0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , .MONDAY , MARCH 15 , 188G THE DAILY BEE COUNCIlTBLUFFS , MONDAY MORNING , MARCH. 15. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAHL STREET. Ccllurtd by rnrrlcr in nnypartot tlioclty nt ttunty cents per week. II.V. . Tii/roff , - Manager. UcsiNn H OrncK , No. 43. NlflllT r.DITOII. NT0. gl. MINOR MHNTIO.Y. Now spring goods nt Keller's. Knox fiats. Spring stylus nt Stubbs' . First meeting of the new council to- nifrhl. The supreme court is to meet hero to morrow. The now school hoard , which is in fact the old one , will moot to-day. K. Mcdnlro is jniled for beating a board bill at the St. Jo house. The American Express company has enlarged and reliUod its local oliice. MaseWiso sold on Saturday sixty head of mules to Malory & dishing , railway contractors. Quiet in police circles yesterday. Only two drunks run in 1' . llaiiifan and Hobert Richardson. SS'I'lio men at work on the new bridge have been laid oll'until alter the spring rise of the river is past. Interesting exercises are hold each Friday afternoon in the high school de partment of the IJInonior building. Blanche Pouter was given a pleasant birthday surprise at her home on Vine street on Saturday evening by her many young friends. Mrs. T. S. Ilines of Davenport died yes terday morning of coiiMiniption at the residence of Iier parents , Mr. and Mrs. Snow , in this city. One of the best stork salesmen in the west is II. II. Initmn of Council Hind's , and these desiring the hervices of : v well posted salesman should give Hurry a call. The A. O. II. dance in Masonic hall Wednesday night and the Korv O'Moore dramatic cntcrtaimentin the opera house Saturday night are both for the benefit of the Pnrncll Intnl. It is said that the new mayor , instead of appointing his policemen all himself , will present to the new council a list of iifteen or twenty names and allow the aldermen to suggest which to select from tllCM ) . I The old council had its last meeting on Saturday , and unanimously and enthusi astically sat down on Mayor Vnughan's veto of the ordinance raising the salaries of the city attorney and city engineer from § 1,000 to $1,250. The rates of first-class faro from this 01 ty to Chicago yesterday were , over the .Chicago , Hock Island As Pacific and the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , $12.50 : over the Chicago , Milwaukee ifc St. Paul and the Chicago & Northwestern 10. The need of more policemen and less thieves was made apparent Saturday 9 evening. A oiti/.en called on Mayor Chapman , leaving his overshoes on 'the porch. When ho came out the shoes were gone and the thief too. The funeral of little Fannie II. , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kise- man , was hold yesterday , and was largely attended. The remains were laid a\yay in the Hebrew cemetery at Oak Hill. Uabbi Benson of Omaha officiated. There have been hovering about the city for several days past .some well known confidence men , who arc said to belong to the same gang which wore con cerned in the tragedy ut the Avenue hotel , in which one was killed by the "Major. " A recent number of the Loup Valley Gazette contains the announcement that Wallace & Spoonor , both well known young men of Council IJlull's , have opened up a general store at Greejey Center , Neb. The Gazette in making the an nouncement says : ' 'These young men come to our county highly recommended as of excellent business qualifications , and as they bring with them their busi ness experience wo bespeak for them a prosperous future. " A. T. Ehvoll to-day takes charge of the ticket odicis in place of J. L. Do Bovoisc. who is to take a position in Omaha. Mr. Elwqll was the ticket agent for ten years previous to the coming in of Mr Do JJovoise , who has occupied the position for a year and a half. It is a union olliec , the Chicago & Hock Island , Chicago , Mil waukee As St. Paul , Chicago & North western , and Union Pacific being alike interested. Mr. Elwcll has not only the needed experience and ability to handle the business , but with the public lie its a favorite. The funeral of Sirs. Mary J. Lafl'orty was held Saturday , the services being conducted by Hov. Mr. Bates and Uev. Mr. Uico. Mrs. Lall'erty was born in Ire land in 1815 , and with her family came to this country when she was but a child , settling in Richmond , Va. , where she lived until her marriage. In 18. " > a she be came a resident of this city , then known ns Kanesyillo , and resided her until her death. She leaves three daughters , Mrs. W. 11. Hqbinson , Miss Bella I.aflbrty , both of this city , and Mrs. J , F. Hopper of Lea von worth , also two sons , John A. Lallerty of Montana , and W. II. Lall'erty of Crest on , Iowa. When the old council elected Mr. Dal- rymplo as city clerk , the old chuk , Trout- man , held on to thu position , and backed by the liltlo mayor's veto refused to give up the place. Dalmnplc made claim for the ollico in accordance with the wish of the majority of llio council , and took legal stop * to get a chanro to piij-fyrm the duties to which tin ; council had called him. For legal advice and services ho had to pay uvCorurnor Manning $100. At the last meeting of the old council the clerk presented this bill but the council refused to allow it. Aldermen Shugart , Stranh and Siedontopf voting for the allowance , and Aldermen Bunnot and Mynstor agahibt it. Next Thursday availing thu musical in. fitlluto opens at the Congregational church parlors , nndor the directorship of Prof. T. Martin Towna of Chicago. 'JL'hero never was presented in tlua city BO A.l excellent _ . A _ A 1 and _ .1 . yet _ ! . . ! . MI . clump i _ t an i oppor- . I IIi-os.1 hturo , or at \\r. S. Homer' ! ; , or nt the ofllco of J. W. nntl J' . L. Sijniro. Prof. Towna will also arrange ho that tho.su desiring to avail themselves of his presence here for private inbtrtiRtion and voice culture , can do so , such to incut him in llio day limit , the uvniiings lo bn given to the institute , I'rof.Towno has so widu nrnimUition as an instructor and com- pobor tluit ho neivls few words of intro duction , llii will doubtle.ss Inul hi.s ser vices in demand while Uuro , Stop into Slubhs' and sen the sprint ; Btyles o lints and ncokwear. Auction. The sale that wns to Imvo tnkon plnco t the farm uf Sewell Uros , on Saturday , Mnreh Ut , has been adjourned until Tiui'stlay ' , Jlaroh 10 , nt 10 o'clock , at Lund & Uayis'barn on North Main street , nt which Umo and place 1 will .sell the entire - tire stock of horses , colts , liuys and im- IJlriiiKiits , consisting of tun head of milch cows , cnlves , huifcrs and Eticrs ; , lior.cs , chickens , wnsws , harness , etc. Terms of snlo : On all sums over $10 , iilne months tinmixt-S per emit intiirrst on approved notes ; U per cent dkunuut for cash. SCWKI.I , linos. II , 11. IXMAN , Jjalcsnum. Several Prisoners Tumble Out of It , But Are Kecnptnred. A COLD WATER JOLLIFICATION. An Iiidlnii I'mill Jumps Prom n Trnln Another Tribute to Ilobcrt Per- clvnl The City's Now Atlnilii * Istrntlou KcRins To-Day , In Moniorlniu. Whorcns , The ( Irnntl Muster of the universe , in his divine whilom has cnllcil from this loilgo to the culustinl ono nbovo our beloved brother , Robert Tereivjil. De it Resolved , Tlmt it Is with profound sjr- row we plnco upon our records this hist iin't'etioiiiitu tribute to bis memory. Tlmt while we bow with humble sub mission to the divine will , Excelsior lodge No. So' ' ) , A. F. & A. M. , mourns the loss of our brother ns ono justly beloved , whose genial temperament , goodness of heart nnd strict integrity , won to himself tho.roganl sintl respect of friends anil ns- soeiutes. That this lodge shall wear the usual emblem of mourning out of respect for him. . That we express to the relatives ami friends who luive been admitted to the warm plow of his personal friendship ami the enjoyment of his social inter course , onr' heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. And finally that these resolutions bo published in the city papers. J. C. GOTIIWAITB , ED. Alorr , WADI : CAUV , Committee. _ _ Substantial abstracts of title anil real estate loans. J. W. As E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council HluIR Out ofiTnil. Saturday evening another jail break was made from the city calaboose. The