7 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , vSA.TCTKDAY , MAR Oil 1H , 1833. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIlTBLUFFS , SATUUDAY MOHNUs'0 , MARCH. 10. 0riICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Btllurcd by cnrrlcr In nny pnrtot thocltynt twenty cents ] > cr week. II. W. TII.TON- , - - - Manager. Tr.r.HPitoNns : nusisECs Onicr , No. 43. Niniir HinToii. No. S3. MINOR IMKNTION. Now spring goods nt Holler's. Hov .T. W. Hnrrtsof Onmliti will preach in IhcJJaptist oliurcli Sunday morning. 'J'lioro will bo tlio nsnnl cervices in the Presbyterian church to-morrow morning. 8. Hoblorsky Is ( o open a gonor.il ntiction nntl commission &toro nt Jfo.100 Uronilway. Permit to woil was yc'slcrdny granted to Wlliiiiin Wngnor umlKllcu'lliompson , both of Sioux City. Asparagus , plu jilmit , splnnch , new onions , soup greuns , etc. , ut Taylor & Calcf X Ml ) Broadway. C. Hood , si familiar name , wns tlio only one appearing on the police record yes terday. Drunk as usual. Tlio Mortal sisters will sing at tlio temperance meeting to he held in the Methodist church this evening. Tlio funeral of Mrs. M. J. hollercy will bo held this morning at 10 o'clock , at the residoncoofW.il. uobinson on Washing ton avenue. Tlio old city council will meet to-night to sit down on tlio mayor's veto. The new council will meet Monday night to turn out the old police force and put In the now. Late last night the side door of tlio second hand store , corner of Broadway nntl Seventh street , was found broken open. Fannie II. , infant daughter of Mr. and Mrn. Simon Kisoman , aged l ) mouths , died yesterday morning of membraneous croup. Tlio tuueral f-ervlccs will ho hold nt tliu residence Sunday afternoon at 2:110 : o'clock. The funeral of the late Mrs. P. II. Wil liams , wife of tlio baggagemastor at the transfer , was held yesterday afternoon from the residence on Pierce street , and was largely attended by sympathizing friends. It is reported that Caioy Hitchcock , the young man who recently attempted ouicide by jumping into a well , is in a critical condition and is unconscious. Ili.s head and spine seem to have been more bonou.sly injured than was at Jirat thought. Yesterday afternoon , as Thco Lund was driving his Queen upon Broadway north of the Methodist church , the hor.so suddenly fell into a largo hole and luckily escaped with small injury. The four legs of the animal went into the hole their entire length. „ Services in tlio Congregational church to-morrow morning as usual. Sermon Iff the pastor. Subject , "A Memory and a Hope. " A cordial invitation extended to all. In the evening the congregation will join in the union temperance meet ing at Dolmny's opera house. About the only stir in the base ball ] ino locally is an attempt to put into the Held this season .some local clubs to serve largely as advertisements of commercial houses. It is said that the Mueller Music company is planning to lit out one club to bear its name. Bono & Co. are said to have a like plan on fool. The Ancient Order of Hibernians in ' nrranging for their grand ball on tlio evening of the 17th , in Masonic hall , have planned to have supper served in rooms adjoining the hall .so that those attending the ball will bo accommodated without the necessity of stepping out of the uilding. The revival meeting at Uohany's old hall have been pretty tairly attended this week. Alf Morris , who banks heavily on his having been a pri/o lighter , is the drawing card. He tells many plain facts , nnd indulges in a rough aiul tumble talk to the bovs. Ho says Council Blull's is the hardest spot he over struck , and ho seems to delight in denouncing his hearers as "great big dullers , " "great big loafers , " etc. The other night he saiil , ' 'Why , I used to have a dog who know moro than nil you follen > ; had more Ecnho ; ho would roll over when I told him to ; could stand on his hind logs ; ho had moro sense than all tlio young fellers in Council Ulull's put together. " That is about a samnlo of the Kind of talk ho is giving , though at times he happens to hit n truth that is worth while. Ho doubt less means well , but ho has an odd way. Perhaps abuse may win over home of the hard citizens. Ho ought to know , for ho ays ho has traveleu with that class all his life. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans. J. W , vV E. L. Squire , 101 Pearl street , Council Blull's. I'crHonnl I'nrugraplia. Carrier Jo Spaulding was on the sick list yesterday. A. A. Potter of Sioux City was at the Ogden yesterday. S. G. Underwood , of Keg Creek , was at the Pacilio house yesterday. A. S. Clough expects to start for Now Mexico nnxt week on a business trip. H. E. Klein of Burlington , a commis sion merchant , was in the city yesterday. E. C. Harris , resident manager of Itussoll & Co. , left yesterday for Nebraska on business. Harry Milliken , claim agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , was in the city yesterday. Miss Anna Squire has boon obliged to give up bur duties as teacher for ; : few days on account of illness. DO. 1) ) . Dodge , of the Grand Uo Tour Plow company of li\on ) , III. , who has lieon in tlio city several days , returned homo yesterday. A. U. Burnhani , of Champaign , 111. , president of the Council Blull's National bank , who has been in the city for bovoral days , leturned cast last evening To the Public. Circumstances beyond our control have delayed the closing out of our entire stock a ? wo had proposed. Tlio approaching season of spring trade flmls us with a goodly stock of dry goods nud carpets , some lines depleted , but cleared of undesirable goods , Being in the dry goods business wo know of no butter place to continue the amo than in Council Dlului. Wo shall therefore ro-stock every department with now and scaioimblu goods. Our Mr. E. K. Harkncss is now making purchases in eastern markets , and wo shall soon have a choice now stock to ollur our customers. Our carpet department will bocomnloto with the new paterns of Moquetto. Body Unissells , oto. ; Curtains and Curtain Goods from domestic and foreign mark ets. ets.Wo have already on our tables the choicest selections of Swiss and Hamburg embroideries over offered in the city , ami an excellent assortment of white goods , to which wo shall make frequent addi tions. tions.Wo thank our many patrons for their favors and good will in the past , and wo felmll cpdeavor to merit tlio same in the future by attention to tlioir interests am by good goods , aiul wo invite all to cal and examine our now purchases - before buying in other markets. liAUKKKSS BltOS , , C 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ALL ABOUT THE BLUFFS The Remains of Eobert Percival Taken to Sidney for Burial , THE NEW CITY WEIGH MASTER. Tor n Complimentary Knlr The Muslcnl Institute A .Now I'lrin Other GlcnnliiRS l > r the Ilcportors. The N'ew Wclpchnmstcr. The now city wclghniaslcr nnd super- nlemlont of mnrkct.s starts in with as inich cnlhusla ni as any of lih prcdccci- sor.s. The oillco has become of little ac count owing to a variety of eircuni- ftanocs , and yet Mr. Amy has faith to be- icvo that it can be made to at Icust pay a ivlng income. There liavo been many obstacles in the pathway of his predecessor ser , and the oillco has bt-pn merely lilled nominally. The now ollicial proposes to reopen the oflico at the oily building , nave the city scales put in shape , and at tend to his duties carefully and constantly mtil ho gives it a fair test at least. Pre vious councils have allowed the duties of the city woighma'-ter to bo performed by private parties , and if this same policy js kept up bv the present council there will bo little clianco for Mr. Amy to got oven n living out of the olllcc. It is moro than probable , however , that with as excellent nn ollicial as Mr. Amy will imikn the council will see that bo is given all that lionpstly belongs to his position , and will take stops to make tlio ollico what the law intended it should bo. An attempt will bo made to Ik up the grounds near the city building , so as to make a market place of it , and to stop the licensing of uthcr scales. It so , the oillco will doubtless - loss become something moro than an empty title. A Now Finn. Yesterday Charles A. Moore and O < car II. Keplingor completed arrangements by which they became the proprietors of the retail cigar sloro of 1'ei egoy iV : Moore , tlio new linn to bo Moore & Keplinger , Lho location to bo the old one , No. 41 ! ) Broadway. I'oregoy & Moore will now give their entire attention to their whole sale business , which has grown into such largo proportions as to demand all their care. Tlio retail business has been handled by Mr. Charles Moore for three years past , and ho lias attended to tlio demands of the trade with unflagging zeal , tying himself down to business day in and day out. always on hand to supply patrons in a happy way , winning friends and increasing tne business steadily and surely. Mr. Kophnger has boon book keeper for J. L. Forman lor several years , and is a thorough business voting man. who will prove a valuable addition. The now linn , with a business already es tablished on a Felid basis , cannot but roach out to larger prosperity. The block is a very large one , and every variety of goods in that line are always found there in such quantities that a customer can not but make a satisfactory selection. In the bands