Kienth money older advices weio all lost , tholtalian nlouo bolng saved. Duplicate lists will bo cabled tor immediately and theao wiilpiob- nbly bo at once tot wauled. Chief Officer Mattlunvsstated to-day In tlio piesunco of the agent ot the company that ho went on deck at1 o'clock nnd with thotouith otlicernnd tliieo other men weio on tliu look out when thu collision occuued. The first intimation ho had of thnptoxlmityof the schooner was the appearance ofn blight light on her port bow. Wo put tlio helm haul aport , but the collision was almost In stantaneous. Matthews believed other men on the lookout saw the light at the same time. Ho believed tlio light was held In the hands ot some onu on the deck of the schooner. Captain Cottier of the Oregon made only a veib.il statement this moinlng to the liiltish consul. The captain said that the course of the Oicgon was noitu by west when the light was teen oil tlio pott bow. The steamer w hen sti nek was going eighteen knots per bout and Iho helm was put haul apoit. Chief Ollleer Matthews was in chatgo and them weio lookouts In thofoiecastloandat llio foremast. The wind wasvxest by noith , with a fiesh to stionc liieo c. Ho could have saved every soul on boaid the Oiegon with tlio boats shoeattled. Iho consul has decided to send the case to England lor investigation , and tlieio the captain will fully lenort. The Tilbuno estimates the loss by the sinking of tlio Oiegon ns tollows : steamer , gl/JiO.600 ; caigo , SVW.OOOj prisonal effects ot nasscngeia , 5150.000 ; total , § 1,900.000. > otfilii ! , ' has been heard of the colliding schooner. There Is little doubt that the ves sel with all on board went down. Spain's Quaking Foundation. MA iitii , Maich 15. The city of Gienada. capital of the province of the same name , was shaken yesteiday by an eai thrjuake. Thobhock was of seven seconds duration. The people weio terrified and tied In all dliectiojis. No lives lost. Death of a Congressman. WASHINGTON , Mareli 15. Kx-Govcrnor Michael Halm , representative In congress fiom the Second dUtiict 01 Lotilsann. died this moinliiK at Willaiu'a hotel of lieiuoi * ihaijeot the lungs , Till ) djEAiyVNOt ; JflKCOHD. Omaha Fourth On the Mat In the Pcrcontngc of Increase. BOSTON , Majs. , March 15. The following table , compllo.lfrom special dispatches to the Post , from mattigcra of the lending clearing houses in tholinltcd States , shows the gross bank exchanges at each point for the week ending March 0 , In comparison with the corresponding Week li : 1885 : Denver nnd Galvestonnro not Included In the totnls. Rcviow of the liritluh Grain Trade. LONDON , Match 15. The Mark Lane Express , In Its regular review ot the Uiltibh ginln trade the past week , says : SpiltiRvvoik is at a standstill on account of the fiosts. Tlio situation is very serious. The wheat tiade Is dull. Fine English icd Is Cd do.uer. Sales of EiiRlish wheat dining the week weio 04,421 quarters at 2s ! ) Cd , against 51,710 quarters at ills 4d dm lug the cono- spending week last year * Thcie have been continued heavy dellvclles of flour. Prices ate not in.iteiially altcied. The foielgn wheat tiado Is giadually liaulcnlnc and sup plies ate unusuallyshoit , yctEuctlisli wheat continues to umlciscll foreiRn equivalents 5s to 10s per quaiter. tFour cargoes of wheat auived ; two cargoes weio sold , thico were withdrawn and ono , California , remained. Trade forward Is more active and prices are against buyeis. The market to-day was slow for Enullsit wheat : Od@ls moio was demand od. Flour was Od. dealer. Oats weio Od dealer. _ The Vlslhlo Supply Statement. CinrAoo , Match.15. The number of bushels of grain iu store in the United States and Canada on Match. 