prisoncrti were in the corridor , bemyleft there to cat their simper before being locked in their cells. Deputy Mars'ial ' Mullen steppeil over to the city building for a few minutes , and taking advantage of bis absence they went to work on the brick wall , at the hole where the escape was made a short time ago. Four of them had succeeded in crawling out , and the lifth was passing out some of their clothing and preparing to follow , when Mullen came onto them. He pulled his gun anil marched them around to the trout door and into jail again. The pris oners were vagrants and cheap drunks , so that if they had made good their es cape there would have been no great re gret felt. The fault in the city iail could bo remedied by the expenditure of a few dollars , but it hcems to be neglected for sotiu ! reason. The jail was never prop erly linished for holding prisoners , and it seems to bo among the things which should lii > t command the attention of the new city administration. Best coal and wood in the city at CJlea- sou 's , 20 Pearl street. IniMan Boy Hurt. Friday night as passenger train No. 3 was Hearing Donison a small Indian boy jumped or fell from the cars while they were at full speed. The boy was ono of a. company which Mr. Lewis was taking from Pine Ridge agency to the Philadel phia school. When the train came to a stop at Denii-on the conductor and Air. JV. V. Lewis went back , and found the boy lying insensible , his head badly cut and other injuries quite serious. Theybrought bin in in a 'bus , and had him cared for at the hotel. He was at last accounts still unconscious , but there arc hopes for his recovery. The other boys were taken on by Mr Lewis , tuiil if this little follow gels along as well as is now hoped for he will follow in the course of a week or so. For first class Missouri wood call on Gleasou , at his coal oliice , 20 i'earl street. Talking Temperance. There was a largely attended temper ance meeting last evening at the opera house , several of the churches giving up their regular scivices to permit of the congregations joining. The address of the evening was by Rev. Mr. Williams , the state lecturer and general agent of the Temperance Alliance of Iowa. This was the third of the buries of lectures given here by this enthusiastic apostle of cold water , and was decidedly his best. He was closely listened to , and lie pre sented his side of the question with evi dent confidence in his own views , and with much more force and clearness than has characterised the addresses of other temperance lecturers who have had audi ences hero. He is a strong thinker and an interesting speaker. Money to loan by Forrest Smith. A Lee Itrokon. Mr. E. W. Hart , of the water works company , mot with a serious accident Saturday. Ho was riding along near Rice's nursery , when his hor.so stopped into a bad hole in the road , stumbled and fell , throwing Mr. Hart against a barbed wire fence. A wasused carriage was- to con vey him to his rooms at Mrs. Robinson's , on First avenue , and Dr. Laccvwasealled in to attend to the injuries. Mr. Hart's leg was found to ho broken , and ) m re ceived borne cuts and minor injuries. For Sain. Seventy-live hoftd of horses. UKOWN'S I'AIIK HcitSK&C.vTTi.n Co. , Council Hlull's , Iowa. - An Arm Cioiio. Pat Collins , living two miles south of West Side , had his arm mangled and broken Saturday by getling it caught in a corn .shcller. Dr. Bond of West Side , assisted by Dr. Wrighttot Carroll , at tended to the injurediiian and will aUempt to avti the arm , although the chnncos seem that amputation will be necessary. _ _ Card ot'Tlmnks. Mr. ana mrs , uiscniam desire in PA- pi'oss their hcaitfolt thanks to all friends for kind attentions and sympathy shown during the recent bereavement which befell - fell them iu the loss of their darling child. Pcirsonnl Miss Mury Tiuloy is visiting friend * ; In Omaha. Mrs. J. I. Vail , of Marcngu. 