of the now linn the business will go forward r.ither than backward. Host coal and wood m the city at Gloa- Eon's , 20 Pearl street. _ ntllcst. The remains of the late Robert Percival were yesterday laid at rest. They were lying in state at the residence of Airs. Saundcrs yesterday morning , and wcro viewed by hundreds ot old friends. A brief and tender service was conducted by Rev. T. J. Mackay of St. Paul's Epis copal church , after which the procession was formed to take the remains to the C. , B. & Q. depot , where a special train was in wailing to take them to Sid ney , Iowa , the old home of Mr. Percival. Tlio pall-bearers wcro Messrs. Cook. Gronowcg , Patterson , Rudd , Hunter and Cooper. The Bavarian band played a dirge , and Excelsior ledge , No. & 50 , A. F. & A. M. . with members of other lodges , marched in a body. The bar , of which ho was such an old and prominent mem ber , attended in carriages , and a largo number of citizens joined in paying mete tribute to the dead. There were nearly 800 who took the special train conveying the remains to Sidney. There they wore joined by Masons from Glcnwood. Hast ings and Randolph. It seemed as if all the citi/cns for miles about were in at tendance , showing how strongly the sud denly stricken 0110 bold the allections of these who had known him for so many years. The lloral tributes were numer ous , varied and beautiful , some of the de signs being very elaborate. An account of the ceremonies at Sidney is given in our tclopr.iph columns. For first class Missouri wood call on Uleason , at his coal ollico , 20 Pearl street , A MiiHloiil Institute. The musical institute to bo conduc ted by Professor T.Martin Townoof Chicago is to open on Thursday night of next week in the parlors of the Congrega tional church. The securing of the ser vices of this well-known composer and instructor is a cause of congratulation , and there are many who will gladly avail themselves of his presence in the city , He will remain hero two weeks , conduct ing classes , teaching the young folks how to read music , developing the voices of others , and giving private lessons to such as dcsiro. Ho is a man whoso reputa tion is established among musical cir cles. and he is considered one of the best ill tlio land. The ladies of the Congrega tional cjinrch , who have the arrange ments in cii.rco . ; , have placed tickets on sale at Harknuss JJro.s' , at W. S. Homer's and at J. W. Squire's ' ollico. The terms are very low , considering the auVjintages ollbred , and a merely nominal prior ; is charged for membership entitling one to tliu full course. Money to loan by Foricst Smith. Fair For tlio Sisters. The ladies of the Catholic church arc m.iklng extensive preparations for a grand complimentary fair for the benefit of the Sisters of St. Francis ac.xdomy , which will take place about tlio last week of April or the lirst woyk of May. All are invited to participate , Catholic or non-Catholic , to help the good work by their presence and by contributions. The academy is In fact a public institu tion , the advantages of which are within the roach of all. The sistora have ex pended a great amount of money in building improvements hero , and the in stitution is ono which is educating young ladles from all parts of the country. AU meetings for the fair will bo hold at the academy , and everybody feeling an inter est in the noble work of the good sisters are most heartily invited to co-operato. Kcndy For Spring. The Council IHulla Carpet company an nounce that they have now their stock complete for the spring trado. They have received the newest designs , and colorings in all grades of carpets , cur tains , rugs , upholstery goods , etc. , and are prepared to supply their wholesale as well as their retail customers. Popular prices. Now goods. . Great variety from vyhich to select. All mail orders will bo attended to promptly , KDUCATION'AU The colleges of this country contain 18,000 fcinnlo students. Five thousand new physicians will bo cialunleil from the 101 Incorporated med ical colleges In the United States this year. Harvard eolleee lias now S4.0M.M.1 , of which S1DG3,70 ; is In real estate. Sl,77flS. in ralliond bonds , niul § 813,037 In notes and The Catholics have begun In a somewhat promising war , the fotinditlon of a Catholic unUcrslty. They wantS < 00,003 nnd they lin\o cot 5000,000 , and tlio balance seem to bo with in reach. The maximum of dnlly cliool work In 1'russln is seven hours for dilution 11 ycais of age , up to nine hours for the i 15 years nnd npwnid. Tlio standard Is still higher In Denmark. The house of deputies of the Saxon Land- tru ; Ims made a fuithcr nppioptlatlon of S .i,000 for the erection of n new academy