13 , and the amount of Increase or deci ease compared with the pre vious week , will boposted on 'Change tomorrow row ns follows : Wheat 50,854,419 'Decieaso 418,711 Corn 14,011,31)9 ) Increase 1,050,990 Oats y,0i)9,707 ) Increase 70.103 Uye O KM Wecicaso 04.000 IJailey l.VCT.OSl .Decrease 117,203 The amount In CUlcago elevators. ou the date mimed was ! , Wheat 14,213,370 Coin . . . . * a,2r4CS5 o.its ' . . , 4rio-jo ( Uye SflS,823 Uarley. 137,127 Kl lii Dairy Market. CHICAOO , Maich 15. Tlio Inter Ocean's Elgin , 111. , .special says : On the board of tiado to-day butter was active and firm. Regular sales of 27,109 Ibs. were made at 3lR31Kc. ( Cheese was quiet ; full cicams , lOc : skims , 45c. 1'riVato sales ot 20,105 Ibs. ot butter and 1,000 boxes of cheese weie icported. The total sales aggregated $18,811. BEVOND THK SEA. Cliatnhcrlain Will Resign The Cabi net Situation Critical. LONDON , March 16. The Dally News says Chamberlain disagrees with Gladstone on tlie land question. It is likely Chamberlain willteslgn dining the present week. The situation Is ethical. Tlio cabinet meeting which Is to be held lo-day will piobably decide - cido the question of who shall le.ivo the niliilstiy. Whatever happens Gladstone Is determined to submit his Irish scheme In its cnthety to paillamcnt. Urltluli Cahinct Troubles. LONDON , March 15. The Globe this after noon states tlmtnttiio cabinet meeting held Saturday , Tievclyau , secretary for Ireland , and Edgar Ilencagc , chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster , both tendcicd their ic- signatlons. The icason given by both gen tlemen for their action , .say.s the Globe , was their disinclination to .suppoit the Irish policy outlined at the meetings by Gladstone as that which he h.td decided to puisne. . Another Version of Homo Ktilo. LONDON , March 15. The Standard bays : It Is supposed that Gladstone's scheme for the covcininontol Itclandpioposcstho estab lishment of a single chamber of pailiamcnt at Dublin , and embodies the piinclples of minoilty icprcscntntlon. 11 eland will con tinue to send membeis to Westminster , not In ptoportlon to her population , but in pio- poitlon to her contilbutlons totlio hnpcilal lovcnue. _ I'arnoll's Advlco to Ulster Irishmen. Dum.iN , Match 15. Mr. I'.trnell publicly urges thu mombcisot tlio nationalist party in Ulster to icti.iin fiom celebiating St. Pat- lick's day by demonstrations tuch as paiades likely to anger the Orangemen. In uchculiir advising the course the Iilsli leader says : "Do not In Hate the OiaiaA'iuen however mls- unldcd you may deem UiTT.i. Thb Is ot \ Hal hnpoitanconow. ' ' Glndstono Dcnlcn Ittvorytlilni ; . LONDON , Match 15. Gladstone authorizes the statement that ho will take no notice of the vaiious versions of his Iilsh plans that lecontly have been glyen to the public. Ho says that all thu stoiies that have Ix'cn pub lished Hoarding Ids Intentions with icspcct to Jieland aio entirely baseless. A lliz/.ard In Silesia. ttr.m.iN , March 15. An immense snowfall appealed In SilcsU Sevci.il buildings aio reported completely buried , the Inhabitants being compelled to dig their way out. Five chlhlioncio tie eii to death w him coming from school. Going to Join the 1'olion. ' , SUAICIJI , March 15. GeneialV.trren \ has s'arted for London to assume command of the meliopolltnn police force. General Dixon has usbiinied command ot the Drltlsh tioopsherc. Denies the Statement. LONDON , March 15. llcneago authorizes a contradiction of the statement ho has le- blgned Iho ollico of chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Wealth For tlio Khedive. OAif.o , M.uch 15. The Egyptian govoin- nient expects to derlvo a laigoicvennofrom theiesiilts of the discovery of petroleum In the