111. , is in the city , the guest of Dr. and Mis , Han- chctlo. J. W. Horgor returned to Topeka yos- ten-day , accompanied by his daughter , Ella , who will remain there some weeks. K. Uroulc , the never sleepy , always smiling missionary of Pcrcgoy te Moore , ran in from Nebraska to spend Sunday horo. George Rndio leaves to-day for a trip to Buffalo , N. Y. , to vi.sk J.autx IJros. . . whom ho represents in this buctiou of the wost. } J. S , Standufunl spent Sunday nt homo. Horopoits , an e.xcullent paint trade in Nebraska , and will return to that field this evening. F. W. Voss winkle has resignedJirs posi tion with ( Well & Day , ami purposes iro- ing into the real ohtttttt uud Uisitranco biis'iiets ' at hiirbnry. Neb , A.O. Rogers , of cntcago , Is'iutho cily visiting his wife who , unjil recently , wns in the millinery business. They arc stopping at the Iicchtele hotel. Mi s Rickman , who was taken quite ill nt the People's store ono day last week , had a similar attack Fridnv , ' and is quite seriously ill. It proves to bo a heart dilll- ctilty. Capt. O. M. llrown ha i returned from Ohio , whither ho was called by tno ill ness of his mother. Ho found her licaltli improving somewhat when ho arrived , mill returned homo , leaving his wife there , i * A LUCKY PAYMASTER. A Gambling Story oftlioVnrShrcwil Schemes Hint Fatted. Detroit Free Press : During the two fast years of the war 1 assisted to run a gamb ling den in Cincinnati. This statement will prepare the reader to believe that 1 was a bold , bad man. I shall not make any excuses to weaken this belief. 1 set out to relate an Incident of these excita ble times , nnd my being good or bad won't add to or detract Irom its interest. We found a way after a while to drop $5 into the major's pocket , and put n good man at his elbow , and the result was as anticipated. During the next week ho visited our rooms two or three times , and "dropped" about half the money. All his passion for play revived , mid ono night during the .second week ho came into the came with $ . " > . AVe were playing for a high stake. It was known to a certainty that he had from $10,000 to ! fr > 0,000 in his safe , and that was the boodle our lingers itched to grasp. Redwood was allowed to win until he had piled $3,000 before him. Ho then lost steadily until his nile was reduced to $ lGO. Wo could see how desper.itc he wan growing under his losses , for it is a fact that men had sooner lose their own honest money than to part with that gained by play. The paymaster won § 300. and then dropped back to f00. Then ho won sJlOU. and dropped back to $70. Ho was now considerably under tin ) inlliience of liquor and thoroughly aroused. He staked his $75 on one'turn and won ; ho he .staked his pile again and lost. Ten minutes later we had his diamond pin and watch. When ho Irid been cleaned out he uttered a tremendous oath and exclaimed : "Luck has been against mo , but I will Inist this bank or blow my brains out ! Keep my place bore for half an hour ! " Ho beckoned to the chum wo had put put on his trail and the two went oil' to gether. Wo knew the paymaster was going after the greenbacks he had in his safe. He had been drinking but was by no means overcome , and then the excite ment of play kept the liquor from work ing on him. However , when ho got out doors ho began to get drunk pretty fast , and by the time lie reached his otlico ho was badly muddled. Ho could not re member the combination on which ho had locked the safe. He was showered with cold water and filled up with strong coll'ee. and. in brief , we worked him lor two hours to get his sober senses back , but the more we \yorkcd him the worse he got. lie was finally left alone in Ins olliee , half dead with the treatment. Next day some hints of his escapade reached the authorities at Washington , and , although hovas not relieved , he received such a caution and was obliged to make bitch promises that ho was never afterward even seen in a saloon. Had he been able to got into the safe that night wo should have scooped in every dollar of the money. S ! PH.II33 ! l ILiR3 sine euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itchin nnd Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Ur Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A sinsjlo box has cured the worst chronic cases of 3.1 or fcOjCHisstar.iUUK. Io one need suffer live minutes after applying this wdllficrfui sooth iny medicine. Lotions and instruments do 111010 harm than good. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment absoibs the tumois , all.iys the intense itching , ( particularly at night after ccttlnit warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives instant leliot , and is prepared only for Piles , itchlnc of private parts , and for nothing else. SICIN DISEASES CUHED. Dr. Frazier's Maijic Ointment cures as by masic , Pimples , Black Heads or Giubs , Blotches anil Kiuptions on the face , leaving thosKin clcarnnd beautiful. Also cities Itch , Salt Kl'ouiii , Soio Nipples , Sore Lips , and Old Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of 00 cunts. Retailed bv Kulm & Co. , and Schroeter & Cointid. At wholesale bv 0. F. Goodman. The Fuiinrnl of a Chinese Yandcruilt. Pall Mall Ga/.etto : The Vanderbilt ol China has just died and been buried. Not much is Known in Europe of his life , less of his death , but the funeral is said to have boon most picturesque. His pal ace of Hang Chou was a miracle of lux ury , and in creating this banker a pro vincial judge , and specially authorizing him to wear a yellow jacket , the emperor of China made him the envy of all his other subjects , Hut the glory of his funeral seems to have surpassed the splendor of his life. The whole city turned out to sec the pro cession. First came a mob of coolies weighed down with leaflets , on which were written moral sentences and apoth egms. Then followed a procession of lantern bearers , supported by a band of musicians with songs , gongs , cymbals , and trumpets. It is hard to conceive anything loss funereal. A hundred little boys came after the band brandishing the heraldic arms of the deceased ; the boys were followed by the bearers of his portrait. Groups of guests came next in proces sion , some in white , some in scarlctsome in yellow ; then bearers of lamps , ban ners , parasols and fans ; next the master of the ceremonies in white robes , on a white horse , preceding an enormous tent , under which the relatives of the deceased moved , entirely hidden from public view , and last the collin borne on the shoulders of twenty-tour men. Ills Style of Outline. "Have you taken notice , Fred , what a mislit style there is to Mr. Sponger's at tire. " "Oh , yes ! It always looks as if it wns hung thorn under protest. " "Very likely he does his own cutting. " "lie does. His chief employment is cutting out of the way ot his creditors. ' Down on Anything Which Can't Kick. Wall Street News : "Can you tell mo , " ho naked , as ho entered an oliico on Broad street , the other day , "why the railroads shonhUi.scrimhmtM . JJy jj Jn-t orccstU-Jlinaf. over live stocky" Certainly , sir , Dressed-meat is dead. isn't ' it1' ' "Of course. " "Well , anything which can't kick is al ways bulldozed by n railroad company. Hcmry Augustus is out again. St. Jacobs Oil cured his rheumatism. Fifty cents. A Simple Request Granted. "Look hero , judge , " said the burglar , 'I ain't so bad as you think I am. Only fjivo me time and I'll reform. " And the judge gave him fifteen years. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Co. & Arnd , Props. Pafaenircrs and Uagxatro taken to and from al tiuliif. Itusvop , cmiliijrrsaiul bagfayo witir- oils make i-onnectlon with all trains. Pinuipt attention iflvcu to all culls. Special lutts to be.itrioillioipu : .ind oo-u incrulal men. Car riage * run day and nulit.DUluo ui Tclijhouo : l'S ! ' To the Public Circumstances beyond our control Imvo delayed the closing out of onr en tire stock as we lintl pjirposcd. The approaching season of spring t ratlc finds ns with a goodly stock of Dry Goods nnd Cnrpcts , some lines de pleted hut cleared of undesirable goods. in the dry poods business wo know of no better place to continue the Biime than in Council HlulFs. Wo shall therefore re-stock every department with new and seasonable goods. Our Mr. E. E. Hiirkncs : * , is now milking pur chases in eastern markets , and we shall soon have a Choice , wStock Stock To oflcr our customers. Our carpet de partment will be complete with the new patterns of Moquette , Body Brussels , Etc. , Etc. , Curtains and curtain