and museum of line arts at Dresden , the \\holotocost ST.,000. Xc\v Yoik City has over 400,003 children of school nse ; only i17r ! ! i3 woio enrolled In the public schools in ISSkSl , nnd tlictuemno dnlly attendance , Including Hint upon even- In ; ; schools , was 145,003. The aver.iuo attendance at the Woman's Normal collcRO In Now Yoik Is moro than ViOO. and Ihe losnlls of tlio system theio mo parllculntly cncomnglnt ; . It Is said , how ever , that the college rooms are dangerously oveienwded. In Florida , with CO,703 children between the nucs of 0 nnd 21 vcai.swhich Is the school ao In that slate , theio me 0'JiK7 , or 111010 than ! )1 ) percent of the whole number , on- tolled In tlio public schools , while In Maine , ontol 212j'JOcelldieii : between I nnd 21 years ol IIKC. only U'i.433. or but M per cent , are cmollcd. Mine. S. Knovatovskl Is piofc ssnrof math ematics in the Univeisltv of Stockholm , Sweden. She 1ms been pioposcd lornicm- liei > hlp In the Swedish Academy of Science , but iclei'k'd on the plea that the constitution iiiovlded only for "men" as membeis. II has been found , however , that two Indies ha\o already been admitted. Theptcllmlnary steps toward establishing a.Jewish theological seminary In ew Yoik aic proi ! ( > sslni : favoiably. Thus lar tlio Kipatc.st activity has bcun exeilod in ondenv- oiiiiK to sccuie the eo-opcrntlou ot tloim. Neaily T > 0 signified their intention of joininir the mo\e- iiit'iit , Onontlyoh , a fnll-hloodod Indian , gradu ated No. 18 in a cl.iss ol folly-eight at tlio Hnlfalo Medical college last \\celc. I lu is the lii-jtol his nice to take honors inaconisoof medicine In tills countiy. Ills uncle , Oron- jetuklia ( limnliii ; Sky ) , \\ns graduated at Oxford , England , and is now a successful liiactltioncr nt London , Out. Onontlyoh is of pure Mohawk blood anil his name signifies "Ueautllul Mountain. " The annual reports of the provost and treasurer of the Unlveislty ol Pennsylvania shows that the tmher.sitv own pioneity ot all kinds to thevaluo of $1,701,114. O I this laiKG amount neatly n million and a hall of dollais are repicsonted by the buildiims , fur- niliiic , anil c'tiuipiiicnts of the university and its hospital , and nearly ono million tlnee Iiuiuhc'l ' thousand dollais by iieisonal and real nroneity lield as endowments forvaiious funds. The medical , dental , and law de- paitiuentsof the nnlversltj aio self-siibtain- intr. CONN UUlTv LITIES. Edison , on the day of his man Inge , tians- fcited to his wife , 5-1,003,000 worth ot leal es tate. tate.A A New Yoik girl selected a Socialist to marry because lie loved llorr .Most [ New Orleans Picayune. A woman In Oakland , Cal. , whose daughter eloped with her son-in-law , offers a icvvnut of 5100 for her capluic. The Duke of Mailboiough is soon to be re- mmiled. The victim named IsMis. ! Snitoils , a lovely young widow , who has some nribto- cratic connections. The wedding tour of a Fall IJiver couple has been iiuleluiltely postponed by the lutcr- fernnce ot a bulldog , which b.ully laceiated the bridegroom while ho was about taking a cnrii.igc for the raihoad station. . A countryman who lind been seveial times man led beloro has biought a nowbildcto the parsonage. Cleigyman ( nbotit to peilorm the manlagoceicmonv ) Will ll.o bride nud gioom please rise ? Countiyman Wo nllus sot belorc. In his lecture bcfoio the Boston Scientific society , the other evening , Mr. Kneclnndgnvo tlio I.uest prices for wives among the Snntlml people. It the woman is young and pietty the nusband must pay to her iclatives fiom S3 to S5. Divorced women are quoted at about 81.50 , and widows nt 75 cents. Miss Nina Mnulton , the Boston girl , who is engaged to Unron llaabcr , the lichest noble- 'man ' in Denmaik , is said to possess many clinims of person nnd manner. She is a very bright conveisationnllst aiul can talk fluently in lour languages. Her wedding gowns Imvo aliendy been ordeied from noted modistes In Palis and Copenhagen. AVest Itipoklicld , Mass. , complains that since the liio wiped out the factories the young people are all getting man led. The thcoiy lor the many weddings at picsentis that betoro the llio they vvero too busy to make love , nnd since the lire have had noth ing else to do. Mrs. Miller , mother of Joaquin Miller , who two ye.us ago married a bjy aged 20 years and wns deserted by him , obtained a dlvoico nt the last tcini ol court in Portland , Oiegon. On Friday she married again at Kuieno , Line county , thogioom beluga joung man named Klino. Thoccieniony was peUoimed by a justlco of the pu.icc. There Is a widespread and apparently well autluMitlcatcd icport at Munich that cccentilc KlngLndwIgot B.ivaila , nespalilngof ob taining