khcdlvo's dominions. Weather ForTo-Day. JlissotMii VAI.MV : Southeily winds ; wanner , lah weath ei. THE BLUFFS' ' NEW COUNCIL , Mayor Chapman's Innngnral Adverse to the Greedy Union Pacific. ELECTION OF CITY , OFFICERS. A New Police Force Appointed , With Matthews the Chief Temple- ton to lie Klrc Chlcrtaln Again Notes. The First of the New. The now city council held its first regular meeting last night. Mayor Chapman pio- cceded to read his lnnugiii.il address. In Its \cryopenlnghopaldnlltllng tribute lo his late competitor , Hobert Perchnl , whoso sud den death has caused so much sortow In the community. The Inaugural then palit a ttlbute to the peonlo as the sovereign lo whom officials must bo icsponslble. In poli tics tlio now mayor promised to show the same non-p.ittlsanshlpas was shown by the people In his election. He mged the fosterIng - Ing of mannfactmlng Inteicsts hero , lie be lieved the time would como when Council Bluffs would have the finest water power In the country , by using npottlon ol llio Mis souri ihcr. There were oilier matters need ing mote speedy attention. Onoot tlicsowas the new Union ncllic bridge. The plans for the now bridge wcto such as would nauow the channel botno 700 feet. This should not be permitted. This gteat corporation had been petted until It was like n prodigal. The company had shown no disposition lo keep Its woid with this city. The mayor lecommended that steps be taken to make them open a suitable watercourse ; that the light to use Union avenue bo icvokcd , unless they complied with the promise to inn trainsoveiy half hour and make the toll icasouaule. Mayor Chapman devoted a latgo poitlon ot his in augural to dressing up tlie Union Pacitic , to which he has been such a friend. After reciting the causes of gtlevanco against the Union Pacitic , ho said : "I also iccommend that their charter planting them the use of Union avenue be annulled , If they continue to charge the piesent exoiblt- ant tolls and tail to inn their tialns every thhty minutes as tlio law icmilies. Also , th.it a losolutlon of piolebt bo adopted and foivvarded to tlio delegation in congtcss fiom our own state against the passage of the so-called eightj-.venr extension bill , lids bill asks that thiity-year bonds , now almost duo and bearing 7 pet cent inteicbt , bo lifted nnd canceled , and that an eighty- year bond bo substituted which beais but 3 per cent intctest. This icquest , in the opinion of many poisons is not only immodest but docs -violence to all bus- nesspiincinlcs. To my mind the simple ask ing for such a measuie , nggtegating perhaps SlOO.UD.OOO , combining ininclpal and Inteiest with the legal coliatetal obligations incident theicto , is the manifestation of .1 spirit ot greed and aval ice only excelled by the bandit and outlaw who "takes to the load. " We have In all the past obtained but slight recog nition ot our lights at the hands of this cor poration except through legal piocess , and In so far as our city Is concerned , its interests could not bo placed In greater hazard if the corporation weio to pass into the hands of a receiver to-moiiow. " Ho urged that thn paved stteetsbo cleaned nnd swept. For tire alarm service lie recom mended making some coiitiact with the Dis trict Telegraph company. For sticet lighting ho recommended that electric lisht bo favor ed lather than eas. Ho ctiticlsrd the present rates charged for gas , nnd declared that there were patties now ready to take a charter and build vvoiksand supply gas at half the pres ent rate. Tlie mayor endoiscd tlio recent act on exempting fiom city taxes now mantt- facturlncentoipilses. He thought it should bo ictioactive , so as to exempt such a tnctory astho JlcClurgCiackcr