goods from domestic and foreign markets. We have already on our tables the choicest selections sf Swiss and Ham burg embroideries ever oll'ercd in the city , line an excellent assortment of Avhitc goods to which we shall make frequent additions. AVe thank onr many patrons for their favors and good will in the past , and we shall endeavor tp merit the same in the future , by attention to their inter ests , and by good goods1 and we invite all to call and examine * our new pur chases before buying iiuother markets. SO Dl i-I 401 BROADWAY i Council Bluffs' , Iowa. CARPETS , CURTAINS , Rugs , Mattings , Window Shades , Etc "Wholesale and Retail. Siiriiifi : 1UI5G Our stock is now com plete mul contains the newest designs nntl colorings in all grades of Carpets , Curtains , Hugs , Upholstery Goods , etc. POPULAR PRICES Mail orders at tended to promptly. Fine Upholstery Work to order. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPETS CO. , 1.05 Broadway. Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTHKIl HAILS , HOD3 , ETC. FENCES BUII/T WITHOUT NAILS. Any part readily taken out or replaced. For picket or rail fenojs.iion orwood. cannot bo ex celled lor railing of any sort. Kor particulars write C. J. IHX'IOIAN , Inventor. Council lllutrs. Plate and county rights for sale. UNION TICKET OFFICE A. T. ELY/ELI / , Agent , No. 607 Broadway , Council Hluffs. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL HLlJFFa The following Is the time of nrrlval and departure of trains by central standard time , at the local depots. Trains leave transfer depot ton minutes earlier and arrive ten minutes later : DEI > - " " - AItT-cmcAno * woiiTiwarmw/111"8- 0:30 : A. M . Mail and lixprcsa . B:50p. : M. J2:10i' : . M . Aecoinniodatlou . 4MiM. : . OitOr. u . JUpross . 'JU.iA.M. : CIUCAOO k HOCK ISLAND. ti:31 : A. . . . . . . .Mall and Kvpiess . 0:50i : > . jt. 7 : IK A.M. . . , . , , . . Accommodation . 6:45 : 1 > . M. Ctoi' ; . M . Kvpicss . 0U5A. : M. CII1CAOO. MII.WAllliKi ; * BT 1'AUL , 0:20 : A. M . Mall and Evpress. . . . . . .CiJOi : > . M. G'.OOl'.M . li.Vplt'jiS. . . . . . . UUoA.M. : CHICAGO , IUIII.INnrOKi ) QU1.NCV. 0:10 : AM . Hall and Kiur < } > s . UMP. : O-.DOp.M . Kxpic s , , ' . 0:05 : WAlltRII , ST , LntllB & I'ACiriC. 2:15 : P. M. Local St. I.ouU Cxprf SH Uical . . , . . . . BiOOP.N.TransferSt. LoulnltTrHiiier.3iOp. : | : : M 10IOA. : it . JlalTund fiAprtlss . BMP.M. : : U:05p. : M . Expiosa . 6:2oA.M. : BIOUX C1TV ft-l-AClFIC. 7:15 : A. M . . .Sioux City Wall . 8:30p. : M. 030 ; ! r. it . Bt.l'aul l-ri : ( isa. . 8 : 5 A , . UNION I'ACIWC. 10a'iA.U : . Denver Kxpress . S:45P.t : ( . aia : p. 11 , . .Lincoln Puss. , um , , & It. V.-Jt)5 : ) v. M. 7:50p.u : . Overland KxbrOss . 8:15 : A. ii. DUMMV TIIAlN8rO OMAHA. Leave Council lllulfB T':05-8U.'i : : 0:30-10:30 : : 11:1)0 : ) n. m. ; Iao-2:30-aS : : r < : : W 5a5 : fl ! * > : I5-11H6 p. in. Sundays-70.1-'J:3J-na ! : ( > - u. m ; " :3 : > ; ik : > -6-5 : 0 : ; > fl : 5 | > . in. LoavoOmu- ha-fldi-7:35-B:50-10:00-llWii. : : : : m : 1:00 : 2:03- : a:00 : 4:00 : 5:00 : : 0:05 : : I5 ll:10ii. : in. Sundays Ua3-7:60 : : b:4J : 11:00 : a. m. ; S:003:00 : : 6:00- 6:05-8:15-11:10 : : : p m , _ Farm at a Bargain. Well Improved farm of 10T acres for sale ; 2 } $ miles from Council Hlulfs. Address IHA SCOFIKLD , Council muffs. _ ONLY HOTEL In Council BluttB bavlnir And all mooera iranrovotnoun , call boy a , lira alarm bells , etc.is the CJiESTON HOUSE I NOK. 215 , S17 and 210 , Main Street , X J10HN , 1'roprlotor , WHOLESALE AND JOBBING laoxjsEs OP : COUNCIL BLUFFS. UEEUE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggies , Carriages , Etc , Ttc. Council niulTg , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Sliellors , Stalk Gaiters , UiscHnrrow ? , Seeders , Corn Planters , FooJ Cut ters , r.to. Factory , Hock Fulls , Ills. No.IfiOl. 1M1 , 1MT , , IMTMntnSt.Council IHiUTa. DAVID HIIADLKY & UOJ Manuf'rsnnl Jobbers of Agricultural lmplementsWagons , , Buggies , Carriages , nnd nil WrUs of Kar.n Mtohlnarr. 11UO to UM South Mitln Street , Couaeil lllulfd , lown. AXK HAXD1.H8. P.O. at.nmoN , T. It.t > nuatji < t , ( leo.r. Wntniir. I'rcs.A.Treai. V.