lellef. to extricate hlmfiom his finan cial dilliciiltlcs , has finally decided to enter Into a morganatic man lago with an American lady , the widow ot a manufacturer who Is reputed to be worth 8100,000,000. Society in Detroit is agitated to'an unpic- ceder.tcd degico by tlio snddon nuurlngeof Mis. Katharine Mahloy , widow of the late C. 1) ) . Mabley , the mllllonaliu meichant , who died of hialn fever about eight months ago. Thobiidegioom is Hov. W. J. iJpcars , ngeil : ; o years. The giddy brldo Is past no and the mother of thlitcenchildion , several ot whom nrogiovvn up , and at least ono of which is mauled. A hanta Barbara , Cal. , school teacher fell In love with a pretty pupil , and she with him , and thep decided to efopu. They got away safely , boaided a nt earner for Los Angeles , and tiiugGsd-liatiiicil captain ran the vessel outsldo the tiriee-icaguo limit sotliat tlio young folki might bo marn'ct ! without a li cense. Atter It was all over It was Icaj nod thai they might just as well have been mnr- ilcd al home , fur no one In the woild had the least objection. ANECDOTE OF ARMOUR. Tlio Chicago Pork Packer Hclntcs n Yuiitlilnl Experience. Kansas Cily Times ; Perhaps none of her admirers Imvo a moro abiding faith in tlio future of Kansas City than Mr. P. D. Armour , the Chicago millionaire packer and I'silrpad director. It is im possible to talk a hn ! hour with him with out hearing something about the West- urn giant. The subject once broached , Mr. Armour lli s oil nt a tangent , and the floodgates of his eloquence are not closed until tlio hearer has acquired a pretty clear idea of the young metropolis nnd her prospects. L o- spite this fact tew oven of Mr , Armour's most intimate friends know that the millionaire stood on the bank of the raging Kaw when Kansas City was West port Landing and her brighl de.stjny not yet foreshadowed. It happened in this wise : Young Armour , like thousands of young men in the states , early caught the California fever , nnd , with cloven other MiuIUon county ( New York ) boys , started for the land of gold. The party came up the Missouri via boat , and outfitted at Independence. With Ihrco or four ox wagons and provisions enough lo last six months , they started ono bright May morning on their journey across the plains. The incident was re lated by Mr. Armour himself , on the oc casion of his recent visit to tills city. "It didn't take us long to get ready. Some of us hustled around and got the wagons , others laid in provisions , and Calvin Gilbert was deputized to buy the oxen , The commission was given him because ho wiia the oldest of the party , and prided himself not a little on his knowledge of stock. It wasn't long be- loiu ho found 'hat ho didn't know as much as ho thought , and not iuarly ) as ' much as the trader who sold him tho'cat- tic. Ono of tlio herd lli.it Gilbert bo-tight , nn old steer , was bljinl not totally , utit just enough 50 to make lilni scaroy. It Impelled that ( Jilburt wns tlio lirst ono who attempted to tfoko him. Hav ing some misgiving that ho didn't know ns much about yoking nn 0 * team as ho pretended , though ho took tare not to let us sco it , Gilbert advanced toward tlio steer coa\ingly , yoke in hand. Tlio ani mal didn't see him until the yoke was almost over Ills head. When ho did , ho turned suddenly and sliot out his heels. Gilbert also turned Middonly to get out of the way , but instead of doing so re ceived the anlmal'4 hoofs a posteriori. He then proceeded to tilck hhmolf up , nud the steer started ! oil' to join tlio herd. UnfoiInnately , neither succeeded. Gil bert were n co.it with skirts reaching al most to the ground , and ono of the steer's hoofs got caught In one of the tails. The steer tried to got away , and so did Gil- bci t , not lo s vigorously. The coat was n brand-now one , though , and held firm. Tim result was that Gilbert and the steer cavorted around the prairie nt a suprising rate. 1 wns on the ground during the whole proceeding , but the atl'air was so ludicrous that 1 couldn't have helped Gil bert if 1 had Known ho would bo killed. All things have nn end , however , and so did this. Tlio steer finally got tlrctj of fooling , and , with ono desperate ulTbrl , split the coat up the back nnd yanked it half oil'of Gilbert , who , under the circum stances , was not sorry to see it go. Tlio incident took all the conceit out of Gil bert , ilo novel1 bought any more steers , nud it was n hmg time before ho could beget got to yoke one . " Though Mr. Armour laughed heartily as he related the story , his regard for Mr. Gilbert is perhaps deeper than for any other man. When midway the plains Mr. Armour was stricken down with a mountain fever and but