company. The gen- eial ad vantages of the city , Its building im provements , its business and tinancial con dition were also portrayed In encouiaging woids. A financial showing of the city was included in the Inaugural. The icsoiiices lor the coming year tor geneial putposes weie about 875,000 , and the expenses ot the past year wei o about SW.OOO. The mayor urced a fiee wagon bildge be tween Omaha and Council liluffs. Those two cities could nffoid no longer to show jeal- ou ° y orrivalry. They weie In fact onecom- merclal center to the outside world. Ho shall use his lullucncc toaldiuiy move to secmo such a bridge. As to the moialitv of the city , lie expressed the dcteiinination toclear tlio city of cappers and thieves. The siloons would not bo closed , it the keepers conducted their places in a respectable manner. They must close Sunday. They must not allow loatcrs and toilers to hang nbont their places. Alderman bhugatt picsented n set ot new rules tor the guidance of the council , which were adopted. On motion of Alderman Sliugatt the police force was limited to one chiel and eight men. Thu mayor announced the following com mittees : Finance.Olaims and Pilntlng Danfoitli , Bennett , Hammer. Jiidlciaiyand Special Assessments Kel ler , Shuffart , Sttatib. Internal improvement1) ) , Stieets. Alleys and Sidewalks Shugnrt , Danfoitli , Hummer. Fho Dcnaitmcnr , Gas Lights and City Pioporty Uonnett , Stiaub , Keller. Police , Health and Public Giounds Ham mer , 13ennett. Keller. Water Wet ks Straub , Danforth , Slmgart. For picsldent of the council U. L. Shiigatt was chosen. An Infoimal ballot for city eleik losiiltcd : A. Dalrymploi : , K A. IluiKo : ! . A toimal ballot lesulied In the election of F. A. IJiiikc , the iccont city auditor. For chief ot the llio depirtment John L. Tompleton was elected unanimously. For commissioner ol stieetsniid sidewalks , K. S. Uainaltwns ic-electcd by a unanimous vote , Chailes J. Hcckman was unanimously elected poll-tax collector. The mayoi then announced the following Itcsvvlek. Tlie nnvv police foico will po on duty at noon to-day. Miscellaneous business was then tians- aeted. A petition ot U. Dectkln tor icduction of assessment on leal estate was presented and icfeiied. A petition ot tlio ptopoity owneis lor nppioachcs to bo made to the Seventh sticet Inldgo was presented. He- leired to the commltteo and sticet commis sioner witli power to act. The city m.tt.shnl announced that ho had appointed. ) . 11. Mullen and C. 11. White ns cityjnlleis. Laid over until the next mcot- Imr. Imr.Tim Tim Ameilcan District Telegraph com pany asked permission for the right to con * utiiict its bVMom heio. Hefeiml to the city attorney with Instiuctlons to picpaio an or dinance. The commltteo on police was Iiibtiuctcd to sceuro bids toi feeding in Isoner.s. Jilds lor building sidewalks was lefcucd , to re ioi t at the next meeting. Adjoin ned until thu next regular meeting. The aldeimen then met as n boaid of he-tltlilor the election of a city plijslclan. Dr. Lacy was elected , receiving 1 votes : Dr. Sajbeit 1 , Dr. Gieen 1. A resolution wai adopted nidcilngthe lomoval of the powder Eighth sticet to outside the limits. The JIlufTi * School Roard. The school boaid of Council lilulls met last night nnd oiganlzcd by the to-olectlon of , ) . li. Atkins piesldcnt. The old committees were icappolntcd. The leslgnatloiiB of Hello Falrman , Agne.s 1'oibytho and Coin Hiooks as tc.ichci-i vmo icceived and accepted. Dividing Up the Karth. WAISAW : , Maich I1) . A gi at Ian leforin Is makiii' , ' piogiosa in Poland. Many of the piovlnccsati * donating laiui tObii.iall holdois , expiopilatlng thn cilatcs of laige owners. The policy , ills believed , will win tlio sym pathy ot all tlio PolCb. 