-l'ros.&M'ui. Soo.\Couusol. Council Bluffs Handle Factory , ( Incorporated. ) Mnmifactiirersor Axle , 1'lck , Slodiro and Small Handles , of every description. CA11PKT& COUNCIL BLUFFS C AH PET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Cm Mln Fixture * , UphnNtary Hoods , lite. No. 4a > llrosidtvny Council IllutTs , lown. co , ITC. : PEKKOOY & MOOUK , Wholesale JobbaM In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. i8 Main nnd 27 I'oarl Sts. , Council UUUTs , lown. CtM/Jf/.SSfQ.V. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Wliolcsnlo Fruit and Produce Coniralsslon Merchants. No. Itl'cu-l St , Council llluiri. CHACKEltS. McCLUUG CIlACKKil CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Crackers , Biscuits aai Ca'iOJ , Council llltifft , loii'.i. cnocKKitr. MAURER & CRAIO , Importers & Jobbers of Crockery.Glassware Lumps , Fruit Jura , Cutlery , Stoneware , liar Uoods , Fancy Goods. Etc. Council lllutls , lown. DltVOaiSTS. HARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sundries. Etc. No. 2i Main St. , and No. ' . ' 1 1'cnrl St , Council lllulTs. DIIY GOODS. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions , Ktc. No . 112 nnd 114 Mivln St. , Nos. 113 and ir 1'cnrl St , Council lllutls , lown. _ riWITS. _ O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale allfofnla Fruits a Specialty. General Commlss'on. No. 512 Ilrondway , Council liliurs. WlllT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. IB nnd 18 I'oarl St. , Council Illulfr. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 113 nnd 121 , .Main St. , Council HlulTa , lown. L. KIKSCrIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale Llijnor Dealers. No. 416 Uroud- way , Council lllulTs. P. C. DK VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , Hofiljjcrntors , etc. Nos. 501 Hroahvay , and 10 _ .Miiln street , Council HlunX _ HARNESS , ETC. DECKMAN & CO. , Manufacturers of and Wholesale. Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. 625 Main St. . Council lllulTj , lown. _ _ HATS , CAPS. ETC. _ METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. ! lt3 nnd 314 llrondwny , Council IllulTa. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Anil Wood Stoch , Council lllulTa , Iowa. HIDES AKD WOOL. D. II. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , Pelts , Grease and Furd Council Jlliiirs , lown. _ _ COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , E3TO. , ETO. 8. Thoodoio , A ont , Council llhr.rs. Iowa. IAJM11KH , I'lLlXO , LTC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pin ! ! ? . , - -wl And Hrldtro JlfttOrlal Spcelnltlf s.Wholosnlo I.unv hcrot all Kinds. ( Jillee No. lUUMaln bt , , Council lllulfg. IOWH. WINKS AND LIQUORS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent for St. Rottliaid's Herb ItlttcTJ. No. U Main St. , Council Itlulld. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , A'o COO Main HI. , Cvwiett Illu/i. N. SCHUKZ , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT UANCrACTUUKIl AMD UEALCIt IM HAIR GOODS No. 337 Broadway , Council B lulls. Z.T. LINDSEY&CO. , * RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTICS , Rubber and Oiled Clothing STOCK : And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. O and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St , Office 412 Broadway , Oo-utnoil Bl-u.ffef w. AND RAISER . Rrlrk liiillcltn-r of nnv kind inl ril or movoil nnJ satisfaction irunnuitccd. Frame houses moved . onLictloGiant truoks-thB best in the worlJ. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth Street , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL JSTOTICES NOTICE. Special ndvcrtisomonta , such a * LostFound , To Loan , Ko-S.ilo , To llont , WunU Boardingetc. , will bo Inserted In this eoluranit thclow rate ot TBN CENTS 7'EH LINE for the flrBtlnaortlon and FIVJJ CENTS PKlt LINE for each siibsoqucnt Insertion. Lonvo utlvorttaa mentsat our olllco , No. U I'oarl Btroot , near Broadway , Council Ultilfs. WANTS. Situation III wholesale hnuso. W ' . J. ! > . M TToFt i > r jot 1icn0'i. , JlroiUwuy Council lllulTs. " _ _ TTlOUND-P.ih- iroldsnoctacln * . Call at Judd X1 A : fjmlth'b