for Hm unwearied attention of his friend would probably have died. So , at least , Mr. Armour thinks , and Mr. Gilbert , not having been .successful either in ulifornia or binco his return to the btat s , has many times received aid from the hand of the mil lionaire , llu is now living on a farm in Illinois , purchased for him by his bene factor. Arriving in California , Mr. Armour , having rccoveaed his strength , struck out vigorously in search of wealth. For sev eral mouths ho mined , but being always of a speculative turn , ho abandoned the shovel and bought and .sold gold dust at u. handsome profit. Later ho bought a controlling interest in a ditch built to supply water to the mines. So aucco = s- ful were his investments that at tlio end of three years he returned to the states with if 15,000 in gold. He remained a few days with his parents in Now York and limn retnrncil to the west , locating in Milwaukee , whore he bought into a wholesale grocery Him. A year later ho went into the commission business , in which ho remained two years. At the end of that time he became interested with Mr. 1'lankinton. This was the be ginning of a career which has placed him , ut the ago of Cl , at rho head or the larg- etit packing firm in the world. Tno traits which ohtiructcrizcd the mil lionaire were apparent In the boy. When a mere child ho galljorejl apples and sold them in the neighboring ! villages. At 10 he bought a team ainl drove a canal-boat during a busy seasoii on the Erie canal. So judiciously did ho use Iho money thus earned that when he started for Califor nia at the ago of 10 ho was able to buy his outfit with but little , assistance from his father. His schooling was acquired in a log school-housiS in Madison county and at Ca/.enovia seminary. As a boy ho was as fond of fun sis of book , and while at the seminary ho was suspended for stealing a girl trom the boarding school and with her ut tending-u , dancu in the neighborhood. * " * The sufferer who wants a new back bone is made well and happy by St. Ja cob's Oil. Dr. Semmelina says that cholera has existed in Asia from prehistoric times , but it never turned loose on the rest of the world until 1817. It is said that out of 15,000 cigarmakers in New York City , only ! ! 00 are skilled hand workers , the rest use molds. The molded cigar is inferior. Council Bluffs Bus AND Carriage Transfer Oo. Arnd , Props. PassonRcra nd bagrKa.ro taken to nnd from al trains. Ilii8 ef , cnriiatrcsnnd bntruiiffo wau- onS inako connections with all t ruins. Prompt attention glvon to all calls. Special mica to hcatrlcnl tiotipoannJ com moiclal men. Car- tlnirearun day nnd nlK'nt. Oillco nt Ogdcn House. Toloph ono 123 Locking Bracket for Fences AND OTHKH HAILS , HOD3 , KTC. FENCES HUILT WITHOUT NAILS. Any pnrt readily taken out or replaced. Tor plcketor mil fonoas.lton orwood. cannot bo excelled - celled lor railing of any sort. For particulars wilto C. J. Hr.C'KMAN , Inventor. Council IIHiITs. Ptnto nnd county rlahts for sale. UNION TICKET OFFICE J.L. DeBEYOlSE , Agont. No. COT Broadway. Council mufti. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL IILUFFa Tlio following Is the time of arrival and departure oft"-n9 ! ° 7 central stniidard time , at the local depots. TraliisTefivo traiiSrorti PSl' ? ? minutes earlier and arrive ton minutes later : 0:20 : A. w..Mull und Uxprcss 0:501 : > . s * . 12:40p. : M Accommodation l:50r. : < t. 0CUi : * . M Kxpioss 0arA. ; M. CHICAGO if HOCK JSIiANIX 3:20 : A. M Mall and Kxpiess flSOi : > . u. 7:15 : A. M Accommodation 6:15p. : u , Gtor. : M Kxprbsv. 0:03 : A. M. CIIIUAOO , MILWAUKEE A ST. I'AUL. 0:20 : A.M Mall and"Kxpross 6:501t. : . 0:601'.M : . . . .lamps- ) , . o.OoA.M. CHICAGO. UUIII.INOrOM 4 QUINCV. 0:10 : A. u Mail and Express flMr- : . 0:60 : p. M lUpresy. ; 0:05 : WAHASII , ST. LOUlrfA I'ACUIC. ! :16r. : M.Local St. Louis Express Local 3:00p.M.TransforSt. : LoulJKx.Transfer. : ) : i . JJ KANSAS C1TV. ST. JOlI ( t.COUNCJl. II Ultra 10:10A.M : Mull niNj lUpfobS fijJOl'.M. 11:051' , M , . . . . Kxpjfcsj. ; 625A.U. ; IOUX CITV/fc PA.CIITIG 7:1BA.M : . . .Sioux Cltfilujl 8:30i > . M. CUOfM : Bt. Paul la/pre / s ti : 5A.u. UNION riuiuio. ] 0:35A.M : I or\viir < Uxlross | . . . . . .5:15 : P. M. Z-M v. u.Lincoln Pus.Out It It. V..2:05 : r. M. 7:00r.u : Uvorlund lixuross 8:15A.M. : DUMMY TIIAI.N3TO OMAHA. Leave Council llluirs-'itUr > t-bU : * 9:30 : 10:30 : 11:15 p. m."Sundays --:0s'-JMd ) ' 11JO : a , in ; 8:3U : : < : : ia 5:25-flir : : : ) il:4i : p.m. Laura Omaha -fla5-7a5-a:50-10:00-U:00 : : : a. ms 1:00-2:00- : : 00 1:00 : S :00 : ; 0:05 : 11:1) : I ) , in. Sundays tlJ5 : 6&-ll:00 : a. m.2:00-3:00-5:00-0:05-11:10p ; : : : : : in Farm at a Bargain , Well improved