9 I i Ueforo buying feet prices at the Central Lumber Yard , Kith und California. , . . rnoounss OP THK STIUHK.J ! Jay Gould Disclaims 1'ovvcr to Settle the Dlllloulty. GAt.vi:9TON : , March 15. The News' special from Dallas says : Uecclvers Urovvit and Sheldon iccclvcd notice fiom the United States marshal thai Iho Texas & Pacific rail road was now open from end lo end , At lllg Springs thirty clcht mechanics have gone to woik In the car shop , meeting \vlth no opposition. At Mai-shall notice has been Klvcn that the company will put men to work this morning. Tlio "Now s" special from Sherman says : Marshall Cabell and live deputies left hcto last night tor Dallas with four prisoners charged with contempt of couit In attempt ing to obstiuct tralllc on the Texas A Pacitic ralhoad. Two of the.m were nttested at Bunham. Tlueo lieluht tialns milved fiom the east over the tiansenntlncnt.il division and two were sent out. Tim yard Is full of lulUc Height , lllstepoiledthat the Texas iv : Pacific will to-day lesume innnlnu its ficight tialns , which weio withdrawn a few di\a : no. There mo no new developments in tlio strike. The feeling against tlio sit Ikots glows stumper every day. ST. Lot'is , Maich in. Ono of the now switchmen on thoMlssoutl Pacific was as saulted by stiikers and knocked senseless to day. One of thn a < allants WHS nrieMed. At Atelilson. Kan. , tiftceii oftlcUN of tlio Missouri Pacilic load have advices tiom Downs , Kan. , on the Ceiittal Uratich of tlio Union Pucllic , to the elTect that the vltlklng Knights of Labor theic have accented the company's twin * nnd havoietutnedio wotk. JACKSON VIM. i : . 1'la. , Match 15. .lay Gould to-day , speaKlng tor the litst lime lesjicctlng the stiiko by tlio Knigbls ol Labor on the Mls-ourl Pacilic and temaliilugpnitlon of the Gould southwestern bjMem , Nild to the rep resentative ot the Associated iitess : "I lirst leainedol the sttlkn while at llnvana , and have been advised by tclegiaph of the ehatnc- ter of the tiotihle , moio paitlctilatly si MOO mv ai rival here. Thobttlkeon our system was a complete surprise to me. foi two tenuous : Fitst , wo have acceded to all tlio demands which have been , made upon us by our em- iloyes , nnd weie supposed to bo wotklng In laimony with them. Second , the piesent stiiko is made upon an issue with which \voliavonothiugtodoandwhlch we cannot possibly nibltiato or control. The piet > cnt stt ike , continued Gould , originated in tlio dischaiico ol n man named Hall on the Texas A Pnclllc , which load Is In tiio hands of the United States com t. Wo have no nuiio t ight to attempt to contiol the workings of that system than the vvoikingnicn themselves , and would boas completely in contempt in an attempt to do so as any other outsider. " Nitw Oni.tiANS , March 15. This morning Hecoidei Sheldon of the Texas & I'.icllicioad leceived a letter fiom a lopioientativc of tlio New Oilcans employes of that load icnuc.st- Inp him to arbitiate tlio difllcultlosexlsting and avcit Iho necessity ot their Joining their brother stilkers. Before Mr. Sheldon had time to cousldei thu matter ho teamed the men wcio already sulking. Thltty-llMiinall had left the shops and had been notified ol thch dUchaige. Boycotting Hoarding ; Houses. Ci.ivr.i.AND : , Match 15. The boycott of J. F. Sicberllng by the trades and labor assembly at Akion , Ohio , assumed n new phase to-day when all the. . boarding house keepcts weie infotmcd they would bo boy cotted if they gave shelter to the workmen Imported to take the places of the stilklni : monldcis at the Emptio Movver and lleaner works. A boycott will also bo placed on tlio tenants ot every dwelling and business house owned by Siebeiling In Akron