electric bolt factory. H/ANTKD G-od ronm-nato for two months. Address M. K It. , Bee ollico , Council Illnlls. FOH PAM5 Old nnpors. in quantities to suit , at Rae olllro , No. 1" Pearl street. WANTED A conij o'ent la'ly ' bookkeeper. State relciciiSL" ) , l > yhoni last employed , name and addro'd in full. Address Wholesale , A , llso ollico , Counull lllnlls. ) A po lton ! as pressman by man of inmlly , three ycai-t , uxporicnue. It , lieu niliec , Council lllulls. WANTIJD A nui o sr'rl at oncu. Call utiKJ yixth uroniiu , " 1T1OH HUNT IliillJliiKnnai - railway depots J Kxcellent location lor store , re-tiiiiinnt or hotel. Addicss or call on M. H. Tlulcy , on piemlBos , 1U17 S. Jlaln St. , Council liUiir- * . OWAN " & " wTrTKKIt , NoT UJ Jlaln struotT tJ ( under Citizen's llankl , teal ostJito ana iner- chandlso exchange broking. Onr boolcs are lull of special barnaln.t , but it is impossible to pub lish A reliable list tiotn thefaet of BO many dally * changes. What wo ask Is : 11 you wnnt to sell ortiado anything In our line , write us and wo will Bond you a pllo of bargains to select from. Lands improved or unimproved , city or town piopcrlyhtojKs of goods of any kind In any place. It such you have or such you want let us near from von. Swan te Wiilker Council lllulTs RUSSELL&Co Manufacturersof all BUoaot Automatic Engines Eepeclally Designed for Uunnhw MILtS , GUALNtELE VATOIIS , AND ELECTRIC LIGEITS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilors. New Massilloa Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Iforse Powers. STATIONARY , S1C11) , Portable and Traction Engines , SA\V MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL. T1IOS. OFFICER. VI. n. M. OFFICER COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Established ISO ) . KIEL SALE STABLES ! Htrses mill Mulfi kept constantly on Iianil , lor 6"li ; ui it'tall nv In cur li > ud . (1idui promdtK- tilled liy contract on shcil notlt'o , .Stock bold ( in ro'iimlsnbm. iill.l"liit | : .V If i' IV ! , I'roprIttoi-4. Stable roinur Pilltt Af n iu utiJ 1'our'li "U Cuuuc-U JlluUa luwx. . > REMOVED. I wish to respectfully call the Httontlnn of my patrons anil tlio public In iruiiotnl , to my ronio- vul tiom tlin old htnutl Nos. 7 mid U , Main at. , to my nuw untl commodious quarters , Ho , 226 Broadway , Whore 1 will be iilimscj to too my many friends. \ \ itli n lnro , non- and complete assortment or all the very And u ' . ' 2J Ip atCd ln tnrgo quarters I am better than ever before iiropuiCd t9 § crv9 the public. " ' J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 220 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices in Htuta mid Federal Courts. Hooiiis 7 iiuil S , Siuu'.ut lilook. LAlPS"a CROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , Xo. 23 Main Street. Council BlufTd. la B. BICE , M. D. or other turners renuivud without the knlfo or dniwlnif of uloo.1. CHRONIC DISEASES or an kiud3 . 81ociait7. | Over thirty years' pr No. 11 I'earl Sticet , Coiuull Hlulti ' A.C.UtiUNiiAM.l'nvi. J..W. Tui.Mirn , VIco-I'ioa. JAMES N. IlunwNCat > liior. 102 MAIN STREET , Capital $100OOC > Authorized Capital 250,000 Stockholders Ileproaent 1,000,000 Do nirtMlcial bnnldiikbusiness. . Accounts of bank1) ) . banUois , merchant * , man- ulacturcisaiiil Individuals ic.'clvoU an luvu.u- bio terms. Domt'Stloanil foreign oxctimiRo. The very beat of attention glvoa to nil lv.nl ness committed to our tare. " " "TIMOTHY SEED. " I luivo a quantity of found , well clciinod ecoil which 1 otfoint rcnsoimbln figures. Eood of llio fiiopof 1F8 * . CorrCcponrtcnco solicited , T.fl , H , Schnllor , loivn. 0. 4 ; N. W. Uy , * * Horses and Mules For all purpoiCE. I'Oiifc'ht nnd sol. . ] , nt rotall and I In lots Soxnty-slv head of the very butt quality of mules now on h.uid. Council Ululls II Iowa. I COUNCIL BLUTFS Baggage & Transfer Line. MJiis nnd bntrago wAjroui connect v.-ltli al Inline , In nil h"kl.s , losUlonccs , eio. fipctli.l < u- tcmlontotOMMKItUIAI. W1I.V and TlllJA't'- ! ! ! CA1. 'J'IOrj'i ( : < . Prompt attention plvoii all calls. OIUco < it I'liclllu HOUKC , Tclci'liono ' II'J ; olio Tclfjiliuiio Xo. IX al Ofdeu House. JJ. 1 , Proprietor.