farm of 1CT acres lor sale ; 2K miles fiom Council Blulfs. Address lltA SCOF1KLD , Council muffs. ONLY HOTEL In Council BluCa having Fir © EsoeiTp © And all modern Improvcuuuti , call beta , lira ftlurm bells , eta. 1st us VRESTON HOUSE J Nog. 21& , SIT aud 21C , Main Street. . . X JIOI1N , I'roprloCo WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ZZO'CTSES CXF1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEBKK , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bo&las , Carriage" , Kto . Kto. Council niulTg , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. , Corn Sellers , Stalk Callers , DIscHarrow" , Sepileis , Corn Planters , Food Cut- turs.r.to. Factory , Hock falls , 111 3. Xos. IfOl , irai , liOi , 15J7 Main St. , Council niuffa. MADLKY * co. , Mnniif'rs nn 1 Jobbers ot Agricultural Imploments.Wagons . , Bng los , rarilngoi. iincl nil kin la of farm Mio'tlnarr. 1IUO to 1113 South Mitln Street , Comull lllmfs , lOTTO. .t.VB tIAXDLKS. r. O. Gt.p.Vsox , T. lt.loimi.v , UKO I' . Witiour. 1'res.A.Trom. V.-l'io AM.xn. Sna&Counsol. Council BlnlTs Handla Factory , ( Incorporated. ! Manufacturer * of Axlo.l'lck , Slo.liro and Small llandlpa , of every tlp cilptlon. CAlll'KTS. COUNCIL BLUFt-S CAUPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , ITplioUtcry OooJs , Etc. No. 40J Droiulvvuy Council HlutTd , town. CldAltS , TOIIACCO , KTO. PEIIEOOY & MOOUE , Wholosnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes. Nos. 23 Main ami i.7 1'onilSta , Council muffs , lonn. COMMISSION. SNYDEIl & LEAMAN , Wholosnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Hartals. Xo. 141'o\rl St , Council Hlu'Js. ' CIIACKKIIS. McCLUHG CRACKER CO. , Manufacturers of Fine Grafters , Biscuits aal Cata , Conned lllit/ * , low i. I'llOCKIMV. MAUREIl & CRAIG , Importors&JobrjBrsofCrockery.GIasswaw . Lamps , Vrult Jaia , Cutlery , Stonnwnrn , liar Goods , Fancy UooiK Ktc , Council llluirs , Iowa. HAHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists' Sumlilos , Ktc. No. 2J Muln St , imJ No. UlI'o.iil St. , Council UlulTs. Dir coons. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Notions. Htc. Nos. 112 nnd 111 Main St. , Nos. 113 and 11" > I'ciul St. , Council lllulls , Iowa. FRUITS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale alllornla Fraits a Specialty. General Commission. No. 51J Broadway , Council muffs. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10 nnd 18 Teatl St. , Council anocmtJKS. GRONEWEG & SCHOENTGEN , Jobbers in Staple and Fancy Groceries , Nos. 117 , 119 and 121 , Main St , Council Illutrs , lomu L. KIRSCIIT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholesale I.Iriuor Dealers. No. 410 Ilroad- way , Council Hluffs. HAHDWAKK. 1 > . C. DE VOL , Wholesale Hardware , Tinware , Gasoline Stoves , ItcfrlecrtitoiBetc. Nos. 501 Hroadway , and 10 Main street , Council 1 llutr . 11ARNKSS , KTC. BECKMAN & CO. , JIanufncturers of and Wholcsiilo Dealers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. JB5 Muln SI. Council IlluirsIown. _ _ HATS , CAPS , KTC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 312 imiinil Hroadway , Council lllulfa. HEAVY HAnDWAlW. KEELINE & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Ami Woo.l Slock. Council Illnlfs , lu\viu II1DKS AND 1KOOA. 1) . H. MoDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'olts , Oraisonnd Furs Council lllnfls. lown. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolesulo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils , Gisolla ) EJTO. , ETO. 8. Theodore , At'ent , ( 'uunull llluITg. Iowa. i , 1'iLixa , ITC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Y/ood / , Southera Lumber , Piling , And llrldfn ) Mulorlal Sppclnltlxs.Wholi ulo I.uui- bur or nil Kinds. OlllcoNo. 130 Jlolu St. , Council Illulfg. Iowa WIXKS AND LIQUORS. JOHN LINDER , \Vholi-S'ilo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Agent lor St. ( lOtthariVs Herb I tilt OH. No. II Muln St. , Council lllutla. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , A'o 600 .Ucidi t > t. , Council N. SCHUB.Z . , Justice of the Peace. Office Over American Express Company. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT XUNUJMCTUI1CII ANU OEA1.CII IN HAIR GOODS J .No. 337 Broadway , Council BIuUs. . . ZT LINDSFY& I I.MB I BED/'W L i I VW RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES AND ARCTSCS , Bubber and Oiled OIotMiig And Eastern Prices Duplicated. Write for Prices. Storolioass and Salesroom , 41 N , Main St. Oillca 412 Broadway- , Oo-u.n.oil : W. IP . IJrlclc liulMlntrnf nnvltlnd rnl = Cl ( or rnnvcrtnnl satisfaction ffuamatccil. I'ramo Uouecs moved onl.tttlc Gluut trucks the best lu the vrorU. 