It not vacated at the expiration ot the piesont leases. The feeling ou both sides is giovvliic very bitter. A File-Tailed Organization. TOPKKA , Kan. , Match 15. For thico days Tttist the delegates of the Printers 1'iotec- tlvofiatcrnlty have been In session in this city and to-day perfected a national organiza tion. Thocaidlnal pilnciplooftlioorganina- tion is aibiuation. Another feature Is sick benefits and insurance. Any person con nected with any branch of the printing busi ness Is eligible to membership. An Increase Or a Walk Out. ST. Louis , Match 15. It is asserted In rail road click's that a cltcular cmauating from the East St. louis assembly of tlio Knights ot Labor was served this aftcinoon upon the leprescntativesof all tlio roads ccntcilng in Kast St. Louis , demanding an increase of waccs for nil shop and yaid men , nnd .stating if the demand is not complied with by next Tlmisday the men will bo ouleied out. The Huns learning Fast. PiTTSnuito , Pa. , Maich 15. A Dubols , Pa. , special sayst Three handled Hungaiiansat Walston mines shuck to-day for the Colum bus convention scale. If they are succosslul it will entitle them to an advance of from 10 to1TK cents per ton. Should the nrbttia- tlou commltteo tall to meet on the Ifatli , next Monday -1,000 mineis will quit woik. May Prove a Monster Affair. Pm-snuiso , Pa. , Maich 15. What may spicad into a general stiiko was begun at the VAiIous mlnci along the Haltlmoio&Ohlo , and PItlbbuig , McKccspoit & Youghloghcny ralltoads to day , between 500 and fiO ! ) going out. They stiuek lor 00 cunts par ton for all coal shipped cast. A Voluntary Advance. CHICAGO , March 15. Inter-Ocean's Mil waukee sppcl.il : It Is announced heio that tlio Iron minim : companies In Iho Monoml- neo iinu laiigo have all advanced the nay of tneir men fiom 10 to 50 cents per day , ic.ulng labor tioubles in tlio busy pcnson. TJI13 ItATIO AVAU. The Deepest Cut "Vot on Overland I'liHSciifjor Tralllc. CHICAOO , Match 15. The laigest teductlon yet made in insscnger i.itcs to ( lit ) Pacific coast went into eflect to-day. A cut ol S10 on both Hint and second class tlckct.s was ob tained , and this evening Aihltiator Wilson , of the Chicago , St. Louis and Missouri Hlvor Passenger association , Issued a elicular an nouncing net i .lies tiom Chicago lo Califor nia points by nil lines , as lollows : I'Mist- clas- > , S.'J.5Q ! : .second-class , ? 17. Tim Noith- westcin and St. Paul toids to dav instoied passenger rates east tiom Council Hinds. Two dollars was the extent of the cut. It had only been Inaugurated Satutday. The Transduntinontal Cut. ST. horns , Maich 15. Another inioad was made yesterday upon tianscontlnental mil- foad tales by the Union Pacllie company , announcing an open ratoon ( list-class tickets between the MIssouiI tivnrnnd Cnillornla of S'i ! , anil 51" for second class. It Is expected that the othei lines will meet this and make an additional reduction to-day , The n. ft O. MalCL-H Hates. NKW YOHK , Match 15 , Jlaltimoio & Ohio agents have been Instiuctcd to hell tickets , fhst-class , Now Yoilc to Samianclfcco , at 44.50 and second-class nt sil.50 : via the Sun set loutc , and vl.i the Atelilson , TonckaA ; Santa Fe. M9.M ) fli st-chm , a tcbito of 5ri at Kuitbas ( 'Ity , and 41.50 second and mixed class with n ivbito of 810. The above tele gram letcrs to limited tickets only. A Itcdiiotlon of Two Dollar * . PniiAtiiHiA : , Maich 15. The Pennsjl- vanla lailtoad company announces a ted no- tlon of rates on the New 7oik and 0 hic.igo limited ospiess between New Voik , and Philadolapfa and Chicago ol S' ) . with a coi- respondlnj ; reduction to oilier points. A AVcok WJII See It Out. NKVV onu , Match 15. It was ceiU'r.Uly conceded by ralhoad mnn to-day that it eon- fereneo bad piacllcally taken place between thu Tianscontinuntal official ; ) , and that the tioublo would ccititlnly bo entied this week , lolin McCiilloiiKh'i ) ItninaliiH. I'HH.AUKU'IUA , J'a. , Maich 15. The 10- muinsof John McCullough and thosupfhta s > on , W. F. McCullougli. weio today placet' ' in a receiving vault at Mount Morljilj ceme toy pendini ; ccluctlcn ot a sultiMo snot IVr iutefmcnt. ' . . . - SHERMAN'S REFRACTORY SON , Just Entering Georgetown College to linisli , IIis Studios for the Priesthood. FROM SOCIETY TO SACKCLOTH. rtconlllnj ; the Sensation Caused When JIo Announced Hln Intention ofUrcomtiiKa Priest The Father's Ancr. ; Heady to Don the Coasnclr. AinonRtlio Jesuit scholastics who hnro lust eiiteied Georgetown college , District of Columbia , to nmko tliolr llnal propnr- itions for the priesthood , is a pale , slim young m in , of gunurnlly nscctlc appear- met ) , who u few years u o was ono of tlio cnders of Washington's gilded youths. .This is William Sliornmn , oldest son of .ho general. Kverybody here is recalling he sensation oiui'-cd when ho nnuouneed lis intention of giving up tliu world nnd louning llio Jesuit cassock. lie was nt the time n student in the aw ilepailtneilt of Guorgetown college , md was teeogni/.cd as the leader of lita 'lass , both in intellect nnd in social qual- tics , lie vvns one of tlio most dashing Doting follows in town , though by no .ncans . a dude. Tins old general fairly loted on thu promising bov , nnd relied on him to perpotnato the lopututlon of the Sherman name. It issiud , too , that roung Slturmun was engaged to a lich 3t Louis lady , and it vyas understood hut , immediately nflor his admission to lie bar , ho vvns to marry her and settle in St. Louts. Nothing in ins conduct gave evidence of tlio religious fervor which ms since marked him us the most pious of Jesuit student.s. His mother , a sister of ( ten. Kwinc , of Ohio , wits , it is true , a devout Catholic , nnd had carefully : ruincd her son in tln Catholic fiuth , but i' was , like most young men , piofessedly hristian , though caiole&s enough iu practice. The change was clTected by a retreat which the catholic students of George- : ovvn college made in 1878. Tlieso re- tieats consist of a succession of religious exercises prayers , preaching nnd medi tations lasting ono week , during which almost absolute silence must bo preserved. Young Sherman had been more conspic uous than usual in the gay season of 1877-78 , so that when the retreat of tlio Intter year camo. ho entered it with all the fervor of reaction. The day after it was finishcd.ho . wont lo the Hov.Dr. llunly , president of the college , and begged to bo admitted into tlio Jesuit novitiate. Hemet met with a downright ruftiMil from the wary priest , who had witnessed before the ephemeral ofl'octs of religious enthu siasm , and who thought that the appli cant's fervor would die out with the cx citemcnt. Perhaps n fear of tlie old gen- oral's certain wrath had also something to do with the refusal. Anyhow the hey was advised lo continue the study of law. Young Sherman them developed that te nacity of purpose which is a characteris tic of the Sherman family. Ho rctuscd to open another law book. He appealed again and again to Dr. Hcaly until , after siv months of anxious probation , hopes wcro hold out to him that ho would be re ceived. Another and more formidable iliflictilty way in store for him , however. His fath er's opposition had to bo mot with. Armed with an explanatory letter from Dr. He.tly , ho faced the general one morning and announced that ho was go ing to join the Jesuit * . It is said that iv stormy scene ensued one fully up to the scenes