808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth Strent , Council BlufTs. SPECIAL NOTICES _ NOTIcn. Special advertisements , BUCI us LOBt.FoundTo Loin , Fo Silo , To Hunt , VVunH Boardingetc. , will bo Inserted In this columnat thclovT rate of TRN CENTS I'ICIl UNE for tin flretlnaartlon and FIVE CKMi'3 1'Ell LIN1J for each subaoiuont Insertion. Imvo atlvortln mcntsat our ollico , No. U 1'oarl struct , uu.vr Broadway , Council Uluffs. WANTS. \\7ANTni ) Situation In wholesale hou o. lle t of lofcicn.OiJ. J. J ) . , 1UU IJiuntwiiy Council llluffs. _ _ , FOUND Pair ol rold spectacles. Call nt Juild & Smith's olcclrk : bull Inutory. l ; ANTI'l > ( } "od lonm-nuto for two monllm Adilrosa M. P. H. , line olllcu , Council llluns | j OH SAt.K Old mipors. In ciitintlllcs | to Biilt , Jat lleo oillco , No. 11'oiirl street. WANTKD A coini o'cnt Imlv boolfkcupcr. Slate rolcicnc3 , bv vUiom lust mnplojud , mime nnd nddrc s In lull. Addicss Wholesale , A , Jlco ollico , Council lllnllB. WANTED A position ns pio'simm by man of family , tliiuo yciua cxpoiieuco. It , lieu olllue , Council lilulls. _ A uurfro girl at once. Call nt C2J T710K IIIIN'T llullJIns near nilhvay depots U i\cellont location lor store , raitiiiiriint or hotel. Adclii-ss or cull on M. II. Tin ley , on mcmlecd , 1017 S. .Main St. , Council HlulK WAN& WA.ltEK , No. M Muln si i cot , ( under Cltl/on's Hunk ) , leal cat.ito anil ni ( > r- chunctleooxclmiiKU brokers. Our books are full nl special ImiKiilns , but It la linpobslblo to pub lish u rolmlilo list from tlio met of so many dally changes. What wo ask la : If you want to soil oi-tiiulo nnjtlilnt , ' In our line , write as and wo will send you n pile of bargains to select from. Lands improved or unimproved , city or town property , blocks of tfooils of uny kind In nny plaee. II such yon have or such you wnnl let us hcarfiom you. Bwun & Wulkor , Council Ulnlfs RUSSELL&Co Manufacturers of all sizes of Automatic Engines Especially Designed for llunnlnar MILLS , ( JKAlNiELKVATORS , AND ELECTIUC LIMITS , Tubular and Locomotive Boilers. Now Mussillou Threshers. Carey and Woodbury Horse Powers. STATIONAItr. SKID , Portable and Traction Engines , SAW MILLS , ETC. Factory Massillon , 0. Branch House 510 Pearl St. , Council Bluff * . SEND FOR 1880 ANNUAL. inos. arncER. fr. n. u. OFFICER , & PUSSY , BAN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOVM. Establlbhcd lt 5. KIEL SALE STABLES ! and Mulus kept constantly on hand , for talu at i etall or In cur loiidn. ( Jideis promdtlv IIIIul by contract on blunt notlco. Sleek void on commission. SHM'TKU & liOI.KY , 1'ronilttors. Futile r/ii-nor I'Mtli Avcu.uo und Ipurlh'au OUUL.lll UtT - lOW I wl h to respectfully c.ill the attention of my pnttons and the public In Konoial. to my icmo- \altiotnthoold gland Nos. 7 and ! ) , Miiln St. , to my new and commodious quarters , Wlioio I will bople.i ed to see my many friend' . With a larrfo , nounud complete ti sortinentof all the \t-ry UTESTFabrtelnSpilnjSmES And hchiR locate 1 In laigo rjunrtcrsl nm bettor than over bcfcii o prcparo-i to serve the public. llcapectftilly , J. M. SMITH , Merchant Tailor NO 226 Broadway , Council Bluffs. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW COTJTJSTOILi Practices In StatJ and 1'edar.il ( Joints. Kooms 7 aud 8 , Siuu.irt lllonk. LAMPS and CROCKERY AT REDUCED PRICES , At Homer's , No. 25 ! Main Street. Council UlnHs. la . * ? B. BICE , M. D. C or other tumors removed without the knife or druwlnff of blood. CHROMIC DISEASES of u kinds n Over thirty years' nract.oal otporloiijj. Nc. 11 1'ciiil Street , Cotim II lllutlj. PHBJ. A.C.llUll.MIAM.l'lOK. L.W. TUM.KVd , VlCO-l'rCS. JAMLS N. llnowN , Cushion 103 MAIN STREET , Capital . $100,000 Authorized Capital . 250,000 Stockholders Represent . 1,000,000 Ilo n Kcnoinl banking buslnosj. Accounts of banks , bunkers , inerelmutmiin * ulneturorBimd Individuals ruvclvul on favoia * hlu terms. Domestic and foro'sB Cjclmn/o. Thoveiy boat of attenllon ( flvJTi la nil Lnlsl ncsscommlltoJ to our euro. SEED. I hao a ( juhntlly of sound , well cleaned seed ulileli 1 offot at iciiHonablo MKUUB. food of tlio ( io | ) of Ifc85. Coircopomlonco tollcltcd. ! ' , ( ! , H , Pclmller , Iowa. C & N. W. Hy. Horses and Mules For nil put poses. liO'ight and flilJ , nt lolull and lu lolH 6urcnly-Blx head ot the tery \ > ett ( lualliyot mules now on hand. Council Jllulfs lown. BLUFFS Baggage Transfer Line. Mliis and liaxaaso uaaons connect with nl traliin , to'all hottls , losldcntos. etc. Hpccluliit- teiitlontoCOMMlUtflAI , > HN : und TJIKATIII * CAI , T11U1 > 1'K3. 1'rompt atlentloii Klvcn ull culls. OILce at Tncltlu Jlousu , Tcluphonu No H0 ( I'lso ' Tcj phoiic No. .124 ut Qxdcn lloutu. H. BEEOJIOFT , Proprietor.