described in novels , wherein dis appointed parents nnd refractory chil dren exchange surprising , appalling and nnpr.y words nnd part forever. The gen eral declared that lie would never con sent lo sue his son n piiest , nnd the son declared that nothing could deter him from eiitcrin < r the priesthood. So they parted , and have not seen each other since. Young Shormnn was pent to the Jesuit novitiate ntFredoiick , Md. , hut for some reason said to , lm connected with nn- noynnco from relatives lie was boon transferred to the Jesuit novitiate in Eng land , lie returned to tlio United Stttcrt in 188B , and went to Woodstock college , Alaryhmd , whore ho remninod till last yenr , which he spent teaching svt Loyola college , Baltimore , in conformity with the Jesuit rule that requires all siihohiR * tics to teach for a certain time. Ho will ho ordained a priest next year. ( { en. Sherman lias never recovered from tlio disappointment cnu = ed by tiio course of his favorite child. .Much of his crankiness of late year * is to ho uttrimi * ted to this source. Prior to 1878 , ho Inul oviiibilcd little of that unruly tamper which Ims since gotten him into bo much troublo. It was thought at one time ) that ho was on the point of becoming a Catholic , biitsinco 1878 nothing could in * ( luce him to enter n Catholic church. One of young Sherman's t-iiih-nmtes is also the Kim of : i distinguished sire. 'J Ills is Scholastic Roman , son of ov-Uniled Slides Senator Kormm , of Now York. It would bo interesting tof \ ir these yonne Jesuits preaching hero next reason to I'us ' society hutlcrllics among whom they once How'nnd IhiUcrcd. i Killing on a I'ancli. San I'rancisuo Chronicle : To any ono who contemplates trying a hesihouM rid ing I would finy this : Yon will build up your constitution for lile , yon will meet , rough follows , hear hard swearing and sec some lighting , hut you will lieu * fewer indecent .stoiic.s on the rnngo IhaU you will in llio nvurago nlnl ) smoking * room. Your outfit , or hod , clothing and equipments will cost you nbout luilf your earnings , nnd , if you fctnoko freely nnd do not try ( o have money , tlio end ot the season will Icuvn you neither richer nor poorer. You will often have u wet lied , and tlmnk heaven for getting to it wet ns it is ; you will always ho up bcforo daylight and generally two hours out of the night us well ; yon will eat course food , everything tried in hird ; you will bu in tlio Middle from twelve lo eighteen hours every day ; jou will oflon sutler for tliu want of food and wafer dining a. long dny's woik in thu hot MIU ; you will expose yoiir.-olf to Eomo peril of Hfo and more of limb ; you will bo for much of ( lie limo ns absolutely cut oil' from tlio oivih/od woilil ns itou worn on a vessel in mid ocean ; you will vow three limes n day thul when you Mriko the raiteh agnin you will quit ; you will ho sere and Imiisod , cold nt niglil uiul scon-hod by day , wet to tlio skin ono hour und parched with thins I the next , nnd for tlio rest of your life you will look back to your hfo on thu rnngo witli longing thoughts of its charms. Very tew men mo rich enough to indulge I heir la.sto for riding by keeping morn than two biuldlo hoix , " > n "puncher" otteit ride * n do/en and docs much of his woik nt u full run. Hi ; biealhiis tint finest nir on earth , c-ila beef as freely ns nn ordinary working , mnn oats cnbhngo and potatoes und fancies tlio chit.to which Im halongs is tiio aristocracy of labor. IIo ii > gcncioui to a fault , always iiuick tonppicciuto pluck and kindliness in otlier.-i , cliival- ions to thu few women huhecf , ever ready to help hang a lior.iu thief , ami undeigoca mort ) liartlbhi | > and daner than u.do/ten /